1120 Not-So-Good Neighbors
Commission on Security & Cooperation in Europe: U.S. Helsinki Commission “Not-So-Good Neighbors: Russian Influence in Belarus” Committee Members Present: Representative Alcee Hastings (D-FL), Chairman; Representative Joe Wilson (R-SC), Ranking Member; Witnesses: Sofya Orlosky, Senior Program Manager for Eurasia, Freedom House; Franak Viačorka, Research Media Analyst, US Agency for Global Media; Brian Whitmore, Senior Fellow and Director of the Russia Program, CEPA; Andrei Yeliseyeu, Head of Monitoring Unit, International Strategic Action Network for Security (iSANS); Research Director, EAST Center The Hearing Was Held From 9:58 a.m. To 11:28 a.m. in Room 2200, Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, D.C., Representative Alcee Hastings (D- FL), Chairman, Commission for Security and Cooperation in Europe, presiding Date: Wednesday, November 20, 2019 Transcript By Superior Transcriptions LLC www.superiortranscriptions.com HASTINGS: Good morning, everybody. It’s 10:00, and I have a bad habit of trying to start on time and end on time. You are welcome here to the U.S. Helsinki Commission hearing entitled “Not-So-Good Neighbors: Russian Influence in Belarus.” And with that, we’ll come to order and have opening statements and then turn to you all. This is a timely hearing coming off of the Belarusian election, in addition to the fact that I know all of you know that there is an ongoing proceeding that Russia is implicated in here on the Hill that is much more popular for the moment. We all know that the Kremlin’s disinformation and political interference reaches the shores of the United States and elsewhere in the region of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.
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