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21 NOVEMBER 2017 JAMIESON MEMORIAL HALL Perkins Street, Jamieson MINUTES 5.00PM MANSFIELD SHIRE COUNCIL Ordinary Meeting of Council MANSFIELD SHIRE TUESDAY, 21 NOVEMBER 2017 JAMIESON MEMORIAL HALL Perkins Street, Jamieson MINUTES 5.00PM CONTENTS 1. OPENING OF THE MEETING............................................................................................... 3 2. STATEMENT OF COMMITMENT ........................................................................................ 3 3. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF COUNTRY ............................................................................... 3 4. APOLOGIES.............................................................................................................................. 3 5. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES ........................................................................................... 4 6. DISCLOSURE OF CONFLICT OF INTERESTS .................................................................. 4 7. PRESENTATIONS AND REPRESENTATIONS ................................................................... 4 7.1 Certificate of Appreciation: Gadhaba Local Indigenous Network ............................... 4 7.2 Representation from Ms Tracy Shipley in relation to item 10.3.1 - Application to Amend Planning Permit P007B/14 - 678 Piries Goughs Bay Road, Goughs Bay ...... 4 8. NOTICES OF MOTION ........................................................................................................... 4 9. MAYOR’S REPORT .................................................................................................................. 4 10. OFFICER REPORTS ............................................................................................................... 8 10.1 DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS ...................................................................................... 8 Attachment 10.1 ................................................................................................................ 9 10.2 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ..................................................................................... 27 10.2.1 Planning Scheme Amendment C39 Heritage Overlay – Correction of Resolution .................................................................................................. 27 Attachment 10.2.1 ............................................................................................. 30 10.2.2 Application to Amend Planning Permit P007B/14 - 678 Piries Goughs Bay Road, Goughs Bay – Invitation from the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal to consider Planning Permit Application P007B/14 to amend and consolidate existing permits relating to the use and development of the land for leisure and recreation (maze and ancillary activities), use of the land for a function centre and the erection of signage ..................................................................................... 69 Attachment 10.2.2 ............................................................................................. 76 10.2.3 Section 55 Referral Agreement with Goulburn Murray Water...................... 93 Attachment 10.3.3 ............................................................................................. 97 1. Mansfield Shire Council – Ordinary Meeting of Council: 21 November 2017 10.3 EXECUTIVE SERVICES ........................................................................................... 102 10.3.1 Mansfield Shire Council Privacy and Data Protection Policy and Procedures 2017 ...................................................................................... 102 Attachment 10.3.1 ........................................................................................... 105 10.3.2 Finance Report: 1 July 2017 to 31 October 2017 ......................................... 119 Attachment 10.3.2 ........................................................................................... 123 10.4 COMMUNITY SERVICES ......................................................................................... 131 10.4.1 Tourism North East Quarterly Report 2017-2018 Quarter 1 ....................... 131 Attachment 10.4.1 ........................................................................................... 134 10.5 ENGINEERING & WORKS ...................................................................................... 166 10.5.1 Request for Inclusion of Shared Driveway to Road Register - James Street, Bonnie Doon ..................................................................... 166 11. ASSEMBLIES OF COUNCILLORS ................................................................................... 170 12. ADVISORY AND SPECIAL COMMITTEE REPORTS ..................................................... 171 13. AUTHORISATION OF SEALING OF DOCUMENTS ...................................................... 171 14. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME ................................................................................................. 171 15. CLOSURE OF MEETING TO MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC ......................................... 172 2. 2 Mansfield Shire Council – Ordinary Meeting of Council: 21 November 2017 TUESDAY, 21 NOVEMBER 2017 JAMIESON MEMORIAL HALL Perkins Street, Jamieson MINUTES 5.00PM 1. OPENING OF THE MEETING The Mayor, Cr Volkering, opened the meeting at 5.04pm. Councillors: Marg Attley Tolmie Ward Peter Olver Mansfield Ward Paul Sladdin Bonnie Doon Ward Paul Volkering Mansfield Ward Harry Westendorp Jamieson Ward Chief Executive Officer: Alex Green Engineering & Works Manager: Neil Ogilvie Finance Manager: Mandy Kynnersley Senior Strategic Planner: Kathy Richardson 2. STATEMENT OF COMMITMENT The Councillors affirmed the following Statement of Commitment: “We the Councillors of Mansfield Shire / declare that we will undertake on every occasion / to carry out our duties in the best interests of the community / and that our conduct shall maintain the standards of the Code of Good Governance / so that we may faithfully represent / and uphold the trust placed in this Council by the people of Mansfield Shire.” 3. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF COUNTRY The Councillors affirmed the following Statement of Commitment: “We the Councillors of Mansfield Shire / declare that we will undertake on every occasion / to carry out our duties in the best interests of the community / and that our conduct shall maintain the standards of the Code of Good Governance / so that we may faithfully represent / and uphold the trust placed in this Council by the people of Mansfield Shire.” 4. APOLOGIES Nil. 3 3. Mansfield Shire Council – Ordinary Meeting of Council: 21 November 2017 5. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES Councillors Westendorp/Attley: That the Minutes of the Mansfield Shire Council meeting, held on 17 October 2017, be confirmed as an accurate record. Carried 6. DISCLOSURE OF CONFLICT OF INTERESTS Nil. 7. PRESENTATIONS AND REPRESENTATIONS 7.1 Certificate of Appreciation: Gadhaba Local Indigenous Network The Gadhaba Local Indigenous Network have previously presented Council with a Certificate of Appreciation for support the Network’s celebration and promotion day held on 28 October 2017. Councillors Olver/Attley: That Council receive the Certificate of Appreciation from the Gadhaba Local Indigenous Network. Carried 7.2 Representation from Ms Tracy Shipley in relation to item 10.3.1 - Application to Amend Planning Permit P007B/14 - 678 Piries Goughs Bay Road, Goughs Bay Ms Tracey Shipley made representation to the Council in relation to item 10.3.1 - Application to Amend Planning Permit P007B/14 - 678 Piries Goughs Bay Road, Goughs Bay. 8. NOTICES OF MOTION Nil. 9. MAYOR’S REPORT The Mayor, Councillor Paul Volkering, will present the monthly Mayor’s report to the Council as follows: As we enter the warmer weather, and following a drier than normal Spring, we are reminded of the importance for our respective communities to become “Fire Ready”. 4. 4 Mansfield Shire Council – Ordinary Meeting of Council: 21 November 2017 9. MAYOR’S REPORT CONT. Councillors and Council staff have been busy distributing pamphlets and materials associated with bush fire preparedness, and this work continues leading into the peak summer season. Sincere thanks to those Councillors, CEO and other Council staff who helped set up and attend the recent Mansfield Bush Market, where the Bush Fire Ready message could be further spread. The bush market was another great success with numbers of visitors a bit down early in the day, but building throughout the morning as the weather improved. The stall that Council provided served to inform and educate the community and visitors alike on what’s happening here in Mansfield, as well as promoting the Shire more generally. All in all, holding the stall appears to have been a worthwhile exercise and one which we should continue at future markets, subject to Councillor availability. I attended the Rural Councils Victoria Annual General meeting and forum held in October at the MCG in Melbourne. Perhaps the single biggest issue coming out of the meeting was the awareness of a State election in Victoria at some stage in 2018, and the need to advocate strongly for much more decisive support for rural councils across Victoria. The funding of $1m to conduct a study into sustainability of Rural Councils by KPMG will soon be finalised and should provide State Government with evidence of the issues facing Rural Councils around the State. The MAV Conference and State Council meeting followed the meeting of Rural Councils in late October and again, these meetings were both informative and well worthwhile in terms of networking and understanding the current political scene
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