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Rajiv Malhotra : Being Different: An Indian Challenge to Western Universalism before purchasing it in order to gage whether or not it would be worth my time, and all praised Being Different: An Indian Challenge to Western Universalism:

6 of 6 people found the following review helpful. A thoughtful and refreshing bookBy DesiBOOKwormThis is a brilliant and very readable book. I could not put it down. If you know anything about or are at least curious about it then you will really learn a lot from this book. Malhotra is a first rate mind and he is not afraid to shine the light on the"west" and thus help us understand ourselves.After Gandhi and Arrobindo, who were independent thinkers in the best Hindu tradition, something strange happened to the Hindu mind- various western and christian ideas were accepted and internalized by Hindu men and women, and the great profusion of Indian writing in English is by these consciously and subconsciously co-opted Indians. These form the bulk of social studies professors of Indian origin, whether in India or in the west. While some of them have offered critiques of the west, these are always from well worn, western-approved Marxian, feminist or the pretentiously named "secular humanist" perspectives. Except for their brown skin there is little in their worldview that is based on Indian thought and dharmik world -views. It is fair to say that they have added little to our understanding of the west, and have primarily served to distort any understanding of India.What's more pathetic is that many of the Hindu spiritual who travelled to the west attempted to sugar coat the differences or, ( lacking both curiosity about , or anything more than a superficial understanding of the Hindu philosophies) were sincerely or willfully unaware of the real differences between dharmik traditions (Hindu Buddhist Jain thought) on the one hand and the history centric abrahamic and their virulently acquisitive stepchild "secular"thought on the other hand.Malhotra takes on, in very lucid and everyday language both these camps. The result is the rarest of books, one that can make anyone who reads it a better thinker.1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Just like we all have unique DNABy SangWe all are different and we need not feel ashamed nor make others feel awkward or shameful. Just like we all have unique DNA, we have unique combination of race+gender++Ethnicity+culture+country+likes+desires+temperaments, ETC. Just accept differences instead of calling the "Other" as evil or devil. Evil and devil is in our heart and not outside. We project evil/devil based on our biased view. Essentially all are divine. Divine is expressed in Infinite ways and so we all infinitely different but can still have one common goal to "Love all and hate none". Just be different and accept differences. Let all of us blossom according to our own inherent Divine qualities and not suppress it based on the teachings of hate groups.We are different and let us be different (why were a false mask?). There is no need to interfere in other persons view/religion/culture. Let each stick to their original native religion/culture. Do not manipulate the natural Divine gift in all Beings.Great book.1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. I think Rajiv has done a great job to emphasize how is different from Christianity ...By AvineshI certainly think that most people around the world for most religions do not have much insight into their belief systems including its history and philosophy. A lot of beliefs for most people are blind beliefs and childish. I think Rajiv has done a great job to emphasize how Hinduism is different from Christianity and in that way brings forth some interesting insights to Hinduism itself, things we take for granted but not really think about.His insights may or may not be completely accurate hence the need to have open mind and to review other materials and have discussions. Hinduism is a very big umbrella for some similar and some very different belief systems. It can be adapted to almost anything you want. Over time most things undergo a change and so has Hindu beliefs, from Vedic ritualism to Buddhist philosophy to revival of vedic beliefs and .Even in modern times there are so many commentaries on major and religions. Each may be slightly different from one another and since not many have met and like the seven blind men, they each have their own unique point of view.Remember that religion is not an end in itself, it is a means to an end and when you find the absolute you have no further need for religion. As in the , God is one, the sages call it by many names. There are many paths to the top of the mountain.

India is more than a nation state. It is also a unique civilization with philosophies and cosmologies that are markedly distinct from the dominant culture of our times - the West. India's spiritual traditions spring from which has no exact equivalent in Western frameworks. Unfortunately, in the rush to celebrate the growing popularity of India on the world stage, its civilizational matrix is being co-opted into Western universalism, thereby diluting its distinctiveness and potential. In Being Different: An Indian Challenge to Western Universalism, thinker and philosopher Rajiv Malhotra addresses the challenge of a direct and honest engagement on differences, by reversing the gaze, repositioning India from being the observed to the observer and looking at the West from the dharmic point of view. In doing so, he challenges many hitherto unexamined beliefs that both sides hold about themselves and each other. He highlights that while unique historical revelations are the basis for Western religions, dharma emphasizes self- realization in the body here and now. He also points out the integral unity that underpins dharma's metaphysics and contrasts this with Western thought and history as a synthetic unity. Erudite and engaging, Being Different critiques fashionable reductive translations and analyses the West's anxiety over difference and fixation for order which contrast the creative role of chaos in dharma. It concludes with a rebuttal of Western claims of universalism, while recommending a multi-cultural worldview.

Rajiv Malhotra s insistence on preserving difference with mutual respect not with mere tolerance is even more pertinent today because the notion of a single universalism is being propounded. There can be no single universalism, even if it assimilates or, in the author s words, digests , elements from other civilizations --Kapila VatsyayanAbout the AuthorRAJIV MALHOTRA is an Indian-American researcher and public intellectual on current affairs, world religions, cross-cultural encounters and science. A scientist by training, he was previously a senior corporate executive, strategic consultant and entrepreneur in information technology and media. He is the author of (Amaryllis, 2011), was the chief protagonist in (Rupa Co.), and is an active writer and speaker. He is chairman of the Board of Governors of the India Studies program at the University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth.

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