CALD Meeting Papers A meeting of the Council of Australian Law Deans will be hosted by the School of Business and Law at Edith Cowan University on Friday 4 October 2019 between 9.15am and 4.00pm as follows: Venue: Council Chambers, Building 1, Level 4, Room 1.447 Edith Cowan University 270 Joondalup Drive, JOONDALUP WA 6027 (refer campus map on page 3) ECU Contacts: Kaye Bell (08) 6304 5046 |
[email protected] /
[email protected] Holly Johnson (08) 6304 5304 | 0481 900 868 |
[email protected] CALD Chair: Professor Lesley Hitchens, Dean, Faculty of Law, University of Technology Sydney Deans/Heads of School (or nominees) in attendance from the following Law Schools: Australian Catholic University, Professor Rocque Reynolds, Dean of Law, Thomas More Law School Australian National University, Associate Professor Vivien Holmes, Associate Dean (Education), ANU College of Law (for Professor Sally Wheeler) Bond University, Professor Nick James, Executive Dean, Faculty of Law Charles Darwin University, Associate Professor Alan Berman, Dean of Law, College of Business and Law Charles Sturt University, Associate Professor Alison Gerard, Director, Centre for Law and Justice CQUniversity Australia, Professor Stephen Colbran, Head (Discipline of Law), School of Business and Law Curtin University, Professor Robert Cunningham, Dean and Head of School, Curtin Law School Deakin University, Professor Matthew Groves, Deakin Law School (for Professor Jenni Lightowlers) Edith Cowan University, Associate Professor Joshua Aston, Associate Dean (Law),