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April 19, 2001 Digital Kenyon: Research, Scholarship, and Creative Exchange The Kenyon Collegian College Archives 4-19-2001 Kenyon Collegian - April 19, 2001 Follow this and additional works at: https://digital.kenyon.edu/collegian Recommended Citation "Kenyon Collegian - April 19, 2001" (2001). The Kenyon Collegian. 389. https://digital.kenyon.edu/collegian/389 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the College Archives at Digital Kenyon: Research, Scholarship, and Creative Exchange. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Kenyon Collegian by an authorized administrator of Digital Kenyon: Research, Scholarship, and Creative Exchange. For more information, please contact [email protected]. A&E SI'O!Z I" nowball Trial gets Prarerniry brotherhood Culture Fair, Ouefesr bring Concert Band takes stage for Women's Tennis wins spOt nderway today, pg. 2 questioned, pg. 7 fun to weekend, pg. 9 last time this year, pg. 11 in Nationals, pg. 16 K-E-N-Y-O-N -0 -L -E -0 -I -A -N olume CXXVIIl, Number 22. ESTABLISHED 1856 Thursday, April 19, 2001 BEND ME, BREAK ME ••• CAPOEIRA ME Housing issues heat upcarnpus which work their way up through BYADAMSAPP Student Council and Senate, only Senior News Editor to have the Trustees nod and smile After compiling a list of al- and say they'll look into it." most 200 student signatures, Chair of Student life and Independents United entered the charter member of Independents housing debate. Although not of- United George Polychronopoulos ficially recognized as a student explains that, in the grand scheme organization yet, the group is lead- of things, student government docs ingjhe.wayinthe ever-touchyissue - very little anyway ."Student Coun- surrounding fraternities, the Col- cil doesn't do [anything about the Quinn Holfman lege and housing policies. issue] because it's apathetic. Stu- Freshman Logan Winston and Instructor of Capoeira Darcy Porsrer engage in the Brazilian artform Seemingly a student issue, dent Council is as apathetic to last Saturday night in Good Commons as part of the Capoeira festivities held all last week on campus. housing at Kenyon is not so much students as students are to it," said a student issue as most might think. Polycronopoulos. Chair of Housing and Grounds and AccordingtoPolychronopoulos, senior Adam Exline explains that IndependentsUnited, ifrecognized as an official organization, promises McKnight was indicted on new evidence," Rose said. "When the real power to change thingslies BYDANIEL CONNOllY to work towards major changes March 23 for aggravated murder we indicted him last time, [Vinton with the trustees, not the students. Seniot Staff Reporter next year. "We need to do two and kidnapping in the November County prosecuting attorney "The bottom line however is that if things as an organization," said An experienced attorney from shooting death of Kenyon student Timothy Gleeson] had contem- something is going to be done, it has to come from the top down," Polychronopoulos. "We need to the state will help the small staff Emily MUIlllY. He could face the plated the idea of an aggravated said Exline."Motions have been make people realize they are being ofthe Vinton County prosecutor's death penalty if convicted. He was robbery charge, but decided not to treated unfairly and that things are office try to convict the man ac- also charged with murder in the throw it in at that time." She said brought through the Housing and Sf( HOUSING, pag~ two cused of killing two people, in- death of Gregory Julious, who dis- Gleeson brought the robbery G~unds Committee in the past, cluding a Kenyon student. appeared in May 2000. McKnight charge after consulting with law- Ohio's attorney general's of- was also charged with tampering yers from the Slate attorney Locked dorms could fice will assign a prosecuting at- with evidence and gross abuse of general's office. torney with experience in death a corpse in each death. A grand jury re-indicted penalty trials to start working on A new charge of aggravated McKnight on April ll . McKnight, become key to saftey the case against Gregory robbery-c-releting to Murray's who pleaded not guilty to all McKnight, said Johnna Rose, le- car-was brought in the case last counts on April 4, faced another BYBETSYWELCH course I feel safer here." How- gal assistant in the Vinton County week. arraignment early this morning, StaffWriter ever, even the peaceful village of prosecutor's office. "We didn't actually acquire Gambier is not immune to danger. Sf( VlNTON, page thrn They might as well advertise "I think the statement, 'we're it in the Prospectus: "Concerned out in the middle of nowhere' is a Baseball history to visit Kenyon about safety? Don't forget that dangerous philosophy under which Kenyon is in the middle of no- Kenyon class of 1936. American Doby was the second man to to govern life in Gambier," said BYADAMSAPP where. You're safe here amongst Director of Residential Life history, not to mention baseball, break the color line in baseball, Senior News Editor the cornfields." For students from Samantha Hughes. "Crime hap- would never be rtte same. and the first in the American cities such as New York, Los An- pens here just as it does elsewhere Before air-conditioned sky Next week, Doby, nowamem- League. He began his career with geles, and well, any city with a boxes,electronic ticketing and 24- ber of the Baseball Hall of Fame, the 1948 Indian's squad, helping and that philosophy won't protect population over 5,000 where lock- hourscore updates on ESPN, there along with two other black base- them to a victory in the World a person if slhe is placed in a dan- ing the door behind you is second was baseball. Real, knock 'em- ball heroes, Alfred 'Slick' Suratt Series with his series leading .318 gerous situation." nature, going to school in the sock 'em types playing for more and Joe Black will be walking down baiting average. He was also a So how to make our campus middle of nowhere sounds like a than quarter-billion-dollar sala- middle path with former baseball member of the team six years later safer? Many believe that it starts nice alternative. ries and .promotional licensing commissioner Fay Vincent, and in 1954, when the Indian's set the with the residenbe halls. Although "I come from a city where COntracts.The baseball of the late students might want to stop, pause, record for most games won in a students are accustomed to being crime is a real problem," said 1930s and 40s was an American and say hello. single season, a record broken two able to enter any donn without sophomore Rob Haile, "so of CUlt. It stood as the ivory tower of "Fay's goal," said Professor years ago by the Yankees, even ser LOCKS, ptzge two sports,that is until Jackie Robinson of History Reed Browning, author though they needed eight more rill \ III \( I \\'1 \11111, RII'l'lll steppedto the mound in t947. This of the award-winning biography regular-season games in which to do it. Was followed eleven weeks later - Cy Young: A Baseball Life, "is to Thursday: Partly cloudy, high of Saturday: Isolated thunderstorms, Black entered the league with bythe hiring of Larry Doby by Bill give students an opportunity to talk 63, low of 45. high of76, lowof 52. - the Brooklyn Dodgers in ]952 at Veeck, then-owner of the Cleve- to people about an integral mo- Friday: Rain all day. High of 64, Sunday: Isolated thunderstorms, see BASEBALL, pag~njn~ land indians and a member of the ment in American history." lowof48. high of78,Iow of St. 2 TIlE KENYONCollEGIAN NEWS Thursday. April 19. 2001 BYDANIEL CONNOLLY . Senior Staff Reporter CONTlNUEDFROMPAGEONE don't think students have any press- Christiansen. "You wouldn't have nity," said sophomore Maureen needs to have student input and having a key, it's easy to forget ing need for increased security," 10 worry about carrying money Collins. "From what I've expert- awareness before a final decision is that the doors are not only open to said sophomore Ben Gildin. "I around." enced at other colleges, it often made." them but 10anyone else who hap- don't think they feel insecure. Plus, Perhaps the greatest challenge creates more problems than it Safety on the Kenyon earn- pens to be on campus. "A look at what happened when they facing the implementation of such solves." pus is a primary concern forevery significant amount of vandalism tried to check IDs at the athletic a system is the nolion of change. Even in the discussion stage, member of the community. And that occurs in the residence halls is facilities. There was a very nega- "It will be a process because it's thepossibilttyotchangingtheopea although it seems that our physi- a result of nonresidents walking tive reaction." However. with the not difficult to change the hard- door policy at Kenyon generates cal isolation keeps us away from through," said Hughes. flexibility that such a system can ware on a door but it is difficult to numerous questions and concerns. danger, we cannot ignore chang- Director ofSecuri tyand Safety offer, the card could have multiple change a philosophy," said Direc- However, it is exactly these ques- ing social realities. Dan Werner and Assistant 10 the uses, rather than just granting ac- tor of Security and Safety Dan tionsandconcemsandhowtheyare ''Times are changing," said President for Student Facilities cess to residence halls. Werner. Kenyon prides itself on a addressed will ultimately shape the Werner, "for Gambier, as well Development Doug Zipp are CUT- "Many of your day to day strong sense of community which nature of change at Kenyon.
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