G.12 ANNUAL REPORT 2008/09 TONGAREWA PAPA TE ZEALAND NEW OF MUSEUM To be a forum for the nation to present, explore, and preserve the heritage of its cultures and knowledge of the natural environment in order to better understand and treasure the past, enrich the present, and meet the challenges of the future… Directory TE RÄRANGI INGOA MUSEUM OF NEW ZEALAND TE PAPA TONGAREWA Cable Street PO Box 467 Wellington 6140 New Zealand TORY STREET RESEARCH AND COLLECTION STORAGE FACILITY 169 Tory Street Wellington 6011 Telephone + 64 4 381 7000 Facsimile + 64 4 381 7070 Email
[email protected] Website http://www.tepapa.govt.nz Auditors Audit New Zealand, Wellington, on behalf of the Auditor-General Bankers Westpac Banking Corporation Photography by Te Papa staff photographers, unless otherwise credited ISSN: 1179 – 0024 1 MUSEUM OF NEW OF MUSEUM Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa Annual Report 2008/09 Te Pürongo ä-Tau 2008/09 In accordance with section 44 of the Public Finance Act 1989, this annual report of the Museum of TONGAREWA PAPA TE ZEALAND New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa for 2008/09 is presented to the House of Representatives. Contents Ngä Ihirangi ANNUAL Part one Overview Statements Ngä Tauäki Tirohanga Whänui 3 Chairman’s Statement 4 REPORT Acting Chief Executive/Kaihautü Statement 6 Tribute to the late Dr Seddon Bennington (1947–2009) 7 2008/09 Performance at a Glance He Tirohanga ki ngä Whakatutukitanga 8 Part two Operating Framework Te Anga Whakahaere 12 Concept 12 Corporate Principles 12 Functions and Alignment with Government