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------iM un-Ealls,-IdahoM -- ^--- E rid a y r-D)cccmhefJbf200Z c ------iT c n r s — :------—G o o d m o r nMING------i i _ _ _ ■e-1 ' . WKA'I'HKR ' Today::Partiy PI cloudyYtoday tc By Jennifer San — - and tonij . move thf criminal castr a s e f ro m __ >night, Tlme»i«ewtwttiwitter ' . IProperty owner!r removes somele; tire owner fac'aces charges Shdshnne to Boise. Thei 'h e stVit'e high 41,]H,low objccts. sHyinn most cifof Iits wit- 23. SHOSHONENE - The tire pile on ““He H has removed a lot of.. < Caldweli*based Idaho I T ire operationion standards..* ______nesses_atv;injhcSliosh th>-hi- I'I.uitsi to ^ their tickets. lut 2 million when he misdjisdemeanor charges again:nst Illations and two cou:nunts of violat* Idaho AttorneyAti General David nup in April. Tom>m Floyd, the owner of c ing solid waste mantanagement site Leruy^f^f are seeking to -- ___ _PleMe>ee_TLHK.B .Poge«P ______— 1 ~ PaPage.B l_J“ _':il‘' Monky — C h a r ita eBLE DECISIOI3N ------—— Freshmeen La^uster tally: RetaUeiilers i reponed modest Novemlu n b er - • sale^ andanalysts remain ain ed - lawmake:ers cautious. PageElPa H S gear up r W K s r BIghKllb o tls for workk___ _| 'shis 7beT|Me»New«Md son. The Aasoclat^d Preea PageBS BOISE - The largest c»ntciintinRent of freshman legislatorss toORl-S .. MnaiM/ntikMaM Taxation Committee. OnlyOni two WfMrt*iamomtodo:Air4 Annie Newman'pc^ pood$n one.of the wieatte oit Ji *atj)fj!twjftj.tipiffitjnjliitniiridiiUIii.araoUajJta^ * ^ w fw th e lt, Baaadlrtt------o th e n of thf; n frwhman ^ ------h e i p l W f bitien, ^ and the ffloney ratted wHficngototayMw.ftit»«Hhe«tt It Mirgery equipment. The featlviUval. In the eld Wills Faigo Bani!enhbaUdb«.iirlUi>eopen tors managed a position ofleadet^ofl Force mom with Navy soi ship. roots for Army. froffllOfl.ffl.to7lo 7 p.m. todfljr and 10 $ja. to 4 p.p.m. SatHTdflir and Mil ftaturee iontartalmnent end an omamsrnsnt-making table for chlldrMnon on both dajra. The cost Is • $4 fbr senloft end $1 for children.en. Gannon, a retired Navylevy com* PaiPageDl m ender and Buhl plarmin n n in g derk diese days,, aaA ^ t t e d he’s a litde puaJed. thoual O p i n io n —— ored, why he won a viceM: CottlypriMiiiafltencM: manship of ihat pardculaiularcom* «:p.^ Iraq’I’s weapon05 declaraItion deaddline appii r o a c h e s mittee. But Senate MMir inority Batfs tips for correctionin Ibud* Leader, Clint Stennetn ett, D- get savings make obviousDUS LoeAnjeteeTlBMbnee______i----- ^ '” ] thisthlnging and put .Post-It notes on Ketchum, oointed out diat dial sena* sense, todays editorial sa inaccuradi'ades." WASHINGTCTON-Axmed witha • / I tors can oruy serve as a diairmand u or vice chaiman of onee commit*cc ______PUPAB ItaofkevcoiKe"cemsJiSjindJiN. ______!% •' . ___ :______lysts will.be.loq.ktngiBE___ experts are potpoised this weekend what thehe Iraqis say about how tee, and tluit tnose m ieadeadenhip.: ------I . to quickly assei they disposposed of hundreds of tons such as he - cannot headctidcommit* uess Baghdad’s first tees. That leaves a pool of C o m in g i pI f o r ^ occountLnting in four yean of materialsms for blister and 1 of about any weapons of nerve gasc{Bses, details of fraq’s pro- 10 of die 35 senators from'om which — ; of mass destruction to choose vice chairmen. in its arsttial,, a potential tripwire PRR ^B • gram to0 developd the deadly VX I. for an American nerve ageagent and proof that Iraq Gannon said the appoint a n invasion of Iraq. to ag and local govemmen Although IraqIr continues to (/’ ' has destristroyed stocks of deadly nent com* insist it has no such weapons, it ' . i biolo^calical agents, among other mittees are Just what hele wanted,w has promisedd tto meet a Sunday . ~ things. It was on the Senainate Ag deadline to give ‘ “Alotw>t will depertd on how long Committee from which1 nutrientnu ive the U.N. Security management plans for d Coundl a ill iand complete dec* ■. the list is cand what’s on it - or not >r dairies Iaradon"ofaUilU its efforts to devel* 1 on it," a) seniorse US. offidal said, originated a few years; ago,agi and op nuclear bomtimbs, produce deadly I • r. ______I andand U.N. offidals view die the eastern side of CanCannon’s VS. District 23 has a numhim ber of biological micr » 0m. dedaratic icrobes or chemicid ation as a crucial test of dairies. warfare agents,Its, or build ballistic u J.>. AiAnnjr Brig. General Uoyd Attttinlin, right, gives battia InstnictloriioiM AiriM ihra. Iraq’s ttatedstati intention to cooper* missiles. h the U.N. resolution call* “1 thought it was impunpunant to I excersttee Wednesday In the KvKuwaiti desert near tha bordir..H W l.l« , _ get on.the committees.wls.where 1------(epriol Busli adm in-- --- Baghdad to disarm. ----- can represent my constitistituents assembled a team of to fullfully translate and analyse thithe "There are menn anda women Mostexpect ex] Baghdad to comply WIT the expected del* materi best," Cannon said. M te ri^ b u t U.S. officials hopei toti who have lived aiuli breathedb this enough1_to to avoid imminent attack___----- StennetCr-who-sitH-on-tlin-the-Ag------ihQfy some Ted*tiag inaccuraira* stuff for years,* a U.S.I official 'but to injectinji as much ambiguity / take several weeks d esas and r omissions mwA faster. said. “They can breN. Page A2 ____ A highly skep It’i back istradon has ass experts to scour i& in e see a singing C hiis ----- “ Uge’ orArabrc'ael rejectss bailout;I Top airlinines Staates star!t blamin: BW. ments. It may q . umt»aAimfm,on9ot. w d ihe^USh adlhlnlS* ^^ekers-and^theTTjoTO .. .01-5 UeAnaeleeTtolat the carrier need* sident of'Unlsys R2A, an a ^ J|io*l«8 ....0 7 n consulting firm. , tration havhave.foisted

- - ' " T^^t!trMf>riivxtonrttd/^ate—High9-m-tt>e ^------■ VM------Salmon 36 a High 41 Low 23 3 6 /[21 4 2 /2 4 43/25. 43 39/241 . Stamay 37 37 34 3 O.OO*’ •••; Tonight; A duml.cnltiilim ninhl Lows in .IMo 2Qs.

' _ Tomfirrow: P.irily lon mostlym cloufly and continued2d dry■ . WKKSSS^SM •______. II tli;. tiiMt 40 matric • . .. ^ Temgjnp eraturo __ f e p r ewJRUaJLonLj c ____ H umldltyue ____ 5 re s«isu re ------te —Sunri88-andot>o .1n boaulllul coupio ol daya to onjcDnjoyino Tmnpernlutoice & * Preapnalion valtd Ihrough 6pm yMl ^L^e^ouldoors3ia (and tho mountains. Wlih a quiolwot woQlhor 1 ^ . M d o n r l sie e - U.V.I ------T____ (Miltornm n m ptaco. skios witl bo partly io motttymo cloudy . - - _ ...... •'*'2Moon Phases__ : INDEX ^ 1 ______lOWpaCk ^ j ^ j o d a . l l S 2 j B nnd lomptmporaiuios will bo closo lo averogo a n d M o o niset s i Snov lyWsather, ..Todaiediy Hlgtta 21 lo U Tonlflhfa LonLowa 1910 33 •___/ o ^ - c o . . Today Moonrtaatlo a e A llaMoonaat; M 7:3SIW BnatoaabOMbovePaMaadat! 73% Inc. - Saturday Hoonrtaa:11:3SAM* NMoanitt; 8:33 PM 8nakaR..Wyo«r lO IS E Patchy oaftym orning logloo Is a - 0M .1t Dee. D«( 19 Dec. 27 Jan. 3 rthoindexlhe & : t??S3B:B0i! possibility lor tho noxi cocoupio ol (ttys FIrat Qtr. Full Full Mooni UH.Qtr. NcwMoon4, Sunday Hoewlaa:13:04niI NMoonaat M t PM naadn0iire%eli oteetion needed ^ ns low-lovol molsturo continuescon to . ■ S W H T S n ? ^ siayinplaco. Howovor.}r. Itn will not tM> l i U S i SllLSlililsV;,./ ^ KQHBKm^ r E K Q s erough to produce anyly ppiocipitalion. Today Tomorrow ‘ Sunday Today Toniorro>rrow Today TolncOmorrow Today Tomorrow Tc Today TcTomorrow H ^ H t t o n l y partly lo mostly clouJoudyswos, c ,„ HI H, Lo W HI Lo W HI Lo W city HI Lo W HI Lo.0 W' City HI Lo W KIHI lLo W City HI Lo W HI H Lo W City HI t ^ WV HHI Le W • ASM* 47 sa »u 54 333 aua OlMido 64 48 r 71 4 -Today H lghaA ,«nS 7t»it» 4 3 /M to 3 t------B«*a------—39-28-pC-3S-39-RC.43.30X p e — 71 49 tu Aeaplto 90 72 au_ 91 9 _j4_- 73 tu------Moacow 187B-e3-th-7| to mew ;14 :1< ^7 r ^ . 34 me 33 SS me 36 26 me Aaar*:C4y----38’ 16 »u "43 27"»7-»C—PNU*I(«<----36-7rtiT-4r3in9T u---- Utti*----- ^03"J4~?—'t- NORTHERERNUTAH «42 23 p e 3 e 2 7 m e 4 4 3 e p e BMrrm 37 18 mj 4S 388 au a RnarM 70 45 pe 6696 484 pe AucMand 68 6t r 75 71 63 r 0M> 30 37 e 31 38 38 e ** ■ ^ 9 ' A ridgo ol highilgh prossuro will chnM 25 2! ?l pc 21 7 me 22 10 pc '. BAngt 48 35 pe 36 255 pe p FlMR).WE 34 16 pe 36)6 332 pe BarMrsi...... - ' ------^ W kA

Ewmty ThumUttlmy In Tha » Call T o d tf I * anew u 8 ^ Oily HI Lo Wl HI Lo W", CM, s r ; 7 3 3 - 0 9 3 1 ^CMgaiy 32 13 m . 32 iO m I aaakatoen 30 13 me 18 Bt p s ^ 4 Ccanorook 3] 16 me 31 30 mee TorMO 30 14 me 35 166 ir me Valid to 6 p.m. today OR g Edmoraon' 37 7 m 39 7 wiI VanecMT 48 41 me 50 30 tr I Eitramaa: K«o.ma 41 M e -3 9 38 mc'Vtetona c' ----- <• 40 me 48 4t it Y**larday-aNatfonalEi1 | C ^ lunidad latttndoe 33 12 M 33 9 auI Wb«W*9 9 -3 c 10 -4 Im m e HH^:87atVaraBaach.Fsh. FU. ‘ 6 7 7 - 4 0 4 2 Regina S 12 .4 me 10 -9 pe L ow :-tlai Praaqua laie. Mane I Ri

S t a t e : T 1 o s s f a m ( :onvictioii[IS . exonim e r a t l p n s Filfiscal _____ led rap e c( Irvriates axoneratifStM on Ihe bails olDNAovldencaica ware most ContMiitlnutdlmAl worse, Leavitt said,I, WashinglqnW ------NEWLXORK.(AE)I -1-.Tbedisaict-----gang-of-^M -investment banker*.have.alr ^wilding!Lyouihs..DNA_^in irged wtth rape. ftmrfe- — has so far-blocked effortsby:(ht—effo ______Bitomey.asked a judgeidge Thursday . evidence ha completcd'jail terms ranging a. —governors to imposeise new: sates to throw out the convictvictims of five The finalhasbacl^hisdaiin. __ cosix years to 11.5 years. AtMUR I 4 by PresidentPr< Bush’s new educa- tal decision on the convic- si) tionla'ilaw. taxes on the Internet,let, a medium yotmg men in one of}f tltetl nation^' tions rests ' 'Euneration could operen the ...... , I. a___ that governors.believeeve is costinf ------mosmotoriourrape'pecaKsrih ^nue.“W earep ed to rule by Feb. 6. or ------^t-lhe^hei^GA^needngiivAusdn.------gerwlto-ivas beaien"an-an a iefc-fnr------MorgOHf iOs, from tianng to regtstefarasse* — _ ,oc ly losing control ofF oou u M ax ^ IF dead convictionsnihau also said the men’s offendersfor 2C the rest of their:irlives. RoM>wy H H■ 2® 'In every one of those meetings • the: totopic has been exactly theS des," he said. District Attorney' R‘ftfiat night sh o u ld be for dead in a pool of mudid and ne,” said Glendening, “the te_ofthe ecoriotny^eJedecal say they are strugglingling to fund mvicted-tapto . fui purooae'I'ftosecutors said “no use- -btoed-ttfter-th fo e attack-on AprP ry-W ,------NOTETBaaatfonlKa' — nwrburdennmpKed'tedlqnhrfed:— Me^^4Mould-b»«eFMed-by4----- M irernment's role in causing ' wbo had never beforere tbeen under retiiblforai 1989.Now41, she has said shshehas U2Iii!db2l^2£?t5?75wJ5»oi.in mudi^ ^ eral election reformm law,li home- suspicion confessed ai r any of the crimes. no 19 memory of what happe ch of the problems the states J and said he T he five pened, : facing and deep coocem ov»^ land defense requests,its, andi eduia- > acted alone in commnmitting the youths, Wh(ve black and Hispanic preventing nc her from helpingIg id en - O»aeom6««onoltt».? s ? K : : s s s f ______the: fetfederu govenunent’s lack off ag tion testing requiremeements, all of crime'that had been\ blblamed on a tim e of vhothe were 14 to 16 at the tify pr any suspects. which were supposiposed to be the attack on th e white tif 80ynCE:mnocene*Fe*Pro|ecl AP respotlponseinany way.” Amefore the House. WI. J“But when we hear that the tributed to the cd toti givejlhii pieces as shallow back- th tfl«3)>the amount perpermitted by fi». Hadde cated the Ag Department1 didn’lc hookf)k for states’ budget problems,;je states $2.1 billion to10 finance.lh^fi Iden plans to even out ca 2 election reforms reque•quested, Bu^ Xfdcoln County: TlThe judge rocky arei have a good reason to witli.hhoB D o licit rmsk.skepdcal,” R. Glenn Hubbard, ortered Idaho Tire^ RjRecovery to pJe’s southreas surrounding the the ht plans from the public drman of the president’s Coun-yj. so far, lawm akersers hav4)'j( pay a fme of $20,0005 fofor failing to >".8 »n the^ithwest boundary ^ fill- Stermett th said he wants it iror™-5a“d AdeHdtestim,imated at SIGO mil- of Economic Advisers, told the).» approved a cent uphold the a j^ m e n.nt t. with topsoille area and covering it stin Idaho code that the plans < !ion.ona$1.9bUU,iUion budget is fac- landal Times this week, “To pass these mandlandates ing a Legislatui The tire pile grcwifw under the soil 2" to create a firebreak be (n public. ture that has few . j^erhe governors' litany of com­UJ. out dollars attachedled whenMft operation, of the novnow-dcfunct ThepUesjtsborder of the property. b< “ It was my bill to m akes daiiv.< members who> worked» through pjaintjints is lengthy. states are so fiscally stressedstre i d ^ Idaho Tire Recove^ry 1Inc. under As crewssits on the open range, .men file nutrient manage: 'l“ ■«“ ■’“‘•selt crisiso in the early (>„)n the, tax side, last year’s 10-[Q. notre^)onsibIe,’’WarTieim » a d d ^ ------Floyd's ownership.-ip. Hadden - tires, firews li: worked to remove the ,mplans, so Tm going to do m>iv iS ~ “"'S’ our Republicans----- year,ir, J $135 trillion tax cut indud-,d.— Most importantW, the invested in the compmpany in its"' ous’pUes! lines o between the vari-'T^ pjtb m ake sure they arc public Laird Noh otif Kimberly and edaliia littleHioticed provision aimedeA say they are simply losinglosi cotuni ^ Denton Darringto early days until Floydyd ieventually createds toon the lot have been said. tb gtonofDedointhe directlectly at state coffers. Under thehe of their Medicaid budgets.buc To^ ------boufthi-him outrbut-H(i-Hadde^con------[Wieniiol-fiito reduce the risk of a sa ______Sen ate a n d Dolores Do Crow of___tfl'sJaw,-the-federal.estate-tax la that, diey largely blameameWash&Bt! Nampa and JoArlAn Wood of Rigby dimini JJ tonTWhelTMeaiiaiaila-and'MfiS— tinued lo own the proptroperty. tires.l-fire-spreading-to-other------Uadership iilnishes at glacial speed over - As-thc former propeoperty owiier, “ W e no\ u in the House -- werev in office in th et next m decade. But the law care were oeated, CotijCongress envC Hadden also is on thete hhook under breaks throtow have several fire In leadership races inn both 1983 when the! Statest was hit with makeskes swift work of a provision sioned Medicare asis thet! healt^ ib^threat of a lawsuituit iby DEQ to Tire pilestrough it," Hadden said. .houses, some Magic Valleyey law- a $70 million defilefidt in a $465 mil- thatalt allows states to claim a creditiif insurance program fort]ortheelderiy; m akers didn't fare as well as clean tip the tire pile.1e. The agency tal and lies hu pose an environmen- j" as they lion budget. fromm thet federal government forQf while Medicaid woulduld cover tha recetitly asked himim to sign a They offerhuman health hazard. ^hoped. Neither Rep. Leon> SSmith, Bedke wiU be one of the law- estateate taxes paid. The “statete poor throu^ combinedined stale ag j. R-Twin Falls, who was nin iJi cleanup agreemeni:ni with the insects ander breeding grounds for d t ^ fof^ makers who wilwill be facing the deathIth taxi credit” h a s already beeny , federal contributions.s.Butthel{ab Bl state, but he refusedsed. He esti- combustibind rodents, are highly 'assistant majority leaderer, nor deficit straight; onoi when he takes cut: b}by 25 percent, and will be[,e den on Medicaid hast growngrc ste W mates that he has spenpent between uncontroUatible and can cause „Rep. Scon Bedke, R-Oakley,ey, who his new positioi:ion on JFAC. He goneie by1 2005, at a cost to thel,e ly- The program now>w covers< fk t was nm ning for caucus chaii $400,000 and SSOO.OOO000 so far on ------>Uable toxic fires. ~ airman, landed th e job,)b, which usually statestes of $4 billion a year, accord- long-term care costs of tJ ..,„cleanup and.that.in1 aranother two _ Times-Nt got th e posts. takes years toI workw up to, after_ ingjp_joJHarley Duncan, executiveye and, in many states, tnetrthd prescpt^ years it could be po&sitssible |o have Sandmann•News, < writer Jennifer Smith said the vote coiounter ” ■ only serving oneleterm i tow hldihe directcectqr of the .Federation of Tax tion drug co sts.------all of (he tires removedved. 0931, in aan be rcuc/t^ at 7JJ- told him that if two people?!e had was appointed, Admiritiimstrators. Congress's failureire to pai£ j Work at the sitee hhas wound jandmanniE « . 237. or changed.their votes, thele race Neither Newcovcomb nor Geddes This"his year’s stimulus bill, whichd l promised prescriptionon drug( b ^ would have been a tie. Seseveral are ready to lab«abel a tax increase grantented an additional tax break to fit for the elderlyf hashs lanc{$9 lawmakers said they thouimg^ a inevitable. Geddiddes continues to &uinean«sse$.thatinyest.in plant.andltd ____ squ^yoiLthe.stai^l "r'eglohalla stfiig^had ensueded with argue for balandindng the next bud^ ^equip;iipment, also hit the states,>s, H uckabee said. AncAn^ despilf Te Circulation both the Smith and B^dkeke cpi^' get with furtherier spending cuts, . becau:ause almost all of them haveve efforts by the Bush adm week, diil^ only i5.()0^ . . tejitsrand TrieasurvValfeyey'WiJrt even for educatiation, although he tiedi theirtl own corporate incomene to g m t state govemmmments S m da^W olock. circiitstia iBJay only S3.50 per w « t. ’ -o *® u t. Rep. M ike Moyle of StaItar w ill- concedes his is not a majority tax systemssys to the federal govern-1). flexibility to m anage:Ige MedicalcQ ludcd in all atwvc ratex. A------serve as assistant m ajority leaditf;le view. C i r ^ t i o n phon« lln< ment’sm’s. Thirty states scrambled to the states still lack the authority J l n o . t c ^ s . ge will he levied for all Seand [^..^ulie Ellsworth dt . The speaker ai in. on lj.ir& ' WTO’SSi^S^ ' argued, as he has “decofcouple” their corporate taxax to conpt)I costs that gn ----- ::------do ndti^«Ivo your-pap* -wiU be <3ucus chairwoman.!: - ' -- • —in the past, thatIt thetl House; where, —rates.tM.fr^.Vt«hiztgttm5Lit>.8ave.a3 as— : call ihc numtwr for your But ‘House Speaker Bruce B tax bills must start,st; will set the much;ch as $15 billim over the next Sdrtey-Kupcrt* ■nwTimv"Nc)rmaaon ^Newcomb, R-Burley, (over- course by its dedecisions on bud-, threeee years, but 15 other stateses “It violates the basiclasic prindpl^ Paul-Oakley...... 677-4042 ||«hed dally ai•New« I (UPSA.tt-OHO) is puli- whelmed , a late Challenge;e from gets. If spendingng bills for schools haveare absorbed the revenue blowi; of goo j management!Qt toi give u i Twin Fall! ai >.« Third Si. W.. Twin conservative '''' Dennis Lake:e for a and other prioritiirities can be passed “UtiUtah at this point is, if not grin-In- the renwnsibiuty toooianagebui m and Qlher area* ------...... - 733«3l. B Puhllcilion% Inc.. a >uh- third « term as House speaker.er. with dramatic: ccuts, the line on ning,g, aat least bduing it,” said Gov.IV. no authority to manaanage with.^ n ■ fafejli.1. Entcfprlwi.p. th Lake, a Blackfoot agiibusiiisinesfr taxes will be heldeld. If not, the only Mike! paid 11 Twin Path by The ~likaii;~ahd unulliei’ NcwiKfctnnb cholcelslilflhemrtaxeE ' TOfflciihciry and-gnunty------m irwaniio5«ciii>n6C-i08or antagonist,’Jim an Clark of Ha;layden. Gov. Dirk Kenempthome set the per week: Sumby only. S3. te.-nwfvJiyU hereby e

reclaim s lifo w f WASHINGTON (AP7J)-FoU d^ “~ . . their Democratratic opponents, H ^^H _n^igb, new*v h b a b y , ~partles, candidatesaniand.imerest rnarmlaceutical d firms weigiighed in with the mcl o s t according to thee fiRnal repon of the H groups spent about $1 billion on ' . Wisconsin Adveivertising Projetii, ■ new outlook. _____television advertisin,sing for the Goltoein,I, a poUti(^ s< ^ n tist who • adads. United Seniors spentn t the which ihonitorsI di^ t a from the 100 _ ■ money on more than l^UUJUU ad ' top media markirkets around the ' . ■ radng to use up'resennerves.of now* Advertisingng Project. “Advertising ' .spots .spi in 35 markets. ' countiy. That coviovers 85 percent of H C o m in g Sun>unday banned campaign contrilitributions. matters at>t thet margins, and can The PemQcraUcrleaninii _ A campaign tinancepiTawjHaFZIIMuenceJe.2t.3jjr_4.p.ercentage ____C10-was.a.distonLsecond^FCl ite&.alsoouupent— ^ ||-= took effwt Nov. 6, theiie day after - pomts of thethevote.' * Ing Ini $3.5 million on mores ithan Republicans andnd Democrats got l^ s s the vote, prohibits naricarional party “But we;.re are living In a time 5,600 5,6 ad'spflls in nearly 155 niar- , more financialII ^help from their ■------commi««e«-f«»m-fairaising-and— ^here-foliti)litic6-and-electlons-ar« ------k«t8.-NeK(-4v«r«^h«-busiFk« liness^ ----- party^4mere6test-groups.------spending soft money -theuniim- tii it- decided att the margins,” he said. backed, ba' GOP-leaning Ameri‘ricans Spending onm congressional- ed contributions fromom corpora- The Unitelited S ^ o n s Associadon, for for Job Security, at St.5*millillion, races year wasI ddose to $320 mil- fM M DEC ' o k . dec ' de, tions, unions and otherslers that par- a group baclacked heavily hy phar- and an the Democratic-leailaning lion, almost twiodee as much as in ' ^ BI b | T ^ i dec , Dl ^DEC .DEC ties use for acdvides suesuch os issue maceudcaital companies, spent S8.7 groups grr Emily's List, at $1.3.3 mil. 1998. The $lbilli(illion in advertising f l B I ads, get*out-the>votee didrives and million foror television ads, with lion. lio The Sierra Club spentIt $1.2 included just over ovi $420 million f BI ____ operating costs. ' _____ J__much of thsthat supporting Repub- . million ml and the Florida Eduaicadon__ spent .on govenioinors* races and $64 Jm m “There were so few'ew races~lri Ucah Hous^is^'ciridldates.7rhat was 'Assodation As Sl.l miUToh.' ■ ‘ million spent onin other< races. The MM play that diere was a lot of money oithost tly^eef-ee rimes more than any Republican 1 House candid lidates rest was spent in odiert areas such 10.9 10J9 1(W chasing a few races,”s,” said Ken ' other group>up spent on campaign spent sp( almost 20 percent less» than asissueads. l l P : ? 'I®

Survey fifinds retireises face AMan gets 30 m i i ' A o k a u H ' GroUf* • H onti D iA J . QiI KANSAS c rrv . Mo. (AP)[*) - A I raise premiums andId increasei AtBcenlpopoll oM35 largo ij copayments for redrew pharmacist who diluted chchemo. A ______rs stiows that many .[j,gtherapy drugs given to thousjjsands “ ■ next three years, and J raise premiums for o f, quarter say they are of cancer patients was sentei health coverage. to , elim inate health coveS v e r a l K to the maximum of 30 yearars A ------future retirees, a-nevnew survey - Ptfc*nt*9#igtof«mploytrsthat_ . . pri:prison Thursday after the viaIctims’ ___ . shows. ...plan to concontinuooftotinflcovoraoo ‘ families tearfully told howw the ’ g ^ “This study is the3 latestio bad to current ratiretirees... scheme s p had cost them prec ■ Q news for American workers wo on _____ days ivith their loved ones. “Y(jur crimes are a shock tcto the : * __ Altman, president off ththe Kaiser w ,o hcroaso ^ redroo civilizea coascience," UJ>. uis Family Founflation, which wj eon- prefrtoms... Judge Ortrie Smith told Robeiien B s i - ducted the surtey along3ng wilh the Courtney.Coi “They are bey consulting firm H ew itt understanding.”un(i m ESH ' ' Associates. “Current rret e t i ^ a r e ...oxpecttoiito Increaao prescription , - ^Courtney, SO, was also ordtdered j ^ being asked to pay moreore for their drugcopaymilyment or coinsurance... to *pay $10.4 miUion in restitutution IM i\}w) ____health coverage andnd c u rre n t atid a $25,000 fine. He showe<« d no T ^ Umv:niMM.i400ai»AO*COAC P workers'are less likelkely'td~get ------emiemotion-as the-judge-annourunced— his sentence. health benefltii froiro m t h e i r ly to ellmlnale covomgo u . employer when they retiretire. for future roliroes.rolit His lawyers said he was n The survey intervieviewed 4 3 5 ^ — _ remorseful, ten and they urged the ^ ^ p w 5 p o vWhateverin&taas, I Guarantee It large private^ector firmirms - those ^ — ^ jud,judge to impose the lightest p

• T i y — ^ HOIJO' i j SH )klkk s p e c ^aU i f e s'.sttval i o f Tree ______“ H e aart i of Christmil a s ! ! ______Dececember 5 - 8, 20IO?C l l r W At 241 Mail*in Ave. West, TvXvin F alls Friday & StSaturday 10:00 am-Sh9:00 p m 1 3 ? ------Soitdt[day~tt:00’aiiF6:00~pipm 1 ^ 1 H iiss yy e a rt Magic Valley Regitigidnal Medical Center Fououndation Festival of IVeesees ill benefit Area Quick RkR ^ponse U nits an d th e M{yfagic Valley H eart Fund.L

T h eM V R M[C C lF o u n d ad m H e a rt Fundk 1 provides: V su p p o rt an d enhinhanced treatment for bele a rt patients 9 equipment, educatiatio n and o th e r h e a lth relela te d program s V en hanced p a tie n t carcardiac care rig h t h e re inn thi e Magic VaUey I l l s ir area Quidc Response UnitInits are the fim to respondIto t many emeigency medicalal calls and auto acddentsts iin die Magic Valley. H iet pproceeds from die Festivala lo 0 f » IVeesfu]fund continuing education,m, iequipment and maintenalanceforiheQRlft. W t Admission: Adultsts I$ 3 , Senior Citizens $2$2 , Children $ 1 ______------H o l i d a y ------Holiday------W G i f t S h o p E nitertainm i ent COMPWTS! L o calal artisans have generoTousiy IVMain Stage donated hand-crafted« o ne-c2-of-a*kind gift and holiioliday Contininuous entertainment items for the Gift Shop,op. performmed by talented local1 A ll pproceeds r will go towardird the ^gingf; groups, choirs, bands, P 2 9 7 groups and musicians. H esart a i Fund and area QRlRU’s. S' I COIiyttTE? Everybody’s favorite e ' ’

ring the K idsio-SSee Santa ~ Satuiurday 1 to 4 pm.

Uur sincere thanks to the generous sponsorss

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----^ ^ ------•• T - I Fill. HUH FililB,aic«»ll»l.»l ______'

~ NA'I'ION^ Coming sunds1^ I stay or Ih the M oney pfig

The lost art 0 * w ■ ■ Federalilpaiielhiac -ofletter-writinj I P ^ J D 6 Me&pHsfcfefcnew£=p^^^^M^^ejBbMafieE = ^— Alamos:slabiM^histltlebiower:- : ^ ^ 1“ ^tampaigncontilBfflion caseTI- - LOS ALAMOS. N.M.N.N (AP) - A in the inteiiterests of public health. /*o« WASHINGTON (A PJ-M attel Diaz-Balart and lleana Ros- I Mill MM ^ piiTtol fmmi ,______; WASHINGTON (AP) - hands of the people who don’t Inc.. maker of Barbie dolls and LehHnpn. hnthnf PiAri,<« »«a______1 ■ ■ ■ a i a M y ______. Alnmos NationalI Laboratory L vinceafedFe^nil judge that the lab “ =1 “ Cdplrallzing on GOP cbnirol^f want to iix tne Droken system," otlier famous toys, a m ^ along ^ reluliuted atiiiinsi Ha whistleblow*w - had violatelated air-emission regnla* H X # ? o va F F » „ D . .8 . Congress and the White House. said Dr.. Donald Palmlsano. a with two of Its former employees The FEC said it found no evi- ■ ■ ■ A 1 ^ ■ H I ur and orclerud thele labI to raise tions. - i dence.lhaL-anv=at-lli.i-,Mtei«ni^ =^S=l=Kj,-^rl|i=^=|yL|lS,|^ = his salary.rciroaciivelively and pay -Trhc labib”Had‘a 1 p ^ I S d ’two p r ^ - “ 'EimRErSJORE”^ liim $49,000 in fi-galfcII fees, vious deciecisions iti G utierrez’s ^A iiagerL iz Claibiiborne, •pressinstornewUmiratlonson . Medicnl Association president. iMm« o(^to tWrdt^SdiT™ . Los AJumos alsoI mustmi remove favor. yibal, Jewelry; . Now Open Suni m d a v s .. .when, where and how consumers next year. largest fine ever im p c ^ by the tions. ^ ------’’------ILy^_iLJ \JL /^\JU \J V_y L_J MCRUtTvu commentsts f u per^ JinTDani5raieau61d,‘Fsi»k«irian ------^ I . canfdelawsuits. ■ The^AMA is among those that • FederalElecdooCommission.* The reimbursement arran g e^ r ’ruf/* r ' i A i A c L -----^ ------frn-ffiifnccTVJitomimrmrforTJiralror— fonhelab;abnlecUrTedTTiursday^o— - _____ ^ . . . In aomff cases, they already have honed their arguments lo The fines, announceailiursdav. menf involved Mattpl vnior vfr«* i nC * ljarC I6n uCItC (jIFl & CjCiraen OflGD J« e C utierre*. ifthe Laliur discuss thetht latest ruling, issued i *»****•"§ of President E v in c e Americans that umits stem frorn 512().714in donations' pFSderit Permln Cuza and Mattel _ &■ Tn T h 'p NlJrnsi the lab inI IS1997. a year entire cour)ursey^t." Many souUi-centnral ' Monday thru Saturday: lOilOam to fipm l / n ^ M . : . ^ e x a s governor in the 1990s. armed itself with staDsucs show- went to 23 Democrats and Repub- Cuza was in charge of ^iT tm e n t 1 1 # .ifter he went publiclie wilh docu- ^ “Theree area still several issues Idaho residents fln 918 Main Street. BU3UHL j M>w>yists have taken a verbal ing that emergency room doc- licans, two party committees and affairs for the toy company. ' m ^ IW W PU W ------.menis-slmwins thatIt iJtJie lab lied-----to-be-Veso2soIved,”-Danneskiold-- • —designs for:tbeJ)U'critrimlnatlng.atA&oniabIeJi/p/V fcM " ■ * .. cue from th e p re sid e n t, who tors, obstetnaans, surgeons and five poUticai action committees. Mattel at Cuza’s d ir ^ o n paid ' M ^ ■ Zee^-—^ aho.iit emissions of »f airborne said. He; saids he did nol know Jjoyinpenandpap( ------Petite thru 3Xal2es*1 • www.blackrockclolhlers.cor.com ; often refers w proposals io^|umt=other physiclans-have-aban.-- - -Among the recipients: the— Schwartz’sfinn forconsultingser-- W ®3l3®GinGW [^^------radioactive materials:ils in the m id -'. when thatlat would happen, and — * job creation bills. doned some parts of the countiy Democratic National Committee, vices and Schwartz used the afflOFD’ffUHJDSB 1990s, iu violationI of the Clean • could notot specify whai those They’re re c a s tm p itc h e s that - because of costly m alpractice the Gore 200Q presidential cam- money to make donations to fed- . t M A ITTT-lM n/ m Air Act. issues are.e. M jih a v e va(htionally lampooned,,, lawsuits and the expensive insur- paign; committees for California’s eral candidates and poUtical com- D l l i n 8131119111 ft Cutierrez said hee hadh teamed “Hopeft C A l/U 25% Off All efuliy the lab won’t H M U n moreon-, ance they must carry to protect Democratic senators Barbara mittees: Schwartz also used K (ILS 1 I H V V, B^VL I J. * uf the violations whilvhile working appeal this thi so we can get this ^ i j g e fa lle n ^ Boxer and Dianne Feinstein. - money from Mattel to reimburse A ^ W U j U i i T U Pofg ||| C|QQ|f| on^an internal asses:iessment. but ’ behind us,is, and we can all move B l t i a t l^tAW curbswOl help save • That ineans patients in wm e Several RepubUcans also were people, mcluding Cuza. for dona- I A I „ n i . ^aid his bosses wwould, not forward,”I,” said Gutierrez, who IjT jW i acknowledge or act or ^*trog^nfe businesses, preserve wmmunines are forwd to drive , among the recipients, including lions to political committees. ‘ 1 A . h HOUSB PlOTltS, N O W 50% OFF^ t on the infor* now works:ks on technology*trans- j o ^ and prolect access to health .long ^i^ an o M for h com m ittees for Reps. Lincoln accdrding to the documents. Limili'tKo stot'li on/lantl. matinn. He went publublic, he said, fer issuess atai the lab. rtTiT*«l !! /• “Itbcame an economicdevel- AMA is lo^vine for a federal i——w — — ^^BI^^^^Y7T3?r7TEn¥TnTVTTTTT7ni Judge rulesi il i n f a v o r o f A i r FForce ( w orkers WIClilTA FALLS.:S. Texas (AP) personnel,sl. lost their jolK in 1999. ?n SSFJS ^^'MaiiMaM > A judge.has orderciered the rein* The men,1, iwho worked as agents § y g ^ - -^the politically powerful groups -medical lawsuits.-Their proposal F R I D A T D E C * O T H ‘*ldMho*s O ld c fft/V u n e n W ith T he ISenest Ideas'*...... statem ent of twoI cicivilian Air for the D«fDefense Security Service VI W« 1 Hfeading the charge to restrain would impose a federal cap in **FAaf4vfl1 nf T lolife** ^ ^ Force employees whorho were fired' at Sheppr>pard Air Force Base. g j j j E E [wW WwBB ^ m alp ra ctice lawsuits. states that have no limits. J r C S I I v a l 0 1 I r f l g ll X S ^ ^ A three years ago after:ter reporting reported1 ththat a noncommissioned And in the subtle game of The group’s political action PPTMP PIU / i ^ 4 . . . that a servicewomain an's a ffa irs . officcr wasvas granted top security. Montn|.l innuence, groups tend to avoid committee gave about 60 percent JfJOXaJS lOB -Safcir # . ; with Saudift and fello}llow militory clearance:e iafter having an affair >KUnwil ■-ti;aditlonal term s-lik e “ to rt of its $2.1 million in donaUons In \ w ' XTTTOC17D T17C TVrr ; personnel posed a secuecurity risk. with a suptjpervisor. They also said l i l l r / i l : V ^l^orm " or “malpractice liability the last election to Republicans, O tU V /•JfO. * IN U A ^ U K I H c l X N C . Roliert Smyth an

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X T ’ * • E d i t o r i a ! • a • 1 * 4 4 AL *r’s-S$uid]

- w y e n r y KisiiinRersayshihe • ^--Law inalikers^houlfId-repeal--] m tcoasio lcadhisSc] JL A l l investigation comnnmis* s n j ■ A i sion down the money trail. H ~~~ somemaandatory s(sentences oant expect to run into a lot ol /nifamiliar faces f\lonfi the way. ATQUlWES'tbU-D moves clos- M ost I<1a is la tiv e sessio n , can’t statete governmj ent? I*l>cir<)dolliirs. i ^ l - i llYCf?fW UN7\ there*^nono shortage On the s i second point from i— C^KY SW KtS,\?W . K \ S S \ H ® ? ■ t T T M ^ V OOH. N A ideass 6on how to .the confere ren ce, fo rm er Gov. ^ S E ' deal with next year’sir’s looming Fhil BatiI mader a potentially Zl-A'CllllAl'l-iS, V' ■fowwwMrtm . __ . • budget defidt...... valuable suggestionsu on how Ki • i— T Though muny soun«und prop^ cut statee g( o v ern m en t costs. als have come from ( The Saudis fund schools nilall n Gov. Dirk Batt recom>mmended that' legis- ,,viover the world and all over ■ / K e m p i h o r n e ’s ^ 2rlhis ^^lators revise cotcotiniry - thjit propagate thete blue>ribbon com* f Idaho’s manda* WWahhabij values of theocracy, m'itiee,. the IO u r v i e w : To help tory sentence sc>sexual inequality, intoleranctice i^'l- • 'r - i , , A s s o c i a t e d i. laws. He sug- «niand jihad. Some of these instiistitu- f l j n g Idahols budget crisis, Taxpayers of gested many of tions are in New York and Idaho’s annual )elegislatois should cut them are exces- Washington. Ki.sslnger can ge conference this . sive and costly. the addresses from the FBI. .speniding and review week offered ^ Balt’s idea has America’.s Islamic organiza so m e e s p e c ia lly fl lions also live along the mnnc mandatory prison obvious merit. trail. The Council on America valuable insights. . The Slate correc- i^ii One of them ®sen ten ces...... Islamic Relations, for exampl tions budget has jtist jtis accepted n hulf-million di was a philosophi* U W h a t d o y o u th in k[7 ? soared from SK) Inrlars frj»m a riepliew of the Sai cal reminder on ' m illio n to Sl 12 kinking to "put Islamic material.'als” w hy s p e n d in g VWe weicome viewpointsts million in 20 ■>«'into Arnericiin llhraries. Let'sI's should be con- u hope they won’t Ih.* combusiillible. • tro lle d . T h e sec* from our readers on this Saudl-fundcd charities, we;e . - - . - .- .r-.iWp ond was a practi* a ai n d oth e r issues. now knoiv, supjMjrt a varietyyof i '------cal'suggestionon~— •J«rrorifitft,-Royal-I)eneficence-:e------observed,-i!If the»reputation re ...------won’tt didisclose the donor. SO we— underwrote at Jeast two of th(he builds that the Sauiaudis take care are left i how to do it. ___ -and neither is g^r eft to guess. My guess is the boasts that the company'my “has Un the first, natio Sept^l-MiiiUckeFSrBiK-Suitdt-fl of-their-friends-wlievlien-they-feave ------Saudmifroyal-family:------contributcd'cnonnouslyT5ljrro7he------tioilal tax Batt. ButIt mandatory sen* money mo* doesn't go only to fana guru Scott Hodge of nnt- office, you’d be sur]iurprised how I amm ssorry to say Kissinger mayr creation of the modernn KKingdom of the Tax tences appp p ly a p u n ish m e n t ies. ies. It also is available to justIt much better friend:nds you have even eni Foundation of Wash encounter a few journalists of Saudi Arabia." ishington, that costs1 tlthe taxpayer just as good goo friends. who are just cominjling into office.” along( thethi money trail. The D.C., pointed out th( Actually, Kissinger did 0 ^ that many much as th(th e convict. Non-vi(>* This T category happens to The Bandar princinciple also Saudisis hhave long made a prac- state economies are st receive a personal giftt frefrom the i still grow- lent offcndiiders may do better include incl a lot of former senior)r applies to the Arncrncricanacade* ticeofgi)f giving their Western Saudis. But it probablyy we popular because found life after retirement inn rassed by the revelt’elation that it wantinging to offend, strap them on. pre.sented with a copy'o of f thet American think tanks funded•d by had accepted gifts f states, including Idahoiho, is their th ey let llegislators e appear ts from the Are thejhey influenced by Saudi, infamous anti-Semitic; for;forgery Saudi Arabia and the oil compnpa- Osama bin Laden1 fsfamily. But hospitali spending habits. hard-nosed,td. The drawback is, nio tality? Look at the coverage “The Protocols ol the EldersEld of ------“What is really at tl nies that do business there. Han’ard is far fromjm alone. Elite of ihekii; kingdom over the past 10 Zion.” hy his thouglttful■ul host,h t the heart such laws/s ta k e d is c re tio n c»iiCoincidentully, these ex-dipbllh universities have re o f th e problem is overs i received mil- years,, scsee which reporters have Saudi King Faisal. erspending away fromm judges. And, as mmmats are the chief Saudi apolnllo lions over the yearsirs from the failed to and bad budgeting,” I to notice they were in a ■ Coiisidering Kissinger’sser’s pre* g,” Hodge Batt pointeIted out, judges are gl^t;Ri^ts in the United Slates. Saudi government.It. fasdst;t ththeocracy and decide for said. sent mandate lo searchh outot the more qualiflified to hand down SiSaudi sup|M)rters also can IwIm Often these contrntribHtions are yourself.elf. sources of violent Lslamlcmic fanati- He got that right.;. AndA he's ' sentences!s th a n le g is la to rs round on active State secret. Columbia UiUniversity, for Cynicslies suggest that Kissinger cism. the Saudis probablyably wish not the first to sayr it.it We’ve are. DepDepartment duty. As Prince example, is establislilishingan may eveiiven run into himself on the they had given him a RoURolex reminded readers aar n d s ta te A more fle n b le approach to J®"Bandar, the refreshingly candiidid Edward Said chairir ini Middle moneyy titrail. K i^nger says his instead. leaders for months thatth over* first-timee and nonviolent ^udi ambas.sador (and husbai>and Eastern studies (ne;next: the Mullah consultirilting firm doesn’t represent jf “inadvertent" terrorist spending, not underteirtaxing, is offenders couldco save th e state r :.. Mohammed Omarir chairc in com- * Saudii ArArabia. But it does repon*'■ '~ ZcvChafL'tsisacolunmhimistfor ^ Linancier Princess.Haifa).oncece_____ P.araiiKe.reIigion)^Cl^Columbia______edlydo b ------thfrroot^Mdaho^ troulouble.------bundles~ii-in“incarceratlon ------theNatf-York-DailffNmsrws.------JeffYoutz,Idaho%di; diief bud- costs. (Vote}ters, however, will ^ _____ get aimly», confirmein ed a t th e___ h a y ^ q_hhold their local that I d ^l»Ts ! econo- ju d g es acce effective in laying ^ season " of all meaning. is still expanding, /Iqrarewe ^own thee law: f o r c e r ta in AdvT nade by on Irish immigrant, robs children of a decentml ceduca- Vdvertisers and store employe) C'M' S slese immigrant and a run* tion just as it would rob th _____ blaming our, ahottfaJfalls nn n H u t ^ tave — physlfarntrtftSsir the sdio£hodls^d recession? by th e L e^^ s latu re m ay reveal heaileartfelt wishes of “Merry If you can’t pay yoi transconixintinemal railroad, away with athledc contesttests your bills some thatt shoulds be revised Ghri'hrisimas ” and “Happy Understorstanding racial diversity you should cu t your ex because some might feellelbadif b expanses, or repealed.id. ■ Hanianukkah ” with the diluted andai I apparentently is more important they lost. nashy greeting “Happy M than learearning about charity, As Whitehead said inn a Iradio holidays." fanatical and often blind commentaiy, “We face an The stripping away of rv e seen “A O ^ i san ■ on many occasions ai ion to tolerance anddiversi- immense threat in our sodetv-______sod ^mttrim’s hpritngp nmriniiOT a havB forgotten to (fifldRllie— ana im not talkingabout)ut terror*'t ertain legal and.ni;>uni! rela-J. todtscovera“Christ "them e r im ^ N ^feivs— ^ pts behind why we should ism. It is the Increasing{tendency ter Hw Hirtm i ...... MM nttar livisivi.sts pursue theii*goal of tram in it, unless you cons iritu- “conversion " of Sen erant of people who believe to obliterate our historyy andar tra* O M W H n lli...... MMatfngadtter an MketaN...... orming us into moral and spiri ently than wa. do. Does it ditions in order to erect a ...... 5^5 ll “Stepford wives ” when we “ghosts ” of Chrisuni :t a saccha^i nwM abmotltiidlt Ig f Christmas Present ai tolerance if we melt down rine view of reality - onene tlthat Is iditoriil board ud writen of editiditorialsareSlBiiheii will;nil sec all ideas as mattering, c mas and Hanukkah Into a ter* ® rellgioi not true and will never' be true. In ------J(iil>wJI«iUllliliwiili^itMlwCniiiifrlto^dCoopaMiirwdSlwllByllldwwir.------mlot mattering, and it not manei jneaningUwHlOioliday-S?------^ ------»ng»ng whether that nutters. ;— thfrprocessfwearecreatinatinga ------in good will which, thi: ools especially - but culture * schizophrenic world forrour ou chil* ------CcConstitutional attorney John eral - seem unwilling to ■------Whil checked, was a them dren to grow up in. Andd it isi nel* Vhitehead brings to my attenti taJ^aboutwut anything that.matters, ther healthy, nor will it pre r " 7 . ... W totoin a situationsill in New Jersey that L aU religions but also t produce iso among - -fttherthathan sex, which seems to be the kind of people whoI willwil be 7 mhlematic of the gutting of ourou humanists and otherlernon-thejsts. MaTlmnHewimamwnealattBra' ber. Wrttefs who(ho sign letters with Ited with an evangelical able to face the challengesIges of a fromraadenonsubtaci4actaorput>- false names will ymboLs. Officials at South The school prindp□pal lold the willbepemunently lejj J, local newspaper that :miniscent of circuit-riding friglitening tomorrow." UolntsmtBocauMoflofapaoa barred from puoiubUcation. tetters may >rangc Middle Sch(M>l cancelec hatthocancel- iers of a bygone era. And ield trip to u performance of lation had more toI dod< with con. S t S , Some might respond to suchs a constraints, pieeso limit lefltettaiBto bebroughttoouour Twin Falls Of Burtey ks, such as “The Adven- statement by saying Amennen. But 400 wonts. Include your al0 )ature. office; mailed to :horles Dickens’ classic, “A corns that the play di ltoP.O.Bo*548,TVrin with the class cu n ia jf Huckleberry Finn," loday we would have to3 sa aja single Jewish parent who, substituted for “A Cl Want to n w te jw ^ in * * fc irs seek an absence of con- • Cal TTiomcu is a columnismist for . gsknownto 1292 Addison Av

D o o n M b u r y ------By G arry TrudeauI Mallard Flllmimore ^^fS^iSSSSlSSR By Bruce Tins ?S:' T K i j o s r c A n T £ aOFaJNPS/AHN-_____w Weaimrn 3* j MUU/ □ e-Cbt>eef!Wi^e& ■ [l“ *• A e ^ c B i T i s * ' | H


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ibtf6.2002 TI

w w i r t r i a ^ s ie c p r r liir — r -’--— rrenma uouijyji ^ p i U S l l . 1h o D in iin r ardly anyone vi^vi^ts China___ ;__ mul inulate huge reserves of foreijeign—^ iis c u rf^ c y ,'(h e renminbi.re Its ureas.f. EntcrinRE the World Trade ...... Siatcs“ cann6t:ubsorbtl l-wi^outbein^daI dazzled by s | | p H ^ exdexchange, mainly dollars. rb ihem'all. exports would beccecomemore Organiznizaiion, Chjna also ^ces T here a re w inners andnd losers.I< L the factories, offioffice build- Foreign exchyge. reserves nonow expensive, its impc S »imp«»rt rnmpi»tjtinn Tliinn -•------Japaivser. decade^ il^ economyyhasgrown. hi (58 billion since last Decembr. Ourpiit ■ . S an.u i k i .s o n ____g | , Is dismantling / and foreloreign Invesimem it cun ” Its trad e su rp lu s reflei.•fleets low -1 :__ la b o u ^ p g i ^ t a ygar. ( 42-:------inefficlent-state-owowned-compa— ;-----get:----- __ ffTOM domi|Stic.produ(:t; ^ nmportsrnonrvibrnntTJcitTJcnnnmjr------^ ______nlfis______— i------.iXhe-ue-tn>o-problem-iB-n»t-Chiiia—------AH-«f-Ajiiu-needsH»-btwchusc tlS'priK'"'• ■ passed Sl t^ Io n . Fromom 1990 to . South Ko,rea (up $14 billion). I ' ). Urban uhemployloyment Is . alone.;. ItIt's A-siu’s collective • perity m ore «m dom estic•Stic S|Haid-. “2000,* the number of pho The trading system cannot>t “unprecedentedlyjly4iigh"atll export o • 1,000 people rose from s bad idea offpennanenUy p large rt obsession, which is self- . • ^ inRundlessonexiMirts-rts-lx)thfor lourijh If too many countrieses percent to 13 perccrcent, says defeatiniting und dcflationnryrAll ; 17S. On a recent trip. th- desireded iexports, because mar- Ro{Krt SamuL'liuiii is a <. i Straszheim asked the ini ilminish Its surplus by revaluiluing pie “underemployejyed" in rural kets abrabroad - mainly the United ; preter, a new coUege gngraduate, ------nist for Nvti'gtLwk. , how many of his dassmasmates ' • worked for the govenimiliment. !“None.” Why not? “Low•owpay, J r n ;boring,4leadend.’^ : Just how China evolvelives-pollt- ; ically and economicallylly-Isone • ; of the big questions ofif thetli 21st i ^ a y \ I m e l j century. • It is now foretold InI ththe rising lanxiety that China’s ecoiKonomic ! expansion comes Increas-easingly at ' i Ithe expense of other coucountries. I ^|The theory: Low laborr cccosts and ' ;an undervalued currenq•ney suck * investment and jobs frorfrom else* where. Legions of multirJtlnational . firms are relocating innChina, Cl ...... 'whose exports threatenen global( j :deflatlon. ; “The companies thatat haveh * imoved to China can cutu t pricesI to tgain market share andd fcforce I - Itheir competitors to foliooUow suit,” i t iwrites economist Stephei)hen Roach ------of Morgan Stanley. Consionsider the ------y i 3 s m I— evidence. ------Ghina^-Iow-pricedexpsxportrare------up 21 percent in Ihe firstIrst 10 M months of 2002, althoughugh overall V world trade is stagnatinging- ■ The story is similar for foreign S a v e direa investment by mulnultina- h ------tional coihpanles."CIobaIlbaU^foP------■ eign investment Is declin:lining.In, ■ ■ China, it’s risen 20 perceircent to B a ?i i i $46biUion in 2002(throurough t e Orig. *35 October). The new investvestment is V diversifying China’s expoxports _ Young Men’s away from dothes, toysfs anda low- O3rlg.*69“503 f NOW«3434" end consumer electronic:tiics. -1 Of course, skeptldsmm isi: justI* MMen’s e LOOSE fied. We’ve heard this storysto before. STRAIGI First It was Japan, therhen South DESIGNER Korea and Mexico. Manufaauring couldn’tI’t survives LEG 5 6 99 ___in high-wage, advancedd C( c o u n * ______SWEATERS tries. The scare stories5 diididn’t Cho.hoose from a large assortment come'truci • ' ofI atstyles and colors. JEAN-- Countries sell abroadid so» they Choose from several . can buy abroad. ChinaI StiUsti discontinued . ------needs sophisticated prodi■oducls (power plant^ Industrialial made elsewhere. — ^ Still, China Is not Japarpan or Mexico. Size alone (populipulatioh: ------iT3bimon) makes it spedled a l, and------there are other reasonss to worry. Free (rade, a wonderfulIll tltheory, . -vl says that by specializingIg ini: what they do best, all countriesries b^ne* fit. This is usually true. But ifs______ii less true when there's a worldw , ' slump, as now. Low-cost»t produc*] ers Survive; others strugg]iggle. Fears that China will gain(ain jobs and investment at others'ers’ expense are not unfoundcnded. I ------Deflation is a generalildecUne dl ------f = In prices. It does not existKistlnihe United States, whose infitnflation ■ ' remains about 1 percentn tto t 2 percent. Many Americanan iecono- ' mists consider it unlikely,ely. But once started, deflation coicould feed on itself. Falling prices would squeezesqi profits, causing companienies to T l hre workers, cut investmetmem or fall. People and firms woulduld spend less, widening the gap betbetween supply and demand u did ddeepen- ing deflation. Althoughi fafalling __ prices would normally be good, ______too much good could bee destruc-______d( ____ fivel ^ Prices of Asian importsn s have dropped 20 percent in the past flve years, says Roach. AgAgain. this would be good If Asiaisian coun- ■ tries spent abroad whatIt tlithey U earned abroad. Unfortunsunately, , they don’t. Japan pioneereeredthe q r IC S UQ.-29> ORIQ.-M'^g- NOW •24’*-'34’* |INFANTS’ | & QIRLS J OUNO MEN’S YOUNO MEI B U lw YOI ENS sSE L E C T E D BOYS’ ESIGNER LOGO TEIEES DESIGNEER Z ChoMooae from a variety ol colors. HOLIDAY DRESESSES LEVI’S «SILVERTAB S W E A rSIHIBTS I BMSGY,JEANS


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dey Sstemtoy 9*.90latd’< a SwndSY 11-9:30 at sli Dlllii>lllird*> loe>tlon«. m s q u m In M ih rF a its ,« Qn TMon MsU. In C tiu b b uek.atP ek ,: ir)«R M o« Mali. ' ■ iliotwvourlWawrsCretftCMSLII. The American Expfess* Card. Dt Heicardr Visa* and The DIscovef CtCard:______^ ;

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» • ftwcrLoclu •TUt • QilN ^ SloclL*^'*Powtr1r W n d ^ ^ I * C tM ^ CD • Sliding iUarr WindowW • Whecb sBcdOiier»er Minors • ni» StcerlniIng • CnilMCtatiQ! • CD • \ • Tow Packagt • TJLD. Off R«Retd P«ekagt • Aulonutie • Tint • RooMUck • • w ^ S

S^iin '1* ■ nno8ih»a|4««*%APR '« 6noBtfatatA^Ara n ' 3lIJ M J Ine^ A HMs CorporaHoUton LlinniM . tOOO H fti OocporatgraUon. - VmMW.hMtZOftlMfnaglovaltoy.com - 6 3 6 P o leeline Road, TfW In F ails • 7733-4C K )0 • .J«ll ririH - ^-.J — „ . Z = . ... , - -.'•; . .------RtsfngrjBminc I n s id)E e park in g M*()lad()nsS Obituary...... 82' • l5Lt(X)stiy. ldaho/West_..^___ ; t4 m ____JXhe,Ximcs-:Ncvew s Friday,^ Occcm bcr6. 2002 . ; , ...... SJScct.ion...li c ______. Arouj I o rssp i : , t h E v a i . spanic n ts= ------. • • ------By Roberie rt M ayw • : — ------step in'brid^ngthafgapiipraUow; speaklngSpanianlsh”ln“c la ss 'o n ly ~ ’HlspiispanlCi~are~the~rnosfvisiblible— ment. ■ — Wewa willei — ing-teadierrand-Bdminislistranjrs— tirelcililiosETeafeaiT : nip)inoniy at Kobert Stuart, mukuCv ^ Some proposalsi putpu forth, by . _Ricniieid homen e ls to hear directly frorom ,‘the Others'wereire concealed that ingg upu nearly 25 percent of thithe parents included dcv<[Icveloplng an - . TWININ FALLS - Historically, Hispanic community abnhakElafflentaiyS^.tli«^« 'Santa Is a Oood Old Boy'atIt Uths Buftty FMtlval of Trm Thursday. Saturday at the Artkrt C om plex, iMfMay*ly. In the Dwonhak music prograir[ram. any thlrdiradit wbo 1« wllllilUlflCtoglveiiplurtch hours canan sing a t the fMtlval, rtfatdissilsssoft^nt United Way of SoutSouth Central which is locatcd on FaUsFa Avenue T*> • 1 Idaho serves 180,000X) npeople who IsrGoodingi------_ water reservoir. )u to n G h r Haine, Cartas,------M inidoka and Cassiassia coundes. Gooding craft sha aJohraon grade singers are much:h more enough, Peterserson said. A boy Even/e n if th e children nevei,er United Way dollarsrs hihelp a vari- *tew aw ritf______than a bunch of screamlnj[ng kids. who seems tone,ine,deaf at that age becoi!Come singers, even if ihejlev agencies. Inchincluding the starts today at 1011 a.m. The choir has developed nmusical might develop7 intoin a fine singer. haveive no talent, they will knov0^ ^oysandGirisQubofb o f t h e l k f ^ ' GOODING-The seveeventh aruiual BURLILLEY - One soloist hung a skills. The children knoww every "You’ve justlist got lo assum e theyi-y^ hadI A e courage to step upui Valley, Salvation AmArmy, V a ll^ Holiday Crafipaft-sbow-wiU ------thlrd-bc - they are-aU-virtU'----- to the th niicrouhoiierPeiciiui be held from 10 a.m..m. to 6 p.m. bars, aI groupgi of singers m lss^ a songs. All the boys osi u n til th ey said,id. _ citizens centers. Ninety-nine Nil today and 10-a;m.n. to 4 p.m. rest and]id plowed straight into the and ^rls ore com­ 'You'vejmtpt prove pi otherwise.” Many Mai of the pupils do becomin,e cen ts of every dollaiillar stays in Saturday at thele Gooding next ver'erse, and sometimes the fortable enough Peterson said. singeiigers. Twin Falls. Accelerated Learning»g (Center, 906 choir absabandoned tonal variadon on stage to.let to assume the^ are ^ Instead of “So “Sc often we find these chil(jIj. Ponzo said Uniteilited Wav is QUt selective when it comeomes to which Main St. in Gooding. in favoror of 'good old-fashioned loose and sing illviJlttos 't until rhey weeding « out the drenen who’ are stunned lo And ou Admission is free.'fe.-Dozens of shouting, their hearts out. children who howtiw talented they are,” Petersot agencies It funds. An aUocation , local crafters and bakerkers will sell a It wa:vas some of the best These kids are profeothenirise.' / nseem to have Uttle said,id. committee made up of a wide variety of items. Christmamas music you are likely to good, and they * ' . talen tl t, P eterson For Foi these pupils Petersoton cross-section of thele acommunity hear thislis season. know it. cultivates pupils offersfers the “SUent Night” solo a meets once a year inIn FlFebruary to ‘Christmas Chora pite the errors, the choir Music teacher - ~ Loretta Peterson, ^with enthusiasm a specialspe prize. Pupils auditior[on hear from the direct*-ectors of the nized the audience at Loretta Peterson music teacher. for music. The. forthr the part in front of their classISS, agencies. The direcirectors must In M.V.malllsSaSaturday i B urieysy’s Festival of Trees takes a democrat­ children who Peter!terson records the best perfor[or- prove that the moimoney they day. Children danced in ic approach to per------(0 receive Is well spent.It. TWIN FALLS - SouSounds of the wantw to sing spe- maneances and gives the tapes tc iles. Grandfathers laugh^ formance instruction.. ]E very cial p arts have hi to check peop!ople In.th.e community ,0 tc “Are we gettingg g(good value Season at the Magic: ViValley MaU's music pupil sings at the F from the money we'le aiare passing “Christmas Choralejle” will be nd. Any choir would have Festival . Peterson’s doorw r every morning. judgedge. proud of the effect the of Trees. Any pupil can cocome up If their parts1 areai posted on the _ Even Eve the singers without preire^ __ tiuw gh those agenciencies?” Ponzo ___Saturday in the Canyon Cafe Food. - to the microphone to peri Court. nad on the listeners, espe-— jrform a " door, the childndren go in at lunch cbclotclous singing abUlty are woni a choir with an average special pan as long as he! ddemon- to practice. ChiChildren who miss watchitching. The clioir’s enthusiasnOT Ponzo said it is especiallye: The event features5S thet second- o ' strates a commitment to sii Important since manymy reachcd at the newspaper'.uri people who don’t havhave a whole the Salvation A m y Bamland at 2 p.m. K li.... with a lid," Peterson said. 42 lot of money to spare.re. For more informamation call lOUgh the choir’s volume L see their peersrs ttaking the micro- Mini>ini-Cassia Bureau at 677-4042 iy ran g ed from forte to In third grade it's loo early« to phone, they becomebe more and Ext.rf. 637,< or by e-mail at n;ohni,n’. “Eighty percent of Ihet money Kimberly Williams, i tell chUdren they are noi direaor at the fhall, atft'73^^.‘"‘ 7 nmo, the Dworshak third* lot good more comfortablable singing alone. son9tegin getting' ------There wiirbe aI 2-12-klIome'l'er ments ih memory ofif 1 southsoi side of U te served. There is_no no c h ^ _Chrislm« • said.______Recreation District. na9.patade_tonis]it^pon:______Wood River Hii 3ay.passes.are49-for^ul>_and-1 ___^ e trail system nuara-ar the high______= i^ the_eyjent^K ichJs_orijjrginiadsy.:^ :^«raUjjJlyHiatoricOU Towne. — Because the F ^ r a f ^'Treesis- T -won the approv ------schooffootball fiefl; Dietrich High School)I seiUorj,s but There $2 for chilctren. Season ^sses re were 23 entries as of going on in the Radio Rorondevoo County Plt^nniming and Zoning good for Quigley and another 120jQ ' People have expexpressed a donations are welcomomed to help Thursdaday afternoon for the Events Center, parking wiiviU be at Commission, desire for Nordic trailstra on the pay for the seniorr tripti in the parade, t kllomelcfskill of trails north of i, which will start at 6:30 a premium In some loci•cations But, for nowV at ai least, it appears Ketchum Ke ere available for $84 at properly for several;ral years, but pjn. att thetl intersection of Fifth downtowa Crowley urgess paradei a more formidatlable challenge wUl ttM I the im petus to do0 it this year l ^ e ceremony is sponsoredspc by and Main the recreation dlsUlct office and ain Avenue, near }Crei«el's watchers to use the parkiidng lots be garneringthe the snow n e ^ e d to several se Ketchum ar>d Kailey out- came from school kidkids who got ______AmeriCorps repreire sen tatlv es Tnii> VaIi[alueJardware. ______off Second Avenufi. tip2.1Q i J5Q ____ m alf^ th a r rii^nntarn a jeaUty______do M ichelle U asklll aiand catDy . The paradepa will travel north- spaces are available thei^e. Nordic ski coachcoi Rick Kapala - w atching some of - - Whittaker, woridng a s ; of the top as youth asset „estuplp Main, ending in die park- Most downtown mercharantswUl said his ski teaieam kids were try- •------Olympians in the worlivorld race last bufldeft. Ins lott of 0 Magic Valley High be open until 8 tonight. - ' ing to win oveiver the snow gods yearsars the area has been skiabli Gaskill said the hb ble .• year in Sun Valley, PerryPer said. ’ h b p < is th at School —:------Thursday by.sacrificing sac a buiich fromom m id-D ecem ber to midid- Kaphla, head Nordicirdic coach for th ere .will be enough^ incerest1 to *^e11II have a few new things T^me*}iews writer Stevee iCrump * of old skis onI aa’ bonfire, doing a M.arcprch,” added Keith Perry light ^ entire park nex ry, the Sun Valley Skiki EducationI nextyear. thiayear,ar,” said Richard CrowlM, can be reached at 735-323223, or ceremonial snowsn dance and boanlard president of the Blainiine Foimdation, said he’se’s hadh 15 kids executiveivedirectocofHistdricOid write to him at crum v9mnapeval- a roaginghotd<^logs. Counilunty Recreation District. sign up for the teamsm so: far and ------g ------ConmlWlhiniiNntWfnports |~TdWbfr“: “We'U have choir, akmg — ------I "Every y ea n The-trail will extend-from' i Pleaseseel>eeSNi. PageB3

_ J ••

•a Tlew*m,Twlnri^k ^ " =------^ ------

Magic Val^ . l e y AV e s t festenrgoveiynors^eus i S S = = =

fee; two years' a " Judge Thomas RBorresea Thomas H.Bon«aea. ------^cn; ISOdajwii:■ in jail.-138 suspend- <[■''''"'5^.k '^Monica D. Lara, 37. 38080 Wv 'EtnfflaMldwUaPari posDst-Sept Ilssecurity effoforts ------—JEROME-~-IUeeiit-icit»icUviiv in Sth^ « » .« dlKretioitioniry. two tllflbla m Addison. Room 11. Twin FdlKllKdrl- St.. No. 8. Gooding: gn , DUtrin Coun in Jerome Cou rogramrfailure-to— L ving undar the influence; 180804av nary hearing Jan. 3; 1 « VEGAS (A P)-E fforts too . the case of electricalll ututiUties in ' •dctMfoUuwini:. the scene of an aed- ^ Cout\n ft r driver's Ueense suspeiuion;H i$75g Thomas H. Borresen. Id to failure to nodfy \rtCOrdsft^ flne.S650iusMiided.S78J0o rove homeland security fol*I* California, he said1 thur indeterminate;e; Magistrateh Judge. lat was the mixed messagee Frick said there are someomedetails- ence; driving without privllrivll*ges: pre- HnUt In a consiinstructio?!^ $50 ftn^ fi^be, $250 suspended, S&3.50 coun o ^ **Ro^Eugene McCIcCUmans, 23,422 deUvered ver Thursday by federal,1, such as vulnerable targeargets - that tr ill conr«renee Dec. 16;6; AMagistrate ” 2.50 courts (40 public defender fee; one year su i* shouldn't be widely divuljIvulged.. Judge Thonus H. Borresen.n Thomai H. Bofr irised probation: 90 days in JtU. 65 dis- Founh Ave. W^ Jeronrome; buraiary; $500 statei arand local government repre* Catherine Alexda Gocdmi•hrm. 19. P.O. . . “SnJ*” '" I Boone Neal, 26,1891 S. creti:retlonary, credit for 25 days sererved; fine, $88.50 court: costs,co $250 public sentativatives .and leaders of utiUties,s, • ‘'A lot of this stufff is stuff we ______Bo>^183. M u rti^ h ! * ivJvlni in »itlioul___E-. OooJI odlng; driving under the - failifailure to provide proof of insura:ranee; defender fee; five year and ounmunlcatlon industriesIS . don’t think s h ^ d be put on bath* .fence D ^ 16; ' influence; IBOi&dayk driver's license sus- failurailure to tf ve notice of diange ofr^ n e ~ ~ t» tio n ; two years' dett n room waUs,” Frick sud.laid, adding, iculor: llmc. Ihrl. session held during a Westem M a^trtie Ju^eThomaiIH. II. IBorresen. P®"*}?"; SO fine. $550 suspended. or>r address;a dismissed by prosecu emors’ Assi^dation meeting, . “Everyone’s wellineaninjininginthis- Jeretn^HR^2^701701W.Ave.D. $78,50 coun costs;cw one year supervised MagVlagistrate Judge Thomas H. Bortesi any Wood. Govenn - violencr. bat- -probation; 180W daysc in jail. 178 suspend- Miguel M A. Manlne:, 33.4100 N.1.1020 1 Shelleo D^wn OcatIcaranu, 37, 287 N. ' . N ebrebraska Gov. Mike JohannsIS we just have to make'ike'it as effl* tery; pre-trial confer'enctrnceDec. 16; ed;useorpos«Msesslon of drugparapher £..B.. IBuhl; driving under the Influeuenn; 300 W.. Jerome; dragag trafficking ti amend*' l e d aa cfhorus l of calls for coopera*1* dent u possible.” IH. Borresen. nalla; failurei toto provide proof of insur* > 180-180-day driver's license suspensnslon; ^ ddvery of a controlledcom subsunce; Hq,. andani openness in the move too ' Frick also said the: infinformatioii e year S2.S00 fine, $88.500 counc costs; eight a.f cautioned. Judge Thomai II. Borresen.fl. $32.50 courtt cccosts; Magistrate Judge' $63.563.50 coun costs, $35 probation)nfee. Judge Barry Wood. th e NaNational League of Cities!S Frank lantia, presidentlent of AT&T orresen...... $40 — - Cynthia Ann Klosiennan,Bin, 22, 906 G__ Thomas II. Borr S40 public defender fee; one year u > ' • Homelineland Security Task Force,s. Network Services, saidd it would be ■ St., Rupert: failure to purchirchase/invaiid Gloria Esthirlal conferencience Dec. 16; Thomas H. Borresen. w MagMagistrate Jud^ Thomas H. Borresi assl0ied to the plaintlfntlff for collection. C aliforiomia Independent Systemn crews in the event: a iterrorist Magistrate Judge Thomas>IL 11. iBorresen. Florenc^o CaGarda. 47.225 S. 400 W.. Dawn D Marie Benito. 19.121 E.. Sucth,Sl Risk Managementsnt Altematives vs. Operatirator which oversees dectri*i* attack fwces a border shushutdown. ------:------AngaU R. Moon. 25.-1411CII lOthAve.E.,---- Jerome; drivlnving under.ihe.inf]uence;___JenJerome;, batiery/domestie.vlolc -----Tnicy Lynn Towle.-S.t.-Seeking $1.843.91------c a l ppower-transmissions,-asked- 0» d------There’s-“an*almost-ost'infinite— — ver's License suspension; ameintended to disturbing the peace;! Jerome; driving withoutut pprivileges; k $300 piu, interest: $700rOO attorney fees. and answeredan a big question atIt array of high-payofff targetstai for child under 4 years oid or 4 0 1 SO suspended. $7850 coun fine,Hne. $250 suspended. $63.50 count costs.o Plaintiff alleges def.lefendant owes for properly restrained; pre-trial i public defender fee; one $40;MO public defender fee; one year su session: Is the nation ready to0 exploitation by terrorisorists," said ^ P ^ accountsassignediothotheplaindffforcol- ^ w l S l th e U.S. D k . 16: Magistrate Judge..Tho™.,,. 1 j - s n s j iised s probaiion; 180 dan in vise1- Borresen. No. 25, Rdpert; driving without p room who wouldn’t immedi-i- agency’s hom eland H. Borresen. JUUKO M,„hew J.J. M. Pragneil, 19. 910 legeleges; dismissed bv prosecutor; fal S s E 3 " . , C S i y say ‘no’," Winter said. But inn . ^ efforts. Tristan Kennmh Rogers,■s. 1118.224 Pari( Moonglo. Buhl;jhl; driving without privi- lo10 pprovide proof of Insurance; $75 i rwes for rent. / St..' H tteiton; driving underider the infiu- let«» •»»*"en container; purchi^nvallralld driver’s license; $300 $40S40 public defender fee; six morlontns Jeske Seekina S5.($5,003.64. plus inter- G ^ ooding CcOUNTY COURlRTS — pretrial cwilerencc Dec 16;1^ Magistnie ^.S2<»»««pespended. $63.50 coun cosu. unsiunsupervised probation; Magistii«r«tc est of $95: $1,019.79.73 attorney fees _ Judce Thccnu H. Borresen.n. $35 probationon (ee; one year unsuper- JtwljJudge Thomas II. Borresen. . . „ uncontested, $130 pelper hour contewed. Tne TimTlmesWews W. Wendell; faUurc to wopY«>dcrefNicr aidAeaving JoahuaD.Skaggv20.16n61 Warmcreck (wbatlonion; 90 days (n Jail. 88 sus- Randy R Leie Brown. 43, lOO - Ihe sccne o( an «c(iaeni: drl«lniriving under ihe rendantotVes for pur- Macistnuejud^ Road, Jerome; driving withoutwilt privi- rating a motor vehide with- FUlcFUlmare. Apt. 28. Jerome; use or po: chases made or cashih aadvances obtained COODIWDtKC - Recni KtJvliy In Sih Diwkt Influence •eniendfiK Jan. 7: MNb ' insurance; dismissed by sionlion of drag paraphemaUa; $3001 2 BuryWoed. ' Itgti: pre-trial conferencience Doc. 16; ““f liability In Discover CaiCard. Couttin(in Coodina County included the (elkw Dennis Michael Mlniun.n. 414 l.c /o Ualw iILBocTMaa------pnjjecuton-MlMaglstrateJudgejniotBaf__$20CBOOjuspiended..J63^0-ca«rL«Ws. ------PadialorilnairrCoodia|C(iM»-« s ESSb W c Traughber,r,22,P.O.Bo» 23 H. Borresen. pubipublic defender fee; one year •uper.su Lage aS" D< ^ l£ ■buw of a child under !(>: Hxual e 306, Jerome; driving underider the infiu- - Annette B.B. 5Summers, 42.526 17th vis«rised probation; 90 days in Jail. 90 $1.022.52; $320 attotn dem eanor airalgnnients Jan. 28, Jury irfal re-lrial confer Ave. ^ Jeromeme; dog at large In dir. $50 pempended; 16 houn substance abuse o 7^____ Feb. >»i SSthuate TyWood. ence; open container, pre-lr t owes for accounts pmul,i Venldv, Wilkcr. 21.2io Eldnh Ave. EL^ ------ence Dec. l6 r Magistrate JudJ u ^ Thomas---- fine:-Magisiriitrate-Judge-Thomas H.-----seliileling; Maglsiraie Judge-Thoma:nas H.-----Mrigned lo the plaintlfntiff for collection. NaS.JeniJefonr. drtrtna without prtnkfBK u n is IL Borresen. BanBorresea ______na Ikt. 5; Meitiscrsis Judie Kevin P. : Edear CententcnthCabrm. 27.423 Hid______t. Fdonysentenclngs'fi _ I ills; driving without prlvl- u t , ------Pcdt5~Aaulrrc:-ZU.- t757-l Ave., Burley; driving withoutwut privileges: Twin Falls Mtsdsimanoi dismissalsla attorney fees. PUlntiIntiff alleges defen- . in o( a contnlled exceeding t h e s ^ U m l ti;faUureiapr» ; fal __ •««>»« ended to (allure to M l’ IM tir ■ heati»ting and air condi- M MKtemeanorsentencings O 0 coun emit: iwo vide proof ollflsunnce: prMji»4rial confer purchw^valiralid driver's license; $300 Kevin K Jim Brown. 23.130 S. 400wW .. tionlM system. years' deicnnimiiB pcnilcnilaryiilary ilme. ibree spended. $63.50 coun coati. No. 25. Rupen; battery/domestic vl«r )il»G«da. IS, 242 siono(dn<«pw>- M M D ec 16; Magistrate JJud U .U .1 W I Bureau vs. Theresa StjNo%^ 101. ______w fee, $40 p ^ Ience; dismissed by prosecu ? nhcmrila; diwttotd bv nroMtulocculoc?>tabaAle _ ; $380 attorney f e ^ lic*nle::s«; S70.S0 fine. S63.S0 court coMs;*= Bti-nl D. FiUnwrv. 4S. BlueMl SfSpruce TraW U .^iS^& trate ' ChristopherC Mark Taylor. 21. 5 defendant owes for MMl>>r«ameJudaeXcrbiP.Cwtdy. - Juvenile m M efliean as IL Borresen. 300 . Court, No. 23, llaacrman; dririnIririna under ihe « n « s S i 300 S., Jerome; criminal contem; othe plaintiff for col- •MiAmnPurTiMCc.3t.J978N. 1500 E..r Influence; fivfrjwf drivers Uccn*iccnie suspcmien; Roel Carsarsa. 51. 2957 S. 2200 E.. couicourt; dismissed by prosecuTJ. Uitina under Ihe influence; drtving wiUv i i r s i g n n ^ " SI.OOO line. S10J.SO court coti*cotit; rive years' Wendell; driviiiving under Ihe infiuence; MagMagistnie Judge Thomas ll Bones, Cavalry SPY vs.s. IBarbara R. Hall. 2 ! ! . ' ^ ** detsrinlnaie pcnIicniUry lime:lime; Majtisiraie Armando Domlnguei,M, 16,1 687 N. 180-day driveiver's license suspension; Christopher C Antonio Framptonon, 20. Seeking $405032 plusplu interest; $1,400 ^ JudieBurywGd. H agerm an, Wendell; drivirriving Without Sl.OOO fine.. $;$750 suspended, $78.50 746 Utah Su Gooding: possession* • attorney fees. Plafntifntiff alleges defen- C c^di^^ i i a - , S 5 S u er^ Dec 16 court costs. $40>40 public drfender (er. two conicc^olled substimj:^ fre g ^ i^^ng^ aWZaforaccouni i f f ’^ hyr'iiM^ns^ iyf*^1 dvHfillngft nrB orrant yean' supervtMmed probauon: IW days In Blic ----- nUlnrifffnfmllrflifln, lifcUeri Loop,-----pmrnSTaipeipehflM. 4ll-aiii^B5'na'ry;----- us?used; dismissea Dy prosecu sgtosH Juda» Kevin P. CtMidy. Jerwne; driving without priv udge ThomuH. Borresen. Mag . andScntW c, tpouw. ScvUnaSILna S1J97.I7. plus privilege*: pre- Magiswate Jud) Magistrate Judge Thomas IL Borre* Onrteintek Ridiird Un«tn». 37. SOB Cokndo“ lntef*a:uianiey (eno( $400.aPlainOnaUm PU tria l conference Dec. 16;16; MagistrateI Antonio HerrIemandei-Vilia, 23, 300 S. ^ Divorces St.. Goodiloodinc sccand^etm kldnsppinc div" defetidani owes (or accountsIS auaislgned to ib? Judge 'num as IL Borresen.». • 800 E.. Jerome;me; driving under the infiu- e^i Penny Rae Wardelrdell vs. Matthew J. d by pnsKuton bHten; flnot aMrcoiU pla^rorcelkctloa ence; IBOday*lys driver's license suspen- r a o n y arraig n m en ts _ WardeU waived;rd; t1 o days In jail; Madtirate Jud(e Statewide CoUoctlom vs. Ben MuniockI and fine. $750 suspended; one Aniseto A J. SUva, 21. 829 N. FilinUmore. Gerald D. O'Dellell vs. Tam m yJ^e .P.CMsidy. Ceiy Munbck SecUna SIJISUIO.HilO.pluslniercst; itenclngs Jerome: asgnvated battery: pr^re-trial Q-PeU______SMauanteyrtw*. PlainlUt allev ------AAron M. Boldi.'30,~44rr xaaiidn'Avc:A> -----UiJalLmsusp^ ^coiiference Dcc~ 2J. jdry irialjaJinTB; ------Ruth Ann Blackt Oewey& vs. Gary A. Im SOldeffleano^ac(|tlittall e ------*-0W< l«r MMUflls UitliftM lo the - W.. Twin Falls; driving undeutder the infiu- served; failureirc to' purchaseAnvalid dri- Maglsffate Maf Judge Bany Wood. Dewey Jasonson Letter Sulisn, 24.2S4 E. A««. C.r aHeaion. lell; ftUun lo purchaieAonlld driver's • Greenwood Truii Companyuny vs. Miles 7. ence amended to inattenii'(niive/careless ver's license;; fafaUure to provide proof o( EUlna E N. Parks. 20,150 W. WllWilson. Heidi Mae Lampsnpe vs. Lonnie Lee W ei^lb [ l Chiiham. Scekinn S9.085.S7,S7, pluspi interesu driving: $300 fine, $200» ssuspended, insurance; failulilure to use safety restraint; Na 103, Eden: grand ihefi; prclimiminaiy Lampe « acqulitcd; Judge^ SI3U.16allonieyrc«suncmieMMiesicd, SIX tw $ 6 ^ coun costs, $40'publiwbtlc defender dismissed byiy iprosecuton Magistrate heahearing Jan. 3; Magistrate Judge Ju Vernon D. TeeterTVS. VI Betty R. Teeter KoteP.C hour coniesied. PUInilK altetieItettvs dcfendaffl. owes for purchases made or cacash advances Mbde(demeanor dbmissals obtaincil on hli tXtconr Card.1 Mauriiauric* R. D. Dodds. 31.270 N. St.'E..? Omnium Communicationsns R- UllieCotbauoh IJ] announced by RfrReynolds Funeral ^ leatlen.l}w*mi8ddfiMieM fer ebttusrtes Is ebtts«iii«i^evaley.ccm . Death n Community' iRemembrance Senervice ' i TWIN FALLS - Ullie Colbatough. H netieM a ie a fiM Mfvteintee and csn b* placed until B |kn 89, of Twin Falls, died Tues ccm bcr 10,2002 • 6:30 p.mp .m .' I TW- ^nn?^ f*j^'^L-W allK sCatlv ipci------^ I------Jerr^Vari^uyenTwifer' p* :-Robcrt5onFunorar-Chapcl K e n n e w ic k:,W, \ A SH .-frS^children Garth and Rdiabilitation ^ Center. . Butter 8r. ’illmore * Jerome, Idaho ____ Cheyenne. GranddaughierGn Teresa /At her request, aemation i JEROME - WlWallace Carlyle place under the directioi 3244555 RaataR.VinZu Musser, nusbisband Scoit and chil* sr.; 82, of Jerom e, . Tuesday, Dccc Reynolds Funeral Chapel ofr 1 ? J n “Cari" Butier Sr:, Reata R. Zuyerlyen. 92, died dren Jake. Josh.Jo Jacqueline and Re died Wednesday.:»,Dec.5,20te,atl ------At-tKe Hove-I Mor)day December ii. 22002, at the Wyatt. Grairanddaughter Lisa Fal ______Tri C iU e^^ o s p r c e the Mt. View C Mnrfimi — Monday, Oece IWnFalla. S^e was preceded>d ii in death by a.m. at MuelleHler-s Th Cities Funeral R a g i n a l d ^e ^ B u d w y I m JonversatiraXd her husband. Jo e H. Van\ Zuyen; Honrte. 1401 S Union In Kennewk:k, m RUPERT -■ Reginald I Lee l|^ H infant son. CharlesI EcEdwand Van Wa. Burial wiwill lollow at Desert ' ChariMC. ^ Hurst ' Buckey, 27, of Rupert died H aveEieellentH eai Zuyen end o^randinddaughtor. Lawn Memoriorial Park. Memorials TWIN 1 FALLS - Charle:tes C. W e d n e s d , Decec 4 , 2002, a t th e ■ . — -Jennifer Ann Van ajyw. en may be madede to the Jennifer Van H Hurst, i 77, of Twin F allsId < le d Cassia ]£ d ia lCCenter e ih Buriey. |^ l ^ | She is survivea1 byb) her son, Zuyen Guild1 ata ChlUren's Hospital Thtirsday, Th Dec. 5, 2002,>2. at ArrangementsBts will be ffll Haaring AM Snr at^lefr4800-6and ------■BrtagBHewiBBmSt^mibH arnwiimrjirf hy Hansen tfi M uiuaij ctaMriler-fcvlaw,Maroerge Van Zuyen; Point Way NE.IE.Seattle,WA9610S. Arrangements'] will be Rupert Cbap^ ^ ------TF------FrtdiyrOecmtet>ar»Ww»rT«fcrFaHr

^------^Ma giieA^hbba'/W i W k s t —

___ H P f l s i S - l i ______c o m m ltte Hion-to-gaannhliiia* ■'J'M ■ ■ — ■i munTiffeeUilisoissesxEelean _ BOISE (AS) - Idaho’2lo's Indian trilxn b ^ using two C ^ ^ a firfirms thbai casinos, matlat nave pumpca “ |Tj*(f] tribes spent another $48$480.000,in . Kempthomm e r a M immey hat that succe^ully engineered1 ppas* huge sums of mone;mey not only inu» r *'opeT t^atf tlthe inida------^ ^ — >f of dollars d on an effective braroad* and other public programspr m sur- Tlmes-Nci*Newi writer ______increases - The ciiinmiiimiltee was live clearly legalizinglg tthe elec* The mostit ioiis iiehind trooic gambling ipachinei[nes in their tion campaitaign-in-stBte-history— cam . ' receiit seUer'aiid uarharhane rale - -reservation c ^ o s . itea irom a.cash pay~ ^ gi S lFl'l was enacled t ir cp»Lf«. .n» till. Rinn.rr'' Campaign finance di:disclosureT—menrfromlts' Rsbpponents; mornonth, a court challenge learly prohibhed piiizen:en Advisory Committee; Muney from ihe si-uerwer increii?i' reports filed with the seasecretary of t ^Talk: Gambling in expeix p en ^. and the tribes still kavelu by the state constiistitution. But the mvet'inting Thursday night', huiI . _ some SOd.ono a year.-ar •- will he 7-— atate-on-Thursday-shoi their trihes.havg.jrgHa<»oH./-»nci.t»n.ly i,' .rim. HSitlt:.'ft>r ii .Stfwi final infusion of cash,I. nearlyn all paign organisinization $866 a week ampaignfurtd. cam that the machineines are simply concfemL>m of iheir own: messy pnip-i. upgnide. said Siiperin:rrinieii(leni of-it again from the tribiribes them* before the e balloting 1 to cover The fl initiative’s opponeients electronic versiosions of games erty. David Joyce. The planilani is-ofien selves, piished to overr S4 million court costss inli the antigambling raistaised about $100,000 and sp ilian ill it can the money they commnm itted to group's faUedled anem pt to block a heailearly $90,000, most of th.atIt on therefore legal undr a plant oof of the neigii(K)r's carporiI iipgraderciiiild lriilip<-‘"pen Ity iliis ihembersg door- lime ne.xl year. Joyce:e s.said, with Cassia P<>&Z bids n good-bye, looks1 to fl:uture . StockKkton said ihe house wass constniction in 2(K)r>.' s The city is in a beller!ller imsiliiiii TheTlme»ltew»______conditions thjthat were discussed at siomloner Randy Robinson said. too. The commissioisioners who draft-* I willi cardlioard. and pillows been stuffed in_br receive grant moiie>tney if rales ------thelasrmeedietingrThedaiiy owners^—-Commissioners'planned ^C< to0 |put -----ed-the-zoning-or-ordinance-had- rRlP.\'"5vddpd:------e a closing plan and pgeiher ipge a list of the changes tl yone who mei Ihe ao'vs;tok««piheliearin; to ...... ------^urcniotnwrlnw-rBaglp; • BURLEY - Cassia Comkiunty plan* must m ake { they intended that anyor r Those giving grams waniwai lo see lito said good-bye to throluee depart* check in witlrith the commission if wouvould like to make to the zoniining requirements to bubuild in the area o '" ty Administraior Roger .>y said the city canfioi makei> . tliai cities are liyiiig: lt>Id come up ' ii^' colleagues and madeide plans to owners have/e inot started work on irdinance. ordi The newly appointinted zpned for animaltl feedingf opern- s wilh funds themselves.' address zoning ordinamlance prob* the dairy in1 ththree years. comlommissioners would haveve a. tions would be ablable to receive a ibody fix the windows in his cr house. The ciirdboard:l Sanitaiiim rates willk'ill help pay leiris in the new year. But Thursdfs d a /s meeting was, for char:hance to familiarize ihemsel'elves permit without corconditions, Hurst conij*!, I, for new'tnicks in llie fleefleel, Uagtey - On Thursday night thithe Cassia . the most pipart, a social one. witlvith thi& list before they mmet, said. j be a fire hazard, he said, planning and lining officialss said. Tlie deparimeiilIII currently i County Planning andnd Zoning Commissionemers spent some time Con'ommissioner Clayne Zolltniinger But recently theelecommis-sionhas n”** inicks. rang- aid. want loiook al the leaiMo. AV o|)erates with three inii 1 out a plan talking andd :saying good-bye to said, thought of new regulations re and ___ing from a l<>a l‘W1997, : ^for putting Its zoning; orordinance - departing cccommissioners Dale Commissioners C< agreed to mimeet has b ^ adding conditionscoi to per- lit would have beciHieedcd. . te Ford, another committeeI.. • Knifl's future *•■ CominiiieeCo conccms into the fonnI of a recom* Pierce and JaiJack Hill and resigning onin Jan.J 9 to discuss the propo:Msed mits. If these regulijulations, Uke the ' II member Hlizaheili UnHiirr-Jones mendation to county «)rommission*it CountyAdmiininistiator Tim Hurst. ameimendments before hol<|in]ing a required plan forr bankruptcyb and iber, m entioned a house in I, ' said she was fieldinglg <|questions ers. The commiimission should make pub]mblic hearing on the changes.^ closure, were in1 tlthe ordinance, leighborhood / wtih an old. linance recommenda* Hi able car parked nearby, al>oiil wlietlier KrafiI l-'i.vuu. Iwremoimoved. whai Kraft is goingg 10it do bui ^ « n k .- 1t2*-wrtickago.-WolU- .. it is s ii ll______^function suffocic a te s 4 5 h o g s a t U Valley in brielirief only 25 paretits showeiwed up to they defendnd themselves, they tionion," spokesm an Bri:rian hogs at its farms day to serve as a board mem- this semester’s parent*int-teacher can’t come anand talk to the princi* Mau.lauldwin said. “We’re extrereme* em Utah last year. ber otof th e T^vln Falls Public pal and say. ‘1 coitferences. /, ‘Hey, wait a minute, . Library.iry. admission and $3 forr sciseniors and e prim ary what’s ^oinglg anl ' she said. **lf they commmmunicate should speak:ak the language, but iontinutdftomBl But it’s a new.r. yiyear and a new ees.” fund*raising cati:ampaign. The Patterson, whose scrvice as I that education is not important,im unfortunate!tely th ey can’t. You comomcs from hourly employee ard member is completed\ has two openings t up that fast.” Pom United Way off SouthS Central if they don't get invoivolved, it can’t pick it u *onzo said. nonth. TWIN FA LLS-Thed1C dty’s plan* sends a real clear mesnessage to For the school,s< the key is Like Li many other organizatiotions, Idaho kicked offiffits 2003 cam- inumon ning and zoning commitimission has tjieir child: Why shoihould th e drawing in m*(>-IK■(>•184. as a way'to take somee atraffic off But trailsI mightn occasionally iawtooth Saw SnowmobUe Club,, aalso Commission. Tickets will also bei iavailable at the (Umr.

TV1 ’S MailTTRESS & B!co x Sets ^ Panasonic 2T’ ...... *28 {5 Restonicic Mattress Twin SetEts...... • 1 2 9 ^ ' ;Warranties on Panasonic 32" —...... •46 MostA^liancer> ______xa (^'‘W i ^ ^ F u l l S e t sts...... P o p rB u ssierL mitachi50”...... :.*13S Pillowtop...... ,;nr.»299"^“ Microwave *7 7 9 “ ; a s hie i r /D r y e r L W N ever T\iii r n F lR E E Eo b ek a Va c iiii.. - — BtchenAidSupertrC^HcitySet— ----- L u n c h ------JM____ I____ ^ e a r Parts & LaborWairanW ^ ^ T T R E S S Sets c a & P o p SlartlnB.i 79 9 5 i IOY^Waiian^.1 ...... *799 AirMattress l i ai r m - 3 p m ^ C lay Queen Set...... *499 C h e s t state by Whiilpool let______-*o U 0 iesQueeaSei------* 5 9 9 . j g w W r -

. . . . -'t' • • J-

Magic LLEY/WE?rr ' ; ~ j; To^> place a classifle00?==-rT7T=r:...... fee— -related^o-commimlIttltVflttd &anf< e» $4.S0(.500 annually. ______implements any relrelated grants - “* * Show Us .VouiUP Christmas Ctelorsltrsl ‘ \ fur failure to pay the penalinalty. pie who are hi{higti water users will "Jer

Governorr raised mooney latein1 campaign1 THROUGH Dl f l i j i l : BOISE (AP) - Cov.ov. Dirk businisinesses and individuals, espi.pe. SATURDAY, DEC.:. 7,9«)AM7 I Wv w v m v y ;K em pthorne raised ca.f illy from the Wood River Valle[]ey Gov, Heavy Equipmisment Surplus ^ _ •^•akneck pace in the tofini l Sly” Tribes spentnt$4mllllon-B3 :a. LIquidotion • Soil Lalla k e City, UT ^ ■ )n,-accord«-----^ = = =- ■ ------EocEoE-the.officc-ot-siate.coron- ______L-.Tinm;Ntm Ad:W :.12J______J - l l 'in g .to papers filed wiiwith the Lance's chiefr of staff. troileriller. Republican Keith Johnsoson TNTAUCnC ----- ^Secretflr^f-StateVoff aised-$36i000*in-the----- r«poril>oM«d.total-conti4buiions.fc.for— vmadiilQuclifla / IJ :Thursday. same periodJ anda collected just thee yeary of $84,000. Johnso |° " SATUBDAY, DK .,7,1 7, 0 :0 0 am I ■ I Kiunpthorne's* camampaign $174,000 duririring the year, com- defeafeated D em ocrat .Bo 'reported contributionions of pared to Roar)lark’s $249,000. The S6nniirmichsen, a tmiiking vice pres Mnl ^ OlFitt M $175,000 collected fromm Oct.C 21 race was thehe most bitter of dentnt who rep o rted $25,000, i. Boali • Snowmobilesiles • Vehicles f f f l t ejikes f through Nov. 15, includin{ i-u Motor Homes • Horsi>rsfls • Trailers W SB iing large Idaho's contests!sts. annusnual contributions, of whic Idonations from corporateate titans Wasden's largela contribptors $6,000,000 was his own money. OeuiM Ai070702:12-5 m ___ rsuch as J.R. ^p joilot t Co., included Simplnplot, Microsoft and___ Johi(ohn»n already worked as seAIVi,Heyfaum | JAssociation of Realtorss andai the er donations sfr from unions, small WUUajiliams redred earlier this fall. M olorbikej • Bllies • ARKET ^Pharmaceutical Reseaiearch & I • B(oke Ports M j ^Manufacturer’s of America wmm Bike A ccess., Tools ••OHice C Equip. W J L it, • Altogether, Kempthome nmM-NnwAd:Ki: 12-5 I :$1,0S9.412 since the’begini m U.S. AUCTKHON I « . 'the year and reported wwW.o»ouclione«neers.com ^ WE ■■ ARE YOUR FALLSI GRAND :$33,516 left unspent. SATURDAY, DEC. ; Kempthome def .7,7. 11:00am I defeated DKRfPISm BiodcSwanlnlirienCkM GIFTHEADQIQUARTHIS. ;Democrat Jerry Bradyf withw 56 E B B B f lf f lE “ living & Dining Room f F mU s B r a n i o u F a sh io n •percent of the vote overrBratfy’s Hi I Z "’O f $ 0 0 99 1 5 1 •42 percent in the Nov. 5> election.eli I Jt\€Cixeive a DVD Playayer with every Areo Rugs • Acceisetiesies* Woll Decor I n | M ^ bertarian Daniel Adamsms polled | 7«nwN«ws Ad:H: \2-5 K D UDNE-WHAMS f Ool htertainment-Genteiter-Purchase.------______JMA.AUCIJQN?!NEERS______; During the same reportinrting peri- I • ______wwwtmoouelion: I FaifsW sBfaifil-Harilmoilss/nototf— gn-iigj ___ ;od..Brady,raised.S132.00.000^ b u t _ l _ _ _ _SArURDAY,D£C.7,.7,.11H»am_ -^-TAIi -$40,000 of that amount was a per- I Gory & Joyce Grindinditaffand W I HWERN l HAM M ib t - ‘sotmloantohisowncampa _ Nrighbofi,B. i Many ol tne eieventt:a t f e u r — | — Household • Shop • Sp llsBrand-BrownSugai ,'donadons came from privaiivate indi* I ^S ^ ing.Bus ~ L -fa//5 a r ^ u r e i — S n f i g j ;vidual5, often as a few huhundred I U /Months \d: 12-5 m oaai |f Kardwood Smoked #HtO dollars. Manv of th e cam ON SERVICE I o lV II I :amp8ign I I HOKED TURKEYCarve'Coldor'Hul~KVAvl y Icontnbulions came IromR f^o| p le I MC. : who had previously given. SATURDAY, DEC 7, iikx)am P ne Idaho Spud Bar. 1 Oii^M : Kempthome’s campaign: FaUsIls Brani W estern ing Bologna. Crackers, g I ffV l B" I IwinFeHs ronmoreCdbyJacR I f ing in the final days focusicused pri- I Aulos • Pick-ups • L gIFFTRASKET leese, 8 oz. Mustard. mm marily on television adververtising, I RV'j • ATV’i & EquipmentEqi consultants and direct mailiinlllnB I Taking Consignmernents Daily 1 Fb US lb. Stack ^ Bacon. O M Q I Brady, a newspaper putpublisher I • ils B ranil Id a h o ’'i® HUNTS UOTNERSiSAUCTIONS 0 m g 'onmore Cheese. U Ilf III9 5 an^uK in«*ltectibles M ^ N T Mustard. iDemocratic candidate for attor- I laking (.onsignmernenti Doily------^ ;ney general Keith Roarkrk posted] I i HUNTS BROTHERS/SAUCTIONS B T T n nearly $80,000 in contribiributions I “ ______734»a$48 for his eventually unsucc uccessful I SATURDAY, DEC U race against Reputpublican I Christmot Auction, s o r t e i F a m ily P a c k Lawrence Wasden, whoI is outgo- I \ A $ 1 3 B ing Attorney General Alan I Orlenlo! Rugs • Houseljsehold • Tools J P f l l Gun P o m • V\%klingJ* • Compressor W ■ W(WK CHOPS ' I *!• d: 12-12 b v m ' " ^ .S . AUCTICnoN ' ■ ;f 14 The Times-Ne\lews: liiliUHli www.ufroucHoneeieers.com .H b m m Your guide to Magic V a nrtBd = F inSE F u r nNITURE J Assoi NETROILS 1 12ct.pkg. Uaa.- _ 2338 Oveverland Ave « Burley,ey. ID « 678-5975 ^ t m I t T Invest in yotour ten future / m mt i m Choice I R ead the M oney paj xm m nm In The Times-Nevi,^ ntl ^ pu ^ P. i y I W estKtem Family Assorteil E CREAM /,gal fsuattorK ii. ‘@ 2 J 33 | ' \ m n u i t t e r t * bl^J A ssas o r te i F) RE-1FINAII 9 9 I ■ S h i r t s V DFFE Up to 39 oz. « L 3 ------l a d ------r - 'W - r CO* H I T ? J e a n s 'W i' h —YOUm VEHliCi£ % Halliilla n d D utch ; fastockiltm _ w i )(i GALLON MUK !^- 3J5i r ' \ UfioTtiM r-iiaH rith THE PROFESSSIONAILS ty'i-»ssartei ------^ M a hhy ] People Are Re-ls-Financing fheirir Horne M ortgai Ij n iad r" ■ Reason - Interestst Rates Are At Ai - An All Time Low' \roiDimroGMPSla S *1" - HBoots— ■■ J ■ ^ S a m e Applies To Vehehide Loans. The hbistookl H e Professionals AAre J Belt,lly Crocker Assorted g ^ R e -FFinancina h PresentIt Vehide Loans. ■ Lowering M ont IlfT iB w r t _____ Payments and Put :T oai Jtting Cash Backk I n Y o u r P o c k e t - i - m I ' ' S I O B B ' ' S*™* ; ^ o i B ( o a u m f l v u i : lU TODAY FOOR A FREE O J lONSUltAriO!IN j c aM8UGAR i 32.oz.- i m o o t i i A A A i I i s i p

. . ------c ______!______•___ t^tfctoy,l>>cwmim 6, Wr Ttrw»»W. T>»taFilnFtfi.ldrtot»»8 ~ BFST

I d a h o AW ’^ k s - i -

inn ilm g^hii ike^fBdals^gli!i^lg)X L ^ leErCmfczcA'P.)..^ iiviiilal T n f ■ ' ' ‘*'niiit is~siirh ;i rrii»rriiirni «it:itiI-Dlsirici'siiSill—^becaiise-you have to:o jKtssjn alith re e------a rise in prescriptionn ddrug abuse muscle relirelaxant - and parents abuse) ab is becoming morespopu* i high school snidejdents who took the ’ dentsnts who to<2k jests in roadin}inn. ____tests/' s\ hut it's Most youths need1 looklo no fur- of controlo l a f t e r m ix i n g S o tn a arrintciten- stiitv officials say itit uill wi prohitbly. One student was recentl^os*.rec Me studehients passiiig pills back be safe and take them wiivi th o u t ru n fo r th e n e w#exam. e , . dentjnt J. Dulu Manning told scIkmKMi) Iw in thu 60 iK.>rcunttt totn 70 jwrcciit pitalized-after overterdositig-on ' and forthi inii dass,” Nelson said. following foi suggested dosage:{es. A c c o rd in g to0 icst.results i made boiirdutl memlwrsTtiesday ni^t. ranRC.

- — i e ^ i S L ^ ;A H V & €O M* C V ffl™ S = I''6r parilclpaiingitsi'es' ' BOtSB IUn* ofTiampa, S t« m BkckIterTwin i l-8a8-37«-800DOS erwww.idahopewer.cir.com u d HouM commlKMiIIOM for lha S7lh Fal& Ann Rydalch of Idaho Fall*, C QiitUUtur*. AU duinM a u«d^d»innu d ' Leader^ Eberi* of Pod Falli and Dnnocmi MMariaret rihlpchan^-Al ^K*tibe*t or Boiie. Elaine Smith of PoPocatello Stores in your area Incltnclude: ...... — and ' Qrever's Electrie C Mumliumbing ‘^ a t a ^ itratlon - FalU, Joe Stem«m«tfLMl«0(i.Br«lUitIeof chiChairman Dabble Field of BoU* Vice " A trleuliuril Affilr* -• ChC halraan Sian Enimeit, D*M«i«etiDMriii(ionafD*ctoand chiChairman Jim Clark of Haydaidan and X ' ace Ha or^ r ^ r t WilllVmt o( P l n m , Vicet CCt h a lm u Jack Robert Cedditdde*.of Soda -Sprloi* and RnRoMUlcaM'BUl Sail of Kuna Julia EUtwonhEll Noble or Kuiu.R«pubIUuiU l U M Noh of I^iM «at»ataa in t S tra w tt ot IbtelRim and ^of Boi**. U o n Smith of Twin Fall Tim K raflm m * Wince r of Mo*cow. Don MrtCalabcwumaorCMwm. RidRidlnter ct ghothene. Dick Harwooc ;■ ' BCmnd CIW S im tn d KftdMn. ti,*lklp Bnndi of Kmkia, Bnd Ctenni c S Ferry and Democrat* Donnana Boe of \ ^ TraeViy c . - . p rnett. K u t BalJey of H ^ d u and Pocatello,•Dave poc .Bieier of Boise,le, Allan iami of Caldwell and Democrati AnderaonofPocaiebo. 4 M tytr Rapubllniu UJrd Noh «(tKlrnbmi.Mii Kli HinlCUbnuwtaofO*bumandB«ftMarl«yof Local ] Government - Chairman«L.n.,. I Besurtiretoredeein \ ^ II ■ Andnuon of BoIm , John Co«CoMid* of Co*ttr McCanunon. .B. Birren ir of ChallU, Vic* Chairmu CaryiryCollIni F n lMU m i btr •d'Alon*. Ron MeWllllim*> of tdiho Falli, I I H a ^ Bell of Jerome, J ^ Birraclc 3lcK entle of N ia p i and DeiDemocrat* Bert Dcmocrai* WmVndrjMttHo(K«tchHn.^n ^Idaho F a lk Lawerence Denney of M d v ie y of McCatnaton and Man>UnlCalibmtao( Ander*on off Pocatello,P( Miko Naccaraio ot John Joh CampbeU of Sandpoint, Lenore : f l u o r ea s s c e n t ^ ^ H m J Lewbton; et Chain*. Mike Moyl* of Star. C m S km • «j!ealihandWelfar«-Ch' Chairman Skip Education•n - Chairman Fred Tilmin ot ilk power Eikiidce of Dover. Ddl Raybould of R. M n d i of Xooikla, Vice ChairmanCh Dick Bolte, yiceD Chairman C Denoli Lake ot Ken Ker Robert* of Donnelly, Scott BeS « 8 h t ((CFL) C / i ■ ------^ p w n ot C«eur d'Aloae,.ae,Republicao*------Blackfoot.aod 1 .(MJcyandDBmecrauJCctf RaMm ol lo ,K m tB dkyor Filer, Tom Tniltail of Sloaccw. Lany &radM rf m IS Chuck Cuddy or Oroflno, David Lantf — b u l b s b toa.G eiyS 1Retource* - F^fcKa.WeC xs-C JV L'jarrxi^ h r f Chilrman John Andreatonin ofo Boi*e. Vice of Eatia, P«tc;‘i N & i . ' ! £ j a s 5 s JSBol*e. John Campbell of Sandpointint, Dick C^iirmln Jnhn Ceodde off CcCoour d'Alene. Democrat* DonnaDor Boe of Pocatello: Allen Harwood jUr of Si. Kfarie*. Cleie F.dmurlunson of nr Lewliion. Bart .Andenon off Pocatello,Pe Miko Naccaraio of Frultland, Fru Mark Saodcrais ot MeridliIdlin and S S'S ‘i33iSSS,'?LS::omptonofCoeur . Lml«anandCoI Coorio Saylor of Coeuf d'Alene. Demooai* Den Elalae Smith of PocateUo,o.lkor*e \ ^d'Alene, Jack Neblo of Kur idoni^ChalrmuMaibteBeaor .Saylor .Sayl of Coeur d’Alene. Xameron of Rtipcrt and Detn ce Chairman France* Field of s Slate Affair* - Chairman BillI UDeal of W h I ® ? J ------ol-Bolie.and Edear- Nimpa, Vice Chairman John Cimplnpbellof Iiy Energy Star® «e Cevter or Id a h o * ^ DarrcO------R,".Sandpoini, Republicans Ben Sirven' e n t o n o f ' ------r —— - «^udiciary and Rule* • Chai:halrman DeniOA BoU ot Caldwellwell, Coorte Eti(rid|te of Dorer. Rwen,Rvb Julie El*wonh of Boise, SievemSmUie TheEe Energy S ta r® logo (spUplaced 1 Dterintion of Declo, ViceI ChalrtnanCh Patti Dick Harwoodod ofc St. Marie*. Scott Bedke or oTBUse. ^ Eulalie Lu(fonl of Klonipelic Atee Lodse ol Ifuuon. Repul Den^tiKuRobltonofBoiM Black Bla. of Boise, Jim Oark of Hayden o n pprotlucts r th a t m eet o r exccxceed ' \ sffraKn or Bolte, Md Richan ichellofL«wition. Edfflunion of Frvliland. Janet Millerr ofol Boite. toAar > n ^ llal Bundenon of Merldljridlan. Ban DaWt „ Health arrfKtWdtare-ChalrmuBiUSalioT W Robert R«,t Rinn of Caldwell. Mack Shliihlfley of l« lteral « f energy-efflclency and V r or Coeur Transportation i and Defense - Chi:hilrman . C FL Lbulbs-that b will save Gerry S»eol of MeMeridian, Tem d'Alcna. JoAn Wood. Vice Chalimu Tim Rldkii jk^oTBritliodDIck Cemi:ocnpcen of Coeur ce and Human Re*ource* . rRepublican*» Ililde K ellou of Post nsumers m oney on energy K l e n e and Deswcrtl* EdjMidear Malepeai ot rman Rol»obert Schaefer of Nimpa, Vice iihlriey jihif B4cKaw of Meridian: Leon< 8i ^ c r cosUits. Idaho Pow er Is a proud i ^ l e l k t n d EUot Wctk of BoilBoiae. Chainnan Shirklirley McKafue ot Meridiu and Twin Twi Falla. Roben* of Donnelly z S S Rewufcet tod Envfrontnenmem - Chairman RcjmWkuiDeiDennU Lak* of Blackfooi, Tom Bedke Bed or Oakley, Cary Bauer of' Nampa,N ENERIERtrrSiAR® partner. iQialRnan Monty Trill of Moko(COW,< Dolor** Crew of Nampa, jetc Uppenof tepuU icui D e n EuUlie L ^ oford r d or MontpeUer, Cary Bauer of erry and An tOACORP company ------Cuicrener RupcRrCinranrsehroederof— rNanpa.-Kathl -Demecm* ChudrCuddytrf OroflnorMi JkliFinn., Deo BuntMhaw of TTarreion, S t u Democrat* ElmarEls M artinet of Pocatello, sh*Shepherd of Wallace, Bennie Dou| ------^ i a m t of PlBCTM, Skip BraitIrandt of KoMkU Shirley RlnaooefMoKOwandMikaNactaiMo e( CocCoeur d'Alene. ------Am Bnd UllU ot Eamettt anand DMBOcrati____ ofLcwlHoa^ — W a« and Means-Chairman WayneneMcyct_ iHoneandCltot ^^auinnan Mi7 BlKlTet'Boi£ or Mthdrum. Repubiicut LantcrvncevDenney I inUoCacnerondahoFiUiaiid of ofl Midvale. Mike Moyle ol Star ant f s t M Affilr* - Oialnun St> BiU DmJ of Nampa. Pr«lTUman EltiEllsworth ol Boise and Democrats 1 — i------Vte eO a lftitrt M*H S ssss—Ksar, ; = q z = - Falli. Republkm Banm OI n lto rtd a h o MeycrofRathdssK«XK'!sr-i3 ^ ^ h e v rr c o l e C ~ 2i*»w«ZZZZZ | IB 4^ RANDYY HANSEN AU JTO GROUP “ 7 l « 6 t n f ' "VeMof Sot < uf w imttAiMg Sfteeiali p ■m ^ELJA(£.W 1LL m:_____ ■ Dinmner... ^ ...Books 1 FPROU3UR COMPANY CHIiIUBDAY.&.SUNIUY 1 HRISTMAS PARTY ..Movie Rentetals I ...AAir Fare » ...Gift Cerirtificates U ) . . . F U\C I L y O i} ■ar Rentals I t C A f . ...Lodiiging FICUyouK F l I ...Caribihbean Cruistse ...& More!A KICB! FiliUouttheoffi in ferformbelmmaud drop in ____ our F o r every $ i2 you spend usingr IF a r m e r s 'rh^bom if^bythefernce C heck Cartira, you will receivee j1 p o in t idepaHment» th a t's ggood o toward hundr£c p roroducts t and services. What*s moiiore...it costs YOU ninothing! I ...IT*IT’S ON THE BANKI E E l M a k in g' Y o u r L i fe E a s ie r ------M • 1 FARMERS g ^ g H A L B f i lesB ^ “A T V a d i t l on n "You C an Count-Qn** I— OR HOW WE CAN REACH Y H ^ l J b S e r v t Hbu | h | Pyou NAME ; k j

H H H H | —-----VOUR-OFFER ------

PHONE m Otonedi(^iM ud^M

■______MEMBMBKR roiC

^ - ______M_____ w m f c ^ m i ^ » ji ■ r g p ^ p l i m

_ _ SAt.T_L,yKK CrrV ^Al Iuchiiuur-«ui(L(he.Ruv«rnor-^l-!!haii ----- The-<«untv-commi;mission-had-sup------ment-idi•idea-on-the'bsUot-and-then-1----- the-State-address-in-Jan •ven siiiUenud by the wholu'iliaeai. ported creating uii^iMnnonuraenp------v o r cTrorsalinire-govenior-waF ^ s—-hewanted'Busit-to'des (lent III hah.iffnns r init “Hu titouftlit (u national mononu- __‘Tm Sony to heoi ear the governor , right to aski Bush to teiminate thee 621,000-acre national in nent)-was:the~ dRht.way_io.t.pro: ji ___lhas.wtjtten that le»etter,” said Gary - proposal)sal. " hi thTlieart o rth e Sai rrele'^^— KoffdrdfiJ'Deniocioem^leliKjriu - - ■■ThtgltiislsirtigcLMtuunu.umjuEi ^ Thi* novcrniir's letter ' anc^atJinr^ble," slic said^jL^he the Emery Counjyijy_Cqmn«ssioji ‘ plish."sisaid Williams, p ru d e n t off ingjnore than 1 million ------7 ilay t(rl'i‘fSldot»fBuslr< /as qiiotedin a copyH^n^'storj»ry iri...... last inoiith.'TCdffordird voted'in favor th e SoiSouthea'sYern U tah OHV“f federal lands ihxem ral'l ' monlh .ifii'f rcsident.s ir he Salt Uike Tribune. ■ of the monument. Qub. Off-road grc^ups coi — — Coiimy, iionic of tht; Sui Thu .Nov. S vote in 'EmtTiery ' Emery Countyf residentn Mark • WiUiaiUiams and other monumentt monument status would —. -Sivcll..vulcil.uuainsi.thc. 'ounty wa.s 2.151 acainst.tLjhe ___ Uied off'highway opponernenis were.incensed whenI ... tect recreational acce: ------iniitmmeMiJdea.iii.a.tior lonnment and_1.683 in fnv HLpiir thp mnmi- I rf»aviiLiimnnfliuiced inJiiSL^tatejL.f • nuhlicland.-

F r i d a y or

1 ON ' 6 h lo w e s t p


' M V v H

^ ^

Rifli r Kids Sw eaters, Fle

7o J — j | SH ______M enls_Outerw stock Sportcoats,, A. Sale &2.50-187.S esigner D ress Shirtrts coats Sale 92.50-150.00, 00-300.00. • Dress Shirts Sate 19.75-2222.50.

I 10% off electrics:s ^ n B p | p ^ ^ 1 ■ I


XI c i o s

Cuisinart* nly: C harter Club ClClassicTowels ^C harter Club* R ic a rrdo ii “Big Sur" 7-Cup Food P 7.00-27.00.then.3,49-U.99.9.100% ringspun *'Grand *'( B uffet" ChirMna H.sai»<(49.99-199.99, reg. UO.OO- E.Reg. U9.99. sale cotton loops. Hand towel nowno 3.99; washcloth 6.q B0Nanly>Sate3.SD-50.0l0.00,- 400.00.. EExample of savings: blades; can knead < 9; tubnnat now 9.99; bath shsheet now 12.99. reg. ret 7.00-100.00. 26" exp,:p, upright sale 169.99, reg. Warranty*. Model D pr s clB'.rotil, limiicd lo MocV nn hjnd.a, rno sp«i4i ofd»f» 340.00.. RedF or green. Limited lifeti r tnjilidownA may lijvr bctn Ijkcn warrant)«t/. REGULAR AND/ORlf|.'l:ll,l|IH ( IJ:IIJj.ll:IJ.I' 1AY NOT HAVE RESULTEDI INII ACTUAL SALES.-Some• ret!f.n;iMi«PplyJ0.cilt«i5»-tf!KS^r.i coont cn lOWtird Burch«w*: in »m«llII tleciriMt «nd triMos ir>c e>ira di»

N o B O N c a i 3rd? Pay a:

r B O JNMARC M M i M ' •, I ll R I SIN '.


BON gift cah ------BOJON ideas; find rrm ore at thabonx ewi*ere,-1002-11nwWmrTWlnTii1ilT«HrMllw~~y------ftesffiiiioiiylr fls polyigam ist (church ices P)^Financerof-w]B-of—•wftrallectedinrcariirsald wi PavicavidBunto. ------"HUl a c ^ fbnk-----fi^frWar period “o“pretty predictable ... mmer AUred-fQUnwer whn U ygamist churches liave------isjrepresenting - “py-:3h3re_we^_no_j^*r^.amount$_vrith,ijo_ __ hihlms«lf^iIilLcla!med.to.hav(tiave-ohce won . . ... —:------been-revealedTta-testiesdmony in the trial of “ church ch i s ^ lieved to rabot»t-4:000— offch u ^rd ” ^ F on a r e a l'( ^ te ~ d elelop- ^ unusual increases." ------A-4ailMiffiierty ;^---=^Under. croSwwamiaminadon by.Hiirs attonzil_ sasaid.a:former biUionaire-boy'boyfriend'lav' ^ r Allred’s'church,I. tlthe Bluffdale-Basea----- 19 f o r a u s ecar ^ lot in Salt Lake Qty. _ ney, B u n l ^ j a iI ^ he e had not thoroughly is! ------ApwwUc-Unlted-Brei ished her with gifM to the ninexineof-S2.5 mil- JrethrenrcoUectediusr——Hiilraone-tirae 1 Somh-Ameri.lericanmovie'! ------“One'of ththe things I was looking forr'was w ^ opened'thebooksrdfever^AUBbua?S^ of lion in cash. over $4.5 million1 in tithing and other SW, stt claimed Allred and someme of his fol- ' abnormal: ddeposits of cash - and the;here nor did he audit( a credit union run by donations during a five-yearH' period end- 16> Allred’s attomey-asked her why. if she ■ lowers stole more than $1.5> millionmi from were none,'e," said Bunker, who check*eked Allred's church. paid taxes on'the money, no paperwork ing in 1991, an accoccountant testified in her he in 1969. . the churchch’s books at, the. request,st.of _____Earlier Tuesday,y. IHU lesiiH ed .th aL sh e^o . AUivd’s defense Tuesclesday. I existed to prove it.------tie money was defense attotomeys. . came her millionsqnslegally^ __ . Hill said she preferreddJteeping^BE------k< = ==More^ihanr$13-miJmillibn-oFthose-funds-----gd rUtahranch:------Bunkercacalled'AUB'finBncerdarlng'tl — CalledbrdefCTdaTdarit John Putvin, a for^^ money in in cash.

^ i ^ h a § e

w S M \ Entire Stock Holloliday Bye^er* Boucle Tops Sweaters & Sepiiparates in TheT Cube C.SaleU.i0-41.40.reireg. 24.00-69.00. ■' D. Reg.R< 28.00.

I B! W inter &R: Fall Collections ______E n tHre i n Stock o t Fall Coioats______,_____ ------ArlnBetterSpoSportsMearrMisses Sportswswear. Petite B. Saleale 95.40-225.00. reg. 159.01.00-650.00.. Place. Women'sjn's World and Juniors in TheTh Cube. Savings off origiriginal prices. Ou»nlil>MlirTenv»nrsbvilo'v PrKMArvMmt mjfMown* m»> h*w b uy not r>M been tfi . e't«cidu>in9i^e[Mvi3Civl 30 djiirt We Air uftdble lo mjli* pixf(««dju»lmenl(on * prew>u«(lMrtn(rput(pui(h>m _

w ^ 9 4► o s "F Entire Stock Chabarter Club* Ent■tire stock CharterrClub* C ; Sleepwear & Roliobes Hanindbags G. Sale 20.10-57.62. reg.rei 30.00-86.00. H. BCBONonly: Sale 34.00, reg..58.00. 5S i-

1% \ 3 ) off Entire Stdcl3ck Fashion Jewelnr v E n tintire Stock Boots I •’ y F. Choohoose from Naturaliier*. Nit'JineWest. Bandolino*. E. Sals 5.36-3U3&.B5, reg. 8.00-55.00. EasySff Spirit*. Skechers*. Candie':e's* and more. S«lffel>anvariiiby(iD(i(iDie

- ' REGUUR PRICE!CES ARE OFFERING PRICES:e s a n d may not have resiESULTED IN ACTUAL SALESES.SaltandsOtctmbtr?. •Sbmiminctlonstppl)ipply 10 Mif* 10-15% diKMM. Sm Uor u o n for ditallt. 'EictildM Co*ch and OooOoonty & Sourk*. Additional tavinat lali marked. Ouiniitiei limited. IntermtdiaKdiaie markdowni have been taken.n. Some oriomal pnctt mty not htvt bMn inn olti•Itect during tht pitl 30 dtyt. W* •r««r« UMbla to m tht prici •djutlmtnit. on fprtvtout cUartnct pureh*i#». StitcItciion van*» by store. Lowc»t PnciI ol Ihe SetMn rel»f» to Ihe period bei> >pplytocU

I ~ BON giftt card:( the easy(f choice ' B(3QN ideas: find nrnnore at thebon.oi.com ------< ' ■,------— ■ • . ■ W — ------M-Tlm»flm.TwtnF»IH;Mti MHw - Ffldnf. Wowmttw 6 r2 0 012 2------■-— 7— ------

' TlUHn/WRjE y i " ' :

^ r t i € t i s ™ ------JAeKSON’rWJA jior'rAP)—UlS; U: B lucw uter Nctwowork a n d lK e judge lo'Blockto a recent Interior propostfl released last i Rep.:ep. Barhtiru Cubin-hopes-o-la ist month.____ -low--:— EcologrCemerfilciilcd-the-lawsult ----- DepartmrtmViit plan tb undo a starting next year snowiowmo6il'e jit filed by conservationists willu in W:i.shingt(m, D.C;Cs this week. . Clintonn administrationa phastMiut .. numliers would be limitenited to no ot delay the Bush administistra- Jack.wn snowmoblobile tour oper- of snowr)wmbbiles, which would on’s ijlaas to overturn a snown more than 1,100 a daylay in the vmih ator C raig KoH.. speaking s for have begiwgun'.thi.s winter. It claims Yellowstone and Grandand Teton -b ileile ban in Yellowstone ond ai many in the three-:;!e-siate region, the Bushish planj ignores sdence that Gran parks and a_pordon_of.the^theJohn P; rmrz5aidnhos(mro3ipc snowmobiles nurt-tne-parki—^Rockefeller—Jrr-^Me ;Memortaf--— ican given the plan a chancech before ' The suitsui comes on the eve of callol i j ^ h'^fRepublicf Parkway connecting them.iem. i going to court. • th e -^itional io Park Service’s last The Fund for Animalslals began “The Bush administrarion rul■ules. ■ “1 just think it’st’s unfortunate publicSleetiiyMui-snowmobiling— ^ — arcn —~the-debate-in-1997-when- urstill'opcntofpljblic'co'mmetiwit tiiat they went ahehead and filed , in the parks,par set for next Tuesday because the Pork-Servicevice never id 1won’t be finalized until next ne that lawsuit withoutout giving this I in Idaho,0 Falls.F jar, but ah^ddy the lawyers a analyzed the impacts ofDf snowmo*.si i are new plan a chonccice to see if it { The ParkPai Service is hosting the biles and other winterr ac(access oit )ming out of the woodworkrk,” works,” KoU said. “1 think every-1 meeting-;ng-for local governmcnt.s cubiiubin said in a statement. the world’s^first nationaonal park^ body in the industiistry, including ‘surroundinding Yellowstone that The group was angeredid becauseb The Public Employees fi for the Park Service,:, wouldw like to have pror)fomoted a plan .ash like)ily involveed illegal iiiiiiugfan! lilts SASALT LAKE CITY (AP) -A- inivan carrying 14 people that th .• *• J niinivillidcd with a logging truckk in: ^ collidiithem Utah, killing four pc e, probably was being drive ' - ra smuggler of illegal imm BjTWiWg*^ - J ■ '> byants, said Mexican Const gramartin Torres. ■ MartiAll 14 people were Mexica itionalsAll and at least some i natioem were undocumented, auti themities said. oritie;The fatal victims included ar-old Yareli Soriano Guzmai 10 was going with her family i in-her-fother,*Torrestold-Tii lit Lake Tribune.'Her motht d-brother-wercHnjurcd-in-th cidem. Tht n i l l>a 1977 illllpliiiloiiiKl Another of the fatal victim nade fmn a 16mm film made by year-tIS a 23-year-old man who wa ly ihoKlnltha ktandaiy Bl(ii»Ktoot cavorting In the hills of n< whoi driver. V TIm mm wtioM prank latiiKiMiched the Bigfoot legend In 19S8 — join-1rorres said the passengers di IrintinbinurtliiycinmMIOW reveal tha tnrth: Ray L Walls Saltt know I the driver, indicatin In th« movi*. - — and-bprobably was a smuggler o accidtmigrants. 'We don't need innocent live B by Ivan Marx reported- „ abe s a put in the hands of smu{ ‘Bi^oot*t’ creatorrnorthsmCalihmiia. thesrs," dr said Torres, who repre w I58hudl«d,indfamh TonIts Utah. Idaho, Montana am .... •Utca was the Bigfoot If of Wyoming. “They don’ he ve pn to be at the mercy of thos UUhlildiway Patrol Introopers talk a t tha scene of an accldtnti near Kanab, Utah, wherawl four people died and otherithen were family amy from ilie cam- ting addidonal acreage. In thehe leading away from his rift. was in the suit"W rodeo rider Roger , the soKalled smoke manage- The Humboldt Time:mes in Michael Walla< u process catered to growers Eureka. Calif., coined thehe term called the Panerd h i told Palterson le concerns for public healthth “ BIgfoot" in a fronj»pjigege ;story but claimed he’(a Bigfooj near Bluff intentiIt out the window.” obout the phenomenon. do with it. ButChorvinsky hi recalled. Sut farmers say they did not Family members say WallaceWa adm itted she 1 ce out as well as Cora’s group that the Patterson fns. usked a friend to ca r\e‘ ththe 16* tographed in a 1and he knew who md,tb inch-long feet that he umund his that his father “ inda Clovis, a spokeswoman H H p H p H p B H ___ brother Wilbur slipped onn to.crc-—ti pie he used in his the North Idaho Farmers! jiace said his father ^ — ate the trackj?. WaUace never•erson fdm “a fake- ociation, said Safe Air For H H H H H H H p H The nation - fascinatedI by talcs credit for hisle’d r< had nothing to Dryone y ,. is trying to force the of the Himalayan Abomintninable said, I he said h« mother - Xlers * ' to stop burning entirely, ■ H H | | Snowman - quickly boughtght into “He got it offe had. been pho- is ignoring other causes of Ihe notion of a homegrown)wn ver- he kept gettinga gBigfoot suit, and ur n air j, quality. “If Patti Gora is sitm. been consistently Tested about the health of “The Abominable Snowlowman ignored by authoi pie, she needs to put die same was appropriated by Ray Wo!Wallace. Why? lunt of dedication loward the It got into the press, took on a life “Because it rhi x s s ; stagnation problems we are of its own ond next thinging you Bigfoot if you tall ing from slash burns and d-buming stoves,” she said. know there’s o Bigfoot. onele gof the Ray WaUace.")ff the ground, and ^ r 'a i i g glossed over. He’s “ |Uy marginalized or ^ i piwiston i l womanr H B | H BSU gets fi]Brst patent;hors." he said. hurts the ca'se for haviifies in 1-15 w reckk . | B B could ease! medcal1 diaalk too much about *ENCER (AP) - A 30.year-oldId iston woman died Wednes- BOISE (AP)-Boise State ___ Ruwll, who ha: in a caroBshneacSpencer^- — versity has won ifs firsf'•st-ever State Universi ie accident happened when a patent, with a device that.sat.scans .“Everyonewasa; device Jf! trailer came loose from a mercury levels. Blood and urin<' . diesitruck driven by 46-year-old Dale Russell spcdaliressinana- in be shipped to a h ty McCarty as he took an exitit lytical chemistry. She develiveloped reponed no con p. — Ut£4iu>ceuJo£.easUy deteiBtecting — occurred.-Butiwtl a g n o s K u SDodgetCaravan-drlvenby mercuiy moleoiles, and beiibelieves her co-workershas been at Boise___ day oin Fallsa resident Dennis Love It could be the fint stepI toitoward , own samples, thersity since 1995. Theaded with the trailer, accord-j- a Swr Trek-inspnspired ination. s contaminated.” pole0 tnan Idaho State Police press Jy diag- The problem,rine samples had to semitruise.' nose disease without invanvasive that samples aca laboratory, which Maitymberly H Ann Damey and 1- | H j | j | | | H blood tests. potency, iMuirihontamination had ramp,■old Sarah Cait D a n i^ were III tech- riiata s o h itio nwhen ^ Russell a n d ----A -Dtengera-in-the-van,-which o h— H H j j j j H niquesaire^y odsti^R;ussell’s ^ had to be somers v analyzed th eir Idahoturned. F All three occupants research led, to a processI ththat is probe into a bloothey found contam- collidede taken to Eastern Idaho0 less invadve and much festerner. and getting an ii ingtoaional Medical Center, wher« T ve been interested in Imer- ing. n, Russell said, is rdease.twrly Damey died. cury analysis ever sinceB tlthere ___ _ Her researchcan rapidly lose Kimb1 passengers were wearing — vras a lab acddenrwhenrl[ waswi ar last'm onth’s pat

S oo m e l o c ad l l i t e r a tt i u r e t o f l I ill up a h r i s t m a ss s t o c k i at i g s

By Steve CniiJnimp A one-time Caliilifornia bank manager, . from Mountain HomeAir\ir Force Base. genunuine cowboy. TlmeNHewx'•writef • ______Bowman writes witlith grace about the transi- It’s a “Green Acres”-ss”-style saga of city Of the current batch, not sursurprisingly, tion to country lifefe and about love, raising folks who have to start: overov from scratch to ■ “Cot new and local in south-centrintral kids, livestock, and :ow Dogs" is the best, filledi withwi images id as she puts it, Cain, become country folks, andmd worth the read. that;at melt your heart. kstores for Christmas: “We found thele perfect, place,” she Available at Barnes tcSc Noble1 BookseUers “C writes. “It was a he Xow dogs have the most distiiiistinctive per- house in the Idaho coun- in Twin Falls. sonanalities in the world und arc drels tryside, with acreeeage, a spot-to build an are.thc most .. imboats, Shosbopl, Scoundre intei;elllgent, most loyal and funnunniest dang What’s htne SeIdom>Toid Tales off tf th e ofHce, room to grovow,.and room for-the kids Hallelujah , Tjftf to roam. It was onij •••Cow Dogs: njeCowbnvboy’s Best Friend,:’ gs in the world,” he said. Idaho books)Fron^^ij'’/ames VaHey (Big Lc ily IS minutes from town pAotogrophy by David’Stoc ^The Performance Horse" is and was situated onor a deserted street with - itocklein; text by Shiri "J, ” is n hugely T h e College of Soudi ■no neighbors for a Woodson (Stocklein Publishlishing.$35): jjnwibidous project. Including, imagesimi from ■ a half a mile on either leo, horse racing and dressage,age. and from ...... • “Steam long. side. The best pai■art, though, was the • “The Performai IdahoClBmberChoii and Such:Is a former s u b jn ^ N and Ion nance Horse; A___ all.Sover-NorthAmerica.-It-wa:-was commis------ic’Valley resTdent who has prei ------vlewrThe*propererty over- Photographlc'Tribute,^’e," photography by sione the Magic Valley Chai Western F n ned by Bayer’s Animal Healtlialdi Division S , loofctJ the M David SrocWrin; tgjrt bv d shotrwrittenand designedinfdinless-than------CSaestra, under meudicm 0 ruen. Patrick Connor andi thet> m Meyer (Stodilan Publishii months. h dancer Lola Montes, ■ • “Li)’ Buckaroos:.is: a Tribute to (he “Li‘LirBuclcaroos” i$ 141-pagee photopli essay ofC ^iso n Wfanft willlo p iran d Varley isn bi o a t s . lime'Mapc’' H Young Cowboy InI AllAl of Us,” p/io(o^- on rarichkids.ra: H a n d e li “M e s ^ " ai and r^y and text “TlThese are photos of the simplimple life that his ■ b u existists on a ranch,” Stoecklcii Chiistmas Concen Suiledireaion”d M m ^ :lein writes, is an ^ -Kidids entertain themselves swirswimming In aftcmooniniheCSIFillpcrfomi “Stearahassort- ' nearby lakes or riding horsettrses or chas- "nt-rhrir Shoshoni ing the family dog[ or trying to AnsCentcrauditoriunatmcir scoundrels. ■ train the goat.oat. They all T w in F a lk It’s ftee.Sunday fourth book,elude the , ^ — like to ropei and th e ^last ride and ilF in e m ent of “ O d t o i they all love lu m in Westem stori in the th:he e' horses, Concert seas They incliley 1911. dogslogs,-calves, tale of thide ibbits-and T he Oakley \Mley An Indian battle: Mike” and pigsgs that I are ...... took placewho got into preseiesent on Council will present fn th-some local a s o n everyr day conccns. tonipjit an The episode after S totocklein’s c tiree Basque Saturday n i ^ t in HovvAnv ' “Shoshone A bookscs are avail- ^ , .. hlsfamUy.wlers in Nevada, / able at Barnes & ______^C^xnaiJousc-inOoklccfrcehoL- a tight wiih-selves killed by •r-Hastings------'s posse near nnd cowboys a and Waldraldenbooks killing thnca,Nev. outletsI throughouttht owells sheepherden3ther stories also — southernnIdoho,and Id ------— Paik-music-b u ,. were tiienxselin Id ^ o , includ- I B I a t m anyly indepen- ii ------n h 'e r if Pw s " of missionaries \W t dent bookslokstores in T h e second of four Ad Winneinucca,1 Eliza Spaulding V ^H \ W the MatfcIc andai Wood BZ P eite Indians of season Chiisonas in p Several oth \ B River yaJIeysleys. lahoi the early days \ H take place iii oonocns, sponsored by >, and the rancorous < ■ ___ 11___ • "LlfffU t..M ...M______: ■ Iwin 1-alls chapter ofA d « n t. ■ Geeter,'’ bybyPhaSatt, / >e located. H ie book B 1 1 leif-publishtd,htd.S9.9S. Soropdmist Intcmador es the strained rela*. ■ qtyP^ SSJiSietween whites and H scheduled fbrSundayb y i th e ofLewiston,a tl Formerr Gov.Gi Phil !rce because of the H ll Batt was'as easily 'Uvin Falls City Park. ^ tal should beearly 1 agents and ■ • ll Idaho’s f i^ tS ;______■ funniest jonaL is explores ------l l — politidan-of-voftfte^90s;------. , . tionship betvalso an account of ■ , 1 and this collectioncolli of ty night in iheNeiPere.of Bear River near H \ l essays isIS aboutal his ^Treefest e perfidy ofy e< Preston in 1863, ■ I 11 redrement.•nt. ______superintendetozens of Shoshoni I I - I l l O r, monnore accu- 'Fhc Magjc W Icy Rcgi There’s alsivere killed by ■ \l rately, his geeier- M edical CentLTs Fcstj^ the Battle ofI soldiers led by I I hood. ------m — “A rs o n wanted lic e s will wrap up toda present-day 1 in which do»lier stories in the I \l to learnn tot< accept Saturday and Sundayx:gionaI ai Indians werith California and I — _ i-Jl-criticismm easier,e to ------ijects. J better; to Radb R endoto Evensrivjiof }oats, Shoshoni 7 II give thehe opinionsc Irels” is available C enttr in downtownx T iay Many otiiei of myy politicalp bookdealwitles & Noble ■ opponentlents fair Falls. y at th e Nevada subj«: in Twii) Falls, at consideraileradon,” he »laza in Burley, at Iconoclast ;encs “Steamboi last . BIah,lI, blah, blah. Who wants to acceptacc criti- iTwin ai Barnes1 at Ex Libris in Sun Valley. ley to the north, the i cism> ceasier - or listen better? TheseTfu were e south and the east. At These three sninning col Loveaparad Booksellers in n i^ t, you could sitt ini die living room and ] coffee table books foolisiish concessions and 1 no lungionger worry xy Tales," by Gail Botman; s^fsell watch the lights fror by Sun Valley photojoiijournalist David aboutat them.” T h e 11th annual downi the Book Fla om five different small •Stocklein continue his bo< 12.95. towns twinkling inI tthe darkness. True, it \ book-length essays Avavailable at Barnes Sc Nobleble in Twin Books in Keti on a vanishing way of lifeein in die West. Falls a Tw in Falls Festival of L Rupert, and ai was right across thei streets from the runway s and some independent bookiooksellers in There have been 16 of themt altogether. southih.l»2a21-22. “But our Mom toldDid us we proba- Studejdent matinees will be: abled children and aduladults. Last dcketinfoimation.c^4I3tn Company of:C h arles D ickens' J®' ______bly weren’t going.tig to get the part nffamH ristmas-tale,"aboufto------^Partomanoes arfrat-7 pjnr------ed-to.«hool-groups,Tinclud—^— yearTmyTimmllectedS;•d$;;200for------^ because they were-e Eprobably going ingtho»wse at Idaho’s Youth RanchI - Advocates for Survi^ 5553. le T b u r Ird '* run at the Liberty TlHrtdaya ™ through Saturttay® and^ to pick boys to pli rvivors of _ Charmer. 3pjn.Sun(J8ys. play the part,” in Rupeupert, beginning Monday, Domestic Violences anda the ^ F o r PlaywrightIS 1 become almost as ^ ^ interjected Amy JoJo, 6. “But they Scholar IS with Christmas in » * Hew** much: Tickets, which are larships will be given stu- Animal Shelter of the WoodWo< River called the next day ^ and said they dentsi whowl cannot afford the price5 Valley. U432------River Valley as the $10. SIC sold 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. liked our acting and H u m b u g md singing sp we of admlImission, courtesy of the! As traditional as it’s t s ta g in g of "The Monday JjJj through Friday at 409 N. ended up here,” Crs t’s become, make its third Sracesaid. Papoosi>ose -Club and Idaho) i^d o n ’tithinlcryou-can-sin-skip-*^A=^—= Maln^.Hall«yrby-phonft^at-57S-'8------“IrseemedUkrifnrw ould be fun. Mouiuaxi IBleySCompanyofFt Theater, has 9122 Of at ww.tJcketweb.com itam Express. Christma.'s Carol” thisis yeary< nnd synonymousjily i become tradition to play a boy,” conlontinued Grace, Genet e Elementary School • <------neral audience shows, sett catch it next year. C«m^impanv nf ^#picsent D o u ^ Jof the Wood Ri ----- 1 whose mother H«Helen Hudson againstist the backdrop of a giantt Fools plijjis to put “A C! hy Oliver, vrtio watch- oldod miser «4to is forced to exaxam- starred last spri ^ riiii>.it;..is annual rest p ring in New Victoriairian popup Christmas card,, Carol’' buck un the- lxK)kMiDk^liL’Il next ada^ationarChadcs Dii ith her students and ■ inae bisb life vrtien he’s confrontnted Theater Company —j------Nutcracker.— any’s romantic will beginbei Thursday and runI year and stage eitherr a fanciful,f “& J3uisonasC aiD r’ :rostai o is It's certainlyIS with her husband withith thei ghosts of Christmas Pa e You, You’re Thursdisdays through Sundays resent and Putnm. Bn^ I . magical version of 00.1 . Henry’s Trav>«' fof Bellevue I flh-Deor32.— ------“Hie Gift of thfeMagi”'or"oranodie?------— T^lun^ a t the Libeny , teacher Ka’thy ilaon ^ ^ JdJrfm “Because we’veve never been On twi to> her honeymoon 29 two nights - Dec IS and 22’ Dickens’ classic Cricket:ket on the T Iie aB c Dickens’ « it fint witt kmD.Cr«tdiit.LdneSatterfiifield boys,” added Amyny Jo. “But it’s - audlenience members can join the8 Heahh:“ ill play Belle and Maril' then rettums' ilyn real easy becausele once you get cast on stage.after: the play forr “So this is it. And thenlen Vwe’ll put Al. She'alovm e my v e n favorite ■ TtfitgHtge,CfaitoiatPast used to _playing a bob founder OJA icrooge. die crochety- lines Ier Denise Sinfcne, noting’I Bossick can be roached.in.in IHailey at traditiob. It's aes under bedcovers withth a ' ftion-seeing 'Winniinie the Pooh’s that RocRocky Mountain Chocolate! 578-2111. *®ils, about having — ^ ------^— ...... on - Paces ------~ AndMW Alb :s .•i hisroleuScr ?

------— A -f,.— — Fi«>:idii»o-FitorDiwinbira:«- » ” ■...... — ^ ^ k e i ^ E n :::: ...... =i------Hri: x n T ir j m = T V \ r T Z m m i B i M n s i P w r o y f — "r-HW BIffl'HiifnrGfP

m m ?7-W M HEI?-HNellB^YolllL(lwGffl8l)

. Combiiwd wife >etvlcwc — pro or con-yourou'U iiliely think ot 7 WONDER NO MOI3REIIIII this o ne. StiU,I, eeven partisans of % ‘Adam Sandler's , ‘H arry Potter' and ar the Sorcerer’s ■ “ “ S^aiyNlghts'— g______— Stone^-may-weiwelkb^ut2fH7K= = = ~ ’Solariav TwirTCfnema . ' parts of the nevlew fUm. ‘Chamber 7 PH It has got to he a first f on two . •Sweet riomo Alabama,' Twrwin of Secrets’ displisplays such zeal for ■ I counts: an animateated holiday mir Cinema re-creating theth book’s more ^ ------niusicaUinvuking-tb-the-«pirit-of------TrDasurtrPianctrrwirrcimiHBfflS------gnjtesque^specilectsrtJiatlTirsare------(f ~------Exdmu flahukkoli Ihstuad of of Christmas, 9 •Wes Craven Presents: Thejley' . to rattle the cag(ages of the smaUest m pluying against the! sc.sentimeutali- ' ilyie That,'M agic Untom .(j _____ . viewers, sendi:iding them un^er / ty of the season withih somej ot Ihe, saw theirseatsifnonot out of the the- ■_ The HEAUriH FOOD PLAIa c t / raunchicst scatologiogical humor** •, vling for Columbine/ Magic n . ater. Because ith a MJlARKET Another Day.' Magic •Adam Sandler's 8 Crazy at least in a mainstrea:ream movie. A ’Die An ing like the iUeg * Centre Poiiit8 P ia a * ir ctmplc nf the lines arc n ■ . Ni,Nights.' Century Cinema legitimate offspring ^ 1111 Buk La id Bwd.N .*73}733-1411 9 a ru enough lo , Lantern of ‘Alien’ and • M-F 9:30am-«:U n i • S« 'Die Another Day.' Century nd ‘The Absent- » SAT 10im-9:S0pm • tini12 aoe^MOMm (•: ------makc-u.ven.ihu.thoifiought-we.'d*______IFfldo.l!Oil.ShiTliT!e.CI,nemas_ > Minded Professi Cinema . issor.’ Like Its pre- ^ .’heard-it-all types winw ince. But on 'Harryry PotterF and the Chatribcr Cii decessor, it is ii 'Harry Potter and tho Chamt s intelligently cast 7t ? 7 ? ■ > ? 7 ? 7 ? 7 ? the whole, this Uvely,ly, Ibittersw eet of Secret:rets,' Sun Valley Opera >nDer . and makes goot3od use of behind- I—!—!______S______B— S. ■______! ______■- moviu works well anca nd is su re to House of Secrets.' Century Cinema' the-camera talerilent like rettiming connect strongly wiw ith fu n s o f 'Solarisoris,’ ShlTime Cinemas 'The Santa Clause 2.' Centi■'t'J'y screenwriter StSteve Kloves and Sandier at his must frefree-wheelinR -Trcasujsure Planet.' Mogic CiiCinema • new cinematojtographer Roger nt m ore and uninhibited. With^»th th e short, Lantern 'Solaris.' Century Cinema Pratt. Direciifcted by Chris *A Day With,the Meateatball.'(l:ll. •Treasure Planet.' Century' Columbus. \With Daniel PG-13, for frequentnt crude and ^ t w i n . F a l l s Cl'Cinema .R adcliffe, Rup:upert Grint and Millionaaire Bucki I d sexual humor, drinkiniidng and brief • . - •XXX.' Burley Theater Emma Watson;sn; plus Kenneth dnig references.) •Adamm Sandler’s1 8 Crary Branagh, who) ddoes some of his ■ j Nights.',' TTwin Cinema ^' :.;'i*i6rom e^ . best film work; in years. (2:41. PG, JFriday Dei) c e m b e r 6itht\ 'Analyze That' ’Analy2(lyjc That.’ The Orpheum for scary momernents, some crea- Robert De Niro’si m u b boss is -Die AmAnother Day.' Odyssey 'Adam Sandler's 6 Craty ture violence andmd mUd language.) back for more treatralm em fro m Thratorr . Nl|Nights,' -Jerome Cinema • ' Slop b y & reisceive $50,000 beleaguered psychiahiatrist Billy .eMile,lie,'Odyssey Theater 'Die Another Day.' Jerome ‘I Spy’ Crystal in this sequelelW t A nalj™ Cinema Eddie Murpl This.' Lisa Kudrow eme Ops.’ Odyssey Theater Cir oyAtterNext.’Odyssey, - ''Harry Potter and the Chamtinber Wilson team in ll T eest s drive a vehidef e & receive $250,50, (XX) ;; Harold Ramis directs. < r ol Secrets." Jerome Cinema remake of the hit 1960s TV show. ;______guage and some sexual yPotlar-andlho Chamber-----__lTreasurc.Planet.Uerome_—: ______The two haves ssq^me genuinely______ets.’ Twin Cinema ClrCinema fiin'riy mbm'entsnts tog'eth'er, but PPiirdiasc~a~cars~i l, -rcccivc-$^t-ooo:o);ooo—" im b ln B :,______y7*-Gdy»serThcBtci------^------______director Betty •HiomasTt is uncom-______In his troubling anand trouble- ’Jockas ' G o o d l ^ T w fortable with th Cinema this L ast CluvKi c y ? f o r much of B provocateur nema • Clr 10 Budapest to find.fin Rated PG-13; film maker. That sty] Ring." Twin Cinema violence, languajuage, sexual situa- i ityle has ils S h o s h o n e M illioniuiv Billi c L s ! charms but also its1 lilnitalions.lii ^ Santa Clause 2,' Twin tions. 1 hour, 355 minutes.n * Moore's concern abouK>ut issues Is genuine, and his shoihowboating etary.' Lamphouse Theater ^No movies this week. ‘Jackass: Thee MI ovie' technique is often ententsrtaitiing. — ------1 A strinp of prankspn and gags, But he is not. the mostMt organized Directed by Franc Reyes. (R, for John Jo Witherspoon, Donn ‘DC’ the movie foll<)llows the same person in the world,, arand there is strong violiolence, pervasive lan- Cuny. Cu (1:2^. R, for language,;e. sex* premise as the! MTVM show: ring- ______0 scattershot randomnmness about guage, druIrug content and some uaual content and dnig use.). leader Johnny KnoxviUeKt and his this film that is bothh i:its essence sexuality.).) shock jocks run'aiI'oround executing and a source of frufrustration. 'H very stupid, at: timestii hazardous, O ' 'Bowling for Columbin ‘Harry Potter and the bine* doesn’t 'Extremele 'Ops' C l human tricl^ Car::an a coUection of 3100 0 Q OVERLAMD AVE - BURLEY. ID • 878-7 8 -8 8 7 4 have the answers ai Chamber of Secrets' goofv antics shotDt ini crummy-look- I doesn’t expect to find snowboards and Serbs - , 0 and h ap h ^ rd ly ore could you want?! *It’s likely that whateverer you >"g digital video a Moore, the asking.' SSas thought of the first produaictio n - Please seeice MOVIES, Page C7 ^ T W IN FA LLLS COUNTY what’s important. (2:« With Devon Sawa, • some violent images e Wilson-Sampras and NOTICE OF PUUBLIC HEARI^ING swell. (1:33. PC-13, for guage.) ______viol_e_nce/pj !/p erilJanguage_and______I w in -Falls- T ^ ^ - Status Of) , some nudityIlty.) — ffender_Eee,tzi±z *Dle Another Day’ JUNiOR Club X Intense Juye^li ------^^1frnewes^Jame9I-Bond Be movie----- 'Rida*------V ______I ile Probation Fee' e e , _ I ‘ unce again stars Pierce illiant Mexican painter j presents Juvenile Deter I whose glazed implacal ■O'' >>iilll intion Daily Fee, * gesu a man who rarely, Frida KaWohlo was famous for a lot en much less stirred, • her glorious paintings, ^ n e•■13th . Annual A . LLicense Plate Addm inistrative FeF ee, imeasily between linge esque pain, her love - JM __j»iwJlLand.theiilnunali City of Buhl Liacense Plate Fee,e e ,. :j desire for a Bond vehi taken seriously as a ■ plerdng dark eyes Uke - P e n d in g»Issue Fee movie, ‘Die Anoth^.ther Day’ flight. To play the part / remains caught somerihyp^r(A-«rorii^rIn^blbile commenu regarding prop) reposed feel nostalgia for mo Inert; . grew up with. Hallele 1 Berry, as " ““ Idn’lt nmake it .through a crcaic ia user fees beyond tbele limits prescribed by Idaho«Iho Code Bond's newest love inte reeze much less the Secihlellon 63.1311 A brings about as muchh convictionc ‘I’lIt ' was Kahlo's life. As ■n,., h of this film, Hayek’s To Benefit: lie proposed fees exceed 105%/m of (he fees last collected as you might expectct toi a role SJn!h!!.n« ------thatressentialhrisWl ______Currcnlcm------Propowd Tom^ ______eq^valent of a hit ool f Viagra. ; . ■"'Really faithfultai but fails to get InfoffiuflrVblunteer o Care Gilivers ^ ______Fee;______Increase New£w F F ee_ WitlTToby Stephens,i RRosamund at Ihe cor.m. to 7:00 p.m. > J l Hanclandtingiuvctiile ty and longuiguage.) ^ ft m « SunJutuiOfTenden ‘8 Mile' \ >6”i“ per person Eminem makes his fiJ debut in a fascinating, st lay AHer Next' ‘ \ (NTEhTENSE JUVENILE ly entertaining standoldofrwhi?h . IceCubei« is back again, and so ^ a i bildren 8 ani m r PROB,OBA-nON PEE S 0.0000 S 35.00 S 35.35.00 has adroitly managedid t to satisfy «s Mike Epppps as feckless cousins fiare welcome Thisis piproposed fee is ■Zi*:: both of its constituend136.00 • > clim actic b attle? ) tlth a t are tone, it is a sure-fires follow-up to Uni(AiGadnCM vilryJmCUUBttr Thispris proposed fee is decades old. This vev en e rab le ‘Friday’ andnd ‘Next Friday.' With .Wtov*to>em8wtw! immlfWwnPoM harged 10 other struaure In effect faciUcilitates the Counlounties for mainstreaming of rap,p, i enabling ] _ ~~ ------2. bousiousingjuvenilet civilian audiences to feel the im « safety and security of fa 9 1 lic: eense n pla te that’s simply not in tl [» ADMIfMINISTRATIVE FEE $ 2.5i:.S0 S 1.50 S 4.4.0& r . . i when li.-!tening to Eminoinem’searli*. _ , \ P i t t r * Thispn$ proposed Tee er, more nasty and thn:hreatening is toIOC olTset eocu work. Directed by Curtisrtis Hanson. / reUte:lited to issuing With Kim Basinger, E ■, Brittany 1 licenscense plate* Murphy and Mekhi PWf^hifer. (1:51. 'io n ly ju st R, for strong language,e, ssexuality. CITYCYOFBUHL some violence and d ^•guse.) t , licenINSE: PLATE FEE S 0.0000 S .10 S .10 .1 - : ■ M / in t h e l o b b ThUpnI proposed fee ■ 'Empire' tireqirequested by ______John Leguitamo stts tar_s_as_a___J ______^ j^hrn y?r hgr j h o p p i n g 7LX.Tbe.Geni Cityoity of Buhl for______•gangster whose questsst for the irtcttacteased utility ^ ^ ' ^ a n d g e t h e r iBi — American dream leadsi d ^ i m ^ r heartpoundingj^ andid maintenancem I h p a r tn n witlir • ...... costsists ^ INCLUDES; Richards, Peter Sarsga ^ •SundaythnnighlTiuru n d ^ one n i^ t tt^r for twon aI t the IDINO issue FEE ' SUO.OO00 S160.00 S300.C100.00 : Isabella RosgelHni ______hUfnriral V wh 4 a« aai------Uliumipfppo«gdf«» tub, Brqilace and far Q ty i»reqirequested by • Dinner for two atTlirhe Gatewsy Mall Tiwmeaiurer'* Office • Horse &C>iTiw oror Limousine ride forincr increased /* Sjxofbral^day • Brcak/aiticT^lnbI bed or in our dining room expcR!pcRsc in taking : We’ll HaiH or Saturd^ ni^t st^i (pticetdoflMlnclucfeci;c«xwtdpmtuitki) tudo(deed property ^VourChifstn ■ ‘ ^ I______^ Kreu rEpceta ~ n e m n i vEioaofwhatiaelv 3 increased revenue is nrequire to off^ costssts o f ; luaaiouibcdudbn ! SO-foot bucket: trucktr S •houUbe.IunamfidSSI. rating Twin FalU.Couo^ty Status Offender Prograigram, | I with operator —- $50 i f l r e s l your «jy hew win•Uib^ A Juvenienile Probation, Juvenile I>Detention, Assessor's Combounty m • mcmofabte ao J I T E S ^ Ltt»naense Plate Division, City o01 f Buhl License Plate Gffi ______3ffice . I • , I 73HM -2IM ______andO1 CounQr Treasurer Office. >0-669-4515 * wwwwolfelfekrcst.com Publish; Novembei>er 29 and December 6,2,2002 0 - f

t . . - ■■ V. _ l ! ______* ■V . r -

" Fnny.'OwwBif —^W e e r E n b:) - ______— j l ^ l C

___ LiE_t_s_r_i_v-iA- m. on Dec 15 in the Collegee < A-L-S,------TIT-TTI’ lutiiem Idaho Fine ArtsJ3en»nter :Todayan(tSatunlay-I iditorium. Twin Fails. Ticket«ts, lich are $5 for general, admimis- '. The 25th annual Burieyey IFestival • P i V I mH* T 'l I. 1 I ‘ V siona)n and S3 for semor citizens an ;of Trees will continuesies at the ^ 1 1 studtudents. are available at th — TlimTtmgCantemtoembly • Church, 326 W. 27th St., a fund- H i H ^ H .raiser for the Cassia Heallealth Care 3C.20-21-Utah . Foundation. The festival: will present iletJ^ Joy po|M ronce^ n irat- ^ p m. both days. Festival^admission ad Ticket^ w hSich i are $6, are avail- ed by ^is $I for adults and 50 cc by former Uiah J a a star Tuifurl ) cents for able from anyly Junior a u b mem- Bailej Ichildren. ber o r a t Kim iley, is scheduled for at 8 p.n imberiy Nurseries, nightghtly in -Salt Lake City' Everybody’s’s Business,1 Kelley Abra^>ravanel Hall. Tickets, whic ifoday, Saturday and SuSUTKiay Garden Centerter, Kurt’s Pharmacy are i$2 $22, $29, $36 and $45, can b ..I The Magic Valley RegionalRe 2?^ Hallmark,rk, WUson-Bates and resenserved by phoning Art Tix s : Medical Center's Festivalal oof The Golden GoGoose In Twin Falls. (goi))1) 355-2787. Abravanel Hall i :wili be h eld in thele Radio For further infvili present its firstt annual a The Buhlhi Chamber of ing J e n n y festival of Wreaths at thehe formw Commerce willill presents its annul Please see EVENTS. Page C< Wells Fargo Bank bliiidHiding m NightUghtPan'aradc, 7 p.m. r— Jerome. Hours are 10 a.m..toa.n 7 ...... 1p.m. today and 10 a.m. to !on Saturday. Admission to i I -tival is $5 for adults,S. S4 ! for ^ Magic ViValley Chorale-wili •seniors, $3 for snidents and Sl for present its annual an Christmas children under 6. The old Wells Concert at 8 p.irp.m. on Dec. 14 and 3 Targo Bank building is loalocaied_ot ______,104W:MainSt.— ------:Tooay, Saturday and Sui ; The Gooding County MeMemorial *m|p /v W | f / M llotpital Foundation’s Fest■estival S rCP a m e la “ .Trees will be held at the Juildlng on the campusJsoT'iSS < '•Vnv-„.s-,son CiaHciy Jdaho^6olfortheDeafaif and the ’ i . Blind in Gooding. • S iiu lio A I'ou'M flip over TMlght ! H o lidid a y O pen • The llth annual dowr>wntown H o u s e byb, the River our prices! l i r \ •twin Falls Festival of'f LightsI „ . . farade starts at 630 p m.at at Magic i P a in tinIgs, g : Etchings, I yaUey H i^ School In dow lowntown . ‘ Sc cu u lp tu re Jw in Falls, travels throui-oughout the: downtown and Old Townc«ne,and en^at the school Mile West of I K ing;H h tll. Idaho ► Saturday and Sunday' f S at. Decec. A 10*6 & ■BLsifbI d Tlie Oakley Valley Artss CCoundl ‘ Sun. Dec.D< 8 '\ i-6 ■ HOME rUKNiSHlISHINGS will present its annual ChriSiristmas C o n m at 8 pjn. nightly'InHow; in ______fo r'.mo&Linfo, m ______• WUOp»raWrHic«»~?n r>a{{fpyey.&ee ' ------, ------24 hours a day. 6 = 7 4 8 4 ------seven^ days a weel^ —A ___iSjinday______; The Junior O ub of TwinWlnFalls ------' — ■— rlwaiM J a k e

• A ccess to over 221225 Channels # 1 0 0 % Crystalll CClean Digital • More m ovies, spotports, news, music & monore, * No equipmentnt Ito buy • FREE 24/7 CUST(3T0MER CARE * FREE INSTALLILLATION c m lUCill’ n a i i i i M i g i’TeOMi^ L i J L » M ,i m^ •> ^ 2 H B B A iS ON j2(J OMfn. T i m e l e s s ^ ^ ■ ■ i«n9 C-SMNAN CSMM2 ^& y a m s i B . ^ n m m- n - j u a i s

(» x : 4 p r Stmm mW ^ m m i^ l Hs i g ■ B a

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# J M E d a I ■ w * r

j H i i i n l m Ik I ■8i.t>ShlS,... K A »_A-A o K -t — i L E M t S : ^------T"— . ingSmitii'sS'rTiriasocjSsiTixx. are ^01 $5. can be reservei ------IS Hi ®i p t — — — — I'soo^ Tonight ■— : ^ C onthw>tffromC3 .^ — X-Scat>e is located at 115 Soulh phoning p] Smith’s Tix at ( ioakcrs.Karaoke.wiU.be.fca-.,. Tonight and Saturdar d ^ " .. — W^TOWp! ------8{-^88-TIXX~rhe=Zeph-^Ii3Iub-is ------High-Mooxrtain- (800). 965-4827, online u at______will be "uu^^Tffdfrom*9am.-iO'l-a.m. at-the.le— .—Kafaoke.contest.wllwill be fea- _ ------_ -----localedlo at'3012-South-1i-West— ‘fcarared-from*9*F9‘p;ni."tu I a.mJ af* MS1S95[WyrS02i;ixthSt;rRupcnnind= id----- turiea-froni-8:30'pjnrto'-rto-1-a.m.-at------"liliro/www.tickeiweb:jeBtcornTor'ai • Temple.______-Aiklroan’s Market InnK K e t^ w M P ------C -.iO^ ;- u ^ N — I— ___ Il Shakers, 826 Higllighway 81, Declo. fromn 9 p.m. IQ !■ a.m.’ at Cheers^V PleasejMWaoilH0i«.iageC5 ------aH-'rienas-is-locaied-i ------M ainSr------_ — fonlghtt-i1,-Satuiday------Tonight - and Sund;nday Ash berry Paric williU |play from 9 . ooug KcKershaw will play two p.m. (0 1. a.m. at . night UI Cactus Petes Brcwpub, 516 Secondn d I 's , '^ s ? s • i.-tnT«-rn«..rThnny»'i ^ —— fonHrSTxi start aT“ “ • ■ —'v^ir^nw 1 irelB ss $19.99 on)n Saturday and $14.99 Wb never atop working for youyou.- Tonight-Utah tonight amand Sunday. Tickets, for Caroline Spine wiUill ]play liquid the 11 p m cocktail show ore $10 •______Joe’s In Salt Lake Cityity at 9-30 p.m. onSaturdajday and $730 tonight and iTcKetsT which areriTS87TairbE ! ----- Snnday.. FFor TeservBtions an d ~ ~ ~ reserved i)y phoningig iSmith’s Tix ' informatiorion, call (800)821-1103. at (800) 888-nXX. UqLiquid Joe’s is located at 3300 SouthIh 12491 East. TonlgMt . ■ ■ ■■ Pure CoiCountry wiU play for the ’ Saturday - Utah untfuat ChChristmas party'at 8:30 ' Tori Amos will sinsing UI the E — p.m. att 1Trouts Saloon;-113 .. ^ Center in Salt Lake CitCity suburb of Broadwayly /Ave. N., BuhJ. .West Valley City at 7:30 p .m ., ^ , m i/yfio)Sr Tickets, which aree $35,$ can be Tonlght ■ reserved by phoning! ichange will play classic at (K00)K88-TIXX.*rhe music from 7-11 p.m. at i located at 3200 Sou^oulh Deckcr Hi c GIOCI:iub,u 1054 Overland Ave., U k e Drive. Burley.

Thursday-Bol9e» Tonightst and Saturday 1^0^ ConspiracyV wwill perform Counlivly Ci la s ^ will play from iit JD & Friends at 6P”6 p Tid.c^ sp r^0 i midnight at Montana which are $10, can be i S t r a k h olUse, u s 1826 Canyon Crest 100iOi . phoning (800) 965482 Twin Falls. No cover 7 -http*J/www.tickctweb Atkinson's Markett In in Ketchum. ^ Anytirme E JD & Friends is iocatcdItedati5i9w. sg^urday Main St. ay Pocketcl•ichunge will play from Dec.l3-Bolse 8:30 p.m.I. t(to 1230 a.m. at George K’sEastRRestaurant . and Lounge, Mlnuttes I Neil Diamond wUl WrdN.nBurley.______------Idaho Center in Namp ------'ii t ______Tlckeis, which are J No Long Distancee (Charges— I H ------:— $S7'.S0rcairbeTeserv€ ay------^------— to-anywherein-theie-UiSrfrom ------^The1ifrn?05tA irtiiiie Minutet » ------ing (208) 426-1766io or r (208) 442- The Fu^unlives will play from 9 3232 or at Albertsonson’s in Twin p.m. to 1 1 a.m.i at Shakers, 826 your home airtimele ra te a r e a . w e 'v've e ever offered a t this prprice! Falls. The Idaho Centeuter is located Highway!,y 81, Declo. No cover at 5000 Garrity Blvd.d. con Nampa’s charge. ,l cast end. , Saturdaya y . All for only ■ D«c.l3-Bolse Dustyanand the Nomads will play - Unwritten Law,, SvSwitchhllter fropi 8 p.m. p to midnight at MontNrwniMthnrwntmiltntgrnrmi ! and Authority Zero> wwill play the Spanbaueuer’s Barn on U.S'. lta(wmilnBtonim.l Big Easy Concert HdHouse at 6:45 • Highwayly 93. east of Jerome, ' p.m. Tickets, whichtl aiare $15, can Coverchonlarge is $7. CaU 324-7366. - be reserved ^ phonimning(800)965- ^ ^ ; /•''-^v^827, online at http:/ip;//»w«.tici<. Sunday I / • ^web.com, or att Atkinsoni s ' p^t,«.rhtchange will play classic I Mulcet in Ketchum. Tl music from 7-11 p.m. at __ Slnufs ^ SS eer Oub, 1519 Kimberly Road, TwinrinFoUs. ' Dm . 1 6 - U tah (day through Dec. IS £ Def Uppard will i will do two shows a night Center in suburban Sal is Petes Resort (^asiM in__ ------A ~ a t 7:30 p.rarTickets,- P r i ^ for the 8 p.ih. din* $32.50 and $42.50 )w start at $19.99 on t • reserved by phoning! y and S1439. tonight.and__ 5______8f(800)88iTbDC*nie , Tickets for the 11 pjn. ; located at 3200 SouS S - S jshow are $10 on Saturday - LakeDrive. and$7.50t<0 tonight and Sunday. For reservationions and infonnadon, caD Dec.l9-Utah (600)821-111-1103. ______TheBoneahaketiw■ will perform » the Zephyr ClubsTnTsfirntt— ir inunday^ ------• Gty at 10 pjn. Hckets U tley «nd Danyl Wocley ' $8. can be reserved I f the Events Center Smith’s Tix at (800) :ampus of Weber Slate The Zephyr QubUkKMS ty in Ogden, Utah, at 730 South West Temple. pjn. TickeJcets, which are $21 and ,______$ 2 7 . can1 b ~ Smith’sTbcnxat(800)8^T1XX. Ib e Young DubUnelinen will play the Big E a ^ ConcertertHouseatS DeC. 20D-Utah - pjn. Tickets. wWA a be resented by phoniQ lettard Sons o( Johnny iU play Salt U ke City’s . 4827, online at http:i rin h flt in p m. i = etw eD .com , dif fil i Market in Ketchum. Tl re $8, can be reserved by Smith’s Tix at (800) 888- ^ Concert House is locati ^ 1 . 8 0 0 . 22 JOIN IN ^^verizonw j irfireless.com [^^anyofourststores : Ninth St. he Zephyr Qub is located at 301 Sout)uth West Temple. p VERIZON WIRELESS comUNOTIONS m STORES A U T M R m jim bl I Jan. 15-Boise B-Bolse CMd an nwi cut« IM NMir fcxvrhtNUM The WallOoweit will 730 p.m. at the Big El rer Salmon will perform at SoS Tom Squats K»k SlSSnOu Easy Concert House at 7 House. Tickets, whichichare$a.50, B^^ 2ndlMl.Ncai(Mai(rs IZ ^ fS ® S ! S 2 H S * : can be reserved by phoningph (800) P-m. Ticke:kets, which are $16.50» . • 208-375-6686 208-89&4I0 eserved by phoning (800) -^)t03 965-4826. online atat http://www.I S ?'* * niMFMU ticketweb.com, or at Atkinson’s ' 965-4827,:7, online >at 21«E»7ftSl Z'SL£L.»i Market in Ketchum.I. TheT Big Easy http://wwwww.ticketweb.com, or at Aoottlrem He* BarnesTRSftNoM I n’s Market in Ketchum. GrMTdonMafl 208-736-202-202? Concen H ouv is locatKatedat4l6S. Atkin»n’s i 206-U5-2000 Ninth St. The Big; EasyE Concert House is located atIt 4164 & Ninth S t ^l»iWfiwiwWwi*i, SutjcdlDOiCustmaAoreementSCalnoftin S3Sa35 acMBon lee may apply. S175Mrt^Wina#on»eeapplei.Taxevo8)etc»woBs jes&reseictoQ apply. Requires oedfl'^appnvaLCannoibe omtMd «tih Fvnily StotPllM. buAteMn {tas ot otta oflm. Ught & WeeMMWd and Mobue K) MoUe purchasa opdanstons not avaibua. linos tUMed M ffw nedcdM minute. UnuM aomnnces lc(l.lono.long d s tr a eak ------Jan. 27-U tah— -UM Mkwm* RiinMittaqukn.IXMAM »-mode eqdpnwm. SHvice M pnm(WMWis not avattabk in al area-UcMJtiiied tma ollera. Bat rtetewk dan t»taed cn febMly slodtos and MNwkrk adtarttgaao See------Juliana nieoiywiUviU perform at ^ 77 • -U tah tot details. See Wony Fiee GuarMee tndwetm and ow Rewn^tchmoe polcyIcy ito UI Matti 15-day return poicy availMaM at Vertm WIntas t:o(nnMcaiio

E nte&r Now-TtrotuSr— s » « T h i s 1 9 9 7 F o rdI A / s p ire tflM A t Participating MtM e r c h a n ts D r a w inIg g lobe held D e c.14th* . 1 2:00 pm -C ity-H allPark,B, B u rle y ------— w Musiusi Be Pnseia to Win! EiUtr Btfi yi^M l-Localcalmerchantrhave the&rBrandnamcs7 ou-want-artiirthe-priccs-you canaffor3rd andwill------l a ls;o o tbe close a t hand if it ddoesn't o fit and needs to be

-— Uui lys Noon-; 4:00 •'(" C i t y n a n r l l A t t t O — — *mth*l%3*mcre»*n. i : -4- .. • . J •( ' ' i i g = = - ■ ' — ■

r-^ i E w r m w e S e ^ m . — ■ ConlllwedjroiTLCI-VZL-L. — I— Mr^Bai’-sp o n c a a a e fT ------KmakenrKrKttraokewiUbe-feaT^ • Ca-sh prizes. No cover cha ------lured frara-91•9.pm.-to-l-ajn. at the—- Office Lounginge,>118 E. Iflaho St., i Tonight and Saturdaylay Paul. ; Full Moon Music: MadnessM ; Karaoke will be featuresired from 9 ThurSdaV 1 : ■ P-"|- to ^ at Uw'Blui will fpnfiirtwt nf ft pjn.atMontaiitanaSteakhouse,1826 ■ j . B ' Canyon Crestest Drive, Twin Falls. Mr M Saturday •Nocoverchanla^e. • 1N e e d rm o r e IVV l i l l i o nl s a i r e B tu c k s ? / : ■ Kroaken Karaoke WiUwill be fea- — I— ture

1998 BulcRSISkylark 11996 Ford Crown Vlcifictoria 19921I Chev Camaro T-lbp« t i V6. AT. Loaded. LowLo MilesI ' V8.AT,toadedl _ V8,AT.Loadadr _

_ 1QQ9 M areiiry Qwingidm MArqitln Lg _ 3 9 E R f f l l S - . ___1993»J»|yjsoiilhi^cdAlni- V8. AT. Load!idedi V6. AT. 7 Passenger. Load VQ,AT.Lo«MI MdedI OS m • : SMB

_ Jfl79.Cfimc3/4I.Cof loq;^ PnrH Cyplnror V6. AT, Loadadedi 4x4,4.06C yl,/& . Loadei l 4.3 V6.AT;Loadedl I i i i______' ______^

1987 Ford Aeroetar Silverado. 350 v a. A Long Box, 4x4 350 V8, A n6. AT; 7 Passenger. LoadedI V6. i < » o a r n B m B 1992 PlymoutI 1989 Mercury Topi 1983 Toyota Tercel I t h Laser I ______i s p e e dId______AT. Loadedl____ i ____ Powef-Sunrooll______m m _ gpaz ' 1j m [ I- Prices do not i n c ^it tax, tille, ir $87.62 didealer doc fee.______)VERLAND AVE'E 8 7 8 -8 8 idRLEV, ID - 3 0 0 O l B(

0 0 - —m ' 4 I U B H B M M m I w _ p f e N — ...... M~7imi»NiiirT«fiiTiliT X r m r Fili^nif imtif t. 20maQ ------■ - . — Cl gTfV J* — ^ i V l u s i e ^ ly pholv which are”$ ^ ?,NcwHm.will.aine ul ihc___ ^ A M4.!>U. can be re - ’}HiiiyA\,>trmivr;:^ ihru.'iunday..-i ------1 Coirtlnutd francs ^ lie University Pavilion ut ' . Sp.m.TickicketSi which are S25, S3S . ingAnTucat (801: 1 0 ;0 0 > W -7:00■J■^t •fir/yi:.rya« • from 7-11 p.m. at the th Pioncur and $71 cai Dec. 1 8 -B oise can be reserved by phon------JEntiresfiop-vn-^JW^TUJLi— -----: ------Glub.J5l9 Kimberiy-fly-RoailrTwin----- ing*Se!ect-«t^A-SeBi=oi=t20»)=426= aa5K 5=Ja!tm Ssii FoU.s.- — Cher-wili-sinR-at-th'^i ------^ 1 7 6 6 pr at Albertson’s*in-Twln—"Center Ct m Nampa at 7:30 p.mm.S.Jd bocSevcrinst !^'n> ite m tUntugfumh-uvd J______FaUs. . UVffjHtK/jflf ------TK i5

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r ■ ' - % p luLIS, g e t 'y o u r linm ited eedition'

B 1 0 3 0 < a j To celebrcbrate the 100th annivenersaryN of the Teddy t bear, ar, w e're offering :& a new ancind different Holiday Be3 ear every Saturday throjrough December 21st. ^ w h ile Collect thith e w hole set. T hisis w eek : 9" Yule P s u p p lie s

REOUURANO/OROIt ORIGINAL PRICES ARE OFIOFFERING PRICES AND MAYAY INOT HAVE RESULTED ------last-^— — IN ACTUAL SALES. Letvtu Pnct ol Iht SttMni\ rtltftrtf It Iht ptnod bttwttn NeytmMKMr 2«. 2002 «nd Frbrurv ■. 2003 S«It«4lttnd* Dccemb«r7.2002. cirto Md FrwM* tfwMlMtt. PlitMM nneit ftr titr* 10-19% dbceunli Hd BONgiti Cardt/Mefchanfl&e Ce/litlM j

f o r life,

rd: the easy choioice______^___ ■ - D - 4' y gigt^flooa-TlriwfkwrTwtnp F«a S p X ^ f x l ' a ss G i f t ^ - H-liK h cjLiality lc-)c;iliy n iau a d e ! ____ ecorativ$^uns------— '—wSeceivBi9ivBrmcn------"-HMovies- -E n g s gGEMhl^r__ ^ . moons______— — C30&— . ' jfc JK-g ■ Uwiin-arl dl. ------— ■ ^amtlmiwHromC2------rplot-here-for-two-pic—-Treasure^anet' tT| ------rmrsTgiis------1 Istrung together be called 9 tures. wft!fith Elizabeth Mitchell, ■ Sundundials . Wovie? I f i t ’s projeD jected onto David KruIrumholtz, Eric Lloyd. Disney’s latest animi •AndMuiMuch More! pnovie screens in movnovie theaters (1:45. G.) adventure is a hybrid on se\everal w c * w d comes with the ii L ■ levels, le^ starting with relocaeating /.o'j '. of a big movie studio,So,Xre’Jm ‘Secretar.aryaru* ^ ^ Robert *^0 Lduis Stevenson’s cliclassic ______♦ reason tt shouldnM. JadsLtale-lTreasure.lslandl- c ------1, gyenjthe-quality.oT-iV ?h"” K — Ta5DchismrwHich~canie .spiicexlraveI.worl(l..Aitltou{ ~s^ ughh~B fe*!l.-*■ Wainufss stuff outI there.tli It’J a the dungeon only to >may >ma sound gimmicky, the notionnc J j , M t,lH it It’s unclearirwhyanyone « a visual punch Une for of<'Scttlng of. the popular storory of " angle Search jguld^shell out mone;JneyJo watch- ' “'J ' “Inimakers, I™ gets its young yo' Jim (voiced by Jososeph I Greater lait l a h o ^ Is tu m opt'M :intl rt»iiLiy in tii-l| jBpflngh of guys runun^arouhd in sd dignhy restored in Gordon-Lcvitt) Go and the_piip ir a t e ______iiI|iMihuj4<^il4x44iHiHlKHritittli John Silver (Brian Murray)0 in a . an ^ in one explicpUd?ly?isiMe GyUenhaallal is a b ^ of neuroses fania^ far world based on th e'; Fealurtd In: .Vuci'w A U jaiiw . '/.i:mrfpreivur:)lj^aiiw. i l AJai/i* X < - 'i lastance. soiling ththe eir under- who getsi hired hi as a seaetary to—erMontressor er tums'out'to'l> * : - — ------CA<.anjSntol thtiHe luyM maii/imjiiifut f m UieUif-iI.'i- -i, ---- W ------}«ear. {1:20. R, forr dangerous,d a sulky littlcli tyrant (James, memore'appealing one than m m ight J m King mdand Nathan QiD ... . {Omettmes extremesmely crude Spader)only onl to discover that he be be ima^ned. It’s not that anany of lK-i.i«ipjiihls pjthvi ...... v.ll.laUlMH' ’* c ^ t s , tenguage andd nnudity.) is a sadist;t and a th at she enjoys it. this thi is inept, it’s just that•film- f KlNCJ- . J I H ■‘Meet by d uhoice - Nol hy Chance" Though__director Steven ma : , ' makers John Musker and I ' ^ \ V ' | - ^ At.,l.-4HIH.HM>l.grr- ___ — SlyBlgRit-Gresir)t( • Shalnbergrg has hedged his bets Clements cU (The Little MermimSrt” WENDELL-R- Roger anfl Merri ^ \-— :'« » :.s‘ .077.J97.4IO6 -W by givinggvhe « film one.of those >a1 , can - ^ " 8 annoutounce the engage- t i i iKJahoCI.1^^1 . •j ^ d l i i g ’ ‘Aladdin’ and ‘Hercules’) , hyper-styllyljzed treatments that clearly cle do better. What theirtl : daughter, Jana • ~ ' ^ i a Vardalos* autoliitobiographi' rem ovess it from reality, effort effi here points out is howV cdlffi- Lyn King, to Nuthan Nu Lee Gill, a d one>woman stage;e jplay al»ut GyUenhaal’lal’s performance and a cult cul it is to get things likee this son of Michaeltl andc Elaine Gill jaw in g up Greek iss tFtransfigured smart and u r dunap6!ogetic script by completely coi right. The genjnre’s of Anglesey, Wai. ^ to a mushy, overcoolrooked ethnic Erin Cress»sida Wilson save the recent ^ec past has set the bar qquite King graduatected from WendeU f j toraedy with culturere clashc jokes . day. Rateded R; sexual theme and anet’ High SchoolI and Brigham ^ M t G u a d , ------j*ose freshness date i high, and ‘Treasure Plai i l o f M i g i c v ^ Ite expired 30 situations,'s, violence, nudity, lan- doesn't joJ quite make it over., \With Young Universitysity. She works as je»rs ag a Vardalos,s, however,h is guage. 1 hour,hoi 44 minuies. D a ■ mma a high school Engin^ish teaciivr. a n n u a l affecting as the glum, < David Hyde Pierce, En m, withdrawn , • Thompson Th and Martin Shihort. Gill residess ini Yorkshire. | angle ga) who gets5 everyonee> at ‘Solarfs' iction England, and managesma a healili- l ^ e riled over her er i (1:34. (1:: PG, for adventure aci I r engagem ent . . and peril.) care company. M h a non>Greekk gg u T cJo h n J ' ’® "Bw '" Stripped-down ver* ’ ant eArlsFestiva 1; Michael jonoficon!onoclastic PoUsh w riter . - .The weddingtg isi planned fo r.. \^oliday Fine ...... grbett); ‘ With: th e Boise LDS ttn s ta n tin e , LainiEC1AL PERSON. ffcled not oi\|yharthj»'VW pres- what it doe:loes most of all is rein- very],,• last minutes, by which ti 'nitll NKD h cELP u WITH F riday Dec. 6 Satarday Dec 7 Bfice of video copiesJthaVtumup th: foFce Steveiven Soderbergh’s posi- it' is ^ way too late to redeem Ihe dull and unimaginat 7 « o 9 p m u our lives, but also0 bby a sense tion as HoUtoUywood’s most gifted - s Q U I C K BM < M > K S « ? • • 10 am (o 5:30 MO ' u at forces that aree bout ot our chameleon,in, a filmmaker able to events ihat preceded it. W tiontrol have a profcofound and operate withwit lan in aU manner Laura , Regan and Jon Abrahahams. Call Lisa a1 t: 7 3 7 - 0 0 8 7 Unhappy effect onn oour lives. of genres.;. Unaroidably,U ‘Solaris’ [1:30. PG-13, for terror/violet rUP&SUPPORT ^aomi Watts starss asai a crack ends up moremc challenging and Msxual ***' content and language.) Of MACK tw orter and it's upjp to her to intriguingng than personally ^ |A d credibility to thi U«ln8bwlPlaai,iaaiUbi this strange involving,«{, and while these are M PreccttftwWgoMeaM ^nario, and her pres•resence sue- far from small sm things, it is only jm QHKf ^ ceeds in making us believe human to> hopeh for more. With Ehrcn Kruger’s effici>as growngr< up more grace- K y tm r IrlttTNI to 25 wonlH orr I Iruw. E M * ______Bfed only to chiU thele Iblood.was___t'J 's ' <" P'puWic than Reese___ S I E&ind the camera. WiiWIthMmtin WItherspoo>6on, ahd'she'ha's her f Henderson, Brian Co srown-up role in this B B Dear Santa: ____ Dorfman and DaveigS c ”h‘a^!=‘: er faity talc. She plays if l (1:55. PG-13. for thenlematic ele- ork fashion designer au n ts, disturbing imsimages, lan- irybook engagement to ktiage and some drtdrug refer-_ Jr.-like son of New . ^ ------teensy probloblem. She’s still legal- & ^^raH riO illIl ^ . Af ly m arriedid to her high school ■ ■l_Hcre! I I Santa Clause i beau (JosIosh Lucas) back in ^ZPonderous, disapiappointing HiCksvllle.c, Ala.i Were this you- 1 ^ •eQuel to the beguUingng 1994 orig' can-go*homi>me-again comedy not I m ______F ro m :______telaaUIklmjtHkSa ______Iial. Jim Allen’s Santa.ita.discovers-----so-esseniiallially-warmheartetlrits— |K Atiause in his contractict Ithat gives S o uthernn ster^eotypess might I a 3-D Simla's CttsHe ftif tO M . bim but 28 days lys before seem offensi:nsive, but lt’s possible M|L T o w n :______Iristm as to find a1 wifew while that Witherlerspoon could charm B $ 3 Eachh raping with the havoc/oc wreaked the grim faC'face off an undertaker. ' J H by a replica tempora3ra.£y^anta Rated PG*1;•-13; language. 1 hour, j | F Santa's Hours:■s: tack at the North Pole*ole. There’s 42 minutes. m m i m i L L A m _ D E C IM B E R 6 7 H N G A G E MVIENT- Subscrc r i b e . 7 3 3 -0 9 3 " ^ tylallto:Th0i-Times"-T ^ A t on . lh» M H a m ttlta d h0€ttll a 0» .j News, Insidele Sj a le s ^ P.O. Box 5 Twin Falls. ID0 ^I 3 3 0 1 y

SpH a r r«tt e t Centar for S nkr A r t sB and1 Bcianea MPOif ^

'ifiXHO'^^LABO^Sf S■roiSTOT: SI«oniii laiffaBCBTBi

jring the musip o^.^ • ■ ------^Monnhtihelm S te a m f o lf e ^ CMsto|itMrClatBk«andRaIRadMl Tracy Fridoy...... 8;16pm f o y o•Ml* i V eil's! i ...... 8:15pm ’ s. -0:40 'tssr./IS M ffi-,! T r a c y -C l aFUSING u ! ...... 8;16pm ' Sew & Used CD's IMty 7.00 . 0:30 - Ufed DVL^D's, Videos & Video Cai FILER - Robin andi^Tmcy Ki SMSOnn o f . Sk • Sw 12.-4S • 4:00 - TOO - 0:30 Games of Filer announce the engage- Miwm BMiloHI. ment of their daughteiuer, Rachel US'" MV 7:00. 7:20.0:40-0:99 Robert ^ S> • Swi 12:90 - 1:20 - 3:30 - 4:20 i i c - T l f t . Marie Tracy, to ChristopaopherVera Expeffer’9 n c © ' 7.-00-7:20-0:40 •«:»$ - De Niro 7 ^ Oausing. son of Mike}and an Brenda Jipml»d007DteAnodiiirP»»lH § ^ Oausing of West Valley,ley, Utah. tnOhlStOi o r y a n d I Sm -sun 7:20 . e ^ 7 3 4 -- i 2 7 5 8 ^ ^ ^ ^ Tracy attended Ida:[dahoState, ^ m ystery.y.of.Chrlsfmas.- _ \ ^ y s ' University in Pocatell '.i()B ka.iittsBy./vj. zr^ i t llv ^vipiHiui iZxtZojllT • lello. She is crirtnv ...... 7;00pm ^ employed at the ISI ■HnHtiiy -Hnus C^xii A/Vnuiiy-i^ihinlny ^i c*; ixuvlitj’ L ^ S o , : ; I Union...... m Clausing served1 anda LDS Tuesdoy ...... 7:00fm B Mission in Georgia. Hne e: is attend- ing U tah S ta te UniveFilerLDS worof'SPORAUSHOWS... W w . Sub 12So^^2Tis°i’4’^ . 7:10 . BOO*— 'tS'Sttaca— ^ "— MraesgftH>tJfrtMMrgtwir= ■DDBDtlllfl— iB ti I III teswoiW«W» »9FAMUt» ^ r h r i H K „(elou«l «^>43"j I t i a i i m HarrettMCanterHourt, HMYPBBgOmnhBTflfScmttt^ », ■ ■ m Tiiesdays&FiI Fridays... 9:30au-9pu . I s S - - • ■ Wed.&ThuoiuwJay8..9.^0AiM:30PM aC»«vWlnhBilUl«f lo^:y«l ._7:30 ^ ^KITCHII^H IIG IC ______IpuJbu _ “ (ou»M Hoott: Opin Mon-Fh I0m-7i CUMB>SU) Sundays a Mondays ^ £ ^ 7 ^ . 0 0 0 ; I-7MI • Su t0in.7ni • Ciouo SSm B M w n^ ; FreeI otadmission to oU • x , . , r . ■ :t QQllerte!ries an d museurn i f f f r Cea«Tcnt)ht ^ HomBcofTm I I •t7ill) ^ cacumtt } SMttik ------amsaiy * % t 1 h e C ^tier o f U A ll" [311(31^ > i SriMk PtavJ■vlw Ton)jhtBt7dO . ‘TW h C h Mr a rntx«t9flo -| roS sj 1_!3^tmldohonw^amcl l i Blue Ldk«< B lv«jl N . t Flier Ave^ DK«nb«.e.2002_^2 'r - . 1

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i i i i i i i i - y ------. .. .. ------ComlniIng Saturday.,^ ' i N s ii ------tocalsporlsTr; ------______C • IndianapolisUs ^Colts WR • ------NBA...... D2------r— — -Harrison sets ns records-his-way.^------_Sy rs ------^ ------^ ^ ^ — -— 5 hc^l-jmcs-Nc'4 c w s - ^ ------;------I^ridayiyrJ3ecembcr6r2002e 2 ------^------Scccioirl)^^

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_ SEORISQUOTk, ir Force mor)m w ithN a\vy son rootsts forF

> I think I’m delle f in ite ly tore— , , cuterthanln h e r . u A Y I CSI womene n d o w n — ^ ■ SLCC , whilh i l e • ; -Adisplnml, ocWBd P r e ii. player j in'Army football hi:fiistory to e r raise ftve.chchildren, by packing m en fall 86-S6-83 Gianist'i^ilrifitmlJemiiy be listed as a team captatJain twice groceries, flipilipping burgers and Shochyajth-ixpirp,,mih,,}„ 5 e a s tr ERUTHERFORD, N.J. - in i his career. doing whatever^er he could. TheTlmeyWews n Gardnier served eight “For him to play footbi[ball and There wasi a a four- or five-year he the "Anm years in) tlthe Air Force. She has a beI there ^ d keep his grarades up period in early eai 1900s when SALT LAKE crrv. CI Utah - KouniUvLfio "I Japan serving as a Navy and s all the things he hass done,< I Gardner remarlarried, but Holmes’ Andrea Sivnkova's'a's layup at the an with a Marine division, am s extremely proud ofDf him,” stepfather diedied of a heart attack ^ y j buzzer moved the College of hililllicltthloUk i/i and anothi)ther relative in the Coast Gardner ( said in a telephonijne inter- in 1995. Southern Idaho wonwomen’s basket- Guard. view\ from her home in Decatur,D “T h ey d iddn’’t ri have a lot of ball team to undvfiidvfeatud in the But whevhen It comes to football Ga. ( things they waiwanted at particular Armyrmy defensive end co^aptaln S cenic West'est ------:------and thee .Army-Navy game at What makes that accoromplish- times,” GardneIner said of her chil- ciaielaience Holmes (9d) tU nds onI tlthe Athletic Conference Giants Stadium St on'Saturday, ment r even more remarki T r i v i a ‘kable is dren. **Just Jiethe struggle of single rmy sideline Nov. 9. with a 63-61 victorytory Gardnerr isi: an Army fan without the t obstacles Holmes hadi tot over- parenthood can cai have an impact . over previously Q uestion: hesiuidon.on. c >siy come to get from the subiiburbs of on the children,en. We always had a ht. u n b eaten and No. ach'won th e' .Her sorson, difensive'lineman ' • A/ tlanta to th e plains of ol West strong faith in < leeds forced him to postpone : : Which NHL coacl in God and discussed " 14.rankc