Bernard Kissui, Phd Status and Conservation of the Lion Population in the Maasai Steppe, Northern Tanzania

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Bernard Kissui, Phd Status and Conservation of the Lion Population in the Maasai Steppe, Northern Tanzania Status and conservation of the lion population in the Maasai steppe, Northern Tanzania Bernard Kissui, PhD African Wildlife Foundation, Tanzania AFRICA TANZANIA Serengeti NP Ngoron- Serengeti goro Tarangire The West Maasai Steppe Matambwe Selous Estimated number of remaining lions • Estimated number across Africa: 23,000-40,000 • Estimated number for Tanzania: 16,800 (Mesochina et al 2010) • > 50% of lions remaining in Africa are in Tanzania Threats to lion conservation •Human related threats Habitat fragmentation (Encroachment) Blockage of corridors/migratory routes Hunting Human-lion conflicts Persecution, snaring, poisoning •Diseases •Isolation into small populations -inbreeding depression Lion research and conservation in Maasai steppe Human dimension of Lion population lion conservation Applied research and Human-lion conflict monitoring Livestock predation Range use patterns Retaliatory lion killing Demography Conflict mitigation Husbandry practices Maasai steppe Field data collection Radio telemetry data (VHF and GPS collars) Long-term monitoring (Population dynamics) Individual identification Human-lion conflicts Esilalei, Losirwa Selela, Loiborsoit, Mbaashi Emboret, Olasiti Engaruka chini, Engaruka juu, Oltukai, Minjingu, Kakoy Makuyuni Kakoy Loiborserit, Lolkisale, Olasiti, Kimotorok, Losirwa, Mswakini chini, Mswakini juu Mbaashi Village will lion killing incidents Where do livestock predation attacks occur? Night Daytime Retaliatory killing of lions Direct pursuit with spears JAN. 2007 Retaliatory killing of lions Nov 06 Nov 06 Nov 06 DECSept. 2008 2009 February 2010 March 2010Mar 2009 Lion poisoning Five lion carcasses Aug. 2009 Kimotorok village Lion poisoning Giraffe carcass laced with poison Three lionesses died Jan.09 Retaliatory lion killing Conflict mortality Year Lions killed 2004 60 2005 33 2006 22 2007 24 2008 15 2009 30 2010 17 Jan-Mar 2011 12 TOTAL 209 Conflict mortality Unsexed Cubs Adult male Age-sex class Adult female 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Percentage of lions killed (n=180) Conflict mortality 2004-Oct. 2009 averages 15-20% annually 180 50 170 40 160 30 150 20 140 10 Number of lions in population lions of Number 130 % of population killed in conflict killed population % of 120 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Jan-Oct. 2009 Lion population size (monthly averages) %of popn killed in conflict Population trend •High human-lion conflicts - livestock predation •Retaliatory killing of lions 200 190 y = -0.6964x + 172.08 180 170 160 150 140 Number of lions 130 120 110 100 90 1-Jul-05 1-Apr-04 1-Apr-09 1-Jan-03 1-Jun-03 1-Jan-08 1-Jun-08 1-Oct-06 1-Mar-07 1-Nov-03 1-Feb-05 1-Aug-07 1-Nov-08 1-May-06 1-Sep-04 1-Sep-09 1-Dec-05 Livestock losses by lions Grand Lion Cattle Calves DonkeySheep Goat total 2004 64 7 15 4 49 139 2005 27 0 5 0 12 44 2006 15 0 5 6 21 47 2007 88 5 17 26 27 163 2008 25 2 3 3 13 46 2009 40 0 1 5 3 49 2010 10 0 4 15 14 43 Grand 269 14 50 59 139 531 Total Husbandry strategies against predation at homesteads Boma made of poles and thorn Boma made of thorn bushes bushes Mud/dung huts, sometimes Boma made of planted bricks trees for enclosure Others: Person stay in livestock at night, Dogs Husbandry strategies vs. predation in the field • Splitting livestock into smaller herds • Herders among livestock • Herders carrying weapons (spear/stick) • Herders in groups • Noise • Domestic dogs Husbandry strategies χ2 = 1.712, df = 5, p = 0.887 Approaches to conflict mitigation Direct reduction of livestock predation Improve livestock security-chain-link fences through 50% cost sharing Affordability? Predator proof proof Predator Cumulative number of predator-proof bomas 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0 Mar-05 Jul-05 bomas Nov-05 Mar-06 Jul-06 Nov-06 Mar-07 Jul-07 Nov-07 Mar-08 Jul-08 Nov-08 Mar-09 Jul-09 Nov-09 Mar-10 Jul-10 Nov-10 Mar-11 How effective are chain-links? Monthly follows (May 2006 to March 2010) Number of bomas Number of bomas reinforced with chain- constructed with link fences thorn bush walls (Experimental bomas) (Control bomas) Boma visited 43 41 Number of visits 412 394 Predation 20 19 Attempts Predation success 0 6 Probability of 0 0.32 predation success Community engagement Direct payments as consolation for losses Now engrained in the Tanzania wildlife policy Regulations formulation Planned pilot consolation schemes Community engagement (indirect) Creation and promotion of Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs) •Increase economic benefits to communities •Attitudinal changes •Create connectivity and wildlife habitat outside protected area AWF supported WMAs BURUNGE WMA ENDUIMET WMA OTHERS UNDERWAY: NDEDO-MAKAME WMA MAKUYUNI-LOLKISALE LAKE NATRON .
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