
Abe, Shinzo, 227 101, 120, 146, 147n69, 161, 231; Advantage Partners, 224 extension of, 74; military expedi- advisers (oyatoi gaijin), 1 ence of, 74; New East (publication), Afl ac, 214n12 support of for, 83; termination of, Africa, 66 74, 82, 86. See also Four Powers agency: technology transfer, 2 Pact Agricultural Bank of , 55n25 Anglo- Japanese Bank, 75, 75n42 Aisin- Warner, 206 Anglo- Japanese Commercial Treaty Alcock, Sir Rutherford, 64 (1894), 63 Allgemeine Elekrictäts Gesellschaft Anglo- South American Bank, 119 (AEG), 165 , 213, 213n10. See also (ANA), 224 Bank of Chosen Aluminium Company of America Apple Inc., 222 (Alcoa), 178– 79 Apple Japan, 222 Aluminium Company of Canada Armstrong Whitworth, 161, 161n17 (Alcan), 179 Arthur of Connaught, Prince, 83 Amaya Naohiro, 189 Asahi Benberg Silk Company, 177. Amazon Japan, 222 See also Asahi Silk Textile American Jewish Association, Company 100n23 Asahi Glass Company, 178 American Tobacco Company, 153 Asahi Match Company, 161n14 Amsterdam (Netherlands), 79, 87, Asahi Oil, 163n22 103, 110 Asahi Silk Textile Company, 177, Anglo- Dutch Shell Group, 163 177n70. See also Asahi Benberg Anglo- Japanese alliance (1902– 1923), Silk Company 3, 62, 64, 75– 77, 84– 85, 98– 99, Ashikaga Bank, 214n15 270 Index

Asia, 30, 39, 42, 106, 106n41, 132n37, Banque Franco- Japonaise, 104– 5, 150– 51. See also East Asia; India; 131 Southeast Asia Banque de l’Indochine, 65 Associated Oil Company, 163– 64, Baring Brothers, 75– 76, 99– 100, 164n23 100n24, 107, 125 Australia, 44, 70n36, 84– 85 Baring Crisis (1890), 66, 78 Austria- Hungary, 33 Beach, Sir Michael Hicks, 67 Belgium, 23n55, 30, 32 Babcock and Wilcox Company, 169 Benberg, J. P., 177 “bad loans crisis,” 214 Berlin (Germany), 4, 79, 87, 102– 3 Bagehot, Walter, 66 Bertie, Francis, 75– 76 Baker, George F., 108 B. F. Goodrich, 174 Balfour, James, 84 big bang (biggū ban) reform policy, Banca Italo- Britannica, 119 188n8, 209– 14, 238 Bank of Chosen, 55n25, 213. See also bimetallic standard, 12– 13, 39– 40 Aozora Bank; Bank of Korea “black ships,” 9, 237 Bank of En gland, 2, 18n37, 45, 66, 68, Bland- Allison Act (1878), 32 68n26, 69, 69n30, 70, 73– 74, Boer War (1899–1902), 66– 68, 70, 77 76– 77, 99, 103, 113, 118, 123, Borneo, 163 161n17; Bank of Japan and, 78, 80, Boyd & Company, 152 82; Bank of Japan, and security Brady, Anthony N., 164– 65 reserves, confl ict over, 119– 20; , 174 “gold devices” of, 78– 80 Britain. See Great Britain Bank of India, 225 British Empire, 63, 68n26, 83; naval Bank of Japan (Nippon Ginkō), 23– 24, power of, 84– 85 46, 46n55, 50, 55n25, 68, 69n30, 98, British Royal Commissions, 36n24, 108– 9n46, 113, 118, 123, 230; Bank 37n27, 38n31 of En gland, and security reserves, Bryan, S., 48 confl ict over, 119– 20; En gland, Bull- Dog Sauce, 225 lending to, 78, 80, 82; silver coinage, Burger King, 221 convertible to, 26–27; zero-interest- Burger King Japan, 221n21 rate policy (ZIRP) of, 228 Bush, George W., 226– 27 Bank of Japan Law (Nippon Butterfi eld and Swire, 152 Ginkōhō), 228 Bank of Kansai, 214n14 Cadbury Japan, 224 Bank of Korea, 55n25. See also Bank Cadbury Schweppes, 224 of Chosen Cain. P. J., 65 Bank of Taiwan, 55n25 Canada, 68n26, 84– 85, 179 Bank of Tokyo, 207 capital: as defi ned, 87; imports, 234, Bank of Tokyo- Mitsubishi UFJ 236. See also foreign capital (MUFJ), 214 Capital and Counties Bank, 96