United States Patent [19] [111 3,903,585 Kosteruk Et Al
United States Patent [19] [111 3,903,585 Kosteruk et al. [45] Sept. 9, 1975 [54] METHOD OF BRAZING 2.9791313 4/l96l Steinberg ....................... .. 29/504 X [761 ‘""emors: vakmi" pe‘mvkh Kosm'uki “msa 520918063 44 [3119231 19 gdulerifeurreta] e . .al. ........v . e . ...t 23:28: i M- Krlvonosa, 19» kv- 5;_Mikhail 3,442,006 5/l969 Grucket et a1...‘ 29/4711 x Savvich Kovalchenko. ulltsa 3,594,895 7/1971 Hill ....................... .. 29/504 x Kapitanovskaya, l0, kv. 20, both of 3,736,648 6/1973 Spielberg ......................... t. 29/4731 Kiev, U.S.S.R. [22] Filed: Ann 27, 1972 Primary Examiner—Francis S. Husar Assistant Examiner—Ronald J. Shore [2]] APPL N03 248,295 Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Waters, Schwartz & Nissen Related U.S. Application Data [63] Continuation of Ser. No. 875,503, Nov. l0, i969, [57] ABSTRACT abandoned‘ lnfusible metal alloys are employed both as a parts I ‘ material and as a brazing spelter for the connection of [52] U.S. Cl. ...... .... .. 75/134 V, 2222880122623, various parts and componems made of materialsrbascd [5 H I ‘ C‘ ‘ 823k suoz upon infusible metals and compounds, ceramics. [58 F’: ‘Id """" 473 1 graphite and the like. The alloys are based upon haf ] e o arc "" " ' ‘29/4729’ 477i 7’ nium to which is added some elements selected from ‘ ' ' the subgroup B of the ?rst group of the periodic sys tem and some elements featuring melting points lying [56] References Cited above 600°C and selected from the third to eighth UNITED STATES PATENTS groups of the periodic system.
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