Appendix F Basin Review Committee Pierce County Public Works and Utilities – Sewer Utility Unified Sewer Plan Update Pierce Count y Public Works and Utilities Bria n J. Ziegier, P.E. Director 9850 64th Street West
[email protected] s University Place, Washington 98467-1078 (253) 798-4050 Fa x (253) 798-4637 March 3, 2010 U-100023 Honorable Mayor Peter B. Lewis City of Aubum 25 West Main Stree t Aubum, WA 98001-499 8 RE: Reques t fo r Appointment to the Basin Plan Review Committee . Dear Honorable Mayor Peter B. Lewis: Pursuant to the provisions of Pierce County Code 2.84 and RCW36.94.050, Pierce County i s to maintain a Basin Review Committee whose fiinction i s to review sewerage and/or water general plans and subsequent amendments in accordance with the membership criteria contained i n those provisions. The committee's functio n i s to review sewerage and/or water general plans and subsequent amendments t o those plans and provide recommendations to the Pierce County Planning Commission, Council, and Executive. Under Pierce County Code 2.84.020(B), your jurisdiction i s provided representation unde r the followin g provision: One representative chosen at large by a majority vote of the executive officers o f the other cities or towns (less than J 0,000 population) withi n or adjoining the area; Recently i t has been found that many positions on the Basin Review Committee are vacant. Because th e Pierce County Unified Sewe r Plan Update will require committee review, we are asking that al l members and organizations select or confirm thei r representative.