THTheE Constitutionalist VOL. XLII PLAINPLlAINFIEI FIELJ X>. NN.. J. J.., THURSDAYTHURSDAY., FEBRUAR FEBRUARYY 10 , 10.1910 1919.. NONO.. 6.6. VOL. xui Im thr C-c—« mt ■> . RE tltGT p. 1. MRl* m in NOHuntil BOROUGBOROUGHH SEWERAG SEWERAGEE NO IIWIHE[ftll E DOYLDOYLEE DEADDUD TIML Ei®e OQIII Dbomb HFAD hid HD OR Vi REELECT p. I. IINEur «1 PlainfieldPlainfleld RidinRidingg anandd Drivin Drivingg OofF UNSOUN—D MIND VictorVictor LeesLass,, o fot EuBastt O ranOranga go Petitio Petitionn an d Contenand Consentt Kuat PopulaPopularMustr YounYrouogg PhysiciaPbysiciaxin MON 'JOJOS'F FRELINGHUYSEniBMIN AttempAttempt t ttoo HavHot*e Locomotiv Locomotivee ClubClub HoldHoldss XtItsa Annua Annuall Inin PersonaPersonall UueaUueatt o f of BeBe SigneSignedd bbyy Februar Februaryy 1 515 SuccumbsSuccumbs ttoo aa LingerLinger-- Sent to This City on Wild TheTbe inquisitioinquisitionn ooff in nluna< :- . conduct-j Wllll.mWilliam JeffetyJeffrey,. presidenpresidentt o f thof e tb. Sent to Thla City on Wild Hosting. «*ded laIn tinfh*- Boroug Boroughh Counci wNew ProvidencProrld.aree TownshiTowasblpp Circle Circle,s on oa OooaaGoose ChaseGhaaa.. yesterday>.-*t.-rdi., «r:.-ti»»*t nuoan resulteresultedd in aIn] • [ lb.the SquareSquaru., orsaniieorswalrerr o f ottb etba move Bat.- twelve-man jury deciding that Den-} ment of the WatKvn Township Circles twMr^min Jury dividlsc that D*o- I N ... FK1HOS.I roMMITTKKCOMMITTEE OOFF FIVEFIVE BUSY .IIXKY.ATAT AU A41KK OOFF TlilltT THIRTY-OXKI -oxi; VE.IRS VALARM.. meat of the Wsrr- n Township Clrelee HOIthK SHOW UATM ARK MKT.nilnl* T'Tully.l !;•. a aforme formerr residen residentt of (beof !tb© IIK KVV A PRIMUXrH, anandd presidenpresidentt oEof tb thee Plaiaflel Plainfieldd Boar Boardd ruinINI ; i I N > KALIKM; IN AI KKR' S FREAK. borough, laof unsound mind and un- ofof TradeTrade., inIn a naa addres addreeas to Warreto Warrenn i ■ ■ •nl of Director* Meaffwrrtiipable to a dm Inkster to th* affair* ot ' HirerAll *(Ian Are GlvewVp IK > Failuret'ailurt- SotHerr* IfU Propert Propertyy OWM Owner*H Do DoiiminrtiGaine d FamF**re • *u a Bm Roll PUyrtCirclesCircle s aatt MoulMoustt Bethe Bethell las t lastnigh tnightTrai n\ TrotaDrapatche Dropntcherr VaaMlerfmr VnwdcvHueff Wtoa> Wlro b«ahis propertyproperty,. IDfa Chicago Chicago., ID ala c a com- - 4 statedstated thathatt ththee tim Umee "ha "hadd com comee whe whenn I ikna-nl to TwmUj—Mr. petent manner. reptiag I He Oar la Thia NotNot sliMom Mat OBCP—X Once—Noo MembeMroherr ootf KK.. o fof C . C.ant lawd I. OI.. O. thethe farmerfarmerss ofot SomersetSomerset cause ycounty to Game; Tries I.i Have petent manner. would organlte to defeat Joseph Fre- TbaTbe proceedingproceeding*s wtr-.were- !;*iltu!e Imitatedd at at CHy by Her Hear* Agent* Sarnia F.—Kumml Services at would organic* to defeat Joseph Fre- Man llflil—He the behest of James Hurley, a Unghuysen.llnghuysen."" tbe boh cut of James Harley, a H Wanted. H*.St. Mao'Marys *Onirrh Oiarch.. I• "The"Thiiw e appointmentappolnimenuaVirJimiuruus of of«count ycounty j nephewnephew,, anandd relativerelative*! o f ofMr .Mr. Tully Tully.. judgudgee anandd prosecutoproeeeutorr mad mad>e recentl y OrrliliOrTill„ e T- WarinWaringg babaa» beebeenn re - I"1 ^ievieww ooff havin having g th ethe Suprem Supremee Cour Courtt Victor.-tor ].•:-•-*.. the Hist Orange TheThe SeweragSeweragee CommissioCommlaaloan of m. ofDr.Drthe . LawrencLtwrvnc*Eaat Orangee DD.. Do Doylecal!y> die ddied aThei •; a*. t> >2 th e Governor." said Mr. Jeftery RunninRunningg hastilhastilyy intIntoo th th*e offic officee of of elected presrtden* Of tha Pl*»nOeld \ appoint a guardian tor tbp property. | , , having tailed i» get any h< North Plainfleld. consisting of J. P. :lock • !i I s morning at by the Governor.*' aald Mr. JefferyA. M. Runyon & Son a halt^our af- elected pre«M«rot ~of tho~ Plainfield i appoint • guardian for the property.ter | ,*r,.r. f.»ed !to Emmons get any, C. Iheld- Nichols North, J. o Plainfield,OBgood. o'clork Cconsisting this ofmorning J. P. al theJ horn© •‘undoubtedly"undoubtedlof y upoupoon tbthee recommenda recommenda-- A. M. Runyon A Son n half four af- Riding and JJrlving- Club, for the i Francis J. Blatz. Esq.. represented i tTo\ (he police III hlnj search for biss sisterslater.. MrsMr*.. Ulysse Ulyssess Force Force.. 605 605 ter midnight last night, a man dress- Riding and (Driving Club, for 1 1th<> Kraacla J BlaU. Eaq . represented . lrom tb* police In bla search for i tiontion ooff ththee S'Ti.itnr Senator,. withou withoutt refer refer-- ter midnight last night, a man dr*ve- comtag J'eari The other oncers are! * "' Hurley. Appearing a? witness** j Bilssing »ne, ia in uu I E. S. Boyer and W. J. Buttneld, H..V- Richmondchmond streetstreet,, afteafterr a nan illnes illnesas of encof e to the character of the gentle- eded Ilan ththee gargarbb o off a arailroa railroadd enginee engliseerr coming >ear. The other officer* ware Mr Hurley. Appearing H "Hartm.* q,I»IdK »lfe, I* In tbl*iim decidecity dtodajf that thE.e questio8. Boyern o l sewand- W.severa J. l BuUflcld.months. AUat- coincidenc e of Dr. ence to the character of the gentle-or fireman, requested of Mr. Ver- these: Vice-presldrtrtVkw-Dr—rtiHfBt, RoberRobertt A.| *™A > *>r. B. D.Dr. Evans B., cfD. tb eEra... Newj ukc?in K tb.9le pBN>wjtakin, to ttnd tl step, to tad Ibe ruuog wifi: lag drelded tb.tatveral the8 qutmtloamonth.. otA mew-cotncldMire of n mappointed*„ „po|ai^., were verw.r.y nnsatl?very - nnaalls-or fireman, requested of Mr. V«r- Patrb.lm-Fatrbalro; secretarytafrWarr. L I*O . Tlmpson TlmMon;;; .Jerse\^^V . J-n-Xy StalS'*' *e Wat.HospitalHospital Htapltal.,, of whicwhic oth iostl-lmanin-U.bleb- lull. Mrau.. Lew Mr.«tate S Lea ,t»tra thaterags e .11fo r thlta,«ra*.e borough foris a thenecessl boroughi Dfrl*'Doyle' la s .deat dewthiMmlt;h isla tha that t tw otwo month month,s ag oago.,.dory,ractbry, an d andthe kinthed okindf politica of l potUlcalmeule permissio permissiona toto us euse tb e thetele - tele- trpuiirarVr£llooSe. Edwin 8,, Hopley . tutlonc I Mrt«tl<*B. Tull yMr. is Tall, U .a| Ora-|«l„„i tha t behi d h..wif e tb.te t biban d -If.shoul r.m.^d be at t.od .boalj. witbo ube todaytoda...endedy ththee funerai„funer.1 wltkoa.l servic rerricee of hisofcleanin »la|gcltM whic|Mh aa»dhlc beeh n kaddon eban In thdon.ephonephone. In . th.HHee wa wass apparentl apparentlyy In , aIn grea n grantt ThTb.e dates, aimedHIKUdd fo fortorr th elb.tb. annua .usualannuall jj C- | B.., -Lufburro . - I.ufburro*w and Frederi ut c KrederlcJ. | visit a girl frl<-nd Who. lireblrl* no :frl-ad WI.O Ilea n»« • —1del.,, •addraad Mr.-Til Marytb.'y D&gnefolki.lo.munk.tlouDagnel'.l •, wa wass helto boldd tb. j townshipreal ofestate Warren last failastl shoul faUd shouldhurry. anandd saisaidd hi s hlaengin eeaglne bad had horse show are Thursday Friday and ; ""K1 nd Mr. and Mrs. James j floor to an Italian; woman who ha. atit S:8*.. Mary'Marys the former bb.e extendeattendedd toto Includ Ibcladee th etb. goo goodd Sen Sen-- brokenbroke n dowdownn betweebetweenn CentraCentrall avenu avenuee -Saturday. June 2. 3 snd'i. which U| Hurley, '.telephonp e in the house) and with tl.t- if tltbux boroughtugb t through tbladying on December 4. ator himselfhimself.. I 1predic predictt tha t thatth e and>» info atio Which was I The borough laws require 'tha portunlty; that will never again ported bis engine stalled and aiked also mmn thnt thtb.te Plainflel tb. dpl.MA.ld «bo. I Wnpwrd of Williamed aoinoJ. Conroy information Which wa, nodther ej shalTb.l b e obtaineboroughd consenlawkt ofrequire i bornborn o.thatonn JJune i e 13 13.. 1ST9 1879.. A t onAte yeaoner yearportunity rone that"will never again j ported hla engineth>l Hailed and asked .will be larger and Better than vs! eontainedtain In hihi.s letter letter** t tothi nthla new JI'ber. .hall be obtained countofo f ofag agone Inhisfather father., Lawrecc Law erecce Doyle Doyle,, returnretur n bihi*s way.way.”" that another locomotiv e«notber be dispatch locomotlvw- be dtapztcb- will be l.rgur and BMtrr thanowj e».i..— corneforemen.d oGeorgef Wlllta Klreh.. J. Conroy Georg.. Egfli it tht e majority (according to Its ed to his assistance. The dispatcher a..s «a majoritmajorityy o fof th etb. exhibitor e.bIHtorws .he, Evret, blarab. Klebard McCullou/l,.pnpor.P«-t»"-. He any. that the girl whocj itlon| majority) of the.according property to lu dieddieameatedd anandd chihee famil familyy remove removedd to thUMr . JefferJefferyy thethenn discourseddiscoursedj freelfreelyy e. The dispatcher go to' the Quaker C4ty will wer, i foreman; George Kirch. George Egjli hi. wife cameime her herne to {vitojelalts eterctaetjl'kltikUOD) of Ibc property ownerscRyctiy iInn 1S^61886.. {oonn governmengovernmentt anandd taxatio taxationn an andd eon con-- evidentlyevidentl y dididd not taketake ananyy stocstockk In In go lo' the Quaker City willwhol^-ret com.!t Hich.rdMarsh. RicharA. Boyeo.d MtCllouA John . Y BarrWt.d seem to be Ii hypm befoi of sewei thth*e proposeproposedd engineer'engine s story and here . OnOnee prominen prominentt horsema bornen min .all , Hober; Trewlti. t'b.rle. Jeoaen..»lll-what would unt lo b. an bypbotH, betorotstructed any. ty.t.m of aoworag.GraduatingGraduatin tan g frofromm StSt.. Mar Mary'sy paro-ivlnce paro-vinced d ththee farmerfarmerss tha thatt the ythey wer e were today, that th.. local show this ome' Hlchard A. Boyoe. John Y. Barrett, InBuence oyer>ver bihiss wif wlf*£ a nnd tbla Inj ho rotutmeted. chialchlal schooschooll InIn 1*96 I-S96.. Dr .Dr. D< eDoyle en- gettinggettinen- g ververyy littllittlee i nIn th ethe wa yway of reaof l realwiredwire d ChieChieff KielKlelyy t o tohav ehave the thema nman today.•A•«!'..I almosIh.t t Inlocal1 the natur.howe •t»lasaid !J*nr »»* g'em TrewTh , CharleUehele.s *««« rhlllp. .WH1 -Currlafluenr. rwasand, pri primarilym ij-ily tfain elned rongtj!throrch -I t Is necessarIt In Dwnnir,y also to alsoobtai nto fr oobtaintere fromd Seto n Hall College, a: b«ld. CaptaiCaptainn Cbrlstenson Christenson,, wh owho wa awas w'O.rd altno»( he la-tb. nature of an Eduard Terr,-. r !arlnjj | the properly owners a written a tered Seton HaJl College, a: Southd Improvement or other ad' rhe Mr. Tull istta of about [tirtgiftss ooff variouvariouss article srtlrless of wesrlnij'thn1 properly owners a writtenOrange ap-, where ho studied medic ages for the money which the])- were on luty.doty,. sent a patrolman to tba Itfteinternationali DliO! nffairaffair.. 00 I » - Toll,'ad elate anof daboul furnitur e in homtf [plication t> the Borough Council Orange, where he studied medicine|ages for th* money which thep were & Son, but th. m- j »5.0QO sh ana persom appurel nnd s In th. hona* plleatlon t> tho Borough Councilforfor threthree loe yearsrears.. AfteAfterr takin takingg a o :a one-1payin gpaying in taxes Ini taxe*. j k office of Runyon A Son.f but the man ub has Increase roperty . •!,;_ • .1 t.J.i it t ],-• rj.i.- -' Lou " TheThe (club ban lncrca.e.1 the mem. ! *'- " 1« ca.h *“ prrwon.l properlyal East:..-t OrangeOrange. Mr. !.>Sir.• .Let*;i! o alao da> ' >ubmlt the qooallon of aorb ronstrur-year cours e at Bcllevue Hogpltai. hadhad disappeareddisappeared,. I i beryhlp!>• • -h!|< ot••: thtb.e ooar Boardd o fot di directorsn fromI i and tuoproperUe prbperjooa on on Wentworth :•{ the borough a year course al Bellevue Hospital. In 1 derhoef . • the train dis- Chicago. tlnrcd•d tbatthat,, whilwhilee be *«■#». Chicago __ always lived (n perfect harmon^ a special election. New York. h« entereda New ni/fl |W i n patcher lu Jersey City, said that it i. not w ready to announce the ad- j had always lleed in perfect harmony j a apm-ial election. medical schoolliool f: patcher In Jersey City, aald that It la not y« ready to announce the ad- Inin theitheirr twelvtwelvee yrtar yttnres at ofmarrie marriedd Iifi4 UfaForm s oFormsf tbe requireof thed requiredconsent am tea heErad-|VKU V J! tooktook aa halhalff hou hourr to geto t intgeto teleInto- tele- ditionalditlonat nium*smuurn.. ItIt ca ncan b e Raibed saidthat , that ihhee thoughthoughtt thathatt di thee Influenc Influencee of tbitofj thisapplicatio ■ applicationn to b eto signe bod bsignedy propert byy propertyna’.ed afteafter r fo toiiSSr® f trtudy. OltlLLSKILLYI 10IS phonicphonic communicatiocommunicationn witwithh thi thias ctt rcity they will be me* who are prominent fgirgirlt inin questioquestionn iha dhad 11 ende tendedd to esto^ ownereas |s owner,have beebay.n place beend witplacedh t Is- withAtAt ththeIh.e conclusio conclusionn o f biof s his studies when he attemptedipted t o toge t getpolic e police inin ththee horshoraee sho «howw world world.. Holwr Robertt A. I A. Hit trang. hla wife (routthei rtheir humbt homblde clerk ekrkof th e ofborong theh boroughat the oAala Dr.Drtho. DoylDoyleoBcoe locatelocatedd a t atWcodbrid Woodbrtdg*.i headquartersheadquarters aatt midnightmidnight.. Me Hebe - be- FalrbairFairbalrnn habana beeburnn name namedd as aachair- ebalr-1 homehome.. of tbe collector, 94 Somerse11 of tb©t stree collector,t wherewher e»« bhe eSomerset remaineremainedd tJire *tro©tthreee years years,, afi after nmiiis HIM lieves"leves tbthee mamann wh whoo Irle irledd to plato y playthe tha man <.'f th« hone show committee.) and also with the steward of th. whichwhich hhee practisepractisedd a t atBoun Boundd Broo Brookk WHEREABOUTS UNKNOWN rick on the railroad company was man Of the horse iho* committee, When Illhi.s wifewife,, first] Aratj me mett thi s thl.uii-f naJ | and alao with Ih. stawardunti Ofl lasth.t September . Failing health trick on the railroad company was withwith powepowerr toto appoin appointt hi shit assistants assistant*. ID ANNUAL MILLINGknown girlIrl itIt wa wass a t atk dinnek dinn.rr party :parlyPark I club•’•f*, Washingto'l«h. Wnahlnglonn avenue . avenue.until last September. Falling heal LouisLouis SkelleySkellejr., whwhoo fo rfor som somee t Umeeither•ithe r aa dischargedischargedd employ employee o r orwa swan ID ANNUAL MEETING We believe that it will be general- InducedInduced hihimm toto g ogo to Bt!oitto R*Yoit,, Mich iMichi- Thl*ThlH •••will. 11 makmakee a i aver veryy bus tn.ayy seaso aeaaonn In Grange • • wherewhere. Mrs Mr»,j Le eI/to wen t went(r to Wo believe that It will b.Kan general-. After residing there for threi hashas conducteconductedd a anews news,, cand ycandy demented.and here In sports, as the steeplechase he table. The twi iceded that there exists an lm- gan. After residing there for three be., in aitert. a tb. ..eeplabaaOfflce j i were elected -e ports help wait „,ond therrporu table. Tho Iwo ly conceded that there eilatanioiKii ans hI etu- cam e to a realization tha fruitfruit etorstoree aatt 121299 Nort Northh avenge avenue,, hasThoTb e mamann isIs describe describedd a s asbein g being • otof thtb.e Watchun Watchnngg Hun Huntt Clu b dub prwou? failurfailuree ooff Mr Mr.. l>ee Loeas to titon 1find hH bhMe madb*e am*des follows as :follows apitche hlglnd or ndegree local teamsla tiffs. cl»> wheresaidsai hed ttoo havhavee bee bronn vile vile.. Whe nWhen aske daskedAliT O I CARRIAGE GRASH; FUNERALFUNERAL SEMESERVICESS O fIF jleaf. wifeif- wilwilll entaientaill imuc muchh troubl troublea tax f<*Ever y IndividuaEvory l Individualproperty 0*propertypitched owner on local team*. yesterdayyesterday wherwheree heherr husban husbandd had had himhim.. HiHlas father father,, wh owho Is ala wealth a wealthyy shoul d shouldsign In aignperse nin an persoad not bandy a nnot-HlIBs bya anchie chieff triumphtriumphss in IocIns gonlocale Urs . SkcLcy said that he was TheThe reporreportt ooff th thee treasure treasurerr wi was as k tbe lffli balldom was made when h« was th gone Mr*. 8kel»ey aald that be was - follows: German, wants to knowtbe the agent.wife balldora was made when he waa thestayinstaying g iinn NeNeww Yor Yorkk fo rfor a feaw few flays day* andand perhapperhapss willwill. settle an tncotmiA marriedrled womawomann ownin owningg propert propertyy starala r pHchepitcherr ofof St .8t. Mary' Mary’ss tea m teami andan dI shshee wawass no nott certai certainn ad 10aM thtoe NRJDIJSJRRI8HURIthe MRS5.. HENRHENRYY I. L.I EDILLAmoun t received from sales, J8,- on heherr togethetogetherr wit hwith tba t that of In Mr.her own ighrightt shoul shouldd sig nsign In perIn -per-thethe dayday*s ooff th thee citcityy amateu amateurr leagu leagu' dat e of hla return. Mrs. Skelley Is 179; amoiint paid consignors, S~, .Ilfji soi Scores of hot battles for supremac date of hla retnrn. Mrs. BkeHer i* 686; amount for association, J493 LeeLooss himselfhimself,, anandd i t willIt will simplifyson. Score* of hott battles for supremacyattending[(tendin g ttoo tbthee stor storee wit hwith th e theas - as-An accident whicwhichh nearl nearlyy resulte resultedd Mrs.Mrs. IdIdaa RedforRedfordd O . O.Hall Hall,, wif ewife of of «*«. amount for nmocInUoa.mattersmatter H*J;s ifIf ththee woma womann ca ncan be founbe dfoundA corporation should, by rroo!wer e waged on the old St. Mary lstance of her aunt. seriouslyisly foforr MMr.r an dand Mrs Mrs.. Arthu Arthurr Henry 1,. Hall, whose funeral was lalgi anwered Hopwagede chape oal diamondthe olds I n SLtho e Mary’)sistance of her aunr. Henry I- Hall, whose funeral wa«32 I received from consignors’ asas ticketiItt wilwill l mea meann to ethe liftin liftingg jup -iimv-iup ?aboveMon of the directors, duly authorizeand Hope chapel diamond* in thoseConstableConstabl e WeaveWeaverr soughsoughtt Skelle 8ke!leyy M . Harris,Harris, ooff 939355 Centra Centrall avenue arena*,, heldheld aatt NewporNewport,t R . R.I- , KondaI., Mondayy af-j* $52:af-: 'ncoIncome-Tor« :>"• To; Exchange,, pa payy . ex-any possiblpossiblee siatstatea o f ofwan wantt of botofh botkanl officeofficer r ooff th tb#a compan companyy to tosig nsign Its days,daysIts , anandd thth®e nam namee '"Do "Itocc Doyle Doyle"" wa wa*ass soosoonn aaaa ih thee paper paperss fo rfor hi s hisarres arrestt occurred•urre d laslastt nighnightt shortl shortlyy afte rafter 9 9 tnoou. was birlebnrtedd aratt «lllald lllllaldee cemcem-- pensoapense*. . JS$54*;> ;5; ex expense]expensess fo rfor th ethe year -yesr*.people.people . namename oonn Mkss behalf behalf.. thethe bye-worbye-wordd foforr "hundred hundred*s of oftoe; localverrere e IssuedIssued,, bubutt whe whenn he arrivehe darrived'clockloc k aatt ththee corne cornerr of Seventof Seventhh etcryetery., -..•-(.nl.,)GAKDGAHR i.llGltll.’Xl [ \ loTO or more personsiboul shouldd be signebe dsignedalike . "Doc" had a disposition that is surmisesurmisedd thathatt Skelle Skelleyy ha hadd receive receivedd tomobile loblle supposesupposedd ttoo har havee bee beeaa drtv driv-- news of which caused a deep shock (ion Is entirelend relyy depende dependentd upon sub- by all alike. "Doc" had a disposition that by A. R. Stevens, of T*6 Orant nevs of which caused a 1deep shock WEWKI»D >IISMISSS AXXIANNIEE FISit FISK.i for by all such owners of record.won i hihimm friendfriend*s whereve whereverr h e hew . wentmdergrouunderground d informatioInformationn Ofof th ethe In -In-en by A. R. Stevens, of 746 Grant amongamong heherr manmanyy friend friendss her* here.. Mr s lfrs.scription*. donations, etc. At pres- SignaturesSignatures iinn behalbehalff o f of"estates "eataie' andand aa hosboett o r ofhi s hisadmirer admirer*s In Intention entlothen ooff ththee authoritie authoritiess to arrento arrestt avenue, nue. collidecollidedd witwithh a carriaga carriagei in in HalHallt hahadd beebeena 11 1111 fo r forsometim aomedmee and entnnd there araree 13 1355 consigner consignerss to to theAnnouncement nnouncement wawaas madmadee yester yroter-- shouldshoul d be.madbe. madee byby th thee partie partiess hold -hold-localloca l athletiathleticc worlworldd ar eare mourn mourning! anndd smoo madmadee a cleaa cleann getaway getawny.. He whicwhichHeh MrMr.. anandd Mrs Mrs.. Harri Harriss wer weree drlv driv-- priorprior ttoo leavinleavingg Plainflel Plainfieldd underwen underwentt Exchange, •chang . eaceachh ofof who whomm I s paiIs d daypaid oof f tbthee engagemen engagementt o fof Mis Mis*s Anal Annie* ingin g legalegall titltitlee to to th ethe land land.. Ms death today. livelivedd witwithh hihiss wif wiree In Inth ethe rea rearr ot thof eingthe: towartowardd towntown.. TheTbe latte rlatter were ,were, an operation and another more re- monthlyonthly alalll monemoney-y du dueo her her.. Hall Fisk. daughter of Mr. and Mn. All signatures must be witnessed. his death today. own violently to the ground and centlan yoperation at Newport and. another more re- Mall Fisk, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.All signatures must be wltneuicd "Doc""Doc" DoyleDoyl*., asa* 'h e-h* WP Sw** calle railedd b> storeby on North avenue. thrown violently to the ground and cently at Newport. PlinyPliny riskFisk,, ofof Trenton Trenton,, an dand i-.m-i cousin,n To perpermitm , ofof : rtloactioni on this a Im-hoshost t ofof Mends frienda., wa awas alway alwayss I noted sustainedttalned severseveree bruisebruisess an dand thei r their MrsMrs.. (lullHull, wawass bor bornn H t Newporat Newport.t of>f MayoMayorr CharlesCharles; J . jFtek Fisk,. to WlttoH provementWill* by hthee Boroug Boroughh Coun Councilt a* . a gamgamee anntidd grlrt grittyy plays pUy«-' and and that carriag-arriagee wawass badlbadlyy shattered shattered.. Som Somee R.R. UU JulJulyy 17 17., 18(5 1865., an d andspen t spentIhi the lamam EdgaEdgarr CwnGreen,, so nson pf thof^ latthe« atat lateitItss adjourneadjournedd meetin meetingg to Btoe beh? h'Idcharacteristicaracterts:d a wa••*» prominenprominentt durin duringg lalamag magee wawass dondonee t oto ih ethe automobile automobile.. earlyearly .waryearss ofof he herr lif e lifethere there,. Sh* GOACOALE HANDLEHANDLERR NEAREUYY JudgeJudge ElmeElmerr EwlnEwingg Green Green,, of enrs. dprevious aeotion ofto th e removingcltj George eorge PacPacee hahadd a anarro narroww escap es(be attentio attentionn ofjefden of t cldentwhic h whichbas occurre has d occurredat this nt this alne years ago. from being crushed to death yester- fallII anandd evereveryy propert propertyy owne ownerr whoForesters of that. town. thei HumanHuman©e SocietSocietyy ccurreoccurredd this i thispoint ( , point,all o f allwhic ofh arwhiche attribute are d attributedto to dayday aatt SouthSouth PlainflelPlainfieldd whil whilee a t atwor workk years ars pastopastorr oofr th ekee Firs Firstt Presbyter Presbyter-- omitsllt a signinsigningg promptlpromptlyy wil lwill co i contri-Surviving Surviving DrDr.. DoylDoylee ar eare tw otwo sia sis-imin g and for do' During her rseideocs hereMr s Mrs.unloadinunloading g aa coacoall ca carr a t Teat nTen Eyck' Eyck’is iana churcchurrhh ofof Trenton Trenton. Her Herf,vtn- rfather ters.ra, MrsMrs.. WilliaWilliamm Towni- Townlvyv an dand Mr Mrs.smorning and for downrightright cruelty croeky., th e thesam e samecause ,cause Hall wa* greatlyr interest**' interest*'., in Incharl cherl-- was a brother of Harvey Fisk. found-1 bute:te ttoo sucsuchh failurefailure.. iItt ilas soldsold,, U it surpassesanythin anythingg i ' re-1 andand Kelly'Kelly’as coacoall yard yardss a t attha tthat place place. wmm a brother of Harvey Ft*k. found Respectfully submitted. L’lyaseaUlysses ForceForce,, anandd a step-fathera step-father,, ly seen tn this ITEMS or INTEREST tablot.ili!.- •enu-rprlacn. ir.r|.ri«es. She was, pret Oaly the prompt action of Pace's er ooff ththee bankinbankingg fir mArm of ofHarvei jHarvey Respectfully submitted. William Dagnell, alt of whom cently seen hi thla df. Herman | ITEM* INTKR9WT dent of ihe Cup Bearers Circle, Only the prompt action of Pace* J.J. PP.. EmmonsEmmons,, William Dagnel I. gll of whom resideMint*, tz, aa butctwrbutcher,, of ofWo nWest Thir d Third FOR THEATRE-GOERS9XH1 TIIKATKtXJOKItB.. dent of the Cap Bearers Circle,fellow felloofw employeemployess wowhoo hurrie hurriedd to tohi shisFisks k anandd SonsSons. ., | C. U Nichols. In ;hlthisa citycity.. thethe KIIILKing’s: - Daughterlaughterss fo forr fou fourr yes years,i assistanc e saved the latter's lite. Mr. Green was' eraduaied from C. L. Nichols. ©, Iitt isIs alleged alleged,, ha dhad sol d solda co wa cow and during the paat two years w assistance saved the latter's Ilf Mr. Green was graduated front J. O. Osgood. Th#'be funerafunerall servicservicee wil twtl> be helbe d heldto a resident of the Ne*his engagemen >»1■ t at the*< Plaln »>•- "*•«- Cemeteryday of . her Interment at HIlMdetbIbee cator r anandd pocke pockett an da»d befor ebefore he Place nebee graduatiograduationn JiJ»ce ha hass bee beenn engag engage' FebruaryFebruary 7T., 19191919.. placeplace Iinn 9t9t.. Mary' Marys cemetery. saying tbat the cow was not in good Oeld theatre on Monday night has Cemetery. coulduld eextricate himselfelf h ebe wa wass b rieburledd ed ' ina th thee potter potteryy an dand rubbe robberr hnslnea bus!a condition•aria, that. tho cow waa no*, ta goojbee n cancelled. on Mood., nirtt haa The Exchange work Absorbed In this city, being a director of ih« The Exchange work absorbed beneatiK-neathh several'tonseveral tonss o fof c coal. In this dry. being a director of the "SALVATION NELL" HERE n the way back to Mlntz's shop Manager Sanderson, afterafter mucmuchh greatgreat :lamination Ination bbyy aa physicia physiciann disclose disclosedd lost sprinspringg tosucceed succeed hi shis fathe fatherr aa PIMFIELBPEHEoff D BALBIllClDBE U rs. Fiake. America's representa- eatb street, and when Dr. Aaron shFe will appear in her classical aad that no bones were broken, but that Mrs. Flake. America's representa-Carpenter,Carpenter , whwhoo wawass summoned summoned,, sa wsawshe will appear la her classical sod perseverance. Bhe waa also acUuslyhat no bones were broken, bat thata director of oftb ethe Tnentc Trentonn i!;inkiir Banking; tivetive actressactress,, anandd heherr famou famouss Manhat Manbat-- animal he declared It waa dytng worldworld famoufamouss dancesdances.. asMtclaieassociatedd wttwithA ththee Da Dayy Nurser Nurseryy an dand»n© lelegg wawass badl badlyy crushed rrushed., in addlla -addi-Company. Company. will present "Salvation th* animal he declared It waa dyingWalterWalte r DamroacDamroochb anandd hi shla famou famouss DM Daughters' Bab; t<> .numerous bruises about the 10 Wim A DANCE Company. will present "Salvation fromi starvationstarvation,, bttbutt coult couldl b e besave dsaved (he King's Daughters’ Baby Camp,tion lo .numerous bruises about tb© 10 CONDUGFII DUNCE Nell."Nell," ththee realistirealisticc pla yplay of thofe th#un -iun-f give n food at once. This was i orchestrorchestraa oonn theitheirr silve silverr Jubile Jubileee tou tourr andand shshee waa aregula regularr attendan attendantt at heabeadatd anandd bodybody.. BIi:l /Z7.ARIM'/ llil»v t CI.I'Ri.l is II PLANS, \\s TX >TO derworld life which enthralled Mew If given food at once. ThU waa willwilnotl givglv*e aa concer concertt her heree on oa Marc Marchh 2. 2. the Crew-eat Avenue Pretfbyterlai derworld life which enthralled Newdonedon e anandd ththee co coww wa vsss take takenn awa nway the Crescent Avenue Prrobyterlan HOLDMCLI> AA POOPOOLL TOtRXAMENT TOI RNAMENtJ- TheThe PlainBelPlalnfteldd BasebalBaseballl C Club at itsYork k foforr mormoree tha thann hal fhalf of thofe thesea -Theodoras- e Glazier who said he wot Mrs.Mr.-. MinniMinniee MadderMaddernn Flsk Fiskse wil l will church MIMSM1KS CARROLL RESIGNS meeting1 leeting laslastt nighnightt mad madee arrnags-i., aatt ththee PlalnBel Plainfieldd theatr theatree Satur Satur-- Theodore Glazier who aald he won appearappeaIff r laIn "Salvatio"Salvationn Nell Nell”" at thnte the Mrs. H.i'.l w*a also A member <> killkill ththee animalanimal.. Mr*. Hall was alao a member of AS CONTRALTO SOIAXST. A ejieclaspeciall meetinmeetlpgg o fof th thee Buzzards Basxarde' mentslents ttoo holboldd a abal balll on onEaste Rosterr Mon -Mon-day nightnight., FebFeb.. 12 .12. Wit h Withunspar unspar-- theatrtheatree oonn SaturdaSaturdayy night nlgM.. thethe Womnn'Woman’sa AuilliarAuxiliaryy BoarBoardd ol of Club-lub wawo*s helheldd i n IpBuzzards Buzzards’' Roost Roost,, dayday nightnight,, MarcMarchh !S 2$.. Tb e Theball Inballing latrutbtruth, . anandd a nan assuranc assurancee bor nborn of .MublenberjMuhleubrrg; HoaptUlHospital., InIn whic whichh co ncon- The chairman of tbs music com-BzbrockBabcoc k buildingbuilding,^ laslastt night night,, whe nwhenwhichwhic h ththee eveneventt wil willl tak takee plac placee wil l willactual__ na l experienceexperience,, ththee author author., Ed - Ed- liAKACABAKACA * comprising Roy !.<•<, Sbott anandd NormaNormann Barne Borne*.t truth_ _ith anandd messagmessagee strik strikee hom ehome to to i# Harare Bible clans, of Templebbyy MrsMrs.. 3.J. Sperr Speriy Haomtr. at th*. wa»aas dondonee quietlqolrtlyy anandd effectivel effectivelyy an dand TheThe questioquestionn ofof a baln l hallpar k parkfor everfory neart. Not In many season* BaptistBaptist Churcchurchh aatt ttm its monthl monthlyy meet meet-- meetin g of the Monday Afternoon anvtbtac approaching ostentation church quartet, to take effect May Dor1. y and Jame» Ni'.r- was ap; #v*ry heart. Not In many season*ing last night transacted routine meeting of the Monday anything approaching ostentationIt wilwilll bbee acte actedd < upon rt the meetingarrange ange ththee detail*dncall*. •xtxt seasoseasonn wawass discusse dlscuaaedd a t atlength lcsigth., has ththee metropolimetropoliss bee beenn so stirreso stirredd ing last night transact* d roaClub In hthee Hartridg llnrtrldgee Schoo Schooll Aodl Audi-- wai carefully avoidfd. Her home ppeared to be the as by this realistic presentation of bust nesareas anandd selecteselectedd th eth* followin ftfftowlngg torlum . A number of members sup> •as carefully avoided. Her homeof the Courts'.ory tonighu It. wasa» decidedecidedd toto purchas purchasee button* buttons! It appeared to be the sentiment aaof by this realistic presentation committeeof s to serve during tbe en-torium. A number of members sup- Ufa was Charming; her married life or pfu for each member and Edward thehe cluclubb thathatt unlesualenss solubl suitablee ground groundss Uflife e aass itit exist existss In Inth eth# crowde crowdedd cen- cen-committee* to otrra during tbe en-plementeplemented d thtbee papepeperr wit wKdu trcount accountsi Mis* Carroll srlll cake a similaror plus for each member and Edward'in be leased, a stock company will atilBgsuing yearyear.. of dramatic writers prece>Ung Shake- wat -New-church,chu i on, MaMayy 1 . succeedin1. succeedingg Mis s Miastee o f oae toto gegett thvmthem.. FinaFinall aoUo actionn Nell" has been fitly called a "divine.. E. Baker, Jr., J. Nfaohwlu. speare'sDO thtime.e sobjeot An, "Whe oortnatadn jatid Hodiscus-w line Burd, of [lie. wni was taken on :Un pool toci erected.erected. comedyimedy ooff ththee slums. slums."" St.. E. Baker. Jr.. J. Nlaofawltx. r amine Bard, of Somerville, who on tbs pool to urn a meat i new members were elected and Membership—Rev.embership—Rer. JJ.. WW.. Hassan Musson.. B . B.•Ion Iond Englis tha subject.h Classic s"When be Presente and dHow gavegoes elsewhere.elsewhere.! MisMiass CarrolCarrolll whicwhichhaa h wilwilll beginbegin,, tomorro tomorroww nighj night.. Six new members were elected and Shouldto Children English" wa sClassics led by Mrsbe . PresentedMorris I'r rfllli W. HarrL»ot> at Ulbndlar. severalral applicationapplicationss foforr enrollmen enrollmentt CaliforniaCalifornia PastoPastorr fotorr \<-» New- Yr.rk York.. C.. PattersonPatterson., CC.. J .J. tXsstnger Dtzalnssr., H .H. Jae -Jae- l* - Fart W. Harrises, rt Gibraltar.bee ni Kinginsingingg Wa«t Trinit Trinityy churc churchh foe Honorsfjr-lonor s wilwilll bbee awarde awardedd fo rfor first, firm. ger. Relief—Frank Stewart, G. H.toF. BeatonChildren". I waa lad by Mrs. Morris TheThe Steamshisteamshipp BerlinBerlin,, wit hwith Dr Dr four years-and has ond and third place. Raymond Har- wereree receivereceivedd anandd placeplacedd o noa file .file. Rev. MalcolMalcolmm J.J. McLeod McLeod,, pasto pastorr Rstlef— Frank Stewart, G. PaulPaul WUberfaroW I her forcee Harrison Harrison,, th ethe mis -mla-the past three or ffeur y ears- and hasOcd and third pUge. Ravmond Har- rf the PreBbyterU VanNest.VanNest. HH.. RR.. Bouton Bouton., C . BC.. BrewB. -Brew- n entire satisfactiontraction. ter•ey wawass electe©reeledd 4 $nwlmbe momi her of Climathe x Athletic Ciab to Dastce. of the Presbyterian church. Pasa-In. Captain of HsvUers—C. S. May- alonarvsionary ttoo ArabiArabiaa fro mfrom Trinit Trinityy Re - Ee- club. lbralt«rT ooan SundayBandar,, an dand UlnaMer 1 and at prices within theTuead i ere were abouQ fifty guests. on_l I exhibitionexhibition at Cowpertbwaiat Cowpertkwaltt * afternoon.afternoon A . PopacPopackk migh mightt hav ehave M-iFran es- k Allen Pope, who was appolht- *« » ofot allnil:; ajaalaoo a waid «vide variet varietyy of >bjecof t of the association Is to study Originality and individuality both VanVaa HornsHorn'9., 7783 Marke Markett street street.. New New-- capedcape d witwithh a aUghte lighterr sentenc sentencee bad lehadd b y Governor Fort to succeed Jobs «"*« v*ietabl«s selected with grsat he beat methods and results to be i furnished byi Bert Nay tor. Originality and Individuality both car**'•**•t vegetables selected with great !o 2|*” ^ratritret br Burt Wre. necessary*rrosary-. 'Premie"Premierr BlockBlock''" adr't adT't.. ark. Themmm public la Invited •eto heb e see nonot t abuseabusedd th (hee polic policee afte rafter his Fhla. Rege r as proseewtor of tie pie*. enre. .. (Strivedd*rlT* lIna kindergartekindergartenn teachin teachingg —Advertise—Advents* tm'TtIn Thee Dall Dullyy P«« Preen. ono SaturdaySaturday.. superb work of art. 1 arrest. (la Somerset county yesterday. MKlM.IWi- AROUNDAROUND THTHEE HOUSHOUSEE WEASSUMIWE ASSUMi TutI ; RR1l f► The i afe Deposit Habit T«kTake* *s LooLookk imn ouourr WindoWindoww The : afe Deposit Habi row wBi k. RarbaH ibwr ib. CrntwaM^TSCvuTha5 RjeFimj! DifferencDifferencee IInn QuakeQuakerr HilHilll CHATCHAT ONON MATTERWATTCRIS OOFF MOR»0«IE O ORR I lIta (i n*M easileasilyy acquiredRequired.. AA |F«frww aolUrroll Arts A-r*. iinAiea “ 3‘6aT LESS IMPORTANCE. Coal. LEM IMPORTANCE •pent today for a safe depoait t. x may Coal. •pent today for a »(• deposit b- I «nmy bkble Wan Ikecor-aclun—la n-rj I MllXER'MILLER’SS PHAKHACPHAK HACYY hkuve you>pu thouunda.thoufcuxii. | maymi ) looklook ailk*alike ttoo MoatiMt HkcllnEffective MethoMotnoAd ooff haBdaoanr ud t-ITrctii e. FarFarmm MilMilkk vqiumnV«gti.«b(e. ret« Irwurloao'a. Ja HtS itto TheThe officeoffice deakdeak anandd ththee bureabureauu drawedrawerr «•>!•«. with«iid ibtb*e ComlCowl taatoryr Rndntt— Fat Y.ltow araree nono longerlonger consideconsiderr d googoodd depositodeposito-- WooWoolsto Is tonn & BucklBucklee lodge s c ■. m -• al*-hsra«»r,rre slsseli« anandd EqualEqual ttoo anyany, , aass re-re - riesries furfor valuables.valuable*. FlaKnudDnnUPain tarn and Decwatoni "''-**!*• •a discrete*diffsrwuew.. gardsgards ththee stricstrictt sanitarsanitaryy •>l ib« .otic*...!»•. thathatt ouoarr 143143 NORTNORTHH AVENUE. ;TJL■ •a* IHUfclHHrigh«*r.. OlTOlvwaM conditionscunditions undeunderr Whicwhichh FIDELlhTFIDELITYY at.BII endis.ii l.Mi-iLastsa LongeLongerr itit isis produced.produced. u*m »ine»eh*vr Cn«CftslJ yoyouo mrar•¥« A visitvisit ttoo ththee farfarmm (a(a WhenWhen tbethe Walker*Weather's. CooCooll M-for* . TRUSTTRUST CO.CO.,* littlelittle beyonbeyondd CountrCountryy Club) will convince you NEWARK. N. J.. I • IOCWH Hilrf Boice,Boice, RunyoRunyonn Club) will convince you NEWARK. N. J., . U we have the ofof thithiss -- oorr asaskk ' youyourr renU safe bo^ea from $5.00 up, K right, and «UI &Co.& Co.,, physician.physician. ■•pollepoflfdd bKaoac th* ro rents ssfe bolt* from $5.00 up. VerVerao »<*not aterillzttdsterilized. TnTb*e followinfollowingg combinincombiningg completecomplete securitsecurityy witwithh everyevery BetterBetter thanthan ananyy otheotherr canningrecipe*recijx-a willwilgreeal b*be founfouo4pe*a.d »*t*ry•rrtii*T r*llabl«"Haut bean*,e foforr convenienceconvenience furfur ththee ususee of'customersof customers.. Jas.Jas. CC. . HanseHansenn inin richnessrichness anandd finefineiflavor. flavor. corn,corn.aiiparacua asparagus.. etc.. forfor winter winter us*tine : "•>•<• b, WALL PAPEK& I'M-.t-IIoli.-.. A fair trial and: com- • ' I CLASS, Etc. A fair trial and com- C'ttnGrain Psas.Paaa.-Calh- -ubl “Ciane"Come in in and u n tl see scr fur for yiilirsr/f yourself" 141141 EastEast FronFrontt StreeStreett parisonparison wouldwould convincconvincee and scald them In "not water. »'h« and nrald them In toot water When *t It's/fun a sortsort nfin.snrt/nciofof iiisnraiiri of safety 1 HI. M« ESHMATES Fl'KNISHED Vidor Machines; you of that. wellwell dnmH.drained. Ih^nwthtow IntIntoo boilinboilingg Watwater* X. MS ESTIMATED FURNISH Ell Victor Machines you of that. withwith a 'littlllttl*e Millaglt., aa »prlteprt*! ooff ««*grran* for rii/iiu/./i-rttluahlt pajtcrs./iii/nrs. fnor v! DECORATING CO. over.over. bol!foieu»iii>-T I 929 South Avenue Sold <{>n!y By bolllua—aater I toil up tb* liquorq \l uniljnfl. Jntnior and Einni 929 South Avenue Sold Only By ththee kettleHttl* andand tilHi :the Jara U> overflowverflow- PulLshrnf and UpnolMerinti. YouYou wilwilll iinfindd thathatt th thee T#l*phoa* IM. Inn *4lh tl,lF. ti M.M . WARREWARRENN fromfrom whkh»iin[li i!iithe' bottomstxiitiirnii ofof thethesorape *crapedd Painler. Decoral<» and Paperhanger Duwfers In & CreamCream CoCo.. •talk■talksa batetiiii •• beebwnn rut.cut.’,i DolIlolll gentlgentlyy uun-i Painter. Decorator and Paperbanger LEHIGHLEHIGH VALLEYVALLEY COACOALL tiltil tendertender,, bubutt .nonott VrokonWoken,, Remoi MARCHANTMARCHANT BROSBROS.. carefullycarefully fromfrom thethe tfquorBqu<*r.. elanalandd tfathe HH.. VV.. LougLoughh aatalk talksa onon enendd iInn fruifruitt JaraJara,, bolbolll tt ithe 112112 WatchnnWatchungg AveAve.. water hard, and nil tho ]ara to ore 8585 SomersetSomerset SStt water bard, and fill the Jara «BEE«J3EE HIVE,'HIVE,'** NEV/ARNEWARK-K Telephone 840 flowing,flowing. then11.. Ti Reaa*nll Immediatelyimmediately.. Ke Keep* 151500 EasEastt FronFrontt St SI. /> • I hiiton hmnd tout *~% a Telephone 840 InIn au rani,tool, dardarkk placeplace.. * 19101910 WalWalll PapersPapers.. Coal Cannedid YellowYellow Beana.~Rajt anandd ppapprr.pper. TnkTakei Window sad Plata Olaaa. Pl^UNKIICLD ‘■owrof'ncm. the bean* from the pot with a per- 115• ! S EbmvoodElmwood f\PI. TelTed.. 11411455 • "outb Senoad-Bt. Telephone : foratedtotmt -d apoonttroon •andn d puputt themt-TII InIn j;irJara.s standing•unitldK InIn ta P'pann ooff Inboiling n 11 it w wate»• r SSL? HeadachesHeadaches umc* opens i .7 p. m. RollSol] up the liquorquo r iInn thetli• kkettla.. tin anandd OD Saturdara rlcam half bour Uter. NEWN'BW YORKYORK HAILSMAILS.. Allfill thethe JarJaras tto overflowingcrflowl ,e witwithh thisthis,, New Silks Kt-NRtNTAL>-REA l AL? -REALL EiTEiTAT AT t,t ( aaallagK ImmediatelyImiuei Lat« ly. . New Silks *M- IK lose-—O.40In——4grdr» 30 . a. , ll.&It 50v 4% . H3-m .. 1.30, CannedCa •med ToTomatoes.n4M em. — KrBcald! Id ththee tortorn*n a Geo. F. Brown, * 00. 7.44. 4.SS■ p. m. ■ toes and remoto the aklna. laying, the Geo. F. Brown, HUMSOMRRVILL Kit VI LI JCE ANANDD BASTONKASTON.. \ vegetable*vegetable* Iinn *bthe» colandecoland. r to il i AtAt PronouncePronouncedd SavingsSavings.. I! iNtuRANCIINSURANCE ANDAND REARIALL ESTATflBTATfl.I Arrive—*.rrlve—BO 0*O a.a. m..m.. 1.30I SO.. 1.13.15G a>iauvdd 77 00#0 pp.. mm.. Putput IntIntoo a porcrlporcelain-lineda In-lined kettlkettlee an andd | Probably•ob&blj comccmee troutDM overatralDeov*rstrnlnedd CTlo——X.SOlotw—8.00 a.a. nvm.. . 1.3I.So0 anandd HLOOO pp.. mML bring lo a boll. Took, for 15 ntln Taffeta. Me~«lltwMBM amawli ll.< I lion N-lWtj M..i«tn.I«|. J 747 We.t Fronl St. PHPKII^DELPHI II-A DELPHIA A DRBCT.DIRECT. bring to a boll. Cook for IS minute*, a taf- e alKilt. Nine- ittw of tka b«*d- 747 Weal Front St. %rriv«—7vrnv^-7io 1*. s*5 40o u.sUS*o *a m.m... Ml2.B4., 7.1.00W dippingdipping offoh* thtb*e mipcrnuousuperfluousa liquorliquor,; for A rfcaarr»M •[ gluegt»»as JuraJar*. SeaSeall .:..:..mmiedl-• -i< ^Ryr^OH^ PAST^ «AlIj FOB BAST. Klreytloiu.1 MI^ or a..W»l Yartls 5Dr AlUSitk I • trouble BringIrlng tnoethose« cronbletrooblnsa uto> UusJ R.J_R. L.. CLINCLINEE JHRCIIOH PAST^ MAIL^POBJBAST.( •lely.•tely. I• ItipidiiMMl Ignrlng 0.,-UHi V.rrt. SOr .tlMtilk l-res dr .39 For $1.50 < 'riEtirygne.. nrwnew vpriD-pringK »h"»l«">*ha.b-q» i .,..;...... 39 For $1.50 andg let us prescribpreacrlb*e foforr joyouu *• C--IL Kugg* A »>i PARTAPT MMM! AIT A» FOR lii .KHitut 9nrf Siwine Silk of IM-Unril»n jutdXlrtnw at « Spe*-I«c • WIU1 AND SOOT801 H Crab'Rarat it. llreatifal Xrry Nprfas talk of IN-llnrdou anil ITiana at a Kprrlnr perper monimouthb ww«e wilwilll cleacleann a|aidd ;.!-.•,pr-ss- MtiU one tnblewMMinful ol buller Bat Quality Uhigh Coul V Melt one lableapuuaful of butter, Havin.aliasc »tof S»r"J«K- <> KvrrKvrryy YardVanl.. Sm-Sarkh stapllaplre ananild -••';..kopular' price prlredd sllkialiva( 4 saltsaulta anandd onon*e overcoatovercoat.. CalCalll forfor' All son guaranteed Best Qualify Lehigh Coni add two Ubl*M«fulB ot *!• ■ add two tatl.M»«■—Ifnla of flour and ran-lirarely m-II*<-U folorr lesIre.s ihalhaan regular,priceregular prkai; beautifulbasntlfslj! soft aott., clinging rllsslnit.. &1 alMH I tb-Tu<- nm andand delivedeliverr thtb*e sammid*e PayablPa>abiee #*WA W^Oj «A*rrON. cookcook thorough')thoroughly . AdAddd ivtwoo • cupa of ailk• :1k p-aap"au ddae Ogss.rjgne. ricnrich,. lualnnilualroma soandd stylishatyllah., tbeito1 mosmoatt favore Ia*or*dd pl«lf pla'lj| * PRKB KXAMINATIOM IT cream(-ream'l inn whicwhichh hihitsm u-be^nu dl»o|red.Ii- a rotored Bilk for Spring wear. In white, ivorj, cream.!light blue. pinU; I pinch of soda and cook colored ailk tor Sprits arnr. In .hire. Irory. cream. blur, pin'., l& a. bl. )2 M. *20. « •#. pinch of soda and cook until thick, larqaolaa.lurquolae. roar.row. aray.pray, radetcadrl., «i«.nil,i . cat«wliaral«»l>a.. ashekahoas ooff roserose,, ^ TenEyckTenEyck .& KelleKelleyy m.. it**,'i.ot. i» seasoningl witwithh aalt. reredd ipepper and reseda, amethyst. Kre-n, cardinal, »loe. AdaotH-, |Harana, aarnci^ NEWARK. DIRECTDIRECT mlaosfl parsley. Then add one cup or rreada. aau-thyat. area, cardinal, alar. Allaatlr, Havana. S»roc|| \rrtv*\rrlvH—».« a 400 L•- mm- 2.(02.80 . &:1.8M pp. . mm. more of chopped cooked crab meat. brown. bysclt'h. irorrclala. nary blue and black, j | HowardHoward WW.. CobbCobbss »»IBStilesS Q&i Co.bO . Clo—Clow- S.1S. >.3IO JS a ,a. m. m.. 1 2 12M .M. l.M 2-M.l WhanWill"! ththee mistollt turn la heated add two -nitaThin laIs aii -.IIU-I.II> milac; <>|>|MInRaRsdijI tu»n> Ilialbatl nnoo wwinauwomani -linualmaldM mi--mlaa.. ; WATCHUNO. . I iSurrmor 10 L**lle M. Cobb* ) ranaADKDPHl.%FBlLADRl.l'HlA BY*K V fc HPRTISfMM w. • Toal WATCUDNO ^ Cable*tsbleapoonfu poonfulal of Permeate a cheese Arrfw—1.4*.rtVe l 4 44 p «u ' SO-ln. All Silk l[.'ui;li niMgjiii. nc» Spring shj.d^. similar to tli*^ M°a.*n?. a. aa.. V-lTp»-M p.. into andami thethe Mm«nw quaiuliquantityy oofl aherr>oh Ar- SO-ia. All Silk lu.waii I'oeare, m-wi Sprln* vbady., alavllar to tliq Hf K. 0TH BL ’lliow* 4DI-I. wSM 1071*7 CutK**t PranPromtt fkrvrtSiw« l>—» 741741 SOUTHSOUTH AVEAVE.. TeTel.l Uj511S55 W AKRENVTLLC rangerafig'e square*aquarea ooff buiiereibutteredl •tosmi ««o a ■v.iiiwni.v.i t' brandbrand calle.all..Id KajahKajab.; nifdtua.od'aa.m welEbtrelcktt Ilan thlb,e leadinleadln.g shart^ shada*l 1 near Woman’s Exchange. Afrtv* _Lft p. m hothot platterplatter.. PouPourr ththee ercraba I mixture for aprlne and aammor wear w-klte. Ivory, cream, natural. ametby-.L oT«r thorn, aprlnklp with gra . Cope: iagen gray, 4PVD4Y MAlIA oxer them, sprinkle with grated cheese mnatard.uuBiard, wise. wlat.rU, reaeE». Hsbt bine. Coptahnsen.T era), oM i 11:1* a. w. mi NewNew jerse|ersevy CentraCentrall front 4 S* to 10 44 a. m. and•ndneit aef*ee pipinpipingg roae. bello-roi-. brown, nnry and black, lor wnlaU. .klrla anandd rC TToo WhomWhom IItt MayMa y lullnil dreaaea;'.!•!->. ^6-lu. ailk pousee ^ . .5$ r "■E."h. H. BIRD.BIRD. PP.. U.M MayonnaiseMayonnaiae withouWithoutt 6Egg98. Concern.Concern. I J. HIMMELFARBHIMMELFARB,, «H Ns. Ho MA *H. ML VeryVery fewfew pvoplpeoplee knowknow, ouon* caa SI.BO*I. lUaekIllark, I.perlalI aalt nn>—lib- AA populapopul.ljr pricean andd wid^ •‘M|bh 311 NEW ST. make U pertect tu&ty may • notifyIty Thtbse TradTrad•e lifI*e IFDHBI. 311 NEW ST. make a parted taaty mayunnalaa la Amerlraa makeake j..J lt blai-l,]ni-bk taffetaffeln.i vlilffonifioii Onidflnlah.h uiedlulaum weight welstit., N«*r Trvisll Court. T*L S0X-J. withoutwithout anyany i;'trgg«. PlacPlacee aa le teaspooni a itoodgood w«wearlnsa quallt>. brlshl luatre. aullablejiutile lo lorr eoatumea.M, lining^ Ilnlnei.. gras M: if is-Ah: la tVYi?: is AdvertisemrntsAdvertiserrienta ful of piaia mnatard. mixed with a , tresh fro B. 40 Mania Avi-.ia. few drops of cold water. In a drop aklrta and trlmmingn. brand n*-w. Irwh lrc»|n thr looms; r iao>* A*»- T ;.'. : :.- !,..*i i> 34 v *:.. m.a «- m.. few drops of cold water. In a small mich mil ul value; ' Dltlei. Papers. l"|n 1 '"'^ 1 * '• '.'1 ' t L ^"S 3 -1 K'S bowl. Add oil. not TI. i . -!.,IMI;. drup h will cauM- >oa to rralU* thrlr real iralut*: j3-la. black J g { Anyi 'iii* h bowl. Add oil. not necessarily drop rt-cular I1.IM*. aimrlal... Und Wlsl«. dlapoxF of, cull No i't'uri'if'6^1. «.36. a.O, 8.UtB.. S.27, g.36lii'iSt'iiS.. ».«, 10.28 , NewNe» YYorkr rl Herald.Herald, bbyy drop,drop, bubutt stilMilll ratheratheri slowly, fltlr taffei • lOol Telppho lame will ba prompt' rigorouslyvlcorouKly allall ththee while. AAas IItt thicthick-k PUsZSTt e - .1“ •'iT’YjrVJi si*' ,1H W(.r:d,WLrld, rimes.T!me£, Snn>10. . fpimai.fv-iraal. ensena tootoo mucmuchh toto handlhandlee comfocomfortably,r • I.Sfl Hlmh u.lffui. IN* Im-wu*-. •l-t-l Ml Mr5c—3J-ln 3i-ln.. alalll pui PUDv I bar* oa hand all kindkindsa otof BottlsaBotUss.. Ladies'Ladies' TailoringTailoring & DressmakinDrrasmakingg a’m .Y-'u.Yrt., ’ M. tat ilLJ lU. ’“.LI Ttlt^fism.T.lejji(.ia, A'TierlcflaAmerican thin with lemon ]ulre or vincx; •Ilk. elegant aaim far*, blark Du.hcM'. rl«h anddilbcauUful btauUful.. on onee iittff UrnrUya Rstfl* thin With lemon Juice or vinegar. A AflMODffLLINOREMODELLING A SPECIALTYaPffCIALTV.. ta at Yfc. i?rf‘r-!TartR Uttlelittle larraKotarragonn vinegavtnegarr Ula alwalwaysi a thr up-to-date «atlu fare «llk»., aadsallnn ;..,'.-Dorhrm-. witwithn sorsoftt chiffochiffonn \,.U-;A.flnl<«V . Um» aw4lclta.U*M> niAnY frlsa .... • .01. tu. »H. 4.10. Ml. IK 1 11. O il. *r«t Srmt addition lo any Kalai). V:•• HTBulten. perfect Jt-c. bteck. for costum**. Fr«llnghuy- onif-rs I h*vr «.p.-nAddaladls*’ • ladlN great addition to any salad. After the for spring wear, hut firm eonetrurion. perfect Jrt Murk, for nmtunieX — % andand ddr»imalifii rvmamfOtlr.* —imnliln*B silabllnhmenMtabllab l at. mayonnaisemarorinalBe Isi.« llnlHbedflnl-hed.. teaseasont on aaccord ins. waists and skirts, a qualityuality thathatt mutniu»tt bbee stfe s>wnn toto b b*e ii|> ap-- D£ tb#• abov*above addreaaddiLlrrm a sndand I| wilwilll bb*« plrwplras.w-.M N—ark Erraing New* tnglog toi.) tasteUaie enandd dlncreliodiscretionn predated; rrgrt-g. tl.fl M ■ pe«pecla la lI |, iOy (err* allLJuaiani— whowho favorfavo rgeUeXactkm. mmae witwithh theitbrHTt>-i P • Received At Dtllctou* Braakfast Olah. »!.:» HUrk Mi —.inn-, sprria lf.‘59.T, Htto^v***™*^***'*- ”-- "*• Delicious Breakfast Dish. fll.2.1 111-4 k Me*.altar. %p*rlal at »c —3zi6 ll'cItchesb wide;ide; fnOnes:; SMALLEY BROS. For WlUmbarra and Scra.nton— TakeTakw twotwo oror threthreee lamiambb oorr veawall ki kly »isuiiabl*t liable [oforr entirentiree KOKHRgo«U». . waists,wsivu; uklruskirts,, etc.etc.,. AOQn BUTCHERSBUTCH ERS R«Rppalre pal radd Anaadd upfcolatervdupholstarad.. BqoBqosa etc., ».*7. Ell. 10.55 •.. m.. li;..f Satur- InIn cleacleann (Mwaterr ltoo bullboll.. AAsB noosoonn a aaa it high grade UM-aaaline, spnlal at l* new 8*a4 a postal N day only), t.4S. S.IB. 11.28 p. m. Bun- bollsboils pourpour ofofff mUrwater,, thethenn rhochopp cor new. Beat) a outia.1 t« dai-.-J.11. S.^ a. m.. IM, 8.IJ p. m. grindgrind a larsUrge* cminln Ionn finfinee anandd browb n I CHOICiCHOICE BOUTSMKATB.. HAKRIHON.OARR1SON. 14014O CKNTBALCEITTKAL. AViVi» For Lokewood and Atlantic city—1 n butter, add a cup of boiling wa All PlftlnSeld-BMzabem Trollet Car All Plalnfl-ld-Et Ira bath Trolls* Cars OAMK IK SKAflOK. ftblnet maker, Pollstwr, lUl- r<>^gtaar«a «belib* kidney,kldneya lina thisdun anandd bolboill fii-nilygently f tough Initettd <-•< t.-ii disaffrit•aml ansodd HoHott Wat«Wgtorr HetttoHeatingi 10 4« a. m.. 12.43. 2 44, »4«. 7 6 . amallSmall Cake*.Cakaa. Contractor foforr Bewerfl*w*r . ComamttiammCo*a W. C._ HOF*. FreFredd IvamIvamyy OneOne pounpoundd .7itn»Spaelaltj.i Storage Warehouse lt«URoll veryicry thin. IItt »ftwilll bbeo mucmuchh aOB a welwelll doureflouredd boardboard.. ThiThisa I sIs a rsnutur, i. q.',rel * care. auid'tart recipe and ahoold be dlrldt CLEANINGCLEANING COCO.. sand tart recipe and should be divided SELLI NG OUT II. MER8TRICH, Prap. Miens«•!*•• na Urgelarge rnumbe numberr ooff tbthee 4*1daintl a tie** SELLI NG OUtrl EE.. B.B. Maynard'sMaynard's H. MUUTKICU. Prop. • are 4e.‘red. FURS McCULLOUGH'McCulloughsS •-r. -, Office*, I'nuii- it.—MI, „. —. $3,000$3,000 •old to Che public ** STEAM MILL, lfr~' HulldinK*B-IWltoS, < I.!. Scrubbed STEAM MILL, and Oiled. out.*-, 143 Eiat Front Soft Gn« cupfucjpfiul oofT aoitwurr milkmill , ha quality of our Furs, and we earnestly request them toto te Utell theiriheir frieodsfriends ooff thbthis SacrificSacrificee Salebale.. | WilliamWilliam HH.. Pope,Pope, mil*calls pooryoar attention»tt ention ttoo UaUs ' a tqaipouafut ol *ula dianolved KODAKKODAKSS BaggagBaggagee DeliverDeliveryy littl* not wamr and Urn put Ml OpenOpen EveningsEvenings forfor youyourr accommodationaccommodatio^. ELECTRICIAN. MMU; mlik- aJdI dour['.i.jr •aoagkatnott^ti ttoo im ELECTRICIAN. CompleteComplete linelineo ott PhotPhteoo SuppliesSupplies.. RimlesRimlesss GlassesGlasses.. Offic*Office 20S205 ParParkk AT.Ay. TeT«LL 833-833-ww *UZ batieer.i pbnr oa Mhwd pan pa. *11Ul kladkind,a oofr Electricaelectricall WorWorn« ncoo.. Printing and Developing bAfctf baitr aa hour in #odrr**> o* Reasonable Prleaa Printing and Developing TheyThey LookLook GooGoodd anaadd HomeHome Tel.TeL 648-L64S3_. MODERNMODERN FUFURR STORSTOREE 116 NORTH AVENUI Too See Good. I S«Mt Onions. 1T8 EAST FRONT STREET PLAINFIELD •16 NORTH AVENUI Al Doane’S p^Lc Yon 8m Good. 1< rnlrnlrnir.1 KR.. KK.. Nre. dreodx pJ«I two larc«. onload JD 178 EAST FRONT STREET PLAIN FIELD 4t Doanes *£%„ h* C. R. R. N»« Fwt to <*>1<1 waterVadd »ne l StaiMla. toth depo a. PUlnfiald Dall? JOHN WIRTH Pr<«a and EUaabeia ul aaJ* a* ful 4t (n the water and l iUiwiiMt ww umiv,, JOHN WIRTH Lincoln Market XSPropfMorS •»th •mnda. Philadelphia Momlim. lor ball an hour Tties dr JJ.. CG HELDFIELD,, Jr.Jr.,, rotkilnc _ BUtoa.•:.J Sunda pkltodWsStoy Papers . More-..inL«r«s« Bre- (Bacceaaor(Sneeeaaor ttoo HenrHenryj Llefk*.LWfka )) p»ol-saf> OT»rov»r tblIbUa aaaosa cuptut-oempfal vll "a-aarsr tilIllP.rkAv Pari Are.r Tel.991-Tel.991.VVW 94 StSt*! TcJ.Tele.. 781781 J-ssiri. ?T- amiand »a Ublespoonfutablaapooftf-jll oofl sus»aa«h,n,l«^K lulled &.1KEHumrY asdAND CONPBCI1OXSKroinmoyai% csoiosCHOICB nun.MEAT*. FISnaaH AMDasd 5=^ rfswsf-pnsa; zzirrzz NawN»w r*adrandyy tloo Maqrra.M TWTblai ltoa dvih^ofclrawj^ StationerStationer & NewsdealeNewsdealeii TRTRYY A PRESPRESSS WANWANTt AD AD.. »1 BO3 Wfat Ftaatt St. Hi, T» un. Onm ft Pikn Co. Cue Ordne*Order, delivereddelivered atU •korabortt coUci . W Kit IN., FA1-1CH. Hama’* Sauar Knot p W.U. WAOSDt. 1 • _

ti of Ice CHRISTIANCHRISTIAN ENDEAVORENDEAVOR.. 11 li » - -J-.-r—. of i [ASIASIT INIII) CHURC CHURCHH ' fruui rbv rvcn- m mi h ui 11km■» "r.y.r M«»t.n3 Topic For tha W*ak frw B^sinning Feb. 13, 1910. p#rprv»eJ c*4 mm u* IT. Jilt Bat Union Freeholder* 'First no- Ib-J"" H.v.eB«TlMdd wBales« to rtor Ma Hack me*.i iv11m Topic—Bible Irxu that htlp me.—Pa. FirstFlrst MM.. K15.. Churc Churchh CongT«e» Cong - But Union Pmaboldorn Firetto mUM H is r#*#n, . i bow tiwr IU NtW YORK 61 u. doth. o. d. Offtwint INSTALLEnunD WantWant Approach*Approach an* FilleFilledd Tre liontion Invite«"R«vInvites*Raw.. DrDr.. ChasChat.. ^nTor Bxproosmoo, Ckrtmen, Motor MiaWaan GracGracee EE. Predmor,Fr^»are„. , of Neof wNewTbeTb e HSUBlbf:; n »dlrlnel r designed to PreparatoryPreparattory m-tr\cemwrviews togethetogetherr wttwithh wonderful. e**n >Lirj.a.«ir«; Itut °rof lbtbe> 1 Vehicle#t* sod Peddler*. YorkTork., anandd *who ho U In popula popularr in a larg* largee helhelp p menmen.. It Itla lano tnot a treatis a treatUee on ad oe- -hmete ordinal ton and lnstalla-lon of IInn aatt AlberAlbertt St St.. land lee" reported ir-.m M. l'w,-r» ta M.M. Aad«rsonAnderson.. circlecircle oorf .friendfriendss atat Dim*Ufcf IH»»iUhc e» dsad In •nee.ence.a . phllflonphphilosophyy o„»r ere evenn ethira ethics,. ba batt a aleaooo B and eidera were helheldd aatt thtbee bar« In iT*i. wbvrvtu II i- declared this #, and Edward j. [p this chy. and Edward J. JiarUch.revetatle a from wmipr of THK nn.wu tIikct imoSeldest . son of Mr. and UnL .. rerekitkan from God and of Ood. with t.vnrAf.XMAIi KEPOKTK»:r«>KTNK WKRukri:K READ kkai».. el dee*, son of Mr. and Mra^ Adam• be inpretuaspremee purposparpnoee o f oftellin tellingg me nmennight,olght , anandd werweree l n tacbarj chargee of Revof . Rev. nearly all Of tb* ta termed property- • nottse was liiiiii of i> #• takra ( Herllcb,HerJloh, ooff DunellenDooellen.. wet-were- unite unitedd in la John T. Brock, peeaor of Trinity tte- •>T»-r». FreehWloJef J. M.rvt-. tb» river Neva wtiit-ti was tifti Trvt WbatWhat thetheyy araree | i tobe Herbrllev*e concernin mocernlngg John T. Brock, pastor of Trtwlty Re- n-rv. Kr*ehOlod#r J. M#rv#/ j lb* rivsr >»»> • I but week In V.i formed church, aaalated by Rev. Roy- touc ulitwti fee* »nlf and [ »fiiiy l*r*t-~* «l New la marriage last week la N«w YorkUod aud what < ii v God requiree of formed church, assisted by Rev Roy- LXMtno s«-»:ar«-*J'•enured'tbe thej adoptioadoptionn of oft a lumm feet Tbe ceremony was performM in «Jod and what duty 0--d rev|ulrea of A. 9tout, paBtor of tbe Nether- ■ fe*-i bleli. BII-I ili<- vaila eupported U>* al A. Stout, pastor of tfcs Nether- resolutionflt.lUo ! •tth«cliaslb-ad.ags UlWilll IBrcom 1W-t«mee [I , Charedchurvii oo«f ththee HolHoljy f.iairaunionCaamanJoa.. themthem. . Moreov-rMoreover,. tbtbse boo bookk itsel Itselff U Inla -In-woodwoo d churchchurch.. F*voral—Tbe 1-j •••> •.- For- ( UK.i, r.,,iuiy' Board of Fr-*-hold*-i roof, wnlehn tik-b wawaaa alaa Muu o fof tre Ira. BeforHvfor#e It it truded(riid'-il ttoo helhelpp u -nst o tobeliev believee an dand to dtoo do J - I Sixth Arenue and West Twwentiefh These- elder* were installed Brut; Thur».la*, c»lUD« for }!»•.. -w-.ttir •lood two )<-» mortars Bad *n * ruliw iInn »a hi-iFewt Sixth At-—oue and Was Twneatlech These ciders were installed first a; I I street. New York, at 1 o'clock, the God'sGod'awU willl anamid c-irtdesire.* TberTheree is DlaO Jameno s C. Hanna, one year; Sajnnel meat ofi • •.mnnu*«- to confer will DOD made on a turning la i lie. wiro anrset. N*w York, at 7 o'clock, the mam of a committee to confer with i ceremony "being performed: by the Rush an4 wuii.nn Careon, iwo the SOIJKT-.-I filial!} Board for- th. mrri'iat- and « I>.--K «IMI or '<••• Tin Weeks. eeremoay Netag performed: by th*Christian «h» has »•( fownd the BibleO. Rush nod wilttam\aiwoa. iwo the. itomonH r»a|pty Board for- th* B«T. W. P. HJ « |->>k of helpfulness. In lIk* One•s ; then these deacons: Gustare j-1: i or building a an tirm* cannon were of itip caliber of at* on tvrnm i] at. a apecijU r*otor. Rev. W. P. Hill I rears: then these deacons: Gustav* Anderson. purpose Of building a new brldg eaneou wara of tfe caliber Theof alaCommon Council at a special Thi- brid« was acUred t: Hundred and Nineteenth Pas Ira. tbeFrumerie , one y«ar and. Claud Gen- Anderson. uVi-r .;-..!: - t.r' at Albert -rr., • pounds*, but rbey were loaded only m-Mlnis We. nvstda.f addpi*il on •eij- Tbs bride waa atUrcd lx a travel- Fru merle. year and Claud Gen- E. chnrcb. over Green brook at Albert str*e» pounder*. bat tfey wars lusdsdm-eting only Wednesday addpied on aeiju rown of French blue t •:idc!ci d longest of « ond two je..r» Enoch, Berry, the wirti •im-.jnnrttT pnuuij of powder and ing gown of French blue broadcloth.longest of all the paalma. having I7Cood. two yearn Enoch Berry, tbe conference ThaI freeholderfr*-*holders■ >Unalandd rnailyready., It I* »««•> one-quarter pound of powder oodandad readinreadingg ;htbee neln«ww ordinanc ordinancee relto rela-- Verne*,verse*, ththee poalmispsalniUlt speakspeak*s continuall continuallyy third deaoon ele«ed for two year*, ^j*^... beveled, Xti- build a bridge at that "1lb b"-nip balls—on one occasion vritn Attending her as bridesmaid was third d-Aoun rbred for l.o jrere. -~TT fe4J. ».d. to build a bridge at that hrmp balla-oe one occuslootive withto the licensing aoJ regulatldh ofof ththee wnrwordd ofof God Ood.. it »It* greatnes greatnesss an dand detained by Illness and he will |i"lnl. JHXI aa loon aa the r\\y and Iron. Thl e Ttufc-kner m of ibe Ice waa >f backmen, Mias M. EM label b Herllch. a *Mor return to hi* charge IHdnt. just as soon aa the city and «"*■• The tbtrbae-a of tha ofIra hackaien. was peddlora. **c. The ordi- ItsIts belpfulnemthelpfulness.. In| ever everyy *ers versee of thiof sthisbe iDoUlled and ordained tomorrow I •borough J-omplele the work of Hit*, wly four inches. ah.1 jet It restated of Ike bridegroom Mias fforlfrb n aQOther Complimentary re- borough jstsptaU the work of til- °° f "* I®* be*. ,rand yet It nanceraalatadlance I sIs a a bulky document which lengthylengthy poepoemm thertheree i s Issom somee ^ror wordd re- re- orning If able to be out. «n» J«r. <-OB.pllmrnt.rj re- itnc in In* street up to Ibe point of **• exploBtou." Ire palaces bare also k JftijieB T. MacMurr«r waa attinsd «a a creation 0f raspber- moramg rr aoie to n.» out. I marksisd ewars br manmadsy ofby thos maaye of those lag In »b* street up to tha point of ***• “P*"** - » l-l-rae »••**tookoo k alsoPllCityy Cl Clerk« Ja*«w T. MarMurr** ferringferritig ttoo tntoee la laww o fof God God.. ^ The elders tben met red elected » „, the proposed structure. Freeholder* **•• built In late jrars ryry messalijtmeaaallAoe Bilksilk.. WilliWilliam:ini p . HerF -Her- Tbt tMm <>»n rnlng the„„r.rnln« work of Drth,.. work ol Dr. the proposedps atrurture Freeholder- »**•■ bollt la late ysara lo this coan- .-'j'i' •> to ri-.-si "> th« ('nun. In tbe paragraph iwlcciitl for our Samuel O. Rush, clerk. In the regu-1 der«. t mMt r Ihwrl" ami Wilbur ID Canada wl tsooty mlmrten to read » tbe Conff-lic h a brother of the Lrfdecroom. In tbe paragraph selected for our An ng the past year. The Donde add Wilbur botbothh favor thefor *«7 and in Canada which bars stood .'..i .: -J. i: - jnl->[>- .i.!i It ri'MJ- ll«*. a brother of tbe Lrldegroom.Pffpecla i sludy he speaks particularly 8MBQ«I O. Ru.h olert. In »ho re*w-13 A„drrmj. 4..r!n« tb. jnul jo»r. Thn ami Wilbu or in-].:., aa tbea. bow strong moat be Cll. Following Ha- adoption a reso-was beet man. especial study he speaks particularly ir business. Mtas Ulllan Yorks "a w|aneli , Iniproseuirnt.I ni].r<^ - iic'ii'. realisinrealisingg thathatt ththae )><-n peo-1 ,b w*#ka. *«. then, aa itaosedj autfaorlilotr tie was be*t man. 4 j of the helpfulness of the Bible. Ue lar bu.lnr*., Mia. liman Yorka »»*;w|,hr. of ' congregatioI hr concr-xatlonn will bewill ha lution sas passed aut|»orl«lng *beAfte r tbe ceremony the bridal of the helpfulness of tbe Bible, liereive d tmto niftiii), rship on confes-Jelprtsse piepie anare- 'jtillgeobligedd toto cros rroaas th e thebroo kbrookbe irj e *I n^ niame >“ * ammmrmhundred Is of reet in city clerk 'to advertise lite ordtn&ncM. Af^r the cerfCDOor the bridalbegin s by exi-lalniing: "Oh. l»w I love rwcalrrd loto menrterahlp on ronfre-1 he dUtnlcto llwt auperinten dlalrlr. city clerk Vo advertise (be ordlnanofi.coupl e was tendered a. reception air. Iwglna by exclaiming: -Oh. how I love ini oi fa.iii. James C. Hanson was j,.m „>, ata'-'West- 'West JKnEndd avenuavvnuee o r or(t o jroa m «llej * “ ThThee ordinancordinancee i)ila ;>i:t.-.: p*ffern-. Jam-a c. H.naoB wa. 1 mhouse biws„j influenc „M e btl»c Influwc* Ir further west to Clinton avenue. mtoe ooff thth*e bridebride’*s aunt aunt.. Mrs Mrs.. Thy law! It Is niy meditation day t by the, pre- further we*t to Clinton avenue. after rbe presentl law. owners qf , , anandd niebt.night " TheThenn b e heproceed proceedss to teltol olret.4tell prlmarlba dslexat. to . ,h,m ,,rri.-4 oat bj I bn, pre- .TherTherae *•• t oral,oral yearyear*|*s shshee itaha*a live livedd wit hwith he r evileviherl waysways.. (3(3»i I nIn It hIte hefoun foundd the thetrut htruthdent pro1 tetomm ofof th thee Consistory Coaalatorv., an dand department departmentss of thof hurcthe h churchshowe d showed .The,Thi- m•* mim yfj»f |2B.00r 9 22.000t Wi wwa* appro appro^- ejpoae deipoasd btmael f himselfaDd bl aand staf f bisI© thstaffe to the netnot fortforthh anandd learnelearnedd t ot«» hat batee evil evil.. N o NoJJame antes s CC.. HansoHansonn clerk clerk.. FollowinFollowingg considerabl considerablee progres progresss1 d'nrla g duringtne tea >t>eB1 B Bre 1n The Y ,e |.•!..-..' ! ■t© * CM hospital* la ' thJ. <(Min-In the *''mbb- » *ery reckleaa fasb- XT.,* iL“?rfee r?li Liv a ll —md Mr.<—. Herlich«"■ —. are no —w ura«ins AleAfr-xla dann jirolhernBrothers.r IT.OPO:17,000.' Humml* rsapuhalbla minister | must instsi bt'ddU-rupon s on Toot, «15. Fifty ornr particulaparticularr |M>rtlon«rtions o fof th ihee la wlaw tha tthatregularly: Jacob Vochl. Jr.. W. A. work. Ther- ware also rncouraglag HOnpltal.j l!.««0; new h<« jn ' your majmtty'a retreat to a safe dl>- p4*ddler» on fool. |1S .j| I wedding and reception, i Banks. John Jahooon. A. H. Stevenw. report from the Epworth g, ll<—pilal. I2.0«« new hrepltal in »■"»'. relrent to . .1,Th em. ordinanc e Also pr 1 belled him Banks. John Johnson, A. H. Stevens, report* from the Kpworth league. Kllzal)-Ihj 11,000. | taace. if your majesty were lo I* The ordinance also prT«UQwereH receivin u> reg lie „ .hMii"'" - Muoellen. Newark. Barneeai.l! Al l Christian*ChristiAn rhra haveve withouwlthdatt m umuchGeorge D. Merkel and Amo* An- young women’s societies. Ladles' Aid i , ' kille.1 the victory w,,u|.l be of no use j)l pMWM receiving JJrt >m-a•Mill shall!Br kl , -ewe. t Societ and foreign and h 1 Freeholder DOanc nh»> set- ! lo ):\ Brooklyn and NewNew YorkYork.. xt!) in God's w drew*. ! Society and foreign and home ml-- Freeholder lo...... Ire ™„rr0 „Ho- t o' ui • Tbe kin<*•g sa«««Tw the forc-u-Me o f 6.thi nof oo >-iu*- wit h tbe rli:.-f of ;«loabt hnd special fevfa In Gad’s word adoptiop of a resolution |i d deponk with the chief ofHJliCb U0.-! “ > ‘ | that have tpeil them. In meeti Th«*The firstfirst regularegularr meetin meetingg o f of'th e theslo n slons societies,min summingg up th eup work the, work. adoption ol o .. solution providing__ an d slowl ***•"’y retreatedTb. kloit, bu rewt tor fore, dollaof mur for B badge! tl that have helped them. In meeting f<«I.O-r th e Mumblrublee markin markmcg r.l II- •" rrtrr.tM. outdollar lo for01. «nenl badge, the «k #• • trialtrial nndand' temptation]ttntl Re1 again and aeala t refundednded whe.Insn ththe4 bad bade < Friday night, following the prayer, relativ to the laymen's missionary ol -oldlrr. ol th- Krrolullou- ""*"^4_wk 1 ■«•>» *"<> ■*■>“ "*• "out. K foundfound nmstrength- h |luu I'HUIPaul's-words.S w.inls. " I“I c canFriday nigh*, following the prayer | relative lo the laymen's missionary WOor, War,[iWar. nIn tblK,rount> Ibl.-coont,., w hnhlrh I. j -Wbeto | n » it," ITInce It.'BLamarc ITlncek UUurrt g* through fhrlA t service and the fi Orali communionm ser- movementnt an d andIt wa Its decidewas ddecided to In- to la- only roee In my saddle here MM conslHerabli ■~IIB ANNA l. SPENCER, do all thing* through t'hrbd that .44UI..Oadd I tin to marking thore of I I.,I »«« , d "• «"7 W— In my'There U4.ll. a as considerable 3 IB W L Htrrogthetwtli me" lu overcomingrlce ooff ththee churc chnrchh willbe behel d held to- augurate an aggravates local elailon to empOwerlnj War vetel Oi-n. Dral and looked t him. lie understood It la relation to empowering -i ronlrol It how John palgn in the Interestrest o rof 1 M ttdss work work.. War jrtrfan... Ora. Drakr lia. bren, perfectl •"*y B*—E ' •« “• ■"4rr.too4 It teuiiicr mid Jeuriilng to r*mtrol It howmorrow morning...... toide Mssi.. *,l.t.otm s u >r „f thl. erhrtljand calle.»4 d ••»«dont ratheoutr anmlber- board •d-t.a- too revokrevokee license license*s many have founfoundd tn-nctstrengthh In thIne Broek.tbe artel at tdcdl byby Rev Rev.. Roys] i. Th«*The questioquestionn ofof Introducin Introducingg th eth* „„r, . *nij. -Vro. I am violation*.cotalbc.'Ufeau . HotThThe eor oridlnan ordinance414 c ~E| AGED ?! YEARS. DEAD •• tnal U alow to 1 -In charge. IndividualIndividual comcommunionn union servicservicee lnIn th ethe •tot get on f *r in the hands; of the and . wortis of kolonton.Stout "Hewill that be |> inalow chargeto rhurcb was pres nted and a majority n j not get on fast enough, and atpower last inI the hands of the ayor and ! angerilcbty la. an fetterd than the inlghty. and church wa* precentod and a majority rode close i Of the members were In favor of-It. rode close up to the king, took citycitmyy judgeJudge. ThatThat] poVnt point., bowrv«T.|however , | |UMMU.Ann Annaa I^ouis IdinU.e Spencer Sin-ncer,, age d n«.-4ne t| )allrE rnlet ,|u,th hh tbh 11 «|drll Ib.n b.- Unit of tha members were In favor or It. Toot out of Thln matter wll foot out of tbe right stirrup and willwilse- l bliee deridedividedd «h.whenn : li the.rdin.iwri.ilinii:^! ' abouaboutt seventy-ejghst-vrntj-tdxbtt years wan., die d4te4 a t taketat h ,akHba city. "n rttj.”mid llf rtAm adveral14 11 fon- n.Iv-r4 pThis matter willb ebe referre referredd to thtoo tbo ' an energetic kick, iOmclal Board t 1 b<- decided at ih« cretly gave bis horse an energetic kirk.1* s presentepresentedd toto th thee Coi Councn Il o onn MMss Mwhle Mublenborxi berg Hospita HoaplUtll Frida Prldnyy moniaa tnomlnx tlM aDu„d dliw-nnnj idUrotiraremratapniftltH how man bowy ninny Official Board to be decided at th«* ANOTHEHI IRR COUPLCOWE SEESEIKK l=s never before nap- am eld nest Wednesday thing had never before hap-thirdhirf l readingreading.. ; I following a severe attack ot pneu- naTfl ]enneil hnrtl ijmu <.'hi meeting to be held next Wednesday 11*. but the move AN "mm PRODIGY" it tbe move SeveraSeverall ooff ththee changechangess >d wnfbhhUjh'< 1monimonlaa anandd pleurispleurisyy wit withh whic whichh sh e sheisv._ MJU, I Hm wi way." The night. ahe sbot off In a ■oereasful. for she shot off In williria U effeceffectt thshee hackinehacknienn i a it istat plants'waplaten wasa take takenn severa severall day dayss ago ago.. Sh e reShe- ffortUi,. ( ,,off niIllss const i-tHistnntn ; nrt"*en presence<•e ha hass bee lieeun I ItIt wawass announceannouncedd thathatt the Wo- JUSTICJUSTICEE HHIND SHEL HELPP ==T^ with the license number bebe tao^tack-- J sidesidedd alonalonee fo rfor man manyy year s>ears In u in„i supporsupjtnrtt ttoo ttwiiHami tbouaaiKlaa I nin th Ihee Codstia Christiann a mensmen's ForeigForeignn MissionMissionarys Societ Societyy ••ded IInn ththee vehicl vehiclee bppos oppositei heh e seatac«., houshousee at atSevent 8cvcntlih stree streett an d andPar! ; ••e.nturtes..^tituri**Pa, . In want nnrf (llstrtwmniihim! y 1 had decided thndo vnderta decidedk htoe »orlundertakec the *ork ‘ It .... <11 fi.rSlr. r.lx-1.- It rook. I Tricks of T'lck,Short Sat, Sk^t 8.flht, »tMTs will alsalsoo bboe tv HH.r-.lna .1 J,..- form. I. tbr aijoplr Human..j,badge. for I |jcrltk-all criticallyy 11III1 ansadd Dr .Dr. Xorma NortnaBn Prc -Pro nshallbul l uonotl «aiM.whm.-" ThThee dyin dyingg bav ehave pll- pU-lata 1 iInn thtbee worlwortdd ha hass establishe comhlluhedd hi s bl«| Hr. Ilrr.-klab » nltar-. i InstanceI, ln« often revealela oftrod In rrrraimsome- In mam-i.-hedu l of rat thereLhere.l Iss bascbascoo wawass called called. Hr> a t one*once hahad d lowelowedd* thei their r fwad Iteadsn upo nupon Ps. xiill!*• , 4xxlll.: residence,residence 4: , anandd it* i s hi possiblepo*rfble tha t that w at In the schedule of rate j Mr«. Brooks and Mr. llrokaw cairn. ' » Inhuman guise. Tons, so far as the put>-: tbe woman removpd to the hospital, "Yes. though 1 walk through, the vnl- e wo do realise it, scarcely know 11,. Itmok. .a.I Mr. Ilrok.w rkn.r «<»' Inbouian *atar. Tb*a. *o faron- aarb.nxo that will Inter HI tbe pub-b,,t tbe 1 woman removedthe hoapltai. "Tea. though I walk through tbe thoseval- wo do realise It. scarcely know \\\ M-re lo attend, a social fiint-iinn (rm» ocubir demonstration goes, the world T ll.-rr ... ull-lid a ..trial function fn.m pn Uh- -orl4I l nde r Lhe presen 'Iscase was In sucaurhh aknn ad-ad- iPyley »r ofth etfe shado »hiui««ww of dentbof denih.. I 1 will fearhowbow rremarkablee a man In many ways Spmervilli' e»lerrtVv afternoon. TIIPV » tQC ahortslgbiwl Is copied by men I'nder th* present ordinance N*'* dlaeaw Somrrrllli- Kir«lrr4.) aftrrnooa Tk-V to tbrnd .hor. all lord U I- -4-lrd bjdouble doiiikmro- raterat.-*s ofof far faree h o have vancfld stage thatthat no hophopee fo rfor h e hernono <*Til.vll. f hrip baaed-i l upouponn ththee worlworldd a aso-calle ao-coiledd 'Infan "infan:t |P Mr. Ilijokaw. TiSpencer Sp«>nrer.. SheShe die d diedin ISinM 1**1ofof ChrisChrist t tolo libIII* dbuiples disciples:: "!>> "I^tt not notIK tie masteui saferr ofof th tbee violi violinn or orpiano. piano,! 1 j Ink InquIHcs for a clergyman or Jin K—r* , Wfawhoo leavleavee NeNeww Yor Yorkk on the annr*d ,h#* Mis sM, Spenre Bprnrerr wa swaa an executrian executrixx jour branyour 1lw*rt* troubled lie ;troulik'd. YeYe believbelieve e inIn ho doedoess wonderwonderss atat th thee ag eage of sisof .six. Fo r BUVForI several monIr. hsSandersonlanderBon 1 , II.v nor nose. Out of doors tbe phenome- ID p. m. train and also of the estate. Tbe Spencer estate In God: tielleve ulto in IteL" TheThe BiblBiblee iIss then when a. year or tvo bail has befn lien of t peace ••Judge” jHand non ts more strllilng because oftener 10.90 |». in. train and also Iieaito *h. The Speneer estate and then when a year or two has bus bc-n engaged•ftorta taIn ttoo mIn-. mil non Is more striking because oft oner ons. Plainneld is valued at about 130.000 full of helpful textH. Seek one for passed la never heard of afterwards, duoe Mrs. addre-e secured had the rnupl repeated . At quite a abort distance Plainfield Is vnluod at about 939.00O full of helpful lexis Seek one for IBT board ol nflnrwnrd.. Inn- Mr. Fteke lo l'lnlnai'14d horn.- , t repeated At quite a abort distance and In addition Miu Spencer owned every necenxlly in life, and in them 1 la rare tnat one of theae baby ar- and present her Kr«atly iitcceastul the latter's home on Ku^t1i tb e face melts Into the atmosphere KUfWMuaal will, also required . K W ran- that on. ot than- baby nr- n4 prerent b.r arrelly .urereonlul . thetbe face melts into tbe atmosphereEipM-mnn-n wilt also b laU develops Into Bomething really ] y, a'Salvation Nell." Inasmuch as Fifth street. .i ansodd become* eithereither a cloucloudd oror.. lik likee li .ILto wearrear badgesbadge*,, an andd }A pit will b<‘considerabl e personal property. V. you will find "grace to h<*lp In the tin. 4.y.loi» Into mmwhiHt really p a piny. -Snlvntlon *«a" Intumuch .. T«*n ntinutes. afteafterr 7tei r W NaNash."" s i. Jr.Jr.,, wawass attorneattorneyy fo rfor Mis Misss tim etime of need. of nee.I" treat, and almost neve>r does one of \].-s. pittke's time is mnally booked __.L O. WellsWells*' invisiblInvisiblee man man.. s anothingness nothingness.. tacked ed oonn ththee sldje aidess of of waaoW R- nrrr n I arewl. »“•> nlnwBt n.v«- 4™- on. of Mre. »Y«kn . tin.. In usually bookt-4 the otsiplf wes^'enlt-kl^itiiit.-.l I In th.- bond- IR the expresemau'3 »„■ ««*»!iI. 'Spence r an,wod thre estate aa well. Thers To awsure a nuc*-essful mpetlnnna let them attain the Brat rank, yet the only In the larger cltl".i for one or The *lt "1 see tbetbe hat andtbe the08ure figure, some-giving the rxprsaaCian’a mfer"aSii-tier and P^ * wonderful children.' night's performance. Luckily tnr • II-.- n Will b0 ' "("I ill ncer. who lives in the West. The msi.E REAa.ADlvo.O(NOS. *wa. on. of Ihren wonderful 1tkildren. nlxhf. performance. Luckily for ! , stick . laI f witihe flag han d miraculouslyla ungloved athl alittle (*■ rt niMM slit tvi .(.n * °’ * ' * A*t oight years old he already ehow- PlalnSeld an interruption occurred Hand itjpr came lo Plalnfield Thursday j pg xxii|_ 4,;. jI MattMoil, v. V1-12 1-12:: if, 28II.; 2S; J At neb: ,eon old be already aliew- PlalnSeld an Inf.rrupUon occurred wtn;n tl><- ceremony was , sticwayk Ifroms wavin theg miraculouslsleeve edge,y a littltore tbm ir^ri .iSk^r k char oI ,bl,cr r ed such a remarkable tnh-v that !:i-, in ce-r tour~ , i-—and Mr. Sanderso n bast- —, , - When the Completed' way from th' e sleeve edge, for tbe ake charge of his stater's affairs. rWril], 20; John xlv. 1-3; 1 Tor. sv, 20. Sand.reno hant- thethe brld»|cr»olulil groomm hnnde handedd Ju bJusticelee llftnr Handl face,M,g- -.ihas vanished."— ...iy ttiethe streesi reelt cotnmi rotansUs >n.*r l. n»4i'° s* * »"dl * .-Iirlil, “0; John xlr. 1-3: 1 Tarhe< nr. r ir.sen t 20.him"» | ,.do th,ache Kaya l Coaser-leneienKricnbIn d to New YortllBIk ki.,lnand secure htrd tour. the «n4 Mr handB|. like the faceM B, hanes vanished."— suor-tatton and dumint ' UK; Gal. II. 20- Phil, lv, 13; Jan. v, and reenred Iho a*. tetenn d»|ladollarr bilhilll niv dand al)> oalsoresenke presentedd ^ transportation and dumpii gwill •ill alBoalBO j.H-58; On!. M. vaior20; yI'bll of UegeIv. n13: an dJob. at elever. j u, nracryear s prise for hSaturday|B w tbo, Feb Rjvni. 22 ,Connor-|vn-l and for to Now York : Btruud Magazine. l.tHUINTLARGEST IHFPAI.lU'H'.tlOO IIKIHiMKKI>.. i 1.1-18113-1K:; Rev .Itov, II. 10 II.. 1.1. Mr«. Ilotmand Mm. Hand with (wo »** gccordlng to rtllo* df*mat M ly | ovatoryf age Ofhe Urge.,reeclve andd th ate firstOo-TO prize' ynnraprires single performancfor Saturday,e th er.b. production IS. and" for for violin plafflag at tne Conserva-jU so unusually large It requires two dollardtillur blllBhills.. i Charming Away Tigaca. the street rommiaaloner 1871. ;1 I J*f a*, he rvrrlv^ th. ttrnt prlxe'a .Ingl. performanre th. production No woodcutter will go about his Onoo a Wormy nlnht. In 1811. »’A Far North C. E Society, task m the Indianroresu r ores, nn.e-is unlessa he 1be. M r galloped Into St. nere bj a sceni' lu sMalmberKet. ,Min ,w th a'lus- Mont.b , with *' “— iby " '" - ' accompanied by ■ fakerfaker,, whwboo is is«op sup-- liceRses revoked Sweden, fifty nilles beyond the arceic Musin's knowledge of bis artjery, and a special wagon Is now be- Pend d'Oreille ln b posed to exercisenowe powerr ove overr Uwr mtigers lking coCoyetex.., a Xd-Tor^ circle. where the mnxt nonhpru Chris- aside from the mechanlciul perform- S uitt to convey the Bcfn^rjr from The new license fees llx.d lln Jndlan.ian, hahadd sho .hott hi bl. wifu and Orel Kndreror In Kurep. bn. UNIOnonN COUNTnuY TA mX and wild nulinaI* generally. Befors tian EnilenvnIUn r sodetT i« Europe hoa ance. is remarkuble. He knows the the raliroad to PlalnBelfl theatre. the ordinan<«- represent r the mountains ance. 1* reraarkkble. He knows the the railroad to Plainfield tbeatr*. work mcreree „,er th, mounUln. to tbo Blackfootits home. I'r. Francis r.rK. ClarkranHak vlafte E.d Clarkhistor rl.llrdy of the vioHn from -the very Owing to the great amount of ecen- ot five dollar* per year o- tb. pore- Countrycountry.. Tbe crim history of tbs vloHn from the verypr 0»*®« «o «»«• great amount of ^n- ties all the uembermembersa o fof hi shis part party; ID aIn' "a*' '" Th* crime created a hUbrief region several years ago. Theearlie« t da>«. and has ever shown >- and effects employed, it la im- ent rates. The finesfoi folol a .arllem day*, and ha- ever shown •««* effects employed. It la Im- LEVY IS S369.000clearance at Ihthee edgedgee o fof tb tbee fores forestt an dand violations ^,nM,|on Id the ' littl elittle ladlanlongest day fere Is - . nnd tbe the keenest iatftreet in this side of possible to give a maiinee. BO con- was ln« reased from teu tweat>- village, but Walking Coyoti the keeaeot Interest. In this side trarof pommiblo to give a n>ailn«e. LEVY IS $369,000 Sreset* a numberiber ofof hum huts,. In inwhic whichh be *h* o twenty TH|aKe. but Walking Coyote was no: hia work. He himself owns a num- >' to custom tbere will be no holl- d hi. work. Hn kiras.-lf own. . nun- da y da«W » cuatom there will be no holl- placeplacess imageImagess ooff wnai certainn deities deities.. AfteAfterr , dollar*.°!!' ' Q 'apprehendedapprehended,, anandd foforr & atim timee I lived ber of remarkable violins and bows matlne*- on Llm-oln Day. Tbr total couaty levy for atloi bor of remarkable violin, and bo«. The > mnilBre on Lincoln Dnj. offerings have bueb presented to tbe ' Then rilimitation*vni-,n Inthe theg hac tackk ondllondl-- ququietlyietiy amon amongg th ethe Blackfeet Blackfeet.. By By and offerings have been presented to tbs of great aBe anil value • The Productioproductionn isis Bal saidd to tobe Baatbe mat-- <-«Miiiag_ )c.»r ns® unnottned,A ..r L'r„IntegraImage Iw.ld s... tnthe e lUJMfcflparticulapanktilar lr DP fores forest|.iriKii,8rt I s Isdeclai dec IOIMIm Ur-I nilll | I-L ^UYCIH-‘/ Iira*tica»j{ thethe eatjiauRtee byby, howeve- however, r h e hewante wantedd to retuto rreturn UJ, uww«rri, ur lb of great age and vaJue. ' l.'nion ,(\>* witn ! ,h ■ Plalnfletdere will have an onpor- ^clom inIn Ititsa completenesfcompletenessl ofof detail detail,, ed to be free of Users, and tbe wood- ' rtion of a portion Ipt his own people, but feared he w Plalnflelders will have an oppor- -- ill of Mrs. Flake's productions. ! •rhnr»tk2JS!j y. i» 1^69.00s-TToa. . cutters Iedn virtu to ebe o ffree tbe ofpresen tigers,u the sody \ tb*Hili s wood- i. Which wa^ s placed be punishe«»f d *U portion bf hls own people, but feared he would tunityunltyy on FebruarFebruaryy 2 222 Of heof* hearing all of Mrs. Flake's productions. Laa ii f ubun D i punished punuhM bu ,b * particularly the Bowci 4«cr iDO over thill in fade Hi thi*h ffamoufamouss artistartist,ti , undeunderd r h ii particularlyflr the Bowc-ry *e-ne of the •k,t‘ havo*,.re mad.b,;e (o2^»rs.-2.'srs^3'.?5r»**rJrs: tbe deities are supposed ' •>' the'“ matter over wPh^ a trader.- " ' - "1 first act, and what thp New York tftM lal» >**4r, Wblrhh Is tI.Ivldc dmdedd u fola.- fol- ^ „ ,,„w ^rel.l pretreuon. | . pitee" ol the Boys' Work Coun E H,.r. -.„ to bew under thenulxl* sr-ecla! protection. ' "IIff yoyouu wanwantt t oto g ogo bach, back.”" sai dsaid (be Phre-of .re Boy Work Conunttlce, reviewer »' s >''•declare »T>d to ba the moat N" tlgei rader. "jo ofof th(k.e Ladle*' Auxiliar AnrRInriy o f olih ,be y rerl.-nre» ,o bn the mre! urta. 165.00 trader, ''yon ought to do something '; wonderfiil street scene ever stagett, Court*. 14^ 0000; cocountymy Ja i jail. $».- Be party toe I M . Cr. A . . f wonderful street scene eVer stage#. (Mill. 1.000 freeholderLs. that will make peopl- forget nil Ij that of thnre !••"ofthat• ni'Ti oft fivethe polnu,hlrten. ,meat mrthe liveT points, the MO; lunatic*. M 1.0*0; freeholdenepeedll j takes bl scene of the third act. The Man* (1T,(K I); fet * and ooro- SissSKS STAR INDOOR TEA about the shooting. Now, tber* nr* expeiues. IIT.OOU. fees and ooro-waitingwaitin g ttoo offeofferr superfluousuperfluous s r. eiptsaa- no buffaloes over In the Fatland val- WOMENuHMI:N AA*S DODOGG MNl'RSK*. IM\, - hattan“-- company of nearly fifty^ peo'- . *V «*er*. : $97VO." 6; eleelsoioiw.c iOOK, *27,50O 927.50*;; alar —•:£-; si INDOOR m hattan company of nearly fifty peo- ley. why don't yoa catch some calves ' s pie supports Mrs. Fiske and both" 4lOIK ry. adt ertirlng Ther* U not a year that pass*, pi* supports Mrs Flske and both' 4loner>. %t.VMtS.OOfi; advertlHhgaar t and -ompany and production are exactly r in cldrn^I e»- WANTS Tl PUT and take them back with you? | * *'***’- » thathatt womewomenn dodo no nott discove discoverr admt !some company nnd production are exactly prlnllax. I2.50,:’ lo.ld.n-wl N„„,. They'llThey'll causcans*e soso mucmuchh excitemen excitementt iongPS lungratt nigh t nightIn wi nIn winta nme 'new profeHaion Itor themselves. Thuy in during the very eucceaaful New Itt and aoldt7 . of tfe same 'new profession for themselves. They as during the very successful New I'-o-- -buol.. < burial, and -l-J.0 A sung midmmt daiic e—ntaj. 11».Mb: Chll-workin workta-xg lv a cbvaIn .p vaudevillebrep .and..111.e hooae buure '“ MfCflMh.of ™t*oB yonyou foforr shootinshootingg yon yourr wife. wife.”" the sun thedoe ssun no tdoes rise. notKo'.T r rise. seventeen. teen field*fields whic whichh ma menn hav ehave hithert hithertoo »p- *p-ept thaeeptt ththate productio th* productionn is enitrel lay entirely flew- i:0Mardl.amre.nm:i i .ll.HI 1 j-niuir ; i81.000; i .o«»' Nai N.l- wast Wbnr.e a perforuuiDc. parformauc.e wa s ...give n ,!«.nhour- hour-Greate , r»rro,r, New YorN.wk It York baselinil Thiii-'l t fa ,>E±^ a*\ mnrh .t ir Ipmpn r lew. This Is a master worthy if 1 The Coyote acted on this sugges- days In summer tbe sun doesdoes not •«*set.- proprlateproprlatedd an dnnd no wnow fro m fromLondo Londonn I new. Thl* is a nmater worthy -tt .rd.1 Onr.rd, J•1.50.'; I J'" t t.« b».,4.,«5.-ly . ij.Tb e Ure. d tiredperforme preform.,r bad madrede mad. <»*» which ha. In lu. Il| The Coyote acted on this «ugges- days In summer the cfto.w ix board It*,- TB ■ Chrtffiy tlon, and as a buffolo hunt waa then.Vliu tWhat lelaareiyChlirUtlani Endeavor c omes tbe>w news» tha t thatthey theyare becomare becom-- e^ognitio I recognitionn In then Ine daysthsss' o f daysshort -of short- [•«0; lihrary. |i.O rt; e-xp MM Malli.-w.son. the star ] hno law llbrnty. 11 .non -iprerennine appearaucenlreapprer>u.-rea and ha andd falle nndn aalee ulnp Mathretren.N w th. nttrof the In progress, he soon captured four meetings they >njoy in Malmber y aurgeoona. ned casts and curtailed productlou* •v cl TkAoAice, IS.OOcl; She •ills on Us trunk wben the manager poked New York Giants,h , ant captured four meetings they can enjoy In Msltnber-lng veterinary turgeoone. -ned cuu and carmlled production. countyboot clerk's office. 9 Sheriff * oo bte trunk when tbe manager poked • '* York Giants, calves and turned with them to St. get! ._ .a that city a hospital for or the road toura of successful New- him In the ribs and said: peerli rned with them to 8t. get! There I. In that dtj n hoapltai for for the road tour, of aucceuful Now offiiw, t*9S.000; surrogate s office.11. 91-- him In tbe ribs and said: | * P«*rlrtM hr Ingotlus, writes Ernest Harold Bayes , dogs, founded tty Mrs. E. I*euty Col- fork offerings. Mrs. Flake adds POD; pa>tirnt or -principal on honded '**Hej, joo— tot Highlanders, is de«irou logntlaf. writes Ernest Harold Bayes, ' dog., founded Mr Mre. E. Lemy Col-1 York offering*. Mre Hake add. OOO P*> n»nt of prtoripai on Doadwd -*Bey. you—wake up! ifa Uo* foe . Highlander*. Uo.* bringing called tbe "Canine Nuraea' In- stage as •' dnbt.l3T.p00: (>.i-> us. in Interest.139.- yon to go on ag»i_ [ his star comb4na'-ktn to Id Recreation. Tbe result was about Advsrt.**. lire, called tk. "Canine Nurrea’ ln- to lh. Amrelran re nha debt. 937.500: payment lnt*rsat.|S».- yon to go on again " | bis ntar hi*ronitvtna'Jon cky ahd what the trader had predicted, and Many societies have spk'Udld meet- ilitute. Tbls Is r 1 according to the does •rici manhood am WOO: najjmenf letnporary lewns'ana **ajr," retorted tbr performer, "1 i' igage in a contest what the trader had predieted, and Many societies hive splendid .fltate."meet Thin la run according lo the*does to American uomaabeod nnd pxvmeat temporwry locum and retorted the performer. -I engage in athe content PI.-Un- about ved hospital system, ex- impair* tJ> road*j-*7,U0V- baynent cant go 00 agauiignln. What do jo•—u take-->-f field baseball teani. Ihe Indian was never punished. The logs, but no one ever know* mostabout approved hoapltai system, ex- * her engagement. p roadiGi f 7.«m»o• payment east go oo again. What do you take little buffaloes grew up, and when tliem escept the member* and a few ept that It Is conducted entirely by b»n.ii mtcrewt and temporary l.nuix. M tor—a nlmrp-MetropolIta McGrath made tt little buffaloes grew up. and when them except the member- and c*pta few that It is conducted entirely by b*nk tat (root and temporary loons, m for—a film r*-Metropolitan Maga- 7 ‘ *°‘th** ththee twtwoo heifer heifers «»°s wer wereheiferse fou rfour yearwere yearss oldfour . old.oyearsf thei of r old.particulatheir ofparticular rtfe friends .friend* Ev« Every'Omen *o- . ThereThese araree publipubllec wardwardss an aaUd ClarkCUrk TouristTouri-ts* lnin Homdaln. Itl.caO: tinld&e fund, (s.000: road e sporting editoi The Pacific Commercial Advenia- $1.40*; sinking- fund. 9S.000; rond nh-- th* sporting editor of | The Dallyeach omchf the mo( halhd «am calfhad, thua s raIf>waa deflhoay sbouklshoulwiad keekeepdefyp thtfee notic noticee of privateItsrlrat e wardwardss In Intb e thaInstitution InstituHon.. The Pacific Commercial Advertis- 1 ini'"V<*«ifi» L. boodo. 11.500; perma- Irtw*. and the mMllrr has been fe- „ ^ff what afterward becamemeeting the s meetirbefore 1 I public In some », at Honolulu, Hawaii Territory, IffiprawemHBC hoods. $1.50$; perma- d the matter haa been *e- gtarted what afterward became th. which ia largely patronized by the MtMkt. Iniprovemeot bulldini^s and .... .-reart w«BI -..n. meetings before the publicwhich Inis somelargely pmtroolxod by tbeer. of Honolulu. Hawaii Territory, nent I mi. rove meat building* and ferreferredd to ManageMnnagerr Erne Eriw*-.k Dorflinfee Dorflln|Oerr larges iurvt her*t dherd of buffaloeof buffaloess In th , In theTb e way.Sterlin gThe (Colo. Sterlingi iCokM societyrich. Bu doe*t littl e waif dogs are not re- underrader datdatee ofof MondayMonday.. Januar Januaryy 24 , 24. Irrou Pompano-WhyPompano-Whj dduo joyouo worworkk t ono Haul hard.. ntuition. HcGrath. will be ie- r] rich. But little waif dogs are not re--or*tain s an Interesting account of RriMjad*. IM.044920.00*.: enw-HoorrvcrtoBi an andd tZ re-B for attention. McGrndx will be WOfe- dVOr|d It by placing n car* d ID tbIte pogtofficeby placing. fused a card, whe Inn thetbey postare office,111, o f course, contain* an Interesting account ol Bagleyfl? YoYoan alav Slav*« fro fromm mortitn morningg un- fused, when they are III, of coarse,he reception given to the Clark. l-lr* culvert* xml brldco*. 9(5.000;til night Bagley-I know 1 do. 1bored b, local fan! a. Pl.flBa lh, n„h.,d taS.lo,. in bo,rl. nnd o.hre publicanandd arareplnreue permittepermitted redd toto repos reposee comfort comfort-- the rereptkMi given to the Clark, rei«irw c«>qnty roads. 9l7.$ot>: hos-wish to get rich I want to die worth mfered thlreen head. At tbla following I* ablablyy iInn thth*e publipabllcc ward ward.. tourist*:ourlst* upouponn theitheirr arrivaarrivall i n intha tthat l«*afa». 922 oo*; repair* road imd.-rn minion. Pompano-Well, t hero’s do ThisThla Ilas aans MeaIdeall professio professionn fo rfar wo -wo-placeplac e oonn JanuarJanuaryy 2322.. A copA ycopy of tnofe the Hisie Aid an. 99.0*0, cleaning hud wonting for tut as. Now. 1 would2»nal trei. frem .^T * C.A. Allard, -bo -re ranch- men whwhoo araree lover loverss o f ofanimal animalss an d andnewwpuperlew * pa per hahass beebeenn receivereceivedd fro mfrom ■n.lauinlag gw»tem on rouivty iwads. ch prefer to Uv* worth half a mil- uu ihpfie Chrlatlana. who araree nonott stron strongg enoug enoughh to to expen expendd Jameslame s Kf., BuckleBuckie, whowho.. wit h withIfra , Mrs. *T.0fto nmda built under Bute Aid k—Philadelphia Call .te'ijsrr^srzf?: theirtheir energieenergiess InIn reareall hospita hospitall nurs nurs-- Ruckle,fnckle . ilas witwithh thth*e toralms fomlatn an dan# U is *** 94.0*0. a total of 934* 000 HallJis At tfe Prvsbyt#r1»n hurchchurch.. l®$.ing. nowIOW oonn ththee lav lastt Mretc rtrstrhh ot ofth e th*Joui jour-- k When is It? ley from California. Tbe newspaper A Limited -Forever.1' the Uee.1 halt for the [game. The in a deal whitn in,o,Ted tne par. at CIC. ney from California. Tb* newspaper A Limited -Fseevee." *‘ ,**“'• 2* Ib B del »hlch revolved the Everypnr- Sumday evening at I B ENJOYABLE BIRTHDAY SOCIAL 5otNot tbthee |i|»e Walking Coyote, a Pend dOreille nue.nue, entertaineentertainedd aa companycompany,, o oft thirty thirty-- Tbe Tftung Meni Chrtfctlan Amo- k ; I i be calling for a couple of nlgbta:" rangenrema can be made the game Walking Coro!., a P.nd dOrelll. _ *“’• live guests _a t her borne• Friday Sob* , be ending for a couple' of nigh tar* h d ••••• Field Sec- five guests at her horn-* Friday In today sent out - a st dent of Jokes, a . ol- will be held. g [aaA Mr pnblo toid me now be and -Karl Lehmann. Int. He was a student of Joke*, a col- j h* " V l*»d Mr Pnom told me no- h. and honohonorr OOff heherr daughtedaughterr Grace Grace,, whos whosee \ tor the annual dinner «a be . an adapterdapt , a- *adl- His Dalusion. retarv of Chrbtti n Endeavor In for the ■ertor. x reviser, an adapter, a fad-1 „ ~~ T" I ,T hi s partner sa|| t biy bln th e partneraide o f aatth e hr the .Id. of ch. birthdaybirthday ^»!orIItt «Hwn*.. W.mTGameGamess an dand mi^rf mwaicc Tnursda y alaftt, February 24. Taa ab]ected the. Jok i Bowell-t bad tbe nightmare last CbrlstUn Endeaiv World. F Thursday night. February 24. Th* '« He subjected the Joke to ev-, Bowed-1 bad tfe nightmareRomaRoman lastn feverfevre., sooo calletf called,, n ono longe lookerr roe *ro.< t^git —.reiug^ -hla monev-hi. .noire. laying aInjlng a Chrtitlan Eud.-v-r » »ld.fltled up tho a-Kvtng-* card of enter- special speaker for that occaaHou will night. Powell-Thai -so? Howell— eiiats. It was really a malarial fejv- ne on lop of each stack of bills. • Ollsd op th* evening's card of ."mter-special speaker for that occasion will Tty known test night Powell-That .Xlauao? ItHoweil- an really n malarial ijjv-/O ,one on top ot each ntack of bllia. talnment and refresh menu wer». be Dr. Thoma* Travta. He w«l give. h'lnMlIylaily hbee gavgavee t Itth ethe thir d(bird de- derTea : 1Tea; though l tthought that 1 wa thats bein I wasg kicke beingd .rkicked IKS ever, now and then n max- -We rot Ir In imall bull *• laid h.A n Endtavor Church*"* . ^-Mreere Church. be Dr. Tbomna Trarta He wlJJ gire br tbe foA of tne bed-N«w York Dr. Charles M. Sheldon, tbe world •*"**• j 1 faota that were gleaned In six years th* foJl of the bsff-Nsw Yorkllgnan I llroantt case . case.JHnc e the!: Campagfaa .^3 u loo^ llke , p(le of money Since lh. Campagha T. "J „ Dr- <-T«t- « AmonSMldon.g thos eire presen worldt was Mrs. [of atudy tn the condi^ens of the ' Thereere wawasa noBo ' l o tgelongerr an yany doub doubtt Fisas las been draJced and 1 renowned author »f "In His Stpp*," Is -- *u|:lnt«d Md ,o p,v ror buffa,oe»." Apparently >'d portl Imllding a new church In Topcka. and Steir. of Faniwood. and tbe Vraon asrlunw and prtaotia of Prance Kog- of fe# originality. ins of the city where fevers f»te had not forgotten Walking- Coy- He read his uAnuscrlpt very «are^ An Exampla. if Inli 're of 1 r>n a big arch over the main entraoce brothers, of taie cHj. wbo ca.miva.ted land. Australia and the UaMed lie read bis m*nuarrlpt very •are- qaejit te. for with the money received for folly.l the joke. i Toor mother wui show yon. my i John OonaoHc,, Of C nd, blbbed »* the Joke. l d S*S* hhee lefleftt IItt ou outt an d went on wrlt> the Beit time 1 tell ber 1 can't prown.m. up, », b^r. ,^ .b.r. b« IM outer ?£.tAj? m«x or sang for tbe amu**- YoaQg Malefactor." Judge LJttdsay *** Exchange. •par* all tbe icont-j she wants." R M ort has written ihe introduction to Dr. TrarV volume. OM»rmitWM - tklak of M brother EMIII1IT GIVEN its* OF MM'sSKp.INII SALOONLEAGU E EEIH HK fflT 111 SOIMEET "'QROMIilBIS SEENT GIVEN 1 SGAREHI II I GHUR6H HOIIOPNTHS III Of 'neighbor u tbrweK Pm tor DlimlUM CrMcont Rev. DrDr. . HerriDRH«rtU| Iiplalu 10 m HR III Rffi[I CARLIRE E SHOWMSB IN NE W YORK IN MAY BY JUNIOR WMISSIO NHEN BAN D1 FMtorORmiir;r PliTTif—im Crescent W JliNJfi MISSION llffl OtBM Of Quit BMWMO flPM WAR HI Av©. CongregatioAre.n a t Congregation >t of Chill Bttwm TbaTin- An:i-Sa!ooAotl-flaloouo lA*W Iaaa-ia Thswill ooff PiainBelFtalaMid ta to vtaaf., Hootoopolhlc AnAn pbj.toUnafnatructJv Inoxmcdvw all ooof*nd > skoffwtber Socialis■ocUUttnm %nandd Church Church.. LOSLOSTT NOONDAKOMIY III IIIMJKtct a Tljorooa * campa.iRdgork.i -rampalgn *ver Bortet y theluy Wove ar7e ddemo.aybalds Usefull laatafallrbar.,y gowned , aade>-oad.whrth w a« p»akaCbarW in on e ofaa th e greatespat*t eelebrala - MissionMissiooa. n Bandof .Band, OGlaT UM » FVs*roowkoft B^U tho« cal. First Baptise TUBTHK OtY OCUTF HL-JM S XKKBOF . AWIOUI IMIITXKK». HOMIwill ba addmaccg by promiaMC .porliop lionsilooa In whic hla th e membtrwhtrh c Oftba the. :churchntambararcb In ihtfInof lectur tbalreChe lertareON room. 1 ,Ki: The CHIKk-H AllVlt ... AND HKIIJHIIY HOME .veots. concert oror tt ,haatraA s tn« school Aaof medicinthae have achoolever taken otmembersmember madk-loas ofof tb e theband haoa, whbond, o bav coare whobee n havetakao been •» Ac ; tha Ciwa- studying and working for the na*t ThJ SHglthnr •» Ju*t B* ih..y were ftnl«r.!nR thtH nnoae pretfnytertaIT—Syarlaaa churc h ISrhotchheairtJfvlbeantlfn l gownIn sgowns of th e worofn p*l-thd' part—thwomene seml-cente pgt- m pwik—tha studyingamnl-oewiewnlal and workingerer, Nofor Mitc Nig*n othof IHM>rde ofpoet r W.s-n Disorder I!, i . Dr. Hr*. |*r. "Thow Ml how Tby JUhlNeSgbbnr M —«h*-, *rrf fiol-r.lng G ron* Of the opera go far i arda of the New York Homeopathic Medi- If year for Home MISFIOBS. pre- ml ofgtota c in tinthe-ta Union tha, an d whicUnionh Homo and Missionwhich Society. Mrs.■ Reu- of tbe honor and upon Invtw'JgaMng Mclntyre concerts and tbe Plalnfleld 'awa Its studenia from aHnoat as ben Knox,, wb o haswho charg e ofhas charge Troubleof . the Mr . Slnktftok»rr discovere dlorovwrodd flunti pourinflo**eig pirn BafrJk ebarwh. McIntyrewbara concertsJudge and the drawsPlolnfleld ita sludea a from almow oat of u ftM-oad floor Covthgcoh.wind*. of Gaorgla. willtheatre «wapeak increaa Increasee the Interesthe t anInters*d en- widewidande a fieldae«- , l a planninfield. g tIso observplanninge band,band, In^rrogateinto errogateddoba the m < m -ththeme eart > on the early . tar, C-harlf* E. In a f*-w momrnt The rampalctt la lathusias i at masm an charged theiandr ow n enjoymentbe*r t theown completionenjormeatf i of Us settltmensealtmeatfiftieth,t of tbof Cnliaetbsyear d StatesLortacd, and Btates.. A Or e Arescarand e broughscaret tire broughtmommy Ul© morning FrankFrank BarkeBorke.. the bead lhaof tbe haodAnu -In tbthaof e besthatbewt o f miiMAwu-ofc an d maalcthe dram aandwith thselaborate drama ceremony. laterInter Repr*i microI smigration ion Into it. IntoThe replieit. s worshiorehlppThe In thIne replies Crwcen thet Arww Crescent Avenue Ku6')u> *•• Uw nwKi m i':.-*ip>'-r:»ir.-sb>«-ri*u) tire room was tireablat e anr».d soo n ethne Salooq -•:••>:abuse, LeaguLaogoa e ofu< th e Stateof , Chean d Stare,be\ba*cha t cancan be aadsecure hed hfo secarsdr their pleaa-fortallriJ fbrtr of pieas-all tbe otherwerwere e madhomeopathicmadee by member by s omembersf the bane ! churcofirch h theto ato n abrupanband t terminatio abrupt n terminationSun- Bun- churchr kaprii. IIMI tb*mHMa* ras ''Ththe®»*e Mt*~ ettttr»aas floor "Thewa s beinM*t»-g consumedWlra, wil l alsflooro spea k here on Sunday. This collegecollegess of ofAmeric Americaa will attend will, ; InInattend, theitheirr nationa and l costumesnational. Miss dayday mornincostumes.g and resulteMissd in In (be the n of Boclaflsm." i part be MfU' 'Knowing that tbe bouse was doomed will >1— a|»ak here on Sunday. Tbta ft la -\[- i • • a.hi-m door a and *-notifie d th>ugh Are department State. ota worn ra idler In thaha s winter,seen. hot nots; Fred Hunt, English Cavalie charcb -tth - w be hadto. Thebe ho u had. The hou-* umber of notable gowns. The former students will r-'sy an er;. Emmeltne M •••.;<.•.:u-- Swede; oat* own-rehlp of land ahould be 1 f*“ ^ "■»J Mrs. Edwin S. Hooley wore a de-The former students will play an im- headhead usherusher,, notice d thnoticede smpke . anthed srapke. and placed by public collective ounlpr- w»t t- plotj.'i' . :•el '! ' y••• r 'daatroyed The on The c Mrs. Edwin 8. Hooley portanworet par t ia ath e ceremoniesde- , er;Clair e DOremusEmmeline, Italian: ate Hoff Manning. Swede; placed br public rolksalretb e neighborhoooaarr-d wan in ti comply collete•ol!r-t«. gown gownof dar k bluofe meteodarkr portantblue part lameteor the ceremonies.Claireman, HQSBlanIKtremua.; TheEn Ily .Pilger. Italian:Hun- immediatelyImmediatelatey telephonetelephonedHoffd to Firtoe GbieFiref Chief a•Mp Id. d thaandt the Siatthat* shouldtha , b e wateStater shon.d he »»*" AR1l«E LARGEL'*« YHill ATTENDE D ;repAWe with insert * of Oriental em- day ot the celebration. May Doane. dp. ml no tba mata nd thaanou.dt wa s uu&vailab! ? !>••- crepe <*'with antabborboodinsert* of... firstOrientalId be devoteday d lofo theem- commenc&tbe celebration.r garianman. ; MayEbizabet Rassian:h 21 En lly Donne..Pllger. Hun- tld,tb* on* on.employer amphnor.. Ail Intxi r wolild dllCwWr i tabor would clatera .ad that was oo».allab1..broider y on tbe bodice and finished will be devoted to the commencementangarian;d Constanc Elizabethe Harrifl, ChineseWynn. . TheThe firemenJapanesefiremen arrive darrived at tbe i hiin-atn tbe chart-a CMm>by come under th» epttml of «*"««• wa» directly und< Mrr. Henryp . H eBrtqI*.iies . ofHeortqac*. Myr-broideryabou t tb ofe squaroneMyr- nec kthe wH n baudbodices of and;lse s of thfinishede colilege , but the ! ■- square neck wl».nexercises bands day ofs wilof l thebe givencollege, ove andJlabebu* l Douglasthe s tol;,Constance, the par t of Lhe atKarri*. 11:011:055 o'clock o'clock.. EDortChinese s wer e madEffort*e were mode cuaone cenrtrairanll [jower . i&a baMVsocialM ""^f Vis- haliat.' wned«K«». by tleW T avenue,Wid 1,0he r andDM .ther . her soft whitmother.ewhite lace . Helace.r wra Mrtp wa s offollowingIf or wrapdays will*w beof givenGermanMabel , assigneovDouglasse d to FlorrCoRki Krauasthe e topart locat locatee ofth e thethe of thecause iofn the smoke ln tbbtthat theretbara i» somathlnI. ^ malvfl—lbOtbn.ill .aalcWlt, William ’”' IWIlitrlo*.. Of Pr o spectof p lace, Pruap«-ctnk colo r broadclotplace, h , trimmed most exclusivelycloadw i theto e tho alumni.who w-asThey detaine d at home by Uhu-- the the labors, of Chief wrtiitK with our industrial uysiefnjj i CorMl. of Lincoln plam and Duer biscuit color broadcloth . trimmed German, assigned to Flarr,the Krau:cellar, but ihe laltor*. of Chief wreng wlih our ladavtrlal a>a«e*n,and In U oafd to gavebe covereda reception and by and tea withwitalh blacthekblock satin home bandssatin . band*. will attendid a grea at publigreatc public whoin thmeeting e familywas . dntainedMan-gam . Donneat home! Donna by werelilt la vain. After a con- t !.;i'at. "; doe»«n not givduese a H men nota n •'* give ail mm anof the Sartformer.tirdaj aPten Saturday afternoon e 1, and will then seal totd of the work of tbe Home Mis- ustees QhM ln .[[• s Ilk. M Mr*.Mrs. A. GA-. Hoole yO. wa s gowneHooleyd In Junewas gowned1. and Inwill then inscatter th*to vari-family. sultationMargaret with Donnellthe trustees Chi*f eqtialkwalkyy of oiiporluntty. It fatfbe - ' * ace. Mr. SinkerisMore !<*•«than >0 gu< sta 250invitewill d andgurwi* JovJled and parts of 'the city, to hold class sion Society i Mrs. Arthur M. Harris Ztlie dismiss Ill ed dollare blockick simplsimplyy mad e anmoded wor e a, andfew ous woreparts a of fewthe city,told to of holdthe clm>work of Do onethe advisedJ.'onx* thatMis- Dr. Ztlar dlsaii** caiM| e of ibis great wronjj In ourlso- *"^ nearly all‘were Bent durinpresentg tne __! daring^ the ii on-.. Each class frKt to reawrerald "A Colonialhundred Christma s Story;'dollars" th e congregation. At 1I:"O o'clock MIC* carried beautifulbeautiful JewelsJewels.. Thei r Ku*st alsTheiro reunion*. guvet alsoEach class sion from Society;1870 Mrs.i Arthurthe M.congregation. Harris At 11:?0 o'clock ', . “!^,T’,h.t aoHaHrm has edme on .blab Insurance was Carr alad blac k and her beaui'ful hair 9 will hold Its own a Rachael Smith reedted '•Emily G=lg- the service was brought to. a close ) th LT Sr ataned wore black and her lt09beautiful will holdI Hairits, whileownread affair,"A whileColonial Christmasthe *«rvlc*Story;'* was brought to * cktee into itaing: Great omlth and y-pt '■ '* The"balla-d parloparlorsi .-*r ethat de< were> ratetba d decorateddra startedwit er's Ride." and Mrs. A'lberL E. KBn-by singing the doxology. power are In the ponnesstun of|the fM defectivetive M flue. , white and ua needed no ornument. then m«-n of the clnase*Rachaelnell y rea«.» d a leaflethaSmith t "Ho *«0*swrecited t o be Hap-"Emilyby ringing O-dg- the doxolugy. power .ra In Iba pnasruslou of |lha ">»“ palms, white carnation* andMrMm.. FredericnarclFrederickk \V. ' W. Ya!-awillwil l holwored holda join t reunioa nJoint reunioner*t Ride." Onand JuneMr*. Albe-kWhilWhile e nearlE ynearly ever yK**n perso everyn in the person In the low. and "practicallthey y bol“praeUea'I,d the bold tba bub andhe dinintheg rordining room wo* blacdecorat-k fur coa-t. py." by Mrs. Alice Freeman Palmer congregation was aware of the pres- their hands.' T*er* ed in green and whi:e. Du dev a black fur cowt. 2, thea annualtwo-toned buslncanelly meetingread a andIcafbi "Howcongregation to be wasHap- aware of tbe pres- nla of tha mat In tbnlr hand. Tba ed in green and white.grey iilk gowsilkDuring n gownmplrthe e witmadeh banquebanquet t empireof .thofe alumntbewithi vtti alumnibe held py.”wUI by be Mr*.held, Allco Fromnoaencencee of thofPsJmer.e firemen,tbe all firemen,kept thei r all kept their la ban—la— antra' aftemont«rnon a linae progratinem ol programyoke andof collarpoin muni*t Veaisof e 1point withwith VenlseDr. Dr. Georg lace.e Boyi!George, of Det AppropriatAppropriateRoyvl, e musicmusic ofby th e banbyd De*heads the and notbond ©van n ripple of ex- - WHIST fi CHURCH waais givegivenn by the byVanEy a theT: VnnEpa Trio. Moines. Ia., presiding. and of tba —rial neala.S and *11 poet fl CHURCH Mrs. H. Reeve Stoclcton's g< w-as a. feature of the entertah dtement prevailed. After the dls- erflu-r Mrs. H. Reeve StocktonMoines, * fa., gownpresiding. was h feature of the citemententertainment prevailed. After th% dis- mtaerIn Waryy i anddegra i degradation’ n! tba other Mr*.Mrs. HenriqueHenrique** and Mr.-.. andBarlow ? wawaaMrs.s a whita e dotteBariowwhited -blacdottedk foulard . PlainfieldPlalnQeltolark d wilwilll undoubtedl foulard,undoubtedly y be we l MisMis*bes Alicwelle Alice Drak e beinDrakeg th e i bringmissalmisaa l ththee memberthe accom-member*s of the congregaof -the congrega- and«nd . No cartoon. INo •e rartotmfreqiifii t U more were ;ssisLhelr ef- bMrtleSB giant «h George Hove. Mm. Samuel Ton throat bare. lege, some of whom Hymn”will go and to "MyNew Countryservice was *tls concluded, o but -their ef- haartltoa giant who .iinl ronlrolaMrt Ilia Suuird„snd George MrHowe., Mrs. Samuel j. Mrs.Towniwmd Mariooeory nMarlon S. Achermao oa S., Saturdaybeing Ackerman,York for the exercteeaThee."Thee. " andWillia mWilliam theHolme s re-o( Holme*fortsorts to discoveto r discoverofih e sourc e othef thth e source of the nereaaarlr,rii^rnMirU n of oflife . Ufa. night for the benefit of St. Stephen's Aud Mrs. John \V.' stilltllnightl iMarray,n mourningin for mourning,,the w"orJr., e blacbahadt kof w'oreof union* Stephen They are: churchchurcDr. h choir,choir, aanDanielg wit hsang fine ( withsmokemok e werfineewere fruitless effecfrultlvoa.. No -trace s of No trsews of . ', •Tbara"Thpre hasha. t» -t-i i .. „bran . •bui-iignat i waso«lf attende dba- b y aboucbt„„.b thisJJB waa diy.Mrs .attendad Charle s Mrs.D BtOtH by MCharlewdechin*dethina bunt e ani>dand heavoa y lfttlHma*aheavy lace. Adams.Around 46 the Grove street; "Maasta'Malta'sl>r.s in thinJcffee Cold .the Col d GnCold. fireColdre were Grouad.werediscovered discovered.. Chief Doane. Chief Duane, town'«••• u ibe thachurc h rborchaim Kocivllsm .Oil. andaoriall.m.hundred socleiandy people, nanun<)rrfd th e neaorlaiyt•erred paopla.Ice and Iba net td C, Anderson, 405 \Vwi Po and Miss Elsie Moore sang owever, entertains Lhe belief tha.t for thJH reason, I belli coiffureiffnre waswas a ban d ao r blacbandk ribbo nofson blackC. ribbonAnderson, 405 sweetland yW'om 'ThMis* e Bosto Fourthn TeKlsiwa Far t Moorehowever, be smok e wasangs entertainsdu e to th e burninverthe g belief that for thi. ranwro. .. maI t tney better..reBU]t o( thethat giUne s induinIba, g d ThosThosee ftsatatlasanointing in the indlnlng- of ther ,h , heldheldining-roomd,,n,iw in placin e aIncludingt placeone sid e baty adoua- blaeoneh street.sideet : Dr. byTDr.. D . BlairT.a . 41D.black4 Par kBlair, ave- sweetly414 Park"Tho ave-Boston Te« the Party."smoke was due to the burning havnarae mlKiindenrtoomlsuodefwtoodd «»' othert—1. Mrotbar.. 41ona was (i&0Mr.. prizestlo wer„,e oil werwer*e Mrs. Mr*.Willia m McCutthenWfllllam , i McCafrhen. PlMrdbo I war. offered ; Dr. Roger L. Cooler, Plajnfii f varnish ia the register which was SJIIITI'" a MK-iali!«t !• in enamelled tnglerflly nue; Dr. Roger L. Cooley.TheThe dollsPlainfielddolls,, aprons , linenapron it. ofalnt^ dvarnish a linenfew dayt Ini ago.tho*cn» regleter which war Sparaf. a -wlallat•. «ald a al ea(.—idn tabl e anlatJ th(. b(ga prlie, t BE.. 0.ncb MurrayC. . ubMrsMurray.|e. Georg ,bde AMrs.. Waif lb-, Georg*Mrsb,t. FrederiprtMA.c W. Butle-,War- kl-r wori f 1 m; Dr. recent meeting of tbe ner, Mrs. Willis West, Mrs>. Charles Mr*. Krodfrtc W. Sanitarium;Flotlor w. Dr..n k WFrank. Co n W. book*Cornwell. and polOb work paintedquilt madeu byfew day* ago maant mealing oflumn i tbaClu b VPrAlumni lovIng cuP t whicC-lobh waa offeree ner. ,ovlMrt. Willis West,cb flRuredMrv gre whichy satiCharlA n waawtt h yokofTarade an i for19192 2 Bast EaMFron t streetFrom, andstreet, Dr. andthe memberDr. s ofI the band to be sent of Union Seminary: SocSanmB Barlow.Uarlow, MrsMr*.. \V . 3. HobbleW. . MrsS. . fl. Hobble.figured >frv.grey sutlnA with yoke and tbe member* of the band lo of Union SatnlnarjKiana m .« lhe highes t score was captured t.j - berthabertha of wbKof e lacwhitee an d P lacediamon c andFinch.nch , 110r 11666 Pardiamond k avenuePark . avonue.toto Ellis EllisIsland , werIsland.e on cshibttlowerei [ TEMPERANCEonTKMI'ERASCKSCHKMK rrtlliKfon SCHEME.. HIf.. HobbleHobble.. Mrs . f. WMrt.. McGee ,C j broochbrooch.W. . HeMcGee.r wrap Herwa aMl* beJg ewrap clol t FlowerFlowewas r HospitalbejgeHospital, . whic*cloth i i s which atat a Istabl h e presideownedtabled overpresided by Mr s over by Mr*. d j,—and iperateMoperated d by the collegby e the FredericFrederickcollegek S . Thompson8. H Thompson.. the A great movement to restore the hhdand thta )sIbis wha t thetay say.what "If theyeKenriP . aay:Afte r the playin-|fg aray.ray , MisUrKetule.s Mle*Bernlc e ScarreBerniced an Afterd Sbarreu Ththe e gowandn playingwor n bthey Mrs . Laurenwa» ! onlynly hospitalin in the Acountry sale o f fancyowned articles , cake, can Engllah public man •<•>" he 1» a Christian, ai The gown worn by1 y Mr-. lomren* A sale of fancy article*,English cake, can-public house to Its tradi- man aaya be la are r |!*btlight refreshmentChrisllan.refreahmentas wtr e servewereandd M!»«c*served. Harlow. II.H. V'anBureVanBurenn was a sofwast blac k direra softand d blackoperated dlrer- tnedJc by i a dydmedicaly and andvalentine s valoqSInostol'egefollowe d the efollowedn tionalioni awthe a* oen-f *a place of ease, recrea- a land# aponiuwr foi that foe that which «W*i»U tolretolre saitiaoitlQn wtt h verwithy Unti every ornamen littlet and od ornament.operatethed by combination hasiertaiauKsntenrinntvni. proved, .an d chocolatofand e a-i< tionrhocJirtf and \trefreshment haaads bee n in- has been in- thethc i. r..,.bloomr, from thefrom cbeek i thenlld - cheek*HIMHIXIX* H of WOMEN'Snald- I'lUKilUXH.I’KIXIXITIOXKl'KOIM>nTIOX S OKOK 11EAITV HKAI'TY.. \ He Herr gues t worguewte pin k sill"wore, trimme rpinkthe *111'.greatest trimmedadvantage waferwafer*sto were wereInstruc-served . Miss nerved.Edn: itiated Englandin Mis* England,, reports tH« reports\.uu- tfle Lon- ena;en*: If heIf stand s befo r thes'aada privilege d for the privileged f aoma nwoman be five feetbe fiv e inchefive d ' witfeeth whitlivee haoe inchcw. * with tor*white andiooe. students. With#Whit* waswas in chargein of thecharge fane dondon Expressof Express.. Ihe fancy fewfew againsapalmdt the rightsthe of thnghtae mnn > : of Fromth* 1 er rolmany;e of half-toy, hair pTomheight, (. heherr herextende drole extendedar m should of ; armMrs half-toy.. Leonshould ! Mora | n hairwa s simplMr*.y I>oon Moran tabltablewase an £ andMrs . GeorgsimplyMrs.e Wbit e Georgeani LordLord VMMHalshury Halsbury.. the formeand r theLor d former Lord •IfII in every-daIn y every-daylife, he is denyinlife,g Blave thuo nlin. penneH d up denyingIn the seclu - «|*veaaure. lo fromman. fromtip o f pennedmiddltipe fingeapofr gowneIn middled iheIn a (atlor-madaeclu-finger e suit ogownedf blacl THTHEInK RKAVTIFt'a DKAlTimtailor-madeX UACKWIXtl suitLACK FI, ofWINGV Mrs.Mrsblack . HarolFLY d HaroldSerrel l mar.ageSorrelld th . ChancellorChancellor,mmuaged, presidepresidedd over tha gatherover- a gather- - hlnbis niwherbrother,, he Is denyinhe g bila s Lorddenying! .j,, n of thitt e lenanLord!e (woman' ^oos apar t ofJo»tJus t fivethe fivefee t fivetenancfeet Inches , fiveexactl i yInches, wom-n*»her chiffo eiactlyn apart-broadclot hher wit h a chiffonbodice •> broadcloth vrtth a bodicechocolate. Mrt. John IngUS ofor peers ,McLoughllpeer*, member s membersof Parliament of . Parliament, A larglargee par t of partthe sin ooff thethe worl d alnments) .of t e womethe n oworldf Hindusta ninmi*). b beighithe. A womawomenn o f this»f helgb t llkndnatanwhite ne t andl» lace embroidered H On alm almost any evenUiR during the clergylergy and andothers , atothers, which ti waat s which la was own height. A woman of this height white nK I Will and lace embroideredand Mre. inAlbeit E. Kennel:y had con- ilas duedue to the mal-adjustmento the tmal-adjastment of tbe rising to of•qualit they wit h menrlaihg, wrftei toshoul d equalitymeasur e twenty-fouwith r incheinon.s pastnwriteel shade* . summer twilightgbt the charming decided to establish a *^rue Temper- ■sociaocl.1l system."ayatem.’*•* " . Saint Nlhi 1 Singh, lo The Review ol ahould measure twenty-four KalhtInrhtf* Xlhalpastel Singh.shaded. wingmtOM IDfly flyThe b e mayReview be curioof seen;i trol of Itathe coaguming.curious decided to establish a “true Temper- India Is daily getting roundround the waUthet and thfrty-fotjwal-tr Mrs. LeR(jand y Ga:e« worthirty-foure a visltln i Mrs. nffi- c tLeRqyo Identif y itClares. wore a visiting ancee AssociationAssociation.. The . aim of thThee aim of the "This ie what Lavelye. the Belgian Reviews. India Is flightrlicli) alone H il l will sufilcc to Identify it. 1 1 Thl* la what Lavelje. the Belgian Revicwa Inchesnches abovaboveeIndia th e bustthe. labust. ; dallygown of l>lacgettingk chudd a cloth witi •H ne gown of black chndda movementcloth' friwi i is to ••••••Is : i with' toth e inoderassociate- the moder- •ronomlioix-om.uii- • says:aaya: "If Christianit‘If yChristianity were anxkiu a wereto accor d ianMouan to accord It* women a hu- says a writea r Inwriter Tbe StrandIn Maga-Tbe Strand Mnga- people nil over the country who tangbttaught and useandd comfortablaaed y tcomfortablyo • '>•• ;•..,:,, »nd toa lust *tre bea •at.made Sex litand' TheThe auppe r upper)»»tarm shoultreatment.dnrui measur e yokshoulde S-'Van d collaln- r measureof bla-.k aupllqujokei Cine. andBetwee n Betweenlhcollare hedgerow tbeB ofo f ibhedgerow**e black of appUque ate jteople all over th>* country who aplrltoplrlt of ofIt s founderIta , thfounder,e existin g sothe- equalit etlethigy bad decreeBO-d equality thirteenhadhirtee n inchedecreedinche.s ap d tbandethat wris tthe six . whileThwrlale ove r th«-all.clot h oThef gold . 0WT cloth lane*.ofi. in thIngold,e garde then paths,garden or alon i ASSEMBLASSEMBLYpaths, orY RECEIVESalongRECEIVES . dlnocat from the extreme and des- ' c»nlda.1 <>r^;iTit>norganhinii coul d nocouldt J.i- t a day.not ' widowerlast waa s alloweday.*d to marry, widowerever calf•»l f ofwait ofth e legallowedthe shoul d measurlegto eahould tourmarry- Blacmra*urek seem s tofouh be *h e -happy med thoB iarvoodiangwoodland Md-eips glades to,glades. l t mabey bthee reaIt d "happymay b«>m- read tructive pproposal)proposals) of puritanicaof l puritanicaltee- tee- •The•Tin- basic basictrut h of socialismtruth, permitted 1of0 Indulgooclalfcm.e In polygam ypermittedteen:ef-n an d a andhalto t Inchesa Indulge, the :hlif ballh )UmIn -- cInche*.hos«apolygamy., for infornlath« l asthlifh well a: llyIly 1umdistinguishe-distinguished cho—d frur A n thfromfore numerou Inforotalthes numeroutn* well an totaler*.talers, tn In a reasonable and un* thenThi-a is In accorla d Inwit h thaccorde teaching withs th e widothe w wateaching*s forced lo remaithe n I widowtwenty-five:weniy-flv e wasan d thforcedande ankl e eightto ihe. formaremain| weaankleB an da th e exqutelteighte lace: mothsformal tha t thatappea wc-hrr a s thappeareand daylig the'd orientagroundl embroiderie *hes relieveand „i decllndeclinesorle mtal. embrolderle* relieved it LOCAL OPTION Bill byby renderinrenderingg the them more like the of Jvwuft Chrt*t, bt* ft does not con- widow '..< iiM measurThise jusInjunctiont what sh e m;-ail» - o[no a| [ eombfenesslonger . - where the •l«.!ii the whole truth that Is needful being faithfully obeyed. Widows of should measure Ju»t what aha The flights 8of|, the.onibfeoeM. mothsTh e introductioarc nvery of tl>e local op- ContinentalContin resorts, where the or- tMln the »ho)# fruih rbat la needful being fallbfally he obeyedthighs lo theWidow* top of yof tbewjl (l bme very largelSocietyy -repr e wjllThe ft be f thverye lamely Tbe introdserion of tbedidinaryn local1man feel s i0feel*p-fie noin Hit Jlaamu In sitting foforr thethe world . woild.Socialist. * have crittSocfallsta- the higheshavet castcrttl-e ar e beintheg allowe dblghmt . (l caate are being allowed varied In character;some of the sometioilonn bill backebill d 'bybacked the Anti-Sal toy . the Anti-8u1oon elxedi tbe Christian faith In this, th, • " •ented at Plaioflelthe d iliPlainfieldt :ir theatre, next wltwithb his wifhi*e and wifechildr t and children—and of narry. largerarger a d anddar i-coldark-coloredored kinds sweepkindsleagueLeagu e i*-cpsook tookplac e Mondaplacey I n b Mondayus reducin g in drunkennessboth . The distance from the elbow postpast at at enda n is pacetremendous. Houses. Senatopace, r Gebhardt theirimroduc - thus reducing drunkenness. M Houses, benator Gebhardt LorLordintroduc-d Halsbur Halsburyy drew a-.cleadrewr di« - a clear dis- VI. land noi for the social rela-tJona special eBforts lo establish home*! h .. * f h lb , h "- Fiske »ill appear tSere In hal movements leavingdoub t In doubtthe J2.rzr,:rz,.^ elbow to ihe rallon Nslir* a play in which inging ththisethe bill lb billthe Senatine and theMr . tinctionlctloSenaten betwee betweenandn th e methodthe s Mromethodsf tee- o'f tee- «f np’it: that H do— hot It,tor—t H- *"or.' joona and old -idotr. ar« mind theof )bae, n ether wheth , e observerlii- RldgwayRidgwa y whetherin thine Housethe. his House. w M m|dd|( eyeseyes ha ve thaveobot deceiverbpId himnot deceived totaltotal repressiorepresalonn and the andalm s of ththee alma of the k-ir la maa aa a cKlaon.k..d,r a. ,r«.*da n,.o- B»d ktadlr tr—tod and tanah. to ba) Fro„, ,be lop TbeThe bill Ubill Identica lbrlIs throughoublIdentical.,d t TruTrue ,e p TemperancTemperasc*throughoutlfc, e |Association Association,, in his in bis - .Li*” ***T ** — * » *“ - of ROeMr.. and In his relation hia should be just the same length while nmanyy of the ofs the palsmallere wwtiwh h thande Plummetbe pale-r Plummerbill >f laa t yeabillr >f last year t-r or aorloCK. Bitd In tin rotation our»«. doctor.. u-Bckcr. and CHIJNCILLtnl»-fA COATSchlb . ,hou]d colored pecies flott er abou)nt „ tike tb, umr lrn^b introductoryintroductory speechspeech.. Co4o hit Hi.fH)ow, s r.llo.nIn Industria lIB mvttrrsIndanlrtnt. mutter., .lOBBrlc.lnstitu- l The A aim,her e Bnouoi W bethe- In.Utu-l,,CHINFILL* (BATS. colored, species flufter ^ ItIt provide,|,proride*abouts tha t upothatn a petitiolikeupon n of apetitiont of at ,he to lb< (oot wind-tossedwlnd-tond s led lbtresnokfl s kes.lhobld Bnokflake*.Be r Between ■ .. "The "Thegrea t aim grestor ou r organizaim a of our organlza _ Triii-Ten*.. ti tn IOD « okf theon. glorie s ofof «K* clorlM u to held ofp 1• m,he"»«• di8t •• *nree"> n thIHB|>ir.e chi n Ih. oldoo. to Kelpd \ , dlBlancc Kot.ecnleas:leas t thirttheythirty per chin cent per, of akdthecent, voter s oofl th# voters of *ard the uplirt or Rast ttdia •o- i Despite tie thesethese t« o extwot methodsextreme, methods, every tlon.”tfon." he saidhe , "wilsaid,l b e to "willtry some- lie to try some- ChrlvtlaniiFhrtatl.oltvy lhat thattt don s concerIt n itdoc.- ol concernand also It- *-" [hp armp« »p"" »' j '» '- — ihr graduationarmpit. of locomotion anyany rity,by ©tty,town , flighttownshiptown, , villagtownship,e thingthing which whichhas village,not beehas n tried notje t been? tried‘ yet >!>• cobiIIdm. and Incrcaa B-lf .*h man. |ndlrtdo..l>' Tain* 'o makeIn t h capable; The ien *»■*han d*'-• shoul d ««b e '"*k'g rarit y jpt«*»■•blnchilla>«|. thi s Th, nlebtth of n oliootn by Ilshh„r boroughborougb,hod o r otheor sbouMr municipalituother Umunicipalityy toy of tht e of the rarity pf chinchilla, thl. fur It xupportii« themselves Mead of jUBt one., for the fortunat rasv bo dobserved.. In this matter appealing to the wilt the. withright; o f GodOf; buGod;t if eac h mahutn :* if each man supportingr height , andthemselves utr Instead of maon^^thy be observ ef her height, and :hhere County• “o r Clrcu.i• t hoJudg^ e* th- Blah: erf God; hot ' if charochr manhi •. tives, "fa s .upturning ihcmwl.c. In.tcad of In Jart obDistiDJslJnrt^„nb, tn froDr1 offromal l her h-Hcht.all,•0 - State,and however,herthe Countyap- or anandd *Circuit the '»’”»»»heartbe t o Judgeheartf th">re people th.of, instealorlunat.tbed people.on-, Instead Ooff Infiniterinflnlu- Talu»value lo ou r toFather, ' Isour Father.' b U ih charge,tQe dlamerje onr «hWr glx relative*,use of a* If. feet Ju.tIn . many^,rolh . -ud •ball tbr orderjiame,..,ipecla nl electionspecial«, t o be«*•"election, -to be naB he C8B ong coats .representing the limit oi pearst thai that of another Insect It 1 of reporting to mere means of re- thertheiis e eno nott tbnot e thoughthethe t ofthought thoughtbrotherhoo ofd brotherhood* e. heretof*« o t ber cnest *R nr ***,n heretofore. representing the limit of „ heldheld leiat least sixty day* from ong coals rej Polygamy wa» never v on I uxury the skins are placed horizon apparentlyipparpntlof y travelinhtravelingr g chnlalon g alonga Htraia K a flfthstraight pression.' If you were to train up a jInn thaithat?* Chrto t doesCbriot not teac h doesthat notPolygamy teach wasthat never very common 1 luxury thajsklns are placed Une !thorizon-a nale other election.(in i. ln an d Info r sucandh for vholsuche bod y muni-of abstainers , who were la 'Indid a bbu t todad y it IIs doomed To- ' BIO H'K HARVEST AT I tallally at thbL lower part of thee coatcoat. line.- Its ' silverpale,y wingsilverya exten d wingsothe r eleextended. ll whole body of abstainers, who were the .vll of the world [I willin beIndia, n but today It Is *Kdoomed. li IHVKSTTo- ‘ BIGAT wl tally at cipalityclpaHttl* y ta dlowertoecid e whethedecidepart r owhetherr nooft ibatainertbeor s notcoat.becaus e II they could not day tbe woman of India WATCHUVWATCHis UNOleaving;G PONiD FOXjD.. formin g a fJforming ddee p hem . TaThh eI sleevesdeep . wide*°hem. an d andrapidl y vibratingTberapidly , sieevea.but Ivibrating, but Its abstainers because they could not led when tba clrcamstaacen of.f her apartments going I i too. are arranged In this way. progressprogress is sIso slosow anslowd In bore dand wh i lnboredcenseseenses B bshallwhentn »e 1 issuebe d thereinissued. Itherein.f UM getge t drunkdrunk,, Ifthe ythe woul theyd no t b&would men. not be men. needed m the privacy of her apartment*, going Igeq li 11 vote against 1 are changed. Whatt o modern"schoolla sned* for education, and! TbeThe icpice harves harvestt at the seconat d pohtbed secondInnovation pohds in lining are alwayInnovation-s comparedcompared withln inwitheve n thlininge evenslowesi-fly arethe- majoritymajorit slowest-fly-alwaysy •fal cense theyhey woulwouldd be slavesbe. slave*. no: sinii'l , to modern school* for education, and ln tooraimplvy an «anconomi c • ent*rlng ihe ar^na. of public activity. •* Watcbung will probably break noticeablej Some of these chinchilla K "noth that we are reminded noDO llcenlicensesB 1 hal l beska grante 11 d tn be granted"The vie w oftf th e temperancsuch e party il i hnii ill probably brehk Som. noticeable.of these chinchilla * ”>'"h that we are reminded • The view of the temperance party ia spirit tn ge In D•e to help along the evolution oX Hindu- the record for the place this season, coatscoats areare linened d with withgray satinitray, an d I tractiosatin,n enginande movingtraction along a roacnalncd municipalitymimi c Spmarinea «y unti l aloneuntilsuob vcta e suchIs roadre - Is to Improvepubli thec bous publice out o f house out of It OCQI upmti<-al Thei ire on mm ,riBi * man Schools and college*, especial- houses which are nearly falfalll three threeaccir d Ion- plea ted flounces of which motor cars and cyclists versed,versed, b it buti th e majoritIf the) aha, msjorlt)1 vote existence. rimll». la i Insteadvote of Improving( fr.r it for nt-n e«t i Eht relli dlon-tdcated Bounce, ot "" "hlch motorfor carslicense, andcense s ficenaeacycUitsshall b e gshall•antei d bt granted „ ly desitned for Blrl». and neiKhbor-, °»* will contain about 24.000 toss chiffochiffonn ar« added. • | hurrying by. This slowly-progln r for Hcen ». i i thehurrying publipublicc use . Theby.use. y regard TheytbeThis regardslowly-progresn- the pub- X aoas 1... !!>••- before.Afte r two yearAfters a new two years a new ??.T-ZL ^r?:^**t?T^ b«*d centre. m.a.t for the advance- !«* a.t-r that the Ice will be ..acteel actedd They afe graduategraduatedTheyd In sizeIn , and else,. i»« •««* •and- th e lacewtn«g fly. '»•'*> <• 'he lncewtii* By liliee bouse boUBBas a disgracefuBB l aplac e lodta*rar.lul l>lac« Ut trulyiruly whewhenn he «aythe: -Th nays;e crjin g nee'Thed ,meacryingt of mature needd wompn. are coming :upUD outsidoutsidee the buildingsr ihe. McDonhmrbuildings.- are heade f withwith a banaMt'Don- d obandf silve r emareof sliverhead. em- j electionelection 11 a > maybe obtainebod bSardiney eitheobtainedr no toOmelet. dby a ntad a plac cithere aawhich a. If %plat« man which, if a mao of oar age ia the JodoririnlI of mataredopbe-re worn OUKh Hros h r Sardlne Omelet. side ia be same way. whetb to be meedpronounced; features of KasEastteat °"«»>- " * “abou*» t seventy-five * bnldereaboutd seventy-five bimlderedf Fou r canned aardlnes, fre« t ride la tbe same olaltodlteway.d It. hIt.e wbofhershoul d ho leav e <1-ajshould j aoon loavo aa aooo U the deepeningI and dlflustoandn of diffusionthe ,Indian ofcities the ;[me »**nn a t woratk todaworky cuttin todayg and stackcalling- A andcomfbrtabl »ta«k-• e ,abund i , a com , omaecense. or noor- tcena no-llcno*won before, . wonTh( e aa beforebe habe d Foura drinkhad . cannedThea drinksardines, free from sense of the common good * ible abundance o kinpock-’, and bone,onkln e heapin-ud g table- binbill expressexpressly! exeept s exceptsthe serr l the -erring of heaplnK uble. •etw of the common good , _—I ':in K icr > 1*6 . pta or TarfOM ,lle9 iB to ^ r, . >K "fon ,'Ia"Is lt surprisinc,It eta " ailOf askerp riald I,*.-Lor d asked Ixtrd 1 w l to U lk pooAful of butter, white peppei •k -The "'^message^ °i * *";tof sorlalUtn ' * RAPIDR.*P1Is » thaCC1HHIUC1HHIOX V MAKING MAKING.. | The first crop was of an average The.11 o f thefnewesfirst ' t modeUcrop . Thesvue of so averag- nil of liquorlouor in iiln I rivate a homeprivate, the ! home,HalaburyMalabar,, ; spooflfultb«, "thau t “thatibe of public butter,tbahaut e paWlcwhite .epepper, tha great need of the world h*a been newest models. hreThreee eggs , sreon(e, hwteaspoonfu l e||(Uancho r wineOQo for •amentatoMpooIlfa! purposes, a0e. hovyUa the greut need of the world haa be*» - Jj _ thlckne«thlckoee*i of twelvof e inchetwelves an d theinches tucke d „ _and the thelinings tuckedso clever-,'Xtract. on,fIUrmet>e tableapoonfu l OD|crea. m o t.bwine,MpooDfa for, sacramentalcre.m purposes■boatdlould hav e havebecom e a merbrro«oe drink - a raoro driak- eo^ed Lheby. •elSshnes thei ©f mennelfishn***; Orange-coloredOrange-colore of d «lnelinennun;n ln*tw i^twoehad,* lateshadOrange^oloredr »Mo* h Is beinIslsr g linencut nowhichwl^two Wil l Jy shadthaIst oi *balkinessboikiness'lsevid being lstor Iscut e nllk. Breawill k thely egg B thatinto a1 basinmilk., sale bya Breakn faotnrermanufacturer* s theoutsid e eggsooutsidef dr y Intog shop?shopof ? adry It cannobasin,t It b e denieranootd tha t t>- d-ni-.l that men who,who . If theIfy profeMthsy rrii«Ku .profe^* and the rellgnm, ando the coarsest mercerised cotton average eight territory,erritory. an 1 andthe sale i>they dru sole nil ayresult s druggisthave bee n produced. We permuted i: lo ion. h ttaeii- ar.- the requlslirseai t mercerfied coCion ai>rap<* Hght and a half. Mr. 31c- addidd (be (becrea m orcream milk anord bea t milk and beat up aorh results hare been produced. We have ant permitted St 1* touch their are tba requisite, for one of IRL WITHthe STYLE.Donoatch M II. uncu t ththl*e sardine 1 s Into si | foro*n,r medi medlalnalc II,'1 purposes . want ti|o alterMte* r all allthatl t, anthat,d to smallmakaade to make aerial• life. lifeProphe t of OodProphet, ara moos t t-ffectivnf e aofa Oodp are nsaori effective sofa pillows to he and free from snoww cul lhe MP *»- tril men that A i largein the squarewell-dressed of class! the sr#deeper al RoyaRoyall marriagemarriagess do not affecdo t Innot- declaratloo aratloaffectn was In-greetewas d wita h rermuc ledh with murh tteytheir have mor e» nori«h; rightto tin orang e siais cut foInr each orangeside o f thUe cal for each side of the u., h of white pepper. Melt applause. I (tfcartr .-..rporate Hfe than they have cn*hion cover. From the centre ot ery Highly fashionthe buttervan«| In an omlet terrnationa ornational smalll relation relation,s fry-a s the y oncas e apptaaaw.they once thaa they have roahloa cover. From the real re of I h__ veer*. For them there i did. but they have their influence. fto .in in: theirtbotr Individua Individuall life, l t ts eaclife.h la cut awayIt * squarfa e representeach - la cut aws> a square represent nag pan. pour in tbedid. mixture,bnt they cookhava “Tha"ThInBn.acee very ear,essenc e aeeeencet this move' of this too.— , C __ A ,hH. d TTlncol< r Ul RoyaltyRoyaltb y make 11make*s mor e b fuxlmores cauove r Itfusss meat »nt uover ttao try tloIUo remove tr," the tostigm remoraa the aUicma BHHI i and of rather a “J'** / .aano* nod to me* ... h. pud lightth. color.oahloa, I'nd.r thu d.dt»l»ed* oo-nlaa *A^;taIs ta*r^■ ’ * ‘" *. ’ "“ . boysJoy’’?** s " *T* tha in *“’*banIt'***s girlslo , itsye•«. P*"*t Empore '*girls,™“ r Wilyet Then - whicwhich( |Emporerrl,h form attache„ attachess Wil-theto the mixturepublito c the bouse. Into" public howee." •Va o. dost rat- for tb. ..tut- tAaanrt a pl«* of th* llaht.r oraner,- studE* out* pre-eminently to , CMhl0, th,p, liamor woulwouldhbld b, e bettemoor be„.of f IBrownf hbettere ha d •aisaiddoff Lor Lordd HalBburyIf Halsburr'■be. ***"It is verhady har“Itd ta ear, hard thou that mak. th-n, bad • Tb. Th. ^1,.. or th. d~,~r t oram,.(nr ar. cemoeedr ‘t“ from ,hot lB ore•re lbgirls,“‘“•'In* .girls. H ovene has thofemal deHe andd ™cousin* ,«o has. ..hathatorn t femalea respectabla^ outrespectable tousins.e maquleklyn wh o livemaas in who Urea lu .Mirra of Ood .hoold b. la Ih .aa to.nul ood.r. and aloao th. plor. ot *“* ^ r2'^VJIX? ,**71* 0 0 butit lt isIt mor e isB&tigfytB moreg*” t o '&satisfying monfarhIon- it villagvillagee toshoul d ab e shoulddebarremou d frohem debarred from Of th. B.M all oohl oroojp. JoInlM I. ro. . rn. 'tbi of tio’Slil'b„r, oof-‘."I'*,!!!*.* ^2' '1 " irebtti or ora princ ae t* oprince marrK°«y tbeto:t»-hda.ugh marry- gettinaettla* tbegBert, a drin daugb-a kat an d one..drlakfro m friendlandy from friend',Th. ^ . llama la Marie lf■ «IU notTttoogfi erers raatrart an andd granddaughter DrwwJi.granddaughter*to pain-s of * jldag„ of o r Intercoursea . •courskiag e witor h withotbe r men othersimpl y men simply .rr Of bbNothingh* remain. u-.*. 1b always admirable. - Skirt*. .. . Hqnry. I fall,mporerHarris, tha acaln.tthann hi scolored, cousinsbis .th.cousins. ttrlacof because use IrnundaUont I142sIt though t Is that tthouihto 'fre- that . to ’fre- It • * a call for Jostle*.are d completed,rV,B but »r rSiltt tow or plaited, quite five I Wen* TbeThird iu.--.-QueenQ streot.of Spai n ofI swalked Victoria'8paln ^ quent'quentinto' is a publiapo- Victoria'*c bouspublice marksbouse him aa marks him as «*1| far cq«0My ofthe *f kicover' anddarker Inthe tone. slip inches ll the floor and cut with the Uce headquartersgranddaughter,granddaughter , so Spaiso n .SaturdayiSpains a virtua l is lesslesas nigbt,respectablrespectablevirtual e membe memberr of society of. aoelet,. 1 - M»h .. Unno.- p Th°1r m,l waistr line or slightly above and asked allyto o f Englandofbe . England.protectedPortuga l probablfrom Portugaly Itfalm- Is als la o aprobably dangeroualso as policy.danaeroas" poller.' ■tltcblag which boil in*th,. S1 * « > *>« 1Lhl*o economy In time will become another ally through tbe "The more open drinking Is the jin :be lighter,rpo-t. well-covered* * tailoredrarwt. and heavily d rtmarriagwill becomee of King Harris- anotherManue l witnllywash a othrough“Theintoxicated the more and open drinking ta the • of life are harder tags In this stitch Tho coats are Innocent of ksew It sadmarriage rather of thaaKing be Msnuejlakea better.">etter.In " saiwJti,dsold Rev . HRer.. R«a , GambleII. , of R. Gamble, of I MU. hat K taV«ir»,h.'ca^^ «Nlek oork. laded, bat the man, ■ mannish “*In cat with large the patrol " EnglishSnglUwagon *'!'h princess thoughtprincess.. t“»! Englan 4t d ithes repreEngland-bwt-HolyHol y TrinityIs Trinity,. repre-Sloan e streetgloane. "Ene - afreet. •'Ene- choeh to r«Mh Jh. ££ T?. , l or fabric-covered buttons,<-r theter nho'^waysentedsente d tot n“ Norwayain°*simply , -haNorway, s prospectask" s “lto has a llsb Is"■hbo peoplprospects»'**>peopleelocked ar■ -«•e no t preparearepearl d tnoto be prepared to be dal rlshtconaa.-.. When me “ " themM-lTe. as busy peopleare e full falllengthfar. , length,with a turn-withj . judga e tarn-,Runyo n commendep. d MJudgem Sweden , Ruoyonid relate d tcommendedo Denmark and himdragoone d Into total nbHinenee, or Steer 4 ,tl,cb ru1t up U Sweden. I* related to dremainedDenmark Intoand total abstinence, or Weadall W.. v. TC.. I , io T.Bsdid , Ifi u. Build. .. le*^d cnIO trim -«<>" ; for ’rim-his promp MtlatMtor,hackt realizatiofor hi*n cthanf prompthis eon- l throughthethrrealiutiono igb Denmarktec Denmarkof; wlthisb Russiron-a with an d Intonto Russiaadoptinadopting g thande organize tbed hypocorganised- hypoc- he aatd The W. CW. T. U., oc.f WestOeldT. i !* t\. Ithof threeWeatBeld. smaller I, buttons.MedI ill•.;.•)[ ,w! as well as the sens-; bote ha d.-broidery inlGret risy of total prohibition." He sup- ■ erect a 110.040 bnllding on in | d ft ion as well os the Greece.oco*- he had *n porterisy d thofe schemtotale in thprohibition."e Interests Ho sup- two oorda;O« r Father Oar Father.-' the. he. laoaiMMntlN, • !'° (seeking ' protectio• n and»t0.«»« let th e manbnUdlaa) Tl i on.of Italy inherits bostil- penjj In Praepect street, tjiat | reeking protection and Thelor Queenthe ofman Italy Inheritsported•f fre e anhostil-d healthtbe y sociaschemel Hf e In tbe Intereste aud mere*. » who,w«a , .og y inot,M. Throng Ik^doo,h the la Thmn.h the Undne-a ThThee IM..,KoM*, Hoo d HatHood. | ,b..gHot.o o n hUhUK ™promis»*«Wpromisee 1 to no«■t toieProspect t tt outhr ~ '"ity- let * toward*street. K \ustri Austriabap-a wit h het*.r withMonten -herof Monten-free and health, social life. CW two words. There u noon Ladlof RecentlChrtaUaay a donaiio n Workof fJ0 n ASoelMy BeatUent littleo- littleha t fo' r evehatr for every- pe»*~utly * ia . egridonationn blood and ofha s ba||0>d he r part in T%ere Is a wM>l« bD **** *1 » 1 ««•- t*dl«' ChrtatUa Work SOTMT n B a n egrin blood and has had her part In pn to the Union. day Inn tfce thecountr ycountry Is in Rob l Is ia Robin . weakening Italy's tits with the triple I?*!* “ *-' ‘*:em oV*f eoctotogy™ . Trinity Reforme•"»“*>«d churc h theTrinity Keformed ehorrh^Vh. pn.-|’** >» the IMon. weakening Italy** tie* with tbe triple in * •fb r - < Tker* wrr* u g ,. ^,r Mr , wudy ,B ^ . and is of velvet orDutc h felt.Aru m | Banqcet. alliance. FerdinandDutch o f BulgariArm*a Arc,amineBanquet.r foe a t oedlltoa. Che church Kenneth lUnra rtinonjd.. alliance. Ferdinand "Whofy Is* it thaBulgaria,t we hav e so few l«rds day. but He preach-d th*t the at being eol*rgUi The Dutch Anns, the men's asso- though partly German. Is related to “Why M It that we ba«- so few ——I _ •* “ f«*vthough ®esn partlyIn German,blue, greeniagrea t relatedworks andof literature?to " saiUd Thethe Dutch Arm*, the men's asso- mlth crew need of men w»s n« . rtaa^e aoubl* its fontwr elation of Trinity Reformed church. \ Manuel and Indirectly to Allonso great works of literature?" aatd the str M4 Mr. ? Manuel and Indirectly to mamann Alfonso.wlt1 withb lon g longhair. hair. * single. I cUtion of Trinity Reformed church. or cJrcu b« a change ,of pet will be laid on the Boor and Ut I,’ T.7L, has decided to give a banqcet ott Fri-1 EuropEuropee U prettisy welt prettymarrie d tUB*.well pork, marriedqolll. j Th. Room b.. MM to lir. . p.oao« otr Fri- belt.™ fitM «hi» la Khe papered and th day night. March; is; wtih. the WOT against Germany. Edward bat played j ■"Perhaps.•Perhaps."" answereansweredd Miss Cay- Mis* Cay- k *“• MoWi. * BtaUBOtb r ha fromrh r .11 U.,against mlcht.Germany. kUrck Edward 18; hasenne .Mt, played'"i t is becausth. e BO,o- muc h of our la nodded for 4O*f>-. painted. The m^ich-aeedea impro*e- men of the church as gneerts. James his cards well. Daughters, grand- enne. -it la because so much of our RerT. JohnJohn 1 Y Braek.Dnick p»«tornarijr of o'Tha- tvi. MM. j ??ItT T. is *ptctoraoqoe * »rier boB and certBlBl,bU is cardsa C. newell.Field ta menthe literar Daughters,chairofy talen tbenun t Ichurchs ofdevotedgrand- tbe, ta* o eom-provingueaU. g James If there hasela * orealr h«it t change% nm i« appreciateof headd C. Field Is the chairman of the com- daughtersdaughters and andniece s are niecescheape r literaryare talentcheaper' ta denoted to Procter ft, ReMrmed church. oScUIed* lookln*. mittee of arrangement*. J than Dreadnaughts.--Chicago Xews thathatt literaturliteraturee isImltlM extlncC"—Wash ta of - extinct.wnoo»«neotB. —Wash- than Drendnaaghu — Chicago ingtoEtonn News Evenin Eveningg Star . Star. NEW IN EVERY ETAIDETAILL cm if MSSSSSS^'•taking fund*. Slim BTiSwHim GOMIT WANT NAME FOR SCHOOL THE PRIVKTtHMD UIIRYOHi801 OWNERSHIP MM"Ml I * lv™1.F new tartar shoe at On the reqnc r' MinorMinor Matter*Matter* WhichWhich Ocou-Occu- *-.**.'iZwimtmTW. R. To» ri^hflrartrtTTw Colootlol VlaltarVtaitor BoonSoon toto Bo»• BoordBoard ofof BdoontlonEducation InTlUInwitaaa ClowClever PortormuooPeriormance byby AmAnn-a CityCity FathomFather* toto BanHave VotamVoter* U3 ,NORTHNORTHAV AVE.E pied Attentiont ofof aCom - -bH. Mr. Bultono .Hoped.n offered refundinga reaolu- Vlolblo—WillVtaibla Will ITaaantt BrUBril-- Pi iibli bilee toto SDRtttSuggest OneOne forfor tour* InIn ParkPark ClubClub DecideDecide onon WaterWater SupplySupply mu. lu mon Council. toin Mm, whic lllh tt. wa that> »dop»d Mag .■■ rrtoDoli.i uxmn l VMOH-W1liantliast Spectacle.SpectacleU . WantW«t EndEnd Building.Buildiog. Auditorium. mon Connell. ororpald hr Ml- Emily H.rtrldt* Auditorium. Question. tDWIM B KATXAHD. 1 chairman of the street ""• MAJir FETITtOSfli-nmitts WKKKw HEARD. Jttee, offered sever* TMITS HISTVRVHISTORl" Sixt-KSIXCK A.A. u.D. Ml.4S1..'LHTllt l» K FOB KKBHl ART »». AeroHH WERE LKTTEK PERFTM- RKSOLITIOS FAVORING h.UiuiNO'ioa, CouCotiasellor-gtLgw,nwllor-«t (JI» , to 1'1-y o> IVhmir, Mill Mis* Thf «., I ..u n.iI Onlrn, r.. on MoodarMondaday Dtebt.ntgbtndgbt,. MarchMarch T.7. nawaWMs th th.te Oommlaalcner of l^eedabeads., MoSm-MMaMM-iM timetine fltfdfixed forfor a j-ohlirpublic hearingbearing ooloa DMrorarwd I* l«*S—At 411 f..r White Rats aad tbe Stan— porattosi Coanael to Cbwnoery, NotaryT Public.Public. Office*OfflCM tha several matters. vrnue and»d) ifeeoffidS-wod Tehe Tlew at II- Oo»- tha orrfral matter. |,. |M Ma, Wltb the l>cal Form- ! || ThoaThese ordinance*ordinance Includeinclude on.on e 1to0 tin Company Hod,. openopen aadand layoutlayout (*telle Bavi-nuv*-nuee fromfrom IS. Good. UnionUnion streetsu-eot toto tbethe Oopj-George C.E. FullerFuller property; another changing tbe name Oncer- againagain thethe peoduluirpendulnir. ! alas- TheThe DonnllenDunellen aronnravenu nrhoolschool whichwhich AmateurAmateur nctornactors c*«turn.* needDamns a namename whichwhich 1manst bobe InIn keep-keep- hlndj^d them,them, whilewhile 1other, paw. Into Monday,landay. toto iprepareW ;tr>- plan"plan* h»f'or sub- SalarySalary ■” Mint to tha...... 1. Ur borough; henrenw.rdheavenwarWhwdh lot b g~er on U..the m•>£ wiwithwitth thettbe nname, of thethe otherother pub-pubp - oblbbllvlolt|„n .ndand with 1reaaon.reason. BBut the mittinglilting thethe queerijTi' •to loon ofof thetbe ehyciiy ae .! ">«cometwb whic 'h bear*- 'a th“*e he r.cit y.. and the Boa»d rounicVOung peoplepeople ofof Holy- CronsCrow church quirlng control of the water supply •M 'Of 1'Tml TBSTMTopi **> ««* «»«•«* that ofof *Hducatlonf 1"11.T would0"" like""' suggestion,•««•«'««" wbowho ,interpreteB,#rprBt*dd "Tb."The PrlmtuPrivate Swcrc- ■s exclusively announcedinced Ila The ,moamt U - ---c atWfr o 1 ParkPark toto Hill-;Hill- “•» „ orbit froiq'«>« , thetn* noDltpublicPublicc "naa s ttotoo Ihihuth«e moB mostmosl t •*sc-ac• tarytmry- -- MondaMondaydy la ih*h Park Club Dally Press. Mr. Mygatt. offered th nide avenues; anotheranother u, .aea.a, brllllaat of gaa ha I ao orbit d Ur ppellarfo* auditorium, belong to the first men- Dally Prsns Mr. Mygmttg offered the "■asijflS fired, eort*nth —»a «»ro«lm..e day.ib'l e to| " ? «r«ument that had It not bee**°*n iwill not, atop at the performance of cil that the question be submitted 1 comee wilt !>•• tor 1 6 C Unt h Kreat laatMt nnigh*,Knt< bl]butt tbthat] ihey will con- people or a vote, and thpt Co STAFF#BM FEE**. the Csunrll to 001. property on whichwhich ...wan ^,nedadoptied . InInntlng*Itlng —led I Halley'.Halle comer will be vlalbled *a tox fo, ,Ih", Co°„nl ',h*, great AmericaAAmerican„. n tlnue o,their repertories and the people for a vote, and that Cor- Warn Blghth rre-t. between lentral propo-Jeproposals forfor rroahedcrushed row. ruPlthe nakednaked er*eye InIn AprilA pi and May tltlue tloo adaddd t |o lhrlr epert porationporatlon CoCounselm l MarshMarsh bebe req>-•••{ M"? i institutionutlonss wouldwould nevernever havebr - comecome g|«gjv■e• otherother plays.plays. IndividuallyIndividually and \ to prepare :sucb papers for co a.rnur and IMvialoaon Mmol,Btre , bringbeing an yejrn.veras, rrortWalk.,crosswalk' , ' etc.«c. tot hr opened ( andand iInn the earlyly 1pari of the latulr Jgt^TbeiggTbeing. t prepare such papers for consid- iTi ualim of New Mrwi.treei. claiming 7. month will be a I collectively lhe performers atlon at the March meeting. March .- its with several other matter•ttCrs eo,ual to the dramatic AemandE eration at the March mertlng opened in twen- '- having been (!i--- PATENTS ‘“■' “ TTToff th« pvtltlon«*rs ™was for the*>- cxpcvdliurc “ — of 915fr to lasull Many sup^mtlstoos arc itqnrrbM,..a siudderudder rarani down theth spinesspinec.di s.nd of zz.°:*s,'££125»^.iniintentiontentlonn ofof thUthis story,story, butbut sasalientl ^ and theore matteror les shaving by Oi ebeen member disc* Introducedintroduced |ws> o readii H flre, ibers of tt e board when Sec nore or leva by tbo member* OrdPn-il adn»riU nd, Are box in the m w larrow man* with the appearance of this comet. I the fcnenibers of the board when 8ec- ffemures(features suchsuch asas PercyPercy WatsonWatson's s *es werevere discovereddiscovered iIni theie teethteeth charaeterUatloncharacterization ofof 'MIBMissS Ashford.”Ashfo Some IWtIe amowiwn; was occj Andrew I>. J 1 ' Andrew 11. Jennings, w n*s . rale pllsi inIn twotwo schools. BChools. I should should bebe givengiven theirtheir meedmeed ofof stoned whenn thetbe rotavote wass taken.ta M mges 1 nmunlcatlon was read Buxtonion absenteda'baented himselfhi mself ' fromfrom 1th1 * 'rm*ce ®f lha Bra department pea- prUiric,e Mnot lcto ..ccedexceed |2|M »„ „ Edmund Hall Him,miction wn. r«d from•m Th.o,These twotwo youngyoung pvopl.people . was the first a^ratiomer to!u rwognbarecognise mon3D CouncilCouncil tot net with Messrs. pBBy cob DunhamDunham waawas sentseat afu-rafter himMm andai ■tC ol ajfljSSfi building committee .|lhae Wstallgn.s )BIn thethe newnew Ea«East EndEnd IBrei that the comot which heie ladhad seen in II andand TylerTyler on the Board of. The absence of the need for a returnereturnedd wJthinwitthtn a fewfew mjnutestnjnutea wiwithl KSTJ*s aAs ThThea bond,bonds ofof Tagfax rollertorCollector Will-Will- bouseuse linedlined withwith metal!::••-.11 *tuit .nan egpeneeeipem 16X1*832 traveledtraveled thth«4 sameie circuitcircuit Rn«S ,1 Estimate.Bit! mate. (prompter! wn. noticeable. All the thoe absentabsent member.member. HeHe .votevotedd inIn thetl lumlam It.H. Tnwneend.Towneend, CityCity TrceorerTreasurer t 1o ,exew^d>0. to tube beh.rg-de chargf those of 1*07 and 1531.1531. Thee©These throethree ppllcntlon.llcatlona werewere receivedreceived ' fromfrom ,c,or, letter perfrtt; tom- affirmative.Brmatlve. KlTCtSSfiiP* Wiilliim F*. ArnoW and Street Com- , thtoe bonled Issue of No. ; tousv. an return* waa the game comet at it* m Baker, of £02 Watchung Thla action does not mean thi William r. Arnold and Street Com- the bond lmue of eebleat. He did nuc recognlxe in his William Baker, of 202 Watch thing unusual In an .amateur per- This ac'Joo does not mean that miaviaiwlul.rtim.-rr A . J . CayetlGavett weret^ere |.rnaeal-present- .to purrh^e n*een foeblowt. He did not recognise in h|s avebuuoe andand JohnJohn A.A . Krlney.Krlney, ofor 36361] md dur thee citycity willwill buybuy thethe locallocal ! watwutrr; «d "ii'l referred :u Corporation Coun- . cometomM Hiethe greatgreat vlnRorvisitor ofof 1301,1301 , 137813f SEvdna avenue for positions as JQDI- formance. and during all three acta plamt, bitt simply that If the peopl SanitarSanitaryy PlumbingPlumbing ed nod referred to Oorimretmn Conn- |.wlnty-obD«r pair,pairs ofof rubberrubber boot,boots for 11J 1456, Imt the identification wus avenne. for positions as JanU they were Interruptedinterru by nppl plant, but simply that If the people acle»-l MarshM«irnh forfor ap*ro.«l.approval, aflerafier whichwhich , call mt enii laIn thethe department,deparunent. ;and and 1156. but tha Identification *w IUM BotBothh applicationsapplications werewere fileddied he Urgee audience.audie so dececid Idoe condemnationcondemnation proceedingsproceeding they -1:1 be filed.] a triumphtriumph forfor hishis mathematic*,matbetnstlcs, a coldcold -the application of F. J. Hubbard will bobe InstitutedInstituted forfor thotbe purposepurpose ofo BricBrickk godand PortablePortable FurnacnFumati they will bo Bl.-d. 'chargedi-barged 1to thethe bondbond laaooIsaac ofof NNo.o 4 matterlatter ofof equations.eqnatlotis. HeHe waswas pra«dproud he application of F. J. Hubbard Following__ ___ was the cast: Mr._ Mnr-_ A communlratinnoioimunicatlpn wnsIII r<*orlv«*J boaBg. f the work, how«ver, and tie a«i- emission lo line tha High School .hinnd,’ "in Vhll:’HuitV Mgnhland. ascertaining tbe price at which the Oa0«»s Fitting.Fitting. TinTin Roofing.Roof int. fromfrom thethe BoardBoard ofof EdnuinEducat* Inform- , . motfo*motion ofof Mr . llygnlt.Mygatt. of the work, however, and he an- itori urn for m violin concert on dry cun buy th« plant if It deal 0n ounced his discoirery an<< predicted uary 22 In which Ovide Mualn Howard Roberts. Jr.: Mr. Catrar- IngIng the(tji> Councilrininc.i( thattluit- lenderLeani N: Im- pIwlpresidendentt wn.was reqocrtedrequested lotc nppolntappol nouncedhe oomet hiss returndiscover*' wit hand unerrin predictedg ac- xy 32 In which Orlde Mnslo mole. Raymond Hart; DouglasDouglas Cat- Etc.,Etc, Etc.,Etc. Etc.Etc veil and WHIIam S. Tyler bad ! a sewage committee of three, the comets rotarn with unerring ac- ' appearppear., causedcaused aa lengthylengthy dlsdls-- e: Rev. Rober yell and WHIIam K, Tyler had ban , -.wage eommMlee of three of uracy. on. The concert Is lo be given termole, William Utile; Rev. Robert .muYHi.of that wnkh the prtaldent will , I curacy. The concert is to be given Spalding.Spaldlng. PercyPercy WaWatson:t n: SidneySidney GiGib-b appolnfed mi rcprtwctlt»0.e..of that ,blrh the prtwldem will , lm TheThe superstitioussuperstitious dreaddread whichwhich aieac-- :he benefit of the Y. M, C. A. I inam preparedprepared loto dodo nayany otot ththo* body oil the Board of>t SchJmlSchool Eiwtl-EetMi- a, mefnuememberr ei-offlcioe.-officio,, tolo taktakee uupp tthel for) the benefit ot the Y. M. C. A. son. Charles Kreger; John, a ser- FORT BY FAVORS .boree branch*.branches Inla ttrtetlystrictly Brat-clangfirst-class DlcsUo - companiedampanled everyevery re-appearnneare-appearance Oftil tin - ' departmentdepartment andand thothe qaest.onquestion mate, and the commnnlcatjeli was work of Inat year', commlltee.». TTheh his comet is told1 of In history, in rch arose waa as to whether such vant. Russell Vail; Knox, a writ ser- sanitarannlUryy nndand workmanthlpworkmanship manner.manner. 1 will be made late this cornel |s told of In history. In which arose waa aa to whether such ver. ArthurArthur Woodruff:Woodruff: EdllhEdith Marsh-Marsh Havfr£ associated myself with tha Bl—I- ! appointment, will be made Inter.' thebe yearyear 451451 AttalaAttjla andand blahis hordeshordfts function came underp thethe headbead ooft land, a daughter of Mr. Marshland Haring uuotUled myrtlf with th* W II. KlogUnd. of Wert Fourth AAls|«,o ,omn ,hetbe motionmotion ofof Mr.Mr . M>gmt,Myga fere sweeping out of Hungary In the land. a daughter of Mr. Marshland. INCOME III REFERENDUM Han,orlaster Member.Members AB.oel.ilonAssociation ofof NeNoww «r.rt. frtltloned for light, between the „.o'd ccmtdtlff.ll.nconsolidation eomn.ltteecotnniiitep Vwa.I were sweeping out of Hungary in the t-tjurationnl'' endeavortndeavoThe r oror merelymerely Miss Marjorie Hart: Eva Webster.Webst. IH 1AX REFERENDUM York City, I employ none but first- d ang train of wagons hooded with schwit York City, I employ none bul flirt- Clinton and Hunter nrenuea: Hoag diiwh.rged. longbides ,train not meof nwagons and wome hoodedn bu t Jem-, ■opey. making. McIntyre con- h,.r frlnd. Mist Hattie Nlschwiu: clu*last merh.utr.mechanics andand ooa-noloanon-uniuu menmen.. bt-r bond 1 bides, noc men and wom«*n but Jem- certs, all of which were given In the! Mrs. flfead. a landlady.landlady. MMissl MildredMildr Takingfaking a standstand diametricallydiam op- Krucht prvwcniB-d her bond rv^nirvd Wd to that of Cover I boiler#believe IbIn ereryevery m.nman runningrunning hlmia tn conn.* uon with1 ihwthe n-nwyremova l ol i, theiheirr leaderleader no king or chief but HI h School, were cited as g pre- J Sinclair andid MissMiss Ashford.Ashfo Miss posed to that of Governor Hughes )w>na, ntat nilall Unatimes aadand InIn alaUl lira beiiiti referr Attlla.lla. theLhe (VourguScourge of God. The and on a motion of Mr. Tyler Dorothy Randall.ndall. of NewNew York,York, withwith referencerefe houw! t**h matters Iwln* referred cometnet biasedblazed thethe pathpath toto thethe fhtfat thitbe requirerequiredd permissionpermission forTor thethe us proposed•posed amendmentamendment ttoo the Untied lo lbo proper .omtnltl.-vw BOROUGH mi BOARD ikltogs of Rome and behind htip of [ththee auditoriumauditorium waswas granted.granted, States Constitution giving Congr-sv TheTho PublicPublic ScrvlcoSerlco CorCoT (Miratiopom Honn Inin-- weaklings of Rome and behind him of "BD.. W.W . LI1TELLIT TELLL formeformedd the1 In' councilI'IMIII ,1 thatthahati twotw. o lightslights lay aa desert.desert. AndAnd the the tremblingtrembling Rb-jlio- ' Mrir. .Woodhull Woodbull saidsaid thethe boardboard oughtougli the power lo Impose an income tax. mansae believedbelieved tha*thait »tH waswas thetbe conuetcom|et'to[b to bee carefulcareful whatwhat theythey diddid aaas ththeyi Governor Fort Monday subnrtued hnd been locatedlocated 1on ThorntonTlioruion ave-ave- ; itlcia FAUIIYFAULTY CONSTRUCTIONGmSTRUCnON nue, ax ordered. | ] H. Maciliirray] llll LOSE GOOD MEN thathat broughtbrought thethe destructiondestr AUlla' re being subjected to crltlclsi to the legislaturegt a farm of DIED. nue. a* ordered. H. II- MacMurmy j Hflll LOSE GOOD MEN so^ne ooff theirtheir acta.acts. Mr.. TylarTyle said leodnientent receivedreceived fromfrom thethe FeFed-d noilHind otherother rmldctHsretild«fi-tn ofof WentWeat'Flfih Fifth*' wrought.Ft-ought. plttb. Seveivth st VorFor thethe purposepurpose ofof discussing1! •-> '!-• HIL the 1068mt, showedshowed EnglandEnglan cowedwed be-ba- ne'dldidd nonott carcaree hohoww muchb tne}theyr werewe eral Governmenternment accompaniedaccompanied bybj Pt’LLlNUEK—OnULLINGER—On Wednesday.Wednesday. FebFeb-- Sixth. Seventh st.r«-* Somerset Mreel school Ha threat arrnos the sky and Hoty 8M3MALLEY—O A LLE Y—Onn Tuesday.Tuesday, FebruaryFebruary on Tu.-sda>Tuesday night.night. MarchMarch 15. th Church la rent by a gre-.t acblaai.|scfalao^. the Blackck A BoydBoyd Mfg.Mfg . Co.Co .was to the Common t'owael*. Monday ground that under it tbe Income plained that he hud recentlyitlr acqnlr-aennir- 1456; llun>adl makes his last stand£ I ordereleredd paid.lid. ThisThis billbill haahas beenbeen took occasion to complain of uponpon State9tate or'‘municipalor' municipal securitiessecurities 1.1, 111!191Q , MaryMary E..K. . widowwidow ofof Danl.-IDi.nM Kandolph ..-I...; next Monday nighi p because ihe hronxe plating methodmethodss anandd material used In mightlight bebe taxed.taiad. HeHe doesdoes notnot agroeagree I.I. Smalley.Smalley. jtrsrsrJrsis for- ChristendomChristendom andand beatsbeatd thisthis pointpoint ofof View,view, declaringdeclaring that • IM n^ldersble rk at Belgrade, but Athens g< thetii" lamplamp postsposts ofof thethe WashingtonWa erection of a concrete•te one-storyone-Htory BSKESEN_1KESEN—Inm thlffthla city,city, FebruaryFebruary g,«. ttCfon for tit ritls Turk at lfelgrade, but Athena goes I ool waa worn off. The building on that street by Louis Van therehere Is1B nono meritmerit InIn th#the chargecharge that 1910, Hary Aj. wife oi Edward t^iorouKarra downdown,, thetbe CrescentCrescent floatsfloats aboveabove 1the 1j wax worn off. The 1 *910. Mary A. wire of Bdward meat of that ihoroughfarc ThUThis thh.e bbudgeud..-it .houldshould hebe loweredlowered annodd mlsc* to repair the da Neat. HeH< alleged>ged thattbat thethe materialmaterl. If' thothe amendmehtiiiiK-ndnu-nt Isis adaptedadapted andand bebe-- Eekesea, is ber 38th year. t^e t 1 Cross.a. ThUThis isis thotterome comett whichwbicb PPopec .en to repair the dai ames a part at tbe fundamental Eahertn. In h.r JSIh year. • na referred to tn* .tree,\ rnmmmee.r^ra™^ „It ,,is (hth.e ununderstandindcmtnndlngg that thi n ass thethe frostfrost IsIs outout ofof thetl po-ts bad rracked.ked, thetbe sideside wall"walla hadhad bulg-bul, comes u part ef the fundamental law was'als.I—o .a IrtkionpWHio: fromfrom M\\ . H.H. ^gcnoohooli bo.rboard willwill makemake an effor u CalCallxtu Ur usR Isla fondlyfondly; believedbelieved toI base There will be a lecture given In ed. makingIng walkingwalking onon thatthat aidusldo of. theretere willwill bebe aa decreasedecrease inIn thethe vvalue FORCE—EnteredFORCE—Entered Intointo rertrest FebruaryFebruary AbbotAbbottt andJim! o'her.otbet's , aaklngHI that the id— «, ,h. fouenfoughtt withwith a papalpapal bulkbulli 15311&3JJ : i auditoriumiditorium onon FebruaryFebruar; 1515 b the street dangerous. off municipalmunicipal securities,securities, oror thatthat ConCon-- 1.I. 1*10.1910 , Inin th*(be 86thMitii yearyear of<>1 beherr buildingliiillrtini! Jilinen hebe irtabllnbedt'Mabllshed onon ththei -ntallon.question. Pfxarro sweep* down on fI I. Wlnshlp,Wloshlp, whosewhose topictopic will be Mr Ford"ortl saidsaid thatthat heHi? tooktook ttthei gress might,ight, throughthrough suchsuch a lax.:, ImIm-- age,»«*•• Hannah1 R..R., wifewife of the late >'••!• n 1 1 • f• • of Wobdland of the Incas. Christendom r the power of tbe States, GeorgeGeorge w.W. FoForce.i *"* Woodland andd H10.1d«Hltlsld i, Th-ft,,e -hoofchool meetingmeetlnB laIs likelyllkfly tto b* -fe-hools anndd TheirTheir Critics."Critics Tb* matter up with ChiefChief Do-dp.Doane. whowbo In-in - pair the power of the 8tates aveniM-avenue.a nant la -eeeral er fear* Its rometa. The people Tt>n questionsquesLlona mademade byby tbethe SenateSenate formedI hihimm that he waa 111 at the gued•d byby GovernorGovernor Hughes.Hughes. "NeitherNeii hei DIINHAMI'NHAM—A —A,t Dunellen.Danellen, N.N. J..J., FebFeb-- ' }ii<- of ithose ;i•.' on•n ItIt aaas aa harbingerharbtng< of good fortune. liv«stlgatlng Committee have been is erected, of thesetbese suggestionsstiggeBUons seemsaeems to me oppo.Be aide of those gnnoes. > |r„. „ four nraaclea are to b. 607: Jamestown la s« vestlgatlng Committee have time the bnlldlng was erected, and ruaryruary 2.Z. llll.1910 , WhitfieldWhltfieid Du.bnm.Dunham, N W IfAiidolid.RaDdoIpih andand otother,h naked nilod. The term, of Ur. Jame. R 1407: Jam-mown is s-cthd and the tswered andd thethe paperspape: containing not able to give the mattermatter hi*his at- to hatehave force."force," saidsaid GovernorGovern Fort ageage 8181 year.yean. foforr tootwol lightlight,s onon Belleeiewih-iicvit-i avenue. Joy> i>r. j. h. Coolev. Couacilciau cometcome* beamsbeams onon thethe l>beginning of n m will Imi forw. 'dad tentlou. Mr. Ford declaredeclared tha:that In Continuing. (he GovernorGov says: Aeanearr ForkPark avenueavenue.. Th!Thla, ana ra- c. L. Nlchnla and Robert Clark.Clark Jr. new andand greatergreater empire.4mplt 1682: M a theythey havehave beenbeen revisedrevised h;by ease of fire there would• :ilil bebe seriousserlc "Suppose one perper centumceatu of tax HA1.1.—A,ALL—At Newport,Newport, It.R. I.,I., onon Sntur-Batur- ferredfc-rred toU> Ith hee lightlight committee,-omm ! Be-Pe- expire., Mr.. ClarkClark haahas movednerved ont dalledalle opensopens theth* MUslsalpp!Missis throujfhugh Or. II van!)nD. HedgesHedges andand Mr.Mr . WoodWood consequences and he requested the were leviedvied spun incomes. Under day./Fehruaryday./February 5.5, 1*1#.1910 , IdaIda R.J-Hert- tltkmtltloaac forfor tag.!»•<> hydranlah?driiniK 0on1 MidwayMidw year la the board,board, havinghaving beenbeen r*hamham wherewhere WolfeWolfe andand Moatca|mMoat' It waass fromfrom aa locallocal dealerdealer andand wawass forty dollar* a year, which 78 years. at la-land avenue and George afreet. I if lira. Cooley and Joy carry out tfcit fir thirty-two white rata an 76 yearn, werweree referredr.-f. r:- .1 totojth thee flr-i!f- committeecommlnee Ibelrtheir determination,detern thetbe hoardboard willwill fell equal-i(iE..l heroesheroes Iniu thethe combatcomb that thirty-two white rats and wmw would amount to forty cents led the fate of America. Tat* dgeons. They were purchai JOHANSON—OaOHAN8OK—On Friday.Friday, FebruaryFebruary ,-wfiwllhh power.power. hebe obligedobliged lot eleel decided the fata af America. ?rd*Thist Remonstratinns. Theyg purposewere spurchased for tbe clasfors >m. * - Kealdi'itMa «f \\\t\, li ipiir avenue. cee4 these <• ,4 wfai as thethe criticalcritical beatbeat ofof :hthae groAt monstratlng purposes for tbe claaa \.4. 1*1*.1910 , CarlCarl JuhaBaon.Joha&aon. agedaged 23M - ■ !(ert«brta of Whrtrhavrg avenue, -ed the— dtlten. who have reridev- I in blogl. The** resolutions have been pass- “If the patriotism of our yearn.years. het.o-n-•.,••*.•:; Hlll.lde11.!! i.l. and' lan dWoodland Woodlan dave- avc ed- e dPlceUent excellenat tmrrvkeservUe duringduring their gd- endulum He ak 9:3bloglogy.0 The meeting adjourned ed by the board of managers 1 andid thetbe luterestInterest ofof cour financial In- nue.inn- petUloaedjn-tUlith men have de< bollei U»don subufib. wasas president:president: tate or municipal tt>rter.s werewere reterredreferred ttoo theth.' properproper ninlnr: year. Both men base declared soap Imller ln a London suburb GIVE CHARMIXG El'CHRE. The many friends be value of State or municipal se- HOTEL PROPRIETOR eomvntrtae. their Intrntloa.itionn of .lepplng•I'pfng' o HHee waswas takentoken from hishis squalidsqualid n|rstjr - Th# many friends of Mrs. Hall curities. we are IndeedIndeed InIn aaan un'unforti HOTEL PROPRIETOR ftHllTlltttjtf *. happens thi fordord whenwhen seventeenwi-fuwn yearsyears u!di . 4 delightful euchre Monday.Monday. Tblr-Thii FebruaryFebruary 5.5. andand inin tbethe PlainfieldPlainfield ExEx-- Ista. SEE! HIS BUSINESS HealthHealth:: firDr . WilliamWlillkm H.H. Aothoa).\nrtu.n.. ofof .erredserved »as chairmenchalrme of two of the ty-two guests were In1 attendanceattendance andan changeinge forfor Woman'sWoman's WorkWb/k herber I*los s SELL HIS BUSINESS the hospital and Robert McCormick mo"*"*< Important committee, Threebree yearsyear* laterlater bebe publishedpublished III "The"Tbe Inabilitynablllty toto Imposeimpose an la- thf hospital and ttohfrt McComlck. * important 1 realise on the ^planetary orbits altd th*-he decorationsdecorations werewere greengreen aandn willwill bebe irreparablyIrreparably feK.feH . Sh9hee J John Burns disposed of his of the Fir. Manorial Bank, oppelal«|*Hai Cooley ha. been the bend o reatlse on the planetary orbits aud Fhite. After tbe card contests «u[ J.-Q an earnest. ;ai-ifu!. capable meme . IfIf thethe necessitiesnecessities of th# John Burns disposed of his bust- o,llceairif -J"* °> *’ *«*» asaa aa surprisesurprise toto allall bisbis friendsfriends Osa* presidency at a critical time In I a nationalnational calamityoalamltjr . nlghrgbt whenwhen th*the CommonCommon CouncilCouncil bbyy ot Iu as chairman TheTbe gaipeagame1 s werewere highlyhighly enjoyableenjoyabl presidency at a critical time 4n "The Congress practically •anlmous vote favorably acted Randolph,Randolph, ofof thethe fcrallcv(police PommUleecommittee . “ " aalma one knew of hts Study of the hcat- 3 well as prodiifiive of keen escfte career, sbe showed rare execotT "The Congress practically ^OgnT isalmuus vote favorably acted Building Inspector T. O. Dean* re- ol tne t ena In fart were Ignorant of hts pre- gj well as productive of keen excite- career, she showed rare executive tmsly adopted and bmitted this on his1 petitionpetition toto transfertransfer thethe excise«xci»a Bonding IrtT—rt, T O Don« re- »' 'encher. cmmllf- aent. The winners of the woman' ty in guiding the Exchange in mously adopted and submitted this cense for the place to Alexander ported tbat hi I fllte. dilectionllection forlor astrooomy.astronomy. HHee showed nent. The winners of the woman’s aability large Inr an guidingd more theeffectiv Exrlie•ritess werewere Mrs.Mrs . FredFred Todd.Todd. MrMrs.s a larger aad mors effective field, and proposede safet yamendment. and; It Is vital to ey. of Philadelphia. Mr. Rlley I-TIUI:oral Ira* daringduring the pant month. Osar- fmc.lL*>cal friend,friends ofot JackJack Hearren.Rearren. thatbat hobe hadbad ItIt lnin himhim u>to ririsei above tfcKeon and Miss Elizabeth Casey; yet with ft all. her khiCly nature ifety and. securityrity ofof thethe ReRe-- Riley, of Philadelphia- Mr. Riley OHT of the Poor J thee ordinaryordinary gadand thethe tenacitytenacity to cMag IrKpon and XIm Elisabeth Casey: yet with It all. her kindly nature ibllc f need, and la with- tookk possessionpossession MundqyMondAy . TbeTbe ttmiitl-consjd- aeer of the Poor A. D. Ayer, report- IwJjocaj j,,Jack xTar.r., ohowho bis oaon thethe r.U. i he men whowho divideddivided tbethe prlxeprice HatIfst created only friend* for ber in thi public In time of need, and Is with- Uon for the deal,;'negotiated by ed•i\ aim.:ilnn househ..u-.- exeipeaaeai forfor thetbe pastjpaat ftartleahlpBattleship Connecticut,Connecticut, havebave beenbee a purposepurpose onceonce rormeJ.fonneJ. j. boardcreated. Shonlye wa friendss an office forr witherh inwho then dangerdanger InIn thtbei powerpowe conferred.ferred. orsiion for the deal. ’ negotiated by TheThe questionquestion hahasa naturallyally arlstfe 'ere John Kyle. John Carty board She was an officer with whom B RalphFtalph L.L. Morrow,Morrow, ula notnot knownknown babatt avoath to be llil .I andj ootrtdeoutside exex-- receivinrectdvlagg aonvenlrsouvenir postalpostal cardscards dur-dui ohn Connolly. was a satisfaction' for the othei It Is submitted to the Legisla- Jd lo have been over S13.00". lienRepenwwx Ofof »;«lIJ64.C9 «. . loginic thethe pantpast fewfew day.dars fromfrom dlfferen;dlfferen a* *oto thethe cometcomet nextnert sprtDgaprisg—w -willi |t cerass tao satisfaction'work, and afor »cma then otherwho turere forfor ItaIU actionaction IInn the firm con- said to base boea over $13.9««. 1 ' a blaxe of glory and wondei •rs to work, and a woman who This IncludesIncludes onlybnly thethe hotelhotel buol-busl- ChairmanCaa|rman Button,Haw n. ooff I he flouncefinance point.polo'ts Inin Culm.Cuba. WrnrreoTVearren no w 1 »e a blaxe of glory and wonder in en at coat to herself, held the 1 victiontlon thatthat ItsIts approvalappr Is In the ess. the hostelry being owned by rommltice. pttwenjed fo volumes Havana. Hl< term of enlistment ej e empyrean for all mm oftenest sat o fcoot the toExchang herself,e Iheldn he rthe he in-a tb# hostelry bring owned by committee, prevented four volume* Havana.. HI. term of enhatdlen 11 It be an object >«»*pn tbe arts doth hubby fret Interestscrests ofof a Justjjust and equitable 1 H. Campbell. i>f block, maps of kh< Kr. prepared pires next month when he will re will It be on oh j rev ofif tefeecoplctefescopic in-In-1 anrestsd wb ofo tbegav eExchange of ber timIn eher theart.o 1 methodtbod ofof taxation."taxation." John H. Campbell. of blorh maps of the cKr. prepared pirea neil month when he will re- ilry only ! And soon declare &nd who gave of her time to its nee purchasing tbe business, a ohyy PraakFrank J.J. Hubbard.Hubbirt, c4v*Diet:i* : engineer,t turnturn home.home. quiry only ? The cometcomet hoahas beenbefn mnst go ou-Ulde tc get Since purr basing tbe business, a and :i resolu(tlon, dffered 1 set uncertain.; sometimes 'hat he must go outside to get little• overover aa yearyear ago.ago . fromfrom W.W . J.J. r»y>y himhim mail uncertain; someUm.'S ft hpn A lktle air. is the pleasure of tbe board tbat TheThe YoungYoung People'sPeople's AssociationAssociatio of adopted,adopted, gpprovwdapproved I (hetbe MMm* ns i thathe Ragwlata WH. stretchedretched! a flamingflamlngj swordsword acrossacross ththee Is tbe pleasure of the board that Paulson,Ison, ofof RedBed Bank.Bank. Mr . BurnsBums offlrlal city maps. In tl If one's fara Is too red. be esreful skyky andand atat otherother timesilmes itR hasbaa beenbeiii this expressionexpression ofof theirtheir sorrowsorrow anandd • Crescent Avenue PresbyterianPreabjlerlaa mado*dee anan enviableenviable reputationreputation foforr oScIa! chv rospa. In thla com»«*- of the diet. f at aJJ for wife to pent appreciation be entered cu tbe min- churchrch wJJJwill meetmM t FridayFrid.-u- nlgtenightt forfor mself as a man of business Integ- l}oleefllonn H. ; r.C. YamVan Emhurgh.Enjburgh, civil *ogi- of tha diet Taka ro hot drinks, but thinthin wandwand amongainong thethe stars.stars, Jrt appn-cfa.'Joa be entered on the min- nlon study in three classes. Tbe •If as a man of busine** Integ- Deer, was engaged) for t! cooling ones Don't washwash thethe faceface ite in whatever shapo th* o> Or cross become; utes orof thethe society,socdety, a copycopy set*seat toto MrMr.. mission study In three classes. The rityy andand Inin consequenceconsequence mademade a hosthost ' »*• vng*gv4 for tha yanr to any rate in whatever shape the co»j- : r and mart go out Hall and also published in tbe Plaln- tt class will be taught br Mtes with cold w«tcr nor when yon fowl « appears ft will proveB thatthat Halley’siralley*.» Hall and also publtahed lo the Plain- adult claaa will be taught by Mias of friendsfriend* HtaHis placeplace haabaa huesbees niskv such rhsnxca Bs nay be n«cv»- flushed I.nkewgrm w»tcr Is batter me. field paper*. Harrietarri'-t Halleway,Halloway. onon BoothSouth America;America; considerednaldered aa modelmodel . Mr.Mr . BurnsBurns Wh«n going out in the sun computations were correct crtii the does forfor girlsglrla bybr MissMis.* EdnaEdaa Jid his family Monday n-moveoj to A revolution 1 Whan going out In tha tun w*ar a ugh they were made under prt-o; something prong sod his family Monday s* movtyl to A nmolutton offered br Mr. Bux- thin veil. Hot foot baths 1 though they were made coder grept ut. therethere is1B surely SL something wrong The Scottish w cbainpijtn- Brown,, onon Korea,Kor*a. andand thethe elans for old bom* In Fiemlngton. > He Ibtonn xcdand adopted,adopted, providedp ovlded forfor on,:ti ap-;i ;•- thin veil. Hot foot baths are also d Isa vantages and with Instrumentlnstrumed^ l eeze; The Scottish women's champion- their old home In Flemlngtoa. He p saidsaid toto balphelp InIn aa casvcase ofof thisthli kind.kind. AboutAbout thet breexe; ship -ournament will be heldheld thlathis boy* byy HHowardo ard McWilliams,McWIIliams, on Im- aiss amassedamassed a fortunefortune duringduring tbtb#e nropriajtopropriationn ofof |21$*1 to sore re copies which at. thethe presentpretent dayday wouldwould 'or' hubbyhubby com—o backback smellingsmelling links of the XaJrn Club migration. - be has f-i.-ni In the business Ofof cangInrtata lawslaws toto oomplota«e-th -th**e IliaDie Friend* Rid*Farewell. ecmm toto bebe meremere playthings.playthings. i; ‘• JJ •tir over the links of tbe Nairn Club ars be bs* ipent In the buslnuas Krtcmt. IUd ' I'orrwcll. m June* 13It andii.1 followingfoilowtog days.days. MissMiss variousrarlous citiescities andand willwill nownow llea add »t Ibr tUrIcltv other*.offices, ' HoraMore thanthan fiftyfifty friendsfriends gatheredgathered LatestLatest advicesadvices fromfrom ] af St. Andrew*, is the "I know several men wbo have tired lite. pens puts the date on which t$^ 1 EistElsiee Kyi*,Kyle, of St. Andrew*. Is the aught big final*'i'-r* who have bate retired life. • CVberer reoolatkWresolution)* offered*d byby Mr.Mr . Bt-t lte^ NortNorlhh AvenneAvenue stationstation.. WedWad-- experts pots the date cm which t^e - -VashLnsro-i Horald. title holder. g rBbxnnT n , pud.adopted,and adopt* d. thathe Bnesdaesdayy nightnight last,laat. toto bidbid farewellfarewell ttoo tnet will be moat vMltfvifitiV' title holder. fltedd byby stockstock marketmarket tips given * troaaur^rV to rtsyly thto th#tb* nlnklngainkiag Mrs.Mrs . FmaklynFt^nfclyn HeathHeath \>iSerrll rrllll anandd •• M.y I«.( (J Klks looking for Kite. TheThe dayday ofof prayerprayer ofof tbethe Women'sWomen's nals are esrany lo«.:krt.f He'He’dd HersBen HerHer.. fundsfunds the• followingbfk : smount*:amounts; l»SO(950 daughter.daughter. MlsaMiss DorothyDorothy MerHII.Merrill, whwhoo The committee on selecting n site ForeigForeignn MissionaryMissionary SocietySociety ofof tbthee and nod ofof thfsn:.h*m havebave senses enoughttgh f Mr.Mr . Church—IChurch—I seesee on*one ofof thosethose •m account of DnrrovDart-ov AvanneAvenue |afii»ft f„rfor MinneapolisMinneapolis |olo JoinJoin Mr . Mer-M-r - Never\erer ConCsta Tell.Tell. or• th*the PlainfieldPlalnfleld I-odgeLodge ofof ElksElks ha.has- BaptisBaptistt church,church, willwill bebe observedobserved &txt Pin by a* Urgelargl*rge »hareabaraltar* ofof their,their{Salom Salomee dancersdancer* hashas returnedreturned fromfrom Srhool:School; 41,40|1.40«0 on__ accoanraccount ofojf EastEast rill,rill, thethe well-knownweU-known\|nventor Inventor,, whwhoo BaronBacon—Yo — Yo«u knowknow ga nma n never otot yetyet derideddecided onon a plot,plot, butbat theytber thehe FirstFirst BaptistBaptist, FridayFriday af-af- OnceOnce inin a whlewhile youyou will , EuropeEurope withwith Mxteessixteen trankstrunks Ailedfilled EnEndd flue,rre. house:house: f«r.#%,•10 onos accountaccount ofof lat# laterallatereste edd Inin thetbe msnnfactnremat^nfactnre o©ff ann telltell wharwhat lais beforebefore hithim . [[ >n thhee lookoutlookout forfor ga suitablesuitable ternoon at 3 o'clock.•lock. AllAH womenwomen ooff find thosew whO**wbosp singlealngl» ideaidea isi« toto . j withwith clothes.clothes. thethe Dandle*DmwjUen. Avenueiu« School,School. mfid*?& a daliverydelivery wagonwagon behe ha*haavlBveatcd Invented:: Egbert—WheEgbert ""henn he's!»>'* Mrtingaltiing befclnfW-hioft place ofof groundground andand hopehope toto beM ahls thehe congregationcongregation areare invitedinvtted andandd areararee putt ououtout ofof buM^tesba«ine«bustu F thosethose wbowbo dfcdllldWill II Mr.Mr . Gotham—ForGotham—For graciousgracious sakto!sake*! Df tho furtlsdiing also other Inventions tKKin\t n the near future to report iaome- requesteHarwtrequested - d toto bringbring “The ' HelpingHelping • BoutcbScotch whiskey.whJstoyj OneOne ofof «.urcur greatestgrea*est WhatWhat IsIs sheshe goinggoing toto dodo withwith tbthee fund for that school; al» anthorlt- placed ( ig betides Hand.'Hand." professionalsprofeaslonab askgsTk thatHat Ideaidea justJu« now.”now." clothes?—Yonkersclotbea?—Yonker. StatesmanStatesman . FOKSIIRS10 FK«I H-aunofusof btatoaState'* MunicipalitieMuntclpalltlaa* Decide* to Form an aurjH|U DecideOrganization.s to Form an d,doem~m~o> I. »,.« . Ha\BLEH J. yIKK IMIKSIIM-S. th* >wdk ^rwm iiilBiL M «• In^r. t b«! th* For***,* 'lah ltrld's• MayoMayorr Talk*-oTalk, n Hi have Jaln*,l tbs r*«"1 •« |.'i] < !i,iir 111.111 t. and nt ,il. dl):.i. «. OflUA .eta .,r.*el t.r and la Appointed Ul hi,b » memtierililp "I Id mo- and hot •A.f MoMomM I top..mailt Ih.A » 0 l.rt-T of . £.111,00. 4~ « b Halt MiilM UN hUUiftfo w pudJIng. But.von In l be cone BaaebnH proSpeetarofpecta folorr aa acrongstronp • to «»,r the 41—0"* by tb«■To*- sad the «Mr ol Icolher-lrortni rain water a*>n atat PlainflelPlainfieldd HigHighh "••'■'•bn |“ f*-**^*'*.*—* K "»1 liribW. £.'"lf U h'14 '■» powslhl. to bar. too |»od cire—Ungly roamayy accordtn* to the The conference•ence ooff MayorMayor*s ooff .Ne Neww . Tb. norm— burnln. at lb. ammh.rcd _ t the Slate House. Trun- I*"'" l“f «*- »*--*"»• »« »' «»*“"* Mf lKt>i. liny bl»- Il.b,. n«i»"l Grand A*enue Reformed eh thing. Herec^e wwce hav bar.e btien smot d dope lurnmheded fcyk> CaCnpuilop HarryJersey held al ihe State House. Tren- 1*1. In 11. I,„ -a«~ Ko>— h„, aBd ,b.„ Mt. Ik. "»44.n llO'.b an4 Raritan. Grand Annuo. Krtormed church, *• solid weeks under a Tbei playen ton. Frldny aatt thjthee InvitatioInvltadonn DC or bury Park.Hark. WednesdaW.dnnrdnyy nighnlgbl.t wna U*we sis "Olid »ecl Van ZandL The players bn». it, resulted It the d>~ •ers li«v« J - f(W|(l'’(H «h* pur- #nd BD0.4,uef,rh^| glow of a nuiicb Kd»«ruro %. *. • oUl0ft,.,j anket, ouce\ whMe and dry, Umationa from the Governor PM, riMnlted It Ihe d.- heldheld oonn thth.e anniversarnnnlr.ra.rry ooff th tbne i found blanket, onoe, . »'h. “’>■ .J intimations from the baaol he exacuUvee or cities to of I "*»o a. f— Of l*nd In OM Xh*r- waa something unranDf »f»d ville. * "j* **[* of the nifu«- sretH anandd ddrtytMn>.. an""dd ar «e™ getting oy*-| thor.tltwtes tha. lb»t1 j-ractto ptacltoee wU lwill star Marlt I clelonIn of the tetecuUvm of cltlea lo of tbn local ebu-th. and won a n~i! wit bi permanent "ftrgaiHiadon - «* .... rrfo.« d-r-b|.. 0.04 MM Br,.rr.o«. la thee. d.nrlc. pcd»t. of M,r,h. ot dualtbla ocaalondtf. tor rejoicing nod con-pore re witwllbh thlb.e glareglare. HowHow nice Itt-n,. K,mkasluni wttbln one week'sform a. i—rnianem organ! as tion grntulnUonn. Sereral mlnUl.™ look oldId bbee ifIf OourT Pitdlyy fatherfatherss would which I" lo meet annually for the rrf" **• S' * l-n'rrr^ Ipart In lb. cnnrcla*. Including Her. preach and distribute cine ten Captain Van tan*, who ha. bceodiscussion of ntunlcl|mlp mntlem.itters. ThThee John Y. Bronk. former po»tor of lb.on the fine act of making ends meetthe molnetay In the box for threeLegislaturla-glnlalore e lUa ttoo bhee nukeaskedd to make b r htcbmeh. mud bow pnator of adapting means to' cods homer l an appropriatioappropriationn ooff *.•••I ioo> t todefra defrayy • --'“:r.Jr„r rc:‘:r-’^r. rH"2S»^ K.formed 1 church, thin city. than we generally do. In the charm-TgMn' thU s»~. while Terry la in expenses» anandd ttbo papayy foforr th ethe „ of tb. bent talk, of lb. erc-ing ng weekweekss ooff OctobOctobere and November,lino for sub twlrler. Behind the batprimingprintin g ofof ththee proceedingproceedingss aflandd sucaochh lib a "»«!•« ,,1,1k wna by Mr. Brooek. It. Bratwhen fKfl ski;M sins Alr< lmy and bracing, The organliation la to have no per- ., of lb. ronton. 4.l.rmln»4 •,. |ttil. .annot —' tb.m .of ■ .„d | snok. In n humoroun rein nod thenbalmy and bracing, and our lung. i ,]Mt ^.npn The organlialion la lo have no per- b«jli)i glviac (her* la much fhal I ran no b>quartet, and H*r. lrst- . “offered bis b.-nrly congrntuUtlone glorifyingorlfjing IInn ththee chachan*-n from MuBy (|n Pn„ ,,oae will be "een Smith.naneainenl t presldantprceidcW.. ththee presidinpresidingg offloffl-- region where theord* I aui a*e* old. but th* **• »n. pa*«or ot th«Mr* ^' Thdnrai;_^ tb. payment of the church debt, September,•ptember, ouourr modemodell cltixena werel^ 8mlih Is a formerer tloo bbee chosechosenn fofoer eac eachh meeting meeting.. • ub the white PlM«" As a result danrlng llghta ar* al«ar» (ber*“ churrh.M ■•Donald. t»ffrr*d «oprano prayn aololat. referred to tb. very Pleaaant ao»o-darkeningthedr burning the leaf air ^llea.with smokeHow If Iromthey .[ n-renglhen,,sddle ,,ar theand Infieldhis acqnUltlon censldernhly. will AnA n lroi>orta.nImportanti featurfeaturee ooff ththee «*-•»S.-S-- the order ha. heroine, tb- <>»«•«• •y*a. I aoe fba llttla bln* flam< clnllons with the churrh for two nod alon•ton wawass ththee condemnatiocondemnationn ofof th ethe on* of the flwe*t «err»tor1*u In ■rhat ara lb*y . had often beard Thay." ■■ »° half yenra while be wan pontorhad stored those and all other sweep-1 j.^ |ook( to w in prims* condition Bishops’ law by Mai or Mrav- Rain I-*h u manner NVb«. E. n ib«church roll t w».«wax IIn that church Ibnl h. wasings ngalnet storm time ? Dire thefo r [(>rsecon WKk)ndd ba--* i|,o.ot and andClar kClark will uwill ing.lagun-. ooff ElizabethElliahelh.. Hliee declare declaredd ih eIhe Is ti»* spot a*- r."nr..n,'LT,r.T sr, «*• — 1—rdain,*d >rdalDfd annndd durindurtngg blblna p paatornle ac- beaotllnl snow 1-w nine day "how. nnd dollpu.d|j hold down third sacklaw wass aa deadeadd lettelettetr ai.- sett an nndd wawaas U « •'*na»'*r rraort. up the largest attendance, ompllebcd•>:,;],.••'! effectiveBedlvee *work,o b.lptr.g then set the neighboring riling- if} ,,,, violated inIn manmanyy cttlecitiesd MayoMayerr in bear lb. old albyl " r-r.P.n vllle aecond. S9f ™ J. Pisfc. of tbU efty. who pr» lfwt-d-Imu-il. IlU'to l* adVanta •«-»>■ly .ttnat* lb. churrhh iInn alnill depardepartment"t Gotham n hrllllunt example ol how, Thcr, u ,|ke|y to be a keen ten-Charles J. Flslt. ot this city, who pre- M. 41rorilV on the Hoe- of lb. N.« -rtxw. "parks rom. from rb. hot “ Xtou. rburch Iblrd. ing out on the line of wha d l heart ot Ilankn." »he began. In I Ijiunchlag ouf on the line ol wbn, to get rid of Its snowfall economical-1 ha( poHltlon of shortstopsided overr tbthee meetingmeeting,, ag agreedi eed wi:i wlJli York OMral ltailn-4. 1-0.mtl-* of Imako.' .b. b.-c*n. In loom J. l6r„ repreoentlUy." iiodern snd a model cburct BeU|lod for t that vibrated «l(h Intense belief ntak,— a modern nnd a model church ly nnd quickly by each householder0,r , Sll Glddes| Glddiw*" place place,, betwee betweenn Hlf-thotbe ElizEllxabetha btrth MayoMayor,r, an andd averted fton, lb. H.ll-kaoon "Pan I RotUUM" thataaaoan vlbral—d a lib-Ith Infen.* b.lM belief and and I * i" Jarri ' .h„,.h. .1«M Ir'""U. Uroe k said be did noi think I c) fl] frellhcteellng—th -thee borbomn narratonarratorr ofof th lhae le- . Ir. Brook "did be did nol think Itmeltlng his patch by hi" own , f dand Rlcketts Hlckotts. Capt»J Captainn Ru RuByon,thatthat tbIhee «cxrlawM i.«' lawlawss aarere nonot*onl onlyy vio vio-- anil about H«. mil— l™m SnraBM Bound Brook; Bv. from Du».ll?lbtmm a church modeled entirely aftc crB «eodagenda o«.ff heherr tribetribe. "Thnr-Theree wa WBBs onc oncee ,od l»o1 1 from Brotlh ITalna. | as a church modeled entirely afterdoor fire RIBerla. Cnrpatter, Doane andlated,t»ta dothers, bhotut arnree puputt onon th .the2 statut statutee I— in the • or Id a heart that flamed like*"'Th ad ,h h•ee mannemannerr ooff ththee churcchurchh InIn th Ie be la last' . • • • ] .re candidates for tho outfieldhookaboo k to bbee violatedetolated.. V A iesolutfoTrewoluUoni ■ Tbo all. ln.l.dn« It,-Jam.™. U»« . nr. b-l '’ '"—“ * century, all hough there were prob- adop led provldin 5 thai, The Leg- (IDS, n 1,1' b H r—II" nam- amtflrr. and the blue •UBt ar* 1 |>r r. 11. Haguaanain. e features that might be fn The high etmt of living, or. a» J. j —- waa adopted providing tbal tho ls*g- •parkaspark- .,»»from. »that» ™™fli . .—— •, ably rom. features Ihnt might be fol- Hill, our wise man of tho North-. lalatlreialatl CommitteCommltteoe drafdrnftt a a billhill bund—'da of aimd of a|,ru*, |4n- ! Lib profit. «UIwill teltalll yi.iyouj thfbee oldold.. ol oldd story afory.”', an d | of th« WaalliBgtoo Hquar* M. lovedIj. wiih proBl. [ding the presen-t nishops' law. York. Il« fa one of The mod "_ .cm. happily pula If. '"he eo« of p II P UUL amending Hie prem.ot Btahope' law. ubd batnam ir—ok Italnbou w It.was In that long dead pait. of •Tb. model rhnrrh for th. twen- Mi tlnued. -I high living" Either way the thing J, ||, Q, | 11L Mayor t-raCrawford,w ford, ofof MontclalrMontclair,, .I,b k i« In.I,id-d In lb. purrkBHF. I*whic h there is nothing good left, no tleth century." be continued. "In the wonteded tlthe conference to ..ladoptt IMi two: a la*. ',,01.1 «rh Hfi» 1.., k-" room*,mor e r^al men; ao real tJe*dfl; no reaJ apostolicIe churcchurchh ooIf thlb.e firsBratt —-ntury. fact bin not uf nil " stobborn bafied on four foundations- We fintfer ounw-lvcs that we— resolutions, one prorlJlng that local and n largo ’n:.'l both VaUl fur-•tori*-. , as in those days. II Is baaed OB four foundation" ted by bal-'d i,*a,ly for innodlatu o-tu- liberality, brotherhood no-ble selvvo—are anything but AN IAS? newoffleera be elected hr separate bal- ■ "A iiji for you young people of prayer, liberality, brotherhood nnd really ,u|*eretlUous In silly, childish lots. and the aecond that hertheree b lb-e rno oon.). It ■ »oHrtiai"d b, Mr sor«-er a tilling * what do >o the mlnslonarv "plrll. designations. l ted t The P. H. 9. basketball party designations. He asserted the onaon that wllhlo «ln> da,» lb. ron-d o you u "TV church should be premmln- - } men should be eleated to office- do you underalandT L*»ok back Into J**' n lot* noting rtaud ,VTor*Tht^!'i«-w-rINC. to b." sociable *BIAIMI toutedTb. thP.e •• LeJrII. as fiv“basketbnl! e Pr-- l le.ntKrldoTW1 He beata fcwr men- shoeldmen ho shoold elected b«to ei«-offlre • > «» o atonum will r-wl'V b* «-■ thetbe pacpn*tt | there, ererythlag D **• | J, , ,^ ently n home of prayer for the po»- B tb.e [without conslderatton of party, but , Tbo |,urrbaa. nl ,h. froi-rly ba» taHe said that U»e V » mbers. Ihe flnndny-sebool. th« same, no hard-h.wd.-d nation IsJnon '-Medn a t "»thde "Yj. M. C. A. tUh thT! wlthopt conslderollon of party.but plained .hut you. NmlDb children of ‘’f* J \ ,d ispired by quite * ,| the resolytlotu ware defeated. TbThee b-n mad. from *4 , Hilaa-m fund at■ oday.D-day. looion.k non,ut backba.k-, a«s d odo I .I. ol oMd Is cI— ,“ r , the afflicted, mlaaloona. etc. W. lae. "** flm* *wouM % SI - t.Mayors ‘als o voted down a resolution.resolution. lb. dl*|iosnl of t U" nd 1 *-• '•. though usy eyes ,tk* and 'rlghtebusm-si meat so pen* K ibnoting hougb a, could not hare all things lo eommo; disposed to forgive tt i,f '... hBd -ay,1 lot Ol had shooting ' ^ have the term of their ofllce ex- "llv., and lb. tnntttuUnn «lll b. oon- I see lhat >ou young ones k their eh lei nitl> Ttelife in the olden days, owing fo lit disposed (o forKl g«od goals. ThThee HHigh have ihe term of their offloe ex- see that you young ones know meat worth ijelnB 3.upemmlou- ?£» “W BtMHl «oM, erilled from 'two Lo'fonr years. dunrd. from n fund Ibal in. »a*.u-no t how to live You wait alwayi “a? "a"oy**.k To lx, p.n»l]n-Wd commiL- •llv. will arran*. tor. without .otatl- tuntly which comes not ol rmd . bpunt). Inal.ud i(f work-that would not hinder our llhernllt about. I except pork, ou passingg anandd somsomee pvi preltc uveroor Fort appointed vommit- opportunity which comm not of lu _aker skid th» ther people eulent animal product, ne :ees rnirs v as Ihe beef , , up and before the final whistle blewden. Treof^nV Mayor Andrew Mc- and I heir dependchts by too Forem- rndance. while others any Ihnt the all brothers. The memlonarychickenchicke n ih*s alwayalwayss aa laughabllaughablee 00 ^ mama did "ome tant playingBride. Pdteraooput.tho a.; MayoMajv*rr HenrHenryy V.V. era.en. ThThee OrpbanOrphan'.> Home Fund,oa>t «bn<' are ihey? And taauty I church Is always demanding mondy «K>p. Here comes Lent, when Crawford.Crawford. MontCl,alrMontclair;; MayorMayor-- WaldWaldoo .-blchwTilch wawasn originateoriginatedd bby r man and woman—still leas la there c ___jso. Tbeii spirit Is vitally necessary. The burn slop.bnrehlal Herek mortif torn**!y theil-cnf.r flesh when B *' j Morris dlstlngtlUhed himself Sawyer . Vlneland. and Mayor Jotia Oroiihratekha, fo^ twroty- that - and oiler that as an escuao. TbejtrIng of this mortgage is no evidence horr.if >lk mortify heirtheir fleshBcsh byb>^ a nlahlnK ,[,o most goals and DoanpF*. Sawyer., Vineland, and Mayor John Oronbyal.kha, foe twenty flee >eurn 'urn plenty ooff peoplpeoplee wh»hoo woul wnuldd ntj nqT-- ol church spirituality. There nr, 1,111 of fare lor ,a ed a kraaI game at guardThompson.OHipson , AvonAron.. ' - fbethe suprem"uprelp.o fhk-chiefB rangerangerr of tbo or- Affer a long I'.use. ibe ancient on. burcb.tnirchchurch,, creecreedd "ocreenr »o or cre«d .o, s.™. 1 l^^tslaiion—Mayot\ Cbarlea J. ''• dW, hMl for i's piirpoec !ai raaumed;resumed: "AAge.S ago Here wa. a " „ uc, „ue.tlbo. thingsthofe worse than mortgagee thatforty days. I haveenow:. Intimate- Jewp„ played the best game lor Lcghdltlan—-Mayorft, Plalnfleld; Ma;orT . ChariestFrank Ap-J. der. had for lu purpose tb< cage; and (or lh mo goodly Dumb* of women and u.al5 o^cnodod by Lawrence an.lFisk. Plainfield, May or T. Frank Ap- education of IV, trphorphan,a left desti-DOha»1 band of peoppeoplel wb.re1 If ... | ran i Humanist church neachurchr my near mycan church overtake a churrh—lor Inslnnc.', •by. Anbury Park; Atayor V1c»r of their pa-renU. tell you. the lack ol spirituality nnd the mis- of hlKh s degree who DdUafc'—ah thrt.ugh the game Lealspleby. avlus Asbury, Klliabeth Park:; Mayfe Mayorr I.. VIcWst' M. tute hr Ibe ih-ata of tbelf imrents. ' New York, thaNewt isYork. largel Ihnty U largely ntteni- wed 1; on. who at the dealh o[ eamp of them people was surrounded he poor, . Money iMoneys (jonstantj la Oon.lan'ly- sionary spirit." Ished galore on flewhUss" Bhowed lack ol hard training andMraving. Ocea Elliabeth;n City, anMayord K» WL. B-l-M. Mr. ftterensoo. who at th. death of Ithe game atekhi su«:w.-eded as su-on three .Id- by a mil. lmp.netraht. I..H from I hem. and-' yet tli"n.fh >e, thatVAIA K <»V THK ABAUHf fare, -ome lor forty years. So might ,hr Bamo would have been muchCram.-. . OceanFlagg . City,Tlverton and. Mayor\ Ed- Hr lw.mht-.t-kha succeeded as su- a ,hr ,OUr 0,8 FIMMI VAI.CK OK THE ABAUlNK. •e iutereatlhg If the High BBBHUI ward H. Flagg. Tiverton. \ premo chieff rangerranger,, fnlarp-enlargedd uponimun I have done tort l«r a tdnful love of „;jirP mu-reatlbg If the High School tion—,Majx>r Bird W. Spen- Steptc “ '“ ^Tb*...... Bllcd. fepder. menu flavored by fire, burnt Oder-'ha dbad ha dbad to gflhto gllhtt hard hard. Th e Theline-up llnr-up:: cerTaxation—Mayor. PaBBaio; -Mayor CBird. A. McFaddsnW. Spcn-. thinbl* ideIdeaa nsoo 'thatthat,] orphan, uf a de-* £• d ,, l I Tbn trouble la we are l|The nbalone l» a dean feeder, so _' H. S.—Forward: tathur .„a..-N.s-w> rnm^y Ings more grsteful to Ihe noee thou P H. 8.—Forwards. Clark. Mor-ror. Passaic:h ; MayorMayo r C.Willia A McFadgaw.m Card- ceased father, emu chough tbclr that Its flesh In superior in »ound- ris, Woodhull. Manley; cent IJd- EasBranch:t Orange Mayor; Mayo Williamr S . Card-R. i mothemotherr survivedaurrlrfd., coule«“ldd bbe cared for folk,, d prohnhlr’ ,TTf *gypoles, *'"?* ■ coulenl **llh.‘,“‘ l--r.od wouldof IndlBtrenceralher-- bbeo- pensioner|>enalon«r«' s ncs and wholeaomcoce" lo Ilia! olale palate, unless one light* on meats r|s, Woodhull. Manley; epeckltsl with yellow l.vt nil through.]g,,.;=.<.i«.; guardsguards., Overton Overt.. Doane.Doa: well.l>add . EastVineland Orange:. and MayoMayorr Thoma R. s ft, If necessary; lie not only continuedIHUe. sad happy In lb. good of «.ch propbeUets. W Whate needn*e d iI-s the Ihe oyster* and other marine crea- «&[»— For wards, DNBCOII Hll>- day a. It came l„|d-,lme are la the heart, the poak- Leah—Pdrwards. Driscoll Mlb- JLadd.. Scully Vineland,. South Amboyand Mayor. Thomas a Purtolers* Home for th- little on.-e re itt the heart, khe powfer turesLures whicwhichh livliree rn-arnear Bhor"heres i nIn ».i«- waterr 'bard: centre. lUawrence; guards, Da!- i now Bttu&W ;.!. Oakvllle -After a time strange tribe, crept „„ d thing thtngns id th lae righthe tflgh' ii g..,, bard; centre. Lawrence; guards. Da.-J. Scully. Sooth Amboy. mm "Hosted at Oaktlllo. Out., but to Jomov moIpe men ann d anJ g contaminated by many Impurities m«id to hnr leas of tb** Stevemton: Jewett. Boards-^-Mayor Andrew I arranged so lhat; in wo brlnaln* dlacord j We take our rkwi Beside* this, the viscera of thenc biss IIss ththee coldfgolden? for young'>»■* Starenaon; Jewett, Mnnlrtpol Boards -Mayor Andrew in among them bringing discord «nd j . . ,Vc 1Bke our vpws at the roals were made as follows: • rtanged so that In wonky cams d ,fc ,lm lr ,0 direction. M’e fnke Besidesw Ihl". Ihe xtacera of Ihe.e n we did du > made as follows: Mor- McBrldeMcBride,, PateraonPaterwon:; MayoMayorr F.P. P- P. i where IIM* mother was uwwt. and driving these *lmple folk. °"^ ' d ,hen K,dom attend a *«r- creatures[•Features musmostt bIs*e swalswallowedl whole, •m lha did during th* R- - Clark & Doane 5, Lidga where the mother wa" •“> ultualodfew In com pari^ son. ^-deeper - PInto •—?iSS tl(e S?d,[|,* rIkonw«rd. .eldom1 am alCrnd npl a*° Mr- *‘‘ K campaignn. So a-^-ruw+ri: StoyStoy.. AtlantiAtlanticc CtttyCSty;; lEayoMayorr C.C S . a f«W In comparison, deeper Into tha I iCfi atler*ard. 1 am nbt EO wtli while those of Ihe ttbalona ore quit «eK oampalgn.. aomeona ™ I Held,Bpld 1 foui, r Manley Manle1. Jew, ! i. jewltt.EHift. Camdea: ; Maj-or William How- as lolglre proi-c can* tb scry* )Ot,ngwood* WHI. w<.Here™ ••It rfi—.idismal ~i. kwith I ^ be e r edrble ey-oeaded youngish cqualnted wllb(h jour terlerrtiorytory ber?r separateeparate fromfrom llie mu r edible -headed men n~I tl "°»field Mdand 3 foul,; j Driscoi., ool;__, l DrI,lKoll Hlbban 1. i Hibbardird,! Rahway Ellis,, anCamdea;d Mayo. -Mayor John WilliamJ. How- childrencblldre: nl her heme,me, the order pats■ •rampup anandd darknessdarkness,, becausbecausee the for- ■ o know fcew York, fashion rn !he busii toto heherr each Ti.month. .11 Ji < the' san>»m that but I think 1 do know N**« iofk. be < in f»*l» ie business world n 1| Beld Stevenso and nIjM; 1, Dalla DHacalls 1, l*awl.HIhbk^di rain afd, Bayonne Rahwar. , oad May0.- John J. f tt waa oldold nsas timetime,, anandd BsoO densdensee thatthat'. what are! called ec- ^ _ hhee Wlde.Wl-e wwaa'amualag. I. the so. -o «- » ■ “TlfeJf'wi would' ili M Wovld« for 'We have there what are# called fc- m.roke of » knlf**. ,d- i'field and 1 foul. Time of h would he required to provide for thenor sawsaw nnoo skakjy betweebet n the branchesbranch-**., | | | bar «in nrantrr bunteT* WorlWorldd Maua/ine MaKBXlne.. Th eThe Weinti t of a a) a wvr» <\T lni rlesiaEXlca##taBl fal bargaR i Isht of a a|j die pn|m account* of f-jaged. 30 mlnutea__ . Ileferee— , «._#tine ; u-n n... nmnip* I childou,rblldn- store they Inmntntnalea ofof hardly a ray of light pierced and hardly a ray of ll«bt pierced „ ua.^ JUurrlTot fairly fresh abalone Is two poundj,. ftr orphans•>•, |:[. Ill i ' hohome.n ThThi.i !• pLTmll-permit"4 onld rather have * church ol r>|r|). fr„h ,h,|„„c la two p.-“"d".UM>ner* of .'.O. "reoi^able" pairi-' ., Doane ; timer, Listman. through ttoo ththee soddesoddenn groundground. ThTh«e ., nsecrated! Christian of which all but half a [JoUnd Is rood ar mothermother ttoo keekeepp hher IHlittleitli familfamilyy to- 100 conaswrated. Christian ,hlch alI but half a imund Is good arrll, , the alm-jet puoplepeople sickenesickenedd anandd diediedd likIlk*e stricke strickenn ' owded (Burcb MM meal the shell being very light. The ,.o p<-:tn-r. di<10 he>m- not o iMvipIc than a crowded church every , ,he shell being very light. The .offtempluous young. .< ub edH*Frs ge-.h-t providing aa horn- not only•beepsheep . DistracteIMstrartedd witwithh tbthee weepinweepingg o fof '!' is nothing more ;or mpaI g highly al- a for th.' i Mid LI heroclf ila w tfuaday. which Is nolhiOk^ ,°£ meat In nutritious. bd*ln blflblj al- writers would refer for -k- .Midreu but herself n. w. theirtheir womewomenn anandd childrenchildren,, tbthee me mann , session. The inure* like that i . R and publiceei-vani «•s in Ibeir sijtU* At Inreturn '** • I * *re ttfty child looked helplessly In each others hoi- At pnwent there are flft, child tanked h*|pl<~>«|y In each others hoi |arK forwor 14* inembdra t,.r„ |0tMtc-rwtors an dand shell-fis *h«*IMIshh generally ■••‘-rally, ,f 'lhwer,,ye Egyptian mummdo IIIITOIOIOMIMnOKOMO DANCME «i\h fund ; thi-ru , wanted^rho Bfarmld •'old*' men . . lor o! the Somemot Hotel has twen- the Orphan.- Home Fund New Jer- II. Is too totigh to I lr,Cd irtk-CM ]am tlre lepers have dis-d s-] sa^ngertuaSa ngcrbutald HalHalll wa wa»a crowd crowded* e bens and he Is gettin„g o,„i„,n an „„ 'wm.":.cb'"rhcrir'. .***** 11 ,on -«h« >lop c,„,or > ,hdo-1 iM«kMany ,1.-,= „ „ i„ i... -men. ( ty-thr [hrfp wnl and a sey baa thirteen children ot Inmate, • n(-uokr>dah n , boiledloo , s - w-'l tv Is. Ima.l for. make prMnr night with a merry ^hmog of , e of n*ne egg„ s, a ,day . . , of. the home. i brace |th roofs like IwIM^d Iron " " ‘" ‘’t”"” " uncooked, boiled, slewed orover fad (hat K b* l*od ...... a oraco of nln Ba du of the home I a ilb* Engliebnien In anren. the occasion being the One of Mr. Boyce'a ptrfM layers U Tb* Orphans' Home Fund i* u£r;„ He blTT.l is. ,TT. ■■ »" vonieat lo do nolhlng sndj inatebe Td „.b y,„„,hnc. p( used to be p.rlly eltm- ,h„, . d | on,, ol Mr Boyce's price laysws la The Orphan"' Home Fund l» main public life are InIn theitheirr fulfulll primprimee nua i ibai balll « t ofMtantonom Mfantonomaa Tribo Tribe.. No Na PJymouih Rock, wbioh he declare* talrMd by taking one cent ^ a m.? t.Viltm „nl, Blckilll pensioner- Some take,hr their ,1 e.^ h ,n„,.d by funding gnd hammering “ nua Inland by taking one emu each | It, but this ' l>etween nixty amd sevemiy. iheirj jlg| independent Order of Red Men he would not sell for a'ten-spot. This court di dHn *TOU.h He hrJTie. .Td m ,l d b ra *' r our"* ’ " ” ». hut IhU did nol renderbetwei-n .he meatHlxty and seventy, their, Ug. Independent Order . This month from Oral regular court American cousins aire considered !t waa OI(e of tne niost suceessfu hen has laid eleven eggs In 'the last ch member This flm itah”night When*h™n , TtndTletwtnd blew i.It Tmilnwslltd >'- * "l'"’We " * ■*" tovognl.e ' It matthey reallyb e,t 1 lender.thp* e fisNoboiled,h matterremai then howAmericanflsh longremain. t whecoliaio* n fifty . aweIt waeomddeceda a dis- dance I, swas in! tho^ee hiatorof Ihey ofmO»t thft snceeMllritrib eleve n days.hj. ,ald eleven egg. i paid by each member. This1 III. playedpla>-ed out when fifty. It was a dls- dance* In the history of the tribe . T«tn:M at tU titui abou spirit of aacrlflc.* tu-fofe ih.* »*rld ,.*,^rlm**n A1O4...1Us ■ . ilbel oa our flQeot men of and the committee Is highly graUft'" d v a year. hjrd Af|er lemanyd J. W, Gayettj grarelul libel on our One., men of and th. c^mmttte. I. highly tcrntlBed T*o weekaweeks agoago-- th^boe hehenn habadd Itit»s Ikn .sv.naeliccd ” l ■ . Han rranclsean named J. IV- r.aycttr.note. I have i-**-n prfvllenc-d co con* over the good showing. risbT. leI g broken by belnj, run over , I Th :petke referre^ thIhee ;l;irn-1dlicoreradm that II the abnlone la kill right la*B broken by bein^ run over Night after night tt versvenu,e repeaitedlnsoeotedlvy wiLlwithi AmericanAmericanss ofof! [ in Inadditio addlllonn to alo bi ag bigrepresentailo representi by a wagon.' Al the lime Mr. Boyce Mvund their ramp Bre i of O mon-die- thins* l the firet rank In th«-ir public and pri- of local members of the order an- At tho time Mr. Boycw n«n sun. snd must had lmeniSons of killing the hen, llkemielves of a way i uses this metbod Vth«Whenn ifan ththee •wlado la vain. Nothing, nol LI activity. One, were delcrgaUons |ir€B[t*coi :her paiters behind th n many daj-a. M^d on featherfeatUor . tiltilll camp, men louder and bolder, tbe Shprldai A aA fea’.kea k*ai*d tribe declared that bondage waa'bet- •ugbi,Ty nd seaweed attached to them, frc oud and sbout against As Mr. Boyce took the egg from ter than death—they would glv* up "serviceA, r and nds sheila ng actions ooff tbthe« •once flourishl hehe nestn«wt., amiamidd ththee cackle < s of the hen, Pelion. piled, of old. ter than d»*th—they would glra up A*' : *'* ; l! ho, t a followeJ d, 1 _ he1 rocks nnd sends up the shells Uks Owns UlkiO IVllOD. piled, of old. their freedom and return as slaves to '" ' is rapidly as possible. New York church:hurcJl kknownn aw* tho 1st, Ie inriiXr*red: wi-d (an(andd maybI e tbe hen un- And then *•»». 1I aamm tillftiAiled wH withh w«n won- Itbel heirr freedom“ "•'P tollowe^ns rspldlyin ns possible. Under ordln- 1 their enemy. Vincent chapel to wfhlch nryallay conditionroodltlonnwere s hbee caennn send up n tonDr. John HallHall's*. SiSince his virtual denxooddertnood) i.. lnviced = HH «CHOSEN •Then-Then rosroeoe uupp IMnkoHgnko.. Thrilee rescutt reecuerr a tef lamed.,r - atOPP°rt Opportu.lly' «•* given thoseof>f abolouenbolones* IInn annn bohoar.i As soon nscrowding outaul ooff ItItss ipulpit q^^ In M*j oldOFFICER S ARE CHOSEN oldild girl.girl. II woa'wvxstt cho chopp you yourr OMTS t>>-l and 1 «ou!d >r > better acquah Fi themthem allall.. HeHe. DankdDanko,. wa wass on onee o fof th ethe I ?senl *»«t to beco*° becomei belter acquatoteJthehe boabantt comecomess toto s shore, the nbn-ageag e thertheree haha*s beebeenn "no luck aboot headbead ofofff iodaytoday,. keekeepp o onn layin layingg an dand & band,band, a beautifubeautifull youtyouthh ansadd t>rav« brave-— nd»«d a rommit* committeet cxmiu shalshalll continucontinuee ttoo Uv-i.'llive.”, IIMakr «,«• IO til.' Uacchaaailan t n the, beautiful are always bra»e—and "* *' Whltne: Itsiened to a succession of IF mils SOCIFIT The hen haa been laying ever sine© Vfh*rv MDiiji, the beautiful are always "fare—and Helen Whitney, chairman: Mis*mnnery.;snsery . araree throwthrownn intIntoo aa tan tankk of .ofW e hhavea 1 Intoned to a aucceoalon of h**n baa been laying ever since prooed iHUUri ^iu,,,thus. bt>he Bpospoke«e lu hie companion.impanioos E<*aEdaA French French.. Mis sMis* J»n e JaneBailey Baileyi an< saltand water, the bottom of which Isprofrwalonal nal reviewerreviewerss whwhoo havhavee BY PHTHISIS SOCIETY andd tete indicationIndication*s araree thathatt H K wil willl , "'Thinkin Thinkingg wovemove*i no•^n "lonee ou tout © f ofArthu "hurr Humbl Humblee proviide providedd a pleisl a pleasingn strewnitrew u witwithh rocksrocks,, snoo aass t oto rese resemblem failed oiled ttoo revivrevivee ftsit* losloutt glorie gloriess o r or TheThe executiveiecutlvee boarboardd ooff tbthee A Anti-live e ttoo aa rip«pee ololdd ageage.. t sl.b. ef ns,wood or mahogaai .he.a* way way. ActioAcuoon onl yonly counts counts. Wh y Wkyenierlatnmen enlerlalnmentt whlch j whichconsiste consistedd o tb e floorof of the ocean, and are kept ven tts vitality. The arts of singing 'uberculpeda Society of Plainneld t le « welli the floor of the ocean, and are kepteven Its vitality. Tha arts of ainglngTuberculoma Society of Plainfield -- TieTie loamy.loamy. Molhlag, eaeence ol the ire„„ w e* wastin0 wa,,u,gg ou r ourstrengt strengthh wit hwith (ret fret' ’herepresentation repreeeutatlon.* of well-k*9of well-kaown9w there till they are wanted. nen and sensational speakers have andnd .\ortNorthh PlaJufielPlainfieldd memett FridayFriday,, EKan EgEggg WithiWIthlan aann F-SREgg.. ud fearT Rlae up. let m win a war advertisementtb s by tl young people, there till they are wanted. men and sensattanal speakers have | and fear- Klee up. let u" win a way advertisement, by th* yonng POople.Tb e flesh and Juice of the abalone drawndrawn andlenoeaudiencess bubutt nonott aa congrega coogrera- andnd formallformallyy adopteadoptedd tbthee neneww c con- FromFrom 8bmevvllleSomervtlle comeconnss onon*-e o off tb*tb^^ ! throucb tba fotwst: there 1* an end the audience bein expected The flesh and Jnlce of the abaloa** WorUUer ministers hare beenl tltiHion and by-law», presenied 1 through th* forest, there Is an end ® audience being IH treated together, and the prod tlon. Worthier ministers have beenstitution and by-laws, preeon-^d Inmos mit remarkablremarkablee productionprodocrlonas InIn dhthee *■ 1 see jryon4 —4set »In• (P*"**-perfect.! w ..err ftninlt. Com*. rou« raar. «ue» them eorrectl Tbe foll Is treated together, and the produc iched between these, gitKd tinmH-ilon with the piass for ir.i shaue of "hen fruit/' that haa ever rose, roue* your, auern them correctly. acquiresacquires a flavorflavor mormoree delicatdelicatee t !that sandwiched between these, gtf'^dcooneretan with tbo piaas for Incor-Shape of “ben fruit.'* that baa ever •- j ) H*IV«S. one and ally IngIng worweree presentedpreeenled:: : preachers and genuinely zealous .urj-ion. and Officers w«re elec come to the notice ofpoultr poiiKrymen.y men. AJbpf* mjmyr !«<«>lady »s f«wface,. wh<- whena I Iibehuld bekuld. TheyTh*r lookelookedd aalt thihee youtyouthh an andd m saw GolColdd Meda Medall flour,; flour, MU s MU*MUt . Mildred_ thatthat ofoffod ththee oysteroyster.. ThiThiss "aba “abnlonel preachers and genuinely zealooaporation, and oBcerw were elected r food" may be stewed or fried, wl aptwUes and workerw. of whom Dr f«» tb* year. The report R-R. MM.. CulpCulp.. proprietoproprietorr orof Grac Grstrce subtle b.ending ooff HeMrr Iotaerltnwmiff 1 lai^si jjjta hi u,t eye ,yrs thft. thatt whic whichh fasd madee him him thpl ita-"rr Rurnett Burnett: Dutc Dutchh Cleaa^cr Cleanser., Tkiis s Mlsanele nHelen ® ” be stewed OTood fried, bro,h wnlleODt r Poultry Farm tn fbat town. Is ex- •hap* of e^ewbUe « supeHor. l^ad u»-- ebAm- Edgar; Shrediled W^eat. If tat Elea the Juice makes a good broth, soup Broughton, of Atlanta. Georgia. Is received were of an encouraging tu Poultry Farm In that town. Is ex- With your *’ rsagv* ahapu of urstwhlie t tMtdleaderr • Mand d superior l,.d Kdg.r Shreddrt Whc.t, Ml- Elea »" ■»*““ * * nobl-e *example' . We hare thrilled un- ture hibitinghibiting aann egeggg whicwhichh hahasa anothe anotherr myuiefy. ored thet oredy all .they and all.he leandd them he "led ' themno ~r Slutaman" uor: PearjlneStutsman:. MisPearflne.s Marv Miss’ appetizer. *M»rv nobis example. We have thrilled nn- ture and showed increased Interestpertectl y formed egg insldfi It. The Old Isetittl pau»ed and looked out Hannah !tirean:an: Best U Co,, derder thethe powerpower andand charcharmm ooff sucsuchh "*s« inIn :the campaign agadtast tuberculo-perfectly formed egg Inaidc. ft. The skull all that once Was dark U Chen old •tepiIsergllx wherpausede thande *parklooked> Mi»«-out »Hannah Marlon Rlncamanand fDoi Best * Co., the i Very tempting offers were made gig. :res si, in- n. . by made clear, lover the steppe where the sparks Mlswe Vartan and Dorothy Lvtn:1 ,So Won**.be. Very tempting offers were made sis. outer shell measure*mferenc* 8 1*: anInchesd Z% by arUculati heart of Dutku git«ued r.-a-pint". F!dward< to induceduce thestbeaee survivalsurvivalss ooff th theo grea greatt Tl TbeeeoDcer oMcer*a wen weree cjiose qhueen:n Prvwl» Inches In circumference and 3 Ik I strive to vaSu for words, arttaulatr frofromm th ethe h hot hvart of Danko gleamed r.u*WDli Edward Brown:gs\ 'Call- “That man Wlgglesworth daya ttoo deserdesertt theitheirr congregationcongregationss den dent.t Rev. E. Vicars Stevenson; firs;byby 22 %*4 incheInchess i nIn didiameter.a To totaw the seething thoughts[*t* -that ex- trustfully they followed. Jell-O,r Miss up In front?” fair slaed specimen of a pullet's best . press ,j "That was“That • wear wasy 'waya .wunry'way. dark *• dark a: Mfrtln: ^ "Yes'“d. AnMprtlnd he' s htter"Tee. than everAnd. he'sed hotterthat theythan declinedotct with thank*. herCher.; treasurer treasurer., Jame Jamegs P. MurrayP. Murray;; fair slscd specimen of a pallet s bt-w Mr wwnder. but by tongue can tMlyj night, wlih the black mud of trt, '.•-,•_' "WliyT" ecretary. Dr. B. VanD. Hedge I efforts.efforts. BesideBesidess tbthee egegg? Insidinuidee tb ethe Mr wonder, but by tongue can omly ulflhL with the black mad of i t f -»'• «W*nnd "Why?” And now two good men In English secretary. Dr. B. VanD. Hed| I reet of the space between the two ' n .1 . marshmini yswnlagTB»nln< (oforr preyprey,, an andd ththee v- tr. •• • ‘t-rrhlngs.<"(iirl«> ChsHw'Somebod y“Somebody pushed hi mpushed on tn ehim ca -onpulpits the ahave rejected the offer of a| - - - ■ ■ nut of the space between the two I-; !*• *• -I «ow"—Cleveland Plain Dealer. 920.000 yearly wage, with a furnish-1 CoBiU'utlonallcConaU'utionallstsu Ad Adzi r*j.c*»y I sheilashells waawas liltefittedd wiwitht b albumenalbumen.. OO3HGOSH-' r; tu closelik eranks Ilk* a•», , mUuty Wa, j *"•». T *• -I stove. " -Cleveland Plain De^er. »• b« luJ . * I l •• i'oue n... ahead ot t. aheadcapnb' eol than:l bis welstressed i in -i Jv-yrKRV orriMisri'-. •> OHfQI. method* la arranging a new bawU oi of the family and agra mpab'. 'ban bla ..I J-o-J ton. which bwgan with A.b Wcdmcw- PKWT. JHIU1V OITIXIH1K •r and I:.- «u.?iM*i>n; n ii»- •••••.! • •» '-"1 S. >>KK:I. methods in arranging a new ba-it»asU . tt-* otheotherr I i t b s of the family andInf.rlor.Inferior no , thlh.e OttawOttawaa CH C1l.l.n t.-n »a >ang.tha tthat day . dar.Februar Kcbruar,y 9. Th e». SundaTh.y »orSunday- tor- understand as bet seen thecKy of burled in thei.orni^ n.orn'.rj;s paper , paper,he pai i he paid II*B alsmlBOo meatJoai«Tn.ntUm.-dl V u*-*ie . t • • I I understand ng between tbe ctty of burled it. ll "It might give the doctor some I 1 be aa followi 0 the noisy greeting 'll might fl*. th. doctor .on» tre ibl. ,|cc .m he aa follow., T:I0 a to., M.mamrnl. for fUf. lU^t-r Train on uje »W corner and . ,>..a,rr.i * U,.Pte<{ I»eme 1lo0 *5omtjoa-- PlainflelIMalnOcIdd an dand th e Publithe c PublicServiceServic e nnoo attenitattentiona to the noisy greetingsto explai n • y all our million- Ho!y Connnunion. 9:45 I .tr .» s as they romped tm< to ..plain whg n-arlj all our mlUloo- ||u , Coonaunlon. »:«5 a. to . Sun- Corpora,Corporaton loo.. ofof fatshis tw twoo boys as they romped almawm wnweara ii.uu.ertrouaoras tha thatt ba gbag a t that« jath.y ...;,.,,, ]0hool; a. m.,10 rector' a s mBibl . emmor'a Bible Hrrvtre and Nan- IJ|M— ' i r .."..h • ; H •..Ll' i. Mrs. Bllfkins' "good d K cs prevent to a great e&- .\.,»i«-*. InKb*- "Twelfth"Twelfth.. Tba ; wTba:e respectfull we y respectfullythe dining i dining room. Nr.kneeham. Within*'s anandd clin nine“goodg s o to>pitifull pltlfullxy to thtoe elmmth. torn»m youn gin men j-oung: Ifa .m.a: •»., moralC a.- m.. non- -afflc ••! • h'- ••(•-• to Ml]: | submit to thin honorable board the nornlng" was received In silence Tba lent he t raffle of the at reel |o *4) Li- submit to this honorable board the morning" w ready-made necktie." . ' ' [ag prayer and sermon: 7*45 p. m.. MayorMayor Hmaller'Hmallry’aa fraarhlw1 >-<"• ; r]v subdued, nnall madg-uad. necktie.- ,aJ aad wrnin; Ml P- m.. bdthlBB of ththee har tunam «on «don* t o ihto* be foregoingforegoing reporreportt wVtwkhh a areques requestt tha t that'a™" ? •"*» properly subdued.lnalcadInstea Finally,d ooff tryintrjrlng g t oto eiplal ..plainn wh whyy mil mil-- ' evenson g and urmon and: twf y»«na; days, J bed#wir1aa» and the •very member of the Commoa Coun- Wm that his wife was thU>.speakinge LondoLondon nt doctodoctorr coul couldd ver *.rry trul trulyy re - m-j Mld-wr>eI MlJ-w—kk I infwi :L-o Tuesday—9:30 cn; Tuemlaj-—. » do. Huthi ilaatn markeda., Ihf regularre*«!or' genera(•meral] dilapidatedilapidatedd ,i|'l»-appearance' Follow lax U lb«reportrepor t mademade, byby ^ rf, ,nd lh# aper^..papes ot th™e of cit y th#of - ot him. ~ the Hoard Of Traded trolley Inrtstl- p,»,and thfl newBp , borough of North %T Hardly w al goods a way pigpltoy thathatstartt "the "Ihogyth dqn'L donf" Wit h Wllhthe doc-the. mordocnln gmor prayernlng : pra>.r4:30, evensong< 10.; emong. IIIK "f Hi- Itda j WedMadaj—»-50.•day—S:30y S , IMang 4:30. M t h <|,ivr «DdMumidd dMpMalttd^pn.-t.i*deapHwt.l*M" 4^eajheW«Wtl" . " r Cow.''"" ' borougboroughh and dth e thecity .rlt> etlng PlainfleJd, and to the Public Service „'.',_ «aj ' * aD body Thursday Ptehi: * Plalnfleid. and to the Public Service Ula an powerfupowerfull“ menta “«m-m.l l an dand mora morall toni cIonic ' eTMttOng ig-: Thursday-Thursday—9:30Thursday—9:30 mh—1.. HolHoly y urd'jat HalHulll wa»«•n I omfrtrtabroartorttllrb •fled. ,tiled, Mr . Sma'l-r **' It tn others. jlceI ; Friday—9:30. morning prayer; H *ro tbla main approach lo th‘ city Colo well be: the effect Is the same You’ll ’h** flrwt 4ltn»j at a rc*al*r ®ee'.~YnBde Into a deret>: .tree; Al prem-a* the exact status of the case." ^ .iVagr^-uT-" 1:30, evensong. Thftre will be no *z*z. Inc »lid he IpfiWd imrt of hk- [| almutahout OctobeOctobererr 14,jl»0714. .1 *07. protnjsepromtaedd never gain the boys' confidence tbntTlaHng evidenc.Tld.Bc.e thathatt w«me w.mcnn sho .howw tb e•* I * 30. mm* Thm. -Ill to to. It I* dl-graceful. Some an e# J. Fisk iiud c.-rtaln way You never play with them. ssrvlees• •nil . . oonn ,Q Monda Monday,lo,y o ror SaturdayWrrk fla'urday.,wh,m ex - «• am-, and vlgv>r l|>to the pro- - .... more than i benefit» and' ^ ^ You're always too busy, thinking tonicor effectect oCof bein beingg wel welll dressed dreased.. W e Wi»p t In Holy Week, whan service* reedmip. If thlp« pan otrt M Mr. ,hU OIM. of «*. numbers|. couldof the be Cornell of the icily e, says thT^mstnthe Toront^o •rill be held (Lilly. » - J.B. FJ. h» thorn la mind I'lalaflold .r„.,,, d b, ,.,fadae ...... IPlainfield, or at 1,1ihe Mayors officeMASQUERADE BALL working, and 1 can t keep HillyStar. at Tor*Toront o •“"h^man had beeh!2"Sn la H> 1* "-M dally. .III -wail will.' •• «n«rM.I». M. •• ..o put :ao[.remenre (iropor- of wfn>w«<*.r u» place home because tbere'a nothing here tohard luck. Lara-lr.1* i fa Ibrougbmu.h hi.hi.iwt r- ...faTl Al l meetinK*'! mma »r ling.e hel nr.d ln held(he pariaIn th ESSS kro.lh la .1.1.- rlcbt.aMi..ima Ad .. o,t,k,r. .bon. la ’ll.,ira toad.on -lie locaj trolley‘ limw of amuse him. Why don't you follycorns he had aono so completely tneto ; theMuse hdose., -adjoinin adjoiningg the church ihe , church,unless unlews home early this afternoon and get ac-bad tb.t b. was stopping hi. old-U®.me otherwis othorwtaee laannounced annonneerf. The vwrtrThey vtwtry III IPKH HEquainted' You can live If you miss tag '-. nwets laln thOTe rector's study. 30 Wash- r^irz rr:;: * rrr r mra your club one afternoon.” acqualniaore. on ths street and ..kinghad | inBto ««n ■avenue*• , The^finrrector’,t Monda rtndyy of 30 *aah- nd>la pi ,r r^-ldoru-V Will b. aujo- 1)B bMh „,d„ dr Mo er-- r.toOWd r " f “ " * them for dimes One man who had j P avenue, the flrwt Monday of that egert.. i ]ir;jil1 f ball undeA r maaquaradeth(< min- Soball Hllfklnsunder thewe^t me home at threwknown himUna InIn hi biss betto betterr d days took him I month at 8:30 p. m The pHstrl. and Hr.vd-r Plainfield aad bewot) take the place of uglt men's Guild will meat Tuesday. un spi.^1 fad. , Third ThaThatt __, the._ Mayo- has b-en picesor St . ofFaith* St.* K'HIFaith'sd «a sguild Blv.-i i »a.o'clock. glv-t. Hilly. 4years, and Dick,bornehom e anandd fittedfitted hi himm ou tout with clean ■ "ion's Guild will meet Tueaday. Then refuwe a Iw.uu- for thmunable to ret ttoe PublicIlq Servic Servicee ("Or -tor- lae parisrhe h parishhouse ohousef St. Stephenof St. * Stephen*^two. were waiting for him on linen,th# a nlee tweed suit, hat and shiny Man*h 1; the Women's Auxiliary to ••hope '*f the ifilmra In wbl.-h niw eforever . ThThef 'n endd mould jus-pom:Ion o lBiallantalll ti thee Bal. saidi ne wnew oars .dsrs. churchh Thursda Thursdayy and wa sand attende wasd frontattended steps They began to whoopshoes. WhatWhat wawa»s ththee resresult?t The manMission Mission*s meet smeets on Marron h March8. weekl y weekly iKmrd’ iw to |nlereat It-. If atmean ilfys anthed T m . „ ThatThat tlfthee PubliPublicc Servic Sei-rlcce by about serenty-Ove rotiples. Many whowho ononee dadayy bahadd bee beenn fu rfurUvely wheed- work meetings being bHd ihe tt»Hd hre To Inrrewwa lh.* metuber-- WOill d would!>•• :••• beliiiijli so- ' I nmrkedp!i.! That he get off the car ••s next ! and fourth Tueedav afternoorw In w as CorporatioCorpora?Urnn repainterepaint#d the old anldters, city wonl r«4-i«.-dd ri-Jolce with. Thlumukunu.* applipatched...... j. -. ••.I....- •! I ui....i th he.e L- geafgear* s anandu«.d pu putt -li'- mthem unique. rizes PrisesW*ra awardewere d awardedfor afternoon, for boys.“ Hllfklns said. “Youdayday walkewalkedd a lalong the street with his ths mouth at 2 20: the Sunday u backbuck, oonn Ihthee linelines II s aniaadl partiallyiNart^ally- (tie diedd th ethe two best wait till I take Off these dudshead and up sad had no•oubl troublee whateve whateverr 'schoo lschool .teacher teacher*s meet witmooth th ewith rect athe rector fr.fsi ibis commupHy who fotigbt aad Mayor Flak follow.m| and Inthe road beds. by Miss Helen Borrup. a« a we’llbnby have a time. We'r, going to getIn borrowing one. twoor orHv e fivedollar dollarss ever y evsryWednesda Wiwlnewdayy evening ewnlng., except, thnerpLe the P**rv4< r; hare the rtng briefly "FTftn. That J»# dler- and William iJiniberton. as Uncltf from every personh o recognizedbe recognlied., j last Wednesda j last Wednesdayy of tho mont of hthe a t month7:<5 a* 7:46 locallocal 1.telegraph open u» the g^ilon'aaJd that the >uld have b>‘4u prutectad had 8nn>-Th acquainted, we are - New clot be- made a new man of him. p. m . at the rentor’a study: the publicl.ol.tift o.hin SundaySunda^ - n»o»< than one 1 rt». j.lace n question » M,nM> Fifteen minutes, afterward Burkinafired him with ambitionn an dand he rakehe draked Junio Juniorr Auxiliar Auxiliaryy to Mission 'o * Ml solois no moots beafwMir,r aandn wupplj cuter of the spirited Mayor and the Council obtain- * unmasking at 10:34bad muredturned an old porch teat upside • '■‘■IT **■ l ■ —* — *•—* sati»fanor> written contract for w re.... umerriment toi. 1 >(iiriorv ns w rlll.-nihe eOdisguise^ la more long greeni onIn e oneday thadayn eTerthany Thursdaevery yThursday aftm-noon " afternoon'at 3:15 at 3 IS city with down in the back yard and was mak- 3Btn Cl, ..... ,|.,,r,r.« that nHi™ a. -II « . «■- a,.w mrs. who** waw^re,»J so ,.i„good that nobody knewing ft Info a work bench for Hilly andbe used to get In a month.- o'clock. The o'clockc.holr meet sThe on Mondachoir ymiwt. o,, Monday |Miw.-ncers on th»- tfaln.- eaterlag >be boat Tem»rt* In the rli> and be Ortober theyIt pei-1907 when * who. The homw- ran? Dick,with lie neat fetched from the base- * — id Friday eveningands at Friday7:30 aneveningsd on s* 7 30 iyud on the cityy neeue.*dd n + Dbt I-- tuned to ask thought Mr. Smalley's plan would be . , *.h Corpora- M|laughter_ c_ vlrwhen , the dlo lo«ur«-s tookment a largo tin box filled withWHYWH allY HHEE WAWASS BEIN BEINGG WATCHE WATCHEDD Tuesda Til-dayy afternoon »IWn«»ntos a% 3:1 al3 oW*3:13 .octoog. ••where"whehre 1U» PlaPlalnfteldl ' on alighting difficult ofapllab acimudUbm.-n: double the tracks on Cast H Japanese girls sonsfllrt-d of withvaluables, such as broken ,ThThee ComrounicaWt»CommunkxurTa'' tIle UuilOnUdd mee t at 4 fn»mrromlj Utho irailntrain"n * think We are the blggcai !r-e-: .od V»al^hai.t .itcbii-. 'sh Itons and D.i locksUut.h andclrli. keys, anti discarded buckles,Dctsctivt's Explanationon SomethinSomethingg oofff o'CjMk. In t;he aft*>nnMi*“ h ***C«oonon th* las «nt Nwwiol Susaller. of thing thoI world." be sold. Ksr#> i That th* —HOtoltte. m.-t 'lni l"l"nlal <»••>.* - .lain.-,vied w rlod wllh o.,,hbit* «brr of wire and other Junk. It was a a Slur on th*Quain Qu.t Old FridayFriday befortuforee ththee Bru t flrwtSunda Sundayy of North Plalnfleid and >Ma»4r fbar Charlesl ring to t^e llcenae quiwtlor- aw «v,m- Jl.nir ..I I'lalnC.ld and rinn»W«rin«u Ihe nob llh. nobl. ranltentreasurereasur cof boboxx foforr Hilly and Dick, and eacheach rmonth. J FVk -i-*k.iJrtftl Iwlcllyy 01 . mtlbjec«n u subject*P«r. pared withrar thee S l tag ra» Mayor Fisk od or Louis XI Outch city [ be aa fol* . w grar._ I I „ ,M— rharl-i soonl—rlntloan thethey y,.f wer werela.ul.e e iexploring Xlt. Its contents. I TheThe Kpecluepeclall servservice*i will be ss fol- psrUuaal to thel welfareof oftl>»!h e cit<-!«»y «*«I4* rlty uilnh:; «™..; Ikrnm at „h/ )ito.k ,4d To|le,. ol ,n„ tilI>.nrtn midnightC .on lnu.-dJusJustt thethenuntiln Ulif Hllfklnsnk heard more In-During a imrlod of political agitation lows: and aroused thVhdo inptnhci- member.. tot o lonlongx » alo lowerfigur figuree nn d «ndhav e havea s a saloon for >u,or-, „ on jaBuar,- n 1 lhg '«» musicorcbew- furnished dian byyella Suhr's and turned in time to seestranger arrived In Magdeburg.As h WednesdayAsh Wednesday., m. . 7Rol •f ni.. Iloly o.nil^iu.-d M>plalapplause'« byby th*li llwfl>. ««ks< aaggea-« ee.-ry0 people2S0 peojde., but tha butt i tba*. I« DOt ted onf here, on applying to Ihe authorities. mmunionCommunion:; 1 1 a . 11 a. m.. morningpray- pray- local ifoprovpm«fu. , policy f a well ordered cit eo’.lntc van tbo outcome "* *"‘ » three boys of UUIy's age about to at- II..U- llitpr.n-lu.-nt. iwllcy of a veil order-1 ofclt). o r..m-Kotor, vrltton to tba W.rar ,h rUh ho■"”** enloj.bleheld in tacktack frofromm thtboe rf-ar rear,, ove overr the fence. bo obtained a permit or ticket of real-. Pmior,e Pmetmtlal.nice offlee and sermon; % Th- rm-otlnir Ol-oed at k.I* and 1-vr.oa th- Vlthbo. • Of t» J-fforr. Wmlrman of .hi. paris' "*h house. ""' “I won't play with you." Illlly said.donee leHe ha dhad no t sotbee n beeslong Ilongn tl In tbo p. ni . evennung andOop sermon,d (kmd •I'm going to play with >re he became aware that fa Hriik»y. Manrh 2i-, 9:30 n aft-r tb. font.M baton.-, hnrt b- n *«“■ h- totld there ...— - undor dile rorpectlVei?, I'IMI'MVI-I MPKINS' AT 9I.OO ATO EACHII.IHO. K.UTI.“I’ll going to play with my papa.”town before he became aware that his Miday. March 25-.F 4 30, morrdng c*»mpl««ted anaosiMea»«-ni made difference of npproximarcLy one cclR “Well.""Well," saisaidd ononee o fof th ethe boy boysi In per-steps werere beinbeingg dogge doggedd b y bya roana man prayeIn rprayer and antande communionante communion:: 10.15 10.15 Bffl ddition of per capita. Ft being five cents now0 coplM of which fectfeet googoodd naturenature,, "we'r “we'ree goin goingg to plqy uniform. HeHe borboree It Itfo r days. a. ., Young People's service; 13 couple of pumpkins the , , 3 Youngp. m. . threPeople’*e liou r service;service ; memb*-rsmombers trt«t thethej r roll. H w and was four ream percaplia twenty-tarhed. hpd_ tOBettogetherBer wi(wlfhh th thee cop copyy of ofthe tboothe rother day whicday.h which tho owne; saidwith was you." but aatt laslastt sai saidd to thtoe spyIbe : spy"Sir . da three hoar io send« to »rt«I'nn.-dl .State, yoarn ago. xnd now we hav<- oo mudKarere r frohlfromm MayOMayor;r ichar!d Chari«*jJ j , (kJ. ^Fisk, wort n worthjust ,2Just O 12.000." remarked HllfklnsCol- didn't desire to offend Hfl-you wiswishh toto driv drivee m e memad mad*? Wh y dWhyo 7:45 do, evpiuson7:45. gevm»ong and sermon and. sermonEasterEaster JohnJohn ,K.-a.Keann a a Ihilwletterr of lliankh.nk.n anandd — *> •“’* “' * ““■* p,pnUpdbr"fltten WMb'TSfaieiaena onvl Dew Chase, of Klrkvllle, writesly'S playmates. He determined to bw pursuepursue mmee InIn thi thiss way? way?"" " I am"I aamEvenEven. a , MarcMarchh 2626.. 9:30 4:30.. mornin morningg pray pray-- apiuWl.ilIonappriitaaon fof«irr hihiss h«l| help. In ih.I h,.- mat- sewers and things which were men)- on patient. "I don’t come home ortendetective, ln and my Instructions are noterer anandd aretantee communion communion:; 4:3 4:300 p. m.p. ,tn . . I. .1 - ■ lr> d... II.this -i com ml l tee bv Mr F*l»k a Macon corresp<*ndent of the Kansas lose sight of you," was the quiet evensong and baptism: Eauter Day. ler «f «-oirlnK-| the ne* Federal(•••(d.-ral ^ J reamed of in tho»e days, lie n\- the afternoon.’ he said, "so I wish sight of you." was the quietevensong and baptism:_ Easter Day. ler af securlag* the n«-j at the abov« mentioned meeting. CKy Star. iswer. "Why, what fault have the March 27. C and 8 a. m.j Holy Com- • l...ll4ibuildingOK foTorr tilll>e ..i.j ;CMy. Amon gAmong ths. "«» snld he would like to sec a Chnni-stating his exact standing In the "They were ordinaryyou’d Missourirun borne now and come back •Why. what fault have ,bo MBr^ 27. C and -j S Holya. Com- other matLer, L b*r1,11 of Commerce formed here anil Wfpolice.liccuu,de t oto ,omrfindfind wit withh onme? m" fshouteshouted d th'*e munion; 9:46 a. m., morning prayer, uihey mattera iak**u up was th- matter of the trolleys. Tlie Mayor pumpkins, worth, apparently, about borrow Billy and Dickstranger and I-la the grwates munion; an9:45d Hol a.y Communionm . morning; 7:45 prayer,, g eat Ion ofof E .K. T JT. Harrow*hut the ThHie tdvlc organl«»tlon.» combinedairongl) urgedr).ei, lhthee cornmi[li;( commlMee1 [o;se( to> see twenty-five cenU apiece, and I be- ‘ ' * ° sermon gand an d Holysermon Communion:. 7.4 5, CentralCentiri.1 Itailroallallroadd pilsupplyy a Ibetter '* following were electedthe Publicto .Service Corporation and Heved my friend was playing me f« myy passporpassportt I a Isin Inorder order,, her e hereis m yIsevensong my and sermon. uigfia^ -r*wervfre, 5:«Irttw.wn2 Uiljci thiseftt d anMudd aiMibtraMp Ja*s night. service Corporation .and know ticket:ket ooff residenceresidence;; I aIm ama citize a citizenn of ofTh e i: i •!!».' preacher* will be an K lafnly "that the p'-opie of a tenderfoot. Hut when . lie g< *rlln: why do you follow m eBerlin: about ? "whyThe do youvlsiUng follow preacher*me about?” a ill be n* Neww ! VrkYrk. A teWmA loiter,wasU r.* d readbT by Kee- . fl<-!d would PI.lnH.ldnot stand fwould:on not- throug standh tellinlor ag ton- thruualistory 1t.lll». .ia t states ln your paasport,"( was the follows: np»lon. Waiter S. Harder, “Yes She did. That's why *b# let! "I* states In your passport.’’ was the r.uar, fiery from « II Smith. In Kingston, n,.e or The trdlley and that his xtaten founded reply,hplyre. "tha“thattor t yoyouu wer weree goin goingg to residto residee AsAshh WednesdayWedaoMlay., S* p .p. in. ".m R*» . „Rev.. Joh' nJohn' . ‘ wbbih Mr 8mHb called «he aiarn- C. Fieldpirid.T.. T. SS. DaviItovta.i l". if u«-«t»areceeaaryy ththe•*«e peopeoplep wouldd th e'M»<» fact*."" and that 111. .talamtntus come We re going to—” | “«H»t Y<>« »*reE . goingAtkhwonAtkinson. to .1 resideTrinitTrHtRr y churrhcharch.. E'i«a B’laa-- tkm of the bn.trd to the apparent.. Qli.J TaylorTaylor.. CharleFharle*s T U l^wis.ebxt Pn new .Mayor and a new C4un- ''About fourtven ywars aitoFour moreMr boys and tbngirl*. clous,* as pleasure.It Is the firstthat timelook. anyone-u»H-i»i-li. ebSundaL'uftryy’ >-\>-n.m-.-,3Sundayl/enio 46 .I nw-nlags laat:I^ent ; In fairteas f the giving of contractsFrank Ston-. Umar Van Syckleell Jo euforve Ihe tlty's riglils." The Kellth. a banker of Sturgeon.non* Momore . than five years nowold. February™ 13. 7;<5 p. m.. Her.Rev . ElroElroyy school btlihiffll Sylvester J. Place. Tboma,. Jow-s. Mu>orJ added that *e. as private tltl- lent u farmer 11.004 to Investappeared, In some from the front, someI came lo reside In Magdeburg for picas-G. Bowen*.Bowersr J . GracGracee church’ church.* . Platnfteld?Plainfield; ; coniyaoior* and archKeet n I.. Watson. Jack Horner. H.sens, C-representing a civlo orgaaixa- stocks. This Investment turnedfrotn outthe rear. They lined up around FebruaryFebruary 2024.. T:7:46« p .p. m. .m Rev . .Rev. Jarne James* Woolmton declared Krebs. Frank Shaffer. W. De. I*. tk»nH. of 250 people', could supply the badly, and the farmer had budRilfkln* luck andJ^y'-d’"stare stared at at°him a"glVsffe much *ofas McCltatock.McCltnlock. GracGracee churchchurch.. EtiinbeUiEMsabeCb;; Anderson. A C. Plrdell. II. II. .1* W I pbanL It's a way ele-children Wheathave. Older Than History. February 27 and Marrh 6 'to be an- archliea-ts .-ould give just as good ivonald.*f Francis Bodln. Wheat belongs to th* wholly distinctFebruarynounced ; Marc27 andh 13 March, Rev. 6Herber to bet an- 1 Uu “Children." he said—Billy and Dickbotnnlral family of tb, griMv* Shlpmannounced;It, . HeavenlMarch y Hwt13. . RevNew YorkHerbert; think tho Board of Education should D'Hrien. Jr.. I». lV*mo|||. Charles J '"T ‘ '' "-'. -“J her# took up their positionsancestral near theirhome I, unknown, but so farShipman.Marr h 30 . HeavenlyPalm Sunday H«*a4., Rev N*w. Char York;- arbitrarily _a-l«l for-utn l-.l-ni K.llor, Kdvard McCarthj. "SeventhJ. F. Thu; iiulltee t,«- mart,- a ,|rlk-. Thing, b-gan coming r,a,„_-cMMr.n. I don't com.a, earlybom. narrative, ponses, evidentialMarch 20.ier , palmSt. John' Svnday.s church Rev. Bom Char-- Claarl-. A. Oar-'- apylhwlon for Und-h- Here, that for It lo lo- hl> v«)-, and he v»« «oon In b-tler’ o(t,n tho .ft,.moon, tovalue 1 wl.b there roo'd seem, somo reasonles erville toSilvester. . St. John’s church. Hom- Bp|>olnlnicu . ms wenogrupher to live A terview th«* Publid Service Corpora- circumstances i be had ever beengo home now and—’ credit It* place of ortgla to »r>terner vi lie. iMiard waa reud and laid on tho tab** lion In the premia#*, that theinabil luabll-- bef o before. ' Maw sald- of girls be- Asia. Wheat la older than the historySpecialSpecia ' l worworkk bbyy (b thee re«tor rector;: A i Atth ethe and several bilW prem-nhsl U KOVIK AS % IIKAI.TII ItKSORT.liy or failure of the cKy horftleaulhor^tJe.s -Afte r "After the fa<«e o of the man who ha, sow_from TuesdaTuesdayy afternooafi-rno n servicesi JapanesJapanesee St hwed w«-r*- rr€*rr*d to lh«* fl In securing a written agreementent;ha s boayear a yearsb he returned but Hllfklns Interrupted her. MissionTh s will be divided as fol'ows: It doesn't matter what ’maw’ saidthe beginning of the farmer, Tharte countryMliwdona, nh ewill praple be, 'Tindivided- rells -a, follow,: committee for scrutinyuitny andand pay - a,wa l».e*i th- n;iimsn inofcaps capsee of th,roofe coniinthe ronUo-- bough t boughthim a1 farandhimm ana d farmsettle dand dow settled; dowu Tb,“ The earliest memorials recordd wh .wheat * foontry. die people. The rellg- ,hlhe troljle, ry nuisance, and again. The b; my house and I wlal tons, the first and second coming of - . Home from a hygealc and climatic «*■» ifey ^ nuisance,¥‘*> and again. The bankeragain. againThe preventedhank hotoe a, already under cultivation;1 many *>tn. the first nnd imand coming of Mrr . JefferjJeffery. vnc-ailrvaraSodd |i0|nl of %[vVk w place edtn* tht :The banker's farmer! "gvntlvi don't calledw thei.” banker’Hilly said, sturd- this cereal suggested In the question sfternoon nervlces for voucg peoplo the r<*|M*rt of-the spor-tal conunlldwRome !» r-a’.lj a saniKir:. aPhough comer**« on Lh*ofe* !(".'° ! line? Is the irn:^- attentio tho da’.-n to thattentione fact tha tot ththee statutfact e thatI lly supportinthe statuteg hi s| fattMyi , pporiing his fathermay havereNo bee beenonen base wasbasedd upo nupon a faulta y fault*HtOrkt * storiesof the Holyof tip* Chil Holyd j4-sue t'hlld, fro mJewoa. from ap|M>lni.-,| to look Into the trolleyrhie Tiber is not frwelj navigable &r* irbftljagreement * verbal . agreement.I of limitation baofd rulimitationn agains t badthe | atrun all offendeagainstd b y Bilthe]l Uat )j offendedrecollection by Billy:ion oofsf acandora theortheoryy onc oocee proposed proposed,, th etbo Annunciatio Annunc.atioan to th toe Journe tbo y Journey.o o Inaiter. Thb* r*n*or« whluh U of in- The diiwance to tip- "Elcbth.That thisThat commftite thise notecommfteee, und tha t itte. wa sand no t collectathat itb wa» not collectable Thea argumentnamelynamel wasy herethathatt wheaInterruptedwheatt wa waas a cultivatioa cultivationn Jerusalem Jerusalem.. tore*? io every FlalnAelddr. will be T t|> ml1 be city au-thorltles per- hv taw." BO by the arrival of three moreboyi deriraUv.derivativboys. e oofr ththee wil wildd Trilicm Trltlcumn ova- ova; Th e BishoThep oBishopf ibe Diocesof thwe wilIHoc«wl will 1 riv-r I- a .hort tlfi-cn rto°mni-nd» tho city authorlllra per- by low." 1 turn,turn, aa grasgrasss o f thot e theLevant I-evanL. This ' V4siThisc ih e visitchurc hthe t o churchadministe tor oon administer- oon- **'«d"H.- i''»f."T"an<*h«»r ^', rirmrolumn' " mXJhZ"It ^r*hii'rwaa “ " irlr line&;&mu-.. trom the city douhl <>«• liel-ubllc Servic e&rrlc. CoroortoloB “Tliekne bankerw that waIt™s true th»t: Hllfklns' backyardkyard resembleresembledd a akinder kinder-- ( ll an a ible trackick ththee loinatee -the obsoletall eunncceaMary passed the fanthen ocountryf tho ma nwith wh o haa dfriend, I but— " and they! *°b't want to insultterter grass grass,tb«-s*, bu buttchlldr gras gras,s It remained;remainedI : It o-cl0ck in 1he parteh house. Kegu- :• ilia lilt'd 4hai she repArt wa. Socrate.sub-, :he AlbaAlbann Hill Hillss an dand furl hfarther * ‘ c *'» «“ discontinue the obsolete passed the farm of the man who had w rryI but—*’ o'clock in the parish houze. Hegu- c'Aatjally Bin now ■employemt d |Dat 6various taken advantage oC the statute or j "B°n't sorry,° ; you .an t: ddoonllni it,ft."" -MrsMr*.Mld. diddi d nonott becombecomee wheat lrwheat.d. 11 M f ,ar ^p,,^ ^H, bf. ^^ from ^at tally cornrtnrrpiot. north the spur*ra o off th thee Apt-nnines Apennines,, t th** mi“|to retur* n th' *e cprs«•>»; j*«>Mmtiatlons ***nni .tho Th erfari: farme rllml wa sitlon. standin gThe I f' ltrmcr?' o,r aundlBglied I t 60 times.'" " '” dataJii'.c SundaSundayy aft^rnoonaftwraorn unlil 'ti« £5" **•*•.«> n-queac or the "u^^Vb'elng a'bout 2«o7ee7abob ^ P° '» «Ry to return the c*m: hml'atktns. The farmer w.v, standing see you get rid of them." until »h# |.r— lde»:Idem.. ^Ov* a ngur• e Bicurefor th el^r r«i ttb. „ r—t,_ ,^ ^ ^lew| )s noTlli ,%r „ ^^I. Specially -Ufato th4l>*nbnue inIB tb tb.e fiel Bidd whe whenn thtollye tw ' - -- - in at lh- pumpkin., and »»kcd ih» rarra.r!1 b . ‘' '”' ' 1Rgf Tto-kw,,hs lh e salealtt dcellacellarr was the most con- seatedeeoteO bb,y ththeo Bibl Biblee clasxe classesa wil l bwille be |.l«o‘ «he nul'w In Ihe hand- of the ii tnt. on ih.t b„ ui. lor Th. »»>' “ ■spicuoupictiousa r°“objecobject t *°oonn th thee table table.. I t was givengjvwn MondaMondayy nlgbrtnlgbt, a tat th thee Par Parkk Club Clab., __ .... drinking water and copious foufi- ^ nlwny.always placepUoedd lnIn th ethe cente rrnurr of tbote | vbeatb* | ..whTh™e PrtTJil“tIm 6 PringnSeoretary am«Mrj' executive for action Howard's hall(ala. In every piazza or opeo *p*cequitable :erm* both tb. CKy land r.rracr ..Id long table at which the household ,„. will hardly .ccommodaw* the Incrtwis- 1 long table "at wbteh UtoMhoU tb. pr,.—|. fa. «'d membership and K Is quffe likelyNOT IS*'T there *" a rtty • frord. poror "Ihc -'^lhto. Tb. bcxkcr .elected two ot isIho chorus. gathered,thered, m ti* r^r. of"'o.*brok-".'!o„s! »»di«k»>r^“*>-ho Corj K“ r Oh.t 0 you ran—,— pay me —the next whBt waa ,B ,...... Bllfklaa. gro k lutingI .in.H *>-•••were uttrkiiiworkingc »•:! w*:h( hi m himand and ••> ber in| Iwemtwr and Jana- | » » " » il to llmo you come along.' " said the Jar- .BtTTt took WMdthy'the^saR^slLarthe boy by liar waw^Tg'old"^s of gold or ^ * nd ork **h thatIhftl |li«theyf hahadd nwiTiaite managedd to tohavi hare- Par kPark ty. ] »»rfUc (loaned up at ns»t wo«»ce:• y— JusJust criscrispp enougenoughh IV© blieve the I led him gently but firmly to the frontsilver. Benvenuto Cellini chasedso o f canne* d* goods , gToc&rtee* * ■**"•, tea . Offortag* al- otfjiuv .]i-aneil up at l<-u*t once. II ulnKtlag.- TbThee t mpertemperatura of No. I will Just klve jou erejlt of toe bouw aad .booed himaoms off forth. Krone!. L that rewere of thofe the *° canneda r goods. groci*im, tea. ThleThU commicoaiiaKteet le^t wawaas appointe appointedd fo r fo.* months arerag conditioondltlo n ooff ththee l^-.ilocall troll trolley,< . r_ td_ t^be ,bed ou ,hat note. I placeplace." "wheWhenn h e hereturne reluroedd anotheano U rfaBOtbermostmost exquisitexquiffltee worworkmanship,k man si i. an andd a tcoffeeat , sugar, spiff-**r ,«* ate..tJ ,spices. will b e*«r re - will be re- zmttierAnother yoarjear, It Itwa swas announce announcedd tha t that tolerabk- exasperating and tin .... .lght.' " returned th« farmer, boy had stepped JUBI across the prop- he I-ouvre may be seen i •eral rich ceived Ddfro m 11time toilme daring l.i-nr '.• ForFor bbroachlalone his •lection. In ibttf ndU work«»«l+,h s »»ll»( , rBli unlie. •• *11 right.’" returned the farmer,' boy had Hepped theJuat Louvre acrosi maythe prop-be seen several richand at the end of"*“ th e “*penetentta *° **■»•l durin* Loat the "annual banquet would be held ll id that! it works a (3«at carelessly. «rty line so that he stood on Blink i specimensipedmens iaft salsaltt cellar cellarss • faienceIs faience,. t * peneteatlvl »n ^ at. TTUPII II^IL and af- theiheirr formsforms' anandd n iraefhenUmm fa " *M V *° " * «T~* eareletoly. | «ty 11a. to th.t be Mood on BllokO' Beano s a large box will be «ent to St. HI 11,11' nno •!_ Roniti ,n UoBu. i. ii ruall > eery l«-»o-bot h ob.rd.blpbolbtbon itb'e commuter1 onslo ,tbe-and••Thetl banke andOBlyr pulled -Th.out thbeakere note , palledlot an dout crie d theshrilly not.,: "I'm going ti anaadd tbthee famoufamouss se sett mad madee i at Orion for “ 1«^C« bo* will bo sent to St. *rr som<- dlsruBBkkn r th»fbanqu« was placed M»y here Maw Mid—” collar qn« «~ plated . ,,| ihrounh ll nauimdr "‘* “ °*dertAnd “• - »"*o"nd th e utd.rto»nd-mpaniOn wh,ndo was rldlngi rm|BurkinBuninaM,loaa seizeaeliedwhod mwa.mhim b yrldlniby m eth. collat id led hi . than IB otlhcr New York ■ - llowoa l“« tbo hKy and tho public wlth h,m h. m.andd„ „nled enlryhimm t ocredltlndlo t lethe fence fence. . The Oldest Family. THE ' M; .i.'ff.Ty mad> a short .speech Btty cent, on tb. note, and thenOne. a verOne.y obligina gTory litt l oMI*lu* ThThemilee Austrian Austrianschap, are^ Jnown't knowno btoe th.'be theTHK »*™CAIMYTHICAL- MILLIONMILLIONSS Itffmrw introduMDit the two nayon.. : "MB w andand II mcouldd come,Creates t "atlcken- for genealogy, I 1 OF im.VKK TKMIT -III JK- • and. In it he iwommended the Im- The Mine day hu announced greatest ",t!cker,” for genealogy, j OF DltAKi: TFMPT "MfflfflB " ««riH .• **" beS»a suisuitt agiLlnaagainst: ththee borbor-- t I'll go homehome anandd taktakee a a nap and iy ooff thth#e noble noble,s tracin tracingg thei rtheir de- ' de-1 ' iTMir-m.-m* looted »b«»v«-. He aa!d n( hod ran*mcomee bacfiat-ic backk — “ mc+nt bacharkk lolo almos almostt th ethe daw dawnn of his-of his-' " A foo"Al an foold bl a andmone yMs ar e soon . b en made d ln last that th«t tha time, was comlnn wh.^n -we */J**Tls" T!I!T w. fs. ^ {' * - « that»< >*It broiiBb broughtt thi sth. Thu,e othersThe ,other.. realisin g"*> at *'"«last that tory EveEvenn I n InAustria Austria,, however however.. H la Itparted Is "parted" is an olbid sayingan old, an sayingd on e and wo»« have a. greater PUindeld and $*££££ ( ' generally admitted that the dufc-« of which l» proved true from day to tao»rHTo» T«**# obllsatlon again withinwithin tnthec lawmw.. ThThe^grumblin '» g -erentOne turne .Mted.d at th e—'»ed front — y 'ed (hat the dukes of which I» proved true from day to poard of Trade for ,„„„ coi!ecWd e,erv Pent ot tbe steps and called: "Billy, oh, Billy! Norfolk represenrepresentt ththee oldes oldestt famil familyy f Inday . ^a>New. s comeNewss nocomesw fro mnow Ne w from New ien» to l«>ar the fact In mind that a • or-J. P'^^ld 'o debt. No wonder be f. saving tho*> orld According to the mostCastle , CastlePa., thaPa.,t "member that s "membersof tha or ih« -Kaikd milt nnM(j vould not benefit Bg those MaJJJHw said— - -tworthy authorities the Howards •*e tUt, H« urged the m*n of the '^"I.L"!, pumpkins." -tent.”"Scat." saisaidd HllfkinsIrtifkin*.. an dand th e tb#bo yboy of ^amn “rorigin, the namfa?i'i'::^i’»«?;e tn thoae Drake family In Western pen&gvl- tmrd >.. M« IQ I:■ hattha t nono haefcwnrdb» >r sltua-Oon. JacoJacobb VoehlVoehl,, ofof Grov Grovee street street,, is ran.—Kansasran.l—Kansas CitCityy StarStar. • being Hereward. So far back as vaiiii*" Jir<; preparing to make a raid ••eft, („, lakew , and that the; visaing at Monlk-elto, N. T. there ar"TSi“e trustworthy records of o~n th «!»e stortt «0Mdd u p mltUonup toll,ton,s COu.uOO. ,30.x,..-- ~»M h- lakeo and10 that they puah orbing harm to th. people; Tllltlng at Montlcello. N. V. 000)000) ooff ththee mytbdea nij-tWcalt mone mom,y of UMof. tho feewartlfor*aril wl-iwithh thIhee pun purpow*** 1 » In' view of hut that K la uotfthe bu.lae.. of theMis s Mj|1m. J. P«r!e M. , J.o f FBtrle.thte city of. I sthla cKy. NaturalNitu Ink. e Riv rotate estatof ethe o f thlatee latSire SiFrancisr Franc UDrake. Drake . aMk.aj: i-Uinn«lPlalalleldd ih-thee mo»noett popul populara “ Board *o undert: e the> worworkk of^tboflthee regtjtar^ regMteredj a[t xbTbo« ChalfonteCbalfonte.. At!anU AOaaticc TheTl River ot Natural Ink is a 1*. b> evidenKt Thatot the rewspaipe.-s . M-:.. !l tw«I-W,; kn*"mknown. cit cllry In In(h e th.State »toe. M Mr “j" : govern- c« . naturalnatu ral crurinsltvu ton It y said toexis exlatt 1 1 AInl Al- Obi.gmg the Lady. 'J'T administration the dti’i govern- citv.y ad by 0hiW'a tb. Ltdy. have no‘ t yet irGtK&rait& d to the con'***- **• J-«W, *«...• frequentlfrequeotlyy int*rru| Interruptedi b. *' - ' thereof, and th* Mra p 3 of gerialeri It Is esuved thbye Junctlothe sJunctionI s^e you've got an automobile." T o»Bt or any pa t^ !i^i Mrs.- -F. O . PBall,"- of WashinproWaahlngracin aros. o ”1 see you've got an automobile.'fine.ftnes oOff w««er••esternn Pennsylvania Peons> Irani*,, o r or •duK n*»lib,said wtki tn inrahini reference to If the city I* i We to Induce [th« V of t - «nct*rreejed« at at«h» >{he trtaopi trianglee ne« r nearfar KirkJv, of Kirk[Philadelphia of Fhll.delphU, o of PlalnfielPlalnfleid d fairlfairlyy ! land falo. x. y Iron, while ifce other Hows from "Teaa , I did nay that once," replied so readily put uj, good money to pay ana Jj MrsMi*- WilliaWilliamm Bartow Barlow., Jit . Jr.. . at bog and bolds a large quantity“Ye,. of I did say that oace.” repliedfor "eminent'~ ni”* lawyerlawyer*s toto JourneJourneyy ’he •' rate:-."H; itn-nii*jOvouf. i-hur*hchorrh.. tha thatt *"? thWe foremosthe foremostt deattsl (k'ttlatss In thi s inco i this country roller missives. •-• retardeQ d from :hwir honcvuinm re Subhubs,Snbbubs, "tart"but oaourr ne neww coo kcook Insiste Insistedd acros s the big pond abasing a chim- ••aid**> m«d-m.d.< bbyy Ww. T T Btmctf*mBtagtikm., ooff E'iuUwibE'taabrob.. r*-prewenU!««■-'•■ 1l*« of the Suj»r , HAItlaKM J. HS«*1»KK PKKS1IH-NI'HKMIIII.'. th,- luii<~.» r-rt.-t. i) olBnll ofof News.«" JersvvJ-r—r.. T«l!»tK in*til* r'.™^, FVvrrour.. ur lrRrliTft Major Talks «n >r + ; I'laii Acid s >tayor Talks on Karim B4rbar-n joinayotrodd (Ino love old irndl- I mndami h i IsAppointe Appointedd fh" Chairman" •Wi; wHh a ni.-ii.^-r.hlp of more "'"•>*•". " ' tons, aed < and; wKh • memb-rohlp »r >Iost ImportMiof Moatt IniportMit UpiT* quartet of » million, haot d*- "£"• lh"'^",' ifleo tons t. .. n mid snow uad h— place*. Tl»* n«iu pr»v#oim d ibe of feather-frown ralli water U .• Bin oest season at Plainfield Hl*h | tof.m for tbe ttea meoi of laberru- ,,a, Hu. llgbi.*»l.-*dal»*© flamed «'f ■H" "° The Themortgag mortgagee burnin gburning at th o.1pOMlbh* tb. to have 100 man OJ m pood elc«ee furi,»iied by Captain Harry •rsej«.rneyy hel dheld at thate Statthe eState Hotiae House.. Tren -Trva a. mi-. 1 bury Park. Wednesday night, was n. Friday «t the tin*lt*Uon e* tAt* b**c Ju* romptoted »h# and aDon-quawbi-tl glow of M«CB Edward■*“ , ”o r -i h1e PUInfl1 w.u pi.lBflt.ldbury h Fork.,d on Wednesdaylh nlghi. ... I Van Zandt. Tb# players hav# recelv- luB> Friday at the HnvitMion or ,w *,• lima »«s In chJ . M r : »#"Ing o f “V.buthe loca lATr , anando'd wawaas -aio»> wee and diry. and are innln* T thor.llea- thn* practise will star* Inctolon ooff th«hee eiecuUveexecutive*s ofof citie clflo*s to to local! tb© A flar «»lala presiden preside!»• prcridift t q< i lav jtf • mn'.- ,. SratulaUonurging * grniuUUona.. SSeveral tnlalormSeverals tooklook Id be IT our :ltcityy fathe father*i wouldtime.:lme . which tl*e toto meemoott annu.-tll annuallyy fo forr th thee s3 K^ollim* ''>« II*»»*H.III:>ur* ooff savinaotlrrg lavrgil. th. mutnmyiiKe ol d glpmade- trict a , made a few:r.j\“t'.* remarks urg4 0l V™par^oper.t...»t la th e exercises ?*«, Includin eludingg Rev Re*.. preach each anandd distributdistributee civicivicc sermons Captain Vi Zandt. who has been d^cusslodiscussionn ooff munlcl[iamunicipall mattersrantttv*.. ThThee - BT from tha •pesteppe which ofinn !IleaaarmbU— been her o f tke all Epwor'.hlanhearty_ andbindi In thIn e tbedUtr !dletrlclJohn Y. Brock, former pastor of theon the fine all of triakln* ends meettho mainstay tn tho box for three winWho* mighmightt t«b*' stricke#*ri«k#*n with■**! 1W 1 *ts-, ( t^The. „!„,Wide, Iteppe ahlrb bad been her Of nil Kp» church,hurch. anandd nonoww pastopastorr o fof Trinit Trinityy by r adaptinadaptinf—g .mean mean#s toto enendsd seasons, s-lll_ _ 'em aniovern appropriatioapi»roprHith>n th# platen ooff SSO$#00O t oto defra defrayy ea—..•J.--. providinpravldlagg ib*theyy coulcouldd rwelve reeelte, cradl* —cnldU. . b—., h.r—in*- borne,, an<1 andwaa waaread yreadr soon thatthat greategreaterr thingsthing,11! mighmightt bbee acco i Reformedteformed churchchurch,, thithlgs citycity.. thanlan wwee generallgenerallyy dodo.. InIn •- .ffered his hearty congratulations a! change fro ;.. glorifying In se will be •i-id>'Di. the presiding 01 to a—Ore a all. In a health glrlngmo'L^ K'T see. Iu“ am -b”..“r agee old. buc.n-t the d?r»on2 * ,'“niV.^fltta'nm pastor otUhe First M .M.*Eoffered hi. hearty congratulations nl glorifying in the change from ntuffy Cn flnH 5as^ wm be s«M«n Smith.manent prwddoDt. tb# presiding offl- region whem tbe order couldmid batt bottlel | „id Kmf th.. tWr*«n, pastor of in# the «•payment " of Ibe church debt. HoSeptember, our mod.-I citizens *rr« ^ ne*eom«r SroJ Smlah Is a formercercer ttoo bbee chochosens t foforr f each mvoting. inclng lights are alifavs there." Ichurch, offered prosier. Mrs. Tbon eferred to the very pleasant asso- s acquisition will tbe i with tbe while plegm- Ae n roeult :- ' M-i. [ji.:i;ii,i. EOprabo soloUt, sa referred to tbe *ery pleasant an»o-darkening the air with smoke from, Pe- n BCthen lh9 sion was the condemnatiocondemnationn of the onon-e ooff Hitbee IliwBoeetl -rrHorielerrMortros I n Intb etbe b.t -e tbeyr I h.d ollen heard l „„«*Whei th e rWhen. .hehalf roll year, while bo wn. pat hadad storetoo redd thesthMve anandd aall «her ■ *'•*»>- Naah iookB to bei primIn eprime conditio conditionn preoent Bishops' law by Mnyor Mrav- IOW t.ik--. famed men!loo ot those fairy light, not fa- In a pleasing man t was in that church that be wasagB against storm ti e ? Give the Adironda ■called » ' , "'th e Fh MK. jE ., u p;.II churchwaa In that church that be wa.lags against storm time ? Give id ba*eClar kand Wil l unClark- lag.will of .f un- ElizabethElisabeth. . HHee declare declaredd th ethe resort, is rli<- spot ae- -organa,morgana. nono,t insertln-cr., bubutl 1 Iwishe d ^ Ur,.,' ...e.dauceordained->rdalni>d anand d durindnrlngg hibins pastoratpastoratee ac - beuutiful-eawUfu] snoanoww 1l*wM ninninee dadnyy show show., an d , douhbedly hold down third lawsack was :„ aa deadeadd tetteletterr ac actt an andd waa wa# lentedmud. ff I.udrantageonul advamageoaulyy sttHat attuat-- U > U*bear tbthee ololdd sibyl'Mb,.'.s version..r.,on. Showe»°IS^h’irti-.ut^S-id.d Up the l.i: -' •< «. and pushedillshed effectiveffectivee -work work,, helplchelping? then hen s6sotC ththee neighbneighboringo village f af| violateded lnIn manmanyy cttiecfclle*s MayoMayorr i the llnee of the New "Those sparks come from the hot *l- h Somerville sect .be church in all departmei Charles J. Plsk, of this ctty, who pre- ed. dir—Ur on the line, of ike Xew -mo., .park. com. from .be hot *'• A>MUO khurcb Iblrd.the 33,church In all department.. Gotham a brilliant example of how. TherT|||e ,Ires likel^ „y kBlyto bteD abe a keen Charlescom- J. Pl»k. of this c#t> . who wlli wpre-l Railroad, two ndles •art of Danko." she began, in tones I *° launchinglaunching oof onn tbthee linlinot o fof wi wlrain petition for the position o sided ovec the meeting. HBr*^ Tork Central llnilrond. two nfllro . were slxtefn revresei id a mode to get rid of Ms snowfall economical-1 pvU||OQ for 1 lhe position of ahortstopsided oveC «h# mooting, agreed '’-^ from tb« well-knownknown 'Tau"Pnnlt SmillisSmlU't"" that vibrated with Intense belief and I?• ''™" ’Grace church, xzrsseleven make) a momodernd tad a model church ly and quickly by each householderto tofill flnGlddes Q|ddM place> p|gc«., bol between thetbItlfe Ellzab«Ellrabmhh MayorMayor,, aMand avertedaanerted: born narrator of the le- *"> Mr. Brock said ho did notthin thinkk It bis patch by hU fens and RicketiB. Capt*: that the cxrLae laws are not only vio- mid nboui Are mile, from Saranac BDI ,d Brook; H^e from D melting bis patch by hi* own oiri fr. -n H.lSquar e » ably ^some feature, that might be fol- hundred, of Bacre, of apruce. pineMi l tell you tbe old. old story, and [ tor lowed «l!h profit. J. Hill, our wise man tof the North- islative Committee draft- ft wMil Kit jn bow Ian. rill fell you the old. old .lory, and | torrh idrNe 'thew York» . hiH ge is on^. lowed wph profit. amending the present FlUhops' and Una Ireea , Rainbow Inn.lo w It was In Ibat Ipng dead pav^ of 'cnl one"Th e model church for the twen- w.wt. happily puts It. "she co^ of amending lhe pre^nt Btohop#' *“ - whlih It i[»1u<]-*i In the in.rilia.--. Is m. It ... In that lung dead pa.t. of church.Bint prominenSew Yarg-t divine s In “ -Tbe model church for tbe twee which H Included In the purchn—. I.whic h there Is nothing good left; no " teth century." he continued, "is th< high Uvhiliving."B • EltboEltborr wa wayy the thingP.«. S. ME MayorMayor Crawford,Crawford,, ooff MomtclalrMontclair,, si largB ttatA'l with Ofty l*J-ge rooms, wbU. .here U nmhm. grn^ left, no irk Confemnce and the tletb century.” he'contlnu#d. "Is the wanted the conference to adopt two n Urge hotel with gftr large room., lore real men: no real deeds: no real AM mgratulated thems. apostolicipostolic churcchurchh ooff ththee firsArstt century century.. In a fart but not at all a stubborn wanted the conference to adopt t*o and• •»<> « ft larfttI—»•t anjwxauaet., botbothh full fnllry fur tur-- orlea as In those days. j WD t is based on fonr foundations- one- We flatter ournelve* that we— resolutionsresolutions,, onon#e proviJlnprovidingg Chathatt localocall tif-l.-.L. i- ;.'t. fw Immediate occti- atorPM a. » lbo— day. |wortblan. coagraloUted them-lr^Is based on fonr foundations officers be elected by separate bal- wlahed. lend) for Inimcdl.l'* n— u- "A llg for you young people ot rood- ln able to fc«: grayer, liberality, brotherhood an our noble selves—are anything but officer* be elected by separate bal- tfanc)- It B.antlciimled b> Mr. .Slev- Klk tO! yer. liberality, brotherhood and 11 usr VICTORYlots , and the second that tbere be no pano. It .. nntltdliated 1>> Mr. Stev- 1 he missionary spirit. r#nllyreally sUperstiUouasuperwlitlous.. IInn sillynllly.. chllduh IKY VICTORY lots. and tbe second that there be no m Urn.-*! what do you know? what uphete of Penal. . an.t tbe missionary spirit. B we too, of course. « party designations. He asserted the r-oeon that nlthm .let* da>a the ron-d o you understand T Look back Into '**' The ehorch should be pn-einln- of courw. confeaa to The-P. H. S. basketbal party designations. He asserted tbe Wtorluatorlotam wilwillt receivreedvoe Mttas lir- Bratt inmaites lotnarct.. ht- ?r<-d an j Inleresiing andj ?ntly a home of prayer for the pa or three, ju«r. to be aoc\ Tbo P H. 3. basket boll team de-bea t men should be elected to office ih# past. tb^r#. vvembio*rerythln£ Is I# ex-#*- | , •* talk. lie said thaViit thRaide pro- thatr enfly tb* pro-a home of prayer for tho pas- thn*e. Jitol to be sociable All eated the Leal's five Friday after- bent men >nsl4eraUoshould ben electedof party to, bu officet The purrharo of the proper-, ha.platned : but you. (opllsb children of ''" same, no hard-headed i withoutwithout consideration of party, but li. u made I..mi a cirtingont fund .it , , 0 old were Inspired by Godtor. tho members, tbo Sunday-school, loon at the T. M. C. A. with the Jons were defeated. Tho ben made room a totlngent fund ifS^r S i«lTlook nomit L£rII^.T^T-?back, aa do I. old Iser. Killfhl Of old'-e^ ln.plred b, Gotth#:he' afflictedafflicted,, mlssloonsmlssloons.. etcetc.. V I W# e so far goaf a» we ar [ththee resolutions werv defeated. The tbe disposal .or tt>« supremo e»ecu- Ul for truth and rigbteouBnesJ it su peratltio'ii. One » altn voted down a. r&tol.utioik the fbpntl .of At anpiemo exocu-gil , and I KM, though my eyes _ar e to work tor truth could?ould nonott havhavee alalll thingthlngas i nIn eomm commonr •t at bad shooting and railed d I .M.!•• llm.t|ve, «ndBud> ththee initiatioIn—Itutlonn wilwilll b ebe con con- was their chief aim. To osed to forgive H If wf- ad failed to I Mayor* thalsoe ter votedm o fdown their ofBca resolution.e ex- dim; I see that you young ones know »" f s..«k tfa be- pensioners o: lifelife IInn tbthoe oldeoldenn days dnya., owin owln*g t oto t tthedhipr-rd "'’''’^,-’1-:'^nake many goo d «*<><>*'goals .ROq'*" The TsittH tende d frothem tw-termo t oof fou theirr years office. ex- ducteductedd frofromm an funfundd tha thatt th ethe HNI cxecu- lot bow to live. You wait i changed economic condition*, bi t worth being sup. rtve will arrange for. wlthoiit ontaJI- at bount>', instead ol work changed economic conditions, bul-Mil it . Iworth eicep t porkbeiok, ou r i School haSehoold it al lbad aroun II d nilLeal .roundi Deal,tended when from two to four year*. lire mil arrange for. without entail- .pportunlty which comes ; God's gt ' hinder our llbeTallt? ■ most and Governor Fort appointed commit- iOtt a dollar of additional expense —slKS «l SsSIssrJhui. The s[i r said that that would not hinder oar liberal!!} about.nt animaI exceptl product pork,, nex t It came to paaolng pretp Governor Fort appointed commit- ing a dollar of addllloaal eipenaaiw n self##lf. ThenThen,, whewb+on yo uyou And ihslin g for The speaker said tba< anandd to1erantolerance< ooff otheotherr people people.. Tn eTnerolent animal product, n.rt afteafterr ththoo exhibited. At the tee*tees on organizationorganisation,, legislationlegislation,, tax tax-- upouponn (htbee membershimemberwblpp ofof th tbee order order. youou havhat*e wantewastedd youryour] time tlo»».. you GodUod wawants’ i propbfts. Church Is ththee whiteswhitestt organizatioorganizationn o aoa do. piUse m*Id rabbitrabbdt,, whichwhich. however.however, team work At the ation ' anandd municipamunicipall boardhboard*.. MayoMayorr This sanatorium Idea In the sec- | Why don’t; peoplpeoplee "com evome ti$ U oomplate andand of th# nd half the scorePls k heads the committee on legisla- Thlg Mnatorlum Idea bt the nocper owr your fst«. I Question often ask' earth today' anandd Kboulishouldd bebe HArst inneed, the aid of pork > l complete stood|2I to 7. Ftok heads tho committee oa legisla- onandd ImportanImportantt fraternafraternall featurfeaturee (ha Ihatt -What"Wh*\ Is 1st**' K«t*rybody mak#s. church* I* the qnaatlon oflrn ask»mens mindsminds.. We ought to shareM* dellelouwnee*.leliclousneHs. WhWe* havhare. n, jolc When the second half was f>iU tion.tion. te? Everybody d," tald tbe sptaker. >ught to shm mu When1 the second half was full baaha* beebeenn furndshnfurwl.hedd ththee membershimemberablpp There-‘V.' are manyTwoor kind, matm. of " „ Mld re—d Interfere,.prakcr.with chur withcM.n, eburoboar Mlsorrows as well as our Joys, nobeef, '. ouourr larnlambh hh>* flabby ,, n cor r under way the teams started to pick- Organization—MayorOrganization—Mayor WuHeWalterr MadMad-- •nd their di*p*Hd.-••?. a 'under way tho teams started to pick and tbelr dependent, be the ForeM- ay. ..cep,•^ • ,<: grea.realt an andd might, , ttendance^“!n'd.n,.. whilejoth^~„lle- othbr.n sa y.ay tha thatt th tbqmatter about tbe social stale, for we.. rafiR) us the la-W. uad•® *-npup anandd beforbeforee ththee fina finall whistl whistlee ble bleww den.den . TrentonTrenton;; MayoMayorr AndreAndreww Mr -Mr- era. . TTbThnhe OOrphan'.r [thai Home Fund. re theytheyy? And be iding none are alalll brothersbrothers.. The mlaslonaryblcken U alwayw a lauxliable delu-bothbot h teamteaihss dididd somsomee fas fastt playing playing. BrMeUrMe. . FaM-rsonPwtersoa;; Mn}^^Mayor- HenrHenryy V. V. Whichwhich waw—s originateoriginatedd bbyy lb.. Into Dr. II —allll-mill leslesss iIss tthereB O,,f .'church li klwgytt demanding;use. Ther»»»'!e spiritspiri t Isis vitallyi necoaaary. The burn- v,p. Here COmttn lent, -a lien BOOdMorri s distinguished himself by Crawford.Crawford. MontclairMontclair;; MayoMayorr WaldWaldoo and1 offeofferr thathatt ai.« aann ecicugo.x Thcr*Ing. or this mortgage is no evt. Morris distinguished bUnself byF. Sawyer. Vlneland, and Mayor John OrnnhyatekOronhyatckha ha., foforr lw<-nty-flviwenty-Brei jeonthat" ' plenty of people wb. ing of this mortgano la no evidence hurelifulk mortify their Bi-sh by makingamakin g Lhthoe mosmostt goalgoalss an andd Doan- Uoau^; y. Sawyer. Vineland, and Mayor John Uie nuprem-* ('hlet ranger of After a Iona pause, tbe ancient „oo< ' are plenty of i-oplo who would nc*-of-'churcof*‘church h spiritualityspirituality.. TherTheroe are played a great game at _n;i i •'. Tliom jiKon, Avon. tile mipreme chief ninger of Ibe or. cr cgoo ttoo church,church.fereod: creed o orr n ono creert creed,i thing s worse than mortgages t •uppoacd antl-niewl blll of fare forplayed a great game at gunrd.Thompson. Aron. (Jerder., hahadd folorr I:l *a purpos pnrpoaee ih Hief n rare andresumed : "AgeAnsas agoaco, ther tlme wa«ass a i 1 as for the money question, ther* I hi ok* worse than mortgage* thatforty dais, 1 have knew:, Intimate-Jewett played lhe best gam- for Legtolntlifiri-lation—Mayo too —Mayorr CharleCharless J. J. education of cite'^orphans lot " if people, where It was , * and a. for the mpne, qucgtltm. therjran-a n overtakovertakee aa church—fochurch rfor lnsfa Instance,i ided by Lawrence an.I Fisk. Plainfleld; Major T. Frank Ap- education of the orphan, left of people, wbere It «il I '"llcanB i Uomanlsstt chsrcchflrchh neanearr mychnremy chnrrh^ he lack of spirituality and the ly A noodle number of women andLeals seconded by Lawrence andFisk. PlainAeld; Major T. Frank Ap- tutrates bbyy ththee deatdewtbh o fof thei thelcr | imrent. II you. 1 onlilyy knoknoww ththati ih< in NeRomanistw York, thit is largely attend^ the lack of spirituality and th* mis-men of hisli and low dearer whoDallas.Dallas . AlAlll througthroughh th ih#e sam gam#e I. ,Lull n' plebypleby. . AnburA-buryy ParkPark;; MayoMayorr Vicm Vlewrw Mr . StevensonSterenaoo., whwhoo a att th theo ddeath ofcam p of these people was surrc ed by the poor. [Money is constan'lj sionaryslonary aplrlt."spirit." Imre flourished nulor.- <>q flmdilessshowedBhowe d laclarkk ooff barhardd trainin trainingg ani landMrarlag>1 raring.. ElizabethEllxabeth;; MayoMayorr V.L. M - M. DrOr . aronhyaU'khOroahyatekhaa succeede.areeededd mi an :hi"ee Hldeb [>y a tall, lmpem demanded from them, and yet t fare, some for forty yrors. So mlshtthe gam# woulduld havhavee bee beenn miir mh CresseCrease., OceaOc«*»nn CityCity,, anandd MayoMayorr Ed Ed-- , chiechieff rangerranger,, enlargenlargede npon edifice is alwaysifllled. F«IOI> YALl'K f»b‘ THK AKAUINK. have done but for n tonful love ! of mon._lerestin, interestingg if tbIf« Higth# h HighSchoo Schooll wardward HII.. FlaggFlagg., TivertonTiverton. iihls idea so ibac •jr|>lmn« o stpppo. • had bad Ho gnht hard. The line-up; tbla Idea ao that, orpbaa. of . d.- •The trouble to we are living I meat# flavored by Are. burnt offer-1 had Ho gflht hard. Th# line-up:Taxation—MayorTaxation—Mayo r BirBirdd WW.. SpenSpen-- U>ed f.i'h. I The trouble Ik we arc llrlnk In STh.- abalone Is a clean feeder. «j Phad. H. S.—Forwards. Clark, Mor- eea.ed fat bee. eren r troughK tnedthe! -nThey were a .,rong. Jnyou., d.rln. perio| d ot indifferenc|0dlfr.-..-arce when mwheni thatmaul Its flesh Is superior In sound-lags more graueful to the now than h. S.— Forwards. Clark. cercer.Mor-, PanealcPommuIc; : MayoMayorr CC.. AA. McFaddfnMcFaddeo.. folk. ftohohly a,pale, conical with 2mon. would rislhcr be poa.loner* n mean r|s Woodbull. Manley: centre, Lld- l^»ng Branch. Mayor William Card- moth«motherr anrrlrrd.rvived. ng Branch: Mayor William Card- If Deccaeary.n| Ho a. nloalyy ront coatlaosd; Util#, tie andam, happyhm,c. I. ,begoo andd o fof •Mb'l^prophc each ' „ propbM>V Wha. t we°need.. Is need lheI. fkboyatera and other marine crea-spcvkled wtih yellow f*t all hnmirthroughh ' iategate;; guards guards.. Overton Uverton., Doane Doane.. wellwell., EasEastt OrangeOrange;; MayoMajorr .S .8. H . H. a.i PortwtentForewtera’* HomHomee foforr :)tbei • UUJ IHUoe day u li ' (ilil-tiiin- tire In ihe heart, the po' • • • • Ideals—Forwards| Leals—Forwards., Drlscoll ffib-Driscoll!.ad>l. lllh-Vineland, and Mayor Thoms* “After s ilinr s(ran«p tribetrllx-ss crep cr#p«t 'old-tlmc, „ „Bre„ In j|h.i heart, m ththee r ipowerture* which llv© near shore in water bard; centre, Lawrence; guards, Dal- •osowf ailuatmattaaledt aatt OakvtlleUakrllle.. -Ont tint.,. but to iiirtvlmovel men nnand th thingsng9 In the rightcontaminated by many Imparities W# M-em to hear |e** of the cry ( bard; centre. Lawrence, guards. Ua!-J.J. ScullyScully. . SoutSouthh AmboyAmboy.. arraagedarranged 'stuio thathatt tatn wortfc worthyy In amon« them brinplnc discord soddirection. Wo take our vow. at theResides this, the viscera of thesethat this to the Kold.-n age for yoong las SteveMon.>n, Jewett Jewett.. MunlripulMunicipal Boards—MayoBoards—Mayorr AndreAndreww !*htb*motherr wawaes n oao tdtuate gitaatrdd unrrsi. and trtvtBf those simple folk.'altar and then Seldom attend a SC£creature* must be swallowed Whole M.cBrldeMcBride., PatersonPaterson;; MayorMayor- P.F. P . P. a. to gl*e proller care to lery youngf#w tn («mi pari son. do**|«or Into Ihf*le© afterward. I am not so we£while those of the abalons are quite Stoy.Stoy. AllaoCiAtlanticc Otty;ORy; MayoMayorr C .C. S . S. ChildrenChildren aatt heherr h»m<-bsme.. th thee orde orderr pay pay.s woods Uerv It was dismal withacquainted with, your territory berg, Ellis.Ellis, Camden;Camden; MayoMayorr WHHaWilliamm How How-- to ber each niontb. the swamp and darkneas. because the for- separate from the muscular or edible ard, Rahway, and Mayor John J. to her each pionlh T Ibe .am that but I think I do know New York.part. and can be cut awa SSar arsisa - TCI n ard. Rahway, and Mayor John J. wouldvrould hebo reQulmrequiredd to" ptprovide^ fur theest was old as rime, and so dens# thatWe bare there what are called_ cO-stroke of a knife, says ibe Widewas amnelng In the M>’a o rend :n 1]• n»‘®,rt an,,«f 1 Cain. Bayonne. dhlldivchlldrvnn «'•!.were. tbc-theyy nun:*:-In matte— o fof tb Ibeeooe now no sky between lb.- branches,clealastHtal bargain counter hunter*hunt. World Magailnc. The weight «f all■ the pnpern ac«-ouivts of "aged" * arphansorphatu-' homehome.. 'ThiThl.n ikrrmllxle-rniit.. 3 and hardly a ray of |t«hi pW-rcrd• I would rattler hare a Burchchurch o* falr|v fr^h ahB|OB^ is two pound*, pn^oo^r* of SO. venerable" |>atrl- r” 11Referee. Lin ampin mothemotherr tTOo k<-*keepp heherr IKtllittlee family family th route b to the sodden (round. The roauM-crated Chrtatlay of vhkh B„ blll haif * ,K»und is good Brc,|B ^ and to note lhe aim.** w® ® gather, iirovldingj a, horn- uot o getherfor U u childreprovidingn bu ta hewihorn-r a«not w .oalr h# shell being very light. Tho roaa^rnptaoas way >oung rub edMocw RICHARRICHARDD BOYfiBOYCEE HABISS forA tChe |imm f htldreat thei ebur ar eher—If fifty chlld on i w n d h r n , , Sunday,lea , anwhich a Is nothing10 hemore chur oc 1• mri|1 ,B natrltlOBS. being highly al- -B<, BpBrc. arrttrrs would refer trl JiouAt preoenft ttemtR thefr*. ! lamatr arc flftya ochildf I UK^ked"hXle^ri r |n rs1 h ^b?r*- hnr less* mUft than^ arov,df protcsalopi*****rk *- a- — *pubil c servant# In tbelr sixtl-w M] ' homewithout, whilpce rent., nearl y lomntrotwo hundreof d low eves, asking in vain ror rescue * “ '“* . *g; * tern, lobalers and shell-Aah generally- ,f |h wer# Egyptian muromlw. IJHH OLD HEN ■ home,young childrwhilee neatly two hundredTv» v.r•ays there.p r, 1 /Co 1 The strength of a church can bp AllHinMt0 .D U one of the chief elemenl. BO Ioo ' to be tolerated. This par- young children remain In the care tofkward' cfa-uredd by—«S tbe y> “"- "t uulrltlim in milk. dee-. “D,“ ph^ Of lonrmHl.m «. no- ChoCan localocall chickechickenn raiserraiser-* beabcottt thi thiss offt thefrthi-u momother,: 1I.T~ aatt the thei expens el pea—e ot of the other forward tn a ted"* workers. "orkers. ' etc.etc. doubted ly Inspired INby upatarl#.EWYIBlE who MIR record ?7 RicharRichardd AA.. BoyceBoyee., proprie proprie-- thelh«’' Horn.Home- FundFund.. NeSeww Jer Jrr-- fa r *•—p—t.deeper, dea^td •When a •?**-“person come# *rir.srr.s.r.£i to me anti Bul lfae. flpak| (t rontes from the aforesaid "old"«»«««*• tor of ihe Somerset Hotel has twen- h hild clasping eacl s. What■ can I doV I think thertr Bh<.||. to too tough to be eaten, wheth- ^ , the paper* have dls-, tor of the Rotnerwot Hotel has twen- .ey ha. thirteen rhlldren a. clasping egeb other In atangle tang!.-dd em -em- hope fo;r ^ Satmgerbund Hall was crowded y-three boos and he |s gt-ilng on an pf the home brace.brace, witwithh rootrootss liklikee twiste twistedd iron Iron.. t-P" •+ «*•« « throokefl. belled. - WJ efirered lhaARform to1. I.7f«,»ma*<* FridayFriday to makenightnight with with a amerry merry throngthrong of averag01 ' e of nine egg. s .a day. . d . 1 deedeepp IInn ththee bblatklac-k slime allair.. HerHe,,e a ta, hig b,,bh -ontent intent toto! ddoo ^ nothinnothing ,.keg an andd.belt o t bttadTh eThe touga. toughnessh used lo be partly ellm- .. . Bnflllfbiaqa In J,*,.,, ,bc oecaaloa being ibe an-, ^ ,p^.* TbTbee OrphansOrpbaa.' HowitHome- 1Fund I. m: - ——- — —*-nh . _ i,.e n.W« .K.i, ...A »t . . . -a I»eiie' •' One of M.rof. Boyce'Mr H prlzua layers Is Urnn> u tMltght only flickered >* """"?oner*.• SoateX .^ take. _i..._-i . - Inat-d by pounding and bnmmerlng ^ ||f(, „ lh.,r Iull prime nu.i b*ll of ■lahloatima Tribe. No. I o^k^Moh be d^cbTreT talwHrainedt bbyy takintakingg one dim t* (light only flickered ™ W B (t but th(s did no a Plymouth Rack, kewhluh he declares for hi month from tho regula down through:h tbthee branchosbranches,. an dandd a#| t ~home, "r, d other,others at lhe rhorch. ,It. bul thl. did not reader tho meat -n, .,„d ...,e,,-,. ih.-ir| ,|S. ladt-pendetit Order of Red Men a Plimouth Rock. wMoh be dotlaren month Troui tbe art* does need a baplmptl.rot of Are on our >onaff°"F' reall y tender„„der. No No mutter bow long ^ H Ins are'ooelnae conaiderei orel nronaldtred 1, ... oei of the moathe woul •aacaa.fuld not sel l for a ten-spot. This““ * ^ " . iraldpaid l>byy t.nleachi mrmberore . nlaht when ththee winwindd ble bleww ItI t itwallewallsd waltodd ■ ** * th the fish remains hen haH laid eiev n e s ln lth laMl people. \V ^ y be boiled, 1 i Bfiy. It was a dis- da y of the tribJ '" *8 * • sum nKgreiiate* at t iii- like a dirge foforr thesthem-e peopl peoplee a t atba bayy played out when ifty. It waa a dto- dances 1 v V9 spirit - O.f sairl#cerlfjce twfore ththee worlflwin '.Yg !• ~F man, Wexperimen “Mlexperiment. t a a ...... « When an,'. I. ™ . d--highl <««y gratified la . vl#v#n<'the*' *'>bl.tory °adays. o, the tribe *-*“' «• “* 'P* '*“ from tbelr enemyleuiy ini. tbihee drear d,*.ryy fores fete.',t -- ■-* hjrd Alter e d J. W. Gayetty. i n ou' r finiwt me’ n of an of .nd the commute, to highly V30.0>00$30,0100 fta |tWyear., : Iuuwh .will b«Lk t-range i SaSaan FranciseFranciscans named J. tv. Gayelly. * * been privilege" dprivileged to conin- - over the good showing riahltTwoTwo weekweelus agagoo thth©e heh«*nn ha badd "-Its Ntah.Night afte^„tr nighalgklt thIbee outcasts sat»,l' Th e sTheP«aker «^! ' "'rre d to the im-discovered that If .be ab.loa.lone i sla kill kill-- I «•£ ' Aroof} in addition toa abii"rcpr«5cntation big r ' broken by brtn*. rosin nk>x. arounaroundd theidel,r camcampp arfiree an andd bethough bethoughtt I iol|ft'*“»*'t*nce ot dCOIP coainmn-l.late-iilace thing thlngns in edta by electricity It. Boh I. rendered , Y*™* Y0pe«edl> with Am a wagon. At the time Mr. Boyce m and illUBtllustraiftr l this by tellinig oorf aa wa...y i oto freedomfreedom!..! fte-dcnTt..!, bu t * •"*»"o f IlluaUat.-d *:ill"n.t«u-tl*i old iimi till," tbl.owne dby \>y telllaR nd likeIlk© thatthat ofof anan , xu«callings un*'rank ,llRM 1n thHr-k- publicw„c ore©ami pri-eighty of .thclr local friendsmembers being of thethere Srder I Bad birl Intenflo of killing the ben. the window of th.- i linn vain*nln. NothingNothing,, neithe neithereranrk"r wor aorkk non!l! norr <»' hU"** """ **“"i n'"* Englandof* ag old. Itmint- van Bl™» oyster. A company u##* this methodand In full InUellectunl acUrity. One were delegatlmprevent from New | a'"»»vt onhoar before execution ou with, unuejl b rollles. eo w«akenenkeoa memenn aa,s anxiousanxious. father in Khgland. It wan alee*"nr an abalom- ranning factory a! Perth Amboy. Elisabeth. «**• Plymouth Rwk. rtarted to broodingl thought*thought.,, whu-whichh sucsuckk the *' hlesj and yet onl*“•>y wtthfrionlyCayuro#. wltbOt 9an l.ul* Obispo Connxy,was Mi his nlnoty-aeventh year. The Bruns ~ rackle "Ilk# the old mlrh!©f oa Mr. And may nit know which end bloola d from the heart. r*pi s ltu,Per.laperm la Ibe “ helping oltwr.becom a: e tho^- then relievedlieved bbyy ththee otherother.. The High ,»r ™“'. ‘li goraoo. John I.utlguto .»U targetP-to- •KIT1-rgrocS tha t rag.he h-nttuul satbere ho dh»i guth.roh camp,camp, thethenn loudelouderr anandd boldebolderr th e the «wr>ooqy presen prcadnlt to to become Ibof ir. tbe abalones. with i otherotiher paperpaperss behinbehindd [h;hee timestime*,, crycry ^™g|„. j" And fvaihe«rr hea^-heapedd onoa: fooihc-feathcr til onsecrtatvd t > the MasterS diver tear* tbe abalones. with moss r dan many day.. they {ise. trtbtribe* declaredeclaredd thathatt bondagbondagee wa ...a bet bet-- “nghly J to the Mnaterandan d> seaweeseaweedd attacheattachedd ttoo them them,, 1 fromaloudalou d anandd shoushoutt againsagainstt th thoe bumil»t-i. AsAs MrMr.. BoycBoyr©e tootookk th tb©e eg eggg fro mfrom Uke ' •".. upon ivhuu. piled, of old ter than death—itier would glv« up ao A BOcUI hour then follo ed .he rocks and sends Inging actionaction#s ooff thtb©« onc oncee fiourlshlng|flourishing! he nest, amid tbe cackles of the hen, freedom and return as slaves to * * .he rock* and send* up th# shells the n©*t. smld the cackle* of tbe hen. And then come. I »m filled with woe hour then .olloaed ± apldly as i Under ordin- NewNew YorYorkk churcchurchh kknownw as -the - 1*<© if- muttered (and maybe the ben un- thetr enemy. " .V ncent chape) to which aUl wepu as rapidly as possible. Under ordin- he muttered land maybe rbe ben un- drousawe— I their racaiy.r 1 Vlaceat rhapal to whichar y allcondition were s he cai Dr. John llaH’a. Since his virtual derstood ). : ited- Opporlaniiy was given thoae ary conditions he can send up a ton ERR 1 CHOSEN derstood). ' U> » sld^ivd *rtm reel and I >oul< •Then rose up Danko. the rescuer of in sent to b-e thh * bifbeautiful l alwayl s ll'-lrn Whitn chair Ml« lonea if not wanted at once In th#W e bave listened to a succession of you shall rowlnus to live." tbe beautiful are alway. brave .adEd Whitney. chairman: cannery,blliv are throwthrownn intIntoo a atan tankk o t ofWW have Itotened to a surceasura of IE PHTHISIS SOCIEEY Tbe hen has been laying ever since |j thus he spoke to his companions' * French. Miss Jane Bailey prof.«aJi-JtiJl reviewers who have EY PHTHISIS SOCIETY Th© h©n baa been laying ©v©r «1d^« than he epoke to hi. companion. Fda French. Xian Jane Bailey salamit water , the bottom or which Is pcofeatoonal reviewers who have —Thinkin-Thlnklaxg novamove,s nnoo stonatonee ou outt o fof Arthu Arthurr Humbl Humble* provide providedd a pleasin a pleaalndg •alt water, the bottom of which tofaile d to revive Ks lost gtorlee or andand tt*e indicationIndication#s araree thathatt K Kwil jwill strewnstrewn witwithh rocksrocks,, soso asas t oto resembl resemblee foiled to revive Its lo* glorieo Tho rxorutlv* board ofof th thoe Antl Auti-- llv©liv e ttoo aa riprip©e ol oldd «ge ag©. "*’**”> II (hthea wayway. ActioActionn onl onlyy counts count,. Wh y why thentertainmene entertainmentt • whic hwhich consiste coulaiedd of o! even tta vitality. The arts of singing Tuberculoafe Society •r Plsinfleid ^ Th. foamy, roockm* ting our strength with fret representations of well-known th#the floorfloor ooff thth#e ocean ocean,, an andd ar eare kep keptt even ita vitality. The arts of ringingTuhoroolo^u BoHoty of PUInflold ■" ‘"-I are we uaatlag our etreagth with fret the repreeentntlonn of well-known mam and sensational speakers have and .Vinh PteinfJeld Friday, En En Within IUT KKK. Rise up. let us win a way advertisements;by the young peopl^, therethere tilltill thetheyy aroree wantedwonted.. •pc.hrrv hivo’ ,nd North Plulullold mot Friday, Ea Egg Within an Egg. and fear' Klae up. let us wla a war th e advertisement, by tbe young peoplp. drawn audience* bu* not a congrega- adopted the new i From Somervllle comes one of the I) ^ I throughhrough ththoe forestforest:; thertheree I s Isa noa en dead theaudienc audiencee : bein g ' expected to Tbe...The fleshflesh anandd JnlcJalcee o fof th thee abalon abalonee dramtion . Worthieuudlotvrour ministerbut nots ahav coogroga-e been »nd formally adopted tho now codFrom Somerville come* one of tbe f Bat wh#n I *## to* perfect io every struggle feme, ruuie your, xnra* them' crrrcctly• . Th e follo^- la treatedd together,h, anandd ththee prodnc productt tlon. Worthier mtolmor. have bran .utuUon. an dand by-taws by-laws,, presente prroontodd mosmoatIn t remarkablremarkablee productionproductionss InIn tb Chee .. ‘—7 . . I ooe and all" lag were prevented:acquire*q a flavor moreore delicatdelicatee tha thann ■sandwiche nndwlchedd betweebetweenn thesethroe,, giftexfiftedd connectio coua4etlonn wit th etbe pian pinnas for forin Incor-shapshape e ooff "he"henn fruitfruit**" :li.t''that, ha hass eve everr Abote ay Ud) a faro, whea I behold They looked al the youth hud row Gold Medal Hour. that of the oystei preachersItrvwebrra ' anandd genuinelgenalne:,y zealouleulouas poration pornllon.. an dand officer ofltcen,s wer e werejeleot c electedcomecome ttoo ditfc*e noticnoticee o fof [muliryiii.-n poukrymen.. 1 1 Mlas Mlldrdd that of th* oyster. Thl* "abalone ThaThe Mbttsuhtiee blendinblendingg ooff heherr loveliness tovrllaero , In hw eye. that which made him their Buraetl: Dutch Clean, Mis s Helen food"*wd" mamayr bbee stewestewedd oror fried fried,, whil whilee apoucleaapostle s anandd worker*workera., ooff who whomm Dr. Dr.; fo rfor th e(he comin comingg year .yenr. T:.< - repoTho r reportsR.R. MM. . CuUpCulp,. yroprleYoproprirtorr of ofGrac Grac#e brotn Broughton, of Atlanta. Georgia, Is a received were of an ancouragrng m Poultry Farm In TThftt town, is ex- , WithWith yonyaarm r slrangstring** snapsshapw, o ort erstwhil rt Whilee i^der tadI .up^rtorsuperior.. l^ad"u*~cianVLewd us* . Edgar:EdearVshwdd ShreddedW WheatWheat,l MisMtass El Eleae the Jalce makes a good broth,- ' soupBroughton, of Atlanta. Georgia, la a received wore of an —norm raging Poultryna- Farm Mi chat town, is ex- mvs^i?; ored th»j all. and he led them" nor Siutsman;! Pesrllne. Miss Marv.« appetiser. aohlenoble example.example. WWoe har havoe thrille thrllWdd nn- an-' tur luree an andd showe .bowedd increase tntVWUUodd Intere Interovt; hibitinghlbitin g aann egeggg whicwhichh hahass anothe anotb-rr V1 orad tb#y ail. ud to tot tb#«n - nor Stutsman; Prarlln#. Mtoa Mafr •* *PP*Ua*r. der the power and charm Of snch as in the campaign agadnat tubereuh perfectly formed egg Inside ft- Tbe : AndA»d alallt teathat* oncoar#e w« w*#« dart dark, to 1s»dsjcars ttoo deserdorowtt theitheto-r congregationrongrogmtlonas dent drnt., Rer Rev.. E. VicarE. Vlrarus Stevenson Btevruou.; flrs; Bra;byby 2M, 2% IncheInchess InIn diameter diameter.. crowd my brmla; j "DukDankoo letodd themthem:: willinglwillinglyy us »nJ 1* Cora,-„,„ starch8tsrch.. MlHIMU serviceservice.. Isn'Isn’tt tha thatt hi shis voic evole# I he I ; hearaadand accepacceptt tithoe biggebiggerr bribebdbros o off Fift Fifthh vice-president rtce-prevldeol.. Dr Dr.. W .W. H . MurrayII ; Tb©The inneMinerr shellriioll., whicwhichh cover cover*s an an-- trustfully they followed. • n »•©: Jell-O. Mfes ?np tn lafront front?*'? avenue. T1Y>o theitheirr honohonorr bebo tKt record record-- secon secondd Tice-preaidenpt vlco-prrold—ot., Willia Williamm Dut -Dut-otherothe r egeggg perfecperfectt Inin contoucontourr i s toa a ! ""That was a weary Ba. dark • n<* Fr**d Martin "Tea“Tee.. An dAnd he' s he'ahotte hotterr than thanever. "ever."cded tha thatt thetheyy declinedeclinedd witwithh thanks thank.,, cher cher;; treasurer treajunwr., Jame J.mros P. HurrayP Murray:; fairfair sizesizedd specimespoolme-an ooff a a pullet' pullet'ss be beetm My wonder, batI bbyy tone*. toogne* ca «n , onlonlyy kttbtmight,. witwithh tn t-or-kiogs. Chxrif# "Somebod"Somebodyy pushe pushedd hi mhim on thone theea rca.- realrest ooff thtbee apacspacee betweebetweenn tb etbe tw otwo ' late Closdonee rankrankss IlkIlk#* a *mlsat mis-tyv wa j«>. .# r* v -| More."store —Clev"—Clevelaad Plala Dealer. '129,000 > early wage, with a furnish-1 Conati'ntionallits Ads cay. shells was filled with albumen. w I t , land Plain Dealer. Coa.tltatIonaIl.ta Adx Fay. shell* was filled with album©a. II b* b«4 rMiarr^i powers th»t b®. Limn wm ii •veTjone a* up and rake a.. I. I, o . til.buO v LtnltN CALENDAR A! MmUdr LuLult NighNightt FalFoill o f Ol Imps.,.In* of th. oortrer o< F, ! •* tie* ahou c .aua.a HOLT m CHURCH and ProjMt. ZTZeJii ... i—p.. *... " ".• ...L 1 sire. . A I e--on r- m\m mm d 1 |H. for Local Improvem.nt. *“ * dririnrere w >•>» «... anandd tiretiredd ww{i ItM.. |i I.t t .... lor imc n.eata’ a-1 rocs *c* c. and th. Rev. Qeorge A. Warner. recodd n^roloriolec Irmtu... aiea - and anilfei ,<.rIt I It I ...Ulin uUman Im. rtnbbr attlrw In o trm I the Church of the Holy Cnw, bu »»- rlOcaJly u> a saloon which drc«. tbth.e un>appllcn.lonl Id. ii>u '>...' eq«re-.i alHf •“» b'lsnt.-.-liwtn. kin kinas I I - ••» do.a ahead o'eapybVrhna i - his wel'1othe otherr i hi of th. f»ml!r mid n-Inferior, -. the Ottawa Clt.xen anya that day. February 9 Th* Sunday ■si- mooe* He also m^o* undeisLaadunderstand natc betweehriarenn thth.e cHeKjy o f ofburle buriedd in th. morn:-.* paper, h. Ipaid optthVihwlt i*»• his thewel'-dressed doctor aom*! me ntrmiMn til m , viceswhic hwill pugna be a*»h hfollows: Ash W« c7:50 a m . rner end ••»... a |u-•■* «.* I in»e fo C*PI.loS.ld and the publictbllc SerrlcServicea no .tteallo. to the Dots* *r—,|QC. M«m anient, fur «Tty. liHtrr Trala Corporihloa. of hi. t.o boys li they rompedtoInterior explain ,Into th ewhy Ottaw nearlya CtOn alla ourmy *million- that dayHo'v. Februar Communion;y 9. Tb e9 Sunda«S a.y m.. 8un- the hv>Mhtark wiand un th. alros'" wear ' trousers" " that hag nt- the dmy mbool. 10 a m . rector * Bible s.-ni.-.- and Morv Ugftt— -,;•! ...IJ -X -Twelfti. Tba: we respectfully O»* 1 riu to|| Hmke ud More 1-Jgtu— tbeae Vl*ltiKi preheat *U> a "Twelfth. Thai we reapectfully dime. room. Mo Tllifklo.' "foodknees and ding so pitifully to theda y c!amschool «oc; 1iD„m-0 t. I ... ii ■. m mom- -uliinii to this honorable board the morning" w teat he traffic of the atreet to may lnr<< n*Di ImarhW •ubmll lo this boDorabl. board th. rnoroln." *11 refried to .liens. Tb.readymade necktie.“ class-for young men, Major Mmallej'imal1e|r'> roregolng report with a request (ha bdued. Fina log prayer and sennas; 7'45 p. m... nl appearance «*f Board Plr (b.l -Ib^r don't.'' With th- do— Mid-tnornlnKw prnjnr; t ail. of thetbe HoardBoard ooff frnidTr-.ulee Tlmr* Thnr.-- th^trfi. thoruiifcl the Hoard of. Trade . trolley Intnll-Plalnfiei pL^nfleld~.ndd and th eth# boroug boro.Tibh ot North •Hardly a good way to start tb*tor' s view tba t new and nea t cloflolhli. ..j„ lltaDV ' «:J». the «re«- thorouahfare l4t«Mi th* on committee tor's Ttew >rninwrfo>g pra> t.i.- weather Cow- trough and the cj notice at a meetln* of and to th€ PubHc day."s^rvlco Mrs Hlirklns was saying. "ItsI s • powerful mental and n.| the r|t> body I ini'-.l-^ Benin getting to be m custom. I know you r*U a powerful mental and moral tom tvtreoni: -tThurednr—9:30. Holjr ard . HalHaill wa* rorafiipiablcomfortablyn fort a 1.1)t filledfilledfllletL. I i>| r, Bmaita*r sma’levy na:d! «t d he » *' body Thlarwday *»gh* Corporation, and that tb people of wewe heartilheartilyy agreeagree.. OnOnee u may test 1 Flrsit. TJiat tb 1'iruik Service Thursday—9. chJldri'O*.: 3uy rerv- |*T~14entpr«ld*-ot VWill lata Jeffery prntldepr««dedd Ihl. mainapproac approachh to theth * e**rttyf Flnrt T|iat the 1'ubik Serdlc*this ^^cky generally be Informed u tonot angry or cranky, but you might aalIn n &lhiss owownn easeease,, oror not notee It It In other*. ? TvidTr 9 [HIraj;Ion. ;t.hrou§ Colonel HlHes, sjisi.iu.itii. 4:30, . .hiiilr moret [''- Hi. prwjrwr: forto. Mi'the- flratflrwt •;:in*time- atat a aijenulu regularr nn roe®*.-i mad*' Into a dw.-treet: -«r^:. At present Corporation. {Urooffh Colons Hid-. ^ rudWn.Of uTiT well be; the effect la the same. You'll . . n .. presenti i. .. ,i-r 14, 1907. promised while always before us we have coo- . _ •InIn*g anandd hhee Infw.Infu-l d a apar partt dOp oThlai '•* own k |, dH«niref.ilS..U1. -Home saloo noal-wn i*- about II- October 14. 1*0? promised aever gain the boys' confldene* that▼ toeing evidence that women show the 4:3ft.; Friday—»:30pwondonc. . Th-rw1 will h- no ipttmmBopilmj.m anandd vigovigorr IntIntoo -th then p r l»ro- cost m as to put proper- *" **— prrw*-rr* of wltiwwe—. to place home becsiis* there s nothinnothingg herheree to hard luek. Largely through bis own AllAll nnftinsrtn—tlnit.* i>f»*-e hcld.lhold nin th th-e |v»n* pnrt.hh Xrowilfi in civics ram on »he local trollej Hm* of amuse him. Why fdon't you com*folly he had goo® so completely to thohouse h'., radjoinin Bdjulnlni:g liihre rburchrhnrch.. unlew unl-wns tintnI Ilf•“ the ei’le tbln.u whieb are andnow „„r O0,n. .|»-nialk ,^,,,.1.,., ih.o.. trti.'.tn In lb.- hulld- baudabis city ! I » borne early this afternoon and get ac-bad that be was stopping his old-tlm* otherwis ^ * e announced. Tbn—de ttmtryTh- v retry larblmt to make tb. elty bho nw-t dre Inc rould(1[ tie r erMfrei. tb- Iile.uSecond fhat1 the roayoi arrejf,-d quainted? You ran live It you missacquaintances tkn7mri~nUuhlnd meets ln th* rector'iretor',s study .rindy. 30 Wash 30 -Wnnh- alrutde plan- of r**>«ld**nee will he aup* «.|> tmiiK . ■>( the an-- t lllnfithal verbal asin-mrtil! to A your club on# afternoon.** woowtio " habadd I tigtoIngtonn a/.-nueafenoe.. thtb*e firsillrwtt MajwtaMondayy oV <»L So Hllfklns went borne at Hire* eacheach ro<>ntmonthh aa«* S:311:300 p.p. m ,«n. Th»Th- Wo -Wo- plb d and - C.rWr IMalnfleld will .n4 fMho ,h,. ,,u,„ „f llK:,. . ! “••’Wrade ball under the am- known him id his better days took him men/ Guild will me«M Tuesday. Im- f>tiM- fact ; „ • ZjV _,.f ' . ,« f Sthas. Faithbeen ' pice, of St. Faitho'clock. » *u!ld Hilly.*a, K4Slv^. years, .and Dirk,home and fftied him out with cleanmen'/ Guild will me** Tucwday. he parish h two. were waiting for him on th* MarcMarchh 1I;; lhthee Women'Women'ss Auxiliar Afxlllaryy t oto some of .ho .Mom. in which th. . ..rn. r Tor. ,.r. Tb. end uould Inm fi 5!T fL*?*?* linen, a ole* kweed suit, hat aad shiny Missions meats on Marrh S. weekly ln*:«ll tha Bai.l new cf brch Thursday front steps. They began to whoopshoes. Whadwaa the result? The man Mission, meota on March '. weekly bt>srd la to lotemj 1t»e|f at tlfy; Ujfean smean-* aod. th andf I the improvementporallon to thatall th* sa .1 new cars, church Thursday and ma* ait.-ndedlike young Indiana when they saw him work meetinpj IX-IHR held the "hlrd • Fourth. ^ That thth*e Publi /»uLJ4cc Serv Serrtf*i f about serenty-flve couple*. Many who one day kad been furtively wheed- work meeting* being bvld fh* mird ooce are; To lacroseo ih.. member- would be mi marked that he wholeCorporation icpalnted tbo old c4m. of the costumes were original andg-t off tb- car. ling dime* fri.ui acquaintances ne»tandan d fourtfourthh Tue*«taTucwdayy afternnwnafternoon*w in la (ho gears and ptrt them unique. Prises were awarded afternoon,for“I'm going boys." to Hllfklnsplay with said. you “You this day walked Along the atreet with h.s{th e themont monthh at at2:20 ;2:30 th e BundaySunday applau bark on the.line* and partially liked '*>«* «»«* »***»« costum*** and were bead up and|had no trouble whateverKhoo schooll teacher teacherss mee t with thbee rectoyoctbrr from i niniloky who fought and Mayor frisk followed and the ro*d hedk- *»>' Miss Helen Horrup.bnb> wait till I t*k«- off these duds and or nve'4o11ar* 'every Wednesday evening, except the le ns' ..| In the Civil War; hare th* ring briefly to Mayor Smalle well hare % time W*'r* going to get he recognized. I la»t Wednesday of tbe month at 7:<5 1■ FlflS tliat tin pwople'1 Inter- »nd WlUlarn' Umb-rton, .. . acquainted, we are" 1 > lb* B«sik>n said that the prop New clot he. | ide a new^w maroann ofof him him.. ! p p., tl .m a.t :; - th®rector reolor's* at tidy ;aludy; die tb* public on Suadajw for mir. thsin on* b* place n question was a ‘‘u^ 1 be Mayor '^wT thTcou^^fi^ ^Thdom unmasking at 10:30 caawdFifteen minutes afterward Hllfklns Bred him ibltloaibitlon gndaid hhee rakerakedd Juniojuniorr Auxiliar Auxiliaryy t o toMlfl»loi Mission,» meet meets a Iwmr. nnd ■•|«ply tf»d- «Vjtfr of th*plrtled manw 11and onek of ofth* OD -olidf B ami-factory wrltttn contract ifor » •' n“-frlnwnt das b xthe dlsgulM-sbad turned an u!d porch seat upsideIn more green IQlo, ononee dadayy thathann evereveryy Thursda Thursdayy nT:,-rwtf»n aftermAwi at a*3:1 5MS down In the back yard and »*a mak- 1 City with Clactrlc arc llfflita so that***** *• *' *» * r^: *^ th.* install;,tma of the said new c»w. wer* •» K°° ' * nobodying knew It Into a work bench for lillly andbe used t o'clock.lock. ThThee choichoirr mt*-t-meet*< o non Monda Mondayy piiefno-fs on fhe train* eaterlac rhe i Oi'tobfr it. 1907. whin they |irr- »ho re who. The houre tabs -fbDick. He next fetched from lh- ba»e andd Fridayi-'iiii.-i\ .'\.-sisi.evening*i -. aaan«>"'r when the dlacloauren tookment a large tin box filled with allWHY HE EING WATCHED Tuesday afwmoona at 3:13! o'doc*. "where is I'lulaAeld ' <»n alighting difficult of acrotBpUsbDiefM onWe lo douhla the track* on IkiwI Ola.-. Japanere «lrl» Olrl-d aortawith of valuables, such as broken IS BEING WATCHED Th« Communkmr*sConimuoiramH .K-r»«m.* Guil Gutlde•d s.u meemeet t a:a: 44 fr*»tn tho irains. malt hot Chink w«- ure thereal biggest .tr-.-r and Watch.,..!, avenu-. Spaol.b Dob. and Dmrb drla andlocks and keys, discarded buckles, o'clocko'clock iInn nhritep jifuvnooafunioonn onon th ethe -last 'last M a v or New top II. Kmnllny. of tiling In the world.” b* said. K*-fiT- that Ihl. committee met colonial damre rled with each otlierhits of wire and other Junk. It was a Friday IxTorc thie finst Sundayf oOff North I'laihlleld nnd Mayor Cliarlew Oil to the llcenae qiinwlon aa com- W|,B “ 0( anj in caplurlnit the ofnoble treasure raralle box for Hilly and Dick, and , city. mouth. J. «.k .poke l.rimr re, aubjeeta pared wl.hnight Ule grar.;lu ralicense* w Main, at Fl.k eounetmen.eooucSmen. Merer. Merer.cb«l- ChMlreM-rlm, of Lou,. Xll soon they were exploring Its contents. The special service*vires wilwilll bbve a ass fot fol-- • i-«-l'.-nl to the welfare of tb> eHy “I4 , RandolphKabdolph,. flick and Tolle., at tire l>»»ruutcdm |6„ e Mayortra and “ the- evenln.o.t enjoyableIU threethrevoted eever boyboy*ore- s held ooff Itilly' Billyin s *ag agee abou aboutt t to at- here, on 'lag lo the authorities. CommunionCommunion;: 11Il a ., ,m mornin , morningg pray pray-- Usat for local improvements •“jr °' * •Jt’Tf "'- f of l1.0 laujl writtenth e toMayo thar MIhe 1 11 tacktack frofromm ththee rearrear,, ove overr th thee fen fence.c bo obtained I permit or ticket of rest er,cr, Penetetrtla PlMlstlsIl offic officee .mi andl sermon sermo*;; 8 . g parla.,Ire rake, wl.hitho.. of t.ea-y byb> W1 wma,mm pBerj,., cb{la,armila or this "I wont play with you." Billy p. nv, evensong and flennon. Good , The in •••it i iik iqMwe-d at H:fi nndyrere a«o. be ..Id there wa. only a " „„, •i „„>'. Ihl. cll re*- * house. "I won't play with you.” Hilly said. not been long In the p. rn . evensong and sermon. Gcwtd cuhpleiedafter th* routinennnoiitMi-mi buwl rw“ dlffarenre Of appro, Im.te.y on- cea. rawmy— dor n<|I To"I'"Well."m goingoing g saidttoo plapinyoney witofwith hthe ns myyboys pap papa."a In per- tingbecame dogged aware by athat man his In MridayWriduy.prayer. MarcnndNiarcl,h ante2 3-.25. communion;9:30 *;30., ntorodn morning g10.1& of 1 he addition of t»" y-nlne re-r fapMa. H brine a»e ceore 1910now>. . cn|)i.-|9]copied ^ ooff. whwhichi are hereto nt- * | saw a coupleif r.umpklO of pumpkins3 the fectthe good nature, "we re going to plv He bore it for days. a. m . Youngg People' Peoples service s service;; 13 12 n rviC( nber* It was voted and *u foirT cent* percapltaD t* tached.tachtd, udtogetherlogelhe r with the copy of the other day. which 1th® owne. owne.- sai d saidwas was “Sir. do noon. 3 |». nt..tbr ttfarvo hour service; filled Slate." SaMO? **"• °’' « *“"•Iwtterloite ~ r“ frofrom.m MayoMayorr ChaChari I-j J. rtik. worth just $2,000." remarked Col-Hllfklns didn't desire ta offend Bil- Why do 7:45. monig a «* sermon EasteBanterr b 26. 9:30, morning pray- , John Kean a loiter of Ibaaka and »- *> *»» •'“‘rtc llabla(Offatbr and witwithh aa writtewrittenn iWaretnen: one)Le w l/-wCaue Chase,, uf Kirkvlile of Klrkvllle., write swritesly'* playmates. He determined to b® - In this wayT* "I am a Even. March 26. 9:30. morning pray- . ai„...«|.|.r.'Ti latlons:it». for bla help in th- mat- Mwrera and tblnra which were mere-given to thithiss committecommitteee bbvv M Mrr. FlaF3«kk a Mar-oa Maconn corr.^pond.'n correspondl ofof theth^ KansaKansass P»t*«>t. "I don't cot®* home often In I my instructions are not „r anff ftDte^ c* ocommunion: iu tn vi n ton; \ -4:30 30 p -p. m. tn. . t*rUr ooff BtcurinKurlnr'" thtb*e new #N-deml '> -reamed of In those day aC tile ibofabofee mentionemen Clonedd n eetlagmeeting.. CH yCity Star Star.. thetbe aafternoon." he. said. "*o J wish i lose sight lot"' wat wast th thee • quiet and:nd bapthHnhapOnm;; EasteEasierr Day Day., l(iilliliii« for '1 Is exact standing i rou'd whatwhat faulfaultt havhavee the March.h 27 2,; 6t anc dand 8 a .H m. a.. Holm..y HolyCom - Com- to-morrow, [till? and Die* am with me?" shouted OiJinr luatlc-rs ta'kop -olleys. The iking, worth, appar munion; 9;49:455 a.-m-a- m... Dii»min morningg prayer prayer,, of K. T] Ba trongly ur«ed the committee • ty-flve cents apiece, sermon atdcd HolHolyy CommunionCommunion:; 7:45 7:45., Railroad he Ptibjltr ^Service Corjioraii y friend fM iila evensong and aertnon. pll it plalbly "tbmt tin The vlridngfiling in-TOcherprevseher*s wilwilll bebe nsia a MainflPld would not stand for a cbn- follows: H. Smith. iuuani-e of ithc trollej A»hAsh WednesdayWednesday,, »9 pp.. m.nt . Rev. Rev.. Joh J«»hnn _ _ lied the a B Atkinson. TrHiltv church. R'Jsa- Eon bf.tln- lK«»rd to th*- apparent botb;both; .SundaSundayy even-Ing©rrninc*s InIn i^entIwnt;; . . he giving of 1 FebruaryFebruary 1313.. 7:47:455 pp.. m.m. .Rev Her. Blrj Elroyy lor new Bchuul liuldi O.O. BowersBower*.. GracC.mcoe cburcbchurch.. PlatntteldIMalnneld;; iiui«.nu-.ioi-s and;, arch FebruaryFebruary 2020., 7:47:455 p.p. m. m. Rev. Rev. Jame Jaoieus WooWooimo 1st onn declared Aat the lft>n of 250Jpaopl®. could supply u>nn ason *to * St church.John o Som-c appoint me iph«*r to the A•. B. Cantori Pete4.r ^' _ _ tervlew :h*« Publ.c Service Cor^Mfra-es tha rirrum^ram-esn Ire had than he had er®r beea go born® now and credit" Ita pi re of origin tn westernerville. boardrd WUUwas n-itriwtld 'anuu»dd laJlaidd yn the Ubw Aela. When ______Specrtal Special work by the rector: At lh© s.'v.Tiil blifci HOMEitOHK AANS AA HKAI.THKAI.THH BBKHWIt knout. J-M-n'M*: --ftmi b«lor-, " | or „th.e g,,l _ „„„ ,h« la,Irt. older bre than the history anil Mft-verul bills prvw*Oled by Mr. , 1 ln t> or f.lli.D- of the ck, re.lhortU-. "Aft.r lh- In(W or .Ireut thlr —n rruptebuM, dW her.m ofin ,-„theupof ,rmandD b.r who’his*wh o has sowsown”Itn 1 "from TuesdaTu«dayy afternooafternoonn •••oenrKea: \<.'- > Japanes Japaae*®e KrhWedind V«Were« referrerHferredd to the nnance ,MM n ,t,n n n,n r ,h the beginnlila k of the farmer' Missions will be divided as' follow*: fitAtrH> Two im|K>rtantmitort.- fao:or» cr* almost •‘erurlng'a written agreement ha* years be returned to Sturgeon.' ..jt doesn'twha mattert 'maw what' said 'maw said, the farmer/ art Marion* will be dlvld. d as follow*: rt.ninHl*,' H»r pcrtiltny and pay- n,r ,tf boug Th® earliest memorialslorlals recorrecordd The country, nhe p«>ple. iche rellg- alwaysllAh IOHlo*-.L nighsightt ofof In looking at ' ‘ ° ** roniln bought him a farm and settled down! n,). t9 myI wi Hbouseh you andd g< I wish you’d go brat The country:he first ankh«d HHWIIP-ople.I coming th® otrellg- HumeHome -fromfrom aa hypenlijgenlci and climatic th#"* ,,n, r 'f' ancenuisance,, and- aga iand The banker ugain presented j home." as already nder cultlvatlo many ion*, the first and second nlng of acated lanky; mission work. pact, pointItolnt ooff viewview,, wjtt«wj-lte*s the Roman cor- * ' ibdlfforence ofhe thePubli Publicc bis hl« note, wblch by this time, bad -W® want to play with Billy."races believewas it tb* gilt of the god* ChriatlanHy; mission work. Paot. e chair sad Mr. Coriel| sumeassumedd r,.(lfandt.Bt of Tht. .\|etlic*l Record. ^* rvice Codpsrailon frequento ih«- t frequentg grown fo $2,000. Including Interest, tb® calm rejoinder Thc misconception aa to the origin of pre*en<•t an dand future futnre;: at thnt« th*Thursda Thursdayy the calm rejoiDder. Ht*rvlce*i Tor you&g jieople thM i-iiNJh whilwhilee thth.f |ir<»ideapr.widentt rea roadd Th^ m |ht. M .„d lhe jpoua^jag. demand*nr CMn ,>athe ,Jie Mayor|ocaIplac eH> to eplaco T to® The Urm-r gently called rho hanker/"I don't want“I you, don't" Bill wanty said you.", Hillytbl* said, cereal sturd- s iggeated In the question afternoon «erv|ce* for young i>eopl* Ihe r.-iton ooff ih-tin s|--,ialll .omnwttee . *. .,o l'hough *rom# r It; th e ou:- «*■ iheou. attention lo the fact that th® itatot® Hy *upportlng hi* father. Noon® was rtorW of Ihfl Holy Child Jesus, from Krtni# |# ri a||v a r; H lly supporting his father. No o; :he Annunciation nB . |lBf|| th(. Ht- roll the P A bileCorporatio Servicen Corporal-The banIon k -The banker knew thatlSHfkinp wa*' backyartrue: d Hllfklns’resemble backyardd a kinde resembledr turn, a a graskinder- of the Levant. This' ®|an the churrhroh to administeto administerr oan -oon- adopted after »**>•• Httl»- diw«»Oon >MriN -- double 4rack tho locaie borroweline andr didn' if t thewan borrowert to pay Ididn'tt garten want. Bllfkin to pays appeale It • gartend to* blabis Hllfklns wifwife,e grasa appealed was pu•“ *under■' "~aelectlve eultiva- flrmatlon onApri Aprill 1 717 a t at7:* 7:455 p. p.m .tn. Mr. Jeff.w> And Mayor fr^skto the sea n-dur** where sire*:® are too narrow to per- fa® couldn't be made to pay It." | whwhoo hahadd comcomee t oto th thee kitche kitchenn door door.. non for s^ore of years aad It re- The claa* candldateof CandidaH wiltewl willbe orbe- or- g really. ouldn't be made to pay it." apooided tj.® efforeffortt lnIn a a consider „ nlxed•d Sunda Sundayy aBterooon afternoon.. Februar Februaryy on th«- meaning of a paragraph relat- AhnutAbt.11 the vante distance on tl •nit It. lo tav© return lines on other >n"Ob®e bay boy th«banke bankerr drur edrove out ioutn In!•Se"See e herehere., Martha.Martha."" hhee said said. "1 — a ing to view car*. Th® Major finally •treots. eliminate all unnecessary thc innMcountry1}- wit hwith a friend a friend,, an d theandy they mlDmwan wantt to toinsul Insultt thes ethese childre cbildrein able degree. developed f 20. meetingleerttng witwithh ththee recto rectorr a l at 4 _4 otherother aide*sides are tip- Sabine IIII1-. V ltoBl morry lM|t grass i k In the parish houtr. Kegu- admitted that «he r«*poei wa* sub-Bocrale. the Alban Hills and farth aw Itchesrs jtal.iisl discontinue the otmoli.teobsolete passedI th th®e far farmm o fof th eth®tb® ma mann whowh whoo hadha dhad I bat—" I ~ , o'clock in the parish" Ihou*ed from flb'acItegu- T-UAtHlally torrec*.' north* ththee uspur*p of the Apennines, tb*metnod* K iu»tujw employed... at rariqui- takeni advantag advantagee of Oftb e tb©statut atatut©e of of,"Don' t "worry, you ran'' t do ft," Mrs did not lj.< ,JHI- wneat | Ur meeting* will be t».-ld from ifiat Oeorge If. Frimt. «m requvs* of th®City Itself l»Wng about 200 feet abov*point* In h11© city to return the cafe; limitations.tlons. Th Thee farme farmerr wa wa*s standin standing!g Blifkin BlffWoas,d sai ,,kd said."I'vlo e,M trief *•dyou IIrtedt GO tIt) M tlOM*. ,h# date SundaSundayy anernoooarterwooti*n untianllll 'th eth® presldml, gave a flaufe for the nwitsea level. There is not a betterBwllch -r., ryuce . especiaoepeclalljl l.v In the *orld and feftr .us ndiiat SpmenwhSitmsrw■* Spm^meAt anindd andFr toPmnto Pmntf rawfu utreqta.. hr- w-by.Th e bankevo/l.-l-Th® rhonker spied spied3ome largtom®e “Children."largenitfklnsUllfkln s brought broughhe saidmifkln*t ououl t hibla“I sbrought oldon*'oldd speech sp^rech. oul. bis age*During old ringthe spvech. saltthe fatteJaftercellar r par partt ofoof tbelmlddthe middle! | Tbne las lastt o rof tb eUse serie werie*n of playof play** pr<* -pr- Frost building and It wawaas .1. d«t*ded. :.i.-.l t otowell watered, with l a excellent * f lajiu* t g to 1orrk cars ° " • pumpkins** ,hlV*° , pampklna.onand aske d andthi naked th® farmer spicuous obJe«riobjept• ••lin 00r wth,u th(Able.e moa t IIco i... tl byby Morris,tbth*e BiblBible ciaaxclaaoe* .tn th- wilwill lFork b e Cloh.' t*er In thehev handhandss o..fof th. the' hii 11drinking water and roplous foun- f Park avenue f; at l •'* * what h® would tak® bom®for them.often, soThe 1 wish you'd | he table. It was ^yMi Monday nigtet at tba Park Club. fUCUtlUrivehM l rfor aotton *v * ulna In every plAUa or 0|wB ipKt. l«f -wins both tu tb bothqn d tofarme th. r cMysaid gndtwenty-flvo farmer cen waldt twenty-llv®no ceotawand—" apiece." U«.f. PIM* I. ith,e cente c-ot»rr io fof ths th.!w h en,h ,.'Thn eT Privath„ PH-Woe SewMary' Hrerrisr,.'; will .Ill will Tt "Tbe backer selecteTh,h d tw Maw said we could come over"—loo. Uhl, •.1t whir-hlchh tbth.e hotii-f-hoihooreholdn -^ 1IN>S*-IWMI. The ptveeedXh„s wilprocred.l be MU Ire -d .riotrerelHp? » " nod .Ire^l^retyns Nor ,■- Ibm..—re „* Mlr—r fbbtb. .„' .Borisordrip^-3. Pur purer ,.rIron, th- ' lirererporlore.r ^7“*'!?°, ,,, *'s . is " -* poripkltreOinkor s-l—l-d nndIn h«l chorus.two thorn of :bopot In bl. »th,r,d. «W_tordy lord an.trid ladytodr., familtsmllry t< ,orth e thopian bl^.<>o fun d foodand ,.odmbarionar mtadorerry ■ lr '•'• pumpkins and had them put "Well, this Is my bous* •on Bore’s treloB ot one -nd. red the irposee. 1_h*l lh- n-w more will b.- reotod nt ,upogw hk..| .Jt„all„i, "» *, P,Isreore,I|C wrMtrnhuggy .«rre-. The n bahe,„ flshed Tb aroun-n hrd ftshrd oroond In hU servant* and retainers at the other., ThT.,monb [>ocket for the fifty think—'' Th<. women of the |«i MI, are a»k- — Tho Motor -llrnot- Is rold -noo*h """i: ' 1 S^lco Ow port..* for tho ft/If conn." going to stay." on* of th® flrw- red lo this 1st on.'. socUl position 1^i<> „ brin, g dtahart uiwvlnh . b^t17h itowela both ,«a-.lV "'By C.orge:' he said. "I ba nnouncedred , anandd walkewalkedd oveoverr got a cent wtth me. what'!' I do nd began folk" sitting “above the salt" and the pklns, .-.!:• • MTIK. '.-iijlc cloths. Me.. " 'Oh, you can pay me the Hllfklns. growing . TuesdayTuesday artcriMNraafterni s1 atat 2:3f2'30t l*in,t w. w it. tbe docka, whe, rn ttwy ni««tm for sewkng, (hnt iliey had mannged boy by he • air 'e*Ilar waa ri^dreor gold or ^r.Mk’irihri^”lie same. Offertng,,.^.?'n al' Ju*t crisp enough gently but firmly to th® front •lifer. It-n.-nuto CellinCellinii icbaaecharedd *“0 0, ” “ «•goods *“•, “grocMiea0 - «>«-«».*. lea. .1- mju 1 i.-an.-a up » W® biter* th* •' So, I will Just give > redkt of bouse and shooed him off th® Thl» i-otnmtttn- wan appointed for tin*. The tempera:ure of the . "• "'No. IJOU will Ju sotn. for B.reels' I. hathatt were -ero: o fof Ur th.n • . •(rices, ate."T ,'"' will Br««rtre be re- «o. This .otumKIo- sroo opprintod for month* u\-%-raK»**■S sbo« rootllllon *f th, local troll-,, io Ire 0b Ihbt boI, ... | placeplace.. WheWhenn bo returned anothermost .iqulsIW workmanship, nnd at .jpi rro"“Bar.time lUbo a|dc«. 41010 dnring utc.. - -IllL^n t tre I— anothertnothi-r ji'ir>ear.. IItt watwa*t announne announcedd htb.i thatt rk gbt." “" returnereturnedd ththee furmer,furtn«r.; boboy, ha badd steppe steppedd Jus Justt across the prop-th. Loorr, a,*, b. —a re.-ral rich 1 1 l> “ >- diirla* Iren, thethe annuaannuall banrjubanquetM wouliwouldi bebe !"?'hrl heldd d^.ore For branch... In ^-TstO-i c^rep-rstln,1 s.o nnore- .. ■*„ .; the end of the penetantWI on Mari-fi 3 M Tnicll uU. anAd af-'?- .11 tbclr form. .o4 > ~ s. s ‘ ’"Kf*al' carelessly* . c.r-1—I,. I ertertyy linlinee eoso tbathatt h ebe stood on HUnk*• p—lra-n, of aalt cellars lo hirer.. - " * ">« ™-> <* p-o.Ianll.1 •i M«rrti 3 M True!) Hall, and at PTB and -The banker pulled ouc the lot and cried shrilly: made atat OrjoOrionn foforr •*a«m a Jarge box will be went to m. tho»•• . pricpriceke uf Mot-r lo Rome I. a.uoll, ,re„ hrere- B.hl,. ri.lh o. rh- carimrire. red -m.ker bank-,pulledd out th® note, lot and cried shrilly Toi going to , Bernard's School for Boytt at CI.11I- 'banquet wan placed r ri-k,n .re .re, presence ooff th thee borrowe borrowerr »tastayy here here. Ma wMaw said —»ald—" piareup',re^ Ing. cooler— all >« ■throagh .wrnarh *—redtb® aunumr.... O, Wltmnw bre ,D**.r revision °f *h«or is®l>rra*«t prrwcm utderwtaad- n<1utqerwtaBd-h aD(J andthe ^^,0,th#b*" who wasridlne mho ...: riding:Blifkln s seizeHllfklnsd hi seisedb him by the collar stooe. than la .4-tw N. w t r Ikvor I * * * * Public w,.w h,_ h m-d® u miry crediting1 and led him to the fence. b,e tblb,e THE MVTHICAI. MII.I.IOAH loB7. ; OFOP MURKUK \ k* "TKAfl-TI KM IT "HKHU4."HEIRM."" Ir d«- «-^_ f his-' "A foofooll andred- binhi.* monej y Br e eoon ■ Austria, ho-rere. I, I. partedp»n-d" 'I n Isa n anol dold saying sarin*,, aind on*red ore Ben-re: I - ml ,l.tcd that th. dukre1 ot ofwhich -ht. ,.Ihs proveIt prer-dd tru e tro.from fromday dayto lo - -'-Orel th- old-st family7 i slo day . NewsN „,corne a,„ nomow. fromm Helmmw Accordlh, to th. losmostt CaatleDrr.stl.k , (Pa. Pm., tb mth*, "member mriobri.a or toof* tha kuthorltiea the Howard. family In Western Pennayl- tjon.lhigln. th.the namnsesre II*n tbosreorere *, * to- are pren'»Htt "'ret-ro to maka FronnjV- a raid «.-;.rij So f b a,re preparing to make A r*id *■" ‘ °" ' “* tboare. >lh. Ptorwdi'u-< . i...rial ii;up. mt:ilonmi!lion*.llllaa.« (200,0*0I200.0*Q^^ flfllt tmstwonhy records of 0«i0* ofuf ththee :;.•-Mythical. '.1 \ monemoneyy o fof th th*« (state Ooff 'th* ]<•• latUt*e 8iBfrr FnaclfFranrty Drake Drake.. HR ilas evidenevidentt thathatt the tho. ren.-simue.-a r®a*|«p®7a. Ob fli«9 tH® Lady. „ bar®ve nonott yeye*t punetraae pvoetrgtedd t oto th thee coo coo-- -I see yo A an automobile: fine* of vwtern J*®tibaj• _.:\, 1 vanla.ala, or or refvrunce to avenue, la visiting rel region strong/ Impregnated said nr I rear bought you swori thethe deludedeludedd DrakDrakee heirheir*s woulwouldd no nott which he voojld.-likaid likee Ilr.1W. Kir kKirk M --\»Id. ..*p~.lhk Hrrr .Here. FuMic ' Ice Corporation X. Y. so readily put np good money to pay • »— -rected aatt thth-e trlaiigk trianBh-* n wnear IreKlrk .Rtrk. of fhil:of | Fhllld-lphta. on- of Flalnfleld falrtr and to adja. iron, wbil** tbe other flow* from a *o read Iy put up good money to pay “- Crre.-oot arrito- rhirrrh. that b. tb->F4mos foremostt de : drettstftdelphia In this. counts.. F--l*« ohnorioos trotter otthta Mr. anj Mr*. William Barlow. Jr.. peat bog and holds &s larg largee quantit quantityy of of forfor "eminent'"eminent"' lawyerlawyer** tbto ioorneJoeroeyy “nrimid appoint;*appointcrenmtu,-* cumnil'vtt" ooff ninnth.e w'lMill siW''-adds." th- the Plrinft-M Dental thru for tha rttj to corire tbo arced from -hrir bom-ymoop gallic acid in solution.Ion. Tbe union of acrossacross tbth®e bibigg ponpoodd chasin chasingg a achim thlm-- * w»sac.n thth.e projecprojectt properlraperlypreprrlry ita»rfthl a**dl th iihlas STM-IAI Rostre-V . t atft s t-snes tnest r-solar taretlnc prey and y a torse crery poaalbl.. andffta- residing at Union and these fwo streams aucecause*a tb thee Iro Ironn an dand ^ eraera., fluHu:. than that, i sis jns Jaatt wha whati the ythey con eon-- nnktee woul^l be Arlington averoue. th® gain* acid to combine■ nbin®., anandd tho*Una «na>Kt— -oold b- appointeappriaudd asaa an dred baaquet banquet.. lore of thf franchksc or octlreac.,of produ j gVriUit®get>uli.« InkInk., » I !. DOBLLKf ANANDD VICIMTVVlCINrTT.. ThThee Constitutionalist. •LITERARY Thai ChrtatlaChristiann EndeavoEndeavorr SocietSocietyy o f SOME mm*is briefsmn Cl Q GETS I | AN iMiEfKNOKNT WEEKLY. • -Da- JJj ^cionT. Tt year were S11S.421.47; expefldtturf ■ which,which. Ilan iItsU policypolicy., itIss "q iquite - Day; ■ocreury 1387.808.64.: accordingaccording tloo CountyCount nerner SucceedSuoceedes JudgJudgee anyny ot*er.other "- ThiThiss tsla lib the* Wid Widee Worl Worldd OfferOffer WelcomeWelcomedd bbyy ththee miadmindsi BsttarBetter ServicBarrio*e from from pennock;penncwk; correspondincorrespondingg secretarsecretary.y Collector Soil,11,. OceaOceann CityCity,. T#rn» IT per Magas*,•acasoe whichwfclch publishepublishesr nothinnothingg MissMiss EleanoEleanorr DodwellDodwell;; treasurtreasurer.e The [Kirw-a houshousee ooff StSt. I Mary'iMary BchenckScheock batbut fad—nof»flr—mo fictionfiction oerr served up so | Tbe bronze drinking fountainHrighia.Heigh pre-M will! bbee dediea-tededicatedd nexnextt Su 8ua-i ers.attractively Ret ,the an "fact"d the vtorlIs servedn of uprea lno1 i HI PI f.l.M ■•MruumD. COMMIYTKECTMLMITTEE TTOO MAKMAKEB FIGBTFKiBT.. ] Mhnted•ntcd t oto th thee boroug boroughh by byMayo Mayorr W . BishoBishopp |ScarboroughScarborough offlciatinofficiating.i F.F. AA.. POPPOPEE NENEWW PHUSE4 ( Ton! auractively,ad venture madaad strn>he Mariese of real A.A. SanforSanfordd lasloott NovembeNovemberr arrivearrivedd Not allowed to mo!eot Ihe dogs < adventure and « range on Moada>. It will bo placed N« allosvfd to moloot tha dogs of N YY. AMUSEMENTSAMUSEMENTS.. tfMKV tfo potent ain v V. .trtfcre I. •i-k.-.He. <.—n (blb-e I H.,nf>Uj .»r W. AA.- Smmtord lUmlred Defer Drtre.s nt-cn-v . oa Monday. It will prominent j*4lKlrlans.rticians, MUIvllle'Millville i He* el or Frelinghay*e«'a Suggeeiioas -toe flctton is teino t mifcued positionposition noonsoon aans ththee frosfrorit disappeardisappearss dog catchersi harbar#e resignedresigned., anI d a the fktloo u outout ooff Lbthes ggroundr Camden oole ed n*sn will succeed AreAn> ApproveApprovedd bjbyr Ckwrvsur "fevea Emit*/* the roost'd Th* wedding of Miss Ida McCul wkkb Wag-whale and ii~mpe pro- Scribner'*S*Tibi«.-r's Moduli*Magaslae- foforr February •>at th-IS.- 1'uMirohllr. UBUI >l»rt I. II Tbe wedding of Mlu Idz McCul-then . JohnJi.l.Ti FrmnkiinFranklin. dared of «b* Now York A*tor Thea-baab u «as- aa frontispiecfrontispiecee aa utriklii strikingK pi cpic- lough,iiKh, ooff PtocwtawaPtocatawayy townshiptownship,, anand' Annie KefKNl y. _ middle-aged u — taretare laIn colocolorsn ooff a modern ll New Tool BOOK. HenryHenry Smaltey8mal»ey., ooff ththee boroughborough,, w will an, was found helplesshelptesa and hair fro- Fort.Fort. tr* lo November. U tbe an running- at grew. *pMd. 1 •. be celebrated at the home of t fbun cm than*. It ««als wit* many up-running-at great speed. It In Tbe Dnnellen Counctl at it be celebrated at the home of t ses*nn bbyy aann Atlantic CltyCity policepolicema n Judge Louis H. Schenck. who has right aevwrat«»twa| nrtonaccompanyingi [mayttn a an arlicla The : Playground Commiwioo The Dunellen Council at Re meet- bridebride' s parentperootss :atu Si o'cloco'clockk todaytoday.. JastJuat beforbeforee d lyllghtlight,. andand onlonlyy ro Judge Loots H. Schenck. who has ch desnibe* the Hf« of a modern rongh^ th« •ecretarj". Jown»h W" ingmg MondaMondayy wawass stateslatedd toto disco*, Members of the missionary socie- serveroodd twotwo termtermss aoss JudgJudgee l inn SoojerHocner-- divorr which li which describes the Mfe of a mod dvett commuixic»-*.-d wlia the Com- thethe proiecteprojectedd seweragseweragee afBBatloaffiliationn Members of the missionary soc ©redered afteafterr BC era•all bourboarsa ooff treatmentreatmentt ha« beea wrwc. falling engineer, by the artist. WU1 OmreU. c.».«nl'«ri tin lb. Core- tiesties ooff ththee MebhodisMethodlf«t churcchurchh I met atla the CRy ispital. M coenty at Somerville, ha* bees Marndeo Punier Theodore Ro. momotn Oo*nclCotorlli «Mt RKvs FebruarF.Knurrr meetinreoreRW.g withwith NorthNorth Plainfk-ldPlainfield,. babatl oa the sug- thethe homehome ooff MmMrs.. S8.. EE.. WilliamWilliamss yes yes-- succeed-wsucceededl bbyy ClarencClarencee EE.. CaseCase,, wh whoo BinWd over again, a dan* oL spirit- MondaviMonday: regardinmtardloag thIk.e offeoff.rr ooff A iAa-gestloogestk n oOff MayoMayorr WilliaWilliamm AA.. SaaforSanford,d terday afternoon. While thraUmgrtac aa switcawltrhh InIn tb« the-K-^« 'ass aappointedappoiaited MondaMondayy bhrv GovernuGovernorr ualist*.. and a burglar On thV, rid#,veK'a article shows hla remarkable * provide a the matter waa deferred unttt terday afternoon. Pennsylvania|Pennsylvania RailroadRailroad yardyard*s EInn CiCam - Franklin Fort. Jitdg- Schenck capacitycapacity foforr obaervatloa•ervatton anandd for dre*drew MfcCleaMFClrenn ParkeFarkrer to prorldo athe matter was deferred until Miss Irene Day had the John IFranklin Ifort. Judg** Schenck who hides throughout the play inpMarasqu * and rlrld d. .-•• yearywaras Oa*iMi» ooff tbthee genuingenuinee treaitrwataa ooff N'e Noww largelarx« game(ante witwithh thethe; i-eclo regionn tnIn wbiwhichc InIn cobncrtjooconnection witwHhh thth.e playgrounplarrroohdd meeting.eeting lasla»tt nighrrightt CouncllmaCouncilman: Fir- homeomo ofof MrMr.. anandd MrsMrs.. RoberRobertt L. Cards wt-r^ senroott oooutt MondaMondayy an I - oldild anandd wawa*s bobornm lInn f»i»nJ«rw.*y» CWy CRy.. HeHe YorYorkk 1la* "ThThqe batterUrUorjy Man.Man.’*" whicwhichh Itl l Sourish**!!•)•!.! !..-•. HHee reprodocereproduce,s tbthe« papan-o Idre.idea. HR fwaores «atettatreld thathatt |l,00It too0 woul wouldd man•n H . GlsOisee wvuu un.iii)'enable- toto b ebe pres pres-- Pierce 'lerce tomorrotomorroww afternoon.afternoon. non netng ihr{ marriagmarriagee -oonn SaturdaSaturdayy receivedreceived hihlas educatioeducationn In HutfterRutgerss .•atari•stem! U|*>uponQ itItss tfah-thirdd montmonthh a tat orams of OM lift- a* he has we * needen«.™fc-dd ttoo equirti.lpp thesUun.e )*rd ;*rd»a wU withh ent ii owlowin mgg ttoo lUneaaIllness,. anandd !'J* wa woes b bo- HarryHarry TomliosonTomlinson,, ooff Ki»Kve*t MilMtfl-l of Sterling Wilson Cole, of the Cam- preparatory"cparatory school,school, anandd RutgerRutgerss col col-- nes*.*Thin [irewn off thet article-plcture Ilf. as be hasc "A moo lt_•tee l slides, , sandboxes; al« tuse otor hisbis ;it>-=«!icabsooce- -thatthat, ththee matm t SMjo«Bijuu neneatM w*ek«Ml. TbtaTtoOit i ala th thee co come-Thls preeent article .pictures **A Buf- Reel glide*. i«tn.of an instructor rendbovre:. Italnu ii ■tM*.[one,; hahass taketakenn aa posKiopoeRloaa asas cter clerkk den County l»roa*cutor's offlee, and lege,lege, graduatingraduatingg frofromm ththee lattelatterr »ithwdUj,, d> wblcb AI«n Dale declared to falo Hunt by pr4l*eworthy. Tbo Shutx A cheery,ili—ij. optimtstioprirnlrilcc totonen U char- a tiontli[ Th. Council took noth e proper time comes to lake up i her airier. Monday's aero weather waa respon- lywh oas ar opraiseworthy hrcxennng thinTh* Rld aHhubert*. John- action , regarding the i.layground the proper time pomes to taks up It* sible)le !foforr thethe- deathfleath ooff Joshu Joshuaa AtkinAtkin*,s ClarkClark iat .Somerville,Somervilli wherei bhee | prac- who are preventing thU Rida John actartarim'c wrist-c ooff i....i-.!Upplncotln <>•- s Magaxla*.ideaaotlna , bjiI tre«nrdln« after a meetinth* ? I !»nrroundof the sharshare e ooff ththee contractcontract, witw,ihb NoNorthr •pLAISflITA1NS ASANDD FASWOOIJFAXWOOD.. ne^ro, sixty years old. of Eighth ticed for a time. AbouAboutt five yean* son Hmk M.HJ.-.1;.. have matte no andand llj*tl|e. FebruarFebruaryy in«uIssuee Isla ao ncep- ifield. "Sewers are necessa a negro, slst^ year* old. of Eighth nonmistak Younge in ».j.:.comedy.- ni.- Cyrihavel Scotmadet Mno idea,counci lbpt :i' aafter committe t mretlnue of th e wholeof .thePlainfield. "Bowers are neesa streetrec* anandd llferrFerryy avenueavenue.. CamdenCamden.. ago Judge Case becambecamee a a partnepartnerr Retake In eeianting Cyril Aron astkmtk m TdO ththee K*mcragenerall rulrulee The num-Council;a*i t was jyote ad committeeto accejjt Mrof th.. Parker' who).,* here.”" hbee saidsaid., "i"Iff yoyouu wiswishh t oto w - was found apparently asleep with Mr. Clark and afterwards serv- ■the otnr. Thf>-. are to be compliment- ber i>i-!, . with a long and wa. Voted to accvpv Mr. Parkcr v boroogh expand, and what eve Tha second of tbe B. A E. Oom-He wa* found apparently asleep In a with Mr. Clark and afterwards aorv- theed IMnUr> onThey havin areg surround*>to be compliment-d him ber opens with a long and Intenariyoffer , j borough expand, and whatever pany's winter dance*, wh'cb waa held vacant hon»e att 878711 CenCentralt avenue, ed, a term as secr^ary to thethe presi-presi- powrrfulpowprful detnxivedetwtlve MoryMary bbyy thathatt ve rer-r offer. expensexpensee ithertheree iIss ththee money will he • ha'l. was one . edwit htso a on>*l ohavingf mor e surround**!than ordlaar him, sstth t gvnlus. Carolm Wella. The All tjie necessarj' papa's, together last night In Excelsior ha’I. was onebutbu t eSoeffortm a tnto awakawakene hihimm proved>ved dentden t ofof ththee SenateSenate. Hliee too tookk a nan Oc -ac- calibrewith s. rdtTb eof cas tmore ln.-l.iii than— Mr .ordinary Scott. sattfo g.nlus. Carolyn Wells. The All tbe necessary papers, togwther wellII expended."expended.p " of th# moet enjoyableIe ththee firemenflremep tive pan in the lost proaideutiajildential elecelec-- newnew tg|etale IIss entitleentitledd "Th"Tbee Gol Coldd Bag Hag., *with h mppemap*,. etc.etc.,. aass welwelll asas a aleas |. e bis pres- have iet held. The hall was protuly unavailing.ivailtng. calibreHelen fy>»»-JlThe, cantl,weH., Hsrr> Louise- S. HadBeldGalloway., Jane Rob-t and K |s fully up to the standard ofprepared by Corporotlo.. Ct>u enceence aatt ththee recenrecentt meetinmeetingg ofof Ne Neww trlmmle d and tbe friends of the com ire breaking has eminently fitted,fitted hihimm fufoii tbtbee du du-- Itsits famoufamoi s itredewmor by ibis au Marsh,rsh. jwerewere ;pr*VM-oted. T.---.I ThThee offeOfferr o fol held at Trent pantrimmedy Ver eaad ou tthe tn forcefriends, t oo' enjo they com-the ladenladen schooneschoonerr WilbeWilberr EE. PostlesPostlcs., o of ert'B^echcr MsrKsy,, B'be Hmrryi Winthrop H H*dO<, Mar Id.y l^esJanot- thor—"The Clue." which has f>eei PaVker Is that the city shall Jersey raayor* hold at Troatoa. pany wore out In force, to eajoy tbeCamden, en, ththee boaboatt wawaas sunsunkk Inin mi mld-d tiestie s wblcwhichb hhee wilwilll aauniaaeumee a aa* JudgJudgee llBeecher.e Ha) « Kan brid Wallac WlnthCDp,e Snaipe Mary. ThIaw-e onthor—-e of ‘Thethe mosClue."t BucrMWfti which: bookhas s beeno Mr. 1‘qrkrr U that tho city shalldeclareddeclare d thathatt IInn hibiss opinioopinionn tbe cKy laatast dancdancee beforbeforee ththee openinopeningg ooff ti nthe of the DiStriODM riott CourCourtt In«n SomerseSomersett one of the most iiKwoifii: books ofhavehav e it»tfee ususee ooff tihrhee athletinthloricc fli Beldo f Plainfleld would uldntat .entea season. Naylor's full orches- n to ea-W. E. G. Mtiler'sMiller's lumberlum-be; lionnnun- Mayo- IandN WednesdaWallace y Hhaipe- and Satur The- which «..) be located oa Randol of Plainfield would ultimately JoinLenten season. Naylor's full orches- and several shore dwellings county. daymatinee,. ar# W da today-sod Batur- the season. rihlch Mill be located «*« RandolphInterest* witwithh NortNorthh PlainSelPlainfieldd iInn tb e ra was kept busy responding to en- yard and several shore dwelling*. FrankFrank AlleAllenn PopePope,. who succeedsucceedss roadroad aBandd WoodlanWoodlandd avenuenvea , for proposed sewerage system. tra was kept bu*>- responding to en-TheTb e PauieborPauls boroo anandd BllllngsporBllllngaportt firefire dar. The February Century o|hwis ap- n oi ten years at the nominal proposed sewerage system. cores for the enchanting two aep ipaniea were unable to save the Johntn F.F. RegeRogerr as prosecutor of Som- term of ten yearn at the DamUnl Watert'ater pressurpressuree occupieoccupiedd ththee atat- nd waltz, and there was not a dul companies were unable to save tho set county. • born August 10 Prof.Prof. I/»wle.•owfe. oOff t Obn AmertcAmericani propriately wMh a port rs ft of therents ta lI ft*f S11I a» yearyear,, th thee cit cityy t oto pro ph>-- Ion of -the Council for a time. A and waltz, an! there was nut a dullboaboat t onon accoanaceoantt ooff thtbee highighh windwind.. erset county, waa born Auguet 10, i Of Natural HI Central latelate Kic&arRichardd WaUwWatsonn GilderGlider,. I fcr taxes and maintenance, af- tention of tbe Council for * time. Atmoment aomeni frofromm 9» o'cloco'clockk utMiuntill 1:31:30.0 1873. and la tbe non of the late Museum Of Natural IIMory. Central vlde fak taxes and maintenance, af- the recenrecentt firefire aatt ththee HalHalll PrintrPrintingn rhen Home Sweet Home »aj played. Enemies araree chargechargedd v^itwithh havinhavingg postmas- PwParkk anandd T'-U77thi »T<-'street,, thithiss m morningling twenty-right v. < • ri: > -.-j iili - :.•years i... editoredttor Ooff it fe fully equipped.' It was e: 3* Works the firemen were tianrii when Home Sweet Home »ai played. set fire to the sloop Franklin O. Charles F. Pope, who wa* postmas- made a iilasir cast of thf- head o magazine, rnjirodmi-d from the j ter nedIt f thafullyt th eequipped. cost of •tb Ite edtevui fx-Prs*a Works the firemen were handi- A business meeting of the B. Y set fire to ttm sloop Frei.kl1a O.ter fr aatt DunelleDunellenn foforr twenttwentyy yearsyears.. mad# a plastr cast of the brad ofmagazine, reproduced from the paint- plained that the cowt of the *»tr*r .-i! in nghtln^ the 0: P. A U.buslne*#i was hel meetingd last, nigbof tthe ln eY.WesAeott , mooredoured,, nearnear SomerSomerss Poinpointt Us mother was Ix>ulsa h. Todd, a KiwiKiwt AiDOh'anAtuohau,, leadinleadingg chiechieff ooff t htheingmi, - bbyy OcIHCeclkaa BeuuxBeaux:; anandd ththee & mfin* m TO Mr. Parker would be about cappedlow inpressur fightinge an dthe on fl:um-stbe reco owlaim P. L*. was held la»i night In theSunday , and' deatro>-ing the craft. Hla mother waa Louisa h. Todd, a Trio.- of Maori*, no* apj e.uinc a featuref.-;i;im- ofof (bthee numbenumberr lIsa MrMr.. Gilder'Gllder'ia prise,00^ t*. Mr.A t Parkertbe en dwould be about low pressure and on the recotn of the Baptist church. Fol- Sunday,_ and destroying. . the craft.. _ lece of.niece Rev. Johof nIter. H .John Todd . H.Hi sTodd. Ida Tribe of Maoris, now appearing at tyo.OO# At tbe eod of ten yearsmendriJon idattJon ooff PlrFiree ChieChieff WyhnskWyhuskey- parlors of tho taiAhit church. Fol-Th. The doop.sloopWal ,er owne°4re«b,d by HowarHPWrtd Somers diicjijort».re.kmn wa s begunbrere. tn th i.e publi<•> \ of Steelman- planter cn*t will be added to the- Nn Lily.*’ The, magazine's tribute the CouncilII wilwilll make nn effort tober* enjoyedJoyed aa ooclaooclall houhourr togethetogether.i “? ! o'. atylrnM-•liooi KhooU, and undflnished 0nteh In„, th elB N'e w JerN)-,w ]er. plasterZealand rail eollrotio will ben addedof th eto msseuthe Newn •the fluid and equlpmen*. for cdst. more•re elBoiearflldratt wwatert suppl ville.vllle, wadwas useusedd ttoo carrcarryy "t ifrock fromaey ey i.-i|j»w« SchoolSchool. HHee wa wass raise raisedd o n Zealand Mhcljoa of the tneseum Mr. Gilderr iincludesn Illdi'! memorial poem. withlih «)'llx peperr centcent,, addedadded,, otherwisotherwisee IV ate hung Water Companj RefreshRefresibment men*.*s w&rweree serveservedd anandd ■th e mainland to Atlantic City during tsts will be' made by ElizabethBllxabpth SmarStuartt PhtlpPhelpss amand from the Wricbung Water Company. DOBU enjoyable time was had. the mainland to Atlantic City during farmfarm aatt MartlnsvillMartinsvillee aoandd studiestudiedd and later other rants .will be made It willwillj) reverrevertt ttoo MrMr.. ParkeParkerr o ror hi shlaCouncilmanCouncilma n RR.. FF. Bogar-tFtogardu*i waa moojj enjoyable time waa had. thee summesummerr season.season. iw while tilling the soil. He enter- from the headss ooff sevrseveralr ooff Cto e wo•- CharCharleCharte leads TT... Ro RogersRogers,i , anaadd c lernpic Work work,"." • •by Jaco Jacobb A . A.RUs RIM;;theh e 1'Snitinclpljdnfleldd HigHighh SchoolSchool. Y. H.;C. ise which will show the • as been detained at honie from bus to reNiew the action of his successful one. He nerved aa assist- would have demro.vvd "His Relation to the Arts." by Ci \.. asfwell as other local bodies. The house which will show the dallyhas been detainwl at hon;» from bu*- tiorari to review the action of hi*ant nt prosecutoprosecutorr ttoo JameJamess LL.. GrlggGriggsa and would have dwaoroywl , riH'«•* R-lallon lo rbo Ana." by C<-A., as Well as other local bodies. The ssure. It w4ll also be asked to * for several days on account board lain awardinawardingg RileRileyy BrothBroth'i >r live years and from this experi- lh-ih>- reaukroau bild hhoe nonort beebooan i>eranadepomadedd cili' a * BeauxHm.iv;: "Hi "Illss EditoriaEditoriall Rela Relo-- •ommissio n will have the righi nlsh *.a -telephonIt wall!e alsoat fire be h.-ad askedt for five year* and from this experi- r. Wn. F. Wbjnn who tions," by his associate editor. Rob- rommkwlon'harg^ a revenu will e havefor th thee us righte of th e furnish a telephone at fire headqiiSr- ann attackattack ooff ththee gripgrip.. the cooatruotlonnstruotion ooff ththee shcrtheree roadroad enceoce IsIs qualifiedflualifled ttoo eateeaterr o onn hihiss du du-- byby hibiss irnsnsawr. W». K. wbynn who i tlons." by bis arenriate rdkor, Rob-chargq a revenue for the use of the L The Council declares that MIFS Lillian Hoyt, who has bee a cost of 1196,000. •ornrepanlod M'ai to «h-he M Museum. (o'ont UnderwooI od.rwoodd Johnson Johnson.. TbeThor,i orelei d to be applied to Its mainten- L necessitTbe Councily as whe declare*n a fire that occur thiss Mint Lillian Hoyt, who has beena coat of tlBC.000. ties as prosecutor for Somerset coun- remain q.ufet until Prof. Low tie and (nrtber tributes of appreciation fieldance , toi Tb bee Helappliedd comprir« to Its9 betweemainten-n ecesMty aa when a fire occurs visitingUlting MrsMrs.. CharleCharless HaherlyHabcrly.. n MayorMayor Apileby'Appleby'ss SundaSundayy afafter-t ty. remain »ulol .mil Prof. I-owrlb and further (rlboue of npprecleUoa aadance. The field compnr* wafer company can b*- notified t' K*ront street, has returned to he httf aestetabu were able to remove regret from President Taft. FVa welvd' and fifteen acres. the t waterits pumpin companyg engin.*rvt from President Taft, Franco.tweiv-M and fifteen acron. start It* pumping eag1ne d there- lome In New York. is defied by twenty 111.tbe cosvast.t ! Hodgsojn HodjtaonBurnett , Banrett.John Burro Johnu HurroaKbsActJonActfon wawa*s urgeurgedd oonn ththee propcialpropdsl-- I save a loss of time.( an home In New York. waa defied by tweriy or more fruitmastermaste r ooff SolomoSolomonn LodgeIxxlge., FF.. AA A -A. Uf£~— X : Hele|n Hrton Keller Koiler.. Hamilto Hamiltonn Wrigh tWrl*bt Ma- ioMun ifcHt ii --in for tbe reason that foreL saveresolutio a lossn wa ofs paB»>time.d anthori MianMiss ElizabetElizabethh Rile}-Kllev., whwhoo haha*K beebeenn andid candcandyy Oealerdealersa SundaySunday- OrlglOrigi-- M..M. . ooff SomervSomerville:i le; commandecommanderr "Madame X,” Oi. impreeslve dra-1 pp.. Andrew r.rm vl- and rtborerioo lh*c night for the reason that A resolution was passed author!*- Isittag Mrs. Ferdinand Schmidt. • illy the notice includel drug and "Hadatnn X." *he Imprw»lre dra- b,c. Andrew Carnerfe and ot Mr.dr. ParkePgrkerr lisa goingoingg awaawayy soosoonn to'bto ebe the erection of a storage boat visit log Mrs. Ferdinand Schmidt, of nally tbe notice Includel drag andTrinity Trinity Commandorv.Comma ndery. NobleNobless ooff ththee a.s lr, 'Al.rsandra ' andra IttosonIHason., thalthatt so«• wn wbo ko«o knoww an dand loi.i fo.odl the nman and hiands bis Jng toolthe s erectionto be buil oft ai n ororagethe rea rbonne < foreet Torest avenue,avenue, hahass returnereturnedd toto h ihercigarciga r storesatom*,, bubatt latelaterr draggidrugglaUi were MyoticMystic Shrine:Shrine; membememberr oorf tbtbee gran grandd Paris, «waWs givengiv^! iu*w , rk. absentibs.-iit aboutabout twtwoo monthmonthss ..mandl hhee w.»*.«*s i to be built In the roar of • in New York. it did not cover cigar sa thrill.-.! all -Paris, was siren UsiVO anxiousmxfoas tloo knoknoww whethewhetherr ththee chckyy augb. hall. homo in New York. told It did not cover cigar sales andtribunal of the grangraadd lods*lodgv- KalgrbtKnlghraa reetropoRUa promt.r.Here aatt ththee | NewNow., borough hall. ta Mamie Gallagher, who hi this allegeallegedd discriminatiodiscriminationn angereangeredd of PythiasPythias anandd nationanationall vice-presmeatequIidPCtK.. not iinn accoraccordd witwithh ththee Major'Mayor'ss order ordor., andand -ththee <.•*•:cast is I s®n« On eof o fthe th emost most bril-bril-willwil l convey an Idealea ofof wherwheree the MayorMayor CharleCharless JJ.. FisFiskk v-av.ass -invite tnvHvdd CITY FIIIRS RECEIVE r andind MrsMrs.. LlfoAlfonsom Salvatore,told ththee ItalianItalian*s ttoo keekeepp opeopenn ifif the theyy liantliant Iinn yearsyears,, ththee rosterosterr comprisincomprisingg ry’s hard coal renders Ita final j> suy-,iv a rcfew« wordwordss iInn explanatioexplanationn o fofCIT Y FAfiffiVE of Park avenue, haveve beebeenn entertain- wanteantedd toto.. NameName*s ofof ththee violator violatorss Dorothy Dpnttelty. William Elliott. accounting. In that year New fi he.- oReroffer,. whicwhichh hbee diddid.. an andd Forme Farrierr ing relatives from New York. were taken. TRIBE HOARD 10 Till Dorothy Donnelly. William KlIloU. ntlng In that year New York.Councilman •uii, «;.n <^*orgeGeorge PP.. MeilkkMelllck.. ofof were takes. RobertRobert Drou<*.lit---!].- , MalcolMalcolmm WilliamsWlUUms., NewNew JerseyJersey,, anandd PennsylvaniPennsylvaniaa * con- mi mins Boardwalk; spectators crowded W.W. aIIt DennyDenny., JohJohnn McKeeMcKee.. HarrHarryy G O. sumed InI roundround numbernumberss 41.000.00041.000.000.. thehe I'Floy- >\ croitn groundd CommissionCommlsaion., a|>oks|>okee LICENSE APPLICATIONS WESTFIELD.WKSTFIELI). Boardwalk upeetatnri crowded Hrall.). Charles I-: Verner, Frank tons; New England. 8.000,000 ti inn fa^ofavorr ooff ththee mattermatter.. I!Ho - sai saidd tha thatt alongJong thethe seaward9ea.-ward railrollss ooff ththee promeprome-- 01 MUNICIPAL OWNERSHIP Bradley. Chari** E. Verner. Frank tons. New England. $.000,000 tons; ill appreciated Mr. Parker's offer The t TheTbe LadlesIndies'' AiAidd SocietSocletvy wilwilll holboldd nade lade tInn ChelseChelseaa MondaMondayy toto watcwatchh a a ON MUNICIPAL OWNERSHIP WrightWright., ChristinChriutlntfe BlessingRkMalmg., Mary SlateaStates weswestt ooff ibibee OhiOhioo riverriver., - ijpreclated Mr. Parkvr’s offer The usual Bomber of application uccessful flptot pu>t up by men of the Mai Ion and; many ocher players of 000000 tons;tons; SoutherSouthernn StatesStates., S. t*> was sure that the commission for liquor licenses were presented atan n oysteoysterr suppesupperr ilan tbthee pprlsperishh bousbousee successful fight put up by men of the Mayorr CharleCharless JJ.. Fi-Ffckk bis anrkkuauxiou*s Maiblgh Ion rank and: ••' tNo t etnee the dayplajerss whe ofn tons, and Canada. 2.000,000 toiu. could give .h-- best of care and at- the February meeting of the Con of.f thethe FirsFlratt PresbyteriaPresbyteriann churcchurchh to to-- crews rewx ofof threthreea bibigg bargebargees entndd a a deep deep-- to push forwarforwardd witwHhh atalll possiblpoaslblee high Nut riaco the days when nl 2.000.000 would give tbe best of care and »t- the February meeting of tbe Com-norro w evetiiUB. This supper ea tug to prevent tons Of ice gath- 1 r Clara Men rh, In Am Onl>rony 40,6000nr0 tons were exported.— t potion>•!= '.HI to,thto. thee ni.iin-.main 'Una :i-i:i ik*' • ofof i9»:hee mo monn Counci Councill Monda Mondayy night night,, an dand tin theymorrow evening. This supper willsea tug to pnewnt tons o? Ice gath-haste publicublic .•-•iisentiment i:i]'-ij foforr ththee pro pro-- Clara Morris. 1a AnfsvWn. k^s'lha ‘‘FTom> *•*•<>• j were referred to tbe license commi takeake ibtbee placplacee ooff thtbee annuaannuall turketurkeyy ered ered oonn titiee sl4eridese ofof -ththee vesselveaoelss Bara ardt n< Prance. I From ''Our Coal Supply To-Day." by field. I were referred to the license commlt-inner. Ing. them posed specialpecial electioelect loon aatt whichwhich, th thee dlrin- Sarah- B..,nbardt. n< Franco. G I .. ElL„' C™•hell' *»PP«T. in. (b eTo-Day America n I - — "I j tee to jb teee reporte to bed reportedon at a non adjour at ani adjourn-dinner. from turning them ore- by Its of municipal ownership of «• movemoredd 1b.A h«hreinsr ooff ththee audttont. , '/Oby"> Elliott Mltcb.ll. In the Am.rtr.n : weight. FigaWne with ut*ai question of municipal ownership of 1 alMttOT,ad,, Review of Reviews for February. FOK TAT EXEMPTION’, ed Iedmeetin meetingg on Thursdaon Thursdayy night night.. Feb- Feb-TheTh e questioqueattonn ooff IncreaseIncreasedd scschool weight. Fighting with sUam driven the waterter planplantt mamayy b»be eubntktesubmittedd has a playPlay Breate.rertodd a s.ha kas " M"Mad - »« R.rirtretor F ebrnary DIX'OlWTIkJS AND tZiSKX.SHEX. ruarruaryy 2 *4.4, f< for action. All licenses ex- through plpeaj from the tug's X dramatic thrill, tragic acuitiecllltle*s foforr WestfielWestfieldd camcamee -beforbeforee through pipes from the tug's boilers, to the votersvoters.. HHee sen*eott MondaMondayy dramatic thrill. tra«tc| Charlechbrlres Dudle Dadl.)y W iWarner one- . IIpir pi ree MarcMarchh 11.. henchencee thtbee necessitnecessityy o fof nee-ting of tbe Board of Ed ththee seamenseamen partlpartlyy freefreedd th thee endang- Presldi nt William Jeffery of the fore*force anandd «ymp«t)henisympathetice appeaappeall this no matter how Trenton.enton. FebFeb. . 9—Ba Ibis month. the meeting of the Board of Educa-ere d vessels from their n: Prraldent William Jeffery of the drama of k mother's love has justlHi**y so far aa lo say that no matter howbutton >n -ttoo ththee billMil*s thrthrowno In theaction this month. tionion helheldd lasI hoct eveningevening.. ered vessels from their dangerous| Board Board off TradTradee thiIhl*s letterletter.. . rancher’, love has1 Justly objectionable tbe characterrai-ter of a pa- ThoThe applicantapplicantss foforr saloonsaloon,, hotel coatingcoating ofof froze[menn spraaprayy an sodd the flo- a meeting of th-; Coi been-been puputt eveeve*n n* stestepp aheac ahead o fOf suc suchh iti trifle better Houaolouse, hoppehopperr MondaMondayy night,ight, whllwhile« id wholesale licenses are as fol- TbeThe membermemberss ooff tbthee ololdj hoohookk and • rted . Hotel Kensington; regular meeting last evening. eded bbyy ththee tw4sreaguLeaguee Isla t to tackleadoptions of the provlalonx of an Act. rnderade ooft UItss worsworstt qualitiesqaalltMa:: whereasbequeathed tequeMhed foforr tbthee purpospurposee ooff pub pub-- Watson.Watson , FranFrankk LlnkLlnkee anandd ththee EastEast-- ThqThe. Sundayday schooschooll ooff -t hthe First ©outledentitled "A"Ann AcActt ttoo enablenablee catleottieos t oto the;he readereaderr whwhoo isIs loudesloudestt inIn pro pro-- lic monument* oorr otheotherr memorialmemorial. ernern BottlinBottlingg CompanyCompany.- Baptistaprttut churchciiurch. wilwilll holholdd ?» eociasociall to to-- the Isaac aatt itItss nexnextt meetinme-jUngg o fof try try-- suppl■ npplyy tha-the inhabitantInhabitant*s thereothereoff witwithh EUCIfll'S III claiming-laimlng iInn publipublicc hihlas repugnancrepugi e for Mr. TerhunTerbuooe woulwouldd alsoalso,, bbyy anotheanotherr Ju»tJust priopriorr ttoo ththee presentatiopresentationn of orrow night.night. AA IHerarIHeruryy an modd i ing to get ofof thethe yeasyeastt ououtt ooff purepure aadand wholesomwholesomee water,wafer.”" bbee sub sub-- ENGINEER'S IDEA horrors,lorrors. anandd hihiss destatiodentationn ofof scanscan-- MU.bill , raiseraise tbthee Alarsalaryy ooff :htbv- jergfeergeont-e thethe licenses,licenses, ththee applicatioapplicationn ooff JohJohnn calI programprogram haha*s beebeenn arrangedar.wnged. thethe combinaicombination'sE oi tills1111*.. TbThee mittedmitted ttoo 'ththee votervoterss ooff thethe- cit ckyy a tat a a l«ls. may In private be buying dally In ththee ChancerOhanceryy CouCourtr a: Burns, proprietor of the Hotel Ken consolidationconsolidation j promisepromisedd ththee B samespecia l election to be held as soon dals. may In private be baying dally Newark, from 11.200 a yoar to Burns, proprietor of the Hotel Ken- "The"The BoBoyy ProblemProblem”" wiiwilll toebe th thee prid e of gas. ninety "cents per tl specialas the necessarelectiony topreparation be helds caoan soonbe hehe sheesheett whicwhichh peddlepeddless botbothh mosmostt from f 1,209 a year to $1.*«lngton. eington. foforr aa transfetransferr ooff bihlas licenslicensee oplc for the mid-we iee>ting at pride of gaa. ninety ’cents per thou-oa the necessary preparations can be OMN WATEnR SUPPLSUPPLYY hird bill would pe to-the new proprietor, Alezaadei topic for the mid-week meeting atrand net. aa as ln Inforc forcee -befor beforee themade ; and, shamelensl)hatni-lessly.—Franci — Franciss EE.. LeuppLeapp., L nla5oo ivorce aidd womeby a nthird to billresum woulde permitt to the new proprietor. Alexandertbeth e Congregation11CongTegationagg l church tonighttonight.. as formed.^but maay made; and, he February Atlantic. resume their Rlley, was received and was actei h combination wax formed, but '•Further Resolved, That the Cor- the.February Atlantic. Riley, wa* received and was actedFathers •ithers anandd mothersthers ooff bboy»? araree urgurg-- boueehx ing thatit tbthee transfetransferr bbee mademade.. MrMr. Rev.Rev. DrDr.. CampbellCampbell,, ooff tbthee borborougO,o have received| bills•ills foforr duitbldotJblee thetholrl timetim e foforr th-thee regularegularr meeUnmeetingg o fof th thee neern.-,'-- .rofi nuEenote,. tootookk upup th thee questio qaestionn seriosserlo B ooff letletterst ers entitleentitledd "Th‘Thee ThingThingss delegation,relegation, alsalsoo offereofferedd threthfeoe MilsRileyRlle y tootookk possessiopossessionn ooff ththee hotehotell willwil l givgivee a taltalkk aatt ththee Y Y.. W . C. A., old bills. ConnellCouncil iIna MarcMarchh nextnext,, ththea necessarnecessaryy of«r ththee citycity: votinvdtlhgg oonn Ihthee ques qmvukmt loo HeH e WrWrote© Le ttoo Her,Her.”" byby RicharRlrha'Ud a* bihiss sharsharee ooff ththee grist grist.. OnOnee o f ofbusines s this morning. He also pre- tomorrow>rrow afternoonfternoonn aatt 44 o'clocko'clock.. H Hei resolutions. notices, etc., lur bringing o( owningowning irtit's watew^thrr supplysupply? HHee ad ad-- Wight man "Where Bnslness. businessited Rilev' this s morning.applicatio nHe also pro- givegive thesethese talktalkss evereveryy ThursdaThursday; resolutions, notices. e:c.. for bringing WtKhtiua "Where thesethese woulwouldd permpermitU thtbee Bs&eEa*exx Ct Count j* se nlrd Riley * application for a new fterooon during Lent. DR.DR. JOHNJOHN CfTlAMPLIVl AMPLIN PRESENTPRESENTSS aboutabout SUCsuckB submissionsubmission,, toto ththee en endd vocatediiVsie.1 thithiss itrtfnsbstrongly,, fUlmlnrUlmlage thathatt WhicWhichh RuleRuins I'I'ss AllAll.. IsIs No Nott Qui Quitet Board ard Ofof FreeholderFreeholderss ttoo ge|i«t naround license>nse beginninbeginningg MarcMarchb 1. afternoon during Lent. thatthat actioactionn mamayy bbee taketakesn thereothereonn a tat lain fllty0ft* yeartearss ibthe* citcityy coul Couldd ow ownn It sitsWise—AWDO—A. * Yet."Yet." iins tbthee thirthirdd instaiMtall-l • dinculty • >i.i- Is . onl "i.ii'.iuu thdm TheThe MissioMissionn StudStudyy clasclams wilwilll havbavi WESTERWESTERLY! I WITWITHH AA HOSIT1.-.:HOSPITAL. such regular meeting." plant through tht> issue of bonds. difficulty « bat is roof renting tb4m ■uch regular meeting.’* pUut through the Issue of bonds. menmentt ooff CharleCharless EdwarEdwardd RussellRussel.' * ;h-ho- wayway ooff sewe***werr drainagdrainagee a att th thee AbeAbe FIndlayFindlay,. ththoe welwelll knowknownn golfgolf-- chargeharge ofof ththee EpwortEpworthh LeaguLeaguee me«tmM- "ThiThiss lais aann importanImportantt matternatter,, an andd Heli« saisaidd thathatt itbthee clrlllseaat liens shoulshouldd seriesfterbee entitleentitledd "Th"Thee PowePowerr BefalBehindn proposed.;-o.->-(1 EsseEavexx IsolatioIsolationn HosphaHospitalJ aait er, oars he could name six profes-ing at tho First M. E. Church. Sun ManyMany PlaiPlalollelderan <•!ui*n Conner: meciln tagg ooff ththee sewagsewagee aaandd dralndrain-- wouldwould exceeexceedd Sl.000.00f 1,000.0090 Incident-subject of ' Korea” will be consider-willwil l bbee imere)«eInterffttodd inla ththee announceanaounce-- Boar d of Trade, at which meeting present t'latis; secondly, the advisa- Brownlow, late of the Orient, entitle Board of Trade, at which meeting1 bility of condemnatioH: mcondly.n proceedingsthe advisa-: Rruwnlow, late of the Orient, entitled age3 ofof ananyy countcountyy bospltihospitall witvrKhh an shyy allyally. . FIndlaFindlayy doedo««s nonott nanamei the for-ed. menentt oofr ththee openinopeningg ooff &a ne neww hospi hospi-- you you coulcouldd Invttin ritee ththee MerctaouMweDou’ A= As-- bility of condemnation proreeding*: "OurOur ChanceChance iInn China.Chinn "" EE.. A .A. V aVan •rer ordratn now existing or here- tal at that place by Dr. John Champ- •iation. and members Of the Plain- tblrdl>.thirdly the : feasibilitfrarihllltyy ,,of( buildinbuildingg a a Vat ken burs. or drain now existing or hero- tunate aerie*. He aald: The Men's Clab ooff -ththee CoagregaCoi - tal at that plops by Dr. John Champ-sociation. «nd members of the Plain- Valhenbarg. afterfter «oCo bbee constructedconstructed.. MrMr.. MinardMlnard.. tional church will omiomKt t M lin, who la also knowknownn toto many here. fieldId ProtectiveProtective AssociationAssociation,, anandd socouchh Tbe 3traad Uagxxlne fjr Februarr r a *«raidd billbill,, woulwouldd amenrandd (lithee "Take"Take DonalDonaldd RoseRoas., aatt PinehurstPineharat.. g for two AtAt tbthee annual meeting aad banqnet other people as you may thrnk proper laftTopinionInAbe optBio* offnt MrMr.. HooHoodd aa rreser-— for Februar; tkU month, aa It I. ammidnnsg for two if the Association of Westerly Physi- other people aa you may think proper *i'ir located on the Watch an 6 Iiilte ntataa ro»eproperr thingthing,, saoo thathatt PlainPlala-* storiesatorie « andand sirixx sirikm-.striking- arUclet>articles,, be be-- !*•*. rvirlro to county boards, and FebrFebruaryt 17 » "Psrtrioti''Patrioticp SupperSupper”" clan*. loot s colleagues a sur- man of tbe public affairs committee SelitersH :-|.-i - rarann obtidobtainn theitheirr wal«watorr sup iup-- side*side * !VV*-7Joewral! pagepagess ooff tbotthoseM "Curosl"Curosi-- hisits thirthirdd Imeasurm«a*uree wawass onone» puputt InIn )&alastt to:o helphelp himhim.. HHee sell oellas thre throee thousan thousandd willwill Bbee ggiven.! Cbamplln ga< i hla colleagues a sur- ofof thethe CouncilCouncil,, havinharingg thithiss mattematterr i nIn |H> through (imiiv and not by tlea" wltn which Strand readers bi yearyear bbyy SirMr.. ClarkClark,, aatt the request of dubs•tuba darinduringg thtbee setwoseason,n ansodd hihiss ro- prise, by j that ha had eqrip- •harge, will be very glad to present Pl> through grant* and not bylle# with which Hera ad readers I releasing the trUe of pair bill U large. Just figure ft TheThe JJunioru EpworrEpworthh LeaguLeaguee ooff th thee charge,he matte willr fo ber discussion very glad. toI sugges presentt pumping(•iitiil.Latt iias. aatt presentpresent.. HHee sai saidd tha thatt become so familiar during Cb* Adrians RikerHiker,. ireteaslag the title ofPhlr bill Is large. Just figure It up M. E. church will meet in Vln- ped a private he matter for discussion. 1 suggest tbe &a:*:ate iInn cecertain: real estate for yogtwelf. Firm M B church will meet In Vin-pens e for the use of the people of i special meeting of tha board for IfereIk-n* wa»IU noM II»V»:I»IgufetluaI bubutt thathatt PlainPlstn-- fourfew yearsyearn.. AA.. EE. W.W. Mason' Mom’ss « e cent chapel.>hapel, FridaFridavy afternooafternoonn InIn us# of the people of aht speciale purpose meeting, us it wilofl probablthe boardy tak fore feldlt«*M shoulshouldd I>»ougB anandd controcontroll IIItsI wa wa- logtog riory.mory. "Tn"Thee UurdVMurderr aatt •••••tha VillVillaaOrange,Orange , poff wbicwhichh MoseMusess BeuneRennett d»ed barge of Miss'Muy Randolph, super- rly trad anyr doctordoctorss lIna thathatt sec- this purpose, aa It will probably take terter tut>[.. foferr kcttonaction.. inIn vie vieww o fof submittedibmltied aa measurmeasuree providinprovidingg forforYountakak Youmakah wilwilll expirexpiree oona AprilApril.. I.1. I churcrrhh willwill bhee helheldd tnin th .bee parlor parlor*s of, of,kepkeptt a a secret.. ThiThiss ta IsWesterly' Wariers I y’s theth? Mnew !.-Fi»l»tiolegislationn constantlconstantlyy twinbeinge Ther*There hashas beeWsn aa changchangee laIn pro p - thetie regulating,regula-Jnp. cleanincleaningg ansadd repmirepairi ^^^^^^^^^_ I ththee ^*^*tir^»church.h t~-Friday i' i .• .*"..-.i,wi-afternoon. * from,... * flm. . hospital.tilJ f—Although built and enaoted at • Treaton. The commu fiMBionalamlonal* atat ihthee fiaiCamden.d -n, S.S C. " treem, sidewalks ard public ETCH at thia early du.*.- plans are 2 equipped by Or. enacted at Treatoa Tie commnnl i'o«iw, W. C. fikellej-. fcrtnerly at f *troetp. *k rika ard public Even at this early dor*, plana are untll 5 o'clock. equipped hr Hr. Chunplln (ho InoU p. h. ». wm. rationration wawass T«feijrereferredd ttoo (hthee publipabllcc sf coarse. W. C. Skelley. fcrmecly groundsroundsmds (lana cltie*cities.citl . makingmakins abroad foforr ththee professionprofession-- i__On arrow*t of ofth ethe'i-i previousi en - tutlo-n n will be for the general use of fairs committee.! has ar-'gagement (niton »1U bo for tho gonorol no of TheThe facultfreak.y iIss gettingama,g readread,y toto fairs committee. ol*. The Ohon Golf Club has ar- gag*meat of Mrs. I^nnox rod daugh-thothe publicpabUe.. HH wilwilll bboe know knownn a au th thoe pla y the seniors in a basketball game succeededsucceeded JarJackk CroknCrvke.. ThThee lattelat r boardboard ooff ththee FirsFirstt MM raogedranged foforr aonn opeopenn tournamentournamentt foforr i ter. they if willMrs .be Lenno unablex en tod daugb speak- /a pl»r tho ooalora In a baskrtbsll cam- The !VDk>r cla«s will give did n»t find enough busii.taa lo salt toey will be unable To speak . WoreorlrWesterly SanitortSoDttorfamu anudd anu,y phvslpbjM-- a weewtokk frofromm FridayPrldsr. MrMr.. Trarel Trorrlil The senior rises will give thedid not Bad enough buslztes to suk i meet tonighttonight afterafter tbtbee JuneJune 2299 anandd 303#.. aatt whicwhichh Braid Braid., Tar- Toy-,1 "China "China"" a tat th thee Wes Waatt Ba Endd Tabernacl Tabernacle,i ctoncla n mamory brinbrio,g Mhi.s paUentpntlontos toto th thoe JuniorJunior cla< loanM xa dtncdhnee* InIn th thea auditor hndltor-- rim.blm. JudgingJudging bbyy mnnonee remarkremarkss abou aboutt prayer-merilngg ttoo deciddecidee abooshoott ththee will come oveororr frofromm MorrietowMorrUtowan toto lor.lor. VardonYardoa.. HerdHerd., Maaaey anandd otheesothers. tomorrotomorroww nlg-M night.. Th Thee servic servicee boa beenhoopttol or pouooto mamyr boro outpla y centre. If the same la as good lumiuro oonn SaturdaAalnrdoyy nightright., FVbruarFebruaryy 1! 12.- a "lemon”"lemon" bbee madmadee oonn leavingleaving.. individual commnnJo mu i a swrrice. wlll « postponed toto FridaFV.dayy nightnight.. phrelclu thor wioh.