The B-G News April 28, 1961
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Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 4-28-1961 The B-G News April 28, 1961 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The B-G News April 28, 1961" (1961). BG News (Student Newspaper). 1597. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. struction Starts Vot 45 Bowling Green State Unirenaty. Bowling Green. Ohio. Friday. April 28. 1961 tility Tunnel Bids were opened in Colum- • RIDGE STRE bus several days ago for the -, construction of a $250,000 3rd Bill Of One-Ads tunnel project that will house the buried utility lines pre- sently connecting the Health Center and houses on Sorority Draws Talent From 24 Row. Twenty-four students will ap- ren S. Masel, Anthony G. Lanza, The utility lines—better known pear in the University Theater's and Marcclla M. Carroll, in the building profession as "ric- third bill of one-acts, to be pre- No admission will be charged wpi" lines. F. Eugene Beatty, di- sented at 7:30 tonight in Gate for the performances. reetor of buildings and facilities, Theatre. explained—are steam pipes, stcam- Leading off the evening's en- teturn lines, water pipes, electric tertainment is, "The Monkey's .allies, and telephone lines. Paw," directed by Barbara J. Pey- Next Artist Series A concrete "pillbox," which is ster. This offering is a highly sus- located in the middle of Sorority penseful drama based on the le- Symphony Program Row, presently serves as a con- gend of three wishes of the mon- trol unit, providing both heat and key's paw. It is set near Fulham, Will Copy Brides hot water for the buildings, Mr. England in the early 1900s. Eugene Ormandy, director Rcntty explained. "The new tun- nel will make it possible to replace The cast is made up of Dallas of the Philadelphia Symphony F. Horvath, Sharon L. Luse, James this with individual converters and M. McKelvey, Robert C. Dowdall, Orchestra, thinks a symphonic control units for each house," he and Jack 0. Brunjes. profrram should be like the ■aid. In "Eternal Ule." six people face Mr. Beatty also explained that traditional costume of a bride Inevitable death In an airraid shel- maintenance will be facilitated by ter. A woman's hysteria and a 12 —"something old, something the tunnel, since pipes and lines year old boy's convulsions compli- new, .something borrowed, some- will not have to be dug up every cate matters. thing blue." time trouble Is encountered. Deter Included in the cast arc Terry "I seldom have played anything loratlon of burled pipes by rust L. Eberly, Carolyn R. Nast, Mary 'blue' with the Philadelphia Or- and soil action also will be elimin- J. Stow, Barry L. Allcnbaugh, chestra, but I make it a rule to ated, he added. Elaine G. Vargo, and William J. include in each of my programs This fi by 6-foot tunnel will be Melvin. Ann L. Peeler ia the di- something that people can hum on "y-soaped, with one leg stretch- rector. the way out. If they can do that, ing directly north of Shatzel Hall Third on the bill is "Slave With they will come again," said Mr. for approximately 500 feet, near- Two Faces." It deals with a man's Ormandy. ly to the edge of Ridge Street. struggle against life, which he sees Following this philosophy, the The adjoining leg will extend as a raging master of people. program presented by the orches- it northeast about -125 feet to the Rebecca L. Kurbec Is handling tra at 8:16 p.m. Tuesday in the west side of Prout Hall, the directing chores. The cast In- ballroom will include works of De- Construction is scheduled to cludes Constance I. Upham. Tho- bussy and Brahms. start on the northeast tunnel the mas C. Parker. Robert A. Bums. El In the concert, the ninth Artist first week in May, Mr. Beatty Be E. Kraieweki. Roberta Edwards. Series program, will bo "La Mar" said. Linda H. Stephens, and Thomas W. by Debussy, "Eagles" by Kohring, TIE IN TUNNEL—The wide black lines In this artist's Delta 4. Delta Gamma i. Alpha Phi 6. Kappa Delta 7. Alpha Some extra walking will be nec- Kassay. and Brahms' "Symphony No. 1" sketch represent a proposed tunnel project that will house Gamma Delta 8. Alpha Chi Omega 9. Alpha Delta PI 10. essary. Mr. Beatty said, since parts A comedy, "Another Way Out," and "Prelude Chorale and Fugue the burled utility Unes presently connecting the Health Alice Prout Hall 11. Chi Omega 12. Phi Mu 13. and 14. of the area will be enclosed by pro- rounds out the bill. Directed by for Strings." Center and the houses on Sorority Row. The buildings shown Health Center. The new tunnel will connect with the tective fences. This portion of the are: 1. Shatsel Hall 2. Gamma Phi Beta S. Alpha XI existing tunnel system at lower left. Margaret A. Sullifan, the play Tickets for the concert arc on tunnel will be completed sometime centers on two lovers who feel that sale at the information desk in the near the end of the semester. marriage is a necessary evil. Union. Student tickets are 25 Construction companies submit- Included in the cast are George cents; general reserve B3; and ting the apparent low bids for the M. Weiss, Kathleen A. Peters, Ka- reserve tickets $4. Journalism Activities Committee Acts project are: General contract— Ohio State Construction Company, Columbus; mechanical contract— On News, Key Editor Requirements Znllcner Cnmpuny, Snndusky; and BG Housing Shortage electrical contract—Bigclow Elec- Modification of requirements for candidates for editor Council's recommendation con- tric Company, Findlay. of the B-G News and Key, and recommendations for ways cerning the role ol the adviser was The entire project, Mr. Beatty discussed al length. Donald I. Bren the B-G News could aid in clarification of administrative policy snid. will be completed by Septem- Forces Policy Change ner. B-G News director, explained ber 1. A new University policy year. The earliest they can be ac- were among actions taken by the Journalism Activities Com- his dual role, that of adviser and cepted is September 1962. mittee Monday. laboratory Instructor, and stated concerning admission of new that his relationship with the staff Freshman men will be accepted The committee discussions were in part an outgrowth of students has been released by until housing accommodations are was one of "constructive guidance" Children's Concert the admissions office. Due to filled. recommendations made by rather than as a dictator of either Transferring men for 1961-62 Student Council April 13 re- policies or practices. In matters of Introduces Music the prevailing housing situa- routine writing and editing the ad- must have a 2.5 grade average garding B-G News policy. tion the University can no IFC Lommittee Names viser acts as any Instructor would In Bernstein Style for all collegiate work, a 2.5 av- Other business transacted by longer accept freshman women for eiage for their last semester or In a similar laboratory situation. A special concert for school the committee included awarding It was pointed out. September 1961 unless they rank last two quarters, and must be Officer Candidates; of a photography contract for the children from the northwest Ohio The committee expressed agree- In the top two thirds of their high able to commute from home or 1962 Key and consideration of an area is being presented at 11 a.m. school classes and can commute have the necessary class standing ment with the basic pattern of and 1:30 p.m. today by the Univer- Election Is Monday application for approval of a new this adviser-staff relationship and from home. to live off campus. publication. sity Symphony Orchestra, under As of April 20, 988 freshman The nominating committee for confidence in the way the duties the direction of Prof. Seymour L. The earliest that a woman trans- The first of three Student Coun- of the director were being admin- men and 1,462 freshman women next year's Interfraternity Council cil recommendations. Involving scho- Bon-stock. fer student who meets the acade- istered. The fifth annual concert Is spe- mic requirement* can be consider- have been accepted and 107 men officers announced its slate of lastic requirements for editorships, and women are pending accep- Mr. Brenner cited methods which cifically designed as an educa- ed for admission will be for the candidates at the IFC meeting had been acted upon by the com- tance. the B-G News is using to better tional program service for the summer sessions in 1962, unless April 24. mittee at an earlier meeting. The For the June extended session insure a democratic administra- youngsters. she can commute. Richard W. Bradley, Phi Delta committee's recommendation has tion of the newspaper's policies. for freshmen only, 116 men and been approved by President Ralph Today's concert is based on the Theta, and Richard L. Breitbart, An editorial board, composed of In accordance with the new 31/ women have been admitted W. McDonald. theme, "Shall We Dance." Since admissions policy, the University or tentatively admitted.