About the SQLyog program: Can I use SQLyog with the Windows emulator on .

Yes - most often you can. We have had reports of users successfully doing so for quite a while. We have tested that with the beta WINE releases from 0.9.1 to 0.9.10 (the most recent as this is written) from http://www.winehq.com/ . The test is done with SLACKWARE and SUSE LINUX 10. The KDE and the GNOME desktops as well as some simple X-Windows -styles have been tested. There was some display problems with 0.9.9 (a lot of new graphics routines were included with this one and some were buggy). But it has worked with every one else. Also note that at this very time (March 19th 2006) SQLyog 5.1 is in beta and some of the new 'auto-complete' features are not fully functional under WINE yet. We know that and will fix that in near future.

SQLyog is fully functional under WINE/Linux. Even the SJA for Windows is! However there are some cosmetically problems with fonts. SQLyog has been compiled with native Windows libraries ('API's) that assume existence of the basic Windows' fonts on the system. Without them menus etc. is not displayed very beautifully by WINE. You should install the 'Microsoft Core Fonts' in WINE. They are - for instance - available from here (due to licensing restrictions the WINE distributors can't include them in WINE). To install type from a command shell shell> wine path/fontname.exe and repeat for each font There also are some error messages regarding fonts control displayed by the command shell used to start SQLyog with WINE, but nothing that prevents the functionality of the program (and it is undoubtedly is a bug with WINE itself). If the 'Core' fonts won't work properly on your system you may need to reduce your desktop resolution to 1024. But that depends on your graphics hardware and drivers. Also a CRT monitor might work better than a LCD monitor. You can try to change the font's settings of the SQL pane and the DATA pane from 'preferences'. The font 'Bitstream Vera Sans' that is a part of most Linux distribution works fine for instance. That will make the content of these panes readable, but it will not solve the problems with the not-so-beautiful menus. The 'Core' font packages are preferable. You will also notice some 'flickering' when resizing the program window, but that is a Wine issue!

You must install SQLyog to a folder where you have read, write and execute privilege. Here we shall - for simplicity - see how to install for one user only (user 'me' ( = you ) ) in the user's own folder tree. The installation directory in the example here is /home/me/programs/sqlyog. This example assumes a file systems' mount similar to the standard installation of most distributions. Then do like this:

Page 1/3 (c) 2009 Webyog URL: http://www.webyog.com/faq/content/5/71/en/can-i-use-sqlyog-with-the-wine-windows-emulator-on-linux. About the SQLyog program: Can I use SQLyog with the WINE Windows emulator on LINUX.

1) Install WINE if you don't have it already. If your version is not recent consider to upgrade. WINE is a systems' component and you must refer to the docs of your LINUX distribution for information on how to do this. And next install the 'Core' fonts.

2) Get the common SQLyog installer for Windows. Place a copy in your home directory ( /home/me ). All SQLyog editions (Community, Professional, Enterprise, Ultimate) will work. Registration information is saved by Wine exactly as on a 'real' Windows. The SQLyog installer is packaged with some redistributable dll's. They are available on Win NT systems, but not on Win 9x and Wine. To ensure that those dll's are copied during the install you should configure WINE to emulate Win 9x at install time. You can use the WINECFG utility for that. However it is default, so if you never changed it, it should be OK. After the installation you may change back to emulate a NT-based system.

3) Install by opening a command shell in your home directory and type shell> wine SQLyogEnt42.exe ( or whatever the program version) the installer starts, runs and terminates quite as on Windows. Choose the folder /home/me/programs/sqlyog for installation. The installer creates it if it does not exist.

4) To execute SQLyog for instance open a command shell and type shell> wine programs/sqlyog/SQLyog.exe

.. and you are up and running. Picture below shows SQLyog 5 running on SUSE Linux 10 with the KDE desktop. Three connections are open at the same time: 1) MySQL 5.0.16 running on 'localhost' (Linux) 2) MySQL 5.1.3 running on a Windows machine on local network (in front) and 3) MySQL 3.23 running on a remote server at an ISP.

To install to a folder not in user's own folder tree and to integrate it into the desktop environment is beyond the scope of this article. Also note that this example does not use the WINECFG utility to map a 'drive_c' (and thus it also does not use the (hidden) folder /user_home/.wine\drive_c\Program Files). You may of course do that as well (and experienced WINE users will probably prefer to do so (refer to the docs on http://www.winehq.com/ for information on that) . But you need not!

Please note: We would also like to receive information on using SQLyog with other *nix-variants, BSD's etc. Just post a comment ("add comment") to this FAQ. Any experience (preferably good ones!) tricks, configuration issues etc. are welcome. And developers with expertise on developing for WINE of course are very welcome too to propose improvements for WINE compability.

Page 2/3 (c) 2009 Webyog URL: http://www.webyog.com/faq/content/5/71/en/can-i-use-sqlyog-with-the-wine-windows-emulator-on-linux.html About the SQLyog program: Can I use SQLyog with the WINE Windows emulator on LINUX.

Unique solution ID: #1056 Author: Peter Laursen Last update: 2006-03-19 01:54

Page 3/3 (c) 2009 Webyog URL: http://www.webyog.com/faq/content/5/71/en/can-i-use-sqlyog-with-the-wine-windows-emulator-on-linux.html