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39. On the Evolution and Distribution of the Blood Group Substance of . By Tanemoto FURUHATA,M.I.A. Instituteof LegalMedicine, Medical Faculty, University of Tokyo. (Comm. Dec. 12, 1947.) The blood group substance was first found in the blood of the human race. It was then also found to be present in the organs and other body fluids. Years later, the question whether this substance was also distributed among the animals arose, and through the efforts of research workers, it became known that substances resembling those in the human, also existed among the animals. These substances were formed from a more simple structure and an evolution occured in the group substance from the simple structured lower animals to the complicated ones and finally to that of the human race. The following is an outline of my present work, in which I hope to show the different phases of the evolution seen in the kingdom. 1) " A " group substance : This consists of partial group sub- stances A5, A11, A111and A1v1. Among these A1~,has the most simple structure, and is the same as antigen FA3'4'5',found in the Forssman antigen. A1v is found in the blood corpuscles of the sheep and goat. The blood corpuscle of a has a more complicated structure than the A group substance found in the sheep, it consists (Ails and A1v). The blood corpuscle of group A is in turn more complicated in structure than that of , but is still more simple than the human "A" group substance . Group A dogs have partial group substances A11,Aril and A1v. While in the human we find four partial group substances, Ar, A11,A111 and A1~. "A" group substances sometimes are found in the of the . When found, we call it the A~ type (or A' type), when not found, the A- type (or 0' type) A" group substance, which has a more complicated structure than A11 but more simple than AI, is found in the saliva of the rabbit of A type. 2) "B" group substances'?'g'. This is made up of three partial group substances, B1, B11 and B111. Different structures as (B1, B11, B111),(B11, B111), (B111) are found in different types of animals. (B1, B11,B111). .. B group of the human race, orang-outang, and frog. (B11, B111).. .rabit, Albino rat, , pig, , kangaroo, , tapir, weasel (marten). (B11)..~:.guinea pig, goat, african elephant, indian elephant, dog, , Cebus. 3) "0" substance' : This is analyzed into 01, 011and 0111. Each blood group has this substance : group 0 having the most and de- clining in the of group B, A and AB. The ratio o:f the sub- stance found in groups A, B, 0 is 1: S : 32. (01, 011, 0111).. .human blood corpuscles of E type, humans saliva of secretors (S type), saliva of dogs, sheeps and goats of S type. 152 T. FURUHATA. (Vol. 23,

(OII, OIIr)...human blood corpuscles of e type, blood corpuscles of albino rat, blood corpuscles of tutles, saliva of ; human saliva of s type, kidneys of guinea pigs, horses and , Shiga bacilli. (OIII)...blood corpuscles of rabbits, some sheep, some dogs, and some pigs. Blood corpuscles of chickens and goats have none. References. 1) TERAJIbIA,M.: Analyse der A-Typensubstanzenim Blutkorperchen and in den Organen von Menschen sowie Tieren. J. Journ. of Med. Scien. VII. Social Med. and Hyg. IV. (1) 1-9, 1942. 2) TERAJIMA,M.: Analyse der A-Typensubstanzen im Blutkorperchen and in den Organen von Menschen sowie Tieren. Tokyo Igakkai Zassi, 56:257-309, 1942. 3) SCHIFF,F. u. ADELSBERGER,L.: Uber blutgruppenspezifischeAntikorper and Anti- gene. Zschr, f. Immunitatsf. 40:335-367, 1924. 4) THOMsEN,0.: Uber die Zusammensetzungder Blutgtuppen A Eigenschaften beim Menschen (A u. AB Gruppe)and Kaninchen.Zschr. f. Immunitatsf.87 : 335-365,1936. 5) ISEPI,S. u. TERAJIMA,M.: Uber die Beziehung zwischen der A-Substanzand den Forssmanchen Antigen. Hanzaigaku Zasshi. 14:8-13 1941. 6) MIZUTANI,M.: On the Relationship between Human and Animal Bloodcells from the Haemotypological Point of Views. juzenkai Zasshi, 37:2571-2578,2751-2967, 2972-3000,1932. 7) YAMAZARI,T.: Uber die Struktur vom typenspczifischenRezeptor B. Chiba-Igakkai• Zasshi. 11:59-97, 725-756,1932. 8) FRIEDENREICH,V. u. WrrH, S.: Uber B Antigen and B Antikorper beim Menschen and Tieren. Zschr. f. Immunitatsf. 78:152-172,1933. 9) INouE,Y.: Studies on Anti-0 in Eel serum. Tokyo Igakkwai Zassi. 57:1-55, 1943.