Quantum computation and complexity theory Course given at the Institut fÈurInformationssysteme, Abteilung fÈurDatenbanken und Expertensysteme, University of Technology Vienna, Wintersemester 1994/95 K. Svozil Institut fÈur Theoretische Physik University of Technology Vienna Wiedner Hauptstraûe 8-10/136 A-1040 Vienna, Austria e-mail:
[email protected] December 5, 1994 qct.tex Abstract The Hilbert space formalism of quantum mechanics is reviewed with emphasis on applicationsto quantum computing. Standardinterferomeric techniques are used to construct a physical device capable of universal quantum computation. Some consequences for recursion theory and complexity theory are discussed. hep-th/9412047 06 Dec 94 1 Contents 1 The Quantum of action 3 2 Quantum mechanics for the computer scientist 7 2.1 Hilbert space quantum mechanics ..................... 7 2.2 From single to multiple quanta Ð ªsecondº ®eld quantization ...... 15 2.3 Quantum interference ............................ 17 2.4 Hilbert lattices and quantum logic ..................... 22 2.5 Partial algebras ............................... 24 3 Quantum information theory 25 3.1 Information is physical ........................... 25 3.2 Copying and cloning of qbits ........................ 25 3.3 Context dependence of qbits ........................ 26 3.4 Classical versus quantum tautologies .................... 27 4 Elements of quantum computatability and complexity theory 28 4.1 Universal quantum computers ....................... 30 4.2 Universal quantum networks ........................ 31 4.3 Quantum recursion theory ......................... 35 4.4 Factoring .................................. 36 4.5 Travelling salesman ............................. 36 4.6 Will the strong Church-Turing thesis survive? ............... 37 Appendix 39 A Hilbert space 39 B Fundamental constants of physics and their relations 42 B.1 Fundamental constants of physics ..................... 42 B.2 Conversion tables .............................. 43 B.3 Electromagnetic radiation and other wave phenomena .........