NORTHMAVEN COMMUNITY COUNCIL Chair: David Brown Clerk: NCDC Services Crogreen C/o Hall Ollaberry Ollaberry Tele: 01806 544374 ZE2 9RT Telephone: 01806 544222 E-mail: [email protected]

Minute of Ordinary Meeting of the Council on Monday 1st June 2020


This minute is UNAPPROVED until adopted at the next meeting Present: CCllr D Brown CCllr B Wilcock CCllr J A Cromarty CCllr K Williamson CCllr R Doull CCllr D Robertson CCllr E Robertson

1. Apologies Submitted: CCllr K Scollay Ex Officio Present: Ms A Arnett

Ex Officio Apologies Cllr A Cooper In attendance: Ms C Sutherland – Clerk Mr M Duncan – SIC Community Worker

The meeting started at: 8pm, CCllr D Brown in the Chair. Agenda Item Narrative 2. Declaration of None interest 3. Approval Of The minute of the meeting held in Ollaberry Primary School on Previous Minute Monday 9th March 2020 approved: CCllr B Wilcock, seconded: CCllr J A Cromarty. 4. Police report No report. Police are undertaking a survey to track public confidence levels and experience of their approaches to policing the lockdown. The survey is aimed at capturing people's feeling of safety, what Police Scotland are doing well, and any concerns people have which Police Scotland can address operationally and through their information campaigns. The survey will also capture feedback from those who have contacted them during the COVID-19 pandemic. It will be a continuous survey (replacing Your View Counts) to support local policing and provide a tool for partners to engage with us.

5. Matters arising NCDC No update.

Broadband 1

Nothing further.

Collafirth Hill Road MOD stated Arqiva would look at the disrepair aspect with a view to carrying out remedial work around Easter time. Action – clerk to contact Arqiva to see if work has been scheduled

Parking at – West Ayre/Fire station area Nothing further.

Local Review Ref: 2019/094/PPF – LR35: Precast concrete steps and Kee-Klamp handrail on both sides (Retrospective application), Eshaness, , ZE2 9RS Island Vista replied with a few ideas on how they thought Eshaness could be improved as a whole, including a bigger layby for a photo stop of Dore Holm and increased car parking space at Tangwick Haa and Eshaness. Members agreed they would like to work with Island Vista and support each other on any ideas going forward. Action – clerk to contact Island Vista.

Urafirth School Parking Nothing further.

Proposed tourist viewpoint at Zoar Members attended a meeting with Mr T Coutts (SIC, Development) and felt there was a lot of support towards the idea of doing work to improve Eshaness. Mr Coutts said he would like a tour of around Eshaness to take onboard ideas once restrictions are lifted. Members agreed it would be a good idea to have another meeting when everything starts to open up again and to include Island Vista. Action – Michael Duncan to request update from Mr Coutts.

Community Defibrillators ASCC is asking Community Councils to gather information on defibrillators in their area and find out who is responsible for their upkeep, (batteries/renewal). Action – Clerk to send details to ASCC and Scottish Ambulance Service.

Hillhead Wind Community Benefit Payment This was passed on to NCDC to follow up.

Road markings Mr N Robertson, SIC roads, contacted NCC to say the current situation on lining over the past 5+ years has been that they only have enough money to replace lines that are ‘removed’ during resurfacing or surface dressing. This has resulted in a gradual reduction in the quality of the white lines. However, they may have more money this year and may be able to recover areas where the lines are in desperate need. They will be surveying the lines on the A and B roads with a view to producing a targeted programme to follow as money becomes available. Members discussed the issue and would like to inform Mr Robertson that the white lines around are pretty much non-existent and would also like to be informed which areas in comes to their attention when surverying. Action – Clerk to contact SIC, Roads.


Bus Timetables Zettrans informed NCC that the issue of parking difficulties in Lerwick is recognised and at this precise point there is not an immediately obvious solution. They will however be looking at how this matter might be addressed. In the meantime, hopefully the service improvements can benefit people who may normally have to get a lift all the way to Sumburgh where the more frequent service might just mean getting a lift to Lerwick. Members discussed this and wondered if there was a recognised central safe area where people from Northmavine and other areas could leave their car to use the bus service. Action – Clerk to contact Zettrans

Surface dressing, re-surfacing and reconstruction programme 2020 SIC roads informed NCC the road was “stopped-up” in December 2013, which means that it is no longer a public road and the Council, in its role as roads authority, no longer has a responsibility for its maintenance. Action – Clerk to find out who is responsible for road.

SIC Community Payback Unpaid Work Team SIC Community Payback Unpaid Work Team agreed to tidy up the war memorial in North Roe. NCC agreed to provide paint should it be required. Unpaid Work may be suspended for a time because of the COVID-19 virus. Action – Clerk to contact SIC Community Payback Unpaid Work Team

Swarthoull During the strong winds, the sea came up over the road and exposed moore at Swarthoull. Members discussed the possibility of armouring the area. This will be inspected by SIC, as soon as the lockdown is lifted.

Décor outside Hillswick toilets Complaints were received regarding décor outside Hillswick Toilets and also about poor access to the toilets Action – Clerk to contact Mr & Mrs Bevington/SIC

Closure of Scatsta NCC discussed closure of Scatsta Airport and decided they would like to contact SIC saying they hope they would look to invest in projects in the north of Shetland in order to offset the unemployment at Scatsa. Action – Clerk to contact SIC Agenda Items 6.Financial Update NCC received £1,550 from SSEN resilience fund, which will be used to cover the increased running costs of the Hillswick and Ollaberry shop, who have both stepped up and offered collection and delivery services, with delivery carried out by volunteers from within the community during lockdown. Action – Clerk to make payments to shops and contact Tom Morton, North Mainland notes.

7.Road Grants


Members agreed road grants could be advertised as quarry’s were starting to open again. Action – clerk to submit advert to Shetland Times

8.Proposed Vertical Launch Space Port at Lamba Ness, Unst - Invitation to Public Consultation Event Members made no comments.

Members agreed this item can be removed from next minute.

9. Correspondence Voluntary Action Shetland – Third Sector Survey Action – clerk to respond to survey

10. AOCB NCDC – Supporting Communities Fund NCDC secured £14,000 of funds to come into Northmavine through the Supporting Communities Fund (made available by Scottish Government). NCDC sent out a newsletter, growing materials, soap and a voucher for fresh goods to every household in Northmavine. NCDC have also been working along with the food ban, topping up fresh food where required, and working along with organisations to support vulnerable people. Members agreed they would like to thank NCDC for the support they have provided to the community and offer support to NCDC with anything they may require. Action – Clerk to contact NCDC

Royal Voluntary Services Due to Covid-19, RVS have not been able to have their social clubs or lunch clubs which means the elderly have not been having their normal social activities. RVS have been making up activity booklets and having weekly phone calls with the elderly to try and provide some form of socialising. RVS wondered if there would be any support available to them to help finance the service. Members discussed the matter and suggested contacting NCDC. Action – clerk to contact NCDC

11. Date of next 6th July, 3rd August, 7th September, 5th October, 2nd November, 7th meeting December 2020 at 7.30pm in Ollaberry School

The meeting ended at 9.25pm