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Mudita Pure OS and Purism's PureOS

By Rianne Schestowitz Created 21/10/2020 - 11:51pm Submitted by Rianne Schestowitz on Wednesday 21st of October 2020 11:51:08 PM Filed under OS [1] Gadgets [2]

Mudita Pure OS is going open source [3]

The company stated that MuditaOS operating system will be publicly available on the GitHub platform, under a GPL (GNU General Public License) license. In the initial phase, MuditaOS will be available as a Developer Preview, during which, Mudita will work with the growing community to fine-tune the documentation and deal with the first reported issues.


The Mudita phone has been delayed numerous times this year, it was supposed to have come out in April, and was slated for release in October and now has been pushed back until Spring of 2021. It will eventually come out, it is a vanity project of Michal Kicinski, who created the Witcher/Cyberpunk games.

A 5 Video Made on a [4]

When it comes to making a video, there are a lot of workflows involved. From writing, planning, to local screen capture, all the way to editing raw 4k footage with proxy clips. Even with all that workflow complexity, the following video was made completely on the Librem 5 phone.

[...] Ultimately the Librem 5 phone lets you take your regular workflow with you while also keeping you in contact with your friends and family.

Specify Form-Factors in Your Librem 5 Apps [5]

While more and more applications are being redesigned to take like the Librem 5 into account, PureOS still offers lots of desktop applications which are not ready to run on such devices yet.

As a user you want to know which applications are relevant to install, so PureOS Store will by default only present mobile-ready applications, while still letting you opt-into showing all applications to take full advantage of the Librem 5?s convergeant docked mode. As a user you also want to know which applications are relevant to run at a given time, so Phosh will let you run desktop-only applications only when the phone is docked.

This requires the applications to provide some information on which form-factors they can handle, if you are an application developer and you want your applications to work as expected on the Librem 5, please provide the relevant information as shown below.

To make your application appear in PureOS Store, add the following lines to your AppStream metainfo...

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