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Holland City News, Volume 1, Number 35: October 19, 1872

Holland City News

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,au « J .« ': Holland City News « 4»t t * Men

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An Xn&i&n Tragedy. education,”etc., etc.., and that a schol- 1 or sorrow. Obedience to faihloo la a ling i’UBLIBEI 8 ItilT 8ATUMAT MOIKIKO AT ar is “one who learns of a master.” lie greater transgressionof the laws of P»I AWf aii “1 ^ehtir also says a schoolmaster “Is woman's nature, greater injury to With a Saw As ItaUaa Woau Otiti a Mlichlsr- one who a MMAUn (Miari m u,» * *le«. Uk ^how B. a - wi Bfly. . Henori c , ftv/cAcsina school.” Now, so far as her physical and mental constitution,

my experience goes, the modern school- j than the hardships of poverty and neg- *.^ From the N. Y. World. ere the (111.) 8cpt. 26. 1 U- . I I » I - I f . I / B M A.« m. « _ . From Wavelry Times. master or mistress does none of these lect. The slave-woman at her task f* ' m Early morning Patrick Monday ».'H) Chiileago. At a festive soeial gathering in a things, but merely listens to the rccita still lives and grows old, and sees two 11.30 I^vey, taliosc mind litts been dcrangod Nevv HulT»lo. cotmty house near Waverly, Hi., dur- lions of lessons taught hy parents at or three generationsof her mistresses r. iu. for t ' « past eighteen niontha through ing the Christmasholidays of 1870, a home. I have no hesitation In saying I pass sway. The Wssher-woman with 8.00 Or. Junction. mduigence in liquor, and who is on 3 80 FonnivllU. young farmer of the neighborhood and that the whole system of modern teach- ; scarcely a ray of hope to cheerch< her In Terjns~$2iOQ Per Yew. leave from the Lunatic Asylum on 8 43 Manlius. the rural hello who was supposed to ing, including text-books,mans, and her toils, will live to see hciher fashions-. •.60 Richmond. 10.88 Ward's Island, attempting to murder reciprocate his partiality for her attract- everything- • — j ...... else ------connected ------with...... ,It, ...is ble...... sisters . .. n,all a vjt»((tv».extinct. Th kitchen OfflM to Bwnringtoii Block, Sth St. 4.10 E.gaugatuck n — The hla wife Sarah and her daughter Mary ed the attention ol the company hy vastlyastlV belowheld) and behind what was in maid is hearty and strong, hef 4.80 Holland. io.oo' when with a meal saw, at their residence, unequivocalsigns of a aerioua breach 'rr -r.Ttr^ 4.48 Nrv Holland vogue thirty years since, and that in- lady has to be nursed ilke a sick baby, •.w 5 0< OUre. Na Mrttast NjntU jUvay, ar- atwou of good feeling between them. The stead of making of us a race of well- 1 U is a sad truth that fash ion- pampered 5.00 Ottawa...... rived (rom i the IWfmd dn^batfiklay, arrival of the girl under eacort of giwdors. 6.2' Robinson. -- - - - ...... *... u. mi educated men and women, it is making women arc worthless for all good ends -•w-ij and a|tpieafed;Vvetjhyed t»> lUmr his 6 86 Spoonvllle. ' admirer who sbe had previously treated j candidates for the iniaue asylum, and of life; they have hut little force of

7.16 6.1'i Nunlcu. * i family, who, when he was forced to with Indifference,and the subsequent I piling up a heap of misery in very 1 character; they have still lets power 7.:i6 • Fruit port. 45 8.'vo . give his trade as tailor, to* k to iiork: <’»rd»i in thin column, of three line* or lene, i up appearance of the yeoman alone, and mi‘ny of moral will, and quite m little pbysl- 8.00 T 15 Muskegon. forms. |v4<0 per year.t addtlonal ccna. JUoh llncMO 7.68 ! and nmnarfodadt only 4o make a 1L*J ».(W 8.00 Montague. in apparently sullen humor, were the l am perfectly willing that teachers cal energy. They live for no great 10.50 ¥•45, Pentwaler. mg, nut to keep themselvesrespecta- first occasions of surprise to the assem- sluUl be well paid, if tuey will only ends. They are dojis, formed In the

A LWd; If., Tilery .Tiftiffttm^ery 1 — -j-t - - - — 7 -LX- It is stated that on and' npr ble. Sunday, Levey bled merry- makers; but the wonder (each, and may mention that in my ca- hands of milliners and servants, to be uxelalona, cor. 7th and River atroeta. « tirAndilkpidHA Holland R. R. ___ __ ... piet an old and injudiciouscompan- grew more serious when, upon the fair paclty of trustee of a public school, I fed to order. If they have children, GOING NORTH. going jjn* withopt the of ac« 8. w. south w^°i km>wlcdge coquette’s curt refusal to dance with give a practical Illustration of my faith ; servants and nurses do all save to con- Iipreaa. Mall. STATIONS. Mali. Exprvt* Mrs. Levey, took him out and1 gave her lately favored swain, the latter de- but I am opposed to parents being com- ceive and give them birth; and when .m. p. m. him a drink. Levey returned quite faith- .80 196.. Holland. - nounced her in round terms as a pelled to teach tbejr children. > reared, what are they? What do they H., Uvory and Sale SUblo. Market pleasant, but towards evening, as the 6 46 4.68 Zeeland. less flirt, and threatened to cast her As a boy 1 was well flogged at school, ambunt to but weak scions of the old 6.U8 Vricalaad. 6.68 etfechtof the liquor died off, he became of the near- B.tf Hudion. cay» l* evening from the and the memory of the ratan Is pleas- stdckr Who aver heard of a. fashion** OAKKBK, J. 0„ Manufacturer of and dealer alternately morose and excited. The 6.85 JenniMn't. nst window. The insulted woman ant as brl- glng hack a time when boys ! ble woman's child exhibiting soy Uln Boot* and Shocn, Elghlh itreet. •.« • 85 5.40 Grandrllle. Leveys retired to rest about 10 o’clock bum into tears, angry words passed wpre boys and teachers wore teachers. — K ...... mt ------virtue and pirirer of mind for which 6.46 6.00 Or. Rapid*. on Sunday, and about half past five between the rivals, and when finally Now we do not flog the boys, and very liecame eminent? Read theblograplhies o’clock Mrs. Levey got' up ttf mak<9 a in- the remonstrance------of older----- friends properly, for those' who 'deserve the of our good men and . women. None cor fire to attend domestic matters. Short- duced the furious fanner to retire, the flogging are first the taiMsrf; and per- of them had a fnaionable mother.”

I^KNJAMINSK, Wa./Publlaher of /k 1M- y before 6 o^loqk. sl^a disoqwred.herpleasure of all had been so effectually i‘«i*. if a parent were made to suffer 1 Soil# llati. D/aw^r; 9(1 rl njlpf 'dpyj neatir, hUHoa^d sitting qaicnait Id the kiich- destroyed that the whole company now and then it would do him good. Hal No. 5 STATIONS. Nol No. 2 andiJlJw^Juita, eu eying her strangely, asd, becoming Mr. Stward'i Death. . p. m. p. m. p. m. a. m. soon broke up. What had ctused the P- 8.— My wife says “flog the teach- 8 55 12 30 Muskegon 8 00 5 25 alarmed, was about to ca|l her daugh- alienation of the lover, this ers by all or at least iROADMOKB,Cl. W., Iloum* painting, Ulan and ensu- means, % of of a. m ter. be caught her • by 1 hair Paper hanging, KaltTinlning etc. Alt when the img scene was never know in Waverly. 2nul of these to whom he designed no other of chest, which lasted nearly all night, TACOBUS1ISSJCN 9 JtlUV Jpain and Orn*»l bone is spun U.?lkdN tory and the result is that I am to be Fi mantal _____ artery expression of feeling than an obvious Ids physician seeing him on this ac- ' severed.; Dlfv T _r ______Attended banged by the neck till ded, to-morrow attended to tno desire not to be questioned about it. count after mtdnient. Rapids...... I 4 80:. them, sqyi it will be aeversl days be between the ours of ten and tow, to 5 80 There was a mystery here, however, On Tuesday morning, after some , pay the debt of a drunken result, which even as there had been in the very dlf- sleep, he was again better, and drove results was murder in the first degree, out in tiie afternoon,but fever, deliri- ^ . MonWth ..... * . 8 ______wpm 'If' .we. un'or'UI1,t' um and restlessness returned with a ; i P“r 1/ ANTBRs. K.: pesierlANAve^. WooflshJ ( Kalamazoo, A^.L.*..^. |.^. 1 9 ^ 9 30 , Yesterday afternoona i4ng of mis- some distance out of EvHcsville, wdiere, * Un0! i.^^d n « J nf cough on Tuesday night. On Wednes- » IVBark; office at his residence, Eighth street. ! Kaiania/(Mli d...... I.!..*. 9 18 6 81)^ ..... I chievous boys, among whom was Janies as the Journal, of the latter place, re day he drove out for two hours and

ANTBRH, A. M.. Agent for Grover and I X?.!Lon ...... lioiS l®j 2 * ..... Hw1y. of ^O. 104 Monroe itTeet fT-ANTERH, A. M., Agent for Grover and ! ...... aaI « m!' lates, he has recently died, literally of th^ ^ dictated to his uraanuesis as usnal, ft.nrt.r Hewing ihchKi. Bigtth .trwt, , SI"' amused themselvesby tormenting ana after a,n T KDKBOKR. B., Physician,residence on young rascals hugely, and caused V ft Mtxr-, Gen* Pass. A Ticket AgW- them winning mmhim oackback to his tormerformer allegi- tedium of lying sleepless, he had hia to become quite artistic in their perse- 4 V1 ance she had turned his late sweetheart “J ^. Jand l . t. sou William, read the New York Tim* Malls Arrive. cution. At last the woman’s fiery Ital- against him by managing to introduce my ^ge8 «d 8? tG some town and get of Wednesday to him. This morning NORTH BRN. ian blood boiled t>v4r; ioft setznig a drunk and spend it all, and then, of one of his old undated love letters U> he slept alter 5 pretty well till 11 a. M:/ Chicago k Mich. Lake Shore A. R....10 in a. m. table knife, she rushed on the urchins, course, I could not have just such Mich. Uke Shore R. t ...... 6 On p. m. herself into the envelope of a letter he though his fever kept up without any and overtakingHarty, stabbed him in things si I wanted, and as the rest of Grand Raprdi t Holland R. R ...... 10 00 a. m. had intended for her rival, and pre- real remission. At naif past 1 he was BOUTHBRN. the young men baa them. * . i the left shtaldef, the Wade, penetrat- tending, when called to account by the seized with a great difficulty of breath- Ohioago 4 Mich. Lake Shore A 1.... 1 *8 p. ». near Packard A Wdhams. ing to the depth of two inched. Harty Then 1 would be troubled and dia lattef, that the writer was ing, caused bv sudden catarrhaletfti coridged and evil thoughts would go fell and Wood oozed from his mouth, PLAYING sion into the fungs/,‘commencing with T. D^, HomeopathicPhysician THEM BOTH FALSELY POWERS, and on being taken to Hospital, through my head, but still I could not t, g^-wb 4 44.1.. - Park At the same time. She had interrupt- the right lung, and soon Involving the 1 and Snrgeon ; office at resideace, Utk st. - be was found to be in a dangerous con- pick up couridge to execute them till By Stage Aedneedey and Satordey.. 9 00 p. m. ed the true letter and changed it, and left also, which occasioned his death TJLUUGGER MILLS, Panels, VanPutU>nA dition, the. left lungiiavjngbeen pene- invigorated with Whiskey. I am not Malls Close. told this ingenious falsehood about It, in about two hours. i Co., Manufacturersof and dealers In Lum- only sorry that I did not repent sooner, NORTHERN. trated, Thevvimm^tfresied^a with the results above described. Her He entertained no apprehension but that I mite of had time to give ex- Ohlctfo 4 Ittch. Uke Shore R. E.... 9 00 p. m taken tothe Totab*,* 4hare ehe was my *#-“d 1 husband declared that he would never that he should recover from the attack Mich Lake More R. K ...... 10 15 * m periance and advise which mite of dun PACKARD A WOOD HAMS, Dealers TnGro- held to await the result of the injuries forgive her while he lived, and warned of catarrhal ague up to last night. This .1 cerlea, Flour, Feed, Musical Instrumenta Grand Rapid*,k ttg^nd R^fc..^..|0 IfiT m a greadeal of good, but the time la she had infiloted., her to leave him before his hatred made morning ills ague and the condition of and Bheet Maslo, Rivor street 1 preshus for I look to Chicago a Mich. Lake Shore R. R....1010 a. m. me. must our Peter Oirtwrl^hti Diipute with a him do that for which he would never muscular palsy from which he bat suf* . Mich. Lake Shore t. R ...... 4 80 p. m. heavenly father, who knows all. Mead* POST,f, HRN1THF.NRT D., RealRes Estate and In so ranee Doctor. be forgiven. She did not heed his fered so long, with the fact that the ---- lantl Oeortyaoeer,Ool- ffaOGATUCI. ley, my candid dying declaration is to ...... 10 00 a. m. warning, hoping, desperately, perhaps, fever was increasing upon him, togeth- LtswsrC:lolland and vldnUy, N. B. Cor. abstain from all intoxicatingdrink VINTTEA er with the catarrhaldisturbance, ‘fad* •Ih and Rlvar Sts. Many ofh^an^pdotee'could- fee told that her love might yet |)teaa for her; Wednesday and Saturdayat..* ...... X 80 p. m. Don’t taste another drop, and prevent and accordingto his own recent dying his physicianto apprehend a fatal t*» ’ Poet Office open dally except Sunday Troqi of this eccentric and talented man, and ^Y^R^TA^t^ Proprietor of ttie Ph«nji all others that you can, and look to t a. m. to 8 p. W. ViaBiii, P. M. confession, he smothered her to death suit In the course of a week or more. m. there is one too good to let pass. He Jesus for help. Pray to be saved and while she slept. Yet no immediate fear was . felt, snd once had a dispute with A doctor rela- have faith and you will meel me In — — ------Z his dissolution waa very sudden and ' tive to religion.The doctor said he Detroit k XUvaokee BailroAl heaven, where sin nor sorrow never en- unexpected. K wanted an honest and unequivica) Ths . Tona| Zdsa. ters. In Jesus is youre savyour as well w Mr. Seward’s Intellectual facultieei Until farther notice train#will ran u follow-: answers to a few question. aa mine. •. Good by, Meadley. qrg ROLLER, G.J., General dealer inIn! To- GOING WEST* “Did yen ever bear religion?” were clear and vigorous to the Issl, i 1 Yours truly J. Barclay. 1 bacco, Cigar#, Snuff, Pipes ate., Eighth il. Leave Detroit— . * ' , ' save when disturbedby paroxysms of Exirena—8 :40 a m for Holly, Saginaw Ac. fever. Just after the eflbsion from the Dealer In General MaU-10:«_I— ...lOtfOamforGraod; ------md Haven andam Milwauki'c______‘‘Did you ever smell religion?” Oorraipoadenceofthe PhiladelphiaBaiWio. Faahio&ablsWomen. lungs to-day and thinking it would rff** Accom.—4:15 pm forHolly.FeotoB. Saj? and River street. ______.,lnaw Ac. * In common with thousands of other Night.... Ex...... 10:40 . pm---- for Gran'--- id Haven. Here his breathing, be waa at bis own * “Did papers who desire that their children There is a passage in Lord Jeffrey’s Mixed— 11:8” p m for Holly, Saginaw Ac. desire placd on the lounge, and bolster- Leave Holly— “No. shall at least keep up with. Uie average review of Miss Edgeworth’s “Tales of ed up, and moved from this adjoining Did?,irmss boy and girl, l find myself obliged to a Fashionable Life,” in which the bedroom into bis study, where, in the •Yes.” spend by evenings in teaching school, great critic Mall— l:6i»pm Night Kxprew— 1:40 am describe* with admirable “Now then,” said the doctor, with Arrive Grand Rapids— 6:66 p m and 6:36 a m doing what 1 pay others to do during force, the miseries of the apparent triumph, “I have proved be- Y/ORST, (T., Publisher of Ik organ . GOING EAST.. . , tbt day'Ume, and in order that my V of the “Ware Holland Qer. church.'' Leave Grand Kapfdft- \ ) If yond a doubt, by four respectablewit- youngstersmay be able to go and reefle --- ! Mall-IS a m * Night Express- 1(1:35 p m I>eaveOwoMO— nesses, that religion is not seenj heard, at school, spending my leisure hours, IDM’B^HAAIL* ^last. Forde'"Ddenu- the last hour hebre*,bedhl‘ of his life, an Mall— l:5n1:50 pm •• .. 2:40 am» ... smelled or tasted,and but one solitary and the sleepy ones, in trying to fix in more productive of real misery than powers of nature were given way, his j^H%T lUil-S:!0p m Arrivo .» -c.. — - ~ • - 4:46 a m ! witness; feeling, has testified that it Is thair poor, weary : little brains the the serious calamitiesof life. This condition became easy, and spent the in Night m ,mm druid Haron “ CipertlMtaal- fwl. Tfc* Wight names of almost unknown rivers may seem a strong assertion, be adds lyWHRT V DALMAN, Agenio of the A«tna last time in affectionate leave-takings Y Nolaelem Hewing Machine, office at Vorat’a Acc— ii-.wi p m from Holly and Saginaw. j 01 evidence is overwhelming and you some out-of-the-wayportions of the but is his deliberate conviction,and of his relatives and friends, , and he * Mall— 5:56 p m from Grand Haven. I nN18| give it up. ' ft «? in trying laDor ahop, River Steel. : J ” glob^or to explain the im- his statements on this head are portant fact, and eminently practical trenglhened by the op.„loMof on. j f/'AUFKL, II.. Manufacturerof and dealer In Y HarneBB. Trunkn. Saddles and Whlpa, fact, that 437 1-7 dollars is 1 2-7 of 9 tunes what A. paid for his horse, IlnM ‘fllrUn^lMbiul ^U,t c0.nl:lu' ; w"b him lira, of bit dMth, *1- Eighth atroo). , , r; .. . t • - , 4 . 1 and ?S‘m«rHo‘ZArn rm>' ! "N°'’ “Did you ever hear a pain?” { the horse cost % of % as much as his In bi.^nZSp.phie.l.keWh[ h‘8 ,on, Au^,tu" and Frederick' ConnocUona- A t Detroit, with Great Western "No.” , carriage, something, no doubt, that AGrandTr,,nk Rallwava for all point* Ka*t ----- ^ ...... o, — ...... that celebrated person states that he j - --- — ,'7— “Did yon over smell a pain?” every child ought to know, provided has known people to be made absolute- ! A Gentleman did not always agree •^L ...... Y ; ‘•‘No/’ his parents leach it to him., We all ly ill by their anxiety and disappoint- ! with his wife; nor she with Him. On llrYNNE, C. B., Watchmaker at 4. Alher’e. pH,.,|2 “Did you over taste a pain?” know that we make just such calculu ment in regard to tickets of admission one* occasionshe summoned a \V Eighth HtriHit; all work neatly done 9' “No.” and----- ,v .^.ilroada. i tiens as this fifty tunes a day, and for Ahnacks’s balls in London, cian, declaring that her busbantf Wert and North-Went. “Did you ever feel a pain?” never think of coming at a result in a Speaking of fashionable women, the Pofoenger* for O. W. Rallwai , poisoned her. The husband 1 117AL8H, UEBER, Dru^lrt A UharraacUf, pan> Fmv^tenmer'atd'1'^ R° H “CertainlyI did, sir.” < IW^t sensible,------1 direct- ...... manner. — Dr. ..Johnson ..... London Lanoet has lately had some protesleti his innocence,and offe WAfuUatocAof dl ri* appertaining r^S:W pi11 ,C ^ “ The doctor and his family were con to says a school is a “house of discipline ; vary sound remarks in the same strain. ' a clincher this teat: “Doctor Iks baalner**. Bee advertiremeut TH08. BELL. G?n Hnpt., Detroit. verted. and instruction,” “a place of literary— “Fashion it says, "kills more than toll right here on the spot. I’m 01EELIT OV GRANT. INDIANA Z G. VAN SCHELVEN. HOLLAND CITY NEWS. Phoenix Planing Kill! The contest on Governor in Indiana 11, E. IMliUF, The leading reformera may well trem- Justice t/thtyPeaoe, is not yet decided. The Democrats I.I..I01III, ltU»r ble over the speech-making tour of Mr. BOTANIC PHYSIC AN, Greeley. Dielr stock in trade has claim a m^}or|ty of 800 for Hendricks, VOTARY PUBLIC, but the returnereturns up to BatBatiirdity were The undtral|Mftdwould hereby announce to been vile abuse of General Grant The l COJfVE TANCBBtKTC. tbePai Public ..... that ..... their saw > not complete, and It ll notlceC&l*that umsir, setom u, Philosopherin bis travels thus rebukes im XltHO has for the peat twelve yo*rt bees for three days they haft beencnfiieadl ;’ steadily them in his Dayton speech: TV located in Opera Block, has now, alnce Mtoe^Pligger Corner, dropping down as further return* come being burned our removed hie etock to M FOR PRKHIUENT, “Fellow-citizens of Ohio, since the Canal atrect,where he contlnuea to cure every Next to New City Hotel, 8th St. If- 1. in. Besides, the IndianapolisJournal description of Acute, day I left home I have made a great Chronic and Pmvati PlaningMill Dibiabb, on the most reaaonablo tcrniB.He ULYSSES S. GRANT. many little speeches like this, but no of Friday morning says: manufacturesall his remedies from the raw OV OLUOIS. man has ever heard one word from me “We are enabled to inform pur material,lienee, known to he fuiilt vbobta- Michigan Boose, FOR VICE PRESIDENT, implying disrespect and disparagement blb. He uses no Minbrals or Poisons. Hav for that eminent citizen and public friend* that enough frauds have tieen Ing prescribed for over eighteenth< asand pa tlenta within the past ten years, without 19 NOW READY FOR BUflIHEM. discoveredto majority JACOB HAOLES, HENRY WILSON, servant, the President of the United overcome the looino onb or thin, where he was the only Btales. No word from mo has thrown OV HAMACHtlim. apparent at the present writing of doctor called. He guarantees reasonable PROPRIETOR, disparagementon hU public services, isfhetfon In the treatment of eveiy disease Mr. Hendrick's. In the meantime we which afflicts humanity. or dishonor on his high office. " limUOAN ITATI TICUT. He keeps constantly on hand over 900 kinds We have re built with entire new Cor. Jxutioe at Louis Sts', advise all partiei who have wagers up- ThU looks very much like a return of the most choice Roots, Bark and Herbs, and For U«Teraor— JOHN J. BAOLBY. on the result on the Governorship to over 100 kin (a of his own manufactureof med- Grand Rapids, Mich. Tv Lieut jGo*emor- HE'RY H. HOLT. to common sense on the part of Mr icines. He Is to he found at hia offlee at all 25- Vtor brrreury of St tie— DANIEL HTRIKKK. await official action before giving up houra— dav or night. Greeley. If he had gone a little fur- rot 8UU TreMun-r -VICTORY P. COLLIER, Among the leading articleaarticles of medicineman- the ship.” ft* Audi ter General- WILLI AM HUMPHREY ther, and repudiatedthe men who are ufactured by him archil Livaa Svairre.CoueH MachinerY For CWr Land Offlce-LEV BRETT H CLAPP Special telegrams from IndianapolisSvaurs, and Fbmalb Rbstouativbs; all of engineeringhis movement on the For A Horner Oeurral-BYRON D. BALL, which give uni venal satisfaction. Call and Kalamazo House, to the Inter Ocean confirm this state- Sup’t Public Inatructloo-DANIBLB.BRIGOS. White House, he might have lost their coanael with a doctor who will promisepro Hf you nothing but what he willrill faithfullyfaithful* perform, ment aud say that “additional frauds cor. division and oaks are., PWD1VYIAL IUCT0M. valuable services,but he would have and will correctlylocate « your diseasedlaei and give Of the Mott Approtvi Pattern have been reported in Democratic pre- you a correct diagnosisgnosis of your cases withoutwltno regained some of the respect which he U lATKe-Wm.Wm. A. Howard, of Kent ; Bber H. asking you scarcely a question. Liver com- Grand Rapids, Michigan, cincts in Grant, Hancock and Davies Wunij of Wejrue has lost The speakers who deal in plaints treated for fifty cents per week, and Flm1m District—Dietrict— Dr. Herman Kiefer, Wayne. counties.” A dipatch of Friday night other diseases in proportion Dmouncil it the slander and abuse are the agents of Mr. Board, $1.00 per Day. Second DJetrict— Frederick Waldorf, Monroe. office ruB. »-l. And vs nrs confidentwe ran satisfy all from Indianapolis si^ys: Third DUtrict Jamee O IKinnell.Jackaen. Greeley. He may retrain from indulg- who want Fonrth Diatrict— L. A. Duncan, Berrien. “Knowledge of frauds by the Demo SINGLE MEALS, 40ets, Fifth DUtiict-Alonxo Heeaiona, Ionia. ing in slander himcelf, but as long as Sixth Dletrict— bamnel 0. Ivee. Livingston. crats are comiog to light every few RAILROAD he permits his agents to continue the Seventh District John L. Woods, Pontiac. MMiigu Hot till Iitil Eighth District-CtiariraL. ortman, K Saginaw. hours. In addition to those in Knox preilice without protest from him, he Planing, 65- (. Ninth District—John 8. Brown, Mecosta. John Ellis, Prop’r. the Republican Committee have infor- is morally responsiblefor their con- RESTAURANT urmieiv wron nent. duct But we ought oot to be too exact- mation of frauds in Fort Wijyne, ing. Greeley has made a good begin- Michigan City and Bartholemew coun- For Jadgs of Probate I SAMUEL L TATE. —ON— Hardware Store! For Sbentl— AKIE WOLTMAN. ning; let him keep it up, dispose of ty, and the night before the election a Matching, For County Clerk— ALFRED A. TRACY. For Treasurer— MARVIN H. CREAQRt. his leading interest in the Tribune, party of politicalbummers were caught ALKY STREET, For Register of Deeedt-C. VAN LOO. E.VANDERVEEN. which has recently become the mouth- in one of the out townships teaching For ProeecoUng Attorney H. L. LOWING, • Opposite Union Depot, For Circuit Court Oommlssloisrs-BDWIN Or Re-Sawing Done. Gratefully acknowledging the liberalpatron piece of Libeiil filth, or discharge the a Democratic inspector the art of sub- BAXTER, OBO. wTicBRIDB. age of hla many Wends and customers

qHlAND RAPIDS, in the past, fespectfolly Invite*. . For County Burreyor-TIMOTHYFLETCHER “Underdone” young man who edits its K ft For Coroaers—CURTIS W. OKAY, WALTER the attentionof the • t K COLB, columns, repudiateBchurz, Trumbull, Thee Democratic inspector waa caught 25- {. Chas. Jackson, Prop’s. WE HAVE A STEAM Public to hla For Fteh Inepectors-JOHN ZIBTLOW, and the leading slanderers who espouse •luffing the ballot box at Chesterfield, CASPBR HARCEL'K. Ind. He hae been arrested and Is For Representative, "st District- WILLIAM the cause, and try, between now and now ED. B. DIKEMAN, "1 CURTIS. in Jail. Hendricks' majority can be STOCK I LARGE November, to do Justice to “that emi- SOLB AO NT BOB THB For ReDresentative, Sd Dietriet— ROBERT A. wiped out three times over on the con- AIRE. nent citizen and public servant,” whose test, and all persons holding beta here For Representative to Congress, 5«h District— PAUL BRETON, DRY KILN, WILUKR D. FOSTER. public character has been defamed by are refusing to band them over untill —and— GEJ1TEE,AIj For Senator— HENRY 8. CLUBB. tiie matter is definitely settled. The the paid agents in Ida employ. > Democracy had no organization,and mum OONSUTINOT. railed upon fraud to carry them through. l A (I. PpntI ffattk AM) THE DRYING OV LUMBER DI8A8TIX OV T8I LASS. More illegal Democraticvotea were WE SHALL MAKE A Hard-warE polledpoiiea in these wards in this city than SPECIALLITY. Greeley, it Portland, Maine, said be will to. From the Grand Haven Herald, Oct. 15. Hendrick'smajority amount Hoping to see all my old Wendt and many n*w folly endoracd the proprietyof the re- Painful rumors prevailed last night ones to examine my goods so well selected for the : and early this morning of the lo« of trade. ftriction which Inflpoacdsilence on the y TBAixsomva. Will receive Lumber of all kinda for the propeller, Lac La Belle.Belli We regret Wt lavs n toil a Full AiMrtMat if the But chief candidate on a ticket; that i man to say that the reports are entirely con- Proclamation Ij ths PmiAtnt of tha COOK, PARLOR AND HKATINO STOVJC* had no right to imperil bis friends or firmed by the intelligence brought by Unitid Static. t his party by making speeches that the Ironsides,which left Milwaukee DRY! IT G- Stori-Pipi, 8tm Fumlturt Etc., at II o’clock on Monday night From were liable to be misinterpreted.His Washington, October 11.— By the Horse Nails, Capt Mower, who was returning from Portland speech had hardly left the President of the United States of Horse Shoes, a visit acroea the lake, who favored us America: preaa before he resolves to an ex- Wagon Springs, make with n copy of the Evening Wixmein, DOORS, SA8H AND BLINDS, A PROCLAMATION. Horse Trimmings, tensiue speech-making tour. According containingdispatches up to 6 o'clock, Whereat, The revolutionof another Glass, Putty, to Tribune and Capt Baveland, of the Ironsides, the he has made over 200 vear has again brought the time when i'ainU.'oili, we have gathered' such circumstances it is usual to look back upon the put, speeches in his own behalf. In this we Niltawtj of the disaster as were known at Mil- and publicly thank the Almighty for Or anything In our line manufacturedto order have the latest addition of Greeley's on short notice. waukee at the time the Ironsides left. HU mercies and His blessings; Three boats, in cbai'ge of the captain Farmers’ Implements vacillatingcharacter. Gould we have And vhereat, If any one people haa chief engineer and male, respectfully, stionger evidence of his cbangable na- more occasion than another for such H. W. Vkrbekx & Co., have beui heard from. The number Carpenters’ Toolsj * thankfulnessit is the citizens of the Factory cor. River and 10th Sts. 1- [ . ture? When he returnedto New York of persons on board, passengers and United States, whose Government is And many other things too numerous t. , he tried to explain this inconsistency. crew, about sixty. could mention. was These their creature, subject to their behests, FOB THB FOLLOWIHO AUTICLKS, OO TO be accommodatedon the three boats, He told his friends who gathered to who have reserved to themselves am- urinnro * loimra mu at uobt vofiei but as there were five of them, all in meet him, that he undertook the per ple, civil and religious freedom and E. V ANDKRVF.KN, good order, it ia supposed that every equality before the law, who, during aonal canvass by the advice of the Bute E. J, HARRINGTON. b. E. cor. 8th A River 8te. 1- 1 person was rescued. the last twelve mouths, have en- and National Committees. He does The second e gineer bad arrived in joyed exemption from any grievous Milwaukee, and him Capt. Save- what he aeknovbdgt*to be improper, be- m>m or general Calamity, and to whom pros- land gained some particulars. The LIME, CEMENT, STUCCO, BALT, Drugs, Medicines, cause his friends advise him to do it perity in agriculture, manufactures vessel sprung a leak on leaving Mil- and commerce has been vouchsafed; Here we have the weakness of a child waukee harbor, and the pump was im- Therefore, Upon these considera- In mediatelyset to work, but for some a Presidentialcandidate. If Mr. tions, I recommend that on Thursday, reason it did not do full service, and Wm.VAH PUTT] Greeley can so easily be influencei by the 28th day of November next, the Shingles, the hull contioued to settle until the people meet in their respective places his friends to practice an impropriety 38 Canal Street, water was above the dead lights one of of worship, and there make their ac- IN before bis election, what reason have GENERAL DEALER which yielded to the pres- ure, and a knowledgementsto God for his klnd- 25- {. GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. we to believe that aimilar influences stream of water six or eight inches in lit d 2d QUALITY, LATH ETC. diameter burst through, putting out will not govern him after his election? In witness whereof, I hereunto set IDR/TJG-S, i the fires, and leaving the vessel at We have claimed that he is but the my hand, and caused the seal of the the mercy of the wind and Rathtaa House, ALSO A FEW waves. Bhe United States to be affixed. tool in the hands of designing men, was driven south, and when distant Done at the city of Washington this MONROE STREET, 20 miles from Racine, at 8 o'clock, on that he will tie moulded by their handi, the 11th day of October, in the year of MedicineS Monday morning, she sunk in about 60 and would reflect by his official acts our Lord 1872, and of the Independence Grand Rapids, Mich. fathoms of water. He says all persons of the United States the 07th. Choice City Lots, their sentiments rather than hii own. known to be on board were taken off by This House has been recently re-fitted in . (Signed) U. 8. GRANT. HU speech-makingtour, in view of the boats. By the President: First Class Style. CHEMICALS, what he said at Portland, confirms our Capt Baveland saw the Lac La Belle Hamilton Fish, Secretaryof State. For Bale Cheap for on Sunday afternoon. She was, in 25- (/. A. R Antisdkl, Prop'r. pretlous well-founded opinion of the his opinion, properly loaded for the Ban Francisco, October 11— Ad- man and hU vacillatingcharacter. season, having on board 70 tom less vices from Tuckson, Arizona, .of i hut & aim, than the usual quanUy of freight for a PAINTS, OILS; tober 8, says that on September HASS TO PLEASE. trip, She lefr about 10 o'clock Sunday Commission Merchants, the A1 1) aches attacked Hughes, ranche, night. The lake was comparatively near Crittenden, and killed a Mexican PBopRirroRs or, The Greeleyites are hard to please. still,iand * only a good whole sail *breeze Putty, Glass Etc. * * and stole the anlmala Lieut. Hall and was blowing. They pitch into Grant because he can't 16 of the Fifth Cavalry went to the ' r v ' . i M The Lac La Belle was built in Cleve- a speech, into his Cabinet ranche, where Mrs. Gabena and chll- make and land, between six and seven years ago. TMonHevator, were besieged, and found the Indians officers because they can. They find Patent Medicines, Bhe came to Lake Michigan on the 2th 100 strong, with breech-loadinggqns. of November, 1869, in charge of Capt Grand Rapids, Mich. fault with the government officials They retired to the mountains and de- FAElIUtS LAUDS, 1 Wm. M. Btannard. Previously she had or ALL KINDS CONSTANTLY OR HARD. while at their posts of duty, and go for fied their troops. A sergeant with five The above named Firm solicit cceignmentsof sunk in the BL Clair River, having col- men was dispatchedto warn the farm Adjacent to the city, valuablefor fruit and them savagely If they find them absent. lided with the steamer Milwaukee. era of Sonata Vallley of the' danger. other purpoeea; To wit: osoxoi and They denounce the party for making Bhe was loaded with iron and copper Grain and Produce mra umu/: Hughes' ranche the Indians killed Lots one and two, section 16, town Aval north ore, and remained at the bottom of the certain laws, and condemn it and all Bergt Geo. Stewart, Corp. Wm. Na of all kinda. of range 16 west, sbont 77 acres ; will be sold For Medidneal Purposef Only. river about three yean, when she was Uoo, privates Ed. Carr and Jino. Walsh. ffiOjOO per acre. ^ connected with It for not enforcingthe miHHH raised and repaired. Capt. Btannard ; $\ 8, s An order was received by Lieut Hall Also north H of the northeast a of section V.. •ame. One wing of the Greeley De- tyi her hull was then as sound as pos- from Gen. Howard hot to fire on the Liberal Advances town Bl north of range 16 west, within mile of Lain, for $tt 00 par acre, well tlm mocracy believes in the Ku-Klux act, ble, on account of the timber having Indians in the mountains unless en- Fancy Soaps iTerfumery. on Consignments, and be red. good for fruit or fanning. been thoroughly 'docked” by so long the other don't; and either way we dis- gaged in actual outrages. The same exposure was pur- In Fillmore, southeast M of . the northwest M under water. She order was sent to all poeta south of the please both wings. Greeley himself and the southwest the northeast M of Tooth Brushes, . . . >*i chased at a great bargain by the £o- Tela River, the same day of the mur- PrmptReturnsMade section 97 ; 80 acres for $800.00. Clothes Brushes, ‘ ‘ • * •s^rs that such an organization Adid ex- gelmann company) and hah ever been der of soldlere. st the Howard was Hair Bnuhea, , . . regarded as superior boat for the In (Hive tdwnshlj), In sections 14 and IS, 900 • ist, while many of his Southern advo- a this time io Dragoon mountains with Special attention paid to the sale of scree for I Shaving Brushes / heavy service in which shewaa en- cates deny the fact, and claim the the noted Cochise, trying to induce Ana Paint Brush* him to go on the reservation On the cknrge as a trumped-up-one, designed ^fhe officers were H. W. Thompson, A FULL LINE OF THE 6th of October a large band of Apaches FRUIT to oppress and persecutethe Southern captain; Wm. Sanderson, clerk; Ed from the Santa Pita mountains, with a KINDS. WAINTEID. _ ALL people. Whnt___ can be done_ _ for these__ ward Camay, mate; W. Berrand, 1st herd of stolen cattle, attacked a party Celebrated Shaker Medloifie of American and Mexican miners, 80 25-1. Hublburt A Goodrich. “ gnunMent W. hm do* “fei — Im OATTIJt OB BOB8M , David Martin, steward; all of Milwau- miles south of Tueeon.and robbed them bast to but White Staves, our plaase them, they won't GRAND RAPIDS Oak Prropri.Uif of Ui« kee. Mr. J. E. Dowe, the agent in of all their animals. Two men are MARBLE WORKS be satisfied without Greeley. We have thie city, was also on board. missing. The Indians are armed with done our beat to give them Greeley, The Lac La Belle had 10,800 bushels the best guns and fixed ammunition. of barley in bulk, the remainder of the E. Oriental i Balm, but they don’t like the way we offer ALBERT BARR, Hemlock Bark load consisting principally of barrels of Philadelphia,Oct. 14.— It is re- DEALER IN A Remedy Ibr Paina and Harvoas Diseases / him. We have quoted his beet writ- flour. The boat and cargo were Insur- ported thst a former member of Con- ed for |46,000, about one-half their Razors and Razor Strops. gress from one of the districts of this Chamois Bki ns, value. Mr. Eogelmanfi, with charac- Monuments city has decamped, talking with him teristic energy and undaunted enter- And Cord Wood, Nursing Bottlss. considerable propert) belonging to two reform,13, and peace negoclatiops,but prise, immediately opened by telegraph widows and one or two other persons. Gravestones, A FULL ASSORTMENTOF they refuse to be pleased even by this negociationsciationsfor for the purchasepu: of the 1 The statement is that he became attor- For which I will Pay the Highest- kindly offering. After thfe 6th of No- steamer “Meteor,” at Cleveland. The FURNITURE MARBLE ; ney for the widows, and persuaded Supporters and Trusses, Lac La Belle bad recentlybeen over- vember they can do asthey please— not them to place their stock in his keep- AND with the government, but with Greeley. hauled at the. Milwaukee dry dock, And everything usually kept in Drug 8ton». , ing, promising to return them divi- They can follow the man or his shad- and supposed to be . In a completely Building Stone, ! dends. He made one or two payments, Phytic-antPmoripfioni Carefully Im- ow the rest of their days; they can I aervicable and sea- worthy condition. Gash Price. ; and then disappeared, since which noih- 165 SOUTH DIVISION STREET, pounded Day or Night. make him a little idol,, and carry his j ing has bum heard of either the stocks Wm. VanPutthn./, bland features in‘ their hearts* -a twin1 Blue overcoats and gilt bottonswill or their custodian. The value of the Grand Rapids, fiEtoh. picture of the lost cause l-l. E. 4. HARRINGTON. I Itlver 8t.. Holland. Mlcb. H be the style for next winter. . . 1 stocks is about $20,000. 25-88 —


mu ‘ , ______- _ _ • • _ — _ i _ _ . _ __ • _ - • . k:V.

Suicide.— On Wednesday last, a lady • Murder at Douglas. — One day Thi Gmt Michigan Vmpaptr. Xaaonlo Votlof. iuaiawf litofj}.. Later In him, he was discharged. Since his Choice (Kgus at Save Your Ashes iplutamocker lliita, Caiw and Ladlua the day,’ however, her corpse was dis- discharge Elis died, .And when the JP, Wylyb’f City Drug Rtore. Ml. covered back of the barn, w|h her prosecutingAttorney went down to at- >ap for cann. S4tf face downward, in about six indhetf (if tend to the matter, the man Graham ' Ooogh Hyrap, for coogha, colda Price SScU. hiceaHi kohr We took the KIRST PREMIUM muddy water. This unfortunate wo- was not to be found. -AJfcyan Democrat. Union Ralr lor rlothln?, the boat made man was not more than 28 years of age Uae Dr. Bcnjamln’lnlaml Cordial for children Manufacturer of I moNt nuhatantialIn the Htate, Htar t’loth- Mrs. Sarah Payson Parton, better and the cause of her weariness of life teething etc. Price 85c U. Hoiue— Great One Prlcat Store, Grand known to the public as “Fanuy Fern," a m is a great mystery.— Grand Hawi Dai- P. T. BARNVJC’S SOAPS AND POTASH died in New York, Thursday after- ly Herald. __ , '•^GREAt tlLOO ®en'® g'xnl lussl- noon, at the age of She was mar- At tbe foot of Market St, Holland, Mich, Accident. — Last Saturday a ton i aaltf at the Htar Clothing Houae, Grand ried some years ago to James Parton, Farmland others will find it to their advantage 84tf about 12 years old of Ex-Mayor Cappon the author, but they separated after a .was severely injured, ho, in company Timlin^ M’s Fair 1 Messrs. Joslin ft Breynmn arc short experience of each other's dispo- antiyanUr located,IocaI.v) goodmind newno* boeae.hnn*# TermaTfmia nuArmaita EsSSsrV-’W With two or three other children was *d to ternt^h Cam pal pi Goqda In large sitions. Previously, we believe, ahe ' rfHthg op the elevator io the dry house CONSISTING ON# to had been married a Mr. Payson, and / HbHaad, April 17. ISTI afbehed to Cappon ft Bertsch’s tannery; was a sister of N. P. Willis. The TT Nloii HOTKI,, Zealand, Mlch..ronven- SOAP GREASE in going up this boy was discovered by MUSEUM, U lent to Depot and Griatimlll; gpodaUhllnjf writings of "Fanny Fern" were charac- Lumbermen^ supplies Shirts, (n C. Bloh, Prop’r. tbe mao in charge of the elevator, to connectin. « a, Glovea at the Htar Clothing Houae, terised by a dashing, Independent man- •iso wanted In exchai«efor soaps, id IMtf have his head over the platform and Raplda. f ner, that has made her a favorite with it in MAMGEME, fearing would come collision with the public. She has written of late EAGLE HOTEL, theeroM bar new Uie floor, k« give m.|nIy for th. New York/^r (lland, October 19, 1872. X^r&nd Rapidi, Mioh., the alarm, the boy receiving it Just in C A;R’A V A NJ Cor. Waterlooand Loala 8ta. npfitfCM, hlTteohilo batitato, time to save the head by throwing it Koti*. HI RICTLY TKMPttRANCK B. X. HEALD’S backward, but not quite enough to VTOTICK 18 HEREBY GIV1H, That dusmarori ZOOLOSIClL BUN I Local Hews. clear the chin, which was torn ofl, tak- iv Board of Raglatration for tbe dtj of II M land, will meet at the following placet, AND iZV'T ing the front teeth of upper maxillary dv V Saturday, Hot. % 1812, d terribly mangling the flesh and DAN. CASTELO'S The coming of Eighth street is tin- <*n precedingthe General Election,between tbe THE bones of the lower It w*a one qf hours of 8 o'clock a. m. and • o’clock p. m to^Jedafltreft, ’J0 one. Chaste and Refined Circus, from ci^y limW th) r .V for tbs purpoae of oompletiuc the Itataof m anufaqxuur OF I ^ y the moat fearful looking wounds we ev- qualifiedvoter, of tbe eeveral ward* of tbe er «aw. The wound was properly city of Holland: It Sit -Sqmli CtOmi Tati! PaHHV rShriV0T For the tat Ward, at luumeaa ab'p Van^ell Ground 'wks broken this week or Everythingwill be exhibltyd a# advertiaeft ^ dressed and the boy is in a fair way to w tk Pamag Tools, te foundation walls of the 2nd\i' •• “ 8d “ •* Common Connell Room. Will make regular trips during the season of recover. •• •* 4th “ “ realdence oft. D. Yliaera. W/LL EXHIBIT IN Navigation for 1871, between [formed Church,. 4. Van Landegend, Agent for the Celebrated Mowing and Reaping A Great MflaioAL Treat— The K. 8c bad delee, ^Machines:? Wo noltcc the dry hotise 6t Cap^on Geo. Lander, Grand Rapidq, Old Favorites Coeino.— The Alle- Mamben of tbe Board of HOLLAND A SAUGATUCK J. Allng, Reglatration of tbe city of THE CHAMPION Improved, WU IftBsrtsch is being enclosed with a ghaniani, Vocalists’ and Swiia Bell J. £ Kleyn, Holland. Wednesday, 23, 1872. o If Rake. J. Dykema, Oct —FOR- - | covering of sheet iron. Ringers are coming with New Songs, 8.L Morrio. Glrtag three fall rad undivided exhtbltiosi M. Hoogeateger, • TUB RUSSELL MOWER* REAPER New Quartettes, New Duetts, New Bell eiei day of the entire eeven ahowi, morning, To City and Township treasurers. PastengerAand freight, ’ Inpmed. We noon and eYeninff. . .t Pieces, and an addition of New Artists. . Door* open at 10 a. ra., 1 and? p. Hippo- Lea ( Holland every morning at 11 o’clock, I are prepared, k> furnish Jai .receipts of F. A. McGEORGE, They will appear at Lawrence's Hall, drome performancescommence at 11 a. m., I after arrival of the Allegan train, (Sunday THE i*TNA MOWER A REAPER I best quality at loweM prides, • c&H and and 8 p. m. ex evening, Oct. 28th. The .) connectingat Sangatnck with the Monday Admission to the Seven Collossal Shows, steamer---- Ira Chaffee for Chicago. Returning, see specimens. General dealer la THE WILBER EUREKA, Dirt# only 50 cents: children half price. leave Sragatnck In time to connect with the London, (England) Daily Timei, whose Bnft. . This is positivelythe LAKUBST and MOST trainsgoms to Grand Rapids, Chicago,Grand . correct musical criticism are copied ATTRACTIVE combination of exhibitions Messrs. Hoogestegerft Mulder v ary Haven, Muskegon, Whitehall and Pentwaier. ever known, and remains ABSOLUTELY The traveling public will find this route to be THE BUjpKE^MOWERft REAPER over the whole continent of Europe, itting up a new building on WITHOUT aPARALLBL IN THE HISTORY pleasant, and very agreeable, aa It only takes OF THE WORLD; It embracesilnthe various one hoar and forty minutes to make tbe run Cal) and oefc Samplee.? [atreet, next to Meengs* grocery says auefc performance, Gioceries, of of the exposition : departments \4 vT . over, with the Shriver. U- 1. been', . # Living and surely ed^pn.ckn build houses. on the hakd lelU has heard id ONE IirNDREDTHOUSAND ^V^e^also have the ITHICA WHEEL Representative Curiosities. London within our memory. To say ONE THOUSAND men and horses. A. B. HENDRlklEr The City Hotel is being plastered. HI VK HUNDRED RARE, LIVING WILD that the music produced by these ex- Ppovfcions raoraunoa or thi VI; ANIMALS, birds, reptiles and marine mon- of which, over twenty were eold tn the Colon* But a few weeks will elapse ere we traordinary bell-ringersis sweet, is to fltere, have one of the finest hotels in ETC., ETC., ONE HUNDREDNUKED of the BEST PERFORM- 'SSLS mention its smallest merit. It is not ERS IN THI attention will be given to West, opened for the traveling pu6l TEN TEN; VaUeyCityHouse only melodiou^but pure, tender, sym- Where may be found a fnll atock of. trains of 38 Plows, Cultivators,Harrows pathetic, and aypressivH to a 'degree to 4 train. Late advices from Paris report Sena- 8EVKN8UPERIOR EXHIBITIONS in SIX which no writtfen descriptioncan do Lamps and Lamp Fixtures mnwnflUR, tor Sumner worse, and his symptoms SEPARATE COLLOSSALTENTS. adequate justice."— London, (England) . UN TIMES MORE THAN EVER SEEN Ct£^nd Bapida, Michigan. Efro. more alarming than when he left In any ordinary show. Tima. ’ Ckq ufti ZT; At the old place opposite CUy Hall. America. A consultationof eminent Output HVfA thanks 'or physicians was called to examine his Sad Aooipent . and Loss on hvi.; DOLLARS. poet futon / hate The enUre pavllllons are brilliantlyUlnmln hopa for the jeture. case.ir;" , r ; " OnThur#Uy,v«ii)gUstthe^J«V^hM^^'-ated Imths evening hy >,000 gas Jets. VK S. m, 1 9, H. K. HEALD, Holland, Mich. for a dial Rapids, Mioh. M. to P.T: BA Market street,tn the rear of D. BertBch’a «toro. Care. tsoeal Floor, OU Foot OSeo Hook, Ctul ii. Ter Htar are having a galvanized iron tug Col. tried to puli her The Graham FREE ADMISSION to all who purchase the Residence 24 Lafayette 8t. cornice put unpn Uipk pew, tjiree-story off, and the tow line carried away one ‘ Life of P. T. Barnum,” written ny himself, 0. M. DUNHAM, jj * ““ building on EUtl&Mt. JT^iriythe of the timber heads of the schooner, THE'UIHT RUIRIITi Gineral Dealer In $1.50,1.50, and a 5050~cent cent ticket given to eaeh pur- 35-38. •W first cornice dfflfr Irad fart upr ih the which struck John Allen, the of mate chaser. To be had of the agent on the day of city. The firm of Van Landegend ft the vessel, in the breast with such force “DOMES' exhibition. " NOTHING LIKE IT ever seen on earth. Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, TerHuf is bound, ft prosper, being as to dash him against the timber head ufiwUuhg toftooept tbe theory that any s on the other sidei breaking ips skull SutMiUb, WALL PAPER AC.. thing is good enough for Holland. and killing him almost instantly. VH I \DFAULT having been made In the condl- Hiey will have the finest building in corpse was immediately brought to “BfiaT JJtioDS of payment of a certain Indenture of A full stock always aa hand. Mortgage,made by Arnont de Feyter, and the city, and we hope their patrons will CT UW,’' city by the tug Colonel Graham, Hermlna, his wife, and Pieter de Feyter rad AND be Legion and reliable,and that abun- R. D. Post, Esq. called an inquest, Akke, his wife, all of Holland. Ottawa county, "MSI Michigan, on the eighth day > of June, A. U , dant success may crown their efforts. jury brought in a verdict of accidental 10 BILL" one thousand, eight hundred and seventy,to (targe D. P. Woodriff, of the same place, ra New Prices! VARNISHES, death. Thursday Allen’s remains were corded tn the offlee of the Register of Deeds, Oar talented young friend F. B. buried in the cementery at Holland, 1^ don't qf Ottawa county, Slate of Michigan, June 10, Ledeboer, M. D., is settling up his you tq n^ht A>Dm 1870, at 1 o'clock p. m.. on page UR, of with the usual religiousceremonies. the Wst Liber P., of mortgages,in said office, which Paint A Whltevash business preparatory to leaving for chine. Mid mortgage waa duly aaaslgned to (targe He was said to be a native of Dundee, San Francisco, Cal. The doctor has •Prove our D. P. Woodriffto Staur llopklus, of Holland J. VAN DEH BEROE, Scotland, was about 26 years old, and Ottawa county, Michigan, by a Deed bearing gained for himself a position among date the eighth day of November, A. D.. 1870, BR/ITSHEIS, ‘ Addrea Hu Just opened, with a complete and well bore an excellent reputation as a sober, recorded in the offlee of the Register of Deeds, the Medical fraternity in this section a MChaml SfOttawa county, Michigan,on the ninth day selected etock of iRdustrtous mftn; and In experienced reputation that young men might well Sftt.;! November, A. D., 1870, at 1 o'clock p. m., and sklilfrilseaman. on pages lufi and 188, of Liber ••8." of mortgages Boon and Windowi strive to emulate. The best wishes of Oobblt StOBN. Id sale office, rad which said mortgage waa again duly assigned by Kllxur Hopkins rad Dry Goods, of aU varieties and sixea furnished to order •( his mnay friends here will follow hiin , P. T. Barnum’b World’s Fair.— I7IFTY-TW0CORDS #f cobble stones want- Sarah Hopkins, to freferick M. Knapp, of ed by the City of Holland. Proposals are Racine, Wfooniln, by a Deed bearing date <4 hfr new home Mid vrttt expect ' ere* On the 28rd day of October the Great- r Groceries, Lowest Gash Prices, invited to furnish the above quantity of cobble Febraarp 17th, A. D.,D 1871, by whichdefault long to hear that he has gained a lucra- est Show on earth will pitch its acres tha power of mm containedtn said mortgage •tone, to be delivered on 0th Street during the Painthw, winter. The stone to be NOT LESS than four has become operative, on which mortgage tive practice and l belt) mate to travel of canvas in Grand Rapidi, giving three Crockery etc. (4) Inches, NOR MORE than eight (81 Inches there la now claimed to be due, three hundred Glaxino, with him down the ragged road of life. grand, full and complete exhibitions of In diameter. Proposalsto be directed to the rad elghty-two dollars, and seventy-fix cents,cei Graining, Mayor or the City Clerk of the City of Holland, of principal and interest,~ together with an - the public for ^h


City OHoe 46 Canid St. ( DEVMBStffltO•Alt A. CLOETINGH, "W-OOL. School Books, I?TC.. BTC.. , j AFFXJB TREES. Have JaW {opened n Urge and WvU Beiecte Two, three and four years old, standing General Dealer In hi™ It., o/SlSTiiaf Stock of ' may be found is from 8 to 7 feet high, and includes among ! School Books, W,THT"*0U, °ther WINTER VARIETIES: Stationery, INSURE eS-^L. Notions, Wall Paper, Mlacellaneoai Books, in Holland andid Amer- A (BALDWIN, WAGNER, RHODE .. Ut... u Window Shade*, lean langoagea, Pot kot Books, DiaHea, 8ter- • ISLAND GREENING. KING OF “NorthAmerica’ eaoopic Views, and Allmma, together with a THOMPKIN8 CO., NORTHERN Envelope*, large rarfrty of , H FJ.OVH* I’liEi) SPY, PECK’S PLEASANT, FALL Inks, m. a. orpmuMiPbiA. pa AVAtER, GOLDEN RUSSETT Writing Books, •Woh they arbwfWagta ^blbat • i. Call and see stock before pnrchaalng Pencils, ,h* my t f, BAILEY’S SWEET, GRIMES’ GOL VEGETABLES, DEN, WINE SAP, BWAAR, Albums, .oSMyoSl 4'’"0 W* Hotlaid •w Also a oomwiste Stock of Memorandum Books, ammui - TALMAN’S SWEET ETC. Becaure l! has paid over UlOOaOQe hren. FALL VARIETIES. Dairies, In their season*, bt lowest prices. Slates, T »V»f . ikirtU's* Vi FALL PIPPIN, MAIDEN’S BLUSH, Slate Pencils, OuA Paid far Butter, Egg* d Vegetate* FALL WINE, DUCHESS OF FtOp&FEED OLDENBUItp ETC. River Rt. | Holland, Mich. SUMMED VARIETIES. ; Steroscopes and Views, • EIGHTH1 8TREET* < jg^aastassais EARLY HARVEST.SWEET BOUGH, m PiaFoiwim: . .RED ASTRICHAN ETC. CHECKER BOARDS -Kssssasaw’-1" JStiE 'W^riWorawE Do not waste your money with wwthlcm aHPWPT •- CRAB. J nrarancebuthwrewith the old reapectfol treatmentand glfm articles, J. E. HIGGINS, TRANSCENDENT, HYSLOP, MON- TOYS AND CANDIE8. NORTH AMEB1Q1S' ETC. II- A. Olobtieob. AGENT AT THE TREAL BEAUTY t- HEBER WAUhTmT joyed to anch a great degree. PEACHES. Holland,:odJUak- They will hare on hand, at all timea: Bread. Cakes, ” | All goods purekasedef « wUlbe ' Midi. Lake Shore Depot EARLY CRAWFOD, LATE CRAW- CITY DRY GOODS STORE Cookies, Biscuits, FORD, BARNARD, MOUNTAIN la prepajed to pay the New Rail Road to Town! 1 Crackers, . Pies, , ROSE, EARLY RARERIPE ETC. Candies, Nuts, Highest Cash Price For X>. BZOATMIGEC Canned Fruits, Lemonade, Delivered ' Free! rimManmlpiNiklNtuM Holland Herring, Cigars, FREIGHTS redxjoeu Opened the first stock #f WHEAT! etc., In variety. FLAVORING EXTRACTS ETC. to any parted lb ,w . j, ,, i yum, ful for past favors, a share of public patronage Furnishing Goods 1 ST! "iff iUo<1 sod am ready u, Evi is solicited. “ a;. supply my Customers with aa complete an Mbef. J. M. RnxMEMA a So*. mimfwmm wishesr to parchas^AfNTS,,01 14-1. ment of BRU8 . ! t vt« . ON stock. Etc., Etc. •fr

For further particular,address Brought to Holland after the great fire. There Holland CttyWkUeLeed BARGAINS Lie derm an A Mbrriman, goods he will rell at Btxyrs, Shoks and Findings Drawer NW, Grand Rapids, Mich. 2b- [ . made In New York, eraraaely for my own trade We wiah to inform oar dtliens and the pub- cannot be snrpaased.--Its wlRantaAMnperiqr, tictie nnemiy.cenerally. that the steamer Fannyranny Shrtver,hi o any White Lead in this market, 'and Is sold Ruti Pub. Gun As ean be found la Wretera Mkhlgan. •f Holland, can be charteredany day orc eve- at a much less price. My stock is purchasedin ing oaring the summer reason of 187* to large quantities of firsthands, saving all Jobbers’ M*4aeTOTyd»y. ran House Moving! CALL AT BIS excursions on Black Lake and Lake Michigan profits, and can^exafor^gffqrd ;o $11 bejow

for the small sum of FIVE DOLLARS. w« my neighbora. , put the price down to the lowest figure, Remmber-1 am not to b* RtadkrWd by atu, A FULL LINK OF that any one flunily, can kflord to ttake IToum in toe BtaU of MtoMgan, Call and set. pleasure tripsIps daringduring the hot, sultry summer r 1 A . ’ ' HEIIRR W AliV ’i‘ < WK H FINCH STORE, i, andl .enjoyenjoy the coocool and refreshing air 4-80. * Druggist a Pharmacist. Selling Out! Would respectfullyinform the citizensof this HEW city and vicinity that he la folly prepared to stood, move any building, with entirenew machinery, Coiner of Market aad IlgLth Streets, Chartered, noo personsperso wilt be allowed to go, CUSTOM which may be required of him, at short notice. MADE l-l. Holland, Mich. only those parties that charteredred the boat. Families need not leave the bnildlng while mov- ‘ fc.tli r.f. ( ''irt*.! • e ; . i , 1M. F. R. Brower. ing. Give me a call. City Drug Store MW STAND! ! NEW FIRM! ! I want to call the attention of the ^public to the fact, that '-f* VTaS* irwmto < l. mm a sm HEBER WALSH. . TEROLLR & LABOTS, WORK HAVE RE-BUILT THEIR Pulmb. (druooista nuuuasT.) BOOT & SHOE STORE- WHOLESALE d RETAIL DEALER IE On or before tpur Goods, OrooerlM and JLT THE Drugs, cuocmY. ALWAYS OH HAHD. Paints, " «•' • h k'tit - •«. Glass, Broadcloths and Caealmarea ‘ The moW competentWorkmen constantly Bm* 9 , Bkusqjc*, ,f* • Qwwwm The First of October. on hand, and Clothing made to or4er.« pW 'd-'jJkHverk made ap la the latret etyL and * Patknt Mbwciniw. where they have on hand a choice Siock of Supporters, Corner of Ninth and Market Streets, Holland. Fancy Goods, • TE ROLLER & LABOTS, BOOTS & SHOES, Medicines, I shall occupy my Large. New Brick Store and Dark’ Teloller, Notary Public, at sanu place. propose to sell out within four weeks, PartlraUr AtUntioa ptSA ttBsptisng “Ttw.; without regard to prices, my Mu' uittiim' Ww, PERFUMKRY, entire stock now on hand consisting of: Variety and Jewelry Store! Which they will sell at Trusses, E. HEROLD, Shoulder Braces 8th Bt. Holland, Mich. Roots aHrrbs. 0r&d“ Rapids Prices. 1 Pure wines and Liquors for medicinal use Boot* a Shoes, JOSLIN & BREYMAN, CUSTOM WORK AND REPAIRING only, and all other articlesusually kept In a New Store! New Goods! . Suppers, Hava on hand a constantly replentohed, earo- - Gaiters, folly aaleetodand over freak stock of Done at abort notice. Hist Class Drug Store. • o' * ‘ • • Childrens’ Shoes, Hard-ware, Etc., Etc. Clocks, 1 have the largestand most complete stock of Nails, Cash Paid, for Hides. goods in Wen tern Michigan, all purchased for Watches, P . & A. STEKETEE ) GuA, from fust hards, selected with great Glass Etc. Jewelry, »- 1 . Eighth atreet,Holland. care and shall rell at reasonable profits. 1 ' • • '! i* sif <-) J p HEBER WALSH, Hava opened a large aad we mUeted Mo«k e« For the purpose of opening my Table and Pocket Cutlery, Druggist a Pharmacist, Maaafccturenef 1 1- (. of VI yean practicalexperience. ATTENTION Dei Goods,

Groceries, • > , BURNED OUT but not DESTROYED SILVER SEIS, Copper, .ti vCROCEERI, , - j , „ CarrUge liking/ Glass-ware, Workman L Sons Tin ani*# - Hats and Cape, ‘ * AXD Rhkbt Iron- wake. have built a new store neir the site of - Boom a Shoes the one destroyed, where now may \y • "H BLACKSMITHJNG. be found An entire nyw stocKof with a large stock of ' > ’ n '”H** r 8 AS AND STEAK

fee may be found, ready at all times to All New Goods. FITTEIK/S. lJ^' . • vT.. .4 ^ >. Mf f|, # k. onjSuni In the line of Brick Store GROCERIES. LEAD AND IRON PIPES, Top or Open Buggies »i»J ct -t tiOiT o L,

' a -v 1 - rnwre* 4* w « ’ Flour A Food. Call Early, m{ Graham, Chicken Feed, TIN AND SLATE ROOFING, AED If you want to ENke • * m, -ov.v' ,,' v- Sle!ghi,Tnioka,Eto., Etc. B. J. HARRINGTON

Provisions, '•* 11 . ••ti U-'Kilv.-iji |'|ji , A good fosortmeat of Thimble Skeins always , port able and stationary FANCY TOYS, on band.- * T Aleo Prepared Holland Muetara, where may ba feuad a^iO Rmei, *k ^ ' Warranted Seat Springa of any shape or style. BAKOAIET HA TS d CAPS, GLASS WARE ETC ' • 1 use nothing but Solid Silver, A FULL LINE OF at my store in the hub. EotAii Eunices Wholesale