The Auk 129(3):573−588, 2012  The American Ornithologists’ Union, 2012. Printed in USA.


R. Terry Chesser,1,12,13 Richard C. Banks,1 F. Keith Barker,2 Carla Cicero,3 Jon L. Dunn,4 Andrew W. Kratter,5 Irby J. Lovette,6 Pamela C. Rasmussen,7 J. V. Remsen, Jr.,8 James D. Rising,9 Douglas F. Stotz,10 and Kevin Winker11

1U.S. Geological Survey, Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, National Museum of Natural History, MRC-111, P.O. Box 37012, Washington, D.C. 20013, USA; 2Bell Museum of Natural History, 10 Church Street, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455, USA; 3Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, 3101 Valley Life Sciences Building, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720, USA; 452 Nevada Street, Bishop, California 93514, USA; 5Florida Museum of Natural History, P.O. Box 117800, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611, USA; 6Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, 159 Sapsucker Woods Road, Ithaca, New York 14850, USA; 7Michigan State University Museum and Department of Zoology, West Circle Drive, East Lansing, Michigan 48824, USA; 8Museum of Natural Science, Louisiana State University, Foster Hall 119, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803, USA; 9Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Ramsay Wright Zoological Labs, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario M5S 3G5, Canada; 10Environment, Culture and Conservation, Field Museum of Natural History, 1400 S. Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60605, USA; and 11University of Alaska Museum, 907 Yukon Drive, Fairbanks, Alaska 99775, USA

This is the 12th supplement since publication of the seventh edi- solitarius and Selasphorus calliope) are thereby changed; (7) one tion of the Check-list of North American Birds (American Orni- scientific name is changed (to Picoides fumigatus) by transfer from thologists’ Union [AOU] 1998). It summarizes decisions made one genus to another; (8) minor corrections are made to the citations between 15 April 2011 and 1 May 2012 by the AOU’s Committee for six species (Podilymbus podiceps, Anser anser, Melanitta per- on Classification and Nomenclature—North and Middle Amer- spicillata, Anthracothorax mango, Seiurus aurocapilla, and Icterus ica. The Committee has continued to operate in the manner out- spurius); (9) the endings of the specific names of two taxa (Arami- lined in the 42nd Supplement (AOU 2000). There have been no des cajaneus and Porphyrio martinicus) are corrected; (10) the Eng- changes to committee membership in the past year. lish names of nine largely extralimital species, three on the main list (Pavo cristatus, Accipiter soloensis, and Serinus canaria) and six in Changes in this supplement include the following: (1) one newly the Appendix (Pterodroma solandri, Macronectes giganteus, Ocean- described species (Puffinus bryani) is added to the main list; (2) three ites gracilis, Sterna trudeaui, Copsychus saularis, and Lagonosticta species (Puffinus subalaris, Synthliboramphus scrippsi, and Buteo rubricata), are changed to conform to global usage, and the English plagiatus) are added to the main list due to splits from species al- names of two other species (Buteo nitidus and Synthliboramphus hy- ready on the list; (3) two species (Arremon costaricensis and A. at- poleucus) are changed as a result of taxonomic changes; and (11) one ricapillus) are added by being split both from an extralimital taxon species (Pluvialis apricaria) is added to the list of species known to (A. torquatus) and from each other; (4) the notes for one species occur in the United States. (Basileuterus culicivorus) are changed because of a merger with an extralimital species; (5) 12 genera (Cryptoleucopteryx, Morphnar- New linear sequences are adopted for species in the genera Bu- chus, Pseudastur, Antrostomus, Hydropsalis, Dendroplex, Lepido- teogallus, Antrostomus, Pheugopedius, Thryophilus, Cantorchilus, thrix, Pheugopedius, Thryophilus, Cantorchilus, Artemisiospiza, and and Haemorhous, and for genera in the families Trochilidae, Fur- Haemorhous) are added as a result of splits from other genera, result- nariidae, and Troglodytidae. A new subfamily is adopted in the Tro- ing in changes to 36 scientific names; (6) two genera (Harpyhaliaetus chilidae, and the linear position of the genus Pyrrhula is changed. and Stellula) are lost by merger (into Buteogallus and Selasphorus, The linear sequence of orders is changed such that Falconiformes respectively), and the scientific names of two species Buteogallus( and Psittaciformes are moved to a position immediately preceding

12The authors are members of the American Ornithologists’ Union’s Committee on Classification and Nomenclature—North and Middle America, listed alphabetically after the Chairman. 13E-mail: [email protected]

The Auk, Vol. 129, Number 3, pages 573−588. ISSN 0004-8038, electronic ISSN 1938-4254.  2012 by The American Ornithologists’ Union. All rights reserved. Please direct all requests for permission to photocopy or reproduce article content through the University of California Press’s Rights and Permissions website, http://www.ucpressjournals. com/reprintInfo.asp. DOI: 10.1525/auk.2012.129.3.573

— 573 — 574 — Chesser et al. — Auk, Vol. 129

Passeriformes, reflecting the close relationship among these orders. Thryophilus rufalbus Rufous-and-white Wren. The family placement of one genus (Paroaria) is changed on the ba- Thryophilus sinaloa Sinaloa Wren. sis of new information on its phylogenetic relationships. The spell- Thryophilus pleurostictus Banded Wren. ing of one family name (Pteroclidae) is modified. Cantorchilus leucopogon Stripe-throated Wren. Cantorchilus thoracicus Stripe-breasted Wren. Literature that provides the basis for the Committee’s de- Cantorchilus modestus Plain Wren. cisions is cited at the end of this supplement, and citations not Cantorchilus nigricapillus Bay Wren. already in the Literature Cited of the seventh edition (with supple- Cantorchilus semibadius Riverside Wren. ments) become additions to it. An updated list of the species Cantorchilus leucotis Buff-breasted Wren. known from the AOU Check-list area can be found at www.aou. Arremon costaricensis Costa Rican Brush-Finch. org/checklist/north/index.php. Arremon atricapillus Black-headed Brush-Finch. Artemisiospiza belli Sage Sparrow. The following changes to the seventh edition (page numbers Haemorhous purpureus Purple Finch. refer thereto) and its supplements result from the Committee’s Haemorhous cassinii Cassin’s Finch. actions: Haemorhous mexicanus House Finch. Serinus canaria Island Canary. (I) pp. xvii–liv. Change the number in the title of the list of spe- cies to 2,083. Insert the following names in the proper position as Delete the following names: indicated by the text of this supplement: Accipiter soloensis Gray Frog-Hawk. (H, A) Puffinus subalaris Galapagos Shearwater. (N) Leucopternis plumbeus Plumbeous Hawk. Puffinus bryani Bryan’s Shearwater. (H, A) Leucopternis princeps Barred Hawk. Accipiter soloensis Chinese Sparrowhawk. (H, A) Leucopternis albicollis White Hawk. Cryptoleucopteryx plumbea Plumbeous Hawk. Harpyhaliaetus solitarius Solitary Eagle. Buteogallus solitarius Solitary Eagle. Buteo nitidus Gray Hawk. Morphnarchus princeps Barred Hawk. Pavo cristatus Common Peafowl. (I) Pseudastur albicollis White Hawk. Aramides cajanea Gray-necked Wood-Rail. Buteo plagiatus Gray Hawk. Porphyrio martinica Purple Gallinule. Buteo nitidus Gray-lined Hawk. Synthliboramphus hypoleucus Xantus’s Murrelet. Pavo cristatus Indian Peafowl. (I) PTEROCLIDIDAE Aramides cajaneus Gray-necked Wood-Rail. Caprimulgus carolinensis Chuck-will’s-widow. Porphyrio martinicus Purple Gallinule. Caprimulgus rufus Rufous Nightjar. Synthliboramphus scrippsi Scripps’s Murrelet. Caprimulgus cubanensis Greater Antillean Nightjar. Synthliboramphus hypoleucus Guadalupe Murrelet. Caprimulgus salvini Tawny-collared Nightjar. PTEROCLIDAE Caprimulgus badius Yucatan Nightjar. Antrostomus carolinensis Chuck-will’s-widow. Caprimulgus ridgwayi Buff-collared Nightjar. Antrostomus rufus Rufous Nightjar. Caprimulgus vociferus Eastern Whip-poor-will. Antrostomus cubanensis Greater Antillean Nightjar. Caprimulgus arizonae Mexican Whip-poor-will. Antrostomus salvini Tawny-collared Nightjar. Caprimulgus noctitherus Puerto Rican Nightjar. Antrostomus badius Yucatan Nightjar. Caprimulgus saturatus Dusky Nightjar. Antrostomus ridgwayi Buff-collared Nightjar. Caprimulgus cayennensis White-tailed Nightjar. Antrostomus vociferus Eastern Whip-poor-will. Caprimulgus maculicaudus Spot-tailed Nightjar. Antrostomus saturatus Dusky Nightjar. Stellula calliope Calliope Hummingbird. Antrostomus arizonae Mexican Whip-poor-will. Veniliornis fumigatus Smoky-brown Woodpecker. Antrostomus noctitherus Puerto Rican Nightjar. Xiphorhynchus picus Straight-billed . Hydropsalis cayennensis White-tailed Nightjar. Pipra coronata Blue-crowned Manakin. Hydropsalis maculicaudus Spot-tailed Nightjar. Thryothorus spadix Sooty-headed Wren. Topazinae Thryothorus atrogularis Black-throated Wren. Selasphorus calliope Calliope Hummingbird. Thryothorus fasciatoventris Black-bellied Wren. Picoides fumigatus Smoky-brown Woodpecker. Thryothorus nigricapillus Bay Wren. Dendroplex picus Straight-billed Woodcreeper. Thryothorus semibadius Riverside Wren. Lepidothrix coronata Blue-crowned Manakin. Thryothorus leucopogon Stripe-throated Wren. Pheugopedius spadix Sooty-headed Wren. Thryothorus thoracicus Stripe-breasted Wren. Pheugopedius atrogularis Black-throated Wren. Thryothorus rutilus Rufous-breasted Wren. Pheugopedius rutilus Rufous-breasted Wren. Thryothorus maculipectus Spot-breasted Wren. Pheugopedius maculipectus Spot-breasted Wren. Thryothorus rufalbus Rufous-and-white Wren. Pheugopedius felix Happy Wren. Thryothorus sinaloa Sinaloa Wren. Pheugopedius fasciatoventris Black-bellied Wren. Thryothorus pleurostictus Banded Wren. July 2012 — Fifty-third Supplement — 575

Thryothorus felix Happy Wren. Mellisuga Thryothorus leucotis Buff-breasted Wren. Calypte Thryothorus modestus Plain Wren. Atthis Arremon torquatus Stripe-headed Brush-Finch. Selasphorus Amphispiza belli Sage Sparrow. Chlorostilbon Carpodacus purpureus Purple Finch. Cynanthus Carpodacus cassinii Cassin’s Finch. Cyanophaia Carpodacus mexicanus House Finch. Klais Serinus canaria Common Canary. (I) Abeillia Orthorhyncus Move Leucopternis semiplumbeus to follow Pseudastur al- Phaeochroa bicollis. Move species in Buteogallus to follow Cryptoleucopteryx Campylopterus in this order: Eupherusa Elvira Buteogallus anthracinus Microchera Buteogallus gundlachii Chalybura Buteogallus meridionalis Thalurania Buteogallus urubitinga Amazilia Buteogallus solitarius Trochilus Goethalsia Goldmania Move and and FALCONIFORMES PSITTACIFORMES, Lepidopyga their included species, to precede the order . PASSERIFORMES Damophila Hylocharis Change the sequence of subfamilies, genera, and included species in the TROCHILIDAE to: Change the sequence of subfamilies, genera, and included species in the FURNARIIDAE to: Topazinae Florisuga Sclerurinae Phaethornithinae Sclerurus Eutoxeres Dendrocolaptinae Glaucis Sittasomus Threnetes Deconychura Phaethornis Dendrocincla Trochilinae Glyphorynchus Doryfera Dendrocolaptes Colibri Xiphocolaptes Androdon Xiphorhynchus Heliothryx Dendroplex Chrysolampis Campylorhamphus Anthracothorax Lepidocolaptes Eulampis Furnariinae Discosura Xenops Lophornis Pseudocolaptes Haplophaedia Lochmias Heliodoxa Philydor Eugenes Anabacerthia Panterpe Syndactyla Heliomaster Hyloctistes Lampornis Automolus Lamprolaima Thripadectes Calliphlox Premnoplex Doricha Margarornis Tilmatura Xenerpestes Calothorax Cranioleuca Archilochus Synallaxis 576 — Chesser et al. — Auk, Vol. 129

Change the sequence of genera and included species in the Puffinus lherminieri Lesson. Audubon’s Shearwater. TROGLODYTIDAE to: Pufflnus [sic] Lherminieri Lesson, 1839, Rev. Zool. [Paris] Salpinctes 2:102. (ad ripas Antillarum = Straits of Florida.) Microcerculus Catherpes Habitat.—Pelagic Waters; nests in rock crevices or under Hylorchilus dense vegetation on islands. Ferminia Distribution.—Breeds in the Caribbean and western Atlan- Troglodytes tic region on Crab Cay (off Isla Providencia), on Tiger Rock and Thryorchilus other nearby islets (off the Caribbean Coast of Bocas del Toro, Cistothorus Panama), on Los Hermanos and Islas Los Roques (off Venezuela), Thryothorus on Bermuda (formerly), in the Bahamas, near Puerto Rico (Mona Thryomanes Island, and Cayo del Agua, off Culebra), in the Virgin Islands, and Campylorhynchus widely in the Lesser Antilles (from St. Martin south to islets off Pheugopedius Tobago); in the eastern Atlantic on the Cape Verde Islands; in the Thryophilus Indian Ocean (islands in the southern Persian Gulf south to the Cantorchilus Mascarene, Seychelles, and Maldive groups); and in the Pacific Uropsila Ocean from the Bonin and Volcano islands south to the Palau, Henicorhina Vanuatu, Samoa, Society, and Tuamotu islands. Cyphorhinus Ranges at sea in the western Atlantic from Massachusetts (at least casually, sight reports north to Nova Scotia) south to Florida Transfer Paroaria coronata and P. capitata to the family and throughout the West Indies to the Caribbean coast of Costa THRAUPIDAE, to precede Conirostrum leucogenys, and delete Rica and Panama, and in the Gulf of Mexico west (occasionally) the asterisks in front of their names. to Louisiana and Texas; in the tropical Indian Ocean north to the Persian Gulf, Arabian Sea, and India; and in the tropical Pacific Move Pyrrhula pyrrhula to a position following Pinicola from the general breeding range south to Indonesia, New Guinea, enucleator. and northern Australia. Accidental in Ontario (Almonte), Kentucky (Kentucky Lake), p. 6. In the citation for Podilymbus podiceps, change “Catesby, and England. Nat. Hist. Carolina, p. 91, pl. 91” to “Catesby, Nat. Hist. Carolina Notes.—Puffinus subalaris, formerly considered conspecific 1:91, pl. 91” to follow Linnaeus (Wetherbee 1992). with P. lherminieri, is treated as a separate species based on the phylogeny in Austin et al. (2004). p. 21. Before the account for Puffinus opisthomelas, insert the following new species account: After the species account for Puffinus nativitatis, insert the following new species account: Puffinus bryani Pyle et al. Bryan’s Shearwater. Puffinus subalaris Ridgway. Galapagos Shearwater. Puffinus bryani Pyle et al., 2011, Condor 113:525. (Midway Puffinus subalaris Ridgway (“Townsend MS”), 1897, Proc. Island.) U.S.N.M. 19(1116): 650. (Dalrymple Rock, Chatham Is- land, Galapagos.) Habitat.—Pelagic Waters; breeds presumably on islands with soft soil for nest burrows. Habitat.—Pelagic Waters; nests in rock crevices or under Distribution.—Probably breeds on Bonin (Ogasawara) Is- dense vegetation on islands. lands, Japan (Chikara 2011, Horikoshi et al. 2012), and probably Distribution.—Breeds in the Galapagos Islands (at least ranges at sea in the northern Pacific Ocean. Has been found in a Santa Cruz, Española, Champion, and Wolf Islands). burrow on Midway Island (Pyle and Pyle 2009). Ranges at sea near shore, commonly north to the coast of Accidental in the Hawaiian Islands. Oaxaca, Mexico. Notes.—See comments under P. assimilis. Accidental in Colombia (Chocó); sight reports from north- central Mexico (Jalisco), mainland Ecuador, and Peru. In the species account for Puffinus assimilis (p. 22), delete refer- Notes.—See P. lherminieri. ence to the Hawaiian Islands in the Distribution statement, and insert the following at the end of the Notes: Hawaiian records (e.g., p. 58. The “Laughing Goose” of Edwards, Nat. Hist. Birds, cur- AOU 1998) pertain to P. bryani. rently cited as the basis for the name Anser anser (AOU 1983, 1998; Chesser et al. 2009), is actually Anser albifrons rather than Anser an- p. 21. Puffinus subalaris is treated as a species separate from ser. Change the citation for Anser anser to the following, reverting to P. lherminieri. Remove the current species account for P. lhermin- previous usage (e.g., AOU 1957): Anas anser Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat. ieri and insert the following new species account: 10, 1, p. 123. (in Europa & America maxime boreali = Sweden.) July 2012 — Fifty-third Supplement — 577

p. 79. In the citation for Melanitta perspicillata, change “Ed- citation, and Notes for Morphnarchus, and insert the following at wards, Nat. Hist. Birds 2: 155, pl. 155” to “Edwards, Nat. Hist. the end of the species account: Birds, p. 155, pl. 155” to follow Linnaeus (Wetherbee 1992). Notes.—Formerly placed in the genus Leucopternis. See comments under Morphnarchus. p. 93. Change the English name for Accipiter soloensis to Chi- nese Sparrowhawk (as in Rasmussen and Anderton 2005, Robson The genus Pseudastur is resurrected as a genus for albicol- 2005, and Ferguson-Lees and Christie 2006). Change the Notes lis and the extralimital species occidentalis. Insert the follow- to read: Formerly known as Gray Frog-Hawk (e.g., AOU 1998), ing heading in a position following the account for Parabuteo but name modified to conform to general worldwide usage. Also unicinctus: known as Chinese Goshawk. Genus PSEUDASTUR Blyth p. 96. Recent genetic studies (Amaral et al. 2009; see also Amaral et al. 2006 and Lerner et al. 2008) have shown that Leu- Pseudastur Blyth, 1849 [or 1852], Cat. Bds. Asiat. Soc., p. 24. copternis is highly polyphyletic. North American representatives Type, by monotypy, Falco poecilinotus Temminck = Falco of this genus are found in four divergent lineages: plumbeus and albicollis Latham. princeps form two monotypic lineages, albicollis and the extralim- ital species occidentalis and polionotus form another lineage, and Notes.—Formerly merged with Leucopternis (AOU 1983, semiplumbeus and the extralimital species melanops and kuhli 1998), but now treated as a separate genus on the basis of genetic form a fourth lineage. The type species of Leucopternis is melanops, data (Amaral et al. 2006, 2009; Lerner et al. 2008). so the name Leucopternis stays with the fourth lineage above. Change Leucopternis albicollis (Latham) to Pseudastur al- The new genus Cryptoleucopteryx is added for the spe- bicollis (Latham), move the species account to follow the heading, cies plumbeus, which becomes C. plumbea. Insert the follow- citation, and Notes for Pseudastur, and replace the existing Notes ing heading in a position following the account for Geranospiza with: Formerly placed in the genus Leucopternis. See comments caerulescens: under Pseudastur.

Genus Amaral et al. CRYPTOLEUCOPTERYX Move Genus LEUCOPTERNIS Kaup and its citation to a po- sition following the account for Pseudastur albicollis, and move Cryptoleucopteryx Amaral et al., 2009, Mol. Phylo. Evol. the species account for Leucopternis semiplumbeus to follow. 53:713. Type, by original designation, Leucopternis plum- bea Salvin. p. 97. Buteo plagiatus is treated as a species separate from B. nitidus. Remove the current species account for B. nitidus and Notes.—Formerly considered part of Leucopternis (AOU insert the following new species accounts: 1983, 1998), but now treated as a separate monotypic genus on the basis of genetic data (Amaral et al. 2006, 2009; Lerner et al. 2008). Buteo plagiatus (Schlegel). Gray Hawk. Change Salvin to Leucopternis plumbeus Cryptoleucop- Asturina plagiata Schlegel, 1862, Mus. Hist. Nat. Pays-Bas, (Salvin), move the species account to follow the teryx plumbea Rev. Méthod. Crit. Coll., livr. 1, Asturinae, p.1, note. heading, citation, and Notes for Cryptoleucopteryx, and replace (Veracruz, Mexico.) the existing Notes with: Formerly placed in the genus Leucopter- nis. See comments under Cryptoleucopteryx. Habitat.—Gallery Forest, Tropical Deciduous Forest, Tropi- cal Lowland Evergreen Forest Edge, River-edge Forest (0–1,300 m; The genus Morphnarchus is resurrected as a monotypic ge- Tropical and Subtropical zones). nus for the species princeps. Insert the following heading in a posi- Distribution.—Resident from southern Arizona, southern tion following the account for Buteogallus solitarius (see below): New Mexico (rarely), western (rarely) and southern Texas south through Middle America (including the Bay Islands, off Hondu- Genus morphnarchus Ridgway ras) to northwestern Costa Rica (Gulf of Nicoya region). North- ernmost breeding populations in Arizona, New Mexico, and Morphnarchus Ridgway, 1920, Smiths. Misc. Coll. 72(4):2. Type, western Texas are largely migratory southward in nonbreeding by original designation, Leucopternis princeps Sclater. season. Notes.—Formerly treated as conspecific with the allopatric Notes.—Formerly merged with Leucopternis (AOU 1983, B. nitidus under the English name Gray Hawk, but separated on 1998), but now treated as a separate monotypic genus on the basis the basis of differences in vocalizations, plumage, and morphology of genetic data (Amaral et al. 2006, 2009; Lerner et al. 2008). (Millsap et al. 2011). Formerly (AOU 1998) placed in the genus Asturina (with B. nitidus), but mitochondrial DNA sequence data Change Leucopternis princeps Sclater to Morphnarchus indicate that recognition of the genus Asturina renders Buteo princeps (Sclater), move the species account to follow the heading, paraphyletic (Riesing et al. 2003). 578 — Chesser et al. — Auk, Vol. 129

Buteo nitidus (Latham). Gray-lined Hawk. p. 133. Change Aramides cajanea (Müller) to Aramides cajaneus (Müller). David and Gosselin (2011) have shown that the Falco nitidus Latham, 1790, Index Ornithol. 1:41. Based on specific name, previously treated as a noun in apposition, is really the “Plumbeous Falcon” Latham, Gen. Synop. Birds a geographical adjective based on the place name “Cajenne,” ne- (suppl.) 1:37. (in Cayana = Cayenne.) cessitating a change in gender ending.

Habitat.—Gallery Forest, Tropical Deciduous Forest, Tropi- p. 136. Change Porphyrio martinica (Linnaeus) to Porphy- cal Lowland Evergreen Forest Edge, River-edge Forest (0–1,600 m; rio martinicus (Linnaeus) and make appropriate corrections in Tropical and Subtropical zones). the Notes. David and Gosselin (2011) have shown that the specific Distribution.—Resident from Costa Rica (except northwest), name, previously treated as a noun in apposition, is really a geo- Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Tobago, Trinidad, and the Guianas graphical adjective based on the place name “Martinique,” neces- south, west of the Andes to western Ecuador, and east of the Andes sitating a change in gender ending. to northern Argentina, Paraguay, and southern Brazil. Notes.—See comments under B. plagiatus. pp. 142–143. Records of the European Golden-Plover, Pluvia- lis apricaria, in the United States are recognized. Replace the fi- pp. 97–99. Recent genetic data have shown that the linear po- nal paragraph in the Distribution statement with the following: sition of the genus Buteogallus does not properly reflect its evolu- Casual in Atlantic Canada and Saint-Pierre et Miquelon, espe- tionary relationships, that the linear sequence of species within cially in spring after storms. Accidental in southeastern Alaska the genus Buteogallus does not reflect their evolutionary rela- in winter (specimen, Piston and Heinl 2001) and in fall in Maine tionships, and that the genus is paraphyletic if species currently (North Amer. Birds 63:44, photo) and Delaware (North Amer. included in the genus Harpyhaliaetus are excluded (Amaral et Birds 64:46, photo). al. 2006, 2009; Lerner et al. 2008). Move the genus heading for Buteogallus and the four species accounts to a position following p. 213. Synthliboramphus scrippsi is treated as a species sepa- the account for Cryptoleucopteryx plumbea and insert the species rate from S. hypoleucus. Insert the following new species account accounts in the following sequence: before the account for S. hypoleucus:

Buteogallus anthracinus Synthliboramphus scrippsi (Green and Arnold). Scripps’s Buteogallus gundlachii Murrelet. Buteogallus meridionalis Buteogallus urubitinga Endomychura hypoleuca scrippsi Green and Arnold, 1939, Condor 41:28. (Anacapa Island, California.) Delete the genus heading for Harpyhaliaetus. Move the cita- tions for Harpyhaliaetus and Urubitornis into the synonymy of Habitat.—Coastal waters, pelagic waters; nests on islands Buteogallus. Insert the account for Harpyhaliaetus solitarius fol- on the ground, in crevices beneath large rocks, or under dense lowing the species account for Buteogallus urubitinga, changing clumps of vegetation. Harpyhaliaetus solitarius (Tschudi) to Buteogallus solitarius Distribution.—Breeds on islands off southern California (Tschudi), and replace the existing Notes with: Formerly placed (San Miguel, Santa Cruz, Anacapa, Santa Barbara, San Clemente, in the genus Harpyhaliaetus, but genetic data indicate that Buteo- and, formerly, Santa Catalina) and western Baja California (San gallus is paraphyletic if Harpyhaliaetus is excluded (Amaral et al. Benito, and Coronado and San Jerónimo islands). On large islands 2006, 2009). (e.g., San Miguel, Santa Cruz, San Clemente) confined largely or entirely to offshore rocks (Drost and Lewis 1995). Breeding on San pp. 105–111. Move the heading Order FALCONIFORMES: Martín and Cedros islands, Baja California, uncertain. Caracaras and Falcons and the family and subfamily headings and Winters offshore from northern California (rarely) south to genus and species accounts included under this heading to a posi- southern Baja California. tion following the account for Campephilus imperialis. Insert the Wanders in late summer and fall north to waters from off following at the beginning of the Notes: Recent phylogenetic anal- central California to Oregon, casually to Washington and south- yses of mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences have shown ern British Columbia. that the Falconiformes, Psittaciformes, and Passeriformes form a Notes.—See comments under S. hypoleucus. monophyletic group that may also include the extralimital Cari- amiformes (Ericson et al. 2006, Hackett et al. 2008). Change the English name of S. hypoleucus to Guadalupe Murrelet and change the Distribution statement to: p. 118. Change the English name for Pavo cristatus to Indian Breeds on offshore rocks and islands of western Baja Califor- Peafowl (as in Dickinson 2003, Rasmussen and Anderton 2005, nia from Guadalupe Island south to San Benito Islands. Uncon- Gill and Wright 2006). At the end of the account for this species, firmed breeding on San Martín Island, Baja California, and San insert the following: Clemente and Santa Barbara islands, California. Notes.—Formerly known as Common Peafowl (e.g., AOU 1983, Winters offshore presumably within the breeding range along 1998), but name modified to conform to general worldwide usage. the Pacific coast of Baja California. July 2012 — Fifty-third Supplement — 579

Wanders after the breeding season to waters well offshore of Setochalcis Oberholser, 1914, Bull. U.S. Natl. Mus., no. 86, central California (rare and somewhat irregular in late summer p. 11. Type, by original designation, Caprimulgus vociferus Wilson. and fall), and at least casually north to off the coast of Washing- Annamormis Davis, 1978, Pan American Studies 1:39. Type, ton. Casual off coastal California at least until early winter, and by original designation, Caprimulgus rufus Boddaert. accidental there in midwinter. Less numerous than S. scrippsi in inshore waters. Notes.—Formerly merged with Caprimulgus (AOU 1983, 1998), but now treated as a separate genus on the basis of genetic Replace the existing Notes for S. hypoleucus with the fol- data (Han et al. 2010). lowing: Formerly treated as conspecific with S. scrippsi (as Xan- tus’s Murrelet) but separated on the basis of a lack of evidence of Change the generic names of Caprimulgus carolinen- interbreeding where the two are sympatric on the San Benito Is- sis, Caprimulgus rufus, Caprimulgus cubanensis, Caprimul- lands, and on differences in morphology (especially facial pattern gus salvini, Caprimulgus badius, Caprimulgus ridgwayi, and bill shape), vocalizations, and genetics (Birt et al. 2012; see Caprimulgus vociferus, Caprimulgus saturatus, Caprimul- also Jehl and Bond 1975, Keitt 2005). These species were formerly gus arizonae, and Caprimulgus noctitherus to Antrostomus placed in the genus Endomychura. and place the accounts for these species in this sequence under the heading and Notes for Antrostomus. Remove the parenthe- p. 217. Change the heading Family PTEROCLIDIDAE: Sand- ses around the authority names for cubanensis, badius, ridgwayi, grouse to Family PTEROCLIDAE: Sandgrouse. The name Ptero- and saturatus; add parentheses around the authority names for clididae is an unjustified modification of Pteroclidae Bonaparte, carolinensis, rufus, salvini, and vociferus; and change the genus 1831 (Bock 1994). name in the citation for A. arizonae from Caprimulgus to Antros- tomus. For each species, make the appropriate changes in generic pp. 232–245. Move the heading Order PSITTACIFORMES: names or abbreviations within the existing Notes, and amend Parrots and the family and subfamily headings and genus and spe- the Notes as detailed below. In the species accounts for all spe- cies accounts included under this heading to a position following the cies except A. saturatus, add the following to the end of the Notes: account for Falco mexicanus. Insert the following at the beginning Formerly placed in the genus Caprimulgus. See comments under of the Notes: Recent phylogenetic analyses of mitochondrial and nu- Antrostomus. clear DNA sequences have shown that the Falconiformes, Psittaci- formes, and Passeriformes form a monophyletic group that may also Insert the following at the end of the species account for include the extralimital Cariamiformes (Ericson et al. 2006, Hackett A. saturatus: et al. 2008). Analysis of retroposons also supports a close relationship Notes.—Formerly placed in the genus Caprimulgus. See between Psittaciformes and Passeriformes (Suh et al. 2011). comments under Antrostomus.

pp. 270–273. Phylogenetic analysis of nuclear and mitochon- Following the species account for Antrostomus noctitherus, drial DNA sequences (Han et al. 2010) has shown that the genus insert the following heading: Caprimulgus is highly polyphyletic and that the linear sequence of species currently placed in this genus does not reflect their evo- Genus HYDROPSALIS Wagler lutionary relationships. Species now in Caprimulgus are found in three of the four major clades of the Caprimulgidae, two endemic to Hydropsalis Wagler, 1832, Isis von Oken, col. 1222. Type, by the New World and one consisting of Old World taxa; the type spe- subsequent designation (G. R. Gray, 1855), Caprimulgus cies europaeus belongs to the Old World group, which retains the furcifer Vieillot. name Caprimulgus. The AOU Check-list includes species from each of these three clades, including an accidental from the Old World. Move the citation for Antiurus from the synonymy of Caprimulgus to the synonymy of Hydropsalis, change The genus Antrostomus, which has been in the synonymy of Caprimulgus cayennensis Gmelin and Caprimulgus macu- Caprimulgus, is restored for the species carolinensis, cubanensis, licaudus (Lawrence) to Hydropsalis cayennensis (Gmelin) badius, ridgwayi, arizonae, and saturatus, and is now used for the and Hydropsalis maculicaudus (Lawrence), respectively, and following species also formerly placed in Caprimulgus: rufus, sal- place the accounts for these species in this sequence under the vini, ridgwayi, vociferus, and noctitherus. Remove the citations for heading and Notes for Hydropsalis. For each species, make the Antrostomus, Annamormis, and Setochalcis from the synonymy of appropriate changes in generic names or abbreviations within Caprimulgus and insert the following heading and Notes after the the existing Notes, and amend the Notes as detailed below. In account for Nyctiphrynus ocellatus: the species account for H. cayennensis, replace the existing Notes with the following: Genus ANTROSTOMUS Bonaparte Notes.—Formerly placed in the genus Caprimulgus (AOU 1983, 1998). This species and H. maculicaudus are now con- Antrostomus Bonaparte, 1838, Geogr. Comp. List, p. 8. Type, sidered to be part of a mostly South American group placed by subsequent designation (G. R. Gray, 1840), Caprimul- in an expanded Hydropsalis on the basis of genetic data (Han gus carolinensis Gmelin. et al. 2010). 580 — Chesser et al. — Auk, Vol. 129

Insert the following at the end of the species account for Abeillia H. maculicaudus: Orthorhyncus Notes.—Formerly placed in the genus Caprimulgus (AOU Phaeochroa 1983, 1998). See comments under Hydropsalis cayennensis. Campylopterus Eupherusa pp. 282–314. Phylogenetic analysis of nuclear and mitochon- Elvira drial DNA sequences (McGuire et al. 2007, 2009) has shown that Microchera the linear sequence of subfamilies and genera within the family Tro- Chalybura chilidae does not accurately reflect their evolutionary relationships. Thalurania Amazilia Under the heading Family TROCHILIDAE: Hummingbirds Trochilus on p. 282, replace the existing Notes with the following: Sequence Goethalsia of subfamilies and genera follows McGuire et al. (2009). Goldmania Lepidopyga Insert the following heading after the Notes on p. 282 refer- Damophila enced above: Hylocharis Subfamily TOPAZINAE: Topazes p. 288. In the citation for Anthracothorax mango, change “Al- Place the subfamilies and genera in the family Trochilidae in bin, Nat. Hist. Birds 2:45, pl. 49, fig. 1” to “Albin, Nat. Hist. Birds the following new sequence: 3:45, pl. 49, fig. 2” to follow Linnaeus (Wetherbee 1992).

Subfamily TOPAZINAE: Topazes p. 311. Change Stellula calliope (Gould) to Selasphorus Florisuga calliope (Gould), delete the genus heading for Stellula, move the Subfamily PHAETHORNITHINAE: Hermits citation for Stellula into the synonymy of Selasphorus, insert the Eutoxeres species account for Selasphorus calliope to follow the account for Glaucis Selasphorus scintilla, delete “and Stellula” from the Notes under Threnetes genus Archilochus (p. 309), and insert the following at the end of Phaethornis the species account: Subfamily TROCHILINAE: Typical Hummingbirds Notes.—Formerly placed in the genus Stellula, but genetic Doryfera data indicate that Selasphorus is paraphyletic if calliope is ex- Colibri cluded (McGuire et al. 2007, 2009). Androdon Heliothryx p. 342. Change Veniliornis fumigatus (d’Orbigny) to Picoi- Chrysolampis des fumigatus (d’Orbigny), move the account for this species to Anthracothorax precede the species account for Picoides villosus, and add the fol- Eulampis lowing to the end of the species account: Discosura Notes.—Formerly placed in the genus Veniliornis, but genetic Lophornis data (Moore et al. 2006) indicate that it is a member of the genus Haplophaedia Picoides. Heliodoxa Eugenes pp. 347–360. Phylogenetic analysis of nuclear and mitochon- Panterpe drial DNA sequences (Derryberry et al. 2011) has shown that the Heliomaster linear sequence of subfamilies and genera within the family Fur- Lampornis nariidae does not accurately reflect their evolutionary relation- Lamprolaima ships. Their phylogenetic conclusions result in a new sequence of Calliphlox subfamilies and genera, as follows: Doricha Tilmatura Subfamily SCLERURINAE: Leaftossers Calothorax Sclerurus Archilochus Subfamily DENDROCOLAPTINAE: Mellisuga Sittasomus Calypte Deconychura Atthis Dendrocincla Selasphorus Glyphorynchus Chlorostilbon Dendrocolaptes Cynanthus Xiphocolaptes Cyanophaia Xiphorhynchus Klais Dendroplex July 2012 — Fifty-third Supplement — 581

Campylorhamphus Notes.—Formerly placed in the genus Xiphorhynchus. See Lepidocolaptes comments under Dendroplex. Subfamily FURNARIINAE: Ovenbirds Xenops p. 426. The genus Pipra as currently constituted does Pseudocolaptes not form a monophyletic group (Prum 1992, Rêgo et al. 2007, Lochmias Tello et al. 2009, McKay et al. 2010); a group of species that in- Philydor cludes coronata is not closely related to the remaining species Anabacerthia of Pipra, including the type species aureola. Delete the Notes Syndactyla under the heading Family PIPRIDAE: Manakins (p. 423), de- Hyloctistes lete “and Pipra coronata” from the Notes for Genus PIPRA Lin- Automolus naeus, remove the citation for Lepidothrix from the synonymy Thripadectes of Pipra, and insert the following after the species account for Premnoplex Chiroxiphia linearis: Margarornis Xenerpestes Genus LEPIDOTHRIX Bonaparte Cranioleuca Synallaxis Lepidothrix Bonaparte, 1854, Consp. Voluc. Anisod., p. 6. Type, by subsequent designation (G. R. Gray, 1855), Pipra cyanocapilla Under the heading Family FURNARIIDAE: Ovenbirds, Wagl. = Pipra cyanocapilla Hahn = Pipra coronata Spix. Woodcreepers, and Leaftossers on p. 347, replace the existing Notes with the following: Notes.—Formerly merged with Pipra (AOU 1983, 1998), but Notes.—The woodcreepers (subfamily Dendrocolaptinae) now treated as a separate genus on the basis of syringeal (Prum were formerly (AOU 1983, 1998) placed in the separate family Den- 1992) and genetic data (Rêgo et al. 2007, Tello et al. 2009, McKay drocolaptidae, but genetic data (Irestedt et al. 2002, Chesser 2004), et al. 2010), which indicate that the two genera are not closely which are consistent with morphological studies (Ames 1971, Fe- related. duccia 1973), showed that these genera were embedded within the Furnariidae. The sequence of genera follows Derryberry et al. (2011). Change Pipra coronata Spix to Lepidothrix coronata On p. 349, delete the Notes under the heading Genus (Spix), place the account for this species under the heading and XENERPESTES Berlepsch. Notes for Lepidothrix, and replace the existing Notes with the fol- lowing: Groups: L. velutina (Berlepsch, 1883) [Velvety Manakin], p. 358. The genus Dendroplex is resurrected for Xiphorhyn- L. coronata [Blue-crowned Manakin], and L. exquisita (Hellmayr, chus picus and the extralimital species X. kienerii. Remove the 1905) [Exquisite Manakin]. Formerly placed in the genus Pipra. citation for Dendroplex from the synonymy of Xiphorhynchus See comments under Lepidothrix. and insert the following after the account for Xiphorhynchus erythropygius: pp. 471–486. Phylogenetic analysis of nuclear and mitochon- drial DNA sequences (Rice et al. 1999, Barker 2004, Mann et al. Genus DENDROPLEX Swainson 2006) has shown that the linear sequence of genera within the family Troglodytidae does not accurately reflect their evolution- Dendroplex Swainson, 1827, Zool. J. 3: 354. Type, by subse- ary relationships. Their phylogenetic conclusions result in a new quent designation, D. picus = Oriolus picus Gmelin. (Pre- sequence of genera, as follows: viously cited type, D. guttatus Spix = Dendrocolaptes ocellatus Spix set aside as misidentification [I.C.Z.N. Salpinctes 1999, Art. 69.2.4], fide Aleixo et al. 2007.) Microcerculus Catherpes Notes.—Formerly merged with Xiphorhynchus (AOU 1983, Hylorchilus 1998), but now treated as a separate genus on the basis of ge- Ferminia netic data, which show that the two genera are not closely related Troglodytes (Aleixo 2002). The return to the use of Dendroplex for picus and Thryorchilus the extralimital species kienerii (Lafresnaye, 1855) [Zimmer’s Cistothorus Woodcreeper] is based on Aleixo et al. (2007), who fixed the type Thryothorus of Dendroplex as picus, invalidating the former designation of Thryomanes Xiphorhynchus ocellatus as the type because it was based on a Campylorhynchus misidentification. Pheugopedius (see below) Thryophilus (see below) Change Xiphorhynchus picus (Gmelin) to Dendroplex Cantorchilus (see below) picus (Gmelin), place the account for these species under the Uropsila heading and Notes for Dendroplex, and insert the following at the Henicorhina end of the species account: Cyphorhinus 582 — Chesser et al. — Auk, Vol. 129

Under the heading Family TROGLODYTIDAE: Wrens Insert the following at the end of the species account on p. 471, add the following sentence at the end of the Notes: Se- for P. fasciatoventris: quence of genera follows Barker (2004) and Mann et al. (2006). Notes.—Formerly placed in the genus Thryothorus. See com- Delete the Notes under the headings Genus SALPINCTES ments under Pheugopedius. Cabanis, Genus MICROCERCULUS Sclater, Genus CATHERPES Baird, and Genus HYLORCHILUS Nelson. Following the species account for Pheugopedius fasciatoven- tris, insert the following heading and Notes: pp. 475–479. Phylogenetic analysis of nuclear and mitochon- drial DNA sequences (Barker 2004, Mann et al. 2006) has shown Genus THRYOPHILUS Baird that the genus Thryothorus is polyphyletic and that the linear se- quence of species currently placed in this genus does not reflect Thryophilus Baird, 1864, Rev. Amer. Bds. 1:127. Type, by origi- their evolutionary relationships. The type species ludovicianus nal designation, Thryothorus rufalbus Lafresnaye. is only distantly related to the other species currently placed in Thryothorus, which constitute three clades that may or may not Notes.—Formerly merged with Thryothorus (AOU 1983, form a monophyletic group. The AOU Check-list includes species 1998), but now treated as separate on the basis of genetic data from each of these clades. (Barker 2004, Mann et al. 2006), which indicate that the two gen- era are not closely related. Move the genus heading for Thryothorus to follow the species account for Cistothorus palustris, and move the species account Change the generic names of Thryothorus rufalbus, for Thryothorus ludovicianus to follow the heading for Thryotho- Thryothorus sinaloa, and Thryothorus pleurostictus to rus. Add the following under the citation of genus Thryothorus: Thryophilus and place the accounts for these species in this Notes.—See Notes under Pheugopedius, Thryophilus, and sequence under the heading and Notes for Thryophilus. Add Cantorchilus. parentheses around the authority names for rufalbus and pleurostictus. For each species, make the appropriate changes Change the second sentence of the Notes for Thryothorus in generic names or abbreviations within the existing Notes, ludovicianus to read: Phillips (1986) treated albinucha as a species. and amend the Notes as detailed below. In the species accounts for T. rufalbus and T. sinaloa, add the following to the end of Following the species account for Campylorhynchus brunnei- the Notes: Formerly placed in the genus Thryothorus. See com- capillus, insert the following: ments under Thryophilus.

Genus PHEUGOPEDIUS Cabanis Delete “constitute a superspecies (Sibley and Monroe 1990); they” from the first sentence of the Notes for Thryophilus rufal- Pheugopedius Cabanis, 1851, Mus. Hein., 1: 79. Type, by bus, and delete the second sentence of the Notes for Thryophilus monotypy, Thryothorus genibarbis Swainson. sinaloa.

Notes.—Formerly merged with Thryothorus (AOU 1983, Insert the following at the end of the species account for 1998), but now treated as separate on the basis of genetic data T. pleurostictus: (Barker 2004, Mann et al. 2006), which indicate that the two gen- Notes.—Formerly placed in the genus Thryothorus. See com- era are not closely related. ments under Thryophilus.

Change the generic names of Thryothorus spadix, Thryo- Following the species account for Thryophilus pleurostictus, thorus atrogularis, Thryothorus rutilus, Thryothorus maculi- insert the following heading and Notes: pectus, Thryothorus felix, and Thryothorus fasciatoventris to Pheugopedius and place the accounts for these species in this se- Genus Mann et al. quence under the heading and Notes for Pheugopedius. Remove CANTORCHILUS the parentheses around the authority name for spadix and add parentheses around the authority names for atrogularis, rutilus, Cantorchilus Mann et al., 2006, Mol. Phylo. Evol. 40:758. Type, maculipectus, felix, and fasciatoventris. For each species, make by original designation, Thryothorus longirostris Vieillot. the appropriate changes in generic names or abbreviations within the existing Notes, and amend the Notes as detailed below. In the Notes.—Formerly considered part of Thryothorus (AOU species accounts for all species except P. fasciatoventris, add the 1983, 1998), but now treated as separate on the basis of genetic following to the end of the Notes: Formerly placed in the genus data (Barker 2004, Mann et al. 2006), which indicate that the two Thryothorus. See comments under Pheugopedius. genera are not closely related.

Delete “; they constitute a superspecies (Sibley and Monroe Change the generic names of Thryothorus leucopogon, 1990)” from both the first sentence of the Notes for Pheugope- Thryothorus thoracicus, Thryothorus modestus, Thryothorus dius spadix and the first sentence of the Notes for Pheugopedius nigricapillus, Thryothorus semibadius, and Thryothorus leu- rutilus. cotis to Cantorchilus and place the accounts for these species in July 2012 — Fifty-third Supplement — 583

this sequence under the heading and Notes for Cantorchilus. Add p. 602. Arremon costaricensis and A. atricapillus are sepa- parentheses around the authority names for thoracicus, modes- rated from A. torquatus. Delete the species account for A. tor- tus, nigricapillus, semibadius, and leucotis. For each species, make quatus and replace it with new accounts for A. costaricensis and the appropriate changes in generic names or abbreviations within A. atricapillus as follows: the existing Notes, and amend the Notes as detailed below. Add the following to the end of the Notes of the species accounts for Arremon costaricensis (Bangs). Costa Rican Brush-Finch. thoracicus, modestus, nigricapillus, and semibadius: Formerly placed in the genus Thryothorus. See comments under Cantorchilus. Buarremon costaricensis Bangs, 1907, Auk 24:310. (Boruca, Costa Rica.) Delete the existing Notes for Cantorchilus leucopogon and insert the following: Habitat.—Montane Evergreen Forest, Tropical Lowland Notes.—Hellmayr (1934) and Paynter in Mayr and Greenway Evergreen Forest, Secondary Forest, Elfin Forest (300–1,200 m; (1960) considered C. leucopogon and C. thoracicus to be conspe- upper Tropical and Subtropical zones). cific, but see Wetmore et al. (1984). Formerly placed in the genus Distribution.—Resident in southwestern Costa Rica (north Thryothorus. See comments under Cantorchilus. to the Gulf of Nicoya) and Chiriquí, western Panama. Notes.—Formerly (AOU 1998) included in A. torquatus Delete the second sentence from the existing Notes for Can- (Lafresnaye and d’Orbigny) [White-browed Brush-Finch], but torchilus modestus. here considered specifically distinct on the basis of differences in vocalizations, plumage, and genetics (Cadena and Cuervo 2010). Delete the second sentence from the existing Notes for Can- Formerly considered conspecific with A. atricapillus, either as torchilus nigricapillus, and insert the following: Some authors part of A. torquatus (AOU 1998) or distinct from A. torquatus (e.g., Hellmayr 1934 and Paynter in Mayr and Greenway 1960) (AOU 1983). Formerly placed in the genus Buarremon (AOU consider C. nigricapillus and C. semibadius to be conspecific, but 1998). see Slud (1964) and Wetmore et al. (1984). Arremon atricapillus (Lawrence). Black-headed Brush-Finch. Delete the existing Notes for Cantorchilus leucotis and insert the following: Buarremon atricapillus Lawrence, 1874, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. Notes.—Species limits among Cantorchilus leucotis and the New York 10:396. (“Bogotá,” Colombia.) South American C. superciliaris (Lawrence, 1869) [Superciliated Wren], C. guarayanus (Lafresnaye and d’Orbigny, 1837) [Fawn- Habitat.—Montane Evergreen Forest, Tropical Lowland breasted Wren], and C. longirostris (Vieillot, 1818) [Long-billed Evergreen Forest, Secondary Forest, Elfin Forest (700–1,000 m; Wren] are uncertain (see Ridgely and Tudor 1989). Formerly placed upper Tropical and Subtropical zones). in the genus Thryothorus. See comments under Cantorchilus. Distribution.—Resident in eastern Panamá province, east- ern San Blas, and eastern Darién, Panama, south to the west slope p. 554. In the citation for Seiurus aurocapilla, change “Ed- of the Eastern Andes, both slopes of the Central Andes, and the wards, Glean. Nat. Hist. 5:91, pl. 252” to “Edwards, Glean. Nat. Pacific slope of the Western Andes, northern Colombia. Hist. 1:91, pl. 252” to correct a numbering error (Wetherbee 1992). Notes.—See comments under A. costaricensis.

p. 565. The extralimital species Basileuterus hypoleucus pp. 614–615. Amphispiza belli is transferred to the new genus is merged with Basileuterus culicivorus. Add the following to Artemisiospiza. After the account for Amphispiza bilineata, in- the end of the Notes for B. culicivorus: Includes B. hypoleucus sert the following heading and Notes: Bonaparte, 1850 [White-bellied Warbler], formerly considered a separate species but merged on the basis of playback experiments Genus ARTEMISIOSPIZA Klicka and Banks (Robbins et al. 1999), lack of differences in vocalizations (Robbins et al. 1999) and genetics (Vilaça and Santos 2010), and the pres- Artemisiospiza Klicka and Banks, 2011, Zootaxa 2793:67. ence of mixed pairs and intermediates where their ranges overlap Type, by original designation, Emberiza belli Cassin. (Hellmayr 1935, Willis 1986, Robbins et al. 1999). Notes.—Formerly considered part of Amphispiza (AOU p. 599. Remove the genus Paroaria and its included species 1983, 1998), but genetic data (Klicka and Spellman 2007, Da- from the family Emberizidae and transfer them to a position at Costa et al. 2009) indicate that the two genera are not closely the beginning of the Thraupidae, preceding the heading for the related. genus Conirostrum. Substitute the following for the Notes under the generic name: Change Amphispiza belli (Cassin) to Artemisiospiza belli Notes.—Mitochondrial genetic data (Yuri and Mindell 2002, (Cassin), place the account for this species under the heading and Burns and Naoki 2004) provide strong evidence that the affinities Notes for Artemisiospiza, and insert the following at the end of of this genus, previously placed in the Emberizidae, are with the the existing Notes: Formerly placed in the genus Amphispiza. See Thraupidae. comments under Artemisiospiza. 584 — Chesser et al. — Auk, Vol. 129

p. 650. In the citation for Icterus spurius, change “Catesby, p. 685. Change the English name for Macronectes giganteus Nat. Hist. Carolina 1:48, pl. 48” to “Catesby, Nat. Hist. Carolina to Southern Giant-Petrel (as in Dickinson 2003, Christidis and 1:49, pl. 49” to correct a typographical error (Wetherbee 1992). Boles 2008, Remsen et al. 2012). Add the following to the end of the species account: Formerly (e.g., AOU 1998) known as Antarc- pp. 660–662. The genus Carpodacus as currently constituted tic Giant-Petrel, but name modified to conform to general world- does not form a monophyletic group (Arnaiz-Villena et al. 2007, wide usage. Lerner et al. 2011, Zuccon et al. 2012); the North American species are not closely related to the remaining species of Carpodacus, p. 686. Change the English name for Pterodroma solandri to which include the type species roseus. Insert the following after Providence Petrel (as in Dickinson 2003, Gill and Wright 2006, the species account for Carpodacus erythrinus: and Christidis and Boles 2008). Change the last sentence of the species account to: Formerly (e.g., AOU 1998) known as Solander’s Genus HAEMORHOUS Swainson Petrel, but name modified to conform to general worldwide usage.

Haemorhous Swainson, 1837, Nat. Hist. Classif. Bds. 2:295. p. 687. Change the English name for Oceanites gracilis to Type, by subsequent designation (Sharpe, 1888), Fringilla Elliot’s Storm-Petrel (as in Gill and Wright 2006 and Remsen purpurea Gmelin. et al. 2012). Add the following to the end of the species account: Formerly (e.g., AOU 1998) known as White-vented Storm-Petrel, Notes.—Formerly merged with Carpodacus (AOU 1983, but name modified to conform to general worldwide usage. 1998), but now treated as a separate genus on the basis of genetic data (Arnaiz-Villena et al. 2007, Lerner et al. 2011, Zuccon et al. p. 693. Change the English name for Sterna trudeaui to 2012), which show that the two genera are not closely related. Snowy-crowned Tern (as in Gill and Wright 2006 and Remsen et al. 2012). Add the following to the end of the species account: Change the generic names of Carpodacus purpureus, Car- Formerly (e.g., AOU 1998) known as Trudeau’s Tern, but name podacus cassinii, and Carpodacus mexicanus to Haemorhous, modified to conform to general worldwide usage. and move the accounts for these species in this sequence to follow the heading and notes for Haemorhous. Add parentheses around p. 696. Change the English name for Copsychus saularis to the authority name for cassinii. For cassinii and mexicanus, make Oriental Magpie-Robin (as in Dickinson 2003, Rasmussen and the appropriate changes in generic names or abbreviations within Anderton 2005, and Gill and Wright 2006). Add the following to the existing Notes, and insert the following at the end of the Notes: the end of the species account: Formerly (e.g., AOU 1998) known Formerly placed in the genus Carpodacus. See comments under as Magpie-Robin, but name modified to conform to general world- Haemorhous. wide usage.

Substitute the following for the Notes in the species account p. 698. Change the English name for Lagonosticta rubricata for H. purpureus: to African Firefinch (as in Stevenson and Fanshawe 2002, Sinclair Notes.—Formerly placed in the genus Carpodacus. See com- and Ryan 2003, and Dickinson 2003). Add the following to the end ments under Haemorhous. of the species account: Formerly (e.g., AOU 1998) known as Afri- can Fire-Finch, but name modified to conform to general world- Delete the final sentence of the Notes in the species account wide usage. for Carpodacus erythrinus. pp. 705 ff. Make the following changes to the list of French Move the citation for Burrica from the synonymy of Carpo- names of North American birds: dacus to the synonymy of Haemorhous. Insert the following names in the proper position as indicated by p. 669. Change the English name for Serinus canaria to Is- the text of this supplement: land Canary (as in Clements 2000 and Dickinson 2003). Change Puffinus subalaris Puffin des Galapagos the Notes to read: Formerly known as Common Canary (e.g., AOU Puffinus bryani Puffin de Bryan 1998), but name modified to conform to general worldwide usage. Cryptoleucopteryx plumbea Buse plombée Buteogallus solitarius Buse solitaire p. 669. Recent genetic data have shown that the current linear Morphnarchus princeps Buse barrée position of the genus Pyrrhula does not properly reflect its evolu- Pseudastur albicollis Buse blanche tionary relationships (Lerner et al. 2011, Zuccon et al. 2012). Move Buteo plagiatus Buse grise Genus PYRRHULA Brisson, its citation, and the species account Aramides cajaneus Râle de Cayenne for Pyrrhula pyrrhula to a position following the species account Porphyrio martinicus Talève violacée for Pinicola enucleator and insert the following under the heading Synthliboramphus scrippsi Guillemot de Scripps and citation for Pyrrhula: PTEROCLIDAE Notes.—Nuclear and mitochondrial genetic data indicate Antrostomus carolinensis Engoulevent de Caroline that Pyrrhula and Pinicola are closely related genera (Lerner et al. Antrostomus rufus Engoulevent roux 2011, Zuccon et al. 2012). Antrostomus cubanensis Engoulevent peut-on-voir July 2012 — Fifty-third Supplement — 585

Antrostomus salvini Engoulevent de Salvin Pipra coronata Manakin à tête bleue Antrostomus badius Engoulevent maya Thryothorus spadix Troglodyte moine Antrostomus ridgwayi Engoulevent de Ridgway Thryothorus atrogularis Troglodyte à gorge noire Antrostomus vociferus Engoulevent bois-pourri Thryothorus fasciatoventris Troglodyte à ventre noir Antrostomus saturatus Engoulevent montagnard Thryothorus nigricapillus Troglodyte à calotte noire Antrostomus arizonae Engoulevent d’Arizona Thryothorus semibadius Troglodyte des ruisseaux Antrostomus noctitherus Engoulevent de Porto Rico Thryothorus leucopogon Troglodyte balafré Hydropsalis cayennensis Engoulevent coré Thryothorus thoracicus Troglodyte flammé Hydropsalis maculicaudus Engoulevent à queue étoilée Thryothorus rutilus Troglodyte des halliers Selasphorus calliope Colibri calliope Thryothorus maculipectus Troglodyte à poitrine tachetée Picoides fumigatus Pic enfumé Thryothorus rufalbus Troglodyte rufalbin Dendroplex picus Grimpar talapiot Thryothorus sinaloa Troglodyte du Sinaloa Lepidothrix coronata Manakin à tête bleue Thryothorus pleurostictus Troglodyte barré Pheugopedius spadix Troglodyte moine Thryothorus felix Troglodyte joyeux Pheugopedius atrogularis Troglodyte à gorge noire Thryothorus leucotis Troglodyte à face pâle Pheugopedius rutilus Troglodyte des halliers Thryothorus modestus Troglodyte modeste Pheugopedius maculipectus Troglodyte à poitrine tachetée Arremon torquatus Tohi à tête rayée Pheugopedius felix Troglodyte joyeux Amphispiza belli Bruant de Bell Pheugopedius fasciatoventris Troglodyte à ventre noir Carpodacus purpureus Roselin pourpré Thryophilus rufalbus Troglodyte rufalbin Carpodacus cassinii Roselin de Cassin Thryophilus sinaloa Troglodyte du Sinaloa Carpodacus mexicanus Roselin familier Thryophilus pleurostictus Troglodyte barré Cantorchilus leucopogon Troglodyte balafré Move Leucopternis semiplumbeus to follow Pseudastur albicollis. Cantorchilus thoracicus Troglodyte flammé Move species in Buteogallus to follow Cryptoleucopteryx plumbea Cantorchilus modestus Troglodyte modeste in this order: Cantorchilus nigricapillus Troglodyte à calotte noire Buteogallus anthracinus Cantorchilus semibadius Troglodyte des ruisseaux Buteogallus gundlachii Cantorchilus leucotis Troglodyte à face pâle Buteogallus meridionalis Arremon costaricensis Tohi du Costa Rica Buteogallus urubitinga Arremon atricapillus Tohi à tête noire Buteogallus solitarius Artemisiospiza belli Bruant de Bell Haemorhous purpureus Roselin pourpré Move FALCONIDAE, PSITTACIDAE, and their included species, Haemorhous cassinii Roselin de Cassin to a position following Campephilus imperialis. Haemorhous mexicanus Roselin familier Rearrange the generic placements and species sequence in Delete the following names: TROCHILIDAE, FURNARIIDAE, and TROGLODYTIDAE as Leucopternis plumbeus Buse plombée indicated by the text of this supplement. Leucopternis princeps Buse barrée Leucopternis albicollis Buse blanche Transfer Paroaria coronata and P. capitata to the family THRAU- Harpyhaliaetus solitarius Buse solitaire PIDAE, to precede Conirostrum leucogenys. Aramides cajanea Râle de Cayenne Porphyrio martinica Talève violacée Move Pyrrhula pyrrhula to a position following Pinicola enucleator. PTEROCLIDIDAE Caprimulgus carolinensis Engoulevent de Caroline Proposals considered but not accepted by the committee Caprimulgus rufus Engoulevent roux included recognition of Junco bairdii (Baird’s Junco) as a species Caprimulgus cubanensis Engoulevent peut-on-voir distinct from J. phaeonotus (Yellow-eyed Junco); recognition of Caprimulgus salvini Engoulevent de Salvin the extralimital species Gracula indica (Southern Hill-Myna) as Caprimulgus badius Engoulevent maya distinct from G. religiosa (Hill Myna); division of Amazona leuco- Caprimulgus ridgwayi Engoulevent de Ridgway cephala (Cuban Parrot) and Passerculus sandwichensis (Savannah Caprimulgus vociferus Engoulevent bois-pourri Sparrow) into multiple species; transfer of Deltarhynchus flam- Caprimulgus arizonae Engoulevent d’Arizona mulatus (Flammulated Flycatcher) to Ramphotrigon; resurrec- Caprimulgus noctitherus Engoulevent de Porto Rico tion of the genera Pseudobulweria for Pterodroma rostrata (Tahiti Caprimulgus saturatus Engoulevent montagnard Petrel), Urubitinga for Buteogallus urubitinga (Great Black-Hawk) Caprimulgus cayennensis Engoulevent coré and B. solitarius (Solitary Eagle), and Heterospizias for Buteogallus Caprimulgus maculicaudus Engoulevent à queue étoilée meridionalis (Savanna Hawk); modification of the English names Stellula calliope Colibri calliope of Buteo plagiatus (Gray Hawk), Columbina inca (Inca Dove), Veniliornis fumigatus Pic enfumé Setophaga flavescens (Bahama Warbler), and Pseudonestor xan- Xiphorhynchus picus Grimpar talapiot thophrys (Maui Parrotbill); rearrangement of the linear sequence 586 — Chesser et al. — Auk, Vol. 129

of species in the genus Spizella; and establishment of a new mini- Barker, F. K. 2004. Monophyly and relationships of wrens (Aves: mum standard for holotypes of extant avian species. Troglodytidae): A congruence analysis of heterogeneous mito- chondrial and nuclear DNA sequence data. Molecular Phyloge- netics and Evolution 31:486–504. Acknowledgments Birt, T. P., H. R. Carter, D. L. Whitworth, A. McDonald, S. H. Newman, F. Gress, E. Palacios, J. S. Koepke, and V. L. Normand David serves as the committee’s advisor for classical Friesen. 2012. Rangewide population genetic structure of Xan- languages in relation to scientific names, and Michel Gosselin is tus’s Murrelet (Synthliboramphus hypoleucus). Auk 129:44–55. the authority for French names. We thank A. Aleixo, M. J. Braun, Bock, W. J. 1994. History and nomenclature of avian family-group M. R. Browning, C. D. Cadena, E. Carey, S. Claramunt, W. S. Clark, names. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, P. Escalante, D. D. 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