Menter Aberystwyth

2004/5 to 2007/8

Adopted by the Menter Aberystwyth Management Board 29th July 2004 CONTENTS:


1. Background to the business proposition ******************** 2

2. Strategic aims of the organisation ******************** 3

3. Short, medium and long-term goals ******************** 4

4. Structure of the organisation ******************** 5

5. Working partnerships ******************** 6

6. Board directors ******************** 7

7. Financial profile ******************** 9

8. Action Plan ******************** 12

Revised: 29 July 2004 1 1. Background to the Business Proposition

The experience and achievements of the 1996-2001 Coastal Resort Regeneration Programme in the Aberystwyth area prompted the idea that a broader-based, longer-term regeneration partnership body called Menter Aberystwyth should be formed. Such a partnership structure would help progress the further regeneration and development of Aberystwyth and its surrounding communities. Similar bodies exist elsewhere in , providing a dynamic for community development. However, many recognise that the absence of such an organisation to promote the interests of Aberystwyth is a significant omission.

Menter Aberystwyth will integrate with and reinforce previous and current strategies such as: -

• The interlocking National, Regional and Area Tourism Strategies • The Coastal Resort Regeneration Strategy • The Unitary Development Plan • The Objective 1 Local Strategy • Community strategies such as Communities First • Business and Voluntary Sector Strategies • The approach adopted by institutions such as UWA and the National Library of .

The organisation will work with others to develop a vision for the town, determine strategies for its implementation, and pursue a portfolio of practical projects in collaboration with various interested bodies in Aberystwyth and its surrounding area. Its aim will be to benefit local inhabitants.

Menter Aberystwyth’s objectives will evolve with the town’s needs, but several core ingredients have been identified: -

• Menter Aberystwyth must promote an attractive and distinctive image for a town already known to millions of people across the UK and around the world through a myriad of contacts.

• It should project through this image a set of modern values including openness, inclusion, equality, hospitality, partnership, knowledge, service and quality.

• It must recognise that the town of Aberystwyth both serves and benefits from the communities and environment that surround it, requiring it to act consciously as a hub for this wider area.

• It must bring all institutions and community interests together to help them achieve their goals more effectively through collaborative action, ultimately raising the quality of life for both local people and visitors.

The organisation's regeneration objectives and strategic priorities are summarised in section 2.

Revised: 29 July 2004 2 2. Strategic aims of the organisation

Menter Aberystwyth has been formed as a company-limited-by-guarantee with objectives that are aimed at achieving community regeneration:

Promotion for the public benefit of urban or rural regeneration in the town of Aberystwyth and the communities lying within its hinterland by all or any of the following means: a) the advancement of education, training or retraining; b) in circumstances where the following provision would manifestly benefit the prosperity and quality of life of the area: i) the provision of financial assistance, technical assistance, business advice or consultancy to new or existing businesses, whether in the private or voluntary sectors; ii) the establishment or provision of premises to assist new or existing businesses, whether in the private or voluntary sectors. iii) the development and promotion of tourism, recreation and sport; c) the maintenance, improvement or provision of public amenities; d) the preservation of buildings or sites of historic or architectural importance; e) the provision or assistance in the provision of recreational facilities; f) the protection or conservation of the environment; and g) the promotion of public safety and prevention of crime.

Although this objects clause is based on guidance on charitable community regeneration activities from the Charity Commission, they have been broadened to enable infrastructure support to be given to the business sector. It is consequently not a charity, but it is non-profit-making and committed to achieving public benefits. Consideration is being given to the creation of a parallel charitable company

Menter Aberystwyth can undertake a wide range of regeneration activities. However the Board has decided that over the first few years the business plan must focus on four strategic priorities:- a) To act as an advocate and a facilitator for the town and its wider area. b) To help manage and improve the operation of the town. c) To promote higher standards of business management and customer service in the public, private and voluntary sectors. d) To create and market a distinctive image for Aberystwyth and its surrounding area based on the area's quintessential Welshness and cultural qualities, and the town's role as the hub of a county of great diversity, interest and beauty.

An Action Plan (section 9) is built around these strategic priorities it illustrates the practical work that Menter Aberystwyth will undertake during its first three years of life. Further ideas for projects that support the chosen priorities would be welcome.

Revised: 29 July 2004 3 3. Short, medium and long-term goals

In order to pursue its aims, Menter Aberystwyth has developed a short, medium and long-term goals.

Short term – year 1

• To recruit an appropriate group of influential individuals to act as Company Directors on the Management Board of the new organisation. • To identify projects for immediate attention and which can achieve some early successes. • To formally incorporate two limited companies; one non-profit making, one charitable trust. • To raise funds to employ a high calibre Development Officer for an initial three year period. • To raise funds for some initial projects that can achieve some early practical benefits. • To find the resources necessary to provide an appropriate office space for the initial period. • To network with various bodies in Aberystwyth and its surrounding area to build up awareness, generate support, clarify activities and avoid duplication.

Medium term, to be pursued in tandem with short term strategy above – year 1-3

• To develop a vision for Aberystwyth in partnership with all appropriate organisations. • To develop and promote a brand for the town. • To implement projects that can achieve some early practical benefits. • To develop the initial project portfolio to achieve longer-term benefits. • To raise finance for medium and long-term projects. • To increase and diversify funding to ensure the long-term success of the organisation. • To clarify and develop a long-term development strategy. • To raise the organisation's profile as an effective catalyst of change.

Long term – year 3 +

• To establish a track record of successfully implemented projects that make a difference. • To identify further projects consistent with Menter Aberystwyth’s long-term strategy. • To raise resources and funds to implement these projects. • To build MA's capacity to promote Aberystwyth and its area throughout the world. • To achieve recognition of Menter Aberystwyth as a driving force for positive change. • To ensure the long-term sustainability of the core operation.

Further details can be found in the Action Plan in section 9.

Revised: 29 July 2004 4 4. Structure of the organisation

Menter Aberystwyth: A non-profit company with broad community regeneration objectives, including powers to market the area and promote business enterprise activities.

Menter Aberystwyth Trust: A non-profit company with community regeneration objectives conforming to the Charity Commissions guidelines. Consideration is being given to forming this company.

It is anticipated that the boards of both companies will consist of the same directors. The number of directors on each board shall be not less than seven nor more than thirteen consisting of: i) One person nominated by each of the following bodies:- • The , Aberystwyth. • The National Library of Wales • Aberystwyth Town Council • A representative association of the community councils in Ceredigion ii) Between three and nine other individuals who are deemed to have appropriate knowledge and expertise.

The board will endeavour to ensure that it possesses a range of experience and knowledge of the following areas of local expertise and activity:-

• The management of tourism-related business. • The management of visitor accommodation. • Other sectors of the business community. • The management of voluntary or charitable organisations. • The promotion of sustainable community development. • The marketing of attractions and events. • The promotion of culture and the arts. • Conservation and enhancement of the built or natural environments.

Following company registration the Boards will steadily expand membership of the two companies by approaching people who are able to contribute to its work. The aim will be to achieve a strong sense of local ownership of the two companies and their activities.

To be effective, Menter Aberystwyth will require a full-time Development Officer at the outset. This person will need to be sufficiently capable and experience to perform the following roles:

• marketing strategy manager • project developer and coordinator • relationship builder and facilitator • director of operations

Revised: 29 July 2004 5 5. Working partnerships

Partner organisations

Menter Aberystwyth will work particularly closely with the core member organisations:-

• The University of Wales Aberystwyth • The National Library of the Wales • Aberystwyth Town Council • The surrounding community councils

Whenever possible a collaborative approach will be adopted in relation to marketing initiatives and other strategic projects. Menter Aberystwyth's relationships with its partners will be nurtured through their contact with the Board, with due acknowledgement of each partner's distinct aims and objectives.

Ceredigion County Council

A close and constructive working relationship between Menter Aberystwyth and Ceredigion County Council will be of paramount importance. Working independently yet co-operatively, it is anticipated that the two organisations will assist each other's work in those areas where there are shared objectives and interests.


Through its regeneration activities Menter Aberystwyth will seek to contribute to the WDA’s strategic development objectives. In response it is anticipated that the WDA will provide revenue and capital funding through its Community Regeneration Toolkit, and will assist in ways that are conducive with its role as an independent strategic grant provider.

The business community

Active engagement by the business community in the direction and activities of Menter Aberystwyth is considered crucial. Close working relationships will be built around specific partnership projects.

Other organisations in the Aberystwyth area

Through its project work Menter Aberystwyth will develop working relationships with a wide range of appropriate organisations located in the Aberystwyth area to implement mutually beneficial projects.

Strategic partnerships

A key role for Menter Aberystwyth will be to advocate the interests of the town and surrounding area via appropriate strategic partnerships wherever possible.

Neighbouring Menter groups

Menter Aberystwyth will liase with neighbouring Menter groups and where appropriate will offer to work jointly to benefit the interests of all the communities involved.

Revised: 29 July 2004 6 6. Board Directors

The following people have played an active part in preparing the ground for Menter Aberystwyth's creation, including the preparation of this Business Plan. They are all Board Members of the newly formed company:

Ray Quant (Chair): Ray served in the Royal Air Force in the field of communications from 1954 to 1994. On leaving the Service he returned to his home in and became actively involved with local community organisations. Ray was the driving force behind building a new community hall and multi user games area for Borth. He served as Clerk to the Borth Community Council 1995 to 2002 and was elected as the Local Member for the Borth Ward in 2001. He was promoted to the Cabinet as Member for Economic Development and Tourism in 2002. Ray served for 2 years on the Sports Lottery Panel and is currently the Chairman of Ceredigion Sports Committee and represents Ceredigion on the Wales Local Sports Council. He is a board member of Antur Teifi and the Tourism Partnership Mid Wales, and serves on the Ceredigion Objective 1 Partnership Management Board.

Gareth Rowlands (Vice Chair): Gareth is an organic farmer having farmed in Ceredigion for forty years, co-founder of Rachel’s Dairy a very successful employer in the area, past Chairman of the Organic Strategy Group for Wales and on the Advisory Food Partnership. Board Member of Antur Teifi, member of Ceredigion CCET, a member and past Chairman of Aberystwyth Business Club, a fellow of the Royal Agricultural Society and a fellow of . President of Aberystwyth Male Voice Choir and a welsh speaker.

Huw Bates (Company Secretary): Huw is a law graduate of the University of Wales Swansea, where he also gained an MA in Criminology. Having spent 2 years working and travelling abroad he is now back in Aberystwyth working for Morris & Bates solicitors. A former Head Boy of Penglais Comprehensive School, Huw was recently elected as Vice-President of the West Wales Young Solicitors Group and is a keen Welsh learner in his spare time.

Louise Amery: After graduating from the University of Wales, Bangor, Louise has spent 15 years working for arts organisations, specifically in the field of arts marketing. For the last 10 years she has worked at Aberystwyth Arts Centre, the largest and most active arts venue in Wales, for the last two years as its Deputy Director. Louise has strong links to the arts community across Wales and has served as chair of the Mid Wales Circuit Marketing Group and Festivals of Wales, and sat on advisory panels for the Arts Council of Wales.

John Fitzpatrick: John started working life with the MoD working on fighting vehicles but changed his career path to sales. Rising through the management ranks to Managing Director of an SME at the time of the three-day week, he decided to widen his education and escape the rat race, graduating from UW Aberystwyth in 1992. Following this he was elected Deputy President of the Guild of Students. Currently employed as General Manager of Ceredigion Access (the local disability organisation) he is also a Director of Disability Wales and represents the voluntary sector on the Gweithgor of CAVO and the Ceredigion Partnership Management Board for Objective 1 funding.

Gweneira Raw-Rees: A graduate in Welsh from St David’s University, , Gweneira has experience in marketing, public relations and community regeneration. She is currently working for Ceredigion County Council as the Older Persons Strategy Co-ordinator but was formerly employed by

Revised: 29 July 2004 7 the Local Authority as the Aberystwyth and Area Tourism Development Officer under the Wales Tourist Board’s Coastal Resort Regeneration Programme. During that time she was involved in developing various marketing and environmental projects and represented Aberystwyth on the Town Centre Management Association for the Midlands and Wales region. She is currently a trustee of the Hafod estate in .

Jim Wallace: Jim is a graduate of the University of Wales, Aberystwyth, and has an MBA from the Open University. He is Director of Residential and Hospitality Services at UWA. Jim has experience of representing both UWA and the Higher Education sector on various tourism and economic development projects, including the Aberystwyth Tourism Integrated Development Project 1996-2001, Mid Wales Partnership Tourism Working Group, and Ceredigion Tourism Working Group.

Richard Griffiths: Richard is the proprietor of the Richmond Hotel, a family business established in 1972. He subsequently studied hotel management at . In recent years Richard has been active in a number of strategic tourism promotion roles: as past secretary of the Aberystwyth & District Tourist Association; as a member of the Ceredigion Tourism Working Group, as a director of Mid Wales Tourism; and most recently as chairman of the Tourism Partnership Mid Wales. He is a Welsh speaker.

Vivian Rees-Butterworth: Viv is: married, has three sons, bilingual (Welsh and English Language), a graduate in Economics, has a P.G.C.E and a CTEFLA from the University of Wales Aberystwyth., and has an M.Ed, awarded by the University of Wales Bangor. At present Viv is Chief Executive and a Director/Trustee of Ceredigion Recycling Association, as well as holding directorships in other companies. Viv has experience of working in the public, private and voluntary sector within Wales, and across a number of European countries. While gaining this experience he operated within the: training, economic and community development and tourism sectors of the afore mentioned countries. These activities involved operating within and across public and partnership committees at a local regional national and European level. He is also an Aberystwyth Town Councillor

Ann Ffrancon: Ann Ffrancon lives in Blaenplwyf and holds the post of Head of Access and Marketing at The National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth, since January 2002. She entered further education at Aberystwyth in 1968 and her career spans librarianship, cultural eventing, researching, marketing and publishing. She has an MScEcon in Library and Information Studies from the University of Wales, Aberystwyth. Ann is a former member of the Board of Governors of Ysgol Penweddig and Council of Aberystwyth University, and is currently on the Board of Directors of Theatr Arad Goch and is Chair of Grwp Cymunedol Blaenplwyf Community Group established in 2001.

John Aled Davies: Aled is the manager of the Bay Hotel in Aberystwyth. This was for many years his family’s business and was only recently bought by SA Brain of Cardiff. He is married and has two grown up daughters who are both teachers and are employed in Wales. A keen sports man (he played rugby for Aberystwyth for 1 4years) and recently elected Town Councillor. He is keen to see Aberystwyth regain status as the main town in Mid Wales and is enthusiastic to see Aberystwyth retain its reputation as a clean and safe place to live. Aled enjoys foreign travel and has toured most of Europe and has seen some great ideas which he his keen for Aberystwyth to adopt.

Revised: 29 July 2004 8 Dylan Raw-Rees: Has been working in the agricultural sector for over 25 years when his healthy continuous search for knowledge took him back to University in 2001 to pursue a masters degree in business. This has taught him the importance of being flexible to change, with the need to always evaluate rationalize and implement best practice ideas. As education is an on going process in an ever-changing work environment he believes the board of directors of Menter Aberystwyth have the qualities to be a forward thinking learning group of individuals, capable of embracing and developing the strategy of this business plan. His other interests have; President and Past Chairman and of Aberystwyth Round Table, Past Chairman and now serving member of Genau’r Glyn Community Council. Past Student President Welsh Agricultural College.


Revised: 29 July 2004 9 7. FOUR YEAR FINANCIAL PLAN

Revised: 29 July 2004 10 7. Four Year Financial Plan

An indicative financial profile for the first four years of Menter Aberystwyth's existence has been prepared to guide discussions with potential funders.

The key assumptions are:-

Employment of a suitably experienced Development Officer with an initial working budget.

Securing of an office with some minimal administrative support.

Dependable core funding for the first three years, and probably at a reduced level beyond that.

Increasing generation of project funding, with at least 20% covering the core operation's contribution to project implementation.

Building of modest reserves to allow effective cash-flow management.

Medium term financial sustainability will only be achieved by developing a cluster of worthwhile projects for which funding must be secured from the second year onwards.

Revised: 29 July 2004 11 8. ACTION PLAN

Menter Aberystwyth

Key to priorities:

Priority 1 = Commence in Year 1

Priority 2 = Commence in Years 2 or 3

Revised: 29 July 2004 12 Menter Aberystwyth: Action Plan

AIM: To act as an advocate and a facilitator for the town and its wider area.

Proposed Project Proposed Partners Resources Required Next Steps

• Advocacy for that area: To encourage and facilitate the • All interests within the town and • An active and enthusiastic MA • Board members and DO to expression of broadly agreed views and strategies lying surrounding area. Board. persuade local interests to work within Menter Aberystwyth's remit in order to influence • An effective and professional together to develop united views. and respond to county, regional or Wales-wide initiatives Development Officer. • Ask the Communications Group and proposals. This advocacy will be aimed at benefiting to consider how to implement. the town and its surrounding area. Priority 1

• Media Support: To build effective relationships with • Cambrian News • Development Officer and office • Form Communications Group local and national media to promote the aims and activities • Radio Ceredigion back-up to ensure consistent and to advise the Board. of Menter Aberystwyth. Priority 1 • National media coherent communications. • DO to contribute ideas. • Papurau Bro etc. • Board member to drive forward. • Tourism Partnerships: To represent Aberystwyth and • CerTWG • Representation from the Menter • Let CerTWG know of the plan area on the Ceredigion Tourism Working Group, and to • Ceredigion County Council Aberystwyth Board. to apply for membership. work through CerTWG to contribute to and reinforce the • Regional and national tourism Mid Wales and WTB Tourism Strategies for local benefit. partnership bodies Priority 1

• UK Town Management Association: To join the UK • UK TMA • Representation from the Menter • Apply for membership once the Town Management Association's Midlands Region, and to Aberystwyth Board and/or DO. MA Board has been formed. draw upon the association's extensive knowledge and practical expertise. Priority 1

• Aberystwyth & Area Newsletter: To produce a regular • Cambrian News and other local • Desktop publishing package. • Explore views of local media newsletter in paper and electronic form aimed at improving media. • Budget for printing. and other possible sponsors. the flow of information, communication and understanding • Business sponsors and advertising. • Development Officer and office • Negotiate regular columns in between all local interests. The newsletter to be used to back-up to support the venture. newspapers. 'flag-up' ideas and developments, to promote the work of Menter Aberystwyth and its partners, and to facilitate the exchange of information and views. Priority 2

Revised: 29 July 2004 13 Menter Aberystwyth: Action Plan

AIM: To help manage and improve the operation of the town.

Proposed Project Proposed Partners Resources Required Next Steps

• Improvement Action Plans: To initiate discussions and • MA will invite Task & Finish • Development Officer and office • Prepare a shortlist of subjects on investigations into specific functional aspects of the town Groups to prepare action plans back-up to support the work of which Improvement Action Plans and local area, drawing on the knowledge, opinions and though discussion and exploration. the T&F Groups. could be prepared. expertise of local interests to prepare broadly supported • Membership of these groups will • Look for opportunities to get Improvement Action Plans. Fields for investigation could depend on the subject under interests together to formulate a include: - car-parking, pedestrianisation, transportation; consideration and will include the plan on a given subject. - signage, interpretation, street furniture etc. local business community. - connecting 'green' routes and Rights of Way Priority 1

• Strong Social Economy: To promote and facilitate the • Existing local providers of ‘social • Commitment of current and • Board to be briefed on WAG development of a strong 'social economy' aimed at economy’ services. potential providers. social economy strategy for improving services to people of all ages and needs.. Work • CAVO and the voluntary sector. Wales and associated initiatives. with existing and potential social economy providers to • Work with key partners to achieve a broad mix of services and enterprises. develop a local strategy. Priority 2

• Quality Evening Economy: In conjunction with the • Business providers of evening- • Commitment of current and • Promote interest in developing a above, to promote and facilitate the development of a high based services and entertainment. potential providers. family-friendly evening economy quality 'evening economy' based around attractions that • Ceredigion County Council • Obtain advice and information appeal to all ages, including family groups. Priority 2 • Aberystwyth Town Council from the UK Town Management • Dyfed Powys Police Association. • Outdoor Café Culture: In parallel with the development • Relevant business operators. • WDA and county council • Promote interest in generating of a quality evening economy, to drive forward initiatives • Ceredigion County Council regeneration budgets. an outdoor café culture. to generate an outdoor café culture in Aberystwyth and its • Aberystwyth Town Council • Obtain advice and information surrounding area. Work closely with the town and county from the UK Town Management councils on plans for physical area regeneration (e.g. in the Association. harbour area). Priority 2

Revised: 29 July 2004 14 Menter Aberystwyth: Action Plan

AIM: To help manage and improve the operation of the town.

Proposed Project Proposed Partners Resources Required Next Steps

• Eco-Community Initiative: To prompt and accelerate • Ceredigion County Council • Menter Aberystwyth will • Take stock of what is currently practical action to improve the Aberystwyth area's 'green' • Aberystwyth Town Council prepare and support partnership being achieved, identify performance credentials. Connect activity in this area with • Local Community Councils applications for grant-aid from opportunities for progress in the development of a distinctive image for Aberystwyth • Craft appropriate sources. fields such as waste and area to promote a strong link with ‘green’ principles • Biognosis • Increased practical commitment management, energy efficiency, and practices. Also connect to the ‘Aber 1st Awards’. • CAT from the county council will also transportation, biodiversity etc. Priority 2 • Friends of the Earth etc. be urged.

Revised: 29 July 2004 15 Menter Aberystwyth: Action Plan

AIM: To promote higher standards of business management and customer service in the public, private and voluntary sectors.

Proposed Project Proposed Partners Resources Required Next Steps

• Customer Service Standards: In association with the • Aberystwyth's business community • Better utilisation of existing • MA Board to discuss with key proposed ‘Aber 1st Awards’, to promote awareness-raising • Aberystwyth Business Centre resources through improved partners and DO to research. and training in high standards of customer service and • WTB targeting and uptake. • Link to work on Integrated care. Strong links should be made between quality service • Investors in People funding. Quality Management (IQM). standards and the promotion of Aberystwyth's distinctive • Better promote existing grading image and identity. Priority 1 schemes.

• Business Planning: To work with the Business Centre • Aberystwyth's business community • Better utilisation of existing • MA Board to discuss with key (via Business Eye etc.) to promote uptake of business • Aberystwyth Business Centre resources through improved partners. planning and development assistance and advice schemes. • Ceredigion County Council targeting and uptake. Where necessary these should be tailored to specific • Coleg Ceredigion business sectors providing services to locals and visitors. • Mid Wales Training Partnership Priority 2 • Mid Wales Tourism Partnership

• Aber Careers: To work with Job Centre Plus, Menter a • Aberystwyth's business community • Better utilisation of existing • MA Board to discuss with key Busnes, Coleg Ceredigion and other agencies to raise • Job Centre Plus resources through better partners. standards in the local labour market (e.g. by encouraging • Menter a Busnes targeting and uptake. young people to stay in Aberystwyth to develop their • Coleg Ceredigion • MA will prepare partnership careers, attracting relevant professionals to (and back to) • University of Wales Aberystwyth applications to Objective 1. Aberystwyth. Priority 2 • Ceredigion County Council

• Customer Demand and Satisfaction Surveys: To • Aberystwyth's business community • Dependent on nature of the • MA Board to discuss with key promote and undertake surveys to improve understanding • Ceredigion County Council survey. partners. Link to IQM. of changing customer demands and levels of satisfaction • Local primary and secondary • Obtain advice and information with existing services. Priority 2 schools. from the UK Town Management • Llwybro / Routes Association.

Revised: 29 July 2004 16 Menter Aberystwyth: Action Plan

AIM: To create and market a distinctive image for Aberystwyth and its surrounding area based on the area's quintessential Welshness and cultural qualities, and the town's role as the hub of a county of great diversity, interest and beauty.

Proposed Project Proposed Partners Resources Required Next Steps

• Distinctive Image: To commission an image-building and • All interests within the town and • MA's initial marketing budget. • Communications Group to marketing exercise to formulate a distinctive image for surrounding area. • Funds to commission suitable guide the Board on the Aberystwyth and area. Ensure that the process is inclusive marketing consultants. best approach. and maximises the potential to build strong local • All marketing and promotional • The Board to suggest consensus around the emerging image. The agreed logo initiatives connected with the distinctive messages and and key messages and images will be used systematically town's facilities and activities. images to promote town. to build a distinctive image for the town. Priority 1 • DO to drive forward.

• Events Strategy: To negotiate an annual events strategy • Ceredigion County Council • Development Officer and • Communications Group to and programme with key players to ensure coordination • Aberystwyth Arts Centre office back-up to support the guide the Board on the and integration. The programme to include several major • National Library of Wales Working Group. best approach. themes and foci during the year around which others can • Aberystwyth Town Council • Commitment of key players. • The Board to establish plan complementary activities. Programme events will be • Promoters of events and festivals such as: • Marketing and promotional terms of reference and promoted under the Aberystwyth logo, and where possible - Celtic Challenge / Celtic Festival resources identified in the composition of the Events given material assistance by Menter Aberystwyth. To get - proposed film and music festivals Events Strategy. Strategy Working Group. this project underway Menter Aberystwyth will help form - WTB planned festival of the sea. • DO to drive forward. an Events Strategy Working Group. Priority 1 • Link to distinctive image.

• Website: To commission the design and construction of a • Ceredigion County Council • MA to put together a • Communications Group to hub or portal website for Aberystwyth with comprehensive • Aberystwyth Arts Centre partnership bid for funding the guide the Board on the links to relevant specialist sites. The design should be of a • National Library of Wales design and construction of the best approach. high standard and enable visitors to obtain a broad range of • Aberystwyth Town Council website. • Prepare a specification to information and to make on-line enquiries and bookings. • Representatives of commercial and appoint a website designer. Priority 1 community interests in the town and across • Identify possible sources the wider area. of website funding. • Guide Book: Compile an appropriate printed brochure or • As above. • All costs to be met through • MA Board to form a booklet for the 2005/6 tourism season. Uses of the booklet sponsorship and advertising. Guide Book Group as to be agreed during the design process so that the format, matter of priority. content, print-run and deadlines can be agreed. Priority 1

Revised: 29 July 2004 17 Menter Aberystwyth: Action Plan

AIM: To create and market a distinctive image for Aberystwyth and its surrounding area based on the area's quintessential Welshness and cultural qualities, and the town's role as the hub of a county of great diversity, interest and beauty.

Proposed Project Proposed Partners Resources Required Next Steps

• Aber 1st Awards: Design and launch a series of awards • Aberystwyth Chamber of Trade. • Sponsorship for the awards. • Prepare a working paper for to promote and celebrate the best efforts by individuals and • Aberystwyth Business Club. • Support of the Cambrian News, consideration by the MA Board. organisations to promote Aberystwyth's distinctive image • Local accommodation providers. Radio Ceredigion and other local • Coordinate with other awards. in support of Menter Aberystwyth's marketing strategy. • Local attraction operators. media. • DO to drive forward with Priority 2 • Local voluntary bodies. • Historical images from NLW. support from the Board.

• Bespoke Materials: Design and production of gift-wrap • As above. • Resources raised through • Test the interest of commercial paper, carrier bags, window-dressing materials, advance orders of materials once operators. compliment slips etc. that reinforce Aberystwyth's image. they've been designed. • Link to ‘green’ principles. Priority 2

Revised: 29 July 2004 18