JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2015 EDISON INTERNATIONAL’S TED CRAVER: Building the 21st-Century Power System THE EVOLVING 34 DISTRIBUTION GRID 42 ENERGY OUTLOOK 2015 4 MW (8 MW range) Ohio Energy Storage Project Energy Storage DEVELOPMENT | ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION | OPERATIONS Today’s complex grid system creates numerous challenges. RES Americas’ safe, reliable, and economic energy storage systems can provide grid owners and operators unique solutions to these challenges with precise, fast-responding resources. Safe, Reliable, Economical Storage Systems 6XEVWDWLRQ OLQHXSJUDGHGHIHUUDOV 2XWDJHPLWLJDWLRQ 9ROWDJHÁXFWXDWLRQV '*VXSSRUW 3RZHUTXDOLW\ 3RZHUIDFWRUFRQWURO 4 MW (8 MW range) Amphora Energy Storage Project 9ROWDJHVXSSRUW 3HDNLQJFDSDFLW\ )UHTXHQF\UHJXODWLRQ 836IRUFULWLFDOIDFLOLWLHV Energy Storage Experience PJM Frequency Regulation: 4 MW constructed and 39.6 MW to be built in Illinois IESO Frequency Regulation: 4 MW constructed CAES: Integrated grid scale wind to Compressed Air Energy Storage facility _____________ Committed to everyone going home safe, every day. Renewable Energy Systems Americas Inc. 11101 W. 120th Ave. | Suite 400 %URRPÀHOG&2| 303.439.4200 )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQRQ our energy storage solutions res-americas.com
[email protected] please scan the QR code. features JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2015 • VOLUME 40, NUMBER 1 24 24 Building the 21st-Century Power System The electric utility industry will use technology, innovation, and creativity to build the safe, reliable, and affordable grid of the future. BY THEODORE F. CRAVER, JR. 34 34 The Evolving Distribution Grid As the distribution grid of the future evolves, new business opportunities for utilities will emerge—driven by changing customer expectations. BY PAUL DE MARTINI 42 Energy Outlook 2015 As the 114th Congress convenes, 42 Electric Perspectives asked four energy association CEOs to offer their insights and outlook for energy policy in the New Year.