
Winterborne Stickland

Application Type: Approval of Reserved Matters Application No: 2/2017/1772/REM

Applicant: Mr & Mrs Thomas & ATT Builders Ltd Case Officer: Ms Charlotte Haines

Recommendation Summary: Approve

Location: Land South Of The Old Malt House, Clenston Road, Winterborne Stickland, ,

Proposal: Erect 2 No. dwellings (Reserved Matters application to determine access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale following grant of Outline Planning Permission No. 2/2015/0136/OUT).

Reason for Committee Decision:

At the request of the Head of Service

Description of Site:

The application site consists of land to the south of the Old Malt House, a grade II listed building situated in the village of Winterborne Stickland. The site is located on the eastern valley side of the river Winterborne with land rising from the road frontage at the west to east. The frontage of the site is located in flood zones 2 and 3 but the development itself is located in flood zone 1. There is no access to the site presently from Clenston Road as the highway frontage currently consists of hedgerow and tree cover.

The application site is located within the village settlement boundary and designated conservation area of Winterborne Stickland. The site partially falls within a designated Important Open or Wooded Area (IOWA) and is the subject of an area Tree Preservation Order (TPO). Extensive tree coverage exists on the eastern, western and southern boundaries of the site. The application site is also situated in the Dorset Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) landscape.

Planning Policies:

Local Plan:

Policy 1 - Sustainable Devt. Policy 2 - C Spatial Strategy Policy 3 - Climate Change Policy 4 - The Natural Env. Policy 5 - The Historic Env. Policy 6 - Housing Distribution Policy 7 - Delivering Homes Policy 15 - Green Infra. Policy 23 - Parking Policy 24 - Design Policy 25 - Amenity 1. 9 Important Open or Wooded Areas

Planning policy and guidance:

The following sections of the NPPF are considered relevant.

7. Requiring good design 6. Delivering a wide choice of high quality homes 10. Meeting the challenge of climate change, flooding and coastal change 11. Conserving and enhancing the natural environment 12. Conserving and enhancing the historic environment


Agricultural Land Grade - Grade: GRADE 3 Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty - Name: Dorset Conservation Area - The Winterborne Stickland Conservation Area Flood Zone 2 - Floodzone Type: Flood Zone 2 Flood Zone 3 - Floodzone Type: Flood Zone 3 Parish Name - : Winterborne Stickland CP Settlement Boundary - Name: Winterborne Stickland TPO - Charge Description: Area TPO 71/1/68 Winterborne Stickland. The several trees principally Ash, Beech, Elm, Lawson's Cypress, Sycamore and Yew. A2 Ward Name - Ward Name: Bulbarrow Ward


Winterborne Stickland PC Consulted on the 21 December 2017, their comments dated 23 January 2018 are as follows: The Parish Council Object for the following reasons:-

. Proposed exit is dangerous and unacceptable due to bends in road resulting in poor visibility. . Use of man-made materials is not reflective of the Conservation Area or setting of Listed Old Malt House. . Proposed development, in terms of its use of materials, is not supported by village design statement. . Environmental study is inaccurate as site is haven for large number of bats in warmer months of year and regular roost for tawny owls. There is a badger run through the site. Recommend full and comprehensive environmental assessment of site to understand impact of development on local ecology.

Transport Development Management - DCC Consulted on the 21 December 2017, their comments dated 8 January 2018 are as follows: No objection subject to conditions.

Historic Consulted on the 21 December 2017, their comments dated 8 January 2018 are as follows: No comment.

Conservation Officer South - NDDC Consulted on the 21 December 2017, their comments dated 29 January 2018 are as follows: See below.

Wessex Water Consulted on the 21 December 2017 There was no response from this consultee at the time of report preparation.

Principal Technical Officer NDDC Consulted on the 21 December 2017, their comments dated 10 January 2018 are as follows: See below.

Tree Officer South - NDDC Consulted on the 21 December 2017, their comments dated 10 January 2018 are as follows: See below.

Bulbarrow Ward Consulted on the 21 December 2017 There was no response from this consultee at the time of report preparation.

Principal Technical Officer NDDC Consulted on the 12 January 2018, their comments dated 25 January 2018 are as follows: No objection - Based on the information provided in drawing number 11, the drainage proposals appear satisfactory.

Tree Officer South - NDDC Consulted on the 12 January 2018, their comments dated 15 January 2018 are as follows: No objection - All outstanding queries have now been addressed in respect of Trees and Landscaping and the detail submitted within the revised reports is satisfactory.


1 letters of representation were received, of which 0 offered comments which neither supported nor objected to the proposal, 0 objected to the proposal and 1 supported the proposal.

. Proposed dwellings have been sympathetically designed to have minimal impact on their listed property.

Relevant Planning History:

Application: 2/2015/0136/OUT Proposal: Develop land by the erection of 2 No. dwellings. (Outline application to determine Access and Scale). Decision: Approve Decision Date: 22.05.2015

Planning Appraisal:

Description of Development The proposal is a reserved matters application following outline approval for Access and Scale. The outline planning application 2/2017/0833/FUL received planning permission with only illustrative information supplied in respect of layout, appearance and landscaping. The reserved matters application now seeks approval for all matters which includes appearance, layout and landscaping.

The development shown includes a 2x two storey detached dwellings. The dwellings would be located roughly the same position as those shown on the indicative layout at outline stage. The proposed dwellings would have a flat roof design and uses a mix of brick and flint on the lower walls and natural timber boarding on the upper walls under a grey GRP roof sunken behind lead capped parapet walls. The plots would be enclosed by hedging and separated by a 1.2 metre high post and rail fence.


The matters of principle, scale and access were determined by the outline permission. Therefore, the remaining matters of appearance, layout and landscaping are to be considered having regard to the following considerations:

. Design and Impact on Character of the Conservation Area . Listed Buildings . Impact on AONB . Trees and Landscaping . Highway Safety . Drainage . Biodiversity

Design and Impact on Character of the Conservation Area and Listed Buildings

The design and use of materials for the proposed dwellings will determine their appearance. The application site is located within the Conservation Area and to the south of a Grade II Listed Building (The Old Malt House). In considering the impact on heritage assets special attention has been made to section 72(1) of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 that requires special regard to be paid to the desirability of preserving or enhancing the character or appearance of a conservation area. This is reflected in Policy 5 of the Local Plan Part 1 (2011-2031).

It was noted at outline stage that the site is well screened from public views in the conservation area. However, the proposed dwellings would be situated at an elevated positon on rising ground from the road. The ground continues to rise behind the propose dwellings and there are trees planted on this higher ground. Furthermore, the proposed dwellings would be set back from the road and would be read against the backdrop of the land and trees beyond. It was concluded that due to the distance of separation and landscaped setting the proposed dwellings would not have a detrimental impact on the character and appearance of the conservation area.

The roadside hedge would be replanted to provide new access splays. This will slightly open up the site resulting in increased visibility of the development from the road. The C20 infill housing to the south of the site is significant distance away from the listed building and is visually screened by the IOWA. In contrast, the proposed dwellings are sited close to the garden of the Listed Building and would be separated by a hedge.

Indicative drawings at outline stage showed a contemporary design for the dwellings. Whilst the design was illustrative, it did assist in determining the scale for the proposed dwellings.

It was noted at outline stage that the flat roof design would enable the scale to be kept low and unobtrusive. The proposed dwellings in comparison to those illustrated at outline stage are further reduced in height. Officers consider that the contemporary approach would suitably juxtapose with the historic buildings located to the north. Therefore, the principle of a contemporary building with the setting of Listed Building is supported.

The contemporary flat roof design has been taken forward in this reserved matters application. Concern in relation to Plot A which is closest to the Listed Building have been addressed. The key concern related to the boxlike form and increasingly greater massing to the upper storey which would be visible from the Listed Building and its setting. This increase in mass and bulk of the proposed dwelling was due to the elongated span of the side elevation which would run parallel with the garden boundary of the Listed Old Malt House. It was not considered to be sufficiently recessive to safeguard the listed building setting. The conservation officer also considered the arrangement of the proposed windows to be adhoc and lacking continuity.

Whilst the use of timber was supported, the conservation officer raised concerns over the use of GRP for the roof. The parish council also objected to the proposed materials as the illustrative proposals at outline stage indicated that natural and local materials would be used. They also cited the example of the GRP roof and considered that the use of non-natural materials would not be sympathetic to the character and appearance of the conservation area, the setting of the Grade II Listed Old Malt House and would be contrary to the principle of the Village Design Statement.

Amended plans were submitted which has reduced the length of the northern wall of the proposed dwelling at plot A. The amended elevations for Plot A show a substantially reduced bulk and massing of the north side elevation. It is considered that the proposed dwelling would not appear visually prominent within views from the Grade II Listed Old Malt House. Thus, the proposed dwelling would not result in harm to the setting of the Listed Building.

The amended drawings show that the dwellings are constructed of a mix of brick and flint with a coursing to match the Old Malt House on the lower walls with timber boarding above. It is considered that the materials are sympathetic to the character and appearance of conservation area and the Listed Building. Brick and Flint is one of the materials listed in the village design statement. The use of timber boarding left untreated would ensure that the proposed dwellings blend into the wooded backdrop of the site, minimising the prominence of the buildings.

The GRP roofing material has been retained in the amended drawings. However, it is noted that the material will not be visible as the walls have been designed with a form of parapet to obscure this. The amended plans show that leadwork will be applied to the capping of the parapets. Given that the only visible part of the roof would use a traditional material, it is considered that the roofing material for the proposed dwellings is acceptable and will not affect the setting of the listed building and the character and appearance of the conservation area.

Given the above considerations, and subject to full material samples being agreed by the LPA before the commencement of development, the design, appearance and impact of the proposed development on the character and appearance of the area are considered to be acceptable.

Impact on AONB

In terms of the impact of the proposed development on the AONB, this formed a key consideration at outline stage. It was considered that there would be glimpses of the development from public rights of way in the Dorset AONB approximately 1km to the south west. It was noted at this stage that the proposed dwellings would be viewed against the backdrop of the rising valley side behind and tree cover. The reduction in glazing, the use of natural materials in conjunction with their low profile and suitable landscaping would ensure that the proposed dwellings blend in with the wooded backdrop and as such would have an acceptable visual impact on the wider landscape setting from the AONB.

Trees and Landscaping

Sufficient detail has been submitted with the application to adequately protect retained trees. The proposed mitigation measures both during and post construction is considered to be acceptable by the tree and landscape officer.

The proposed tree and hedgerow species are considered suitable with a good range of species which are likely to provide benefits to the locality both visually and for biodiversity.

Further to the submission of a revised post construction landscaping scheme with the inclusion of the cherry tree, the tree and officer have confirmed that all outstanding concerns have been addressed. It is therefore considered that the proposed dwellings would have an acceptable impact on the trees. A suitable hard landscaping plan can be conditioned to ensure external spaces are sympathetic to the rural and wooded character of the site and are compatible with the proposed soft landscaping.

Highway Safety

The proposal would result in the creation of a new access from Clenston Road. The parish council raise concerns over the proposed access as they note that previously there was commitment to move the hedge adjacent to the road back to improve the vision on both vehicles exiting the site onto the Clenston Road and those travelling in either direction on the Clenston Road.

However, access was as approved at outline stage. The site layout submitted with this reserved matters application shows the approved access. This was clarified on an overlay plan subsequently submitted by the agent. The site layout plan also shows the new hedge line which is set back from the road as per the approved access plan. In respect of layout, the proposal will provide adequate parking and turning space within the site for both dwellings. Furthermore, DCC Highways raise no objections.


The site is in an area that is subject to springwater flooding and consideration should be given to the problem of potential groundwater infiltration to the proposed drainage systems. It was therefore advised by the Council’s technical officer that a condition be added requiring details of foul and surface water drainage.

A drainage plan was subsequently submitted which was considered acceptable by the technical officer and on this basis, a condition can be added that works be carried out in accordance with this plan.


The application for outline permission was accompanied by an ecological survey and biodiversity mitigation plan (BMP). The BMP has been certified by Dorset County Council's Natural Environment Team and subject to implementation in accordance with the requirements of the BMP the impact on habitat and biodiversity is considered acceptable. Due to the lapse in time since the last survey was prepared, it is now out of date. For this reason, a new ecological survey and biodiversity mitigation plan was prepared by David Leach Ecology. This report was an update to the original report.

The parish council raised concerns over the accuracy of the survey due to observations of bats, tawny owls and presence of a badger run on the site. On this basis, they requested that a full environmental assessment of the impact of development on biodiversity.

The ecologist who prepared the survey and biodiversity mitigation plan responded to these comments in full. They confirmed that the survey was undertaken at the optimal time of year and the reports acknowledged that the site is used by bats for foraging although these are in the surrounding woodland fridge and neighbouring IOWA.

However, they confirmed that there are no bat roots present on the site. They also confirmed that there are no owl roosts within any of the trees on the site and that any owl activity around the site would not be affected by the presence of the proposed development. In respect of badger setts, they confirmed that no badger setts are situated on or near the site, nor is there any evidence of badger foraging activity within the site. The proposed development should not prevent any badgers from commuting across the site subject to standard mitigation measures.


It is considered that the proposed dwellings would have an acceptable impact on the setting of the listed building and the character and appearance of the conservation area. The proposed development would also have an acceptable impact on the amenities of the neighbouring residents, would not impact on protected species and would have an acceptable impact upon protected trees. The proposed access would be acceptable with regard to its impact on highway safety and flood risk.

Recommendation: APPROVE subject to conditions.


1. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out strictly and only in accordance with the following approved drawings and details: forming the approved application. Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and to clarify the permission.

2. Prior to the commencement of building works above foundation level samples of the materials to be used in the external construction and finish of approved dwellings shall be made available on site and retained in that location thereafter for the inspection and approval of the Local Planning Authority. Any such samples shall require approval to be obtained in writing from the Local Planning Authority and the development shall thereafter accord with the approved materials. Reason: To safeguard the character of the locality in the interests of preserving the character and appearance of the Conservation Area.

3. Prior to the commencement of building works above foundation level, detailed drawings (at a scale of not less than 1:20) showing the design, materials and construction specifications of external doors and windows shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and the development shall thereafter accord with the approved scheme. Reason: In order to ensure that the details are of sufficient standard.

4. The location of any meter boxes to be installed externally shall be approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority before development commences. Meter boxes must be fitted in accordance with the details of that scheme prior to the occupation of the development. Reason: To ensure works are carried out in a manner consistent with the character of the building and/surrounding area.

5. The foul and surface water drainage from the land including the means of dealing with surface water running on to, through or off the site, shall be carried out in accordance with drawing number 11. The approved scheme shall be implemented before the dwellings are occupied. Reason: To minimise flooding and the risk of pollution.

6. Prior to the commencement of building works above foundation level, full details of hard landscape proposals shall, by reference to site layout drawings of an appropriate scale, be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The details shall include, as appropriate, the following information: (a) Hard surfacing materials. Reason: To ensure the provision of amenity afforded by appropriate landscape design.

7. The development hereby approved shall accord with the steps set out in the approved Arboricultural Method Statement and Post Construction Landscaping prepared by Guy Lowndes and dated October 2017 setting out how the existing trees are to be protected and managed before, during and after development. Reason: To ensure thorough consideration of the impacts of development on the existing trees.

8. The protected species mitigation proposals set out in the approved Protected Species Survey and Mitigation Report dated October 2017; shall be undertaken in full before the development hereby approved is first brought into use and shall be maintained in the approved condition permanently thereafter. Reason: To ensure adequate habitat is provided and protected to accommodate protected species.

Human Rights:

This Recommendation is based on adopted Development Plan policies, the application of which does not prejudice the Human Rights of the applicant or any third party. Public Sector Equalities Duty (PSED): As set out in the Equalities Act 2010, all public bodies, in discharging their functions must have “due regard” to this duty. There are 3 main aims: Removing or minimising disadvantages suffered by people due to their protected characteristics. Taking steps to meet the needs of people with certain protected characteristics where these are different from the needs of other people. Encouraging people with certain protected characteristics to participate in public life or in other activities where participation is disproportionately low. Whilst there is no absolute requirement to fully remove any disadvantage the Duty is to have “regard to” and remove OR minimise disadvantage and in considering the merits of this planning application the planning authority has taken into consideration the requirements of the PSED.



DO NOT SCALE Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey mapping with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office © Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. North Dorset District Council LA Licence Number LA078778