Public Document Pack To : Councillor Laing, Convener ; and Councillors Boulton, Cameron, Lesley Dunbar, Jennifer Stewart, Thomson and Townson. Town House, ABERDEEN 30 April 2014 CULTURE AND SPORT SUB COMMITTEE Members of the CULTURE AND SPORT SU B COMMITTEE are requested to meet in Committee Room 2 - Town House on WEDNESDAY, 7 MAY 2014 at 10am . JANE G. MACEACHRAN HEAD OF LEGAL AND DEMOCRATIC SERVICES B U S I N E S S 1 Determination of Exempt Items of Business 2 Minute of Previous Meeting (Pages 1 - 6) 3 Presentation by Aberdeen Sports Village 4 Sports Grants (Pages 7 - 36) 5 Cultural Awards – Project Funding (Pages 37 - 50) 6 Mary Garden Fund 2014-15 (Pages 51 - 66) 7 Aberdeen City Legacy Plan (Pages 67 - 114) 8 Aberdeen Aquatics Strategy (Pages 115 - 166) 9 Aberdeen International Youth Festival - referral from Audit and Risk Committee (Pages 167 - 168) 10 Aberdeen International Youth Festival - Bulletin Report (Pages 169 - 170) 11 Creative Scotland – A Shared Plan for the Arts, Screens and Creative Industries (2014 – 2024) - Bulletin Report (Pages 171 - 172) ITEMS THE COMMITTEE MAY WISH TO CONSIDER IN PRIVATE 12 Sport Aberdeen Business Plan (Pages 173 - 236) 13 Garthdee Alpine Adventure Park Business Plan (Pages 237 - 254) Website Address: If you require any further information about this agenda, please contact Rebecka Coull, tel. (52)2869 or email
[email protected] Agenda Item 2 CULTURE AND SPORT SUB COMMITTEE ABERDEEN, 19 February 2014 - minute of meeting of the CULTURE AND SPORT SUB COMMITTEE. Present : Councillor Thomson (Acting Convener ); and Councillors Boulton, Cameron, Lesley Dunbar, Stewart, Townson and young (as substitute for Councillor Laing).