10022 Hon. Brad Ellsworth Hon. Michael C. Burgess Hon
10022 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 155, Pt. 8 April 2, 2009 After I stepped down from Congress in who are interested in the cause of individual the United Press International, Baptist Medical 1984, I partnered with Burt in the coin busi- liberty, peace, and sound money. Many of Center and Florida City Magazines Inc. In the ness, a partnership which lasted until I re- them got their introduction to these ideas Star-Telegram, his goal has always been to turned to Congress in 1996. Our partnership through one of the many organizations nur- present the issues that are important to his was based on nothing more than our words. tured by Burt Blumert. community and keep citizens informed. Over As anyone who ever dealt with Burt could tes- Madam Speaker, perhaps the highest com- the years, Harral served as Senior Editor of tify, that was all that was needed, because pliment one can pay to a departed friend is to Metro news, Ombudsman, Editor of the edi- Burt’s word was truly his bond. I am unaware say that they left the world better than they torial pages, Editor of zoning operations, and of anyone who dealt with Burt who questioned found it. That is certainly true in the case of supervised the online department. Under his his integrity or his commitment to his cus- Burt Blumert. While I am saddened that I will tenure in 1995, the Texas Associated Press tomers. never again benefit from Burt’s good humor Managing Editors (APME) recognized the As well-known and respected as he was for and wise counsel, I am comforted by knowing weekend and daily commentary sections as his leadership in the coin business, Burt was that I was blessed by his friendship and the best in the state.
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