PUBLISHED BY JOHN PORTER, Terms, $1,50 in Advance, $1,75 in six monllis, $2,00 after,••••Advcrlisenients inserted at the customary prices,


T H E M U S E . Be K ind to the Old. FIRESIDE SKETCHES^ now do, Mr. Lundy. I’m sure I’ve not TH E COUNT DE DIJON. 'There he is,’ replied the landlady, Oh! be kind to those who arc in the had a moment Io brentlic since 1 got up. pointing to a stout looking man, who was «S ,.i , the melody of yotithfttl days, aulutnn of life, for (lion knowest not what ” ------Relays of joy, 'Still, I think yon might spare a mo- ()r this eccentric but benevolent French eating Itis breakfast n ea r tho tire. 'Flint steals the treinbliti!’ tear of speechless p ra is e To drag the sufferer thro’ the tedious length ment or two to sec il things were going | nobleman tho following anecdote is reittl- Sweet—(IS his native song to exile’s ear, sull'crings they may have endured, how Of a short winter’s day.” ‘My friend,’ said the attorney, address­ Shall setiittl each tone------” much it may still lie their portion to hear. on right in the kitchen. Comfortable ed ; ing himself to the wagoner, ’the person Are they querulous and unreasonable( meals arc half the comfort a man has at with whom you shared your room last One morning during the Inst winter allow not thine anger Io kindle against THE HISTORY OF A DAY. hom o.’ night is C ount tie D ijon. In the first, TH E L IF E CLOCK, being at his country residence, he re­ them—rebuke them not, for doulilless, Mrs. Lutidly sighed, hut answered place, here are the twenty-five louis lie A Sketch for Husbands. collected that the lease of an inn cnlled many and severe have been tho crosses nothing to this ungenerous remark. promised to give you for the loss of your There is a little mystic elock, the Red Cross, aliout three leagues dist­ Mrs. Lundy had been up for half an Your head looks like a perfect mop, horse that broke Ins leg; and in the next, No hitman eye hath seen ; and trials ol'cnrlier years' and perchance ant, had expired. The landlord was so- . ■ , , . , . their dispositions, v iiH in tho ‘‘spring­ hour, busy about one thing and another, Agnes,’ said the husband, as Ito leuned , ... 1 , hero is a lease, which puts yon m posse That beateth on—and henteth on, betting n renewal: lint wishing to pidge - J 1 time of life,” were more gentle and flex­ when Mr. Lundy rubbed his eyes open, hack to pic his teeth, after having finish­ at of this inn Ibr nine years, on the From morning until e’en. of the state of the premises, he set out ible than thine own. Do they require and concluded, after thinking over the ed his hreakfust, and made a more care­ saute let ms as your predecessor; hut in on foot, though the weather was intensely And when the soul is wrapped in sleep, matter for some tivo or ten minutes, that ful observation of his wife’s nppeara ncc. order Io pay you for your hospitnlity to it aid of thee? then render it cheerfully, cold, and the snow falling. And hearetli not a sound, and forget not that the time may come, it was time for bint to bo getting rendy You are getting downwright careless poor pedestrian, the count gives it to yon At some distance from his chateau lie It licks and ticks the livelong night, when thou nniyest desire the same assis­ for breakfast, so lie crept out of bed and about your person.’ rent ft co for the first three years. Will overtook a wagoner walking along by the And never runneth down. tance from others, that, thou now rondcr- commenced dressing himself. Mr. Lundy did not expect any reply to that suit you? side of Itis cart. Between pedestrians cst unto them. Do all that is needful for ‘I wish you would get mo some hot wa­ this; and lie was not disappointed. ‘()h tny poor M arianne — nty five, child ■ <) wondrous is that work of art acquain tan ce is soon m ade; and it was the old, anti do it with alacrity, and think ter, Agnes, he said to his wife. ‘I must Four children to wait upon nt the table ren! Dlt nty good sir!’ exclaimed tho Which knells the passing hour, not long before the count discovered that it not hard if much is required at thine shave myself this morning. kept Mrs. Lundy too busy to eat more wagoner, ‘mid I . aid stie.lt rude things Io But art ne'er formed, nor mind conceived, the man’s name was I’cnot, bis wife’s hand; lest when age has sat his seal on Mrs. Lundy was busily engaged in dres­ than a mouthful or two herself. Il was that, kind gentlem an! Vv’hcro is lie, that I The life-clock’s magic power. iitunc M nriannc ; that Ito had live, child­ thy Itrnw, and tilled thy limbs with trem­ sing a little resisting urchin. time to get the three oldest ready for nitty go ami throw toy self at his feet?’ ren, and as many horses ; and that all he Nor set in gold nor decked with gems, bling, there tuny be found those who will ‘Y es, dear,’ she replied; in a moment.’ school, when lltov had finished their meal, i , .. ,, . ‘ ! It: lots retu rn ed to his c h a te a u ,’ re p li­ ami she left the tab le, w here she had been !i,d. ° olh worse, instead hut it cnities to her ear; and if tiny one nine years they have bept *• • ll»ey ,nl,st gentleman who advertised fora couchtnuu? tions of the dying year; and, heaven he Silenced, but not convinced, the hus­ of causing the pain to abate. When site can iulbrin you who is your secret enemy, have laid by tt pretty gootl sum. Dlt if If not we will repeat it. Three applicants praised! something green, something band goes grumbling down stairs, and re­ cante borne she was so completely exhaust­ it is old D.itielie.’ my poor Marianne ami I had such an lint were admitted into his room, lie pointed beautiful to seo and grateful to tho soul, commences walking tho floor, but with a ed as to In: compelled to lie down Ibr an Haima li'curred the next day to his I should not grieve so much for nty poor out to them a precipice, remarking :— will in the coldest ttud darkest hours of heavier and more rapid tread. hour. This brought twelve o’clock, when friend's advice. ‘I, shall be tt beggar,' h o rse!’ ■“ llow near this can you drive me, with­ fule, still entwine its tendrils round the ‘Go up ami see if your mother isn't •Maggy, Willie and Mary came bounding tlmuglit be, 'if tiiis mortality continues ‘ W ell, if this house suits you, you shall out any fear of an upset.” The first ap­ crumbling altars ttud broken arches of the most retnly. I’m in great liiniy this in from school, hungry and impatient, and much longer. And, alter all, a wise man have it.’ plicant replied, “ within a hair’s breadth.” morning.’ -Mr. Lundy says to one of the the mother had Io see about gelling them may profit oven by the stipci stition ot fools. desolate temples of the human heart. ‘ Why, how bravely you talk ! First “ How near can you drive m e:” inquired children, alter the lapse of two minutes, their dinners, anti attending to their lim it- At till events, I cannot lose much by the yon say you will give me twenty-live the gentleman of a second applicant.— which seem to tho impatient man at least horlcss little wants, until it was tune for tria l.’ So lit: mounted Itis horse and rode, louis, anti then you say yon will give me “ Within a hair’s breadth,” he replied. Cold W ater for the Eyes. live. them to go to school again. unattended to the but of the sorceress. an inn. 1 cannot help laughing at the As the third applicant was about leaving It is an almost universal opinion that ‘ I’in coming,1 he hears, on the stairs, (Conclusion next week.) She sat in the liirth st corner, uitillf d in a idea. However, take care; 1 tell you J the room, supposing ho had no chance of cold water is excellent lor the eyes.— from his wife. huge blanket, and mulleritig unintelligi­ won’t he played upon.’ competing with the two, the gentleman Many persons are in the habit of opening ‘I’m glad of it,’ he rather grullly re­ bly to herself, ami did not. by word or stopped him. ‘‘Let me hear what you and shutting their eyes in the wash basin sponds. ‘I knew your minute, would’ut Cure fcr Cancer. ‘ No play in the case. I tell you that gesture intimate Iter recognition of tho if you like this house I will give it to you,’ have to say,” said ho. “ Why, sir, 1 every morning, thus exposing the halls he much less than half tin hour. I w ish A jeweller who had a had cancerous planter as lie entered. Ho seated him­ replied his companion. cannot compete with either of these : if 1 freely to the w ater.— Util this common opin­ you would try to he moro punctual; this pimple on Itis cheek, having occasion to self by Iter, and enquired if she could •Ami I tell you again, that if you say were to drive you, I would keep as far oil' ion must be very erroneous and injurious. ever being behind time uunuys me terri­ dissolve some gold itt nitromuriatic acid, throw any light on the cause of his late another word, I will turn you out of the as 1 possibly could.” ‘‘Y on tire the man ( hie of our most sagacious pity sieians > I >r. bly. rubbed it several times, unconsciously, misfortunes. for me,” said the gentleman, and be en­ B atchelder) says th a t in almost till the Tltore are some meek words said about with his impregnated lingers, and was room,’ said tho wagoner. ‘How should I ” retured the hag in her lie seemed a likely person to do so, gaged him immediately. eases of diseased eyes which have come to the time it takes to dress aiid see inter so surprised to liutl it speetlly change its ap- sharpest I cy. How' should a poor old therefore the coui.t said no more. In regard to vice, be only is safe who him for relief, the diliieulty litis been aggra­ intuit’ children; but they make no impres­ pearece, and shortly disappear. Mr. Reca- creature like me know anything ol’ suelt The next morning the count rose early, keeps away from temptation. Those who vated by this popular error, and that nt sion whatever upon the mind of Mr Lundy mer, suspecting the cause, uu.de several doings ■ venture near, are often upset and destroy­ very many eases tin; disuse of cold watei They aro uttered as a kirn! of excuse, ami uniformly successful expel intents of the am! repaired to his solicitor in the next lluiuia expres't'd his impatience, while town. After some conversation between ed. Wo can all point to individuals who lias bet suflieient to restore the eyes to lie regards them as of no more account. saute mixture; ami thus litis accident dis­ ho replied, '1 do nut suppose, us uiuay Itim ami the solicitor, the latter set olF lor are lost to virtue, w ho, when they look the health. ‘These sausages are done to death,’ covered a new cure for cam emus atl'ec- tlo, (' ;it he, that t ut h'i\ o ther m eans first wrung step, intended never to take suit I Mr. Lundy. tions. Tim proportions he adopts are the Red ( 'toss. to obtain m filiation that any one t Iso another. It was the voice of a pretended The with remained silent, but looked might have, with the same acquaintance Contnidi tun. om ounce ol' tint acid to six grains of the On reaching the mu, ho told tho land- frit ini, it may lie who urged them on, only w orried. chloriuet of gold. lord that the count hail arrived and opportunity But you do get to know for once, but it proved their destruction. ‘.lint!’ ‘IIoik,!’ ‘I've got a conundrum ‘M ere dislt w itter!’ .Mr. L undy set I “ Mercy on us,” exclaimed the land- almost everytiutq that pass*s in tin' t. Ye who are now safe — whose hearts tor von.’ ‘Have you—give it to us. I’m his suticcr down with an expression ol I Itnlv, where is he? Why did lie not lion- laud are uiteoniaiuinated listen to the voice gootl for it.’ Suppose tny wile was to fall1 ! disgust on Ins face. The coffee was n t An exchange says:—“ Due of our or its by putting up here?” 'And if 1 cannot speak with spirits, of wisdom, and go not where there ate overboard someday, wliat letter in the! to itis liktug. clergymen, recently remarked, that if all • He eunie here Lut yon refused to ad- wo. d volt conn to me. when you have si t ong allurements to vice, keep awtty ' Alphabet would express my w ish in regard ‘I wish, Agues, yon would look a little tite world believed the 2d Coming was to m il bint.’ your own i yis and eats and can use them Ito h e r? ’ 11, (hl h from the gambling table, the grog-shop, " ) eotir.-c. aR0,. Small in ibu morning. Yv o haven't take place on the 23d of March, l-SlS, at •That is not true; lie never came bere.' us well tis I eau attd tiie midnight party. “ keep as fat had any thing lit to ratal breakfast time 3 o'clock, I1. M., two-thirds of tbeiu would ‘Yes,’ said the attorney, ‘lie came The planter was little accustomed to oil' as possible, and a life of integrity and I'he angel who feels no resentment yeti lot a mouth.’ delay all pieparation. for the event till- here last night in company with a wugon- be teased or contradicted, but tins was virtue will assut illy be yours.— Umpire must envy the man who overcomes it ’ I don't know how I can do inorc than I \ hulf-past tuiuf j cr YY here is this wagoner ?’ uot a moment to resent the old woman’s peculiar temper. He drew n couple of i AN EARTHQUAKE. , THE FIRST STEAMSHIP, LIME ROCK GAZETTE. one in ten who will do so well in the ana­ “ T iie Pitonr..”—An elegnntly bounu gold pieces from his pocket, and ns lie I ^|R K b.nd all, of the New Orleans T he first A tlantic steam er Whs the Sa- lysis of sentences, ns this class did. The work of some 350 pages, bearing the- put them in her withered hand he said I picn lhc fn||owlng gra hic vannah, Cnpt. Rogers built nt New York. TIILRSDAY, JANUARY 0, DUS. only reason is because they have not been above singular title, has been handed us 'Caliche. I have not time to nrgtie with; . . She was 40(1 tons burden, ship-rigged.— description ol the earthquake w hich oc- ,, . trained to it. We think the teacher d e -1 for examination. It contains “ I02shorlr you. T e ll me i f you can, who it is that 1 ” Her engine w as <() or 81) horse power, MR. PAINE’S EXAMINATION. curved in the city of on the '2d ol |nw pressure. She proceeded from that serving much credit here. | pungent, and practical essays on men and poisons my slaves nnd cattle.’ W e took occasion a few weeks ago to The old woman looked nt the gold, cast November lust port to Savannah, whence she sailed in When we came out a Intge class was things,” the result of the author’s "expe- speak of one of the select Schools in our a searching glance round the room, and 181!) for Liverpool, making the passage reciting in Astronomy, by the aid of Maps lienee nnd observation for more than half “ An earthquake ! — we have had an then nppronching her lips to the planter’s in 22 days. In passing the Irish coast, village, nnd we have now the pleasure of earthquake ! Retween the hours of 7 which Mr. P.’s liberality has likewise pro->a century;” to which is added an appen- ear, she pronounced, in a low whisper, the smoke nnd steam lioin her chimneys calling the attention of our people to the and 8 yesterday morning, and when all ured. From what we heard before leav- dix containing the Declaration of Inde­ the name of ‘Antoine.1 gave her the appearance of a ship on lire, nature was hushed in a stillness most pro­ other, taught by Mr. Paine. We , , , . . , 'Howl' said Hniinn, out of all patience and vessels were despatched from the , | . , mg, we thought this exercise in keeping pendence; the Constitution of the United found, suddenly the earth began Io rock happy to sny that no feeling of rivalrv ex- . . . . •H itn who I have (rented as a son, and I Cove of Cork, to her relief From Liver­ 11 7 * 7 ' with the olhers. States; Washington’s Earewell Address; with a strange and most fearful motion.— loaded with benefits! You rave. What pool she went to Copenhagen, Stockholm, ists between these Schools, hut that both I I living nt the house of Pena y Pena, the In conclusion Ict us inquire,—Do our a brief Biography of the Signers of the are your proofs?’ are now patronized by our citizens in a head quarters of Gen. Worth 'immediate-. St. Petersburg, fl.()m (,)p and )ll(tel. Arundel, , (i|, making N()1.way) the citizens remember (but Mr. Paine is one Declaration of Independence, and also of Rut Cntichc remained obstinately silent, manner that shows something like Iv m l root of the beautiful uMa.r.M; and ' ((ck Savnnn(l| 25' davs! c.owncd and not another word could the planter ; of the most experienced and successful Patrick Henry. the lirst intimation we had o the dread , , • • , „• c.„ proper appreciation of their worth. W ei draw from her. So lie wns forced to take , . , , . , heads, ministers, olncers id state, xc., teachers in the .State ? Do they know ‘‘The Probe” is by the author of “ tho convuls.on was the violent .slamming °h vis;,,.(| |,er, and valuable services of plate, wish, however, that there were more of a his leave, very little satisfied with his vis­ that they might send their children away Lives of the Signers of the Declaration he doors, aecompnt,led by a furious j.ng- juwe| kc w ee presented to her off. it. jewelry, Jkc., were presented disposition to lend inlluenee nnd support ling ol the glass pendants attached to a Io some of our eruck Seminaries, and the of Independence,” L. C. Ji usox, E sq., ‘I told you how it was,’ said he to his I cers. to worthy teachers, by other menus than chandelier hanging nnd swinging from the chances would he ten to one against their a member of the Philadelphia Bur. It friend's inquiry regarding his success.— She subsequently made the voynge to ceiling of the room. Soon our beds com­ mere pecuniary patronage. • The old fool thought nothing of the j Constantinople and back, being the first finding a Preceptor there in any degree j is a work of sterling merit, evincing a mon :ed locking, something after the m i lli­ No man occupies so responsible nnd im­ matter, nnd out of envy, or for steamer that traversed the Mediterranean equal to Mr. Paine inexperience and ue- thorough knowledge ol human nature, ner of a ship becalmed at the close of a portant a position in society, ns the teach-: want of some one else to nccuse, she ; Sea, as well as the Atlantic Ocean. She storm ; and then came the shrieks of in- quireinents? Will they forget then to and, conscious of his power, with a skill- Inys the blame on poor Antoine. Rut I w as afterwards purshased to run a packet er. On him depends, in a great degree, uuinerahle women and children, driven, sustain him, and keep his valuable servi- Jnl hand the " author probes the festering merited no belter answer for my folly in between New York and Savannah, under the intellectual and moral character of going to consult the sorceress.’ pialt dressed, ufii iglilcd, into the streets; wounds of liutnnn nature,” at the same Cnpt. Iloldredge, hut was wrecked outlie ces among us. ‘Re advised,’ rejoined his friend.— Jim drcndlul ‘trembler,’ ns the Mexicans the generation that is to succeed the , south side of Long Island. Cnpt. Moses time administering a healing remedy. 'Caliche is well informed regarding allic;lb '*> wos upon us present. Can parents lie indifferent to “ Too Poor to take a Newspaper." P diseb.se,I In „« I *'ng *° 'V!>lk steadily was impossible, so J ' " ‘ls. 1 10 sal "ig-ni.istei He it w as cern in regard to the mode or the degree to take a newspaper; and if, by some j reduced, nt once, from independence to VUI1 IIUCIll.C III n iliu u iu , .1 .o ...... — •* ,...... -> .------■■ . ----- — ■ i, M, ! who made that meinorah le reply Io a not misplaced; he has opportunity enough ,''.'olent were the upheavmgs and oseiI la- in which the minds of their children are B ritish officer—‘I have no inn»/cr. means, they are induced to subscribe, they indigence, with an alllicted family, some - if he be so disposed, to do you this in- l"ons °< tl,e •"'P1’'?. 1 l,c tops of The circumstnnccs which drew forth that developing ? Why will they then let the are ever upon the alert to find some ex- of whom have long been and still are un­ ]urv . large trees in the alamcda were swaying teacher toil on without speaking nnv word •But bow should he be disposed? ]jasunder; the wide street in front was reply were these: When the Savannah euse by which they may stop it. If they der medical treatment;—thus, schooled in approached Liverpool, a boat from a of cneourugcmcnt to him, through term have shown him more favor than any one croU('c<’ women and children, as well chance to have a note Io pay, or an extra allliction, with a mind purified ‘so ns by British sloop-of-war came alongside and else on the plantation. He has whatso- !,s ,n®n‘ screaming and praying, and cross­ afier term ? In his retired school room, dollar to make out, off they march straight-, lire,’ he has produced this chaste and hailed, ‘Where is your maslerV Cnpt. over ho nskes or w ishes for. Interest if, •'•uinselves, m the extremity ot their iiwnv from the haunts of business—seclu­ Steven Rogers icplied, ‘I have no mas­ way to the Printing Office, and have their |clcgnnt work, which needs hut to he read not gratitude, would make my welfare j 1 " hde our own soldiers were recl- ter, sir!’ ‘W here’s your captain, th e n ?’ ded from the pleasurable excitement of names erased,— while, at the same time, iug unsteadily in their midst, astonished to lie approved and adm ired. ns his ow n .’ ‘H e’s below sir; do you wish to see him?’ contact with the busy multitude,— he they are indulging in a thousand and one It is the intention of the agent, after ‘W ell,’ said bis friend, do not trust too ; and awe-stricken at the strange commo­ tion. The sentinels halted upon their ‘I do s ir .’ wearies his mental and physical system, foolish little extravagancies, which costs !offering tho work to our citizens, to visit much to probabilities. Order Antoine . • , , ■ . Cnpt. Moses come on deck and asked to be seized; tell bimall his villany is j rounds> uncertain, and not knowing what day after day, keeping cotnpnnionship with triple the price of their paper, nnd the British officer what lie wanted, when the different towns in this section, nnd Io do; the callejons, or narrow lanes, con­ discovered, and see how he w ill conduct the following conversation ensued: ‘Why children, down to whoso capacity ho is which might he easily dispensed with, and we most heartily recommend him and tho tinued to pour forth their hundreds of in­ h im se lf’ do you wear that peunnii/, sir?’ ‘Because obliged to let his own mind. It is in some injure no one. habitants, all seeking the refuge of the hook to our patrons and friends. M. Maima was exceeding loth to agree my country allows me, sir.’ ‘My comman­ wider streets mid open squares, lest their respects a great deprivation that he suf­ No man,—nnd especially if he have a W e subjoin the following notices : to a proposal which seemed to cast an der thinks it was done to insult him, and if own houses might totter and tumble upon fers. I le cannot breathe the pure air of family,—should ho without n paper ; it is unjust imputation on bis favorite, hut at you don’t take it down, ho will scud a ‘‘Various fashionable and honorable their heads; while on headed knees they heaven like other men when lie pleases : last his friend’s repeated representations force that will do it.’ Cnpt. Moses turn­ an indispensihlo article, nnd as much a vices nre probed to the quick, we com­ confessed their sins aloud, nnd earnestly induced him to adopt it. ed to the Engineer nnd exclaimed—‘Get nnd no wonder that his frame is exhausted, of life as their daily food. There mend it as u useful, pointed, moral hook.” petitioned for forgiveness ere it was yet necessary Antoine wns manacled and brought be­ Baptist lit curd. too late. A wounded officer in our house the hat water engine ready there!’ The and his brain languid and sometimes is no paper published,—we care not how fore him. He uttered no word of com­ man-of-war’s boat turned about in an in­ bed-ridden, and apparently unable to move feverish, when the labors of tho day are poorly it may be conducted,—hut what 'l’he book is really replete with wisdom plaint, yet neither did lie evince any signs stant and was o/f.' Nothing more was said since the hard-fought battle of FI Molino, over. No wonder that teachers suffer and good counsel, rendered attractive by of trepidition or guilt. His master al­ about that pennant. It was suspected at gives its patrons, in the course of the came hobbling hurriedly from his room, a general ease and force of style, and not ready began to repent the course he hail Liverpool, that the Savannah came over to so much from despondency. The per- year, useful information to double the driven tlienee by the c rac k in g o f the. unlicqiicnl felicitous illustrations. The tnkon; and, os lie looked on Antoine’s rescue Napoleon. Ilis hiotlmr Jerome plexities of bad habits to correct—of iodo- amount walls, nnd the strange tumult from with­ of the subscription price ; and tendency of the volume is to inculcate steady eye and collected demeanor, he had just offered n large reward to any one out. The stillness of the morning,—so lence Io remove and indifference to stimu- information too which cannot be obtained 'sterling integrity, unyielding virtue, at- found no little difficulty in acting the part who would lake him offthe Island of St. profound had been the repose of nature,, ,, , , , , . , late, and sometimes ol insubordination to j by any other mode. The Vineyard Gaz.., !dullt |>att iotism, active philanthropy, pure he had so unwillingly consented to as­ hut added to the general feeling of wo,,! Helena, and hence the excitement her benevolence, and universal charily. quell by harshness,—all these, added to in speaking upon this subject, holds the sum e. der and of aw e,-of consternation, 1)1;r. | appearance created throughout England, Knickerbocker, .V. Y ‘It is you then,’ at last he said; ‘who haps I should term it; a fear cau g h t from | Sl’’ w as ,ho llrst 0CCfln S,U" nWr <-’vc,' s,3cn the unfavorable physical influences with following sensible language : have been my secret enemy; who have the actions nnd countenances of those I 111 l-ulol,ean "ateis. which ho is constantly and unavoidably j “ Many persons have their turns of feel- DEATH OF FAIRFIELD. wantongly destroyed my properly, nnd all Mr. March, the Washington correspon­ ‘native here nnd to the manor born,’—1 _ _ ... _ surrounded, cannot fail to make the life j ing awfully poor. When those fils are but effected my ruin?’ tl,oso cradled and rocked amid co.nmo-j The Republic of St, Domingo, dent ol' the New-York Tribune, gives ‘I, Monsieur Haiina?’ of the teacher one of anxiety and suffer- on> •'"‘y ln«)l 11 necessary to economise lions of a kindred nature. The domes While the Republic of Hayti, under •n . i i , and retrench their expenses in some wav. under date of llie 25th ult., the following ‘Yes, you. Disguise is no longer ne­ mg. Parents are often enough perplexed , . • , and steeples of the innumerable churches the prudent administration ol its President, - i i 1 |)(.v begin |O cast about them to see cessary. All vour plans nre discovered. notice of Senator John Fairfield of Maine. and convents reeled like drunken men; j Soulotique, is at last beginning to recover by the dill.cull.es they encounter 'wha't luxury they can dispense with. They Everything is known to me, except the 'f'liu sudden decease of Senator Fair- the lakes hard by rolled ^their sluggish I from the effects ol the long anarchy which properly managing their children, — let look along, till they at length meet with motive that could have induced one whom field of Maine, has thrown a deep gloom waters, ns though moved by an elemental' it suffered during the civil dissensons, I had conferred such benefits to net the them bethink them what the task of the ' >fie Newspaper—the humble weekly news- over the city. Byithe event, the insecure there is also rising by its side, and fast serpent towards his protector and bene­ I strife from above instead of the earth, in teacher is, who has the charge of fo.lv! I’nper—which costs them the enormous grasp by which we hold on to life is made becoming consolidated in silent growth, which they are nestled, in her sorrowful ...... , . , , , ’ sum ol nearly three ccnls a week, anil more manifest to every one—the abrupt factor. the young State that was separated from such lamilios as their own, and then let! ...... Antoine was silent, but a slight, scarce­ travail. once conclude that this is just the spot to termination of liis career shows the com­ An officer in the street, about to mount it. Four years ago, I ho Spanish part of them ask themselves whether he requires; begin at. Taking the paper is at least a ly preceptible, yet contemptuous curl of mon, urgent danger ot' all mankind. the Island, taking advantage of tho dis­ no sympathy and assistance from them. | useless piece of extravagance ami waste, the lip, aroused bis master’s suspicions, liis horse at the commencement of the He died I learn from tho effects of a cords that divided the Hay tien Govern­ and determined him to follow up the ex­ commotion, suddenly found the animal re­ It is too m uch th e ca se, that all the at- !llld il l,u discontinued. T h is m ons- surgical oppcraliun. Ills affection was ceding from him. Astonished, he inquir­ ment, formed, under the name of Domin­ amination in a similar tone. tention the teacher receives from parents, troiis leakage ot three or four cents a dropsy in the knee. This caused him ican Republic, an independent State, of ‘I treated you with the care and confi­ ed, of a soldier close by, the cause; but week must he stopped. Perhaps they pain, mid qualified his usefulness. In tho the man was as ignorant as himself. The which St. Domingo is the capital. .After is the bestowal of their unjust and unfeel­ dence of a father. I distinguished you think they have contributed to its support double hope of giving more comfort to puddles in the streets—for there had been | a lew vain efforts to compel them to come ing criticisms, in regard to tho manner in above all your companions; and you have mid received no equivalent for their himself, and more time to the Republic, a severe shower of rain the night before— I once more under their rule, the Haytien money ! But if a man cannot obtain two abused my favor, repaid my kindness with „ . which ho acquits himself of his charge; lie submitted tu au experiment which lias spread themselves and disappeared upon ; Government, sensible of its powerlessncs, nnJ (1) fo[. (he |nos( „ dollars’ worth of information per year the blackest treachery. You have plot­ proved fatal. the pavement, so great was tho motion; ; renounced tne attempt; and since then the 1 . ' from a respectable newspaper, lie certain­ ted and but to successfully effected a re­ while the trees in the alamcda continued ( Dominican Republic, definitely constitut- *‘,e ptejudiced representation of an unru- Mr. Fairfield was not a man of extra­ ly is w anting in application and tact. ordinary talents. But be bad an aptitude venge such as the crudest mind conceives to lash their huge tops, as if swayed bv ed, has been occupied in fortilying itself ly child. Out upon such meanness!— aguinst its bitterest enemy.’ * * * We have in our eve a lor affairs which answers well their place, unseen yet all-powerful hands. The shock . with a well-organized Government. We i You send your child to school to have his young man, who would like Io take siniomAntoine o bun still roiiHUlivuremained Biivm,silent, butuui incthe I, . i ’ . ’ • 4 , i . . . i /• 1 . 1 •hejii,, was assiduous in his attentions Io the kindling almost exulting expression o f his ''“sted over two minutes; perhaps ! should find, he following letter a French | mind trained and instructed. You pay no Gazette ; lie reads it and likes it, kul public weal, and in his endeavors to pro­ eve confirmed all Haima’s surmises. |sny succession of shocks,-for the oscilla-! j-mrna), some .nlor.nal.on m relation to attention to his progress, or to the manner really he can’t afford to subscribe and mote it. ‘ 'Antoine ’ he continued will, increasing , ,ory mot,on of ,he cnr,l> nl sll,,rt intervals i this new Republic, which may he import- pay for it. lie smokes three cigars a day, As Chairman of the Committee on Na­ became calm; in which this is accom plished. Y ou tak e emotion, ‘have I merited this at yf)UV | while the whole scene im ant m a commercial point ol view: dresses well, and spoi ls a fine gold lever. va! Affairs, lie was a useful public, ser­ - ' ir.-«.oU„,i one anew with the might, | ‘We are now, says this letter, in the no interest in the work of Ins teacher — hands? Have I given you cause for this r ' c r-v 1,10 I le is a right down clever fellow, hut is vant. lie was ready to make or adopt of| fourth year of our independence; and tile deadly revenge? Interest if not grab-!l!,c l,n.!,Jf:st,y; and ll,e manifold power perhaps do not see him from the begin­ always short in his finances, otherwise he suggestions. It will tie a matter of diffi­ third Legislature, which lias just ended would take the paper. W e occasionally tude, might surely have secured your fi_! (lie Most I Iigh ning to the close of tho term ; and still, cult v to make good his vacated office. But, if the streets nnd open ways pre- its session, has proved by its acts, in an give him one; we are nlwuys happy Io do delitv. What was wanting to your com-, , , , . . • , if your foolish child—for all children are The correspondant of the New-York fortknd happiness? Sav! what do votl ,rented a spectacle most trnpress.ve, doubly evident way, tliut the vivifying spirit of so; we have not the heart to think of his wish for that von did not’possess ?' ' i awful ,'vas ",0 elluat among the the ancient ru lers of' St. D om ingo is still more or less foolish—comes to you with a paying anything for it; for, really, a per- p durald "’lilcs: •My liberty” said the African, in a "'minded men in the d.llercut bospitals.- among us. Besides wise municipal laws, story about what he, in his wisdom, con­ son who pays ten dollars a year for cigars, Mr Fairfield has been suffering fora tone of mingled pride and bitterness. Unconscious of the cause of the strange destined to give more strength to our in­ ceives is a mismanagement in the School, ought nut to bo taxed any thing for long time from a diseased leg. A year stitutions,Congress has adopted measures p a p e rs ." ago he had a surgical oppuration made •And did I not grant you more thall l^'mnol.on,fiHed with apprehensions which you take it up nnd go blabbing it round everything which liberty could have a!_ i Ryer attack with ten-fiold force the disa- of wise liberality in refcrcnco to our Wo hope that some of our readers will (Upon it winch relieved him, without caus­ foreign commerce. at every street corner, to the detriment, . ing any immediate inconvenience. This fo deci vour* (bled and the 'nnrni, and dreading results , ,| , , ,, , , inwardly digest these truths, and never 7 was vour slave;' and Antoine drew i r,"’,T,1n phenomenon they must have deeni- 'I’lie most extended power is given to of your own and others children, and to . 7 7 . 1 morning [Friday] having the advantage . ■ c .1 , 1 xr .1 I again complain that they aro up his tall and handsome form to its y‘1-.kin to the supernatural, the poor fel- Government to encourage immigration. the injury ol the teacher. You must lie , 7 “ too 1pour of adjournment over to Monday, for re­ Funds are placed at its disposal, to assist 1 , i r 1 1 , 1 to lake a newspaper.” full height and clenched tho manacles I'mvs rosc, and hobbled from their cots, !u wise man! You know probably as 1 ‘ ‘ pose, he seized the occasion again to that bound his hands, as if he would [‘■'•’"•hlmg and stricken by deep awe, yet indigent persons who may come to ourj cull in his physician to repeat the incision, Republic, and to cede to them rights of '”«ch about the matter you are talking of crush the iron chain in his grasp. ! "nt wl',ll'er to fly. 1 he arm ess Resolutions, from which he had received such bene­ property to parcels of our public lands, | as you do of the inhabitants of tho planet: ‘ W retched man,’ said his master, as a 1 hurr,od h" lier and tl," l,e r‘ Passed by the New Jerusalem Chapter of Roynl- fit in the first experiment. The opperu- conviction of the truth at least settled on ,okl,led “bo*'t ul1 d” « " ‘>ns while the without being subjected to any future lia- Neptune, and if vou will take the trouble j .Arcli .Masons, Dee. 30lli, 1847, 111 reference 10 tion was accordingly made by Dr. Magru hilities therelor: iimro than this, tho mere ! , , , ■ , r e i . the death of Mr. Charles Harrington. his mind. ‘These then were your moiives. !bed-ridden, the prostrate, and the utterly ,, P , ,, i- .. I 10 l‘>°k in the writings ol Solomon, we i der, the physician in the first instance — But your own father and mother-vour 'mpekss, pamc-stneken and desponding, laet ol their establishing themselves on . W hereas, it has pleased the Supremo I during the day, U r. May was caUetl in; these lauds, excuses them from military ’‘nnk you will find an unpootic name given . nearest relations?’ ' (earnestly prayed and pet.tmned not to he Ruler of the Universe, in His incompre- l,ul tl,e nieantime, we understand a ‘Had I not poisoned them, I should my- ’lof' un|"’°‘«cted,-not to he deserted m an service. Vessels arriving with iiumi- t0 those that judge of matters before ijhensible hut wise providence, to remove ' powerfu! solution had been applied to the self have been suspected.’ ievU which .... their ignorance made grams, as well as those that touch at the ! hearing them, which will be very appro by deatb from among us, our beloved wound, Hie necessity ol the case doubt- ■Good God!’ ek-laimed the planter, P’" " ^ 1 ly temtymg But by and hv the ports wit bout transacting commerce, are priale to yourself. i brother and companion, Charles IIarring- le>i3 suggesting some such stimulus to the and this is the man I had .rented as mv Parth rul,?V0nn 11 heard hut one feeling expressed by those the loss of our worthy brother, and al- (everything that the best medical skill and said fhe slave with a scornful smile ' lro«u'"«d ,h‘”r the fury of the, our code; commerce is only restricted to who were present, and that was satisfuc- though we fuel our loss to ho great, yet experience recommended was promptly dread was spent. a license; every otl.er business is . ntirely (ion lu|J ,uasl)|.u Qn0 was we would not complain, hut in the |'an. |applied, the putient s sufferings eontinued ‘Do you feel no compunction, no re­ trembler lieu to strangers as well as to citizens. J tu increso till about seven o’clock this morse, for (lie multiplied ami ungrateful A license for the establisb.ne.it ofa foreign ! apparent Iron, the first and all through the gunge ol' inspiration would say, “ Notour but thine, O Lord, bo done. evening, when, in great ugonv lie expir­ crimes you have committed ?’ An Incident commission house only costs SO Spanish J exercises — and that was tho interest und ‘N o n e .’ Resolved, That in his death, this frater­ ed. dollars. Our eusloiu-houso also takes 1 ambition manifested by the pupils. In the ‘Have I ever given you the shadow Yesterday morning, whilst coining up nity has lust one of its most active ami 'l'lie W ashington correspondent of tho every necessary measure facilitate com- | youngest class — a class in Arithmetic — of a cause to complain of my conduct Chartres street, we saw an old Irish im­ useful members ; the Church a warm und meree; foreign vessels can, without any New-York Evening Bost, after speaaiug towards you ?’ migrant who had his wife upon bis back. the only mistakes occurring were evident­ devoted friend ; the eumiiiiinity, a most reslrictiod, load ill all our ports. Our im­ of the operation upon Mr. Fairfield, says- •N e v e r.’ The old man had on a frieze coat and a valuable citizen ; the companion of his port duties are only about 12 per cent, ly those occasioned by the over anxiety Antoir.e wus forthwith conducted to pair of coarse corduroy pantaloons, and a . youth, a kind ami faithful husband; and ‘Soon after the puncture was made in his and our only export duties are on wax, and baste ol every member ol tlio class. |,is children, an affectionate father. the prison, tried and executed. He died hat that was very much dilapidated. Ilis knee, constitutional irritation supervened, mahogany, logwood, provisions, leather tranquilly. features were wrinkled by time, ami his Their exercises showed very respectable Resolved, That this body of Boyal- and tobacco; even all these duties will and the invalid soon died under the spas- Haunu’s fellow-planter’s moralized on grey hairs showed that he was near the ucquirutncnls, as well as interest. It was Arch Masons do deeply syiupolhize with soon be abolished. Gold, silver, uud oth­ ams of lockjaw.’ the danger of evincing partiality to a edge of death. Still he had asturdy step, so likewise in the next class — one more 1 lbe Imreaved relatives nnd friends intheir er metals and minerals ate free both tu slave, and hade their overseers double and as he walked along with his pale, : allliction. II exiiv P a in e, import or export. advanced in Arithmetic. We thought I 1 Funeral of Senator Fairfield their vigilance nnd increase their security decrepid burthen, there was not one who S. G. D en n is, ' Cuminillec. A letter from Wushiiigtuu of the 28th saw him who did not honor him. Tho tho manlier of teaching and recitation A. K. P. H iggins —while the philosopher and friend of free­ G oon B n kin gs at S i: a. ('apt Crowell ; poor old couple had come from the most very excellent indeed. So far ns we could I sa y s:— dom. Iheucc deduced, with great reason, of the British barque Reliance, at New beautiful, hut most oppressed land 011 M n. L o w iiie , who was murdered hv the The lunerul procession formed at tho striking arguments against slavery itself, York, fi ll in with mid boarded the British observe there were no exceptions in the! earth, to the land of freedom. Bidding i pirates of the China seas, was a sou of hoarding house of the late Senator at be its crime or disguise what it may. baripie Lady Kenneway, before reported class in the interest manifested. the shamrock adieu for ever, they had Him. YY alter Low lie, for many \ears Sec- half-past lour o'clock. Ills body was I have not related a tule of fancy. I u||(l | abandoned in the Bay of Biscay, with a [sought tiie banner of the “ stripes This was eminently the case in the rotary ol' the Senate, and a conveyed thence to the railroad ears, and bad the ubove facts from a French gen-. 1 ,eui'tto valued at uearlv a million of dollars. tlemun who resided on the island at the s,'"'s‘” a"d Pra>'ed ,h"‘ "C’".’ "f-'811 s I (‘am graduate of the Princeton Seminary, lie delivered in charge of Mr. Clark, repre- took from her 11)1 Cashmere next recitation, which was participated ill time they happened, who was perg0|lu| |y j might be deposited under it folds. I here I inarried a daughter of the late Samuel sentative from Maine, who, accompanied haw 21) of w liieli appraised at the by a largo part of the School — 1111 exer- acquainted with Mr. Hain.u, and „ b o 'Vi,s the long farewell Io pour old Ireland Boni of the New Y ork Board and went by the relatives ol tiie deceased proceeds New Y ork Custom I louse us having cost 1 cise in Geogruphy bed seen the high-spirited, misguided !~ ll"‘ ••'“usaml thoughts that were con- ,. ipon . iti. h 1 s Jut- j,, judiu in the service of the Presbyterian with liis charge to Saco, Maine, where it gllltlt) each in Calcutta. They have! Aatome in the height of favor und prosper- Jur,'d "'"'"ory, as the luM landmarl. iik. . aps, winch Mr. I’aiue bus liberally Bumd ul Missions. will be interred in the family buriulground. been libelled lor salvage. . . , , . , ...... I lie fuueiul was attended by bulb bouses ily, which could not weigh with him " as l|,ddl,n from Hie eye—the long, tedi­ 1 introduced at Ins own expense. Several Si Auni.i). John ( ocliran and Alexan- of Congress, preeeetled by their officers; against the name of— seav e. ums voyage—the sickness of the aged Schooner General Taylor, of Camden, times llie eager exclamations escaned , ,■ ,, wile—and their 111 rival, poor ami almost ...... 1 ...I...... : .... I I ...... 1 ,...i ... . . der kelly bad a drunken affruy in Cincin­ ini'inbers ot the Cuhinct; officers ot gov­ liefoiu reported ashore 011 Hurt Island, Koine o f the pup ils,— “ D o n ’t ta k e that ernment, uud of the army and navy; ,, 1 , , I heart-broken, in the land of strangers nati, a short time since, in which John Dr. Brandretl. the great pill man, ,s a ., ||(.re w.,s killd|yonu welcome them has been lowed up to this city. She was map down vet, Mr. Paine !" “ Do let us; foreign ministers, citizens, See. member.....,l’“ of Democratic the Convention | ||()lj0I, t0 pra»p them by the hand-no got off utter discharging 2U0U bushels received a wound which caused bis death. recite longer on this !" recently called in New Y ork Stale, of corn. The vessel is light. Site has and daughter to kiss her aged mother’s cheek! Senior.. Mrs. YY'hitcomb, of Dix- lust her rudder. The advanced class in Grammar acquit-1 N ew Di.ieoi 1 iiv. A large body of car­ the Barnburners are full of their ('fhe aid woman who was very ill, tin moni, wile of Eli YY hilcomh, and llie upon the subject. The Doeter, it it ■■ 1 her withered arms around her husband’s ted themselves remarkably well, especial­ bonate of zine lias been discovered in iirilliiT of six children on Monday week, feared will prove a dose. B ane and A n t id o te .—A vessel sailed ly m the philosophical analysis of senten­ Lancaster ('ounly, Pa. while in a fit ot insaniti, bung her­ I neck, und like a Cbevulier in soul as he Irom Boston the ether day lor Smyrna, with , was, lie Imre hertothe Charily Hospital. self with a skein of yum which she at­ M issionAtiiEs in tier cabin and R i .m 111 h er ces und paragraphs. YY c will het a big Si-hlon Brainard, convicted of forgery ,()ut upon those who jeer at poverty, 'l’lie P iiondge inn . A student of phoneg- tached Io "tie ol the posts ot a le n to h o ld ! apple that you may g o through the coun­ in New York, lies been sentenced by the !0|d Irishman who carried his su k wile rupiiy has come to the couclusioai that the on her husband's farm. She was a wor­ yi.uit of Sessions, to live years imprison-1 upon liis back, in our estimation, was one A gentleman in this town has “ Ladies’ try and collect all the teachers together, science is “ 2 'ant 2 b lured, 'lid fit only thy meiuherul the Freewill Baptist eliureii m e a t in the Slate Prisou. |of nature’s uobleuieu.—A’ O. Delta. Deiighls” in loll bloom 111 his gardru. male and Icmaie, and there shall nut be 2 be lafl u t.” --and was much beloved and tvspuetod "TELEGRAPHIC NEWS OF THE WEEK. I THIRTIETH CONGRESS—First Session. EAST THOMASTON Business Directory, Continued. Lint of hettern, I’lSFSFOTT’S Ol.r.AXr.D FROM THE FAFEF.S. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. E M AIN ENG in the Post Office T uesday. Senate. Mr. Niles, from (OLE A LDVI.JOY, Thomaston, January 1st, 1848 SILK AND SHAWL DEPOT , , .... m ■ /-. (he Funeral Committee, repotted the or- Dealers in Lehigh and Keil Ash Coal, A MART F rom M exico. I be Mexicnn Congress , . , 1 , KEITH * PARTRIDGE. Adams J 0 Jones Josiah .... ■ tier ol arrangements ninuc, with the cou- House, Ship and Sign Fninteis, and Glaziers (hie door north Commercial House. FOR TtlS EXCLUSIVE SALE OF RICH had a quorumlorniii on(in the (tillfilh ofot December,I Iprwnlipi* hutbut . . . Ames Rebecca Jordon Wm M ettrrenee ol the relatives lor the litnernl South Maine St., apposite Dr. Merrill's. Hiirn*. Abagail no important business was transacted.— JOHN MIHltlLL, I). Johnson Mary A S H A VV L S AN D S ILK GOODS. of the late Senator Fairfield. The usual Physician and Surgeon, Burton I lioinu Kirk Benj They were occupied in regulating the P E R K Y & FO W L E R . appropriation for a public funeral was SOUTH MAINE ST. Hrtiley John Kelloch Lucy I, arm y. Manufacturers of and Dealers in Cigars, Bradshaw Luke No. I, Tremont Row. voted to he placed in the hands of Mr. Perry's Building, South Maine Si. Kirk James The correspondent of the Picayune TIIOMAS & COBB. Butler Cha's l.ordng Silvy BOSTON. Clark, Representative front Maine, to de­ Bott'cn John G mentions a rumor that the Mexican gov­ Dealers in W. I. (roods. Ship Chandclcry. Arc. Libby Will fray the expenses of conveying the body HERMON STEVENS, North Maine St. Berry Mary A Libby James L (Where Jewett A: Prescott formerly kept,) ernment were about to send a Commis­ Counselor ill L a w , to its final resting place. Booker Mary McDonnhl Neal HAVE RECEIVED, AND NOW OPENING, sioner to Washington, to solicit the ap­ Post OJtirr Building, Market Square. LOWELL, FARWELL A- LOWELL, In llir House. Mr. King of Georgia, Bcnactl Hulas Mclntiic John OVR FALL SELECTION OF pointment of Commissioners to meet at Attorneys and Counselors at Law, Barrow- Wm C McIntosh Augustus presented a communication from the Sec­ JAMES S MOSMAN, Office, 4 Lime Bock street. ■£ CIELftWZuS Havana, and confer with Commissioners General Itesioraior. .Meals served at all Hours. Banker Martha J Mclnney John retary of the Navy, asking an appropria­ Baras Hannnli F which on the part of that government. Head of Kimballs Wharf. MOODY E Till BLO, Moulton Joel tion of one hundred and fitly thousand Brewster E G McLaulin Levi arc all of The steamer Portland, from New Or- Merchant Tailor, dollars for immediate use in constructing W. A. FARNSWORTH, , Barrows Silas Mnlhctts Matilda J the latest im­ leani for Vera Cruz, had an unusually No. 2 Holmes’ Block, Lime Jioek street. ' Caller Abner'’ the U. S. Dry Dock at New York. Re­ Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods and Groceries, Merrill Wm. Il portation,selected rough passage. Due hundred horses were CENTRE MAINE ST. Culler Refits F nierick Geo by a Gentleman of ac­ ferred. MISS F .1. KIBliPATBK K. thrown overboard. Milliner, Dealer in Bonnets and .Millinery Goods Comstock Jam. s II North Josiah S knowledged ability ex­ | Mr. Washington Hunt offered n joint EZEKIEL PERRY, Coombs Matilda V Norwood Lucy C pressly tor our R etail Sales. About twelve thousand men were on No. .5 Lime Jioek street. ,, . resolution of thanks to Gen. Scott, his of- English and West India Goods, Corn and Flour, Colley Capt James Ooor Niniev Purchasers will bear in mind this their way from \ era Cruz to the city ol , j Crawford Joseph yj(,vj J \ licers and troops, lor their distinguished SOUTH MAINE, CORNER PLEASANT ST. MISSES A. E A <' B II A SliE L L . O'Brien Joint O n e F n e t , that- we can atl'ord to, Milliners and Dress Makers, Coombs Hosea O'Connel T ami Mill Sell, our Goods at the very .. . o.i c gallantry and good conduct, and providing A tram lelt Mexico on the illli, tor n it e r - c .. * b JOSEPH F. ALLEN, No. 7, Lime Jioek stm t. . Cri’se) John Paul Win lowest price. We keep no other Goods but ,, i i ,• /• i a gold medal lor lien. Scott. Blacksmith and Edge Tool Manufacturer, Vera Cl'tiz, under the command ol Col...... , • Campbell George l’relde .Ins SILKS A»D Sll VWlDi. ... ■ Mr. Smith in Indiana, presented a pe- kimiiai.i.'s WIIAtlF. CHARLES HOLMES, i illrp Maine 1/erint st el i ‘ ‘ ‘ Robinson Geo J ntll slave trade. L a id on the. table. Dealers in Shawls, Dress Goods, and Carpetings, Dawson .lane Raymond Sarah THAN WE OTHERWISE COUI.D all guerillas taken by the American army. Llliutt Rielt'd HID ACE KEEP ALL TUB W ednesday. Senate. Mr. Cass, for CENT HE MAINE ST. SAMI EL II. DO DG E, Robinson Moses The Monitor says that Paredes and Flint Sar.alt Russell Wm I’AllAI'lIF.IlXAt.lA the Military Committee, culled up tho hills! Boot .Maker, Father Jaranla had had an interview, and WARREN ROBINSON, Ncarhj opposite Commereial House. Frye Susan Rhoades Marv .1 COMPRISING to provide for the further prosecution of T II E decided to cull for the intervention of Dealer in West India Goods and Groceries, Fuller Alden I!iehardson John B the war with Mexico and to provide cloth-j Maim, earner of Oak si. A. II. A II. K IM BALL, Fosier Francis Spear Lydia M DRY GOODS TRADE. European powers. ing for thu volunteers—both passed a American, English, and West India Goods, Flaiitvcll John Sprowl Geo There was a rumor Iron) Queretaro, Ftrnswortli Almira first reading. J. T. At W. H ER ICY, Market Square. Smith Cha's H OUR STYLES tltal Santa Anna hud been declared Dic­ C O M M F. I! C I A I, H O U S E , Gray Rebecca Snow Cnpl Luther On motion of Mr. Crittenden the Sen­ ' ARE ENTIRELY DIFFERENT tator. Centre Maine St. STARR A BLOOD, Sardincr Julia A Stanton Nalhan ate proceeded to the consideration of the Jewellers, Watch and Clock Makers, Gilman Geo Snow W W i From those nt other stores, hill to purchase the Madison papers. It ( Alll.L A- GREENHALGII, One door south Cominrreial House. Gerry Sellt A Stevens Hiram I AND Wf. CAN ItF.COMMEXD THEM Dreadful Steamboat Explosion. Harness, Trank, and Valise Manufacturers, Gray Geo WITH CONFIDENCE. was read a third time, and finally, after J . P , W I S F. j Sager Win F N ew Y o r k , Fridny, Dec. 31, J Opposite Commercial House. Gay Oliver Shepherd Lorenzo I) some debate, the question was postponed Dealer in Sieves. Fire Frames and Hollow Ware, Graves Geo Smith Mary J For Durnbility, Originality of Style *2 o’clock P. M. ) ('. <’. CHANDLER, Ci litre Maine st. till to-morrow. Gibson Sarah J Stone Ilenrv AND GOODNESS OF FABRIC C in c in n a t i, Dec. 30.—The steamer A. In llie House. The journal having been Fruit and Confectionery, Licensed to sell Liquors. Granville Sell owners of Shaw Eliza D CE.NTllE MAINE ST. EARLE A- MOFFITT, TllLY ARE BELIEVED TO BE UNSURPASSED. N. Johnson, Ixmnd to Wheeling, blew up read, Mr. Stewart of Michigan announced Merchant Tailors, Havener China I, Thomas Ellison on Thursday last with a tremendous ex­ Maine, near Inad of Si a street. Ball C'apt John Tolmnn Snm'l S the death of his predecessor, lion. Edw’il E II. A- G. W. COCHRAN, Holbrook Ablw T We do not intend to give a Schedule, but simply plosion, near Maysville, Ky., from some Harness, Trunk, and Valise Manufacturers Thompson Sarah E to call the ' Bradley. The customary resolutions linv-i WM I5ATTIIL Hall Lorenzo I’lnior Hannah B unascertained delect in the machinery.— CENTRE MAINE ST. ! ing been offered and adopted, the House! Attorney and Counselor at Law, ll.tm John Ulmer Harriet A ATTENTION OF rURCIIASF.RS To examine our Between GO and 70 persons were killed on adjourned. N. M. HARDING, Offiee, over .f. Wakr/i'Id's Store. Heweit Susannah Willis Mnddin L the spot, and a large number scolded, of Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Harding Lucinda Willson .Marlin Illnck Wilt’d, Strip’d nud Black Brocade T hursday. Senolc. The bill for the) SILKS, whom some thirty are so horribly injured centre maiSi: ST. E. & S. THOMASTON INSFR ANCE CO, . Gadnal M F rare of Wood Joseph purchase of thu Madison papers was pass­ Ollice, Lime Rock Bank Building Capt Ilaw ef Worth Elisha that their recovery is considered doubtful. Plain and Figtticd; 3-4 nnd full one yard wide, ed. It. L. JACKSON, NORTH MAINE ST. Howard Capt Sell Albert Winslow Ann W and some 1 1-2 yards wide. V-ERV Heavy Wa­ Among the killed, we learn the names of The hill for the increase of the army Wholesale and Retail Boot nnd Shoe Manufactory 1 bulges Eplfin Winslow James IJ ter! n do Black ami Blue-bl'kGRO D’AFRIQUE HIRAM G BERRY. the first clerk, Fairfield; engineer, Lyles; was taken up, although opposed by Mr. Maine st, lirad of Kimball's Wharf. Jlouseii Nancy S Wentworth Gilmore Black and Blue bl'k GRO D'NOBLE, GRO Wholesale and Retail Lumber Dealer, I Hall Geo. Whitehouse llenj. GRAIN and GRANITE, (extra heavy.) and the pilot, Redman. Among the Calhoun, and was under discussion when I. K. KIMBALL. KIMRAI.I.'s WUAI'.F. JOHN SPOFFORD, PM. scalded, were Messrs, Everhart and son, the Senate adjoin tied. Domestic and W. I. Goods. Drugs and Medicines, ELEGANT STRIPED BROCADE, and G. T. Wetherly, of Philadelphia; In the House. No business of import­ jVo. 1, Lime Jioek street. .1. H A R RIN G TO N , The latest Paris styles, and the only Case Imp'.ld. Dealer in Hats, Caps. Furs, and Umbrellas, The n.*ibv Jum pers. Wheat and Rillson, of Baltimore, and ance was transacted. Three anti-slavery 4-4 Cltnmclion Striped Brocade, Jno. Galbraith, of Pittsburg. Messrs. V A. MAFOMBER. Centre Maine st. ■jKffOTHERS. if you want’ll preventative' for petitions weru received. The first was Dealer in Books. Medicines, and Fancy Goods, iL a . crying Children, bv all, means buv one of nt colors of rare beauty. Arthur Foie, T. McDonald, jits. Wicker- referred to the Jddiciary Committee, and No. 3, J.inie Dock street. J. WAKEFIELD, those “ Patent Euastic Baiiv J nmi’kbs.” They shaw, G. Raker, and Ferguson, of Pitts­ the others laid on the table. Books, Stationery, Paper Hangings and Music, are recommended by the Medical Faculty of New OUR burg, were among the saved. L. T. MORGAN, iYn. 8, J.inie Jioek street. Vorl; and l’iiiladelpiiia, as conducive to health, by I The joint resolution directing the re- Custom Boot Maker,—nil work Warranted, So lapid was the progress ol the R.lines! nown| ,,f (he contract lor the transmission imparling that exercise so much needed, while it NORTH END. M C. A (). S. A ND R EW S, never fails of pleasing. WM. H. BARNARD, is unusually full and complete; comprising after the explosion, and so complete th e |of ,he gp(Jut Southern mail was read twice Dry and West India Goods. Iron and Cordage,- Sole Agent for Wahloboroiigh. Jan. 1 ’-IS. S. N. HATCH, No. 10 Lime Jioek sheet. A L L W O O L devastation, that hardly an effort could lie and referred to the Committee on the made for self preservation. The. boat; Retailer of Domestic Goods and Family Groceries, state of the Union. NORTH END. SAMI EL TIIIIIETS. IBigh School. LONG AND SQUARE SHAWLS, was in one sheet of fire mid burned to ■ Beef, Pork, and General Provision Market, "jftB'R. PAINE will commence his next Term in endless variety, and at prices we feel no the water’s edge. Letter from Gen. Taylor. DR. W. CONSTANTINE, No. 9, J.inie Jioek st. 1TJL on Monday, the lllth insi. in Mallett'- hesitation in saying. The number of passengers on hoard ; Surgeon Demist, Building, two doors North of the Stoveand Hard­ The following important letter is from JOSEPH FURBISH, slsLotc as the Lowest. the A. N. Johnson when this appaulliug Ofiiee, corner of Maine and Centre Sts ware Store kept by Mr. Furbish. Gen. Taylor, in answer to a letter tender­ Stoves. Copper Pumps, Lead Pipe, and Clocks, Jan. 4th 1818. accident occured, was one hundred and J. C. CO C H R AN , North Maine st. We have no splendid Store and W indows te ing him the nomination for the Presiden­ boast of, but the sixtv, not more Than one quarter of whom cy, made at a Democratic 'Paylor Stale Attorney anil Counselor at Laiv, escaped injury. So dreadful an itccinent OJ/iee,over J. K. Kimbatt's Store ACOMB!!!! is Doct. Townsend’s so/e JgnK SAFETY FUSE G O O D S W I T I I I N Convention held at llarrishitrgh, on the M in Thomaston, for the sale of his world-re­ Al M. €. Jfc <>. S. Andrews, has rarely, if ever, occured on the Ohio anniversary of the battle of Monterey:— LOWELL A PITTS, nowned Sarsaparilla. Ifuu/il admil of a more exlenditl notice, rive r. Domestic and W. 1. Goods, Flour and Corn, ami follows. 200 feet for 51,00; 100 feet for 87 1-2 H ead Q uarters A rmy of O ccupation. In) feet for 15 els. 49. und not suffer in comparison with those Thu list of killed and wounded is as yet Dealers in Lime.— Head of f.oireH's Wharf. A T Maeoinber's. East Thomaston, can be of any other store in this or any of course very incomplete, and ns in Brazos Is., Texas, Nov. 25, 1817. found a greater vurictv of Valuable Medi­ Dear Sir : I take great pleasure in uc-‘ GEORGE EILMAR, cines, than at any other store in Thomaston. LINCOLN, ss—At the Prcbate Ofiiee nt Wiscas­ oilier City in the Lilian. most eases of the kind, there were prob- Pump and Block maker, Turningylone to Order, set, within and for tile County of Lincoln, on ubly many individuals on hoard whose kuowlcdging the receipt of your favor of NORTH MAINE ST. the 27th day of December. A. D. 1847. We believe without exaggeration, that we can dis­ thu 9th Oct. enclosing me a copy ol' the! JC1100L BOOKS nt Maeoinber's,cheap, same names will ever he unknown. W. O. I I LLEIl, s wav he sells all his merchandise. ENRY C. LOWNLL of Thomaston, who is play a larger assunnient of The occurence as may be presumed, proceedings of the Democratic Taylor Dealer ill Domestic Dry Goods and Groceries, H named executor in a certain instrument pur­ IBIKSIS S2&ES3 has occasioned great excitement and deep State Convention, which assembled til) SOUTH MAINE ST. AIMES'. Misses and Childrens’ Bools and porting to be the Iasi will and testament of ENOS AND 1 lurrishurg, Pennsylvania. I Shoes, at WHITING’S, C. UL.MEll. late of Thomaston in said County, sympathy here. Persons in the vicinity J. A. INGRAHAM, Elegant Shawls The resolutions of the meeting have No. 3, JJolines' Block. deceased, having presented the same I'er Probate: of the disaster, did all in human power to West India Goods, Provisions, Boots and Shoes. Ordered, That die said Ilenrv C. Lowell give than any other retail Store in ibis city, and we d« relieve thu sufferers, hut so awfully sud­ given me great pleasure and satisfaction, SOUTH M AI'E ST. TACK S of Mnusv De Lames, from,/,iie pence notice io all persons interested, by causing a eopv promise to sell at the den was the occurrence, that nearly every as the expression of high respect and con­ S up to the best qualities, may he lound at of tins order to be posted up in some conspicuous VERY LOAYKST PltlCE, sideration from the people of Pennsylva­ HIGGINS A DENNIS, Whiting's Boston Cash Store, No. 3, Holmes’ place in Thomaston, and by publishing the same effort was fruitless. Boots and Shoes. West India Goods and Groceries. for the simple reason, nia; and I embrace the earliest opportu­ Block. in the Lime Rock Gazette, printed at Tnomnston, CROCKETT'S 1IUII.UIN0, SOUTH MAINE ST. three weeks successiuely, ihat they may appear at WE BLY FO CASH, nity to acknowledge my warm apprecia­ N ew Y o iik , J a n . 1, l o ’elock P. M . c tUTLERV: forsale at WHITING'S, No. 3, a Probate Court to be held at Wiscasset, in said AND SELL ONEY FOR THE SAME ! tion ot’ the high honor thus bestowed upon I\ HARDEN Jll, & SDN, There is no later intelligence from the Dealers m English and West India Goods, Holmes' Block. i County, on the last Monday of February next, ami Consequently we can afford to sell at THE me by their nomination of me fur the how cause why the said insirumenl should not seat of war. Nothing of u local interest SOUTH MAINE ST. VERY BOTTOM of the market. Presidency. OO'F AN'D SHOE .Manufaetiirers are hereby be proved,, ...... approved,, and allowed as the last will worth repeating, except that this is tho informed, Mint at Macombet’s Book Store, 1 and testament of said de d. We believe in To yourself, I would not fail to express (). II. I’ALES. B great galadav for the Gothamites. Busi­ ! Dry and W. 1. Goods. Crockery. Flour and Corn East Thomaston, they can find a fair assorimeni I NATH'L GROTON, Judge. “ t h e n im b l e s ix p e n c e .” my thankfulness tor the very corteous ness is almost entirely suspended. Ev­ IIRICK STORE, SOUTH MAINE ST. of TOOLS, and other ariicles used in their line. , Je true copy. Attest, Arnold Blanev Register. “ Large Stiles and Small Profits.” and acceptable manner in which you have I Any article wanted, and not on hand, can be pro-, January 1th, 1848. 49 3w erybody, seemingly, avail themselves of We are willing to have our goods judged ac­ conveyed to mu the proceedings of thu SA W Y E R A COT,SON, tired at short notice, and thul at lowest Boston the opportunity, and make it indeed a prices Dee. 15. cording to their merits. convention. , Manufacturers of l’urnituie and Cabinet Wares, ' Fringes & <>inips, “happy new year.” [Portland Umpire. . SOUTH MAINE ST. TIIEV WILL SPEAK FOB THEMSELVES 1 remain, dear sir, F all descriptions, shades amt qualities. The To all nt pursuit of H’artiicular Notice. above articles will be sold al reduced prices. B oston, Monday, Jan. 3. With high respect, C. A A. SNOW, LL persons indebted to the subscriber, either i O S ILK S OR S II A W L S Your most oh’t sev’t, ) Dealers in Corn, Flour, Ships’ Stores, ami Cordage, I Call ami examine. Ar—ships Bar, Leach, Cronstndt Oct. COIINEU Ol' MAINE AND GENTI’.E STS \ . by Note or Account, are hereby notified that ! 49 IL W. L0T1IR0P, & Co. we would be happy to show our Stock, with the as­ Z . T A Y L O R . pnyinent of the same must ly made on or before | surance that they will he freely shown, and no ono 27, Elsineur Nov. Oth; Ann, of Ports-1 Major General U. S. Army N. A. * S. II. BURPEE, the 1st of Januarv next, it' they would save cost. | importuned io tiny beyond what propriety would m mill, Rogers, Belize Houd, 1st ult; Dee. 1, 1847. ' WM. PENDLETON, WinJet* lias Come ! H ent'y A. M illlleiilturgh, E s q ., P re sid e n t' Furniture Ware Rooms, Painters and Glazier A ND O. 11. PERRY has just received his seem to dictule. Pharsaliit, Allen, N. Orleans 14th.. Pass i Taylor State Convention, Heading, l’a. CENTRE MAIN ST. g <_ supply of Overcoats, Sacks, Arc. Call and OBSERVE, 19ttll; scits Rolit Follet, Lubec; Sena-! Oil 4io5li Carpeliiigs! see. 48 tor, Frankfort; Pcrnuquid, Bucksport;! N om ination C o n fir m e d . The Tele-1 ALBERT SIIAW, M. D. O' PIECES Oil Cloth Carpetings, ol'llie new- Tremont Row, No. 1. Physician and Surgeon, Lalayette, I iioinuston; , Dime, Belhist; (»g|.n|)|)ie report at New York, states that ' est patterns and of ilie best quality, ittst Neatly opposite Hanover street. SOUTH MAINE, (o rro s iT E oak) st. received by DENNIS A: BARRETT. NOTICE. Larooke, Newcastle; Evelina and Ora-| nn Thursday, the .Senate, in Executive' itr U I E AUDITORS OF ACCOUNTS for the cle, Wiscasset; Concern, and Planet, GED. D. PILLSBURY, | .1 town of Thomaston, will be in session at the Ur. Wurreu’s session, confirmed the nomination of the Flour Store, Domestic (mods and Groceries, B’o i'k , ISecS', E 'loiir, &c. Hath, Caledonia, Cushing, Portland. 'Court House, Monday, January 10th, 1817. SARSAPARILLA, TOMATO AND lion. John W. Davis, lute speaker of the North Maine st. IHH.S. Mess Pork, til bills, do Beef, : All persons having demands against the Town, House, ns commissioner to China, ofl • 2 0 bills. Flour, 25 bills. Apples. 10 bidbbls. I.ar.l, lure requested to present then WILD CHERRY N. A. F A R W E L L , N ew Y o r k , Monday, Jatt. 3. take, the place vacated by tho death of' For sale by DENNIS A BAII RETT. Per Order. PHYSICAL HITTERS. Flour niurket is quiet, und tendency the Hon. Alexander It. Everett; ttlsoi Corn, Flour, and Provision Dealer, I. K. KIMBALL. 2Stlt 1847. no 49 3w. downwards, Sales Genesee at (1,25 a that of Col, Rowan, to Naples, to lake North Maine st. A'ofiCC. | Thomaston, Pec. 2Silt 1847. no 49 3w. j 50 cis. per. Buttle. .<5,37c. Howard street dull at tho place of Col. Polk; and thut of Dr. M. S. W HITING . ("I XIIE tiKimbers of the Thomaston While Lime | ------— ruttsipinnii Tmu-rn . Shawls, Dress Goods. Looking-glasses At Fealhei I company are hereby notified that their an- II I* i l l \ ii r n u v u r r i ’l ' A n" ’L The Hudson River is again open. The Niles, to Sardinia. Boston Advertiser. ! iiual meetiniteelinguill be held al the MoreofC A A 8 1 lIIIHOII.il> 1S.II8.III1. O LUI-RID B lllL h S have now become a late mild weather having started the ice. No. 3, Jlohnes' Block, Lime Hock sl­ : Snow, in East Thomaston, on .Saturday the first ------‘ standard Jledieuie, universally approved by Phy­ The Uncurrent titoney panic in this Ci­ An effort is being mude to induce Con-! day of January next, at one o’clock, P. M. A sicians as a safe, speedy and ellcetual remedy for gress to piirehtise Mount Vernon ft out' R. T. SLOCOMB, punctual attend.lin e is requested. for the v e ry go o d reason, thut in a very abort time Scrofulous, Mercurial and cutaneous Diseases; ty has subsided. Dealer in Medicines, Chemicals, and Perfumery, it cures the most stubborn w Jaundice. Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Billions Disord­ I lie present proprietor. Mrs. June W ash- Dee. |5. n-171 C. W. SNOW, See’y. Ci nire Maine st. COUGHS AND COLDS. ers, Liver Complaints, Cosiiveness, weak mid Sore Advices front Rio Janeiro have been j inglott, who has signified her willingness sToinaclr, Ulcers and Running Sores, Swelling of Life and Health In mi rance. it is pleasant to the taste, and soothing, and heal- the Limbs, Pain in the Bones, Tumors in tho received in litis City — Datas to the 21st J 1' dispose of one hundred and filly acres ALBERT MERRILL, Itg to the lungs. For adults and children the of November, slates that business al that ' of thu estate, including the buildings, Counselor and Attorney al Law. FI t |l E undersigned bits the Agency of several Throat, Rheumatic Affections, Salt Rheum, Erv- Maine st., oi'er II. IF. Lathrop if- Co's. I Life Insurance companies, and also of seve­ mst article in the world for nil lung complaints. stpelas. had Humors, Eruptions on the face or place was paralyzed by the recent failures grounds and tomb ol the ‘Further oi his ral Health Insurance companies, which are rank­ beSold by C. A. MACOMBEK : Price jUels. body, Cuncerous Sores, King's Evil, Chronic Cv- ut' E ngland country,’ to the govornniunt on certain MISS A L IN D SE Y . ed among tin* best institutions of the kinil, and 47 ly nirrli. Langor, Debility, Headache, Dizziness- Advices from the Argentine Republic, conditions, for thu sum o f §1101),099. Milliner, dealer in lionnels and Millinery Goods, would be pleased to receive applications lor poli­ Sallow Complexion, and all those disorders which Chambers, Centre Maine, head (d Sea St. cies at Ins ofiiee. J. C. COCHRAN. stale thut the internal war was still going W auled. arise from the abuse of Mercury, or Iron) an im­ (Ex”l)y Jerome & Co.’s Express we have Boston Dee. 23, 1847. n-lHlf. pure taint uf the blood, no matter bow acquired- nil. ALEXANDER ROWE, FEET 3 uh Ii Haul Wood out board papers of 3tlinst. containing telegraphic despatch­ " Flank - 2000 2 3 -1 meh Ceiling Blank, The extract here presented is prepared after di. All the ports of the Province of Iluenes Boarding House, Astray. reeiions given by the celebrated Dr Warren.« hose es from the South, hut as will be seen, there is euNTin: maim:. eoitNRlt sea street. to lie delivered al South Thomaston. Ayres had been closed against Montevidi- inio the inclosuro of ADKIEL C. Dee. 1, 1847. GEO. THORNDIKE. name it bears, and will be found superior to nny no news of importance. preparation ol' the kind now iu use. h is highly au counnurce. (I. II. F E R R Y , x. ' EALES, about the loth inst., a dark red, yearling Heiler. The owner is requested to pay concentiated. entirely vegetable, and very finely Rosas had decreed the admission of Q2z”Gar friends will see, by reference to the Dealer in Ready Made Clothing, Groceries, .Y. POTATOES! llavored to the taste. The change which it pro­ CENTRE MAINE STREET. charges and take her away. twenty thousand barrels of flour at jp!5 head of the paper, that we are near the close of E. Thomaston, Dee. 28, 4U Q /A /A BUSHELS Potatoes, lice from disease duces in the condition und tendency oftlie system » ) ( * ( / of any kind, lor sale cheap, by is speedy and permanent. duly. our second volume, und being aware of the terms EDWIN S. HOVEY, The French were enforcing the block­ DENNIS A BARRETT. As a Spring Medicine for purifying the blood, on which they receive the Gazelle, will perceive Counselor and Aitorney at Law, Strayed. streiigilieiiing the siotnueb and body, and checking ade more strictly. the importance of hating their accounts adjusted, eor.NEIl OF MAINE AND OAK STS. H71K0M “ Beech Woods Common” sometime nil consumptive Itnbils, the Sarsaparilla, Tomato laP Uns season, a yearling Heifer, light red, Fire luNiiraurv. immediately. and Wild Cheri v Billers are entirely unrivalled. L ater from B r a zh .. We have files A. T SHERM AN, with a notch under the right ear. Whoever wdl Retailer of W. I Goods, l-'ruii and Confectionery, F|X H E undiT.Mgned is authorized to receive ap AGENTS.—E ast Thomaston, C. A. MACOIil- return said Heifer or give information where she IB plications lor the Insurance* of all kinds of BEi. H’r.4 Thomaston, T Fogg; ll'urrex, S. li. o f the Jamal de Commercia and the (J SOUTH END. | mav he found, shall in* suitably rewarded. Jfereat>,;‘ luhlished at Rio Janeiro, to the MARRIAGES. Real and Feisonul Property, and io transact other Wellierbee; Waldeboio,' W. II. Barnard; t'nion, Thomaston Dee. 2bih. GED. BUTLEH. E. Hill; etfust. H. G. O. Washburn nnd the EPHRAIM 1IALL. business fur the following Fire Insurnuce com­ 19th ui.. They were brought by the panies, viz: the New England, Columbian, Hol­ Dealers in .Medicine generally in New England. brig Abrusia, Capt. Atkins, which arrived In this village, 1st nisi., by Rev. Luther P. Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, French, Mr. William Walsh to Miss Mary Centre Maine st. Astray. yoke, Bowditch, Rockingham, Atlantic,. Ports- lust night. o f F. Blaisdell; by the .saute 2d hist., Capt Francis j| 4 A ME into my enclosure, about the first inourh, Monmouth, Maine Blain,noth, and Farm­ HUNGARIAN BALSAM OF LIFE. Tito ship Isabella, with a detuclunenl 8. Bullock to Miss Susan Jam* Rich. GEDRIiE STI HLI'.Y. V October, a light red yearling Heifer, with ers and Mechanics’. Baker,—Fruit and Cake Baked to Order, white on her belly, tail ami hiud feet. The own­ Dec. 23, lb 17. (u48tf) J. 0. COCHRAN. r|> h e most CELEBRATED and INFALLIBLE of troops from this city for , On Sunday evening, by John llendeisoil Esq. remedy lor Colds. Coughs, Aslliina, or any Mr Thomas J. Henderson to Miss Elizabeth No. 4, Sea st. er is requested to pay charges and lake her away. touched at Rio, und sailed again lor iter Warren, Dec. 25th. SETH ( BANE. loimot PULMONARY CONSUMPTION, is the destination, on thu 13tlt ult. Squires. FruvibiuiiM. HUNGARIAN BALSAM OF LIFE, discovered In Hope, W Blake to Miss Deborah H -Moody. WILLI AM II. W ING, 'l’lte G. S. ship of the line Ohio was D e a le r ill Flout , Meal, G roeei n-s and Provisions, by Dr. Buebttii ot London. England, tested lor H’iiihctw and l'riuK<‘*>. N. A. FARW ELL, upwards of seven yeurs in Great Britain mid on still at Rio. The Brandywine, front Nor­ north maim: st. Y sieiiinei' T. F. Seeur, we have rec’il French AS again returned from New York, and of­ the Continent of Europe, and introduced into the folk, was anxiously looked lor—[N.Y. DEATHS. TIIIBE'IS, from 5t) els to f t . 00. Super do United Slates under the immediate superintend GED. W. RO BINSON, B SI, a $125. l.vonc.s’s, all qualities and colors, fers for sale a general assortment of Pko- H et aid. Merchant Tailor, Hnsio.Nsand Groceries; consisting of ence ol' the inventor. la this town, 29ih ult, Mrs Catharine, wife of liidianas from 37 1-2 to 6 ’ l-2ets. The usionishing success of the Hungarian Bal­ NORTH MAINE STREET. Dec. 27tb. 11. W. LOTHROP, A Co. Flour, Corn, Meal, F iium M exico.—A lelter in thu New Uapl Thomas 'tale, aged 31. sam. in the cure of every form of CONSUMP­ * In Roxbury, 31st ult. Thomas Adams, Esq.,i E. ll.tltltittG T O N , Pork &. Lurd, TION, warrants the American Ageul in soliciting Orleans Delta says that Mexican coin- formerly ol Castine, Me. aged 64. | pump xV Block Nlakcr, dealer in Oars, Mast hoop." strayed. Butter &. ( 'liuese. tor treatment H'OIIST POSSIBLE C.lS'L'STIiat inissionui's have hi-un in the capital en­ In Augusta Mrs. Sophia, Keene, aged 42. 1 land-spikes, ike., Nu. K Sea st. LARGE, dark red two year old HEIFER Rice, 'feu, Coffee, call be found in the community—eases that srek deavoring to conclude a treaty with Mr. lee owner is requested to pay ehames. and relief in vain front any uf the eouiuioii remedies \ Sugar. Dry Fish & Mackerel; lot'the Trist. Mt. Trist did not leave Mexico hy ( . II. ( A RLES, take her away. JSA COOMBS. day, and have been given up by the most GAZETTE MARINE LIST. T o g e th e r with o th er arlieles usually kept distinguishedisltcd Pliysiciaus,1‘liysieiaus, as CONFIRMED anaand the train which lelt on the 6th ult.— Maker ami rainier, Spokes for sale, South Thomas ion, Dee. 22, 1S17. *n l8 Tel, .Ve. a, Sen street. INCURABLE, 't he Hungarian Balsam lias cur­ jaorniitg papers. in u provision store. [ti47 Port of East Thomaston. WOW is your C’lianrc ! ed, and will cure the MOST D ESP EE ATE OF JdSEPII HEWETT, ( .4 NZiS. It is no quack nostrum, but a siuudard Dr. Burns, a colored suhoohuaster nt West India Goods and Groceries, Corn and Flour, T WHITE being anxious io change his 'Flic Oloseoiicun. English Mcdiciue, of known und established etli- • pit-sent business, u ill sell bis enure stork Wilmington, Del. has been sentenced j Ar. 2lJtii ult. Sehs. Gulnare, Films, Boston-. Al­ Nonrii lnu. J caey. to ten titoulhs iitiptisoiiuieiit, and to he hambra, Bullock, do; Zephyr, Crockett, Plymouth; j in trade, (consisting of Dry Goods and I’rovo- Or Jill-ksulinw Balsam. | Fortune. Elwell,----- ; 1 Aehoin, Cioekett, Boston^ SAiIll EL PILESItl lt V, ums), al a great bargain, and upon the mo-1 lib­ gold as a slave out of the State, fur aiding (A M . of the best Medicines ever ottered to the , ■ ) uKE H O N E Y , for .aleat Utu Luna, Geo. (Liman. Lovejoy, Boston; Elide Pressey.| Flour, West lmlia Goods, ami Family Groceries, eral terms The situation is a very desirable one V z public torfor all ducuiesdiseases olof die luug»luug> ai 1 (he escape ol' slaves. . Fortluud; Hurd, BrowUj do. j nai.nk |lor carryiug outlre Lime busiue.s- u48 tl [21J WAKLHLLP’S H ock . WARREN'S THE STEAMBOAT NOTICE! DR. TOWNSEND'S SARSAPARILLA. J-iiiie Rock IRbifM tiisnry•. Systematic Geography. CLO THING EST WLISHMENT. THE MOST tXTItAORDlNAltV MEDICINE IN (Dztc door Sottlh of Messrs. Cobb Tliomns’ Store,) ajipnsile Sleamhoal St. W i n t e r A r r a n g <* m c u t . THE WOW.!). HE Pnblishers would respectfully invite the P. O H T O N ! AS just returned from Boston, where ho nttention of Teachers, School Committees, THE new and splendid This Exlrnct is put up in quart holies; it is six has been for the purpose of purchasing his AT this establishment may be foum T For years the First niul ONLY HOUSE which Steamer T. F . S E (' O It. limes cheaper, pleasanter and warranted superior H and others, to this work. Il hns been before the FALL & WINTER STOCK a large assortment of the purest Medi pnblic three years, nnd reached the tenth edition, has adhered to the Poplar System of 'apt.T. B. SAN FORD, till to any sold. It cures disease without vomiting, rines, Chemicals and Perfumery,_ -am i on its own merits sone into n • in many ol n i between Frankfort mid purging, sickening or debilitating Ibe patient. consisting of the following articles viz: I Annual, Vegetable, MiflCrnland Patent the best schools, from Maine to Alabama. LO W PR1CESS Portland as follows:—Leave Frankfort lor Port­ cheat fa ll and w in t er m e d ic in e . Tin largest and la st assortment of I less; The lock comprises: The peculiar merits of the Geography. consist For io W pep rent. nel fail to suit purchasers. men id’ character, it is the best preventative of Magnesia, . Prepared Chalk, Carbonate, New England Branch of the Gracfenherg com­ nt the purchase of a good suit of Clotlics J. 11. lias nlso a good assortment of Mud's, of ifE N R ¥ L r S II E it? i f .lmmnnia, Concentrated do., Hydriodule pany, is now established nl No. 151 Wuxtiing on disease known, it undoubtedly saved the lives superior quality. Buckskin Gloves and Mittens, of more limit i f Potash, Sulphate do., Plasters of all si, Boston, and I hat -dlr. Edwin C. lie lies is duly Umbrellas, Rough and Ready Hals, Glnzuil Wool ilnitHEiBNsiGiB iYUvrctiniit; Well Cut nuil Well Made. 5OOO Children the Pnst Snnsnn. kinds. appointed Secrelary of said branch ; and llinl lie ami Montezuma do., Boas. Neck Ties, Suspend­ — AND— is authorized to establish Local Depots, nnd to n complete oppoitnibt.' > . selecting from the lar­ Kelley Sf Co’s Sarsaparilla, Ransom ff gest Stock- Evi ry Varely of ers, Childrens' Belts, and all kinds of goods ustt- As it removed the cause of disease, mid prepared grant rights to vend the companv’s Medicines. nlly kept in such an establishment. them for the summer season. It has never been SHIP BROKER. Stevens’ Dandelion and Tomato Panacea; Every Agent must have a cerlilicnte well the HIAICAXT CLOTHING, j. Il's stock is replenished weekly, mul every known to injure in the least the inosl'delicatc child No. 89 Cnry-Slrri I, Benson's, Richardson’s, Hardy's, Good­ seal of the company thereunto, signed by its s t . AND article called for in his line, not in siore, will he RHEUMATISM. RICHMOND, Vilgiiiin. win’s, Jackson's, Buzzell's and Aliteliell's rotary and countersigned by the aforesaid Branch immediately ordered. Customers arc respectfully secretory. No one is authorized to sell the com­ invited to call and examine the above named This Sarsaparilla is used with tlic most perfect PAYS particular attention to the Sale B IT T E R S ; Hunter's Pulmonary Balsam, pany’s Medicines without such certificate. JYg ip h i the. United States, stock,—the assortment is complete—and will be success in Rhcitnintic complaints, however set ere of IJIM I-:, PLASTER. HAS', and oilier Norther Alanlagae’s Indian Lung Syrup, Carter's EDWARD BARTON, S rr./nry. And which may he had by sold at such prices ns will prove satisfactory to or chronic. The astonishing run s it has perfonn- rodttee, mid also to the Freighting of vessels. Conipniiial Pulmonary Bnlsuni, Browder's pun Itascrs. ee ate indeed wonderful. Other remedies some­ CITIZENS & STRANGER Oct. 27, 1846. lyi’ -ll Compound Sijnip of Indian Turnip, Dia l, G R A EFEN BERG ME DICIN ES. East Thomaston, Nov. 10, 1817. n<12 times give temporary relief, this entirely eradi­ In addition to a cates it from the system, even when the limbs mid f'rafton’s Compound Buckthorn Syrup; The undersigned is fully prepared to establish bones arc dreadfully swolen. Haul’s, Leighton’s, .Jsialie and Kiililer's a Grnci’i'llbcrg Depot in all places of size SUl’EP.B ASSORTMENT BSstiiuisgg’s I.ncc. WEBB & proper *, ’ Hear Mr Sclli Terry, one of tin oldest mid Liniment. ,i great variety i f Pills, Pain in New England (except the State of Connecticut or (Tom mi issioti. aiiUerrlitinifi, C. A. Maeomber, at the Old Post most respeclnhle lawyers in Hartford, Conn. The Killers, Sic. Teclli, Nail, Hair Olid Lath­ and that portion ol Vermont west of the Green following is an extraot of a letter received from FOR Tilt: SALK OF Mountains), and also in the British Provinces of GillLDREN’S CLOTHING, OFFICE BOOK STORE, EAST hint: LUMBER. WOOD, BARK. BARRELS, BRICK er Brushes. Friction Bells and Atillens New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Immediate Dr Townsend — 1 have used one bottle of French Gam ,/leabie Heaps; Leman Jiija- application should lie made either personally or LOWER'RATES THOMASTON. Having become proprietor of the EASTERN PRODUCE. fight lo sell Dr. Banning,s Body Biacc, has great your Sarsaparilla, mid find it is excellent in its • be Paste; Extracts far the Ilandkereliiif; by letter. As there will ordinarily be but one effects upon a chronic Rlteuninlic pain to which tv. t. goods at cast: a- ri:rrr Depot in a town or village, the Agency will be Thun can be purchased at any other establishment pleasure in olfering it to the public, ns the its/ in­ No. 1 Lewis’ Street, opposite Lewi French, German and ,/Iineeiean Cologne; strument of the kind ever yet got tip. For 1 nut subject, from an injury occasioned several very valuable. The leading article to xvliich pub­ on the face of the Globe, and years ago, in a puldic stage. Please send me iwo WHARF ' Cosmelies and l'aney Soaps. lic attention is invited, is the C?m Retail Dealer is R efers /« He Wes’ .\crre anil Bone Liniment.— East Tiiomaston, al wholesale or retail, by C. A. delicate a nature, to exhibit certificates of cures JEsskI a m t T 3 a G a itttsi«ruo Messrs. Lewis & Clapp; Mellen A llopkiiv ; T ru ly n great article for the cure of Rheumatism Macomiii-k. Read the following from the Fangor performed, but wc can assure the fflicled, that W E S T 1 N I) I A G O O D S: FI HE cS- MARINE INSURANCE win a taken with the Indian Vegetable Elixir. hundreds of eases have been reported to us. ( handler & Marine; L. & J. Goo Inow. Bo ton - Mercury of Nov. 23d. 79, Coiuniecinl Street, COMPANY. certain euro for Di-. Townsriul: Aly wire being greatly distress­ Cashing A, llayford, and Isaac M. Bi.igg. Esq-, Hayes’ Liniment.— A rjR H IH Company, with a Capital Stock of Bangor—Burrtige A- Gale,Cambridge—George T. the Piles. Warranted, The Secret Rcvcitled. ed bv weakness nnd general debility, and Millei ing BOSTON. continually by pain and n sensation of bearing .la. >511,000, ixclusive of premiums on risks,hav­ Granger. Esq., Newburyport. Connell's Pain Extractor.— For bruises Many persons wonder how CetiTis Zc Perkins ing complied with ah the requisitions of their .1. S- having had 20 years experience in the have managed lo sell over thirty thousand hotties down, falling of the womb, and xvitli other diffi­ and fresh wounds, nothing can bo better, as thous­ culties, and having known eases where your med­ Ptiinkin, Wliilloek & lloyslci’, ('barter and the Laws of the State, will mako Lumber trade, will pay particular attention to the ands can testily. of the Champ ax,a P.tix K ii.i.i:!: within the last Insurance on Vessels, I'rcight , 3Ioney, Goo.ls Sale and Survey of Lumber; also, llay, Bricks, six mouths, and that too, without advertising it to icine lias effected great cures, nnd also hearing Coiiinii&sioii M erchants nnd Ship ISrokcrs. Koltnsluek's Vermifuge.— A safo and it tecotiimendcd for such cases as I have ilesi l ihe.l j and Llfrets, imduding money lent on bottomry and Lime, Wood, Oars, A: certain remedy for Worms in Children. the amount of fifteen dollars. The sectet of its RICH M O NJ), V a . rospendcnlia; as nl>o againsi Fire on Dwelling Buying, Selling, Chartering and procuring unparalleled popularity is. that it positively will I obtained it bottle id' your extract of 8’arsaprilla, Conifhns Extract Sarsaparilla— F o r aue followed the diredions you gave me. In a ’WV’iTiiULD give notice to the Shippers of Lime, Houses ami oilier buildings, Blcreluindi/c and Freights for Vessels. and does erne bilious cholic cramp in the siuinaeh ctliHr propel ly, nol exceeding, however, the sum o •lire of Scrofula, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver-ci and linths, rheumatism, iiillatninalory son- iltroal, short period it removed her complaints ami res | V V owners of vessels, nnd oilier friends n i-L j-’-/’/te usual Cnsli facilities oh Consign- plaint.i. GiLi liveness, Humors, A-c. This valuable lured Imr health. Being grateful for the henelits j Thomaston, that they slill carry on a ■r;.5000 on any one risk'. enent. * stiehes in the hack or side, spinal eoinplaints, Per Order of the Directors; [ incdii inc is vastly superior to any preparation of chapped hands, tooth ache and sore lips. It will -In-Received, 1 take pleasure in tints neknuwled GENERAL COMMISSION BUSINESS, May 11th. nlo. Sarsaparilla yet ofl'ered to the public, ‘li lias per­ extract the lire from u burn or scald in ten min­ ing n, mid reeomiuoudiiili il lo the public. KNOTT CROCKETT, President. formed many astonishing cures in coinphtiiits M. D. MOORE, ami arc prepared to transact all business entrusted rE/',Oili|,e in suine building with the Lnnw Rock utes, nnd if applied in season, prevent ils blister­ to their cure; thanking them for their liberal Bank. JBcelivaeic o f N jU jiit . mentioned above, and lias, in spile of every oppo­ ing, and is the best article in the world for the C-ir. Grand and Lj’ditts-sls. sition which sclf-mtcrcst or malice could devise. Albany, Aug 17, 1" 11. patronage, they hope, l,y strict attention, lo merit 3bif /List Tiiomaston, October 7th 1 pm : “ AMERICAN Oil?’ which is oh , . . . . — — cu re ot the Piles. In short it is all vegetable and a coiitiiiuaiice of the same. tallied liom a well in Kentucky, is Used wiili - 'von 11 u’:lV lu l»vor o f Physicians mid the .all healing. Unlike most other Pain Killers, it does astoni Iting u in the tt tin ...... public in /I I

certainly a valuable nit dieiue and should In- ic­ Ila, : .'ciau Bal aut <;/ Li/- : llay's L nia- in' everv one who i • suffering a we have been. uiial. / o' Ih. Piles; Johnson's Oi>nd,ld'.. :

tlltlly, WM. TDW.sRR sou •, Ju undicc Ihltees. -ill hinds oj It,,- Oils. A fresh supply of Thompsonian Aledu iues.

I List of Letters, STEAMBOAT NOTICE! W A R R E N ’S Lime ISoek Dinpenwar)’, DR. TOWNSEND’S SARSAPARILLA. Main, opposite Steamboat St. THE MOST EXTRAORDINARY MEDICINE IN EMAINING ill the Post Office ; Systematic (ncogrnphy. (One doer Smith of Messrs. Cobb Thomas' Store, J R Thomaston, January 1st, 18 IK. W inter Arrangement, i THE WORLD. F fllH E Publishers would respectfully invite the to THE new mid splendid JEL attention of Teachers, School Committees, This Extract is pill up in quart botles; il is six AS just returned from Boston, where ho Adams J O Jones Josiah AT this establishment may he found . has been for the purpose of purchasing his Amrs Rebecca Jordon Win M Steamer T. I’ . H K <’- «> I!, and others, to this work. It has been before the a large a--uilini'iit nl the purest Aledi time- cheaper, pleasanter and warranted superior H limns Abagail Johnson M.uy A PCapt.T. B. SAN FORD, will public three years, and reached the tenth edition, to any sold. Il cures disease without vomiting, FALL Ac WINTER STOCK, eines. ('lie,meals and Perfumery, purging, sickening or debilitating the patient. Horton Thotnns Kill; I Ion j “Inin between Frankfort and — and on its own merits gone into use in many of Animal, Vegetable, Mineral mid Patent. consisting of the following arlieles viz: Portland as follows: —Leave Frankfort lor P< the best schools, from Maine to Alabama. Hailey John Kelloeh Lucy L 'I'll'' Slni’k eninprises : GREAT FALL AND WINTER MEDICINE. 7'/,i largest and best assortment of G uns ; Kirk James land every Monilny and Thursday m li o'clock. The peculiar merits of the Geography, consist Bradshaw Lllko j Tamarinds, The great beauty nnd superiority of this Sarsa­ Butler Glia’s Lordrig Silvy A. M., arrive nt Thomaston I I o'clock, A. AI. and in its conciseness, philosophical arrangement, tin* Mask, parilla over all other medicines is, while it eradi J non lln liny's Ponding, lo llie sportsman's Bowen John G Libby Win Portland ti P. M. Reti rninb, will leave Porllaud use of the law of association, order in reference (.'astir, ' M ac, cates disease, ii invigorates ibe body, it is one Double llarreled livuTiun P iec e, ever Berry Miry A Libby Janies L every Tuesday and Friday ill li o'clock. A. Al., lo the questions, and the introduction of a system ( 'ochiat al, .StiJ'ron, of ibe very best Fall -and Winter medicines evt'i ojlircdjor sale in this place. Mlsn, Cun Booker Mary McDonald Neal mil arrive al Thomaston at 1 P. M., touching at of reviewin’.;. It is designed not as an encyclo­ Cott-Iinc Oil, Alo ana, known; ii not only purifies the whole system and all the landings on the liver, and arriving at pedia of geographical science j nor a gazclcer ol 'Tubes, rarely J'ounil for sale in this Bennett Ruins McIntire John Comptisilioa, Ipn tic, ■Ircnglhcns llie person, but it creates new, pure tieinili,. Barrows Win C McIntosh ngtistus Frankfort al li o’clock. P. Al. miscellaneous facts upon the subject ; but as a and noli blood; a power possessed by no oilier Bunker Martha J Melotiey John FARE.—From Thomaston to Portland, 82,00 Text Book for Schools. And yet, in the two licsl C(njcinu', C.itrail of Colociinlli modi,:ine. And in ibis lies the great secret of its HEADY MADE CLOTIIING, courses, it asks and answers more questions than P ciiiiii Lains Burns Hannah F Moulton Joel “ •> Camden, “ Cicala wonderful success. It has performed within the .? large anil inll selected slock, such as Brewster K G MeLanlin Levi “ « Belfast, “ (Indian, two past years, more than 35.1101, cures of severe « a Bucksport, I he publishers have received numerous testi-j .. .. ’ Coals, Sin ks, Pauls, Pi sis, large and Barrows Silas Mathew Matilda J “ Dandelion CttSes of disease; at least 20,000 of these were Cutler Abner' Merrill Win. Il “ '< Frankfort, monials from competent judges of the excellence , r considered incurable. small, Ihii I; and thin. of this system, and in schools where it has been ' , “ Ih-aha nc. Culler Ruins F meriek Geo For light freight or passage, apply to .More than 3.000 eases of Chronic Rheumatism. */// ollitr arlitles usually found in Ihe'mosl Comstock lames II North Josiah S JOSEPH FARWELL. Agi introduced, it 1ms been seen that gieaicr profieien- (hnn JMip rlij Quinine, 2,0011 eases Dyspepsia; Coombs Mnlilda I’ Norwood Lucy C Thomaston, Dec. I, 1817. n-1 ey and thoroughness is attained, t ban by llie iis Opium, Iodine, l.ooo , isesof gen. Debility and wmitof Energy; i.rlmsive sloefc i f genllemcn's furnishing Colley Capt James Ooor Natlcy of oilier manuals. 7.0(ill eases of the dtlf.iicut Female Complaints; Goods. The Work has been reeenllv ri ■iiiniiiPiided by | Kian, Quit ksilrer, Crawford Joseph O'Brien John .Ve r e b’ Bln fie r * o 1 r? ! 2.000 eir.es of SeroH'ulu; Pur, Pi ll and Glazed H ats & C ats, o/ Coombs Hosea O’Connel T several of tie' County Conitnilh" ■ in ih Slate, i ( 'ah i li il, Calomel, 1.500 easss of llie Liver Complaint; Copies for exmninmion inny be bad g, of Ih aztiiii, Ihtl I’rei ipilalc, all descriptions. resey John Paul Win F A L L S T Y L E 2..'siii cAM’s of Disease of the Kidneys Ac Dropsy; Campbell George Preble .las the Publishers, Price to 8. hoots, e'l.i 0 per doz. I Pnilli„ Corrosive Salilimale 8,1100 raises of Consumption; HOOTS Sf SHOES, Crocker Louisa J Perry Edwin 11 HYPE, LORD N DUREN, .. ’ And llioasands of cases of discnsec of the blood, l’liblisliei . Porllaud. lodiile i f Iron, Travelling T ranks Pulisrs, Ifc.., Sfc. Cotton n q Plislon Eliza HATBAND CAPS? Hifmcil fn'ilre viz: Ulcers, Erysipelas Salt-Rheum, Pimples \ •.'t'moiit wes O the A,//.,..,, A-e. Tc Ih, A a,l. Ham nail L,.’//,- 1 |i„w u,g ,s an extiaot of a idler received frofrom Hodges Epii’in Winslow James P OFFICE BOOK STORE, EAST Munnnins). and also ,,,,h e Lriiish Provinces ol //’,',’cZ,’on Hells nail. M i'tcns. ’ , I1him: F „ll THE SAI.E OF Hausen Nancy S Wentworth Gilmore New Brunswick mid Nova Scotia. Immediate LUMBER. WOOD. BAIIK. BARRELS, B1HCK, THOMASTON'. Having become proprietor of the Prciirli Gam rlrnhir Drops; Limon Jnju-\ Mr Townsend— I have used one bottle ol Hall Geo. Whitehouse Beni. application should be made either personally or • ' your Sarsaparilla, and lind it is excelleni in its EASTERN PRODUCE. light to sell Dr. Banning,s Body liiacc, Inis great by latter. As there will ordinarily be but one bi Push ; E.rlracls for llie Iliiialki rcliirf; JOHN SPOFFORD,PAL pleasure in oll'ering il lo the pul,lie, as the best in­ elbei is upon a chronic. Rheumatic pain lo which W. I. OOtWS BliTTErt. CHEESE FRUIT Depot in a town or village, ihe Agency will he Prenrh, Giraian and .Imcriian Cologne; I am subject, from an injury occasioned several strument of the kind ever yet got up. For very valuable. The leading article io which pub­ No. I Lewis’ Street, opposite Lewis’ weakness of the Chest; Palptation of the Heart. Cosinelics anil. Pmiry Soaps. ago, in a public stage. Please send me two WHARF THE PSIiKS. lic alteiilion is invited, is I lie Gz/n/.//!»/’.: Fills, of With u great vai /cty of other articles, usually hollies io the care of Dr. Seymour. I have eon- A Death-like Sinking Sensation ; Dull dragging which 30,0(10 boxes are soldeaeh and every week. Alreut Wr.iui, j BOSTON. ,1 C O ,’/? FOR LIFE SECURED.' pains ia the side; Great debility about the Hips kept in mi Apothecary store. All arlieles dis­ 1 with two of our principal physicians, and Cha's. L. Low, j The following complaints yield will, certainty lo pensed by the subscriber, W’AiiitANTEn. recommend vour sarsaparilla. I'lt UPHAM’S INTERNAL REMEDY mid Lower Extremities; Pains mid weakness their power: Asthma, Bilious Complniiiis, Ca­ .V. B. Ship Stores pat up al shorl aolicc ill llie back; Distortions of the Spine, mid Fe­ ,’sicinns' ordeis iliankfully received, and SET1I TEKRY. tarrh. Costiveness. Dys Hartford, March 12, 1S15. Fur tin cure nJ Files. liijlir.nmntinn o f th, Liner mat male Diseases of all kinds it has been found in­ feet Digestion, Fluor Albas, Green Sieknc Mimii'ixi; Chi.sts, for Vessels or Families, fur­ 0 . W . S .1 V A Bi. Splcm: hhicniinn.i.ei, Soreness and Uicci 'tliun nj valuable. Heartburn, Headache, Jaundice, Liver Coin- Ladies and Gentlemen, why will you stiller nished or replenished, by Ship Broker A* Commission Merchant no Stomach, buierls, Fidncys, and bludd.r; tn- plaints, Rheiiiiiabsin. and various diseases of the C ON SU M P T i ON C U il E l ). MOB1LE::::Al*. lluiiiiitc:,iiy and alerrariol Jl/ie.iniuilism; linpuroy when relief can be bad ? C. A. Alaeombei', anx­ R. T. SLOCOMB. Stomach. In all Chronic complaints the most im -1 Clennse anil Sli’tiiuthcn. consi/iRjiiiuu enn In iiir>i1. "J blood; I F - r „ „ Z hillammulion of the Spine, ious lo extend as much ns possible llie benefits lo plicit reliatlee may be placed upon them. Price i October 27. [old if. PARTICULAR attention will he paid to out anil fur Un i/Z-' y „/ Mur) led. Ladies. be derived from the use of the article; will sell, biniii'hiti.i, tivnr loniii/aiiit, ralifs, eatarrh. I'ni/ghs, door Sale ol' Hay, Botanies. Lime, Lumber, N-c. 25 cents a box. The names of the other inedi-1 csl/nnn, s/iitting of blomt, son.io ss in the c/ust. /oi - 'I HE VEGETABLE PILE ELECTUARY, in­ to those who are «rl«rj//y poor at owe /tai/ the in- eines are ns follows: ami io proeiiring'nutward cargoes lor vessels. tail price, To (bo Afliclod. fic/htsh' night siren's, diljiciil! or profuse ixpcc.lo- Dec: Hi, 1811). Iy-I8. vented by Dr. A. Upham, a distinguished physi­ TilE CHILDREN’S PANACEA, rationgpiiin in the side, (yr. cnii nnd hari been rurn!. cian of New Yorkcity, is the only successful rem­ An intereslig, Treatise on Chronic. Diseases Snell of your ntttnlicr us tiro ('tilled upon edy for that dangerous and distressing complaint, For summer complaints, dysentery, and all oth­ to piii'clitiso Medicines, should rc- Dr. Townsend—Dear Sir: Nearly twenty years EXCHANGE COFFEE HOUSE, will be loaned lo those who wish it by calling at er affections of the stomach and bowels, it is in-' ago l took a violent cold, which settled on my tile Piles, ever offered lo the American public. AIacomiieii’s- induibcr that lungs, and afflicted me severely, indeed, finally it , l S c ( d i l l y the Experience of Thousands OFFICE IIOOKSTOllE, vere as to prevent me from attending to my busi­ BOSTON. case ol piles, either bleeding or blind, internal or Warranted to make two quarts superior to any ! ness. Within the last few years it increased on external; mid probably Ibe only thing that will For Twenty Yems Past. in the world. Price one dollar a bottle. is llie only Authorised Agent in me gradually. At last I became reduced—1 breath­ MARLBORO HOTEL. There is no mislake about il; it is a positive cure Tnc. Green Minmtain Vegetable Ointment. ed with difficulty, and raised with my cough much —spudtj andpiriiMiniil. It is also a convenient The Vegetable Pulmonary Balsam EA S T TI IO JIA S TOJT, Wherever inflammation exists, this ointment is bad matter, and for the last nine months previ­ TEM P E HA.YC E HO US E. medicine to lake, and improves the general heal If 'B S AS prov ed itself the beat Re------for the stile of------in a leuimkablc iiinnnir. a positive and speedy cure. Price 25 and 50 els ous to using your Sarsaparilla, had regular night- ( 3 © i s y .b iJ medial Agent known lor Or. IPislar's Balsam of IPihl Cherry, sweats; indeed, myself an I mv friends supposed Each box contains ib’ doscs nlS 1-Rets per dose. a box. Colds. Coughs, Cu/iswilptiiiii, Asth­ THE GRA EFEN BERG EYE LOTION. j “ Buchan's Hungarian Balsam of tAfe, that 1 would die with the Consumption; but 1 nave N o. 229, W ashington St r e e t , It is very imbl in its operation, mid may be taken ma. Plilltysic, Spilling of Blood, Hay's Liniinenl, for care of Piles, the happiness to inform you that to my surprise, BOSTON. in eases of the most acute inflammation without ll'linoping Ciatg/i, ami all Falmo. For disorders of the Eyes this Lotion has no that after using three bottles of your Sarsaparilla danger. All external npplicalions am in the high­ nary njlteiiuns d- tlist lists o f lln eiptal. For violent inffamination, weakness, or Or. I'pliurn's Electuary, for do. I find my health restored. You are at liberty to est degree disagreeable, inconvenient, mid olfen- Lungs, ns has and can be shown foreign substances in the eyes, it is an unf tiling I Hare's Liniinenl if Eli.rirfor llliatniidism: publish this with my name in the papers if you * , ’ All who wish, can here attend family tvor sivc: nlul from the very nature of the disease, from llie testimony ol'the most remedy. Price 25 cents per bottle, with fall di- ' Spohn's I hail Aclie Remedij, choose. S. W. CONANT, 111 Bowery -hip. night and morning. lempnrmv in their effects. This medicine attacks respectable Physicians mid others rections. the d sense nt lis source, mid rn/ioving the cause, Molher's Relief. who are entitled lo the must unquestionable belief The Gracfcnbcrg Health Hitters, renders the cure / i/c.'/i midpermanent. Alter having tried llie many mac preparations, with­ Pcgctc.hlc Pulmonary Balsam. GIRLS, READ THIS. LONG: & EVERETT, Sovereign to build up the enervated system, to CURE FOR. LIRE GUARANTIED out fnding the expected relief, multitudes me com­ Oldrige's Balm of Columbia. You who have pale complexions, dull eyes, Sffif CH^DLER, GROG ERS, pelled lo return to the use of the V egetable restore the appetite and clear the skin. Price 25 | cents a package. B u ll's Hair Restorative. hlolehes on the face, rough skin, and are "out o; 1 lie Electuary contains ,i,i mineral medicine, P u lm o n a ry B alsam , which they acknowledge Pn neli Oepilalory. spirits,” use a hottie or two ol' Dr. Townsend's A N l> Aha:., eoioryii'ii. Unniiegr, ,*i. Jox’x Crri.i'it upon a yellow Company tor gratuitous distribution, may be had ' Mojliil's Phoeui.v Hillers, SAMUEL W. HALL. (o'nerni Agent for the New England Slates. Dr Townsend's Sarsaparilla is a sovereign and Wholesale ano Retail Deai.ee in label on the blue wrappers. Each bottle and seal on application to any one of their numerous “■ Life Pills. speedy cure for Incipient Coiisumplioii, Barren­ Great Success of Upham’s Pile Electuary. is slumped “ Vegelubie Pulmonary Balsam.” Agents. ED'Wl.\ C BARNES. Parr’s Life Pills, ness, Leueorrhiea, or Whiles, ohsiriieied or dilli- W E S T 1 N D I A GOOD S: Prepared by REED Ac CUTLER, formerly Reed, Poiiti.am), (Ale.) Alnrcli I I, 1817. Secretary New England Jhaueh. Kelley’s Heilllli Pills. eull Menstrunlion, Ineoiiiiiience of Urine, or 79, Coiumecial Street, Dr. Upham: Aly Dear Sir,—I cannot express In Wing N. Cutler, importers and Wholesale Dealers [L7- AGENTS.—Cha’s A. .Macomber. Agent, Shaw’s “ “ voluntary discharge thereof, ami for lln: general you my sincere mid heartfelt thanks for the won- in Medicines, paints. Chemicals, mid Dye Stull's, for East Thomaston ; Eben Collemer, Lincoln­ Prostration of the system, no mutter whether the BOSTON. eorful cure I have experienced from tlie use ol 51 Chatham Street, Boston, and sold by Druggisls, ville; JatiK’s Lancaster, Northport; J. 11. East- /.’i H. Hubbard's Pamily Pills, result V. J . Gooilaow; Boston ( ’ O,‘d PA.YV. Ur. 7mens,ml-. My wire benig greatly distress- L continuance of the same, I found lo relieve ine slightly; still I persevereil, Cushing A- ll.iyl'oi'il, mid Isaac. M. Bi'agg, Esq , ,, ’ , Tlic Nueiet Revealed. Bangor 15,ui.ig" A Gule,fan,hi'uige G,-,„ ;c T. 1 , .f,'’"1,1.1;' , " ' ' f 1,',,. " Sl'’' " ed by weakness and general debility, and sullcring ' j\|| letters anil papers directed lo our carp, will and pu i based n second am li assure you, when I ouliuunlly by pain mid a sensation ot bearing | he forwarded to the vessel they belong, itn- got hall through. I found myself gelling well; still Almiy persons wonder bow Ci iitis A: Perkins Granger, Esln''n, lading ol tin, uomb, and nub olliei dm - mediately. I kept on mid now nm a weH nimi. Aly dear have managed lo sell over thirty .... , 1111111 l1'1' -M’111111,1 111 1 Cl,-,..,..,- Hid Ihe law s of the Stale "ill ma ke '"Miles, and having known ea.-es where vour in ed- so’, language cannot express my heartfelt ihmiits of the Ci,amp ano Pain Kii.i.er .vitliui the last Lumber trade, will pay pmliciilar attention to the . ll'111 1 'lllu 111 l’ 1,' 11 ’ 1’, ; ’ / , , icinc Iris ellecled “real cures mid also lm-iriii“ _ R e f t , 1 iidverlisin" i! lo 8,1.--,ml Km-vi-v of I in her ■ -iLo II,v ln,-l-. , Insurance on Vessels, freights, .Money, Goods " 1111 n-"'‘ <-U-> „u at ,in is, am also lira ring ’ lint 1 am once more restored lo health. nod now six iiioiiiIis, mid llial too. without Ther sect" o I' i‘?‘ me Woo (Hr ‘ Ve ’ ’ lllld 1':il'1’c,s> "“-'ltuling moiiev lent on bottomry and 11 let'oinuiended lor snel, eases as 1 have described Edward Robinson, \ i ii a eomhtion losupomt my large family, depon­ the amount of lifteen dollars, il 'Vij' L l:ilV"'-'! CI'arlCli"S 1,11,1 1,ro,'urih sl Uol’ises1'"!;,? m h c X X " ; 4 Mer1-bm,d,ze''l’md ane’lb B ^ Jd B w ^ h n ^ y ^ ^ a Y . ^ " ' ’!" a William .Singer, I ent on me. unparalleled popularity is, that Knoll Crockett, ) Thomaston. You can use this Je ter as you p’enie. and does cure bilious cholic cramp ...... ! oil,ci,nope,’,...... exceeding, iim'ekr Uie^uin'o ^ '11 .- - I •'-.novedlher comnhnms uud res J . G. Lovejoy, Yours, respectfully, SAAil EL CHAP.LTON. mid limbs, rbetimmism, inllainniatory sore throat, r property, Larkin Snow, n3-llf L j 77,/ usual Cash facilities on Consign­ $50011 on any one risk. lined her lieahh. Being grnleful for Ihe benefit: Aou.vrs. East Thomaston, C. A. Alaeomher; stiehes in the back or side, spinal coinplttilits, ment. she receiv’d, I lake pleasure in thus acknowledg­ W. Thoimision. T. Fogg: Warren. S. B. Wetli- chapped blinds, looih aclie mid sore lips, Il will Per Order of the Directors; .May llth. nHi. KNOTT CKOC'KETT, President. ing il, and reeoinmeiidinli it to the public. Eaxt Thoinaxilon erliee; Goose River, A. Sweellnild; Camden, J. exlraei llie lire from a burn or scald in ,en inin- M. D. MOORE, Jones; Lincolnville. E. Collamni'e; Waldoboro’, tues, and if applied in season, prevent ils Idisler- T.- Office in same building with the Lime Rh ------1! O O K S T O It E . ------/VtirdaviBse o f A'aHirc. Bank. Cor. Grand mid Lydius-sts. W. A. Barnard: Damariscotta Budge, J. L. Slm- ing,and is ibe best article in the world lor the Albany. Aug 17, 1S-1-1. (UviBiiimc P atent M edicines, elire of the Piles. In short it is all vegetable and rpH E “ AMEKIC.VN OIL” which is oh- 3Stf East Thomaston, October 7th 1 nimi; Union, Edward Hill. And by llie denies AT THE io .Medicine generally ilirougliou. N. England. 3(1 all healing. Unlike most other Pain Killer-, it does J , l imed front a well in Kentucky, is used with not contain one panicle of opium or camphor. astonishint; success, in ibe treatment of Inil iuta- TH E OI'IMO.NS OF I'ltiSIClA.NS. EAST THOMASTOJYBOOK Every family should keep a liotlle in Bill house, tory Rheumatism, Burns, Sprains, Phthisic, and USi’. W a s T r u i ’x as il is exceedingly useful in case ol' accident. cure of (,‘orus. ASIATIC LINIMENT, Dr. Toinisend is almosi daily leeeiviiig order STORE. An external appliemion will relieve children who 3IAC03iBFR, sole agent for Thomaston, can Is llie aiosl puwerjiil preporalion in use, as from Pin ■ emus in ditiercut parts of llie Union JlOLGEIt’S Olasoninn, or nil-healing Balsam S\l! SAI’AIHLLA, TOMATO AND mealHicied with wind cholic. supply you at his Book Siore. Last Thomaston, hundreds eun testify, Jur llie care i f This is io certify that we, the undersigned, Phy­ ’ W istar's Balsam of Wild Cherry ; Brown’ and at his Depot, West Tboinn - .u i. sicians of llie vily of Albany, have m numerous ISarsapanlhi ami Tomato Bitters; Sherman's WILD CHERRY Price, 25cls per Buttle. Call and gci a eirett- nr fiee. 18. jy het the nW c cd call, for iclief is sti StBSBWPH.e'rSM.U ruses prescribed Dr Townsend's Sarsapanlhi. ami Worm Lozenges; llead-ueelie Lozenges; ami IPfilVtfBCAff., B ST T H R S. June oOilt, re23 if. believe ii lo be one of the most valuable prepara- Cough Lozenges. Dailey's Pain Extractor, a sure In nil its vuriotics. It is not contended liinis in the imirkit. II. P. PURLING. M.l). cure for the piles. McAllister's all-kealmg oint At 50 As. per. Boltle. BSciuovstl. BfilKAT %IL .W T IC U . that il will l itre all eases, Inn will do everylhing J. WILSON, 3! D. mein, amlwurld’s salve. I hat van be done by any external remedy, and it II. II. BIHGliS. M. D. Hrmidnlh's Pills, Inilian Vegelubie Pills, i , AliSAl’AIHI.I.A, TOMATO ami WILD is liilly believed, more than any oilier ever ollered I'. E. ELMENDORF, M.D. 1 ' CUEIII'Y BITTERS have now become a MOODY E. THUR.LOVV, DR. W u C O N S T A N T I N E , lo llie public. Il is also recommended for I’aixs Albany, April 1, IS bi. 1 Rush's Health Pills, Parr's Pills, Poor ■landaid Midi,me. universally approved by Phy­ in'orin bks iiiiihithu.s liicuib; atm W Cl 5" ft’ C «K Jl 4' 88 J i (8 I . in the Balk, Sun:, Belist, Head, amt Ti.i.ru, Man’s Plaster, Hard’s Vegetable Cough sicians as a sale. -; rrdy mid eli'eelual remedy fin' V V ' UsloniLTb. llial be has removed into Sel.l TllKt'AT, BlILISES, ClIILIIEAIXS, Sl’IIAISs. A'e. I 7 i il' 1.11 iTspeetfully givi- noir -■ lo his fii.-iiJs t'nady, Sear’s Blood Hoot Pills, Sugar .'/'/■/i,/'/////,/.q Maruriiil and ,//,/,,■/-,.//s Ch Yn Hoi.mi: .' Iieauti"nl and ••oinumdcoiis Biulk Tin- LI N I.M ENT is iinniufuelured and sold by JJisinses; V y in Thomaston and vicinity, that In: ha.-' n- Diseuso of the Heart. Rupture nnd ' Cinilnl Pills, Oldrillgc’s Bulat i f Coluinbia, Block, on iltu2d lloor, <. here lie would solicit from Jaundice, liidigesiiou, Dyspepsia, Billions Reord­ moved his ollh e. and may in,w he found on lln- H. K. 1IINKLEY, Apothecary, Portland. .Me. ers, Liver Complaints, (.'ustiveue.s.s. weak amt Sore a generous public a eontiiuiatne oi’ their pat run- Dropsy. for lint Hair, Turlingloit’s Balsam of Life, i-ornui'ul Mam and .Mv-lin/dist St., uppusile the .Vue lo,■/, July 23, IS hi. Hungarian Balsum ofJ LijiL iji; ; HayHay's Linia- Stomach, Ulcers mid Running Soles, Swelling of age.' l i . gt__ I'orsulu liv the following A gents ihe Limbs, Pain in the Bern . Tumors in the Hu tubes this oeension to return lo the public store of l'. A’ A. Snow, whvi’v hv lenders his pro­ Dr Townsend—Dearrai Sir: So Aly.My wile haslias beenber-n nl-1 ),nul .for llie Piles; Johnson’s Opodeldoc; Throat, Rheumatic Alieeiums. Salt Rheum, Ely- - Ins, grmeful aeknowledgemenls lor their gen,.runs fessional services to the public. It.- will uarraut Eu I Thinnii Ion, E. S. B LA IS I)E LL Hinted with a d e of llie heart, ami u uh a ier- v , J , ' i ,r I ‘ u lo all who may > ’ pleased to patronise him. that Leplialtc Snail; Extract ol l.emon; H,n- Sipela., bad Humors, Eiuptions on llie face or li:,trona-.-e in limes past mid proliiisi s his utmost H al do. O l iv e r R diiuins. rdile Rupture lor ov,er lllteeii ycais, the greater . .. ,e . all Den i al Oi-eeatioxs shall be done in a work­ the time. The rupture was verylarge son s kinds nJ bo/ly, Cam erous Sore', King- Evd, Cln’oule t'y - ' e.-a-rlions in .lie (nosi-eolion of his business, to Ilarrea, M ’l ’nllnin ts. Etiller, P. Boggs.il’111 Jitandi, i Billets. Al! Hair manlike wanner, equal lo any in lln- Slate, or New vere he tried almost every remedy lor (Jils. A Jfesh supply nJ Thumpsoniun nurii. Langur, Debility, Headache, Dizziness- j give genera! smisluetioii for lliu future. Adehoro’, A. Lotlirop, J. L. Sliutuuii. ' Sallow Complexion, and all those disorders which E. Thomaston, Nov. 2, 1817. 11 England. All advice given gralisandeln criuUy. ,, I ; ,, ,,,, , smh ea.-es with but lillle benefit. When she had Midieiitis. * . • Di:. (!. keeps a vuriely of Tooth Brush' h n slo l, J-,. I,. | v leharrls, r . \ \ h ee ler. taken but three buttles of vour excellent medicine, | arise from the abuse ol .Mercury, or liom an im J. WAKEFIELD. uni Tooth Fowtlers eoiislantly on hand for sale, Cmniliii, S. 1’. K i'lle r, she was eniirely relieved of the disease ol the puti- taint of the blood, no matter how ncquiied- E. Tlmiuustuii, May 5. IGtf The extract lu re presented is prepared alter di. DEAFNESS CUBED. East Thomaston, May 12lh. nil). SI. George R . M artin. heart, mat the rupture has almost entirely disap- lections given by the celebrated In Warteu,whose Bellast, \\ . O. Poor, Wusliliurii uud &1''A1,1 , ,, . name it hears, and will he found superior to tiny / 'W OPER'S Compound l/tln-i'cal Oil,--A ntos ' , • o tiou Shelias also had llie dropsy, mid was very WsiMlibui'ii, W ilder «.V Co,, valuable discovery for the cure of Deafness J o rd a n ., Pl'iee, ’dltSelx. I minnilieh h swollen. -Wv,Ill’ll. WWe had DO ali a lhal she eouhl preparation of the kind m.w in u. e. It is highly Kook Kimlct-v. C O M M I S S I O N M E R C 11 A N T S eoneeutialed, entirely vi‘.;ctable, auil very linely Pains,and discharge of mailer from the Ears: . . Hiiueinbir— the only . Igenl ill East he SO beiieliled, im she laid smh a eoipplaalion of also, all those peculiar not like the blowing of is E. S. JILAl'sUELL. dl Ian it has, as stiauge us it may appear! b A V A N X A I I G e o r g i a . llavored lo the taste, flic chance which it pro­ wind, the hi-'Miiir of a boiling kettle, the murmcr- H. G. O. W ASHBURN, Tiiomuslon duces in the coudilioii and temh ncy of the system Feb 21, 1617 ly rebeved her of the diopsy. Your 8m sap.in'hl is — REFERS TO— ing of watet, rustling of leaves, and frequently a eei .ainly a valuable lUrdn iuc mid should be Used IS spttdt, ,-ud p., OH,' mot. Bouok-Bi.xuctt .V. Beane Book .Minieai i I ' Snow, Bvkgi ss & Co.; T homas Coun, \s i Spring Mcdieiu h- .'pui .ving the blood, | beating noise in the Ears corresponding to the by every one who is sutlenng us we hale been. If pulse ; all of which arc indications of approaching Delt'ast, Ale, anv disbebeie lids aeeuiiiil. they are ai liberiy lo Thonia.siou. 4ui strengthening the stoma- h and body, and eheekin; i Deafness; atnl most generally accompany thats HORATIO EAGLE, all consumptive halms, the Sarsaparilla, Toman f nlt>ilium call ul uiy hull- e mid have uni la r demunsirai ion. | I disease. I'or sale wholesale or retail at tin* East C (.) M M 1 S S 1 O N M E R ( ’ II A N T z •Ms, .)’, z s - i , „ y Yours, re -pe. llally, WAI. TuW SER. ' and Wild Cherry Bittei in entirely uuriv llled. Thomaston Book Stoic, by J. WAKELIELD. .Y R. W. TRUNDY, AGENTS ! 'v t T ho\iaN Sons, I .2 North 2d street Philadelphia, ' ' in New England. j mi l by ".I! the prii’e.pal I'.ii." -sis ao 1 51 rehunls REFER TO | 3 S hereby given llial I have this day relinquish- tieially throughout the Umnd Slate.', West In­ Juifel Keceived, .Y o, SJS, Htistih H tree!, Kxcrr Cr.v . , . . Tao.ii,ts N (.ear,; A. M & (J. Th» Cunutl im (Tinifiiju’e. .B. cd touiv sun. Jons W. U-.nI' . In .ime .'s mat the Canadas. A l Ihe E mt Thuiiia .tun Bookstore, li . : L.i . .'.eu . '. . uu. B #. Mst- I shall not claim Ins wages m i -hall I pay any v.n.i: Jo.ix C ut m v, Newefts'.le. 1 ' al ul W orm s jh debts ot' his contracting auer this .!., ,-. , NEW -il pp!v of TR ll FA N T'S COAU’lJ L N D CHAS A. MACOMBER. Av. m. i 'v dl olbns iii the JOHN HENDERSON. -a S A L T B it El M. N. 15. Goal Freights procured for vis­ tun, iiliete it eaj be bad at • Al l. bu'ims enuttsieil ty bis cars xidl b» at W Al ’FIELD'S Tliomastuii, Dev. 21. 1817. ' 18 "Jw >. 31. J. WAKE FIELD. 'd to ports East of Point Judith. ly dumpily attemlel to. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS OF THE WEEK. THIRTIETH CONGRESS—First Session. FROM^MEXICO. Business Directory. Combined. Administrator’)* Sale. PR ESC O TT’S Y virtue of a licence from the Hon Judge ei.tANRn FROM TIIR M FERJ. M onday, J an. 3. Senate.—Mr. Hunter N ew Y o rk , Sunday, Jan. 9. N. A. FARWELL, of Probate, will be sold nt public sale, nt SILK ANh SHAWL DEPOT submitted a resolve, w hich wns adopted, call­ B i A M ART ing on the President for Mr, Wise’s corres­ L atest from M exico. W c have a c ­ Corn, Flour, nnd Provision Dealer, the bouse of Israel Thorndike, on Saturday the N ew York, Thursday Jan. C. I for tuf. F.xci.t'sivi; RAi.r. of m e n pondence in relation to the slave trnde. The counts from New Orleans to the 2d inst., P2lh day of February next, nt 10 o’clock so much F rom Mexico. Additional intelligence re­ North Maine ft. of the Real Estate of the late Robert Thorndike, bill to provide for clothing the volunteers wns I nnd from Vera Cruz to the 21th ult.— S H AW LS AN)) SI L K GOODS. ceived from Vern Cruz, states that General deceased, ns will produce the sum of one hund­ passed. The bill authorizing the President There are rumors that Gen. Scott hnd de­ M. 8. W HITING , Shawls. Dress Goods, Looking-glasses A Feathers red dollars, io satisfy the just demands agmnst Marshall will mnrch from Jalapa, on Orizaba, to call nut ten regiments for the w nr, wns then cided to send a column of the army to said Rea, Esiale. Terms cash. A'o. 1, Tremont Row. taken up, and Mr. (’ass advocated its passage. No. 3, Holmes' Block, Lime flock st. ns soon as he can procure the necessary am­ Q u c re ta ro . ISRAEL THORNDIKE, Adminisirnlor. B O S T ON. In the House.— Mr. Hudson submitted a Thomaston. Jan. 5, 1848. n514w munition. Padre Jarauta, the guerilla chief, resolve to instruct the Committee on Military There is no confirmation of the news R. T. SLOCOMB, (Where Jewell A Prcseolt formerly kept,) ■was recruiting in that city. affairs to inquire into the expediency of re­ that Mr. Trist hnd agreed with the Mexi­ Denier in Medicines, Chemicals, and Perfumery, Di-solntion of Copartnership. HAVE RECEIVED, AND NOW OPENING, Cculrc Maine st. Gen. Pierce has arrived in New Orleans. questing the President to witnilraw the army can commissioners upon a treaty of pence. HE co-partnership heretofore existing under OFR FALL SELECTION OF in Mexico to the cast of the Rio Grande, ami The Washington telegraphic despatch It is stated that he will resign his commission ALBERT MERRILL, the firm of A. H. A B. KIMBALL, is ,1ns forthwith to offer to that country terms of to the Herald says that Mr. Clay will de­ T dnv dissolved by mulnnl consent. The businessjStg.'ijzjxl iiJ £ est, Lki S Counselor and Attorney at Law. wliieli immediately. pence, without claiming any indemnity for the cline n nomination ns candidate fur the Maine st., over B. IF. Lotliraji d- Co's. of the firm will be settled bv either partner. General Twiggs arrived at Vera Cruz front expenses of the w ar—the liounilary to be in ALFRED II. KIMBALL. nre nil of the desert of the Nueces, nml Mexico to lie Presidency on his arrival at Washington. BRADFORD KIMBALL. the latest im- the capital on the 9th, in command of a train. MISS A. LINDSEY. held for former spoliations. The question on It also says that there has heen a minor Milliner, dealer in Bonnets and .Millinery Goods January 4, 1818. 3wn51 pnrtnti<>n,sclcctcil Many wounded officers and soliders came with the passage of tile resolution was finally taken defalcation nt the Treasury Department Chambers. Centre Maine, bead ol Sea Si. by a Gentleman of ac­ knowledged ability ex­ the train. The General entered upon his du­ by yeas and nays, and decided in the negative. of about $25,000, nnd also one in a post- Superior Qualify. V eas 41, nays 137. A LEX A N D E R ROW E, pressly for onr I tc tn il Salon. ties as governor of the departmeut of Vera office, somewhere at the North, of #50,-! EAS. Coffee. Spices and Sugar, for sale low Pui'chascrs will b ar in mind this Mr. Houston of Delaware, offered a joint Bonding House, at Whiting's Boston Cash Store. Cruz on the 27th ult. 000. CENTRE MAINE. CORNER SEA STREET. T O n e F u e l , that we can a fiord to, resolution, thanking Gen. Taylor mid the No. 3. Holmes' Block. and W ill S ell, our Goods nt the very Trist, the American Commissioner, did not army. Mr. Henly moved nniuuenilinent, nild- O. II. PERRY. lowest price, Wc keep no oilier Goods but ing, “ while engaged in defending tin- rights MARRIAGES. Oil Cloth Carpetings! ■come down with the train under the command Dealer in Ready Made Clothing, Groceries. Ac. S I E K A A l> S KS A W 5. !•>. ami honor of the country.” Mr. Ashman of CENTRE MAINE STREET. f PIECES Oil Cloth Carpelings. of the liew- of General Twiggs, but was soon to be ex­ Our whole lime is devoted to ihe P u rch ase Mass, moved a further ninendment.—“ ill a In Bath, Mr Jewett N. Boynton, ami Mrs Cla est patterns and of the best qnnlitv, just pected nt Vern Cruz, under the escort of a war unnecessarily and uneonstitiitionaly be­ ED W IN S. H O VEY, received by DENNIS A BARRETT. nnd Sale of those articles, eonseqnonily, rinda Cutlillard. our minds nre mu diverted by oilier ob­ body of Cavalry. gun by the President.” The latter amend­ In Portland, Mr Marshall J. Haskell and Miss Counselor and Attorney at Law, ment was adopted by a small vote. CORNER OF MAINE ANU OAK STS. jects. Wc cun Select n Better (Jett. Latte bail a skirmish with the Mexi­ Joanna S. Dyer. Pork. Beef, Flour, Ae. FABRICA CHOKER STYLE T uesday, 4. Senate.— A bill wns passed, In Saco, Mr Gideon Tucker and Miss Caroline cans at a place called Matamoras. The Mex­ A. T SHERMAN. BBLS. Mess Pork, 40 bids, do Beef. 300 TUAN AVE othi rwisi: cout.n making additional provisions for the widows Atkinson, bids. Flour, 25 bids. Apples. 10 bids. Lnr.l. icans were defeated, and several American Retailer of W. I .(roods. Fruit ami Confectionery, 20 Din AVE KEEr AI.I. Till; of revolutionary pensioners. The resolutions •SOUTH END. For sale by DENNIS A BARRETT. P.AU.APIII'.IIXAI.IA prisoners were thereby liberated. Lieut, llidg- of Mr. Calhoun, on the Mexican war, were COM PRISING called up. He wns in favor of a defensive DEATHS. ley who acted as Assistant Adjutant General, EPHRAIM HALL, Notice. T II E line, though not prepared exactly to defend it. Auctioneer and Com mission Merchant, CI^HE members of Ihe Thomaston 'While Lime DRV GOODS TRADE. was killed. He called on the whig* to unite with him in At Calcutta, of Asnialic Cholera. Cipi. Edw. Ci nt re Maine st. I company are hereby notified that their an­ The officers stationed nt Puebla have resolv- putting a stop to the war. A resolution was Williams, master of ship America, of Boston. nual meeting will be held nt the store of C. A, A. GEORGE STFDLEY. OCR STYLES to present General Lane with a medal worth adopted, calling on the President for any in­ In Belfast. Samuel G. Taylor, aged 59. Snow, in East Thomaston, on Salurdnv ihe first formation in his possession relative to the re­ In Wiscasset, Nathaniel Norton, a Revolution­ Baker,—Frui and Cake Baked to Order, day of January next, at one o'clock, P. M. A ARE ENTIRELY DIFFERENT $1000. turn of Santa Anna and Paredes to Mexico. ary pensioner. No. 4, Sea st. punctual attendance is requested. From those at other stores, It was stated on good authority that Lient. In the House.—Mr. Stanton from the Naval In North Yarmouth, Mist Caroline W., only Dee. 1.5. 1147] C. W. SNOW, Sec’y. AND AVE CAN It ECO Al AI I: Ml THEM Committee, reported a bill appropriating one daughter of the hue Wntsou G. und Caroline WILLIAM II. WING, WITH CONFIDENCE. O ’Sullivan, who had heen promoted front n Dealer in Flour, Meal, Groceries ami Provisions, hundred mid fifty thousand dollara to the Dry Drinltwnter. I.ifc mid Health Iiisug*nnee. eorporalship, had resigned his commission in NORTH MAINE ST. tin Dock nt New York. f i t HE undersigned has Ihe Agency of several For Durability, Orini lily of Style the American army, and joined that of Mexi­ Life Insurance Coinpanie.s.aml nlso of seve­ AND GOODNESS OE FABRIC W eiinesdav 5. Senate. — The ten regi­ GAZETTE MARINE LIST. GEO. W. RO BINSON, I. co, with the rank of corporal. ment bill was called up. Mr. Crittenden mov­ •Merchant Tailor, ral Health Insurance Companies, which are rank­ TI1EV ARE RELIEVED TO RE UNSURPASSED. NORTH MAINE STREET. ed among the best institutions of ihe kind, and Later intelligence has been received from ed to amend, by inserting a provision authoriz­ ing tlie President to accept the services of thir­ Port of East Thomaston. would be pleased lo receive applications for poli­ We do not intend to give n Schedule, but simply the army under Gen. Wool. Several Mexi­ ty thousand volunteers. He considered the F. HARRINGTON, cies at his office. J. C. COCIIRAN. to call Ihe Pump A Block Milker, dealer in Oars. Mast hoops. Dec. 23, 1847. li lfilf. number now in Mexico sufficient to carry out Ar. 7th Sell. Texas, Perry, Bath; lOlli. Dimonil, ATTENTION OF Pl'ItCtlASEnS cans have been murdered in conflcts between Ilnnd-spiltes, Ac., No. 8 Seast. the traders and guerillas near Matamoras. the plans of the Secretary of War. Half that William, Boston ; 11th Freeman, Rhoades; do. To examine our number bail conquered every thing opposed to Sid. fub Gnlnnre. Ellms, New Orleans • Eight- Astray. Blnck W nt’cl, Strip’d and B lack Brocndo Morales, the Mexican government of New C. II. CARLES, Z“4AME into the iiiclosuro of ADRIEE 0. them. He wished to give the President au­ foot, Sleeper. Mobile; lllh, Brig Revielle, Sleep­ Carriage Maker ami Painter, Spokes for sale, SILKS, Leon, had been deposed by the military gov­ thority to call out all he wished fur only when er, New Orleans ; wL> FALLS, about ihe 15th inst.. u dark red, Plain nnd Figured; 3-4 and full one yard Avidc, At'rnry, -Y«. 5, Sea street. yearling Heifer. The ownei is requested to pay ernor of Moilteray, for aiding the guerillas. absolutely required by the state of affairs in and some I 1-2 yards Avide. Verv H eavy W a­ Mexico, hut did not wish Congress to take the Arrived at Vinalhaven. Dec. 29lh. Bark Kenka. JOSEPH HEWETT, charges nml take her away. tered do Black and Blue-bl'kGRO D'Al’RIQUE Canales was still levying n tribute on the tra­ responsibility of adding a positive force of ten Silas Loud, fifteen hours from Boston. West India Goods and Groceries, Corn and Flour, E. Thomaston, Dee. 28, 49 Black and Blue bl'k GRO D'NOBLE, GRO ders, notwithstanding the strongest efforts to regiments to the regular army. At Laguna, 4th ult, hark Epeovicr, Robbins, NORTH END. GRAIN and GRANITE, (extra heavy.) loading for Marseilles. Strayed. aurpress the practice. T hursday, ti. Senate.—'The ten Regiment ELEGANT STRIPED BROCADE, Bill being in order, Mr. W ebster, o f Mass., SAMUEL PILLSBURY, ROM “ Beech Woods Common” sometime Flour, West India Goods, and Family Groceries, F this season, n yearling Heifer, light red, The latest Paris styles, and the only Case Imp'ld. made a speech opposing its passage. Mr Hale EAST THOMASTON N ew Yobk, Friday, Jan. 7. of New Hampshire, also uddresscil the Sen­ CENTRE MAINE ST. with a much under the right ear. Whoever will 4-1 Cliamelion Striped Brocade, return said Heifer or give information where she M urder.—A German girl, seventeen years ate, opposing the passage o f the hill. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. COLE A LOVEJOY, in colors of rare beauty. In the House.—On motion of Mr. Jones, may be found, shall be suilnblv rewarded. of age, was found dead at Albany yesterday. Dealers in Lehigh and Red Adi Coal, Thomaston Dec. 2filh. GEO. BUTLER. the House resolved itself into committee of KEITII A PARTRIDGE. One door north Commercial ffouse. O U R It is supposed that she was enticed away by a the whole on the state of the Union, Caleb B. House, S h ip and Sign Painters, nml Glaziers, A s t r a y . number of boys anil murdered. Smith in the chair, and took up the Richmond South Maine St., opposite Dr. Merrill’s. JOHN MERRILL. M. D. Physician and Surgeon, D efaulter. Randall Hutchinson, a clerk mail resolution. 4 A MF. into my enclosure, about tlm first of is unusually Full and complete; comprising PERRY & FOWLER. SOUTH MAINE ST. / October, a light red yearling Heifer, with A L L W O O L nt the Philadelphia mint, has been discovered €while on her belly, tail ami hind feci. The own­ Manufacturers of ami Dealers in Cigars, THOMAS A COBH, to be a defaulter to the amount of $20,000. K3"Tltcrc has been much written nnd more Perry's Building. .South Maine St. er is requested io pnv charges and take her nwav. Dealers in W. I. Goods. Ship Chandelery. Ac. I Warrell. Dee. 25tli. SETH CRANE.' LONG AND SQUARE SHAWLS, said against the use of tobacco in all the va­ M eeting at P h ii..adf. iipia. A large meet­ North Maine st. In endless variety, and ai prices we feel no rious forms in which it is presented. The HERMON STEVENS, Thihcts nnd Fringes. hesitation in saving, ing was held at Philadelphia last evening to Counselor nt Law, I.OWELL, FAIIWELL A LOWELL, »‘3s JLoiv a s the J/rOiccsf. sympathise with Pope Pius IX. “ snuffers” of Scotch, Rappee, Maeeoboy and Post Office Building, Market Sipiare. Attorneys and Counselors at Law, Y steamer T. F. Secor, we have rec’d French Black, each, in their turn, und all together, Office, 4 Lime floik street. TH1BETS, from 50 cts to SI.OO. Super do F rom M exico. Farther accounts from JAM ES S. MOSMAN, B 8 l.a S l.2 5 . I.vones’s, all qualities and colors.We have no splendid Store and W indows to have had to take it”—not the snuff*, but a General Restorator__Menis served ai all Hours, boast,of, but the Mexico, states that the British consul who left MOODY E TIIURLO, Imlianas from 37 1-2 lo 63 1-2 cis. lecture on tile subject. The “ masticators,” Head of Kimball's Wharf. Merehanl Tailor, Dee. 27ih. 15. W. LOTHROP, A Co. GOODS W I T II I N Vera Cruz recently for Qucretaro, carried .Yo. 2 Holmes’ Block, Lime flock street. too, from hint of the humble “pig-tail,” up W. A. FARNSWORTH, despatches from the British Government of Strayed. Ifottltl adinit of a more ctClendid notice, through all the different grades, to the ehewer Foreign and Domesiie Dry Goods and Groceries, | MISS F J. KIRKPATRICK. and not suffer in comparison with those Mexico, urging authorntively the necessity of CENTRE MAINE ST. t LARGE, dark red two year old HEIFER. of the “ Virginia Honey-dew” have suffered Milliner. Dealer in Bonnets nml Millinerv Goods. of any iitltcr store in this or any •concluding a peace with the United States. No. 5 Lime florl; street. • 1 lee owner is requested to pay charges, and much from the oft, expressed opinion of wives EZEKIEL PERRY, lake her away. ASA COOMBS. other City in the Union. The latest advices from Qucretaro states und mothers. And the “smoakers,” have not English and Wes, India Goods. Corn und Flour, MISSES A. E. A C II. H A SK ELL, South Thomaston, Dec. 22, 1847. *n48 the council of Mexican Governors which had SOUTH MAIX'E, CORNER t’t.EASANT ST. Milliners and Dress Makers, We believe without exnggeration, that we can dis­ escaped seutlicluss ! no, they have suffered No. 7. Lime flock street. N’ow is your Cha sire ! play a larger assortment of assembled at that place, to deliberate on the JOSEPH F. ALLEN, much, yen, verily, more than all other votaries .W iN condition of the national affairs had bro­ Blacksmith nml Edge Tool Miutufncllirer, CHARLES. HOLMES, g" T. WHITE being anxious to change his of “ the dirty weed.” They have been drag­ kimkali.’s wharf. Alcrcliani, . present business, will sell bis entire stock ken up. They left the question of peace in trade, (consisting of Dry Goods and Provis­ ged before Magistrates, they have been driven Ifolmcs' Block, Lime flock street. 9 e » ns S Ei :i w J s or war entirely to Congress, promising to sus­ C. A. M ACOM BEK , ions). at a great bargain, and upon Ihe most lib­ E from their homes by the “ guile-wife,” yet, Auctioneer,— Room to Lei for Auction purposes. II. W. LOTH HOP A CO., than any other retail Store in this city, and see da tain Government with means to meet itsexpen- eral terms. The .situation is n very desirable one with a pertinacity worthy a better cause, they Opposite Sawyer i|- Colson's. Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods and Crockery. for carrving on the Lime business. n4S if promise to sell at the ditures. Centre Maine st. smoke on, illustrating the fact that “ there is VEIIV I.OAVEST rtltC E , D ENN IS & B A R R E T T . The Hnhy Jum pers. for the simple reason, Col. Wright, of the Massachusetts regi­ a good deal of human nuter in a man,” and Dealers in Shawls, Dress Goods, and Carpetings. SAMUEL II. DODGE, Boot Maker, t r h 'OTIIERS. if you wnntla preventative for Wi: BI T FOR GASH, ment, remained at Puebla, as Governor.— that he w ill have “ u little something” to excite. CENTRE MAINE ST. Nearly opposite Commercial ffouse. IV H erving Children, bv all, means buv one of AND SELL ONEY EOR THE SAME! Lieut. Ahbot was also at Puebla, sick. Public opinion lias decreed that snuffing is WARREN ROBINSON, those “ Patent Euastic Baiiv .Inmi’ERs.'1 They Consequently we can nfi'ord to sell at THE Dealer in West India Goods and Groceries, A. H . A R. KIMBALL, are recommended bv the Medical Faculty of New VERV BOTTOM of the market. Another cmeutc was on foot at Guadalax- dirty; chewing filthy, aud sinonking offensive. Maine, corner of Oak st. American, English, and West India Goods, York uml Pnilmlclphia. ns conducive to health, by ara, headed by Gem Vanes, in favor o f n Dic­ The last the least objectionable. Our advice Market S/aarc. imparting that exercise so much needed, while it We believe in tatorship. therefore, is, if you w ill use it, smoke it. J. T. & W . B E R R Y , never fails of pleasing. WM. 11. BARNARD, “ THE NIMBLE SIXPENCE.” C O M M E 11 C I A I. H O U S E , STARR A BLOOD, Sole Agent for Waldoborough. Jan. 1. ’48. Throw aside the box and the pipe, let the Ci­ Jcwelleis. Watch and Clock Makers, “ Lurgc Sales und Sinnll Profits.” C entral America.—The New York Cou­ Centre Maine St. gar take their place. Call at once upon P erry One door south Commtrcial House. Hifj'h MchttoE. We are Avilling to have our goods judged ac­ rier &. Enquirer learns from good authority, GAItLL & GIIEENIIALGH, cording to their merits. & F ow i.er, at their Manufactory, and pur­ that a British man-of-war had arrived nt San Harness, Trunk, and Vulise Manufacturers, J . P . W I S E , R. PAINE will commence bis next Term Dealer in Stoves, Fire Frames and Hollow Ware, on Monday, llie lOlli inst. in Mallett's 77//.' I' WILL SPEAK BOB THEMSELVES chase such varieties ns you pleuse, and our Opposite Commercial House. To all in pursuit of Juan, Central America, with the king of the Centre Maine st. M Building, two doors North of ihe Stove and Hard- word for it,—for we have proved them ull, Mosquito Shore on hoard. The commanding C. C. CHANDLER, Ware Store kept bv Air. Furbish. S IL L S O R S II A W L S from the humble short-six, up to the princely Fruit and Confectionery, Licensed io sell Liquors, EARLE A MOFFITT, Jan. 4th ISIS. officer gave formal notice of nil intention to Merchant Tailors, we woiiid be happy to snow our Stock, Avith the as- Principee,—you w ill find each variety superior CENTRE MAINE ST. stirance that they will be freely slioAvn, and no one tak e possession of the place on the 1st o f Jan ­ Maine, near head of Sea street. to anything of the kind you ever used. SAFETY FUSE importuned to buy beyond what propriety would E. II. A G. W. COCHRAN, seem lo dictate. uary, in the name of the Mosquito king. Harness, Trunk, aud Valise Manufacturers, WM. H A T T IE , Attorney and Counselor at Law, A4 -II C. & O. S. Andrews, OBSERVE, A rrived. Edw. Everett, from Leghorn; CENTRE MAINE ST. As follows. 2(10 feel for $1,60; 100 feet for 87 1-2 Never be nfiruid to do what is right because Office, over J. Wakefield’s Store. Mary and Sophia* from Nova Scotia; Ed­ N. M. H A R D IN G , cents; 50 feet for 45 cts. 49. No. 1, Ti'cni'jiit Row, No, 1. somebody will laugh at you. Never do wrong E. A S THOMASTON ISSI'RANCE CO, 38 3tn Neatly opposite Hanover street. ward from Philadelphia for Boston; Fairplay Dealer in Foreign amt Domestic Dry Goods, LINCOLN, ss—At the Probate Office at Wiscas- because that same somebody will applaud you. CENTRE MAINE ST. Office. Lime Rock Bank' Building, from New Bedford. sel. within and for llie County of Lincoln, on Never he ashamed o f nil old hat, if it is north MAINE ST. AT THEIR Also arrived, Clarisa, from Turks Island. II. L. JACKSON, the 27th day of December. A. D. 1847. well brushed and the best you have. Wholesale and Retail liooi nnd Shoe Manufactory IIIRAM G BERRY. ENRY C. LOWN!.,!, of Thomaston, who is M F. IP B C ,1 Sz F B» <55 T, Steamship Northerner, from Charleston for Maine st. head of Kimball's Wharf. Wholesale and Retail l.umher Dealer, named executor in a certain instrument pur- R O S S P O O R , New York, put into Delaware breakwater, a CoL Winchester, of Boston, while travel­ kimrai.i.'s WHARF. H purling io be the Iasi will ami tesiainenl of ENOS I. K. KIMBALL. No. 19. Tremont Street::BOSTON , day or two since, having found a slave secret­ ing in the West, recently, was robbed of a C. ELMER, late of Tlionnision in said County, Domestic and W. 1. Goods, Drugs and Medicines, j J. HARRINGTON, deceased, having presented the same fur Probate: Denier in Hats. Caps, Furs, and Umbrellas, AVE a valuable assortment of Medicines, ed on hoard. diamond breast-pin, valued nt a thousand dol­ .Yu. 1, Lime. flock street. OitniiRua. Thai llie said Henry C. I.owull give i H which they oiler for sale on the most liberal Schooner N. C. V., from New York for lars, and thirty dollurs in money. Centre Maine st. notice io nil persons inlores/eil. bv causing a eopt J terms. In their stock can be Ibuml: C A MACOMBEK, of ibis order to be posted up in some conspicuous j Edenton, N. C. has put into Norfolk with Dealer in Books. Medicines, and Fancy Goods, J. W A K E F IE L D , .Munta purifying the blood nnd elenDsing the thus prefaces his first newspaper advertise­ J. A. INGRAHAM, 1 • J. in Thomaston, for the sale of his Avurld-re- G reat C ountry. A little girl, step-daught­ West India Goods, Provisions, Boots and Shoes, All persons having demands against the Toavii, J£a slum a in o w the idum popular inmlieine nowned Sarsaparilla. in New Lnpb'.iiib Onu Jfandrt'd Thnbsnxd Bo.vtx e r o f Jam es F. Reed, uml who was one of the m ent: — maim st are requested lo present them. soi l'll : . huve been moMiLp j>*»m.rear I v CUBTIS it PER­ unfortunate emigrants that suffered so much A T Macomlier's, East Thomaston, can be Per Order. “ A tten tio n !— T h e extreme modesty IIIGGINS A DENNIS, I. K. KIMBALL. KINS, Bant,'nr. E.icli iinx eoniains at least one in the mountains of California, writes back •’1. found a greater variety ol' Valuable .Medi­ liunl inoie than W r is t’s lmhan Yvgotablo l’llb. of the subscriber has hitherto kept him Boots and Shoes. West India Goods mid Groceries, cines, than at any other store in Thomaston. Thomaston, Dec. 23tli 1817. no 49 3\v. from that territory; “Tell the girls that this is er.OCKETT's UVll.BINO, SOUTH MAINE ST. Price 25c per l ux. from advertising, hut ns forbeurunce would Eorsalent C. /V. N1 Acox'rrr.’s. the greatest place fur marrying they ever saw. appear no longer a virtue, here goes!” CHOOL HOOKS ai Ma, i.mb.-i's, cheap, same I IIiiiiSees. P ulm onary BlaSmatte. East Thouinsion, Dec. 15ib. 1P47. no47 ly F. HARDEN Jit. A SDN, Avay he sells all Ins merchandise. Eliza (her sister) is married, and this is ‘no Dealers in English ami West India Goods. ’ S ■n/AST quantities of this arliele is now living There, gentlemen traders, neighbors, F ire KaiNiiraiire. joke!’ [Reveille,] SOUTH MAINE ST. I TACK S of M ausu De Laines, from nine pence i V sold throughout the New England Slates, you see the thing can be done ; ibis ex­ up to the bust qualities, may be lound at | for the very good reason, that in a very abort tune fBpHE undersigned is authorized io receive ap D. II. B A L L S S it cures the most stubborn .12. pheatijr ns Jor the Insurance of hII kinds of cessive modesty can be overcome. Try it. Dry uml W. 1. Goods, Crockery, Flour and Corn ' Whiting’s Boston Cush Store, No. 3, Holmes' j G allantry. T here is a place in New- COUGHS AND COLDS. Kcal and .sonal Property, anil to transact other BRICK STORE, SOUTH MAINE ST. Block. Humpshire where they never have any old business for ’lie following Fire Insurance Com­ In 1S42 there were 43 cotton manufac­ it Is pleasant to the tnste, and soothing, nnd heal- panies, viz : the New England, Columbian, Hol­ maids. When a girl reaches twenty-nine, and SA W Y E R A CtH .SDN . AUTLERY; fm sale nt WHITING'S, No. 3, Itg to the lunus. Fm adults and children the tories in Mexico, having in ull 131,180 c Holmes' Block. yoke, Bow ditch, Bockingham, Atlantic. Ports* Manufacturers of Furniture uml Cabinet Wares, llist article in the world lor nil lung cotiq lumts. uiourh, .71 on mouth, Dlainv Mammoth, nnd Fann­ is still on the ladder of expectation, the young spindles. SOU 111 MAINE ST. beSold bv C. A MACOMBEK • Puce 50vis fellows rluli together und draw lots for her.— ers nnd Mechanics'. OOT AND SHOE Manufacturers are hereby 47 ' ly Dec. 23, 1847. (nl8'f) J. C. COCHRAN. ( '. A A. SNOW , informed, that at Alacombei's Book Slore, Those who escape pay a bonus to the one who Dealers in Corn. Flour, Slops’ Stoles, and Cordage, B JUVERNILE MUSIC CLASS! I Easi Thomaston, they can find a fair assortment gets her. There’s gallantry for you. CORNER OF MAINE AMI CENTRE STS ol TOOLS, and oilier urlicles used in llieir line. The Oluscunean. I W auled. MISS BERRY, will commence her sec­ Any article wanted, and noi on hand, can lie pro­ O r Jlll-liealing Baleain. O i f t i l t / a FEET 3 inch Hard Wood out-board N. A. A S. II. Ill RPEE, £ V P’, PI f Hank—2000 2 3-4 meh Ceiling Blank, H eavy. A man said to another, “which is ond term for the instruction of Boys and cured al short notice, aud that at lowest Boston NE of the best Medicines ever offered to the Furniture Ware Rtooms. Panueis and Glaziers, prices. Dee. 15. 0 io be didiActed m South ThoiuuKloti. the heaviest, a quart of rum or a quart of wa­ Misses in MUSIC at the Room in Hi Lues* IT Kit MAIN ST. public lor all diseases of Ihe lungs at D. l. 1.847- GEO. THORNDIKE ter?’’ “ Rum, must assuredly, “said the other, Block under Eagle Hull, Thursday ufturnoon [21J WAKEFIELD'S A L B E R T SH A W , M. D . Far tic ii lav Notice. ADIES', Mit>»es’ and Childrens' Bools and “ for 1 saw u man who weighed 22(1 pounds next, 12th hist., at 2 1-2 o’clock, to be held Physician amt Surgeon. 1.I. persons indebted io the subscriber, cither Shoes, at W liH INC'S. SOUTU UA1NE, (OTfOsITE OAK) »T. L staggering under u quart of rum when he every Wednesday und Saturday ufleruoon. \ by Nole or Account, are hereby notified that POTATOES! Nit. '3,Uettmr Bloek. could havu curried u gallon of water with Term, 24 Lessons — Tuition $1,00. « K « . W. P IL L S B t K Y , payment ol the same .must be made on or before q / xz X BUSHELS Potatoes, free from duea.e Flour Store, Domestic Goods awl Groceries, 1 the 1st of January next, if they would save cost. J o Ql any kind, lor sale cheap, by MJLKJ'. II ONEY, lot siilent (l.e Lim e ea se." January. I#. lb<4 n o52 North Manie el Dee 1,1817. W51 ' BENDLE'l UN, DENNIS N. BARRETT Rock Digpennuijr.