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ENERGIA Africa CK Copyright 2007 ENERGIA ENERGIA Secretariat, c/o ETC Energy P. O. Box 64, 3830 AB Leusden,The Netherlands The findings, interpretations and conclusions expressed in the papers contained in this publication are those of the authors, based on the results of stakeholder consultations and/or their own research.The papers have not been formally fact-checked or edited by ENERGIA in accordance with procedures applicable to scientific text. Some sources cited in the publication may be informal documents that are not readily available. Information from this publication may be copied or reprinted, subject to the condition that it is properly credited and cited. Designed by Mary Zehngut Photos on cover, clockwise from top left: A woman in Nepal operates a bio-digester to produce biogas fuel. Credit: ENERGIA Phase 3 Programme, 2006 An improved cook stove fitted with a chimney is used in a rural household in Bolivia. Credit: EASE project, managed by ETC Foundation, 2006 A rural woman in Vietnam uses LPG to cook food in her restaurant business. Credit: EASE project, managed by ETC Foundation, 2006 A woman in Ghana participates in the SAWA-TOOL training of trainers programme called ‘Towards Technological Empowerment,Technical Training Modules for Women’. Credit: Everts/SAWA-TOOL Project, 2000 Table of Contents Foreword . .5 Acknowledgements . .7 Introduction: Energy as Women’s Business . 9 Regional reports: Africa . .16 Asia . .22 Latin America and the Caribbean . .29 The Pacific . .33 National Papers: Africa . .37 Botswana . .38 Ghana . .42 Lesotho . .46 Mali . .51 Nigeria . .55 Senegal . .59 South Africa . .63 Swaziland . .67 Uganda . .73 Zambia . .78 Zimbabwe . .81 National Papers: Asia . .87 Bangladesh . .88 India . .92 Indonesia . .96 Lao PDR . .99 Nepal . .102 Pakistan . .108 Sri Lanka . .112 Vietnam . .116 Annexes . .119 ANNEX 1. Priorities for Action for Women as a Major Group at CSD 15 . .120 ANNEX 2. Key Statements on Gender and Energy at CSD 14 . .122 ANNEX 3. International Affirmations on Gender, Sustainable Development and Energy . .124 ANNEX 4. Readings and Resources on Gender and Energy Issues . .126 Foreword ENERGIA (the International Network on Gender and Sustainable Energy) has been a leading advocate for greater attention to women’s energy needs in developing countries. In connection with the 14th and 15th sessions of the UN Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD 14 and 15) on energy and sustainable development, ENERGIA organised a number of activities at the national, regional and international level, with support from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). As a contribution to the energy policy discussions at CSD 14 and 15, ENERGIA supported national multi- stakeholder consultations in 19 countries: 11 in sub-Saharan Africa, and 8 in Asia. In addition, ENERGIA commissioned overview regional reports from Africa and Asia,as well as from the Pacific,and Latin America and the Caribbean. These activities where designed to move the discussions on gender and energy needs beyond generalities and offer specifically-targeted national and international policy recommendations. The country-level consultations, which solicited information from a range of different sources, including government officials, non-government organisations, academics, researchers, development experts and international agencies, supplied the basis for the national papers contained in this book. These consulta- tions provided important opportunities for government officials and non-government stakeholders to engage in national discussions and planning processes that would not otherwise have been available. In many cases these national consultations were the only NGO preparation for the CSD discussions on energy. In this way, ENERGIA has expanded participation in CSD processes to a broad variety of groups and experts in different countries, beyond those able to actually attend official CSD meetings. As one of the coordinators for Women as a Major Group at the CSD, ENERGIA has helped facilitate concert- ed efforts to promote greater participation of women and integrate gender considerations into the official UN discussions. At CSD 14, the ENERGIA team worked with other groups in preparing a background Discussion Paper,making formal statements during the Multi-stakeholder Dialogues and at the Closing,and offering pre- sentations, interventions and comments during the official CSD thematic and regional discussions. Reflecting the inputs of many different organisations, the Women’s Closing Statement at CSD 14 includ- ed commitments by participating groups to work together with governments to: raise awareness about gender sensitive energy policies, programmes and projects; provide leadership for actions that recognise the critical role women play in the energy sector (as actors, not just recipients) so as to increase women’s access to energy services and livelihood opportunities; participate in innovative financing initiatives; provide expertise for gender budgeting and auditing of energy policies and programmes (including Poverty Reduction Strategy Plans); and strengthen the capacity of women to participate in energy policies, decision-making and implementation. 5 ENERGIA is dedicated to pursuing these goals and ensuring that they are reflected in the Decision adopt- ed at CSD 15. Among the challenges to be addressed during CSD 15 discussions on energy policies, the Chair’s Summary from CSD 14 listed the following gender-related issues: • enhancing the roles and status of women, as participants and agents of change (paragraph 36(g)); • integrating a gender perspective in planning, decision-making, management and implementation (para- graph 36 (g)); • providing access for all to reliable, affordable energy services, giving particular attention to the rural and urban poor, especially women, in order to meet basic human needs and the MDGs (paragraph 36(h)); and • reducing air pollution, with particular attention to indoor air pollution from traditional biomass fuels and its health impacts on women and children (paragraph 36(l)). By presenting the national papers and regional reports included in this volume, ENERGIA is providing spe- cific country-level analyses and policy recommendations on energy and gender to more fully inform the policy discussions on the topics considered at CSD 15, in order that the policy document adopted at CSD 15 can include new targeted commitments and actions that recognise the important linkages between gender roles and energy policies. Sheila Oparaocha and Ana Rojas, ENERGIA International Secretariat 6 Acknowledgements The publication of “Where Energy is Women’s Business: National and Regional Reports from Africa,Asia,Latin America and the Pacific” would not have been possible without the financial support of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), the willingness and cooperation of the national and regional report authors, and the dedicated efforts of the ENERGIA National Focal Points in their facilitation of the national consultations. ENERGIA would like to thank Gail Karlsson for compiling and editing the national papers and regional reports, writing the introduction, and providing technical support. ENERGIA appreciates the professional input of Mary Zehngut, graphic designer, who was in charge of the publication design and layout. Most importantly, ENERGIA is grateful to the many authors who contributed to this publication: Cynthia A. Addoquaye-Tagoe; Do Quoc Anh; Felix A. Asante; Khamarunga Banda; Dr. Chandra Bhadra; Langiwe H. L. Chandi; Yogita Chandra; Chike Chikwendu; Dieneba Cisse; Ezekial A. Clottey; Amy Francis; Yacine Diagne Gueye; Oscar Kalumiana; Dr. Hasna J. Khan; Khetsiwe Khumalo; Richard Kimbowa; Anare Matakiviti; Dr. Rose Mensah-Kutin; Mohammad Ali Mirza; Godfrey Ndawula;Tinashe D. Nhete; Dr. Jyoti Parikh; Lucy Khalema Redeby; May Sengendo; Dr. Indira Shakya; Phothong Siliphong; Elsam Turyahabwe; Prianti Utami; Leontine van den Hooven; Anoja Wickramsinghe; Nozipho Wright; and Harriet Zulu. Special credit should be given to the ENERGIA International Secretariat, in particular to Ana Rojas for her coordi- nation of the stakeholder consultations and preparation of the national papers.Thanks also to ETC EASE (Enabling Access to Sustainable Energy) and the ETC Technical Training Programme (TTP) for their kind support in allowing the use of their photographs. 7 Introduction Energy As Women’s Business Gail Karlsson, ENERGIA Policy Advisor “What does gender have to do with energy issues?” This is a question that representatives of ENERGIA (the International Network on Gender and Sustainable Energy) are often asked. For many people, the real puzzle is “What do women have to do with energy?” In many places, energy is primarily thought about in terms of electricity to run appliances and equipment, gasoline and diesel fuels for motors and vehicles, and delivery of oil or natural gas.Dealing with electricity and fuels is generally viewed as men’s work, and women are not expected to be involved with power generation and fuel distribution. For example, the ENERGIA-sponsored national paper from Lao PDR prepared for CSD 15 describes some common gender divisions: “Energy is considered as dangerous and risky, in terms of the risks of electricity in pri- vate households and public facilities. Boys are expected to face and master these dangers. Whereas they are encouraged to get acquainted with electricity step by step,girls are kept away not only from electric power but from
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