Curriculum Vitae Dr. Mabel Bianco

Born and residing in , Argentina, married. No children. Professional address: Paraná 135, 3rd Floor, Apt.# 13, Buenos Aires, Argentina (1017) tel-fax (54-11) 4372– 2763 e-mail: [email protected] .


. Foundation for Studies and Research on Women (FEIM) , Founder and President, 1989 - Present

. Developing Country NGO Delegation to the Board of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, Member, 2009-Present

. Civil Society Advisory Committee of Latin America and the Caribbean to UN Women, Member, 2012-present . Women’s Major Group for Sustainable Development, especially the Post-2015 development agenda process, Member 2012-Present

. Regional NGO Committee on the Status of Women (CSW) in Latin America and the Caribbean, CoNGO CSW LAC, Co-chair 2012-Present

. Global Coalition on Women and AIDS (GCWA) Advisory Group, Member 2013-Present

. WHO Civil Society Reference Group on HIV, Member, 2012-Present

. CoNDeRS – National Consortium for Reproductive and Sexual Rights, Founder and Member of Coordinating Committee, 2003 – 2011

. Council for Public Policies in Gender (Resolution 274/2007)–National Ministry of Defense, Member, 2007-Present

. International AIDS Women’s Caucus (IAWC), Coordinator, 1992- Present

. Latin American and Caribbean Women’s Health Network (LACWHN), Board Member, 1992- 2000 and Advisory Committee Member, 2001-present

. Center for Health and Gender Equity (CHANGE), Board Member, 2009-2012

. Architecture Reform (GEAR) Campaign, Latin American & the Caribbean Focal Point, 2008-2012

. Women Won’t Wait. End HIV & Violence against Women. NOW!, International Steering Group Member, 2006-Present; Regional Coordinator, 2008-Present; Campaign Co-coordinator, 2010- Present.

. Women ARISE Coalition, Global coalition of networks and organizations to promote human rights of all women and girls affected by HIV, General Coordinator, 2009-Present

. Member of Editorial Boards of: DeSIDAmos (Buenos Aires, Argentina); Medicina y Sociedad (Buenos Aires, Argentina)

II. PERSONAL BACKROUND Medical Doctor, graduated at the School of Medicine of the University of El Salvador, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1958-1964. Obtained a Master degree in Public Health, at the School of Medicine, University of El Valle, Cali, Colombia, 1966-1968.

Specialist in Medical Statistics and Epidemiology, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London University, 1971-1972.

III. PROFESSIONAL AND ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES Having completed her basic studies in Medicine 1966-1968 she completed the Residence in Public Health and Social Medicine at the University of el Valle, Cali, Colombia, obtaining the Master degree in Public Health in 1968.

Back in Buenos Aires she was designated full time Deputy Professor at the School of Public Health at the University of Buenos Aires. She coordinated and organized courses in Public Health for pre graduate students at the School of Medicine. In 1972, at her return to Buenos Aires she entered the Epidemiology Department of the School of Public Health, Buenos Aires University. She worked there until 1976 when she resigned due to political changes in the leadership of the University of Buenos Aires. She continued research and epidemiological studies in health care services.

In 1981 she collaborates with the creation of the Epidemiological Research Center from the National Academy of Medicine, starting October 1981 until 1985, she was designated Chief of the Research and Advisory Department of the Center in the National Academy of Medicine. Among the studies and research activities undertaken, she coordinates the First breast cancer collaborative study undertaken in Argentina, in which more than 20 centers from Argentina participated through the Argentine Society of Mastology.

In 1984 when the democratic government took over she was designated in the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. She creates and coordinates the Program, Women, Health and Development, which promotes the health and rights of women, especially sexual and . Through the Program Women, Health and Development, members of the staff of Public Health care services in all the country were trained on women rights and needs, especially sexual and reproductive.

In 1984 she is designated Chief of the Argentine Delegation to the Regional Latin American and Caribbean Meeting to examine and assess the achievements of the Decade of the for Women: Equality, Development and Peace, undertaken in Cuba, and acted as Raporter of the meeting. In 1985 she was official Delegate to the Women World Conference in Nairobi, Kenya, representing Argentina.

In 1986 she takes over the National Direction of International Relations from the National Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, keeping the coordination of the Women Health and Development Program as an honorary post.

From 1986 to 1989 she integrated the Sub-Committee of the Women, Health and Development Program of the Pan American Health Organization, was member of the Council of the Human reproduction Program of the World Health Organization and was member of the Board of UNICEF. In July 1989 with the new government she dismissed.

In September 1989 she creates with a group of professionals women the Foundation for Studies and Research on Women –FEIM- which she presided since its creation. The mission of FEIM since it was founded is to improve the status of women in Argentina, particularly in health, with special emphasis in reproductive and sexual health. For this reason it undertakes research, training, promotes advocacy for the rights of women, mainly the political, sexual and reproductive rights, as well as to improve in a comprehensive manner the status of women in the country and the region.

In 1990 she became member of the Executive Committee of the Reproductive Rights Research Grants Program for Latin America -PRODIR- organized by the MC Arthur and the Carlos Chagas Foundation. She was member of this Committee until 1996 and participated in the two first rounds of selection of the 40 research projects undertaken.

In 1991 she was elected Director of the Latin America and the Caribbean Women Health Network – LACHWN- Board. As board member she participates in the process to restructure the Network and the process of election of Board members. In 1996 integrates the coordination group of the Follow Up project to evaluate ICPD Plan of Action implementation in countries in the region. This project was developed with UNFPA cooperation; the first phase includes five countries: Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Nicaragua and Peru. Conclusions and results were presented in the Hague Forum and in the ICPD+5 UNGASS. In 1998 participates in the creation and coordination of the Itinerary University develop by the LACWHN and the Ford Foundation. She participates as professor in “Globalization and Health Reform Sector” and “Sexual and Reproductive Health” modules. In may 2000 resigned to the LACWHN board but continue to be related as professor in the Itinerary University.

Since 1993, member of LACASSO (Latin American and the Caribbean Council of Aids) and in 1998-99, Regional Secretary. Since 2000 FEIM is member of the coalition of NGO´s as Focal Point of LACCASO in Argentina.

In 1997 with 7 NGOs FEIM made the first legal action against the Ministry of Health because they did not provide Antiretroviral Therapy-ARV- to people living with HIV and she supported the fight of a positive woman and her child as a paradigmatic case. Together the NGOs organized a demonstration in the Ministry of Health and requested the Minster to provide ARV. The Justice made an appeal obligating the Ministry to provide ARV in 48 hours after the denunciation. While they sustained the judgment, it was won in 1998, appealed twice and in 2002 the Supreme Court granted us the right.

In 1998-1999, FEIM developed through LACCASO with UNAIDS the first country studies in Latin American and Caribbean countries about Human Rights. The studies were: In Argentina, “Human Rights and Access to Treatment for HIV/AIDS in Argentina”; in Brazil, “On the limitations and potential of studies on the impact of public policies with respect to the HIV/AIDS epidemic: some methodological ideas based on the case of Brazil”; in Dominican Republic, “Migratory Routes from Haiti to Dominican Republic: Consequences for HIV/AIDS and the Human rights of Infected people”; in Mexico, “Case Study: Access to treatment for HIV/AIDS in Mexico during 1998: from a social perspective”; in Venezuela, “Magdalena’s Story: The reproductive rights of a street teenager in Caracas”. All the reports were published in 1999.

In January 2000 she is designated Chief of the Coordinator Unit of HIV/AIDS y STD’s at the National Ministry of Health. This unit was created to integrate the direction of the National Program of HIV/AIDS and Project LUSIDA, a project of struggle against AIDS depending from the Ministry of Health and financially supported by the World Bank. In November 2001 she resigns to the Post due to the lack of political will on HIV/AIDS from the top ministerial level.

In May 2000 she is selected Technical Secretary of the Group of Horizontal Cooperation -HTCG- integrated by Chiefs of National AIDS Programs of 22 countries in the region. During the period she held this post until May 2001, the HTCG organizes the First Regional Forum on HIV/AIDS in , Brazil.

In 2002/03 she organized the Itinerary University in Argentina, in Córdoba and was responsible of the Health Sector Reform and The impact on Sexual and Reproductive health modules.

In 2003 she was panelist in the evaluation of the Itinerary University Experience organized by LACWHN and presented “Derecho a la Salud: Reflexiones desde las Reformas al Sector y la perspectiva de género” in the “Seminario Reforma de la Salud”, Red de Salud de las Mujeres Latinoamericanas y del Caribe – RSMLAC-, 1 al 3 de Octubre 2003, Lima, Perú

Since 2003 with three others organizations created and coordinates the National Consortium on Sexual & Reproductives Rights with the participation of 400 NGO´s in Argentina of monitoring the guarantee of Sexual & Reproductives rights including HIV/AIDS response

In 2004 and 2005 she was professor in the Itinerary University in Cuenca, Ecuador and Guatemala.

In 2005 she participated in the 10th International Women and Health Meeting, in New Delhi, India. Presenting “The Impact of Health Sector Reform Policies on Sexual and Reproductive Health in Argentina.

In that meeting she represented the LACWHN in the activities organized by the Women’s Health Project School of Public Health, University of Witwatersrand, South Africa: Sexual and Reproductive Rights in the Health Sector Reform projects. She was panelist in the workshop: Reforms of the Health Sector and its implication in the Sexual and Reproductive Health care services. She also participated in the panel: Training Initiatives in the Health Sector Reform and Health Care Services of Sexual and Reproductive Health, presenting and discussing the experience of LACWHN in the Itinerary University since 1997 training health care professionals, authorities and women’s activists groups.

From 2002-2011 member of the Reference Group on HIV and Human Rights, UNAIDS.

Member of the Global Task Force on Women, Girls, Gender Equality and HIV, UNAIDS, and Member of the Reference Group for the Mid-Term Review of the UNAIDS Agenda for Women and Girls, 2012.

Coordinator of the Global Virtual Consultation for the Evaluation of the Gender Equality strategy of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, developed by FEIM in partnership with the GCWA of UNAIDS, 2011. Latin American and Caribbean Focal Point of the Gender Equality Architecture Reform –GEAR- Campaign since 2008 till 2012 and promoted the creation of UN Women.

Board member of IWHC (International Women’s Health Coalition) since 2002 and Vice Chair since 2008 till 2010.

Founder and Coordinator of Women ARISE, a global coalition of diverse women’s networks/groups to strengthen women’s and girls’ issues and voices at the 2010 International AIDS Conference in Vienna.

Coordinator of International Advocacy Project “Strategies from the South: Building Synergies in HIV/AIDS and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights” since 2006 till 2011.

Co-Moderator of the Post-2015 Health Thematic Consultation Online Discussion: Leveraging Lessons from the Global HIV Response for Improved Global Health in the Post-2015 Development Agenda, coordinated by UNAIDS in January-February 2013.

Member of the Technical Review Panel (TRP) of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria in 2009, as gender expert. Core Council Member of the Technical Working Group on Monitoring and Evaluation of Prevention for Most-at-Risk Populations, UNAIDS MERG, 2008-2009. Member of the Civil Society Task Force to advice the President of the UN General Assembly and UNAIDS on participation of civil society organizations in the 2006 AIDS High Level Review Meeting, New York from 31 May to 2 June 2006. Board member of Global Steering Committee of World AIDS Campaign since 2006 till 2010.



. “+15. Gender Equality: From Words to Actions. Advances, Challenges and Recommendations for Effective Implementation.” Bianco, M. FEIM/UN Women. July 2012.

. “Argentina Country Report”, Bianco, M. and Moore, S. In: “CCM Advocacy Report: Global Fund Country Coordinating Mechanisms: A Prescription for Change in a Time of Promise… and Peril”. ITPC. March 2012.

. “Recommendations for the Evaluation of the Gender Equality Strategy of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. Based on Findings from a Virtual Consultation and Focus Group Discussions. Global Report”, Bianco, M. FEIM, GCWA, IAWC. September 2011.

. “The Incorporation of Women and Girls into the Local HIV Response in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay”, Bianco, M., Mariño, A. y Sacco, E. FEIM, IAWC, UNDP. April 2011.

. “Two Sides of the Same Reality: Violence against women and HIV/AIDS in Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Uruguay. Evidence and Proposals for Reorienting Public Policy”. (Comp) Bianco, M. and Mariño, A. FEIM/UNIFEM, Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 2010.

. “Millennium Development Goals Report. Achievements and Obstacles in their Fulfillment. Argentina 2000-2010.” Bianco, M., FEIM, September 2010.

. “UNGASS: Monitoring the commitments to Sexual and Reproductive Health in the face of AIDS. Civil Society Fighting for Rights, Argentina Report.” (Comp) Bianco, M., Barreda, V. and Mariño, A., FEIM/GESTOS, February 2010.

. “The claim of sexual and reproductive rights”, in “Women, professionally and wifes (1910-2010). The feminine issue between the centenarian and bi-centenarian of May Revolution” compiled by Hector Recalde, Buenos Aires, Grupo Editor Universitario, 2010, p257/276.

. “Silenced Links: Violence and HIV in Women. A current look at Latin America and the Caribbean”. (Comp) Bianco, M. and Aranda, F., Campaign “Women Won’t Wait. End HIV & Violence Against Women. NOW”, October 2009.

. “Adopting Human Rights Standards in the Scale-Up of HIV/AIDS Care: Lessons Learned from Argentina, Botswana, and Thailand”, Bianco, M.; Kaplan, K.; Puvimanasinghe, S.; Stegling, C. y Suwannawong, P. In From the Ground Up: Building Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Care Programs in Resource-Limited Settings, by Marlink, R. and Teitelman, S. (Eds.). Vol. 1. Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation, 2010.

. “Violence against Women and HIV/AIDS in Four MERCOSUR Countries. Statistics, Public Policies, Legislation and State of the Art”. (Comp) Bianco, M., Mariño, A. and Re, M.I., FEIM/UNIFEM, July 2009.

. Introduction and edition of “Family Sexology” by Escardó, Florencio. FUNDASAP, Buenos Aires, June 2008.

. “Argentina Country Report”, Bianco, M., Mariño, A., Acerbo, M. and Moore, S. In: “CCM Advocacy Report: Making Global Fund Country Coordinating Mechanisms work through full engagement of civil society. On-the-ground research in Argentina, Cambodia, Cameroon, India, Jamaica, Romania, and Uganda”, ITPC, October 2008.

. “Strategies from the South: Building Synergies in HIV/AIDS and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights”, Final Publication, FEIM, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2008.

. “Final Remarks”, in “Realities & challenges of abortion: between rights and needs”, compiled by S. Checa, Paidós Editorial, Buenos Aires, 2006, p317-324.

. “From NGO’s to government. Roundtrip”, in Activists and Civil Society intelectuals in Latina America” editor Carlos Basombrío Iglesias, Buenos Aires, CEDES Ed., 2006, p143-162.

. “Family Planning and Public Policies in Argentina: historic perspective”, in Contraceptive Guidelines and News, by W. Barbato y J. Charalambopoulos, Editorial Corpus, Argentina 2005.

. “Adolescence in Argentina: Sexuality and Poverty” Bianco, M and Lic. Correa, C. with special collaboration from Luciana Peker, FEIM/UNFPA, Buenos Aires, November 2004.

. “Health and Abortion in Argentina: from proposals to facts” by Alejandra Domínguez, Alicia Soldevilla, Liliana Vázquez, Martha Rosenberg, Zulema Palma, Susana Checa, Mabel Bianco, Alicia Gutiérrez, Andrea Mariño y Marina Laski, published by SeAP, Córdoba, May 2004.

. “Healthy Women, free citizens or the power to decide,” by Bianco, M, et al. FEIM/CLADEM/FORODR/UNFPA, Buenos Aires, Argentina, March 1998.

. “Fertility, Health and Poverty in Latin America. The Argentine Case,” FEIM/UNFPA, Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 1996.

. Part IV: “How AIDS Changes Development Priorities”, in “Women Resisting AIDS, Feminist Strategies of Empowerment”, by Schneider, B and Stoller, N, Temple University Press, Philadelphia, USA, 1995.

. “Safe Motherhood,” compiled, 190 pages, FEIM/UNICEF, Buenos Aires, 1992.

. “General Reproductive Principles in Research Design” chapter 3 and “Medicalization of Human Reproduction,” chapter 6, in ”Direitos Reprodutivos” by Azeredo, S and Stolke, V, Carlos Chagas Foundation , Sao Paulo, Brazil, December 1991.


. “Maternal Mortality: An Indicator of Intersecting Inequalities", Bianco, M. and Moore, S. Paper commissioned by the Addressing Inequalities Global Thematic Consultation of the Post-2015 Development Agenda, coordinated by UNICEF and UN Women. October 2012.

. "Experience-based proposals for achieving long overdue goals in maternal and reproductive health and HIV/AIDS", Bianco, M. and Moore, S. Paper selected for the Health Global Thematic Consultation of the Post-2015 Development Agenda, coordinated by WHO and UNICEF. December 2012.

. “La situación de enfermedad y muertes maternas en Argentina”, Bianco, M. May 2011.

. “Global Report on MDG 5: Improve Maternal Health. Exploring the Situation in Africa, Asia and Latin America & the Caribbean”, Bianco, M. et al. Strategies from the South/FEIM. July- September 2010.

. “20 years fighting for women’s right to health” in Women Deliver 2010 International Conference, panel “Is Women’s Health an Impossible to Win Movement?”, Washington DC, June 2010.

. “EROTICS: An exploratory Research Project on Sexuality and the Internet. Policy Review”, Bianco, M. and Mariño, A. FEIM/APC, December 2008.

. “HIV/AIDS + Violence: Two sides of the same reality. Violence against women and HIV in the MERCOSUR. The situation in Argentina”. Bianco, M., Mariño, A. and Re, M.I., FEIM, 2008.

. “Monitoring the UNGASS Goals on Sexual and Reproductive Health–Civil Society Fighting for Rights, Argentina Report.” (Comp) Bianco, M., Barreda, V. and Mariño, A., FEIM/GESTOS, 2008.

. “Building Synergies in HIV/AIDS and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights” & “Latin America: Mapping political actors in sexual and reproductive rights”, presented in the 11º International Forum of AWID on Women's Rights and Development “The power of movements”, Cape Town, South Africa, 2008.

. “Women Won’t Wait. End HIV & Violence against Women. NOW”. Publication for Latin America and the Caribbean. FEIM/GESTOS/ActionAid/LACWHN/IAWC, 2007.

. “Young Poor Female in Latin America and the Caribbean” Bianco, M. Global AIDS Link, Global Health Council, Issue# 101, January/February 2007.

. “Access to Justice in Cases of Gender Discrimination”, speech presented on the panel, “Access to Justice when Women are Victims of Discrimination,” Meeting if Experts OAS “A look toward Access to Justice in Southern Cone Countries,” National Senate, Salón Arturo Illia, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 12-13 September 2005.

. Reaching Teenagers Through Health Messages and Reproductive and Sexual Rights: The Argentinean Experience, in Gender and Health, Gender, Society and Development series 9, KIT (Royal Tropical Institute), Amsterdam, Holland, 2005.

. “The Situation of Sexual and Reproductive Health Care from the Users’ Perspective. Argentina 2003”, Zurutuza, C.; Bianco, M.; Rosenberg, M.; Checa, S. y Correa, C.; Buenos Aires, CoNDeRS/UNFPA. August 2004.

. “Women’s Human Rights: The Argentine Government’s Unresolved Matters,” Shadow report presented to the CEDAW Committee of experts, editorial team: Lipszyc, C., Aumedes, N., Pochack, A., Zurutuza, C., Bianco, M., Pastor, S. and M.J. Lubertino. August 2002.

. “Trade liberalization, women’s employment and reproductive health in Argentina”, paper prepared for the Discussion Group on Trade liberalization and Reproductive Health linkages, organized by IWRC and Ford Foundation, Washington DC, USA, 8/9 April 2002.

. “Harm Reduction Policies in Argentina”, in the “Drugs and HIV/AIDS, Harm Reduction in the Southern Cone”, Intercambios/UNAIDS/LUSIDA, Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 2001, p19/22.

. “Drugs Policies for HIV/ AIDS in Argentina”, presented in the 1st Centro American Conference for the access to essentials drugs” organized by Medicos sin Fronteras, Agua Buena and International Action for Health, Antigua, Guatemala, 18/19 June 2001.

. “Women, Girls and HIV/AIDS,” Women and Health Journal, #I,p:6-10,2001, LACWHN, Santiago ,Chile.

. “Women, Girls and HIV/AIDS, critical issues in Latin America and the Caribbean”, paper for the panel Women and AIDS, organized by the UN Commission on the Status of Women ,45th Session, and the Division for Women Advance of the UN, United Nations, New York, 8 March 2001.

. “The International Women’s Movement and Anti-tobacco Campaigns”, by M Bianco, M.Haglind, Y. Matsui ND n. Nakano, in Women and the Tobacco Epidemic. Challenges for the 21st Century”, published by WHO and The Global Institute for Tobacco Control, School of Public Health, John Hopkins University, Geneva, p 209/217, 2001.

. “HIV/AIDS drugs access in Latin America and the Caribbean, the HTCG experience”, presented in the FORO 2000, organized by HTGC, UN agencies and community Networks, in Rio de Janeiro, November 2000.

. “Human Rights and Ethics in Sexual and Reproductive Health Care”, presented in the workshop Health Care Systems in the Southern Cone, organized by the School of Public Health, University of Santiago, in Santiago, Chile, 30/31 October 2000.

. “Monitoring the Implementation of the Plan of Action in Five Latin American Countries,” in Disarming the Criticism, Cairo 5 Years Later, HERA, México, September 2000, p215- 229.

. “Human Rights and access to HIV/AIDS treatment, Argentinean case study”, by Bianco, M., Re, M.I. et al, in: Case Studies on HIV/AIDS and Human Rights in Latin America and the Caribbean, LACCASO/UNAIDS, special publication, Buenos Aires, Argentina, September 1999.

. “Cholera Prevention in Argentina”, in “Sweeping the Earth. Women taking Action for a Healthy Planet”. Edited by Myriam Wynan, published by Gynergy books. Charlottetown, Canada, 1999, p185/191

. “The impact of economic policies on women’s reproductive rights and health: the Argentinean case”, in Risks, Rights and Reforms” published by WEDO, New York, USA, September 1999, p189/191.

. “Cost Benefit and Economic approach related to Health Care Services Systems”, paper prepared for the expert group Women and Health organized by the UN Division for the Advancement of Women, Tunisia, September 1998,

. “The Cairo Consensus, Monitoring as a women’s citizenship practice”, by M. Bianco, M. Matamala, and T. de Barberis, Special Publication of the LACWHN and UNFPA, Santiago, Chile, December 1998.

. “Women’s Human Rights and Health Needs in developing countries”, plenary Conference in the closing Ceremony, Second International Conference on Health and Human rights organized by the François Bagnoud Center, School of Public Health, Harvard University, Boston, October 1996. Published “Health and Human rights Journal”, vol.2, nº3 p.83-90, Boston ,USA, 1997.

. “Women organization for health prevention, the case study”, presented in the Workshop “Healthy cities, healthy people”, organized by Both End and the Netherlands Ministry of External Cooperation, in Amsterdam, Netherlands, May 1996, in preparation to the International Conference Habitat.

. “Women’s rights and Development, women participation”, presented in the panel: Women Empowerment, in the Interregional Conference about implementation of the ICPD Plan of Action, organized by UNFPA and the Indonesian Ministry of Population, Jakarta, Indonesia, may 1995 (published by the Indonesian Government).

. “Poverty, reproductive rights and development”, presented in the Round Table Reproductive rights and Development organized by WEDO, NGO Forum, ICPD, Cairo, September 1994.

. “Women and AIDS strategies in National HIV/AIDS Programs in Latin America and the Caribbean”, paper prepared for PAHO/WHO, (temporal advisor) 1993.

. “Population Policies and Women Health, the Argentinean Case Study”, presented in Case Studies session, in the Regional Meeting: Population Policies and Women, organized by the LACWHN (Latin American and Caribbean Women Health Network), 5-9 July 1993 in Oaxtepec, Mexico.

. “Poverty and development, a gender perspective”, presented in the workshop Marginalized women and development. First preparatory meeting ICPD, march 1993, UN , New York.

. “Midlife and older women in Latin America and the Caribbean: Current Situation and Policy implications”, in Midlife and older Women in Latin America and the Caribbean, PAHO/AARP:169- 177, Washington, 1989.

. “Conditioning Women’s Participation in Latin American Health Programs,” Medicine and Society, vol. 3, ·Nº13:35-41, Buenos Aires, Argentina, May/June, 1990.

IV. AWARDS . Special Mention 8 March Margarita de Ponce, Argentina Women’s Union (UMA), 2013 . Dignity Prize, Permanent Assembly for Human Rights, Argentina, 2013 . Women Deliver 100: The most inspiring individuals delivering for girls and women, Women Deliver, 2011. . 150 Women Who Shake the World Award, Newsweek, 2011. . Red Ribbon Award, UNDP/IAS/UNAIDS. Received on behalf of FEIM, 2006. . Argentine National Award Women’s Celebrities in Health, Social Category, National Ministry of Health of Argentina, 2005. . Special Mention, Medical Category, Women’s Rotary Club Buenos Aires, 2001. . Silver Trebol Distinction, Scientific Category, Women’s Rotary Club Buenos Aires, 1999. Buenos Aires, February 2015