38th UPR WORKING GROUP SESSIONS SOGIESC RECOMMENDATIONS (3 - 14 May 2021) This report contains a summary and the SOGIESC recommendations of the 38th UPR Working Group Sessions. The structure of the report includes SOGIESC remarks made by the State under Review, advanced questions from Member States and recommendations of Cycle II and III. The report is based on the draft report submitted by the Working Group and notes taken by ILGA during the Working Group Sessions and drafted by Gabriel Galil (Senior Programme Officer) and Farai Chikwanha (UN Advocacy Intern) For further information on the UPR, please contact:
[email protected]. TABLE OF CONTENTS BELGIUM 3 DENMARK 8 ESTONIA 15 LATVIA 22 MOZAMBIQUE 29 NAMIBIA 34 NIGER 42 PALAU 45 PARAGUAY 48 SEYCHELLES 55 SIERRA LEONE 61 SINGAPORE 64 SOLOMON ISLANDS 72 SOMALIA 76 BELGIUM UPR SOGIESC RECOMMENDATIONS DATE AND TIME OF THE REVIEW: 5 MAY 2021, 09:00-12:30 DATE AND TIME OF THE ADOPTION OF THE REPORT: 7 MAY 2021, 15:00-1800 During the 38th UPR Working Group Sessions, Belgium received 4 SOGIESC recommendations. It will respond to these recommendations no later than the 48th session of the Human Rights Council. A. SOGIESC Information National Report 31. At all levels of government, Belgium has developed tools to tackle discrimination against LGBTQI+ persons and vulnerable groups more generally. At the regional level, the Flemish Region’s plan of action against discrimination in the workplace focuses on awareness-raising, self-regulation, monitoring and sanctions. Self-regulation has been introduced through sectoral agreements and an action plan providing for “mystery calls” to be made to service-voucher companies.