October 19, 1872

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October 19, 1872 Hope College Hope College Digital Commons Holland City News: 1872 Holland City News: 1872-1879 10-19-1872 Holland City News, Volume 1, Number 35: October 19, 1872 Holland City News Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.hope.edu/hcn_1872 Part of the Archival Science Commons Recommended Citation Holland City News, "Holland City News, Volume 1, Number 35: October 19, 1872" (1872). Holland City News: 1872. 114. https://digitalcommons.hope.edu/hcn_1872/114 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Holland City News: 1872-1879 at Hope College Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Holland City News: 1872 by an authorized administrator of Hope College Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ‘i. ,au « J .« ': Holland City News « 4»t t * Men i * !8Y IU •t the l An Xn&i&n Tragedy. education,”etc., etc.., and that a schol- 1 or sorrow. Obedience to faihloo la a ling i’UBLIBEI 8 ItilT 8ATUMAT MOIKIKO AT ar is “one who learns of a master.” lie greater transgressionof the laws of P»I AWf aii “1 c^ehtir also says a schoolmaster “Is woman's nature, greater injury to With a Saw As ItaUaa Woau Otiti a Mlichlsr- one who a MMAUn (Miari m u,» * *le«. Uk ^how B. a - wi Bfly. Henori c , ftv/cAcsina school.” Now, so far as her physical and mental constitution, my experience goes, the modern school- j than the hardships of poverty and neg- R*.^ From the N. Y. World. ere the (111.) 8cpt. 26. 1 U- . I I » I - I f . I / B M A.« m. « _ . From Wavelry Times. master or mistress does none of these lect. The slave-woman at her task f* ' m Early morning Patrick Monday ».'H) Chiileago. At a festive soeial gathering in a things, but merely listens to the rccita still lives and grows old, and sees two 11.30 I^vey, taliosc mind litts been dcrangod Nevv HulT»lo. cotmty house near Waverly, Hi., dur- lions of lessons taught hy parents at or three generationsof her mistresses r. iu. for t ' « past eighteen niontha through ing the Christmas holidays of 1870, a home. I have no hesitation In saying I pass sway. The Wssher-woman with 8.00 Or. Junction. mduigence in liquor, and who is on 3 80 FonnivllU. young farmer of the neighborhood and that the whole system of modern teach- ; scarcely a ray of hope to cheerch< her In Terjns~$2iOQ Per Yew. leave from the Lunatic Asylum on 8 43 Manlius. the rural hello who was supposed to ing, including text-books,mans, and her toils, will live to see hciher fashions-. •.60 Richmond. 10.88 Ward's Island, attempting to murder reciprocate his partiality for her attract- everything- • — j ...... else -------connected - ------ with...... ..,It, ...is ble..... .......sisters . .. n,all a vjt»((tv».extinct. Th kitchen OfflM to Bwnringtoii Block, Sth St. 4.10 E.gaugatuck n — The hla wife Sarah and her daughter Mary ed the attention ol the company hy vastlyastlV belowheld) and behind what was in maid is hearty and strong, hef 4.80 Holland. io.oo' when with a meal saw, at their residence, unequivocalsigns of a aerioua breach 'rr -r.Ttr^ 4.48 Nrv Holland vogue thirty years since, and that in- lady has to be nursed ilke a sick baby, •.w 5 0< OUre. Na Mrttast NjntU jUvay, ar- atwou of good feeling between them. The stead of making of us a race of well- 1 U is a sad truth that fash ion- pampered 5.00 Ottawa. ....... rived (rom i the IWfmd dn^batfiklay, arrival of the girl under eacort of giwdors. 6.2' Robinson. -- - - - ........ *... u. mi educated men and women, it is making women arc worthless for all good ends -•w-ij and a|tpieafed;Vvetjhyed t»> lUmr his 6 86 Spoonvllle. ' admirer who sbe had previously treated j candidates for the iniaue asylum, and of life; they have hut little force of 7.16 6.1'i Nunlcu. * i family, who, when he was forced to with Indifference,and the subsequent I piling up a heap of misery in very 1 character; they have still lets power 7.:i6 • Fruit port. 45 8.'vo . give his trade as tailor, to* k to iiork: <’»rd»i in thin column, of three line* or lene, i up appearance of the yeoman alone, and mi‘ny of moral will, and quite m little pbysl- 8.00 T 15 Muskegon. forms. |v4<0 per year.t addtlonal ccna. JUoh llncMO 7.68 ! and nmnarfodadt only 4o make a 1L*J ».(W 8.00 Montague. in apparently sullen humor, were the l am perfectly willing that teachers cal energy. They live for no great 10.50 ¥•45, Pentwaler. mg, nut to keep themselvesrespecta- first occasions of surprise to the assem- sluUl be well paid, if tuey will only ends. They are dojis, formed In the A LWd; If., Tilery .Tiftiffttm^ery 1 — -j-t - - - — 7 -LX- It is stated that on and' npr ble. Sunday, Levey bled merry- makers; but the wonder (each, and may mention that in my ca- hands of milliners and servants, to be uxelalona, cor. 7th and River atroeta. « tirAndilkpidHA Holland R. R. ___ __ ... piet an old and injudiciouscompan- grew more serious when, upon the fair paclty of trustee of a public school, I fed to order. If they have children, GOING NORTH. going jjn* withopt the of ac« 8. w. south w^°i km>wlcdge coquette’s curt refusal to dance with give a practical Illustration of my faith ; servants and nurses do all save to con- Iipreaa. Mall. STATIONS. Mali. Exprvt* Mrs. Levey, took him out and1 gave her lately favored swain, the latter de- but I am opposed to parents being com- ceive and give them birth; and when .m. p. m. him a drink. Levey returned quite faith- .80 196.. Holland. - nounced her in round terms as a pelled to teach tbejr children. > reared, what are they? What do they H., Uvory and Sale SUblo. Market pleasant, but towards evening, as the 6 46 4.68 Zeeland. less flirt, and threatened to cast her As a boy 1 was well flogged at school, ambunt to but weak scions of the old 6.U8 Vricalaad. 6.68 etfechtof the liquor died off, he became of the near- B.tf Hudion. cay» l* evening from the and the memory of the ratan Is pleas- stdckr Who aver heard of a. fashion** OAKKBK, J. 0„ Manufacturer of and dealer alternately morose and excited. The 6.85 JenniMn't. nst window. The insulted woman ant as brl- glng hack a time when boys ! ble woman's child exhibiting soy Uln Boot* and Shocn, Elghlh itreet. •.« • 85 5.40 Grandrllle. Leveys retired to rest about 10 o’clock bum into tears, angry words passed wpre boys and teachers wore teachers. — K ...... mt ------- virtue and pirirer of mind for which 6.46 6.00 Or. Rapid*. on Sunday, and about half past five between the rivals, and when finally Now we do not flog the boys, and very liecame eminent? Read theblograplhies o’clock Mrs. Levey got' up ttf mak<9 a in- the remonstrance---------- of older----- friends properly, for those' who 'deserve the of our good men and . women. None cor fire to attend domestic matters. Short- duced the furious fanner to retire, the flogging are first the taiMsrf; and per- of them had a fnaionable mother.” I^KNJAMINSK, Wa./Publlaher of /k 1M- y before 6 o^loqk. sl^a disoqwred.herpleasure of all had been so effectually i‘«i*. if a parent were made to suffer 1 Soil# llati. D/aw^r; 9(1 rl njlpf 'dpyj neatir, hUHoa^d sitting qaicnait Id the kiich- destroyed that the whole company now and then it would do him good. Hal No. 5 STATIONS. Nol No. 2 andiJlJw^Juita, eu eying her strangely, asd, becoming Mr. Stward'i Death. p. m. p. m. p. m. a. m. soon broke up. What had ctused the P- 8.— My wife says “flog the teach- 8 55 12 30 Muskegon 8 00 5 25 alarmed, was about to ca|l her daugh- alienation of the lover, this ers by all or at least iROADMOKB,Cl. W., Iloum* painting, Ulan and ensu- means, % of of a. m ter. be caught her • by 1 hair Paper hanging, KaltTinlning etc. Alt when the img scene was never know in Waverly. 2<J9-#74 of 1,878-2,000 of them.,’ Ttt FutlnUn sf Mi filaiti. 8 15 11 60 Grand Haven 3 38 6 13 and began to strike her on tlie liead 7 12 10 45 llolliuid 4 41 6 56 Rumor explained it in various ways, 9 25 with a meat-saw. Mary Levey, who 5 57 Allegan 5 57 speculative sub- Auburn, N. Y.,:'(ktohflr10.— Mr. 8 00 ami comment on the ppaal of a Dying Xaa. 3 20 8 40 Montelth 6 85 8 30 was in her bed, heard her mother In Book* and .Stationer)’, River drei't. iect varied until the Boring of the fol- Seward, having taken cold and been 4 32 7 50 Kalamazoo 7 25 9 15 cry hkli* outJAr lowing year, when the heroine was Wordi of Wmli| froa Om it tko Foot of tko 9il- oomewUai unwell for a day or two, r\K VRIES, IT., Dealer In Harness. Satchels, loti. Grand Rapids and Indiana and rushing inmJBi’hiiehen in her married to the peremi who* had been was, ou the evening of Saturday, the 1/rrunkH, Saddle-, Whip-.
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