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l2, 1964 dar The MAINE Campus ieatre, Dr. uditorium, 01. LXV Z 2(19 ORONO, MAINE, MARCH 19, 1964 Numb.. 2 ; :30 p.m. Presenta- of Leon- U-M Hosts e Lounge. e Debate District 3

iT Forensics nament in The District Eight Regional De- rds, table bate Tournament opened at U-M begin on today m ith 25 two-man teams corn- the Game reting for places in the National 13.:bate Tournament to be held at West Point in April. SWEEPSTAKES TROPHY—Surrounding their District 8 en- all-points prize from compasses all schools last weekend's New England Forensic Conference at in the New are Emerson College England New U-M Debate Team members, left to right, Royce Flood, York areas. Jenkins, Jan Sharon VARD Churchill, and Stan Sloan. Jan took 1st place in Original This is the first time that this Oratory, Stan placed 2nd in Extemporaneous Speaking, and Royce tournament has been held copped 3rd in Oral Interpretation. at the This is the first time Maine has won University of Maine. The this sweepstakes tourney. They debated Emerson, purpose University of Vermont, of the tourney is to select the )64 Norwich, Boston University, Holy Cross, Bates, Worcester five and University Polytech, hest teams in the district for of Rhode Island, with only two losses, both to Holy Cross. the national competition. The team of Richard Hall and Donald Quigley i. representing Maine. Both Hall and Quigley are seniors in -(15.1 the Col- lege of Arts and Sciences, major- FCC's Lee Gives ing in government. Each college is represented by one two-man team. debating both the award is License affirmative and negative side. al Clean- To ETV The tournament is planned and Free. ; By PHYLLIS MAYO directed by the District 8 Commit- tee, composed Last Thursday marked the official opening of the fourth State of seven professors of Maine Educational from schools within the district. NERS Television Network, WMEB-TV, located in Members the former Women's Gym. of the committee are Dr. 866-3647 James Cameron of Eastern Nazar- An early )4" morning press conference began the event. General ene College: James Hall. Manager John Dunlop St. Johns greeted the reporters, then turned the con- University: Dr. Robert B. Huber. JOY ADAMSON and FRIENDS ference over to the afternoon speaker, Commissioner of Federal University of Vermont: Lawrence Communications Robert E. Lee, for informal comments. Tribe. Harvard University: the Rev. Lee gave the reporters a preview look at the license to be pre- Paul McGrady. College of the Holy sented at Cross: and Dr. Wofford G. Lion the following luncheon. Satirizing government licensing Gard- -Taming Authoress ner, University complications, he had encased the document in red tape. The pres- of Maine. entation was to have been a surprise; Besides teams from these schools. however, another department had that Congress recognizes the prob- there will be groups from Brandeis jumped the gun by announcing the lem but. does not think the govern- University. Boston College. Brook- Relates Tales Of Elsa event to the press earlier that morn- ment should intervene here. The lyn College. City College of New commission By ELLEN ing. has decided to check York. Fordham School of Educa- TOOMEY lioness to kill and fend for herself. Lee hoped the licenses at renewal tion, Fordham that this opening time and College of Arts and lo y Adamsen. author of three in- They succeeded in turning her would activate make any necessary Sciences. a great many more changes. Lee Harpur College. Mar - ternittional best-sellers about her hack into the fierce wild animal stations in the recognized that what mount Manhattan next four or five is accessive College, Massa- Adventures in raising a lion cub to Nature had intended her ts be; !ears. is a very nebulous chusetts There are nine cities in the question hut Institute of Technolog. maturity. w ill deliver an illustrated at the same time. the:, pre- top 100 bracket some standard must he NEddlebury College. w ithout sets to set. The tel- Mt. Holyoke lecture at. the Hauck Auditorium on •rved the bond of confidence and date. Lee evision code permits College. also has hopes for more 27.2% of an Nit. Saint Vincent Colleg... Thursday. March 26. at 8:15 p.m. affection w hh :he had established variety to offer hour for commercials. Nerwich Univer to the public. VL:nk ever. ,ity. Pace College. Adamson will speak of her with her N1:-. Adamson The discu,sion turned Lee warned. "Broadcasters St. Ansel's College. rcl.,:es to corn- should St. John Fish- life in A trlea as the wife of a an a. - - rt of mer.:itils on ETV. he careful not to kill fte er College. TV viewe.-s have et•-• that University of Massa- senior game warden. She will de- this in her first bL•oi.. 2. • • Free. complained :he golden egg. chusetts. and about the excessive - Wesleyan University. crihe she and her husband Elsa went back into the wild, numb:r of commercials. Viewers have also Lee stated complained The tournt •nt s. ill be pout-I-- their tair.e lioness to hunt mated and produced three cubs, about the loudness of commer- matched. This means that in eight and to ss ith ether lions which she brought out of the ba-h cials. They appear louder than the rounds the winners will debate the 'Alen she was no longer with typical maternal pride to ex- CUT RULE shows thentselves. on the chould Advertisers have %inners and the losers will debate !ions "in" Ii .t. hibit to her human friends. This Elimination of the 24-hour technical proof. according is to Lee, the losers. The the episode described in Mrs. cut rule, passed by the Faculty that the tone authoress has lited more is the same. How- The Bangor Alan,-on' second book. Liming Council last week, will not go ever. Room of the Memor- than 25 sear. in the wilds of lannine they use extraneous equip- ial Free. into effect until the fall semes- Union v, ill serve as headquarters Kenya. and has filmed many reels ment to suppress other sounds. Lee l'nfo:-ninately. Elsa did not live ter, 1964. Also, a majority for the tournament. Registration is of the beautiful scenery and excit- of commented that the techniques to care for her cabs. She died from the individual college faculties scheduled for 2 to 3 p.m. ing wildlife. She will show 40 %ere not important; the commer- Thursday a tick-borne parasite. The Fresh. of the University minutes of these films with her Adam- may veto this cials still sound louder, and this in the Bangor Room. The place of sons saw that the cubs Council lecture to p•brsonally acquaint were placed action. These factors problem will have to be combated. the debates her in a game and any information audience with reserse w here they could were not made clear in the There is a possibility the tame lioness course! of using about the progress of the tourna- Elsa and live freely. story which appeared in the her cubs. (Continued on At this time Mrs. Adamson be- March 12 issue of Page Six) ment may be obtained there. and The Adamsons raised Elsa the Campus. from gan a campaign called the "Elsa the public is invited to attend. a cub as a pet and eventually had Appeal.- a project designed to pre- r outfit A luncheon to face the problem of how to dis- Saturday will conclude serve the wildlife of Africa. It is pose of a fully-grown lion: they the tournament events. toward this rroject that she has had to choose between two alterna- ft Bra. Juniors Promenade given her roalties from the Elsa tives. consigning it to a zoo or giv- hooks and her earnings from lec- ing it a freedom which it was unfit turing. to enjoy or even to survive. There will be no admission ty and To Elgart Rhythms They anticipated this dilemma charge for Mrs. Adamson's U-M and worked out a solution. They appearance. "Even Tide" which is part of the is the theme for to- very popular with most of Ameri- deliberately set out to train their annual morrow Spring Arts Festival. loll ars. night's semi-formal Junior ca's dancing and listening audi- Prom. From 9 to 1 juniors and ences. especially college students. their guests will swing to the sound Employing some arrangements by of the famous and his Charles Albertine. Elgart created a orchestra in the Memorial Gym. hand style. "Sophisticated Swing." Falconry Wings Into Hauck Elgart. who began his career as that has swept the nation. The a featured trumpet player One of America's leading with hand's two-beat interpretations are authori- Jim Fowler. "himself a rare bird— , . ties on birds of prey. Jim Fowler, conceived for dancing, but its har- tall, smooth, and downright hand- . Woody will present a lecture-demonstration Herman. Hal monies and counterpoints are some." according to the Rochester McIntyre. and . in the Hauck Auditorium on Mon- in- aimed at the cars of the modern Ad Club. describes how fierce troduced his first orchestra day. April 6. at 8:15 p.m. in musically discriminating and dis- eagles. hawks and falcons are 1947. Booked at This lecture, part of the Spring the Hotel New cerning generation. hunted, trapped and trained. He re- Yorker, they created Arts Festival, is sponsored by a great reac- Elgart has recorded over 15 al- the leases his birds to fly freely in the tion in the music NI Club. Tickets are now available world. A record- bums, in addition to numerous audience. These exceptionally well- ing ban from members of the M Club. issued that year. however, singles, for Columbia Records. They trained creatures engage in con- will be sold at the Auditorium handicapped the group and forced Tickets for the Prom Box trolled flight to return, on will be Office on Monday. command, Elgart to disband. available free to April 6, from to their master's arm. all juniors tomor- 10:00 a.m. Jim also gives In 1953 Elgart reorganized his row in to 2:00 p.m. and from a demonstration the Memorial Union and to- 7:00 of the ancient art orchestra and has since become morrow p.m. on. of falconry night at the door. LES ELGART and explains its age-old In his program at the University. traditions. Orono, Maine, Page Two THE MAINE CAMPUS Orono, Maine, March 19, 1964

Review the COFFEE HOUSE THE' APACHI coffee. conversation. and 'Faustus' Heralds New Epoch In Masque Plays paperback, Frith (Close By RICHARD S. SPRAGUE wood Reynolds), and Female Devil we are privileged to be reminded of Friday Afternoon: Dr. Four hundred years ago last month Christopher Marlowe. (Lois Ingeneril. Hamlet. whose creator was born in Shoenburger will lead the Generally. the resources of the April. 1564, two months after whose Tragical History of Doctor Faustus opens tonight on the discussion Hauck Auditorium Stage. was born. In 1564 there was no perma- new theater have been imaginative- Marlowe. Coming before Shakes- ly demonstrated by Director Her- Friday Evening: Open nent theater in London. Twenty-five years later, when Doctor peare's tragedies. Faustus was a ful- schel Bricker and assistant Al Cy- Sunday Evening: whE Faustus was first produced. London had several theaters. both rus. fillment and a promise; the public and private. That the Maine Masque has chosen this play FIRESIDE CHAT Seeing Doctor Faustus at this Masque's current production deliv- 65%a for its first offering in its new quarters is appropriate. The produc- University in this anniversary year. ers both anew. Mr. Norman Tronerud tion is not merely commemorative, it marks, as did Marlow's with a discussion of art. good plays for the theater of his day. the commencement of a new epoch in the University's theater history. Hillel Members To Hear Zinger As Faustus, Al Duclos properly towers above all the others in the clown between them provide the Discuss Israeli Problems Sunday cast. Both in the soliloquies. which truest Elizabethan comic flavor are amplified to set off tonally the Of the spirits summoned for the Mr. Zvi Zinger, director of youth writer emigrated to Israel from Eng- BEN SKLAR searching introspection and the delectation of Faustus. the Seven training programs in the Jewish land in 1950. vaulting ambition of Faustus' char- Deadly Sins (Allan Finn. Karen Agency's Youth Department, will In England Zinger was principal acter, and in the dialogues. Duclos Garvey. Tim Amero. Donna De- speak on Israel's problem of church of the Bachati Institute of Jewish OLD TOWN taLes confident command of the Courcey. Deanna Slye, Joanna Hill. and state at a Hillel sponsored sup- studies and a leader of Religious role. Even when some of the mid- Kent Mathews) speak and move per in the Memorial Union on Sun- Zionist Youth. dle scenes threaten to dissolve the well collectively; but their cos- day at 6 p. m. In Israel he was a member of tumes are not consistently well Kibbutz Lavee in Galilee: Director main theme. it is he who supplies problem of church and state prepared. In fact, the costumes of The of "Hodayot-. the settlement's the right momentum to the action. Israel's most pressing and most of the lesser characters, of is one of Youth Aliya Institution: Director of His reading does full justice to is mixed with the Arab's pro- Marlewe's blank verse. which there are admittedly many. the Cultural Division of the Relig- do not register well in the nounced aim of destroying Israel Satisfy ingly sinister is Steve Mer- ious Kibbutz Movement; and editor more brightly illuminated down- as a state. Anitrdim. ritt's Mephistophilis. who in man- of the movement's nation- stage scenes. The conjuring up of ner and facial expression is adept, The Polish born educator and al organ. Alexander (Bruce Glanville) and though he never convincingly ap- his Paramour (Judy Dillaway ) goes pears damned, as it is important well, and that of Helen of Troy APPLIANCES that he should. In the two scenes THIBODEAU'S (Barbara Davis) is not disappoint- when Belzebub (Maruti Achanta) Barber ing though at dress rehearsal Shop LINOLEUMS * "' RUGS and Lucifer (Bob Tancredi) ma- her unstable elevation from the terialize. their incisive playing orches- Barbering BEDS tra pit was an undesirable Expert CHESTS DESKS with Faustus and Mephistophilis if unin- tentional bit of stage is excellent: sound and lighting symbolism. At Reasonable Prices effects coordinate to give some of Dance has been ably interpolated We Specialize in Faustus. Female dancers are Free Delivery the most engrossing moments of in Flat Tops the play. Karen Knowles. Choreographer. Ritty Burchfield. Carol Hanson, Other notable features of the ECONOMY FURNITURE Bonnie Zink. Ann Fulton. Barbara Closed on Thursday performance include the auditory Knox. Male dancers are Tom Win- Railroad Station, Old and visual images of the Good An- Town sor, Dennis Hass, Joe Raymond. 35 No. Main St., Old Town gel (Priscilla Walters) and the Carrol Tel. 827-2484 Evil Angel (Anna Carparelli ). who Marston. The remainder of externalize Faustus' mind memor- the large cast are Attendants (Stan ably. Roy Clark's mischievous. Wentzell and Charles Small), DO YOU THINK AS buoyant Robin and Dave Kennedy's Magicians (Bob Rand and Sher- MUCH OF YOUR CAR Epicures. Gourmets and THETA Hungry People CHI AS YOU DO OF YOUR STOMACH? are seen at the APACHE PARTY ME FORD ROOM Friday Night MEMORIAL UNION (Closed Party) FILL UP at RAPID TRANSIT SERVICE STATION Stop in for a What's all the Fuss About? complete list of "ON THE WAY TO THE INTERSTATE" COLLEGE OUTLINE SERIES STILLWATER AVENUE NELSON CLASSICS when tl CRAIG THE TAILOR MODERN LIBRARY SERIES at 65% DA WILL CLEAN IT AND THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MAINE CHAPEL Thomas &35% I BETTS BOOKSTORE of St. of Canterbury Corner of Chapel Road CLEAN IT WELL 23 CENTRAL ST. & College Avenue in Post (one block from entrance to campus) BANGOR HOLY WEEK—March 22-29 slack Palm Sunday 7:45 A.M. Holy Conununion SPECTRUM BANGOR !JOH 10:30 A.M. Morning Prayer R 10:50 A.M. Holy Communion PLAID SHIRT, OPERA HOUSE HOUSE OF HITS Solemn Reading of the Passion hi 6:30 P.M. Evening Prayer SAILCLOTH OW—ENDS SAT. ENDS FRIDAY This is the fat Monday thru Wednesday SOUTHAMPTON that makes n "ALL 5:00 P.M. Holy Communion sleek good tool. THE WAY • glow-together: in Maundy Thursday able durabilit) HOME" 6:45 A.M. Holy Communion New Tempo colors Grads are the Jean Simmons 4:45 P.M. Holy Communion hy authentics that Robert Preston 5:45 P.M. (St. James', Old Town) and taper you Solemn High Eucharist and-true tailore Altar of Repose loops, tradition SUN., MON., TUES. SAT.-SUN.-MON. Good Friday neat cuffs. Onl Where the Gouls are "MAIL ORDER Colors so lively, they'll light 6:45 A.M. Morning Prayer up your the colors you Ii is where the fun is! BRIDE" whole fashion outlook! Ante-Communion The bold plaid shirt has con- stores you like. "THE COMEDY OF Metro Color 5:30 P.M. (St. James', Old Town) vertible collar and bottom side TERRORS" Buddy Ebsen Altar Liturgy vents ... comes in a light, soft VINCENT PRICE cotton with the bonus of easy "Hillbilly" .care. WIN PETER LOB RE Holy Saturday The long, lithe Southamp- ATRIP TO Kier Dulles 8:00 P.M. (St. James') tons are your favorite San- Pick up your "Destii BORIS KARLOFF forized* cotton sailcloth with Lois Nettleton Paschal contest entry form al BASIL RATHBONE Candle smooth side zipper and pocket. turing the h.i.s label. I Fea. Sat.-Mon. 1:30-3:25-5:20 Easter Spectrum Plaid Shirt, Easy to win! h.i.s o choice of WED. and THURS. 7:1S-9:10 7:45 A.M. Holy C'ommunion (sizes, colors) $5.00 seven diffe with Homily summer to your favc Academy Award Hit! 9:00 A.M. Sailcloth Southampton, Sun. 3:10-5:10-7:10-9:10 (Si. James') (ci7e1, color, ) $7.00 city by luxurious jet. "SUNDAYS & CYBELE" Solemn High Eucharist Orono, Maine. March 19. 1964 19. 1961 THE MAINE CAMPUS Page Three

THETA CHI APACHE PARTY OFFICIAL NOTICE Saltonstall, Peace Corps Team Friday Night RESIDENT COUNSELOR (Closed Party) APPLICATIONS Stress Hardships In Program ci;amour and romance he v4 ill Memorial Union every day The Dean of Men's Office not offer. Instead and the author of Ports of Pik( atuqua, William G. Sal- evening of their stay. Before announced that resident tonstall. director stu- a maritime history of New Hamp- of the Peace dents can take the Placement counselor applications Corps in Nigeria. Test shire. are will offer U-M they must fill out a nou available students monotony, Peace Corps when in 207 Li- illiteracy, mos- Questionnaire that can are quitoes, and be obtained lorarl. Dormitory students a chance to help peo- from Philip J. ple w Ito Brockway, U-M 655 and 35% may pick up forms from need and have asked for Placement Director. their head help. good counselors. All The visit is to recruit volunteer, marks? others may pick up appli- Saltonstall, former principal of to be among the 5,000 volunteers cation Phillips Exeter the etas+, forms in the Dean Academy. N. H.. Peace Corps plans to train this will speak of Men's Office. to students, faculty, and summer for service in Africa. Asia other interested persons Wednes- and Latin America. Applications Will be Lill:- March 25. at 4:15 ac- in the Ban- Mr. Sal:anstall was appointc;_l cepted through gor Room of the Memorial March 27. Union. last March to head the Peace Corps AR A Peace Corps team from Wash- operation in Nigeria, which is the Those N4ho have applied in,inon. D. C. will also be on largest Peace Corps program in in the previous semester campus March 23-26 to answer Africa. arc reminded student questions and to that they administer A Harvard graduate, Saltonstall reappl. th: non-competitive Placement Test. has Honorary Doctorates from This team will man a Peace Harvard. Princeton. Bowdoin, Dart- Corps information Center in the mouth, Williams. and Colby. He is • •

WILLIAM G. SALTONSTALI, - . :•\`-• I '64 Jet-smooth CLASSIFIED Chevrolet Impala Sport Coupe (119-in. wheelbase) Lm: the Campus v. eekh clas ,i- fied often. 75c for 25 words; 5t. thereafter. Deadline Monday noon for Thursday edition. No charges. cash only. Use the cam- pus mail, or put remittance and classified in business manager', mail box in Campus office. FOR SALE-35' X 8' Trailer. 2 Bedrooms. Blue and White. Fur- New Chevelle Malibu Sport Coupe (115-in. wheelbase) nished. Ready in June—$1500. Wayne MacDonald. Schoppe's Trailer Court. Stillw ,tter Ave.. Orono. FOR SALE—Trailer. 42' X 8' Great Lakes. Two Bedrooms. ' Automatic !washer and TV. In good condition. Milford Trailer Park. Milford. ORDERS—For Maine Maple Syrup are being taken by Mrs. '64 Chevy 11 Nova Sport Coupe(110 -in. wheelbase) Marion Bos ce. Call Eat. 464 or Orono. 86614679.

lre hare a high chair when they're for little girls 65% DACRON' THE FORD ROOM & 35% cotton MEMORIAL UNION in Post-Grad 64 Corvair Monza Club Coupe (108-in. wheelbase) slacks by ?I kis. This is the fabric combo '64 Corvette Sting Ray Sport Coupe (98-in. wheelbase) ON that makes music with ers in sleek good looks and wash- Chevrolet will go to any able durability. And Post- length 2/ors Grads are the bona fide authentics that trim you up to make you happy and taper you down. Tried- 47111 OUR FANO!. and-true tailored Things have changed a lot since a Chevy rolet and Chevy II (and between !!‘ with belt was only a Chevy. Especially parking SPECIALTY loops, traditional pockets, your ideas meters, with five whole feet left over). of what you want a Chevy to be. Then, too, there's r, OCEAN FRESII the sporty neat cuffs. Only $6.95 in So now 15-foot LOBSTER II light you have the Jet-smooth Chev- Corvair, so right for so many 11101„," utlookl the colors you like.., at the rolet-17 people (you feet of pure luxury, bumper girls, in particular) that we've never lia.c it boiled. broiled. as con- stores you like. to bumper. The size makes P.- Baked Stuffed. Therrni- arn side it a luxury car. touched an inch of it. And finally, Cor- *Du Pot's Reg. TM for as Polyest.t But not .44 dor or a la Ng.% burg. hr, soft the price. vette—still 141 2 feet and Or you can still too much of easy choose the thrifty Chevy II, for any true sports-car lover to say no to. tha mp- WIN ATRIP TO a 1534-foot family EUROPE car with all kinds of The long and short of it is, you don't Just a fete minute. .T Sara- Pick up your "Destination Europe" passenger and luggage space. have front Orono. Take h with contest to go to any length to find exactly entry form at any store fea- This year, your choice might be the kind of car Hera''''' erit aft pocket. turing the h.i.s label. Nothing to buy! the new you want. Just Interstate Highway 95. Easy to 16-foot-plus Chevelle, see the five different win! h.i.s offers you your sized to fit CHEVROLET lines of cars $5.00 choice of seven different trips this nicely between Chev- at your Chevrolet dealer's. OF summer to your favorite Europe”s 1.11FE PARKING city by luxurious jet. Enter now! THE CRUT 1-!:C!iWAY PERFORMERS Chevrolet • Chevelle • Chevy LI • Corvair • Corvette

Ste Mon at your e rob t Sho«fou Ill Orono, Main Guts! ---/FMAINE CAMPUS-, Studen To the Editor: The caption under the mast head Tryouts fo of the Maine Campus. "A Progres- oratory prodi sive Newspaper Serving a Growing the Memor riala University." was placed there by March 22, a Editor Earl Smith and his staff in workshop prl 961. It's retention must be for Golden Boy I "solely sentimental reasons- since Marriage Pro it has little application to the news- hov. and 71, Bury The Beast paper put out by the present Editor William Gibsi and staff. Under the James With vacation signaling Certainly the "University" is Barush, the return of spring to the cam- still "Growing" but in a manner gram is desii pus in the near future, the cartoon signals the presence of which is subject to debate. As for the beast which often accompanies the fine weather. There the adjective "Progressive" which have been times when, if a poll had been conducted on cam- precedes "Newspaper". the present pus concerning the existence of apathy, one percent would shect scems to lack that essential have answered positively, one percent negatively, and ninety- quality which any truly progressive eight percent would have answered that they didn't care. But newspaper contains — "guts". there is reason to believe that this year could present quite a Perhaps, the new Editor, Miss different story. Zachary, and her staff will supply this There missing ingredient. has been a different atmosphere on campus this George Carter year, an enthusiasm led noticeably by the freshman class. Joel Fastman YOU Maybe this injection of new blood will help invigorate those John R. Buckley jaded upperclassmen who are a trifle ho hum at eethe mention David B. Ferland of school spirit. Maybe we can finally bury the beast this Nancy O'Mara year. Don't forget Maine Day is fast approaching, and if there is one ingredient which can guarantee its sucesA. it is enthusi- • asm in big doses. Meaningful

To the Editor: Rites Wrong As a former student of U.M.P. and having many friends among the present student bodies of both Apparently the movement to de-emphasize athletics in many U. of M. campuses. I naturally take colleges and universities lost its momentum before reaching the an active interest in everyday cam- lounges of women's dormitories, the Memorial Union lounges, the pus happenings and keep up-to-date library doorways and various other publicly accessible campus with current events with clippings sta "playgrounds." But then, these are special athletics—the "public Misplaced ! ! and letters which I receive from my displays of affection"—that are creating problems for deans, ad- friends. visors, friends Recently I read an article entitled and parents. To the Editor: "Fake Do-Gooders". Specifically, the objections directed concerning the are toward those few It is evident to us that some faculty and administration members recent election of a Negro as Win- students whose personal behavior, whose public intimacy, is have been appointed to inappropriate positions. ter Carnival Queen. damaging reputation to the of the school as well as to their own. For instance, Messrs. Chase obviously should be serving on the Cam- The author of this article voiced How does an administrator explain these dormitory couch cases pus Police Force under the direction of Chief Karl Kopp. Messrs. a strong, bitterly worded, personal to an irate parent? Abbott, Bishop, Parsons. and Soule should be associated with the SRA. condemnation of those elements of Most of the offenders are freshmen. Maybe this behavior is Likewise the Drs. Brush should be with the art department while the student population who are al- ways too eager a carry-over of high school going steady habits. Maybe the prob- Mr. Harper and Dr. Fife with music, and Mr. Clapp and Mr. Hamm and desirous to blazon lem of adjustment here at college seeks solution through regres- with the Maine Masquers. forth their heedless, irra- tional manifestations of pro sion an earlier type of adolescent behavior. Mr. Bartlett and Mr. Nutting -inte- to should be teaching pomology as should gration sentiments. Few persons object to the founding of mutual admiration also Dr. Berry, who is now associate professor of clothing. Dr. Berry's 1, too, feel that more often than present position could best be filled by Mr. Taylor. societies and few people will deny that the proceedings of these not these arm-waving throngs, vi- Mr. Furrow and society meetings are solely the concern of the members. However, Dr. Gardner should move to agronomy or horticul- brant with only vague conceptions ture with for decency's sake, let's make them less public societies. Personal Mr. Gardner Pease as head of the department. of justice, patriotism, and human- feelings are going to affect others when they form the basis for Obviously Drs. Chuts and Major belong in the R.O.T.C. depart- rights and bellowing forth a multi- public display. ment is bile Col. Cobb could move to the field of forage crops. Col. tude of hackneyed, symbolic ex- Beard should go to the barber shop while Wanda Farr of the Extension pressions. actually do much more to If the concern of the college administrators, the deans, ad- hinder parents, Service should apparently go somewhere. the achievement of a solu- visors, and the concern for personal and University repu- tion to our problem Dr. Greenwood could be transferred to the forestry department while of racial- tations means nothing, perhaps the concern for sparing personal equality than to advance it. friends the feeling of being embarrassed for you, the offender, Dr. Martin of the chemistry department could join Dr. Fox in animal science. In scoffing the questionable mo- might make fertility rites less of a right in your public conduct. tives underlying the voting of the Dr. Bass and Mr. Fisher would no doubt make very good professors students at Maine. he supports the of iothyology as would Dr. Crow and Prof. Sparrow make good professors contention that to govern of ornithology. our ac- Clip, Clip, Clip! tions intelligibly in the racial mer- Replace Prof. Sparrow in mechanical engineering by Mr. Hammer and ry-go-round. we must have the pre- Mr. and Mrs. Toole. requisite of "meaningful contact" with the Dormitory hair clippers will probably be at a premium in the There are a number of professors at this University who, bonded Negro. In his own case. this "contact" last hours before the Junior Prom tomorrow night. together, could offer a most comprehensive course in internal combus- seems to be the out- growth of his experiences on New Although we have the "most beautiful barber shop in the tion engineers: to wit Messrs. Dodge, Nash, and Pachard under the di- York's West Side. state" with five chairs and the latest in equipment, many men find rection of Dr. Carr. Dean Zink could take over Dr. Nash's metallurgy it inconvenient to wait in a line of six or eight people to get a course. Does an experience such as he holds forth show a truly-unbiased. clipping by the one barber working there. Mr. Plummer could go into chemical engineering. while Capt. Bond un-infected view- of the inter-rela- and Mr. Granted, the demand for University haircuts has dropped con- Jordan could enter pulp and paper technology. tion of races? Or rather, does it re- siderably since the exit of compulsory ROTC, and five full time Dr. Rhoads is a natural for highway engineering as is Dr. Wade for flect a tainted acquaintance with an barbers might prove economically inefficient. But one barber alone swimming coach. Also, Mr. Braun and Dr. Supple would make excellent un-real, fanciful concept of a cor- rupted cannot handle the job (and do it well). additions to the P. E. staff. Of course Dr. Rome Rankin should be the integration such as that which University Store manager Harold L. Bruce has been searching Registrar. we find in New York; a mu- tilated, hideous inter-mingling of for a new barber from Caribou to Newport with limited success. Messrs. Banks and Buck along with the two Nichols should be in insensate, merely functional be- called on the day he was to begin economics, while Mr. Love should One man hired work to say that teach the marriage course. ings: where physical bodies associ- The Profs. his car could not make it to Orono. Bruce has a problem in that Cooke along with Baker are needed in the Commons. ate on the streets while the intel- hire man only until June. lects he can afford to a One man can run the Dr. Graves obviously should not be head of the Student Health remain distinctly apart — locked shop during the slow summer months. Service, rather he should be in business with Mr. Coffin. securely in color-sensitive Mr. Wells vaults! One barber is out sick and the other two have left us. The should become head of the Student Health Service. Would I fourth has his hands full. Why are they leaving us? Who knows. The construction of new buildings should fall under have voted for a Negro the jurisdiction as Perhaps they were scared off—by Beatle-Maine-ier. of Mr. Brickes and Dr. Eves. Queen? I won't say Yes or No. However I will say that if I did The Office of Student Aid could best be managed by the Profs. Grant. make a choice, I'd try my utmost Mr. Dunning should be made Treasurer, while the management of to make it with an open mind and the bookstore should go to Dr. Leach. with a decision based on the quali- fications of The Mr. Stearn.. would make an excellent Dean of Men, ably- assisted the contest, as best I MAINE Campus by Mr. Bernard could interpret them. A Ire,..1•• NA.spope• Slir.:91 A Geo-win, Usivets:ty Sass. Perhaps this sort of analysis is Hop to it, Finally, Mr. Gordon Cram should hold the position of Vice President what the author meant to point out clean and h Published Thursdays during the tones, year by students of the I nhersity of for Academic Affairs, while Dr. Peck. along with Drs. Coupe and Hatch, guard. Long Maine Subscriptiou rate-11.g0 per semester. Local advertising rate it 20 Per as so necessary to good voting con- should be transferred to poultry washable co column inch Fditortal and business offices. 4 Fernald Hall telephone Fttension science. duct. However his vaguely 506. Member Associated Coikatste Press. Represented for national achertising by slanted Medium wic We are not entirely dissatisfied inferences National Ad•ertisina Service Inc.. College Publisher's Representative, IR E 50th with the present arrangement, however. leave me to wonder if Stampede a 'Sc- Voqt 22, N. V. Entered DA Second (lass %latter at ilic Post Office, in at least two cases the maybe he himself Ortyno Me 04473 appropriate choices have been made. namely Dr. isn't guilty of and let 'em Virtue, head the odious crime he Editor Keith Grand of the philosophy department, and Dr. Bird, head of the de- caustically con- "Brass Ring( partment of demned. Atoll Editor Carol.n Zachary poultry science. Business Mgr. Asard Walker Tremblingly yours, Arthur Kilfoil United Anal Bus. Mgr. John Erskine ARK and HUH Peace Corps voltintet.1 Senegal, Africa Orono, Maine, March 19, 1964 THE MAINE CAMPUS Page Five Student-Directed Play Tryouts Begin University ast head Tryouts for student Band directed lab- course Presents oratory in the Department of Speech Free Progres- productions will be held in to the give practical experience to stu- Growing Memorial Union Sunday, dents March in directing, designing, and :here by 22. at 2 and 7 p. m. The lighting. Concert In Hauck Auditorium staff in workshop productions will include Try-outs for Golden Boy will be for Golden Boy by Clifford Odets, be The University Band will present The held in the Bumps Room life. Craig Deakin, Alan Dick, .s" since Marriage Proposal by of the a free concert on Tuesday. ert Harrison, Virginia Heath, Rus- Anton Chek- Memorial Union. Try March Hank Garfield, Mary Littlefield, he news- hov, and The Miracle -outs for The 2-1, 8:14 p. m. at the sell Peterson, and James Wade, Worker by Marriage Proposal Hauck Audi- Philip Spear and Katie st Editor William Gibson. will be in the torium. Thorpe, percussion instruments: and Mary Walker Room. Try-outs trumpets; and Donald Brown. Rus- Under the supervision for The Biscoe, Neil Harmon. Amy John- of Mr. Miracle Worker will The program consists of sell Sawyer, and Howard Shaffer •sity- is James Barushok, be held in the a Mili- on son and Robert Miller on horns. the workshop pro- Lown Room. tary Symphony in F by trombones. manner gram is designed All students interest- Francois Band officers are: Pres., Hank specifically as a ed are invited Joseph Gossec. Light Cavalry Baritone . As for to try-out, Over- players are Ronald Gor- Garfield; Vice Pres., ture by Franz von Suppe. Jim Foote; !" which Malague- don, Ronald Jenkins, and Sue na by Ernesto Lecuona, Oli- Sec., Joey DeCourcy; Librarians, : present March ver; Peter Hilton, From the Pines of Rome Norwood Olm- Carol Ireland and Amy essential by Otto- Johnson; rino Respighi, Four sted. and Steve Smith. basses; Wil- •ogressive Pieces for and Custodians Mike Keller and Band by Bela Bartok. liam Adams. Marjorie ts". BEN Russian Barnes. Rob- Bill Adams. SKLAR Sailor's Dance by Gliere. or, Miss Bolero by Maurice Ravel, Sea 11 supply Songs by Ralph Vaughan Williams. Brass Pageantry-March by Acton Ostling ter and several marches. In YOUR KEDS DEALER IN Students The MAINE ickle:. are urged to attend. Calendar enl a nd Current band members are: Sar- ah Friday, lara Chandler, Johanna DeCourcy, March 20 torium. 3 p. m. Elizabeth Jordan. and Theresa OLD TOWN Maine Masque Theatre. Starkey on flutes: Donald Albert. Dr. Tuesday, March 24 Faustus, Hauck Cathy Dexter. David Dunham. Auditorium. Poetry 8:15 p.m. Hour, Reader: James 1.1 Ronand Harrell, Loraine Jones. Barushok. Main Lounge, Junior 4 p. m. Richard Kaplan, Michael Keller, Prom, Memorial Gym. AWS Council Nancy Libby, Becky McDougall, 9 p. m.. to 1 a. m. Wednesday, of U.M.P. William Sawtelle. Carolyn Shaw, March 25 Mid-semester Is among Susan Stackpole, and Bruce Wil- Saturday, March 21 s of both comb, clarinets; Man, Karen Milner. bass Thursday, March irally take clarinet; Jame, Den Dance. 8 p. m. 26 Foote and Beulah MUAB Film Festival (day cam- Gallo. oboes. Presenta- tion, Burlesque up-to-date Sunday, on Carmen, On alto saxes March 22 Hauck Auditorium. clippings are Ronald Fair- 4 p m stampede's brother. Joan French, MUAB from my Doug Get- Film Festival Presenta- Friday, chell, Austin Griffin. March 27 Carol Ireland, tion, The Bridge, Hauck Audi- Spring Beverly Ryder. Helen Recess Begins. 11:50 a.m. le entitled on Smith. and Nancy Walter; Ann erning the Claverie. John for Gilbert, Paul Sherman, o as Win- and Julie Warren, tenor saxes: Patronize Irrb Richard Cun- Your Advertiser de voiced . personal BECAUSE OF LIMITED People Scut — ements of RINGER CAPACITY IN THE 10,4 .1 PARK'S Bowling Lanes Iso are al- FORD ROOM, MEMORIAL Bangor-Brewer :sirous to our less. irra- UNION. AND IN ANTICI- STUDENT'S pro-inte- PATION OF AN INCREASE DRAPERY HARDWARE SPECIAL MONDAY IN GUESTS FOR DEPARTMENT -FRIDAY often than EASTER SUNDAY DINNER, 25c Incl. Shoes irongs, vi- is complete• see onceptions RESERVATIONS ARE Just say you're from the 1: of 14 d human- us For Your Needs s a multi- REQUESTED. Dial 989-3798 tbolic ex- PARK'S """"wARr Please call Ext 460 or 378 & vsI,1Ty Bar Harbor Rd., Brewer h more to t )f a solu- 3f racial- it. sable mo- ig of the sports the t our ac- tcial mer- e the pre- contact" own case. : the out DECTON - on New won't give you the eh as he •4 4.7717b1. right time of day -unbiased. inter-rela- This remarkable shirt retains loes it re- its crisp, e with an just-ironed look of a cor- all day long because it's as that 65% Dacron* and rk: a mu- 35% cotton.. Igling of .the ideal Dnal be- wash and wear blend ts associ- that made "Look, Ma— the Intel- .•••• /411', no wrinkles" a famous apart — campus --sensitive / •- expression. Tailored with the popular a Negro Sussex button-down S or No 4.1 collar in true Ivy fashion if I did y utmost and tapered to trim you nind and in every way except price. he quail- •Du Pont R.T.M. is best I Long sleeves—only $6.95 Hop ialysis is to it, Meet the new "Brass Ringer," it really gets around. clean and It's point out lean. With man-size brass eyelets and wraparound tee Short sleeves—only $ guard. Long on looks, 5.95 ling con- strong on comfort, great on wear. Made o washable cotton duck slanted in a new smoky white chino, also ii white Medium width. si7es 5 to 12, onder 13, 14. if Stampede on down to your nearest store terlk for thr, !:, :Why ol and let 'em rustle y' up a pair. Ask for • A. J. GOLDSMITH ally con- "Brass Ringer" Kedss today! It's a 0 Rubber OLD TOWN Rccr.11e,r Cnt,r, Na 57 YEARS , Yc,k 21, Sc., York OF SERVICE TO U. OF M. STUDENTS AND FACULTY Page Six THE MAINE CAMPUS Orono, !laine. Ilarch 19. 19O1 9rono, Maine,! t football stadium.** MRS. MAINE CLUB ma ine campus This is an effort to get more all- The Mrs. Maine Club will met: FCC's Lee Gives diannel receivers. both VHF and Tuesday. March 24. in the Memori- al Union at 7:30 UMain UHF. into public use. Since these p. m. The club ha, SOCIETY (Continued from Page One) will make a "giant step forward.- sets cost slightly more than VHF planned to go bowling, By CAROL FARLEY subscription 1V in tht. future A re- On that date, all TV sets manufact- By BOB receivers. the Commission L et.nt test in Hartford. Conn.. proves ured for interstate is at- he Bears it commerce in tempting to get the excise tax on all- annual 1 Ile junior class is gathering in that people will pay. "If it works. this country or for import for re- INTER-VARSITY CHRISTIAN Yankee channel 11.‘ceivers lifted for at the Memorial Gym at "Even Tide" it will be like sale must h.: of the all-channel least FELLOWSHIP Track Sleet Su Friday evening for the annual Junior o o or three years. if not perman- Rev. Quentin Johnson pressive win ow .After the conference. reporte:-, 1 1‘c• will speak Prom high-lighted by the Les Elgart ently. Legislation has been intro- on the "Cross and the Christian" petition. Final toured the tv.o studios. the Presentl, st stations are orchestra. The Cumberlands are duced in Congress. Tuesday. March 24. at 7 p. m. hold down a 3 main control room. and office quar- operating on cry High Frequen- playing at Theta Chi's Apache their nearest ters. The also viewed a French cy. These channels are all used up < Party. a parody of the bohemian Island. Scores class presentation taped to schools and in most 1•11! e1.. ETV has had French hoods. ATO is holding a BANGOR-MERRIFIELD OFFICE R.I. (39), N. H on video tape from the Orono sta- to go on a higher frequency, Ultra SUPPPLY semi-formal dance at which Russ Vt. (17). and U tion. High Frequency. The Orono net- Complete Office Bradley is playing. Friday night is and School Supplies Again a doul That afternoon. Lee presented the work, now on VHF, is an excep- also the last evening the Maine Newly Relocated In Our New Store At Styrnamen «as license to President Elliott. During tion. UHF adds 70 new channel.. Masque Theatre is presenting Dr. 14 State St., Bangor victories in the his speech, he announced that on most of which are -sitting silent FaltAttis in the Hauck Auditorium. and -;5 yd. high April 30, Educational Television and unused, like a cavernous emp- Chain saws and axes are featured heat of the high at Alpha Gam's Woodchoppers' tied the Univer Ball Saturday evening. The Jesters ords with a timt are on hand v.i:h the sounds. en to win the e Lambda Chi and Sig Ep are hold- the (i5 yd. L.H. ing an informal dance at the Sig Ep Cettine Maine house. There will also be a den were Nason. Ht Janet: at 8 p. m. «ho won the fir The following are initiates of Pi the :45 lb. weight Beta Phi: Nancy Bate.. Donna with a toss of I Belleau. Mary Jean Flanagan. Bar- short of his reedi bara Frederick. Jean Gilbert. Steph- Taking firsts in anie Kahn. Mary Ellen Peterson. Martha Sleeves. Anne Witham. 0..lena Woods. and Nancy Wyman. INTRAMURAL ATO has elected the following to Intramural sot (, cers: president. Charles will take place it vice-president. John Hot: the month of A1 treasurer. Frank Raymond: and sec- to the outdoor 101 rctary. Dan Peterson. Organizations arc pate. The new officers of the M-Club Application in the are: president. Mike Haley: vice- Physical by Saturday, president. Dave Cail: secretary. Mar Horace Horton: treasurer. Dave Svendsen: and corresponding secre- tary. Butch Ellis. —DIAM4 PINNED: Dorothy' Parsons. New- DeGrasse :on Junior College to Raymond Roberts: Pam Craft. Iselin. New watch and jew. _Terse!. to Dick Nolan. I ambja Chi University Jacki: Baldwin. Alpha Omi- cron Pi. to Doug Benning. Lambda CLASS Chi Alpha: Penny Bair to Barry Complete line of BiA:dy.- Tau Kappa Epsilon: and sorority Elaine Kelley. Chi Omega. to Sarge Means. Tau Kappa Epsilon. 38 Main St. tel. 866. Taste Buds need exercise. Give them n work-nut at


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MUTUAL Our world-recognized trademark—"the P&WA eagle" The breadth of Pratt & Whitney Aircraft programs 9 —has been identified with progress in flight propul- requires virtually every technical talent . . . requires sion for almost four decades, spanning the evolution ambitious young engineers and scientists who can of power from yesterday's reciprocating engines to contribute to our advances of the state of the art. today's rockets. Tomorrow will find that same Pratt & Your degree? it can be a B.S., M.S. or Ph.D. in: GOING Whitney Aircraft eagle carrying men and equipment MECHANICAL • AERONAUTICAL • ELECTRICAL to the moon and to even more distant reaches of • CHEM- TO outer space. ICAL and NUCLEAR ENGINEERING • PHYSICS • CHEM- ISTRY • METALLURGY • CERAMICS • MATHEMATICS THE Engineering achievement of this magnitude is directly • ENGINEERING SCIENCE or APPLIED MECHANICS. traceable to cur conviction that basic and applied PROM? research is essential to healthy progress. Today's Career boundaries with YOU CAN RENT THE engineers at Pratt & Whitney Aircraft accept no limit- us can be further extended SMARTEST STYLES IN ing criteria. They are moving ahead in many direc- through a corporation-financed Graduate Education FORMAL-WEAR Program. Fcr further information FASHIONABLY tions to advance our programs in energy conversion regarding oppor- CORRECT for every envirorment. tunities at Pratt & Whitney Aircraft, consult your CUSTOM FITTED college placement officer—or—wi ite to Mr. William L. FOR COMFORT Our progress on current programs is NEWEST exciting, for it Stoner, Engineering Department, Pratt & Whitney ACCESSORIES!... anticipates the challenges of tomorrow. We are work- Aircraft, East Hartford 8, . GARMENTS CLEANED ing, for exampie, in such areas as advanced gas AND PRESSED TO PERFECTION turbines ... rocket engines ... fuel cells... nuclear CONVENIENT!... power—all opening up new avenues of exploration in SPECIALISTS IN POWER .. POWER FOP PROPULSION—POWER ECONOMICAL! ... FOR AUXILIARY every field of aerospace, marine and industrial power SYSTEMS. CURRENT UTILIZATIONS INCLUDE ENJOY A MODERN AIRCRAFT, m!smEr., SPACE VEHICLES, MARINE AND IN- RENTAL SERVICE AT application. DUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS.

Pratt &Whitney Aircraft DIVISION OF IJINWr. .rRAFT CORP. CONNECTICUT OPERATIONS EAST HARTFCRD. CONNECTICUT P. OPERATIONS WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Ai Eqoal Cr pc, t.,ohiyer I 19. 1961- 9rono, Maine, Marelt 19. 1964 THE MAINE CAMPL Page Seven will meet Le Memon- UMaine te ha, Tracksters Take YC Indoor Meet By BOB GARLAND Cow perthwaite in the 50 yd. 1 he Bears inaugurated dash in the mile relay. the first (5.7) and Delaite in the 15(' STI annual Yankee shot Rhody. by virtue of firsts AN Conference Indoor 4"1 4 ). in the Track Meet Saturday with high jump and broad jump com- BEAR an im- Mayland of FACTS the University will speak pressive win over of bined with a few seconds and third, conference com- Vermont set a new By Christian petition. Final fieldhouse rec- in other events. was runner-up Bob Garland - scores saw Maine ord in the to hold pole vault (14' the Bears. A einderella 7 p.m. down a 3(1 point bulge over while team. the With the their the Maine combination of University of season's cumulative statistics out, we nearest competition. Rhode Skaling N. H.. surprised the lette find John Gil- Island. and Dean was shut out. Redmen front Mass, leading the Bears in field goal average, Scores were: Maine 169). Picking to hold down rebounding, and total up valuable points with third while points. Gillette averaged R. I. 139), N. H. (28). Mass. (26). UMass had to settle for .430 from the floor, hauled down 253 second and third place victories fourth. bounds. and re- Vt. (17). and UConn ( 16). collected 428 pts. averaging 18.6 pts per mere Ellis and Shaffer in the mile This lead the game, to Again a double winner for the meet wrapped up a very sac- team. Meanwhile, Bill Flahive led the run. Lahait in the high jump. eessful indoor foul shooters with Styrnamen was Jim Ballinger with track season for the ten for ten or 1000% followed Spruce in the 600. Judkins and Bear, by Gillette's .725. Dave Svendsen victories in the 65 yd. low hurdle, with much in store for com- was the only other player Heinrich in the two mile run. Shaf- retitor, to average in the double figures, at 13.4. and 45 yd. high hurdle-. In a trial when the Styrnamen return Other high averages fer in the 1000, and the Maine team 1.r an acti%c per game included Guy Strang (8.9), heat cf the high hurdles. Ballinger outdoor slate in Aril. MacKinnon (7.8), Bob Bruce tied the Woodbury (7.0). Bob Brewer (6.4) University and cage rec- George Spreng (5.6). and ords with a time of 5.8 then mem on to Gillette also holds the high single win the event. He also won against score for a game, 38 pts the 65 yd. L.H. Colby on January 15th. Other in 7.8. held individual highs included Ceiling Maine off to Outdoor goal, for on.: game (16—GilLtte) a good start Angie against Colby. free throws were Nilson. ottempted in one game Hurd. and Morrison (12—Svendsen) vs Colby, free throws %%ho won the first three scored (8—Svendsen) vs places in TONY YUODSNUKIS B.U., and rebounds in one game 20— the 35 lb. weight. Nason took The Strang against Bates. first disease that ran rampant perhaps the larvae Teamwise. the Bears placed fifth %kith a toss of 60' of son. , with in the Y.C. 3 ". Only l'2" through the Atlantic salmon rear- a 3-7 record (.300) but short of The station c'epended on wild fared much better in the State his recent record throw. in e troughs at Craig Brook 7-2 (.778). their Series Taking hatch- landlocked salmon for replenishin overall record being 12-11. firsts in other events were ery the previous season was its rearing. troughs. The salmon. SHOOTERS PLACE SECOND checked that year. although the A four man team averaging six pounds. were tra:-.ped of Clint Hubbard, John Nichols, Ken cause of the disease remained tin- in the lake's and Jim Jenkins Beal, INTRAMURAL soFritALL tributaries, stripped of placed second in a rifle match know n. About a quarter of a mil- their College recently. held at Nasson Intramural softball competition egzs, and released. Brook They tired a 1135 out of a lion Atlantie salmon eges were trout egg were topped possible 1200 and s ill take place in the gym during collections were made only by Northeastern's 1141. purchased to continue the program from wild Following Maine were the month of April and previous fish in Winkempaugh B.U.. MIT. Norwich, and Nasson. cf stocking the Penobscot River. Wool,. a to the outdoor tournament in May. tributary of Branch Pond. This Saturday the "I he previous )ear about 1500 fin- The Bear Riflers will be shooting Organizations are urged to .e brilliantly marked trout championships in the NECRL partici. gerling Atlantic, were released in at Bedford, Mass. Teams pate. Applications must ranged front two to five pounds in entered include Norwich. be filed the river. .thirty adult rainbow MIT. UMass. Maine. Coast Guard, in the Physical Education weight. and Northeastern. Office trout were also held at the Craig GOLF TEAMS by Saturday. March 21. SELECTED Brook station, and in the spring The only fish released from the Coach Brian McCall Green recently selected nine and showed 'pawning tendencies. How- Lake station were 500 land- teams to represent the se‘en man locked salmon University of Maine in golf competition ever. this project was marred by that accidentally got spring. The varsity roster this —DIAMONDS— disaster free into Green Lake and includes five of the nine man as the eggs produced were 19 Ger- completed an undefeated team that inferior and man carp that were liberated season last year. They DeGrasse Jewelers over half the breeder in Leathers, Bob Hess, include Alan stock died. Great Brook. a Green Lake tribu- Norm Viger, Tom Lahaise. and Dave watch and jewelry tary. The Rounding out the Leclair. repairin:: The Green lake station, still rest of the fish at the sta- squad are Ed Todd, Vic Nunan. tion were and Jack Tole. Jeff Laurence. University new and incomplete, was rather retained except for about The freshman squad includes of Maine 1000 wood John Warren. Len- fortunate in sustaining a relatively salmon and trout that were Ladd. Peter Martin. Ed Baum, shipped to Swift, Arthur LeGendre. Steve CLASS RINGS small loss of fish. There was a the World's Fair in and Robert McGown. slightly higher mortality Minnesota for exhibition. Complete line of fraternity and rate among BASEBALL TEAM CUT TO 25 the lake trout where sorority charms many had be- The above account certainl) does After nearly a month of tryouts, come covered Coach Jack Butterfield with mysterious not sound like a recent rundown on pared the team to twenty-five has white players. This year's team 38 Main St. Orono spots. Observing the spots hatchery activity in the state. When to be a very young shapes up with squad with only three seniors a lens, Mr. S. G. Worth did it occur? Guess, and then clude the team's on it. They in- noticed that top pitcher, Dick Dolloff. tel. 866-4032 they moved freely and check this column next week for infielder catcher Vic Mercer and deduced Dave Thompson. Junior letter that they were parasites. th.e .insyker include winners of the past season Larry Coughlin. Mike DeSisto, and out the squad Vic Nelson. Rounding are pitchers Bruce Cary, Ray Bisbee, Dick Flaherty, Art Heathcote. Joe Ferris, Tom Murphy, Charles Newell, MORRISON'S Roger Richards; catchers. Carl and MON Merrill and Doug Swain; Infielders Y BARBER John Gillette, Ron Corbin, Dick SHOP DeVarney, John Hutchins. Dick Perkins, and Dave Thompson; and Mony now offers you an opportunity Outfielders Steve Sones. Brent — KEEP TRIM — Keene, Dick Kelliher. and Ron Lanza. to own insurance which allows for 7:30-12:00 1:00-6:00 sayings now as well as protection for Monday through SATURDAY the future MR. PAPERBACK CLOSED WEDNESDAYS ORONOKA RESTAURANT Largest paperback 866-4092 SMORGASBORD 5:30-9:1)1, MUTUAL OF NEW YORK store in Maine WEDNESDAY ACROSS FROM RUDY COSENZE PRIVATE 947.7930 PARK'S HARDWARE over 3500 titles PARTIES A\1) FIELD UNDERWRITER ON MILL BANQUETS STREET MAGAZINES DANCE TO NEWSPAPERS NORM LAMBERT EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT 23 Hammond Street "FINE FOOD YOU'LL Bangor REMEMBER" Tel. 866-2169 IF SHE'S NOT OfErrING IN YOUR HAIR The only Official Ti-;:f4S WORLD'S FAIR

Those dainty fingers aren't about to play games in a SHIRTS are by messy, mousy mane! So, get with it! . . .get your hair shaped-up with SHORT CUT. Disciplines crew cut, brush cut, any cut; gives it life! Helps condition—puts more body, more manageability, more girls in your GORDON hair! Get it today. Old Spice SHORT CUT Hair Groom by Shulton or jar,only .50 plus tax. PETERS CUTLERS OLD TOWN Pass Rigid MAINE THE CAMPUS Orono, Maine, March 19, 1961 . Fraternity Bowling Race Biologist Curtis To BURLESQUE ON CARMEN Hold Seminars MUAB presents Charlie Chap- Goes Down Dr. Howard J. Curtis, chairman Tuesday morning Dr. Curtis will lin's Burlesque on Carmen, a paro- To The Wire of the biology department at hold conferences with students in- dy of Cecil B. DeMille's production Brookhaven National Laboratories A real race to the w ire iooms he- 13. EKS terested in the area of Space Biolo- of the opera, Thursday, March 26. 25 45 on Long Island, New York, will teen Theta Chi and Phi Mu go- 14. gy from 9 a. m. to 12 noon in 310 KS 20 50 present a lecture and conduct sev- at 4 p. m. in the Hauck Auditorium. ing in to the last week of fraternity Deering Hall. He will discuss TEP 20 50 eral seminars on the Universit!, the bowling. A win by Phi Mu of 01. LXV coupled 16. SN 17 53 Maine biological mechanisms underlying with a TC loss campus Monday and Tues- could bring about a the aging process You may not "live to eat" but deadlock Top Ten Averages day. March 23 and 24. at a zoology sem- for the top spot and possi- flarorful food makes life more bly a rolloff. (based on 30 or more strings) Dr. Curtis will begin inar in 15 Coburn Hall at noon. However, TC needs his visit interesting only two of five points this week to ss ith a botany seminar on "The Ef- Dr. Curtis' visit is sponsored by I. Logan, PMD 110.1 Words of Wisdom from the assure themselves of the top slot. fects of Radiation on Plants" in the University of Maine chapter of Following 2. Brown, PEK 106.8 Deering THE FORD ROOM the conclusion of the Hall at 4 p. m. Monday. Sigma Xi, a scientific research so- regular season, the top twelve 3. MacMillan, TC 105.2 That evening he will give a lecture, MEMORIAL UNION Tit ciety, and is partially financed by teams will roll off to determine the 4. McCurdy, BTP 104.9 open to the public, concerning day will overall champion. the National Science Foundation. 5. Nunan. DTD 102.9 'Space Biology The Biological Ef- our coil Bowling Results - 14th Week 6. Babine, fects of Cosmic Radiation' in 137 departui PMD ATO 102.2 5 TKE 0 HILLSON number LCA 7. Henry, TC 101.2 Physics Building at 7:30 p.m. Patronize Oar Advertisers 5 SC 0 ACHIEVEMENT AWARD The Mai PEK 5 AGR 0 8. Look, KS 101.0 for the week PKS 5 SN 0" 9. Simonton. SC 100.9 of Wit BTP 4 PGD member 1 10. Dolloff. TC 100.7 OFFICIAL U OF M CLASS RINGS MARCH 19, 1964 DTD 4 KS I shadowe TC 4 ATO 1 by HERF JONES DON HERRICK represen SPE 4 TEP 1 CAMPUS ASST. BUSINESS Forfeit MAINE CAMPUS For MANAGER WANTED to the pi Standings - End of 14111 Week Your Representative On Campus Assistant Advertising Anyone interested in applying pleted 01 Won Lost for the job of assistant business MIKE GRAHAM Manager staff is p 1. TC 54 16 ing manager for the Campus please the I] 2. PMD 50 20 The Cam 3. contact James Brown at 4 Fernald MEMORIAL UNION PEK 47 23 The recipient of this award is or balky 4. BTP 45 25 entitled to $2.00 Personal Clean- 5. DTD TUESDAY 2-4 p.m. 43 27 ing Service Absolutely Free. 6. TKE 42 28 THETA 7. ATO 39 31 CHI Or 8. SC 36 34 APACHE PARTY CABIN #5 TEL. 866-4468 HILLSON CLEANERS 9. SPE 32 38 Poe 18 Mill Street Orono 866-3647 LCA 32 38 Friday Night 11. AGR 30 40 (Closed Party) 12. PGD 28 42 Tell!

Lowest prices, hest service An ass ard Planning a Party? 5J.E. Tilarthirr and poet will THE CHALET TRADITIONAL Hollywood" A The CLOTHING Auditorium. 1 Picture & Gift Shop Tydol ORONO the Ford Fe Flying -A- 1960 for his has any and all with Me and right next door to campus Party Supplies and poetry workshc on College Ave. versity Writer Decorations 1964. EXPERT SPRING SONG IN OUR ROOTER) SECOND FLOOR- TUNE-UP Tickets for SERVICE will be on sal 13 Hammond St., Bangor box office MI Tel. 866-2538 Wiggam. also .n America, wi try Hour Tues Badj°,14,1 Main Lounge Bangor Tastee Freez Union. Wiggam has 239 Broadway At the Park its as a screen WOMEN'S WEEJUN The traditional true-moccasin style Dean 1 now in taper-toe. Rich antiqued brown The Dean o announced 45 leather with leather soles and heels. for 1964-65. 1 Great comfort at very moderate cost. Sandra Arbo Biggane, Janet Just eleven ninety-five. Joyce Britton. I Colfer, Claire beson Miriam Beulah Gallo. Gerrish, Nikk Guerette. Jill ( NOW PLAYING Patricia Hayde MEN'S WEEJUN rocks. Maine Masque DAY'S Theatre Production Classic is the word for this fine, Bass and of shoe, chosen first by more college SAMSONITE The boards. In antiqued brown with double and TRAG iCA Leather soles 'FIrSTCPv and leather heels. Four- YOU teen ninety-five. GO TOGETHER • ,- DR.FAUSTUS SEE US and MEN'S RANCH BOOT SEE FOR YOURSELF.' The more contemporary approach in Hauck Auditorium casual footwear, this March 19, 20, 21 style in sand- sueded split leather is a wardrobe must. GREEK 'it EE1 Tickets $1 .25- 10 a.m.-3 p.m. mittee, chaired Hauck Aud. box office Soles and heels are Cush-n-Crepe. April 24-26 fe% Time, Friday Thirteen ninety-five. Phoenix singe FOR RESERVATIONS members pictn CALL 866-7374 Arch, T 1Ii OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS 'TILL NINE flank Schnieb Stephanie Bar and lee Cheet