Project No. GEOL20-9368 Client Mitchell Design & Construction Limited Design Team Holloway Jennings Consulting Engineers Limited Report Type Phase I Preliminary Contamination Risk Assessment Project Type Proposed Building Extension Site Address Phase 2 Extension, Silver Point, Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5PB NGR 466530, 103620 Date 06/12/2020

Prepared by Richard Stripp Qualifications BSc (Hons) MSc FGS MIEnvSc Position Director Approved by Terry McMenam Qualifications BSc (Hons) CSci CEnv FGS MIEnvSc FCMI MIoD Position Director

This document has been prepared by Geol Consultants Limited (GEOL) for the titled project and should not be relied upon by any other third party or used for any other project without written authorisation being obtained from GEOL. This report was prepared for the sole use of the Client named above, and shall not be relied upon or transferred to any other party without the express written authorisation from GEOL.

The findings and opinions provided in this document are given in good faith and are subject to the limitations and constraints imposed by the methods and information sources described in this report. Factual information, including, where stated, a visual inspection of the site, has been obtained from a variety of sources. GEOL assumes the third-party information to be reliable, but has not independently confirmed this, therefore, GEOL cannot and does not guarantee the authenticity or reliability of third-party information it has relied upon. The findings and opinions presented in this report are also relevant to the dates when the assessment was undertaken but should not necessarily be relied upon to represent conditions at a substantially later date. Further information, ground investigation, construction activities, change of site use, or the passage of time may reveal conditions that were not indicated in the data presented and therefore could not have been considered in the preparation of the report. Where such information might impact upon stated opinions, GEOL reserves the right to modify the opinions expressed in this report. Where opinions expressed in this report are based on current available guidelines and legislations, no liability can be accepted by GEOL for the effects of any future changes to such guidelines and legislation.

REPORT REVISION HISTORY Issue Description Date Author Approval 1 Final Issue 06/12/2020 RS TMc

Phase I Preliminary Contamination Risk Assessment 3 Gladstone Terrace, Phase 2 Extension, Silver Point, Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5PB Gateshead, NE8 4DY Project No.: GEOL20-9368 Tel. 0191 477 2020 Email: [email protected]













Phase I Preliminary Contamination Risk Assessment 3 Gladstone Terrace, Phase 2 Extension, Silver Point, Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5PB Gateshead, NE8 4DY Project No.: GEOL20-9368 Tel. 0191 477 2020 Email: [email protected]


1.0 Introduction

Geol Consultants Limited (GEOL) were instructed by Holloway Jennings Consulting Engineers Limited on behalf of Mitchell Design & Construction Limited to undertake a Phase I Preliminary Contamination Risk Assessment (PCRA) for land situated within the boundaries of an existing commercial unit development, known as Silver Point, located on Airport Service Road in Portsmouth, where proposals have been made to construct a new building extension and loading pod adjacent to the northeastern elevation of the existing industrial unit sometime soon. A copy of the proposed development layout plan can be seen attached in Appendix I.

The purpose of this report is to provide information relating to the following.

Identify the environmental setting and likely ground conditions for the site, including details relating to the deeper geology, hydrogeology, hydrology, and mining Identify the sites previous development history, usage and activities with a view to determining any potential contaminants associated with the recorded site history and to assess the impacts from those contaminants towards the future site end-users (Human Health) and nearby sensitive receptors (Controlled Waters) Establish a preliminary Conceptual Site Model (CSM) and to identify all potential source, pathway and receptor linkages Assess all potential sources of hazardous ground gas generation Determine the scope of any further investigation works required for the site prior to commencing with the proposed residential development

As part of this PCRA, a reconnaissance (walkover) survey was undertaken which involved an inspection of the site and immediate surrounding area. Site photographs taken during this survey can be seen in Appendix I and all relevant observations are noted in the Site Details & Description section on the following page.

A review of currently available information from the following data sources has been undertaken to assist in the completion of this technical report.

British Geological Survey (BGS); geological maps and Geoindex Onshore Interactive Map Viewer Landmark Information Group, Envirocheck Report; including Ordnance Survey (OS) maps The Coal Authority; Online Interactive Map Viewer Environment Agency / GOV.UK Relevant guidance documents, these are listed within the report text, where applicable

Phase I Preliminary Contamination Risk Assessment 3 Gladstone Terrace, Phase 2 Extension, Silver Point, Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5PB Gateshead, NE8 4DY Project No.: GEOL20-9368 Tel. 0191 477 2020 Email: [email protected]


2.0 Site Details & Description

All relevant details and descriptions relating to the proposed development area (site) have been summarised in the Table below.

Detail Description Site address and access Proposed Phase 2 Extension, Silver Point, Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5PB NGR 466530, 103620 Shape and approximate size The proposed development area is almost square in shape, occupying an area of 0.2 Ha. The site is located on the eastern elevation of the existing unit Current site use The site comprises of an existing industrial unit with areas of carparking and gravel landscaping. The proposed development area is occupied by a fire water sprinkler tank and associated pump house Proposed site use It is proposed to construct an extension (29.1m x 26.4m) and loading pod (11.2m x 7.95m) adjacent to the northeastern elevation of the existing industrial unit, totalling an area of 876m2 Site topography The site is flat in nature and very gently slopes to the north, with ground levels ranging from circa 3.2m to the south falling to circa 2.9m AoD to the north Recorded site history In accordance with OS maps dating from 1870 to the present day, the proposed development area has generally remained undeveloped. From 1930 the site lies within the grounds of Portsmouth City Airport until 1973 when the airport was closed. Sometime between 1993 and 1999 the site and adjacent building is redeveloped with the present-day layout, with the site area occupied by areas of carparking, concrete slab and gravel landscaping Additional features Prior to undertaking any future investigation or construction works it would be prudent to obtain all existing utility / service plans, to any unnecessary damage to any live services which may pass below the site

3.0 Site Geology & Coal Mining Risk Assessment

No made ground / fill deposits are recorded on site in accordance with geological maps published by the BGS (reference; Sheet 316, Fareham, 1:50,000 scale, dated 1998). Whilst significant made ground / fill deposits are not recorded below the site area on BGS maps, some made ground / disturbed deposits should be anticipated associated with the construction of existing buildings present on site today. Investigation works completed during 1994 identified disturbed deposits of reddish-brown clayey silt with limestone fragments, brown & grey clayey sand & gravel and organic clayey silt ranging to depths of between 0.5m up to 1.5m.

Below the made ground, and in accordance with the published BGS maps the site is recorded to be initially overlain by Aeolian Deposits (Brickearth) comprising fine sandy silt with occasional gravels.

Phase I Preliminary Contamination Risk Assessment 3 Gladstone Terrace, Phase 2 Extension, Silver Point, Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5PB Gateshead, NE8 4DY Project No.: GEOL20-9368 Tel. 0191 477 2020 Email: [email protected]


3.0 Site Geology & Coal Mining Risk Assessment (Cont’d)

The BGS Geoindex Onshore Interactive Map Viewer, however, records the site to be initially overlain by Undifferentiated River Terrace Deposits, which are recorded to comprise of sand, silt and clay. Ground investigation works encountered firm and stiff brown very silty clay and light grey & light brown clayey silt with fragments of chalk and flint to depths of circa 3m. Nearby historical BGS borehole records have recorded the presence of light brown and reddish brown clay to depths of 1.67m to 2.43m in turn underlain by chalky clay to depths of 5.49m below ground level.

The underlying bedrock deposits are shown to consists of Undifferentiated Chalk Members, which form part of the larger rock unit known as the Upper Chalk Formation laid down during the Upper Cretaceous period. These deposits comprise white chalks (consisting of microporous coccolithic limestone) with beds of flint, nodular chalks, hardgrounds and marl seams.

The Upper Chalk Formation is absent of productive coal seams. The site does not fall within a coal mining reporting area (CMRA), nor does the site fall within a designated development high risk area (DHRA) in accordance with the Coal Authority Online Interactive Map Viewer. Therefore, the site is not deemed to be at risk from future surface instability issues arising from historic shallow coal mining activities and as a result no further assessment or intrusive investigation works are required. Similarly, there is no potential risk from mine gases impacting the site.

4.0 Historical Map Review

Copies of OS maps covering the site and adjacent land are contained within the Landmark Information Group, Envirocheck Report attached in Appendix II. The information contained within the Table below and on the following page has been based on available OS maps and the observations noted during the reconnaissance (walkover) survey completed. Photographs taken during the reconnaissance (walkover) survey can be seen attached in Appendix I.

There were no obvious sources of ground contamination identified during the reconnaissance (walkover) survey. This corroborates with the recorded site history, where no significant industrial activities or processes have taken place on or close to the site.

OS map date Site Adjacent land 1870 to 1938 From as early as 1870 through to The site is bound to the south by Straight Lane. 1938 the site is shown to be Railway lines are recorded to the west, trending undeveloped generally north-south. By 1932 a large works is recorded to the northwest

Phase I Preliminary Contamination Risk Assessment 3 Gladstone Terrace, Phase 2 Extension, Silver Point, Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5PB Gateshead, NE8 4DY Project No.: GEOL20-9368 Tel. 0191 477 2020 Email: [email protected]


4.0 Historical Map Review (Cont’d)

OS map date Site Adjacent land 1942 to 1973 The site remains undeveloped but lies Portsmouth City Airport is recorded to the east of within the boundaries of Portsmouth the site, and a building is recorded to the City Airport located to the east of the immediate west of the site along with the presence site of a tank. By 1950 an engineering works is recorded to the south and by 1963 a factory is recorded to the north and an electrical engineering works. Timber yards and warehouses are recorded to the northwest. By 1972 further works are noted to the north and south 1979 to 2020 Sometime between 1993 and 1999 By 1987 Portsmouth City Airport is no longer whilst no buildings are recorded on recorded, with the area developed with residential site, the site is developed with an area housing, works and new road infrastructure. By of carparking and gravel soft 1990 Admiral Park is constructed to the south of landscaping the site. Sometime between 1993 and 1999 the building adjacent to the western boundary appears to have been redeveloped with the present-day building. The immediate surrounding area generally remains unchanged

5.0 Environmental Setting

5.1 Surface Mineral Extraction / Quarrying

Based on OS maps dating from as early as 1870 to the present day (2020), there are no obvious extraction features recorded within a plausible, lateral migration distance (<250m).

5.2 Hydrogeology

The superficial deposits below the site have been designated as a Secondary A Aquifer, with a high vulnerability. This Aquifer designation has been assigned where permeable layers are capable of supporting water supplies at a local rather than strategic scale, and in some cases forming an important source of base flow to rivers.

The Upper Chalk Formation is designated as a Principal Aquifer. These are layers / deposits that have high intergranular and/or fracture permeability, meaning they usually provide a high level of water storage. They may support water supply and/or river base flow on a strategic scale.

Phase I Preliminary Contamination Risk Assessment 3 Gladstone Terrace, Phase 2 Extension, Silver Point, Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5PB Gateshead, NE8 4DY Project No.: GEOL20-9368 Tel. 0191 477 2020 Email: [email protected]


5.0 Environmental Setting (Cont’d)

5.2 Hydrogeology (Cont’d)

The investigation works completed during 1994, encountered water ingresses at depths of between 0.5m and 2.8m within two trial pit excavations, with all other excavations remaining dry during and on completion. When considering the anticipated ground conditions below the site and these insitu observations, a shallow continuous groundwater surface (water table) is not expected to be present, and the site is recorded to lie within an area with a limited potential for groundwater flooding to occur. Groundwater is anticipated at depth within the bedrock geology. There are no Source Protection Zones or Water Abstractions recorded within 1km from the site boundaries.

5.3 Hydrology

The nearest surface water feature is Portsbridge Creek located 362m north of the site, which separates from the mainland. The site lies within a Flood Zone 3, an area with a high probability of flooding where the chance of tidal flooding occurring is 1 in 200 (>0.5%) or greater in any year, and therefore this site is likely to be at significant risk from future flooding.

According to the GOV.UK Long Term Flood Risk Information Interactive Map, the proposed development area is shown to lie within an area at very low (<0.1%) risk of surface water (pluvial) flooding occurring. During the reconnaissance (walkover) survey there were no significant areas of standing surface water noted. Appropriate surface water management will need to be adopted to deal with the future management of positively drained surface water, when considering the future development of this site.

5.4 Landfill & Waste

Based on information included within the Landmark Information Group, Envirocheck Report, there are no BGS Recorded Landfill Site, Historical Landfill Sites, Local Authority Landfill Sites, Licenced Waste Management Facilities or Registered Waste Transfer Sites recorded within 250m of the site. As such, the site and proposed development area are not considered to be at significant risk from any sources of landfill gas.

5.5 Radon Assessment

The BRE Digest, BR211 (2015) Radon: Guidance on protective measures for new buildings, indicates the site to lie within a clear grid square (1km), indicating that radon protective measures will not be required for new structures.

Phase I Preliminary Contamination Risk Assessment 3 Gladstone Terrace, Phase 2 Extension, Silver Point, Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5PB Gateshead, NE8 4DY Project No.: GEOL20-9368 Tel. 0191 477 2020 Email: [email protected]


5.0 Environmental Setting (Cont’d)

5.5 Radon Assessment (Cont’d)

The Landmark Information Group, Envirocheck Report records the site to lie in a lower probability radon area, where <1% of homes are estimated to be at or above the action level, and in accordance with data held by the BGS, their assessment also indicates that no radon protection measures are necessary in the construction of new dwellings or extensions. Based on the available radon data available, the site falls within an area where radon protection measures are not required.

5.6 Site Ecology

The site is recorded to lie within a Nitrate Vulnerable Zone, associated with the eutrophication of Chichester, Langstone and Portsmouth Harbours. Nitrate Vulnerable Zones (NVZs) are areas designated as being at risk from agricultural nitrate pollution, however, when considering this site and proposed development this is not felt to represent a risk.

During the reconnaissance (walkover) survey completed, there was no obvious evidence to suggest the site is affected by the presence of invasive weed species (i.e. Japanese Knotweed).

6.0 Regulatory Database

The information given in the Table below and on the following page has been obtained from a commercially available database and is contained within the Landmark Information Group, Envirocheck Report attached in Appendix II. The information presented in the Table only includes records not otherwise detailed in the report.

Data type 0 – 250m 251 – 500m Details Contaminated Land Register 0 0 None recorded Entries and Notices Discharge Consents 0 0 None recorded Prosecutions relating to Controlled 0 0 None recorded Waters Local Authority Integrated Entry recorded 455m northwest associated 0 1 Pollution Prevention & Control with printing activities

Phase I Preliminary Contamination Risk Assessment 3 Gladstone Terrace, Phase 2 Extension, Silver Point, Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5PB Gateshead, NE8 4DY Project No.: GEOL20-9368 Tel. 0191 477 2020 Email: [email protected]


6.0 Regulatory Database (Cont’d)

Data type 0 – 250m 251 – 500m Details Nearest Authorisations located between 172m north and 343m northwest are recorded as revoked (4 no.), associated with Local Authority Pollution 2 11 the coating of metal and plastic, alloy Prevention and Controls processes and the respraying of road vehicles. Nearest Active PPC recorded 412m south associated with alloy processes Entry recorded 204m south, associated with a road traffic accident leading to the Pollution Incidents to Controlled rupturing of a fuel tank releasing 28litres of 1 0 Waters petrol. The incident severity was Category 3 – Minor Incident and was recorded during September 1997 Entry recorded 493m north, associated with the release of dust into the Substantiated Pollution Incident 0 1 atmosphere. The incident severity was Register Category 2 – Significant Incident and was recorded during May 2010 Entry recorded 372m northwest, however Control of Major Accident Hazards 0 1 the record is ceased to be supplied under Sites (COMAH) COMAH Regulations Notification of Installations Entry recorded 369m northwest, however 0 1 Handling Hazardous Substances the record is no longer active Planning Hazardous Substance Entry recorded 489m north associated with 0 1 Consents the bulk storage of flammable gases The closest active CTDE is located 44m northwest associated with the existing industrial building formerly occupied by Mcmurdo, a Marine Electrical & Electronic Contemporary Trade Directory 25 125 Equipment Manufacturers. Envirocheck Entries (CTDE) references 110 to 147. None of the recorded CTDE’s are considered to represent a significant risk to the site in terms of ground contamination Gas Pipelines 0 0 None recorded Active Fuel Station Entries 0 0 None recorded

Phase I Preliminary Contamination Risk Assessment 3 Gladstone Terrace, Phase 2 Extension, Silver Point, Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5PB Gateshead, NE8 4DY Project No.: GEOL20-9368 Tel. 0191 477 2020 Email: [email protected]


7.0 Contamination & Ground Gas Risk Assessment

The risks posed towards Human Health or environmental receptors (Controlled Waters) is based on an assessment of one or more source-pathway-receptor linkages. The source is any substance which has the potential to cause significant harm to a relevant receptor and the pathway is any route by which contamination may travel to impact on a receptor. The preliminary Conceptual Site Model (CSM) summarises the principal contaminant sources, pathways and receptors for this site and the likelihood of the existence of a pollutant linkage. The assessment for this site is based on a commercial end-use, and the potential pollutant linkages pertaining to the site and the assessed significance are summarised in the preliminary CSM Table on the following page. The significance of the potential source-pathway- receptor linkages identified within the preliminary CSM can be assessed using the following criteria.

LOW risk – not likely to cause significant harm to Human Health or Controlled Waters. Remedial measures are not likely to be required MEDIUM risk – it is possible that significant harm to Human Health or Controlled Waters could occur depending on site specific circumstances. Remedial measures may be required to mitigate potential risks HIGH risk – it is likely that significant harm to Human Health or Controlled Waters will occur unless appropriate remedial measures are incorporated into the development

Based on available OS maps from 1870 to the present day, the proposed development area has generally remained undeveloped. From 1930 the site lies within the boundaries of Portsmouth City Airport until 1973 when the airport was closed. Sometime between 1993 and 1999 the site and adjacent building are redeveloped with the present-day layout with the site area occupied by areas of carparking, concrete slab and gravel landscaping. The reconnaissance (walkover) survey confirmed no obvious evidence of any recent, unrecorded development on the site or change in activity from this time. Some localised areas of made ground / disturbed deposits should be anticipated associated with the current development of the site although the risk of significant contamination being present on this site has been assessed as LOW based on the recorded site history / activity and the proposed end use of the site.

At this stage, significant thicknesses of made ground deposits are not expected to be present over the site area, however, it would be prudent to assess the levels of contamination present within the shallow soil deposits once these have been visually observed, to determine the risks primarily to construction workers and future end users where exposure pathways are present. As such, representative samples should be screened for standard metals / metalloids including As, Cd, Cr (III & VI), Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, Se, Zn, as well as Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH’s) 16 USEPA Specification and Asbestos. Laboratory testing should also be undertaken on samples of made ground and natural soils for naturally aggressive chemicals (pH value and soluble sulphate) which could have a potential effect on buried concrete.

Phase I Preliminary Contamination Risk Assessment 3 Gladstone Terrace, Phase 2 Extension, Silver Point, Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5PB Gateshead, NE8 4DY Project No.: GEOL20-9368 Tel. 0191 477 2020 Email: [email protected]


7.0 Contamination & Ground Gas Risk Assessment (Cont’d)

Based on the findings of this PCRA, the presence of significant made ground deposits is not anticipated, and no potential off-site sources of hazardous gases have been identified (i.e. landfills, historical infilled pits and significant areas of made ground). Whilst natural soils with a high carbonate content, e.g. Chalk, can give rise to some levels of Carbon Dioxide typically insitu gas monitoring is not required. Therefore, the risk of hazardous ground gases on this site and from off-site sources is considered a LOW risk, and no further assessment or intrusive investigation works are required with respect to this issue.

Consideration may need to be given to the protection of new service pipes which are to be incorporated into the new residential development, and therefore a supplementary suite of contamination testing (UKWIR suite) may be required to meet the requirements of the Utility service providers to satisfy their own pipe selection risk assessment (PSRA), once the location and depth of future services have been determined.

Pollutant linkage / Potential source Pathway Receptor assessed risk Dermal contact and ingestion / inhalation of Construction LOW risk contaminated soil and dust workers and end- Air – Inhalation of vapours users LOW risk (indoor & outdoor) Made ground deposits, Plant uptake, consumption End-users No pollutant linkage available where present, of homegrown vegetables associated with the Migration through services End-users LOW risk current development of Direct contact with building Building materials the site LOW risk materials (concrete) Surface run-off, vertical Deep groundwater and lateral infiltration / (Principal LOW risk leaching and migration of Aquifer) mobile contaminants Contaminated soils Flora and Fauna LOW risk Ground gas / Asphyxiation, fire & End-users LOW risk Radon gas explosion, and carcinogen

Phase I Preliminary Contamination Risk Assessment 3 Gladstone Terrace, Phase 2 Extension, Silver Point, Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5PB Gateshead, NE8 4DY Project No.: GEOL20-9368 Tel. 0191 477 2020 Email: [email protected]


8.0 Geotechnical Risk Assessment

The shallow ground conditions below the site are expected to comprise areas of brick block paving, concrete slab and gravel soft landscaping, in turn underlain by limited made ground deposits (type and thickness unknown) where present, and very silty clay, clayey silt, chalky clay deposits before encountering the natural chalk bedrock. The anticipated ground profile for this site has been summarised in the Table below.

Anticipated Strata type Groundwater Comments thickness Made ground deposits are likely to Made Ground <1m Not anticipated comprise disturbed soils with Deposits anthropogenic debris (brick, concrete) Superficial Deposits: Not anticipated. Trapped Anticipated to comprise firm and Aeolian / River Up to 6m pockets of water (surface stiff silty clay and clayey silt deposits Terrace Deposits infiltration) may be present Groundwater levels within this formation are expected Solid Geology: This formation comprises of Chalk to be present at depths >10m Upper Chalk >50m deposits which can be variable in below site levels. This Formation nature and strength stratum has been designated as a Principal Aquifer

A summary of the anticipated potential risks associated with the geotechnical issues and hazards identified for this site can be seen in the Table below and on the following page. The definitions for the allocated level of risk(s) are as follows.

LOW risk – unlikely to impact on the proposed development MEDIUM risk – may have a significant impact on the proposed development HIGH risk – likely to have a significant impact on the proposed development

Issue or hazard Level of potential risk Comments Made ground LOW risk Only thin made ground / fill deposits are anticipated to be present over the site area associated the current development Relic sub-surface structures LOW risk Significant relic sub-surface structures are not anticipated below the site Natural deposits LOW risk The natural deposits are anticipated to comprise firm and stiff silty clay and clayey silt, and should be suitable for conventional shallow foundations

Phase I Preliminary Contamination Risk Assessment 3 Gladstone Terrace, Phase 2 Extension, Silver Point, Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5PB Gateshead, NE8 4DY Project No.: GEOL20-9368 Tel. 0191 477 2020 Email: [email protected]


8.0 Geotechnical Risk Assessment (Cont’d)

Issue or hazard Level of potential risk Comments Stability of excavations LOW risk The anticipated natural deposits, where excavated should remain stable within shallow / building related excavations, although excavations below 1.20m will require adequate trench support within building related excavations Shallow groundwater LOW risk A shallow continuous groundwater surface (water table) is not anticipated to be present below the site area Shallow coal workings LOW risk The site is not deemed to be at risk from future surface instability relating to subjacent shallow coal workings Mine entries LOW risk There are no records of mine entries on this site (shafts / adits) Control of surface drainage MEDIUM risk Conventional SuDS (i.e. soakaways) are unlikely to be feasible for this site, however, an assessment of the ground conditions and soil characteristics (permeability) should be undertaken for design purposes Flooding HIGH risk The site lies within a Zone 3 flood area

Based on the various data sources reviewed, the foundation options given in the Table below are likely to be available for the proposed building extension. However, prior to the commencement of the proposed development, it is recommended that a programme of appropriate intrusive investigation work is carried out across the site to determine the ground conditions with more certainty, to confirm the foundation options which will be available for the proposed development.

Anticipated depth Maximum allowable Foundation type Comments to bearing stratum bearing pressure Given the anticipated ground Between Conventional Strip Between conditions, conventional shallow strip 100kN/m2 and foundations 0.9m up to 2.5m and pad foundations are likely to be 250kN/m2 available for the proposed extension

9.0 Further Recommendations

It is recommended that appropriate site-specific investigation works forming a detailed Phase II Ground Investigation be completed for this site, prior to commencing with the proposed building extension to determine the actual ground conditions present below the site. This investigation can include for the items listed on the following page, or similar.

Phase I Preliminary Contamination Risk Assessment 3 Gladstone Terrace, Phase 2 Extension, Silver Point, Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5PB Gateshead, NE8 4DY Project No.: GEOL20-9368 Tel. 0191 477 2020 Email: [email protected]


9.0 Further Recommendations (Cont’d)

A series of shallow boreholes, including appropriate insitu geotechnical testing to help aid with future foundation designs for all new structures Undertake a series of insitu variable head permeability tests to assess the permeability characteristics of the underlying deposits for determining the suitability of using SuDS as part of the drainage design scheme for the site Undertake a series of TRL Dynamic Probe tests to obtain equivalent CBR values to assist with new floor slabs and pavement designs Appropriate geotechnical laboratory classification testing, dependant on the soils / deposits encountered below the site area Appropriate laboratory contamination screening on selected samples of made ground, where present, recovered from site to assess the risks posed to future end users and construction workers. The samples of soil collected should also be forwarded to a UKAS and MCERTS accredited laboratory Production of a factual and interpretive Phase II Ground Investigation Report, including a Ground Contamination Risk Assessment for Human Health & Controlled Waters Prior to site investigation works commencing, all existing utilities / services should be identified and recorded, such that any potential damage to services crossing the site can be prevented, as well as ensuring the Health and Safety of all future site workers.

End of Report

Phase I Preliminary Contamination Risk Assessment 3 Gladstone Terrace, Phase 2 Extension, Silver Point, Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5PB Gateshead, NE8 4DY Project No.: GEOL20-9368 Tel. 0191 477 2020 Email: [email protected]


Phase I Preliminary Contamination Risk Assessment 3 Gladstone Terrace, Phase 2 Extension, Silver Point, Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5PB Gateshead, NE8 4DY Project No.: GEOL20-9368 Tel. 0191 477 2020 Email: [email protected]


Phase I Preliminary Contamination Risk Assessment 3 Gladstone Terrace, Phase 2 Extension, Silver Point, Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5PB Gateshead, NE8 4DY Project No.: GEOL20-9368 Tel. 0191 477 2020 Email: [email protected]


Phase I Preliminary Contamination Risk Assessment 3 Gladstone Terrace, Phase 2 Extension, Silver Point, Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5PB Gateshead, NE8 4DY Project No.: GEOL20-9368 Tel. 0191 477 2020 Email: [email protected]


Phase I Preliminary Contamination Risk Assessment 3 Gladstone Terrace, Phase 2 Extension, Silver Point, Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5PB Gateshead, NE8 4DY Project No.: GEOL20-9368 Tel. 0191 477 2020 Email: [email protected]


Phase I Preliminary Contamination Risk Assessment 3 Gladstone Terrace, Phase 2 Extension, Silver Point, Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5PB Gateshead, NE8 4DY Project No.: GEOL20-9368 Tel. 0191 477 2020 Email: [email protected]


Phase I Preliminary Contamination Risk Assessment 3 Gladstone Terrace, Phase 2 Extension, Silver Point, Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5PB Gateshead, NE8 4DY Project No.: GEOL20-9368 Tel. 0191 477 2020 Email: [email protected]


Phase I Preliminary Contamination Risk Assessment 3 Gladstone Terrace, Phase 2 Extension, Silver Point, Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5PB Gateshead, NE8 4DY Project No.: GEOL20-9368 Tel. 0191 477 2020 Email: [email protected]

Historical Mapping Legends

Ordnance Survey County Series and Ordnance Survey Plan, Additional SIMs and Large-Scale National Grid Data 1:2,500 and Ordnance Survey Plan 1:2,500 Supply of Unpublished Survey Information 1:1,250 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 Historical Mapping & Photography included:

Mapping Type Scale Date Pg & Isle Of Wight 1:2,500 1878 2 Hampshire & Isle Of Wight 1:2,500 1897 3 Hampshire & Isle Of Wight 1:2,500 1909 4 Hampshire & Isle Of Wight 1:2,500 1932 5 Ordnance Survey Plan 1:1,250 1950 - 1951 6 Ordnance Survey Plan 1:1,250 1955 - 1974 7 Ordnance Survey Plan 1:2,500 1964 8 Ordnance Survey Plan 1:1,250 1972 9 Additional SIMs 1:1,250 1979 - 1987 10 Additional SIMs 1:1,250 1987 - 1988 11 Additional SIMs 1:1,250 1990 12 Ordnance Survey Plan 1:1,250 1991 13 Large-Scale National Grid Data 1:1,250 1993 14 Large-Scale National Grid Data 1:1,250 1996 15

Historical Map - Segment A13

Order Details Order Number: 267263505_1_1 Customer Ref: GEOL20-9368 National Grid Reference: 466530, 103620 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 0.2 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Silver Point, Airport Service Road, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5PB

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v50.0 14-Nov-2020 Page 1 of 15 Hampshire & Isle Of Wight Published 1878 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for , Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A13

Order Details Order Number: 267263505_1_1 Customer Ref: GEOL20-9368 National Grid Reference: 466530, 103620 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 0.2 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Silver Point, Airport Service Road, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5PB

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v50.0 14-Nov-2020 Page 2 of 15 Hampshire & Isle Of Wight Published 1897 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A13

Order Details Order Number: 267263505_1_1 Customer Ref: GEOL20-9368 National Grid Reference: 466530, 103620 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 0.2 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Silver Point, Airport Service Road, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5PB

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v50.0 14-Nov-2020 Page 3 of 15 Hampshire & Isle Of Wight Published 1909 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A13

Order Details Order Number: 267263505_1_1 Customer Ref: GEOL20-9368 National Grid Reference: 466530, 103620 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 0.2 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Silver Point, Airport Service Road, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5PB

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v50.0 14-Nov-2020 Page 4 of 15 Hampshire & Isle Of Wight Published 1932 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A13

Order Details Order Number: 267263505_1_1 Customer Ref: GEOL20-9368 National Grid Reference: 466530, 103620 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 0.2 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Silver Point, Airport Service Road, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5PB

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v50.0 14-Nov-2020 Page 5 of 15 Ordnance Survey Plan Published 1950 - 1951 Source map scale - 1:1,250 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A13

Order Details Order Number: 267263505_1_1 Customer Ref: GEOL20-9368 National Grid Reference: 466530, 103620 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 0.2 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Silver Point, Airport Service Road, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5PB

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v50.0 14-Nov-2020 Page 6 of 15 Ordnance Survey Plan Published 1955 - 1974 Source map scale - 1:1,250 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A13

Order Details Order Number: 267263505_1_1 Customer Ref: GEOL20-9368 National Grid Reference: 466530, 103620 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 0.2 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Silver Point, Airport Service Road, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5PB

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v50.0 14-Nov-2020 Page 7 of 15 Ordnance Survey Plan Published 1964 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A13

Order Details Order Number: 267263505_1_1 Customer Ref: GEOL20-9368 National Grid Reference: 466530, 103620 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 0.2 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Silver Point, Airport Service Road, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5PB

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v50.0 14-Nov-2020 Page 8 of 15 Ordnance Survey Plan Published 1972 Source map scale - 1:1,250 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A13

Order Details Order Number: 267263505_1_1 Customer Ref: GEOL20-9368 National Grid Reference: 466530, 103620 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 0.2 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Silver Point, Airport Service Road, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5PB

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v50.0 14-Nov-2020 Page 9 of 15 Additional SIMs Published 1979 - 1987 Source map scale - 1:1,250 The SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's `Survey of Information on Microfilm') are further, minor editions of mapping which were produced and published in between the main editions as an area was updated. They date from 1947 to 1994, and contain detailed information on buildings, roads and land-use. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A13

Order Details Order Number: 267263505_1_1 Customer Ref: GEOL20-9368 National Grid Reference: 466530, 103620 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 0.2 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Silver Point, Airport Service Road, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5PB

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v50.0 14-Nov-2020 Page 10 of 15 Additional SIMs Published 1987 - 1988 Source map scale - 1:1,250 The SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's `Survey of Information on Microfilm') are further, minor editions of mapping which were produced and published in between the main editions as an area was updated. They date from 1947 to 1994, and contain detailed information on buildings, roads and land-use. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A13

Order Details Order Number: 267263505_1_1 Customer Ref: GEOL20-9368 National Grid Reference: 466530, 103620 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 0.2 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Silver Point, Airport Service Road, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5PB

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v50.0 14-Nov-2020 Page 11 of 15 Additional SIMs Published 1990 Source map scale - 1:1,250 The SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's `Survey of Information on Microfilm') are further, minor editions of mapping which were produced and published in between the main editions as an area was updated. They date from 1947 to 1994, and contain detailed information on buildings, roads and land-use. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A13

Order Details Order Number: 267263505_1_1 Customer Ref: GEOL20-9368 National Grid Reference: 466530, 103620 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 0.2 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Silver Point, Airport Service Road, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5PB

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v50.0 14-Nov-2020 Page 12 of 15 Ordnance Survey Plan Published 1991 Source map scale - 1:1,250 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A13

Order Details Order Number: 267263505_1_1 Customer Ref: GEOL20-9368 National Grid Reference: 466530, 103620 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 0.2 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Silver Point, Airport Service Road, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5PB

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v50.0 14-Nov-2020 Page 13 of 15 Large-Scale National Grid Data Published 1993 Source map scale - 1:1,250 'Large Scale National Grid Data' superseded SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's 'Survey of Information on Microfilm') in 1992, and continued to be produced until 1999. These maps were the fore-runners of digital mapping and so provide detailed information on houses and roads, but tend to show less topographic features such as vegetation. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A13

Order Details Order Number: 267263505_1_1 Customer Ref: GEOL20-9368 National Grid Reference: 466530, 103620 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 0.2 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Silver Point, Airport Service Road, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5PB

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v50.0 14-Nov-2020 Page 14 of 15 Large-Scale National Grid Data Published 1996 Source map scale - 1:1,250 'Large Scale National Grid Data' superseded SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's 'Survey of Information on Microfilm') in 1992, and continued to be produced until 1999. These maps were the fore-runners of digital mapping and so provide detailed information on houses and roads, but tend to show less topographic features such as vegetation. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales.

dummy Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A13

Order Details Order Number: 267263505_1_1 Customer Ref: GEOL20-9368 National Grid Reference: 466530, 103620 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 0.2 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Silver Point, Airport Service Road, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5PB

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v50.0 14-Nov-2020 Page 15 of 15 Historical Mapping Legends

Ordnance Survey County Series 1:10,560 Ordnance Survey Plan 1:10,000 1:10,000 Raster Mapping

Historical Mapping & Photography included:

Mapping Type Scale Date Pg Hampshire & Isle Of Wight 1:10,560 1870 - 1871 2 Hampshire & Isle Of Wight 1:10,560 1898 3 Hampshire & Isle Of Wight 1:10,560 1910 - 1911 4 Hampshire & Isle Of Wight 1:10,560 1931 - 1932 5 Hampshire & Isle Of Wight 1:10,560 1932 6 Hampshire & Isle Of Wight 1:10,560 1938 - 1942 7 Hampshire & Isle Of Wight 1:10,560 1938 8 Ordnance Survey Plan 1:10,000 1963 9 Ordnance Survey Plan 1:10,000 1973 10 Ordnance Survey Plan 1:10,000 1990 11 10K Raster Mapping 1:10,000 2000 12 Street View Variable 13

Historical Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 267263505_1_1 Customer Ref: GEOL20-9368 National Grid Reference: 466530, 103620 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 0.2 Search Buffer (m): 1000 Site Details Silver Point, Airport Service Road, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5PB

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v50.0 14-Nov-2020 Page 1 of 13 Hampshire & Isle Of Wight Published 1870 - 1871 Source map scale - 1:10,560 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas; these maps were used to update the 1:10,560 maps. The published date given therefore is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas. In the late 1940`s, a Provisional Edition was produced, which updated the 1:10,560 mapping from a number of sources. The maps appear unfinished - with all military camps and other strategic sites removed. These maps were initially overprinted with the National Grid. In 1970, the first 1:10,000 maps were produced using the Transverse Mercator Projection. The revision process continued until recently, with new editions appearing every 10 years or so for urban areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 267263505_1_1 Customer Ref: GEOL20-9368 National Grid Reference: 466530, 103620 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 0.2 Search Buffer (m): 1000 Site Details Silver Point, Airport Service Road, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5PB

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v50.0 14-Nov-2020 Page 2 of 13 Hampshire & Isle Of Wight Published 1898 Source map scale - 1:10,560 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas; these maps were used to update the 1:10,560 maps. The published date given therefore is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas. In the late 1940`s, a Provisional Edition was produced, which updated the 1:10,560 mapping from a number of sources. The maps appear unfinished - with all military camps and other strategic sites removed. These maps were initially overprinted with the National Grid. In 1970, the first 1:10,000 maps were produced using the Transverse Mercator Projection. The revision process continued until recently, with new editions appearing every 10 years or so for urban areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 267263505_1_1 Customer Ref: GEOL20-9368 National Grid Reference: 466530, 103620 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 0.2 Search Buffer (m): 1000 Site Details Silver Point, Airport Service Road, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5PB

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v50.0 14-Nov-2020 Page 3 of 13 Hampshire & Isle Of Wight Published 1910 - 1911 Source map scale - 1:10,560 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas; these maps were used to update the 1:10,560 maps. The published date given therefore is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas. In the late 1940`s, a Provisional Edition was produced, which updated the 1:10,560 mapping from a number of sources. The maps appear unfinished - with all military camps and other strategic sites removed. These maps were initially overprinted with the National Grid. In 1970, the first 1:10,000 maps were produced using the Transverse Mercator Projection. The revision process continued until recently, with new editions appearing every 10 years or so for urban areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 267263505_1_1 Customer Ref: GEOL20-9368 National Grid Reference: 466530, 103620 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 0.2 Search Buffer (m): 1000 Site Details Silver Point, Airport Service Road, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5PB

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v50.0 14-Nov-2020 Page 4 of 13 Hampshire & Isle Of Wight Published 1931 - 1932 Source map scale - 1:10,560 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas; these maps were used to update the 1:10,560 maps. The published date given therefore is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas. In the late 1940`s, a Provisional Edition was produced, which updated the 1:10,560 mapping from a number of sources. The maps appear unfinished - with all military camps and other strategic sites removed. These maps were initially overprinted with the National Grid. In 1970, the first 1:10,000 maps were produced using the Transverse Mercator Projection. The revision process continued until recently, with new editions appearing every 10 years or so for urban areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 267263505_1_1 Customer Ref: GEOL20-9368 National Grid Reference: 466530, 103620 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 0.2 Search Buffer (m): 1000 Site Details Silver Point, Airport Service Road, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5PB

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v50.0 14-Nov-2020 Page 5 of 13 Hampshire & Isle Of Wight Published 1932 Source map scale - 1:10,560 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas; these maps were used to update the 1:10,560 maps. The published date given therefore is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas. In the late 1940`s, a Provisional Edition was produced, which updated the 1:10,560 mapping from a number of sources. The maps appear unfinished - with all military camps and other strategic sites removed. These maps were initially overprinted with the National Grid. In 1970, the first 1:10,000 maps were produced using the Transverse Mercator Projection. The revision process continued until recently, with new editions appearing every 10 years or so for urban areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 267263505_1_1 Customer Ref: GEOL20-9368 National Grid Reference: 466530, 103620 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 0.2 Search Buffer (m): 1000 Site Details Silver Point, Airport Service Road, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5PB

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v50.0 14-Nov-2020 Page 6 of 13 Hampshire & Isle Of Wight Published 1938 - 1942 Source map scale - 1:10,560 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas; these maps were used to update the 1:10,560 maps. The published date given therefore is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas. In the late 1940`s, a Provisional Edition was produced, which updated the 1:10,560 mapping from a number of sources. The maps appear unfinished - with all military camps and other strategic sites removed. These maps were initially overprinted with the National Grid. In 1970, the first 1:10,000 maps were produced using the Transverse Mercator Projection. The revision process continued until recently, with new editions appearing every 10 years or so for urban areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 267263505_1_1 Customer Ref: GEOL20-9368 National Grid Reference: 466530, 103620 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 0.2 Search Buffer (m): 1000 Site Details Silver Point, Airport Service Road, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5PB

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v50.0 14-Nov-2020 Page 7 of 13 Hampshire & Isle Of Wight Published 1938 Source map scale - 1:10,560 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas; these maps were used to update the 1:10,560 maps. The published date given therefore is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas. In the late 1940`s, a Provisional Edition was produced, which updated the 1:10,560 mapping from a number of sources. The maps appear unfinished - with all military camps and other strategic sites removed. These maps were initially overprinted with the National Grid. In 1970, the first 1:10,000 maps were produced using the Transverse Mercator Projection. The revision process continued until recently, with new editions appearing every 10 years or so for urban areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 267263505_1_1 Customer Ref: GEOL20-9368 National Grid Reference: 466530, 103620 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 0.2 Search Buffer (m): 1000 Site Details Silver Point, Airport Service Road, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5PB

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v50.0 14-Nov-2020 Page 8 of 13 Ordnance Survey Plan Published 1963 Source map scale - 1:10,000 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas; these maps were used to update the 1:10,560 maps. The published date given therefore is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas. In the late 1940`s, a Provisional Edition was produced, which updated the 1:10,560 mapping from a number of sources. The maps appear unfinished - with all military camps and other strategic sites removed. These maps were initially overprinted with the National Grid. In 1970, the first 1:10,000 maps were produced using the Transverse Mercator Projection. The revision process continued until recently, with new editions appearing every 10 years or so for urban areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 267263505_1_1 Customer Ref: GEOL20-9368 National Grid Reference: 466530, 103620 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 0.2 Search Buffer (m): 1000 Site Details Silver Point, Airport Service Road, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5PB

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v50.0 14-Nov-2020 Page 9 of 13 Ordnance Survey Plan Published 1973 Source map scale - 1:10,000 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas; these maps were used to update the 1:10,560 maps. The published date given therefore is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas. In the late 1940`s, a Provisional Edition was produced, which updated the 1:10,560 mapping from a number of sources. The maps appear unfinished - with all military camps and other strategic sites removed. These maps were initially overprinted with the National Grid. In 1970, the first 1:10,000 maps were produced using the Transverse Mercator Projection. The revision process continued until recently, with new editions appearing every 10 years or so for urban areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 267263505_1_1 Customer Ref: GEOL20-9368 National Grid Reference: 466530, 103620 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 0.2 Search Buffer (m): 1000 Site Details Silver Point, Airport Service Road, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5PB

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v50.0 14-Nov-2020 Page 10 of 13 Ordnance Survey Plan Published 1990 Source map scale - 1:10,000 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas; these maps were used to update the 1:10,560 maps. The published date given therefore is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas. In the late 1940`s, a Provisional Edition was produced, which updated the 1:10,560 mapping from a number of sources. The maps appear unfinished - with all military camps and other strategic sites removed. These maps were initially overprinted with the National Grid. In 1970, the first 1:10,000 maps were produced using the Transverse Mercator Projection. The revision process continued until recently, with new editions appearing every 10 years or so for urban areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 267263505_1_1 Customer Ref: GEOL20-9368 National Grid Reference: 466530, 103620 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 0.2 Search Buffer (m): 1000 Site Details Silver Point, Airport Service Road, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5PB

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v50.0 14-Nov-2020 Page 11 of 13 10k Raster Mapping Published 2000 Source map scale - 1:10,000 The historical maps shown were produced from the Ordnance Survey`s 1:10,000 colour raster mapping. These maps are derived from Landplan which replaced the old 1:10,000 maps originally published in 1970. The data is highly detailed showing buildings, fences and field boundaries as well as all roads, tracks and paths. Road names are also included together with the relevant road number and classification. Boundary information depiction includes county, unitary authority, district, civil parish and constituency.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 267263505_1_1 Customer Ref: GEOL20-9368 National Grid Reference: 466530, 103620 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 0.2 Search Buffer (m): 1000 Site Details Silver Point, Airport Service Road, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5PB

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v50.0 14-Nov-2020 Page 12 of 13 Street View Published 2020 Source map scale - 1:10,000 Street View is a street-level map for the whole of Great Britain produced by the Ordnance Survey. These maps are provided at a nominal scale of 1:10,000

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Street View Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 267263505_1_1 Customer Ref: GEOL20-9368 National Grid Reference: 466530, 103620 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 0.2 Search Buffer (m): 1000 Site Details Silver Point, Airport Service Road, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5PB

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v50.0 14-Nov-2020 Page 13 of 13 Site Sensitivity Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 267263505_1_1 Customer Ref: GEOL20-9368 National Grid Reference: 466530, 103620 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 0.2 Search Buffer (m): 1000 Site Details Silver Point, Airport Service Road, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5PB

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v50.0 14-Nov-2020 Page 1 of 5 Industrial Land Use Map

Industrial Land Use Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 267263505_1_1 Customer Ref: GEOL20-9368 National Grid Reference: 466530, 103620 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 0.2 Search Buffer (m): 1000 Site Details Silver Point, Airport Service Road, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5PB

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v50.0 14-Nov-2020 Page 2 of 5 Flood Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 267263505_1_1 Customer Ref: GEOL20-9368 National Grid Reference: 466530, 103620 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 0.2 Search Buffer (m): 1000 Site Details Silver Point, Airport Service Road, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5PB

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v50.0 14-Nov-2020 Page 3 of 5 For Borehole information please refer to the Borehole .csv file which accompanied this slice.

A copy of the BGS Borehole Ordering Form is available to download from the Support section of

Borehole Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 267263505_1_1 Customer Ref: GEOL20-9368 National Grid Reference: 466530, 103620 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 0.2 Search Buffer (m): 1000 Site Details Silver Point, Airport Service Road, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5PB

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v50.0 14-Nov-2020 Page 4 of 5 OS Water Network Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 267263505_1_1 Customer Ref: GEOL20-9368 National Grid Reference: 466530, 103620 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 0.2 Search Buffer (m): 1000 Site Details Silver Point, Airport Service Road, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5PB

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v50.0 14-Nov-2020 Page 5 of 5 Groundwater Vulnerability

Site Sensitivity Context Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 267263505_1_1 Customer Ref: GEOL20-9368 National Grid Reference: 466530, 103620 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 0.2 Search Buffer (m): 1000 Site Details Silver Point, Airport Service Road, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5PB

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v15.0 14-Nov-2020 Page 1 of 6 Bedrock Aquifer Designation

Site Sensitivity Context Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 267263505_1_1 Customer Ref: GEOL20-9368 National Grid Reference: 466530, 103620 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 0.2 Search Buffer (m): 1000 Site Details Silver Point, Airport Service Road, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5PB

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v15.0 14-Nov-2020 Page 2 of 6 Superficial Aquifer Designation

Site Sensitivity Context Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 267263505_1_1 Customer Ref: GEOL20-9368 National Grid Reference: 466530, 103620 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 0.2 Search Buffer (m): 1000 Site Details Silver Point, Airport Service Road, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5PB

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v15.0 14-Nov-2020 Page 3 of 6 Source Protection Zones

Site Sensitivity Context Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 267263505_1_1 Customer Ref: GEOL20-9368 National Grid Reference: 466530, 103620 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 0.2 Search Buffer (m): 1000 Site Details Silver Point, Airport Service Road, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5PB

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v15.0 14-Nov-2020 Page 4 of 6 Sensitive Land Uses

Site Sensitivity Context Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 267263505_1_1 Customer Ref: GEOL20-9368 National Grid Reference: 466530, 103620 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 0.2 Search Buffer (m): 1000 Site Details Silver Point, Airport Service Road, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5PB

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v15.0 14-Nov-2020 Page 5 of 6 BGS Flood GFS Data

Site Sensitivity Context Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 267263505_1_1 Customer Ref: GEOL20-9368 National Grid Reference: 466530, 103620 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 0.2 Search Buffer (m): 1000 Site Details Silver Point, Airport Service Road, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5PB

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v15.0 14-Nov-2020 Page 6 of 6 Envirocheck ® Report: Datasheet

Order Details: Order Number: 267263505_1_1 Customer Reference: GEOL20-9368 National Grid Reference: 466530, 103620 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 0.2 Search Buffer (m): 1000 Site Details: Silver Point Airport Service Road PORTSMOUTH PO3 5PB

Client Details: G Geol Consultants Ltd 3 Gladstone Terrace Gateshead NE8 4DY

Order Number: 267263505_1_1 Date: 14-Nov-2020 rpr_ec_datasheet v53.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Contents

Report Section Page Number

Summary -

Agency & Hydrological 1

Waste 21

Hazardous Substances 33

Geological 35

Industrial Land Use 36

Sensitive Land Use 76

Data Currency 77

Data Suppliers 82

Useful Contacts 83


The Environment Act 1995 has made site sensitivity a key issue, as the legislation pays as much attention to the pathways by which contamination could spread, and to the vulnerable targets of contamination, as it does the potential sources of contamination. For this reason, Landmark's Site Sensitivity maps and Datasheet(s) place great emphasis on statutory data provided by the Environment Agency/Natural Resources Wales and the Scottish Environment Protection Agency; it also incorporates data from Natural England (and the Scottish and Welsh equivalents) and Local Authorities; and highlights hydrogeological features required by environmental and geotechnical consultants. It does not include any information concerning past uses of land. The datasheet is produced by querying the Landmark database to a distance defined by the client from a site boundary provided by the client. In this datasheet the National Grid References (NGRs) are rounded to the nearest 10m in accordance with Landmark's agreements with a number of Data Suppliers.

Copyright Notice

© Landmark Information Group Limited 2020. The Copyright on the information and data and its format as contained in this Envirocheck® Report ("Report") is the property of Landmark Information Group Limited ("Landmark") and several other Data Providers, including (but not limited to) Ordnance Survey, British Geological Survey, the Environment Agency/Natural Resources Wales and Natural England, and must not be reproduced in whole or in part by photocopying or any other method. The Report is supplied under Landmark's Terms and Conditions accepted by the Customer. A copy of Landmark's Terms and Conditions can be found with the Index Map for this report. Additional copies of the Report may be obtained from Landmark, subject to Landmark's charges in force from time to time. The Copyright, design rights and any other intellectual rights shall remain the exclusive property of Landmark and /or other Data providers, whose Copyright material has been included in this Report. © Environment Agency & Research and Innovation 2020. © Natural Resources Wales & United Kingdom Research and Innovation 2020.

Natural England Copyright Notice

Site of Special Scientific Interest, National Nature Reserve, Ramsar, Special Protection Area, Special Conservation Area, Marine Nature Reserve data (derived from Ordnance Survey 1:10000 raster) is provided by, and used with the permission of, Natural England who retain the copyright and Intellectual Property Rights for the data.

Scottish Natural Heritage Copyright

Contains SNH information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.

Ove Arup Copyright Notice

The Mining Instability data was obtained on licence from Ove Arup & Partners Limited (for further information, contact [email protected]). No reproduction or further use of such Data is to be made without the prior written consent of Ove Arup & Partners Limited. The supplied Mining Instability data is derived from publicly available records and other third party sources and neither Ove Arup & Partners nor Landmark warrant the accuracy or completeness of such information or data.

Stantec Copyright Notice

The cavity data presented has been extracted from the PBA (now Stantec UK Ltd) enhanced version of the original DEFRA national cavity databases. Stantec UK Ltd retain the copyright & intellectual property rights in the data. Whilst all reasonable efforts are made to check that the information contained in the cavity databases is accurate we do not warrant that the data is complete or error free. The information is based upon our own researches and those collated from a number of external sources and is continually being augmented and updated by Stantec UK Ltd. In no event shall Stantec UK Ltd or Landmark be liable for any loss or damage including, without limitation, indirect or consequential loss or damage arising from the use of this data.

Radon Potential dataset Copyright Notice

Information supplied from a joint dataset compiled by The British Geological Survey and Public Health England.

Natural Resources Wales Copyright Notice

Contains Natural Resources Wales information © Natural Resources Wales and Database Right. All rights Reserved. Contains Ordnance Survey Data. Ordnance Survey Licence number 100019741. Crown Copyright and Database Right. Contains Natural Resources Wales information © Natural Resources Wales and Database Right. All rights Reserved. Some features of this information are based on digital spatial data licensed from the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology © NERC (CEH). Defra, Met Office and DARD Rivers Agency © Crown copyright. © Cranfield University. © James Hutton Institute. Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2020. Land & Property Services © Crown copyright and database right.

Report Version v53.0

Order Number: 267263505_1_1 Date: 14-Nov-2020 rpr_ec_datasheet v53.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Summary

Page 501 to 1000m On Site 0 to 250m 251 to 500m Data Type Number (*up to 2000m) Agency & Hydrological

BGS Groundwater Flooding Susceptibility pg 1 Yes Yes n/a

Contaminated Land Register Entries and Notices

Discharge Consents pg 1 13

Prosecutions Relating to Controlled Waters n/a n/a n/a

Enforcement and Prohibition Notices

Integrated Pollution Controls pg 4 4

Integrated Pollution Prevention And Control pg 5 18

Local Authority Integrated Pollution Prevention And Control pg 9 1

Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Controls pg 9 2 11 15

Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Control Enforcements

Nearest Surface Water Feature pg 13 Yes

Pollution Incidents to Controlled Waters pg 13 1 9

Prosecutions Relating to Authorised Processes pg 15 1

Registered Radioactive Substances pg 15 1

River Quality

River Quality Biology Sampling Points

River Quality Chemistry Sampling Points

Substantiated Pollution Incident Register pg 15 1 1

Water Abstractions pg 15 (*4)

Water Industry Act Referrals

Groundwater Vulnerability Map pg 16 Yes n/a n/a n/a

Groundwater Vulnerability - Soluble Rock Risk pg 16 1 n/a n/a n/a

Bedrock Aquifer Designations pg 16 Yes n/a n/a n/a

Superficial Aquifer Designations pg 16 Yes n/a n/a n/a

Source Protection Zones

Extreme Flooding from Rivers or Sea without Defences pg 16 Yes Yes n/a n/a

Flooding from Rivers or Sea without Defences pg 16 Yes Yes n/a n/a

Areas Benefiting from Flood Defences n/a n/a

Flood Water Storage Areas n/a n/a

Flood Defences n/a n/a

OS Water Network Lines pg 17 4 24

Order Number: 267263505_1_1 Date: 14-Nov-2020 rpr_ec_datasheet v53.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Summary

Page 501 to 1000m On Site 0 to 250m 251 to 500m Data Type Number (*up to 2000m) Waste

BGS Recorded Landfill Sites

Historical Landfill Sites pg 21 3

Integrated Pollution Control Registered Waste Sites pg 21 1

Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Landfill Boundaries)

Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Locations) pg 21 5 16

Local Authority Landfill Coverage pg 26 1 n/a n/a n/a

Local Authority Recorded Landfill Sites

Registered Landfill Sites

Registered Waste Transfer Sites pg 27 1 2

Registered Waste Treatment or Disposal Sites pg 28 1 10 Hazardous Substances

Control of Major Accident Hazards Sites (COMAH) pg 33 1 2

Explosive Sites pg 33 1

Notification of Installations Handling Hazardous Substances (NIHHS) pg 33 1 2

Planning Hazardous Substance Consents pg 33 1 2

Planning Hazardous Substance Enforcements Geological

BGS 1:625,000 Solid Geology pg 35 Yes n/a n/a n/a

BGS Recorded Mineral Sites

CBSCB Compensation District n/a n/a n/a

Coal Mining Affected Areas n/a n/a n/a

Mining Instability n/a n/a n/a

Man-Made Mining Cavities

Natural Cavities

Non Coal Mining Areas of Great Britain n/a n/a

Potential for Collapsible Ground Stability Hazards pg 35 Yes Yes n/a n/a

Potential for Compressible Ground Stability Hazards n/a n/a

Potential for Ground Dissolution Stability Hazards pg 35 Yes n/a n/a

Potential for Landslide Ground Stability Hazards pg 35 Yes n/a n/a

Potential for Running Sand Ground Stability Hazards pg 35 Yes Yes n/a n/a

Potential for Shrinking or Swelling Clay Ground Stability Hazards pg 35 Yes n/a n/a

Radon Potential - Radon Affected Areas n/a n/a n/a

Radon Potential - Radon Protection Measures n/a n/a n/a

Order Number: 267263505_1_1 Date: 14-Nov-2020 rpr_ec_datasheet v53.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Summary

Page 501 to 1000m On Site 0 to 250m 251 to 500m Data Type Number (*up to 2000m) Industrial Land Use

Contemporary Trade Directory Entries pg 36 25 125 302

Fuel Station Entries pg 75 1

Gas Pipelines

Underground Electrical Cables Sensitive Land Use

Ancient Woodland

Areas of Adopted Green Belt

Areas of Unadopted Green Belt

Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty

Environmentally Sensitive Areas

Forest Parks

Local Nature Reserves

Marine Nature Reserves

National Nature Reserves

National Parks

Nitrate Sensitive Areas

Nitrate Vulnerable Zones pg 76 1

Ramsar Sites pg 76 1

Sites of Special Scientific Interest pg 76 1

Special Areas of Conservation pg 76 1

Special Protection Areas pg 76 2

World Heritage Sites

Order Number: 267263505_1_1 Date: 14-Nov-2020 rpr_ec_datasheet v53.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Agency & Hydrological

Quadrant Estimated Map Reference Details Distance Contact NGR ID (Compass Direction) From Site

BGS Groundwater Flooding Susceptibility Flooding Type: Limited Potential for Groundwater Flooding to Occur A13SW 0 1 466532 (E) 103624 BGS Groundwater Flooding Susceptibility Flooding Type: Potential for Groundwater Flooding of Property Situated Below Ground Level A13SW 297 1 466532 (S) 103300 BGS Groundwater Flooding Susceptibility Flooding Type: Potential for Groundwater Flooding of Property Situated Below Ground Level A8NE 400 1 466600 (S) 103200 BGS Groundwater Flooding Susceptibility Flooding Type: Potential for Groundwater Flooding of Property Situated Below Ground Level A18SE 437 1 466700 (N) 104050 Discharge Consents 1 Operator: City Of Portsmouth A18SE 591 2 466640 Property Type: Undefined Or Other (N) 104230 Location: Ports Creek, , PORTSMOUTH Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Catchment Area: Not Given Reference: H02839 Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 13th July 1962 Issued Date: 13th July 1962 Revocation Date: 26th November 1998 Discharge Type: Sewage Discharges - Final/Treated Effluent - Not Water Company Discharge Saline Estuary Environment: Receiving Water: Saline Estuary Status: Pre National Rivers Authority Legislation where issue date < 01/09/1989 Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Discharge Consents 2 Operator: Derek Dod & Janet Dod A18NW 722 2 466200 Property Type: Undefined Or Other (NW) 104300 Location: Bastion 4, Scott Rd, Hilsea Bastion 4, Scott Road, Hilsea, Portsmouth, Hampshire, Po3 5jh Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Catchment Area: Wallington Reference: G00493 Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 3rd May 2005 Issued Date: 3rd May 2005 Revocation Date: Not Supplied Discharge Type: Sewage Discharges - Final/Treated Effluent - Not Water Company Discharge Land/Soakaway Environment: Receiving Water: Groundwater Via Soakaway Status: New Consent (Water Resources Act 1991, Section 88 & Schedule 10 as amended by Environment Act 1995) Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Discharge Consents 3 Operator: Southern Water Services Ltd (H) A18NW 862 2 466220 Property Type: PUMPING STATION ON SEWERAGE NETWORK (WATER COMPANY) (N) 104460 Location: Ps, Court Lane, Portsmouth, Hampshire, Po6 2pl Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Catchment Area: Portsmouth Harbour Reference: A00657 Permit Version: 2 Effective Date: 20th February 2006 Issued Date: 20th February 2006 Revocation Date: Not Supplied Discharge Type: Public Sewage: Storm Sewage Overflow Discharge Saline Estuary Environment: Receiving Water: Ports Creek Status: Modified (Water Resources Act 1991, Schedule 10 as amended by Environment Act 1995) Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m

Order Number: 267263505_1_1 Date: 14-Nov-2020 rpr_ec_datasheet v53.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Page 1 of 83 Agency & Hydrological

Quadrant Estimated Map Reference Details Distance Contact NGR ID (Compass Direction) From Site

Discharge Consents 3 Operator: Southern Water Services Ltd (H) A18NW 862 2 466220 Property Type: PUMPING STATION ON SEWERAGE NETWORK (WATER COMPANY) (N) 104460 Location: Cosham Ps, Court Lane, Portsmouth, Hampshire, Po6 2pl Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Catchment Area: Portsmouth Harbour Reference: D00016 Permit Version: 2 Effective Date: 17th June 1994 Issued Date: 17th June 1994 Revocation Date: 31st December 1994 Discharge Type: Public Sewage: Storm Sewage Overflow Discharge Saline Estuary Environment: Receiving Water: Ports Creek Status: Authorisation revoked Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Discharge Consents 3 Operator: Southern Water Services Ltd (H) A18NW 862 2 466220 Property Type: PUMPING STATION ON SEWERAGE NETWORK (WATER COMPANY) (N) 104460 Location: Cosham Ps, Court Lane, Portsmouth, Hampshire, Po6 2pl Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Catchment Area: Portsmouth Harbour Reference: A00657 Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 1st January 1995 Issued Date: 26th November 1993 Revocation Date: 19th February 2006 Discharge Type: Public Sewage: Storm Sewage Overflow Discharge Saline Estuary Environment: Receiving Water: Ports Creek Status: Post National Rivers Authority Legislation where issue date > 31/08/1989 Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Discharge Consents 3 Operator: Southern Water Services Ltd (H) A18NW 862 2 466220 Property Type: PUMPING STATION ON SEWERAGE NETWORK (WATER COMPANY) (N) 104460 Location: Cosham Ps, Court Lane, Portsmouth, Hampshire, Po6 2pl Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Catchment Area: Not Supplied Reference: D00016 Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 1st April 1991 Issued Date: 1st April 1991 Revocation Date: 17th June 1994 Discharge Type: Public Sewage: Storm Sewage Overflow Discharge Saline Estuary Environment: Receiving Water: Saline Estuary Status: Post National Rivers Authority Legislation where issue date > 31/08/1989 Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Discharge Consents 4 Operator: Southern Water Services Ltd A19SE 896 2 467220 Property Type: Not Given (NE) 104235 Location: Cosham PS, Station Road, Drayton, PORTSMOUTH, Hampshire Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Catchment Area: Not Given Reference: A56/H/87 Permit Version: Not Supplied Effective Date: Not Supplied Issued Date: Not Supplied Revocation Date: Not Supplied Discharge Type: Sewage Effluent Discharge-Storm Effluent Discharge Saline Estuary Environment: Receiving Water: Not Supplied Status: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m

Order Number: 267263505_1_1 Date: 14-Nov-2020 rpr_ec_datasheet v53.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Page 2 of 83 Agency & Hydrological

Quadrant Estimated Map Reference Details Distance Contact NGR ID (Compass Direction) From Site

Discharge Consents 4 Operator: Southern Water Services Ltd (H) A19SE 899 2 467220 Property Type: PUMPING STATION ON SEWERAGE NETWORK (WATER COMPANY) (NE) 104240 Location: Mainland Ps, Station Road, Drayton, Portsmouth, Hampshire, Po6 1pl Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Catchment Area: Portsmouth Harbour Reference: A00656 Permit Version: 2 Effective Date: 20th February 2006 Issued Date: 20th February 2006 Revocation Date: Not Supplied Discharge Type: Public Sewage: Storm Sewage Overflow Discharge Saline Estuary Environment: Receiving Water: Ports Creek Status: Modified (Water Resources Act 1991, Schedule 10 as amended by Environment Act 1995) Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Discharge Consents 4 Operator: Southern Water Services Ltd (H) A19SE 899 2 467220 Property Type: PUMPING STATION ON SEWERAGE NETWORK (WATER COMPANY) (NE) 104240 Location: Mainland Ps, Station Road, Drayton, Portsmouth, Hampshire, Po6 1pl Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Catchment Area: Portsmouth Harbour Reference: D00018 Permit Version: 2 Effective Date: 17th June 1994 Issued Date: 17th June 1994 Revocation Date: 31st December 1994 Discharge Type: Public Sewage: Storm Sewage Overflow Discharge Saline Estuary Environment: Receiving Water: Broom Channel Status: Authorisation revoked Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Discharge Consents 4 Operator: Southern Water Services Ltd (H) A19SE 899 2 467220 Property Type: PUMPING STATION ON SEWERAGE NETWORK (WATER COMPANY) (NE) 104240 Location: Mainland Ps, Station Road, Drayton, Portsmouth, Hampshire, Po6 1pl Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Catchment Area: Portsmouth Harbour Reference: A00656 Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 1st January 1995 Issued Date: 26th November 1993 Revocation Date: 19th February 2006 Discharge Type: Public Sewage: Storm Sewage Overflow Discharge Saline Estuary Environment: Receiving Water: Ports Creek Status: Post National Rivers Authority Legislation where issue date > 31/08/1989 Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Discharge Consents 4 Operator: Southern Water Services Ltd (H) A19SE 899 2 467220 Property Type: PUMPING STATION ON SEWERAGE NETWORK (WATER COMPANY) (NE) 104240 Location: Mainland Ps, Station Road, Drayton, Portsmouth, Hampshire, Po6 1pl Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Catchment Area: Not Supplied Reference: D00018 Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 1st April 1991 Issued Date: 1st April 1991 Revocation Date: 17th June 1994 Discharge Type: Public Sewage: Storm Sewage Overflow Discharge Controlled Sea Environment: Receiving Water: Controlled Sea Status: Post National Rivers Authority Legislation where issue date > 31/08/1989 Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m

Order Number: 267263505_1_1 Date: 14-Nov-2020 rpr_ec_datasheet v53.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Page 3 of 83 Agency & Hydrological

Quadrant Estimated Map Reference Details Distance Contact NGR ID (Compass Direction) From Site

Discharge Consents 4 Operator: Southern Water Services Limited. + A19SE 906 2 467220 Property Type: STORM TANK/CSO ON SEWERAGE NETWORK (WATER COMPANY) (NE) 104250 Location: St Andrews Road Portsmouth Cso, St Andrews Road, Farlington, Portsmouth, Hampshire, Po6 1ad Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Catchment Area: Portsmouth Harbour Reference: A01277 Permit Version: 2 Effective Date: 31st March 2013 Issued Date: 22nd March 2010 Revocation Date: 31st March 2015 Discharge Type: Public Sewage: Storm Sewage Overflow Discharge Freshwater Stream/River Environment: Receiving Water: Broom Channel Status: Modified (Water Resources Act 1991, Schedule 10 as amended by Environment Act 1995) Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Discharge Consents 4 Operator: Southern Water Services Limited. + A19SE 906 2 467220 Property Type: STORM TANK/CSO ON SEWERAGE NETWORK (WATER COMPANY) (NE) 104250 Location: St Andrews Road Portsmouth Cso, St Andrews Road, Farlington, Portsmouth, Hampshire, Po6 1ad Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Catchment Area: Portsmouth Harbour Reference: A01277 Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 22nd June 2007 Issued Date: 22nd June 2007 Revocation Date: 30th March 2013 Discharge Type: Public Sewage: Storm Sewage Overflow Discharge Freshwater Stream/River Environment: Receiving Water: Broom Channel Status: New Consent (Water Resources Act 1991, Section 88 & Schedule 10 as amended by Environment Act 1995) Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Integrated Pollution Controls 5 Name: Portsmouth Aviation Ltd A9NW 638 2 466921 Location: Airport Service Road, Airport Industrial Estate, PORTSMOUTH, Hampshire, (SE) 103079 PO3 5PF Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Permit Reference: BC0464 Dated: 4th June 1999 Process Type: IPC minor (non-substantial) variation to previous variation Description: 4.5 A (H) Inorganic Chemical processes within the Chemical Industry Status: Authorisation superseded by a substantial or non substantial variation Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Integrated Pollution Controls 5 Name: Portsmouth Aviation Ltd A9NW 642 2 466921 Location: Airport Service Road, Airport Industrial Estate, PORTSMOUTH, Hampshire, (SE) 103074 PO3 5PF Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Permit Reference: AO1748 Dated: 22nd February 1995 Process Type: IPC new application Description: 4.5 A (H) Inorganic Chemical processes within the Chemical Industry Status: Authorisation superseded by a substantial or non substantial variation Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Integrated Pollution Controls 5 Name: Portsmouth Aviation Ltd A9NW 645 2 466926 Location: Airport Service Road, PORTSMOUTH, Hampshire, PO6 3PX (SE) 103074 Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Permit Reference: BC9771 Dated: 24th November 1998 Process Type: IPC minor (non-substantial) variation to previous variation Description: 4.5 A (H) Inorganic Chemical processes within the Chemical Industry Status: Authorisation superseded by a substantial or non substantial variation Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location

Order Number: 267263505_1_1 Date: 14-Nov-2020 rpr_ec_datasheet v53.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Page 4 of 83 Agency & Hydrological

Quadrant Estimated Map Reference Details Distance Contact NGR ID (Compass Direction) From Site

Integrated Pollution Controls 6 Name: Portsmouth Aviation Ltd A9NW 777 2 467057 Location: Airport Service Road, PORTSMOUTH, Hampshire, PO3 5PF (SE) 103009 Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Permit Reference: Bl2416 Dated: 15th August 2001 Process Type: IPC minor (non-substantial) variation to previous variation Description: 4.5 A (H) Inorganic Chemical processes within the Chemical Industry Status: Revoked - Now IPPC Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Integrated Pollution Prevention And Control 7 Name: Veolia Es Hampshire Ltd A8NE 671 2 466762 Location: Portsmouth Incinerator, Quartremaine Road, Copnor, Portsmouth, PO3 5QH (S) 102961 Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Permit Reference: ZP3433LH Original Permit Ref: Bj7107ij Effective Date: 16th December 2005 Status: Superseded By Variation Application Type: Variation App. Sub Type: Minor Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Activity Code: 5.1 A(1) (D) Activity Description: Waste Incineration; Hazardous Waste Unless Otherwise Stated Primary Activity: Y Integrated Pollution Prevention And Control 8 Name: Veolia Es Hampshire Limited A8SE 713 2 466700 Location: Integra South East Energy Recovery Facility Epr/Bj7107ij, Integra South East (S) 102900 Energy Recovery Facility, Quartremaine Road,Copnor,, Portsmouth, PO3 5QH Authority: Environment Agency - South East Region, Solent & South Downs Area Permit Reference: QP3939JY Original Permit Ref: Bj7107ij Effective Date: 15th February 2018 Status: Effective Application Type: Variation App. Sub Type: Simple Standard Variation Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Activity Code: 5.1 A(1) (B) Activity Description: THE INCINERATION OF NON-HAZARDOUS WASTE IN AN INCINERATION OR CO-INCINERATION PLANT WITH A CAPACITY EXCEEDING 3 TONNES PER HOUR. Primary Activity: Y Integrated Pollution Prevention And Control 8 Name: Veolia Es Hampshire Limited A8SE 713 2 466700 Location: Integra South East Energy Recovery Facility, Integra South East Energy (S) 102900 Recovery Facility, Quartremaine Road,Copnor,, Portsmouth, PO3 5QH Authority: Environment Agency - South East Region, Solent & South Downs Area Permit Reference: EP3236EK Original Permit Ref: Bj7107ij Effective Date: 21st May 2015 Status: Superseded By Variation Application Type: Variation App. Sub Type: Minor Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Activity Code: 5.1 A(1) (D) Activity Description: Waste Incineration; Hazardous Waste Unless Otherwise Stated Primary Activity: N Activity Code: 5.1 A(1) (B) Activity Description: THE INCINERATION OF NON-HAZARDOUS WASTE IN AN INCINERATION OR CO-INCINERATION PLANT WITH A CAPACITY EXCEEDING 3 TONNES PER HOUR. Primary Activity: Y

Order Number: 267263505_1_1 Date: 14-Nov-2020 rpr_ec_datasheet v53.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Page 5 of 83 Agency & Hydrological

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Integrated Pollution Prevention And Control 8 Name: Veolia Es Hampshire Limited A8SE 713 2 466700 Location: Integra South East Energy Recovery Facility, Integra South East Energy (S) 102900 Recovery Facility, Quartremaine Road,Copnor,, Portsmouth, PO3 5QH Authority: Environment Agency - South East Region, Solent & South Downs Area Permit Reference: PP3633VN Original Permit Ref: Bj7107ij Effective Date: 7th February 2014 Status: Superseded By Variation Application Type: Variation App. Sub Type: Minor Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Activity Code: 0.0 Associated Process Activity Description: Associated Process Primary Activity: N Activity Code: 5.1 A(1) (B) Activity Description: THE INCINERATION OF NON-HAZARDOUS WASTE IN AN INCINERATION OR CO-INCINERATION PLANT WITH A CAPACITY EXCEEDING 3 TONNES PER HOUR. Primary Activity: Y Integrated Pollution Prevention And Control 8 Name: Veolia Es Hampshire Ltd A8SE 713 2 466700 Location: Integra South East Energy Recovery Facility, Integra South East Energy (S) 102900 Recovery Facility, Quartremaine Road,Copnor,, Portsmouth, PO3 5QH Authority: Environment Agency - South East Region, Solent & South Downs Area Permit Reference: SP3039HL Original Permit Ref: Bj7107ij Effective Date: 27th August 2010 Status: Superseded By Variation Application Type: Variation App. Sub Type: Minor Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Activity Code: 5.1 A(1) (D) Activity Description: Waste Incineration; Hazardous Waste Unless Otherwise Stated Primary Activity: Y Integrated Pollution Prevention And Control 8 Name: Veolia Es Hampshire Ltd A8SE 713 2 466700 Location: Integra South East Energy Recovery Facility, Integra South East Energy (S) 102900 Recovery Facility, Quartremaine Road,Copnor,, Portsmouth, PO3 5QH Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Permit Reference: SP3039HL Original Permit Ref: Bj7107ij Effective Date: 27th August 2010 Status: Effective Application Type: Variation App. Sub Type: Minor Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Activity Code: 5.1 A(1) (D) Activity Description: Waste Incineration; Hazardous Waste Unless Otherwise Stated Primary Activity: Y Integrated Pollution Prevention And Control 8 Name: Veolia Es Hampshire Ltd A8SE 713 2 466700 Location: Portsmouth Incinerator, Quartremaine Road, Copnor, Portsmouth, PO3 5QH (S) 102900 Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Permit Reference: Bj7107ij Original Permit Ref: Bj7107ij Effective Date: 1st June 2004 Status: Superseded By Variation Application Type: Application App. Sub Type: New Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Activity Code: 5.1 A(1) (D) Activity Description: Waste Incineration; Hazardous Waste Unless Otherwise Stated Primary Activity: Y Integrated Pollution Prevention And Control 8 Name: Veolia Es Hampshire Ltd A8SE 732 2 466737 Location: Portsmouth Incinerator, Integra South East Energy Recovery Facility, (S) 102890 Quartremaine Road,Copnor,, Portsmouth, PO3 5QH Authority: Environment Agency - South East Region, Solent & South Downs Area Permit Reference: EP3630GX Original Permit Ref: Bj7107ij Effective Date: 11th November 2008 Status: Superseded By Variation Application Type: Variation App. Sub Type: Standard Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Activity Code: 5.1 A(1) (D) Activity Description: Waste Incineration; Hazardous Waste Unless Otherwise Stated Primary Activity: Y

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Integrated Pollution Prevention And Control 8 Name: Veolia Es Hampshire Ltd A8SE 732 2 466737 Location: Portsmouth Incinerator, Integra South East Energy Recovery Facility, (S) 102890 Quartremaine Road,Copnor,, Portsmouth, PO3 5QH Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Permit Reference: EP3630GX Original Permit Ref: Bj7107ij Effective Date: 11th November 2008 Status: Superseded By Variation Application Type: Variation App. Sub Type: Standard Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Activity Code: 5.1 A(1) (D) Activity Description: Waste Incineration; Hazardous Waste Unless Otherwise Stated Primary Activity: Y Integrated Pollution Prevention And Control 8 Name: Veolia Es Hampshire Ltd A8SE 732 2 466737 Location: Portsmouth Incinerator, Quartremaine Road, Copnor,,, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 (S) 102890 5QH Authority: Environment Agency - South East Region, Solent & South Downs Area Permit Reference: RP3034UU Original Permit Ref: Bj7107ij Effective Date: 18th June 2007 Status: Superseded By Variation Application Type: Variation App. Sub Type: Minor Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Activity Code: 5.1 A(1) (D) Activity Description: Waste Incineration; Hazardous Waste Unless Otherwise Stated Primary Activity: Y Integrated Pollution Prevention And Control 8 Name: Veolia Es Hampshire Ltd A8SE 732 2 466737 Location: Quartremaine Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5QH (S) 102890 Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Permit Reference: RP3034UU Original Permit Ref: Bj7107ij Effective Date: 18th June 2007 Status: Superseded By Variation Application Type: Variation App. Sub Type: Minor Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Activity Code: 5.1 A(1) (D) Activity Description: Waste Incineration; Hazardous Waste Unless Otherwise Stated Primary Activity: Y Integrated Pollution Prevention And Control 8 Name: Veolia Es Hampshire Ltd A8SE 732 2 466737 Location: Portsmouth Incinerator, Quartremaine Road, Copnor,,, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 (S) 102890 5QH Authority: Environment Agency - South East Region, Solent & South Downs Area Permit Reference: LP3435MB Original Permit Ref: Bj7107ij Effective Date: 18th September 2006 Status: Superseded By Variation Application Type: Variation App. Sub Type: Minor Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Activity Code: 5.1 A(1) (D) Activity Description: Waste Incineration; Hazardous Waste Unless Otherwise Stated Primary Activity: Y Integrated Pollution Prevention And Control 8 Name: Veolia Es Hampshire Ltd A8SE 732 2 466737 Location: Quartremaine Road, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5QH (S) 102890 Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Permit Reference: LP3435MB Original Permit Ref: Bj7107ij Effective Date: 18th September 2006 Status: Superseded By Variation Application Type: Variation App. Sub Type: Minor Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Activity Code: 5.1 A(1) (D) Activity Description: Waste Incineration; Hazardous Waste Unless Otherwise Stated Primary Activity: Y

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Integrated Pollution Prevention And Control 8 Name: Veolia Es Hampshire Ltd A8SE 732 2 466737 Location: Portsmouth Incinerator, Quartremaine Road, Copnor,,, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 (S) 102890 5QH Authority: Environment Agency - South East Region, Solent & South Downs Area Permit Reference: ZP3433LH Original Permit Ref: Bj7107ij Effective Date: 16th December 2005 Status: Superseded By Variation Application Type: Variation App. Sub Type: Minor Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Activity Code: 5.1 A(1) (D) Activity Description: Waste Incineration; Hazardous Waste Unless Otherwise Stated Primary Activity: Y Integrated Pollution Prevention And Control 8 Name: Veolia Es Hampshire Ltd A8SE 732 2 466737 Location: Portsmouth Incinerator, Quartremaine Road, Copnor,,, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 (S) 102890 5QH Authority: Environment Agency - South East Region, Solent & South Downs Area Permit Reference: BJ7107IJ Original Permit Ref: Bj7107ij Effective Date: 1st June 2004 Status: Superseded By Variation Application Type: Application App. Sub Type: New Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Activity Code: 5.1 A(1) (D) Activity Description: Waste Incineration; Hazardous Waste Unless Otherwise Stated Primary Activity: Y Integrated Pollution Prevention And Control 9 Name: Portsmouth Aviation Ltd A9NW 777 2 467057 Location: Portsmouth Aiprort Cadmium Plating - Epr/Bx8050iv, Premises/Land At, (SE) 103009 Airport Service Road,,, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5PF Authority: Environment Agency - South East Region, Solent & South Downs Area Permit Reference: BX8050IV Original Permit Ref: Bx8050iv Effective Date: 10th August 2005 Status: Effective Application Type: Application App. Sub Type: New Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Activity Code: 0.0 Associated Process Activity Description: Associated Process Primary Activity: N Activity Code: 4.2 A(1) (F) Activity Description: Inorganic Chemicals; Using Mercury/Cadmium And Compounds If Release Into Air Primary Activity: Y Integrated Pollution Prevention And Control 9 Name: Portsmouth Aviation Ltd A9NW 777 2 467057 Location: PORTSMOUTH AIRPORT CADMIUM PLATING, Airport Service Road, (SE) 103009 PORTSMOUTH, Hampshire, PO3 5PF Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Permit Reference: Bx8050iv Original Permit Ref: Bx8050iv Effective Date: 10th August 2005 Status: Effective Application Type: Application App. Sub Type: New Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Activity Code: 4.2 A(1) (F) Activity Description: Inorganic Chemicals; Using Mercury/Cadmium And Compounds If Release Into Air Primary Activity: Y Activity Code: 0.0 Associated Process Activity Description: Associated Process Primary Activity: N

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Integrated Pollution Prevention And Control 10 Name: C.D. Jordan & Son Limited A8SE 981 2 466694 Location: European Metal Recycling, Dundas Spur Epr/Ep3292ht, European Metal (S) 102627 Recycling, Dundas Spur, Dundas Lane,,, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5NX Authority: Environment Agency - South East Region, Solent & South Downs Area Permit Reference: AP3232WN Original Permit Ref: Ap3232wn Effective Date: 13th March 2017 Status: Effective Application Type: Application App. Sub Type: New Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Activity Code: 5.4 A(1) b) (iv) Activity Description: RECOVERY OR A MIX OF RECOVERY AND DISPOSAL OF > 50 T/D NON- HAZARDOUS WASTE (> 100 T/D IF ONLY AD) INVOLVING TREATMENT IN SHREDDERS OF METAL WASTE, INCLUDING WEEE AND ELV AND THEIR COMPONENTS Primary Activity: Y Local Authority Integrated Pollution Prevention And Control 11 Name: Chesapeake Ltd A12NE 455 3 466167 Location: Limberline Road, Hilsea, PO3 5JF (NW) 103940 Authority: Portsmouth City Council, Environmental Health Department Permit Reference: A2/1.1a Dated: Not Supplied Process Type: Other Activities Description: SG6 Printing Status: Permit Issued Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Controls 12 Name: Marconi Systems A13NE 172 3 466592 Location: Broad Oak Works, The Airport, PORTSMOUTH, Hampshire, PO3 5PQ (N) 103808 Authority: Portsmouth City Council, Environmental Health Department Permit Reference: Not Given Dated: Not Supplied Process Type: Local Authority Air Pollution Control Description: PG6/23 Coating of metal and plastic Status: Authorisation revoked Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Controls 12 Name: Marconi Defence Systems A13NE 173 3 466593 Location: Broad Oak Works, The Airport, PORTSMOUTH, Hampshire, PO3 5PQ (N) 103809 Authority: Portsmouth City Council, Environmental Health Department Permit Reference: Not Given Dated: 18th November 1992 Process Type: Local Authority Air Pollution Control Description: PG2/6 Aluminium and aluminium alloy processes Status: Authorisation revoked Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Controls 13 Name: Allslade Limited A13NW 293 3 466279 Location: Unit 5, Limberline Road, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5JF (NW) 103820 Authority: Portsmouth City Council, Environmental Health Department Permit Reference: Not Given Dated: 14th December 1998 Process Type: Local Authority Air Pollution Control Description: PG6/23 Coating of metal and plastic Status: Authorisation revoked Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Controls 14 Name: Arlington Motors A13NW 343 3 466198 Location: Vauxhall House, Norway Road, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5HT (NW) 103773 Authority: Portsmouth City Council, Environmental Health Department Permit Reference: Not Given Dated: Not Supplied Process Type: Local Authority Air Pollution Control Description: PG6/34 Respraying of road vehicles Status: Authorisation revoked Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Controls 15 Name: Bae / Selex A8NW 412 3 466424 Location: Neville Shute Road, Portsmouth, Po3 5rt (S) 103204 Authority: Portsmouth City Council, Environmental Health Department Permit Reference: B17 Dated: Not Supplied Process Type: Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Control Description: PG2/6 Aluminium and aluminium alloy processes Status: Permitted Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location

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Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Controls 16 Name: Chesapeake Ltd A12NE 455 3 466167 Location: Limberline Road, Hilsea, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5JF (NW) 103940 Authority: Portsmouth City Council, Environmental Health Department Permit Reference: A2/1.1a Dated: 5th August 1993 Process Type: Local Authority Air Pollution Control Description: PG6/16 Printworks Status: Transferred to LAIPPC Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Controls 17 Name: Lbl 2 (Tomburn) A12NE 456 3 466133 Location: Gunstore Road, Hilsea, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5HL (NW) 103895 Authority: Portsmouth City Council, Environmental Health Department Permit Reference: B21.0 Dated: 11th August 1993 Process Type: Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Control Description: PG6/23 Coating of metal and plastic Status: Permitted Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Controls 17 Name: Lbl 1 (Tomburn) A12NE 456 3 466133 Location: Gunstore Road, Hilsea, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5HL (NW) 103895 Authority: Portsmouth City Council, Environmental Health Department Permit Reference: B21.1 Dated: 11th August 1993 Process Type: Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Control Description: PG6/31 Powder coating processes ( including sheradizing ) Status: Permitted Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Controls 18 Name: Pioneer Concrete A8NE 458 3 466646 Location: Bolde Close, Dundas Lane, PORTSMOUTH, Hampshire, PO3 5RD (S) 103150 Authority: Portsmouth City Council, Environmental Health Department Permit Reference: Not Given Dated: Not Supplied Process Type: Local Authority Air Pollution Control Description: PG3/1Blending, packing, loading and use of bulk cement Status: Authorised Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Controls 18 Name: Southern Self Drive A8NE 468 3 466680 Location: Quartremaine Road, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5QG (S) 103148 Authority: Portsmouth City Council, Environmental Health Department Permit Reference: Not Given Dated: Not Supplied Process Type: Local Authority Air Pollution Control Description: PG1/1Waste oil burners, less than 0.4MW net rated thermal input Status: Authorisation revoked Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Controls 19 Name: Fpt 2. (Gkn) A9NW 467 3 466871 Location: Airport Service Road, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5PE (SE) 103259 Authority: Portsmouth City Council, Environmental Health Department Permit Reference: B19.1 Dated: 2nd February 1998 Process Type: Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Control Description: PG6/32 Adhesive coating Status: Permitted Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Controls 19 Name: Fpt 2. (Gkn) A9NW 467 3 466871 Location: No. 3 Factory, Airport Service Road, PORTSMOUTH, Hampshire, PO3 5PE (SE) 103259 Authority: Portsmouth City Council, Environmental Health Department Permit Reference: B19.1 Dated: 19th January 1993 Process Type: Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Control Description: PG6/8 Textile and fabric coating of finishing processes Status: Permitted Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address

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Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Controls 19 Name: Fpt 1. (Gkn) A9NW 467 3 466871 Location: Airport Service Road, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5PE (SE) 103259 Authority: Portsmouth City Council, Environmental Health Department Permit Reference: B19.1 Dated: 19th January 1993 Process Type: Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Control Description: PG6/28 Rubber processes Status: Permitted Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Controls 20 Name: H & B Plant A18SW 513 3 466372 Location: Ackworth Road, Hilsea, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5NS (N) 104143 Authority: Portsmouth City Council, Environmental Health Department Permit Reference: Not Given Dated: 14th August 1995 Process Type: Local Authority Air Pollution Control Description: PG3/8 Quarry processes including roadstone plants and the size reduction of bricks, tiles and concrete Status: Authorised Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Controls 21 Name: Demolition & Salvage A18SW 541 3 466385 Location: Ackworth Road, Hilsea, Po3 5ns (N) 104176 Authority: Portsmouth City Council, Environmental Health Department Permit Reference: B/MCS/1 Dated: Not Supplied Process Type: Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Control Description: PG3/16 Mobile screening and crushing processes Status: Permitted Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Controls 21 Name: Cosham Bodyshop A18SW 587 3 466364 Location: Ackworth Road, PORTSMOUTH, Hampshire, PO3 5HU (N) 104218 Authority: Portsmouth City Council, Environmental Health Department Permit Reference: NOT GIVEN Dated: Not Supplied Process Type: Local Authority Air Pollution Control Description: PG6/23 Coating of metal and plastic Status: Authorised Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Controls 21 Name: Cosham Body Shop A18SW 587 3 466363 Location: 5b Shawcross Industrial Park, Ackworth Road, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5HU (N) 104218 Authority: Portsmouth City Council, Environmental Health Department Permit Reference: NOT GIVEN Dated: Not Supplied Process Type: Local Authority Air Pollution Control Description: PG6/34 Respraying of road vehicles Status: Authorised Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Controls 21 Name: Outlook Uk Ltd A18SW 594 3 466341 Location: Unit 5a Shawcross Industrial Park, Ackworth Road, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 (N) 104219 Authority: Portsmouth City Council, Environmental Health Department Permit Reference: B/11.1 Dated: Not Supplied Process Type: Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Control Description: PG1/1Waste oil burners, less than 0.4MW net rated thermal input Status: Permitted Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Controls 22 Name: AllsladeSteel Manufacturers A9NW 730 3 466889 Location: Dundas House, Dundas Lane, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5SD (SE) 102951 Authority: Portsmouth City Council, Environmental Health Department Permit Reference: B/13.0 Dated: Not Supplied Process Type: Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Control Description: PG6/23 Coating of metal and plastic Status: Permitted Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location

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Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Controls 22 Name: Allslade A9SW 756 3 466917 Location: Dundas House, 2 Dundas Lane, PORTSMOUTH, Hampshire, PO3 5SD (SE) 102937 Authority: Portsmouth City Council, Environmental Health Department Permit Reference: N/A Dated: 26th March 2001 Process Type: Local Authority Air Pollution Control Description: PG6/23 Coating of metal and plastic Status: Authorised Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Controls 23 Name: Lex Body Centre A8SW 757 3 466505 Location: Plot 300, Blueprint, Hailsea, PORTSMOUTH, Hampshire, PO3 5SE (S) 102841 Authority: Portsmouth City Council, Environmental Health Department Permit Reference: Not Given Dated: 13th June 1997 Process Type: Local Authority Air Pollution Control Description: PG6/34 Respraying of road vehicles Status: Authorised Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Controls 24 Name: Bae Systems Surface Ships Support A9NW 778 3 467056 Location: Portsmouth Naval Base, Po1 3aq (SE) 103008 Authority: Portsmouth City Council, Environmental Health Department Permit Reference: B33 Dated: Not Supplied Process Type: Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Control Description: PG6/23 Coating of metal and plastic Status: Permitted Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Controls 25 Name: Nationwide A8SW 862 3 466497 Location: Plot 300, 2500 Blueprint, Hilsea, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5SE (S) 102737 Authority: Portsmouth City Council, Environmental Health Department Permit Reference: B12.2 Dated: 13th June 1997 Process Type: Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Control Description: PG6/34 Respraying of road vehicles Status: Permitted Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned within the geographical locality Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Controls 26 Name: Southern Self Drive A12NW 893 3 465639 Location: 466 London Road, PORTSMOUTH, PO2 9RN (W) 103832 Authority: Portsmouth City Council, Environmental Health Department Permit Reference: Not Given Dated: Not Supplied Process Type: Local Authority Air Pollution Control Description: PG1/1Waste oil burners, less than 0.4MW net rated thermal input Status: Authorisation revoked Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Controls 26 Name: Southern Self Drive A12NW 895 4 465638 Location: 466 London Road, Portsmouth (W) 103837 Authority: Southampton City Council, Environmental Health Services Pollution And Safety Permit Reference: 021/92/WOB Dated: 25th January 1993 Process Type: Local Authority Air Pollution Control Description: PG1/1Waste oil burners, less than 0.4MW net rated thermal input Status: Authorisation revoked Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Controls 27 Name: Portsmouth Publishing & Printing A12NW 938 3 465609 Location: The News Centre, London Road, PORTSMOUTH, Hampshire, PO2 9SX (W) 103892 Authority: Portsmouth City Council, Environmental Health Department Permit Reference: B/22.0 Dated: 4th July 1994 Process Type: Local Authority Air Pollution Control Description: PG6/16 Printworks Status: Authorised Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location

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Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Controls 28 Name: Cemex A19NW 976 3 467001 Location: Walton Road, Farlington, PORTSMOUTH, PO6 1UJ (NE) 104506 Authority: Portsmouth City Council, Environmental Health Department Permit Reference: B2.3 Dated: 14th September 1994 Process Type: Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Control Description: PG3/1Blending, packing, loading and use of bulk cement Status: Permitted Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Controls 29 Name: Krm A9NE 997 3 467483 Location: Kendall's Wharf, Eastern Road, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5LY (E) 103251 Authority: Portsmouth City Council, Environmental Health Department Permit Reference: B7.3 Dated: 30th March 1994 Process Type: Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Control Description: PG3/1Blending, packing, loading and use of bulk cement Status: Permitted Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Nearest Surface Water Feature A18SE 362 - 466609 (N) 104002 Pollution Incidents to Controlled Waters 30 Property Type: Road (Road Traffic Accident) A13SE 204 2 466600 Location: Ats Garage, Williams Road, COPNOR (S) 103400 Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Pollutant: Oils - Petrol Note: Ruptured Fuel Tank Of Car 28 Litres Of Petrol Lost Incident Date: 9th September 1997 Incident Reference: 797479 Catchment Area: Not Given Receiving Water: Not Given Cause of Incident: Not Given Incident Severity: Category 3 - Minor Incident Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Pollution Incidents to Controlled Waters 31 Property Type: Miscellaneous Premises: Other A19NW 799 2 467000 Location: M27 Farlington, PORTSMOUTH (NE) 104300 Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Pollutant: Miscellaneous - Fire water / Foam Note: Fire Water Entering Drain Incident Date: 14th June 1996 Incident Reference: 796416 Catchment Area: Not Given Receiving Water: Not Given Cause of Incident: Unknown Incident Severity: Category 3 - Minor Incident Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Pollution Incidents to Controlled Waters 32 Property Type: Transport, Storage, Communications A8SE 811 2 466700 Location: Commodore Express Ltd, Limberline Rd, Hillsea Ind Est, PORTSMOUTH (S) 102800 Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Pollutant: Inorganic Chemicals : Hazardous Waste Annex Ii: Peroxides Note: Not Supplied Incident Date: 26th July 1999 Incident Reference: 1402 Catchment Area: Unknown Receiving Water: Freshwater Stream/River Cause of Incident: Deliberate Action Incident Severity: Category 3 - Minor Incident Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Pollution Incidents to Controlled Waters 33 Property Type: Miscellaneous Premises: Other A18NW 851 2 466400 Location: Hilsea Moat, PORTSMOUTH (N) 104495 Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Pollutant: Miscellaneous - Natural Note: Hilsea Moat Water Brown. Incident Date: 9th April 1997 Incident Reference: 797184 Catchment Area: Not Given Receiving Water: Not Given Cause of Incident: General Pollution - Natural Causes Incident Severity: Category 3 - Minor Incident Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m

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Pollution Incidents to Controlled Waters 33 Property Type: Water Company Sewage: Other A18NW 856 2 466400 Location: Mainland Ps Off Portsea Island (N) 104500 Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Pollutant: Crude Sewage Note: Sewage Being Pumped To Harbour; Water Company Sewage: Storm Tank Incident Date: 15th September 1995 Incident Reference: 2066 Catchment Area: Not Given Receiving Water: Not Given Cause of Incident: Plc Sewage Other Incident Severity: Category 3 - Minor Incident Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Pollution Incidents to Controlled Waters 34 Property Type: Private Sewage (Non-PLC): Other A19SW 857 2 467200 Location: Oil Coming Out At, Port Creek (NE) 104200 Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Pollutant: Oils - Diesel (Including Agricultural) Note: 100 Litres Of Diesel Spilt At Farlington W.T.W Incident Date: 17th June 1996 Incident Reference: 796302 Catchment Area: Not Given Receiving Water: Not Given Cause of Incident: Sewage - Other Incident Severity: Category 3 - Minor Incident Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Pollution Incidents to Controlled Waters 35 Property Type: Other Transport A19NW 859 2 467100 Location: Farlington Junction A27 (T), PORTSMOUTH (NE) 104300 Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Pollutant: Oils - Diesel (Including Agricultural) Note: Oil Entering Highway Drain; Road (Road Traffic Accident) Incident Date: 1st September 1995 Incident Reference: 2065 Catchment Area: Not Given Receiving Water: Not Given Cause of Incident: Oils/Related Products Incident Severity: Category 3 - Minor Incident Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Pollution Incidents to Controlled Waters 36 Property Type: Food industry A19NW 926 2 467200 Location: Pall Europe, FARLINGTON (NE) 104300 Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Pollutant: Organic Wastes: Milk Note: White Discharge To Creek Incident Date: 7th April 1998 Incident Reference: 798156 Catchment Area: Not Given Receiving Water: Not Given Cause of Incident: Organic Industrial Waste Incident Severity: Category 3 - Minor Incident Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Pollution Incidents to Controlled Waters 37 Property Type: Industrial: Other A19NW 931 2 467140 Location: Pall Europe, Walton Road (NE) 104360 Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Pollutant: Oils - Gas Oil Note: Oil In Watercourse; Industrial: Other Incident Date: 23rd January 1995 Incident Reference: 1656 Catchment Area: Not Given Receiving Water: Not Given Cause of Incident: Oils/Related Products Incident Severity: Category 2 - Significant Incident Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Pollution Incidents to Controlled Waters 38 Property Type: Engineering A19NW 938 2 467100 Location: Walton Road Creek, FARLINGTON (NE) 104400 Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Pollutant: Oils - Gas Oil Note: Oil Spillage Incident Date: 22nd March 1996 Incident Reference: 796127 Catchment Area: Not Given Receiving Water: Not Given Cause of Incident: Industrial - Other Incident Severity: Category 2 - Significant Incident Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m

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Prosecutions Relating to Authorised Processes 39 Location: Quatermaine Road, Portsmouth, Po3 5qh A8SE 701 2 466774 Prosecution Text: Delivering hospital waste to a site not licensed to handle it (S) 102933 Prosecution Act: Epa90 S34(6) Hearing Date: 17th February 2005 Verdict: Guilty Fine: 8000 Costs: 5000 Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Registered Radioactive Substances 40 Name: Pall Europe Limited A19NW 926 2 467200 Location: Pall Portsmouth, Walton Road, Farlington, Portsmouth, Po6 1td (NE) 104300 Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Permit Reference: TP3293SZ Dated: Not Supplied Process Type: Not Supplied Description: Not Supplied Status: Authorisation certificate surrendered by operator Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Substantiated Pollution Incident Register 41 Authority: Environment Agency - Southern Region, Solent and South Downs A18SW 493 2 466488 Incident Date: 14th May 2010 (N) 104144 Incident Reference: 779712 Water Impact: Category 4 - No Impact Air Impact: Category 2 - Significant Incident Land Impact: Category 4 - No Impact Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Pollutant: Atmospheric Pollutants And Effects: Dust Substantiated Pollution Incident Register 42 Authority: Environment Agency - Southern Region, Solent and South Downs A17SE 641 2 466150 Incident Date: 22nd May 2018 (NW) 104176 Incident Reference: 1615627 Water Impact: Category 4 - No Impact Air Impact: Category 2 - Significant Incident Land Impact: Category 4 - No Impact Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Pollutant: Atmospheric Pollutants And Effects: Dust Water Abstractions Operator: Dairy Farmers Of Britain A24SE 1427 2 467220 Licence Number: 11/42/34/1 (NE) 104900 Permit Version: 103 Location: Station Road, Portsmouth Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Abstraction: Dairies: General Use (Medium Loss) Abstraction Type: Water may be abstracted from a single point Source: Groundwater Daily Rate (m3): Not Supplied Yearly Rate (m3): Not Supplied Details: See Licence Map Authorised Start: 01 January Authorised End: 31 December Permit Start Date: 11th November 2004 Permit End Date: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Water Abstractions Operator: Dairy Farmers Of Britain A24SE 1427 2 467220 Licence Number: 11/42/34/1 (NE) 104900 Permit Version: 102 Location: Station Road, Portsmouth Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Abstraction: Dairies: General Use (Medium Loss) Abstraction Type: Water may be abstracted from a single point Source: Groundwater Daily Rate (m3): Not Supplied Yearly Rate (m3): Not Supplied Details: See Licence Map Authorised Start: 01 January Authorised End: 31 December Permit Start Date: 10th August 2004 Permit End Date: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m

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Water Abstractions Operator: Acc - Milk South East Region A24SE 1427 2 467220 Licence Number: 11/42/34/1 (NE) 104900 Permit Version: 101 Location: Station Road, Portsmouth Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Abstraction: Dairies: General Use (Medium Loss) Abstraction Type: Water may be abstracted from a single point Source: Groundwater Daily Rate (m3): Not Supplied Yearly Rate (m3): Not Supplied Details: See Licence Map Authorised Start: 01 January Authorised End: 31 December Permit Start Date: 17th November 2002 Permit End Date: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Water Abstractions Operator: Southern Co-Operative Dairies Ltd A24SE 1427 2 467220 Licence Number: 11/42/34/1 (NE) 104900 Permit Version: 100 Location: Station Road, Portsmouth Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Abstraction: Dairies: General Use (Medium Loss) Abstraction Type: Water may be abstracted from a single point Source: Groundwater Daily Rate (m3): Not Supplied Yearly Rate (m3): Not Supplied Details: See Licence Map Authorised Start: 01 January Authorised End: 31 December Permit Start Date: 7th October 1985 Permit End Date: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Groundwater Vulnerability Map Combined Secondary Superficial Aquifer - High Vulnerability A13SW 0 5 466532 Classification: (E) 103624 Combined High Vulnerability: Combined Aquifer: Productive Bedrock Aquifer, Productive Superficial Aquifer Pollutant Speed: High Bedrock Flow: Well Connected Fractures Dilution: 300-550 mm/year Baseflow Index: >70% Superficial >90% Patchiness: Superficial 3-10m Thickness: Superficial High Recharge: Groundwater Vulnerability - Soluble Rock Risk Classification: Significant Risk - Problems Unlikely A13SW 0 5 466532 (E) 103624 Bedrock Aquifer Designations Aquifer Designation: Principal Aquifer A13SW 0 5 466532 (E) 103624 Superficial Aquifer Designations Aquifer Designation: Secondary Aquifer - A A13SW 0 5 466532 (E) 103624 Extreme Flooding from Rivers or Sea without Defences Type: Extent of Extreme Flooding from Rivers or Sea without Defences A13SW 0 2 466532 Flood Plain Type: Tidal Models (E) 103624 Boundary Accuracy: As Supplied Extreme Flooding from Rivers or Sea without Defences Type: Extent of Extreme Flooding from Rivers or Sea without Defences A13NW 129 2 466395 Flood Plain Type: Tidal Models (NW) 103688 Boundary Accuracy: As Supplied Flooding from Rivers or Sea without Defences Type: Extent of Flooding from Rivers or Sea without Defences A13SW 0 2 466532 Flood Plain Type: Tidal Models (E) 103624 Boundary Accuracy: As Supplied Flooding from Rivers or Sea without Defences Type: Extent of Flooding from Rivers or Sea without Defences A13SE 244 2 466665 Flood Plain Type: Tidal Models (SE) 103383 Boundary Accuracy: As Supplied

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Areas Benefiting from Flood Defences None Flood Water Storage Areas None Flood Defences None OS Water Network Lines 43 Watercourse Form: Inland river A18SE 362 6 466609 Watercourse Length: 120.6 (N) 104002 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: East Hampshire Primacy: 1 OS Water Network Lines 44 Watercourse Form: Inland river A18SE 366 6 466722 Watercourse Length: 13.4 (NE) 103964 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: East Hampshire Primacy: 1 OS Water Network Lines 45 Watercourse Form: Inland river A18SE 375 6 466717 Watercourse Length: 2.2 (NE) 103976 Watercourse Level: Underground Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: East Hampshire Primacy: 1 OS Water Network Lines 46 Watercourse Form: Inland river A8NE 440 6 466794 Watercourse Length: 75.4 (SE) 103232 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: East Hampshire Primacy: 1 OS Water Network Lines 47 Watercourse Form: Tidal river A18SE 574 6 466742 Watercourse Length: 3042.1 (N) 104181 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: East Hampshire Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 48 Watercourse Form: Inland river A18NE 710 6 466776 Watercourse Length: 236.1 (N) 104313 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: East Hampshire Primacy: 1 OS Water Network Lines 49 Watercourse Form: Inland river A17SE 761 6 466016 Watercourse Length: 85.8 (NW) 104223 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: East Hampshire Primacy: 1 OS Water Network Lines 50 Watercourse Form: Lake A19NW 807 6 467009 Watercourse Length: 160.1 (NE) 104304 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: East Hampshire Primacy: 1

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OS Water Network Lines 51 Watercourse Form: Inland river A17SE 830 6 465938 Watercourse Length: 22.4 (NW) 104245 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: East Hampshire Primacy: 1 OS Water Network Lines 52 Watercourse Form: Inland river A9SW 834 6 466943 Watercourse Length: 45.2 (SE) 102862 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: East Hampshire Primacy: 1 OS Water Network Lines 53 Watercourse Form: Inland river A17NE 836 6 466072 Watercourse Length: 82.8 (NW) 104359 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: East Hampshire Primacy: 1 OS Water Network Lines 54 Watercourse Form: Inland river A9SW 865 6 466982 Watercourse Length: 3.0 (SE) 102848 Watercourse Level: Underground Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: East Hampshire Primacy: 1 OS Water Network Lines 55 Watercourse Form: Inland river A17SE 868 6 465904 Watercourse Length: 50.3 (NW) 104264 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: East Hampshire Primacy: 1 OS Water Network Lines 56 Watercourse Form: Inland river A9SW 868 6 466985 Watercourse Length: 5.1 (SE) 102847 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: East Hampshire Primacy: 1 OS Water Network Lines 57 Watercourse Form: Inland river A9SW 872 6 466990 Watercourse Length: 2.2 (SE) 102844 Watercourse Level: Underground Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: East Hampshire Primacy: 1 OS Water Network Lines 58 Watercourse Form: Inland river A9SW 874 6 466992 Watercourse Length: 102.8 (SE) 102844 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: East Hampshire Primacy: 1 OS Water Network Lines 59 Watercourse Form: Inland river A9SW 913 6 466882 Watercourse Length: 326.9 (S) 102747 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: East Hampshire Primacy: 1

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OS Water Network Lines 60 Watercourse Form: Inland river A9SW 916 6 466881 Watercourse Length: 110.1 (S) 102743 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: East Hampshire Primacy: 1 OS Water Network Lines 61 Watercourse Form: Inland river A9SW 929 6 467156 Watercourse Length: 13.2 (SE) 102895 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: East Hampshire Primacy: 1 OS Water Network Lines 62 Watercourse Form: Inland river A19NW 935 6 467144 Watercourse Length: 100.7 (NE) 104363 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: East Hampshire Primacy: 1 OS Water Network Lines 63 Watercourse Form: Inland river A9SW 942 6 467166 Watercourse Length: 5.4 (SE) 102885 Watercourse Level: Underground Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: East Hampshire Primacy: 1 OS Water Network Lines 64 Watercourse Form: Inland river A9SW 947 6 467169 Watercourse Length: 66.9 (SE) 102881 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: East Hampshire Primacy: 1 OS Water Network Lines 65 Watercourse Form: Inland river A9SW 948 6 467128 Watercourse Length: 55.0 (SE) 102847 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: East Hampshire Primacy: 1 OS Water Network Lines 66 Watercourse Form: Inland river A9SW 953 6 467087 Watercourse Length: 29.6 (SE) 102811 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: East Hampshire Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 67 Watercourse Form: Inland river A9SW 964 6 467071 Watercourse Length: 40.8 (SE) 102787 Watercourse Level: Underground Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: East Hampshire Primacy: 2 OS Water Network Lines 68 Watercourse Form: Inland river A9SW 987 6 467054 Watercourse Length: 25.4 (SE) 102750 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: East Hampshire Primacy: 2

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OS Water Network Lines 69 Watercourse Form: Inland river A19NE 992 6 467244 Watercourse Length: 13.1 (NE) 104349 Watercourse Level: Underground Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: East Hampshire Primacy: 1 OS Water Network Lines 70 Watercourse Form: Inland river A19NE 992 6 467254 Watercourse Length: 124.2 (NE) 104341 Watercourse Level: On ground surface Permanent: True Watercourse Name: Not Supplied Catchment Name: East Hampshire Primacy: 1

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Historical Landfill Sites 71 Licence Holder: Not Supplied A14SE 776 2 467335 Location: Eastern Road (E) 103579 Name: Sports Field East of Eastern Road Operator Location: Not Supplied Boundary Accuracy: As Supplied Provider Reference: EAHLD20959 First Input Date: Not Supplied Last Input Date: 31st December 1960 Specified Waste Deposited Waste included Household Waste Type: EA Waste Ref: 0 Regis Ref: Not Supplied WRC Ref: Not Supplied BGS Ref: Not Supplied Other Ref: FP036 Historical Landfill Sites 72 Licence Holder: Not Supplied A8SE 890 2 466553 Location: Hilsea, Portsmouth (S) 102707 Name: Hilsea Gasworks, refuse disposal area Operator Location: Not Supplied Boundary Accuracy: As Supplied Provider Reference: EAHLD35250 First Input Date: Not Supplied Last Input Date: Not Supplied Specified Waste Deposited Waste included Industrial Waste Type: EA Waste Ref: 0 Regis Ref: Not Supplied WRC Ref: Not Supplied BGS Ref: Not Supplied Other Ref: Not Supplied Historical Landfill Sites 73 Licence Holder: Not Supplied A9NE 984 2 467471 Location: Anchorage Park, Portsmouth (E) 103253 Name: Kendalls Quay Operator Location: Not Supplied Boundary Accuracy: As Supplied Provider Reference: EAHLD20960 First Input Date: Not Supplied Last Input Date: Not Supplied Specified Waste Deposited Waste included Unknown Material Type: EA Waste Ref: 0 Regis Ref: Not Supplied WRC Ref: Not Supplied BGS Ref: Not Supplied Other Ref: FP035 Integrated Pollution Control Registered Waste Sites 74 Name: Onyx Hampshire Ltd A8SE 733 2 466737 Location: Quartremaine Road, Copnor, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5QH (S) 102889 Authority: Environment Agency, Southern Region Permit Reference: BF9409 Dated: 29th October 1999 Process Type: IPC new application Description: 5.1 A (C) Incineration within the Waste Disposal Industry Status: Revoked - Now IPPC Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Locations) 75 Licence Number: 403323 A18SE 372 2 466584 Location: H T Hughes & Sons ( Transport) Ltd, Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, (N) 104018 Hampshire, PO3 3PJ Operator Name: Hughes John Operator Location: Not Supplied Authority: Environment Agency - South East Region, Solent & South Downs Area Site Category: Physical Treatment Facilities Licence Status: Issued Issued: 23rd May 2019 Last Modified: Not Supplied Expires: Not Supplied Suspended: Not Supplied Revoked: Not Supplied Surrendered: Not Supplied IPPC Reference: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m

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Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Locations) 76 Licence Number: 19961 A8NE 462 2 466800 Location: Land/ Premises At, Alchorne Place, Airport Ind Estate, Portsmouth, (SE) 103210 Hampshire, PO3 5QL Operator Name: European Metal Recycling Ltd Operator Location: Not Supplied Authority: Environment Agency - South East Region, Solent & South Downs Area Site Category: Metal Recycling Sites (Mixed) Licence Status: Surrendered Issued: 20th December 1991 Last Modified: Not Supplied Expires: Not Supplied Suspended: Not Supplied Revoked: Not Supplied Surrendered: 17th January 2012 IPPC Reference: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Locations) 76 Licence Number: 19967 A8NE 502 2 466830 Location: Alchorne Place, Off Quatermaine Road, Burrfield, Copnor, Portsmouth, (SE) 103181 Hampshire, PO3 5QL Operator Name: Mr Harry Lashley Operator Location: Not Supplied Authority: Environment Agency - South East Region, Solent & South Downs Area Site Category: Metal Recycling Sites (Mixed) Licence Status: Modified Issued: 1st February 1991 Last Modified: 18th April 2019 Expires: Not Supplied Suspended: Not Supplied Revoked: Not Supplied Surrendered: Not Supplied IPPC Reference: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Locations) 77 Licence Number: 19982 A18SW 478 2 466500 Location: Walkers Yard, Ackworth Road Ind Est, Hilsea, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 (N) 104130 5NS Operator Name: Walker Frederick George Mr Operator Location: Walkers Yard, Ackworth Road Ind Est, Hilsea, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5NS Authority: Environment Agency - Southern Region, Hampshire and Isle of Wight Area Office Site Category: Household, Commercial And Industrial Transfer Stations Licence Status: Issued Issued: 2nd November 1998 Last Modified: Not Supplied Expires: Not Supplied Suspended: Not Supplied Revoked: Not Supplied Surrendered: Not Supplied IPPC Reference: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Locations) 77 Licence Number: 19982 A18SW 478 2 466500 Location: Howards Yard, Ackworth Road Ind Est, Hilsea, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 (N) 104130 5NS Operator Name: Howard Glen Operator Location: Not Supplied Authority: Environment Agency - South East Region, Solent & South Downs Area Site Category: Household, Commercial And Industrial Transfer Stations Licence Status: Modified Issued: 2nd November 1998 Last Modified: 5th August 2004 Expires: Not Supplied Suspended: Not Supplied Revoked: Not Supplied Surrendered: Not Supplied IPPC Reference: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m

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Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Locations) 77 Licence Number: 10243 A18SW 493 2 466488 Location: John Hughes Recycling Yard, Ackworth Road, Hilsea, Portsmouth, (N) 104144 Hampshire, PO3 5NS Operator Name: Hughes John Operator Location: Not Supplied Authority: Environment Agency - South East Region, Solent & South Downs Area Site Category: Household, Commercial And Industrial Transfer Stations Licence Status: Modified Issued: 5th August 2004 Last Modified: 13th January 2014 Expires: Not Supplied Suspended: Not Supplied Revoked: Not Supplied Surrendered: Not Supplied IPPC Reference: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Locations) 78 Licence Number: 19969 A18SW 533 2 466450 Location: 9-10 Artillery Row Ackworth Road Ind Est, Hilsea, Portsmouth, Hampshire, (N) 104180 PO3 5HU Operator Name: C & J Bulloch Operator Location: Not Supplied Authority: Environment Agency - South East Region, Solent & South Downs Area Site Category: Metal Recycling Sites (Mixed) Licence Status: Revoked Issued: 22nd May 1992 Last Modified: Not Supplied Expires: Not Supplied Suspended: Not Supplied Revoked: Not Supplied Surrendered: Not Supplied IPPC Reference: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Locations) 79 Licence Number: 19971 A8NE 534 2 466840 Location: Land/ Premises At, Alchorne Place, Dundas Lane, Portsmouth, Hampshire, (SE) 103150 PO3 5QL Operator Name: C D Jordan & Son Ltd Operator Location: Not Supplied Authority: Environment Agency - South East Region, Solent & South Downs Area Site Category: Metal Recycling Sites (Mixed) Licence Status: Surrendered Issued: 18th August 1994 Last Modified: 11th December 2009 Expires: Not Supplied Suspended: Not Supplied Revoked: Not Supplied Surrendered: 11th June 2015 IPPC Reference: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Locations) 80 Licence Number: 19979 A8NE 616 2 466700 Location: Portsmouth Materials Recycling Facility, Quatremaine Road, Portsmouth, (S) 103000 Hampshire, PO3 5QH Operator Name: Veolia E S Hampshire Ltd Operator Location: Not Supplied Authority: Environment Agency - South East Region, Solent & South Downs Area Site Category: Physico-chemical Treatment Facilities Licence Status: Modified Issued: 2nd March 1998 Last Modified: 29th September 2005 Expires: Not Supplied Suspended: Not Supplied Revoked: Not Supplied Surrendered: Not Supplied IPPC Reference: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m

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Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Locations) 80 Licence Number: 19980 A8NE 639 2 466665 Location: Quatremaine Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5QH (S) 102969 Operator Name: Onyx Hampshire Ltd Operator Location: Not Supplied Authority: Environment Agency - South East Region, Solent & South Downs Area Site Category: Clinical Waste Transfer Stations Licence Status: Surrendered Issued: 26th August 1998 Last Modified: Not Supplied Expires: Not Supplied Suspended: Not Supplied Revoked: Not Supplied Surrendered: 28th January 2003 IPPC Reference: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Locations) 81 Licence Number: 403115 A18SW 641 2 466211 Location: Shawcross Industrial Estate, Ackworth Road, Hillsea, Portsmouth, Hampshire, (NW) 104214 PO3 5HU Operator Name: Emmerson Transport Ltd Operator Location: Not Supplied Authority: Environment Agency - South East Region, Solent & South Downs Area Site Category: Physical Treatment Facilities Licence Status: Modified Issued: 31st October 2016 Last Modified: 28th February 2017 Expires: Not Supplied Suspended: Not Supplied Revoked: Not Supplied Surrendered: Not Supplied IPPC Reference: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Locations) 82 Licence Number: 10252 A8NE 642 2 466741 Location: Integra South East E R F, Quartermaine Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 (S) 102985 5QH Operator Name: Veolia E S Hampshire Ltd Operator Location: Not Supplied Authority: Environment Agency - South East Region, Solent & South Downs Area Site Category: Household, Commercial And Industrial Transfer Stations Licence Status: Modified Issued: 3rd February 2005 Last Modified: 10th August 2011 Expires: Not Supplied Suspended: Not Supplied Revoked: Not Supplied Surrendered: Not Supplied IPPC Reference: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Locations) 82 Licence Number: 10273 A8NE 646 2 466740 Location: Integra South East E R F, Quatremaine Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 (S) 102980 5QH Operator Name: Veolia E S Hampshire Ltd Operator Location: Not Supplied Authority: Environment Agency - South East Region, Solent & South Downs Area Site Category: Incinerators Licence Status: To PPC Issued: 1st June 2004 Last Modified: Not Supplied Expires: Not Supplied Suspended: Not Supplied Revoked: Not Supplied Surrendered: Not Supplied IPPC Reference: BJ7107IJ Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m

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Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Locations) 83 Licence Number: 104080 A8SW 740 2 466372 Location: Unit D8 - D9 Voyager Park, Portfield Road, Portsmou (S) 102878 Operator Name: Bell Microsystems Ltd Operator Location: Not Supplied Authority: Environment Agency - South East Region, Solent & South Downs Area Site Category: WEEE treatment facility Licence Status: Issued Issued: 27th April 2012 Last Modified: Not Supplied Expires: Not Supplied Suspended: Not Supplied Revoked: Not Supplied Surrendered: Not Supplied IPPC Reference: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Locations) 84 Licence Number: 19977 A8SE 742 2 466740 Location: Portsmouth Glass Bays, Quatremaine Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 (S) 102880 5QH Operator Name: Onyx Hampshire Ltd Operator Location: Not Supplied Authority: Environment Agency - South East Region, Solent & South Downs Area Site Category: Physico-chemical Treatment Facilities Licence Status: Surrendered Issued: 4th November 1995 Last Modified: Not Supplied Expires: Not Supplied Suspended: Not Supplied Revoked: Not Supplied Surrendered: 28th January 2003 IPPC Reference: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Locations) 85 Licence Number: 19981 A8SE 791 2 466722 Location: Land/ Premises At, Quartermaine Road, Copnor, Portsmouth, Hampshire, (S) 102825 PO3 5QH Operator Name: T J Waste & Recycling Ltd Operator Location: Not Supplied Authority: Environment Agency - South East Region, Solent & South Downs Area Site Category: Household, Commercial And Industrial Transfer Stations Licence Status: Modified Issued: 16th October 1997 Last Modified: 6th August 2019 Expires: Not Supplied Suspended: Not Supplied Revoked: Not Supplied Surrendered: Not Supplied IPPC Reference: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Locations) 86 Licence Number: 19965 A8SE 897 2 466684 Location: Dundas Spur, Dundas Lane, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5NX (S) 102710 Operator Name: C D Jordan & Son Limited Operator Location: Not Supplied Authority: Environment Agency - South East Region, Solent & South Downs Area Site Category: Metal Recycling Sites (Mixed) Licence Status: Modified Issued: 27th February 1991 Last Modified: 13th March 2017 Expires: Not Supplied Suspended: Not Supplied Revoked: Not Supplied Surrendered: Not Supplied IPPC Reference: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m

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Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Locations) 87 Licence Number: 19978 A8SE 909 2 466820 Location: Dundas Spur, Dundas Lane, Portsmouth, Hampshire (S) 102730 Operator Name: General Rubber Co Ltd Operator Location: Not Supplied Authority: Environment Agency - South East Region, Solent & South Downs Area Site Category: Physical Treatment Facilities Licence Status: Expired Issued: 6th September 1994 Last Modified: Not Supplied Expires: 14th September 1999 Suspended: Not Supplied Revoked: Not Supplied Surrendered: Not Supplied IPPC Reference: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Locations) 88 Licence Number: 100178 A8SE 949 2 466700 Location: Unit 6, Dundas Spur, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5NX (S) 102660 Operator Name: Bell Micro Systems Ltd Operator Location: Not Supplied Authority: Environment Agency - South East Region, Solent & South Downs Area Site Category: Physical Treatment Facilities Licence Status: Surrendered Issued: 16th November 2007 Last Modified: Not Supplied Expires: Not Supplied Suspended: Not Supplied Revoked: Not Supplied Surrendered: 22nd June 2012 IPPC Reference: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Locations) 88 Licence Number: 19962 A8SE 977 2 466690 Location: Dundas Spur, Dundas Lane, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5NX (S) 102630 Operator Name: C D Jordan & Son Ltd Operator Location: Not Supplied Authority: Environment Agency - South East Region, Solent & South Downs Area Site Category: Metal Recycling Sites (Mixed) Licence Status: Surrendered Issued: 17th February 1991 Last Modified: Not Supplied Expires: Not Supplied Suspended: Not Supplied Revoked: Not Supplied Surrendered: 19th April 2001 IPPC Reference: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Locations) 89 Licence Number: 10258 A3NW 989 2 466490 Location: 1600 Portfield Road, Copnor, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5RW (S) 102610 Operator Name: Seek-it Limited Operator Location: Not Supplied Authority: Environment Agency - South East Region, Solent & South Downs Area Site Category: Material Recycling Treatment Facilities Licence Status: Expired Issued: 13th April 2005 Last Modified: Not Supplied Expires: Not Supplied Suspended: Not Supplied Revoked: Not Supplied Surrendered: Not Supplied IPPC Reference: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Local Authority Landfill Coverage Name: Portsmouth City Unitary Council 0 3 466532 - Has not been able to supply Landfill data 103624

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Registered Waste Transfer Sites 90 Licence Holder: F G Walker t/a Walkers A18SW 478 2 466500 Licence Reference: PT 058 (N) 104130 Site Location: Venture Industry Park, Ackworth Road, Hilsea, PORTSMOUTH, Hampshire, PO3 5NS Operator Location: As Site Address Authority: Environment Agency - Southern Region, Hampshire Area Site Category: Transfer Max Input Rate: Small (Equal to or greater than 10,000 and less than 25,000 tonnes per year) Waste Source No known restriction on source of waste Restrictions: Licence Status: Operational as far as is knownOperational Dated: 2nd November 1998 Preceded By Not Given Licence: Superseded By Not Given Licence: Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Boundary Quality: Not Supplied Authorised Waste Hants Cat.A - Inert/Biol'Y Stable W. Hants Cat.B - Com.Ind.Waste Non-Haz. Max.Storage In Licence Max.Waste Permitted By Licence Prohibited Waste Biodegradable Waste Food Waste Spec.Waste (Epa'90:S62/1996 Regs) Vegetable Matter Waste N.O.S. Registered Waste Transfer Sites 91 Licence Holder: Onyx Hampshire Ltd A8NE 639 2 466670 Licence Reference: PT 056A (S) 102970 Site Location: Former Portsmouth Incinerator, Quartremaine Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire Operator Location: Otterbourne Incinerator, Poles Lane, Otterbourne, WINCHESTER, Hampshire, SO21 2EA Authority: Environment Agency - Southern Region, Hampshire Area Site Category: Transfer Max Input Rate: Very Small (Less than 10,000 tonnes per year) Waste Source No known restriction on source of waste Restrictions: Licence Status: Operational as far as is knownOperational Dated: 1st October 1997 Preceded By Not Given Licence: Superseded By Not Given Licence: Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Boundary Quality: Not Supplied Authorised Waste Clin.Waste Grps Aa,B,C,B,C,D,E Max.Storage In Licence Prohibited Waste Waste N.O.S. Registered Waste Transfer Sites 92 Licence Holder: A & J Bull (Solent) Ltd A8SE 786 2 466720 Licence Reference: PT 057 (S) 102830 Site Location: Quartremaine Road, Copnor, Portsmouth, Hampshire Operator Location: Toronto Place, Morelands Road, GOSPORT, Hampshire, PO12 4UU Authority: Environment Agency - Southern Region, Hampshire Area Site Category: Transfer Max Input Rate: Large (Equal to or greater than 75,000 and less than 250,000 tonnes per year) Waste Source No known restriction on source of waste Restrictions: Licence Status: Operational as far as is knownOperational Dated: 16th October 1997 Preceded By Not Given Licence: Superseded By Not Given Licence: Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Boundary Quality: Not Supplied Authorised Waste Hants Cat.A - Inert/Biol'Y Stable W. Hants Cat.B - Com.Ind.Waste Non-Haz. Hants Cat.C - Household Waste Hants Cat.D1 - Difficult Waste Solid Max.Storage In Licence Scrap Metal Prohibited Waste Liquid/Slurry/Sludge Wastes

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Registered Waste Treatment or Disposal Sites 93 Licence Holder: Cliftongrade Ltd A8NE 462 2 466800 Licence Reference: 12/ 9A (SE) 103210 Site Location: Land At Alchorne Place, Airport Industrial Estate, Portsmouth, Hampshire Operator Location: Pendower House, Northumberland Road, SOUTHSEA, Hampshire, PO5 1DS Authority: Environment Agency - Southern Region, Hampshire Area Site Category: Scrapyard Max Input Rate: Small (Equal to or greater than 10,000 and less than 25,000 tonnes per year) Waste Source No known restriction on source of waste Restrictions: Licence Status: Site dormant Dated: 20th November 1990 Preceded By Not Given Licence: Superseded By Not Given Licence: Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Boundary Quality: Not Supplied Authorised Waste Scrap Metal -As In S.M.Dealers Act '64 Prohibited Waste Biodegradable Waste Drums > 5 L Cap'Y Food Liquid/Sludges (Except Sao In Permit.W Paper/Cardboard/Packaging Phenols Or Mat'Ls Containing Them Poisonous, Noxious, Polluting Wastes Rubble -Prems Use Toxic/Water Sol.Chem Special Wastes Vegetable Matter Registered Waste Treatment or Disposal Sites 94 Licence Holder: G.M. Services A18SW 514 2 466282 Licence Reference: PT 041 (NW) 104108 Site Location: Unit 32 Venture Way, Venture Industrial Park, Hilsea, Portsmouth, Hampshire Operator Location: As Site Address Authority: Environment Agency - Southern Region, Hampshire Area Site Category: Recycling / Reclamation Max Input Rate: Undefined Waste Source No known restriction on source of waste Restrictions: Licence Status: Licence lapsed/cancelled/defunct/not applicable/surrenderedCancelled Dated: 1st January 1994 Preceded By Not Given Licence: Superseded By Not Given Licence: Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned within the geographical locality Boundary Quality: Not Supplied Authorised Waste Cardboard Plastic For Recycling Prohibited Waste Food Waste Liquid/Slurry/Sludge Wastes Other Rapidly Biodegradable Waste Special Wastes Vegetables Waste N.O.S.

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Registered Waste Treatment or Disposal Sites 95 Licence Holder: C & J Bulloch A18SW 533 2 466450 Licence Reference: 12/ 19 (N) 104180 Site Location: 9-10 Artillery Row, Ackworth Road Industrial Estate, Hilsea, PORTSMOUTH, Hampshire, PO3 5HU Operator Location: 9-10 Scott Road, Venture Industry Park, Hilsea, Portsmouth, Hampshire Authority: Environment Agency - Southern Region, Hampshire Area Site Category: Scrapyard Max Input Rate: Very Small (Less than 10,000 tonnes per year) Waste Source No known restriction on source of waste Restrictions: Licence Status: Operational as far as is knownOperational Dated: 22nd November 1990 Preceded By Not Given Licence: Superseded By Not Given Licence: Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Boundary Quality: Not Supplied Authorised Waste Scrap Metal -As In S.M.Dealers Act '64 Prohibited Waste Biodegradable Waste Drums > 5 L Cap'Y Food Liquid/Sludges (Except Sao In Permit.W Paper/Cardboard/Packaging Phenols Or Mat'Ls Containing Them Poisonous, Noxious, Polluting Wastes Rubble -Prems Use Toxic/Water Sol.Chem Special Wastes Vegetable Matter Registered Waste Treatment or Disposal Sites 96 Licence Holder: J.B. Metals A8NE 534 2 466840 Licence Reference: 12/ 22A (SE) 103150 Site Location: Hercules Works, Alchorne Place, Dundas Lane, Portsmouth, Hampshire Operator Location: As Site Address Authority: Environment Agency - Southern Region, Hampshire Area Site Category: Scrapyard Max Input Rate: Very Small (Less than 10,000 tonnes per year) Waste Source No known restriction on source of waste Restrictions: Licence Status: Operational as far as is knownOperational Dated: 1st October 1990 Preceded By Not Given Licence: Superseded By Not Given Licence: Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Boundary Quality: Not Supplied Authorised Waste Scrap Metal (As In 1964 Act) Prohibited Waste Biodegradable Mat'Ls Drums -Unless Empty Or Cont'S Conform Food Waste Liquid/Sludge Wastes -Except As Above Paper/Cardboard/Packaging Waste Phenols/Mat'L Containing Phenol Poisonous, Noxious, Polluting Wastes Potentially Haz. Or Polluting Waste Special Wastes - Except As Above Vegetable Matter Waste Ex Prems.Of Toxic/Water Sol.Chem Environment Agency Assoc. Asbestos must give specific authorisation for this waste to be acceptedWaste requires prior approval Assoc. Battery Acids Assoc. Drainings From Rad'Rs & Transf' Assoc. High Hazard Mat'Ls Assoc. Mineral Engine Oils Assoc. Solid/Liquid Residues

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Registered Waste Treatment or Disposal Sites 97 Licence Holder: Onyx Hampshire Ltd A8NE 650 2 466780 Licence Reference: PT 055 (S) 102990 Site Location: Portsmouth M.R.F., Quartremaine Road, PORTSMOUTH, Hampshire, PO3 5QH Operator Location: Poles Lane, Otterbourne, WINCHESTER, Hampshire, SO21 2EA Authority: Environment Agency - Southern Region, Hampshire Area Site Category: Recycling / Reclamation Max Input Rate: Small (Equal to or greater than 10,000 and less than 25,000 tonnes per year) Waste Source No known restriction on source of waste Restrictions: Licence Status: Operational as far as is knownOperational Dated: 2nd March 1998 Preceded By Not Given Licence: Superseded By Not Given Licence: Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Boundary Quality: Not Supplied Authorised Waste Hants Cat.A - Inert/Biol'Y Stable W. Hants Cat.B - Com.Ind.Waste Non-Haz. Hants Cat.C - Household Waste Max.Input Com./Ind.Waste Max.Input Glass Waste Max.Input Green Waste Max.Input Scrap Metal Max.Input Soil/Concrete/Brick/Rubble Max.Storage In Licence Max.Waste Permitted By Lic. Comprising Prohibited Waste Clinical - As In Control.Waste Regs'92 Waste N.O.S. Registered Waste Treatment or Disposal Sites 98 Licence Holder: Portsmouth City Council A8SE 713 2 466700 Licence Reference: PT 031 (S) 102900 Site Location: Portsmouth Incinerator Site, Quartremaine Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire Operator Location: Civic Offices, Guildhall Square, PORTSMOUTH, Hampshire, PO1 2AS Authority: Environment Agency - Southern Region, Hampshire Area Site Category: Composting Max Input Rate: Medium (Equal to or greater than 25,000 and less than 75,000 tonnes per year) Waste Source No known restriction on source of waste Restrictions: Licence Status: Licence has completion certificateSurrendered Dated: 1st May 1993 Preceded By Not Given Licence: Superseded By Not Given Licence: Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Boundary Quality: Not Supplied Authorised Waste Garden/Hedge/Tree/Grass Cuttings Prohibited Waste Food/Veg.Matter Liquid/Slurry/Sludge Wastes Paper/Cardboard/Packaging Special Wastes Waste N.O.S. Registered Waste Treatment or Disposal Sites 98 Licence Holder: Hampshire C.C. A8SE 713 2 466700 Licence Reference: 12/ 10 ? (S) 102900 Site Location: Incinerator at Quartremaine Road, Hilsea, PORTSMOUTH, Hampshire, PO3 5QH Operator Location: The Castle, Winchester, Hampshire Authority: Environment Agency - Southern Region, Hampshire Area Site Category: Incineration Max Input Rate: Undefined Waste Source No known restriction on source of waste Restrictions: Licence Status: Licence lapsed/cancelled/defunct/not applicable/surrenderedCancelled Dated: 18th May 1977 Preceded By Not Given Licence: Superseded By Not Given Licence: Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Boundary Quality: Not Supplied Authorised Waste Household + Commercial Waste Ind. Non-Haz. Potentially Combustible Medical, Surgical, Veterinary Wastes

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Registered Waste Treatment or Disposal Sites 98 Licence Holder: Onyx Hampshire Ltd A8SE 742 2 466740 Licence Reference: PT 044A (S) 102880 Site Location: Former Portsmouth Incinerator (Glass Bay, Quartremaine Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire Operator Location: Otterbourne Incinerator, Poles Lane, Otterbourne, WINCHESTER, Hampshire, SO21 2EA Authority: Environment Agency - Southern Region, Hampshire Area Site Category: Recycling / Reclamation Max Input Rate: Very Small (Less than 10,000 tonnes per year) Waste Source No known restriction on source of waste Restrictions: Licence Status: Operational as far as is knownOperational Dated: 1st April 1994 Preceded By Not Given Licence: Superseded By Not Given Licence: Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Boundary Quality: Not Supplied Authorised Waste Aluminium & Steel Cans Glass Max.Waste Permitted By Licence Paper Plastics Prohibited Waste Liquid/Slurry/Sludge Wastes Special Wastes Waste N.O.S. Registered Waste Treatment or Disposal Sites 99 Licence Holder: C D Jordan & Son Ltd A8SE 900 2 466700 Licence Reference: 12/ 14A (S) 102710 Site Location: Dundas Spur (Jordans 3), Dundas Lane, Copnor, PORTSMOUTH, Hampshire, PO3 5NY Operator Location: As Site Address Authority: Environment Agency - Southern Region, Hampshire Area Site Category: Scrapyard Max Input Rate: Small (Equal to or greater than 10,000 and less than 25,000 tonnes per year) Waste Source No known restriction on source of waste Restrictions: Licence Status: Operational as far as is knownOperational Dated: 1st February 1990 Preceded By Not Given Licence: Superseded By Not Given Licence: Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Boundary Quality: Not Supplied Authorised Waste Scrap Metal (As In 1964 Act) Prohibited Waste Biodegradable Mat'Ls Drums -Unless Empty Or Cont'S Conform Food Waste Liquid/Sludge Wastes -Except As Above Paper/Cardboard/Packaging Waste Phenols/Mat'L Containing Phenol Poisonous, Noxious, Polluting Wastes Potentially Haz. Or Polluting Waste Special Wastes - Except As Above Vegetable Matter Waste Ex Prems.Of Toxic/Water Sol.Chem Environment Agency Assoc. Asbestos must give specific authorisation for this waste to be acceptedWaste requires prior approval Assoc. Battery Acids Assoc. Drainings From Rad'Rs & Transf' Assoc. High Hazard Mat'Ls Assoc. Mineral Engine Oils Assoc. Solid/Liquid Residues

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Registered Waste Treatment or Disposal Sites 99 Licence Holder: C D Jordan & Son Ltd A8SE 939 2 466700 Licence Reference: 12/ 11A (S) 102670 Site Location: Dundas Spur (Jordans), Dundas Lane, Copnor, PORTSMOUTH, Hampshire, PO3 5NY Operator Location: As Site Address Authority: Environment Agency - Southern Region, Hampshire Area Site Category: Scrapyard Max Input Rate: Very Small (Less than 10,000 tonnes per year) Waste Source No known restriction on source of waste Restrictions: Licence Status: Licence has completion certificateSurrendered Dated: 17th February 1991 Preceded By Not Given Licence: Superseded By Not Given Licence: Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Boundary Quality: Not Supplied Authorised Waste Scrap Metal (As In 1964 Act) Prohibited Waste Biodegradable Mat'Ls Drums -Unless Empty Or Cont'S Conform Food Waste Liquid/Sludge Wastes -Except As Above Paper/Cardboard/Packaging Waste Phenols/Mat'L Containing Phenol Poisonous, Noxious, Polluting Wastes Potentially Haz. Or Polluting Waste Special Wastes - Except As Above Vegetable Matter Waste Ex Prems.Of Toxic/Water Sol.Chem Environment Agency Assoc. Asbestos must give specific authorisation for this waste to be acceptedWaste requires prior approval Assoc. Battery Acids Assoc. Drainings From Rad'Rs & Transf' Assoc. High Hazard Mat'Ls Assoc. Mineral Engine Oils Assoc. Solid/Liquid Residues Registered Waste Treatment or Disposal Sites 99 Licence Holder: General Rubber Co Ltd A8SE 976 2 466739 Licence Reference: PT 045 (S) 102640 Site Location: Dundas Spur (General Rubber Co), Dundas Lane, Copnor, PORTSMOUTH, Hampshire, PO3 5NY Operator Location: c/o Fleet House, Bosham Hoe, CHICHESTER, West Sussex, PO18 8ES Authority: Environment Agency - Southern Region, Hampshire Area Site Category: Treatment Max Input Rate: Small (Equal to or greater than 10,000 and less than 25,000 tonnes per year) Waste Source No known restriction on source of waste Restrictions: Licence Status: Licence lapsed/cancelled/defunct/not applicable/surrenderedCancelled Dated: 6th September 1994 Preceded By Not Given Licence: Superseded By Not Given Licence: Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Boundary Quality: Not Supplied Authorised Waste Max.Storage In Licence Max.Waste Permitted By Licence Rubber (Including Rubber Veh. Tyres) Prohibited Waste Food Waste Liquid/Slurry/Sludge Wastes Vegetable Matter Waste Contain.High Lev-Rapidly Biodeg Waste N.O.S.

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Control of Major Accident Hazards Sites (COMAH) 100 Name: R S Hill & Sons A13NW 372 7 466226 Location: Limberline Industrial Estate, Hilsea, PORTSMOUTH, Hampshire, P03 5 (NW) 103882 Reference: Not Supplied Type: Lower Tier Status: Record Ceased To Be Supplied Under COMAH Regulations Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Control of Major Accident Hazards Sites (COMAH) 101 Name: Grp Materials Supplies Ltd A8NE 527 7 466737 Location: Alchorne Place, Portsmouth, PO3 5QU (S) 103105 Reference: Not Supplied Type: Lower Tier Status: Record Ceased To Be Supplied Under COMAH Regulations Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Control of Major Accident Hazards Sites (COMAH) 102 Name: Transco Plc A8NW 672 7 466349 Location: Airport Service Road, Hilsea, PORTSMOUTH, Hampshire, PO3 5HA (S) 102955 Reference: Not Supplied Type: Lower Tier Status: Record Ceased To Be Supplied Under COMAH Regulations Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Explosive Sites 103 Name: Portsmouth/Portsmouth Aviation Ltd A9NW 778 7 467056 Location: The Airport, PORTSMOUTH, Hants, PO3 5PF (SE) 103008 Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Notification of Installations Handling Hazardous Substances (NIHHS) 104 Name: R S Hill & Sons (A G & W R Hill T/A) A13NW 369 7 466226 Location: Limberline Industrial Estate, Hilsea, PORTSMOUTH, Hampshire, P03 5 (NW) 103877 Status: Not Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Notification of Installations Handling Hazardous Substances (NIHHS) 105 Name: Grp Materials Supplies Ltd. A8NE 532 7 466737 Location: Alchorne Place, Burrfields, PORTSMOUTH, Hampshire, PO3 5QU (S) 103100 Status: Not Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Notification of Installations Handling Hazardous Substances (NIHHS) 106 Name: British Gas TransCo A8NW 677 7 466349 Location: Airport Service Road, Hilsea, PORTSMOUTH, Hampshire, PO3 5HA (S) 102950 Status: Not Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Planning Hazardous Substance Consents 107 Name: R S Hill & Son A18SW 489 8 466459 Location: Ackworth Road, Venture Industrial Park, Portsmouth, Hampshire, Po3 5ns (N) 104137 Authority: Portsmouth City Council, Planning Office Application Ref: 33510/Hz1 Hazardous Part C, Flammable Substance (Not in Parts A&B), Gas or gases flammable in Substance: air, when held as a gas, where amount held is >= 15tonnes Maximum Quantity: 120 Application date: 6th August 1992 Decision: Deemed consent granted between June 1992 and November 1992Granted Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Planning Hazardous Substance Consents 108 Name: Calor Gas Ltd A8NW 631 8 466321 Location: Unit 3d Voyager Park, North Portfield Road, Portsmouth, Po3 5fx (S) 103008 Authority: Portsmouth City Council, Planning Office Application Ref: 11/01073/HAZ Hazardous Liquefied extremely flammable gas (including LPG) and natural gas (whether Substance: liquefied or not) Maximum Quantity: 100 Application date: 27th October 2011 Decision: Unknown at time of reportUnknown Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location

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Planning Hazardous Substance Consents 109 Name: British Gas Plc A8SW 875 8 466450 Location: Portfield Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, Po3 5ha (S) 102728 Authority: Portsmouth City Council, Planning Office Application Ref: A*33725/HZ1 Hazardous Liquefied extremely flammable gas (including LPG) and natural gas (whether Substance: liquefied or not) Maximum Quantity: 194 Application date: 28th October 1992 Decision: Deemed Consent GrantedGranted Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned within the geographical locality

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BGS 1:625,000 Solid Geology Description: White Chalk Subgroup A13SW 0 1 466532 (E) 103624 Coal Mining Affected Areas In an area that might not be affected by coal mining Non Coal Mining Areas of Great Britain No Hazard Potential for Collapsible Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Low A13SW 0 1 466532 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (E) 103624 Potential for Collapsible Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Very Low A13SW 221 1 466462 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (S) 103393 Potential for Compressible Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: No Hazard A13SW 0 1 466532 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (E) 103624 Potential for Ground Dissolution Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Very Low A13SW 0 1 466532 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (E) 103624 Potential for Landslide Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Very Low A13SW 0 1 466532 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (E) 103624 Potential for Running Sand Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Low A13SW 0 1 466532 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (E) 103624 Potential for Running Sand Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Very Low A13SW 221 1 466462 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (S) 103393 Potential for Shrinking or Swelling Clay Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Low A13SW 0 1 466532 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (E) 103624 Potential for Shrinking or Swelling Clay Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: No Hazard A13SW 221 1 466462 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (S) 103393 Radon Potential - Radon Affected Areas Affected Area: The property is in a Lower probability radon area (less than 1% of homes are A13SW 0 1 466532 estimated to be at or above the Action Level). (E) 103624 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service Radon Potential - Radon Protection Measures Protection Measure: No radon protective measures are necessary in the construction of new A13SW 0 1 466532 dwellings or extensions (E) 103624 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service

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Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 110 Name: Mcmurdo A13NW 44 - 466474 Location: Silver Point, Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5PB (NW) 103657 Classification: Marine Electrical & Electronic Equipment Manufacturers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 111 Name: Cromwell Industrial Tools A13SE 65 - 466569 Location: 15, The Admiral Park, Williams Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5NJ (S) 103535 Classification: Engineering Materials Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 111 Name: Screwfix A13SE 83 - 466563 Location: Unit 14, The Admiral Park, Williams Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5NJ (S) 103515 Classification: Builders' Merchants Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 112 Name: Daniamant A13SW 84 - 466501 Location: Unit 3, The Admiral Park, Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5RQ (S) 103526 Classification: Marine Engineering Equipment Manufacturers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 112 Name: Kite Packaging A13SW 89 - 466482 Location: Unit 1-2, The Admiral Park, Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5RQ (SW) 103527 Classification: Packaging Materials Manufacturers & Suppliers Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 112 Name: Cloke Menswear Ltd A13SW 101 - 466501 Location: Unit 12, The Admiral Park, Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5RQ (S) 103507 Classification: Clothing & Fabrics - Manufacturers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 113 Name: Tint Technique A13SW 116 - 466435 Location: Unit 8, The Admiral Park, Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 (SW) 103521 5RQ Classification: Window Tinting Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 113 Name: Print House A13SW 118 - 466427 Location: Unit 7, The Admiral Park, Airport Service Road, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5RQ (SW) 103524 Classification: Printers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 113 Name: Parts Centre A13SW 120 - 466416 Location: Units 5-6,Admirals Business Park, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5RQ (SW) 103532 Classification: Refrigeration Equipment Manufacturers & Distributors Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 113 Name: Parts Center A13SW 121 - 466418 Location: Unit 5-6, The Admiral Park, Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5RQ (SW) 103527 Classification: Central Heating Supplies & Equipment Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 113 Name: Knowlton & Newman Ltd A13SW 121 - 466418 Location: Unit 5/6, The Admiral Park, Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5RQ (SW) 103527 Classification: Electric Motor Sales & Service Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address

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Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 114 Name: B A E Systems A13NE 139 - 466588 Location: Broad Oak Works, Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5PQ (N) 103774 Classification: Electronic Engineers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 114 Name: Rolls-Royce A13NE 142 - 466589 Location: Broad Oak Works, Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5PB (N) 103776 Classification: Marine Electrical Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 115 Name: Fraser Freight A13SE 166 - 466663 Location: Unit 1, Quadra Point, Sharps Close, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5PL (SE) 103477 Classification: Freight Forwarders Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 115 Name: A-Line Design A13SE 191 - 466658 Location: Unit 2,Challenge Enterprise Centre,Sharps Close, Portsmouth, Hampshire, (SE) 103440 PO3 5RJ Classification: Printers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 116 Name: Ats Euromaster Ltd A13SE 190 - 466612 Location: Sharps Close, Portsmouth, PO3 5PS (S) 103417 Classification: Tyre Dealers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 116 Name: Ats Euromaster Ltd A13SE 190 - 466612 Location: Sharps Close, Portsmouth, PO3 5PS (S) 103417 Classification: Tyre Dealers Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 116 Name: C F E Ltd A13SE 209 - 466650 Location: Unit 3 Challenge Enterprise Centre,Sharps Close, Portsmouth, Hampshire, (SE) 103414 PO3 5RJ Classification: Boilers - Servicing, Replacements & Repairs Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 116 Name: Harford Specialised Services Ltd A13SE 210 - 466654 Location: 5, Challenge Enterprise Centre, Sharps Close, Portsmouth, PO3 5RJ (SE) 103416 Classification: Damp & Dry Rot Control Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 116 Name: Legg A13SE 210 - 466654 Location: 1, Challenge Enterprise Centre, Sharps Close, Portsmouth, PO3 5RJ (SE) 103416 Classification: Painting & Decorating Supplies Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 116 Name: T Ford A13SE 218 - 466593 Location: 25, Challenge Enterprise Centre, Sharps Close, Portsmouth, PO3 5RJ (S) 103384 Classification: Commercial Vehicle Dealers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 116 Name: R & M Marine A13SE 218 - 466593 Location: 21, Challenge Enterprise Centre, Sharps Close, Portsmouth, PO3 5RJ (S) 103384 Classification: Marine Engineers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address

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Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 116 Name: Thousand Hills Ltd A13SE 231 - 466624 Location: 19, Challenge Enterprise Centre, Sharps Close, Portsmouth, PO3 5RJ (S) 103379 Classification: Food Products - Manufacturers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 116 Name: Fulcrum Manufacturing Ltd A13SE 231 - 466624 Location: 19, Challenge Enterprise Centre, Sharps Close, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 (S) 103379 5RJ Classification: Precision Engineers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 117 Name: Covers A13NW 226 - 466281 Location: 110, Norway Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5FT (W) 103647 Classification: Builders' Merchants Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 118 Name: S I G Technical Insulation A13SE 266 - 466728 Location: Unit 2 Quadra,Sharps Close, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5PS (SE) 103401 Classification: Insulation Materials Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned within the geographical locality Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 118 Name: Belgrade Insulations Ltd A13SE 287 - 466718 Location: Unit 3 Merlin Park,Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5FU (SE) 103366 Classification: Insulation Materials Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 119 Name: Astrium Ltd A13NE 284 - 466782 Location: Anchorage Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5PU (NE) 103807 Classification: Radio Communication Equipment Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 120 Name: The Hgv Centre A13SE 284 - 466589 Location: Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5PD (S) 103316 Classification: Commercial Vehicle Servicing, Repairs, Parts & Accessories Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 120 Name: T P G Maritime Ltd A13SE 306 - 466557 Location: Dolphin House, Merlin Park, Williams Road, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5FP (S) 103291 Classification: Engineers - General Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 121 Name: Rapid Industrial Gases Ltd A13NW 300 - 466285 Location: Unit G Limberline Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5JF (NW) 103839 Classification: Gas Suppliers Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 122 Name: Limberline Spur A13NW 308 - 466400 Location: Cargo Centre, Ackworth Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5JT (NW) 103936 Classification: Freight Forwarders Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 122 Name: Condore Logistics A13NW 308 - 466399 Location: Cargo Centre,Ackworth Rd, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5JT (NW) 103936 Classification: Freight Forwarders Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location

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Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 122 Name: Condor Logistics A13NW 309 - 466399 Location: Cargo Centre, Ackworth Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5JT (NW) 103937 Classification: Freight Forwarders Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 122 Name: Walkers A13NW 309 - 466399 Location: Cargo Centre, Ackworth Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5JT (NW) 103937 Classification: Road Haulage Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 122 Name: Jersey Produce Transportation A13NW 309 - 466399 Location: Cargo Centre, Ackworth Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5JT (NW) 103937 Classification: Road Haulage Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 122 Name: Condor Logestics A13NW 309 - 466399 Location: Cargo Centre, Ackworth Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5JT (NW) 103937 Classification: Freight Forwarders Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 123 Name: Hampshire Signs & Plastics Ltd A13SE 310 - 466814 Location: 4, Mitchell Way, Portsmouth, PO3 5PR (SE) 103436 Classification: Machine Shops Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 124 Name: Appaloosa Cleaning Services A14NW 319 - 466877 Location: 8, Burcote Drive, Portsmouth, PO3 5UD (E) 103669 Classification: Carpet, Curtain & Upholstery Cleaners Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 125 Name: Scott Cables A13SE 322 - 466789 Location: Unit 7 Merlin Park,Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5FU (SE) 103382 Classification: Cable & Wire Equipment Manufacturers Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 125 Name: Goodman Industries Ltd A13SE 367 - 466824 Location: 2-3, Mitchell Way, Portsmouth, PO3 5PR (SE) 103355 Classification: Electronic Equipment - Manufacturers & Assemblers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 126 Name: Steve Porter Transport Group A18SW 334 - 466463 Location: Ackworth Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5JT (N) 103981 Classification: Freight Forwarders Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 127 Name: M G S Laboratories A13SE 341 - 466708 Location: Unit 2, Merlin Park, Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5FU (SE) 103296 Classification: Laboratories Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 128 Name: Evans Halshaw A13NW 343 - 466198 Location: Norway Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5HT (NW) 103773 Classification: Car Dealers Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 128 Name: Victory Vauxhall A13NW 343 - 466198 Location: Norway Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5HT (NW) 103773 Classification: Car Dealers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address

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Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 128 Name: Evans Halshaw Vauxhall A12NE 350 - 466193 Location: Norway Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5HT (NW) 103780 Classification: Car Dealers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 128 Name: Victory Vauxhall A12NE 350 - 466193 Location: Norway Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5HT (NW) 103780 Classification: Car Dealers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 128 Name: Evans Halshaw A12NE 350 - 466193 Location: Norway Road, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5HT (NW) 103780 Classification: Car Dealers - Used Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 129 Name: Hgv Centre A13SE 349 - 466761 Location: The Hgv Centre, Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5PR (SE) 103320 Classification: Commercial Vehicle Servicing, Repairs, Parts & Accessories Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 130 Name: Design In Mind (Uk) Ltd A13NW 350 - 466230 Location: Charlton House, Limberline Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5JF (NW) 103850 Classification: Fireplaces & Mantelpieces Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 130 Name: Tuco Developments A13NW 350 - 466230 Location: Charlton House, Limberline Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5JF (NW) 103850 Classification: Engineers - General Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 130 Name: Inter-Nation Express Ltd A13NW 358 - 466240 Location: Applied Ho,Limberline Rd, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5JF (NW) 103876 Classification: Freight Forwarders Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 130 Name: Steve Porter A13NW 363 - 466236 Location: Hilsea Business Park,Limberline Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5JG (NW) 103880 Classification: Road Haulage Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 130 Name: Portsmouth Commercial Services Ltd A13NW 372 - 466210 Location: Limberline Road, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5JF (NW) 103859 Classification: Commercial Vehicle Servicing, Repairs, Parts & Accessories Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 130 Name: Factor O Ltd A13NW 372 - 466210 Location: Limberline Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5JF (NW) 103859 Classification: Glass Fibre Moulding, Materials & Manufacturers Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 130 Name: Freight Transfer Ltd A13NW 376 - 466210 Location: Unit E, Limberline Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5JF (NW) 103866 Classification: Road Haulage Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned in the proximity of the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 130 Name: The Diverse Cleaning Company South Ltd A13NW 380 - 466220 Location: Unit 1,Limberline Road, Hilsea, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5BU (NW) 103887 Classification: Commercial Cleaning Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location

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Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 130 Name: E T A - Connect Ltd A13NW 382 - 466218 Location: Hilsea Industrial Estate,Limberline Spur, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5JW (NW) 103887 Classification: Marine Engineering Equipment Manufacturers Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned within the geographical locality Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 130 Name: Fasttrack Logistics A13NW 402 - 466198 Location: Limberline Rd, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5JF (NW) 103894 Classification: Distribution Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 130 Name: L & V Verrecchia & Sons Ltd A12NE 407 - 466166 Location: Limberline Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5JF (NW) 103855 Classification: Ice Cream Manufacturers & Suppliers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 131 Name: Solent Semiconductor Services Ltd A13SE 360 - 466856 Location: 6, Mitchell Way, Portsmouth, PO3 5PR (SE) 103410 Classification: Machinery - Industrial & Commercial Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 131 Name: Suisse Autoturn Ltd A14SW 375 - 466874 Location: 7, Mitchell Way, Portsmouth, PO3 5PR (SE) 103410 Classification: Precision Engineers Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 131 Name: Leading Windows A14SW 376 - 466870 Location: 7, Mitchell Way, Portsmouth, PO3 5PR (SE) 103403 Classification: Aluminium Fabricators Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 131 Name: Classic Foods A14SW 392 - 466886 Location: 8, Mitchell Way, Portsmouth, PO3 5PR (SE) 103397 Classification: Food Products - Manufacturers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 131 Name: Sig Omnico A14SW 392 - 466886 Location: 8, Mitchell Way, Portsmouth, PO3 5PR (SE) 103397 Classification: Cladding Suppliers & Installers Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 131 Name: Barnes Engineering A14SW 429 - 466912 Location: 10, Mitchell Way, Portsmouth, PO3 5PR (SE) 103369 Classification: Precision Engineers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 131 Name: Barnes Engineering A14SW 429 - 466912 Location: 10, Mitchell Way, Portsmouth, PO3 5PR (SE) 103369 Classification: Engineering Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 132 Name: Penta Precision A8NE 367 - 466552 Location: Aspen House, Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5RA (S) 103230 Classification: Precision Engineers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 132 Name: C J S Portsmouth Ltd A8NE 367 - 466552 Location: Aspen House, Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5RA (S) 103230 Classification: Cleaning Materials & Equipment Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address

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Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 132 Name: Rentokil Pest Control A8NE 367 - 466552 Location: Aspen House, Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5RA (S) 103230 Classification: Pest & Vermin Control Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 132 Name: Rentokil Property Care A8NE 367 - 466552 Location: Aspen House, Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5RA (S) 103230 Classification: Damp & Dry Rot Control Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 132 Name: B & G Martin Bros A8NE 400 - 466587 Location: Quartremaine Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5QG (S) 103199 Classification: Commercial Vehicle Dealers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 132 Name: B & G Martin Bros Ltd A8NE 400 - 466587 Location: Quartremaine Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5QG (S) 103199 Classification: Commercial Vehicle Servicing, Repairs, Parts & Accessories Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 132 Name: Sparks Commercials A8NE 400 - 466587 Location: Quartremaine Road, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5QG (S) 103199 Classification: Commercial Vehicle Servicing, Repairs, Parts & Accessories Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 133 Name: Wheel A & E A12NE 391 - 466137 Location: Norway Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5HT (W) 103748 Classification: Garage Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 133 Name: Holbrooks Printers Ltd A12NE 401 - 466139 Location: Norway Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5HX (W) 103781 Classification: Printers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 134 Name: Jewson A8NW 393 - 466337 Location: 5 Nevil Shute Road,Portfield Industrial Estate, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 (SW) 103258 5RX Classification: Builders' Merchants Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned within the geographical locality Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 134 Name: Graham A8NW 394 - 466341 Location: Nevil Shute Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5RX (SW) 103255 Classification: Builders' Merchants Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 135 Name: Southern Self Drive A8NE 395 - 466658 Location: Highgrove Industrial Park, Quartremaine Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5QQ (S) 103218 Classification: Commercial Vehicle Dealers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 135 Name: Southern Self Drive A8NE 395 - 466658 Location: Highgrove Industrial Park, Quartremaine Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 (S) 103218 5QQ Classification: Trailers & Towing Equipment Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address

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Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 135 Name: Palmer & Harvey Snacks Direct A8NE 395 - 466658 Location: Highgrove Industrial Park, Quartremaine Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5QQ (S) 103218 Classification: Distribution Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 135 Name: Southern Self Drive A8NE 395 - 466658 Location: Highgrove Industrial Park, Quartremaine Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5QQ (S) 103218 Classification: Car Dealers - Used Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 135 Name: Angel Vehicle Hire A8NE 424 - 466678 Location: Highgrove Ind Pk,Quartremaine Rd, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5QQ (S) 103193 Classification: Disability Equipment - Manufacturers & Suppliers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 135 Name: Office Furniture Solutions 4 U A8NE 438 - 466682 Location: Unit B, Highgrove Industrial Park, Quartremaine Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5QQ (S) 103180 Classification: Office Furniture & Equipment Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 136 Name: C T S Europe A18SW 398 - 466423 Location: 14, Ordnance Court, Ackworth Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5RZ (N) 104038 Classification: Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Distributors Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 136 Name: Tip Top Sails A18SW 407 - 466422 Location: 13, Ordnance Court, Ackworth Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5RZ (N) 104047 Classification: Sailmakers & Repairers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 136 Name: J Dagostino (Portsmouth) Ltd A18SW 412 - 466425 Location: 16, Ordnance Court, Ackworth Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5RZ (N) 104054 Classification: Ice Cream Manufacturers & Suppliers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 136 Name: Funkenblitz A18SW 412 - 466424 Location: 12a Ordnance Ct,Ackworth Rd, Hilsea, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5RY (N) 104053 Classification: Garage Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 137 Name: Artdeco A8NE 400 - 466730 Location: Cosmopolitan House, Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 (SE) 103241 5XR Classification: Distribution Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 137 Name: 1st Call Heritage Ltd A8NE 400 - 466730 Location: Cosmopolitan House, Airport Service Road, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5XR (SE) 103241 Classification: Woodworm Control Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 137 Name: 1st Call Heritage A8NE 400 - 466730 Location: Cosmopolitan House, Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 (SE) 103241 5XR Classification: Damp & Dry Rot Control Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address

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Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 137 Name: Bwt A8NE 400 - 466730 Location: Cosmopolitan House, Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 (SE) 103241 5XR Classification: Damp & Dry Rot Control Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 137 Name: First Call Heritage Ltd A8NE 400 - 466730 Location: Cosmopolitan House, Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 (SE) 103241 5XR Classification: Damp & Dry Rot Control Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 137 Name: B W T Southern A8NE 402 - 466733 Location: Cosmopolitan House, Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5XR (SE) 103240 Classification: Damp & Dry Rot Control Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 137 Name: One Stop Auto Shop A8NE 437 - 466735 Location: Unit F, Highgrove Industrial Park, Quartremaine Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5QQ (SE) 103202 Classification: Garage Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 138 Name: Mcgrath Orthopaedics A12NE 405 - 466163 Location: Gunstore Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5HL (NW) 103844 Classification: Medical Instruments - Manufacturers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 138 Name: Tomburn Ltd A12NE 407 - 466159 Location: Gunstore Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5HL (NW) 103842 Classification: Powder Coatings Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned within the geographical locality Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 139 Name: Leonardo A8NW 413 - 466425 Location: Nevil Shute Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5RT (S) 103204 Classification: Alloys Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 140 Name: J S Automotives A18SW 417 - 466382 Location: 12 ordenance Ct,Ackworth Rd, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5RY (N) 104046 Classification: Classic Car Specialists Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 140 Name: Bodyworks Inc A18SW 441 - 466352 Location: 11, Venture Court, Ackworth Road, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5RY (N) 104061 Classification: Car Body Repairs Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 140 Name: Hilsea Respray Centre A18SW 441 - 466352 Location: 11, Venture Court, Ackworth Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5RY (N) 104061 Classification: Car Painters & Sprayers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 140 Name: Aac A18SW 441 - 466352 Location: 11, Venture Court, Ackworth Road, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5RY (N) 104061 Classification: Garage Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address

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Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 140 Name: Finishing Touch A18SW 441 - 466352 Location: 11, Venture Court, Ackworth Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5RY (N) 104061 Classification: Car Customisation & Conversion Specialists Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 140 Name: North End Precision Engineers Ltd A18SW 450 - 466357 Location: 10, Venture Court, Ackworth Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5RY (N) 104071 Classification: Precision Engineers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 140 Name: 2 Pac'S Custom Paint & Body Shop A18SW 455 - 466361 Location: 9, Venture Court, Ackworth Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5RY (N) 104079 Classification: Car Painters & Sprayers Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 140 Name: Whites Motors Solent Ltd A18SW 456 - 466360 Location: 9, Venture Court, Ackworth Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5RY (N) 104080 Classification: Car Body Repairs Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 141 Name: M & R Fresh & Frozen A18SW 419 - 466429 Location: 17, Ordnance Court, Ackworth Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5RZ (N) 104061 Classification: Frozen Food Processors & Distributors Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 141 Name: P P G Print A18SW 428 - 466431 Location: 18-20, Ordnance Court, Ackworth Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5RZ (N) 104071 Classification: Printers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 141 Name: Screenplay 2000 Ltd A18SW 434 - 466436 Location: 19, Ordnance Court, Ackworth Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5RZ (N) 104078 Classification: Screen Process Printers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 141 Name: Ghs Recycling Ltd A18SW 456 - 466449 Location: 32, Ackworth Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5NS (N) 104103 Classification: Recycling Centres Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 141 Name: Pressco Precision Engineering Ltd A18SW 457 - 466449 Location: 21-23, Ordnance Court, Ackworth Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5RZ (N) 104103 Classification: Precision Engineers Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 141 Name: Draycott Furniture Ltd A18SW 457 - 466449 Location: 21-23, Ordnance Court, Ackworth Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5RZ (N) 104103 Classification: Furniture Manufacturers - Home & Office Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 141 Name: Ghs Recycling Ltd A18SW 457 - 466449 Location: 32, Ackworth Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5NS (N) 104103 Classification: Waste Merchants Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 141 Name: Peacocks Engineering Ltd A18SW 462 - 466451 Location: Unit 22-23, Ordnance Court, Ackworth Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5RZ (N) 104109 Classification: Engineers - General Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address

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Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 142 Name: Pirtek A8NE 442 - 466772 Location: Unit H, Highgrove Industrial Park, Quartremaine Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5QQ (SE) 103216 Classification: Hydraulic Equipment & Accessories - Sales & Service Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 142 Name: Cliftongrade Ltd A8NE 472 - 466807 Location: Alchorne Place, Portsmouth, PO3 5QL (SE) 103201 Classification: Scrap Metal Merchants Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 142 Name: H & E Car Spares A8NE 498 - 466844 Location: Alchorne Place, Portsmouth, PO3 5QL (SE) 103196 Classification: Car Breakers & Dismantlers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 142 Name: H & E Car Spares A8NE 499 - 466845 Location: Alchorne Place, Portsmouth, PO3 5QL (SE) 103196 Classification: Car Breakers & Dismantlers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 143 Name: Towers Thompson A12NE 451 - 466099 Location: 6-7, Wholesale Meat Centre, Norway Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5HT (NW) 103816 Classification: Meat - Wholesale Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 143 Name: Concept Foods Ltd A12NE 452 - 466104 Location: 5, Wholesale Meat Centre, Norway Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5HT (NW) 103832 Classification: Meat - Wholesale Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 144 Name: Multi Packaging Solutions A12NE 455 - 466167 Location: Limberline Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5JF (NW) 103940 Classification: Boxes & Cartons Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 145 Name: L B L Finishers A12NE 456 - 466133 Location: Gunstore Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5HL (NW) 103895 Classification: Powder Coatings Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 145 Name: L B L Finishes A12NE 482 - 466104 Location: Gunstore Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5HL (NW) 103897 Classification: Powder Coatings Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 146 Name: J K M A8NE 458 - 466646 Location: Bolde Close, Portsmouth, PO3 5RD (S) 103150 Classification: Garage Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 146 Name: Furneaux Riddall & Co Ltd A8NE 459 - 466704 Location: Alchorne Place, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5PA (S) 103165 Classification: Marine Electrical Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 146 Name: D K W Precision Engineering A8NE 459 - 466647 Location: Bolde Close, Portsmouth, PO3 5RD (S) 103149 Classification: Precision Engineers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address

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Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 146 Name: D K W Engineering Ltd A8NE 485 - 466686 Location: Quartremaine Road,Airport Ind Est,Bolde Cl, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 (S) 103132 5RD Classification: Precision Engineers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 146 Name: Dkw Engineering A8NE 491 - 466656 Location: Bolde Cl, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5RD (S) 103118 Classification: Precision Engineers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 146 Name: Dkw Engineering A8NE 491 - 466656 Location: Bolde Cl, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5RD (S) 103118 Classification: Precision Engineers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 146 Name: D K W Engineering A8NE 491 - 466656 Location: Bolde Cl, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5RD (S) 103118 Classification: Precision Engineers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 147 Name: Prestige Diesels Portsmouth A18SW 471 - 466369 Location: Portsmouth, PO3 5RY (N) 104099 Classification: Car Dealers - Used Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 147 Name: Mitsi Art A18SW 475 - 466372 Location: Unit 6-7, Venture Court, Ackworth Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5RY (N) 104104 Classification: Garage Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 147 Name: Bodyworks Inc A18SW 475 - 466372 Location: Unit 11a, Venture Court, Ackworth Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5RY (N) 104104 Classification: Car Body Repairs Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 147 Name: T C M Tuning A18SW 475 - 466372 Location: 3 Venture Court,Ackworth Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5RY (N) 104104 Classification: Car Engine Tuning & Diagnostic Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 147 Name: Diesel Motor Services A18SW 475 - 466372 Location: 24 Venture Ct,Ackworth Rd, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5RY (N) 104104 Classification: Garage Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 147 Name: Kea Plastics A18SW 481 - 466372 Location: 6, Venture Court, Ackworth Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5RY (N) 104110 Classification: Plastics - Injection Moulding Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 147 Name: P D S Auto'S Ltd A18SW 487 - 466378 Location: 5, Venture Court, Ackworth Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5RY (N) 104118 Classification: Garage Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address

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Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 147 Name: South Coast Auto Repairs A18SW 487 - 466378 Location: 5, Venture Court, Ackworth Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5RY (N) 104118 Classification: Garage Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 147 Name: Heating Parts Direct Ltd A18SW 499 - 466382 Location: 3a, Venture Court, Ackworth Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5RY (N) 104132 Classification: Central Heating Supplies & Equipment Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 147 Name: Hidden Pleasures Ltd A18SW 499 - 466382 Location: 3b, Venture Court, Ackworth Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5RY (N) 104132 Classification: Lingerie & Hosiery Manufacturers & Wholesalers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 147 Name: Fossey Engineering A18SW 507 - 466386 Location: 2a, Venture Court, Ackworth Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5RY (N) 104142 Classification: Precision Engineers Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 147 Name: Strong Hold A18SW 510 - 466412 Location: 26, Ordnance Court, Ackworth Road, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5RZ (N) 104150 Classification: Fencing Manufacturers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 147 Name: S G Car Repairs A18SW 511 - 466388 Location: 12, Venture Court, Ackworth Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5RY (N) 104146 Classification: Car Body Repairs Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 147 Name: G & J'S Assemblers A18SW 511 - 466388 Location: 12, Venture Court, Ackworth Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5RY (N) 104146 Classification: Electronic Equipment - Manufacturers & Assemblers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 147 Name: Funken Blitz A18SW 511 - 466388 Location: 12, Venture Court, Ackworth Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5RY (N) 104146 Classification: Garage Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 148 Name: Williams Glass Fibres Ltd A18SW 475 - 466456 Location: 24, Ordnance Court, Ackworth Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5RZ (N) 104123 Classification: Glass Fibre - Moulding Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 148 Name: D N D A18SW 488 - 466445 Location: 25, Ordnance Court, Ackworth Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5RZ (N) 104134 Classification: French Polishing Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 148 Name: Allwood A18SW 488 - 466445 Location: 25, Ordnance Court, Ackworth Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5RZ (N) 104134 Classification: Joinery Manufacturers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 148 Name: Fix Auto Portsmouth A18SW 510 - 466476 Location: 11, Ackworth Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5NS (N) 104160 Classification: Car Body Repairs Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address

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Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 148 Name: Motorworld Car Bodyshop Ltd A18SW 510 - 466476 Location: 11, Ackworth Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5NS (N) 104160 Classification: Car Body Repairs Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 148 Name: Archimedes Metals Ltd A18SW 520 - 466441 Location: 9-10, Ackworth Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5NS (N) 104166 Classification: Scrap Metal Merchants Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 149 Name: Economy Devices Ltd A8NE 481 - 466765 Location: Alchorne Pl,The Airport, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5QL (SE) 103168 Classification: Electronic Equipment - Manufacturers & Assemblers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 149 Name: C K H Utilities Ltd A8NE 499 - 466770 Location: Alchorne Place,Quartermaine Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5QL (SE) 103150 Classification: Gas Companies Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned within the geographical locality Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 149 Name: R Elliott & Co Ltd A8NE 526 - 466800 Location: Alchorne Place, Portsmouth, PO3 5QL (SE) 103135 Classification: Printers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 149 Name: Truck Servicing A8NE 546 - 466828 Location: Alchorne Pl, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5QL (SE) 103128 Classification: Commercial Vehicle Servicing, Repairs, Parts & Accessories Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 149 Name: Causeway Carriers A8NE 556 - 466844 Location: Alchorne Place, Portsmouth, PO3 5QL (SE) 103127 Classification: Road Haulage Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 149 Name: Causeway Carriers A8NE 557 - 466845 Location: Alchorne Place, Portsmouth, PO3 5QL (SE) 103126 Classification: Road Haulage Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 150 Name: Ferryspeed A18SW 482 - 466273 Location: Venture Park, Ackworth Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5JT (NW) 104067 Classification: Freight Forwarders Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 150 Name: Profreight A18SW 482 - 466273 Location: Ackworth Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5JT (NW) 104067 Classification: Freight Forwarders Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 150 Name: Ferryspeed Ltd A18SW 482 - 466274 Location: Ackworth Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5JT (NW) 104067 Classification: Freight Forwarders Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 151 Name: B B Quality Foods A12NE 484 - 466052 Location: Portsmouth Meat Centre,Norway Rd, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5HT (W) 103786 Classification: Meat - Wholesale Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location

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Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 151 Name: Tecfoods Ltd A12NE 504 - 466053 Location: 2 Wholesale Meat Centre, Norway Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5HT (NW) 103845 Classification: Meat - Wholesale Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 151 Name: Aaron Meats A12NE 506 - 466060 Location: 3 Wholesale Meat Centre, Norway Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5HT (NW) 103865 Classification: Meat - Wholesale Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 151 Name: Weddel Swift Distribution Ltd A12NE 506 - 466041 Location: 1 Wholesale Meat Centre, Norway Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5JZ (W) 103820 Classification: Meat - Wholesale Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 151 Name: Arun Meat & Livestock Co Ltd A12NE 506 - 466060 Location: Unit 3 Wholesale Meat Centre,Norway Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 (NW) 103865 5HT Classification: Meat - Wholesale Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 152 Name: Liugong Direct Uk A8NE 494 - 466635 Location: 3 Bolde Close, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5RD (S) 103110 Classification: Machinery - Industrial & Commercial Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 152 Name: Veolia Uk Ltd A8NE 534 - 466673 Location: Recycling Facility, Quartremaine Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5QT (S) 103078 Classification: Waste Disposal Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 152 Name: Deolia A8NE 560 - 466693 Location: Quartremaine Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5QH (S) 103056 Classification: Waste Disposal Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 153 Name: Arun Meat & Livestock A12NE 505 - 466062 Location: 3, Wholesale Meat Centre, Norway Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5HT (NW) 103866 Classification: Meat - Wholesale Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 154 Name: Intelligent Engineering Solutions Ltd A17SE 519 - 466106 Location: Unit 6-7 Hilsea Industrial Estate,Limberline Spur, Portsmouth, Hampshire, (NW) 103966 PO3 5JW Classification: Cutting Tools & Machinery Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 154 Name: Chilli Mash Co Ltd A17SE 519 - 466106 Location: Unit 4, Hilsea Industrial Estate, Limberline Spur, Portsmouth, PO3 5JW (NW) 103966 Classification: Food Products - Manufacturers Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 154 Name: Feed4ward Control A17SE 519 - 466106 Location: Unit 3, Hilsea Industrial Estate, Limberline Spur, Portsmouth, PO3 5JW (NW) 103966 Classification: Automation Systems & Equipment Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address

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Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 155 Name: Coolchain A18SW 527 - 466328 Location: Ackworth Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5JU (N) 104143 Classification: Freight Forwarders Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 156 Name: Pentagon Ltd A14SW 530 - 466980 Location: Painter Close, Portsmouth, PO3 5RS (SE) 103290 Classification: Car Dealers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 157 Name: Cafe Composites A8NE 531 - 466736 Location: Alchorne Place, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5QU (S) 103100 Classification: Glass Fibre Moulding, Materials & Manufacturers Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned within the geographical locality Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 157 Name: Portsmouth M O T Test Centre A8NE 570 - 466776 Location: Alchorne Place, Portsmouth, PO3 5QL (SE) 103074 Classification: Mot Testing Centres Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 158 Name: Mitchell & James Caravans Ltd A17SE 540 - 466140 Location: 17, Limberline Spur, Portsmouth, PO3 5HJ (NW) 104038 Classification: Caravans - Servicing & Repairs Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 158 Name: Macro Developments A17SE 559 - 466160 Location: 2, Limberline Spur, Portsmouth, PO3 5HJ (NW) 104081 Classification: Metal Finishing Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 158 Name: A & B Motors Ltd A17SE 561 - 466160 Location: Unit 2, Skill Centre, Limberline Spur, Hilsea, Portsmouth, PO3 5LF (NW) 104082 Classification: Car Body Repairs Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 158 Name: Quay Graphic A17SE 565 - 466154 Location: 3, Limberline Spur, Portsmouth, PO3 5HJ (NW) 104084 Classification: Printers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 158 Name: The Worxshop A17SE 603 - 466135 Location: 34, Limberline Spur, Portsmouth, PO3 5DX (NW) 104117 Classification: Garage Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 159 Name: Diverse Cleaning Co Ltd A17SE 543 - 466187 Location: Unit 21 Limberline Indust Est,Limberline Spur, Hilsea, Portsmouth, (NW) 104082 Hampshire, PO3 5DV Classification: Cleaning Services - Commercial Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 159 Name: Tombi Gates Ltd A18SW 563 - 466205 Location: 20, Limberline Spur, Portsmouth, PO3 5DY (NW) 104119 Classification: Wrought Ironwork Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address

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Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 159 Name: The Diverse Cleaning Co Ltd A18SW 565 - 466208 Location: 21, Limberline Spur, Portsmouth, PO3 5DY (NW) 104124 Classification: Cleaning Services - Commercial Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 159 Name: Fabrication Site Services Ltd A18SW 573 - 466214 Location: 23, Limberline Spur, Portsmouth, PO3 5DY (NW) 104138 Classification: Metal Products - Fabricated Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 160 Name: Scratchmaster A18SW 544 - 466341 Location: 6a, Shawcross Industrial Park, Ackworth Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5HU (N) 104166 Classification: Car Body Repairs Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 160 Name: Ackworth M O T Centre A18SW 547 - 466334 Location: 6b, Shawcross Industrial Park, Ackworth Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5HU (N) 104167 Classification: Mot Testing Centres Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 160 Name: Rhc Motor Engineering A18SW 549 - 466329 Location: 6b, Shawcross Industrial Park, Ackworth Road, Hilsea, Portsmouth, (N) 104167 Hampshire, PO3 5HU Classification: Garage Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 160 Name: Green Chip Environmental A18SW 567 - 466334 Location: Shawcross Ind Est,Unit 6 Ackworth Rd, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5NS (N) 104188 Classification: Waste Disposal Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 160 Name: D & S Recycling A18SW 568 - 466335 Location: Ackworth Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5NS (N) 104189 Classification: Scrap Metal Merchants Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 160 Name: Envis Foods A18SW 574 - 466295 Location: Polarkold Distribution Centre, Ackworth Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5JT (NW) 104181 Classification: Food Products - Manufacturers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 160 Name: Matrix Foods Ltd A18SW 574 - 466295 Location: Polarkold Distribution Centre, Ackworth Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5JT (NW) 104181 Classification: Frozen Food Processors & Distributors Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 160 Name: Farlei Freight A18SW 577 - 466265 Location: 2B, 7, Shawcross Industrial Park, Ackworth Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5HU (NW) 104170 Classification: Freight Forwarders Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 160 Name: W Sibley & Son Ltd A18SW 614 - 466287 Location: 4 Shawcross Ind Pk,Ackworth Rd, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5HU (N) 104220 Classification: Road Haulage Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location

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Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 160 Name: Solutions Worldwide A18SW 614 - 466288 Location: 4a, Shawcross Industrial Park, Ackworth Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5HU (N) 104221 Classification: Road Haulage Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 161 Name: Central Heating Supplies Ltd A17SE 545 - 466099 Location: Unit 10, Hilsea Industrial Estate, Limberline Spur, Portsmouth, PO3 5JW (NW) 104001 Classification: Central Heating Supplies & Equipment Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 161 Name: J M Automatics Ltd A17SE 556 - 466123 Location: 14-15, Limberline Spur, Portsmouth, PO3 5HJ (NW) 104042 Classification: Precision Engineers Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 162 Name: Austin Marr Ltd A8NW 547 - 466506 Location: Unit7,Portsfield Rd, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5SF (S) 103052 Classification: Blinds, Awnings & Canopies Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 163 Name: Ctd A9NW 556 - 466876 Location: Premier House, Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5TU (SE) 103148 Classification: Ceramic Manufacturers, Supplies & Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 164 Name: Task Welding A12NE 563 - 466032 Location: 8a-8c, Culverin Square, Limberline Road, Hilsea, Portsmouth, PO3 5BU (NW) 103934 Classification: Marine Engineering Equipment Manufacturers Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 164 Name: Amdale Ltd A12NE 563 - 466032 Location: 6-7, Culverin Square, Limberline Road, Hilsea, Portsmouth, PO3 5BU (NW) 103934 Classification: Engineers - General Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 164 Name: Krueger Ltd A12NE 563 - 466032 Location: 2, Culverin Square, Limberline Road, Hilsea, Portsmouth, PO3 5BU (NW) 103934 Classification: Marine Equipment & Supplies Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 164 Name: Solent Auto Services Ltd A12NE 563 - 466025 Location: 4, Culverin Square, Limberline Road, Hilsea, Portsmouth, PO3 5BU (NW) 103922 Classification: Garage Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 164 Name: Quality Mouldings A12NE 563 - 466032 Location: 3, Culverin Square, Limberline Road, Hilsea, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5BU (NW) 103934 Classification: Glass Fibre Manufacturers Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 164 Name: Orca Ltd A12NE 563 - 466032 Location: 6-7, Culverin Square, Limberline Road, Hilsea, Portsmouth, PO3 5BU (NW) 103934 Classification: Brake & Clutch Service Centres Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 164 Name: Worsfold Joinery A12NE 563 - 466032 Location: Limberline Spur, Portsmouth, PO3 5HJ (NW) 103934 Classification: Joinery Manufacturers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address

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Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 164 Name: Emrose Ltd A12NE 563 - 466032 Location: 1, Culverin Square, Limberline Road, Hilsea, Portsmouth, PO3 5BU (NW) 103934 Classification: Ventilators & Ventilation Systems Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 164 Name: M & N Goodspeed Autos A12NE 563 - 466032 Location: 7b, Culverin Square, Limberline Road, Hilsea, Portsmouth, PO3 5BU (NW) 103934 Classification: Garage Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 164 Name: Solent Rewinds Ltd A12NE 563 - 466025 Location: 4, Culverin Square, Limberline Road, Hilsea, Portsmouth, PO3 5BU (NW) 103922 Classification: Electric Motor Sales & Service Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 165 Name: I T W Switches & Switch Panel Ltd A12NE 565 - 465994 Location: Norway Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5HT (NW) 103860 Classification: Electricity Generating & Distributing Equipment Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 165 Name: Towers Thompson Ltd A12NE 565 - 465994 Location: 6/7, Wholesale Meat Centre, Norway Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5HT (NW) 103860 Classification: Meat - Wholesale Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 166 Name: Unbeatablecar A14SW 570 - 467035 Location: Unbeatable Car, Robinson Way, Portsmouth, PO3 5RS (SE) 103299 Classification: Car Customisation & Conversion Specialists Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 166 Name: Fairchild Semiconductors A14SW 593 - 467056 Location: Manufacturing Unit, Robinson Way, Anchorage Park, Portsmouth, PO3 5TD (SE) 103290 Classification: Electronic Equipment - Manufacturers & Assemblers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 166 Name: Hendy Car & Van Store A9NW 596 - 467053 Location: Painter Close, Portsmouth, PO3 5RS (SE) 103279 Classification: Car Dealers - Used Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 166 Name: Ssbv Rf Test & Engineering A9NW 628 - 467094 Location: Building 1, Robinson Way, Portsmouth, PO3 5SA (SE) 103286 Classification: Testing, Inspection & Calibration Equipment Manufacturers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 167 Name: Etyres A17SE 577 - 466137 Location: Unit 30, Limberline Spur, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5HJ (NW) 104085 Classification: Tyre Dealers Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned within the geographical locality Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 167 Name: L P W Group Ltd A17SE 580 - 466138 Location: 5, Limberline Spur, Portsmouth, PO3 5HJ (NW) 104089 Classification: Cleaning Materials & Equipment Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 167 Name: Metal Treatments Portsmouth Ltd A17SE 606 - 466075 Location: 12, Limberline Spur, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5HJ (NW) 104064 Classification: Metal Finishing Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address

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Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 167 Name: Halyard A17SE 608 - 466089 Location: 8-11, Limberline Spur, Portsmouth, PO3 5HJ (NW) 104082 Classification: Lamination & Encapsulation Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 167 Name: Brennan Ndt Services A17SE 610 - 466079 Location: 8-11, Limberline Spur, Portsmouth, PO3 5HJ (NW) 104075 Classification: Engineers - General Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 167 Name: Bossuot'S Metals Ltd A17SE 620 - 466115 Location: 32, Limberline Spur, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5DX (NW) 104123 Classification: Scrap Metal Merchants Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 167 Name: Cash For Clothes Portsmouth A17SE 629 - 466106 Location: 31, Limberline Spur, Portsmouth, PO3 5DX (NW) 104127 Classification: Recycling Centres Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 167 Name: Uk Trucking A17SE 629 - 466106 Location: 31, Limberline Spur, Portsmouth, PO3 5DX (NW) 104127 Classification: Road Haulage Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 168 Name: King Uk A8NE 577 - 466816 Location: Alchorne Place, Portsmouth, PO3 5QB (SE) 103086 Classification: Catering Equipment Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 168 Name: King Uk Ltd A8NE 577 - 466816 Location: Alchorne Place, Portsmouth, PO3 5QB (SE) 103086 Classification: Hygiene & Cleansing Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 169 Name: Neale & Son A8NE 582 - 466799 Location: Alchorne Place, Portsmouth, PO3 5QL (SE) 103072 Classification: Road Haulage Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 169 Name: Neale & Sons A8NE 582 - 466799 Location: Alchorne Place, Portsmouth, PO3 5QL (SE) 103072 Classification: Road Haulage Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 169 Name: Acorn Services A8NE 613 - 466777 Location: 2, Portsmouth Enterprise Centre, Quartremaine Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5QT (S) 103028 Classification: Catering Equipment Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 169 Name: D K W Engineering Ltd A8NE 639 - 466749 Location: Quartremaine Rd,Airport Indust Est, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5RD (S) 102990 Classification: Precision Engineers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location

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Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 170 Name: Cosham Body Shop A18SW 586 - 466363 Location: 5b Shawcross Industrial Park,Ackworth Rd, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 (N) 104217 5HU Classification: Car Body Repairs Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 171 Name: Masterfit A12NE 593 - 465945 Location: Norway Rd, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5HT (W) 103809 Classification: Garage Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 172 Name: Stuarts Bodyshop A18SW 594 - 466341 Location: 5b, Shawcross Industrial Park, Ackworth Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5HU (N) 104219 Classification: Car Body Repairs Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 172 Name: Bridgecoat Ltd A18SW 613 - 466357 Location: Unit 3, Shawcross Industrial Park, Ackworth Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5JP (N) 104243 Classification: Coating Specialists Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 172 Name: Southern Bike Spares A18SW 615 - 466354 Location: 3, Shawcross Industrial Park, Ackworth Road, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5JP (N) 104244 Classification: Motor Cycle Breakers & Dismantlers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 172 Name: Mr Pickett'S Paint Stripping Service A18SW 629 - 466317 Location: 2b, Shawcross Industrial Park, Ackworth Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 (N) 104248 5JP Classification: Paint & Varnish Stripping Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 172 Name: Keeping Engineering Building Services A18SW 630 - 466316 Location: 2 Shawcross Ind Pk,Ackworth Rd, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5JP (N) 104248 Classification: Engineers - General Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 173 Name: Coolfruit Within M M D Shipping A8NE 607 - 466585 Location: UNIT 2, THE NELSON CENTRE, PORTFIELD ROAD, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 (S) 102991 5SF Classification: Road Haulage Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 173 Name: Thorlux Lighting A8NE 608 - 466566 Location: Unit 1, The Nelson Centre, Portfield Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5SF (S) 102989 Classification: Lighting Manufacturers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 174 Name: Futuremost A8NE 610 - 466867 Location: Unit 1-3, The Pyramid Centre, Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5SH (SE) 103077 Classification: Window Frames - Sales & Service Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 174 Name: Card City A8NE 610 - 466867 Location: Unit 1, The Pyramid Centre, Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5SH (SE) 103077 Classification: Greeting Card Publishers & Wholesalers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address

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Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 174 Name: Printed Circuit Board Tooling Ltd A8NE 610 - 466867 Location: Unit 8, The Pyramid Centre, Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5SH (SE) 103077 Classification: Tool Design, Manufacturers & Makers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 174 Name: Future Coatings Ltd A8NE 610 - 466867 Location: Unit 1-3, The Pyramid Centre, Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5SH (SE) 103077 Classification: Powder Coatings Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 174 Name: Future Trade Counter A8NE 610 - 466867 Location: Unit 4-7, The Pyramid Centre, Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5SH (SE) 103077 Classification: Window Frames - Sales & Service Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 174 Name: Futuremost Windows A8NE 610 - 466867 Location: Unit 1-3, The Pyramid Centre, Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5SH (SE) 103077 Classification: Window Frames - Sales & Service Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 175 Name: Astra Recycling A17SE 611 - 466125 Location: Unit 31 Limberline Spur, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5DX (NW) 104119 Classification: Waste Disposal Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned within the geographical locality Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 175 Name: Vehicle Spray Solutions A17SE 611 - 466125 Location: Unit 35 Limberline Spur, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5DX (NW) 104119 Classification: Car Body Repairs Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned within the geographical locality Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 175 Name: Limberline Motor Works A17SE 611 - 466127 Location: 33, Limberline Spur, Portsmouth, PO3 5DX (NW) 104121 Classification: Tyre Dealers Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 175 Name: Limberline Tyres Ltd A17SE 611 - 466125 Location: 33, Limberline Spur, Portsmouth, PO3 5DX (NW) 104119 Classification: Garage Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 175 Name: Limberline Tyres A17SE 611 - 466125 Location: 33, Limberline Spur, Portsmouth, PO3 5DX (NW) 104119 Classification: Garage Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 175 Name: Atc Engineering Services Ltd A17SE 611 - 466125 Location: Unit 35,Limberline Spur Ind Est, Hilsea, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5DX (NW) 104119 Classification: Machine Tool Accessories & Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned within the geographical locality Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 175 Name: Bossuots Metals Ltd A17SE 622 - 466117 Location: 32, Limberline Spur, Portsmouth, PO3 5DX (NW) 104127 Classification: Scrap Metal Merchants Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 175 Name: Etyres A17SE 637 - 466101 Location: 30, Limberline Spur, Portsmouth, PO3 5DX (NW) 104133 Classification: Tyre Dealers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address

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Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 176 Name: Warrior Metalwork Ltd A12NE 617 - 465977 Location: 27 Gunners Buildings, Limberline Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5BJ (NW) 103947 Classification: Tungsten Tool Manufacturers & Distributors Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 176 Name: Fits Tech Machining Ltd A12NE 617 - 465977 Location: 25 Gunners Buildings,Limberline Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5BJ (NW) 103947 Classification: Engineers - General Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 176 Name: Hilsea M O T Centre A12NE 617 - 465977 Location: 21-22 Gunners Buildings, Limberline Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5BJ (NW) 103947 Classification: Garage Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 176 Name: P C H Services A12NE 617 - 465977 Location: 28 Gunners Buildings,Limberline Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5BJ (NW) 103947 Classification: Mechanical Engineers Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 176 Name: Solent Moulds A12NE 617 - 465977 Location: 26 Gunners Buildings, Limberline Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5BJ (NW) 103947 Classification: Tool Design, Manufacturers & Makers Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 176 Name: Hilsea Tyres A12NE 617 - 465977 Location: Portsmouth, PO3 5BJ (NW) 103947 Classification: Tyre Dealers Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 176 Name: Hilsea Tyres A12NE 619 - 465966 Location: Unit 21 Limberline Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5BJ (NW) 103931 Classification: Tyre Dealers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 176 Name: K & K Body Repairs A12NE 619 - 465966 Location: 15, Gunners Buildings, Limberline Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5BJ (NW) 103931 Classification: Commercial Vehicle Bodybuilders & Repairers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 176 Name: B D R Engineering Ltd A12NE 619 - 465966 Location: 16, Gunners Buildings, Limberline Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5BJ (NW) 103931 Classification: Precision Engineers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 176 Name: Associated Maintenance Services Ltd A12NE 619 - 465966 Location: 13, Gunners Buildings, Limberline Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5BJ (NW) 103931 Classification: Pumps - Sales, Servicing & Repairs Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 176 Name: Dip & Strip A12NE 619 - 465966 Location: 28, Gunners Buildings, Limberline Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5BJ (NW) 103931 Classification: Paint & Varnish Stripping Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 176 Name: Impression Print A12NE 619 - 465966 Location: 11, Gunners Buildings, Limberline Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5BJ (NW) 103931 Classification: Printers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address

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Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 176 Name: S & K Engineering A12NE 619 - 465966 Location: 12, Gunners Buildings, Limberline Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5BJ (NW) 103931 Classification: Precision Engineers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 176 Name: Solent Marine Metal Treatments A12NE 619 - 465966 Location: 25, Gunners Buildings, Limberline Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5BJ (NW) 103931 Classification: Precision Engineers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 176 Name: Excell Metal Spinning Ltd A12NE 619 - 465966 Location: 9-10, Gunners Buildings, Limberline Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5BJ (NW) 103931 Classification: Metal Spinners Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 176 Name: Express Paints Ltd A12NE 619 - 465966 Location: 9/11, Gunners Buildings, Limberline Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5BJ (NW) 103931 Classification: Car Paint & Lacquer Manufacturers & Suppliers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 176 Name: T & D Motors A12NE 619 - 465966 Location: 30, Gunners Buildings, Limberline Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5BJ (NW) 103931 Classification: Car Dealers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 176 Name: Tuco Developments A12NE 619 - 465966 Location: 23, Gunners Buildings, Limberline Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5BJ (NW) 103931 Classification: Metal Workers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 176 Name: Tuco Developments A12NE 619 - 465966 Location: 23, Gunners Buildings, Limberline Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5BJ (NW) 103931 Classification: Machine Shops Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 176 Name: Custom Metal Polishers A12NE 619 - 465966 Location: 24, Gunners Buildings, Limberline Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5BJ (NW) 103931 Classification: Metal Finishing Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 176 Name: Rs Cosworth Breakers A12NE 619 - 465966 Location: 12, Gunners Buildings, Limberline Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5BJ (NW) 103931 Classification: Car Breakers & Dismantlers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 176 Name: Goodspeed Autos A12NE 619 - 465966 Location: 17, Gunners Buildings, Limberline Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5BJ (NW) 103931 Classification: Garage Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 176 Name: Chase Motor Co A12NE 619 - 465966 Location: 13, Gunners Buildings, Limberline Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5BJ (NW) 103931 Classification: Garage Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 176 Name: Machine Shop Services A12NE 619 - 465966 Location: 12, Gunners Buildings, Limberline Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5BJ (NW) 103931 Classification: Engineering Machine Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address

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Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 177 Name: Emmerson Transport Ltd A17SE 619 - 466188 Location: 9, Shawcross Industrial Park, Ackworth Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5HU (NW) 104175 Classification: Recycling Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 177 Name: I E S Ltd A17SE 640 - 466163 Location: 25, Limberline Spur, Portsmouth, PO3 5DZ (NW) 104184 Classification: Engineers - General Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 177 Name: Autopaint International A17SE 644 - 466150 Location: 27, Limberline Spur, Portsmouth, PO3 5DZ (NW) 104180 Classification: Painting & Decorating Supplies Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 177 Name: Griffin Motor Company A17SE 644 - 466150 Location: 27, Limberline Spur, Portsmouth, PO3 5DZ (NW) 104180 Classification: Garage Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 177 Name: Macmeats A17SE 648 - 466138 Location: 28-29, Limberline Spur, Portsmouth, PO3 5DZ (NW) 104177 Classification: Meat - Wholesale Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 178 Name: The Claires Office Supplies A8NW 619 - 466384 Location: Unit 1, Discovery, Voyager Park, Portfield Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5FN (S) 103001 Classification: Office Furniture & Equipment Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 178 Name: Clares A8NW 619 - 466384 Location: Unit 1, Discovery, Voyager Park, Portfield Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5FN (S) 103001 Classification: Office Furniture & Equipment Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 179 Name: Sea-Fire Europe Ltd A8NW 627 - 466340 Location: Unit 2, Discovery, Voyager Park, Portfield Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5FN (S) 103006 Classification: Firefighting Equipment Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 179 Name: Langstone Engineering Ltd A8NW 642 - 466322 Location: Unit 3, Discovery, Voyager Park, Portfield Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5FN (S) 102996 Classification: Tool Design, Manufacturers & Makers Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 180 Name: Scott'S Contract Services Ltd A14NW 631 - 467147 Location: 39, Althorpe Drive, Portsmouth, PO3 5XA (E) 103861 Classification: Commercial Cleaning Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 181 Name: S D Motors A18SW 637 - 466295 Location: 2d, Shawcross Industrial Park, Ackworth Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 (N) 104248 5JP Classification: Car Body Repairs Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address

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Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 181 Name: The Community Refuse Partnership A18SW 646 - 466271 Location: 1a, Shawcross Industrial Park, Ackworth Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 (NW) 104248 5JP Classification: Waste Disposal Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 181 Name: G H S Recycling Ltd A18SW 650 - 466260 Location: Portsmouth, PO3 5JP (NW) 104248 Classification: Recycling Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 181 Name: R E Worx A18SW 655 - 466248 Location: 1b, Shawcross Industrial Park, Ackworth Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5JP (NW) 104248 Classification: Garage Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 181 Name: Pmc Architectural A18SW 657 - 466247 Location: 1b, Shawcross Industrial Park, Ackworth Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5JP (NW) 104250 Classification: Joinery Manufacturers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 181 Name: G P A A18SW 657 - 466247 Location: 1b, Shawcross Industrial Park, Ackworth Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5JP (NW) 104250 Classification: Garage Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 182 Name: Allen Carpet Cleaning A7NE 637 - 466075 Location: 31, Lovett Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5EU (SW) 103142 Classification: Carpet, Curtain & Upholstery Cleaners Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 182 Name: Allen Cleaning A7NE 638 - 466074 Location: 31, Lovett Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5EU (SW) 103142 Classification: Carpet, Curtain & Upholstery Cleaners Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 183 Name: Contract Killers Pest Control Ltd A8NE 637 - 466794 Location: Unit 35 Portsmouth Enterprise Centre,Quartremaine Road, Portsmouth, (SE) 103009 Hampshire, PO3 5QT Classification: Pest & Vermin Control Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 183 Name: Acci A8NE 639 - 466794 Location: 22, Portsmouth Enterprise Centre, Quartremaine Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5QT (SE) 103007 Classification: Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Contractors Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 183 Name: Rentech A8NE 645 - 466779 Location: 29, Portsmouth Enterprise Centre, Quartremaine Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5QT (S) 102995 Classification: Garage Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 183 Name: Jennings & Son Ltd A8NE 649 - 466830 Location: 14, Portsmouth Enterprise Centre, Quartremaine Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5QT (SE) 103012 Classification: Commercial Cleaning Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address

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Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 183 Name: Hurstwood Engineering A8NE 667 - 466813 Location: Enterprise Centre, Quartremaine Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5QT (SE) 102985 Classification: Precision Engineers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 183 Name: Smercs A8NE 669 - 466809 Location: 21, Portsmouth Enterprise Centre, Quartremaine Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5QT (SE) 102981 Classification: Garage Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 183 Name: Alexander Autos Bmw & Mini A8NE 669 - 466809 Location: 21, Portsmouth Enterprise Centre, Quartremaine Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5QT (SE) 102981 Classification: Garage Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 183 Name: Tektraders Ltd A8NE 669 - 466809 Location: 28, Portsmouth Enterprise Centre, Quartremaine Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5QT (SE) 102981 Classification: Printing Equipment Manufacturers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 183 Name: Eldor Electronics (Uk) Ltd A8NE 669 - 466809 Location: 33, Portsmouth Enterprise Centre, Quartremaine Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5QT (SE) 102981 Classification: Electronic Component Manufacturers & Distributors Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 183 Name: Barry Hodgson A8NE 669 - 466809 Location: 12, Portsmouth Enterprise Centre, Quartremaine Road, Portsmouth, (SE) 102981 Hampshire, PO3 5QT Classification: Garage Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 183 Name: Arts Communication & Technology Ltd A8NE 669 - 466809 Location: 20, Portsmouth Enterprise Centre, Quartremaine Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5QT (SE) 102981 Classification: Electronic Equipment - Manufacturers & Assemblers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 183 Name: B C Kitting Ltd A8NE 669 - 466809 Location: 17, Portsmouth Enterprise Centre, Quartremaine Road, Portsmouth, (SE) 102981 Hampshire, PO3 5QT Classification: Electronic Equipment - Manufacturers & Assemblers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 183 Name: Broadway Creative Printing Services Ltd A8NE 669 - 466809 Location: 17, Portsmouth Enterprise Centre, Quartremaine Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5QT (SE) 102981 Classification: Printers Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 183 Name: Johnsons Controls A8NE 669 - 466809 Location: 25, Portsmouth Enterprise Centre, Quartremaine Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5QT (SE) 102981 Classification: Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Contractors Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 183 Name: The Window Cleaning Co A8NE 669 - 466809 Location: 4, Portsmouth Enterprise Centre, Quartremaine Road, Portsmouth, (SE) 102981 Hampshire, PO3 5QT Classification: Commercial Cleaning Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address

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Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 183 Name: B & S Diamond Blades Ltd A8NE 669 - 466809 Location: 20, Portsmouth Enterprise Centre, Quartremaine Road, Portsmouth, (SE) 102981 Hampshire, PO3 5QT Classification: Builders' Merchants Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 183 Name: Commercial Components (Portsmouth) Ltd A8NE 669 - 466809 Location: 34, Portsmouth Enterprise Centre, Quartremaine Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5QT (SE) 102981 Classification: Commercial Vehicle Servicing, Repairs, Parts & Accessories Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 183 Name: A 24:7 Tyres & Garage Services A8NE 669 - 466809 Location: 12, Portsmouth Enterprise Centre, Quartremaine Road, Portsmouth, (SE) 102981 Hampshire, PO3 5QT Classification: Exhaust & Shock Absorber Centres Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 183 Name: Cbs Clutch, Brakes & Servicing Ltd A8NE 669 - 466809 Location: 16, Portsmouth Enterprise Centre, Quartremaine Road, Portsmouth, (SE) 102981 Hampshire, PO3 5QT Classification: Garage Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 183 Name: Pd Tools Atico A8NE 669 - 466809 Location: 3, Portsmouth Enterprise Centre, Quartremaine Road, Portsmouth, (SE) 102981 Hampshire, PO3 5QT Classification: Builders' Tools & Equipment Manufacturers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 183 Name: Atico Ltd A8NE 669 - 466809 Location: 3, Portsmouth Enterprise Centre, Quartremaine Road, Portsmouth, (SE) 102981 Hampshire, PO3 5QT Classification: Precision Engineers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 183 Name: Nuttyboy A8NE 669 - 466809 Location: 7, Portsmouth Enterprise Centre, Quartremaine Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5QT (SE) 102981 Classification: Spraying - Paint & Coatings Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 183 Name: Complete Environment Services A8NE 669 - 466809 Location: 31, Portsmouth Enterprise Centre, Quartremaine Road, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 (SE) 102981 5QT Classification: Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Contractors Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 183 Name: Jennings A8NE 669 - 466809 Location: Unit 14,Quartremaine Rd, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5QT (SE) 102981 Classification: Carpet, Curtain & Upholstery Cleaners Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned within the geographical locality Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 183 Name: The Ironing Co Ltd A8NE 670 - 466809 Location: Unit 4 Portsmouth Enterprise Centre,Quartremaine Rd, Portsmouth, (SE) 102980 Hampshire, PO3 5QT Classification: Ironing & Home Laundry Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 184 Name: E E Glass Ltd A17SE 643 - 466013 Location: Limberline Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5JE (NW) 104048 Classification: Glass Products - Manufacturers Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address

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Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 185 Name: Beacon Design & Engineering A8SE 665 - 466545 Location: Unit 4, The Nelson Centre, Portfield Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5SF (S) 102932 Classification: Refrigerators & Freezers - Servicing & Repairs Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 186 Name: Bells Cleaning Services Ltd A19SW 669 - 467139 Location: 1, Holdenby Court, Portsmouth, PO3 5US (NE) 103965 Classification: Cleaning Services - Domestic Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 187 Name: Hatton'S Express Gas A8NE 669 - 466762 Location: 7 Quartremaine Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5QH (S) 102963 Classification: Gas Suppliers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 188 Name: Yeomans Freight Services A7NE 672 - 465949 Location: 440, Copnor Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5EW (SW) 103235 Classification: Road Haulage Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 189 Name: Hampshire Preservation Services Ltd A12NE 676 - 465880 Location: 22, Farmside Gardens, Portsmouth, PO3 5HY (W) 103874 Classification: Damp & Dry Rot Control Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 190 Name: Quattro Foods Ltd A8SE 682 - 466615 Location: Unit 8, The Nelson Centre, Portfield Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5SF (S) 102918 Classification: Food Products - Manufacturers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 190 Name: Shred-It Europe Ltd A8SE 704 - 466612 Location: Unit 7, The Nelson Centre, Portfield Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5SF (S) 102896 Classification: Shredding Equipment & Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 190 Name: Austin Marr A8SE 704 - 466612 Location: Unit 7, The Nelson Centre, Portfield Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5SF (S) 102896 Classification: Blinds, Awnings & Canopies Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 190 Name: Austin Marr A8SE 704 - 466612 Location: Unit 7, The Nelson Centre, Portfield Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5SF (S) 102896 Classification: Blinds, Awnings & Canopies Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 191 Name: Southern Spray Centre A17SE 683 - 466065 Location: Unit 1, Skill Centre, Limberline Spur, Hilsea, Portsmouth, PO3 5LF (NW) 104162 Classification: Garage Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 192 Name: Rover Tech A17SE 694 - 466020 Location: Skill Centre,Limberline Spur, Hilsea, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5LF (NW) 104134 Classification: Garage Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 192 Name: Dentex Mobile Ltd A17SE 714 - 466038 Location: Unit 3/B, Skill Centre, Limberline Spur, Hilsea, Portsmouth, PO3 5LF (NW) 104180 Classification: Car Body Repairs Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address

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Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 193 Name: Scope Body Shop A9NW 707 - 467060 Location: Robinson Way, Portsmouth, PO3 5SA (SE) 103109 Classification: Car Body Repairs Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 194 Name: Calor A8SW 709 - 466306 Location: Plot 3d Voyager Park North, Portfield Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 (S) 102931 5FN Classification: Gas Suppliers Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned within the geographical locality Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 194 Name: Cade Group A8SW 732 - 466306 Location: Unit 13, Discovery, Voyager Park, Portfield Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5FN (S) 102906 Classification: Scaffolding & Work Platforms Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 195 Name: Industrial Maintenance Services A8SW 712 - 466409 Location: Unit 7, Explorer, Voyager Park, Portfield Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5FL (S) 102899 Classification: Mechanical Handling Engineers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 195 Name: The Trade Park Specialists A8SW 714 - 466377 Location: Unit 6, Discovery, Voyager Park, Portfield Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5FN (S) 102904 Classification: Distribution Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 195 Name: I M E S International A8SW 726 - 466384 Location: Unit 7, Discovery, Voyager Park, Portfield Road, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5FN (S) 102890 Classification: Engineering Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 195 Name: Water Weights A8SW 728 - 466375 Location: Unit 7, Discovery, Voyager Park, Portfield Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5FN (S) 102890 Classification: Crane Hire, Sales & Service Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 196 Name: Powertecnique A9NW 721 - 466984 Location: Dundas Lane, Portsmouth, PO3 5BL (SE) 103022 Classification: Generators - Sales & Service Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 196 Name: Punch Lines A9NW 753 - 466970 Location: 7, Fairway Business Centre, Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5NU (SE) 102973 Classification: Textile Manufacturing Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 196 Name: County Business Technology Ltd A9NW 753 - 466970 Location: 7, Fairway Business Centre, Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, (SE) 102973 PO3 5NU Classification: Photocopiers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 196 Name: Evolve Air Conditioning A9NW 756 - 466977 Location: 6, Fairway Business Centre, Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5NU (SE) 102975 Classification: Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Contractors Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address

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Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 196 Name: Swift Precision Engineering A9NW 760 - 466989 Location: 4, Fairway Business Centre, Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5NU (SE) 102978 Classification: Engineering Machine Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 196 Name: Tintex A9NW 768 - 467005 Location: Unit 12,Fairway Business Centre, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5NU (SE) 102979 Classification: Window Tinting Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 196 Name: Portsmouth Appliance Repairs Ltd A9NW 768 - 467005 Location: Fairway Business Centre,Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 (SE) 102979 5NU Classification: Domestic Appliances - Servicing, Repairs & Parts Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 196 Name: Ziegler Uk Ltd A9NW 768 - 467005 Location: 1, Fairway Business Centre, Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5NU (SE) 102979 Classification: Road Haulage Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 196 Name: Parker Precision A9NW 786 - 467006 Location: 15, Fairway Business Centre, Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, (SE) 102958 PO3 5NU Classification: Marine Equipment & Supplies Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 196 Name: Parker Precision A9NW 786 - 467006 Location: 15, Fairway Business Centre, Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5NU (SE) 102958 Classification: Precision Engineers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 196 Name: Celsius Enviro Services Ltd A9NW 786 - 467006 Location: 15, Fairway Business Centre, Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5NU (SE) 102958 Classification: Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Contractors Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 196 Name: Portsmouth Appliance Repairs Ltd A9NW 787 - 466996 Location: 12, Fairway Business Centre, Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5NU (SE) 102950 Classification: Domestic Appliances - Servicing, Repairs & Parts Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 196 Name: Airtec A9NW 787 - 466996 Location: 12, Fairway Business Centre, Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5NU (SE) 102950 Classification: Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Contractors Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 196 Name: Fire Safety Solutions South A9SW 792 - 466995 Location: Unit 11 Fairway Business Centre,Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, (SE) 102943 Hampshire, PO3 5NU Classification: Firefighting Equipment Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 196 Name: Kraft C P S Ltd A9SW 797 - 467008 Location: 17, Fairway Business Centre, Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5NU (SE) 102946 Classification: Metal Finishing Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address

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Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 196 Name: Metal Polishing Supplies Uk Ltd A9NW 809 - 467046 Location: 19, Fairway Business Centre, Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5NU (SE) 102959 Classification: Metal Finishing Equipment Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 196 Name: Colour Processing Laboratories Ltd A9NW 809 - 467046 Location: 19, Fairway Business Centre, Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5NU (SE) 102959 Classification: Photographic Processors Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 197 Name: Vitec Global A8SW 722 - 466462 Location: Unit E11,Voyager Pk,Portfield Rd, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5FL (S) 102880 Classification: Cleaning Materials & Equipment Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 198 Name: Permatic Engineering Solutions Ltd A17SE 726 - 465969 Location: Skill Centre, Limberline Spur, Hilsea, Portsmouth, PO3 5LF (NW) 104126 Classification: Precision Engineers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 198 Name: Papertech Europe Ltd A17SE 726 - 465969 Location: Skill Centre, Limberline Spur, Hilsea, Portsmouth, PO3 5LF (NW) 104126 Classification: Paper & Cardboard Products & Packaging - Manufacturers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 198 Name: A P H Automotive Services A17SE 726 - 465969 Location: Skill Centre, Limberline Spur, Hilsea, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5LF (NW) 104126 Classification: Garage Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 198 Name: Hampshire Repair & Spray Centre A17SE 726 - 465969 Location: Skill Centre, Limberline Spur, Hilsea, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5LF (NW) 104126 Classification: Car Body Repairs Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 199 Name: Travis Perkins Plc A8SE 729 - 466816 Location: Quartremaine Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5QH (S) 102919 Classification: Builders' Merchants Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 200 Name: Rapid Response Solutions A9SW 732 - 466889 Location: Unit 2 Dundas Lane, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5SD (SE) 102949 Classification: Road Haulage Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned within the geographical locality Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 201 Name: Nationwide Crash Repair Centre A8SE 754 - 466564 Location: Portfield Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5FJ (S) 102843 Classification: Car Body Repairs Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 201 Name: Nationwide Crash Repair Centre A8SE 756 - 466562 Location: Portfield Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5FJ (S) 102842 Classification: Car Body Repairs Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 202 Name: Focus Logistics A9NW 768 - 467116 Location: Interchange Park,1 Robinson Way, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5SA (SE) 103080 Classification: Distribution Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location

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Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 202 Name: Frictec A9NW 812 - 467148 Location: Robinson Way, Portsmouth, PO3 5SA (SE) 103050 Classification: Metal Products - Fabricated Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 203 Name: R R S A9SW 777 - 466936 Location: Unit 2 Dundas Lane, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5SD (SE) 102923 Classification: Road Haulage Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 203 Name: Wood Bros Ltd A9SW 778 - 466961 Location: 8-10, Fairway Business Centre, Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5NU (SE) 102938 Classification: Joinery Manufacturers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 204 Name: Portsmouth Aviation A9NW 777 - 467057 Location: Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5PF (SE) 103009 Classification: Metal Finishing Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 204 Name: Smart Of Portsmouth A9NW 807 - 467060 Location: Portsmouth Motor Park,Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 (SE) 102973 5FH Classification: Car Dealers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 205 Name: G D Gas & Heating Ltd A7NE 784 - 465917 Location: 387, Copnor Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5EQ (SW) 103094 Classification: Boilers - Servicing, Replacements & Repairs Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 206 Name: C C F A8SW 796 - 466314 Location: Pioneer Park,Unit 4-5 Portfield Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5GF (S) 102836 Classification: Builders' Merchants Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 207 Name: Uk Lifting Solutions A18NE 809 - 466676 Location: 363, Chatsworth Avenue, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO6 2UW (N) 104445 Classification: Machinery - Industrial & Commercial Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 208 Name: Hendy Group A8SE 816 - 466820 Location: Quartremaine Rd, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5QH (S) 102828 Classification: Garage Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 208 Name: Torshyne Ltd A8SE 820 - 466794 Location: Quartremaine Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5QH (S) 102814 Classification: Commercial Vehicle Bodybuilders & Repairers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 208 Name: Sita Uk Ltd A8SE 821 - 466794 Location: Airport Services Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5QH (S) 102814 Classification: Waste Disposal Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned within the geographical locality

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Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 208 Name: Veolia Enviromental Hampshire Ltd A8SE 850 - 466810 Location: 5, Quartermaine Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5QH (S) 102788 Classification: Waste Disposal Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 209 Name: Smeg Logistics A9NE 819 - 467280 Location: 1, Interchange Park, Robinson Way, Portsmouth, PO3 5QD (SE) 103230 Classification: Road Haulage Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 209 Name: Furniture To Go A9NE 819 - 467280 Location: 3 Keel Close,Interchange Park, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5QD (SE) 103230 Classification: Homefurnishings - Manufacturers Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned within the geographical locality Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 210 Name: Solent Butchers A9SW 826 - 466883 Location: Dundas Lane, Portsmouth, PO3 5SD (SE) 102842 Classification: Meat - Wholesale Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 210 Name: Printware Ltd A8SE 841 - 466850 Location: Ameiva House, Quartremaine Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5QP (S) 102811 Classification: Printing Equipment Manufacturers Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 210 Name: Printware Ltd A8SE 841 - 466850 Location: Ameiva House, Quartremaine Road, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5QP (S) 102811 Classification: Printers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 211 Name: Boarhunt Garage A9NW 839 - 467130 Location: Robinson Way, Portsmouth, PO3 5SA (SE) 102993 Classification: Garage Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 211 Name: Adflex Solutions Ltd A9SW 871 - 467130 Location: Adflex Ho,Airspeed Rd, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5JL (SE) 102948 Classification: Electronic Component Manufacturers & Distributors Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 211 Name: Ryder Truck Rental A9NW 885 - 467160 Location: Airport Service Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5PW (SE) 102957 Classification: Commercial Vehicle Servicing, Repairs, Parts & Accessories Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 211 Name: Nicholl Food Packaging (Chesham) Ltd A9SW 891 - 467152 Location: Airspeed Rd, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5PX (SE) 102942 Classification: Packaging & Wrapping Equipment & Supplies Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 212 Name: Kenna Transport Ltd A19NW 855 - 466876 Location: Walton Rd, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO6 1TA (NE) 104430 Classification: Road Haulage Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 213 Name: Nick Bray A7NE 857 - 465916 Location: 351-353, Copnor Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5EQ (SW) 102990 Classification: Car Dealers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address

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Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 213 Name: Decorglas Enterprises A7SE 884 - 465922 Location: 343, Copnor Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5EQ (SW) 102948 Classification: Stained Glass Designers & Producers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 214 Name: Mikro Business Ltd A12SW 872 - 465635 Location: 75, The Ridings, Portsmouth, PO2 0UF (W) 103543 Classification: Commercial Cleaning Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 215 Name: Mobile Mechanic Services A7SE 875 - 466138 Location: 47, Locarno Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5DG (SW) 102819 Classification: Garage Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 215 Name: Mobile Mechanic Services A7SE 875 - 466139 Location: 47, Locarno Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5DG (SW) 102819 Classification: Garage Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 216 Name: Carillon Industrial Services Ltd A8SW 876 - 466301 Location: Unit 2, Voyager Park South, Portfield Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5GF (S) 102756 Classification: Cutting Tools & Machinery Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 217 Name: Wwep Ltd A12NW 878 - 465689 Location: 7/8, Walberant Buildings, Copnor Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5LB (W) 103938 Classification: Cladding Suppliers & Installers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 217 Name: Nationwide Cleaners (Hampshire) A12NW 888 - 465681 Location: 3b, Walberant Buildings, Copnor Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5LB (W) 103946 Classification: Cleaning Services - Domestic Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 217 Name: Bizzybodyz A12NW 888 - 465681 Location: 6, Walberant Buildings, Copnor Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5LB (W) 103946 Classification: Ironing & Home Laundry Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 218 Name: Nic Services Group Ltd A7NW 886 - 465809 Location: 91, Compton Road, Portsmouth, PO2 0SP (SW) 103063 Classification: Commercial Cleaning Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 219 Name: Solent Mazda A12NW 892 - 465639 Location: 466, London Road, Portsmouth, PO2 9RN (W) 103832 Classification: Car Dealers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 219 Name: Solent Mazda A12NW 892 - 465639 Location: 466, London Road, PORTSMOUTH, PO2 9RN (W) 103832 Classification: Car Dealers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 219 Name: Solent Mazda A12NW 894 - 465638 Location: First Floor,466 London Rd, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO2 9RN (W) 103832 Classification: Car Dealers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location

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Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 219 Name: Protyre A12NW 908 - 465633 Location: 468, London Road, Portsmouth, PO2 9RN (W) 103867 Classification: Tyre Dealers Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 219 Name: Hilsea Nissan A12NW 908 - 465633 Location: 468, London Road, Portsmouth, PO2 9RN (W) 103867 Classification: Car Dealers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 219 Name: Motorway Tyres & Accessories Ltd A12NW 908 - 465633 Location: 468, London Road, Portsmouth, PO2 9RH (W) 103867 Classification: Tyre Dealers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 219 Name: Solent Citroen A12NW 908 - 465633 Location: London Road, Portsmouth, PO2 9RR (W) 103867 Classification: Car Dealers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 219 Name: Motormix A12NW 908 - 465633 Location: 468, London Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO2 9RN (W) 103867 Classification: Car Dealers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 219 Name: Solent Nissan A12NW 908 - 465633 Location: 468, London Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO2 9RN (W) 103867 Classification: Car Dealers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 219 Name: Solent Nissan Parts A12NW 908 - 465633 Location: 468, London Road, Portsmouth, PO2 9RN (W) 103867 Classification: Garage Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 219 Name: Imperial Car Sales Ltd A12NW 924 - 465630 Location: 468, London Road, Portsmouth, PO2 9RN (W) 103913 Classification: Car Dealers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 220 Name: Premier Cleaning Contracts Ltd A17SW 899 - 465726 Location: 31, Peronne Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5LD (NW) 104076 Classification: Cleaning Services - Domestic Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 221 Name: Irving & Company Brewers Ltd A18NE 909 - 466849 Location: Unit G1, Railway Triangle, Walton Road, Portsmouth, PO6 1TQ (N) 104499 Classification: Brewers Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 222 Name: Bizzy Bodyz A17SW 911 - 465665 Location: 2, Walberant Buildings, Copnor Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5LB (W) 103969 Classification: Cleaning Services - Domestic Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 222 Name: Elite Garages A12NW 941 - 465623 Location: 468, London Road, Portsmouth, PO2 9RN (W) 103944 Classification: Tyre Dealers Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address

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Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 223 Name: The Smart Repair Centre A19NW 918 - 466903 Location: G/1, Unit, Railway Triangle, Walton Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO6 1TQ (NE) 104487 Classification: Car Body Repairs Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 223 Name: Water Weights A19NW 918 - 466903 Location: Unit G1, Railway Triangle, Walton Road, Portsmouth, PO6 1TQ (NE) 104487 Classification: Engineers - General Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 223 Name: Imes Ltd A19NW 918 - 466903 Location: G/1, Unit, Railway Triangle, Walton Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO6 1TQ (NE) 104487 Classification: Lifting Equipment Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 224 Name: Seward (Havant) Ltd A9NE 925 - 467253 Location: Bilton Way, Portsmouth, PO3 5FH (SE) 102998 Classification: Car Dealers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 224 Name: Hendy Renault & Dacia A9NE 925 - 467253 Location: Bilton Way, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5FH (SE) 102998 Classification: Car Dealers Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 225 Name: Solent Business Machines A7SE 930 - 465920 Location: 329, Copnor Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5EG (SW) 102890 Classification: Cash Registers & Check-Out Equipment Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 225 Name: My Little Eco A7SE 934 - 465924 Location: 327, Copnor Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5EG (SW) 102882 Classification: Painting & Decorating Supplies Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 226 Name: A P J European Supplies A8SE 938 - 466741 Location: Unit 4-7, Dundas Close, Portsmouth, PO3 5RB (S) 102680 Classification: Refrigeration Equipment - Commercial Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 226 Name: C D Jordan & Son Ltd A8SE 952 - 466708 Location: Dundas Spur, Portsmouth, PO3 5NX (S) 102658 Classification: Scrap Metal Merchants Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 226 Name: C D Jordan & Son Ltd A8SE 952 - 466708 Location: Dundas Spur, Portsmouth, PO3 5NX (S) 102658 Classification: Scrap Metal Merchants Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 226 Name: E M R Ltd A8SE 952 - 466708 Location: Dundas Spur, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5NX (S) 102658 Classification: Scrap Metal Merchants Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 226 Name: E M R A8SE 952 - 466708 Location: Dundas Spur, Portsmouth, PO3 5NX (S) 102658 Classification: Scrap Metal Merchants Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address

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Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 226 Name: Express Gearbox A8SE 959 - 466740 Location: Dundas Spur, Portsmouth, PO3 5NX (S) 102657 Classification: Gearboxes Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 226 Name: Fratton Bridge Garage A8SE 961 - 466749 Location: Unit 6,Dundas Spur, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5NX (S) 102657 Classification: Garage Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned within the geographical locality Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 226 Name: Q E D A8SE 968 - 466704 Location: Dundas Spur, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5NX (S) 102642 Classification: Exhaust & Shock Absorber Centres Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 226 Name: Onyx A8SE 972 - 466727 Location: Dundas Spur, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5NX (S) 102642 Classification: Waste Disposal Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 226 Name: Apj European Supplies A8SE 992 - 466713 Location: Unit 6, Dundas Spur, PORTSMOUTH, PO3 5NX (S) 102618 Classification: Refrigeration Equipment - Commercial Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 227 Name: L A K Refrigeration Ltd A12SW 939 - 465605 Location: 33, Amberley Road, Portsmouth, PO2 0TG (W) 103343 Classification: Refrigerators & Freezers - Servicing & Repairs Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 228 Name: Formaplex A8SW 949 - 466387 Location: Unit 1, Voyager Park South, Portfield Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5GF (S) 102662 Classification: Car Component Manufacturers Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 229 Name: Seek'It A8SE 949 - 466544 Location: Dundas Spur, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5RW (S) 102648 Classification: Recycling Centres Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 229 Name: Wynton Foods Ltd A8SE 984 - 466577 Location: 1300, Blueprint, Dundas Spur, Portsmouth, PO3 5RN (S) 102614 Classification: Food Products - Manufacturers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 229 Name: Used Office Furniture Company A3NW 992 - 466530 Location: 1400 Blueprint, Dundas Spur, Portsmouth, PO3 5RW (S) 102605 Classification: Office Furniture & Equipment Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 230 Name: F Aspinall (Portsmouth) Ltd A8SE 964 - 466678 Location: Dundas Spur, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5NX (S) 102642 Classification: Road Haulage Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 230 Name: M C Group Ltd A8SE 985 - 466648 Location: Dundas Spur, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5NY (S) 102617 Classification: Commercial Vehicle Servicing, Repairs, Parts & Accessories Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location

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Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 231 Name: Copnor Launderette A7SE 973 - 465928 Location: 309, Copnor Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5EG (SW) 102830 Classification: Dry Cleaners Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 232 Name: Chris Drewry Home Improvements A18NE 973 - 466660 Location: 307, Chatsworth Avenue, Portsmouth, PO6 2UW (N) 104615 Classification: Gas Suppliers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 233 Name: Nord Bitumi A19NW 974 - 466877 Location: Unit F2, Railway Triangle, Walton Road, Portsmouth, PO6 1TG (N) 104558 Classification: Felt Manufacturers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 233 Name: Schenker Ltd A19NW 974 - 466877 Location: Unit F2, Railway Triangle, Walton Road, Portsmouth, PO6 1TG (N) 104558 Classification: Airfreight Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 233 Name: Fulcrum Manufacturing Ltd A19NW 978 - 466921 Location: Unit F4 Railway Triangle,Walton Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO6 1TG (NE) 104545 Classification: Precision Engineers Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned within the geographical locality Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 233 Name: Clivet Uk Ltd A19NW 978 - 466916 Location: Unit F5-F6, Railway Triangle, Walton Road, Portsmouth, PO6 1TG (NE) 104547 Classification: Air Conditioning Equipment & Systems Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 234 Name: D S Smith A8SE 974 - 466850 Location: Dundas Lane, Portsmouth, PO3 5NR (S) 102671 Classification: Recycling Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 235 Name: Control Center A19NW 977 - 466938 Location: Unit F7, Railway Triangle, Walton Road, Portsmouth, PO6 1TG (NE) 104537 Classification: Central Heating Supplies & Equipment Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 235 Name: Bowman Haulage A19NW 977 - 466938 Location: Unit F7, Railway Triangle, Walton Road, Portsmouth, PO6 1TG (NE) 104537 Classification: Road Haulage Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 236 Name: Milk Marque A19NW 979 - 467046 Location: Walton Rd, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO6 1UJ (NE) 104484 Classification: Distribution Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 236 Name: Hatton'S A19NW 985 - 467049 Location: Unit 1,Walton Rd, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO6 1UJ (NE) 104489 Classification: Gas Suppliers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 236 Name: Cemex Uk A19NW 987 - 467033 Location: Walton Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO6 1UJ (NE) 104501 Classification: Concrete & Mortar Ready Mixed Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address

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Quadrant Estimated Map Reference Details Distance Contact NGR ID (Compass Direction) From Site

Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 237 Name: Transas Marine Uk Ltd A9SE 990 - 467271 Location: Sea Hawk, Bilton Way, Portsmouth, PO3 5JN (SE) 102920 Classification: Marine Equipment & Supplies Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 237 Name: Transas Telematics A9SE 990 - 467271 Location: Sea Hawk Building, Bilton Way, Portsmouth, PO3 5JN (SE) 102920 Classification: Marine Electrical Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 238 Name: Aggregate Industries - Bagged Aggregates A9NE 997 - 467483 Location: Kendalls Wharf, Eastern Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5LY (E) 103251 Classification: Sand, Gravel & Other Aggregates Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Fuel Station Entries 239 Name: Portsmouth Truckstop And Lorry Park A19NW 950 - 467028 Location: Walton Road , Railway Triangle Ind Est Farlington, Portsmouth, Portsmouth, (NE) 104461 PO6 1UJ Brand: Unbranded Premises Type: Petrol Station Status: Non-Retail Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location

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Quadrant Estimated Map Reference Details Distance Contact NGR ID (Compass Direction) From Site

Nitrate Vulnerable Zones 240 Name: Chichester,Langstone And Portsmouth Harbours Eutrophic Nvz (Trac) A13SW 0 5 466532 Description: Eutrophic Water (E) 103624 Source: Environment Agency, Head Office Ramsar Sites 241 Name: Chichester And Langstone Harbours A19SW 615 9 466949 Multiple Areas: Y (NE) 104109 Total Area (m2): 58128984.11 Source: Natural England Reference: UK11013 Designation Date: Not Supplied Sites of Special Scientific Interest 242 Name: Langstone Harbour A19SW 615 9 466949 Multiple Areas: Y (NE) 104109 Total Area (m2): 20853522.27 Source: Natural England Reference: 1001182 Designation Details: Local Nature Reserve Designation Date: 22nd February 1985 Date Type: Notified Designation Details: Local Wildlife Site Designation Date: 22nd February 1985 Date Type: Notified Designation Details: Nature Conservation Review Designation Date: 22nd February 1985 Date Type: Notified Designation Details: Ramsar Site Designation Date: 22nd February 1985 Date Type: Notified Designation Details: Special Area Of Conservation Designation Date: 22nd February 1985 Date Type: Notified Designation Details: Special Protection Area Designation Date: 22nd February 1985 Date Type: Notified Designation Details: Site Of Special Scientific Interest Designation Date: 22nd February 1985 Date Type: Notified Designation Details: Water Framework Directive (WFD) Designation Date: 22nd February 1985 Date Type: Notified Special Areas of Conservation 243 Name: Solent Maritime A19SW 615 9 466949 Multiple Areas: Y (NE) 104109 Total Area (m2): 112408255.03 Source: Natural England Reference: UK0030059 Status: Designated Special Protection Areas 244 Name: Solent And Dorset Coast A18SE 548 9 466738 Multiple Areas: Y (N) 104155 Total Area (m2): 889805477.99 Source: Natural England Reference: UK9020330 Designation Date: Not Supplied Special Protection Areas 245 Name: Chichester And Langstone Harbours A19SW 615 9 466949 Multiple Areas: Y (NE) 104109 Total Area (m2): 58128983.87 Source: Natural England Reference: UK9011011 Designation Date: Not Supplied

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Agency & Hydrological Version Update Cycle

Contaminated Land Register Entries and Notices Havant Borough Council - Environmental Health Department January 2015 Annual Rolling Update Environment Agency - Head Office June 2020 Annually Gosport Borough Council - Environmental Health Services November 2013 Annual Rolling Update Portsmouth City Council - Health and Trading Standards October 2014 Annual Rolling Update Fareham Borough Council - Environmental Health Department September 2013 Annual Rolling Update Winchester City Council - Environmental Health Department September 2014 Annual Rolling Update Discharge Consents Environment Agency - Southern Region July 2020 Quarterly Enforcement and Prohibition Notices Environment Agency - Southern Region March 2013 Annual Rolling Update Integrated Pollution Controls Environment Agency - Southern Region October 2008 Variable Integrated Pollution Prevention And Control Environment Agency - South East Region - Solent & South Downs Area July 2020 Quarterly Environment Agency - Southern Region July 2020 Quarterly Local Authority Integrated Pollution Prevention And Control Gosport Borough Council - Environmental Health Services August 2014 Variable Portsmouth City Council - Environmental Health Department August 2014 Variable Winchester City Council - Environmental Health Department December 2014 Variable Havant Borough Council - Environmental Health Department December 2015 Variable Fareham Borough Council - Environmental Health Department May 2016 Variable Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Controls Gosport Borough Council - Environmental Health Services August 2014 Annual Rolling Update Portsmouth City Council - Environmental Health Department August 2014 Not Applicable Southampton City Council - Environmental Health Services Pollution And Safety August 2014 Not Applicable Winchester City Council - Environmental Health Department December 2014 Annual Rolling Update Havant Borough Council - Environmental Health Department December 2015 Annual Rolling Update Fareham Borough Council - Environmental Health Department May 2016 Annual Rolling Update Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Control Enforcements Gosport Borough Council - Environmental Health Services August 2014 Variable Portsmouth City Council - Environmental Health Department August 2014 Variable Winchester City Council - Environmental Health Department December 2014 Variable Havant Borough Council - Environmental Health Department December 2015 Variable Fareham Borough Council - Environmental Health Department May 2016 Variable Nearest Surface Water Feature Ordnance Survey August 2020 Pollution Incidents to Controlled Waters Environment Agency - Southern Region December 1999 Not Applicable Prosecutions Relating to Authorised Processes Environment Agency - Southern Region March 2013 Annual Rolling Update Prosecutions Relating to Controlled Waters Environment Agency - Southern Region March 2013 Annual Rolling Update Registered Radioactive Substances Environment Agency - Southern Region June 2016 River Quality Environment Agency - Head Office November 2001 Not Applicable River Quality Biology Sampling Points Environment Agency - Head Office July 2012 Annually River Quality Chemistry Sampling Points Environment Agency - Head Office July 2012 Annually

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Agency & Hydrological Version Update Cycle

Substantiated Pollution Incident Register Environment Agency - South East Region - Solent & South Downs Area July 2020 Quarterly Environment Agency - Southern Region - Hampshire and Isle of Wight Area Office July 2020 Quarterly Environment Agency - Southern Region - Solent and South Downs July 2020 Quarterly Water Abstractions Environment Agency - Southern Region July 2020 Quarterly Water Industry Act Referrals Environment Agency - Southern Region October 2017 Quarterly Groundwater Vulnerability Map Environment Agency - Head Office June 2018 As notified Groundwater Vulnerability - Soluble Rock Risk Environment Agency - Head Office June 2018 As notified Bedrock Aquifer Designations Environment Agency - Head Office January 2018 Annually Superficial Aquifer Designations Environment Agency - Head Office January 2018 Annually Source Protection Zones Environment Agency - Head Office October 2019 Quarterly Extreme Flooding from Rivers or Sea without Defences Environment Agency - Head Office September 2020 Quarterly Flooding from Rivers or Sea without Defences Environment Agency - Head Office September 2020 Quarterly Areas Benefiting from Flood Defences Environment Agency - Head Office September 2020 Quarterly Flood Water Storage Areas Environment Agency - Head Office September 2020 Quarterly Flood Defences Environment Agency - Head Office September 2020 Quarterly OS Water Network Lines Ordnance Survey June 2020 Quarterly BGS Groundwater Flooding Susceptibility British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service May 2013 Annually

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Waste Version Update Cycle

BGS Recorded Landfill Sites British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service June 1996 Not Applicable Historical Landfill Sites Environment Agency - Head Office October 2019 Quarterly Integrated Pollution Control Registered Waste Sites Environment Agency - Southern Region October 2008 Not Applicable Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Landfill Boundaries) Environment Agency - South East Region - Solent & South Downs Area July 2020 Quarterly Environment Agency - Southern Region - Hampshire and Isle of Wight Area Office July 2020 Quarterly Environment Agency - Southern Region - Solent and South Downs July 2020 Quarterly Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Locations) Environment Agency - South East Region - Solent & South Downs Area July 2020 Quarterly Environment Agency - Southern Region - Hampshire and Isle of Wight Area Office July 2020 Quarterly Environment Agency - Southern Region - Solent and South Downs July 2020 Quarterly Local Authority Landfill Coverage Fareham Borough Council - Environmental Health Department May 2000 Not Applicable Gosport Borough Council - Environmental Health Services May 2000 Not Applicable Hampshire County Council - Minerals and Waste Planning May 2000 Not Applicable Havant Borough Council - Environmental Health Department May 2000 Not Applicable Portsmouth City Council - Environmental Health Department May 2000 Not Applicable Winchester City Council - Environmental Health Department May 2000 Not Applicable Local Authority Recorded Landfill Sites Fareham Borough Council - Environmental Health Department May 2000 Not Applicable Gosport Borough Council - Environmental Health Services May 2000 Not Applicable Hampshire County Council - Minerals and Waste Planning May 2000 Not Applicable Havant Borough Council - Environmental Health Department May 2000 Not Applicable Portsmouth City Council - Environmental Health Department May 2000 Not Applicable Winchester City Council - Environmental Health Department May 2000 Not Applicable Registered Landfill Sites Environment Agency - Southern Region - Hampshire Area March 2003 Not Applicable Environment Agency - Southern Region - Solent and South Downs March 2003 Not Applicable Registered Waste Transfer Sites Environment Agency - Southern Region - Hampshire Area March 2003 Not Applicable Environment Agency - Southern Region - Solent and South Downs March 2003 Not Applicable Registered Waste Treatment or Disposal Sites Environment Agency - Southern Region - Hampshire Area March 2003 Not Applicable Environment Agency - Southern Region - Solent and South Downs March 2003 Not Applicable

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Hazardous Substances Version Update Cycle

Control of Major Accident Hazards Sites (COMAH) Health and Safety Executive April 2018 Bi-Annually Explosive Sites Health and Safety Executive March 2017 Annually Notification of Installations Handling Hazardous Substances (NIHHS) Health and Safety Executive November 2000 Not Applicable Planning Hazardous Substance Enforcements Fareham Borough Council February 2016 Variable Hampshire County Council - Minerals and Waste Planning February 2016 Variable Havant Borough Council - Commercial Team February 2016 Variable Portsmouth City Council - Planning Office February 2016 Variable Gosport Borough Council January 2016 Variable Winchester City Council - Planning Department October 2015 Variable Planning Hazardous Substance Consents Fareham Borough Council February 2016 Variable Hampshire County Council - Minerals and Waste Planning February 2016 Variable Havant Borough Council - Commercial Team February 2016 Variable Portsmouth City Council - Planning Office February 2016 Variable Gosport Borough Council January 2016 Variable Winchester City Council - Planning Department October 2015 Variable

Geological Version Update Cycle

BGS 1:625,000 Solid Geology British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service January 2009 Not Applicable BGS Recorded Mineral Sites British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service November 2020 Bi-Annually CBSCB Compensation District Cheshire Brine Subsidence Compensation Board (CBSCB) August 2011 Not Applicable Coal Mining Affected Areas The Coal Authority - Property Searches March 2014 Annual Rolling Update Mining Instability Ove Arup & Partners October 2000 Not Applicable Non Coal Mining Areas of Great Britain British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service May 2015 Not Applicable Potential for Collapsible Ground Stability Hazards British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service April 2020 Annually Potential for Compressible Ground Stability Hazards British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service January 2019 Annually Potential for Ground Dissolution Stability Hazards British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service January 2019 Annually Potential for Landslide Ground Stability Hazards British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service January 2019 Annually Potential for Running Sand Ground Stability Hazards British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service January 2019 Annually Potential for Shrinking or Swelling Clay Ground Stability Hazards British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service January 2019 Annually Radon Potential - Radon Affected Areas British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service July 2011 Annually Radon Potential - Radon Protection Measures British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service July 2011 Annually

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Industrial Land Use Version Update Cycle

Contemporary Trade Directory Entries Thomson Directories October 2020 Quarterly Fuel Station Entries Catalist Ltd - Experian September 2020 Quarterly Gas Pipelines National Grid September 2020 Underground Electrical Cables National Grid August 2020

Sensitive Land Use Version Update Cycle

Ancient Woodland Natural England April 2020 Bi-Annually Areas of Adopted Green Belt Fareham Borough Council June 2020 As notified Gosport Borough Council June 2020 As notified Havant Borough Council - Commercial Team June 2020 As notified Portsmouth City Council - Planning Office June 2020 As notified Winchester City Council June 2020 As notified Areas of Unadopted Green Belt Fareham Borough Council June 2020 As notified Gosport Borough Council June 2020 As notified Havant Borough Council - Commercial Team June 2020 As notified Portsmouth City Council - Planning Office June 2020 As notified Winchester City Council June 2020 As notified Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty Natural England June 2019 Bi-Annually Environmentally Sensitive Areas Natural England January 2017 Forest Parks Forestry Commission April 1997 Not Applicable Local Nature Reserves Natural England April 2020 Bi-Annually Marine Nature Reserves Natural England July 2019 Bi-Annually National Nature Reserves Natural England July 2019 Bi-Annually National Parks Natural England April 2017 Bi-Annually Nitrate Sensitive Areas Natural England April 2016 Not Applicable Nitrate Vulnerable Zones Environment Agency - Head Office December 2017 Bi-Annually Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA - formerly FRCA) October 2015 Ramsar Sites Natural England August 2020 Bi-Annually Sites of Special Scientific Interest Natural England May 2020 Bi-Annually Special Areas of Conservation Natural England July 2020 Bi-Annually Special Protection Areas Natural England September 2020 Bi-Annually

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A selection of organisations who provide data within this report

Data Supplier Data Supplier Logo

Ordnance Survey

Environment Agency

Scottish Environment Protection Agency

The Coal Authority

British Geological Survey

Centre for Ecology and Hydrology

Natural Resources Wales

Scottish Natural Heritage

Natural England

Public Health England

Ove Arup

Stantec UK Ltd

Order Number: 267263505_1_1 Date: 14-Nov-2020 rpr_ec_datasheet v53.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Page 82 of 83 Useful Contacts

Contact Name and Address Contact Details

1 British Geological Survey - Enquiry Service Telephone: 0115 936 3143 Fax: 0115 936 3276 British Geological Survey, Environmental Science Centre, Keyworth, Email: [email protected] Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG12 5GG Website:

2 Environment Agency - National Customer Contact Telephone: 03708 506 506 Centre (NCCC) Email: [email protected] PO Box 544, Templeborough, Rotherham, S60 1BY

3 Portsmouth City Council - Environmental Health Telephone: 023 92822251 Department Fax: 01705 834519 Website: Civic Offices, Guildhall Square, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO1 2AZ

4 Southampton City Council - Environmental Health Telephone: 023 80832670 Services Pollution And Safety Fax: 02380 833970 Website: 4-8 Millbrook Road East, Southampton, Hampshire, SO15 1YG

5 Environment Agency - Head Office Telephone: 01454 624400 Fax: 01454 624409 Rio House, Waterside Drive, Aztec West, Almondsbury, Bristol, Avon, BS32 4UD

6 Ordnance Survey Telephone: 03456 05 05 05 Email: [email protected] Adanac Drive, Southampton, Hampshire, SO16 0AS Website:

7 Health and Safety Executive Website: 5S.2 Redgrave Court, Merton Road, Bootle, L20 7HS

8 Portsmouth City Council - Planning Office Telephone: 023 9282 2251 Website: Civic offices, Guildhall Square, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO1 2AL

9 Natural England Telephone: 0300 060 3900 Email: [email protected] County Hall, Spetchley Road, Worcester, WR5 2NP Website:

- Public Health England - Radon Survey, Centre for Telephone: 01235 822622 Radiation, Chemical and Environmental Hazards Fax: 01235 833891 Email: [email protected] Chilton, Didcot, Oxfordshire, OX11 0RQ Website:

- Landmark Information Group Limited Telephone: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Imperium, Imperial Way, Reading, Berkshire, RG2 0TD Email: [email protected] Website:

Please note that the Environment Agency / Natural Resources Wales / SEPA have a charging policy in place for enquiries.

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