Current, November 20, 1995 University of Missouri-St
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University of Missouri, St. Louis IRL @ UMSL Current (1990s) Student Newspapers 11-20-1995 Current, November 20, 1995 University of Missouri-St. Louis Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation University of Missouri-St. Louis, "Current, November 20, 1995" (1995). Current (1990s). 191. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at IRL @ UMSL. It has been accepted for inclusion in Current (1990s) by an authorized administrator of IRL @ UMSL. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The struggles and EDITORIAL , triumph in the birth of Should we fear the government? • The Student Voice Page 2 the University of Missouri at «.' of UM -St. Louis .' Sf. Louis . FEATURES Where would students rather be? Page 3 Ch~ck the UnderCurrent. Page 3 SPORTS Is the swim team drowning? PageS ~I Issue 841 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-ST. LOUIS November 20,1995 ~Inferno rages at University Meadows by Susan Benton Daniel Nolte, a freshman Pi Kappa gramming, and I think it will make of The Current staff Alpha member and nursing major, en UM-SLLouisprogrammingbiggerand joyed seeing his friends at the event. better." The first all-campus bonfIre was "I wanted to hang out with all the Representati ves from many student held on Thurs., Nov. 16 at the organizations (' • University Meadows apartment showed up at the complex. The alcohol-free event "It's great to see the apartment bonfire. The or was sponsored by several UM-St. ganizations in Louis organizations in an effort to complex have some social activities . eluded: The Uni promote school spirit among stu to bring the residents together." versity Program dents. Board, the "We're trying to build a com - Clint Zwiefel Newman House, munity,<' said Dennis Chitwood, the Wesley • director of the Newman House. Foundation, 'That's why we pulled all of these nursing majors and the honors stu UM-St Louis dance squad, The Cur organizations together [for thisevent]." dents," he said. rent, ResidentialLife, Delta Zeta soror St. Louis radio station, 105.7 FM As a recent transfer from South ity and Sigma Pi fraternity. Surveying The Point, was in attendance. Free food west Missouri State, Nolte said the the event were: the Normandy Fire I ,,' from Wendy's, Domino's and Pizza bonfire was a step in the right direction. Department and police department, the • Hut and beverages from Pepsi were "I think it's absolutely wonderful Bel-Nor police, and the UM-St. Louis • offered. The UM-StLouisdancesquad that a community school like UM-St. police . provided entertainment for the crowd Louis is able to do this, because it "It's great to see the apartment of over 150 people. brings the campus together ," he said. "I complex have some social activities to Students cited many reasons for would like for this campus to be more bring the residents together," Clint attending the party. like a regular campus - to be more Zweifel, vice president of SGA, said. 'The fire, the soda, the free food .. cohesive." "I've been active on campus for all . " said Sophomore Jennifer Bullock. ''I'm very pleased with the turn four of my years here," Zweifel said. Photo: Monica Senecal "Seriously, I had some friends who out," said Kevin Toombs, Manager of • were corning and I wanted to talk to University Meadows and co-organizer See Infrerno Adam White tries to throw Cheryl Wilson Into fire Thursday night at University Meadows. them awhile, so that gave me a reason of the bonfire. "In the future this will be L-__________________.... ........____ ........ ________________ ............ ~ • to come out here." a growing trend of collaborative pro- Page 7 .' Cusumano broadcasts :'6ABC application deadline extendedagain - . ", . j ' " ~ -I~' . " _;..0, • . ..." . : history at Alumni House . YBiTt'fngoldsby "'. -, -,,-.~ . back~oUnas . of 'The Current staff . "Last year , by Michael O'Brian people,"Cusumanosaid, "my mom, my of The Current staff dad and my brother." ., . ' 1)leapplication timeforthe Student Activ- He said that the experience was :~m~~~ 2l!~~ UM-St Louis graduate and now helping him to find his niche. He recog ityI:hidgetCommittee (SABC) has been ex- ', ., , tended to 12p;iJL Navember27; 1995. and an Orien- KSDK Channel 5 sportS broadcaster nized UM-St Louis Communication , Ally(meenrolle(t:al UM"SLLauis is urged, ta!." Titlow • Frank Cusumano talked about climb Department Chairperson Dr. Mike ing the ranks of broadcasting at the Murray, who was in attendance, as a • teapply now. especially women and minori~said. "As it .., Alumni House on Thursday for the tremendous professor in the depart · ties. There ~eninepositionsavailable; and two stands now, we 1995 Education Alumni Reception. ment a.hemates~TheselIlU:St be filled as soon as . have to. appoint p6~ible · bya .. reptesentativestudent bod}. almost everyone 01) "This is allI'veever wanted to do," "The most important thing I did .. Applications should be dropped off at the Stu- who apphed." Cusumano said. "Some kids want to be was internships," he said. "As a sopho .. d~f\ttJQy etIlmentAssOciation office,room 262, Cammi ttee ~" doctors; some kids want to be lawyers; more, I interned at KMOX with Bob UniversitY Center Building. recommen da- all I've ever wanted to do is talk about Costas, Jack Buck and Bob Bwns. It The. iUembers will decide on which recog-tionsare sent to . sports on television and radio here in was the ha!loffameofsportscasters. nized student()rganizations will receiyemoney the Vice Chan- • I was around greatness." · from the SABC funcL They ex- . cellorofStudent Cusumano said during ~lsodetermine · actlyhowmuch6achorganizatiOnwil! receive . Affairs, Lowe his senior year, he went to replace H Sa n d y " • HAil I've ever wanted to do KSDK and worked for Jay AHeri'iate~wmau,endaUmeetiTlgs,)illd any cmerrioer one-year :M acLean who • is talk about sports on Randolfe. When Randolfe Ilnai:;leto~inishtheir terlll ' . is:responsible for the forwards them was gambling at the tracks, Thj~coinmittee television and radio here in . allocation of thousands ofdollars. to Chancellor Cusumano said that he was of him&~s . thi deadline, . B I a n G h e St. Louis." putting together the 10 p.m. Thetea~6nforextehcling ac~ sports segment · cc:irdingt6SGAPresidentBethTitIow~istoget Touhill. She SG A PresIdent Beth Titlow Is having trouble f IndIng women and - Frank Cusumano applicantsiliat represent the cultural diversity sends · them to minorIties fo r theStlident ActIvity Budget CommIttee (SABC). His internships led to his of Lpuis. There has only been one the President of first job in Kingsport Ten- UM":SL white femaIe, and possibly (race box wasn't the UM-system George Russell. Russell makes Sl Louis." nessee. produce a representative pool of applicants to .' filled-ln}qneAfrican-Americao male apply to the final recommendations to the Board of Cusumano said when he was in "It was a one mall town in the 150th represent them on the SABC, beon all slots were filled by Curators. This process helps ensure that funds school a teacher asked him to do a markel They were getting calls from thecomtriitl~e;lf Commiuee member of a sub-board, Tom . existing applicants, women and minorities . are distributed on a fair and equitable basis to paper telling what he wanted to be Jay Randolfe and Bob Costas talking O'Keefe reallies how much is at stake. would notbeproper Iyrepresented by the S AB C. an y recognized s tuden [ groups that appl y. when he grew up. He turned in a picture like I was the next Bryant Gumble," "Every group that is recognized, and applies, Last year was quite different. Titlow is As itsta:TIds now women cOmprise 60.2 percent of his father Frank Cusumano Sf. Cusumano sqid. "My girlfriend (now gets money." O'Keefe said. "You'd think more disappointed by iliesritalLriumber of applicants of the student population, African-Americans .~ (owner of Kernoll 's Italian RestalITaTIt) wife) said we're not getting married if people would try to getaUulemore money for their this yea(iincithe lack of d~versity of theiraiound 17 percent. These large groups have yet to ~ and Jock Buck and wrote ''I want to do I have to live in·Kingsport." group.':. l) one of these things." Cusumano's nex t job was in "the "I decided I didn't want to work for basketball capital of the world," lex a living so I went into sports broadcast ington, Kentucky. He said people there Sig Pi heads UM-St. Louis Toys for Tots drive ing'" Cusumano said. really had a passion for basketball. .' Cusumano did a show that used to by Bill Ingoldsby house (across from Taco Bell), un warehouse. Since active duty Ma items allows the local Toys for Tots " be on KWMU 90.7 called "Sports Spec- See Cusumano of The Cu rrent staff til December 8 to drop off toys or rines are not allowed to handle cash to get a maximum return for any ~trum." donations. F ., m~!e information (by order of the Commandant), ex money donated. Mr. Bell goes all Page 7 The season for gi ving is upon us calISigma I. ..~:J. 'f\,pi at 427- Marines like Mr. Bell take over. over the city to acquire purchases "My audience was about three again, and the United States Ma 9179, or ".! jl fraternity or- They even watch the local papers for the Toys for Tots Program. rine Corps Reserve gives a "return ganizer for . the Toys toy sales before buying. "The important thing is that we rate" for money and toys donated of TotsCam- ' ,-:> " 's fun to get toys, the more the better," Dan almost 100 percent.