Pros. V. M. Milutinović Et Al.: Trial Judgement

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Pros. V. M. Milutinović Et Al.: Trial Judgement UNITED NATIONS International Tribunal for the Case No. IT-05-87-T Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Date: 26 February 2009 Committed in the Territory of the former Yugoslavia since 1991 Original: English IN THE TRIAL CHAMBER Before: Judge Iain Bonomy, Presiding Judge Ali Nawaz Chowhan Judge Tsvetana Kamenova Judge Janet Nosworthy, Reserve Judge Acting Registrar: Mr. John Hocking Judgement of: 26 FEBRUARY 2009 PROSECUTOR v. MILAN MILUTINOVIĆ NIKOLA ŠAINOVIĆ DRAGOLJUB OJDANIĆ NEBOJŠA PAVKOVIĆ VLADIMIR LAZAREVIĆ SRETEN LUKIĆ PUBLIC JUDGEMENT Volume 2 of 4 The Office of the Prosecutor: Mr. Thomas Hannis Mr. Chester Stamp Counsel for the Accused: Mr. Eugene O’Sullivan and Mr. Slobodan Zečević for Mr. Milan Milutinović Mr. Toma Fila and Mr. Vladimir Petrović for Mr. Nikola Šainović Mr. Tomislav Višnjić and Mr. Norman Sepenuk for Mr. Dragoljub Ojdanić Mr. John Ackerman and Mr. Aleksandar Aleksić for Mr. Nebojša Pavković Mr. Mihajlo Bakrač and Mr. Đuro Čepić for Mr. Vladimir Lazarević Mr. Branko Lukić and Mr. Dragan Ivetić for Mr. Sreten Lukić VII. CRIMES ALLEGED IN THE INDICTMENT ......................................................................6 A. PEĆ/PEJA......................................................................................................................................6 1. Charges in Indictment..............................................................................................................6 2. Background..............................................................................................................................6 3. Events in Peć/Peja town on 27 and 28 March 1999 ..............................................................10 4. Destruction in Peć/Peja..........................................................................................................19 5. Factual findings .....................................................................................................................22 B. DEČANI/DEÇAN..........................................................................................................................22 1. Charges in Indictment............................................................................................................22 2. Background............................................................................................................................22 3. Events in Dečani/Deçan municipality in late March 1999 ....................................................23 4. Findings .................................................................................................................................30 C. ĐAKOVICA/GJAKOVA.................................................................................................................31 1. Charges in Indictment............................................................................................................31 2. The principal witnesses .........................................................................................................33 3. Background............................................................................................................................38 4. FRY/Serbian forces in Đakovica/Gjakova ............................................................................39 5. KLA and NATO activities in Đakovica/Gjakova..................................................................42 a. NATO bombing of Đakovica/Gjakova ...........................................................................42 b. KLA activity in Đakovica/Gjakova ................................................................................43 6. Events in Đakovica/Gjakova town ........................................................................................46 a. Destruction of buildings and violence ............................................................................46 b. Events in the Ćerim/Qerim district, 1 and 2 April 1999 .................................................51 c. Exodus of Kosovo Albanians from Đakovica/Gjakova town.........................................54 d. Events in Đakovica/Gjakova town in May 1999 ............................................................56 e. Findings...........................................................................................................................57 7. Other villages in Đakovica/Gjakova municipality ................................................................59 a. Findings on allegations relating to villages in Đakovica/Gjakova .................................63 8. Operation in Reka/Caragoj and surrounding valleys (27 and 28 April 1999).......................64 a. Genesis and command of Reka/Caragoj valley operation ..............................................65 b. The conduct of the Reka/Caragoj valley operation.........................................................69 i. Dobroš/Dobrosh and Ramoc ..........................................................................................72 ii. Meja and Korenica ........................................................................................................74 (A) Movement, discovery, and examination of bodies..................................................83 iii. Exodus of Kosovo Albanians from the Reka/Caragoj valley.......................................86 c. Findings...........................................................................................................................88 D. PRIZREN .....................................................................................................................................94 1. Charges in Indictment............................................................................................................94 2. Background............................................................................................................................94 3. Pirane/Pirana..........................................................................................................................96 4. Landovica ............................................................................................................................102 5. Srbica/Sërbica, Donji Retimlje/Retia e Ulët, Retimlje/Retia, and Randubrava/Randobrava103 6. Prizren town (Dušanovo/Dushanova)..................................................................................105 E. ORAHOVAC/RAHOVEC..............................................................................................................112 1. Charges in Indictment..........................................................................................................112 2. Background..........................................................................................................................113 3. Celina...................................................................................................................................117 a. Attack on Celina on 25 March 1999 .............................................................................118 b. Bodies in Celina............................................................................................................125 c. Findings.........................................................................................................................127 4. Bela Crkva/Bellacërka.........................................................................................................128 a. Attack on Bela Crkva/Bellacërka on 25 March 1999 ...................................................129 Case No. IT-05-87-T 2 26 February 2009 b. Burying the bodies........................................................................................................138 c. Transfer to Albania.......................................................................................................139 d. Forensic evidence..........................................................................................................140 e. Findings.........................................................................................................................141 5. Destruction of the mosques in Celina and Bela Crkva/Bellacërka......................................143 a. Celina ............................................................................................................................143 b. Bela Crkva/Bellacërka..................................................................................................144 6. Mala Kruša/Krusha e Vogël ................................................................................................146 a. Operations in the area of Mala Kruša/Krusha e Vogël .................................................146 b. Attack on Mala Kruša/Krusha e Vogël on 25 March 1999...........................................148 c. Forensic evidence..........................................................................................................156 d. Findings.........................................................................................................................157 7. Velika Kruša/Krusha e Madhe.............................................................................................158 8. Nogavac/Nagafc ..................................................................................................................160 a. Findings.........................................................................................................................165 9. Brestovac/Brestoc................................................................................................................165
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