scarface the rapper download torrent the rapper download torrent. Share game: SCARFACE THE WORLD IS YOURS. Rate SCARFACE THE WORLD IS YOURS. Overall: 8.57 /10 (380 votes) You haven't rated the game. Description of SCARFACE THE WORLD IS YOURS. Scarface: The World is Yours is an arcade game (TPP) released in 2006 by Sierra Entertainment. The game was released for PC (Windows), PlayStation, Wii and XBox. A game based on the events of the film The Man with a Scar from 1983. Here, you play as Tony Montana just before the attack of the gang on his property. (If you watched a movie, you know how it ended - here you can write a continuation of Tony's story). After escaping from the property, you stay with nothing - you have to build your empire again by accumulating money and respect in a gangster environment. Scarface: The World is Yours Download (2006 Simulation Game) It's time to "make way for the bad guy" in this adaptation of Brian De Palma's 1983 film starring Al Pacino as Cuban drug dealer Tony Montana. The game picks up where the movie left off, albeit with the stunning revelation that Montana isn't dead. Montana survives the assassination attempt and vows revenge on the kingpin who nearly put him out of commission: Alejandro Sosa. Players assume the role of power-hungry Montana in his bid to reclaim his cocaine empire and extravagant lifestyle. This, of course, means resorting to graphic violence and colorful profanity as a means of "persuasion." Montana can freely explore 1980s Miami and its surrounding islands as he tries to amass a fortune by smuggling drugs. Along the way, players must purchase fronts for laundering money, defeat rival gangs, elude capture from the DEA, and discover creative uses for a chainsaw. One notable feature is the ability to target individual body parts, with stylish moves rewarded in "balls points." As Montana flexes his machismo, he will gradually build to a blind rage, a temporary state that switches the default third-person view to a first-person perspective with time-slowing effects, allowing players to inflict heavy damage. Another key element is the lack of loading screens while visiting different areas of Miami, including such familiar haunts as Freedom Town, the Babylon Club, and Lopez Motors. As he earns respect and power, Montana can use a satellite phone to hire henchmen, request vehicles, weapons, and other tools of the drug trade. The game also features Al Pacino's likeness as Tony Montana, and several film actors have lent their voices to the project, including original cast members Robert Loggia and Steven Bauer. Screenwriter David McKenna, whose film credits include American History X and Blow, penned the game's original storyline. The 1983 cult movie 'Scarface' essentially served as a hub for enormous film talent. With guys like Brian DePalma (director), Oliver Stone (screen writer) and Al Pacino (lead role) getting together to make a movie, it was not only a box office hit, it inspired people from all walks of life - aspiring movie directors and wannabe gangsters alike. The movie tells a tale of a Cuban immigrant, Tony Montana, in his struggle to become the drug baron of Miami. Now if there is one thing I learned from this movie (seeing it as an 8-year-old kid for the first time) is that chainsaws are not only used for cutting tree logs and that enormous amounts of powdered sugar make you do crazy things like refer to assault rifles as 'little friends.' (From that point on, I'd always blow the powdered sugar off my cakes.) As I grew older (and not much wiser), I sort of understood the real message of the movie: 'You live by the sword, you die by the sword,' the saying goes. Turns out I got that all wrong. In the 2006 video game adaptation of the classic silver screen hit, 'Scarface: The World is Yours,' 'You live by the sword, and others die by your sword. Period.' The final scenes in the movie where Tony (who shoots more smack than the entire art establishment of New York City) storms out of his study room and gets riddled by a hail of bullets, does in fact give certain closure to the life of violence that he led. It shows him as being powerless and weak. The criminal masterminds remain hidden in the shadows while he is left exposed and yelling like an idiot. In the game, the players are required to take a giant leap of faith as Tony successfully escapes the death trap of doom and starts out fresh in Miami from scratch. He loses all of his reputation, all of his balls (you get to have thousands of balls in this game) and all of his money. along with the exotic stuff like pet tigers and pet women. Your task as a player is to rebuild his empire and help Tony regain his position in the city of Miami. I can understand how the designers wanted to avoid literally remaking the movie in video game form, but I still somehow believe that would have been better than the extremely flakey and far fetched idea of Tony actually being able to work in the city again after an army of mercenaries stormed his stronghold with automatic rifles. His friend may be little and pack a helluva punch, but he's not Kim Jong-il for crying out loud. In terms of how the game is played, Scarface is very much a clone of the Grand Theft Auto games. Gamers are presented with an entire city to conquer. You can go where you like pretty much, and car jack anyone that you feel like, just as long as you keep your cop heat and your gang heat sufficiently low (otherwise, it will be pretty hard to stay alive by simply going from one end of the city to another). In Scarface, however, the mission structures, as well as its main goal, are devised differently. The main goal would be to restore your shattered drug empire, and in order to do that, you will be required to partake in a management game of sorts (dealing as much coke as you can, and getting rid of the rival gangs). As you buy more assets and gain more reputation, more gangster lifestyle accessories will become available. The story sort of takes a back seat to this, which is very different from a game like GTA: Vice City. And this is where Scarface the game fails. Simply put, the random missions are repetitive and they soon get very boring. There are a number of good missions too, but they are too far and in between to truly make a difference. Ultimately, restoring your empire is a tedious practice in random violence and reckless driving, which can keep the player occupied for only so long. The action itself is decent enough with a great implementation of sound and visual effects (Tony Montana is voiced by a relatively unknown actor who does a good job overall), but the PC version clearly suffers from the dreaded porting effect. The controls are very sluggish and just feel disjointed in the PC version. 'Scarface: The World is Yours' works better on the consoles. That only adds to the often frustrating mission design. Consequently, the fun factor in the PC version of Scarface has a rather limited reach. The level of gore in the game is pretty high, and that is mostly understandable; 'The World is Yours' strives to retain the ruthless atmosphere of the movie. Tony can execute enemies from point blank range (in a pretty gruesome fashion) and go into berserker mode of sorts (reminiscent of the final scenes in the movie). Somewhere along the way, the gore transforms into cheesy comedy, however, as Tony's constant smartass remarks make him appear far more cartoonish than anything else. In the game, Tony often sounds like a failed stand-up comedian on smack. Still, 'Scarface: The World is Yours' is a full featured game in a sense, and if you are not that particular about the consistency of the Scarface story or its characters in general, there will be a number of missions for you to enjoy. Again, I simply got bored with the rather generic nature of the gameplay after a while (especially because it wasn't backed up with a more interesting story), but that may well be due to the fact that I am jaded. Regardless of that fact, the GTA-style games are like good humor - those who don't have a knack for it usually don't register when they've crossed that fine line. They try too hard and ultimately fail. Come to think about it, it would be great if the fine line was on the edge of a mine field; that would get their attention eventually, but that's another story altogether. The whole 'thing' about 'Scarface: The World of Yours' may appeal to some gamers (teenagers mostly [ironically]), and the action can get pretty fun at times. On the other hand, the downsides become increasingly apparent as you play on, and are likely to turn away those of you who don't measure the maturity of your games by the amount of gore and macho bullshit contained in them. And, also, those of you who are looking for a bit more creativity in the design department. Scarface the rapper download torrent. Scarface is one of the unsung icons of Hip Hop. A true pioneer, he was one of those responsible for putting Southern Hip Hop on the map. As part of the and especially as a solo artist, his three decades in the game left an indelible mark on Hip Hop, with a string of classic songs, albums, and guest appearances. His history of depression, drug (ab)use, and suicidal tendencies shine through on most of his recordings and gives his music a more authentic feel than that of most other artists. Make no mistake: Scarface is one of the best lyricists in the Hip Hop game, ever. From his solo albums, we have selected our top 15 Scarface songs. Agree? Disagree? Discuss in the comments! 15. I'm Dead (1991) The last track from Scarface’s solo debut Mr Scarface Is Back . Even though the album eventually reached gold status, it is still somewhat of an overlooked early gangsta rap album, and not often mentioned when it comes to staples of the genre. It should be though because it’s an excellent album start to finish and easily one of the best albums in Scarface whole catalog – and that’s saying something. “I’m Dead” closes of the album on a perfect note – it’s an eery short story in which Scarface finds out he is – you guessed it – dead. 14. Game Over ft. Dr Dre, Ice Cube & Too Short (1997) “With no hesitation I got a team to come clown ya / I down ya, so let your people know what they face / With the type of individual that’ll bomb a sub-station / Kaboom! and everybody dies outside / There ain’t no escapin’ the Reaper so don’t try…” You can’t go wrong with a Dr Dre beat, and this cut is just one example of Dre’s brilliance as a producer. With Dre also laying down some guest rhymes and with Too Short doing the intro and Ice Cube on the hook, this is a star-studded collabo and one of the musical highlights from Face’s fourth album . 13. Mental Exorcism (2015) “But loyalty versus greed equals f*** that / I need to talk but there ain’t no one to listen / Lost inside a mental exorcism…” From his 12th and supposedly last album , this track (available only on the Best Buy extended edition) shows us Scarface still can deliver the goods. Part of the better half of his discography, Deeply Rooted easily is one of 2015’s best Hip Hop albums. 12. Look Me In My Eyes (2000) “Sometimes I wanna die, maybe I’ll be free / Free from all this bullsh** that’s constantly surrounding me…” From his somewhat underrated sixth album The Last Of A Dying Breed – which was a definite return to form compared its predecessor (which was a commercial success, but which was also too long and had too many guests) – this is a typical Scarface joint and one of the album’s stand-outs. 11. Money And The Power (1991) “Deep in the heart of South Park lurks a stalker / S.A. fool, native Houston South Parker / Born and brought up to be a heartless motherf***** / No one else to blame, f*** it blame it on my mother…” After establishing himself as the Geto Boys‘ main rapper, Scarface proved he could easily carry a whole album by himself. Mr Scarface Is Back was an excellent debut with virtually no weak spots, “Money And The Power” is just one of the many dope tracks from that album – one of Nas’ top 10 favorite Hip Hop albums. 10. Smile ft 2Pac (1997) “Now as I open up my story / With the blaze of your blunts / And you can picture thoughts slowly / Up on phrases I wrote / And I can walk you through the days that I done / I often wish that I could save everyone / But I’m a dreamer…” Released not long after the violent death of 2Pac, this collaboration became one of Scarface’s most popular and best-known songs and the centerpiece of his fourth solo album The Untouchable, which went platinum quickly – not in the last place on the strength of this classic track. 9. No Tears (1994) “Now the funeral is over, and all the tears are dried up / N***** hanging tape on the cut getting fired up / Looking for the n**** who pulled his pistol on my homie / An eye for an eye, so now your life is what you owe me…” The Diary is one of Scarface’s best albums, if not his very best. After a classic debut and a somewhat uneven second album, Scarface came back strong in 1994 with The Diary , considered his magnum opus by many. “No Tears” is a dark and emotional tale about murder and revenge and exemplifies the rawness and realness of the whole album. 8. Mr Scarface (1991) “I play a game but the game ain’t roulette / Slangin ‘caine is the thang and I bet / That there’s a lot of wannabe Scarfaces / I’ve heard the name in ninety-nine different places…” The opening track of Mr Scarface Is Back is a more or less a continuation of “Scarface”, one of the lead tracks from the Geto Boys’ Grip It! On That Other Level album. Laced with samples from the classic Scarface movie starring Al Pacino, this is another story about crime and violence – a chewed out subject matter without a doubt, but few do it better than Scarface does. 7. In Between Us ft Nas & Tanya Herron (2002) “I know you hate me, don’t you / I bet you sit and wish my time never came / You probably rather see me die in the game / You probably rather see me die in a plane Well y’all see me up on top of my dough…” From arguably one of his best three and most consistent albums, The Fix , this is a dope collabo with fellow Hip Hop legend Nas and singer Tanya Herron on the hook. 6. Diary Of A Mad Man (1991) “Dear Diary, I’m having a little problem / I can’t make it by myself maybe you can help me solve em / I’m confused and I don’t know what to do / I’m hoping you can help me cause there’s no one else to talk to / I want to die, but it ain’t for me / I try to talk to my dad, but my old man ignores me / He says I’m delirious / And I drink too much, so he doesn’t take me serious / But little does he know I’m really losing it / I got a head, but ain’t no screws in it…” One of Face’s favorite tracks from himself, this is as dark as Scarface gets. Violent fantasies combined with real life insecurities, depression, and suicidal tendencies. Heavy stuff, but boy does it sound dope. 5. Hand Of The Dead Body ft Ice Cube (1994) “We got this whole motherf***** on a mission / Now the whole entire world’s gotta try to come up with a quick decision / They claim we threats to society / And now they calling on the government to try and make somebody quiet / For the bullsh** they done to me / Gangsta Nip, Spice-1 or 2Pac never gave a gun to me…” This is another classic track from Scarface’s monumental The Diary . A powerful commentary on the rap game and particularly its critics, with epic verses from both Face and Ice Cube. 4. On (2002) “Every day it’s been the same old thang on my block / You either working or you slanging cocaine on my block / You had to hustle, cause that’s how we was raised on my block / And you stayed on your hop until you made you a knot…” One of Scarface’s biggest singles from one of his best albums, has Scarface paying tribute to his home-turf, always a favorite subject for Hip Hop artists. 3. Now I Feel Ya (1993) “A new day , brings a new problem to a brother / And all I gots ta say is thank god for my mother / Cause without my mommy dear my life would’ve been joke / Either locked up playin’ dead and still slangin’ dope but nope / The lord he had a plan for me / And with his help, my mother made a man of me…” The World Is Yours , Scarface’s second album, may not be the strongest of his whole catalog, but there still is plenty to enjoy. “Now I Feel Ya” is one of Scarface’s best and most impressive songs without a doubt. Seven minutes of heartfelt soul-searching, this track is signature Scarface. 2. I Seen A Man Die (1994) “And can’t nobody change this / It’s nineteen-ninety-four and we up against the same sh** / I never understood why / I could never see a man cry, til I seen a man die…” One of Scarface’s most recognizable singles and the centerpiece of the all around excellent The Diary . As deep and introspective as Scarface can be, this is a legendary track and one of Scarface’s very best. 1. A Minute To Pray And A Second To Die (1991) “Life goes on in the streets of my hood when you die / But some cry, and gets by, while others choose to wonder why…” The atmospheric lead single from Scarface’s debut album Mr. Scarface Is Back features a brilliant interpolation of Marvin Gaye’s “Inner City Blues”, and is a perfect example of how an instrumental can serve to enhance the potency of the lyrics. Classic. Scarface the rapper download torrent. Always go into a film unsuspecting. Director : Keywords : Scarface full movie download hd 1080p, Scarface movie free download, Scarface hd movie download, Scarface full movie torrent, Scarface movie download in english, Scarface full movie download utorrent, yify subs, yts subs, yify, yts, download Scarface kickass with english subtitles, Scarface full movie download, Scarface full movie with english subtitles. It has a very dramatic score in true Giorgio Moroder style , which simply could give you chills, or bring you to tears. Cartel not Mafia Remake of the 1932 film, which follows the rise of Tony Montana, a Cuban emigre who, with his friend Manny Ray, builds a strong criminal empire in early 1980's Miami. The dialogue is also excellent, see-sawing comfortably between humour and drama. Synopsis Tony Montana manages to leave Cuba during the Mariel exodus of 1980. He finds himself in a Florida refugee camp but his friend Manny has a way out for them: undertake a contract killing and arrangements will be made to get a green card. He's soon working for drug dealer Frank Lopez and shows his mettle when a deal with Colombian drug dealers goes bad. He also brings a new level of violence to Miami. Tony is protective of his younger sister but his mother knows what he does for a living and disowns him. Tony is impatient and wants it all however, including Frank's empire and his mistress Elvira Hancock. Once at the top however, Tony's outrageous actions make him a target and everything comes crumbling down. Tony Montana manages to leave Cuba during the Mariel exodus of 1980. He finds himself in a Florida refugee camp but his friend Manny has a way out for them: undertake a contract killing and arrangements will be made to get a green card. He's soon working for drug dealer Frank Lopez and shows his mettle when a deal with Colombian drug dealers goes bad. He also brings a new level of violence to Miami. Tony is protective of his younger sister but his mother knows what he does for a living and disowns him. Tony is impatient and wants it all however, including Frank's empire and his mistress Elvira Hancock. Once at the top however, Tony's outrageous actions make him a target and everything comes crumbling down. Uploaded By: Downloaded 256,519 times Nov 01, 2015 at 01:15 AM. Uploaded By: Downloaded 1,383 times January 24, 2018 at 06:19 PM. Anon at the top however, Tony's outrageous actions make him a target and everything comes crumbling down. Synopsis Tony Montana manages to leave Cuba during the Mariel exodus of 1980. Tony is protective of his younger sister but his mother knows what he does for a living and disowns him. Sincere is impatient and wants it all however, including Frank's scarface 1983 torrent yify and his mistress Elvira Hancock. Amportant Announcement: if you download from Google Drive, please change the extension first from. Have a problem with audio. So stop complaining - many of us watch these movies using standard speakers, or met in tv speakers. He's soon working for drug dealer Frank Lopez and shows his mettle when a deal with Colombian drug dealers goes bad. DJ Scarface. DJ Scarface Presents It Ain't A Hit Til Nate Dogg Spits On It! (Remixxxes EP) DJ Scarface - Emergency Broadcast. DJ Scarface - Hell Breaks Loose. St. Laz (Bury Me In Brooklyn) (Mixed By DJ Scarface) Traffic - Highway Robbery (Hosted By DJ Scarface) Betrayl - The Problem And The Answer (Hosted By DJ Scarface) DJ Scarface & Big Cas - Push It To The Limit. DJ Scarface - We Want In. DJ Scarface - Becoming A Don (Hosted By Betrayal) 01. Betrayl Intro 02. Betrayl - Becoming A Don (Prod. By The Faculty) 03. Styles P ft. Cormega - Use Mad Clips 04. Tony Moxberg ft. Hell Rell - Money,Drugs,Jewellery And Life 05. Prodigy - Bang On Em 06. Beanie Sigel - Return Of The Bad Guy 07. Stack Bundles ft. Riot Squad - Riot Or Diet 08. A-Million ft. Star Crimes, Supreme & D-Dash - Taliban (Dissin Tru Life) DJ Scarface - Mind Over Matter (Hosted By St.Laz) 01-St.Laz FT. Pottersfield - Brasco Killas (Produced By RG) [4:28] 02-Gail Gotti FT. Kurupt & Stylez -Too Gangsta (Produced By J Wells) [3:46] 03-Keith Murray - Weeble Wobble [3:37] 04-Raekwon - Cocaine World [3:36] 05-St.Laz FT. Pottersfield - Best Of The Best [4:38] 06-J-Hood - Metal Holder (Freestyle) [1:10] DJ Scarface Presents Fly Boys. 01. Jo Jo Pellegrino - Snitch 02. Killa Sha - M'z Up Freestyle 03. Raekwon - Roof Top 04. Lloyd Banks FT. Rakim - You Know The Deal 05. Mobb Deep FT. Nyce - It's Like That 06. Ali Vegas - Rebirth of My Testimony 07. Frankie Yale - This Is Real (Freestyle) 08. Nucci Reyo - Breathe These Streets 09. Nucci Reyo - Copy Cat 10. A-Mafia - 500 4 Da Pants 11. Ty Nitty - N.I.T.T.Y (Produced By Scarceli) 12. Tragedy Khadafi FT. Betrayl - Drama 13. Mobb Deep FT. 40 Glocc - Hood Rich 14. St.Laz - Oh Oh (Produced By Deranged) DJ Scarface - The Untouchables. dj scarface_the untouchables/01-St.Laz - Intro.mp3 445.71 KB dj scarface_the untouchables/02-St.Laz FT. Opium - The Keys (Scarface Exclusive).mp3 2.23 MB dj scarface_the untouchables/03-Cormega - Ghetto.mp3 1.03 MB dj scarface_the untouchables/04-Raekwon FT. Betrayl - Untouchables (Produced By Blunt).mp3 3.44 MB dj scarface_the untouchables/05-Lake - Hot On The Block (Produced By Q- Butta).mp3 2.48 MB dj scarface_the untouchables/06-Saigon FT. Trae Songz - Pain In My Life (Produced by Cocoa Chanelle).mp3 3.62 MB dj scarface_the untouchables/07-Agallah The Don Bishop FT. Kool G Rap - Right Now.mp3 2.94 MB dj scarface_the untouchables/08-A-Mafia - Interlude.mp3 333.06 KB dj scarface_the untouchables/09-A-Mafia - Dont Get It Twisted (Produced by Bullet,Blaze,Gotti).mp3 2.80 MB dj scarface_the untouchables/10-P-Major - Major Motion Picture.mp3 3.05 MB dj scarface_the untouchables/11-Sam Scarfo - Body Bag (40 Cal Diss).mp3 4.26 MB. DJ Scarface - Makin' Noize N Da Hood. 01-Intro (Beat By Trakillaz) 02-Jo Jo Pellegrino - Staten Advance 03-Trife Da God - Mob Brough 04-Illa Ghee - My Image 05-Nyce - Im Trappin 06-Nyce - The King 07-A-Mafia - Stay Comin Out Da Bank 08-AZ - Vendetta 09-Big Cas - Look In The Mirror (Produced by Hotch) 10-Stack Bundles - Sucker For Love 11-Taj Mahal - Interlude 1 12-Taj Mahal - When I Pop The Trunk 13-Taj Mahal - Interlude 2 14-Taj Mahal - No! 15-Gilly The Kid & B Dot FT. Nucci Reyo - How We Roll 16-Rain - Its Yours Freestyle 17-Flame FT. P-Major - Heard It Here First (Produced By Saver) 18-Mobb Deep FT. Nyce - 4 Give Me Father 19-Mobb Deep FT. Nyce - I Originate 20-Prodigy FT. ST. Laz, Nore & Nature - Cold Blooded Killa 21-DMX FT. Jadakiss & Styles P - Its Personal 22-Rick Ross - Pushin It 23-Rick Ross - Where My Money (Produced By The Runners) 24-Nyce - Rider 25-A-Mafia - Hot Boyz (Freestyle) DJ Scarface - Discography (12 Mixtapes!) The Badman Returns. This Is The Life. Legal Crack Money. I Got That Product. Back To What Matters. Crack On Delivery. Say Hello To My Little Friend. Money, Hoes & Dro. The Mixtape Game Is Mine. Cost 2 B Da Boss. DJ Scarface - The Crack King. 01. St. Laz - Intro [0:31] 02. St. Laz - Glass (Prod. By Venum) [3:35] 03. AZ - The Format (Prod. By DJ Premier) [3:02] 04. Lloyd Banks - Special [2:11] 05. St. Laz - MySpace Hoe's (Prod. by Neotempus) [4:01] 06. Uncle Murder - Shootin Missin [3:39] 07. Nas - Where Y'all At [3:46] 08. Mobb Deep ft. 50 Cent - Nightmares [4:34] 09. Ali Vegas - Interlude [0:12] 10. Ali Vegas ft. St. Laz - Don't Start [2:32] 11. Royal Flush - Stick You Up [3:04] 12. Lake ft. Cormega - Snitch Niggaz [3:57] 13. Red Cafe - Diddy Bop [2:52] 14. Red Cafe - Mr. Me Too [1:38] 15. Liveson Gang - Streets R Starvin [3:46] 16. J Hood ft. Sheek Louch - Nobody [3:28] 17. Wyclef ft. Fat Joe, Styles P & Snype Life - Gun Talk (Prod. By Green Lantern) [2:58] 18. Stack Bundles - Nigga U Fool [3:22] 19. Dramills ft. Stack Bundles - Bust My Gun [3:52] 20. Ali Vegas - Stress (Prod. By Cookin Soul) [2:18] 21. JR Writer - What Set You Claim [2:48]