Cornwall Mental Health Project Speaking Up Winter 2012 Cover art work by Ann Grimes In this issue... CMHP - Project Update “We cannot direct the wind but we can adjust the sails” Anon

Individual Empowerment Grant join us, go to www.facebook.com/ To date we have received 176 cornwallmentalhealthproject. GP Practice applications and spent just over £10,000. We have four more meetings Isles of Scilly Health and Wellbeing planned up to March 2013. Fair Survey Marita helped to organise this and it Mental Health Self Help Grant was a huge success. Read more about it We have received 37 applications this later.

Accessible GP practices p5 World Mental Health Day p9 IOS Wellbeing Fair p13 year of which 14 are new self help groups. We still have funds available so Peer Support Network please keep the applications coming in. This new project is going from strength to strength. Read more about what our Experts By Experience Co-ordinator, Sue, has been doing later. All audits have now been completed. The Joint Commissioning Group Cover pic continues to be attended by an EBE Thank you to Ann Grimes, one of our representative. An EBE logo has now volunteers, who kindly sent us the been agreed upon and discussions picture she painted that’s gracing the continue to be raised regarding the front cover. future of the EBE model and its development. The CMHP team Carers Information p14 Become a CFT Governor p18 Winter wellness info p19 Manager: Marita Ward Facebook Group Deputy: Nicki Sweeney Your council Special feature tax benefi t is We began life in early September and Admin/East Co-ordinator: Jane changing now have 75 members. It is an open Morgan group and anyone can send a request to West Co-ordinator: Nicky Cope Help us design a scheme for join. We ask members to have respect EBE Co-ordinator: Dawn Harris for others when posting and to bear in Peer Support Co-ordinator: Sue mind that some of our members maybe McDermott emotionally vulnerable. So far, there’s been an interesting range of topics Happy Holidays from all at Cornwall

www.cornwall.gov.uk covered and some lovely instances Mental Health Project! of peer support. If you would like to LINk update p20 Council tax changes p31 Combat veterans support p32 3 2 Editor: Nicki Sweeney Individual Empowerment Grant update What’s reasonable? Accessible GP practices

How does it help? I received the grant and it was We are putting together a project awareness training for all practice staff Hear from some of the people who have VERY much appreciated. I used it proposal looking at helping GP • Improve practice staff understanding already benefitted from a grant this year. to put towards swimming lessons for practices in Cornwall review how of mental illness me and my daughter. I suffered from accessible they are to people with • Help remove the discrimination Earlier this year I was in receipt of post-natal psychosis and complex mental health problems. Feedback felt by some patients by helping GP an Individual Empowerment Grant. PTSD and having this extra time with from people with mental health surgeries take a more proactive and I enrolled on a course and used the my daughter in the water has been problems so far indicates that there are positive approach to treating people money towards buying tutor time, invaluable. some fantastic GPs and practice staff • Help remove some of the stigma books and learning materials in order The lessons were a little more pricey as around the county who already show attached to mental illness by helping to learn the Cornish language. they are in extra warm pools (brilliant genuine compassion, understanding surgeries to promote mental health I have now successfully completed my for my daughter who was born and flexibility in how they help their awareness and have clearer signposting first grade in the Cornish Language prematurely and hence tiny!) and in patients who have mental health issues. literature course and this has given me a real small groups (excellent for me as at the However, this seems to be sporadic and sense of achievement. I am going on to beginning I was very anxious going inconsistent. If you would like to comment on second grade. to public places having spent nearly 6 your GP practice, either positively Thank you so very much for the grant months in hospital). The Equalities Act 2010 states that or negatively, to help us prove which has made a very real difference The grant helped enormously and I service providers have a legal duty the need for changes please get in to me and given me something to feel that I have gone from strength to ensure they make “reasonable touch; all comments will be treated concentrate on as well as introducing to strength from amazing support adjustments” to ensure their services confidentially: me to what is becoming a real interest from my family, psychologist and my are accessible to anyone with a in my life. mental health advocate...so much so, disability. Rethink have produced a • By completing our anonymous I may well suffer with an enduring that against all odds (and boy it was a toolkit booklet that outlines what online survey: mental illness brought on by years of struggle!), I have managed to start back these adjustments might be, written in http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/ Post Traumatic Stress but this has truly at medical school (after two and half conjunction with the Royal College of GP_practice_access helped me. Many many thanks. years away) to complete the last year of General Practitioners. • By email to: nicki.sweeney@ I should now say this in the Cornish my training....something I didn’t think cornwallrcc.org.uk language I have been learning: I would achieve. Fingers crossed that The aim of this project would be to: In writing to: Nicki Sweeney, I can hang on in there - one week at a • Establish what strengths and Cornwall Mental Health Project, 2 Mur ras dhys (Many thanks to you). time at the moment! weaknesses exist in GP practices across Princes Street, TR1 2ES (if you Dhiso yn lel (Yours in all sincerity)” Thanks for all your support and just to Cornwall in terms of how accessible would like us to send you a paper re-affirm these grants really do make a they are to people with emerging or copy of the survey, please call Nicki on Michael Chappell difference. ongoing mental or emotional health 07720 955048) problems • On our website: www.cornwallrcc. You can read one of Mike’s poems in With warmest wishes • Introduce the booklet in org.uk/services/mental-health/have-a- English and in Cornish on p23 Victoria Tinkler conjunction with mental health say/

4 5 Mental Health Forums Mental Health Forums

Summary of July forums The ILS provides housing support with: no wheelchair access upstairs). for people in • Equipment to help study • Housing often not kept ‘in the loop’ 12 July accommodation. It offers low level • 1-2-1 help, enabling, mentoring with health and social care provision to 19 July tenancy support to: and learning support. individuals. • Dispersed units (scattered around • Help with getting around • There was a feeling that health A few professionals attended and the county) • Note-taking and social care are still not working informed people of work they are • Complexes • Spotting triggers to certain cohesively. involved in to help people with Funding cuts means that support unwanted behaviours, help with • There seems to be few support mental health issues. is now person-centred rather than dealing with the aftermath of an upset services in The Lizard accommodation-centred. Officers no • Helping with integration with • Individual budgets causing confusion Sally Sweeney– The Reader longer resident in complexes. Either other students and anxiety. Organisation visit once a month (Level 1 support) or The support that Claro gives is to • What other therapies are available? Provides shared reading groups in up to 2 visits a week (Level 2 support) ‘level the playing field’ with others in mental health settings, e.g. one runs at a person’s class. Support Workers can Summary of October forums Trelil Court Day Resource Centre in Shirley Finnamore – Shared Lives Co- go into classrooms to provide support , one runs at Outlook South ordinator (Mental Health) or into people’s homes. 4 October West offices in . Groups are Shirley has been seconded over to the For more information go to: www. 11 October weekly. Would like more funding to Shared Lives scheme from Cornwall clarolearning.com expand and set up other groups. Foundation Trust (CFT) but is still Allison Pyne, from Cornwall NHS Groups read short stories and poems based at Alexandra House, . Day Resource Centres Foundation Trust, did a presentation to help think about people’s own Her role is to find families/carers All service users will receive a letter via on Personal Budgets. CFT have the experiences. Some read, some listen, willing to take in someone with a the day centre staff. Kate Atkinson, contract for Personal Budgets from some talk about their experiences. mental health problem into their home CFT’s Service User Consultant, is Cornwall Council for mental health Sally has done taster sessions on to provide family-based support. supporting Colin Quick (Community and began rolling this out from April Fletcher Ward, Bodmin, and at Carers will be self-employed and are Services Manager) in putting an this year. The Council operate a Fair Stonham in St Austell, which were offered training (Mental Health First operational plan forward.This should Charging Policy in effect from April so very popular. She would like to set up Aid). They are given ongoing support be complete by September and CFT’s assessments and decision on PBs a group at Bodmin Library too. plus they can attend support groups changes will be starting in November. will follow the Council’s. The money For more info, go to: http://thereader. with other carers. There will be a service user rep can be used for any social care needs. org.uk/get-into-reading/health-and- For more information, go to www. involved with the planning group. At the moment there isn’t a brokerage wellbeing/ sharelivessw.org.uk system in Cornwall to help people Other comments who might feel unable to manage the Pauline and Hilary – The Josh – Claro Learning • It was felt that CFT need to be money awarded themselves but CFT Independent Living Service, Claro provide support to students over more aware of disability needs when are looking after funds for those with Cornwall Council 16 years with disabilities. They can help organising events (e.g. Lakeview has mental health problems who are not

6 7 Mental Health Forums World Mental Health Day - 10 October 2012 CMHP attended events at Trelil Court, Bodmin, Truro Cathedral and the Knowledge Spa with information stalls promoting our service. In Bodmin, we were interviewed able to do this. For others, family Sue McDermott, Peer Support ‘live ‘ by Laurence Reed for his BBC Radio Cornwall show and at the Knowledge Spa members are permitted to look after Network Co-ordinator from Cornwall the main event of the day was the Time To Change pledge signing by Lezli Boswell. a budget. All applications are means- Mental Health Project, spoke about tested except for anyone coming her new role in supporting self help out of hospital on a Section 117 groups. She is there to ensure groups (Aftercare). are fit for funding, particularly in light of future GP commissioning. She can Anne Phillips, Carer Support help with group stability issues, e.g. Worker from Cornwall Carers Service new members. spoke about her work. She is the CSW for west specialising in carers of The next forums will be: people with mental health problems. She said there are 6 carers groups in Thursday 24 January 2013 2-4 pm the west that she supports and she also goes into Longreach. She is now able Thursday 17 January 2013 2-4pm to see carers at home too. She clarified Truro that carers of people with mental Laurence Reed from BBC Rose and members of the Camel health issues are eligible to apply to Venues to be confirmed. Radio Cornwall interviews Club provided a delicious lunch the mental Health Project for a self everyone - there was no at Trelil Court! help group grant. escape! Anne said that there is an issue about some people not recognising themselves as ‘carers’ but that anyone And some of us got to make a felt who looks after another adult with square for an ‘art installation’ for Trelil things like shopping, getting out with guidance from the lovely Pamela of bed or making a meal could be Atkin of Cornwall College! classed as a carer. At the bottom of GP prescriptions there a box people can tick to say they are a carer and these people will receive information about support available to them. The CABs and Disability Cornwall can offer welfare rights advice to carers.

8 9 Independent Visiting Scheme Independent Visiting Scheme

LONGREACH HOSPITAL staff around in communal areas at the and trees planted instead to prevent moment, which is great. the general public from being able to Bay • The Named Nurse board seems see in to the ward. The fenceis about • Building work will be starting to be working well; info is clear and 6 foot, which is an improvement, shortly to turn Bay Unit into two understandable. but no planting of shrubs has being wards, with an additional 4-bedded • Section 17 leave is still an issue due undertaken as yet Vulnerable Adults ward. The to the ward being short-staffed. This • Patients and carers are happy with Ocuppational Therapy unit, Haven, is being addressed through current the care people get. However, there Our team of volunteer Inpatient will move upstairs onto the ward; recruitment measures. Patients have is no privacy for carer visits. We are Independent Visitors, assisted by downstairs will now be an outpatient said that the staff were thought to be taking this to the Stakeholder Forum. our Co-ordinators, talk to service facility. The garden will probably be very caring but often seemed too busy • Information boards are now up plus users on all the psychiatric wards in split into two to allow separate access to help with the issues of every day there is one just outside the ward for Cornwall to find out how they feel but how this will be done is still ward life. carers/visitors. about inpatient services and whether undecided – we have concerns that this they have any concerns or queries may not offer enough outdoor space. Cove • Our Harvest Visitor reported that they need help with. We are also raising concerns about • Staff seemed very gentle and caring, there is now one member of staff when this will happen, the timescales particularly Healthcare Assistants. asigned each day as Security and These are the key issues picked involved and how CFT plan to assist • Nicky C will join in with informal this person will be responsible for up by our Visitors over the last six friends and family of patients in cooking group next time to help monitoring who is coming on and off months, plus other interesting bits of visiting those who will be temporarily engage with patients. the ward and for handing out alarms. information. accommodated at Bodmin Hospital • More staff are now trained to use whilst the work is underway. BODMIN HOSPITAL the gym and high risk equipment has General issues • Feedback about staff is positive been removed, all meaning that the In July, Cornwall Foundation Trust but there are still staff shortages Harvest gym is now more accessible to patients. (CFT) recruited a number of RMNs and patients report sometimes • Vanya Woods is the new Ward (Registered Mental Nurses) and were feeling fobbed off with queries. Manager following Paul Deacon’s Fettle looking to recruit approximately 40 We are requesting an update on departure. • The Fettle Visitors report issues HCAs in the near future. The HCAs staff recruitment at the new CFT • Windows that look out from the with food: it’s not always arriving are not expected to be attached Stakeholder Forum on 21st November. dining room onto the public street are on the ward hot and people have to permanently to any particular ward • Name badges are now being worn currently obscured to protect patients’ order 3 days in advance, which is not but will work at each on rotation. and are visible. privacy and dignity. However, our always practical. We have asked the The aim of this recruitment drive is to • Welcome back to our Independent Visitor has picked up complaints from Ward Manager whether the ward staff provide more effective and consistent Visitor, Debbie, who will visit Bay people about not being able to see out; can help with patients being able to patient care versus the use of bank alternate weeks with Nicky Cope. She she says that Phil Confue is intending remember (e.g. helping them to record nurses to fill gaps in staffing. has commented that there are more that the area outside be fenced off what they’ve asked for, maybe using a

10 11 Independent Visiting Scheme Isles of Scilly Health and Wellbeing Fair Tuesday 13 November 2012

spot chart) Productive Ward/ Meridian “The Shadow Health and Wellbeing Questionnaires Board said that many islanders can Bowman Our assistance with this work is feel isolated from sources of help and • Jane Morgan has been asked by going well. Feedback from our support. This is the beginning of our the ward to see what activities service volunteers indicates that the Meridian drive to connect our community to users would like as a lot say they are Questionnaire (a patient satisfaction what is available to them.” bored on the ward. Some unusual survey) seems to focus on how well the suggestions have been put forward, not ward and its staff are doing their job Chairman of LINk4Scilly, Sue Williams all actually possible, but all have been rather than on the patient experience. commented further, “It is amazing Carers Support Workers from CRCC’s Carers passed on to the ward manager to look The questions are also felt to be too Service offer information to Islanders how many organisations exist on the at. structured, requiring only ‘yes’, ‘no’, mainland who are available to provide • Jane was asked to make stressballs or ‘sometimes’ responses. We will feed Inhabitants of the Isles of Scilly were support to islanders. We were delighted with the patients after a successful trial this back at the Stakeholder Forum. delighted to receive the first Health and to see so many partners at this event run at LINk’s Heartlands event. This Wellbeing Fair of its kind, on St Mary’s and hope that we can make more was thoroughly enjoyed by all the IVS Review on 13 November. and more contacts over the coming ward! Focus group – we feel it would be a months.” good idea to review IVS, e.g. what This impressive event, organised by Fletcher works, what doesn’t and whether a LINk4Scilly, Council of the Isles of Marita Ward Mental Health and Fuel • Lots of information notices have fresh approach in some areas is needed. Scilly and Cornwall Rural Community Poverty Project Manager for CRCC gone up; things feel more structured Nicki S suggested that a focus group Council (CRCC), took up every said, “I was really pleased to be able to and organised. (made up of project staff, Independent available seat on the plane to get all the attend this event and came away having • The ward phone is mended but a Visitors, other volunteers and other partners and their information over made links with local organisations recent comment about the issue of paid workers) could come together to from the mainland. There were both and front line workers on Scilly. We privacy for phone calls has arisen again. look at the whole scheme, particularly general advice and one to one sessions were able to provide in-depth support We are taking this to the Stakeholder in light of future commissioning. Any available on a range of topics including advice on a range of topics and we are Forum. changes would take effect from April staying warm this winter, energy hoping to build on this relationship by 2013 management, debt advice, mental returning in the new year.” Garner health support, carers’ services and • There are now only 2 patients left so activities. The aim was to strengthen For further information, please contact the Garner Visitor, Rose, has decided islanders’ knowledge of services Carol Clarke, LINk4Scilly 01720 to withdraw from visiting this ward available to them, both near and far. 423037, Leonie Jones, Council of the until further notice. She would like to Isles of Scilly 01720 424034 or thank the ward staff for their support Chairman of the Council of the Isles Marita Ward CRCC 01872 243532 of her. of Scilly Shadow Health and Wellbeing Board, Cllr Mike Hicks commented,

12 13 Cornwall Carers Service http://www.cornwallcarers.org.uk/ Caring forCaring the C forar theer. Carer. Do you look after someone? Are you a carer? Do you want to learn skills to help in your caring role? Do you want to learn skills to A carer helps to look after another help in your caring role? person who is not able to look after Develop coping strategies themselves completely without help. Develop copingUnderstand strategies co—dependency Understand co—dependency How to nurtureHow yourself to nurture yourself The person you look after could be We are running a second round of Are someone in your family, a partner theWe 3 are day running course a insecond venues round across of the 3 day course in venues or a friend. You might help them by Cornwall across Cornwall getting them up from bed, making a Truro 13,14,15th of November 2012 you a 5,6,7th of February 2013 meal, shopping or reminding them to Wadebridge 14,15,16thHayle 5,6,7th of May of 2013 February 2013 16,17,18th of July 2013 carer? take their tablets. Many people who Wadebridge 14,15,16th of May 2013 look after someone do not realise they This courseLiskeard is free16,17,18th of July 2013 We will provide are carers and might feel they are just  Lunch  Travel costs If so, help helping.  Small Contribution towThisards c acoursering is free Wec owillsts provide: Lunch, travel costs, small contribution towards is at hand...  Course handbook You can get FREE help if you are a  caring costs, a course handbook Please phone for enquiries or to book carer. your place; Tel - 07775756454 EmaPleaseil -ca rphoneing4ca forrer [email protected] oro.u tok book your place: Tel - 07775756454 Email [email protected]

Cornwall Carers Forums With just a call to the helpline, dedicated support can be offered for Carers Forums are open to all carers. them, and also to make sure reports your needs in your caring role. and minutes are written and actioned Open to all informal and unpaid carers, properly. 01872 266383 the Carers Forums are being set up across Cornwall in each of the nine For more information or to attend It is available to all from 8am to 6pm, new Health and Social Care hubs to a meeting please call the Forum and Monday to Friday (excluding bank provide an avenue for information and Events Co-ordinator, Jeanette Toy holidays) and an out of hours answer guidance. on 01872 274299 or mobile 07763 phone is available for messages, with a 668697 or email jeanette.toy@ guaranteed, timely response. The forums will be held quarterly carersrights.org.uk. in each area having administration support to help organise and run

14 15 Peer Support Network - update

In August and September mental sessions to help identify new funding volunteers which focus on building groups recognised that they did health self help groups across the opportunities and reduce/spread group facilitation skills. not have the time, skills or contacts county took part in a survey sent reliance on funders. These will begin • Fluctuations in numbers attending they felt were needed to produce out by the Peer Support Network in the New Year. groups were understood to be reflective publicity and promote groups. The Co-ordinator, Sue McDermott. The • Most mental health self help groups of patterns of mental ill health but Peer Support Project is planning to idea of the survey was to gather (74%) have their own bank account a significant number of groups provide a series of short publicity information on the common but a quarter don’t. Unfortunately also mentioned a lack of members/ workshops including information, the difficulties experienced, the barriers to the stress and the extra responsibility numbers. Some felt that groups were use of language, images, different IT sustainability faced by the groups and involved in opening a bank account either difficult to promote or that programmes and techniques. also their support, training and advice often present substantial barriers to self public awareness and stigma hindered needs. help mental health group members. new members approaching. Some Sue McDermott Even the groups with bank accounts Nineteen groups responded and the that keep basic financial information results from the survey showed: and records may not be reviewing or SEAP LGBT Survey using the information to influence • The majority (63%) of groups have planning or development. The Peer Can you help SEAP understand more questionnaire. The initial findings have been running for over 5 years but 10% Support project hopes to provide about the advocacy needs of LGBT pointed to the need for a special focus are new (less than a year old) and the information sessions for mental health communities in the South West? SEAP on the needs of LGBT young people average (over 70%) size of a self help self help support groups on basic is the agency that can advocate for (under 25 years), older people, refugee support group tends to be between financial controls, budgeting, petty people who wish to lodge a complaint and asylum seekers and people from 6-14 people per session. cash systems and drawing up annual about their health services. black and minority ethnic backgrounds. All the groups who responded to the accounts. Their teams in Liskeard and Trowbridge If you are Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual or survey received funding through the • There was recognition that have embarked on a joint project to Trans and live in Cornwall, Devon, Mental Health Self Help Resource organizing and running a self help research the experiences and advocacy Dorset, Somerset or Bath & North fund as their main or only funder group can be an additional source of support needs of Lesbian, Gay, Bi- East Somerset please help SEAP by (however most also supplement stress and pressure, which might affect sexual and Trans (LGBT) communities completing their short survey. It funding by voluntary contribution the personal mental health of group in South West . Their aim is to shouldn’t take more than a couple of from members). Every self-help leaders and, at times, potentially the understand more about how they can minutes of your time. The survey is group mentioned insufficient and/ sustainability of a group. In fact, improve access and delivery of all their anonymous unless you choose to tell or unreliable funding as a threat to losing paid facilitators or the funding services to best meet LGBT people’s SEAP your name. sustainability and clearly for some to pay facilitators was also recognised needs. For more information visit: http:// the reduced self help group grant as a threat to sustainability. The Peer This new initiative was launched www.seap.org.uk/news/can-you- was felt to be insufficient. The Peer Support project is going to explore at Bristol’s Pride Festival ‘We are: help-us-understand-more-about-the- Support project hopes to ease this by funding for a bank of ‘duty facilitators’, PROUD’ on the 14th July 2012, advocacy-needs-of-lgbt-communities- providing workshops and one-to-one with training sessions for members and where nearly 100 people completed the in-the-south-west.html

16 17 Winter Wellness

Do you know someone who is elderly, in poor health or caring for young children and who is worried about Become a Governor their home being too cold or damp? If you would like to have more say in how our To obtain a nomination form, please contact services are run, why not stand as a Governor in John Box, Returning Officer on 020 8889 9203 or this year’s elections? email [email protected] The Winter Wellness campaign negotiation; Our Governors have an excellent track record of Nominations must be made between offers advice on how to reduce fuel • Emergency Fund for vulnerable developing and improving our services for the 15 November 2012 and 13 December 2012. benefit of patients. For example, they have been poverty, raise awareness of the risks people in immediate need, e.g. fuel instrumental in the development of our STOP We’ll post the list of everyone interested in of low temperatures, damp/mould payment, boiler repairs, electric Stigma resource and our Volunteer initiative. becoming one of our Governors on our website on 14 December 2012. and encourages the take-up of grants blankets, duvets, etc; We require Governors to represent members in available for insulation and heating. • thermometer cards and carbon all of our constituencies: the East Service Area Everyone who is a member of the Foundation Constituency, West Service Area Constituency, Trust will be able to vote for the candidates they monoxide monitors; Staff Constituency and our “Other” Constituency want to represent them early next year. Please contact the Community Energy • emergency heaters or coal; (all non-Cornwall electoral ward areas). Vicky Wood, our Chair, would be happy to speak Plus helpline on Freephone 0800 954 • loft clearance facilitating installation You don’t need any special experience to to you if you are interested in taking up a become a Governor. We’re looking for people position as a Governor. 1956 of insulation; who have an interest in mental health, learning Contact her on 01726 291000 or email • keep-warm boxes (safety lights, disabilities or improving the health of children [email protected] and young people, or people who have used / Some of the support available this year thermo blankets, hand warmers, and are currently using our services. will be for vulnerable individuals at hot water bottles); risk of ill-health caused by cold homes/ • independent living support, e.g. WinterOur 2012 participation / 13 festivals in andresearch celebrations homelessness, including: recently discharged from hospital, A number of the Trust’s clinicians and staff are In order to be supported by the Trust, each study involved in leading edge research to help bring must be of a high-quality, peer-reviewed and • Impartial assistance with home reducing risks from falls, healthy about developments in treatment and care as funded by the National Institute for Health insulation and heating grant lifestyle (‘heat and eat’); soon as possible. Research (NIHR) or a partner organisation with 10 November: Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Birthdaysimilar - competitivebirth commissioning criteria. applications; • Assisting rough sleepers regarding anniversaryOne of our of Consultants, the first Dr SikhRichard guru Laugharne • Help with energy tariffs, debt warmth, housing, health, addictions, has taken the title of Director of Research in The Trust earns money from research - over 13 November:addition to his Diwali daily clinical - Hindu role. & Jain Festival£100,000 of inLights 2010/11, a proportion of which is and fuel payment, e.g. income through night shelter. 14 November: Truro Festival of Lights used to help develop further research. If you’d maximisation and repayment • Together with a small team of clinical studies like to find out more or be involved in the Trust’s 5 November:officers, Richard Al-Hijira encourages - Islamicteams across New the Yearresearch studies please contact Richard For more information please either have 8 December:Trust to become Bodhi involved Day in nationally- the day adopted the BuddhaLaugharne experienced via 01208 251300 enlightenment or visit our a chat with Jane on 01872 243532 or research studies in the areas of psychiatry, website. 8-16 psychologyDecember: and learning Hanukkah disabilities. - Jewish Festival of Lights there is a dedicated freephone number 25 December: Christmas - the birth of Jesus Christ 0800 954 1956 26 December to 1 January: Kwanzaa - US celebration of African American culture IMPORTANT - please tell them you 3 10 February Gong Xi Fa Cai / Gong Hey Fat Choy - Chinese New Year heard about this through CRCC ! (Mandarin / Cantonese)

18 19 Watch Your Health, Heartlands Cornwall Mental Health Project’s mental health services and will keep popular stress ball-making stand. you posted on the outcome. A Task Wow, what a day as LINk in Cornwall Group will be looking at this issue on (LINk) celebrated its successes from the LINk was also joined by a number Tuesday 4 December. past four years at Heartlands, Pool, on of health and social care agencies and October 30. a health and wellbeing Q&A panel, Social Inclusion DVD which all added up to an informative LINk’s training DVD, created with The volunteer-led project works with and interactive way for LINk to begin people from groups classed as most the public to ensure its voice is heard its transition to Healthwatch Cornwall. excluded in Cornwall, including by those who plan and run health and homeless people, people from the BME Macmillan Cancer Support at Heartlands adult social care services in the county, To find out how you can volunteer community, gypsies and travellers, and and influence positive change when with LINk and Healthwatch Cornwall, young vulnerable people talking about Information about the DVD will be necessary. visit www.linkincornwall.org.uk, or call their experiences of accessing health cascaded throughout the networks of 01872 243533. and care services in the county, has the organisations who attended the LINk will transition to Healthwatch been showcased at the ‘LINk up with Task Group meeting, the South West Cornwall in 2013 and its celebration Other LINk updates Watch Your Health’ event on October Forum will be publicising the DVD day aimed to showcase the projects 30 at Heartlands. through its networks and LINk will achievements and keep the public Veterans’ Mental Health update also promote it through its networks. informed of future developments. LINk began to look into the mental It is hoped the DVD will be used to The crowds were entertained with health support available to former supplement the existing equality and If you are a health and social care energetic Zumba and Capoeira, armed forces personnel in the county diversity training for frontline staff organisation and feel your staff would relaxing yoga, toe-tingling reflexology, following feedback provided by one of across a number of organisations in the benefit from this training DVD, Makaton signing lessons, food tasting its volunteers who is a combat veteran. near future. please call Clare Pawley on 01872 stalls, and creative crafts, including 243546 to discuss receiving a copy.

Face painting with Volunteer Cornwall at Heartlands Along with attending the National A Task Group meeting in September Armed Forces Day earlier this year and to review the DVD and obtain Communicating with your GP a one-to-one session with Surf Action, a feedback from attendees, including LINk continues to engage with Patient group that works with combat veterans equality leads from Cornwall Council, Participation Groups in GP surgeries in Cornwall to help them overcome the Primary Care Trust, NHS South across the county. obstacles they may be facing through West, Derriford Hospital, Royal surfing and therapy, LINk has also Cornwall Hospitals Trust, as well as Its outreach worker runs the meetings spoken with South West PTSD. voluntary organisations and the public, in conjunction with the “Changing drew positive feedback, with South Lives” project work. Through these LINK hopes to meet with the Primary West Forum supporting the final meetings LINk aims to help PPGs Care Trust’s commissioner for veterans’ amendments with further funding. understand the change from LINk

20 21 Refurbishment to Garner Ritual Devos Ward completed earlier this Mike’s poem in English ...... and in Cornish year to Healthwatch, while also capturing A Harvest Moon o’er Kernow tonight Lor Trevas a-ugh Kernow haneth yn feedback from patients about their As upon the Carn I stand nos experiences of using services. A full A view out toward the distant sea Del savaf war an Carn report of this work will be made Across this ancient land Gwel yn mes troha’n mor pell available in December 2012. A fire burning embers low Adrus an hendyr-na Ochre stain upon Pagan face Tan ow lesky lusow ysel The provision of out-of-hours And words of Cornish chanting out Dyslyw meles war enep dyscryjyk support for people with mental Atop this rocky place Ha geryow a Gernewek ow curgana health problems The granite menhir tales to tell War ben an tyller carnak-ma LINk continues to sit on the Expert Of birth and life and death An menhyr-growyn a lever drollys Reference Group, hosted by the A thousand flint arrowheads upon this A dhenethyans, a vewnans, a vernans Primary Care Trust. It monitors how hill Myl pyl callester war an bre-ma the recommendations from the Out- Ephemeral spirits called on Wiccan Spyryjyon anbarhus gelwys war wragh- of-Hours Mental Health Task Group breath wheth are progressed. LINk’s latest newsletter Guardians of East, North, South and Gwythyas a Yst ha North ha Soth ha regarding out-of-hours services is West West available on the website. Athame held aloft above chalice bright Athame synsys a’ban awartha kelegel Hands grasped in circle secured sound lenter Personal Budgets As steel blade flashes in Blood Moon’s Lufyow dalghennys yn sawder a’n kelgh LINk has invited a representative light Del lughes an laun dur yn golow from Cornwall Council to meet with And rituals continue on solitary mound Goslor interested LINk volunteers Just like past times far gone on by Ha devosow a bys war knogh dygoweth to discuss the complexities of assessing As Druidic ways and words unbound Kepar ha termyn us passyes pell someone for a personal budget, while Beneath thundery Celtic sky tremenys also engaging with A’n par na fordhow ha geryow community groups to do targeted drewydhnek dygelmys outreach on this issue. Once a response War woles ebren Gelt taranek and commitment on this has been received by LINk, it will promote © Myghal Map Serpren details via its online social media, Gweresys gans ‘My Ha’m Ros’ website, and via the bulletin.

St Breock Monolith, courtesy of and thanks to Cornwall Heritage Trust

22 23 Local Self Help Support Groups Local Self Help Support Groups cntd.

Countywide contact Kaz Neumann: khneumann@ Hearing Voices Group St Austell Coffee Corner yahoo.co.uk or phone 07886 969248. Bodmin Wednesdays 2.30-4.00pm Fridays 10am-1pm, St John’s Methodist Breakaway * Call 07807 813996 Church, Bodmin Road Support for people wanting to reduce Freedom OCD Group or come off Benzodiazepines Every last Thursday of the month, Manic Depression/ Bipolar Group St Columb Minor Coffee Corner Call 07788 572908 10.30am - 1pm, Truro Once a month, Mondays, 4-6 pm, Thursdays 10am-12.30pm, The Call Penny on 07831 295007 Newquay Centre, St Michael’s Road, Memorial Hall CTSAR/Cornwall Transgender [email protected] Newquay Support and Resource Call Lesley on 07570 510359 for dates For more information call Lynn 1-2-1 Confidential Email, Text, Phone Pink Umbrella LGBT Group Newman on 01637 851155 and ‘Outreach’ Support, Advocacy Gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans support * and signposting for anyone resident or Every 3rd Friday of the month, 1-3pm, visting Cornwall & IOS identifying 2 Princes St, Truro Rethink as Transgender, Androgyne or Gender Call Kaz on 07886 969248 Restormel Mind questioning also available to SOFFAs. Wadebridge (CTSAR is a ‘Pan Equality’ resource SOBS Patchwork Group Cornwall College courses, which has a proven track record Suicide Bereavement Support Group Mondays 9.30am-12pm, The Pavilion Friday morning group, nature/ in raising Transgender Awareness, Last Wednesday of the month, 7-9pm Workshop, Mount Wise Car Park, photography group (Camel delivering Transgender Awareness in Carrick Newquay Trail), Cafe Chat group Training and engaging in Specialist Call 07952 410637 Policy Consultation across all sectors.) Newquay S.H.E. Group (women’s St Austell Cafe chat groups East Cornwall social group) Kernow Katz/Self Help Group for Mondays 10am-1pm, Newquay Liskeard OCD group, Cafe Chat people who identify as FTM/MTF Camel Club Centre, St Michael’s Road group Transsexual (Monthly meetings) Social group Fridays 10 am - 1.30pm Delabole Newquay Coffee Corner SWTEN/South West Transgender Church Wednesdays 10am-12.30pmThe Equality Network, supported by Call 07788 572908 Newquay Centre Equality South West. Out ‘n’ About Group (activity group) CAMEO Thursdays 10am-12pm, Various YaY! Young and Yourself/ LGBTQ Social group community centres Youth Group -13-25yrs. (Regular Every other Tuesday afternoon, meetings) British Legion St Stephen Coffee Corner Email [email protected] Fridays 10am-12.30pm, St Stephen For information on all of the above Community Centre, Fore Street

24 25 Local Self Help Support Groups cntd. Local Self Help Support Groups cntd.

Bodmin Fishing group in the Conservative Club, St Piran’s Carrick Mind Bude Womens’ Group, Carers’ Group West Cornwall Road Call Brenda 01872 572453 or Betty Falmouth Coffee Corner Various locations WRAP (Wellness All Saints Church Community 01872 572546 Thursdays 10.30am-12.30pm, WI Recovery & Action Plan) Groups Centre - Self Help Groups Hall, Webber Street St Agnes Self Help Group For more information call Rethink on Rendezvous Social Club: Thursdays Social Support Group Truro Coffee Corner 01208 815676 3pm-5pm, Saturdays 6pm-8pm Mondays 11am-12.30pm Tuesdays 10am-12pm, Carrick Sports * Coffee Lounge, St Agnes Methodist & Recreation Hall Rural Community Link Project Go Forward Social Club: Fridays 2pm- Church, British Road Welcome groups - all run 10am - 4pm Call 01872 553305 18-30 Social Support & Wellbeing 12.30pm Group Monday - Alexander Hall All Saints Church Community Centre, Wednesdays 10.30 am -12.30 pm, Tuesday – Lostwithiel Railway Station Church View Road, Different locations (specifically for and Fraddon Village Hall Tel: 01209 610937 - Gill or Treve those aged 18-30). Please ring the office Wednesday - St Stephen, RCLP Office West Cornwall Mind for details. Friday - Penwithick Community Hall Falmouth Mindful Arts Dracaena Centre Camborne - Mondays 1.30-3.30pm, Referral required from a GP or Men’s Group - One Sunday a month Email: [email protected]. Camborne Parish Church Hall, Church other health professional. For more for Restormel residents uk St (opp Aldi’s) information about the Carrick Mind groups, please call Kate or Ruth on Take A Break Craft Group – Tuesday, Hearing Voices Group Helston - Tuesdays 10am-12pm, St 01872 222469 1-4 pm, St Stephen Penzance, Every other Tuesday 1.30- Mary’s RC Church Hall, Clodgey Lane 3.30pm (near Tescos roundabout) For info on any group call RCLP on Call Lesley on 07570 510359 Cornwall Memory Café Network 01726 821858 or go to Penzance - Wednesdays 10am-12pm, www.rclproject.com Manic Depression/ Bipolar Group St Mary’s Church, Chapel Street * Every 3rd Wednesday of the month, East Cornwall Memory Cafés 2-4pm, Healing Star, Causewayhead, People can attend a group once for Soil to Soup Wellbeing Garden Penzance a taster session. After this, a referral Bodmin Memory Café Wednesdays, 10-12 (Winter), Bodmin Call Nicky on 07791 322096 is required from a GP, mental health Berdekesa Court, Robartes Road Call Mary on 07407785520 or the worker, housing support or other Alternate Mondays, 10-12pm office 01208892855 Perranporth Coffee Corner support organisations. Contact - Kerry Banbury Social group For info on any of these Mind groups Tel: 07855 305577 Wednesdays 10.30am - 1pm, Upstairs call 01209 714550

26 27 Cornwall Memory Café Network Cornwall Memory Café Network

Bude Memory Café First Friday of every month, 2pm-4pm Every other Thursday St Austell Memory Café Parkhouse Centre, Bude Contact Beryl on 01503 272323 Contact Library Cuddra WI Hall, Bucklers Lane Every 1st & 3rd Friday from 2pm-4pm Every 1st and 3rd Monday, 2-4pm. Contact Alan Butler 01288 355254 Saltash Memory Cafe Newquay Memory Café Contact Sue McDermott on 01872 Burraton Methodist Church, Liskeard St. Columb Minor Church Hall 243559 Memory Café Road, Saltash PL12 4RH St. Columb Minor. Callington Town Hall Every 2nd Wednesday 2- 4pm Every 2nd and 4th Thursday, 2-4pm Truro Memory Café Every other Saturday, 2-4 pm Contact Alzheimers Society 01872 Contact Keith Dynan on 07968 960 All Saints Church Hall, Highertown Contact Rick Lumley on 01579 277963 694 Every 2nd & 4th Friday, from 1.30 382705 or Nick Ford on 01579 –3.30pm 351888 Wadebridge Memory Café Perranporth Memory Café Contact Sue McDermott on 01872 St. Breock School, Tremarren Road St Michael’s Church Hall, 243559 Memory Café Every 2nd & 4th Saturday from 2 - St Michael’s Road, Perranporth Anvil Court, Anvil Court Road 4pm Every 2nd Monday, from 2 - 4pm West Cornwall Memory Cafés Every 2nd & 4th Monday from 2pm- Contact Margaret on 07867 783728 or Contact Alan on 01872 572050 4pm www.wmca.btck..co.uk Camborne Memory Café Contact - Margaret Lovell on 07867 Polperro Memory Café All Saints Church Community Centre 783728 Lostwithiel Memory Café The Methodist Church, Fore Street, Church View Road, Tuckingmill Lostwithiel Community Centre, Polperro Every 1st & 3rd Wednesday 1.30-3.30 Downderry Memory Café Liddicoat Road, Lostwithiel PL22 0HE Every 3rd Friday from 2 - 4pm Contact Alzheimer’s Society on 01872 The Zone, Downderry, nr Every alternate Thursday, 2-4 pm Contact Pauline 01503 272473 277963 Every 2nd & 4th Thursday, 2-4 pm Contact Jo Hague on 01208 871196 Contact Penny on 01503 250432 or Probus Memory Café Helston Memory Café Heather 01503 250381 Mid Cornwall Memory Cafés Village Hall Hens Horn Court, Station Road, Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday, 2.30 - Helston Launceston Memory Café Falmouth Memory Café 4.30 pm 1st & 3rd Tuesday, 2 - 4pm Launceston Methodist Church, Emmanuel Baptist Church, Western Contact Mike Durose Contact - Margaret on 07974 728435 Dingley Hall, Launceston Terrace, Falmouth Every other Saturday from 2pm-4pm Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday, 2pm- 4pm Isles of Scilly Memory Café Contact - Cym Downing Tel: 01566 Contact Bob/Toops on 0845 475 Garden Pavillion, Chaplaincy Gardens 774425 3319, or visit Church Street, St. Mary’s. www.falmouthmemorycafe.org.uk Every Friday 2.00-4.30pm Liskeard Memory Café Contact Rowan on 422148/Jane on Liskeard Methodist Church, Wesley Fowey Memory Café 422002. House, Bay Tree Hill, Liskeard Fowey One Stop Shop, Fowey Library

28 29 Cornwall Memory Café Network Examples of how the proposed new Localised Council Tax Support scheme will affect some people in Cornwall Mullion Memory Café St Just Memory Café Your council Example 1 Mullion Methodist Chapel Cricket Pavillion, Cape Cornwall Road A single person currently in receipt of Job Seekers Every 1st and 3rd Friday from 2 - 4pm 1st and 3rd Friday from 2-4 pm Allowance Income Based benefit. They receive £13.92 tax benefi t is per week council tax benefit which covers their full Contact Lillian Watson on 01326 Contact Margaret on 07974 728435 / bill and currently they do not have to pay anything 240709 Chris on 07867 783728 changing towards their council tax. Under the new proposals, the maximum amount of council tax support we can Help us design a scheme for Cornwall award them will be 70% so they would only receive Penzance Memory Café a maximum of £9.74 towards their council tax bill. Committee Rm 1, Penzance One Stop Under the new scheme they will have to pay £4.06 Shop per week.

Every 2nd & 4th Thursday from 2 - Example 2 4pm A single parent on a low income living in a band E Contact Margaret on 07974 728435 / Overcome post natal depression with property. Their council tax is £25.99 per week and they receive £13.03 per week benefit towards their Chris on 07867 783728 free help and support council tax. Under the new proposals their new support will be calculated using a Band D charge. Memory Café New Finding Yourself Again groups In addition to this they would also be restricted to a maximum of 70% of the current band D charge. www.cornwall.gov.uk Community Centre, Foundry Row aim to help new mums deal with the Currently they pay £12.96 p/w towards their council Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday, 1.30 - competing demands of motherhood What does the change mean? tax bill. Under new proposals they will have to pay 3.30 pm and help them better understand and The Government has said the new Localised £24 per week. Contact Alzheimer’s Society on 01872 manage their feelings more effectively. Council Tax Support scheme must include the Example 3 277963 following requirements: A couple living in a band E property whose council tax is £25.34 per week. They currently receive disability • There will be no change to the amount of Post natal depression affects around 1 benefits and do not have to pay anything towards their St Day Memory Café in 5 women, but it is temporary and financial help pensioners currently receive. council tax. Under the new proposals their property Parkhenver, West End, Redruth recovery is possible with the right help Pensioners will be part of a national scheme would be restricted to a band D charge. In addition to this they would also be restricted to a maximum of covered by law (using existingcouncil tax benefit Every other Tuesday, 6.30-8.30 pm and support. 70% of the current band D charge. Under the new Contact Angela Downing on 01209 rules). proposals they will have to pay £10.79 per week. 215790 The free groups, funded by NHS • It must encourage people to work and in Cornwall and Isles of Scilly, are run particular should not make people feel less keen What if I want to know more? For more information or to read the draft proposed St Ives Memory Café to get a job. by Outlook South West at children’s scheme in full, please visit our website: Memorial Hall, Trencrom Lane, Carbis centres in Penzance, Camborne, Truro, • The impact on the most vulnerable must be www.cornwall.gov.uk/benefits Bay Falmouth, Liskeard and Camelford. considered when designing new schemes. Every 1st and 3rd Thursday from 2 - Mums can be referred by a health You can also contact us by: 4pm professional - for example a Heath Who will be affected by the changes? • Phone: 0300 1234 121 Contact Margaret on 07974 728435 / Visitor or GP - or can self refer by Apart from pensioners, every working age • Email: benefi [email protected] Chris on 07867 783728 calling 01208 871905. Each of the person currently entitled to council tax benefit • Visiting your local One Stop Shop venues will have crèche facilities. will be affected.

30 31 PTSD in Combat Veterans

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is used In addition to this, life after service 2 Princes Street, Truro TR1 2ES to describe a combination of symptoms can bring spiralling debt problems. Tel: 01872 243532 and behavious that an individual may In The Guardian newspaper’s Money Email: [email protected]. experience after a traumatic event(s). supplement, Saturday 10 November, it uk was reported that serviceman “become Symptoms may include: used to decisions being made for Cornwall Partnership NHS • flashbacks of the event or inability to them and having some of their costs Foundation Trust - Community taken from www.realitypod.com remember the event at all subsidised – then, when they leave, Veterans Service • persistent, unwanted thoughts and they can struggle to get to grips with http://www.cornwallfoundationtrust.nhs. positive brighter future. images money.”1 uk/cft/OurServices/CommunityServices/ • anxiety and panic attacks CommunityVeteransService.asp Penwarne Farm, Falmouth, Cornwall • nightmares However, help is out there. In TR11 5PH • feeling numb or detached Cornwall, and nationally, there are The Community Veteran’s Service treats 07799023138 • irritability and aggression organisations, services and helplines ex-service personnel who served in [email protected] specifically designed to help combat the British armed forces and who are PTSD is commonly diagnosed veterans regain control of their lives. subsequently experiencing problems Surf Action in victims of abuse or violence. Here is some of the help available. with their mental health. http://www.surfaction.co.uk Increasingly, it is being diagnosed in those who have served in the Armed Veteran support in Cornwall Trevillis House, Lodge Hill, Liskeard, Surf Action are a registered Charity Forces, particularly those who have PL14 4NE whose core purpose is to focus on the seen combat action. Despite training in Cornwall Mental Health Project Telephone: 01579 335226 well being and support of combat warfare, soldiers are still human beings www.cornwallrcc.org.uk/services/mental-health/ Email:[email protected]. veterans and their families. By taking with normal human reactions and, for uk families surfing we create a social many, the terrible events they witness Are you a veteran and wondered The service is available between 9.00 network between the children, partners during tours of duty come back to whether you can offer advice and am and 5.00 pm, Monday to Friday. and veterans and this can often be haunt them even years later. support to others like yourself? Maybe valuable time spent together, an you could set up a peer support group. New Leaf Programme experience to share or an achievement The effects are devastating on both Cornwall Mental Health Project can http://newleafprogramme.co.uk/ to be proud of. the individual concerned and their offer funding and support to anyone family, who often have to live with the wanting to set up a self help group in The New Leaf Programme delivers Surf Action, Unit 5, Heartlands, Pool, challenging behaviour of a loved one Cornwall. specialist coaching, performance and Redruth, TR15 3QY who is finding civilian life difficult to therapeutic development to individuals Tel: 01209 613300 adjust to and who is experiencing the and companies to achieve greater health email: [email protected] 1 http://www.guardian.co.uk/money/2012/ confusing and frightening symptoms of nov/09/royal-british-legion-debt-armed- & wellbeing. We assist all our Clients email: [email protected] PTSD. forces?INTCMP=SRCH to reach their inner goals and achieve a

32 33 Veteran support cntd Veteran support cntd

South West PTSD & Counselling Telephone :0845 257 4853 (0845 257 can be summarised as people who (CIC) 24-hour helpline 0800 138 1619 GULF) are serving or who have served in the http://www.southwestptsd.co.uk/ Text 07537 404719 [email protected] Armed Forces, their dependants and Email outreachsouth@combatstress. carers Southwest PTSD has been established org.uk The Royal Airforce Benevolent Fund in response to an increased awareness South west support desk: 01372 http://www.rafbf.org Benefits and Money Advice Service of the signs and triggers for PTSD and 587087 8.30 – 4.30 Mon-Fri http://www.britishlegion.org.uk/can-we-help/ chronic stress and an accompanying Since our foundation in 1919, we benefits-and-money-advice demand for a dedicated treatment National Gulf Veterans and Families have been there, through thick and Struggling to make ends meet? centre. To support and counsel the Association thin, supporting the RAF family. We If you’re a Legion beneficiary and you’re whole family as well as sufferer. To offer http://www.ngvfa.org.uk/ are there for all serving and former having trouble paying the bills, or you effective treatment strategies for this members of the RAF as well as their think you could be entitled to benefits disabling disorder with the ultimate The NGVFA is an independent partners and dependent children. We that you’re not yet receiving, we might goal of return to full health. registered charity supporting those provide a spectrum of care, supporting be able to help. affected by Gulf War 1 and Gulf everyone from children growing up on Southwest PTSD and Counselling War 2 (Iraq), the ongoing conflict RAF stations, to those serving today to Meet one of our Benefits and Money Trevean House, Edgecombe Road, St in Afghanistan, and all future desert keep our skies safe, to the veterans who Advisers and you’ll get discreet, Austell PL25 5DX conflicts. fought for our freedom. impartial and non-judgemental advice Tel. 01726 400444 about how to maximise your income Email: online form NGVFA RAF Benevolent Fund, 67 Portland by claiming the benefits and tax credits Building E, Office 8 Place, London W1B 1AR you’re entitled to and managing your Veteran Support Nationally Chamberlain Business Centre Call our support line on 0800 169 debts - all completely confidential and Chamberlain Road 2942 or apply for help online free of charge. Hull Telephone: 0207 580 8343 Combat Stress HU8 8HL Email: [email protected] Talking 2 Minds http://www.combatstress.org.uk/pages/about_ http://www.talking2minds.co.uk us.html The Royal British Legion http://www.britishlegion.org.uk/ Founded by Bob Paxman (former 22 Combat Stress delivers dedicated SAS) in 2008, Talking2Minds ethos treatment and support to ex-Service The Royal British Legion is the UK’s is ‘Veterans helping Veterans’ or ‘Like men and women with conditions leading Service charity. We provide helping Like’ and the Talking2mMinds such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder practical care, advice and support to approach offers REAL HELP, FREE (PTSD), depression and anxiety serving members of the Armed Forces, OF CHARGE, to those who like Bob disorders. Our services are free of veterans of all ages and their families. have experienced Post Traumatic Stress charge to the Veteran. Those eligible for support services Disorder (PTSD) or severe stress related

34 35 Veteran support cntd Being Heard in the Caring for someone mental New NHS health with psychosis? care conditions. Our Paradigm Change veterans. On Wednesday 10 October, we saw www.mentalhealthcare.org.uk gives Programme™ is an holistic approach the launch of a new document, No reliable and up-to-date information and works with clients on an individual The website www.veterans-uk.info, Decision About Us Without Us, which to relatives and friends of people with basis to get to the root cause of the e-mail advice point: veterans.help@ has been co-produced by Rethink psychosis. problem without revisiting the trauma spva.gsi.gov.uk and helpline 0800 169 Mental Illness, Government and other as some traditional medical therapies 2277 provide information on services mental health charities. It is a guide The evidence-based website aims to do. We also support family members from lots of different organisations - all for mental health service users, carers help people in their caring role and and partners that may suffer by proxy/ in one place. and the public to influencing local is created by researchers and mental secondary stress. mental health support. Further details health professionals who work at the St Clement War Memorial, Truro are available at www.rethink.org/ Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College Talking2minds, 55 Princes Gate, MHFramework London and South London and Exhibition Road, London SW7 2PN Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust. 0791 712 6708 The messages within the guide closely [email protected] echo the messages that we discussed at The easy-to-navigate and regularly our recent conference, Being Heard in updated site provides information Veterans UK the New NHS, in Taunton. It describes about different aspects of psychosis, http://www.veterans-uk.info the key initiatives happening in the treatment and care. Short, filmed South West, and looks at ways in interviews with health professionals On 2 April 2007, the Ministry of which involvement can continue to be and researchers complement the text Defence created a new brand for facilitated. and there are downloadable summaries services to veterans – Veterans-UK. of research about psychosis, written in Copies of the documents and plain English. There are many organisations that presentation handouts from the event provide help and support to UK are available on our website at: www. There are also pages where visitors can veterans, from Government, Local rethink.org/beingheard submit questions to a pharmacist, a Authorities, independent bodies and psychologist, a psychiatrist and a social the charity sector. If you would like to discuss any of the worker. information highlighted in the report, Whilst it is commendable that so many please do not hesitate to get in touch www.mentalhealthcare.org.uk has been organisations offer help to ex-Service directly, or via our South West Regional awarded the Information Standard personnel and their families, the Office [email protected] / 01823 ‘quality mark’ which was developed by number of organisations can mean it 354879 the Department of Health and aims is sometimes difficult to know who to to help members of the public identify contact for advice on a particular topic. trustworthy information and give them Veterans-UK is now the first stop for confidence in what they read.

36 37 www.carrickmind.org.uk

Q & A Carrick Mind NEWSLETTER Autumn 2012 www.carrickmind.org.uk Message from the new Chairman £740 RAISED ON SPONSORED Name Nicki Kilbey carer I am seeing that day needs my I would like WALKto FORRuth 18Hausmann, – 30 SOCIAL our Co-ordinator, & Job title East Mental Health Carers time and reliability also. Carrick Mindintroduce myself NEWSLETTER remains on sick leave Autumn so I have 2012 been WELL BEING GROUP! Support Worker as the new Chair working in the office a couple of days Message from the new Chairman £740 RAISED ON SPONSORED Work base East Cornwall What did/will you have for lunch of Trustees. a week supporting Ruth Morris and today? Peanut butter and banana Kate.WALK I look FOR forward 18 –to 30 catching SOCIAL up &

In 50 words or less, please explain sandwich on brown bread, raspberries Before I do that with as manyWELL of BEING you as possibleGROUP! over the essence of your job role. I work and strawberries. I must thank the coming months. with mental health carers in East Alison Rumbles, I would like Jonto introduce Gladstone myself as the new Chair of Cornwall area on a one-to-one basis or If you could invite anyone (living/ Trustees. Before I do that I must thank Alisonthe outgoing Calling anyone interested in helping within carers groups. A carer could be dead, real/fictional), who would be Rumbles, theChair, outgoing for Chair, all for the all the hard hard work work that she Carrick Mind to fundraise. that she put into Carrick Mind. Alison guided Carrick someone caring for their son who has your ideal dinner party guests? Dalai Mind with skillput and into passion Carrick and we wish Mind. her well Alison in guided schizophrenia or for their neighbour Lama; Mother Theresa; my school the future. Carrick Mind with skill and passion We will be having a meeting on I would like to introduce myself as the newWith Chair huge of thanks to our Volunteer Claire, and her two with depression. I feel my personal geography teacher (an inspirational I have been andinvolvedTrustees. we with wishBefore Carrick herI do Mind that well for I must ain number thethank future. Alisonfriends, Beth and HelenaTuesday who walked 20th the November Cornwall Coastal between of years and haveRumbles, been thethe outgoingVice Chairman Chair, for for the all the hardpath work during some of the worst weather conditions we have experience of mental illness is very person to me); my closest friends, past year. I am a Mental Health Nurse who worked had this summer and5.30pm raised this and amazing 7.00pm amount for at much the Carrick that she put into Carrick Mind. Alison guided Carrick for the local mental health NHS trust for over 20 needed funds specifically for the Group. See photos. useful in this job. Nancy, Caroline, Angie and Jill; my cat IMind have with been skill andinvolved passion andwith we Carrickwish her well in Sports Hall, Hendra, Truro (where the years. I had worked in the local psychiatric unit when When I asked Claire why most of the photos were taken in the future. Amber! it was locatedMind in the oldfor City a numberHospital in Truro of years and as andsunny have weather, sheTuesday told me that social those were group the only meets). rare a community mental health nurse for over seven times it was dry enoughWith huge to get thanks out their to our cameras!! Volunteer Claire, and her two What time does your typical day start been the Vice Chairman for theWell past done. The meeting is open to service users, years in Falmouth.I have Before been involvedI left the withNHS lastCarrick year Mind I for a number friends, Beth and Helena who walked the Cornwall Coastal & end? What would your super power be of years and have been the Vice Chairman for the path during some of the worst weather conditions we have 8.00am-3.30pm (but it often worked for twoyear. years I amas the a manager Mental of theHealth Anchor NurseBelow who is an extractvolunteers, taken from Claire’s trustees, diary staff and anyone Mental Healthpast Resource year. I Centre.am a Mental Health Nurse who worked had this summer and raised this amazing amount for much runs over, lol!) and why? The power to erase people’s worked for the local mental health neededelse interested funds specifically in forsupporting the Group. See Carrick photos. for the local mental health NHS trust for over7 July 20 'Beth and Helena involvement in wars, violence or We have settledNHSyears. into I trusthadour newworked for offices over in the in 20local years. psychiatric I had unit when WhenMind I asked in fundraising.Claire why most of Wethe photos are lookingwere taken in reached Lands Endsunny yesterday! weather, she told me that those were the only rare Threemilestoneit was and located generally in feelthe itold has City been Hospital a very in Truro and as Please describe a typical day. I meet poverty. worked in the local psychiatric unitThe half way point!timesfor We ideas,itvisited was dry help, enough enthusiasm, to get out their cameras!! support. positive move.a communityRuth Morris mentaland Kate health our current nurse paidfor over seven them at PorthcurnoWell and done. up to 3 carers a day, offering emotional staff both feelwhenyears that init it isFalmouth. awas much located improved Before I inworkingleft the the NHSold last City year I delivered yum yums and clean environment.worked for two years as the manager of the Anchor support and signposting for practical What was your most embarrassing Hospital in Truro and as a communitysocks :) They're inCarrickBelow Penzance is an extractMind taken from Claire’s diary Mental Health Resource Centre. today and should reach matters. moment? There have been so many it’s Ruth Hausmann,mental our Co health-ordinator, nurse remains for on oversick seven years Office 2, Glenthorne House, Truro Falmouth in the next7 July week. 'Beth and Helena leave so I haveWe been have working settled in into the ouroffice new a couple offices of in difficult to choose! The time I chatted in Falmouth. Before I left the NHSThey are doing soBusinessreached well, Lands Park, End yesterday! Threemilestone, Truro, days a week supportingThreemilestone Ruth Morris and generally and Kate. feel I look it has been a very especially consideringThe half the way point! We visited What aspect of your job gives you up the vet whilst they squeezed my cats lastpositive year move. I worked Ruth Morris for and two Kate years our current as the paid TR3 6BW forward to catching up with as many of you as slightly horrific weatherthem at Porthcurno and staff both feel that it is a much improved working the greatest buzz and why? Promoting anal glands- not the best time and it possible overmanager the coming ofmonths. the Anchor Mental conditions!Health delivered yum yums and clean environment. More pictures on page 3 socks :) They're in Penzance self-care and time out for carers for didn’t work! Resource Centre. Tel: 01872 222469 Telephone: (01872) 222469 today and shouldOffice reach 2, Glenthorne House, relaxation and to improve self-esteem. If anyone would likeRuth to contributeHausmann, to a future our Co-ordinator, remains on sick Falmouth in the next week.Truro Business Park, issue of this newsletter,leave pleaseso I have email us.been working in [email protected] office a couple of Who would play you in a film of your We have settled into ourRegistered new offices Charity No. 1027838 in Email: They are doing [email protected], so well, Truro, TR3 6BW days a week supporting Ruth Morris and Kate. I look especially considering the What aspect of your job presents the life? Meryl Streep Threemilestoneforward to catching up and with asgenerally many of you feel as it has ? slightly horrific weather greatest challenge and why? Perhaps beenpossible a oververy the positive coming months. move. Ruth Morris www.carrickmind.org.ukconditions! the greatest challenge is time. I sense What would your motto be? and Kate our current paid staff both More pictures on page 3 carers need more time to be listened too “Anything is possible” or “Never give feelIf anyone that would it like is toa contribute much to improveda future workingTelephone: (01872) 222469 Office 2, Glenthorne House, issue of this newsletter, please email us. [email protected] Truro Business Park, and this is hard when I know the next up”- Dalai Lama. environment. Registered Charity No. 1027838 Threemilestone, Truro, TR3 6BW

38 39 Spoof Reading - A comedy of errors! Living with mental health issues

Something Went Wrong in Jet Crash, You have a mental illness - the words listen to angry music and you let the Expert Says are devastating. Your own mind has pain show itself in a way that you can Really? Can't believe it. Stating the obvious, isn’t it? become your enemy. Worse than that control so that when its done you can is the complete loss of control - your put it back in its box and say you’ve had Police Begin Campaign to Run Down Couple Slain; Police Suspect mind has gone rogue like a car with no enough. Part of you knows that it will Jaywalkers Homicide brakes, steering gone sliding down hill keep getting loose but for that day you An extreme solution! Way to go, Sherlock! through a twisy road. You know you’re have let it out and being in control of it going to crash, it’s inevitable and there’s feels good it helps you to drag yourself Red Tape Holds Up New Bridges absolutely nothing you can do about through the dark into the light. They don’t make them like they used to. it. Or is there? Pick up your mobile phone and reach out to someone so We all need a network of support, of Astronaut Takes Blame for Gas in that they can do what exactly? Tell you well meaning and caring friends and Spacecraft it’ll be fine... that the car is going to associates but at the end of the day That's what happens when you eat beans! miraculously mend itself. If only that we all need to be in control of our was true, if only that was something own lives even if that control is simply Kids Make Nutritious Snacks you could make solid. If only you saying ‘today I’m staying in and I’m Do they taste like chicken? could wave a magic wand and take writing out my will’ not because I really time back to a point when the car was want to but because I can. I can do this Hospitals are Sued by 7 Foot Doctors road worthy, a point when your mind one thing. I can control thios one thing Panda Mating Fails; Veterinarian Presumably for all the low ceilings. worked the way it should. But you can’t and I need that sense of control. Takes Over so what do you do. What a hero! Typhoon Rips Through Cemetery; Anonymous Miners Refuse to Work after Death Hundreds Dead It’s about control isn’t it. You need to Sent in by Angela Stoner who runs a Some people have no work ethic. But only 5 of them were alive before it control what you can in your life to creative writing group at Richmond hit. make yourself feel good. It isn’t about House, Penzance Juvenile Court to Try Shooting sharing and interacting and being a Defendant part of something. These things help See if that works any better than a fair on a good day yes. They can keep you trial! bouyed up but on a bad day they’re a stone anchor dragging you further War Dims Hope for Peace under. Some times just some times you No kidding. need to be alone in a room so that you can find that control over your life that If Strike Isn't Settled Quickly, It May has otherwise become so elusive. You Last Awhile wear black, you slouch around, you

40 41 Discovery My Spirit Art work by Falmouth Mindful Art - a self help group funded by the Mental Health Self Help Grant A drop in the ocean I am a cat, a soft purring puss snuggling each stop, and every stare warm and gentle - you love me available through Cornwall Mental Health Project A dapple of morning sunlight I know was there. I am a cat aloof and uncaring on my own time - I shun you A long time of waiting no money for the fare, I am a cat cross me at your peril and I brain banks were empty will unsheath my claws unhesitatingly and nobody cared. and treating you as a rat go straight for the throat I drifted with the others took pills to dull the pain, I am a hawk soaring, looking in disdain Alcohol my highlight on those below. My grasp is fierce and as I stood there in the rain. though I say so myself unerring. I will not admit that I’ve missed the mark, Now I study every moment, soaring again and aiming for a different of here and now delight, target I never wanted that which I joy in every movement failed to obtain - no really in the suns golden light. I am a lamb crying in the dark, lost and Mindful meditation alone. Where is my shepherd? part of natures wondrous might, every breath a homecoming Anonymous to the fireside of winter nights. Both sent in by Angela Stoner who runs a ©dfreeman2012 creative writing group at Richmond House, Penzance

42 43 Useful Contacts

Mental Health Project - main office no - 01872 243532 East Cornwall Co-ordinator - 07792 196334 West Cornwall Co-ordinator - 07791 322096 E: [email protected] W: www.cornwallrcc.org.uk/services/mental-health/ www.facebook.com/cornwallmentalhealthproject

Information portal: www.cornwallmentalhealth.com Nightlink - 0808 8000 306 Nightlink Emotional Support Text service - 07717 989021 Samaritans - 01872 277277 Welfare Rights/Benefits Advice - 0800 882200 NHS Direct - 0845 4647 Shelter - 01209 314844 Legal Helpline - 08000 199 121 Cornwall Rape & Sexual Abuse Centre - 01872 262100 SEAP Mental Health Advocacy - 0845 2799019 Disability Cornwall - 01736 756655

Community Mental Health Teams East Cornwall (Trevillis House, Liskeard) - 01579 335226 North Cornwall (Banham House, Bodmin) - 01208 251408 Restormel (Alexandra House, St Austell) - 01726 291212 Carrick (Pydar Street, Truro) - 01872 356000 Kerrier (Trengweath, Redruth) - 01209 881888 Penwith (Bolitho House, Penzance) - 01736 575524

Out of Hours (Bodmin Hospital switchboard) - 01208 251300

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this newsletter and the services described are not necessarily shared or endorsed by Cornwall Mental Health Project or CRCC

Cornwall Rural Community Council (registered as Cornwall Community Development Ltd.)

Charity no.1087550 Company no.4144745, VAT no. 557448996, Main office: 2 Princes Street,

Truro TR1 2ES Telephone: 01872 273952 Fax: 01872 241511