Marathon Oil UK LLC 448, 635 NK Coatings Ltd 563 Nautical Petroleum Ltd 580, 795 Environmental PCI Properties Limited 23 Neptune E&P UK Ltd 80, 206, 581 protection SRCL Ltd 697 Neptune E&P UKCS Limited 966 Neptune E&P UKCS Ltd 448 A1 Dual Carriageway between Hillsborough Planning Nexen Petroleum U.K. Limited 583 Roundabout and Loughbrickland, part of Trunk Road T4 (A1) Vesting Order 249, 275 Nexen Petroleum U.K. Ltd 579, 580, 582 TOWN PLANNING Nexen Petroleum UK Ltd 207 A1 Junctions Phase 2 Road Improvement Scheme Environmental Impact Assessment One-Dyas UK Limited 966 Borough Council 274 ONE-DYAS UK Ltd 447 Local Development Plan 2030 - Draft Plan A5 Western Transport Corridor (A5WTC) Perenco Gas (UK) Ltd 226, 448 Environmental Statement Addendum: Notice of Strategy 514, 544, 583, 584, 615, 797, 819 Perenco Gas UK Limited 208 Publication 275 B C, Ards and North Down Perenco UK Limited 965, 966 A5 Western Transport Corridor (A5WTC) Local Development Plan 2030, Publication of Perenco UK Ltd 81, 82, 208, 227, 273, 796, Habitats Regulations Assessments 275 Preferred Options Paper (POP) 247, 276, 394, 411 907, 908 Air Quality (Amendment, Etc.) Regulations Armagh City, Banbridge & Craigavon Borough Petrofac Facilities Management Limited 634, () 2018 3 Armagh City, Banbridge & Craigavon Borough Council Area and Mid District Council 964 Area, Lands between NIE Substation at rear of Petrofac Facilities Management Ltd 272, 375, Council Area and District Council Area, Lands between NIE Substation at rear of 152 Trewmount Road Moy Co Tyrone to Doohat 447, 583, 696, 795, 906, 907 152 Trewmount Road Moy Co Tyrone to Doohat or Crossreagh and Crossbane, Co Armagh Premier Oil E&P Ltd 82, 83 or Crossreagh and Crossbane, Co Armagh 714 Premier Oil E&P UK Limited 272, 695, 796 714 City C, Belfast Local Development Plan Premier Oil E&P UK Ltd 227 Environmental Protection (Microbeads) - Draft Plan 3, 23, 134, 154, 174, 771, 797 Premier Oil UK Limited 563, 636 Regulations Northern Ireland) 2018 136 City and District Council, Local Premier Oil UK Ltd 83, 908 District Council, Lands Development Plan 2032 (LDP), Publication and Commencement of Consultation on Draft Plan PX Group Ltd 582 Circa 1.3km East of Clabby, Mullaghsilogagh Strategy 946 Repsol Sinopec North Sea Limited 966 and Furnish, Clabby, Tempo, Free Range Fermanagh and Omagh Local Development Repsol Sinopec Resources UK Limited 583, Poultry Houses 431 Plan 2030 Draft Plan Strategy (Readvertisement) 966 Flush Bridge Stream, Co. Antrim 357 River Basin Management Plans, 3rd Cycle 339 Repsol Sinopec Resources UK Ltd 81, 82, Timeline Consultation 85 Fermanagh and Omagh Local Development Plan 83, 207, 375, 544, 581, 583, 906, 907, 908, 965 River Foyle Flood Defense Rehabilitation 2030 Draft Plan Strategy, Public Consultation Repsol Sinopec Resources UK 636 Works 1022 on Site Specific Policy Representations 98 RockRose UKCS8 LLC 906, 965, 966 T4 (Loughbrickland to Hillsborough) Order City Council, Lisburn Serica Energy (UK) Ltd 227 (Northern Ireland) 2019 274 and Castlereagh Local Development Plan 2032 Serica Energy UK Ltd 907 T4 Private Accesses (A1 Junctions Phase 2 – - Publication of Draft Plan Strategy 797, 894, Shell U.K. Limited 544, 696, 966 Loughbrickland to Hillsborough) (Stopping Up) 986 Borough Council, Mid Shell U.K. Ltd 80, 82, 83, 273, 447, 448, 543, Order (Northern Ireland) 2019 274 and East Antrim Local Development Plan 2030, 581, 634, 795, 796, 906, 907, 908, 964, 965 Waste (Fees and Charges) (Amendment) Publication of Draft Plan Strategy 697, 716, Shell UK Ltd 207, 582 Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2019 320 Waterways (Environmental Impact Assessment) 798, 799, 818 Spirit Energy North Sea Limited 966 Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2019 894 Mid Ulster District Council Local Development Spirit Energy North Sea Ltd 82, 448, 583, 906 Plan 2030 - Draft Plan 134, 135, 154, 155, Spirit Energy North Sea Oil Limited 964 PLANNING (ENVIRONMENTAL 463, 480 Spirit Energy North Sea Oil Ltd 227, 375, 582 IMPACT ASSESSMENT) Planning (Fees) (Amendment) Regulations Spirit Energy Production UK Limited 696 REGULATIONS (Northern Ireland) 2019 546 Spirit Energy Production UK Ltd 544, 582, 583 Planning (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2019 546 Spirit Energy Resources Limited 634, 966 Antrim and Newtownabbey Local Development Spirit Energy Resources Ltd 374, 907 Plan 2030 - Draft Plan Strategy, Publication of HISTORIC MONUMENTS Spirit Energy Southern North Sea Limited 966 Sustainability Appraisal Report Incorporating Tailwind Energy Ltd 81 Strategic Environmental Assessment 583, 615 Artiloman & Artnagross, Co. Antrim, Lock 3 Tailwind Mistral Ltd 907 Armagh City, Banbridge & Craigavon Borough of The Lower Bann Navigation “Movanagher Lock” 300 TAQA Bratani Ltd 80, 82, 543, 581, 583, 695, Council Area and Mid Ulster District Council Area, Lands between NIE Substation at rear of Ballycloghan, Co. Down, Civil Defence Sub 908 152 Trewmount Road Moy Co Tyrone to Doohat Control Bunker 300 Teekay Petrojarl Floating Production UK Ltd or Crossreagh and Crossbane, Co Armagh Ballyeglish, Co. Londonderry, Eglish Burial 81 714 Ground & St. Brigid’s Well 299 Total E&P North Sea UK Limited 634, 635, Borough Council, Ballynahatty, Co. Down, Henge “Giant’s 966 Development of Pig Breeding Units, Land off Ring” & Passage Grave & Pre-Historic Ritual Total E&P North Sea UK Ltd 79, 272, 273, Moys Road South West of 171 Glenhead Road Landscape 300 375, 580, 581, 582, 695,795, 907 Limavady 174 Ballyness, Co. Londonderry, Lock 1 of The Total E&P U.K. Ltd 580 Derry City and Strabane District Council, Lower Bann Navigation “The Cutts” 299 Total E&P UK Limited 634 Meenamullan Windfarm, Co Tyrone 116 Ballyroney, Co. Down, Crannog 299 Total E&P UK Ltd 79, 81, 83, 226, 227, 375, Derry City and Strabane District Council, Wind Broughanlea, Co. Antrim Airway and Drainage Farm, Crighshane and Crighdenis Townlands Tunnel for The White Mine (known as Billy’s 579, 796, 907, 908 Co Tyrone 463 Shank) 134 Verus Petroleum (SNS) Ltd 83, 908 Carnacally, Co. Down, Ecclesiastical Site, Zennor Pathway Limited 635 POLLUTION PREVENTION AND Kilmore Graveyard 299 Zennor Pathway Ltd 580, 795 CONTROL Edenderry, Co. Antrim, Chimney 276 Fincarn, Managh Beg & Managh More, Co. Petroleum Licence Application, Counties of CES Quarry Products Ltd 851 Londonderry, Landscape Containing Rath & Antrim, Armagh, Down and Tyrone 377, 396 JMW Farms Ltd 39 USA Ammunition Depot (WW2) 299 Petroleum Licence Application, County of McQuillan Envirocare Ltd 356 Moneygran, Co. Londonderry, Lock 4 of The Fermanagh 377, 396 McQuillan Environmental 356 Lower Bann Navigation “Portna Lock” 300