Senate the Senate Met at 2:30 P.M
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E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 164 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, MAY 8, 2018 No. 74 Senate The Senate met at 2:30 p.m. and was Mr. PORTMAN thereupon assumed and Detective Gibson were killed. Next called to order by the Honorable ROB the Chair as Acting President pro tem- week is National Police Week, and I PORTMAN, a Senator from the State of pore. will have more to say about the her- Ohio. f oism of the professionals who put f themselves in harm’s way every day to RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME keep others safe. Today the Senate PRAYER The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- honors the memories of these four fall- The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- pore. Under the previous order, the en heroes. fered the following prayer: leadership time is reserved. Mr. President, on another matter, Let us pray. yesterday, the Senate advanced the Almighty God, unto whom all hearts f nomination of the first of this week’s are open, all desires known, and from CONCLUSION OF MORNING judicial nominees, Judge Kurt whom no secrets are hidden, continue BUSINESS Engelhardt. Those who join him on this to be our refuge and strength. Guide latest slate for consideration are each The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- our Senators. Let Your peace rule in well qualified. Each has received thor- pore. Morning business is closed. their hearts. May Your Spirit dwell in ough examination from the Judiciary them richly, imparting Heaven’s wis- f Committee, and each stands ready to dom. Lord, give them steadfast hearts, EXECUTIVE SESSION serve on the Federal bench. which no unworthy faults can drag NOMINATION OF MICHAEL BRENNAN downward. Following the confirmation of Judge Lord, bless America. Make her a EXECUTIVE CALENDAR Engelhardt, the Senate will proceed to channel of justice, peace, and goodness the consideration of Michael Brennan to our world. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- of Wisconsin to serve as a U.S. circuit We pray in Your strong Name. Amen. pore. Under the previous order, the judge for the Seventh Circuit. Mr. f Senate will proceed to executive ses- Brennan’s nomination comes as only sion and resume consideration of the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE the latest distinction in a career following nomination, which the clerk marked by truly impressive legal ac- The Presiding Officer led the Pledge will report. complishments. In both public service of Allegiance, as follows: The senior assistant legislative clerk and private practice, this graduate of I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the read the nomination of Kurt D. Notre Dame and Northwestern Univer- United States of America, and to the Repub- Engelhardt, of Louisiana, to be United lic for which it stands, one nation under God, sity School of Law has developed a rep- States Circuit Judge for the Fifth Cir- utation for a keen legal mind and an indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. cuit. f unwavering commitment to the rule of RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY LEADER law. APPOINTMENT OF ACTING The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- According to current and former PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE pore. The majority leader is recog- peers on the Milwaukee County Circuit The PRESIDING OFFICER. The nized. Court, Mr. Brennan has ‘‘the mind, clerk will please read a communication HONORING FALLEN U.S. CAPITOL POLICE heart and soul of a great jurist’’ and a to the Senate from the President pro OFFICERS ‘‘keen understanding of the legal issues tempore (Mr. HATCH). Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, an in sophisticated and complex litiga- The senior assistant legislative clerk important tribute took place in the tion.’’ read the following letter: Capitol this morning—the fifth annual Like Judge Engelhardt, Mr. Brennan U.S. SENATE, memorial service for the four U.S. Cap- has my full support, and I encourage PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, itol police officers who have died in the my colleagues to join me in voting to Washington, DC, May 8, 2018. line of duty. Sergeant Christopher confirm another fine nominee this To the Senate: Eney, Officer Jacob Chestnut, Detec- week. Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, tive John Gibson, and Sergeant Clinton TAX REFORM of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby Holtz were remembered with a wreath- Mr. President, on a final matter, it appoint the Honorable ROB PORTMAN, a Sen- ator from the State of Ohio, to perform the laying in the Capitol Visitor Center. seems that every day brings another duties of the Chair. This year’s ceremony marked the piece of good news for middle-class ORRIN G. HATCH, 20th anniversary of the 1998 Capitol workers and families and, like clock- President pro tempore. shooting, when both Officer Chestnut work, another desperate attempt by ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S2533 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:55 May 09, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A08MY6.000 S08MYPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S2534 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 8, 2018 my Democratic colleagues to convince NOMINATION OF GINA HASPEL performance and indicated that she everyone that this growing tide of new Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, when I acted appropriately in her role as it re- prosperity is somehow a bad thing. was a kid, I used to like to read the lated to carrying out her supervisor’s In the last few weeks alone, the per- comics in the newspaper every day. orders. Again, she was not the one who centage of Americans who are unem- Usually, it was some interesting cari- actually destroyed the tapes but, rath- ployed, underemployed, or who have cature of real life that was particularly er, acted on her supervisor’s instruc- given up finding a job has dropped to a funny. Yet the sorts of caricatures we tions to draft a cable that she expected 17-year low. Recently, new jobless have been seeing in the past few days to be vetted with the appropriate au- claims reached their lowest level since about the President’s nominee to the thorities and policymakers within the 1969, and the total number of Ameri- CIA are not funny and are not comical CIA structure. cans who are receiving unemployment at all. What we have seen is a gross Mr. Morell himself added a statement benefits is as small as it has been caricature of this woman’s distin- following the memo’s release that Ms. since—listen to this—1973. guished 33-year career. I am talking Haspel did not destroy the videotapes Let me put that another way. Not- about Gina Haspel at the CIA. of the enhanced interrogation tech- withstanding 45 years of population Our Democratic colleagues are stuck niques that were used on post-9/11 de- growth, there are fewer total Ameri- in the past. They are trying to, really, tainees. He said that she did not over- cans receiving unemployment benefits tag her with some of the more con- see their destruction either, and she under President Trump and this Repub- troversial episodes during the after- did not order their destruction. lican Congress than at any other point math of 9/11. The fact is, that is a cari- Nevertheless, I will bet one is going under Presidents Ford, Carter, Reagan, cature of her three decades of hard to hear a lot about this at tomorrow’s Bush, Clinton, Bush, or Obama. We all work and service in spanning the globe hearing before the Senate Intelligence know economic indicators can be vola- while working in the intelligence com- Committee. It is unfair to focus on an tile, and Washington is far from the munity and trying to keep America isolated event in an attempt to try to only force behind them. In fact, getting safe. They, of course, need to get their suggest that she acted inappropriately the Federal Government out of the way facts straight regarding the episodes when her supervisors, including the is often the solution. The headwinds they complain about. The fact is that Acting Director of the CIA, found no fault with her actions, and any allega- that blew in the face of American en- they have all been investigated, and tions that she bore personal responsi- trepreneurs and small business owners Gina Haspel has been exonerated. They bility for destroying the videotapes for 8 years have died down. Now the are wrong to ignore everything else she have been affirmatively disproven. wind is at their backs. has done in her career, as well as the In December 2017, after just 1 year of We know from her career timeline fact that she will be the first woman that was produced by the CIA that Ms. Republican policies, optimism among Director of the Central Intelligence American manufacturers hit the high- Haspel spoke French and Spanish prior Agency—someone enormously popular est level ever recorded. In large part, to joining the CIA and learned Turkish with the rank and file in her having that is because Washington had gotten and Russian. That is interesting be- come from within their ranks. cause, in fact, we can’t know a lot in a out of their way. Back in 2013, more The particular episodes that we will than 75 percent of manufacturers said public setting of some of her classified hear talked about tomorrow at the activities as a member of the Central an unfavorable business climate from open hearing before the Senate Select taxes and regulations was a top con- Intelligence Agency.