Nuclear Fuel Services, Inc. (NFS) Hereby Submits a Copy of Changes Made to License SNM-124, Chapter 1, General Information
•It. '• -,'} - m -m -. mm- - NUCLEA R FUEL SERVICES, INC. 1205 banner hill road U erwin. t~n37650 U phone 423.743.9141 ,1(WXTehnologis I nco pan www.,1u clea r uelse m 21G-15-0146 GOV-01 -55-04 ACF-1 5-0211 July 27, 2015 Director, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attention: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001 References: 1) Docket No. 70-143; License SNM-124 2) Letter dated September 26, 2014, NRC to B&W NOG-L, Planned Babcock & Wilcox Company Reorganization (TAC #L33341) 3) Letter dated October 24, 2014, NFS to NRC, Revision to Chapter 1 of License SNM-124 4) Letter dated November 10, 2014, NRC to NFS, Acceptance of Changes to SNM-1 24, Chapter 1 (TAC No. L33352) 5) Letter dated March 17, 2015, NRC to B&W NOG-L, B&W Company Planned Spin-off of Power Generation Business (TAC No. L33356) Subject: Revision to Chapter 1, General Information, of License SNM-124 Pursuant to License Condition S-2, Nuclear Fuel Services, Inc. (NFS) hereby submits a copy of changes made to License SNM-124, Chapter 1, General Information. The revised chapter in its entirety is attached, in addition to a revised Chapter Index. Changes are denoted by vertical lines in the right margin of affected pages. In Reference 2, the Commission determined that replacing BWX Technologies, Inc. with Babcock and Wilcox Government & Nuclear Operations, Inc., was not a direct or indirect transfer of control under I10CFR 30.34(b). Therefore, NFS submitted in Reference 3 that change to Chapter 1, General Information, of License SNM-124, along with a few additional changes to Chapter 1 that also met the criteria of License Condition (LC) S-2.
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