Contents Page EDITORIAL "Strive to Excel in Building up the Church." I Cor
l7ol. XXV~1 I Summer, 1964 No. 2 THESPRIXGFIELDER is published quarterly by the faculty of Con- cordia Theological Seminary, Sprhgfield, Illinois, of the Lutheran Church-hlissouri Synod. EDlTORIAL COMkII'MTE EPJCHH. HEINTZEN,Editor RICHARDP. JUNGKUNTZ,Book Review Editor EUGENEF. KLUG,Associate Editor MARKJ. STEEGE,.4ssociate Editor PI:ESIDENTI. I\. 0. PI:EUS, eX 0fFci0 Contents Page EDITORIAL "Strive to excel in building up the church." I Cor. 14:12 THE EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH OF FINLAND: A Brief Survey of its History, Organiza- tion and Doctrinal Coinplexion 7 Gerhard Aho, Professor, Department of Practical Theology AN EXEGETICAL-DEVOTIONAL STUDY OF I1 PETER 1:16-21 ............................................................... 18 Paul E. Jacobs, Pastor, San Mateo, California BOOK REVIETYS 3 1 BOOKS RECEIVED ................................................ 46 Indexed in INDEX TO RELXGIOD~PE~UODICAL LITEBATURE, published try the American Theological Library As~~afion,Speer Library, Princeton Thee logical Seminary, Princeton, New Jersey. Clergy changes of address reported to Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, Missouri, will also cover mailing change of The Springfielder. Other changes of address should be sent to the Business Manager of The Springfielder, Con- cordia Theological Seminary, Springfield, Illinois. Address communications to the Editor, Erich H. Heintzen, Concordia The logical Seminary, Springfield, Illinois. BtKbm correspondence should be addressed to Arleigh Lutz, Concurdia Theo- logical Seminary, Springfield, RBnois. Book Reviews UNFRAGMENTED MAN. By Hans-Joachim Thilo. Translated from the German by Arthur J. Seegars. Augsburg Publishing House, Minne- apolis. 1964. $5.00. Thilo, of the Reformed Evangelical Academy at Bad Boll, Germany, asserts that the weakness both of psychoanalytic technique and of much pastoral counseling is that they tend to operate not with an unfragmented man, but with a fragmented man.
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