HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1 Sir Keith did not have an easy rime while in office. He had to deal with difficulties which arose between the Southern The House convened at 11 a.m., e.s.t. Indians on the Shenandoah and the residents of the Susquehanna; resolve a boundary dispute which arose with THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE Maryland; stop an Indian uprising which might have been (JOHN HOPE ANDERSON, THE CHAIR caused when a settler brutally murdered an Indian brave; deal PRAYER with the increasing number of convicts who were being thrown out of England and relocating in Pennsylvania; and REV. EUGENE A. BEAM, SR., chaplain of the House of resolve the problem of deficiency in the colonies' currency by Representatives and pastor of Faith Evangelical Congre- introducing paper money. gational Church, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, offered the fol- While Sir Keith expertly handled the many crises of his lowing prayer: I administration, the .Daper . money issue proved to be his down- Let us pray: fall. While he pleased the Assembly by his support of paper Lord, hear us as we pray that You would everywhere bless money, he incurred the displeasure of the proprietary party the hearts of Your believing people. Let Your wonderful and was subsequently removed from office. revelation of a father's tenderness free all from every thought After his removal Keith resided in the Province and was of prayer as a duty or a burden and lead them to regard it as a elected to the Assembly. Reports say that while in the Assem- privilege of their life, a joy and a blessing. bly Sir Keith caused dissensions in the administration which Bring back all who are discouraged because they cannot resulted in a rapid decrease in his power and his influence. find anything to bring to You in prayer. May they see they In 1729 he returned to England, where he died in obscurity need only to come with their emptiness to Him who has all to on thisday in history, November 17, 1749. give and delights to do it. Let their one thought be not what they have to bring the Father but what the Father waits to give SESSION SCHEDULE them. Bless especially the hearts of all Your servants as the place The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair acknowledges where God's truth and grace are revealed to them, where they receipt of the following notice from the Chief Clerk, which are daily anointed with fresh oil, where their strength is will be read by theclerk. renewed, and the blessings with which we are to bless our ~h,followingcommunication wasread: fellow men are received in faith. Lord, draw us nearer to House of Representatives Yourself. Amen. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Harrisburg PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE NOTICE I SESSION TIME FOR (The Pledge of Allegiance was enunciated by members.) I HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Notice is hereby given, in accordance with the Act of July 19, STATEMENT BY MR. BITTLE 1974, P.L. 486, No. 175, that the House of Representatives will convene in open session in the Hall of the House on the following TERCENTENARY COMMITTEE dates and times: ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY Monday, November 22, 1982 at 1:00 p.m. Tuesday, November 23, 1982 at 11:OO a.m. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the Wednesday, November 24, 1982 at 11:OO a.m. gentleman from Franklin, Mr. Bittle, for "This Day in John J. Zubeck History." Chief Clerk Mr. BITTLE. On this day in history, November 17, 1749, House of Representatives former Deputy-Governor Sir William Keith died. Sir Keith, November 17, 1982 one of the most successful of Pennsylvania's proprietary Gov- ernors, won the people's esteem and confidence. He pro- moted the public happiness and became a favorite of Pennsyl- vanians. 1872 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE NOVEMBER 17,

House of Representatives LEAVES OF ABSENCE GRANTED Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Harrisburg The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the I hereby certify that thirty copies of the foregoing notice were majority whip for leaves of absence. delivered to the Supervisor of the newsroom of the State Capitol Mr. CESSAR. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Buildine in Harrisburg on November 17. 1982, and a copy was 1 do have leaves for today. 1 would like a leave for the lady on the bulletin board outside the main entrance to the also from Montgomery, Mrs. LEWIS, for today's session; the Chief Clerk's Office on the same date. gentleman from Allegheny, Mr. FRAZIER, for today's John J. Zubeck Chief Clerk session; and also the gentleman from York, Mr. LEHR, for House of Rel)resentatives today's session. I would also like a leave for the Speaker, Mr. November 17, 1982 RYAN, for today's session. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without objection, leaves JOURNAL APPROVED are granted. The Chair hears none. Does the minority have any leaves of absence? The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Journal of Monday, Mr. FEE. No leaves, Mr. Speaker. November 8, 1982, is now in print. Are there corrections to the Journal of Monday, November 8? If not, and without MASTER ROLL CALL RECORDED objection, the Journal stands approved. The Chair hears none. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair is about to take the master roll call. At this time the master roll call will be JOURNAL APPROVAL POSTPONED taken. The following roll call was recorded: The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without objection, approval of the Journal for Tuesday, November 16, 1982, will be post- PRESENT-189 poned until printed. The Chair hears none. Anderson Emerson Lloyd Rybak Armstrone. Evans Luok Salvatore Arty Fargo Mc~latchy Saurman CONFERENCE COMMITTEE MEETING Barber Fec Mclntyrc Seraiini Bclardi Fischer McMonagle Serenty The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the Bclianti Fleck McVerry Showers gentleman from Jefferson, Mr. Smith. Bclall Faster. W. W. Mackowski Shupnik Berson Foitcr, Jr., A. Madigan Sieminski Mr. L. E. SMITH. Mr. Speaker, I would like to announce Bittle Frcind Maiale Sirianni to the House that the Conference Committee on HB 103 will Blaum Fryer Manderino Smith, B. meet at I o'clock in room 313A. Borski Gallaghcr Manmilier Srnilh, E. H. Bowser Gallen Mar mion Smith. L. E. Boyes Gamble hlerr y Snyder SENATE MESSAGE Brandt Cannon Michlovic Spencer Brown Geist Micozzic Spitr AMENDED HOUSE BILL Burd George Miller Stairs Burns Gladeck Miscevich Steighner RETURNED FOR CONCURRENCE Caltagirone Crabowski Moehlmann Sterens Cappabianca Greenwood Morris Stewart The clerk of the Senate, being introduced, returned HB Cawley Grieco Mowery Stuban 2533, PN 3663, with information that the Senate has passed Cessdr Gruitra Mrkanic Swaim the same with amendment in which the concurrence of the Cimini Gruppo Mullen Sweet Civera Hagarty Murphy Swift House of Representatives is requested. Clark Haluika Nahill Taddonio Clymer Harper Noye Taylor, E. Z. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The bill will appear on the Cochran Hasay O'Donnell Taylor. F. E. supplemental calendar. Cohen Hayes Olasr Telek Colaiella Heiscr Oliver Tigue Cole Hoeffel Pendleton Trello CONSERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING Cordisco Honaman Perzcl Van Harne Cornell Horgoi Peterson Vraon The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the Coslett Hutchinsan, A. Petrarca Wachob gentleman from Franklin, Mr. Bittle. Cawell lrvis Petrone Wambach Cunningham ltkin Phillips Wargo Mr. BITTLE. Mr. Speaker, if I could have the attention of DeMedio Jackson Piccola Wass all of the members of the House Conservation Committee. I DeVerter Johnson Pist ella Wenger would like to call an immediate meeting of the House Conser- DeWeese Kennedy Pitts Westan Daikelcr Klingarnan Pott Wiggins vation Committee in the room to the rear of the hall of the Davies Kowalyshyn Pratt Williams, H. House right now, please, if I could. Dawida Kukovich Pucciarelli Williams, J. D Deal Lashinger Punt Wilson Dietz Laughlin Rappaport Wagan Dininni Lescovitz Rasco Wozniak Dombrowaki Letterman Reher Wright, D. R. Donatucci Levi Richardson Wright. J. L. Dorr Levin Rieeer Wright, R. C. LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE

DuIfy Livengood Racks Zwikl "bridge initiative," which, of course, goes beyond the bridges Durham which are currently found in HB 2716. That amendment is ADDITIONS-I prepared and ready for sponsorship on the part of those Rirrer persons who want to join in sponsorship. If after reading the NOT VOTING-3 amendment-and that amendment is being circulated on the floor at the present time-you find there are some bridges Aldcn Gray Greenfield which are not there but you feel strongly should be there, I EXCUSED-6 would ask you to be in touch with Reference Bureau so that Frazier Lehr Pieusky your amendment can be prepared, because after the amend- Koltcr Lewis ment that 1 will be offering myself, you will also be given the Ryan, Spcakcr opportunity to offer any other amendments that you may have to this bill. I would ask you to start working on those amendments immediately, because we will take up for consid- MEMBER'S PRESENCE RECORDED 1 eration HB 2716 todav. There will be those who will mavbe be opposed to that consideration, but 1 am going to ask that the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- House consider this bridge bill today. tleman from Lehigh, Mr. Ritter. If you would like to cosponsor the amendment, I have the Mr. RITTER. Mr. Speaker, will you add my name to the amendment here which I will leave at the desk. You only have master roll call, please? to sign one copy if you would like to cosponsor the bridges The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gentleman's name will be which are contained herein. Again, it is more than just the placed upon the master roll call. orphan bridges, but also a series of other State and local bridges across Pennsylvania. I will leave the amendment at the STATEMENT ON desk to my right. RESOLUTION TO BE INTRODUCED

The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair at this time recog- HOUSE SCHEDULE AND nizes the gentleman from Allegheny, Mr. Miscevich. RULES COMMITTEE MEETING Mr. MISCEVICH. Mr. Speaker, 1 would like to make a Mr. HAYES. Mr. Speaker, 1 would like today to follow the short announcement to the members who are on the floor, if I same type of schedule that we have the two previous days. I could have your attention for I second. It is a House resolu- would like to follow a schedule today like we did on Monday tion that I had drawn up, and I would like the House members and Tuesday; that is, have the two caucus chairmen meet on to get on it. What the resolution does is it asks the United those bills currently on the calendar which are in a position States Congress and Drew Lewis, the Secretary of Trans- for our consideration. Those calendars are marked, and I portation, that if he does get his 5-cent gas tax in, we would believe the two chairmen are prepared to take their members prefer to have this all American-made steel and American to caucus. labor involved in this. I would like to call to everyone's attention the fact that the If you would care to get on this resolution with me, I would Senate did pass HB 2533, the drunk driving bill. That bill is in certainly appreciate it. It will be at my desk over here. print and will appear on a supplemental calendar. I would ask the two caucus chairmen to meet on that bill as well as those CALENDAR bills which appear currently on the calendar. BILLS ON THIRD CONSIDERATION One other announcement, Mr. Speaker: I would like to call a meeting of the Rules Committee in my office at the declara- The House proceeded to third consideration of HB 2716, tion of recess, which will occur in just a few moments after the PN 3670, entitled: caucus chairmen have an opportunity to make their An Act providing for the adoption of capital projects related to announcements. the repair, rehabilitation or replacement of highway-railroad bridges to be financed by the incurring of debt. CONSIDERATION OF HB 2716 CONTINUED On the question, Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration? The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the minority whip. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the Mr. MANDERINO. Mr. Speaker, will the majority leader majority leader, who offers the following amendment, which consent to interrogation? the clerk will read. Mr. HAYES. Yes, Mr. Speaker. Mr. HAYES. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gentleman indicates that I am not going to offer the amendment for the purpose of he will. having it acted upon right now at the very beginning of this Mr. MANDERINO. Mr. Speaker, you have offered and session. I do have the amendment, which would put into HB suggested that the matter be placed on the table, an amend- 2716 those bridges which have been mentioned publicly as the ment to HB 2716, which deals with building or authorizing 1874 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE NOVEMBER 17,

bonds to be floated in the Commonwealth to build some $793 Mr. MANDERINO. Mr. Speaker, I will ask you again, million in bridges. Is that correct? because I have very seldoni been able to accomplish much in Mr. HAYES. Well, you had several pieces of information legislation by press release or news conference. If you say that in your question. is very ea~yto understand and we should have no difficulty First, I am not going to place on the table HB 2716 or the with the funding mechanism, what difficulty do you have in amendment. The bill was called up, and I suggested to the giving us a copy of the amendment? Speaker and members that when we return, we will return to Mr. HAYES. I will say again, the funding mechanism is a that bill and I will be offering the amendment which I just proposed $36-per-axle fee for trucks 26 ton and above with a announced. corresponding reduction in registration fees for Pennsylvania- Mr. MANDERINO. Does that amendment do anything based trucks. It is no more difficult than that. The language more than authorize the bonding of sufficient funds, $793 will be no different than what is necessary to implement that million, for the building of bridges? point of view. Mr. HAYES. The amendment will be a capital authoriza- 1 will be calling up HB 2716 with the amendment. If other tion, Mr. Speaker. As the gentleman knows, to accomplish members want to offer amendments today, we will be more this bridge initiative there are two pieces to the program: one, than happy to entertain that, and we will have a final vote on the capital authorization, and two, the funding mechanism HB 2716 today. which will further make possible the implementation of the Mr. MANDERINO. Mr. Speaker, it has been three times bridge program which will be found in the amendment I offer now that you have given me the same answer to the question this afternoon. and none of the three times did you answer the question. Are Mr. MANDERINO. Mr. Speaker, we are going to caucus you willing at this time, Mr. Speaker, I will repeat, to give to to look at the amendment that you offered. Are you at this the Democratic caucu5 a copy of the amendment proposing time prepared to give us the funding mechanism so that we the funding mechanism? may caucus on the funding mechanism? Mr. HAYES. When that amendment is prepared to a piece Mr. HAYES. If the House of Representatives approves the of legislation, the answer is yes. But first, 1 am going to see bridge initiative, obviously it does not go right to the Cover- whether this House of Representatives wants to embark upon nor's desk, but in the event that the legislation, HB 2716, is a bridge program. I am not going to ask them to vote on a approved, I am prepared, not today but on another day, in funding mechanism if there are not bridges in fact to be that we have a couple days left in this session, to bring to the funded. I cannot answer any clearer than that, and, Mr. floor a suggested funding mechanism to achieve that which we Speaker, I will not stand for any more interrogation. Thank may prospectively approve. I am not going to ask the Repre- you. sentatives to vote for the funding mechanism first without Mr. MANDERINO. Mr. Speaker, I still have the floor, I them first having an opportunity to support the bridge think. program itself. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gentleman is correct and Mr. MANDERINO. But you are asking them to support may proceed. the bridge program without having any idea of how it is going Mr. MANDERINO. The gentleman majority leader, to be paid for. because he is a gentleman, although sometimes his actions Mr. HAYES. I believe that most people understand how it belie the point, is asking the Democratic Caucus to caucus on is going to be paid for. The recommendation will be a $36-per- $793 million in bridge projects in addition to $200 million that axle fee on trucks 26 ton and above with a corresponding I understand is already in the bill without allowing the Demo- decrease in registration fees for Pennsylvania-based trucks. cratic Caucus to see the amendment prepared to fund the That is the program in its basic essence. 1 do not believe that projects. there is any mystery about that, but I am not going to ask the Mr. Speaker, I would think that this kind of action, this members of this House to vote on that legislation first until we kind of tact, this kind of procedure, does not speak well for have in fact all of their projects on line and approved. the cooperation that the present majority party has said they Mr. MANDERINO. Mr. Speaker, I would not ask them to seek in the further sessions of this legislature, specifically the vote on it first either, but I would ask the majority leader one beginning in January. It would seem to me that if we are whether he is willing to give us a copy of the amendment that going to embark on a program so extensive, so far reaching, proposes the funding mechanism so that we can consider it at and we would all hope beneficial to the people of Pennsyl- the same time we consider the expenditure of the money. vania, all of the cards should be on the table. We ought to Mr. HAYES. I do not have with me at the present time, Mr. stop playing the games, Mr. Majority Leader. We ought to Speaker, that amendment. The vehicle has not yet been stop sleight of hand. We ought to be open, we ought to be decided. 1 cannot say any more forthrightly again what I have candid, we ought to be deliberate, and we ought to act in the already said. The bridge program is before us and the funding best interests of the people of Pennsylvania; and your proce- mechanism is not a difficult one to understand. I have articu- dure, Mr. Speaker, in my humble opinion, in my humble lated that on Monday; I have said it again today; and I do not opinion, takes us down a different road. Thank you. believe that it is so complex that reasonable men and women, The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the if they are reasonable, cannot understand. majority leader. LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE

Mr. HAYES. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I conversations with members of both sides of the aisle indi- Not untypically, the gentleman tries to make more out of a cated that other bridges can be added. If you have a project situation than is really there. that has to be added, just draw an amendment; we are not What did I say? I said I am going to ask the House first to saying this is rhe only set of bridges that will be built. express itself as to whether it wants to take the bridge initiat- Well, Mr. Speaker, from the point of view of the Demo- ive, which, of course, is public knowledge at the present time. cratic Caucus, this is not a very good way to run a bridge Number two, he asked me the question, what is the funding program. Mr. Speaker, it would seem to me that we ought to mechanism to be, and I gave him the broad general outline. It have from the Department of Transportation some prior indi- is not a mystery. Number three, I said I would not ask ihe cation of whether or not the bridges that one may propose for Representatives to vote on the funding mechanism until, his district are apt to be built or whether or not there is going until, we know whether or not there is to be in fact a bridge to be a wholesale picking and choosing by the Department of program embarked upon as embodied in the amendment and Transportation and the present administration on just how will probably be added to by various amendments offered on much or how little of the proposals that I see and the propos- the floor of the House. 1 did not say to the gentleman that als that yet may come might be built. there would never be an amendment offered until the last Mr. Speaker, I am not going to prejudge what we ought to moment. I just said forthrightly at this time there is not an do with this bill until it is discussed fully in my caucus, but I amendment prepared to any bill on the calendar which will have considerable difficulty in approving so massive a provide the actual funding mechanism. program in a lame-duck session of the assembly when all of But certainly there is no secret as to what the general intent the checks and balances and all of the guarantees and all of of the funding mechanism will be. There is no mystery. There the "yes" commitments as to whether we are going to build or is not any sleight of hand. If he wants to make more out of it not build or whether we are going to blue-line or not blue-line than there really is, certainly that is his custom and it is cer- projects have been discussed by the leaders in the administra- tainly his prerogative, but I could not be any more forthright tion. than I have been. And when we come back on the floor of this Mr. Speaker, let us call this play what it is. It is a grand- House and we know whether or not we are going to have a stand play in a lame-duck session. We ought to both pledge, bridge initiative, why, we will move to the next phase. But for Mr. Speaker, to work coward putting Pennsylvanians back to sure, the amendment to be offered would be an amendment work maybe with this program in a sane, deliberate, planned, that would bring about a $36-per-axle fee for trucks 26 ton discussed program that we would be willing to begin to work and above with a corresponding reduction in the registration on early in the next session. fees for Pennsylvania-based trucks. Now, it is no more diffi- cult than that. If the gentleman wants to read more into it E1)UCATION COMMITTEE MEETING than is really there, why, he is certainly more than willing and capable of doing so and typically does. Thank you, Mr. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- Speaker. tleman from Washington, Mr. Fischer. Mr. Speaker, one other thing. I am not going to fight about Mr. FISCHER. Mr. Speaker, at the call of the recess I a good program. In other words, if the gentleman and others would like to call a meeting of the Committee on Education in want to vote "no," they are more than properly in place to do the room to the rear of the chamber. so, no problem, and if the program fails, so be it. Other pro- grams have passed; other programs have failed. Today will CONSIDERATION OF HB 2716 CONTINUED not be any different. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- minority whip. tleman from Dauphin, Mr. Dininni. Mr. MANDERINO. Mr. Speaker, by the newsclips, I read Mr. DININNI. Mr. Speaker, the minority whip would like that there was going to be a bridge program introduced that us to believe that there is $300 million or $400 million missing was $1.2 billion. The numbers in tMs particular legislalion do from this program. He knows it. He has been around here not quite add up to $1.2 billion. 1 see $793 million. I do not long enough to know where that $300 million or $400 million know whether we are missing $300 million in bridge repairs is. It is in Federal funds. What we are talking about when we and replacements. I do not know whether something else is refer to $700-some million is that that is State funds. planned. I do not know whether the general outline of the tax When he says we are pushing this and it is a grandstand proposal that Mr. Hayes says he will make will cover the play, I resent that. We have Pennsylvanians out there who are bridges proposed to be built in this bill. I do not know out of work. We have bridges that are out of existence. If we whether it will cover the bridges that are already in this bill. can accomplish both at one time, 1 do not think this House I am dismayed that a proposal to fund the bridge proposal should waste I day in getting the program in place. Regardless is detailed enough in the gentleman's mind that he can spill of what we have to do. we should do it. off the details and he is unwilling to give the Democrats for our caucus a copy of what he proposes, the amendment that he proposes. 1 know that the gentleman, Mr. Hayes, has in 1876 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE NOVEMBER 17, REPUBLICAN CAUCUS ] CONSIDERATION OF HB 2716 RESUMED The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- BILL PASSED OVER TEMPORARILY tleman from Perry, Mr. Noye, for a caucus announcement. The SPEAKER pro tempore. HB 2716 on page 1, without Mr. Noye. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. objection, will be passed over temporarily. The Chair hears Republicans will caucus immediately on the bills scheduled none. for today in the caucus room. I would ask you to be prompt. BILL REPORTED FROM COMMITTEE, DEMOCRATIC CAUCUS I CONSIDERED FIRST TIME, AND TABLED The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- SB 1366, PN 2166 By Rep. TADDONIO tleman from Philadelphia, Mr. O'Donnell. An Act amending Title 66 (Public Utilities) of the Pennsylvania Mr. O'DONNELL. Mr. Speaker, immediately upon the Consolidated Statutes, providing a limitation on the consider- call of the recess we will have a Democratic caucus, and we ation of certain costs in the rate base for electric public utilities. will start right away so we can get you out by lunch. CONSUMER AFFAIRS We would also appreciate knowing-perhaps I overlooked it-what time we will be returning to the floor. BILLS ON THIRD The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the CONSIDERATION CONTINUED majority leader to clarify that. Mr. HAYES. I believe we can come back by 2 o'clock, Mr. The House proceeded to third consideration of HB 2663, Speaker. PN 3696, entitled: An Act amending the act of December 23, 1981 (P. L. 583, No. ANNOUNCEMENT BY MAJORITY LEADER 168), entitled "An act providing for reimbursement by insurance companies and others for services performed by licensed certified Mr. HAYES. May 1 make one other announcement, Mr. nurse midwives," providing for reimbursement by hospital plan Speaker? corporations for birthing facilities used by midwives. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gentleman is in order. On the question, Mr. HAYES. For those persons who want to prepare Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration? amendments to the bridge bill, I have asked the following gen- Bill was agreed to. tleman to be prepared to receive your request at PennDOT (Pennsylvania Department of Transportation) so that he can The SPEAKER pro tempore. This bill has been considered help you with the information you need. His name is Roy on three different days and agreed to and is now on final Taylor, and the number is 7-5246 or 7-5247 or 7-5248. He can passage. help you with the technical information which you in turn can The question is, shall the bill pass finally? give to Reference Bureau. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. QUESTION. OF INFORMATION CONFERENCE COMMITTEE MEETING The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- tleman from Allegheny, Mr. Grabowski. tleman from Berks, Mr. Gallen. Mr. GRABOWSKI. Mr. Speaker, I am sorry that I was a Mr. GALLEN. Mr. Speaker, the Conference Committee on little late. SB 1091 will meet during the recess in the Senate Rules Com- On page 9, did you agree to pass over SB 1101? mittee meeting room. The SPEAKER pro tempore. That is correct. Mr. GRABOWSKI. 1 do object to passing that over, Mr. RECESS Speaker. The SPEAKER pro tempore. At the present time we have The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without objection, this called up HB 2663. We are on it at the present time. House will be in recess until 2 p.m. The Chair hears none. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Allegheny, Mr. Grabowski. AFTER RECESS Mr. GRABOWSKI. Could you inform me, Mr. Speaker, of your decision on SB I 101? 'The time of recess having expired, the House was called to The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gentleman will be order. informed after we have completed the business on HB 2663. Mr. GRABOWSKI. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I 1982 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE 1877

WELCOME Frarier Lehr I'ievshy The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair at this time is Kolter Lcu'ii pleased to welcome to the hall of the House Mr. Lynn Ryan, Herman, a newly elected Republican member from the 77th Speakel District, here as the guest of the gentleman from Centre, Mr. The majority required by the Constitution having voted in Cunningham. the affirmative, the question was determined in the affirma- tive. CONSIDERATION OF HB 2663 CONTINUED Ordered, Thal the clerk present the same to the Senate for concurrence. On the question recurring, Shall the bill pass finally? The SPEAKER pro tempore. Agreeable to the provisions The House proceeded to third consideration of HB 2664, of the Constitution, the yeas and nays will now be taken. PN 3592, entitled: YEAS-184 An Act amending "The Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act," approved April 14, 1972 (P. L. 233, No. 64), Anderson Durham Levin Ritrer further providing for prohibited acts relating to certain noncon- Ryhak Armstrang Emerson Lirrngoad trolled substances. Arty Evans Lloyd Salvatore Barber Fargo Lucyk Saurman On the question, Belardi Fee McClalchy Serafini Belfanti Fiicher Mclntyre Seventy Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration? Berson Fleck McManagle Showcrs Bill was agreed to. Bittle Faster, W. W. McVerry Shupnik Blaum Foster, Jr., A. Mackowski Sieminski The SPEAKER pro tempore. This bill has been considered Barski Frcind Madigan Sirianni on three different days and agreed to and is now on final Smilh, B. Bowser Fryer Maiale passage. Boyes Gallagher Manderina Smith. E. H. Brand1 Gallen Manmiller Smith. L. E. The question is, shall the bill pass finally? Brown Gamble Marmion Snyder Agreeable to the provisions of the Constitution, the yeas Burd Gannon Merry Spcncer and nays will now be taken. Burns Gcist Michlovic Spitz Caltagirone Stairs YEAS-183 Cappahianca GladEk Miller Sleighner Cawley Grabowski Miscevich Stevens I Anderson FCC McClatchy Salvatore Ccssar Greenwood Moehlmann Stem,art Acmstrong rischcr Mclntyre Sauiman Cimini Grifco Morris Stuhan Arty Fleck McMonaglr Scrafini Civera Sweet Harher Foster, W. W. McVcrry Seventy Clark Gruppo Mrkunic Suifr Belardi Faster, Jr., A. Mackouki Showers Clymer Hagarty Mullcn Taddonio Beifanti Frcind Madigan Shupnik Cochran Haluska Murphy Taylor. E. Z. Berian Fryer Maiale Sicminski Cohen Harper Nahill Taylor, F. E. Gallagher Manderino Sirianni Colafella Hasay Noye Telek Blaum Gallen Manmiller Smirh, B. Cole Hayes Olasr Tigur Boyes Gamble Marmion Smith. E. H. Cordisco Heiser Oliver Trello Brandt Gannon \4erry Smith, L. E. Cornell Hoeffel Pendleton Van Horne Brown Ccist Michlavic Snyder Coslett Hanaman Perzel Vroon Burd George Clicorzie Spencer Cowell Horgas Peterson Wachob Burns Gladeck Miller Spitr Cunningham Hutchinson, A. Petrarca Wambach Callagironc Grabowski Miscevich Stairs DeMedio lrvis Petrone Wargo Cappahianca Greenwood Moehlmann Steighner DeVerter llkin Phillips Wars Cawley Grieco Morris Stevens DeWeese Jacksan Piccola Wcnger Ccssar Gruitra Mowsr) Slewart Daikeler Johnson Pistella Weston Cimini Cruppu Mikoaic Sulban Davies Kennedy Pitts Wiggins Civcra Hagarty Mullen Sweet Dawida Klingaman Pot1 Williams, H. Clark Haluska Murphy Swift Deal Kowalyshyn Pratt Wilson Clvmer Harpcr Nahill Taddonio Dietr Kukavich Punt Wogan Cachran Hasay Nuve Taylor, E. Z. Dininni Lashinger Rappaport Worniak Colafella Hayes ~'Danne~~ Taylor. F. E. Domhrowski Laughlin Rasco Wright, D. R. Cole Heiser Olas~ Telek Donatucci Lercovitr Reher Wright, J. L. Cordisco Hacffel Oliver Tigue Dorr Letterman Richardson Wright, R. C. Cornell Honaman Trello Duffy Levi Rieger Zwikl Coslctt Horgos Van Home NAYS-0 Cowell Hutchinson. A. Pctcrson Vraon Cunningham livis Pelrarca Wachob NOT VOTING-9 DeMedio ltkin Prtrone Wambach DeVertei Jackson Phillip, Wargo Alden Greenfield Pucciarelli Swaim DeWeese Johnson Piccola Waii Beloff O'Donnell Rocks Williams, J. D Daikcler Kennedy Pistella Wenger Gray Dawida Klingaman Pittr \VCS~O~ Dcal Kowalyshyn Pot1 Wiggins Diet7 Kukovich Pralt Williams, H. Dininni Lashinger r'unr Williams, J. D. Dombrowski Laughlin Rappaport Wilson 1878 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE NOVEMBER 17,

Donatucci 1.escavitz Rasco Wogan On the question recurring, Dorr Lctterman Reber Worniak Will the House agree to the amendment? Duffy Levi Richardson Wright, D. R Durham- -~ Levin Riceer Wricht." . I. L. The following roll call was recorded: Emerson Livengood Rittec Wright, R. C. Evans Lloyd Racks Zwikl YEAS-190 Fargo Lucyk Rybak Anderson Emerson Lucy!. Rybak NAYS-0 Armstrong Evans hlcClatchy Salvatore NOT VOTING-I0 Arty Fargo Mclntyre Sauiman Barber Fcs McManagle Serafini Alden Howser Gray Pucciarelli Belardi Fiicher McVerry Seventy Beloff Cohcn Greenfield Swaim Belfanti Fleck hlacko\\'ski Showers Harski Davies Beloff Foster, \V W. Madigan Shupnik Berson Foster, Jr., A. hlaiale Sieminski EXCUSED-6 Bittle Freind Manderino Sirianni Fryer Manmillci Smith, B. Frarier I.ehr Picviky Blaum Kolter Lcwis Horski Gallagher Marmion Smith, E. H. Bowicr Gallen Merry Smith. L. E. Ryan, Speaker Hoycs Gamblc Michlavic Snyder Brandt Gannan hliconie Spcncer The majority required by the Constitution having voted in B~own Geist Miller Spit7 Hurd George Miscevich Stairs the affirmative, the question was determined in the affirma- Burns Gladcck Moehlmann Stcighner tive. Caltagirone Grabowski Morris Stevens Ordered, That the clerk present the same to the Senate for Cappabianca Greenwood Mowery Stcuait Cawley tirieco Mrkonic Stuban concurrence. Ccssar Gruitza Mullen Swaim * * * Cimini Gruppo Murphy Swet Civera Hagarty Nahill Swift The House proceeded to third consideration of SB 77, PN Clark Haluska Noye Taddonio Clymer Harper O'Donnell Taylor, E. Z. 2191, entitled: Cochran Hasay Olasr Taylor, F. E. An Act amending the act of October 30, 1981 (P. L. 321, No. Cohen Ha)es Oliver Telek Colafella Huirei Pendleton Tigue 114), entitled "An act prohibiting political subdivisions or agen- Cole Hoeffel Perzel Trello cies of the Commonwealth from imposing certain quotas on the Cordisco Honaman Peterson Van Horne issuance of citations for certain offenses," providing that certain Cornell Horgoi Petrarca Vroon evaluations of officers shall not be prohibited, further providing Coiletr Hutchinson, A. Petrane Wachob for proceedings, making clarifications, creating an offense and Corell livis Phillips Wambach imposing a penalty. Cunningham ltkin Piccola Wargo DeMedio Jackson Pistella Wars On the question, DeVerter Johnson Pirts Wenger Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration? DeWeese Kennedy Pott Weilan Daikeler Klingaman Pratt Wiggins Mr. CESSAR offered the following amendment No. Daviei Kowalyihyn Pucciarclli Williams. H. A9449: Dauida Kukovich Punt Williams, I. D. Deal Lashinger Rappaport Wil50n Amend Sec. 2 (Sec. 2.1), page 3, line 3, by inserting after Dietz Laughlin Rasco Wogan Dininni Lescovitr Reber Wozniak Dombrowski Letterman Richardson Wright. D. R. Donatucci Levi Rieger Wright. J. L. Dorr Lcvin Ritter Wright, R. C. Duffy Likengood Rocks Zwikl Durham Lloyd NAYS-0 NOT VOTING-3 On the question, Alden Gray Greenfield Will the House agree to the amendment? EXCUSED-6 The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the Frarier Lehr Pievsky majority whip. Kolter Lewis Mr. CESSAR. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Ryan. All this amendment does is insure that a police officer will Speaker not be subjected to a quota in writing tickets and adversely The question was determined in the affirmative, and the affect him whenever it comes to promotion. 1 urge all amendment was agreed to. members to support the amendment. On the question, The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as tleman from Philadelphia, Mr. Berson. amended? Mr. BERSON. Mr. Speaker, I agree with the amendment Bill as amended was agreed to. and hope that the House will accept it. 1982 LEGISLATIVE JO URNAL-HOUSE 1879

- ~~ The SPEAKER pro tempore. This bill has been considered amendment in which the concurrence of the Senate is on three different days and agreed to and is now on final requested. passage. * * * The question is, shall the bill pass finally? Agreeable to the provisions of the Constitution, the yeas The House proceeded to third consideration of SB 1206, and nays will now be taken. PN 2137, entitled: YEAS-189 A Supplement to the act of July 9, 1976 (P. L. 586, No. 142), entitled "Judiciary Act of 1976," adding certain provisions of Anderson Emerson Lloyd Rybak existing law to and making conforming, redesignation and edito- Armstrong Evans 1.ucyk Salvatore rial changes in certain provisions of the Pennsylvania Consoli- Arty Fargo McClatchy Saurman dated Statutes, making revisions, corrections and additions relat- Barber Fee hfclnryrc Serafini ing to judiciary and judicial procedure, including certain judi- Belardi Fischer McManagle Sevcnty cially enforceable rights, duties, immunities and liabilities and Belianti Fleck McVerry Showers Beloff Foster, W. W. Mackowiki Shupnik repealing certain acts and parts of acts supplied by the act as here- Berson Foster, Jr., A. Madigan Sieminiki tofore supplemented and as supplemented hereby. Bittle Freind Maiale Sirianni On the question, Blaum Fryer Manderino Smith. B. Borski Gallagher Manmillei Smith, E. H. Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration? Bawser Gallen llarmion Smith, I.. E. Boyes Gamble Merry Snyder The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- Brandt Gannan Michlovic Spencer tleman from Dauphin, Mr. Piccola. Brown Gcist Micorzie Spit? Mr. PICCOLA. Mr. Speaker, at the appropriate time I Burd George Miller Stairs Burns Gladeck Miiccvich Sreighner would like to be recognized for a motion to revert to the prior Caltagirone Ciiabo\~,ski Moehlmann Stevens printer's number on SB 1206. Cappabianca Greenwood Morris Stewart Cawiey Grieco Mower? Sruban On the question recurring, Cessar Gruitza Mrkonic Swaim Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration? Cimini Gruppa Mullen Sweet Civera Hagarty Murphy Swift Mr. HASAY offered the following amendments No. Clark Haluika Nahill Taddonio A9340: Clymer Harper Noye Taylor, E. %. Cochran Hasay O'Donnell Taylor, F. E. Amend Title, page I, line 9, by inserting after "law," " Cohen Haycs Olasx Telek further defining murder of the first degree, making Colafella Heiser Oliver Tiguc certain tampering with food, drugs, or medicine a Cole Hoeffel Pendleron Trello crime. Cordisca Honaman Perrel Van Horne Amend Table df Contents, page 1, by inserting between lines Cornell Horgos Peterson Vroon 22 and 23 Coslett Hutchinson, A. Petrarca Wachob Section 201. Amendments to Title 18. Irvis Petrone Wambach Cowcll Amend Table of Contents, page I, line 23, by striking out Cunningham ltkin Phillips Wargo DeMedio Jackson Piccola Wasi "201" and inserting DeVerter Johnson Piitella Wenger 202 DeWeese Kennedy Pitfs Wesron Amend Table of Contents, page 2, line I, by striking out Daikclcr Klingdman Pot1 Wiggins "202" and inserting Davies Kowalysl~yn Pcatt Williams, H. 203 Dawida Kukovich Punt Williams, J. D. Amend Table of Contents, page 2, line 2, by striking out Deal Lashingcr Rappaport Wilson "203" and inserting Dicfz Laughlin Rasco Wogan 204 Dininni Lescovitr Reber Wozniak Amend Bill, page 3, by inserting between lines 23 and 24 Dombrowski Letterman Richardson Wright, D. R. Donatucci Lcvi Rieger Wright, J. L. Section 201. Amendments to Title 18.-Sections 2502(a) Dorr Levin Ritter Wright, R. C. and 2710 of Title 18, act of November 25, 1970 (P.L.707, Duffy Livengoad Rocks Zwiki No.230), known as the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, are Durham amended or added to read: 8 2502. Murder. (a) Murder of the first degree.-A criminal homicide consti- NOT VOTING-4 tutes murder of the first degree when it is committed bv an inten- tional killing or by activitiset forth in section 2710 (;elating to Alden Gray Greenfield Pucciarelli tampering with food, drugs, or medicine). EXCUSED-6 1 * * 5 2710. Tampering with food, drugs, or medicine. Frazier Lehr Pievsky (a) Offense defined.- Kalter Lewis Ryan. (1) A person commits a felony of the third degree if he Speaker intenlionally places foreign material into any item of food or any drug or medicine, and the food, drug, or medicine: The majority required by the Constitution having voted in (i) is offered for sale, or the person believes that it the affirmative, the question was determined in the affirma- will be offered for sale to the general public; or tive. (ii) is given out as a treat or gift at Halloween or at Ordered, That the clerk return the same to the Senate with any other time. (2) If the activity set forth in subsection (a)(l) results in the information that the House has passed the same with serious bodily injury to an individual who ingested or otherwise 1880 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE NOVEMBER 17, consumed such food, drug, or medicine, the person is guilty of a felony of the first degree. (b) Definition.-As used in this section the term "foreign material'' mcdns: (1) any object which, if ingested or attempted to be ingested, could cause serious bodily injury, and includes, but is not liniiled to, razor blades, pins, nails, tacks, wire, and . . inserting 203 Amend Sec. 203, page 50, line 13, by striking out "203" and inserting 204 On the question, Will the House agree to the amendments? The SPEAKER pro tempore. For what purpose does the gentleman, Mr. Piccola, rise? 202 Amend Sec. 201, page 4, line 5, by inserting after "sections" Mr. PICCOLA. Mr. Speaker, I would like to move that the 9711(d). 9717, House revert to the prior printer's number on this bill, Mr. Amend Sec. 201, page 4, line 5, by removing the comma after Speaker. "42" and inserting The SPEAKER pro tempore. It is the opinion of the Chair or the that the proper procedure would be to amend the bill first, Amend Sec. 201, page 4, lines 6 and 7, by striking out "of November 25, 1970 (P.L.707, No.230). known as the Pennsyl- then take up the gentleman's motion, and if the motion vania Consolidated Statutes," carries, it would take care of the amendments that were Amend Bill, page 47, by inserting between lines 4 and 5 offered. $ 9711. Sentencing procedure for murder of the The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Mifflin, Mr. first degree. *** DeVerter. (d) Aggravating circumstances.-Aggravating circum- Mr. DeVERTER. Mr. Speaker, if the gentleman, Mr. stances shall be limited to the following: Hasay's amendment is adopted and the motion then by Mr. * * * Piccola to revert to a prior printer's number, does that take (I I) The victim died as a result of ingesting or otherwise Mr. Hasay's amendment with it to the prior printer's number consuming an item of food, drug, or medicine, which had or not? been tampered with by the defendant as provided in 18 Pa.C.S. 5 2710 (relating to tampering with food, drugs, or AMENDMENTS WITHDRAWN medicine). * * * The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without objection, the amendments are withdrawn. The Chair hears none. BILL PASSED OVER TEMPORARILY The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the majority leader. Mr. HAYES. Mr. Speaker, can we pass over this bill tem- porarily? The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair will hold the bill up temporarily. SB 1206, without objection, will be held over temporarily. The Chair hears no objection.

* 1 *

The House proceeded to third consideration of SB 1487, PN 2193, entitled: An Act amending the act of August 23, 1967 (P. L. 251, No. 102), entitled, as amended, "Industrial and Commercial Devel- opment Authority Law," expanding the scope of the act to include facilities for the confinement or correction of prisoners and providing for applicable elected representatives. On the question, Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration? Bill was agreed to. 1982 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE 1881

The SPEAKER pro tempore. This bill has been considered Ordered, That the clerk return the same to the Senate with on three different days and agreed to and is now on final the information that the House ha$ passed the same with passage. amendment in which the concurrence of the Senate is The question is, shall the bill pass finally? requested. Agreeable to the provisions of the Constitution, the yeas and nays will now be taken. REMARKS ON VOTES YEAS-180 The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the lady Anderson Emerson 1.ivengood ~ocki from Susquehanna, Miss Sirianni. Armstrong Evans Lloyd Rybak Miss SIRIANNI. Mr. Speaker, I was out of my seat when Arty Fargo Lucyk Salvatore Barber Fee McClatchy Saurman we voted SB 1487. 1 would like to be recorded in the affirma- Belardi Fischer Mclntyre Serafini tive. Beloff Fleck Mc.Vonaglc Seventy The SPEAKER pro tempore. The remarks of the lady will Bittle Foster, W. W. McVerry Shupnik Blaum Foster, Jr. , A. Mackowski Sietninski be spread upon the record. Bowser Freind Madigan Smith, R. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Philadelphia, Mr. Boycs Fryer Maialr Smith, E. H. Rappaport. Brandt Gallagher Manderino Smith. L. E. Brown Gallen Manmillcr Snyder Mr. RAPPAPORT. Mr. Speaker, I inadvertently voted in Burd Gamble Marmion Spencer the affirmative. I would like to be recorded in the negative on Burns Gannon Merry Spitr SB 1482. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Caltagirone Geir! Michlavic Stair5 Cappabianca George Micarzie Steighnec The SPEAKER pro tempore. The remarks of the gentleman Cawley Cladeck Miller Stevcni will be spread upon the record. Ccssar Grabowski Miscevich Stewart The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Westmoreland, Cimini Greenwood Maehlmann Stuban Civera Grieco Morris Sweet Mr. Kukovich. Clark Gruitza Mowery Swift Mr. KUKOVICH. Mr. Speaker, I voted erroneously on SB Clymer Gruppo Mrkonic Taddonio 1487, and I would like to be recorded in the negative. Cochran Hagarty Mullen Taylor, E. Z. Cohen Haluska Nahill Taylor. F. E. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The remarks of the gentleman Calafclla Harper Noyc ~eiek will be spread upon the record. Cole Hasay Olasr Tigue Cordisco Hayes Oliver Trclla Carnell Heiser Pendleton Van Horne BILL ON FINAL PASSAGE POSTPONED Coslett Hoeffel Pcrzei Vroon Cawell Honaman Petcrron Wachob Agreeable to order, Cunningham Horgos Pelrarca Wambach DeMedia lrvis Perrone Wargo The bill having been called up from the postponed calendar DeVerter ltkin Phillips Wass by Mr. HAYES, the House resumed consideration on final DeWeese Jackson Piccola Wenger passage of SB 1101, PN 2218, entitled: Daikeler Johnson Pisrella weston Davies Kennedy Pitts Wiggins An Act amending theact of June 3, 1937 (P. L. 1225, No. 316), Dawida Klingaman pot1 Williams, H. entitled "The Came Law," removing the requirements to obtain Deal Kowalyshyn Pratt Willialns, J. D special permits for the possession and sales of ferrets or fitches, Di~tz Kukavich Punt Wilson lurther providing Sor drawings for anllerless deer licenses, further Dininni Lashinger Rappaport Wogan Dombrawski Laughlin Rasca Worniak defining unlawful hunting with ferrets or fitches and providing Donatucci Lescovitr Reber Wright, D. R. penalties. Wright. J. I.. Dorr Letterman Richardson The SPEAKER pro lempore. This bill has been considered Duffy Levi Rieger Wright. R. C. Durham Levin Ritter Zwikl on three different days and agreed to and is now on final NAYS-4 passage. The question is, shall the bill pass finally? Belfanti Murphy O'Donnell Showers Agreeable to the provisions of the Constitution, the yeas NOT VOTING-9 I and nays will now be taken. Alden Gray Hutchinson. A. Sirianni YEAS-121 Berson Greenfield Pucciarelli Swaim Borski Anderson Danatucci Mclntyre Rebrr EXCUSED-6 Art) Duriy McMonagle Richardson Barber Durham McVerry Rieger Frazier Lehr Pievsky Belardi Evans Maiaie Ritter Kolter Lewis Bclfanti Fargo Manderino Rocks Ryan. Bcloff FCC Manmiller Salvararc Spcakrr Berson Fischer Marmion Saurman Bittle Fleck Merry Seventy The majority requued by the Constitution having voted in Blaum Freind hlichloric Shupnik the affirmative, the question was determined in the affirma- Borski Gallagher Micorzic Smith. B. Bowser Gamble hliscevich Sinith, E. H. Bayer Gannon \.larris Snyder Brorn Gladeck Mowery Spcllcci Caltagirone Grabowski Mrkonic Spill Cappabianca Greenwood Mullen Stevens LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE NOVEMBER 17,

Cawley Gruitza Murphy Swaim BILL ON CONCURRENCE Cesiar Gruppo Nahill Swcet IN SENATE AMENDMENTS Civera Hagarty O'Donnell Taddonio Clark Harper Olasz Telek Colafella Hciser Oliver Tiguc The clerk of the Senate, being introduced, returned the fol- Cole Hoeffel Pendleton Trello lowing HB 1207, PN 3665, with information that the Senate Cordisca Hargas Perrel Vroon has passed the same with amendment in which the concur- Cornell lrvis Petrarca Wambach Coilctt ltkin Petrane Weaon rence of the House of Representatives is requested: Kennedy Piccola Wiggins Cowell An Act amending theact of May 16, 1923 (P. L. 207, No. 153), DeMedio Lashinger Pibtelia Williams, H. DeWeese Lescovitr Pott Williams, J. D. referred to as the Municioal Claim and Tax Lien Law, cxtendine- Daikelcr Levin Pratt Wogan the period for revival of suggestions and averments of nonpay- Dawida Lucyk Pucciarclli Wright, R. C. ment and default and the time for filing and renewal of all taxcs Deal McClatchy Rarco Zuikl and municipal claims to twenty years and further providing for Dininni satisfaction of liens. NAYS-68 On the question, Armstrang Gallen Livengood Smith, L. E. Will the House concur in Senate amendments? Brandt Geist Lloyd Stairs Burd Gcarge Mackowski Steighner The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the lady Burns Grieco Madigan Stewart from Susquehanna, Miss Sirianni. Cimini Haluska Miller Stuban Miss SIRIANNI. Mr. Speaker, I suggest that the House do Clymcr Hasay Moehlmann Swift Cochran Hayes Noye Taylor, E. Z. concur in the amendments inserted by the Senate. Cohen Honaman Peterson Taylor, F. E. Cunnineham Hutchinsan. A. Phillios Van Horne On the question recurring, ~evert; Jacksan Pitts Wachob Will the House concur in Senate amendments'! Davies Johnson Punt Wargo The SPEAKER pro tempore. Agreeable to the provisions Dietz Klingaman Rappapart Wars Dambrowski Kowalyshyn Rybak Wengcr of the Constitution, the yeas and nays will now be taken. Dorr Kukovich Serafini Wilson Foster, W. W. Laughlin Shower, Wozniak Foster, Ir.. A. Letterman Sieminiki Wright, D. R Anderson Evans Lloyd Salvatore Fryer Levi Sirianni Wright, J. L. Armstrong Fargo Lucyk Saurman NOT VOTING-4 Arty Fec McClatchy Serafini Barber Fischer Mclnryre Scventy Alden Emerson Gray Greenfield Belardi Fleck McMonagle Showers EXCUSED-6 Belfanti Forler, W. W. Mc\'erry Shupnik Bcloff Foster. Jr.. A. Macko~ski Sieminski Frazier Lehr Pievsky Bittle Freind Madigac Sirianni Koller Lewis Blaum Frycr Maiale Smith, B. Ryan, Borski Gallagher Manderina Smith, E. H. Speaker Boyes Gallen Manmiller Smith, L. E. Brandt Gamble Marmian Snyder The majority required by the Constitution having voted in Brown Cannon Merry Spcncer the affirmative, the question was determined in the affirma- Burd Geist Michiovic Spill Burns George Micorzie Stairs tive. Caltagirane Cladeck Miller Steighnrr Ordered, That the clerk return the same to the Senate with Cappabianca Grabowski Miicerich Stcvens the information that the House has passed the same with Cawley Greenwood Mochlmann Stewart Ccssar Grieco Morris Stuban amendment in which the concurrence of the Senate is Cimini Gruitra Mo~ery Swaim requested. Civera Giuooo Mrkonic Succt

I Clark Mullen Suift~ ~~ Clymer Murphy Taddonio QUESTION OF INFORMATION Cochran NOye Taylor. E. Z. Cohen O'Donnell Taylor, F. E. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- Colafella Hayes Olas, Telek tleman from Allegheny, Mr. Petrone. Cole Heiier Oliver Tlgue Cordisco Hoeffel Pendleton rlello Mr. PETRONE. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Cornell Honaman Perzcl Van Hornc Mr. Speaker, I would like to call your attention to the fact Coslett Horgos Peterson Vroan that the last bill on the board was SB 1101. There is confusion Cowell Hutchinson. Pctrarca Wachob Cunningham Iwis Petrone Wambach in the House as to which bill we voted on. Some members are DeMedio ltkin Phillips Wargo under the impression it was SB 1109. It was on the board as DeVerter Jackson Piccola Wass SB 1101. Would you please clarify it? DeWeeie Johnson Pist clla Wenger Daikcler Kennedy Pott Wesran The SPEAKER pro tempore. The bill that was just voted Davies Klingaman Pralt Wiggins onwasSB1101. Dawida Kowalvshvn Pucciarelli Williams. H.

&A- n~~nn7.r~TL--~. 1"- e---n.-- I Deal Kukov.ich' Punt Williamr.~, 1.~ -I). Dietr Lashinger Rasca Wilson Dininni Laughlin Reber Wogan Dombrowski Lescovitr Richardson Warniak Donatucci Letterman Rieger Wright, D. R. Dorr Levi Ritter Wright, J. L. LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE

Duffy Levin Rocks Wright, R. C. Cochran Hasay Olasr Taylor, F. E. Durham livengood Rybak Zwikl Cahen Hayes Oliver Telek NAYS-l Calaiella Huiser Pendleton Tigue Cole Hoelfel Perzel Trello Rappaport Cordisco Hanaman Peterson Van Horne Cornell Horgos Petraica Vroon NOT VOTING-8 Coslett Hutchinsan, A. Pctrane Wachob Cowcll Inis Phillips Wambach Alden Bowser Gray Nahill Cunningham ltkin Warga Berron kmerson Greenfield Pitti DrMrdia Jackson Wair EXCUSED-6 DeVerter John,un Wenger DeWeese Kenned) Weiton Fiacier Lchr Pievsky Daikelcr Klingaman Wiggi~ii Kalter Lewis Davies Kowalyshyn Pucciarelli Williams, H. Ryan. Darida Kukovich Punt Williams, J. D. Speaker Deal La~hinger Rappaport Wilson Dierz Laughlin Rasca Wogan The majority required by the Constitution having voted in Dininni Lescoritz Reber Wozniak the affirmative, the question was determined in the affirma- Dornbrowski Levi Richardson Wright, D. R. tive and the amendments were concurred in. Donatucci Lcvin Kiegcr Wright, J. L. Darr Livengoad Ritrer Wright, R. C. Ordered, That the clerk inform the Senate accordingly. Duffy Lloyd Rocks Zwikl Durham Lucyk BILL ON CONCURRENCE IN SENATE AMENDMENTS Letterman The clerk of the Senate, being introduced, returned the fol- NOT VOTING-6 lowing HB 1595, PN 3667, with information that the Senate Alden Emerson Greenfield Spin has passed the same with amendment in which the concur- Beison Gray rence of the House of Representatives is requested: EXCUSED-6 An Act making additional appropriations to the Local Govern- Frarier Lehr Pievskv ment Commission for general government expenses and publi- cation of codes.

On the question, The majority required by the Constitution having voted in Will the House concur in Senate amendments? the affirmative, the question was determined in the affirma- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- tive and the amendments were concurred in. tleman from Montgomery, Mr. McClatchy. Ordered, That the clerk inform the Senate accordingly. Mr. McCLATCHY. Mr. Speaker, 1 suggest that the House do concur in the amendments inserted by the Senate. BILL ON CONCURRENCE On the queslion recurring, IN SENATE AMENDMENTS Will the House concur in Senate amendments? The clerk of the Senate, being introduced, returned the fol- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Agreeable to the provisions lowing HB 2088, PN 3702, with information that the Senate of the Constitution, the yeas and nays will now be taken. has passed the same with amendment in which the concur- YEAS-186 rence of the House of Representatives is requested: Anderson Evans McClatchy Rybak An Act amending the "Liquor Code," approved April 12, Armstrong Fargo Mclntyre Salvatore 1951 (P. L. 90, No. 21), further providing for the approval of sec- Arty Fee McMonagle Saurman ondary service areas and for the sale of wine by holders of a Barber Fischcr McVerry Serafini Belardi Fleck Mackowski Seventy limited winery license. Belfanti Foster, W. W. Madigan ' Showers On the question, Bcloff Foster, Jr., A. Maiale Shupnik Bittie Freind Mandcrino Sieminski Will the House concur in Senate amendments? Blaum Fryer Manmillei Sirianni Borski Gallagher Marmion Smith, B. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- Bowser Gallen Merry Smith, E. H. tleman from Erie, Mr. Bowser. Boyes Gamble Michlovic Smith, L. E. Mr. BOWSER. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Brandt Gannon hlicozzie Snydcr Brown Geist Miller Spcnccr I would like to ask the body to nonconcur on this bill and Burd George Mircerich Stairs send it to a conference committee. Burns Gladeck Moehlmann Stcighner There are some problems in the amendments that the Caltagirone Grabowski Morris Stevens Cappabianca Greenwood Mowery Stewart Senate put into it that the LCB (Liquor Control Board) wants Cawley Grieca Mrkanic Stuban worked out. Thank you. Cessar Gruitza Mullen Swaim Cimini Gruppo Murphy Sweet On the question recurring, Civera Hagarty Nahill Swift Clark Haluska Noye Taddanio Clymer Harper 0'Dunnell Taylor. E. Z. 1884 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE NOVEMBER 17,

Will the House concur in Senate amendments? REMARKS ON VOTE The SPEAKER pro tempore. Agreeable to the provisions of the Constitution, the yeas and nays will now be taken. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- tleman from Centre, Mr. Letterman. YEAS-4 Mr. LETTERMAN. Mr. Speaker, on concurrence in Mclntyre Peirel Pratt Rilter Senate amendments to HB 1595, PN 3667, 1 voted in error. I NAYS-183 would like to be recorded in the affirmative, please. Anderson Durham Livcngoad Salvatore The SPEAKER pro tempore. The remarks of the gentleman Armstrong Evans Lloyd Saurman will be spread upon the record. Arty Fargo Lucyk Serafini Barber Fee McClatchy Scvcnly Belardi Fischcr McMonagle Shorers BILL ON CONCURRENCE Belfanti Fleck McVeiry Shupnik IN SENATE AMENDMENTS Beloff Faster, W. W. Mackowiki Sieminski Berson Foster, Jr., A. Madigan Sirianni The clerk of the Senate, being introduced, returned the fol- Bittle Freind Maiaie Smith, B. Blaum Fryer Manderino Smith, E. H. lowing HB 2304, PN 3717, with information that the Senate Barski Gallagher Manmiller Smith, L. E. has passed the same with amendment in which the concur- Bowser Gallen Mar mion Snyder rence of the House of Representatives is requested: Bayes Gamble Merry Spencer Brand1 Cannon Michlovic Spitr A Supplement to the act of July I, 1981 (P. L. 142, No. 47), Brown Geist Micorrie Stairs entitled "An act providing for the capital budget for the fiscal Burd George Miller Steighner year 1981-1982," itemizing public improvement and furniture Burns Gladeck Miscevich Stevens and equipment projects to be constructed or acquired by the Caltagirone Grabowski Moehlmann Stewart Cappabianca Greenwood Morris Stuban Department of General Services together with their esrimated Cawley Grieco Mowery Swaim financial cost; authorizing the incurring of debt without the Cessar Gruitza Mrkonic Swift approval of the electors for the purpose of financing the projects Cimini Gruppo Mullen Taddanio to be constructed or acquired by the Department of General Ser- Civera Hagarty Murphy Taylor, E. 2. vices, staring the estimated useful life of the projects, repealing Clark Haluska Nahill Taylor, F. E. projects and making appropriations. Clymer Harper Noye Telek Cochran Hasav O'Donncll Tieue On the auestion. Cohen Hayes Olasr Trello Will the House concur in Senate amendments? Colafella Heiser Oliver Van Harne Cardisco Hoeffel Pendletan Vroon The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- Carnell Honaman Peterson Wachob Coslett Horgos Petrarca Wambach tleman from Lancaster, Mr. Brandt. Cawell Hutchinson. A. Perrone Warm Mr. BRANDT. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Cunningham lrvis Phillips was; HB 2304 has come over as a supplement to the capital DeMedio ltkin Piccala Wcnger budget, and besides the money originally intended in the bill DeVerter Jackson Pistella Weston npwppr;~- - .. --"- .rnhnwn...... ~itt. .... wivrin~.--..." for the Elizabethtown Hosuital transfer to Hershev.. . there Daikeler Kennedy Pott Williams, H. were also two other projects added to the bill, projects that we Davies Klingaman Pucciarelli Williams, J. D. Dawida Kowalqshqn Punt Wilson have already passed in this House, and I ask that we concur in Deal ~ukovich. Ra~vavort.. . Waean the Senate amendments. Dietr Lashinger Rasca Woiniak Dininni Laughlin Reber Wright, D. R. On the question recurring, Dombrowski Lescovitz Richardson Wright, J. L. Will the House concur in Senate amendments? Donatucci Letterman Rieger Wright, R. C. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Agreeable to the provisions Dorr Levi Rocks Zwikl Duffy Levin Rybak of the Constitution, the yeas and nays will now be taken. NOT VOTING-6 Alden Emerson Greenfield Sweet Anderson Lucyk Rybak Cole Gray Armstrong Fargo McClatchy Salvatore EXCUSED-6 Arty Fee Mclntyre Saurman Barber Fischcr McMonagle Serafini Frarier Lehr Pievsky Belardi Fleck McVcrry Seventy Kolter Lewis Belfanti Foster. W. W. Mackowski Showers Ryan. Belalf Foster. Jr.. A. Madigan Shupnik Speaker Bittle Freind Maiale Sieminski Blaum Fryer Manderino Sirianni Less than the majority required by the Constitution having Borski Gallagher Manmiller Smith. B. voted in the affirmative, the question was determined in the Bowser Gallen Marmion Smith. E. H. Boyes Gamble Merry Smith, L. E. negative and the amendments were not concurred in. Brandt Gannon Michlovic Snyder Ordered, That the clerk inform the Senate accordingly. Brawn Geist Micorzie Spencer Burd George Miiler Stairs Burns Gladeck Miscevich Steighner Callaairone Grabowski Moehlmann Stevens Greenwood Morris Stewart Grieco Mowery Stuban Gruitza Mrkonic Swaim 1982 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE 1885

Cimini tiruppo Sweet Will the House concur in Senate amendments? Civera Hagarty Murph) Swilr I Clark Halurka Nahill Taddonio The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- Clymci Harper Noyc Taylor. E. 7,. tleman from Montgomery, Mr. Saurman. Cochran Iiaray O'Donnell Taylor, 1'. E. Mr. SAURMAN. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Cohen Haycr Trlrk Culatella Heiser Tigue The Senate in effect passed the bill as it was reported from Cole Hoellcl Tieilu our House Judiciary Committee, deleting a good many of the Cordisco Honaman Periel Van Harnc amendments that were put in in the House, restoring some of Cornell Horgos Pctcrson Vroon Coslett Hutchinson, A. Petrarca Wachob them, and adding two of their own, the ones, I guess, that are Cowctl Irvis Pelrone Wanlbach most important having to do with removing community lthirt Wargo Cunningham Phillips service. DcMcdia Jackson Piccola Waii DeVcrter Johi~ron Pistella Wengcr The amendments that they included include one that will DeWeeie Kenned) Pitts Weston allow and in fact require that the Department of Trans- Daikeler Klingaman Port Wiggins portation suspend the license of a juvenile, whether adjudi- Uavies Kowallshyn Pran Williams, H. Dauida Kukovich Pucciarelli Williams, J. D cated delinquent or convicted. Before this amendment, it was Deal Lashinger Punt Wilson not possible to take the license of a juvenile if he had been diet^ Laughlin Rappaport Wogan adjudicated delinquent. Dininni Lescovitz Kaico Wozniak Dombrowski Letterman Rebcr Wright, I). R. The other amendment was to make the bill effective in 30 Danatucci 1.e~i Richardson Wright, J. L. days, and I urge that we concur in the Senate amendments. Dorr Lriin Kicgcr Wcight, R. C. Duffy Livcngood Ritter Durham Lloyd Racks FILMING PERMISSION GRANTED NAYS-0 The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair at this time has NOT VOTING-6 granted permission to Mr. Vince Mannino of the United Press Alden Emcrian Greenfield Spitr International to photograph general activity on the floor of Heison Gray the House for 10 minutes. EXCUSED-6

Frarirr Lehr Picksky CONSIDERATION OF HB 2533 CONTINUED Kolter Lcwis Ryan, MOTION TO SUSPEND RULES Spcaker The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- The majority required by the Constitution having voted in tleman from Philadelphia, Mr. Evans. the affirmative, the question was determined in the affirma- Mr. EVANS. Mr. Speaker, I rise to ask that we make a tive and the amendments were concurred in. motion for suspension of the rules, and the purpose that I rise Ordered, That the clerk inform the Senate accordingly. to ask for the suspension of the rules is because when HB 2533 was initiated in the House, there was an amendment that I had SUPPLEMENTAL CALENDAR A offered, and 108 of the members of the House of Representa- BILL ON CONCURRENCE tives had voted for that particular amendment. In that amend- IN SENATE AMENDMENTS ment I was asking that there be mandatory community service on first offense, but the Senate saw fit to strip that particular The clerk of the Senate, being introduced, returned the fol- amendment and many other amendments that we thought lowing HB 2533, PN 3663, with information that the Senate would be important in terms of constructing a very important has passed the same with amendment in which the concur- bill inthe~tateofpennsylvania. rence of the House of Representatives is requested: The reason that 1 ask for a motion for suspension of the amending 7itles 75 (vehicles) and 42 (judiciary and rules versus nonconcurrence is because I am truly interested in Judicial Procedure) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, dealing with the problem of drunk driving. However, I think further regulating driving under the influence of alcohol or con- that this bill does not go far enough in being sensitive to the trolled substance, regulating chemical tests and refusal to submit, issues regarding first offense, I would ask each and every one driving while operating privilege is suspended or revoked, defin- ing presumptions of guilt, establishing required programs for of my colleagues in here today to support me on that motion offenders.. reeulatine the disoosition of Accelerated Rehabilita- for suspension of the rules. tive Dispositions, establishing the offense of homicide by vehicle The SPEAKER pro tempore. What purpose does the gen- while driving under the influence, regulating emergency room tleman have in mind in suspending the rules? what would be reports, granting reciprocal suspension or revocation enforce- the next step? ment agreements, restricting consumption of alcohol in a vehicle in operation. increasing penalties and further providing for the Mr. EVANS. To allow amendments. disuosition of certain fines and penalties. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the gentleman come to the podium, please? On the question, (Conference held at Speaker's podium.) LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE NOVEMBER 17,

The SPEAKER pro tempore. The question before the ments only, none of the other amendments which the House House is the motion by the gentleman from Philadelphia, Mr. had put in the bill. Is that correct? Evans, to suspend the rules in order that on HB 2533, PN The SPEAKER pro tempore. The motion is to limit to these 3663, we concur in all of the amendments inserted by the lines which 1 just gave you. Senate except lines 29 and 30 on page 16 and all of page 17; on Mr. LLOYD. Okay. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. page 20 it would be lines 12 through 15. The motion before On the question recurring, the House is on the suspension of the rules. Will the House agree to the motion? On the question, The following roll call was recorded: Will the House agree to the motion? YEAS-86 The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- tleman, Mr. Evans. Barber Fee Mclntyre Rieger Beifanti Fleck Mchlonagle Ritter Mr. EVANS. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Beloff Fryer Maialc Racks I hope that each and every one of the members has closely Ber~on Gamble Manderino Kybak been listening to what the Speaker has just expressed. The Biaum Gladrck Michlovic Scvmty Borski Grabowski Miller Shupnik only thing that I am attempting to do is not to nonconcur with Caltagirone Gruitra Miscevich Stewart regard to the bill but only give an opportunity to deal with Cappahianca Haluska Murphy Swaim those amendments that an overwhelming majority of the indi- Clark Harper O'Donneil Sweet Cahen Hoeffcl Olair Taylor, F. E. viduals in this House voted for. One hundred and eight of the Colafella Horgos Oliver Tigue individuals voted for the mandatory community service. One Cole Hutchinson, A. Pcndleton Tceilo hundred and fifty-two members voted for the posting of the Cowell lrvii Perzel Wachob DeMedio ltkin Pctrarca Wambach alcohol charts. I hope that each member on both sides of the DeWeese Kowalyshyn Petrone Wargo aisle understands that the only thing I am attempting to do is Dam,ida Kukovich Piitella wiggins to construct a bill that 1 hope is fair and that will allow a Deal Lashinger Pott Williams, H. Dombrowski Laughlin Prar~ Williams, J. D. system to understand that you are dealing with human beings. Donatucci Lescovitr Pucciarelli Wozniak I hope that we will not just go out and vote this motion Duffy Letterman Rappaport Wright, D. R. down for the sake of voting it down, that you will strongly Emerion Le\in Richardson Zsrikl Evans Lucyk consider these amendments that I expressed to you hefore that NAYS- I02 1 think are very important. So I hope members on both sides of the aisle will give me that respect and allow us to vote the Anderson Durham McClatchy Sieminski amendments "yes" or "no" versus just not allowing me to Armstrong Fargo McVcrry Sirianni Arty Fischer Mackawski Smilh. B. suspend the rules. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Belardi Faster, W. W. Madigan Smith, E. H. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- Bittle Faster, Jr., A. Manmiller Smith, L. E. tleman from Montgomery, Mr. Saurman. Bowser Freind Marmion Snyder Boyes Gallagher Merry Spencer Mr. SAURMAN. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Brandt Gallen Micazrie Spil~ I ask for a "no" vote on this motion to suspend the rules. Brown Cannon Mochlmann Stairs We have moved this bill. It has gone through the legislative Burd Gcist Morri~ Steighner Burns George Mowery Srevcns process. It has been debated. It is back now for concurrence. I Cawley Greenwod Mrkonic Stuban ask for a "no" vote on the motion to suspend the rules. Cessar Grieco Nahill Swift Thank vou. Cimini Gruppo Noye Taddonio Civera Hagarty Peterson Taylor, E. 2. Clymer Hasay Phillips PARLIAMENTARY INQUIRY Cachran Hayes Piccola Van Hurne Cordisco Heiser Pitts Vroan Cornell Honaman Punt Wass The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- Coslett Jackson Rasco Wenger tleman from Somerset, Mr. Lloyd. Cunningham Johnson Reber Weston Mr. LLOYD. Mr. Speaker, a parliamentary inquiry. DeVerter Kennedy Salvatore Wilson Davies Klingaman Saurman Wogan 1 was not able to follow because of the noise in the House Dietr Levi Serafini Wright, J. L. your explanation as to which sections of the bill we are being Dininni Livengood Showers Wright. R. C asked to suspend the rules on, and I wonder if we could have Dorr Lloyd some order and you could go through those again and tell us NOT VOTING-5 which pages and lines. Alden Gray Greenfield The SPEAKER pro tempore. The motion before the House Daikeler is just on suspension of the rules. Should that motion carry, we will then vote to determine whether or not we want to Lehr Pievrky accept lines 29 and 30 on page 16, all of the lines on page 17, Lewis and on page 20 lines 12 through 15. Ryan, Mr. LLOYD. That would be all we would be entitled to Speaker offer amendments to reconsider, those particular amend- 1982 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE 1887

The question was determined in the negative, and the question involved, if the Parliamentarian can give us an motion was not agreed to. answer, it seems to me that we cannot decide which amend- On the question recurring, ments this can be limited to, specifically since there are other Will the House concur in Senate amendments? House members who had other amendments that were placed into the bill. I think his specific concern was his amendments, PARLIAMENTARY INQUIRY but I think in the ruling we did not specifically clarify the point. For example, if Representative l.loyd had amendments The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- in the bill and he wanted those reconsidered, why would not tleman from Philadelphia, Mr. Richardson. all of the amendments that were placed in by the House be Mr. RICHARDSON. Mr. Speaker, I have a point of reconsidered at the time of the suspension of the rules? I think mentary inquiry. that is the big question. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gentleman will state his The SPEAKER Pro tempore. The gentleman, Mr. Evans, point of parliamentary inquiry. once again, stipulated which changes he wished to have made. Mr. RICHARDSON. Is it not a fact, MF. Speaker, that if That was explained to rhe House, and that is what was voted you ask to suspend the rules in this particular instance for HB upon. The motion to suspend the rules did not carry. 1f the 2533 on concurrence, that in fact the limited amount of gentleman wishes to appeal the ruling of the Chair, he has the amendments that were placed in the bill cannot only solely be rightto do so. directed to the amendments that you enumerated but could be enumerated to all of those amendments that were placed in by MOTION TO SUSPEND RULES the House, because I think a number of members were con- fused by the fact that you only talked about a few pages where Mr. RICHARDSON. Mr. 'peakerX now would like to the H~~~~ did place some amendments into this bill, If there place another motion. I was trying to get you away from that. was go,ng to be limited debare or a limited question relevant 1 was ju" trying to say that evidently the motion that was to the amendments that were inserted by the H~~~~,would placed was not explained well, but I am willing to offer a sub- that not mean all of the H~~~~ amendments that had been stitute motion if that is the case or an additional motion, and inserted into this bill as opposed to just a certain number? that is that we suspend the rules and that all of the amend- I raise that as a parliamentary inquiry, Mr. Speaker, ments that were placed in by the House of Representatives be because I think that on the last vote there were a of considered in the suspension of the rules as opposed to a spe- persons who were confused based on whether or not you were cific number of amendments that were placed in by Represen- only opening it for a certain number of pages to be reconsid. tative Evans, because I think that that was really the question ered or or not you were opening it on all of the and not necessarily the question that the Chair had posed to amendments that were passed by this House of Representa- the body. tives. The SPEAKER Pro tempore. Do I understand that the gen- ~h~ s~E~~~~pro tempore, lt is the feeling of the Chair tleman is making a motion to suspend the rules? that the answer to the question of the gentleman, Mr. Lloyd Mr. RICHARDSON. You stopped at that point. Yes to from Somerset, fully explained what was before the H~~~~,that point, but then further to enumerate that my specific what amendments were being considered in the change and question is to suspend the rules and that wc consider only which ones were not. I think it was fully explained to the those amendments that were placed into this hill by the Houre members of the House, and I believe they fully understood the of Representatives that had been deleted by the Senate. question before them. The SPEAKER pro tcmpore. Do I understand that the gen- M~,RICH~~~SON. N~,it was not, M~,speaker, and I tleman wishes to suspend the rules in order to restore all am raising that ooint of oarliamentarv. inauirv. amendments that were put in by the House that were deleted ., by the Senate and also to delete the amendments that were put My spe5fic ;uestion,'Mr. Speaker, is, is it not a rule that if I . . . - . you are in fact going to suspend the rules, that all of the In by tne henate'! amendments that were placed in by the House would cause Mr. RICHARDSON. Only those amendments, Mr. then limited debate on the question, which would mean that Speaker. That was where my limitation came in, 1 think. That we would only be talking then all of the amendments is why 1 said there was some confusion in relationship to the placed in by the H~~~~ and not a certain number of amend. motion made by Representative Evans. 1 think that it should ments that were placed in by the House that were taken out by be inclusive of only those amendments that were offered by the Senate? That is my question. the House of Representatives that were deleted by the Senate. The SPEAKER pro tempore. In answer to the gentleman, The SPEAKER pro tempore. How about the amendments the gentleman from Philadelphia, Mr. Evans, stated exactly that the Senate inserted that would change the Housc amend- which ones he wanted to change, and that was read before the ments? motion, and the people certainly should have understood the Mr. RICHARDSON. Well, Mr. Speaker, 1 think you question before them. already included that in the motion last time. I do not know Mr. RICHARDSON. Well, Mr. Speaker, then 1 would how the Parliamentarian ruled on the Senate amendments last raise an objection and say to you, Mr. Speaker, that on the time, but that was not a part of the motion. LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE NOVEMBER 17,

The SPEAKER pro tempore. In other words, the gentle- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- man makes a motion that we suspend the rules in order to tleman from Montgomery, Mr. Saurman. restore the amendments that were put in by the House, Mr. SAURMAN. Mr. Speaker, what the gentleman is period. trying to do is to nonconcur in this vote, and then it would go Mr. RICHARDSON. Yes, Mr. Speaker, and I think that to a conference committee. What procedure is there to send a you will have to get a ruling from the Parliamentarian as to bill that has been sent here for concurrence back to the other what he did on the last motion in respect to just those amend- body? The vote should be on concurrence, and if this body ments that were offered by Representative Evans, because I votes to nonconcur, it will go to a conference committee did not hear anything mentioned about the Senate amend- where these amendments can be considered. I do not under- ments the last time. I am speaking specifically only to those stand how this procedure could possibly be permitted. amendments that were offered by members here in the House The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the of Representatives that have been deleted by the Senate only minority leader. so we can have a suspension of that rule so that they can then Mr. IRVIS. Mr. Speaker, I have suggested to the gentleman at least be reintroduced to see whether or not we can get the that all he needs to do is to move to suspend the rules, and if House here to concur in those amendments. the House agrees that his reason for such a motion is to The SPEAKER pro tempore. The last motion has nothing reintroduce into the bill those amendments which he believes to do with this motion. The gentleman's motion is to suspend should be there, the House can then be in a position to do it. It the rules so that we can restore the amendments put in by the would not deal with concurrence or nonconcurrence; it is a House that were removed by the Senate, and that is the ques- question of, does the House wish to suspend its rules so that tion before the Honseat this time. he may amend where ordinarily he would not be permitted to do so? On the question, Will the House agree to the motion? The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the lady from Chester, Mrs. Taylor. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the lady Mrs. TAYLOR. Mr. Speaker, may I interrogate Represen- from Delaware, Mrs. Durham. tative Irvis? Mrs. DURHAM. Mr. Speaker, if the motion to suspend The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gentleman indicates he carries, then what will be the next procedure for the bill? will stand for interrogation. The lady may proceed. The SPEAKER pro tempore. We would inform the Senate Mrs. TAYLOR. Mr. Speaker, 1 wonder if this vote would that we have nonconcurred in the amendments which they delay the passage of this very important piece of legislation. inserted. Mr. IRVIS. Mr. Speaker, assuming the House suspends its rules and the gentleman wishes to amend, there would be a POINT OF ORDER delay only if the gentleman has not prepared his amendments. If the amendments are prepared, there would, of course, then Mr. RITTER. Mr. Speaker, a point of order. be no delay. I cannot answer you honestly whether the gentle- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gentleman from Lehigh, man has prepared the amendments or not. I do not know. Mr. Ritter, will state his point of order. Mrs. TAYLOR. Mr. Speaker, may I then interrogate Rep- Mr. RITTER. Mr. Speaker, if we move to suspend the rules resentative Evans? and that is successful, then it seems to me that the bill is in The SPEAKER pro tempore. I believe the party who made position for this House to offer amendments to the Senate the motion is Representative Richardson. amendments. Is that not correct? Mrs. TAYLOR. May I interrogate Representative Evans? The SPEAKER pro tempore. The motion does not state Are pour amendments prepared? that. The motion just states that we will restore the amend- Mr. EVANS. Mr. Speaker, what was the question again? ments put in by the House that were deleted by the Senate. Mrs. TAYLOR. Mr. Speaker, 1 would like to know whether Mr. RITTER. A further point of order, Mr. Speaker. or not the amendments that you wish to offer to this House to The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gentleman will state his this bill are prepared. point of order. Mr. EVANS. No, they arenot, Mr. Speaker. Mr. RITTER. When the motion is made to suspend the Mrs. TAYLOR. Mr. Speaker, this bill has certainly been rules, the rule that is being asked to be suspended is the one before both Houses under a great deal of discussion and that says we cannot offer amendments to Senate amendments, debate. There probably is no question in the mind of anyone so it seems to me that all we are doing is asking to suspend sitting in this chamber or that of the Senate as to what the that particular rule so that amendments can be offered to the public is waiting for this General Assembly to do, not amendments made by the Senate. I do not think you have to tomorrow and not next month, but I think that we have get any more specific than that. I do not think we have to say brought this whole piece of legislation to a climax, and it what amendment it is we want to offer amendments to. It is appears to me today that we should get on with the passage of whether or not this House wants an opportunity to offer this legislation that will hopefully-hopefully-cut down the amendments to the amendments inserted by the Senate. It number of deaths on our highways. I suggest that we do today seems to me that that is a very simple issue, and I would ask what needs to be done, and that is to concur in this bill. that you frame it in that light, Mr. Speaker. 1982 LEGISLATlVE JOURNAL-HOUSE 1889

The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes ihe gen- The following roll call was recorded: tleman, Mr. Richardson. YEAS-95 Mr. RICHARDSON. Mr. Speaker, I just want to say that I do not think there is anyone here attempting to delay any B;irbe~ 1~1)cr \Iaiillc Hcllanli C;amblc hl;cndc~in<> action on such a very important bill, but I do think that there HCIOII' Cienrpe \l~cl~lcn~c are a number of persons who are overly concerned with a very Bcriun ! tant issue. We did not place this bill in this position to wait C;ialc! Hocllcl 0'l)onncll C la, h HOI~O\ Ill:,\, until the last moment. In fact, 5L.e have been discussing this a11 Cnhcn Ilulcl,ioron, A. Oliic! along \+ith the Senate, which stripped out many of the amcnd- ( olnicll;~ 11111 Pc~~dlcln~~ ments here that were placed in it by the Iiouse. Cole Ilhin Pcr~cl Conell koniil!,l~i~~ P~lr~lcil I think that perhaps ,naybe the motion that I should hare Ui.\.lcdio huioi~cl! t'eiro~nc made, Mr. Speaker, so that there would not be any delay, De\\ cot I.II\IIIII~LII Pi,lcIln because we are majorly concerned with that, is that \\e rebut Ilaaida 1 augi>lin Poll 1)cal 1 C~CO,il, rj~~ll to the prior printer's number, and in that way we would be in I)omhroiiiur, 11.. -\. \ladlgall Smlllt. C. H. Mr. RICHARDSON. Yes, Mr. Speaker. Br;indl Iheind \l,>~lrnillcr Smill~.L. L. Bronn G~llaghcr \Iarn~ior Sn)del The SPEAKER pro tempore. The question is on thc Ilurd G:illcn htcrri Spunccr motion. The Chair recognizes thegentleman, Mr. Lbans. Horn$ (;allnun hlic,v,~c 51x11 Mr. EVANS. Mr. Speaker, I rise again to support that Cc\ur (iciil \lorri, SIa~rj Ciminl Grccnrood \loucr> Stcicn~ motion, and to support that motion, the amendnlerl~sihat 1 Clicr:~ (;r~eco hll holllc Suban plan to offer are the very same amendments that were in there 1 I!mer (iruppo N;~IIII Suih when the bill left this House. Those amendments are in the Coclnan H:

On the question recurring, The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair at this lime gives Will the House agree to the motion? permission to Channel 10 News, Philadelphia, for 10 minutes of silent filming. 1890 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE NOVEMBER 17,

CONSIDERATION OF HB 2533 CONTINUED want to do something about the drunk driver, but I do not think that putting individuals in jail is going to solve the On the question recurring, problem. Will the House concur in Senate amendments? Certainly I have heard the arguments about the first The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- offender, that either they are going to be in ARD (accelerated tleman from Philadelphia, Mr. Richardson. rehabilitative disposition) or when they are convicted they are Mr. RICHARDSON. Mr. Speaker, I would like to ask at going to spend 48 hours in jail, but the fact of the matter is this time that this House do nonconcur in HB 2533 for the that you want to deter the drunk driver. Locking people up in information that we have made available already. I think that our drug-filled, overcrowded prisons is not going to solvc the it is most fitting to recognize that in this Commonwealth we 1 problem of drunk drivers. Passing this bill today or tomorrow have a number of those persons who have been cited in this does not mean that anyone is going to stop drinking and Commonwealth and through editorials and other commen- driving. This is only one srep and I would say to you a bad taries that have been made about the whole question of drunk step in resolving the problem, because the answer is educa- driving being a very important issue before us. It indicates tion. The answer is education in our churches, education in that this body is not going to go out of session until maybe our public schools, education in our colleges. sometime next week sine die, and for that reason it seems to The bottom line is that 1 know each and every one of you is me that we are going to be taking up legislative matters, so concerned with attempting to dcal with the question of drunk therefore, it is not a delay tactic that at all is being a waste drivers. I compliment Mr. Saurman and the task force, here at this time. But there are some legitimate concerns that because they have certainly done a very credible job of coming this House of Representatives raised the last time around up with some kind of answer in regard to the question of which asked specifically fur certain amendments that were drunk driving, but the bottonl line comes down that we really placed in it, and the Senate decided to take those amendments have not scratched the surface in regard to what we are going out. I think it is an injustice when the other body decides to to do about the drunk driver. What arc we going to do about take out those kinds of amendments that overwhelmingly those teenagers on those Friday and Saturday nights who may were passed by the House, and the only way that we can not be aware that they could go to jail for 48 hours or they resolve it is to ask that this bill go to a conference committee, could go to jail for 90 hours or they could go to jail for a year, ask that that committee be convened right away and bring who may not be aware of those laws? Certainly you can say to that information back to the House of Representatives. 1 in me that that is not your business and you could care less, but no way feel that that is a delay tactic, and for the sake of those the bottom line is you will start to care when those same con- lives in Pennsylvania that have been lost through drunk stituents come back to you and say, look, my son happened to driving, which is a major concern to myself and also to get in trouble and Johnny or Mary did not mean to drink too members of my legislative district, I would ask at this time many beers, did not mean to drink too much wine; they made that the members of this House do nonconcur in HB 2533. a mistake. But 1 am telling you now, the problem with manda- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- tory sentencing is once the sentence is given, you cannot tleman from Philadelphia, Mr. Evans. retract it. You cannot retract it. And once they are convicted Mr. EVANS. Mr. Speaker, 1 rise with an awful lot of disap- and they spend 48 hours in jail and if they happen to be raped pointment, and the disappointment that 1 rise with is because while they are in jail, that is something you cannot retract. various members have expressed to me privately their concern 1 say to you today that we have an opportunity to send a in regard to this particular bill. I also rise with a lot of frus- message to the Senate, and I hope that message will be loud tration in that I truly was attempting to offer some construc- and clear that we should nonconcur in regard to this particu- tive solutions to a real tragic problem in this Commonwealth lar bill, that we have tried in a constructive manner to deal as well as in this country. No matter what anybody may think, with this problem. I hope that each and every one of you I have been very sincere about attempting to deal with the understands that the only thing 1 am trying to say to you is problem of drunk driving. I understand the pressure that is that I am not trying to prevent the work that the task force has out there from different groups expressing that we need an been about, but the only thing I have tried to offer is somc answer. In the city of Philadelphia we have had a television constructive amendments to a very serious problem in this station go on air, KYW, and express very strongly that we country, and drunk driving will continue to be a major need to be tough against drunk drivers. But we need to ask problem until we really get to the meat of the problem. So I ourselves the question of, where are we going to put these hope very sincerely, Democrat or Republican, that you clearly individuals? When our State's penal system is at 109 capacity look at this bill before you decide to vote "yes" on it. Thank and with the fact of the matter that we are spending over $300 you very much. million on the prison system, we clearly need to ask ourselves, The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- what are we going to do to resolve that problem? Anytime we tleman from Montgomery, Mr. Saurman. have bills coming into committee-just this last week in the Mr. SAURMAN. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Judiciary Committee talking about floating bonds to build The rhetoric that we just heard we have been hearing for new prisons-it is clear I hope to everyone in this House that years, and nothing has been happening. As a matter of fact we have a serious problem in our penal system. Certainly I and a matter of statistics, while we have been debating this bill LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE this afternoon, three more people have died on our highways. L)uffy Livengood Rybak I think it is time that we take the action that is necessary, vote NAYS-3 to concur in this bill, and let us get something on the books E\ans Mullcn Richardson that *,ill change the attitude of the public, change the attitude NOT VOTING-3 of our public officials toward drunk drivers. us get the drunk driver off the road. Let us vote to concur. Alden Gray Lrecnf~eld The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- EXCUSED-6 tleman from Washington, Mr. Fischer. 17raricr l ehr Pievtky Mr. FISCHER. Mr. Speaker, in response to the speaker Kolter Lexis who just spoke a few minutes ago, I will tell you what cannot Ryan, Speaker be taken back. I will tell you what cannot be taken back - not a prison term. What cannot be taken back is a life and a The majority required by the Constitution having voted in mangled body along the highway. That is what cannot be the affirmative, the question was determined in the affirma- taken back. If we are going to send a message to someone, let tive and the amendments were concurred in. us send a very clear message that if you do that in Pennsyl- Ordered, That the clerk inform the Senate accordingly. vania, you are going to be punished. It is time we created some deterrents to stor, the manslaughter. and the slaughter on WELCOME our highways right now. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair welcomes to the On the question recurring, hall of the House Mrs. Verna Bennett and Mr. and Mrs. Mike Will the House concur in Senate amendments? Supinka, guests of the gcntleman from Indiana, Mr. Wass. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Agreeable to the provisions of the Constitution, the yeas and nays will now be taken CALENDAR CONTINUED YEAS-187 BILLS ON THIRD CONSII>EHATION

Armstrong Emerson ~ucik Saurrnan The House proceeded to third consideration of SB 671, PN Arty Fargo McClatchy Seralini 2175, entitled: Barber Fr c Mclntyrc Scient) Belardi tircher llcMonagle Showers An Act amending the act of April 9, 1929 (P. L. 177, No. 175). Belfanti Fleck McVcrry Shupnik entitled "The Administrative Code of 1929," further providing Reloff Foster, W. W. Mackowiki Sieminski for the appointment of members of the State Board of Nurse Berson Fosler, Jr., A, hladigan Sirianni Bittle Freind Maiale Smith, B. Examiners. Rlalirn Fryer Maoderino Smith. E. H. On the question, Borski Gallagher Manmillcr Smith, I.. E. Bowier Gallcn hlarmion Snyder Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration? Boyes Gamble Merry Spencer Mr. DORR offered the following amendments No. A9295: Brand1 Cannon Rlichlovic Spitz Brown tieisr hlicoziie Stairs Amend Sec. I (Sec. 418), page 5, line 24, by inserting after Burd George Xlillcr Stelghner "NURSING." Burns Gladeck Miscevich Sreic~ii at least three of whom shall possess masters degrees Caltagironc Grabowski Moehlmann Stewrl in nursing Cappabianca Greenwood Morris Stuban Amend Sec. 1 (Sec. 418). page 5, lines 26 and 27, by inserting Cawle) Grieco llaucry Swailn Ccisar Gruitra klrkonic Swrer brackets bcforc "AT" in line 26, and after "REGISTRATION" Cimini Gruppo Murphy Swift in line 26 and inserting immediately thereafter Civera Hagarty Nahill Taddonio the five-year period immediately preceding appoint- Clark Halurka Noye Taylor, E. Z. -ment Clyrner Harper O'Donnell Taylor, F. E. Cachran Haiay Olasr Tclck On the question, Cahen Hayes Oliver Tigoe Will the House agree to the amendments? Colafella Heiier Pendleton Trclio Cole Hoeffel Perrel Van Home The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- Cardisco Honaman Peterson Vroon tleman from York, Mr. Dorr. Carnell Horeos- Petrarca Wachob Coslett Hutchinson, A. Petrone Wambach Mr. DORR. Mr. Speaker, the amendment is an effort to Cowell lrvis Phillips Wargo compromise the issues involved in this legislation. The amend- Cunningham ltkin Piccola Wass ment leaves intact that portion of the bill which deletes the DcMedio Jackson Pistclla Wrnger DcVerter Johnson Pills Weston requirement for the list of appointees to come from particular DeWeese Kenncdy Pott Wiggins associations that are involved in the professions. It does add, Daikelrr Klingaman Pratt Williams, H. however, that at least three of the five registered nurses who Davies Kowalyshyn Pucciarelli William5, J. D. Dawida Kukovich Punt Wilson will serve on the Board of Nursing must possess master's Deal Lashinger Kappaport ~w~ .. degrees in nursing. It further requires that all of the profes- Dietr Laughlin Rasco Wacniak sional members or the board, including both the registered Dininni Lescavitr Reber Wright, D. R. Dombrowski Letlerman Ricgcr Wright, J. L. nurses and the licensed practical nurses, must have served the Donatucci Levi Ritter Wright, R. C. Dorr Levin Rocks Zwikl 1892 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE NOVEMBER 17, required 5-year period of nursing practice in the Common- Burns Gladeck Moehlmann Steighner wealth. They must have served that period immediately pre- Caltagironc Grabowski Morris Stcvens Cappabianca Greenwood Mowery Stewart ceding their appointment to the board so that we have people Caalev Grieco Mrkonic Stuban who are actually practicing, in effect, at the time they are 1 ~essa; (Iructla Mullen Swam appointed to the board. Cimini Gruppo Murphy Sweet Civera Hagarty Nahill Swift Mr. Speaker, I would like to indicate to the members of the Haluika Noye Taddonia

House~~ that~~ a lot of work has eone into the effort to comnro- Clvmer Harm O'Donnell Tavlor. E. 2. mise the issues here. I believe it is fair to say that all of the Cochr"" H~S~Y Olasz Taylor, F. E. Cohen Hayes Oliver Telek professional associations which have been actively working on Calafella Heiser Pendlcton Tiguc this legislation are in agreement with the compromise, with Cole Hoeffel Prrzel Trrllo this amendment, and with this amendment as a part of the COrdiSCo Honaman Petersor Van Hornc Cornell Horgos Pelrarca Vroon bill, they would support the bill. Therefore, I would ask all of coslett Hutchinson. A. Pctiane Wachab the members of the Hor~reto insert this compromise ameud- Cowell lrvis Phillips Wambach ment. Cunningham lfkin Piccola Wargo DeMedio Jackson Pistclla Wass The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the lady DeVerter Johnson Pittr Wenger from Delaware, Mrs. Arty. DeWeere Kennedy Pott Westan Mrs. ARTY. Mr. Speaker, may I ask that the members vote Daikeler Klingaman Pratt Wiggins Davics Kowalyshyn Pucciarelli Williams, H. "yes" on the amendment. It is agreed to by all parties con- Daxida Kukavich Punt Williams. I. D. cerned, and 1 would appreciate an affirmative vote. Deal Lashinger Kappaport Wilson The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- Dicrr Laughlin Kasca Wogan Dininni Lcscovitr Kebei Worniak tleman from Philadelphia, Mr. Richardson. Dombroyiki Letterman Richardson Wright, D. R. Mr. RICHARDSON. 1 would like to ask Re~resentative Danatucci Levi Kieeer Wrieht. J. L. Arty a question. Dorr Levin Kittii right, K. C. Duffy Livengood Rocks Zwikl The SPEAKER pro tempore. The lady indicates that she Durham Lloyd will stand for interrogation. The gentleman may proceed. NAYS-0 Mr. RICHARDSON. In this agreed-to amendment, Mr. Speaker, could you explain to us specifically what the com- NOT VOTING-3 promise here is that is being worked out for the nurses and the Alden Gray Greenfield administrators so that there can be a clear understanding as to EXCUSED-6 why we are voting favorably on this amendment? It was my Fiarier Lehr Pievsky understanding that the Nurses Association in particular and Kolter Lewis the nurses who are involved wanted us not to vote for any Ryan, amendments. Could we have an explanation as to why we are Speaker asking for a favorable vote on this amendment now? The question was determined in the affirmative, and the Mrs. ARTY. Mr. Speaker, the Pennsylvania Nurses Associ- amendments were agreed to. ation has agreed that because the amendment includes among On thequestion, the five professional nurse members to be eligible for appoint- Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as ment to that board that three should have a master's degree in amended? nursing, this will be in the best interests of all persons involved and all persons concerned. The Pennsylvania Nurses Associa- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- tion has agreed to this amendment. tleman from Clearfield, Mr. George, for amendments to SB 671. On the question recurring, Mr. GEORGE. Mr. Speaker, if I may, I have an amend- Will the House agree to the amendments? ment prepared to this bill that the legislative section says is The following roll call was recorded: completely acceptable, but because of the urgency of this bill- It was a hazardous waste bill to prohibit the dumping of hazardous waste in rural areas without local concurrence. Anderson Emcrion locyk Rybak There is a bill, SB 63, that is on the calendar, and I have that Armstrong E~ans hlcClatchy Salvatore Arty Farso Mclntyre Saurman amendment drafted to that. 1 am hopeful that our illustrious Barber lice MrMonaele Serafini maioritv, , leader will see fit to run that bill the first of the week.. Belardi Ft~clier McLerry Scvenry and I will attempt to pul that amendnlent in that bill. There- Bclfanti Flsci. Mackoivski Showers Beloff Porter, u'. W. Madigan Shupnik fore, 1 will withdraw thisamendment. Bcrcon Foster. Jr., A. hlaiale Sierniniki The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair thanks the gentle- Bittle Frcind hlanderino Sirianni man. Hlaum I ryt'i hlanmillci Smith. B. Borski Gallagher Marniioit Smtth, E. H. On the question recurring, Bowser Gailec, Mcrry Smith, L. E. Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as Boyea Gamblc hlichlovic Snvder Brandt Garinon Micarrie Spencer amended? Brown Gein Millcr Spitr Burd George .Miicevich Stair5 1982 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE 1893 Bill as amended was agreed to. I NAYS-6 The SPEAKER pro tempore. This bill has been considered Cappabianca Wars Wright, D. R on three different days and agreed to and is now on final Ilininni Lucyk passage. NOT VOTING-8 The question is, shall the bill pass finally? Alden Dsikeler Grav llaiale Cahcn Emerron Grr;nficld Pratt The Chair recogni~esthe gentleman from Berks, Mr. EXCUSED-6 Gallen.-~ ~ Mr. GALLEN. Mr. Speaker, on the bill, very briefly, first Fra~ier Lchr Pievsky of all, 1 want to thank Mr. George for withholding his amend- Kolter Lewis Ryan, ment to this bill. Secondly. there has been a -ereat deal of mis- qnn.lin, information generated about the subject of this bill. The The majority required by the Constitution having voted in entire purpose of this bill is to allow all registered nurses to be the affirmative, the question was determined in the affirma- at least allowed to serve on the board. Thank you, Mr. uve. Speaker. Ordered, That the clerk return the same to the Senate with On the question recurring, the information that the House has passed the same with Shall the bill pass finally? amendment in which the concurrence of the Senate is The SPEAKER pro tempore. Agreeable to the provisions requested. of the Constitution, the yeas and nays will now be taken. YEAS-179 REMARKS ON VOTE

Anderson FCC \IcClafchy Sal\,arore The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- Armstrong Fischcr Mclittyre Saurntan Arty Fleck McMollaylc Serafini tleman from Clarion, Mr. Wright. Barber 170ster, 6.W. McVerry Seventy Mr. D. R. WRIGHT. Mr. Speaker, I wish the record to Belard) Foster, Jr., A. hlackowski Showers show that I voted "yes" on SB 671. Freind Madlgan Shupnik Frlrr Mlanderino Sieminski The SPEAKER pro lempore. The remarks of the gentleman Herson Gallagher Manlnillcr Sirianni will be ~preadupon the record. Bittle tiallen Marnuon Smith, B. Hlaurn Gamble Merry Smith, E. H. Boriki tiannon hlicllloric Smith. I.. E. BILLS ON THIRD Bowier Gcirr Micorric Snyder CONSIDERATION CONTINUED HO~CS George Miller Spencer I Brand1 Gladeck Miscevich Spiti Brown Grabowski Moehlmann Stairs The House proceeded to third consideration of SB 1092, Rurd tircenwaod hlorrii Steighner PN 2192, entitled: Burns Grieco Mowery Ste\enh Caltagirone Gruitra Mrkonic Stewart An Act providing for determination of death. Cawley Gruppo Muilcr~ Stuban Crssar Hasarty Murphy Swaicn On the question, Cimini Haluska Nahili Sweet Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration? Civera l larpri Nore Swift Mr. RICHARDSON offered the Following amendment No. Clark Hasay O'llonnell Taddonio Clymer Hayes Olasi Tdylor. E. Z. A9161: Cochran Heiher Oliver 'Taylor, F. E. Amend Sec. 3, page 2, line I, by removing the period after Colafella Hoeffel Pendleton Telek "standards" and inserting Cole Honaman Perrel Tigue Cordisco Horgos Peterson Trello and ramily permission. Cornell Hutchinrun. A. Petrarca Van Harne On the question, Coslett Irlk Pctronc \'roan Cowell ltkm Phillips Wachob Will the House agree to the amendment? Cunninpham Jackson Plccola Wanlbach The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- DeMcdio Wargo DcVerter Wenger tleman from Philadelphia, Mr. Richardson. DcWeese Klingaman Pott Weston Mr. RICHARDSON. Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker. Dsvles Kowalyihyn Pucciarrlli Wiggins Mr. Speaker, I rise to ask support for this amendment. Dawida Kukovich Punt Williams, H. Deal Lashinger Rappaport Williams, J. D When you talk about the definition of "death," I think that Dietr Lauehlin Raico Wilson we need to be clear on what we are talking about. It seems to Donatllcci Lesca~itr Rcber Woean" me that all of a sudden we are concerned with the Quinlan Ilorr Letterman Richardson Worniak Uuffy Leri Rieyer Wright, J. L. case, and people in this Commonwealth got very excited Durham Lerin Ritter Wright, R. C. because we are talking about money, we are talking about Emns Livn~good Rocks Zwikl hospitals, and we are talking about care of a particular Fargo Lloyd Rybak person. One of the things that this bill does is it begins to talk about when life begins and when life ends, based on the stem of the LEGISLATIVE J( IURNAL-HOUSE NOVEMBER 17, brain. I am concerned when you talk about cessation that we made in accordance with accepted medical standards. That begin to recognize that we can never exclude the family. It has to be made by a physician. It cannot be made by family. seems to me, in a decision being made inside a hospital con- It has nothing to do with, and this bill has nothing to do cerning pulling a plug on a particular family member's life, with, the issue as to whether or not the plug should be pulled. that the family needs to be included in making that decision That is a totally separate issue, Mr. Speaker. The amendment along with the doctor and that a doctor should not be able to does not belong in this bill. It may be the subject for other leg- make that decision by himself. I think when you talk about an islation, but no layperson has the power to make the defini- individual person whose loved one is lying there on a support tion of when death occurs. That judgment has to be made in system in a hospital, and all the medical tests indicate that that accordance with medical standards, and for that reason I person is legally dead but that family still sees that person would hope that the amendment would be defeated. pumping what they feel is life, that chat family should have a The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- right to make a decision along with those other persons who tleman from Schuylkill, Mr. Klingaman. are involved in the medical world to say to the people that I Mr. KLINGAMAN. Mr. Speaker, I, too, rise to oppose the want to make sure that everything that can be done has been gentleman's motion, and for several reasons. As the previous done and that we do not cut off the opportunity, from my speaker said, this bill is intended to determine death, and that experience as a family person and a loved one, by just taking is a medical decision, and the medical decision as to whether the life by pulling the plug. death has occurred or not certainly cannot be entered into by I am asking that this amendment, which only says "and a family. family permission," be included so that people who really are Also, in the event that family permission would be very close to the situation and understand the situation do not required, the amendment is vague in that it does not declare get excluded from being a part of a decision that may include how many family members must give permission. What if two a person's life. agree and three disagree? That would raise a very complicated Now, we had a very long and extensive discussion in our legal question. For example, in our deliberations in the com- committee, Health and Welfare, about this particular bill. We mittee, the hypothetical was raised that in the event, for did hold some public hearings on this matter, and we asked example, of a murder case, the accused could argue that some very pertinent questions. I think this amendment speaks family permission was not obtained and therefore the murder to some of those persons who testified before the committee did actually not occur. who indicated that they wanted to have the family included in So for that and for very many other reasons, and princi- making a final decision on determining when death should pally because in our deliberations we learned that the bill has a occur. I ask for an affirmative vote on the amendment. great deal of support from the religious, from the legal, and The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- from the medical communities, I would oppose the gentle- tleman from Delaware, Mr. Freind. man's amendment. Mr. FREIND. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- The reason I was trying to interrupt was to save us all some tleman from Philadelphia, Mr. Richardson. time. Without going to the merits of the amendment, unfortu- Mr. RICHARDSON. Mr. Speaker, I think there needs to nately the amendment is drafted to the wrong printer's be some clarity added to this, because evidently the gentlemen number. In reviewing the bill, the lines do not match. This bill who are speaking have kind of confused the members here. It was amended in committee and got a new printer's number. says that a determination of death must be made in accor- What I suggest Representative Richardson might want to do is dance with accepted n~edicalstandards. That is based on what send it upstairs and get it drafted to the right printer's those doctors feel is the correct medical terminology based on number, if that is in accordance with the feelings of the Chair. how they see it as professionals, but it excludes the family who Mr. Speaker, is it possible to just make a technical change has the loved one lying there on that bed, because they are on the amendment to bring it into sync? making a decision based on their medical experience. The The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair has ruled that the same situation existed within the Quinlan case where the amendment clerk can take care of the amendment as it is now family said they wanted to keep the child alive by allowing it drawn. to stay on the respirator. They keep trying to say to you that The Chair recognizes the gentleman, Mr. Freind. this does not include that; maybe it should be amended to Mr. FREIND. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. another bill. That is crap. I rise to oppose this amendment. SB 1092 deals with the The only thing that is being done here is a bill has decided definition of "death," and it states that death is present when that the medical profession and those who are involved in one of two circumstances occurs: either irreversible cessation making this decision as to too much money being spent in of circulatory and respiratory functions-breathing and these hospitals by keeping people on these respirators, that heart-or irreversible cessation of all brain functions, includ- they can make a faster decision about saying when death ing the brain stem. occurs, and they pull the plug on that individual and then Now, the section which Representative Richardson amends therefore the family has no rights at all in making the decision merely states that this determination, the determination of about the life of their loved one. 1 am not going to allow death, that one of these two things has occurred, shall be anybody to stand on this floor and deny that right to be LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE

-- ~~ -- included in this particular piece of legislation. If they want to and I think by entering into the family and having that vote the other way, fine. But 1 do think that it is a very dan- portion of it be a part of this bill would only continue the suf- gerous precedent that is being set when you do not recognize fering that that family must go through in those last days. the fact that the family should have some involvement in Thank you very much. deciding what happens to the life of their loved one, even The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- though a doctor may medically decide that that person is tleman from Delaware, Mr. Freind. determined dead based on the standards that have been pro- Mr. FREIND. Mr. Speaker, not to prolong this, but this vided for them under the information that they have. We do bill was drafted pursuant to the President's task force. Thirty not know whether or not there may be information in States have already passed similar legislation. None has the laboratories down the road that may determine the difference amendment in it that Mr. Richardson proposes. The bill between life and death. defines "death." It defines one of two things which have to We had this fight within our committee, and 1 stood on my occur to have death present. It is impossible for a family ground then and I stand on my ground now. I wish the chair- member to give permission for someone to die. If they want man on our side of the aisle was here to explain that, to make separate legislation as to when or not a plug should be pulled, it specifically clear about how we fought hard to include the that is fine. presence of the family in determining the death of the loved The other thing that I cannot let go by unchallenged is Mr. one who is involved. I ask for an affirmative vote on this Richardson's statement about the Quinlan case. The Quinlan amendment. case was the precise opposite of what Mr. Richardson said. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the lady The family wanted the plug pulled; the hospital would not on from Chestrr, Mrs. Taylor. its own do that. They had a master appointed, it went to the Mrs. TAYLOR. Mr. Speaker, may 1 interrogate Represen- court, and the court permitted the plug to be pulled. So it is tative Richardson? the exact opposite of what Mr. Richardson said. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gentleman indicates he Again, I urge this amendmen1 to be defeated. Thank you, will consent to be interrogated. Mr. Speaker. Mrs. TAYLOR. Mr. Speaker, 1 note that in your amend- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- ment you have used the words "family permission." I am tleman from Montgomery, Mr. Hoeffel. wondering how there would be a resolution of the question if Mr. HOEFFEL. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. there was a mother who wanted to decide one way for the I rise in opposition to the Richardson proposal. I think Mr. child and the father who wanted to decide another. In other Richardson has spoken to a very difficult problem, and he is words, Mr. Speaker, 1 am asking, when there is not concur- concerned about the family not being allowed to take part in rence within the family unit itself, then who would be the one the decision regarding a respirator and how long a family in that family group who would make that decision? member is allowed to stay alive. I think that his concern is Mr. RICHARDSON. I guess, Mr. Speaker, there would be misplaced legislatively. His amendment is offered to a sen- a nonconcurrence. In other States where I have researched tence in this bill that it is very inappropriate for us to approve this information, I have found that they took the majority of his amendment. The determination of death simply must be the family members who were involved in the specific case. made, as the bill proposes, under accepted medical standards. When the question came up where there were just two parents You simply cannot have family members deciding when the involved and neither one of them concurred, then there was determination of death shall be made. no real resolvement of the case, and 1 guess then a court of Now, I think Mr. Richardson is right to indicate that this law would have to decide that, but it was not determined that bill is involved with the whole idea and concern about either party could supersede the other one. So 1 think that respirators. We cannot say that it is not part and parcel of this becomes a different question. 1 am only speaking of when issue, but what he is trying to do is terribly inappropriate in there is a consensus of the family that there is family permis- the place he is trying to do it. The determination of death sion that the plug not be pulled or be pulled. must be made by accepted medical standards. That is the sen- Mrs. TAYLOR. Mr. Speaker, if I may make a statement? tence in the bill and that is obviously a truism, and it would be The SPEAKER pro tempore. The lady is in order and may terribly wrong to have the families involved in the determina- proceed. tion of death. Mrs. TAYLOR. I understand Representative Richardson's So while I understand the concerns of the legislator, 1 think sensitivity to this entire matter. Some of us who served on the that his amendment must be defeated. Thank you. committee when we were having the various hearings around The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- the State served on that committee in those days when we had tleman from Philadelphia, Mr. Cohen. a loved one who was very ill, who perhaps suffered through Mr. COHEN. Mr. Speaker, 1 am not sure that it is such a some of the last days before death does come. The situation is truism that the determination of death has to be made by a very serious one. It is a very painful one for the families. It is accepted medical standards because we have this bill here. The a very legal one for the hospitals, and I think after having had fact is that there are disputes as to when death occurs. I and some very descriptive and fine demonstrations before the many members of the legislature, I am sure, have had the committee, that this piece of legislation needs to be passed, same painful experience. In my family after we were told that 1896 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE NOVEMBER 17, an aunt had died, we got two separate doctors to confirm 1 could also use the argument of that person on a life that. There is some degree of ambiguity. What the doctors are support method which I am told in some cases can incur costs doing is they are making their best judgment as to what is up to $2,000 aday. Now, I know that we cannot put a priceon true, and I am sure their best judgment is true 99-plus percent anyone's life, but we can be sensible about it by the adminis- of the time, but there can theoretically, and I am sure practi- tering of a few simple tests. A doctor can tell if a person's cally, be cases in which the doctors are wrong. Last rites have brain and brain stem are dead even under situations that are been administered to people who turned out not to be dying. not clinical situations, and we had that illustrated to us as the John Kennedy had the last rites administered to him in the year progressed and as the Health and Welfare Committee 19503s, and he lived to be reelected to the Senate and to be went out and had hearings across the State, and the more elected President. Other people have had the last rites admin- hearings I listened to and the more arguments that were pre- istered to them and havc lived. sented to the Health and Welfare Committee, I became more Now we have progressed to a far greater standard of and more convinced that this is a law that this General Assem- medical accuracy, but I do not think we are at 100 percent bly should mos~definitely enact. standard yet, and there is always the possibility that doctors Therefore, Mr. Speaker, for those reasons I stand before can be wrong. This amendment does guarantee some worth- you and ask you to vole "no" on the Richardson amendment. while safeguards. I do not believe that there is going to be any The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- significant number of family members \vho are going to tleman from Schuylkill, Mr. Klingaman. prolong the anguish for no reason whatsoever. Probably only Mr. KLINGAMAN. Mr. Speaker, in order that we might in a very, very rare number of cases would there be any desire clarify one point of legislative intent, the requirement that by family members to extend the legal definition of "life." I death be determined in accordance with accepted medical am quite certain that the Department of Health can come up standards will not require that a physician be present to deter- with reasonable regulations as to what to do in case some mine if death has occurred at the site of an automobile acci- family members favor one position and some family members dent or at the home of a person who has suffered a massive favor another position. heart attack or on the street with the victim of a shooting in a I am sure the Legislative Reference Bureau can deal with downtown metropolis. The body of the deceased person in any problems that might arise from the precise portion of the those situations will be subject to the same rules regarding cer- bill that Mr. Richardson has placed this in. If he placed it in tification or declaration of death as exist today. Nonmedical the wrong place, I am sure they can deal with that problem. personnel such as coroners make these determinations daily, I would urge support of this amendment. This is a serious and the proper persons will continue to make them in the problem, and this amendment is a reasonable amendment. event SB 1092 becomes law. When it comes to applying brain The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- function criteria, it is obvious that this medical determination tleman from Butler, Mr. Burd. will always be made in a hospilal. The only time it will be nec- Mr. BURD. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. essary to use the brain death criteria is when the patient's Mr. Speaker, I rise to oppose the Richardson amendment, bloodflow and respiration are artificially maintained, and this and I think what we have to do here really is go back to the occurs only in a hospital. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. language of the bill and among us decide exactly what we are The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- trying to do. What we are trying to do in the simplest way pos- tleman from Philadelphia, Mr. Rocks. sible is to define "death," and in defining "death," in addi- Mr. ROCKS. Mr. Speaker, in nearly the same regard that tion to irrevocable cessation of the respiratory and irrevocable Representative Freind needed to bring some clarification to a cessation of the circulatory, we are now adding irrevocable previous point that was made, 1 would care to do that and cessation of the brain and brain stem, period. That is the end respond to Representative Cohen's illustrations as he had of it. given them to this chamber. Now, I think what Mr. Richardson is doing And I For anyone to confuse the administering of the so-called commend him for his desire to try to do something, because last rite with any criteria for death would be a very confusing he is looking at this from the emotional side of the argument, position to put someone in who did not understand. First of and, quite frankly, 1 think anyone among us here would agree all, the sacrament of the last rite, which is not even a phrase that at a time of death in a family, that is a very traumatic that is used by those who practice the Catholic faith, really time. It is a very hard thing for a lot of people to accept the has very little to do with the question of death other than it is death of someone in their family, especially someone close or administered at a time when there is any danger of death. So a loved one, to see that person on some type of life support, 1, for one, wanted very much to make sure that those exam- supposedly breathing, supposedly with their respiratory as ples that were given were not accurately applied to the legisla- well as their circulatory system still working, and to actually tion that is in front of us. accept the fact that that person is dead because the doctor said Secondly, Mr. Speaker, along with many others in this that the brain and brain stem are dead. chamber, we are looking at a bill that has probably been as Because of those reasons I think that we have to be rational studied as any piece of legislation that has come before this about this. I believe that SB I092 is an attempt by the General chamber in this session of the General Assembly. 1 with great Assembly, of which we are all members, to catch up by law respect also understand the concerns that have been raised by what we have technically known for quite some time. 1982 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE 1897

p-~~ Representative Richardson in the amendment that he offers. Mr. KLINGAMAN. We are referring to what I have in my However, for the study commissions and for many of us who hand as a written standard. have spent long months of trying to come up with the best lan- Mr. FLECK. So then it is a written standard that we are guage possible in a determination-of-death bill that would referring to, that two physicians would agree in this diag- become law in our State, I think we feel very well satisfied that nosis? the concerns with respect to him raising them here are taken Mr. KLINGAMAN. Under accepted medical standards, care of in this bill, and I would ask for opposition to the yes. amendment. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. FLECK. And accepted medical standards are written The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- standards? tleman from Allegheny, Mr. Fleck. Mr. KLINCAMAN. I am not a physician, but I certainly Mr. FLECK. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. hope that they are. 1 would like to know if I could interrogate Mr. Klingaman, Mr. FLECK. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. please. May I be recognized to make a btatement? The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gentleman indicates he The SPEAKER pro tempore. Does the gentleman wish to will stand for interrogation. The gentleman may proceed. make a statement? Mr. FLECK. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. FLECK. Yes, I do. Mr. Speaker, I rise because I am very much enticed by Mr. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gentleman is in order and Richardson's concern. I, as a father and as a son, cannot may proceed. envision the circumstances in which I would want to have a Mr. FLECK. I suppose a lot of what has been said is right. decision made which, in my opinion, was made rashly within You knaw, it probably is one of the most studied bills that has a hospital. come through. As difficult as it is for us to determine when Now, I do not know if you have had the opportunity to be there is life, we now have to determine when there is death. in a hospital, but I have, and 1 know that the day-to-day func- Just as with our bill we required that a family member be tions in a hospital become very much like the day-to-day func- involved in making that decision on abortion for a minor, it tions of this General Assembly. Many people view our job as seems to me that a helpless individual who lies there should awesome and powerful, and yet many times we might do not be delivered completely out of the hands of those who something other than pay attention while we do it. This care for him most. It might be a difficult decision, but the happens in hospitals as well. Charts are misread; drugs are arguments I hear against putting family in are that it is not misadministered, given to the wrong patients. All of these drafted correctly. Let us correct that. Surely it is important problems exist. enough that we take the time to do that. The arguments I hear What protection, Mr. Speaker, is there in the bill for are that it is too difficult for the family. Well, quite frankly, someone who cares enough to at least have input into this Mr. Speaker, I do not want you to make that decision for me. decision that this person is dead and is no longer worthy of If that is my daughter who is lying in a hospital or your son or care and attention and sustenance? daughter who is lying in a hospital, and if in your opinion Mr. KI.INGAMAN. Mr. Speaker, the testimony that was everything has not been done that should have been, even given to the committee in its several hearings indicated that though you may be compelled by emotion to feel that way, death of the brain and/or the brain stem was absolutely irre- should you still not have that right? We cannot be arguing versible. The bill says, " accordance with accepted cost. What really are we arguing? Why should we not all medical standards." It was pointed out to us by many unanimously vote for the Richardson amendment? I sincerely members of the medical profession that any reputable physi- hope you will. I know I am goingto, and I hope that none of cian would not make the determination of death without con- you, should this amendment be turned down, face the situa- sultation with another reputable physician. I believe that tion where you or someone you care for very much is con- would satisfy your concern. fronted and frustrated and prevented from this ultimate and Mr. FLECK. Well, is it then a provision of the bill that two important decision in life. Thank you. physicians must agree in this determination in order that it be The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- made? tleman from Philadelphia, Mr. Richardson, for the third Mr. KLINGAMAN. The bill does not say so, but the time. accepted medical standards will cover that eventuality. inci- Mr. RICHARDSON. Mr. Speaker, in conclusion, I just dentally, it was pointed out to us that there are a series of want to say one thing before the members vote. medical tests through which the surgeon or the physician will Perhaps maybe one time in your life you may be hoping for put the patient in order to absolutely determine that the brain a miracle while you sit there and look at a person who is one and/or the brain stem is actually dead and that condition is of your loved ones lying there, and perhaps maybe you might absolutely irreversible. say that this may be the one chance in 1 million or 10 million Mr. FLECK. 1 am not familiar, sir, with accepted medical that may exist in terms of hopefully making a family decision standards. Is that something that is formal and written? Are that may be correct in ~vinghis or her life. I think that none we referring to a written standard or are we referring to what of you would want to haw that on your conscience. And is commonly done? while you talk about medical terms and medical tcrn~inology, 1898 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE NOVEMBER 17,

I have not heard one doctor speak on the floor of this House Cersar Grieco Miller Srcighncr with any expertise to tell you that 1 am wrong about saying the Ciniini Gruppo Moehlmaon Stc\ens Civera Haparty hlo~ery Sruban family permission should also be included, and I ask for an Clark Hasay Mrkonic Swift affirmative vote on the amendment. Clymcr Hayes Murphy raddonio The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- Cochran Heiser Nahill Tablor, t. Z. Colafella Hoeffel Nu ye Telck tleman from Northampton, Mr. Gruppo. Cordisco Honaman Olasr Tiyc Mr. GRUPPO. Mr. Speaker, I would like to make a state- Cornell Hutchinsan, A. Pcndlelon Van Hornc ment on the Richardson amendment and also on the com- Coslett likin Pcrrcl Vroon Co\\cll Jackson Pcrcrson Wachoh ments that were made by the previous speaker, Representative Cunningham Johnson Phillips Walnbach Fleck. DeMedio Kcnncdy Piccola \I'm The concerns expressed by Representative Richardson and De\'errei Klingaman Plitclla Wenger Daiheler Kowalyshyn Pins \voron Representative Fleck are certainly ones which we all share, but Davies Kukovich Pott \Vil\on I think that is precisely the purpose of the bill. The bill is Dietr Lashinper Pratt Wogan adding another determination of death in our law. Presently Dininni Laughlin Punt \\'right. J. L. Dombrowski Lcscovirr Kasco Zwikl we only have one determination of death; that is, the circulat- Dorr Letrerman Reber ory and respiratory functions must cease. Now we are adding NOT VOTING-8 another one which is bringing Pennsylvania into the 20th century. E~CISO~ Greenfield Salvatore Gray Mullrn Sweet I personally want to spare any family member, any one of EXCUSED-6 our families or any families of the individuals we represent, from having to go through the anguish and anxiety of having Lehr Piev\hy to make a decision whether or not a loved one has been actu- Lewis Ryan, ally declared dead. That is the precise .puroose . of the bill, to Soeaher eliminate or prevent that type of thing from occurring and The question was determined in the negative, and the from again having to prevent any further contest in the courts amendment was not agreed to. to determine whether or not someone is actually dead accord- ing to the law. 1 believe the bill will clarify that, prevent any On the question recurring, family members from having to go through that type of Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration? anxiety in the future, and 1 urge that we defeat the Richardson Bill was agreed to. amendment and proceed with approving the bill as it was pre- The SPEAKER pro tempore. This bill has been considered sented to the House. Thank you. on three different days and agreed to and is now on Final On the question recurring, passage. Will the House agree to the amendment? The question is, shall the bill pass finally? The following roll call was recorded: The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Philadelphia, Mr. Richardson. YEAS-50 Mr. RICHARDSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise to oppose this Barber Fleck Miicevich Shupnik bill, SB 1092, and I do so because of the insensitivity o!' this Belfanti Gallagher Morris Stewart House in showing that when a person's family member is Borski Gamble O'Donnrll Swaim Brawn Grabowski Oliver Taylor, F. E. involved, the majority of the members of this House did not Caltagirone Gruitza Pctrarca Trcllo see it that way and based it on what thcy call medical termi- Cahen Haluska Petrone Waigo nology. 1 would indicate to you that perhaps maybe thcrc may Cole Harper Pucciarelli Wiggins DeWecse Horgos Rappaport Williams. H. be some other States in this country that havc decided that in Dawida Irvis Richardson Williams, J. D. fact there is a way in which we can begin to deal with the Deal Lucyk Rieger Worniak whole question of the definition of "death" and making sure Donatucci Mclntyre Ritter Wright, D. R. Duffy McMonagle Seventy Wright. R. C. that the family members are included at the determination of Evans Manderino death, that they not be excluded. For whatever reasons there NAYS-135 are that flow in this House to make people make decisions on how they vote, just remember, regardless of how they feel, Andcrsan Durham Levi Rocks Armstrang Fargo Levin Rybak whether it is emotional or nonemotional, maybe onc day you Arty Fee Livengood Saurman may be faced with the same thing. I guarantee that this bill Belardi Fischer Lloyd Serafini will come back to haunt you. Belaff Faster. W. W. McClatchy Shaweri Bittle Foster, Jr., A. McVerry Sieminiki Finally, I indicate that while there may be thousands of Blaum Freind Mackowski Sirianni dollars saved in determining when death should occur for Bowser Fryer Madigan Smith, B. Bayes Gallen Maiale Smith. E. H. those individual persons who are on life support systems and Brandt Cannon Manmiller Smith. L. E. when they feel that everything that has been done has been Burd Geist Marmion Snyder done so they can say that that perron ir now dead, that no% Burns George Merry Spencer there is no opportunity for the family to have involvement. I Cappabianca Gladeck Michiovic Spit7 Cawley Greenwood Micorzie Stairs LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE believe that will come back to haunt you, and I believe that Cesrar Gruppo Mullen Stuban many persons within your own districts will believe in the Cmini Hagarty Murphy Swaim Civera Harper Nahill Sweet matter that I have expressed here today on the floor of this Clark Hasay Noye Swift House. I guarantee you that you are wrong in your decision, Clymer Hayes O'Dunnell Taddonio and I am asking the members who believe in that to vote Cachran Hciscr Olasr Taylor. E. Z. Cohrn Hoeffel Oliver ~ay~or,F. E. "no." Colafella Honarnan Pendieton Tclck The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the lady Cole Hutchinson. A. Per~el Van Horne from Delaware, Mrs. Arty. Cordlsco ltkin Pctcrsan Vroon Cornell Jackron Petiarca Wachob Mrs. ARTY. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Coslett Johnson Phillips Wambach Presently in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania there is no Cowell Kennedy Piccola Wargo statutory definition of "death." We use currently a common- Cunningham Kiingaman Pistella Wass DeMedm Koralyshyn Pifts Wcnger law definition described as irreversible cessation of the circu- IIeVertci Kukoiich Poll Weston latory and the respiratory functions. DcWeeie Lashinger Pratt Williams, H. We need, Mr. Speaker, a uniform determination of death. Daikeler 1.escuvitz Punt Wilson Davies Lettermar, Rasca Wogan There are 22 States in the United States that now have that Dietz Lcvi Reber Worniak uniform determination-of-death law. Advances in medical Dininni Levin Riegcr Wright, D. R. technology over the years and particularly in the past few Dombrawiki Livengood Ritler Wright, J. 1.. Donatucci ILucyk Rocks Wright, R. C. years in which there have been developed techniques and Dorr hlcClatchy Rybak Zwikl equipment known as life support systems make it mandatory Durham that we pass this kind of legislation. We know that our common-law definition, the cessation of the respiratory func- Barber Gamble Lloyd lion, the cessation of the circulatory function, can now be cor- Dawida Haluska Petrone ~ri~~a rected by these life support systems. It makes the heart beat, it Deal Horgos Pucciarclli Wiggins makes the blood circulate, and it makes the lungs go in and Duffy livis Rappaport Williams. J. D. Evans Laughlin Richardson out and force air in and out. Unfortunately, while all this may NOT VOTING-5 be occurring, the brain, the cortex, and the brain stem is dead. Currently, in order to declare some people dead now in Penn- Alden Emerson Grab Greenfield Berson sylvania, we must revert to the court system. This uniform determination of death will clear up any cloud over what we EXCUSED-6 need to have as a definition of when death occurs. Frazier Lehr Picvsky This particular bill, the determination of death, SB 1092, Koltcr Lewis Ryan, Mr. Speaker, has been explored by the members of the Health Speaker and Welfare Committee in public hearings. It is endorsed by The majority required by the Constitution having voted in the Hospital Association, by the Medical Society, by the Trial the affirmative, the question was determined in the affirma- Bar, by the Pennsylvania Catholic Conference, by the Penn- tive. sylvania Council of Churches, by the Pennsylvania Nurses Ordered, That the clerk return the same to the Senate with Association, the Pennsylvania Department of Health, among many other groups who have asked for support for this bill. the information that the Houqe has passed the same with amendment in which the concurrence of the Senate is Mr. Speaker, I urge a "yes" vote on SB 1092. requested. On the question recurring, Shall the bill pass finally? CONSIDERATION OF SB 1206 RESUMED The SPEAKER pro tempore. Agreeable to the provisions of the Constitution, the yeas and nays will now be taken. On the question recurring, YEAS-169 Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration?

Anderson hlclntgrc Salvatore Armstrong Fee hlcMonaglc Saurman BILL RECOMMITTED Arty Fischer McVerry Serafini Belardi Fleck Mackorski Seventy The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- Belfanti Forter. W. W. Madigan Shouers tleman from Franklin, Mr. Punt. Bcloff Foster, Ji., Maiale Shupnik Bittle Freind Manderino Sieminrki Mr. PUNT. Mr. Speaker, on SB 1206, within the last 6 Blaum Frycr Manmiller Sirianni hours, a lot of developments have occurred. 1 think we have Roiski Gallagher Marmian Smith, B. completely lost control of the situation, and in view of the Bowser Gallen Mcrry Smith, E. H Bogci Cannon Michlovic Smith. L. E. many amendments that are on our desks presently, rather Brandt Geiit Micozzie Snyder than waiting until the latter have been addressed, I would like Brown George Miller Spcncer to make a motion that we recommit SB 1206 to the House Burd Gladeck Miscevich Spitz Burns Grabowski Moehlmann Stairs Committee on Judiciary. Caltagirone Greenwood Morris Steighner Cappabianca tiiieco Mowery Stevens Cawiey Gruitra Mrkonic Stewart

LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE and even prior to the inclusion in the capital budget of that The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognires the gen- particular item, our research had indicated that the fire school tleman, Mr. Hutchinson. in the eastern part of the State was funded totally with Stale Mr. A. K. HUTCHINSON. Mr. Speaker, it is on the prop- dollars, and we felt it was unfair to have the community erty of the community college, and later on today we are college students participate in the paying off of the moneys going to vote on HB 2716 in which we are going to vote to for the fire school. The fire school is really being set up at the fund railroad bridges that the PUC (Public Utility Commis- community college because that is a convenient place to do it sion) has told the railroad that they have to pay for. So if we and the personnel is there to do it, and it will be firemen who are going to step on one toe today, let us step on two roes. will be attending the school in the main, and it should be Thank you very much. funded not on a 50-50 basis with the Slate as community The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognires the gen- college capital budgets are but on a straight capital budget tleman from Cambria, Mr. Stewart. project where the State pays 100 percent of the co~ts.That is Mr. STEWART. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. why we are asking that this be approved in spite of the Gover- Aside from the legal ramifications, I think we should not nor's veto. Do you understand what I am saying? overlook the issue that the Governor's own arson task force The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the committee had indicated in their report that southwestern majority leader. Pennsylvania has the highest rate of arson in the State and the Mr. HAYES. If I recollect properly, the project was vetoed lowest number of convictions for that crime in the State. because it did not satisfy the definition of a public improve- Fayette County, for instance, ranked first with per capita ment project as defined as necessary under the law, that law arson cases of 163 per 100,000 people as opposed to a State being the Capital Facilities Act. That is as I recollect it. average of 43. Allegheny County, Cambria County, West- Mr. MANDERINO. Those are the words of the veto, and moretand, Indiana, Washington, Greene, and all the south- what that really means, Mr. Speaker, is that he wanted it west wereclose behind in those figures. included as a 50-50 funding project for the community That Governor's same report indicated that education of college, and that is not the way it was set up, and we admit firefighters was a crucial, crucial, issue to improving these that that is not the way it was set up. It was intentionally not figures. That is the reason for asking for a fire school facility set up that way, because we were looking for Cull funding in the original bill, and I urge all the members of the House, from the State. particularly those in the southwest, to support this veto over- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- ride. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. tleman, Mr. Hutchinson. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The quesrion recurs, will the Mr. A. K. HUTCHINSON. I would like everybody on both House on reconsideration agree to pass the line-item budget sides of the aisle to help override this veto. Thank you very of an appropriation of $935,000 to thc Westmoreland County much. Community College, the objections of the Governor to the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the contrary notwithstanding? majority leader. Those in favor of the appropriation becoming a law will Mr. HAYES. Mr. Speaker, probably we should most prop- vote "aye"; those opposed will vote "no." erly do it as we do most community college projects. I realize On the question recurring, that there is a possible separation as enunciated by Mr. Mand- Will the House, on reconsideration, agree to pass the erino. I would have to recognize that there is that separation, appropriation, the objections of the Governor to the contrary but maybe we could do it again in a better way and a more notwithstanding? rightful way and write the language so that there is not any entanglement. The following roll call was recorded: I think that there is probably a mood in this House to Y EAS-99 provide such a facility, but I think we should probably do so Barber Fee h4cLlonagle Showers under the laws of the Commonwealth, and I would be more Brlfanti Fischrr Maialr Shupnik than happy to work with Mr. Hutchinson and Mr. Manderino Brloff Fryer hlanderino Srairr or whomever to see that we could bring this about. 1 just offer Rerron Callaghcr \lichlovic Sreighnei Blaum Gamble Misceiich Sle\rari that as a person concerned about the law and not as to the Borski George hlorrls Stuban project itself. I could vote to override the veto, but I think we Brown Grabowski Llrkonic Shairn might be tramping on some law that we could best not tramp Csltagirone Gruitra hlulien Sweet Cappabianca Haluika hlurphy Taddonio on and do it more properly. We could eliminate the problem Cawley Harper O'Donncll Taylor, F. E. of that 50-50 community college. I would agree with the gen- Clark Hoeffcl Olau Telrk tleman, Mr. Manderino, that that probably should not be a Cahen Horgos Oiirer Tigue Colaiella Hutchinson, A. Pcndleion 'rrcllo concern of ours in that we are establishing a different type Cole Irvis Petrarca Van Horne facility, but 1 think we could probably do it with another Cordisco Irkin Petiorie Wachob instrument, and 1 would be more than happy to work in that Cowell Kowalyihyn Pistella \Vambach DcMedio Kukovich Piail Wargo regard. I do not think there is any hesitation in bringing that DeWerse Laughlin Pucciarelli Wass sort of thing about, and I would be more than happy to work Dawida Lescoi.~rz Rappaporr Wiggins in that regard. Deal I.cttcrman Richardson Williams, H. Uamhrawiki Leiin Rirger Williams, J. D. LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE NOVEMBER 17,

Donatucci Livengood Ritter Wozniak Amend Sec. 2, page I, line 10, by inserting before "The" Duffy Lloyd Rocks Wright, D. R. (a) Emerson Lucyk Rybak Z*ikl Amend Sec. 2, page 1, line I I, by inserting after "financed" Evans Mclntyre Seventy from current revenue or Amend Sec. 2, page 1, line 12, by striking out "$204,747,000" and inserting Anderson Durham Levi Reber $844,969,000 Armstrong Fargo McClatchy Salvalare Arty Fleck McVerry Saurman Amend Sec. 2, page 1, by inserting after line 12 Belardi Foster, W. W. Mackowski Serafini (b) The authorization for capital projects in the category of Bittle Foqter. Jr., A. Madigan Sieminski Highway Projects to be constructed by the Department of Trans- Bowser Freind Manmillcr Sirianni portation, its successors or assigns and to be financed by the Boyes Gallen Marmion Smilh, B. incurring of debt or from the Highway Bridge Improvement Brandt Gannon Merry Smith. E. H. restricted account within the Motor License Fund, itemized in Burd Gciit Micozzie Smith, L. E. section 3 under the category of State bridges is $693,550,000. Gladeck Miller Burns Snyder (c) The authorization for non-state highway bridge projects Cesiar Greenwood Maehlmann Spencer to be constructed by local governnient municipalities and to be Cimini Grieco Mowery Spitr Civera Gruppo Nahill Stcvens financed in part with grants not exceeding 80% of the non-federal Clymer Hagarty Noye Swift share of the costs made to the local government municipalities by Cochran Haray Perzel Taylor, E. 2. the Department of Transportation from revenues deposited on Cornell Hayes Peterson Vroon the Highway Bridge Improvement restricted account within the Coslett Heiscr Phillios Wenger Motor License Fund, itemized in section 3 under the category of Cunningham Honaman Piccola Weston local bridges is $l48,157,000. DeVerrer Jackson Pitts Wilson Amend Sec. 3, page 2, line 4, by inserting after "financed" Davies Johnson Pott Wogan from current revenue or Dietz Kennedy Punt Wright, J. L. Amend Bill, page 2, lines 10 through 30; pages 3 through 31, Dininni Klinaaman Raico Wright, R. C Dorr ~asGnger lines 1 through 30; page 32, lines 1 through 4, by striking out all of said lines on said pages and inserting NOT VOTING-4 (I) Adams County Alden Daikeler Gray Greenfield (i) Local ridges (A) New Oxford, EXCUSED-6 West High St., Frarier Lehr Pievsky Bridge Rehabili- Kolter Lewis tation ...... $198,000 $ $22,000 $220,000 Ryan. (B) Butler Twp.. Speaker Former L.R.01038, The SPEAKER pro tempore. On the question of overriding Bridge Rehabili- tation at Station the veto of the Governor, the "ayes" are 99; the "nays" are l29+ 901, Length 90. The veto of the Governor is sustained. 0.1 Mile ...... 180,000 For the information of the members, that would have taken (C) Reading & Ham- 136 votes. ilton Twps., For- mer L.R.01023, Bridge Rehabilita- BILLS ON THIRD tion at Station CONSlDERATlON CONTlNUED 51 + 83, Length 0.1 Mile ...... 225,000 CONSIDERATION OF HB 2716 RESUMED (ii) State Bridges (A) L.R.44, T.R. On the question recurring, 116, Toms Creek Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration? Bridge, Liberty Mr. HAYES offered the following amendments No. Twp., Bridge A9438, cosponsored by the following members: Replacement, Length Representatives Dininni, Geist, Levi, E. 2. Taylor, 0.1 Mile ...... 547,000 34,000 142,000 723,000 Marmion, Miscevich, Trello, Mackowski, Haluska, Gladeck, (2) Allegheny County Hagarty, Coslett, Grieco, Reber, Saurman, Gruppo, (i) Local Bridges Sieminski, Cunningham, Belardi, Cawley, Hasay, Brown, (A) Pittsburgh, Davies, Caltagirone, Stuban, Lloyd, Showers, Kukovich, Radcliff St., Bridge- Replace- Lashinger, Petrone and Anderson. ment, Amend Title, page 1, line 2, by striking out "highway-rail- A-00100801 .. 990,000 road" and inserting (B) Pittsburgh, highway Columbus Ave., Amend Title, page 1, line 3, by inserting after "financed" Bridge Rehabili- from current revenue or tation ...... 720,000 Amend Sec. I, page 1, lines 7 and 8, by striking out (C) Pittsburgh, " "Highway-Railroad Bridge Crossing" and inserting Blvd. of the "Highway Bridge Allies, Bridge Rehabilitation, A-00099771 .. 1,620,000 1982 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE 1903

(D) Pittsburgh, Windgap Ave., Frarier St., Chartiers Creek & Bridge Rehabil- Railroad Bridge, itation ...... 1,080,000 120,000 1,200,000 Bridge (E) Pittsburgh. Replacement, south 12th ?it:, ~ength Bridge Rehabili- 0.2 Mile ...... 3,200,000 320,000 184,000 3,704,000 tation, (Previously authorized project) C-00018868.. 675,000 75,000 750,000 (P) Pittsburgh, (F) Pittsburgh, Schenley Park Schenley Drive, over Panther Bridge. . Rehab- Hollow, Bridge ~l~tation, Renlacement. M-81024L ..... 3,600,000 400,000 4,000,000 Length (G) Pittsburgh, 0.1 Mile ...... 1.400,000 Allegheny Ave., (Q) Pittsburgh, c ridge Removal. 180,000 20,000 2 Schenley Park Dr. (H) Pittsburgh, over B & 0 Rail- Windgap Ave., road & Boundary St., Bridge Replacement, Bridge Rehabili- 1-77120289.. . 4,000,000 250,000 4,250,000 tation, Length (I) Pittsburgh, 0. I Mile ...... 165,000

E.H. Swindell~ (K)Pittsburah. Bridge, Eabt St., L.R.652, ~a.65, Bridee- Rehabili- Ohio River Blvd.. tation, Length Eckert St. Bridge, 0.1 Mile ...... 2,026,000 166,000 2,192,000 Bridge Rehabili- (J) Pittsburgh, tation, Length Pennsvlvania Ave. 0.1 Mile ...... 1,280,000 Bridge, Allegheny (S) Pittsburgh, Ave.-Brighton Rd. L.R.652, Pa.65, Demo Alleg. & Ohio River Blvd. Columbus Bridge, Bridge, Verner St. Bridge Replace- Bridge, Bridge ment, Length Rehabilitation, 0.1 Mile ...... 2,144,000 240,000 2,384,000 Length (K) Pittsburgh, 0.1 Mile ...... 1,280,000 Chas. Anderson (T) Bethel Park Bridge, B & 0 Boro., Hillcrest Railroad & Bridge, Bethel Boundary St., Church Rd. at Blvd. of Allies, T.R.88, Bridge

Brideev Rehabili- Reulacement. tation, Length Length 0.1 Mile ...... 1,380,000 207,000 1,587,000 0.4 Mile ...... 70,000 12,000 4,000 86,000 (L) Crafton Boro., (U) Pittsburgh, Oakwood Rd. Bridge Bloomfield Bridge Bridge Replacement, Supers, Bigelow Length 6lvd:Liberty Ave., 0.1 Mile ...... 368,000 368,000 Phase 3, Bridge (M) Pittsbur~h. Replacement, ~.~.228(45~), Length Pa.380. Bloomfield 0.4 Mile ...... 1,400,000 Bridge, Phase 4 at (V) Pittsburgh, Bigelow Blvd. McArdle Roadway, Inter., Bridge Phase 3, Liberty Replacement, Bridge to Grand- Length view Avenue, 1.3 Miles ..... 1,677,000 Bridge Rehabili- (Previously authorized project) tation, Length (N) Pittsburgh, 0.1 Mile ...... 1,564,000 L.R.228, Pa.380, (W) Harmar Twp., Baum Blvd., T-859, Nixon Rd., Conrail Railroad Bridge Rehabili- Bridge, Bridge tation ...... 900,000 Rehabilitation. (X) Clairton, Length Ravensburg Blvd., 0.1 Mile ...... 2,720,000 2,720,000 Bridge Rehabili- (0) Pittsburgh, tation ...... 900,000 L.R.l121(A04), (Y) Glenfield, LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE NOVEMBER 17,

Glenfield Ave., Allegheny River, Bridne- T.R.28 to 3rd Replacement, Ave., Bridge Re. C-80092154.. 2.500.000 . . habilitation. (Z) Leetsdale, Length 0.1 Oliver St., Mile ...... 5,000,000 500,000 200,000 5,700,000 Bridge Rehabili- (G) L.R.288, Pa. tation, 48. Boston C-78090530.. 157,000 18,000 175,000 c ridge, Youghio (AA) Scott Twp., gheny River. Old Bowerhill Walnut St., Rd., Bridges Boro. of Eliza- Between L.R.02042 beth, Bridge and L.R.802 Spur Rehabilitation. over North Oak Length 0.1 and Western Rail- Mile ...... 6.000.000 road, Bridge (H) L.R.392, Replacement. 1,000,000 100,000 1,100,000 Port Vue Bridge, (ii) State Bridges Youghiogheny (A) L.R.76, Pa. River & P & LE 51, McKees Rocks Railroad, Mc- Bridge over Keesport & Port- Ohio River, vue Boro., McKees Rocks Bridee Reolace- Boro., Bridge men; Length Rehabilitation. 0.1 Mile ...... 3.000.000 400.000 100.000 3.500.000 Length 1.1 (I) L.R.392, Miles...... 8,224,000 1,073,000 9,297,000 Jeronle St. (B) L.R.76, U.S. Bridge over 19, West End Youghiogheny Bridge over River, McKees- Ohio River, port, Bridge Pittsburgh, Rehabilitation, Bridee Rehabili- Length 0.1 tation, Length Mile ...... 2,156,000 0.4 Mile ...... 2,300,000 240,000 2,540,000 (J) L.R.736(A02), (Previously authorized project) Clairton-Glass- (C) L.R.108(16), port Bridge, Pa.50, Washing- Monongahela ton Ave., Char- River, Clairton, tiers Creek, Bridge Replace- Boro. of Bridge- ment, Length ville, Bridge 0.5 Mile ...... 5,856,000 200,000 400,000 6,456,000 Reolacement. (Previously authorized project) ~ength0.1 (K) L.R.02062, Mile ...... 274.000 3.000 20.000 297.000 Montour Run (Previously authorized project) Bridge, Moon & (D) L.R.108(18). Robinson Twps., P~'.so, washing: Bridge Replace- ton Ave. (SB), ment, Length Chartiers Creek 0.4 Mile ...... 2,212,000 55,000 288,000 2,555,000 Bridge, Heidel- (L) L.R.02153 burg Boro. & (27). Grant Scott Twp., Ave. over Pine Bridge Replace- Creek, Etna ment, Length Boro., Bridge 0.2 Mile ...... 2,569,000 4,000 224,000 2,797,000 Reolacement. (E) L.R.181, Pa. Length 0.1 136, Monongahela Mile ...... 83,000 1,000 84,000 City Bridge, (Previously authorized project) Monongahela (MI L.R.02203. River at Washing- kidge ~d., ton County Line, ' Bridge over Bridge Replacement, T.R.51, Jeffer- Forward TwD... . son Boro., Length 0.3 Bridge Replace- Mile ...... 3.800.000 200.000 600.000 4.600.000 ment, Lenrth. (F) L.R.188, Pa. 0.1 Mile ...... 1,542,000 82,000 201,000 1,825,000 56, New Kensing- (N) L.R.02236 ton Bridge over (A04), Hulton LEGISLA TIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE

Bridge over I land Counties. Allegheny River, Bridge Replace- Oakmont Boro., ment, Length Harmar Twp., 0.1 Mile ...... 3,815,000 Bridge Rehabili- (V) L.R.187, tation, Length U.S.22, Hall 0.3 Mile ...... 6,000,000 Station Bridge (Previously authorized pn over Thompson (0) L.R.02260, Run, Monroeville 62nd St. Bridge, Boro. & Wilkes Allegheny River, Twp., Bridge Pittsburgh, Rehabilitation, Bridge Deck Re- Length 0.1 olacement. Mile ...... 2,875,000 Length 0.4 (W) L.R.72(27M), Mile ...... 4,312,000 Pa.8 over (P) L.R.02260, Bakerstone Rd.. 40th St. Bridge, Richland Twp., Alle~henvRiver, Bridge Replace- ~ittsbur~h& ment, Length Millvale, 0.1 Mile ...... 1,380,000 Bridge Rehabili- (X) L.R.330, tation, Length Pa.51, Elizabeth 0.3 Mile ...... 3,300,000 Bridge over (Q) L.R.02260, Monongahela Highland Park River, Eliza- Bridge over beth & West Allegheny River, Elizabeth Boros., O'Hara Twp. & Bridge Rehabili- Pittsburgh, tation, Length Bridge Rehabili- 0.1 Mile ...... 4,500,000 tation, Length (Y) L.R.108(24), 0.5 Mile ...... 4,600,000 Washington Ave., (R) L.R.02318 Bridgeville, (02M). Mayview Bridge Replace- Rd. over Char- ment, Length tiers Creek, Up- 0.1 Mile ...... 2,070,000 per St. Clair & (Z) L.R.652, Pa. South Fayette 65, Ohio River Twps., Bridge Blvd. (2 Bridges) Rehabilitation, over Jacks Run & Length 0.2 Fremont Ave., Mile ...... 511,000 Bellevue Boro., (S) L.R.A9801, Bridee Rehabili- Pa.366, Tarentum tation, Length Bridge, Freeport 0.1 Mile ...... 5.001.000. . Rd. to County (Previously authorized PI Line, Tarentum & (AA) L.R.02229, New Kensington, Streets Run Kensington, Bridge, West Bridge Deck Re- Mifflin Boro., olacement. Bridge Replace- Length 0.4 ment, Length Mile ...... 7,187,000 0.1 Mile ...... 300,000 (T) L.R.02265, (66) L.R.736, Pa. Smithfield St. 837, McKeesport & Bridge over Duquesne Bridge Monongahela over Monongahela River, Pitts- River, McKeesport burgh, Bridge & Duquesne, Rehabilitation. Bridge Rehabili- Length 0.1 tation, Length Mile ...... 5,000,000 0.5 Mile ...... 3,846,000 (U) L.R.02315, (3) Armstrong County Sutersville (i) Local Bridges Bridge over (A) Rayburn Twp., Youghiogheny T-576, Sloan School River, Elizabeth Rd., Bridge Twp., Alle- Replacement. gheny & Westmore- C-812500 ..... 360,000 1906 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE NOVEMBER 17,

(B) East Franklin ment, Length Twp., T-501, 0.4 Mile ...... 66.000 6.000 Stambaunh. Rd., (Previously authorized project) Bridge (D) L.R.03102(002), Reulacement. 94,000 Iron Furnace Bridge (~jBethel & Manor over Buffalo Twps., County Creek, Iron Fur- Bridge No.29, nace, South Buff- Stitt Bridge alo Twp., Bridge over Crooked Replacement, Creek, South of Length Ford City, 0.1 Mile ...... 155,000 7,000 Bridge Reulace- (Previously authorized project) men;, ~ength (4) Beaver County 0.1 Mile ...... 143,000 1.000 16,000 160,000 (i) Local Bridges (D) Plumcreek (A) Marion, T-649, Twp., County Old Furnace Rd., Bridge No.9, Bridge Gastown Rehabilitation ...... 67,000 Bridge over (B) Homewood, Plum Creek, State St., Bridge Replace- Bridge ment, Length Replacement, 0.1 Mile ...... 104,000 1,000 9,000 114,000 C-00018925.. 2,070,000 (E) North Buff- (C) West Ali- alo Twp., Cour~ty quippa, Ramp G, Bridge No.3, Bridge Blaine Bridge Rehabilitation .... 592,000 T-300 over (ii) State Bridges Buffalo Creek, (A). , L.R.76rD32)., ,, Bridge Rehabili- Pa.18, Rochester- tation, Length Monaca Bridge 0.1Mile...... 97,000 2,000 14,000 113,000 over Ohio River, (F) South Buff- Boros. of Monaca alo Twp., Former & Rochester, L.R.03006, Bridee-. Reolace- Bridge Rehahili- ment, Length tation at 0.4 Mile ...... 5.400.000 400.000 Station 41 + 30, (B) L.R.77(26), Length Pa.18, Beaver 0.1 Mile ...... 203,000 22,000 225,000 Falls-New Brigh- (ii) State Bridges ton Bridge, (A) L.R.319 Beaver Falls & (03S), Pa.156, New Brighton South Bend Boro., Bridge Bridge over Reulacement, Crooked Creek, ~ength East of South 1.8 Miles ..... 2,520,000 259,000 Bend, South (Previously authorized project) Bend Twp., Bridge (C) L.R.243, Replacement, Pa.68. Vannort Length viaduct, ~ebring 0.1 Mile ...... 1,382,000 61,000 120,000 1,563,000 Rd. over rail- (Previously authorized project) road, Boro. of (B) L.R.251, Vanport, Bridge Kittanning Replacement, Bridge, Allegh- Length 0.5 eny River, Mile ...... 5,031,000 298,000 Kittanning Boro., (D) L.R.538, Bridge Deck Re- U.S.30, Lincoln ulacement, Highway over iength Raccoon Creek, 0.1 Mile ...... 2,552,000 12,000 221,000 2,785,000 Independence (C) L.R.03005(010), Twp., Bridge Nicholson Run Replacement, Bridge, Branch Length of Nicholson Run near McVille, . .. South Buffalo Twp., U.S.30, Lincoln Bridge Replace- Highway, Traverse 1982 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE - Creek, Hanover Replacement. 225,000 Twp., Bridge (E) Wernersville, Replacement, Hill Rd., Bridge Length Rehabilitation .... 144,000 0.1 Mile ...... 564,000 34,000 (F) South Heidel- (Previously authorized project) berg Twp., Former (F) L.R.1023, L.R.06068, Bridge Pa.60, Beaver Rehabilitation Valley Expy., at Station Vanport Bridge, 123 + 00, Length Potter & Van- 0.1Mile ...... 135,000 port Boros., (G) Reading, Bridge Deck Re- Pa.183, Front St. placement, Bridge over Length Reading Railroad, 1.9 Miles ..... 5,000,000 1,595,000 Bridge Replace- (G) L.R.04016(2), ment, Length 0.1 Legionville Mile ...... 664,000 40,000 Bridge over (ii) State Bridges Legionville Run, (A) L.R.274, Harmony Twp., Pa.10, Morgan- Bridge Removal, town Rd. over Intersection Im- Angelica provement, Creek South Length 0.3 of Reading, Cumru Mile ...... 2,850,000 500,000 Twp., Bridge Re- (Previously authorized project) placement, Length (H) L.R.77(26), 0.4 Mile ...... 771,000 35,000 Pa.18, Beaver (Previously authorized project) Falls-New Brigh- (B) L.R.660(A03) ton, Bridge Wyomissing Ave., (Approach Work) Wyomissing Creek Beaver Falls & South of Mohnton, New Brighton Cumru Twp., Boro.. Bridge Bridge Replace- ment, Length 0.6 Length Mile ...... 30,000 6,000 1.8 Miles ..... 1,350,000 452,000 104,000 1,906,000 (Previously authorized project) (Previously authorized project) (C) L.R.06148 (5) Bedford County (A02), Furnace (i) Local Bridges St. Bridge, (A) Snake S~rine.- -. Wernersville T-466, Bridge Boro., Bridge Replacement. 67,000 8,000 75,000 Replacement, (ii) State Bridges ~ength (A) L.R.356, 0.1 Mile ...... 63,000 8,000 Sulphur Springs (Previouslv authorized project) (2 bridges), over (D) ~.~.66203, Sulphur Springs Eagle Point Rd, Creek Harrison over Mill Creek Two.. Bridge Northeast of ~eplaieme; Kutztown, Max- Length 0.1 atawny Twp., Mile ...... 127,000 7,000 8,000 142,000 Bridge Replace- (Previously authorized project) ment, Length 0.1 (6) Berks County Mile ...... 90,000 10,000 (i) Local Bridges (E) L.R.148(13), (A) Reading, Up- T.R. U.S.222, land Ave., Bridge Bingaman St., Replacement. 855,000 95,000 950,000 Reading, Bridge (B) Muhlenberg, Rehabilitation, George St., Length Bridge Replace- 0.6 Mile ...... 758,000 ment ...... 900,000 100,000 1,000,000 (F) L.R.147, (C) Maiden Creek T.R.724, Birds- Twp., T-600, boro Bridge over Bridge Removal: Conrail, Birds- c-79121760.. 65,000 7,000 72,000 boro Boro., Bridge (D) Ontelaunee Twp., Replacement, PUC T-748, Bridge #C-79010687. LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE NOVEMBER 17,

Length 0.1 (Previously authorized project) Mile ...... 789.000 55.000 (C) L.R.O8009(AOO).... (C) L.R.06100, ~yalusingRd. (2 Berkley Bridge Bridges), T-395 over Conrail, to T-378, Terry Ontelaunee Twp., Twp., Bridge Re- Bridge Replace- placement, Length ment, PUC 0.7 Mile ...... 694,000 87,000 165.000 946,000 #C-18565, Length (Previously authorized project) 0.1 Mile ...... 750,000 75,000 (D) L.R.08069(003), (Previously authorized project) Main St. over (7) Blair County Sugar Creek, Bur- (i) Local Bridges lington Boro., (A) Altoona, Bridge Replace- 37th St., Bridge ment, Length Replacement, 0.2 Mile ...... 106,000 1,000 21,000 128,000 C-812690 ..... 675,000 (Previously authorized project) (B) Altoona, 29th (E) L.R.08185(001), St., Bridge Reha- Carmons Rd. over bilitation .... 27,000 Sugar Creek, West (C) Altoona, Burlington Twp., 24 1/2 St., Bridge Bridge- Reolace- Rehabilitation ...... 36,000 ment, Length 0.1 (ii) State Bridges Mile ...... 86,000 2,000 19,000 107,000 (A) L.R.55, T.R. (Previously authorized project) 453, Bridge over (F) L.R.08005. Little Juniata Aver ~owanda River, Bridge Creek. Canton Replacement. Boro., Bridge ~ength Replacement, 0.1 Mile ...... 2.200.000 100.000 Length- (8) County 0.1 Mile ...... 260,000 (i) Local Bridges (G) L.R.l7(25M). (A) Leroy Twp., ~.~.220,Monroe Towanda Creek Twp., Monroe Boro., Bridge, Bridge Bridge Replace- Reolacement. ment, Length ~ength 0.2 Mile ...... 479,000 6,000 69,000 554,000 0.1 Mile ...... 130.000 (H) L.R.08120, (B) Sayre Boro., Milltown Bridge, Packer Ave., 0.2 Cayuta St. over Mile West of Cayuta Creek & A-5800, Bridge Railroad near Replacement, L.R.199, Sayre ~ength Boro., Bridge 0.1 Mile ...... 445,000 5,000 Replacement, (C) Ulster Boro., PUC #ID-141, Ulster Bridge Length 0.1 over Susquehanna Mile ...... 338,000 27,000 44,000 409,000 River, Bridge Re- (Previously authorized project) habilitation, (9) Bucks County Length 0.1 (i) Local Bridges Mile ...... 480.000 (A) Newtown, (ii) State Bridges Sterling St., (A) L.R.287(018). Bridge Replace- Pa.199. Tioga St. ment ...... 180,000 over Chemung R~ver, (B) Richlandtown, Athens Boro. & Springfield St., Two., Bridge Reha- Bridge Replace- biliiation. Length ment ...... 86,000 0.1 Mile ...... 620,000 12,000 (C) Warminster & (BI. , L.R.10131KI0~. Upper Southampton U.S.6, Towanda Twps., Davisville Bridee.-. Susuuc- Rd., County Bridge hanna River, No.290 over Towanda Boro., Southampton Creek, Bridge St., Bridge Replace- Bridge Replace- ment, Length 0.1 ment, Length Mile ...... 87,000 0.3 Mile ...... 2,810,000 299,000 (D) Tinicum Twp., LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE

Clay Ridge Rd., Pa.513, Hulmeville County Bridge No. Rd., Neshaminy 30 over Beaver I Creek, Hulmeville Creek, Bridge Boro.. Bridee Re- Reolacement. placement, Length ~e&th0.1 0.5 Mile ...... 759.000 22,000 70,000 851,000 Mile ...... 87,000 11,000 98,000 (Previously authorized project) (E) West Rockhill (F) L.R.09028, Twp., Rocky Dale Bridgetown Pike Rd., County Bridge over Neshalniny No.338 over ~idge Creek, Middletown Vallev Creek. Twp., North of ~rid~eReplace- Langhorne, Bridge ment, Length 0.1 Replacement, Mile ...... 87,000 11,000 98,000 Leneth 0.1 (F) Buckingham Mile ...... 1.1 10,000 65,000 122,000 1,297,000 Twp., Mill Rd., (G) L.R.O9033(A01). County Bridge County Line ~d., No.50 over Wat- (2 Bridges), Park son Creek, Bridge & Neshaminy Creeks, Replacement, Warrington Twp. ~ength0.1 (Bucks), Horsham Mile ...... 87,000 Twp.(Montgomery), (G) New Britain Bridge Replace- Twp., Creek Rd., ment, Length 0.1 County Bridge No. Mile ...... 264,000 8,000 49,000 321,000 146 over North (Previously authorized project) Branch Neshaminy, (H) L.R.09034(A), Bridee- Revlace- Bristol Rd. over ment, Length 0.1 Neshaminy Creek, Mile ...... 85,000 Warminster & War- (H) Middletown Twp., wick Twps., Vil- Countv Bridee No. lage of Hartsville, 304, Giver cake Bridee Revlace- Rd., Bridge Re- men;, ~e&th0.1 placement, Length Mile ...... 1.060.000 50.000 155.000 1,265,000 0.1 Mile ...... 80,000 (Previously authorized project) (ii) State Bridges (I) L.R.09034(1 IS), (A) L.R.281, T.R.1, Bristol Rd., Bridge over Rail- Neshaminy Creek, road in Fallsing- East of Chalfont, ton. Bridge Reha- Doylestonn Boro., Bridee Revlace- #ID-299. Leneth men;, ~e~grh 0.1 Mile ...... l60,000 15,000 25,000 200,000 (J) L.R.O9089(10S), Bridge over Rail- Cherry Rd., road in Tully- Tohickon Creek, town Boro., Bridge North of Quaker- Reolacement. PUC town, Richland #6-21424, ~&th TW~.,Bridge 0.1 Mile ...... 1.900.000 2,550.000 350,000 4,800,000 Replacement, (Previously authorized project) Length 0.1 (C) L.R.09028, Mile...... 53,000 6,000 5,000 64,000 Bridge over Rail- (Previously authorized project) road, One Mile (K) L.R.A104(A05), West of Langhorne Main St., Conrail Boro. in North- Overpass, Boro. ol ampton Twp., Yardley, Bridge Bridge Replacement, Reolacement. 0.1 PUC- ~ #C-80122300. Length 0.1 Mile ...... 715,000 56,000 68,000 839,000 Mile ...... 550,000 100,000 50,000 700,000 (Previously authorized project) (D) L.R.09015, (L) L.R.326. Pa.532, Bridee- over Rail- ~"ckRd. Bridge road in Feaster- over Mill Creek, ville. Bridee Re- Northampton Twp., p~ackment, Length Bridge Replace- 0.1 Mile ...... 1,069,000 37,000 92,000 1,198,000 ment, Length 0.1 (E) L.R.484(B05), Mile ...... 330,000


- ment, Length Twp., Twp. Rd. 0.1 Mile ...... 355,000 40,000 400,000 330 over Lizard (11) Cambria County. Creek, South of (i) Local Bridges T.R.895. Bridee (A) Johnstown, ~eplacement, Delwood St., Length Bridge Redace- 0.1 Mile ...... 55,000 ment, (C) East Penn C-78060387,. 2,250,000 Twp., Lochner's (B) South Fork, Bridge T-334 Grant St., Bridge over Lizard Rehabilitation, Creek, Bridge Re- 1-00000260... 794,000 placement, Length (ii) State Bridges 0.1 Mile ...... 58,000 (A) L.R.11025, (ii) State Bridges Summerhill Bridge (A) L.R.408, Pa. over Conrail, 940, East Side- Summerhill Boro., White Haven Bridge Redace- Branch, Lehigh ment, PUC River, East Side #C-19434 Boro., Bridge Re- Leneth- placement, Length 0.1 Mile ...... 950,000 150,000 0.1 Mile ...... 2,498,000 (Previously authorized project) (B) L.R.13001, (B) L.R.11027, Pa.895, Lehigh Lilly Bridge St. Bridge, Le- over Conrail. high River, Bow- Lilly Boro., manstown Boro. & Bridge Replace- East Penn Twp., ment, PUC Bridge Replace- #C-79020758 ment, Length Leneth 0.1 Mile ...... 1,680,000 50,000 0.1 kile...... 1,298,000 5,000 (Previously authorized proj ect) (Previously authorized project) (C) L.R.13035, (C) L.R.720, Buckwha Creek Prospect Viaduct Bridge, Vicinity over Conrail, of Little Gap, Johnstown, Lower Towamen- Bridge Replace- sing Twp., ment, PUC #I77 Bridge Replace- Length ment, Length 0.1 Mile ...... 4,020,000 500,000 0.2 Mile ...... 325,000 (D) L.R.52, (D) L.R.13014, T.R.271, Bridge Firelane Creek over Conrail, Bridge over Fire- Franklin & East lane Creek, Bow- Conemaugh Boros., manstown, Bridge Bridge Rehabil- Revlacement. itation, PUC ~eigth #C-20533, Length 0.2 Mile ...... 58.000 0.1 Mile ...... 946,000 5,000 14) Centre County (12) Cameron County (i) Local Bridges (i) State Bridges (A) Gregg TwP., (A) L.R.277, Pa.46, T-451, Kline Rd., Lockwood Bridge Bridge Removal, over North Creek, 1-00000270... 45,000 Lockwood, Shippen (B) Unionville Twp., Bridge Boro., Union- Replacement, ville Bridges, Leneth- Chestnut St. & 0.1 Mile ...... 485,000 Twp. Rd. No.344 (13) Carbon County over Bald Eagle (i) Local Bridges & Dewitt Creeks, (A) East Penn Bridge Replace- Twp., County ment, Length Bridge No.8, T- 0.2Mile ...... 138,000 333, Bridge Re- (ii) State Bridges placement, Length (A) L.R.404, 0.1 Mile ...... 103,000 T.R.322, Martha (B) East Penn Furnace, Bridge -- -


p~~ over Conrail, nut St., Bridge Bridge Replace- Removal ...... 59,000 7,000 66,000 ment, Length (L) Willistown 0.1 Mile ...... 7,636,000 1,088,000 Twp., West (B) L.R.219, Snow Central Ave., Shoe Bridge over 7-41 1, Bridge L.R.1009, T.R. Replacement, 1-80, Exit 22, C-80062020.. 180,000 Snow Shoe Inter- (M) Kennett Twp., change, Bridge Hillendale Rd., Rehabilitation, County Bridge No. Length 68, West Branch 0.1Mile ...... 800,000 2,000 Red Clay Creek, (C) L.R.S7(0IS), Bridge Rehabili- Pa.350, (2 Bridges), tation, Length Big Fill & Aimy 0.1Mile ...... 43,000 3,000 7,000 53,000 Runs, South of (N) East Bradford Sandy Ridge, Twp., Highland Rd., Taylor & Rush County Bridge No. Twps., Bridge 113, Taylors Run, Replacement, Bridge Rehabili- Length tation, Length 0.2Mile...... 520,000 35,000 0.1 Mile ...... 36,000 1,000 6,000 43,000 (Previously authorized project) (0) Downingtown (15) Chester County Boro., Pennsylvania (i) Local Bridges Ave. over East (A) Malvern, Brandywine Creek, Bridge St., Bridge Replace- Bridge Rehabili- ment, Length tation ...... 36,000 0.1 Mile ...... 104,000 (B) Tredyffrin (P) Phoenixville Twp., West Valley Boro., County Rd., Bridge Re- Bridge No.185 habilitation, over French Creek, 1-810350...... 180,000 Bridge Redace- (C) Berwyn, men;, ~ength T-560, Cassatt 0.1 Mile ...... 109.000 4,000 12.000 125.000 Ave., Bridge (Q) London Twp., Rehabilitation, County Bridge No. 1-810347 ...... 313,000 59, Baker Station (D) Parksburg, Rd. over East Branch Bridge St., Bridge White Clay Creek, Rehabilitation .... 183,000 Bridre- Reolace- (E) Sadsbury, ment, Length T-364, Bridge 0.1Mile ...... 48,000 4,000 6,000 58,000 Rehabilitation, (R) West Brandywine 1-00000167... 836,000 Twp., County (F) East Caln Twp., Bridge No.106, Downingtown Rd., Telegraph Rd. Bridge over West Branch Rehabilitation .... 237,000 Brandywine Creek, (G) East Whiteland Bridge Replace- Twp., Swedesford ment, Length Rd., T-411, 0.1 Mile ...... 56,000 2,000 8,000 66,000 Bridge (S) Charlestown Twp., Replacement, County Bridge 1-80100342... 198,000 No. 178, Pickering (H) Penn Twp., Rd. over Picker- Sunnyside Rd., ing Creek, Bridge Bridge Reolacement. Rehabilitation ...... 22,000 ~ength (I) Oxford, Broad 0.1 Mile ...... 86.000 10.000 11.000 107.000 St., Bridge (T) Londongrove Rehabilitation ...... 5,400 Twp., County (J) Parksburg, Bridge No.51, State St., Bridge Avondale-New Removal, London Rd. over 1-00000168.. . 202,000 Middle Branch (K) West Chester White Clay Creek, Boro., East Chest- Bridge 1982 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE

Replacement, (A) L.R.142, Spur Length A, Valley Forge 0.1 Mile ...... 56,000 Music Fair in (U) Grove Twp., Tredyffrin Twp., County Bridge Bridge Replace- No.226, South ment, Length Curnsey Rd. over 0.1 Mile ...... 1,718,000 109,000 Middle Branch (B) L.R.202(C), White Clay Creek, Pa.29, Bridge Bridge Replace- St. over Schuvl- ment, Length kill River, ~hbe- 0.1 Mile ...... 48,000 nixville Boro., (V) East Coventry Bridge Replace- Twp., County ment, Length Bridge No.207, 0.1 Mile ...... 2,785,000 65,000 ~chuylkillRd. (C) L.R.274(B08), over Pigeon Creek, Pa.10, Church Bridge Replace- St., Buck Run & ment, Length Railroad Under- 0.1 Mile ...... 54,000 pass, Parkesburg (W) Wallace Twp., Boro., Bridge County Bridge No. Replacement, 140, Park Rd., Length 0.1 Branch of Brandy- Mile ...... 424,000 417,000 wine Creek, Bridge (Previously authorized project) Replacement, (D) L.R.15108(20), ~ength North Valley Rd. 0. I Mile ...... 56.000 Bridge over (X) East Vincent Penn Central Twp., County Bridge Railroad, Paoli, No.195, Cooks Tredyffrin Twp., Glen Rd. over Bridee Replace- French Creek, ment, ~e~gth0.1 Bridge Replace- Mile ...... 520,000 116,000 ment, Length (Previously authorized project) 0.1 Mile ...... 59,000 (E) L.R.Al430 (Y) Lower Oxford (ohl), Pa.272, Twp., County Kirks Bridge over Bridge No.32, Octoraro Creek, Farmers Mill Rd. Lancaster County over West Branch Line, West Big Elk Creek, Nottingham Twp., Bridge Replace- Bridge Replace- ment, Length ment, Length 0.2 0.1 Mile ...... 53,000 Mile ...... 240,000 2,000 (Z) Honeybrook (Previously authorized project) Twp., County Bridge (F) L.R.A3001, No. 146, Branch Valley Rd., Penn of Brandywine Central Railroad Creek, Bridge West of Coates- Reolacement. ville, Sadsbury ~ength Two... , Bridee- Re- 0.1 Mile ...... 53,000 placement, Length (AA) Grove Twp., 0.1 Mile ...... 393,000 22.000 County Bridge No. (C) L.R.626, 57, New Garden Rd. Pa.926, Street over East Branch Rd., Bridge over White Clay Creek, SEPTA, Westown Bridge Rehabili- & Thornbury Twps., tation, Length Bridge Replace- 0.1 Mile ...... 56,000 ment, Length (BB) Valley Twp., 0.1 Mile ...... 430,000 30,000 County Bridge No. (H)L.R.15047, 242, Glencrest Rd. 3rd St. Bridge, over West Branch over White Clay Brandywine Creek, 1 Creek, Avondale Bridge Replace- Boro., Bridge ment, Length Replacement, 0.1 Mile ...... 56.000 Length 0.1 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE NOVEMBER 17,

(I) L.R.413, ville Bridee" Pa.842, Bridge over Clarion Rd. over West River, North of Brandywine Creek, Curllsville, Pocopson Twp., Beaver & Piney Bridge Redace- Twps., Bridge men;, ~ength Replacement, 0.1 Mile ...... 800.000 30.000 Length 0.1 (I) L.R.142, Mile ...... 1,821,000 6,000 159,000 1,986,000 Lincoln Hwy. I (E) L.R.214, Pa. over Conrail, 68, Reidsburg Coatesville Boro., Bridge over Bridge Replace- Piney Creek at ment, Length Reidsburg, Mon- 0.1 Mile ...... 1,000,000 50,000 roe Twp., Bridge (K) L.R.142, Replacement, Lincoln Hwy. I1 Length 0.1 over Conrail, Mile ...... 239,000 1,000 21,000 261,000 Coatesville Boro., (Previously authorized project) Bridge Replace- (F) L.R.16032 ment, Length (006), Pa.854, 0.1 Mile ...... 700,000 30,000 Piney Creek (L) L.R.131, Bridge over Baltimore Pike Piney Creek, over Big Elk Creek, North of Curlls- Oxford Twp., ville, Piney Bridee Reolace- Twp., Bridge ment, Length Replacement, 0.1 Mile ...... 125.000 10.000 Length 0.1 (16) Clarion County Mile ...... 630,000 6,000 54,000 690,000 (i) Local Bridges (Previously authorized project) (A) Limestone Twp., (G) L.R.16032 T-552, Bridge (005), Pa.854, Replacement. 259,000 Deer Creek (B) Limestone Twp., Bridge over T-811, Bridge Deer Creek, Replacement. 180,000 North of Curlls- (C) Piney Twp., ville, Beaver T-486, Bridge Twp., Bridge Replacement. 135,000 Reolacement, (ii) State Bridges ~ength0.1 (A) L.R.214, Reids- Mile ...... 950.000 12.000 82.000 1.044.000 burg Bridge over (Previously authorized project) Conrail, Bridre (17) Clearfield County (i) Local Bridges (A) Morris Twp., Length T-682, Bridge 0.1 Mile ...... 790,000 10,000 Rehabilitation .... 247,000 (B) L.R.65(015), (B) Union Twp., U.S.322, Clarion T-372, Bridge Bridge over Replacement. 195,000 Clarion River, (C) Curwensville, West of Clarion Bloomingron Ave., Boro., Clarion & Bridge Paint Twps., Replacement Bridge Replace- C-79101693,. 294,000 ment, Length (D) Goshen Twp., 0.1 Mile ...... 2,908,000 20,000 Kyler Rd., T-636, (Previously authorized project) Bridge Replace- (C) L.R.554, Toby ment ...... 259,000 Bridge, Clarion (ii) State Bridges River, North of (A) L.R.401, Clarion Boro.. Ramey Bridge over Highland & Clar- Conrail, Ramey ion Twps., Boro., Bridge Bridge Replace- Replacement, ment, Length PUC #I-79080319 0.1 Mile ...... 4,067,000 Length (D) L.R.16032, 0.1Mile ...... 1,324,000 109,000 109,000 1,542,000 Pa.854, Curlls- (B) L.R.17038 1982 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE

(AOI), Bridge Fishing Creek, over Watts Run, Village of Salona, near Kerrmoor Lamar Twp., Ferguson Twp., Bridge Replace- Bridge Replace- ment, Length ment, Length 0.1 Mile ...... 475,000 5,000 0.1 Mile ...... 230,000 10,000 20,000 260,000 (F) L.R.18007, (Previously authorized project) Fishing Creek (C) L.R.234, Bridge over Pa.53, Tubhs Fishing Creek, Crossing Bridge South of Salona, over Porter Run, Lamar Twp., Bigler Twp., Bridge Replace- Bridge Replace- ment, Length ment, Length 0.1Mile...... 115,000 9,000 0.1 Mile ...... 345,000 25,000 50,000 420,000 (G) L.R.105, Pa. (D) L.R.17061, 120, Hyner Bridge Deer Creek Rd. over West Branch over Susquehanna Susquehanna River, River, Graham & Chapman Twp., Girard Twps., Bridge Replace- Bridge Replace- ment, Length ment. Leneth 1.0 Mile ...... 5.175.000 l lO.000 0.1 Mile ...... 1,150,000 55,000 120,000 1,325,000 I (H) L.R.219, pa. IE) L.R.62. U.S. 150. Mill Hall 219, urn side Bridge, Bald (4 Bridges), Eagle Creek, West Burnside Boro., of Mill Hall Boro., Bridee- Reolace- Bald Earle Twu., ment, Length Bridge Replace: 0.1 Mile ...... 3,220,000 510,000 400,000 4,130,000 ment, Length (18) Clinton County 0.4 Mile ...... 1,840,000 55,000 (i) State Bridges (19) Columbia County (A) L.R.105, (i) Local Bridges T.R.IZO, Renova (A) Madison Twp., Bridge over Tunnel Rd., Conrail, Renova Bridge Rehabili- Boro., Bridge tation ...... 72,000 Replacement, (B) Greenwood Length Twp., Green Creek 0.1 Mile ...... 5,019,000 664,000 411,000 6,094,000 Bridge, Bridge (B) L.R.219(5), Replacement, T.R. Pa.150, Length 0.1 Traffic Route Mile ...... 30,000 3,000 150 over Fishing (C) Sugarloaf Creek, North of Twp., Fishing Mill Hall Boro., Creek Bridge, Bridge Replace- County Bridge ment and lnter- No.154, Grass- section Improve- mere Park, ment, Length Bridge Replace- 0.4 Mile ...... 1,634,000 46,000 142,000 1,822,000 ment, Length (C)L.R.105, 0.1 Mile ...... 68,000 6,000 Pa.120 over (ii) State Bridges Cooks Run (A) L.R.l83(A12), Noyes Twp., Pa.42, Catawissa Bridge Replace- Bridge over ment, Length North Branch of 0.1 Mile ...... 460,000 55,000 70,000 585,000 Susquehanna (D) L.R.359(001), River, Catawissa Pa.664, Jay St. Boro., Main St., Bridge, Susque- Bridge Replace- hanna River Lock ment, Length 0.2 Haven to Lockport, Mile ...... 2,330,000 350,000 Lock Haven Boro., (Previously authorized project) Bridge Replace- (B) L.R.283(014), ment, Length Pa.487, Blooms- 0.3 Mile ...... 3,365,000 240,000 340,000 3,945,000 burg Bridge (E) L.R.58(AIO), over Susquehanna Pa.477 over River, Poplar St., 1916 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE NOVEMBER 17,

Bloomsburg Boro., Bloomfield Run, Bridge Replace- Village of Rice- ment, Length ville, Bridge 0.2 Mile ...... 2,063,000 310,000 154,000 2,527,000 Replacement, (CI L.R.415(004). Length Pa.339 over 0.1 Mile ...... 734,000 19,000 45,000 798,000 Catawissa Creek, (Previously authorized project) Southeast of (C) L.R.213, U.S. Mainville, Beaver 19, Bridge over Twp., Bridge Re- Conrail, Union placement, Twp., Bridge Length 0.1 Replacement, Mile ...... 1,162,000 174,000 122,000 1,458,000 Length (Previously authorized project) 0.1 Mile ...... 750,000 10,000 90,000 850,000 (D) L.R.19026, (D) L.R.294, Pa. South of Buck- 173, Smith's Mill horn, North West Corner over of Bloomsburg, Little Sugar Hemlock Twp., Creek, Wayne over Frozen Run, Twp., Bridge Bridge Replace- Replacement, ment, Length 0.1 Length Mile ...... 52,000 1,000 8,000 61,000 0.1 Mile ...... 460,000 10,000 60,000 530,000 (Previously authorized project) (E) L.R.294, Pa. (E) L.R.19039, 173, Kastor's West Branch, Briar Corner over Creek Bridge, Little Sugar North Centre Creek, Wayne Twp., Bridge Re- Twp., Bridge Reolacement, r~~~~~~nlacement. . Length 0.2 ~ength Mile ...... 294,000 30,000 42,000 366,000 0.1 Mile ...... 460,000 (20). . Crawford County (F) L.R.82, U.S. (i) Local Bridges 322, Smock Bridge (A) Union Twp., over French Creek, T-413-433, City of Meadville Bridge Replace- & Vernon Twp., ment ...... 202,000 23,000 225,000 Bridae- Rehabili- (B) Woodcock Twp., tation, Length Peters Rd., 0.3Mile ...... 1.800.000 T-703, Bridge (21) Cumberland ~o;nty Rehabilitation, (i) Local Bridges 1-80100340... 23.000 2.000 25.000 (A) Silver (C) Meadville, Springs Twp., Mead Ave. Bridge T-573, Bridge over French ~e~lacemeni. 213,000 Creek, Bridge (B) Upper Frank- Replacement, ~ord%p., Fry- Length town Rd. Bridge, 0. I Mile ...... 130,000 16,000 146,000 Bridge Replace- (D) Meadville, ment, Length Race St. Bridge 0.1 Mile ...... 17,000 2,000 3,000 22,000 over Cussewago (C) Lower Frank- Creek. Bridge ford & West Rehabilitation, Pennsboro Twps., Length Hertzler Bridge, 0.1 Mile ...... 76,000 10,000 86,000 County Bridge (ii) State Bridges No.16 over Con- (A) L.R.200(A00), odogninet Creek, Pa.77, Bridge Bridge Replace- over Oil Creek, ment, Length Villaee- of 0.1 Mile ...... 174,000 3,000 50,000 227,000 Riceville, (D) West Penns- Bloomfield Twv.. boro Twp., L.R. Bridge ~e~lace: 21004, Bridge ment, Length over Conrail 0.2 Mile ...... 725,000 13,000 45,000 783,000 Railroad, Bridge (Previously authorized project) Removal, Length (B) L.R.200(B00), 0.1Mile...... 178,000 94,MX) 57,000 329,000 Pa.77, Route 77, (E) Lower Allen LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE

Twp.-Cumherland Mile ...... 68,000 2,000 20,000 90,000 County, Fairview (E) East Hanover Twp.-York County, Twp., Dauphin Co. Greenlaue Drive Bridge No.4, T-648 over T-431 over Bow Yellow Breeches Creek, Bridge Creek, Etter's Replacement, Bridge, County Length 0.1 Bridge No.Y2, Mile ...... 61,000 2,000 16,000 79,000 Bridge Replace- (F) Swatara Twp., ment, Length 63rd St., Bridge 0.1 Mile ...... 143,000 Reolacement. (ii) State Bridges (A) L.R.21048, . . Queen St. Bridge, (ii) State Bridges Shippensburg (A) L.R.I(D31), Boro.. Bridee Pa.147, Ingle- ~eplacement, nook Railroad PUC #I-80050336. Bridge, North- Length 0.1 east of Clarks Mile ...... 1,046,000 Ferry, Village of (B) L.R.21011, Inglenook, Reed Middlesex Rd., Twp., Bridge Re- Bridge over placement, Length Conodoguinet 0.6 Mile ...... 2,383,000 80,000 477,000 2,940,000 Creek, Middlesex (B) L.R. 1089(B05), Twp., Bridge Re- U.S.22. Clarks placement, Length Ferry Bridge 0.1 Mile ...... 808,000 over Susquehanna (C) L.R.21051, River, North of Lambs Gap Rd. Dauphin, Reed Bridge, Conodo- Twp., Widen to guinet Creek 48 feet & aD- North of Mechan- preaches, ~ength icsburg, Hampden 1.9 Miles ..... 28,600,000 l,I00,000 1,560,000 31,260,000 Two... . Bridee Re- (Previously authorized project) placement, Length (C) L.R.22018(10). 0.7 Mile ...... 1,495,000 Nyes ~d.(2 (D) L.R.191, Pa. Bridges) over 233, Railroad Beaver Creek, Bridge South of Vicinity of Newville, West Conway Rd., Lower Pennsboro Twp., Paxton-South Han- Bridee Removal, over Twps., Bridge ~ensh0.1 Reolacement. Mile ...... 394,000 ~ength0.5 (22) Dauphin County Mile ...... 1.268.000. . 80.000 219.000 1,567.000 (i) Local Bridges (Previously authorized project) (A) Middletown, (D) L.R.22002, Wilson St., Pa.225 over Bridge Rehabili- Wiconisco Creek tation...... 1,066,000 Washington Twp., (B) Londonderry Bridee Reolace- Twp., T-490, men;, ~e&th0.2 Brinser Rd., Mile ...... 768,000 55,000 230,000 1,053,000 Bridge Replace- (E) L.R.22011 ment ...... 238,000 (636). North Hock- (C) Lower Swatara ersville Rd., Twp., T-384, over Spring Creek Whitehouse Lane, North of Hershey, Bridge Replace- East Derry Twp., ment ...... 315,000 Bridge Replace- (D) South Hanover ment, Length 0.2 & Swatara Twps., Mile ...... 69,000 6,000 15,000 90,000 Dauphin County, (Previously authorized project) Bridge No.31 (F) L.R.22032, over Beaver Railroad St. Creek, Bridge over Wicon~sco Replacement, Creek, Williams Length 0.1 Twp. & Williams- 1918 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE NOVEMBER 17,

town Boro., (D) L.R.23130, Bridee Revlacement. T.R. U.S.13, ~ensh0.i Media-West Chester Mile ...... 73.000 2.000 Bridge, Upper Darby (23) Delaware County Twp., Bridge (i) Local Bridges Rehabilitation, (A) Glenolden, Length Ashland Ave., 0.2 Mile ...... 828,000 100,000 Bridge Replace- (E) L.R.I32(D15), ment, U.S.13, Wilmington C-79050951,. 450,000 Post Rd., Hook (B) Folcroft, Creek, Boro of Folcroft Ave., Marcus Hook, Bridge Replace- Bridee- Revlace- ment, merit, Length C-00020235.. 450,000 0.1 Mile ...... 615.000 45.000 (C) Darby, Pine (Previously authorized project) St., Bridge Re- (F) L.R.180, placement .... 360,000 U.S.13, Chester (D) Darby, 4th Pike, Ridley Creek, St.. Bridge Re- Boro of Eddystone, Bridge Replace- ment, Length (E) Golwyn Boro., 0.1 Mile ...... 340,000 35,000 4th St. Bridge, (G) L.R.225(D15), over Amtrak, Pa.320, West Sproul Bridge Replace- Rd., Whiskev Run. ment, Length 0.1 North of swarth- Mile ...... 440,000 more, Springfield (F) Clifton Twp., Bridge Heights Boro., Rehabilitation. Lindbergh Bridge, Length County Bridge 0.1 Mile ...... 420.000 15.000 No.72 over Darby (Previously authorized project) Creek, Bridge (H) L.R.418, Rehabilitation, Pa.452, Pennell Leng1.h 0.1 Rd., Chester Creek, Mile ...... 333,000 Vicinity of Glen (ii) State Bridges Riddle, Middle- (A) L.R.23073, town Twp., Bridge T.R.73, Bridge Reolacement. over Railroad, ~ength 0.4 Mile South 0.1 Mile ...... 425,000 40,000 of U.S.13. in (I) L.R.731(00B), Sharon Hill, Morton Ave., Bridge Replace- Stoney Creek, ment, PUC #ID-255, Morton Boro., Length Rutledge Boro. 0.1 Mile ...... 997,000 100,000 Line, Bridge (Previously authorized project) Replacement, (B) L.R.23114, Length Bridge over 0.1 Mile ...... 190,000 35,000 Railroad, Norwood (J) L.R.23059(10S) Park in Prospect Burmont Rd. Bridge, Park. Bridee Darby Creek, ~eplacement, Boro of Lansdowne, PUC #ID-282, Bridee Revlace- Length men;, ~e~gth 0.1 Mile ...... 1,037,000 0.1 Mile ...... 165,000 32,000 (Previously authorized project) (Previously authorized project) (C) L.R.420. (K) L.R.418, T.R.420, Bridge Pa.452, Market over Railroad, 0.5 St. over Conrail Mile South of Upper Chichester Chester Pike in Twp., Bridge Folcroft, Revlacement. PUC #C-20235, ~ength Length 0.1 Mile ...... 1.100.000 40.000 0.1 Mile ...... 2,476,000 (L) L.R.23045, (Previously authorized project) Bishop Hollow 1982 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE 1919

Rd. over Crum State Rd. over Creek Springton Crum Creek, Reservoir, Upper Upper Providence Providence & Twp., Bridge Newtown Twp., Replacement, Bridge Replace- Length ment, Length 0.1 Mile ...... 1,350,000 200,000 40,000 1,590,000 0.1 Mile ...... 385,000 18,000 54,000 457,000 (24) Elk County (M) L.R.23019, (i) Local Bridges Lenni Rd. Bridge, (A) Horton Twp., Chester Creek, T.R.333 over Middletown & Little Toby Creek, Chester Heights Bridge Replace- Twps., Bridge ment, Length Renlacement. 0.1 Mile ...... 240,000 40,000 280,000 ~~n~th (25) Erie county 0.3 Mile ...... 656.000 54.000 128,000 838,000 1 (i) Local Bridges (Previously authorized project) (A) springfield (N) L.R.23044, Rd., Bridge Eagle Rd. over Replacement. 22,000 3,000 25,000 Amtrak. (B) Erie, Buffalo Village bf Wayne, kd., s ridge Radnor Twp., Replacement. 1,080,000 120,000 1,200,000 Bridge Replace- (C) LeBoeuf Twp.,

~~~ment. ~ Leneth T-351. Bridge 0.1 Mile ...T.. 950,000 45,000 95,000 1,090,000 1 ~ehabilitation.... 178,000 20,000 198,000 10)~~, L.R.135. (D) LeBoeuf Two... . Naamans creek T-672, Bridge Rd., East Branch Rehabilitation .... 156,000 Naamans Creek, (ii) State Bridges Lower Chichester (A) L.R.696(A00), Twp., Bridge Pa.97, Old French Replacement, Rd., Bridge over Length Mill Creek, South 0.1 Mile ...... 170,000 9,000 25,000 204,000 of Erie, Mill (P) L.R.23088. Creek Twp., ~radyville~d:, Bridge ~eblace- Crum Creek, ment, Length Springton Reser- 0.1 Mile ...... 1,468,000 70,000 45,000 1,583,000 voir, Edgemonr & (Previously authorized project) Newton Twps., (B) L.R.709(03M), Bridge Rehabili- U.S.6 North Sharp tation, Length Rd. Ext., Little 0.lMile...... 385,000 15,000 42,000 442,000 Conneauttee Creek. (Q) L.R.23015, East of Edinboro, Knowlton Rd. Washington Twp., Bridge over Bridge Replace- Chester Creek, ment, Length Middletown & 0.1 Mile ...... Aston Twps., (Previously authorized project) Bridge Replace- (C) L.R.25139, ment, Length Bridge Street 0.1 Mile ...... 763,000 77,000 63,000 903,000 over French Creek, (R) L.R.542, Unity City, Pa.291, Second Bridae Reolace- St. over men;, ~ei~th

Chester-~~~-~~~ Creek.~ ~~ 0.1 Mile ...... 112,000 1,000 12,000 125,000 City of chest& (D) L.R.84, U.S.19, Bridge Replace- Lebeouf Creek ment, Length Bridge, Waterford 0.1 Mile ...... 505,000 25,000 70,000 600,000 Twp., Bridge (S) L.R.23065, Replacement, Clifton Ave. over Length B & 0 Railroad, 0.1 Mile ...... 650,000 65,000 715,000 Collingdale & (Previously authorized ~roiect) Sharon Hill, (E) ~.~.25057, Bridge Replace- Lake Pleasant ment, Length Rd. Bridge, 0.1 Mile ...... 600,000 South of East (T) L.R.23021, Gore Rd., Mill LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE NOVEMBER 17,

Creek Twp., Replacement, Bridge Replace- Length ment, Length 0.1 Mile ...... 785,000 20,000 94,000 899,000 0.1 Mile ...... 812,000 (Previously authorized project) (26) Fayette County (28) Franklin County (i) Local Bridges (i) Local Bridges (A) Redstone (A) Creencastle, T&., T-326, Walker Ave., Bridne- Rehabili- Bridge Replace- tation ...... 254,000 ment ...... 270,000 (B) Brownsville, (B) Cuilford Brown St., Bridge Twp., Kreiner Rehabili- Rd., Bridge Re- tation ...... 216,000 placement. ... 270,000 (ii) State Bridges (C)~, Greene Two.. (A) ~.~.24< Sycamore Rd., Pa.201. Dickerson T-528. Run ~iidgeover county Bridge Dickerson Run, No.4 over Conoco- Vanderbilt Boro., cheague Creek, Bridee-. Reolace- Bridge Replace- ment, Length ment, Length 0.1 Mile ...... 98.000 8.000 B.1 Mile ...... 66,000 2,000 17,000 85,000 (Previously authorized project) (ii) State Bridges (B) L.R.26026, (A), , L.R.28026. Bridge over Red- Bridge over stone Creek on Railroad, Penn Menallen Twp. Mar, Washington Line, Franklin Twp., Bridge Twp., Walters- Replacement, burg, Bridge Length Replacement, 0.1 Mile ...... 600,000 50,000 100,000 750,000 Length (Previously authorized project) 0.lMile ...... 552,000 31,000 (B) L.R.AZ28, (Previously authorized project) Bridge over (C) L.R.26087, Railroad, West Bridge over of Scotland, Jacobs Creek, Greene Twp., Fayette-Westmore- Bridge Replace- land County Lines, ment, Length Upper Tyrone Twp., 0.IMile...... 395,000 40,000 60,000 495,000 Bridge Replace- (C) L.R.400(002), ment, Length Pa.995, Warm 0.1 Mile ...... 92,000 8,000 Springs Road, (Previously authorized project) Back Creek Bridge, (D) L.R.268, Old North of Willlam- Brownsville son, St. Thomas Bridge over Twp., Bridge Monongahela River, Replacement, Brownsville Boro., Length Bridee Rehabili- 0.3 M~le...... 1,485,000 50,000 350,000 1,885,000 tation, Length (Previously authorized project) 0.2 Mile ...... 400.000 6.000 (D) L.R.44(B12), (E) L.R.366, Pa.997, Anthony T.R.381, Meadow Wayne Hwy. over Run Bridge over Little Antietam Meadow Run, Ohio- Creek, I Mile pyle, Bridge South of Waynes- Revlacement. boro, Washington ~ength Twp., Bridge 0.2 Mile ...... 2,000,000 150.000 Renlacement. (27) Forest County ~ength (i) State Bridges 0.2 Mile ...... 1,123,000 50,000 308,000 1,481,000 (A) L.R.93(04M), (Previously authorized project) U.S.62, Route 62 (E) L.R.400. & 666, East Pa.995, aim Hickory Creek, Spring Rd., Village of East Bridge over Con- Hickory, Hickory rail Railroad Twp., Bridge near Village of 1982 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE 1921

Williamson, St. Muddy Run, Thomas Twp., Cumberland Twp., Bridge Removal, Bridge Replace- Leneth ment, Length 0. I Mile ...... 150,000 0.1 Mile ...... 368,000 5,000 100,000 473,000 (F) L.R.28028(622), (Previously authorized project) ~ittleAntietam (C) L.R.30130, Creek Bridge, 2 Bobtown Bridge Miles South of over Dunkard Waynesboro, Wash- Creek, Dunkard ington Twp., Twp., Bridge Bridge Replace- Revlacement. ment, Length ~ength 0.1 Mile ...... 92,000 0.2 Mile ...... 219.000 6.000 38.000 263.000 (Previously authorized pr (D) L.R.IlI(OII), (29) Greene County Pa.18, Rogers- (i) Local Bridges ville Rd., Bridge (A) Morris Twp., over South Fork T-655, Bridge of Ten Mile Creek, Replacement. 140,000 Center Twp., (B) Richhill Bridge Replace- Twp., County ment, Length Bridge No.78 over 0.1 Mile ...... 916,000 57,000 140,000 1,113,000 Owens Run, Rich- (Previously authorized project) hill Twp., (E) L.R.A-35(A10), Bridge Replace- Pa.218, Grade ment, Length Separation Study, 0.1 Mile ...... 26,000 Engineering (C) Morris Twp., Study only, Creene Co. Bridge Waynesburg Boro. No.72 over & Franklin Twp., Bates Fork, Bridge Replace- Bridge Replace- ment, Length ment, Length 0.1 Mile ...... 0.1 Mile ...... 22,000 (30) Huntingdon County (D) Freeport Twp., (i) State Bridges County Bridge (A) L.R.352, No.67 over Fish T.R.305, Peters- Creek, New Free- burg Bridge over port, Bridge Conrail, Logan Re~lacement. Twp., Bridge ~e&th Replacement, 0.1 Mile ...... 20,000 Length (E) Center Twp., 0.1 Mile ...... 470,000 50,000 100,000 620,000 County Bridge (B) L.R.352, No.65 over Pa.305. Peters- Grinage Run, burg Ekldge Bridge Replace- over Little ment, Length Juniata River, 0.1 Mile ...... 22,000 Porter & Logan (F). , Washineton Twvs., Bridge Twp., county Bridge No.27 over Length Craynes Run, 0.4 Mile ...... 1,208,000 26,000 105,000 1,339,000 Bridee Revlace- (Previously authorized project) men;, ~ength (C) L.R.I21(3A), 0.1 Mile ...... 17,000 000 3,000 21,000 U.S.522, Aughwick (ii) State Bridges Bridge, North of (A) L.R.30050, Shirleysburg, Bridee over Bridee Revlace- ~aszeRun, men;, ~e~gth Southwest of 0.3Mile...... 1,600,000 200,000 200,000 2,000,000 Clarksville, (Previously authorized project) Morgan Twp., (D) L.R.Al35. Bridge Replace- 4th St. Bridge, ment, Length Huntingdon Boro., 0.1Mile...... 80,000 2,000 10,000 92,000 Bridge Replace- (B) L.R.30097, ment, Length Jacobs Ferry 0.1 Mile ...... 2,013,000 20,000 175,000 2,208,000 Bridge over (Previously authorized project) LEGISLATIVE J01JRNAL-HOUSE NOVEMBER 17,

(31) Indiana County South Penn St., (i) Local Bridges Bridge Re- moval, (A)~~ -, -Burrell Twn.. . T-442, Bridge A-00098634.. ?02,000 Replacement. 912,000 101,000 1,013,000 (B) Young Twp., (B) Bdrrell Twp., T-374, Bridge T-660, Bridge Replace- Renlacement. 775,000 86,000 861,000 ment ...... 568,000 (cj Bllrrell Twp., (C) Rose Twp., T-445, Bridge T-368, Bridge Replacement. 526,000 59,000 585,000 Replace- (D) Creekside, ment ...... 693,000 Cochrsn St., (D)Clover Twp., T-428, Bridge T-345, Bridge Rehabilitation ...... 13,000 1,000 14,000 Replacement. 782,000 (El Green TwP., (E) Washington T-832, ~rid~e~ Twp., T-560, Rehabilitation ...... 2,700 Bridge Replace- (F) Washington ment ...... 685,000 Twp., Hankinson (ii) State Bridges Bridge, County (A) L.R.63, Bridge No.59 over Brookville Crooked Creek, Bridge over near Chambers- Bed Bank Creek, ville, Bridge Brookville Boro., Renlacement, Bridee-. Reolace- Length ment, Length 0.1 Mile ...... 83,000 2,000 7,000 92,000 0.1 Mile ...... 1,245,000 6,000 (ii) State Bridges (B) L.R. 189(E09), (A) L.R.337, U.S.119, East ~a:56, Buena Vista Mahoning St. Bridge, Blacklick Bridge, aho on- Creek North of ing Creek, Punx- Armagh & Dias, sutawney Boro., East Wheatfield Bridse- Revlace- & Brush Twps., ment, Length Bridge Replace- 0.3 Mile ...... 2,371,000 266,000 ment, Length (Previously authorized project) 0.1 Mile ...... 1,960,000 182.000 171,000 2,313,000 (C) L.R.521. (Previously authorized project) ~a.436,Mar- (B) L.R.228, giotti Bridge Pa.286, Salts- over Mahoning burg Bridge Creek, Punxsu- over Kiskimin- tawney Boro., etas River, Salts- Bridge Rehabili- burg Boro., tation, Length Bridge Replace- 0.lMile...... 3.954.000 6.000 ment, Length (D) L.R.33024 0.1 Mile ...... 3,000,000 182,000 334,000 3,516,000 (003), Valier (Previously authorized project) Bridge over (C) L.R.32053, Mahoning Creek, Pa.954, North Village of

9th~ ~~ St..~ Rail- Valier, Perry road Bridge, Twp., Bridge White Twn. & Replacement, Indiana Boro., Length Bridee Re~lace- 0.1 Mile ...... 206,000 5,000 men;, ~ength (Previously authorized project) 0.1 Mile ...... 555,000 24,000 48,000 627,000 (E) L.R.33028 (Previously authorized project) (AOI), Fuller (D) L.R.262, Pa. Bridge over 286, Clymer Bridge Sandy Lick over Twolick Creek, Creek near Cherryhill Twp., Knox Dale, Knox Bridge Replace- & Pine Creek ment, Length 0.1 Twps., Bridge Mile ...... 484,000 20,000 56,000 560,000 Replacement, (32) Jefferson County Length (i) Local Bridges 0.8 Mile ...... 1,319,000 12,000 (A) Punxsutawney, (Previously authorized project) 1982 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE 1923

(F) L.R.33092 (D) L.R.35109(001), (AOZ), Lanes Stafford Ave. over Mills Bridge Railroad, Scranton, over Rattle- Bridge Replace- snake Run at ment, Length 0.1 Lanes Mills, Mile ...... 42,000 5,000 Washington Twp., (Previously authorized project) Bridge Replace- (E) L.R.35094, ment, Length Curtis Reservoir 0.3 Mile ...... 75,000 11,000 Outlet Bridge (Previously authorized project) just South of (33) Lackawanna County L.R.365, Madi- (i) Local Bridges son Twp., Bridge (A) Dunmore, Mill Replacement, St.. Bridee Re- Leneth- 0.1 habilitation Mile ...... 34,000 5,000 11,000 50,000 1-00000230... 450.000 (F) L.R.168(036). (B) Dunmore, Mon- Gieen ~id~e'st.' roe Ave., Bridge over Lack River Rehabilitation .... 117,000 & Railroad, (C) Convington Scranton, Bridge Twp., Lehigh Rehabilitation, Summit Rd., Leneth 0.1 Bridge Rehabil- Mile ...... 436,000 itation ...... 190,000 (G) L.R.9. U.S.6 (D) Scranton, bvir D &LRail- East Market St., road, Clarks Bridge Removal ... 58,000 Summit Boro., (E) Scranton, Bridge Replace- Theodore St., ment, Length Bridge Removal. 360,000 0.1 Mile ...... 400,000 (F) Clifton Twp., (34) Lancaster County Twp. Route 308 (i) Local Bridges Bridge, Lehigh (A) East Hemp- River 1.1 Miles field Twp., Cole- East of L.R.35001, brook Rd., Bridge Bridge Replace- Replacement. 265,000 ment, Length 0.1 (B) Ephrata, Pine Mile ...... 134,000 St., Bridge Re- (ii) State Bridges habilitation ... 162,000 (A) L.R.35069, (C) Salisbury Twp., Grove St. Bridge, T-610, Hoover Rd., West of T.R.6 & Bridge Rehabilita- 11, Clarks Sum- tion ...... 294,000 mit Boro., Bridge (D) Rapho Twp., Re~lacement, T-855, Bridge Removal ...... 225,000 Length 0.1 (E) Eden Twp., Mile ...... 216,000 5,000 T-490, Hess Rd., (B) L.R.174, Bridge Replace- T.R.106, Dundaff ment ...... 225,000 St. Viaduct (F) Ephrata, Over D & H Rail- T-660, Bridge road, Carbondale, Removal ...... 4,500 Bridge Removal (G) Gap, T-493, and Replace with Futer St., Bridge At-grade Crossing, Removal, PUC UA100975, Length 0.1 Mile ...... 1,341,000 180,000 Bridge kemoval, (Previously authorized project) 1-78080300... 180,000 (C) L.R.35046(009), (1) Ephrata Twp., Brooklyn St. Middle Creek Rd., Bridge, Hickory- T-660 over Co- Mill St., Car- cal~coCreek just bondale Boro., West of Akron Bridge Replace- Boro., Bridge ment, Length Revlacement. 0.1Mile ...... 993,000 219,000 ~e&th0.1 (Previously authorized project) Mile ...... 36,000 2,000 10,000 48,000 LEGISLATIVE JO URNAL-HOUSE NOVEMBER 17,

(J) Paradise & Bridge, Mt. Joy Leacock Twps., Twp., Bridge Former L.R.36030, Revlacement. Bridge Rehabili- ~ength tation at Station 0.1 Mile ...... 50,000 198 + 91, Length (I) L.R.36008, 0. I Mile ...... 180.000 Bridge over Con- (ii) State Bridges rail near (A) L.R.698, Smithville, T.R.741, Bridge Providence Twp., over Railroad, Bridge Replace- Gap, Bridge Re- ment, Length placement, PUC 0.1 Mile ...... 1,506,000 #I-78080300. (J) L.R.36184, Length 0.1 Harrisburg Pike Mile ...... 500,000 20,000 80,000 600,000 over Little Cones- 1Previouslv authorized oroiect) toga Creek near (B) L.R.344, Park City Mall, Christiana Boro., East Hempfield & Bridge Replace- Manheim Twps., ment. PUC Bridge Replace- #~-18241,Length ment, Length 0.1 Mile ...... 1,500,000 300,000 128,000 1,928,000 0.1 Mile ...... 425,000 (Previously authorized project) (K) L.R.A83, Pa. (C) L.R.36015, 772, Newport Rd. Bridge over Rail- over Cocalico road, Providence Creek, Southwest Twp., Bridge Re- of Akron Boro., placement, Length Warwick & West 0.1 Mile ...... 1,025,000 62,000 250,000 1,337,000 Earl Twps., Bridge (Previously authorized project) Replacement, (D) L.R.36070, Length T.R.743, Bridge 0.1 Mile ...... 456.000 over Amtrak, (L) L.R.36081, Elirabethtown Pa.896, T.R.896 Boro., Bridge at Green Tree ~eplacement, over Conrail Length 0.1 Tracks, Bart Mile ...... 1,470,000 30,000 200,000 1,700,000 Twp., Bridge (E) L.R.36072, Replacement, ~r'idgeover Rail- Length road, West of 0.1 Mile ...... 542,000 Conewago, West (M) L.R.36004, Donegal Twp., Colebrook Rd. Bridge Replace- over Amtrak ment and Ap- Mainline at proaches, Length Village of Rheerns, 0. I Mile ...... 1,430,000 25,000 250,000 1,705,000 Mt. Joy Twp., (F) L.R.36002(A06), Bridge Replace- Mt. Joy Road, ment, Length Little Chickies 0.1 Mile ...... 678,000 Creek, Viciniw (N) L.R.36015, Mt. Joy Boro. near New Provi- Line, Bridge dence over Goff Replacement, Run, Providence Length Twp., Bridge 0.2 Mile ...... 461,000 8,000 111,000 580,000 Reolacement. (G) L.R.36005(008), ~ength Safe Harbor Rd. 0.1 Mile ...... 262.000 Bridge over (0) L.R.36030, Conestoga Creek Church Ave. over near Safe Harbor, Cocalico Creek, Manor & Conestoga Ephrata Boro., Twps., Bridge Bridge Replace- Replacement, ment, Length Length 0.1 Mile ...... 542,000 0.1Mile ...... 870,000 38,000 261,000 1,169,000 (P) L.R.36184, (Previously authorized project) Harrisburg Pike, (H) L.R.36071, Bridge Replace- Conewago Creek ment, Replace 1982 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE 1925

Railroad Overoass.. . (E) L.R.77, Pa.168, Length Mahoning Viaduct 0.1 Mile ...... 1.980.000. . over Shenango (Q) L.R.128(014), River & Railroad, T.R. Pa.462, New Castle, Bridge Columbia & Replacement, Wrightsville Length Bridge over 0.3 Mile ...... 1,800,000 Susquehanna River, (36) Lebanon County Bridge Rehabili- (i) Local Bridges tation, Length (A) Cornwall. 1.3 Miles ..... 2,952,000 100,000 inns Mill Rd., (R) L.R.36003(007), Bridee Removal. 209.000 Pa.23, Marietta Pike (B) Cornwall, over Little Conestoga Zinns Mill Rd., Creek, West of Bridge Removal, Lancaster, East A-00103830.. 94,000 Hempfield & (C) Lebanon, Lancaster Twps., Fourth St. Bridge, Bridge Replace- Quittapahilla ment. Leneth Creek, Bridge 0.1 Mile ...... 238,000 5,000 Replacement, (S). , L.R.215. U.S.30. Length Lincoln Hwy. over 0.1 Mile ...... 94,000 Amtrak Mainline, (D) Lebanon, Pa.72, Village of Leaman Tenth St., Quitta- Place, Paradise pahilla Creek, Twp., Bridge Bridge Replace- Reolacement. ment, Length ~e&h 0.1 Mile ...... 219,000 0.1 Mile ...... 495,000 5,000 (E) Lebanon, (35) Lawrence County L.R.141(014), (i) State Bridges Pa.72, Ninth St. (A) L.R.37055, over Quitta- Pa.208, Pulaski pahilla Creek, Bridge over Bridge Replace- Shenango River, ment, Length West of Pulaski, 0.1 Mile ...... 219,000 Pulaski Twp., (ii) State Bridges Bridge Replace- (A) L.R.38001(1 I), ment, Length Pa.934, Swatara 0.1 Mile ...... 1,035,000 90,000 Creek, Harpers (B) L.R.37089, Tavern, East Cherry St. Bridge, Hanover Twp., Liberty St. to Bridee-. Reolace- T.R.168, New Castle, ment, Length Taylor Twp., 0.2 Mile ...... 1,340,000 148,000 190,000 1,678,000 Bridge Replace- (Previously authorized project) ment (2 Lanes), IB) L.R.38025. Length kailroad c ridge, 0.7 Mile ...... 1,600,000 144,000 West of Lebanon, (Previously authorized project) North Lebanon (C) L.R.760(A00), Two... . Bridee Pa. 168 over Beaver Removal, Length River, Village of 0.1 Mile ...... 168,000 10,000 56,000 234,000 West Pittsburg, (Previously authorized project) North Beaver & (C) L.R.38059. Taylor Twps., Northwest of Mt. Bridge Replace- Zion over Little ment, Length Swatara Creek, 0.1 Mile ...... 2,957,000 20,000 Bethel Twp., (Previously authorized project) Bridge Replace- (D) L.R.80, Pa.158, ment, Length New Castle Street 0.1 Mile ...... 145,000 2,000 32,000 179,000 over McClures Run, (37) Lehigh County New Wilmington (i) Local Bridges Boro., Bridge (A) Trexlertown, Replacement, Church Lane, Length Bridge Replace- 0.1 Mile ...... 240,000 ment ...... 112.000 1926 LEGISLATIVE JO URNAL-HOUSE NOVEMBER 17,

(B) Lower Mac- (C) Shickshinny ungie Twp., Tank & Mocanaqua, Farm Rd., Bridge L.R.40030, County Removal ...... 221,000 Bridge over (C) Whitehall Susquehanna Twp., Ruch St., River, Bridge Bridge Rehabilitation, Removal ...... 45,000 Length (D) Allentown 0.3 Mile ...... 946,000 L.R.39035(A04), (D) Nanticoke, Front St. over Nanticoke Bridge Terminal Railroad, over Susque- Bridee Renlace- hanna River, men; ~ength Bridge Rehabili- 0.1 Mile ...... 156.000 3.000 tation, Length (Previously authorizdd project) 0.1 Mile ...... 159,000 (ii) State Bridges (E) Plymouth (A) L.R.157(36), Boro. & Hanover Tilghman St., Twp., Plymouth Jordan Creek, & Breslau Allentown, Bridge over Bridge Replace- Susquehanna ment, Length River, Fellows 0.3 Mile ...... 2,785,000 75,000 Ave., Bridge (Previously authorized project) Rehabilitation. (B) L.R.163, Length Pa.873, Lehigh 0.1 Mile ...... 480,000 Gap Bridge over (ii) State Bridges Lehigh River, (A) L.R.5. No.14 North of Slating- viaduct on River ton Washington Rd., Jenkins Twp., Twp., Bridge Bridge Replace- Rehabilitation. ment and Con- Length struct at-grade 0.2 Mile ...... 3.310.000 50.000 crossing,-puc (C) L.R.39112, #C-20768, Length Ontelaunee Creek 0.1 Mile ...... 838,000 20,000 Bridge, Lynn Twp., (Previously authorized project) Bridee- Renlace- (B) ~.~.40036, merit, Length Bridge over Rail- 0.3Mile...... 71.000 13.000 road at Junction (D) L.R.39114(AOI), with Cemetery Lanark Rd., St., Ashley Saucon Creek South Boro., Bridge of Lanark Upper Replacement, PUC Saucon Twp., UC-812687, Bridee Renlace- Length 0.1 Mile ...... 160,000 10,000 (C) L.R.933, Bridge over Con- rail, approxi- (9 Bridges), Vari- mately 1.9 Miles ous Locations, North of T.R.309, Bridge Rehabili- Laurel Run Boro., tation, Length Bridee-. Reolace- 0.2 Mile ...... 3,375,000 ment, Length 0.1 (38) Luzerne County Mile ...... 690.000 50.000 (i) Local Bridges (D) L.R.40174, (A) Pittston, Bridge over Con- T-515, Bridge rail, Hanover Rehabilitation .... 227,000 Twp., Bridge (B) Pittston & Replacement, West Pittston Length 0.1 Boro., Water St. Mile ...... 184,000 5,000 Bridge, Susque- (E) L.R.515, hanna River & T.R.315. Scran- Railroad, Bridge ton-~ilkes-~arre Rehabilitation, Hwy. at Junction Length 0.2 L.R.40044, Laflin Mile ...... 181,000 Boro., Bridge Re. 1982 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE

placement, PUC (N) L.R.40036, #I-79120327. Pa.309, South Length 0.1 St. Bridge, Mile ...... 1,119,000 Wilkes-Barre, (Previously authorized pr Bridae Rehabili- (F) L.R.40084 tation, Length (IOS), Pattersons i 0.4 Mile ...... 3.410.000 Rd., Swamp Run & 1 (39) Lycoming county Kitchen Creek, 1 (i) Local Bridges North of Harvey- , (A) Jersey Shore, ville, Fairmont ! L.R.23, Bridge Twp., Bridge Replacement, Re~lacement. Length Length 1.0 Mile ...... 550,000 30,000 0.2 Mile ...... 275.000 (B) Fairfield (G) L.R.1009, Twp., Tules Run, 1-80 over East of Montours- Linesville ville, Bridge Creek, Foster Realacement. Twp., West of Length L.R.40118, Bridge 0.1 Mile ...... 34.000 4.000 Rehabilitation, (ii) State Bridges Length (A) L.R.41022 0.1Mile...... 400,000 (Oil), Pa.414, (H) L.R.40216, Blackwell Rd., Glenn Summit over Cedar Run, Abandoned Rail- Village of Cedar road, West of Run, Brown Twp., L.R.40040,Fair- Bridae Redace- view Twp., Bridge men;, ~ength Removal, Length 0.4 Mile ...... 1,323,000 200,000 0.1 Mile ...... 37,000 (Previously authorized project) (I) L.R.35011 (B) L.R.41044 over Lackawanna ili), Warrens- River, Duryea ville Rd., Eldred Boro., Bridge Twp., Bridge Reolacement. Reolacement. Length ~ength 0.1 Mile ...... 241.000 0.1 Mile ...... 347,000 69,000 (J) L.R.169, (Previously authorized project) Pa.309, Butler (C) L.R.41054. St. Bridge, Pine Run Bridge, Wilkes-Barre, North of Penns- Bridge Rehabili- dale, Mill Creek tation, Length Twp., Bridge 0.1 Mile ...... 3,156,000 Replacement, (K) L.R.11, U.S.11, Leneth Market St. over 0.1 Mile ...... 57,000 5,000 Susquehanna River, (D) L.R.41087 Kingston Boro., (005), Beaver Bridge Rehabil- Dam Run Bridge, itation, Length Northeast of 0.2 Mile ...... 3,500,000 Lairdsville, (L) L.R.232, Franklin Twp., U.S.ll, Fort Bridge Replace- Jenkins Bridge ment, Length over Susquehanna 0.1 Mile ...... 52,000 5,000 River, Main & (Previously authorized project) Exeter, West (E) L.R.23, Pittston Boro., Nichols Run Bridge Rehahili- Bridge, Old tation, Length T.R.220, Porter 0.2 Mile ...... 2,000,000 Twp. & Jersey (M) L.R.5, U.S.11 Shore, Bridge Bridge, Avoca- Replacement, Dupont Boro. Length Line, Bridge Re- 0.1 Mile ...... 190,000 20,000 habilitation, (F) L.R.353, Pa. Length 0.1 287, Larrys Creek Mile ...... 828.000 Bridge, Mifflin LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE NOVEMBER 17,

Twp., North of Eldred Twp., Salladasburg, Bridge Replace- Bridge ment, Length Reolacement. 0.1 Mile ...... 4,259,000 221,000 350,000 4,830,000 Length (B) L.R.A5897(01S), 0.2 Mile ...... 619.000 20,000 80,000 719,000 Indian Crossing, (G) L.R.20, Mem. Indian Creek orial Ave. Bridge, Northwest Bridge over of Eldred, Eldred Lvcominr Creek, Twp., Bridge ~illiamsport, Replacement, Old Lycoming Length Twp., Bridge 0.3 Mile ...... 863,000 90,000 30,000 983,000 Replacement, (Previously authorized project) Length (C) L.R.469, 0.2 Mile ...... 1,140,000 170,000 219,000 1,529,000 Pa.770, Degolia (H) L.R.176(017), Bridge over Pa.44, Bridge Tunungwant Creek, over West Branch Bradford Twp., of Susquehanna Bridge Replace- River, Nippenose ment, Length Twp., East of 0.1 Mile ...... 578,000 15,000 80,000 613,000 Jersey Shore, (41) Mercer County Bridee (i) Local Bridges Replacement, (A) Green Two. . Length T-871, Bridge 0.2 Mile ...... 4,054,000 529,000 353,000 4,936,000 Replacement. 270,000 (I) L.R.266(A06), (B) Otter Creek Pa.44, Little Two.. Lone Road Pine Creek, Village of Water- Little Shenango ville, Cummings River, Bridge Twp., Bridge Replacement, Replacement, Length Length 0.1 Mile ...... 80,000 0.5 Mile ...... 2,000,000 250,000 100,000 2,350,000 (C) Coolspring (Previously authorized project) Twp., Cornell (J) L.R.331(005), Rd. over Otter Maynard St. Creek, Bridge Bridge over Sus- Replacement, quehanna River, Length South Williams- 0.1 Mile ...... 80,000 port to Williams- (D) Sandy Creek port, Bridge Twp., Bishop Rd. Replacement, over Sandy Creek, Length Bridge Re~lace- 0.2 Mile ...... 1,768,000 231,000 154,000 2,153,000 men;, Length (K) L.R.353, 0.1 Mile ...... 38.000 Pa.287, Larrys (E) Sandy Creek Creek Bridge, Twp., Bridge 407 North of Salladas- & 408 over burg, Miffiin Sandy Creek, Twp., Bridge Bridge Replace- Reulacement, ment, Length Length 0.1 Mile ...... 63,000 0.2 Mile ...... 588,000 20,000 80.000 688,000 (F) Perry Twp., (L) L.R.41022, Pierson Road Pine Creek Bridge 1003, Bridge, Village Little Shenango of Slate Run, River, Bridge Brown Twp., I Redacement. Bridge ' Length Renlacement. i 0.1 Mile ...... 96,000 Length ' (G)Otter Creek 0.1Mile...... 349,000 52,000 77,000 478,000 ' Twp., Freeland (40) McKean County Rd., Little (i) State Bridges Shenango River, '(A) L.R.~I?, Bridge Replace- T.R.446, Bridge ment, Length over Conrail, 0.1 Mile ...... 73,000 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE

(H) Fairview Twp., Armagh Twp., Delaware Rd. over Bridge Replace- Otter Creek, ment, Length 0.2 Bridge Reulace- Mile ...... 250.000 men;, ~e~gth (D) L.R.470, 0.1 Mile ...... 38,000 Pa.103, Juniata (I) Otter Creek River Bridge, Twp., Strauh Rd., Lewistown Boro., County Bridge Bridge Replace- No.906, over ment, Length 0.2 Otter Creek, Mile ...... 575,000 Bridee Reolace- fE) L.R.44033. ment, Length ~eileville 0.1 Mile ...... 35,000 1,000 36,000 Bridge over (ii) State Bridges Kishcoquillas (A) L.R.206(01M), Creek, Union Twp., U.S.322, Liberty Bridge Replace- St. Bridge over ment, Length 0.1 Shenango River, Mile ...... 345,000 Jamestown Boro., (43) Monroe Countv Bridge Replace- (1) State Bridges .

ment, Length (A). , L.R.45035. 0.2Mile...... 750,000 25,000 70,000 845,000 Pocono Summit, (Previously authorized project) Boro. of Mt. (B) L.R.43012(A01), Pocono, Bridge Leesburg Station, Removal and Neshannock Creek, Replacement, Northwest of Lees- Leneth burg, Springfield 0.1 Mile ...... 550,000 Twp., Bridge (B) L.R.45049. Replacement, ~a.115,Tobyhanna Length Creek Bridge, 0.4 Mile ...... 337,000 87,000 50,000 474,000 South Blakeslee (Previously authorized project) Corners, Tobyhanna (C) L.R.43081(B), Twp., Bridge Walnut St. Ext., Reulacement. High St. to Buck- ~ength eye Dr., Boro. of 0.1 Mile ...... 550.000 Sharpsville & (C) L.R.168, Pa. South Pymatuning 61 1, Tobyhanna Twp., 2 Lane Re- Creek Bridge, location and Villaae of Tobv- Bridge Replace- hanna, ~oolba"gh ment, Length Twp., Bridge 0.4Mile...... 2,600,000 155 Replacement, (Previously authorized project) Length (42) Mifflin County 0.1 Mile ...... 550,000 (i) State Bridges (44) Montgomery County (A) L.R.470, T.R. (i) Local Bridges 103, Juniata Terrace, (A) Plymouth Twp., Bridge over Con- Gallagher Rd., rail, Lewistown Bridge Boro., Bridge ~epjacement, Replacement, C-00017612.. 450,000 Length 0.1 (B) Limerick Twp., Mile ...... 3,136,000 11 1,000 247,000 3,494,000 T-200, Longview (Previously authorized project) Rd., Bridge (B) L.R.603(BIO), Replacement. 450,000 Juniata River (C) West Potts- Bridge, Northwest grove Twp., South of Mattawana, Grosstown Rd., Bratton Twp., Bridge Bridge Revlace- Rehabilitation, men;, ~enbth M-80070215.. 162,000 0.3 Mile ...... 4,042.000 125,000 352.000 4.519.000 (D) Lower Merion (Previously authorized project) Twp., County Line (C) L.R.499, Rd., Bridge Siglerville Replacement. 108,000 Bridge over (E) Lower Merion Havice Creek, Twp., Bowman Ave., 1930 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE NOVEMBER 17,

Bridge Bridgeport & West Rehabilitation ...... 66,000 7,000 73,000 Noriton Twp., (F) Upper Gwynedd Bridee- Rehabili- Twp., West Pros- tation, Length pect Ave., Bridge 0.1 Mile ...... 5.420.000. . 115.000 480.000 6.015.000 Replacement. 180,000 20,000 200,000 (Previously authorized project) (G) Narberth Boro., (F) L.R.46021(A01), Rockland Ave., Gerloff Rd. Bridge Bridge Rehabili- over Swamp Creek, tation...... 9,000 1,000 10,000 Lower Fredrick Twp., (H)Narherth Boro., Bridge Replace- North Narberth ment, Length Ave., Bridge 0.1 Mile ...... 1,593,000 27,000 139,000 1 Rehabilitation, (Previously authorized project) C-77090008.. 45,000 (G) L.R.46067, (I) Souderton Yerkes Rd. over Boro., East Perkiomen Creek, Summit St., South of College- Bridge ville, Lower Rehabilitation ...... 81,000 Providence Twp., (J) Norristown Bridee Reolace Boro., Elm St. men;, Leigth over Stoney Creek, 0.1 Mile ...... 4,125,000 575,000 385,000 5,085,000 Bridge Replace- (Previously authorized project) ment, Length (H)L.R.46139(AI), 0.1 Mile ...... 50,000 10,000 60,000 Henderson & Church (ii) State Bridges Rds., Three Grade (A) L.R.143, Crossings, Vicinity T.R.202. Bridee of Swedeland, Upper over ailr road; Merion Twp., ~~idge South of Bridge- Reolacement, port, Bridge- ~ength port Twp., Bridge 0.4 Mile ...... 100,000 Replacement, (Previously authorized project) PUC #C-19036. (1) L.R.46137, Length Crooked Lane over 0.1 Mile ...... 475,000 35,000 25,000 535,000 PLY Railroad, (Previously authorized project) Upper Merion Twp., (B) L.R.46086, Bridge Replace- Bridge over ment, Length Railroad, 0.1 M~le...... 236,000 15,000 35,000 286,000 Lancasterville, (J) L.R.46082, Whitemarsh North Wales Rd. Twp., Bridge over Conrail, Replacement, Upper Gwynedd Length Twp., Bridge 0.1 Mile ...... 1,093,000 54,000 95,000 1,242,000 Replacement, (C) L.R.46140, Length Bridge over 0.1Mile ...... 385,000 40,000 50,000 475,000 Railroad, (K) L.R.46043, Conshohocken, Allentown Rd., Bridge East Branch Replacement, Perkiomen Creek, PUC #C-19707, Franconia & Length Salford Twps., 0.1Mile...... 6,461,000 700,000 562,000 7,723,000 Bridee Reolace- (Previously authorized project) men;, ~ength (D) L.R.46064, 0.1 Mile ...... 725,000 20.000 80.000 825.000 Pawlings Rd. (L) L.R.270, Bridge over Bridge Rd. over Schuylkill River, Perkiomen Creek, Lower Providence Perkiomen & Twp., Bridge Skippack Twps., Reolacement, Bridge Replace- ~ength ment, Length 0.1 Mile ...... 1,002,000 100,000 1,102,000 0.1Mile ...... 1,060,000 50,000 92,000 1,202,000 (E) L.R.225(E00), (M) L.R.46027, U.S.202, DeKalb Plank Rd. Bridge St. over Schuylkill over Perkiomen River, Boro. of Creek, Perkiomen LEGISLATIVE JO URNAL-HOUSE 1931

& Skippack Twps., (C) L.R.47015(004) Bridge Replace- Mud Creek Bridge, ment, Length PP&L Access Rd., 0.1 Mile ...... 392,000 Derry Twp., Bridge (N) L.R.197, Replacement, Pa.73. Skiooack Length Pike, ~issahckon 0.1 Mile ...... 108,000 Creek, Whitemarsh (Previously authorized project) Twp., Bridge (D) L.R.182, Pa. Reolacement. 54, Danville ~ength Bridge over 0.1 Mile ...... 325.000 Susquehanna River, (0) L.R.646, Danville Boro., Pa.463, Horsham Bridee Reolace- Rd. over Pine Run, men;, ~ength in Horsham Twp., 0.4 Mile...... 177,000 200,000 377,000 Bridge Replace- (46) Northamptoo County ment, Length (i)~, Local Bridees 0.1 Mile ...... 320,000 (A) Upper Mt. (P) L.R.202, Bethel Twp., Pa.29 over T-739, Bridge Schuylkill River, Removal, Monte Clare, 1-80020331... 202,000 Bridee Reolace- (B) Lower MI. men?, ~ength Bethel Twp., 0.1 Mile ...... 600,000 Upper MI. Bethel (Q) L.R.46103, Bridge over Hector St. over Little Martin's Spring Mill Creek, Creek, Bridge Re- Whitemarsh Twp., placement, Length Bridge Replace- 0.1Mile ...... 38,000 3,000 5,000 46,000 ment. Leneth (ii) State Bridges 0.1 ~ile...y.. 250,000 (A) L.R.48011, (R) L.R.373. Pa. Freemanshurg i5i, ~imekiln Bridge, Lehigh Pike over River, Freemans- Little Neshaminy hurg Boro., Creek, Horsham & Bridge Replace- Montgomery Twps., ment, Length 0.2 Bridee Reolace- Mile ...... 2,566,000 154,000 378,000 3,098,000 men;, ~ength (Previously authorized project) O..l Mile ..... 207.000 (B) L.R.48123 (S) L.R.197, Pa.73, ihl), Bushkill Skippack Pike over Park Rd., Bnsh- Zachoris Creek, kill Creek, Worchester Twp., Northwest of Bridge Replace- Easton, Forks ment, Length Twp., Bridge 0.1 Mile ...... 150,000 Replacement, (45) Montour County Length 0.2 (i) State Bridges Mile ...... 67,000 15,000 9,000 91,000 (A) L.R.47035. (Previously authorized project) Mahoning creek (C) L.R.48129 Bridge, Tributary (A50), Minsi of Mahoning Creek, Trail Bridge, East of Moores- Market St. to hurg, Liberty Twp., Daly Ave., Beth- Bridge Rehabili- lehem, Bridge tation, Length Reolacement. 0.2 Mile ...... 67,000 ~ength0.7 (B) L.R.47036(003), Mile ...... 2,075,000 800,000 272,000 3,147,000 Washingtonville (Previously authorized project) Bridge, Chillis- (D) L.R.772. quaque Creek, u.s.22, T.~:22 North of (6 Bridges), Vari- Washingtonville, ous Locations, Derry Twp., Bridge Rehabil- Bridge Replace- itation, Length ment, Length 0.2 Mile ...... 3,375,000 0.2 Mile ...... 96,000 (E) L.R.48073 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE NOVEMBER 17,

(BIO), Martin's River, Delaware Creek Bridge, Twp., East of Northwest of Allenwood, Riverton. Bridee Bridae Revlace- ~ehabiliiation,~ men;, en-gth Length 0.1 0.2 Mile ...... 221,000 148,000 369,000 Mile ...... 123,000 1,000 12,000 136,000 (E) L.R.49018(5), (47) Northumberland County Railroad Bridge, (i) Local Bridges Merrion, South (A) Watsontown of Mt. Carmel, Boro., 1st St., Mt. Carmel Bridge Twp., Bridge Replacement. 405,000 45,000 450,000 Replacement, (B) Shamokin Twp., Length 0.2 T-766, Bridge Mile ...... 219,000 22,000 33,000 274,000 Replacement. 189,000 21,000 210,000 (Previously authorized project) (C) Coal Twp., (F) L.R.49038, Former L.R.49122, South Branch Bridge Rehabilita- Roaring Creek tion at Station Bridge. Roaring 46+42, Length creek, South if 0.1 Mile ...... 135.000 Bear Gap, Ralpho (D) Ralpho Twp., Twp., Bridge Former L.R.4909 1. Reolacement. Bridge Rehabili- ~en~th0.1 tation at Station Mile ...... 76,000 8,000 11.000 95.000 i+62, Length (Previously authorized project) 0.1 Mile ...... 90,000 10,000 100,000 (G) L.R.49061 (E) Ralpho Twp., (04S), Warrior Former L.R.49135, Run Bridge, Bridge Rehabili- Warrior Run, tation at Station West of Turbot- 21+42, Length ville, Lewis 0.1 Mile ...... 45.000 Twp., Bridge (ii) State Bridges Replacement, (A) L.R.I(E14), Length 0.6 Pa.147, Mahanoy Mile ...... 145,000 Creek Bridge, (Previously authorized project) Jackson Twp., (H) L.R.49116(2), North of Herndon, Shamokin Creek Bridge Replace- Bridge, Shamo- ment, Length kin Creek, 0.6 Mile ...... 1,750,000 213,000 141,000 2,104,000 Shamrock, (Previously authorized project) Shamokin & (B) L.R.18, Pa. Ralpho Twps., 147, Packer Is- Bridge Deck land Bridges over West Branch Length 0.1 Susquehanna Riv- Mile ...... 68,000 er, Upper Augusta (I) L.R.459, Pa. Twp., Bridge Re- 125, Shamokin placement, Creek Bridge, Length 0.5 Market Street. Mile ...... 2,840,000 360,000 260,000 3,460,000 Shamokin Boro., (C) L.R.259, Pa. Bridge Replace- 45, Lewisburg ment, Length Bridge, West 0.1 Mile ...... 769,000 77,WO 154,000 1,000,000 Branch of Sus- (J) L.R.49033 quehanna River, (OSM), Little East of Lewis- Shamokin Creek, burg, West West of Yordy, Chillisquaque Shamokin Twp., Two... . Bridae- Bridge Replace- Replacement, ment, ~e"~th Length 0.2 0.1Mile ...... 55,000 7,000 5,000 67,000 Mile ...... 2,125,000 106,000 191,000 2,422,000 (Previously authorized project) (D)L.R.460(004). (K) L.R.259, Pa. ~a.44, ~llenhood 642, Milton Bridge over Bridge over Susquehanna Susquehanna LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE

River, Milton itation, Boro., Bridge 1-780 20294.. 270,000 Replacement, (B) Byberry Rd., Length 0.1 Bridge Replace- Mile ...... 1,740,000 ment, (L) L.R.240, Pa. 1-780 20294.. 3,420,000 405, Delaware (C) 61st St., Run Bridge, Bridge Replace- Delaware Twp., ment ...... 765,000 North of Watson- (D) B & Somer- town, Bridge set Sts., Bridge Rehabilitation. Replacement, Length 0.1 A-000101995. 1,350,000 Mile ...... 381.000 (E) Front St., (M) L.R.49043, Bridge Replace- Wilson Run Bridge, River- side Boro., Bridge Replace- ment, Length (C) Seminole St. 0.1 Mile ...... 41,000 & Highland Ave., (N) L.R.459(006), Bridge Replace- Pa. 125, Mahonoy ment ...... 1,809,000 Creek Bridge, (H) Ashburner St., Southwest of Bridge Replace- Gowen City, East ment ...... 1,116,000 Cameron Twp., (I) Montgomery Bridge Replace- Ave., Bridge ment, Length Replacement. 3,195,000 0.1 Mile ...... 148,000 (J) Evergreen Ave., (Previously authorized prc Bridge Replace- (0) L.R.25(002), ment ...... 450,000 Bainbridge St. (K) Fountain St., Bridge over Br~dgeReplace- Susquehanna ment ...... 540,000 River, Sunbury, (L) Woodland Ave., Bridge Replace- Bridge Replace- ment, Length ment ...... 810,000 0.1 Mile ...... 2,629,000 (M) 17th St., (48) Perry County Bridge Replace- (i) Local Bridges ment ...... 2,250,000 (A) Saville Twp., (N) 47th St., Kochenderfer Bridge Replace- Bridge over Big ment ...... 900,000 Buffalo Creek, (0) Fox St., 3.5 Miles North- Bridge Rehabili- east of Kistler, tation ...... 2,160,000 Bridge Replace- (P) Summit Ave., ment, Length 0.1 Bridge Replace- Mile ...... 48,000 ment ...... 1,210,000 (B) Juniata Twp., (Q) Krewstown Rd., Perry Co. Bridge Pennypack Creek No.12, T-378 over Bridge, Bridge Big Buffalo Revlacement. Creek, Bridge Length Replacement, 0.1 Mile ...... 355.000 Length 0.1 (R) Northwest Mile ...... 98,000 Philadelphia, (C) Penn Twp., County Bridge No. 10, T-349 over Germantown Ave. Little Juniata Bridge over Creek, Bridge Wissahickon Creek, Replacement, Bridge Rehabili- Length 0.1 tation, Length Mile ...... 79,000 0.1 Mile ...... 63,000 (49) Philadelphia County (S) Northeast (i) Local Bridges Philadelphia, (A) Byberry Rd., Ashton Run Bridge, Bridge Rehabil- Ashton Road, 1934 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE NOVEMBER 17,

Bridge Replace- Bridge Deck Re- ment, Length placement, Length 0.1 Mile ...... 250,000 0.3 Mile ...... 8.000.000 298.000 8.298.000 (T) Philadelphia, (D) L.R.67333 Diamond St. Bridge (A02), U.S.13, over Amtrak, 33rd St., Am- Bridge Rehabili- trak Railroad tation, Length Bridge, Bridge 0.1 Mile ...... 104,000 Replacement, (U) Philadelphia, Length 0.1 L.R.67026, Mile ...... 1,940,000 16,000 264,000 2,220,000 Frankford & German- (Previously authorized project) town Bridges over (E) L.R.67325, Pennypack & Wissa- Pa.232, Oxford hickon Creeks, Ave. over Con- Bridge Rehabili- rail at Bleigh, tation, Length Bridge Rehabili- 0.1Mile ...... 115,000 tation, Length (V) Northwest 0.1 Mile ...... 1,603,000 35.000 130.000 1.768.000 Philadelphia, (F) L.R.67278 Northwestern Ave. (001), Univer- over Wissahickon sity Ave., Draw- Creek, Bridge bridge-I1 over Replacement, Schuylkill River, Length Repair Approach 0.3 Mile ...... 375,000 Roadways, Bridge (W) West Philadel- Rehabilitation, phia, 34th St. & Length 0.1 Amtrak, North of Mile ...... 1,000,000 Mantua Ave., (G) L.R.67319, Bridge Replace- Walnut St. ment, Length Bridge over 0.1 Mile ...... 1,113,000 Schuylkill (X) Southwest River, 24th & Philadelphia, B & 0 Railroad, 63rd St., South 30th, 31~1,32nd of Woodland Ave., & Railroad, Bridge Replace- Bridee Reolace- ment, Length men;, Length 0.1 Mile ...... 350,000 0.1 Mile ...... 4,200,000 20,000 450,000 4,670,000 (Y) Southwest (H) L.R.67345, Philadelphia, Walnut Lane 52nd St., South Bridge over of Baltimore Ave., Wissahickon Bridge Replace- Creek & Lincoln ment, Length Dr., Bridge Re- 0.1 Mile ...... 480,000 placement, (ii) State Bridges Length 0.1 (A) L.R.67330, Mile ...... 1,350,000 Bridge over Rail- (1) L.R. 67301, road, Wissahickon Girard & Belmont Ave., near Queen Aves. over Am- Lane, Bridge Re- track, Philadel- nlacement, PUC # phia, Bridge Re- C-ID-256, Length placement, 0.1 Mile ...... 525,000 Length 0.1 (Previously authorized PI Mile ...... 17,400,000 80,000 3,100,00020,580,000 (B) L.R.67282, (50) Pike County Bridge over Rail- (i) Local Bridges road, West of (A) Palmyra Twp., 49th St., Bridge T-367, Bridge Replacement, Rehabilitation ...... 85,000 10,000 95,000 Length 0.1 (ii) State Bridges Mile ...... 6,253,000 (A) L.R.51001 (C) L.R.67058, (0061, Adams U.S.1, Roosevelt Creek Bridge, Blvd. Bridge, Delaware Twp., Schuylkill River, Bridge Replace- Vicinity of ment, Length Schuylkill Expy., 0.1 Mile ...... 41,000 2,000 13,000 56,000 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE

(Previously authorized project) near Ashland, (B) L.R.7, U.S.6, Butler Twp., over Wallenpan- Bridge Re~lace- pack Creek at men;, ~ength Junction with 0.1 Mile ...... 380,000 10,000 20,000 410,000 L.R.575, Palmyra (C) L.R.53035, Twp., Bridge Oak St.-Frack- Deck Rehabili- ville Bridge, tation, Length Frackville 0.1 Mile ...... 750,000 198,000 948,000 Boro., Bridge (51) Potter County Rehabilitation, (i) State Bridges Length 0.2 (A) L.R.52009(A01), Mile ...... 175,000 5,000 20.000 200.000 Buroeson Ave., (53) Snyder County Allegheny River (i) Local Bridges West of Roul- (A) Spring Twp., ette, Roulette Bridge over Twp., Bridge South Branch Renlacement. of Middle Creek, ~ength Bridge Replace- 0.1 Mile ...... 72,000 8,000 6,000 86,000 ment, Length (Previously authorized project) 0.1 Mile ...... 33,000 4,000 9,000 46,000 (B) L.R.266, (ii) State Bridges Pa.44, Cherry (A) L.R.54018 Springs Bridge, (004), Silver over B & 0 Rail- Creek Bridge, road, Abandoned Silver Creek, Lane 4 Miles North of Port East of Cherry Trevorton, Springs, Bridge Union Twp., Removal, Drain- Bridge Re~lace- age Improve- men;, ~en~th ments nearbv.. . 0.2 Mile ...... 59,000 6,000 8,000 73,000 Length (Previously authorized project) 4.4 Miles ..... 1.400.000 53.000 503.000 1.956.000 (54) Somerset County (52) Schnylkill County (i) Local Bridges (i) Local Bridges (A) Somerset Twp., (A) Pottsville, T-448, Bridge Re- Pottsville-Palo placement .... 435,000 48,000 483,000 Alto Bridge over (B) Somerset Twp., Schuylkill T-546. Bridge- Re- River, Bridge placement .... 162,000 Replacement, (C) Deal. T-331, Length Bridge Removal. 254,000 28,000 282,000 0.1 Mile ...... 79,000 (D) Summit Twp., (B) West Bruns- Former L.R.55143, wick Twp., Pine Replacement of Creek Bridge Bridge over over Pine Creek. Casselman River, Pheasant Run Rd..-~~~~ 0.1 Mile ...... 45.000 . Bridee- ~ I Length Replacement, (ii) State Bridges Length (A) L.R.55018. 0.1 Mile ...... 30,000 4,000 34.000 Latrohe Ave. over (ii) State Bridges Laurel Hill Creek, (A) L.R.53080, Confluence Boro., Palo Alto-Port Bridge Replace- Carbon Bridge ment, Length over Conrail, 0.1 Mile ...... 480,000 36,000 42,000 558,000 Palo Alto & (B) L.R.55029, Port Carbon Markleton Rd., Boros., Bridge Casselman River, Replacement, Vicinity of Markel- PUC #A-97555, ton Station, Upper Length 0.1 Turkeyfoot & Black Mile ...... 3,548,000 54,000 84,000 3,686,000 Twp., Bridge (Previously authorized project) Replacement, (B) L.R.161, Pa. Length 54, Bridge over 0.1 Mile ...... 1,400,000 33,000 82,000 1,515,000 Mahanoy Creek (C) L.R.55098(006), LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE NOVEMBER 17,

Pa.601, Foustwell lion at Station Bridge over Stony 587 + 82, Length Creek, Village of 0.1 Mile ...... 45,000 5,000 50,000 Seanor, Conemaugh (C) Rush Township, & Paint Twps., Former L.R.57155, Bridee Reolace- Bridge Rehabili- tation at Station . . 117+ 13; Length (Previously authorized project) 0.1 Mile ...... 90,000 (D) L.R.55113, (ii) State Bridges Pa.281, Confluence (A) L.R.57043(10S), Bridge over East Branch Tunk- Casselman River, hannock Creek, Confluence Boro, Bridge over Bridge Replace- Tunkhannock Creek, ment, Length West of L.R.57040 0.1 Mile ...... 1,800,000 22,000 Clifford Twp., (55) Sullivan County Bridge Replace- (i) State Bridges ment, Length 0.3 (A) L.R.17(19), Mile ...... 45,000 2,000 16,000 63,000 U.S.220, Loyalsock (Previously authorized project) Creek Bridge, (B) L.R.9, Pa. Loyalsock Creek, 706, New Milford Village of Ring- Arch over D.L. dale, Laporte & W. Railroad Two... . Bridee Junction with Replacement, L.R.10, New Mil- 0.2 Mile ...... 1.628.000 212.000 ford Twp., Bridge (Previously authbrized project) Replacement, (B) L.R.56023, Length 0.1 Overton Road, Mile ...... 1,080,000 Lick Creek, West (C) L.R.57037, of Dushore, Bridge, Branch Cherry Twp., Tunkhannock Bridge Replace- Creek, Lenox Twp., ment, Length Bridge Replace- 0.1 Mile ...... 51,000 5,000 ment, Length (C) L.R.56026, 0.1 Mile ...... 853,000 Cold Run Bridge, (D) L.R.57044, Cold Run, East Bridge, Branch of Lopez, Colley Tunkhannock Creek, Twp., Bridge Herrick Twp., Replacement, Bridge Replace- Length ment. Leneth- 0.1Mile ...... 71,000 7,000 0.1 Mile ...... 250,000 (Previously authorized project) (E) L.R.S7059(00A), (D) L.R.56007, Bridge, Star- Pa.87, Loyalsock rucca Creek, Creek Bridge, Lanesboro Boro., Forksville Boro, Bridge Replace- Bridge Rehabili- ment, Length 0.1 tation, Length Mile ...... 649,000 0.1 Mile ...... 756,000 76,000 (57) Tioga County (Previously authorized project) (i) Local Bridges (E) L.~.291, (A) Tioga Twp., Pa.87, Loyalsock Former Creek Bridee.-. L.R.58122, Hillsgrove Twp., Bridge Rehabili- Deck Reolace- tation at Station ment, Length 2+ 70, Length 0.1 Mile ...... 519,000 10,000 0.1 Mile ...... 65,000 (56) Susquehanna County (B) Gaines Twp., (i) Local Bridges Pine Creek (A) Great Bend Bridge, County Twp., Bridge Bridge No.7 Rehabilitation, Bridge Replace- C-79001404.. 30,000 ment, Length (B) Choconut Twp., 0.1 Mile ...... 119,000 13,000 10,000 142,000 Former L.R.57082, (ii) State Bridges Bridge Rehabilita- (A) L.R.21, 1982 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE

U.S.15- - Route 15. 1 0.2 Miles ..... 488,000 49,000 Trih. to Tioga (Previously authorized project) River South of (1) L.R.58083 Covington Twp., &), Stony Bridge Replace- Fork Creek ment, Length Bridge, North- 0.1 Mile ...... 94,000 8,000 8,000 110,000 west of Morris, (B) L.R.196, Morris Twp., U.S.15. Canoe Bridge Replace- camp creek ment, Length Bridge, South 0.2 Mile ...... 50,000 5,000 of Mansfield (Previously authorized project) Richmond Twp., (J) L.R.106, Bridge Replace- Pa.287, Wilson ment, Length Creek Bridge, 0.lMile...... 656,000 30,000 90,000 776,000 Village of Knapp, (C) L.R.292, Delmar Twp., Pa.249, Crook- Bridge Replace- ed Creek Bridge, ment, Length Village of 0.1 Mile ...... 68,000 1,000 Keeneyville (Previously authorized project) Middlebury Twp., (K) L.R.22(042), Bridge Replace- Pa.287, Marsh ment, Length Creek Bridge, 0.1 Mile ...... 313,000 32,000 44,000 389,000 North of Wells- (Previously authorized project) boro, Delmar (D) L.R.58080, Twp., Bridge Zimmerman Creek Rehabilitation, Bridge, Liberty Length Twp., Bridge 0.1 Mile ...... 363,000 62,000 Replacement, (Previouslv authorized .uroiect) . Length (L) ~.~.292(14~), 0.1 Mile ...... 115,000 12,000 14,000 141,000 Pa.249, North (E) L.R.308, Brook Bridge, T.R.Pa.549, Austinburg, Mill Creek Brookfield Twp., Bridge, Rut- Bridge Replace- land Twp., ment, Length Bridge Replace- 0.1 Mile ...... 300,000 7,000 ment, Length (Previously authorized project) 0.2 Mile ...... 562,000 20,000 80,000 662,000 (M) L.R.21(049), (F) L.R.308(001), U.S.6, Charles- Pa.549, Seely ton Creek Bridge, Creek Rd., Seely East of Wells- Creek Bridge, boro, Charleston Jackson Twp., Twp., Bridge Bridee Reolace- Deck Replace- men;, Length ment, Length 0.1Mile ...... 37.000 6,000 6,000 49,000 0.1 Mile ...... 259,000 (Previously authorized project) (Previously authorized project) (G) L.R.567(10), (N) L.R.58085 Pa.328, Miller- (004), Canoe ton Rd., Hammond Camp Creek Creek Bridge Bridge, Canoe Northeast of Camp, Richmond Jackson Summit, Twp., Bridge Jackson Twp., Replacement. Bridge Replace- Length ment, Length 0.1 Mile ...... 145,000 15,000 0.1Mile ...... 319,000 48,000 45,000 412,000 (Previously authorized project) (Previously authorized project) (0) L.R.21(045), (H) L.~.58043 Pa.660, Elk Run (004). Catlin Bridge, North of ~ollowCreek Covington, Coving- Bridge, North- ton Twp., Bridge east of Wells- Replacement, boro, Charleston Length Twp., Bridge 0.1 Mile ...... 700,000 20,000 Replacement, (Previously authorized project) Length (P) L.R.22, 1938 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE NOVEMBER 17,

Pa.287, Crooked / Bridge Replace- Creek Bridge, ment. Lenath Southwest of 0.1 Mile ...... 244,000 10,000 Holliday, Middle- 1 (Y) L.R.2;(045), bury Twp., Bridge U.S.6, Kelsey Rehabilitation, 1 Creek Bridre, Length Wellsboro ~oro., 0.1 Mile ...... 312,000 Br~d~eRehabili- (Q) L.R.212, 1 tation, Length U.S.6, Grays 0.1 Mile ...... 255.000 5.000 Run Bridge, (Z) L.R.58020 East of Mans- (006), Crooked field, Sullivan Creek Bridge, Twp., Bridge Chatham Twp., Replacement Bridge Replace- Length ment, Length 0.1 Mile ...... 460,000 0.1Mile ...... 88,000 4,000 (R) L.R.58063, (Previously authorized project) Corey Creek (AA) L.R.103, Bridge, Mansfield, Pa.49, Cowanesque Richmond Twp., River Bridge, Bridge Replace- Westfield Twp., ment, Length Bridge Replace- 0. I Mile ...... 148,000 ment. Leneth- (S) L.R.58024, 0.1 Mile ...... 731,000 37,000 Cowanesque River (BB) L.R.22133). Bridge, Academy Pa.287, coohwi" Corners, Deerfield Run, Middlebury Twp., Bridge Center, Middlebury Revlacement, Twv.. Bridee Re- ~e&th placement, iength 0.1 Mile ...... 1,350,000 0.1 Mile ...... 283,000 37,000 (T) L.R.103, (Previously authorized project) Pa.49, Tioga (CC) L.R.212(11). River ridge, u.s:~, ~oosevell' Lawrenceville, Hwy. over Trib. Lawrence Twp., of Cory Creek, Bridge Revlace- East of Maines- men;, ~ength burg, Sullivan 0.1 Mile ...... 1.425.000 Twp., Bridge (U) L.R.58043, Replacement, Catlin Hollow Length 0.1 Creek Bridge, Mile ...... 275,000 41,000 Charleston Twp., (DD) L.R.22, Bridge Replace- Pa.287, Crooked ment, Length Creek Bridge, 0.1 Mile ...... 644,000 Middlebury Cen- (V) L.R.22, ter, Middlebury Pa.287. Crooked Twp., Bridge Re- Creek ~rid~e, habilitation. Middlebury Center, Length 0.2 Middlebury Twp., Mile ...... 706,000 30,000 Bridge Replace- 158) Union Countv ment, Length (i) Local ~ridge; 0.1 Mile ...... 800,000 (A) White Deer (W) L.R.103(030), Twp., Dog Run Pa.49, Main St. Bridge, North Bridge over of New Columbia, Cowanesque Bridee Rehabili- River, Westfield tation, Length Boro., Bridge 0.1 Mile ...... 74.000 10.000 Rehabilitation, (0) Lewisburg Length Boro., Brown St. 0. I Mile ...... 320,000 Bridge over (X) L.R.212, Limestone Run, U.S.6. Traffic Bridge Rehabili- ~oute'Six Bridge tation, Length over Trib. to 0.1 Mile ...... 43 Corey Creek, (ii) State Bridges Sullivan Twp., (A) L.R.59004, 1982 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE

Pa.235, Glen Iron Bridge over Lake Bridge, Penns Creek, Coopers- Creek, Hartley town Boro., Twp., Bridge Bridee-. Revlace- Revlacement. ment, Length ~en~th0.1 0.1 Mile ...... 84.000 2.000 Mile ...... 825.000 41.000 (D) L.R.750, U.S. (Previously authorized project) 62, Horse Creek (B) L.R.59024, Bridge over Horse Saint Anthony Creek, Southeast St., Buffalo of Oil City, Creek Bridge, Bridee-. Revlace- North of ment, Length Lewisburg, 0.1 Mile ...... 240.000 Kelly Twp., (E) L.R.65, U.S. Bridge Replace- 322, 8th St. ment, Length Bridge, Allegheny 0.2Mile...... 1,100,000 110,000 River, City of (C) L.R.59022, Franklin & Cran- Little Buffalo berry Twp., Bridge Creek Bridge, Replacement, North of Mazeppa, Length Kelly Twp., 0.2 Mile ...... 1,060,000 37,000 Bridge Replace- (Previously authorized project) ment, Length (60) Warren County 0.1Mile...... 531,000 43,000 (i) Local Bridges (Previously authorized project) (A) Freehold (D) L.R.59023 Twp., T-533 (OOI), Little Bridge Rehabili- Buffalo Creek tation ...... 254,000 Bridge, Kelly (B) Freehold Cross Roads, Twp., T-539 White Deer Twp., Bridge Rehabili- Bridge Deck tation ...... 259,000 Rehabilitation, (C) Freehold Length Twp., T-400 0.1 Mile ...... 220,000 Bridge Removal ... 40,000 (E) L.R.59002 (ii) State Bridges (001). White (A) L.R.93(A00), Horn Run Bridge, U.S.62, lrvine Hartley Twp., Bridge, Alle- Bridge Rehabili- gheny River, tation, Length East of lrvine, 0.1 Mile ...... 36,000 Pleasant Twp., (59) Venango County Bridge Replace- (i) Local Bridges ment, Length (A) Oil City, 0.4 Mile ...... 5,164,000 50,000 State Bridge (Previously authorized project) Replacement. 8,100,000 (B) L.R.94, (ii) State Bridges Akeley Bridge, (A) L.R.75, Pa. Conewango Creek, 208, Main St., Pine Grove Twp., Allegheny River, Bridge Replace- Emlenton Boro., ment, Length Bridge Replace- 0.1 Mile ...... 1,530,000 26,000 ment, Length (C) L.R.95, U.S. 0.4 Mile ...... 1,045,000 29,000 6, Glade Bridge (Previously authorized project) over Allegheny (B) L.R.581(A00), River, Warren Rockland Rd., Boro., Mead Conrail Railroad Twp., Bridge Bridge, South Replacement, of Cranberry, Length 0.1 Cranberry Twp., Mile ...... 577,000 Bridge Replace- (61) Washington County ment, Length (i) Local Bridges 0.2 Mile ...... 144,000 3,000 (A) East Washing- (Previously authorized project) ton Boro., Lernoyne (C) L.R.60081, Ave., Bridge Church St. Rehabilitation, 1940 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE NOVEMBER I7

M-820312 ... .. 275,000 Pa.917, Main St., (B) Monongahela Pigeon Creek, City, Wall St., Bentleyville Bridge Boro., Bridge Replacement. 162,000 Replacement, (C) Peters Twp., Length Bush Run Rd., 0.1Mile ...... 495,000 50,000 70,000 615,000 Bridge Re- (G) L.R.62016, placement .... 270.000 South of Reddis (D) Mount Pleas- Mill over ant Twp., T-771, Taylors Run, Bridge Rehab- Fallowfield Twp., ilitation ...... 270,000 Bridge Replace- (E) South Stra- ment, Length bane Twp., T-507, 0.1 Mile ...... 564,000 12,000 139,000 715,000 Sanitarium Rd.. (H)L.R.62034(B10), Bridge Bridge over Reolacement. 135.000 Peters Creek at (F< Carroll Twp., Venetia, Peters T-599, Bridge Twp., Bridge Rehabilitation.,,, 243,000 Replacement (ii). . State Bridges Length (A) ~.~.54<, 0.1 Mile ...... 255,000 30,000 70,000 355,000 T.R.50, Avella (1) L.R.62034(A01) Bridge over Con- Hackett Rd., rail, lndepen- Peters Creek dence Twp., Bridge, West of Bridge Replace- Finleyville, ment, Union Twp., PUC #C-2412, Bridee Reolace- Length men;, ~e&th 0.1 Mile ...... 1,193,000 52,000 0.1 Mile ...... 680,000 85,000 120,000 885,000 (Previously authorized project) (Previously authorized project) (B) L.R.247, Pa.88, (J). . L.R.62163. ~inle~villeRd., Stabane Ave., Mingo Creek, Chartiers Creek, Village of Cannonsburg Boro., Crookham, Carroll Bridge Reolace- & Union Twps., Bridge Replace- ment, Length 0.1 Mile ...... 154,000 9,000 (Previously authorized project) Run Rd., ~aylors (C) L.R.62014, Run (2 Bridges), Bridge over Brush South of Monoga- Run, West of hela, Carroll Twp., Thomsonville, Bridge Replace- Peters Twp., ment, Length Bridge Replace- 0.1 Mile ...... 413,000 20,000 121,000 554,000 ment, Length (Previously authorized project) 0.1 Mile ...... 561,000 6,000 (L) L.R.62196, (Previously authorized project) Walkertown Bridge (D) L.R.62014, over Pike Run, Bridge over Brush Village of Run, West of Walkertown, West Thomsonville, Pike Run Twp., Peters Twp., Bridee-. Reolace- Bridge Replace- ment, Length ment, Length- 0.1 Mile ...... 436.000 15.000 59.000 510.000 0.1 Mile ...... 410,000 11,000 (Previously authorizid project) (E) L.R.62014, (M) L.R.A685. Valley Brook Rd., ~a:980,~iller' Chartiers Creek, Run Bridge, Village of Vicinity of Lawrence, Ceal Venice, Cecil & Peters Twpc., Twp., Bridge Bridge Replace- Deck Rehabili- ment, Length tation, Length 0.1 Mile ...... 734,000 9,000 0.1 Mile ...... 278.000 (F) L.R.118, LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE

Bridge over (V) L.R.62040, Railroad, Pa.917, Saw Mill Vicinity of Van Run Bridge over Kirk, South Saw Mill Run, Franklin Twp., West of Van Bridge Replace- Voorhis, Fallow- ment, Length field Twp., 0. I Mile ...... 200,000 20,000 50,000 270,000 Bridge Rehabili- (0) L.R.Al43, tation, Length Donora-Webster 0.1 Mile ...... 250,000 10,000 38,000 298,000 Bridge, Monon- (W) L.R.62222(A10), gahela River, Bridges over Donora Boro., Barneys Run, Bridge Rehabili- North of Vesta- tation, Length burg, Centerville 0.1 Mile ...... 5,000,000 5,000,000 Boro., Bridge (P) L.R.62016, Replacement, Vanvorhis- Length Hazelkirk Rd., 0.1 Mile ...... 100,000 I ,000 23,000 124,000 Pigeon Creek, (Previously authorized project) Carroll Twp., (X) L.R.62196, Bridge Replace- Pike Run Bridge ment, Length over Pike Run, 0.1 Mile ...... 625,000 15,000 90,000 730,000 West Pike Run (Previously authorized project) Twp., Bridge (Q) L.R.62137, Replacement, Good Intent Length Bridge over 0.1Mile ...... 550,000 20,000 94,000 664,000 Robinson Run, (62) Wayne County Good Intent, (i) State Bridges West Finley Twp., (A) L.R.254(10S), Bridge Replace- Pa.507, Bridge ment, Length over Snag Pond, 0.1 Mile ...... 65,000 2,000 9,000 76,000 Lehigh Twp., (Previously authorized project) Bridge Replace- (R) L.R.247, ment, Length Charleroi- 0.2M1le...... 410,000 4,000 114,000 528,000 Monessen Bridge, (Previously authorized project) Mononghela River, (B) L.R.450, Charleroi & Railroad Bridge, Monessen Boros., South of Preston Bridge Replace- Park, South of ment, Length L.R.365, Preston 0.1 Mile ...... 2,200,000 80,000 240,000 2,520,000 Twp., Bridge Re- (S) L.R.62016, moval, Length Van Voorhis Rd. 0.2Mile ...... 174,000 5,000 59,000 238,000 over Pigeon Creek, (C) L.R.966 Northeast of Bridge over Bentlyville, Delaware River, Fallowfield Twp., Manchester Twp., Bridge Replace- Bridge Replace- ment, Length ment, Length 0.1 Mile ...... 726,000 10,000 83,000 819,000 0.1 Mile ...... 387,000 54,000 441,000 (T) L.R.62016, (D) L.R.63027, Van Voorhis Rd. L.R.63027SA over Pigeon Creek, Bridge, Village Northeast of of Skinner Falls, Bentlyville, Damascus Twp., Fallowfield Twp., Bridge Replace- Bridge Replace- ment, Length ment, Length 0.2 Mile ...... 2,234,000 30,000 268,000 2,532,000 0.1 Mile ...... 707,000 14,000 83,000 804,000 (E) L.R.63049 (U) L.R.62196, Bridge over Moffits Mill Delaware River, Bridge over Manchester Twp., West Pike Run, Bridge Replace- California Boro., ment, Length Bridge Rehabili- 0.1 Mile ...... 395,000 46,000 441,000 tation, Length (F) L.R.63137 0.1Mile...... 424,000 10,000 57,000 491,000 (IOS), Bunnell LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE NOVEMBER 17,

Pond Rd. over Bridge Replace- Carly Brook, ment ...... 1,530,000 170,000 1,700,000 East of L.R. (G) Unity Twp, 63029, Berlin Abandoned Twp. Twp., Bridge Rd., Bridge Re- Replacement, moval ...... 22,000 3,000 25,000 Length 0.2 (H) East Hunting- Mile ...... 63,000 17,000 17,000 97,000 don Twp., T-389, (Previously authorized project) Bridge Removal ... 27,000 3,000 30,000 (G) L.R.63041 (I) Municipality (013), Dyberry of Murraysville, Creek Bridge, Turtle Creek Dyberry Twp., Bridge, T-398 Bridge Replace- over Turtle ment, Length Creek, Bridge 0.1 Mile ...... 57,000 4,000 19,000 80,000 Replacement, (Previously authorized project) Length 0.1 (H) L.R.63136, Mile ...... 22,000 4,000 26,000 52,000 Middle Creek (J) Greensburg, Bridge, West of Mount Pleasant L.R.949, South St. over Jacks Canaan Twp., Creek, Bridge Bridge Replace- Replacement, ment, Length Length 0.1 0.1 Mile ...... 36,000 12,000 48,000 Mile ...... 44,000 1,000 7,000 52,000 (I) L.R.7, U.S.6, (K) Loyalhanna Honesdale Bridge Twp., Former L.R. over Lackawaxen 64050, Bridge River, Honesdale Rehabilitation Boro., Bridge at Station 87 + 20, Rehabilitation, Length 0.1 Length 0.1 Mile ...... 65,000 10,000 75,WO Mile ...... 400,000 100,000 500,000 (ii) State Bridges (J) L.R.171, (A) L.R.64152, Pa.191 over Donohoe Bridge Middle Creek and over Conrail, Railroad, Cherry Unity Twp., Ridge Twp., Bridge Replace- Bridge Rehabili- ment, PUC tation, Length UC-791192, 0.1 Mile ...... 825,000 5,000 120,000 950,000 Length 0.1 (63) Westmoreland County Mile ...... 1,821,000 79,000 158,000 2,058,000 (i) Local Bridges (Previously authorized project) (A) North Hunt- (B) L.R.118, ingdon Twp., Pa.136, Railroad T-639, Barner Bridge over Penn Hill Rd., Bridge Central Railroad, Replacement, Hempfield Twp., C-77100(WY.. 262,000 29,000 291,000 Bridge Replace- (B) North Hunt- ment, Length ingdon Twp., Ma- 0.1 Mile ...... 850,000 94,000 944,000 haffey Dr., (Previously authorized project) Bridge Replace- (C) L.R.188, ment, Pa.56, Vandergrift 1-79080321... 5 18,000 58,000 576,000 Bridge, Kiski- (C) North Hunt- minetas River, ingdon Twp., Vandergrift Boro. Broadway St., & Parks Twp., Bridge Removal ... 90,000 10,000 100,000 Bridge Rehabili- (D) North Hunt- tation, Length ingdon Twp., 0.1 Mile ...... 115,000 10,000 125,000 Moore St., Bridge (D) L.R.639(D22), Rehabilitation ...... 90,000 10,000 100,000 Bushy Run Bridge, (E) Greensburg, Village of North Penn Harrison City, Ave., Bridge Re- Penn Twp., placement, Bridge Replace- C-78110649.. 720,000 80,000 800,000 ment, Length (F) Jeannette, 0.1 Mile ...... 64,000 10,000 14,000 88,000 Seventh St., (Previously authorized project) LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE

(E) L.R.64261, ment, Length Pa.981, Salina 0.1 Mile...... 1,300,000 220,000 1,520,000 Bridge, Kiski- (Previously authorized project) minetas River, (M) L.R.64002 Village of Salina, (C20), Spook Bell Twp., Hollow Rd., Bridge Rehahili- Chartiers Run, tation, Length Lower Burrell, 0.1 Mile ...... 288,000 42,000 330,000 Bridge Replace- (F) L.R.118, ment, Length Pa.136, Railroad 0.2 Mile ...... 84,000 4,000 21,000 109,000 Bridge over (Previously authorized project) Conrail Railroad, (N) L.R.69, T.R. Sewickley Twp., Pa.356, Freeport Bridge Replace- Bridge over ment, Length Allegheny River, 0.1 Mile ...... 900,000 20,000 100,000 1,020,000 Freeport Boro. & (G) L.R.117, Allegheny Twp., Scottdale-Everson Bridge Rehabili- Bridge, Jacobs tation, Length Creek, Scottdale- 0.1 Mile ...... 5,750,000 500,000 6,250,000 Everson Boros., (0) L.R.118, West Bridge Replace- Newton Bridge ment, Length over Youghiogheny 0.1 Mile ...... 3,450,000 372,000 3,822,000 River, West (H) L.R.119, Newton Boro., U.S.30, Long- Bridge Replace- bridge over ment. Leneth Loyalhanna Creek, near ldlewild Park, Ligonier ~a.711,Four Twp., Bridge Mile Run Bridge Replacement, over Four Mile Length Run, Donegal Twp., 0.1 Mile ...... 2,500,000 300,000 2,800,000 Bridge Replace- (1) L.R.64061, ment. Leneth- 0.1 Bridge over Mile ...... 259,000 10,000 49,000 318,000 Hendricks Creek, (0) L.R.64200. North of Liberty ~rk.981,Bridge Hall, Fairfield over Welty Run, Twp., Bridge Village of Replacement, Calumet, Length Bridge Replace- 0.1 Mile ...... 80,000 1,000 11,000 92,000 ment, Length (Previously authorized project) 0.1 Mile ...... 550,000 30,000 15,000 595,000 (J) L.R.64104(C10), (64) Wyoming County Lowher Rd. Bridge, (i) State Bridges Little Sewickley (A) L.R.65035, Creek, North of Bridge over Con- Lowber, Sewickley rail, Vosburg Rd. Twp., Bridge in Washington Reolacement. Twp., ~e&th Bridge Rehahili- 0.1 Mile ...... 421,000 7,000 57,000 485,000 tation, PUC (Previously authorized project) #C-80122283, (K) L.R.64256. Length 0.1 iron Bridge, Mile ...... 45,000 Jacobs Creek, (B) L.R.65003, Fayette County Leonard Creek Line, East Bridge, Village Huntingdon Twp., of Beaumont, Mon- Bridge Replace- roe Twp., Bridge ment, Length Reolacement. 0.1 Mile ...... 481,000 7,000 63,000 551,000 ~ength0.1 ' (L) L.R.64031, Mile ...... 213,000 10,000 60,000 283,000 Pa. 156, Avonmore (Previously authorized project) Bridge, Kiski- (C) L.R.65023, minetas River, Bridge over Tunk- Avonmore Boro., hannock Creek, Bridge Replace- Nicholson Twp., 1944 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE NOVEMBER 17,

Bridge Replace- Mile ...... 388,000 10,000 107,000 505,000 ment, Length (E) L.R.66035, 0.1Mile ...... 116,000 Davidsburg Rd., (65) York County Bridge over (i) Local Bridges Conewago Creek, (A) Spring Grove Washington & Boro., T-452, Dover Twps., Hershey Rd., Bridge Replace- Bridge Replace- ment, Length ment ...... 342,000 0.1 Mile ...... 1,072,000 10,000 198,000 1,280,000 (B) York. (F) L.R.66094, ~ennst.,' Bridge ~a.182,Indian Rehabilitation ...... 54.000 Rock Dam Rd., (C) Carroll Twp., Bridge over T-866. Creek Rd.. Codorus Creek, rid^; Rehabili- West Manchester & tation ...... 90,000 Spring Garden (D) York, Twps., Bridge Jackson St. over Replacement, Tyler Run, Length 0.1 Bridge Replace- Mile ...... 736,000 8,000 161,000 905,000 ment, ~ength (G) L.R.66153, 0.1 Mile ...... 84,000 2,000 4,000 90,000 Locust St., (E) Fairview- Bridge over Lower Allen Twps., Conewago Creek, York-Cumberland York Haven Boro., Counties, York County Bridge Replace- Bridge No.258, ment, Length T-955, over 0.1 Mile ...... 1,460,000 10,000 238,000 1,708,000 Yellow Breeches Amend Bill, page 32, by inserting between lines 4 and 5 Creek. Bridee Section 4. Limitation on expenditure of funds. Any moneys derived from the incurring of debt shall be used Length 0.1 solely for effecting the rehabilitation, replacement or removal of Mile ...... 154,000 2,000 43,000 199,000 brideesu located on State hiehwavs.- All other brideeu rehabilita- (ii) State Bridges tion, replacement or removal shall be financed from current (A) L.~.250(16), revenue. Pa.l8I, York Amend Sec. 4, page 32, line 5, by striking out "4" and insert- Haven Rd., Cone- ing wag0 Creek, North 5 of Manchester, Amend Sec. 4, page 32, line I I, by striking out "$204,747,000" East Manchester and inserting Twp., Bridge $693,550,000 Replacement, Amend Sec. 5, page 32, line 15, by striking out "5" and insert- Length 1.2 ing Miles ...... 594,000 151,000 44,000 789,000 6 (Previously authorized project) Amend Sec. 6, page 32, line 23, by striking our "6" and insert- (8) L.R.66043(7), ing Grantley Rd., 7 Codorus Creek, Amend Sec. 7, page 32, line 26, by striking out "7" and insert- York, Bridge ing Replacement, 8 Length Amend Sec. 7, page 32, line 30, by striking out "$204,747,000" 0.lMile ...... 196,000 7,000 21,000 224,000 and inserting (Previously authorized project) $693,550,000 (C) L.R.66064, Amend Sec. 8, page 33, line 7, by striking out "8" and insert- Bridgeton ing Bridge over 9 Muddy Creek, Amend Sec. 9, page 33, line 12, by striking out "9" and insert- Lower Chanceford ing Twp., Bridge 10 Replacement, Amend Bill, page 33, lines 21 through 24, by striking out all of Length 0.1 said lines and inserting Mile ...... 65,000 3,000 24,000 92,000 Section 11. Policy on jobs and materials. (D) L.R.Al993. (a) It is the declared policy of the Commonwealth that the Stirview ~d., construction projects authorized herein be used, to the greatest Bridge over extent possible, to provide for the creation of jobs and the rehir- Conrail, Man- ing of the unemployed in Pennsylvania. In order to reach this chester Twp., goal, firms with Pennsylvania-based facilities shall be actively Bridge Replace- solicited to make bids on contracts to furnish products and mate- ment, Length 0.1 1982 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE 1945 rials, including but not limited to, steel and steel products, to be Bittle Gallen Marmion Smith, E. H. used in these projects. Blaum Gamble Merry Smith, L. E. (b) Every contract document entered into to undertake a Bowser Cannon Michlovic Snyder project contained herein shall provide that any steel or other pro- Boyes Geiit Micozrie Spencer Brand1 Giadeck Miller Spitz ducts to be used or supplied in the performance of this contract, Brown Greenwood Miscevich Stairs shall be required to be manufactured by plants in the United Burd Grieca Moehimann Steighner States, unless the Secretary of Transportation determines, on a Burns Gruitza Morris Stevens contract by contract basis, that certain required products are not Caltagirone Gruppa Mowery Stewart produced in the United States in sufficient quantities to meet the Cawley Hagarty Mrkanic Stuban requirements of the contract. Such a determination and the Cessar Haluska Murphy Swift reasons therefor shall be published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin. Cimini Hasay Nahill Taddonia Decisions made under this subsection shall not be inconsistent Civera Hayes Naye Taylor, E. Z. with the general provisions of the act of March 3, 1978 (P.L.6, Clymer Heiser Perrel Taylor, F. E. Cochran Hanaman Peterson Tclck NO.^), known as the "Steel Products Procurement Act." Colafella Hutchinsan, A. Petrarca Tigue Section 12. Payment of capital debt service. Cornell Jackson Petrone Vroon The repayment of any debt incurred pursuant to this act shall Coslett Johnson Phillips Wass be made from the Highway Bridge Improvement restricted Cowell Kennedy Piccola Wenger account within the Motor License Fund and such repayment shall Cunningham Klingaman Pills Weston have first claim on the revenues of said restricted account. DcVerter Kukovich Pat1 Wilson Section 13. Definitions. Daikelei Lashinger Pratt Wagan For purposes of this act, the term "capital project" as defined Davies Lescavitz Punt Wozniak in the act of July 20, 1968 (P.L.550, No.217). known as the Dininni Letterman Ram Wright, D. R. "Capital Facilities Debt Enabling Act" shall mean and include Darr Levi Reber Wright. J. L. Durham Livengood Salvatore Wright, R. C. county and municipal bridge rehabilitation, replacement or Fargo Llovd Saurman removal projects as set forth herein. Amend Sec. l I, page 33, line 25, by striking out "1 1 and insert- NAYS-62 ing Barber Emerson Mclntyre Rocks 14 Beloff Evans McMonagle Rybak On the question, Berson Fee Maiale Seventy Borski Fryer Manderino Shupnik Will the House agree to the amendments? Cappabianca Gallagher Mullen Swaim Clark George O'Donnell Sweet The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the Cohen Grabowski Olasz Trello majority leader. Cole Harper Oliver Van Harne Mr. HAYES. Mr. Speaker, the amendment I offer is the Cordisco Hoeifel Pendleton Wachob DeMedio Horgas Piitella Wambach one that 1 explained earlier in the day. It offers the House of DeWeese Irvis Pucciarelli Wargo Representatives the opportunity.. to adopt a bridge initiative Dawida ltkin Ra~DaDort Wiggins which will restore over 745 bridges in the Commonwealth of Deal Kawalyshyn ~ichardson Wikms, H. Dambrowski Laughlin Rieger Williams, J. D Pennsylvania. Danatucci Levin Ritter Zwikl The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the ~"ffy ~ucyk minority leader. NOT VOTING-4 Mr. IRVIS. Mr. Speaker, 1 recognize that the majority Alden Dietr Gray Greenfield leader's intent is to benefit the Commonwealth of Pennsyl- EXCUSED-6 vania and also to increase employment in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, but we in the Democratic Party are equally Frazier Lehr Pievsky Kolter Lewis concerned with how this bill will be paid for. We understand it Ryan, is anticipated that some funds from the Federal Government, Sneaker which have not yet been voted, might possibly pay for part of The question was determined in the affirmative, and the it, but the rest of it would have to be paid either by the float- amendments were agreed to. ing of a bond issue, and therefore directly or indirectly by the people of this Commonwealth. If not that, then because the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the majority leader has explained prior an axle tax, which again majority leader. would be a question of ntoney that the consumer would take Mr. HAYES. Mr. Speaker, will you please at this time out of his or her pocket, we object to the amendments and ask begin to recognize those Representatives who also have that they be voted in the negative. amendments to the bridge bill, knowing that there are still amendments coming down from Reference Bureau. But I do On the question recurring, not think we should tarry in wait of all of them. Why do we Will the House agree to the amendments? not begin considering each of the amendments as have already The following roll call was recorded: been brought to the floor for our consideration by various Representatives. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Anderson Fischer McClatchy Serafini On the question, Armstrong Fleck McVerry Showers Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as Arty Faster, W. W. Mackawski Sieminski amended? Belardi Faster, Jr.. A. Madigan Sirianni Belfanti Frcind Manmiller Smith, B. 1946 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE NOVEMBER 17,

Mrs. ARTY offered the followine amendment No. A9458: 1 Civera Hasav O'Danncll Sweet Clark ayes Olasz Suift Amend Sec. 3, page 15, by inserting between lines 15 and 16 Clvme~ Heiser Oliver Taddonio (viii) Bridge over ~dchran Honaman Pendleton Taylor, E. 2. Darby Creek, Spring- Cohen Horgor Perrcl Taylor, F. E. field Twp. with Colafella Hutchinran, A. Peterson Tclck Upper Darby Twp., Cole ltkin Pctrarca Tigue Bridge Replace- Cornell Jackson Phillips Trclla ment ..... 400,000 50,000 450,000 Coslett Johnson Piccola Vraon ...... Cowell Kennedy Pisrella Wachob On the question, Cunningham Klingaman Pitts Wass Will the House agree to the amendment? DeMedia Kowalyshyn Pott Wenger DeVerter Kukovich Pratt weston The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the lady Davies Lashinger Pucciarelli Williams, J. D Dictr Laughlin Punt Wilson from Delaware, Mrs. Arty. Dininni Lescovitz Rappaport Wogan Mrs. ARTY. The amendment, Mr. Speaker, asks for the Dombrowski Letterman Rasco Worniak replacement of a bridge over the creek known as Darby Donatucci Levi Rebcr Wright. D. R. Dorr Lebin Rieger Wright, J. L. Creek, which separates the township of Springfield from the Duffy Livengood Racks Wright, R. C. township of Upper Darby in Delaware County. We ask for a Durham oositive vote on the amendment. Mr. S~eaker. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- Barber Evans Manderina Wambach tleman from Erie, Mr. Dombrowski. Cardisco Fryer Petrone Wargo Mr. DOMBROWSKI. May I interrogate the lady, Mrs. DeWeese Hoeifel Richardson Wiggins Arty, please? Dawida lrvis Rittcr Williams. H Deal Lucyk Van Horne Zwikl The SPEAKER pro tempore. The lady indicates she will NOT VOTING-8 stand for interroeation.- The -eentleman mav. .oroceed. Mr. DOMBROWSKI. Just two brief questions, Mr. Alden Emerson Gray Mclntyre Daikeler Gallen Speaker. Greenfield Mullen The first would be, is this a new bridge or is this an existing EXCUSED-6 bridge? Frazier Lehr Pievsky Mrs. ARTY. Mr. Speaker, it is an ancient existing bridge Kolter Lewis Ryan, over which two cars may pass one another going in opposite Speakel directions, but a truck, a bus, even a van and an automobile may not. The question was determined in the affirmative, and the Mr. DOMBROWSKI. I have no problem with that. amendment was agreed to. What is the cost? On the question recurring, Mrs. ARTY. Mr. Speaker, the cost is estimated at Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as $400,000. amended? Mr. DOMBROWSKI. Thank you. Mr. SWIFT offered the following amendments No. A9450: Mrs. ARTY. It is a little bridge. Amend Sec. 2, page 1, line 12, by striking out "$204,747,000" On the question recurring, and inserting Will the House agree to the amendment? $205,135,000 Amend Sec. 3, page 13, by inserting between lines 17 and 18 The following roll call was recorded: (iv) City of Meadville, Mercer Street Bridge YEAS-165 over French Creek, Anderson Farga Lloyd Rybak Bridge Deck Armstrong Fee McClatchy Salvatore Replacement, Arty Fischer McMonagle Saurman Length Belardi Fleck McVerry Serafini 0.1 Mile ...... 340,000 48,000 388,000 Belfanti Foster. W. W. Mackowski Seventy Amend Sec. 4, page 32, line I I, by striking out "$204,747,000" Beloff Foster, Jr.. A. Madigan Showers and inserting Berson Freind Maiale Shupnik $205,135,000 Bittle Gallagher Manmiller Sieminski Amend Sec. 7, page 32, line 30, by striking out "$204,747,000" Blaum Gamble Mar mion Sirianni and inserting Barski Cannon Merry Smith, B. Bowser Geist Michlavic Smith. E. H $205,135.000 Boyes George Micazrie smith; L. E. On the question, Brandt Gladeck Miller Snyder Brown Grabowski Miscevich Spencer Will the House agree to the amendments? Burd Greenwood Moehlrnann Spitz The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- Burns Grieca Morris Stairs Caltagirone Gruitza Mowers Steighner tleman from Crawford, Mr. Swift. Cappabianca Gruppo Mrkonic Stevens Mr. SWIFT. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Cawley Hagany Murphy Stewart Cessar Haluska Nahill Stuban Cimini Harper Noye Swaim LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE

This amendment refers to a bridge in the city of Meadville, On the question recurring, Pennsylvania, a bridge over French Creek. It is a bridge deck Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as replacement, the length of which is one-tenth of a mile. I urge amended? my colleagues for an affirmative vote on the amendment. Mr. LLOYD offered the following amendments No. A9401 : On the question recurring, Will the House agree to the amendments? Amend Sec. 2, page I, line 12, by striking out "$204.747.000.". . and insertine- The following roll call was recorded: $207,712,000. YEAS-162 Amend Sec. 3, page 28, by inserting between lines 22 and 23 (iv) Northampton Twp., Anderson Farga Lloyd Saurman L.R.55020. Bridee Armstrong Fee McClatchy Serafini ~eplacement. <000,000 125,000 2,125,000 Arty Fischei McMonagle Seventy (v) Confluence Boro., Belardi Fleck McVerry Showers W. L.R.50, T.R.281, Belfanti Faster, W. Mackawski Shupnik Bridge Replace- Beloff Faster, Jr., A. Madigan Sieminski Berson Freind Maiale Sirianni ment...... 700,000 70,000 770,000 Bittle Gallen Manmiller Smith, B. (vi) Larimer TwD.. Blaum Gamble Mar mian Smith, E. H. ~.k.55003, ridge' Borski Gannan Merrv Smith. L. E. Removal ...... 60.000 Bowscr Geist Michlovic Snyder Boyes George Micorzie Spencer On the question, Brandt Gladeck Miller Spitr Will the House agree to the amendments? Burd Grabowski Miscevich Stairs Burns Greenu,oad Machlmann Stcighner The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- Caltagirone Grieco Morris Stevens tleman from Somerset, Mr. Lloyd. Cappabianca Gruitra Mowery Stewart Mr. LLOYD. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Cawley Gruppo Murphy Stuban Cesaar Hagarty Nahill Swaim These are three additional bridges of the same category that Cimini Haluska Nayc Sweet we have already put in the bill through the Hayes amendment Civcra Harper Olasr Swift in Somerset County which need to be replaced or removed. I Clark Hasay Oliver Taddonio Clymer Hayes Pendleton Taylor, E. Z. urge adoption of the amendment. Cochran Heiser Perzel Taylor, F. E. Cohen Hanaman Pcterson Telck On the question recurring, Calafella Horgos Petrarca Tigue Will the House agree to the amendments? Cole Hutchinson, A. Petrone Trella Cornell ltkin Phillips Vioon The following roll call was recorded: Caslett Jackson Piccola Wachob Cowell Johnson Pistella Wass Cunningham Kennedy Pitts Wenger Anderson Durham Levin Serafini DeMedio Klingaman Pot1 Westan Armstrong Farga Livengoad Seventy DeVerter Kawalyshyn Piatt Wiliiams, H. Arty Fee Lloyd Shupnik Williams. J. D. Davies Kukovich Pucciarelli Belardi Fischer Lucyk Sieminski Lashinger Punt Wilson Belfanti Fleck McClatchy Sirianni Dininni Laughlin Rasco Wogan Beloff Faster, W. W. McMonagle Smith, B. Dambrowski Lescovitr Reber Wozniak Berson Foster, Jr., A. Mackawski Smith. E. H. Donatucci Lctterman Rocks Wright, D. R. Bittie Freind Madigan Smith, L. E. Dorr Levi Rybak Wright, J. L. Blaum Gallagher Manmiller Snyder Duffy Levin Salvatore Wright, R. C. Borski Gallen Mar mian Spencer Durham Livengood Bowser Gamble Merry Spitr Boyes Cannon Michlovic Stairs Brand1 Geisr Micazzie Steighner Barber Evans Lucyk Van Harne Burd George Miller Stevens Cordisco Fryer Manderino Wambach Burns Gladeck Miscevich Stewart DeWeese Gallagher Rappaport Wargo Caltagirane Crabowski Moehlmann Stuban Dawida Haeffel Richardson Wiggins Cappabianca Greenwood Morris Swaim Deal Irvis Ritter Zwikl Cawley Grieca Mawery Sweet NOT VOTING-I 1 Cessar Cruitra Murphy Swift Cimini Gruppo Nahill Taddania Alden Emerson Mclntyre O'Dannell Civera Hagarty Noye Taylor, E. Z. Brawn Gray Mrkanic Rieger Clark Haluska O'Donnell Taylor, F. E. Daikeler Greenfield Mullen Clymer Harper Olasz Telek EXCUSED-6 Cochran Hasay Oliver Tigue Cohen Hayes Pendleton Trello Frazier Lehr Pievsky Colafella Heiser Peterson Vroan Kolter Lewis Cole Honaman Petrarca Wachob Ryan, Cornell Horeos- Petrone Wargo Speaker Caslett Hutchinson, Phillips Wass Cowell ltkin Piccola Wenger The question was determined in the affirmative, and the Cunningham Jackson Pistella Weston amendments were agreed to. DeMedia Johnson Pitts Williams, H. DeVeRer Kennedy Pot1 Williams, 1. D. DeWeese Klinaaman Pucciarelli Wilson Davies Punt Wagan 1948 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE NOVEMBER 17,

Dietr Kukovich Rasco Wozniak Mr. GRUPPO. Mr. Speaker, this is a very simple amend- Dininni Lashinger Reber Wright, D. R. ment, self-explanatory. I urge the support of the House of Dombrowski Laughlin Rocks Wright, J. L. Donatucci Lescovitz Rybak Wright, R. C. Representatives in approving approximately $1 million for. the Darr Letterman Saurman Zwikl Hill to Hill Bridge over the Lehigh River in Bethlehem, North- Duffy Levi ampton County. Thank you. NAYS-17 On the question recurring, Barber Fryer Perzel Salvatore Will the House agree to the amendments? Cardisco Hoefiel Rappaport Van Horne Dawida lrvii Richardson Wambach The following roll call was recorded: Deal Manderino Ritter Wiggini Evans YEAS-155 NOT VOTING-14 Anderson Durham Livengood Serafini Armstrong Farga Lloyd Seventy Alden Gray Maiale Pratt Arry Fee Lucyk Brawn Greenfield Mrkonic Rieger Showers Belardi Fischer McClatchy Daikeler Mclntyre Mullen Showers Shupnik Belfanti Fleck McVerry Sieminski Emerson McVerry Berson Foster, W. W. Mackowski Sirianni EXCUSED-6 Bittle Foster, Jr., A. Madigan Smith, 9. Blaum Freind Manmiller Smith. E. H. Frazier Lehr Pieviky Borski Gallen Marmion Smith, L. E. Kalter Lewis Bowser Gamble Mcrry Snyder Ryan, Boyes Gannon Michlovic Spencer Speaker Brandt Geist Micozzie Spitz The question was determined in the affirmative, and the Burd Gladeck Miller Stairs Burns Grabowski Miscevich Steighner amendments were agreed to. Caltagirone Greenwood Moehlmann Stevens Cappabianca Grieco Morris Stewart The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- Cawley Gruirza Mowery Stuban tleman from Erie, Mr. Dombrowski. Cessar Gruppo Murphy Swaim Mr. DOMBROWSKI. Mr. Speaker, I thought 1 could find Cimini Hagarty Nahill Sweet Civera Haluska Noye Swift that amendment, but 1 could not find it. Would the gentle- Clark Harper Olasz Taddonio man, Mr. Lloyd, tell me what the cost of that amendment is? Clymer Hasay Pendleton Taylor, E. 2. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- Cochran Hayes Perzel Taylor, F. E. Cohen Heiser Peterson Telek tleman from Somerset, Mr. Lloyd. Colafella Honaman Petrarca Tigue Mr. LLOYD. The total amount is roughly $2.8 million to Cole Horgos Petrone Trello $2.9 million. Cornell Hutchinson, A. Phillips Vrdon Coslert ltkin Piccola Wachab Mr. DOMBROWSKI. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Cowell Jackson Pistella Wass On the question recurring, Cunningham Johnson Pitts Wenger DeMedio Kennedy Pott Weston Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as DeVener Klingaman Pucciarelli Williams, H. amended? Davies Kowalyshyn Punt Wilson Mr. GRUPPO offered the following amendments No. Dietz Kukovich Rasca Wogan Dininni Lashinger Reber Wozniak A9261 : Dombrowski Laughlin Rocks Wright, D. R. Donatucci Lescovitz Rybak Wright, I. L. Amend Sec. 2, page 1, line 12, by striking out Dorr Letterman Salvatore Wright, R. C. "$204,747,000." and inserting Duffy Levi Saurman $205,747,000. NAYS-20 Amend Sec. 3, page 21, by inserting between lines 22 and 23 (iv) Bethlehem, Barber Evans lrvis Van Horne Hill to Hill Bridge Cordisco Fryer Manderino Wambach over Lehigh River & DeWeese Gallagher Rappaport Wargo Railroad, Bridge Dawida George Richardson Wiggins Rehabilitation, Deal Hoeffel Rirter Zwikl Length NOT VOTING-18 0.3 Mile ...... 900,000 100,000 1,000,000 Amend Sec. 4, page 32, line 11, by striking out "$204,747,000" Alden Gray Maiale Oliver and inserting Beloff Greenfield Mrkonic Pratt Brown Levin Mullen Rieger $205,747,000 Daikeler Mclntyre O'Donnell Williams, I. D. Amend Sec. 7, page 32, line 30, by striking out "$204,747,000" Emerson McMonagle and inserting $205,747,000 EXCUSED-6 On the question, Frazier Lehr Pievsky Kolter Lewis Will the House agree to the amendments? Ryan, The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- Speaker tleman from Northampton, Mr. Gruppo. LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE

The question was determined in the affirmative, and the Rlaum Fryer Maiale Smith, B. amendments were agreed to. Borski Gallagher Manmiller Smith, E. H. Rowser Gallen Marmion Smith, L. E. On the question recurring, Bayes Gamble Merry Snyder Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as Rrandt Cannon Michlovic Spencer Burd Ceist Micazrie Spitr amended? Burns George .Miller Stairs Mr. MlSCEVlCH offered the following amendments No. Caltagirone Gladeck Miscevich Steighner A9306: Cappabianca Grabowiki Moehlmann Stevens Cawlcy Greenwood Morris Stewart Amend Sec. 2, page 1, line 12, by striking out "$204,747,000" Cessar Grieca Mowery Stuban and inserting Cimini Gruitra Murphy &aim Civera $206,982,000 Gruppo Nahill Sweet Clark Hagarty Naye Swift Amend Sec. 3, page 4, by inserting between lines 8 and 9 Clymer Haluska O'Donnell Taddania (xiii) South Park Twp., Cochran Harper Olasz Taylor, E. Z. Triphammer Rd., Bridge Cohen Hasay Pendletan Taylor, F. E. Removal ...... 290,000 20.000 310,000 Coldfella Haves Perrel Telek (xiv) South Park Twp., Cole ~eisei Peterson Tigue Pleasant St., Bridge (Tunnel) Cornell Honaman Pctrarca Treilo Removal ...... 350,000 Coslett Horgos Petrone Vraon (xv) South Park Twp., Cawell Hutchinson, A. Phillips Wachob Cunningham Stewart Rd., Bridge (Tunnel) ltkin Piccola Wargo DeMedio Jackson Pistella Wasi Removal ...... 350,000 DeVerter Johnson Pitts Wenger (xvi) South Park Twp., DeWeese Kennedy Pott Weston Library Rd., Bridge (Tunnel) Davics Klingaman Pratt Williams, H. Removal ...... 350,000 Dietz Kawalyshyn Pucciarelli Wilson (xvii) South Park Twp., Dininni Kukovich Punt Wogan Brownsville Rd., (near Dambrowski Lashinger RBSCO Wazniak Stewart), Bridge (Tunnel) Donatucci Laughlin Reber Wright, D. R Removal ...... 350,000 Dorr Lescovitz Racks Wright, J. L. (xviii) South Park Duffy Letterman Rybak Wright, R. C. Durham Levi Salvatore Zwikl Twp., Brownsville Rd. Extension, Bridge NAYS-14 Removal ...... 350,000 35,000 385,000 Barber Evans Rappaporf Van Horne Amend Sec. 4, page~. 32, line 11, by striking out "$204,747,000" Cardisco Hoeffel Richardson Wambach and inserting Dawida Irvis Ritter Wiggins $206,982,000 Deal Manderino Amend Sec. 7, page 32, line 30, by striking out "$204,747,000" NOT VOTING-15 and inserting $206.982.000-,, Alden Emerson Mclntvre Oliver Beloff Gray McMonagle Rieger On the question, Brown Greenfield Mrkonic Williams, J. D Will the House agree to the amendments? Daikeler Levin Mullen The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- tleman from Allegheny, Mr. Miscevich. Frzier Lehr Pievsky Mr. MISCEVICH. Mr. Speaker, this happens to be in Kolter Lewis Ryan, South Park Township. They probably have the most railroad Speaker bridges. The original intent of the bill was to either remove or replace the existing roadways for railroad bridges, and they The question was determined in the affirmative, and the amendments were agreed to. happen to have approximately 12 railroad bridges in this one town. What has happened here is that we have done three On the question recurring, bridges so far and tunnels on our own, and being that HB Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as 2716 has appeared, we have approximately eight more bridges amended? in this town. I would certainly appreciate a "yes" vote on this Mr. WOZNlAK offered the following amendments No. amendment. Thank you. A9349: On the question recurring, Amend Sec. 9, page 33, line 13, by inserting before "When- Will the House agree to the amendments? ever" (a) The following roll call was recorded: Amend Sec. 9, page 33, by inserting between lines 20and 21 (b) Moneys raised or expended by municipalities after the effective date of this act, in anticipation of receipt of funds Anderson Fargo Livengood Saurman authorized for projects itemized by this act, shall be reimbursable Armstrong Fee Lloyd Serafini to those municipalities. Arty Fischer Lucyk Seventy Belardi Fleck McClalchy Showem Belfanti Foster, W. W. McVerry Shupnik Bersan Foster, Jr., A. Mackowski Sieminski Bittle Freind Madigan Sirianni LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE NOVEMBER 17, Will the House agree to the amendments? I NAYS-7 The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- Bowser Dawida George Maimion tleman from Cambria, Mr. Wozniak. Bayes Fleck Heiser Mr. WOZNIAK. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. NOT VOTING-17 I am not asking for a bridge. What I am asking is to help Alden Gray Mclntyre Pitts mavbe exoedite some of the orocesses here in building- some of Beloff Greenfield Micozrie Rieger Brown Levi Mrkanic Spencer these bridges. Daikcler Levin Mullen Williams, J. D. I will just simply read the amendment, and it is pretty self- ~,,,,,, explanatory: "Moneys raised or expended by municipalities after the effective date of this act, in anticipation of receipt of Frazier Lehr Picvsky funds authorized for projects itemized by this act, shall be Kolter Lewis reimbursable to those municipalities," be it therefore that Ryan, they might be able, after the Governor signs this into law, to Speaker go ahead and possibly raise some moneys to help fix those The question was determined in the affirmative, and the bridges up, and later on down the line they can petition the amendments were agreed to. State to be reimbursed for those funds. I would appreciate an affirmative vote. Thank you. REMARKS ON VOTE On the question recurring, Will the House agree to the amendments? The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- tleman from Lehigh, Mr. Zwikl. The following roll call was recorded: Mr. ZWIKL. Mr. Speaker, 1 inadvertently voted in the neg- YEAS-169 ative on the Gruppo amendment A9261 to HB 2716. 1 wish the record to reflect an affirmative vote. Anderson Fargo McClatchy Serafini Armstrong Fee McMonagle Seventy The SPEAKER pro tempore. The remarks of the gentleman Arty Fischcr McVerry Showers will be spread upon the record. Barber Foster, W. W. Mackowski Shupnik Belardi Foster, Jr., A. Madigan Sieminski Belfanti Freind Maiale Sirianni CONSIDERATION OF HB 2716 CONTINUED Berson Fryer Manderina Smith. B. Bittle Gallagher Manmiller Smith, E. H. On the question recurring, Blaum Gallen Merry Smith, L. E. Borski Gamble Michlovic Snyder Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as Brandt Gannon Miller Spitz amended? Burd Geist Miscevich Stairs Mr. CESSAR offered the following amendments No. Burns Gladeck Maehlmann Steighner A9448: Caltagirone Grabowski Morris Stevens Cappabianca Greenwood Mowery Stewart -. I Amend Sec. 2. . are . 1, line 12, by strikinr out "$204.747.000" Cawley Grieco Murphy >tuban and lnsertlng Cessar Gruitza Nahill Swaim 0.. ' ' %221.152.000 Cimini Gruppo Naye JWCCL... I Civera Hagarty O'Donnell Swift Amend Sec. 3,'page 4, by inserting between lines 8 and 9 Clark Haluska Olasz Taddonio (xiii) Elizabeth Twp., Clymer Harper Oliver Taylor, E. Z. Suterville Bridge Cochran Hasay Pendleton Taylor. F. E. over Youehioehenv Cohen Hayes Perzel ~eiek River, (Y~OI; . Colafella Hoeffel Peterson Tigue Bridge Replace- Cole Honaman Petrarca Trello ment ...... 4,300,000 150,000 300,000 4,750,000 Cordisca Horgos Petrane Van Harne (xiv) Penn Hills Twp., Cornell Hutchinson, Phillips Vroon Coslett Lrvis Piccola Wachob Shades Run Bridge Cowell ltkin Pistella Wambach also known as the Cunningham Jackson Patt Wargo Lincoln Ave. Bridge, DeMedio Johnson Pratt Wass (SDOI), Bridge Re- DeVerter Kennedy Pucciarelli Wenger placement .... 1,800,000 DeWeese Klingaman Punt Weston (xv) Bellevue Boro., Davies Kawalyshyn Rappapon Wiggins Dilworth Run Bridge Deal Kukovich Rasco Williams, H. also known as the Dietz Lashinger Reber Wilson Jackman Ave. Bridge, Dininni Laughlin Richardson Wogan Dombrowski Lescovitr Ritter Wozniak (PHOI), Bridge Re- Danatucci Letterman Rocks Wright, D. R. placement. ... 1,350,000 Dorr Livengood Rybak Wright, J. L. (xvi) Turtle Creek Duffy Lloyd Salvatore Wright, R. C. Boro., Saunders Sta- Durham Lucyk Saurman Zwikl tion Bridge, (TL07), Evans Bridge Re- placement ... . 270,000 (xvii) Rankin Boro., Rankin Bridge Ramps over Monongahela 1982 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE 1951

River. (MA07)... 1 YEAS-154 rid& ke- nlacement.. .. 450.000 Anderson Fargo Lucyk Racks Armslr~ng (xviii) White Oak Fee McClatchy Salvatore Arty Fischcr Mcivlonagle Saurman Boro., Hartsman Run Belardi Fleck McVerry Scrafini Bridge, (HTOI), Heifanti Poster, W. W. Mackowski Seventy Bridge Rehabili- Bittle Foster, Jr., A. Madigan Shupnik tation ...... 750,000 75,000 825,000 lllaum Freind Maiale Sieminski Ixix) Pittsbureh. Barski Gallen Manmiller Sirianni chartiers Creek' Ilowiei Gamble Marmion Smith, B. Bridge also known Boyes Cannon Merry Smith, E. H. as the Turner St. lliandr Ccist Michlovic Smith, L. E. Burd George Micorrie Snyder Bridge, (CC15), Burns Gladeck Miller Spcnccr Bridge Re- Caltagirone Grabowski Miscevich Stairs placement.. .. 1,100,000 100,000 1,200,000 Cappabianca Greenwood Moehlmann Steighner (xx) Pittsburgh and Cawlcy Grieco Morris Stevcni McKees Rock Boro.. Cessar Gruitla Momcry Sterart Chartiers Creek Cimini Gruppo hlrkonio Stuban Bridge No. 2 also Civera Hagarty Murphy Swaim known as the Wind- Clark Haluska Uahill Sweet gap Bridge, (CC02), Clymer Hasay Noye Swift Bridge Replace- Cochran Hayes Olair Taddonio~ ~ Cahen Heiser Oliver Taylor. E. Z. ment ...... 4,500,000 500,000 425,000 5,425,000 Colafella Honaman Pendleron Taylor, F. E.

Amend Sec. 4, ~pagr - 32, line I I, by striking out "$204,747,000" Colc Horgas Perrel Telek and inserting Cornell Hutchinson, A. Peterson Tigue $221,152,000 Coslett lrkin Petrarca Tiello Amend Sec. 7, page 32, line 30, by striking out "$204,747,000" Cowell Jackson Petrone V~OO" and inserting Cunningham Johnson Phillips Wachob $221,152,000 DeMedio Kennedy Piccola Wars DeVerter Klingaman Pistella Wenger On the question, Daviei Kukavich Pitti Wesron Will the House agree to the amendments? Dieti Lashinger Pott Williams, H. Dininni Laughlin Pratr Wilson The SPEAKER oro temoore. The Chair reconnizes the Dombrowski I.cscovilz Pucciarelli Woean majority whip. Donatucci Leuerrnan Punt Wainiak Dorr Lcvi Rasca Wright, D. R. Mr. CESSAR. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Dufiy Lirengood Reber Wright, J. L. This is a comprehensive amendment for Allegheny County Durham Lloyd in seven different communities, and I would ask your NAYS-22 support. Barber Fryer Manderino Van Horne The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- Coidisco Gallagher Rappaporl Wambach tleman from Erie, Mr. Dombrowski. DeWeese Harper Ritter Wargo Mr. DOMBROWSKI. May I interrogate the gentleman, Dawida Haeffel Rybak Wiggins Deal lrvis Showers Zwikl Mr. Cessar, please? Erans Kowalyshyn Mr. CESSAR. Yes. NOT VOTING-17 The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gentleman indicates he Alden Emerson Mclntyre Rieger will stand for interrogation. The gentleman, Mr. Beloff Fray Mullcn Spitz Dombrowski, may proceed. Berson Greenfield O'Donnell Williams, J. D. Mr. DOMBROWSKI. Mr. Speaker, I am having a difficult Brown Levin Richardson Wright. R. C. Daikeier time in totaling the costs; I am trying to keep track. Can you EXCUSED-6 tell me what the cost of your amendment is? Mr. CESSAR. Approximately $13 million. Frarier Lshr Pievsky Mr. DOMBROWSKI. Mr. Speaker, I would just like to ask Kolter Lcwis Ryan, him a further question. I just noticed on the bottom part of Speakel the amendment that there are two figures. You are scratching The question was determined in the affirmative, and the out $204,747,000 and you are adding $221,152,000. If I sub- amendments were agreed to. tract that pretty fast, it seems like it should be more than $13 million. On the question recurring, Mr. CESSAR. Well, we will go for the highest one. Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as Mr. DOMBROWSKI. Thank you. amended? Mr. MURPHY offered the following amendments No. On the question recurring, A9467: Will the House agree to the amendments? Amend Bill, page 33, by inserting between lines 24 and 25 The following roll call was recorded: Section I I. Regional employees. LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE NOVEMBER 17,

Contractors granted awards for construction pursuant to this pality in every county in the Commonwealth? What would act shall employ no less than 30% of its working personnel from they revert to, or is there something provided in your amend- the vicinity of the municipality wherein the bridge is located. If ment they could revert to if that were to be a problem? insufficient employees are to be found within the municipality, the contractor shall hire no less than 30% from the county Mr. MURPHY. My amendment does not address this, but I wherein the bridge is located. have to believe that it is not a problem, that every county in Amend Sec. 11, page 33, line 25, by striking out "11" and this State is going to have a sufficient number of skilled inserting workers who can meet the needs on these bridges. If not, they 12 are going to probably move there, but if they do not, my On the question, feeling is that PennDOT would realize that with the contrac- Will the House agree to the amendments? tor and let him off. There has to be a good-faith effort on the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- part of the contractor to meet these requirements. PennDOT tleman from Allegheny, Mr. Murphy. will have those in the contracts. If the contractor can demon- Mr. MURPHY. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. strate that he cannot meet the requirements, I have to believe This amendment does not ask for a specific bridge project; PennDOT does not have to enforce that provision of the con- rather, it deals with the question of employment. tract. We have read in the news accounts that this will create over Mr. FLECK. Is your feeling that with the amendment as 20,000 jobs in Pennsylvania, but I am sure like I have had, you have drafted it-and I do not see it; I am caught in a bliz- you have had experiences where contractors on a low bid will zard of amendments; I apologize- get the bids for these bridges, and many of the contractors will Mr. MURPHY. Yes; 1 understand that. be out of State, and they will bring their own employees in to Mr. FLECK. -that PennDOT would have that latitude do the work. Recently in the Pittsburgh area on a major under the law should we pass it? highway project, that has been exactly the case. On the East Mr. MURPHY. Yes, I do. Street Expressway, on the first contract let after 25 years for Mr. FLECK. Thank you. construction, an out-of-State contracting firm got it and On the question recurring, brought most of the employees. Ninety percent of the employ- Will the House agree to the amendments? ees were out of State, so very few people from the Pittsburgh The following roll call was recorded: area benefited from that expenditure of State funds. My amendment requires that any contractors granted YEAS-183 awards in this bill for construction shall employ no less than Anderson Durham Lloyd Rybak 30 percent of its working personnel from the vicinity of the Armstrong Evans Lucyk Salvatore municipality wherein the bridge is located. If they cannot find Arty Fargo McClatchy Saurman Barber Fee McManagle Serafini sufficient employees in that locality, they will be required to Belardi Fischer McVriry Seventy hire people, no less than 30 percent, from the county in which Elelfanti Fleck Mackowski Showcri the bridge is located. Beloff Foster, W. W. Madigan Shupnik Berran Foqter, Jr.. A. Maiale Sieminski May 1 point out that there is precedent for this in Federal Bittle Freind .Manderino Siiianni law. There is some precedent for it in State law. The Housing Blaunl Fryer Manmiller Smith, 8. and Urban Development Department of the Federal Govern- Borski Gallagher Maimion Smith. E. H. Bowser Gallen Merry Smith, L. E. ment permits local municipalities to hire on contracts that Boyes Gamble Michlovic Snyder they let. Recently, in the Pittsburgh area again, a contract of Biandt Gannon Micorzie Spcnccr $10 million was awarded to the Pittsburgh Housing Authority Brawn Ceisr Miller Stairs Burd Ceargc Miicevich Steighner from HUD. The Housing Authority was permitted to hire Burns Gladeck hloehlmann Stevens locally within the municipality. They were able to provide that Caltagirone Grabowski Morris Stewart in the contract to the contractors who got the award for reno- Cappabianca Greenwood .Mowcry Stuban Cawley Grieco Mrkonic Swaim vation. So there is precedent for this. I believe it is constitu- Cessar Cruirra Murphy Sweet tional, and I believe it is necessary to assure we reap the bene- Cimini Gruppo Nahill Swift fits of the employment that these contracts will create. Thank Civera Hagarty Noye Taddonio Clark Haluika 0' Donnrll Taylor. E. Z. you. I hope you will vote for this. Clymei Harper Olasz Taylor, F. E. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- Cachran Haray Oliver Telek tleman from Allegheny, Mr. Fleck. Cohen Hayes Pendleton Tigue Colafella Heiser Perrel Trello Mr. FLECK. Mr. Speaker, will Mr. Murphy submit to brief Cole Haeffel Peterson Van Harne interrogation? Cordisco Honaman Petrarca Vroan The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gentleman indicates that Cornell Horgas Petrone Wachob Coslett Hutchinson, A. Phillips Wambach he will. The gentleman may proceed. Cowell lrvis Piccola Warga Mr. FLECK. Thank you. Cunningham ltkin Pistella Wass I think it is a good idea. I am just concerned, are we locking DeMedio Jackson pill^ Wcngcr DeVerter Johnson Pott Westan ourselves into a problem, say, in Elk County? Are they going DeWeere Kennedy Pratt Wiggins to be able to get enough people to meet this within a munici- Davies Klingaman Pucciarelli Williams. H. Dawida Kowalyshyn Punt Williams, J. D. Deal Kukovich Rappaport Wilson LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE

Dictz Lashinger Rasco Wogart Dininni I,escovil/ Rchcr Womiak Dombrobski Lettermar, Richardson Wright, D. R Andcrion Durham Livengood Salratoic Donatucci Levi Riegcr Wright, J. L. Airnilrong Fargu L.loyd Saurman Dorr Lcvin Ritttr Zwikl Arty ree Lucyh Seralini Dully livengood Rocks Brlardi Fischei hlcCiarchy Scvent) NAYS-0 Belfanti Fleck Mchlonagle Sho\~,err Bcloff s.. W. hlrVerrv Shuonik NOT VOTING-I0 Billie Freind blackowski Sieminski Rlaum tiallcn hladigan Siiianni Alden Gray Mclntyre Spilz Rorski Gamhlc Maialr Smith, R. Daikclcr Greenfield Mullen Wright, R. C. Bouser (iannon Manmiller Smilh, E. H. Emerson Laughlin Royes Geiit Marmion Smirll. 1 . E. Braodt George hlerry Snvdcr EXCUSED-6 Burd Gladcck Michlovic Grabowski Miconie Frarier Lehr Piertky Burns Caltagiione Kolter Lewis Greenwood Llillcr Cappahianca Grirco hliscevich Stcvcns Rlan, Cabley Speaker Grultza !vloehlmant~ Stewart Cessar Gruooa. . Morris Stuban The question was determined in the affirmative, and the Cimini Hagarty Mahery Swain, Civera Haluska Murphy Swcct amendments were agreed to. Clark Harper Nahill Swill On the question recurring, Clymer Hasay Noyc Taddnnio Cochian Hayes Olav Taylor. L. Z. Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as Cahcn Heiscr Pendleton Taylor, F. E. amended? Colafella Hariaman Perrel Telck Mr. FARGO offered the following amendments No. Cole Hoigor Petcrson Tigur Cornell Hutchinion, A. Petrarca Trcllo A9457: Coiiett ltkin Phillips Vraon Cowell Jackson Piccola Wachob Amend Sec. 2, page I, line 12 by striking out "$204,747,000" Cunningham Johnson Pistella Wass and inserting DeMedio Kcnnedy Pills Wcnger $206,072,000 DcVcrtcr Klingaman Port Writon Amend Sec. 3, page 23, by inserting between lines 15 and 16 Davier Kowalyshyn Prau Williams, H. (ii) L.R.73(Rt.58), Dietr Kukovich Pucciarelli Wilson Mercer Boro. over Dininni Lashinger Raico Wogali Neshannock Creek, Domhrowski I.ercovit7 Rebcr Wwniak Bridge Replace- Donatucci Letterman Riegcr Wright. I>. R. ment, Length Ilorr Lc~i Rocks Wright, J. L. 0.1 Mile ...... 644,000 54,000 698,000 Duffy Leuin Rybak (iii) L.R.82 NAYS-I9 (Rt.18), Green- Barber Evans Mandurino Wambach ville Boro. over Cordisco Fryer Rappaport Warga Little Shenango DeWeese Gallagher Richardson Wiggins Creek, Bridge Re- Dawida Hacllcl Rittrr Zwikl placement, Length Deal Irvis Van Horne 0.1 Mile ...... 570,000 57,000 627,000 NOT VOTING-19 Amend Sec. 4. .vape - 32, line I1 by striking. out "$204,747,000" and inserting Alden Foster, Jr., A. Mrkonic Punt $206,072,000 Berron Gray Mullcn Spin Amend Sec. 7, page 32, line 30 by striking out "$204,747,000" Brorn Greenfield O'Donnell Williams, J. D. and inserting Daikeler Laughlin Oliver Wright, R. C. $206,072,000 Emerson Mclnlyie Petrone EXCUSED-6 On the question, Will the House agree to the amendments? Frarier Lehr Picvsky Kolter Lewis The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- Ryan, tleman from Mercer, Mr. Fargo. Speaker Mr. FARGO. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The question was determined in the affirmative, and the This amendment would add two bridges to HB 2716, one amendments were agreed to. bridge in Mercer Borough over the Neshannock Creek and On the question recurring, one bridge in Greenville Borough over the Little Shenango Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as Creek. 1 would appreciate your consideration. amended? On the question recurring, Mr. MORRIS offered the following amendments No. Will the House agree to the amendments? A9460: The following roll call was recorded: Amend Sec. 2, page 1, line 12, by striking out "$204,747,000" and inserting $205,077,000 1954 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE NOVEMBER 17,

Amend See. 3. oaee 11. bv insertina. between lines 19 and 20 1 NAYS-I6 (xiv) City coatei- ville. Graham Ave. Barber Eians Manderino Van Horne Cordiico Fryer Rappaport Wambach ~rid~e,Bridge Re- Dawida Hoeffel Richardson Wiggins olacement .... 300.000 Deal lrvis Ritter Williams, J. D. ~hendSec. 4, page 32, line 11, by striking out $204,747,000" NOT VOTING-15 and inserting $205,077,000 Alden Daikeler Gray Punt Amend Sec. 7. nage 32,. line 30, bv striking out $204.747.000" Berran Emerson Greenfield Spitz and inserting Brawn Fee Mclntyrc Wright, R. C. $205,077,000 DeMcdio Foster, Jr., A. Mullen On the question, EXCUSED-6 Will the House agree to the amendments? Frarier Lchr Pie\sky Kalter Lewis The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- Ryan, tleman from Chester, Mr. Morris. Speaker Mr. MORRIS. This is a very small bridge in the city of The question was determined in the affirmative, and the Coatesville that cost us $330,000. In its present condition or amendments were agreed to. lack of it, it creates a very serious emergency problem for fire engines and other emergency vehicles. On the question recurring, Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as On the question recurring, amended? Will the House agree to the amendments? Mr. CESSAR offered the following amendments No. The following roll call was recorded: A9455: YEAS-162 Amend See. 2, page I, line 12, by striking out "$204,747,000" and inserting Anderson Fischer McClatchy Salvatore $205,177,000 Armstrang Flcck Mchlonagle Saurman Amend See. 3, page 4, by inserting between lines 8 and 9 Arty Foster, N'. W. McVerry Serafini Belardi Freind Mackowiki Seventy (xiii) Boro. of Belfanti Gallaghcr Madigan Showers Etna. Grant Ave. Beloff Gallen Maiale Shupnik over Pine Creek, Bittle Gamble Manmiller Sieminski Bridge Replace- Blaum Gannon Marmion Sirianni ment ...... 400,000 30,000 430,000 Borski Geist Merry Smith. B. Bowser George Michlovic Smith, E. H, On the question, Boyei Gladeck Micorrie Smith, L. E. Will the House agree to the amendments? Brandt Grabowski Miller Snyder The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the Rllrd Greenwood~ ~ Miscevich Soencer Burns Grieco Maehlmanr Siairs majority whip. Caltagirone Gruitza Morris Steighner Mr. CESSAR. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Cappabianca Gruppo Mowery Stevens Cawley Hagarty Mrkonic Stewart This is a bridge that only cost $430,000, and I might add, Cessar Haluska Murphy Stuban Mr. Speaker, that this bridge is closed. So I would humbly Cimini Harper Nahili Swaim request that you support me for this bridge we need in Etna Civera Hasay Noye Sweet Clark Haves O'Donnell Swift Borough. Thank you. Clymer Hciscr Olasz Taddonio Cochran Honaman Oliver Taylor. E. Z. On the question recurring, Cahen Hargon Pendleron Taylor, F. E. Will the House agree to the amendments? Colafella Hutchinson, A. Perzel Telck Cole ltkin Peterson Tigue The following roll call was recorded: Carnell Jackson Petrarca ~rella

Coslett~~~ ~ Johnson Petrone Vroon Kennedy Phillips Wachob Cowell Anderson Durham Lirengood Rocks Cunningham Klingaman Piccola Wargo Armstrone Fargo Lloyd Salvatore Kowalyshyn Piit ella Wasi DeVerter Arty Fee Lucyk Saurman Pitti DeWeese Kukovich Wenger Belardi Fischei McClatchv Seventy Davies Lashinger Pot1 Weston Belfanti Fleck ~c~~lanagle Showers Laughlin Plat1 Williams. H. Dietr Beloff Foster, W. W. McVcrry Shupnik Dininni Lescovitr Pucciarelli Wilson Bittle Foster. Jr. , A. Mackowki Sieminski Letterman Rasco Wagan Dombrowski Blaum Freind Madigan Sirianni Danarucci Levi Reber Womiak Barski Gallen Maiale Smith. B. Rieger Wright, D. R Dorr Levin Bowser Gamble Manmiller Smith, E. H. Livengood Rocks Wrighr, J. L. Duffy Boyes Cannon Marmion Smith. L. E. Lloyd Rybak Zwikl Durham Brandt Geiat Merr, Snyder Lucyk Fargo Burd Georee hllchlovic Soencer Burns Gladkk Micaz~ie Siairs Caltagirone Grabowski Miller Steighner Cappabianca Greenwood Miscevich Sterens Cawley Gricca Machlmann Stewart Cessar Gruirza Morris Stuban LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE

Cimini Gruppo Mowery Swaim The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- Civera Hagarty Murphy Sweet tleman from York, Mr. Smith. Clark Haluqka Nahill Swift Clymer Harper Noye Taddonin hlr. B. SMITH. Mr. Speaker, this is a replacement of a Cochran Haiay Olasr Taylor, F.. 2. bridge between New Cumberland Borough and Fairview Cohen Hayci Oliver 'Tayior. F. L. Township at a cost of $1,154,000. 1 would appreciate an affir- Colafella Heiaer Pendleton Tclek Cole Honaman Perzel Tigue mative vote. Thank you. Cornell Horgas Peterson Trcllo Coslett Hutchinson, A. Petrarca Vroon On the question recurring, Cowell ltkin Petiane Wachob Will the House agree to the amendments? Cunningham Jackson Phillips Wars DeMedio Johnson Piccola Wcngcr The following roll call was recorded: DeVrrter Kennedy Pistella Westoil DeWeese Klingama~i Pills Williams, H. YEAS-159 Daviea Kukokich Putt Wilson Anderson Fischei Mclvlonagle Saurman Dictr Lashinger Pratt Wogan Armstrong Fleck McVerry Serafini Dininni Laughlin Pucciarelli Worniak Arty Foiler, W. W. htackauski Seventy Dombrawski Lescovitr P,l"t Wright, D. R. Belardi Foacr, Jr., A. Madigan Showers Danatucci Letterman Rasco Wright, J. L. Belfanti Freind hlaiale Shupnik Darr Lebi Reber Wrighr, R. C. Beloff Gallerl hlanmiller Sieminski Dut-fy Levin Rieger Bittlc Gamble Mar mion Sirianni NAYS-20 Blaum Gannon Merry Smith. B Boriki ticiir Michiovic Smith, E. H. Barber Pryer Rappaport U'ambach Bouiei tiladeck Alicozzie Smith, L. E. Cordisco Gallagher Richardson Wargo Boyes Crabowski lvliller Snyder Dawida Hoeffel Rilter Wiggins Brandt Greenwood Miicevich Spencer Deal Irbis Rybak Williams, I. D Rurd Grieco Mvloehlmann Spitr Evans Ko$valyshyn Van Hornc Zrikl lluinb Gruitra Morris Stairs NOT VOTING-14 Caltagironc Gruppo hlonery Steighner Cappabianca Hagarty Mrkonic Stevens Alden Emerson Mandcrino O'Donnell Cawley Haluika hlurphy Stewart Berson Gray Mrkonic Serafini Ceisar Hasay Nahill Stuban Brown Greenfield Mullen Spitr Cimini Hayes Noye Swam Daikeler Mclntyre Civera Heirer O'Dannell Sweet EXCUSED-6 Clark Honaman Olarz Swift Clymer HO~COS Olivcr T'addonio Frarier Lehr Pievskv ~ochran ~utchinson,A. Pendieton Taylor, t.Z. Colalelia lrkin Perrel Taylor, F. E. Cole Jacksan Peterson Telek Cornell Johnson Petiarca Tigue -r---.-. Coslert Kennedy Petrone Trcllo The question was determined in the affirmative, and the Cowcll Klingaman Phillips Vraon amendments were agreed to. Cunningham Kowalyihyn Piccola Wachob DeVerter Kukovich Pistella Wasi On the question recurring, Davies Laihingci Pitts Wenger Oictr Laughtin Pott Weiton Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as Dininni Lcicovitz Piatt William$, H. amended? Dombrowski Letterman Pucciaielli Wiisan Mr. B. SMITH offered the following amendments No. Donarucci Levi Punt Wogan Darr Levin Rasco Wozniak A9486: Duffy Livcngood Reber Wright, D. R. Amend Sec. 2, page 1, line 12, by striking out "$204,747,000" Durham Lloyd Rieger Wright, J. L. Fargo 1.ucyk Rocks Wright, R. C. and inserting- Fee McClatchy Salvatore 8205,901,000 Amend Sec. 3, page 32, by inserting between lines 4 and 5 NAYS-25 (iv) L.R.66003, Barber Evans lrvis Van Horne Poplar St. over Cahen Fryer Manderino Wambach Yellow Breeches Cardisca Gallagher Rappaport Wargo Creek, Bridge DeMedio George Richardson Wiggins Reolacempnt....., DeWeese Harper Ritter Williams, I. D ~ehgth0.1 Dauida Hacffcl Rybak Zwikl Mile ...... 804,000 110,000 240,000 1,154,000 Deal Amend Sec. 4, Dage 32, line 11, by striking out "$204,747,000" NOT VOTING-9 and inserting $205,901,000 Alden Daikeler Gray Mclntyre Berson Emerson Greenfield Mullen Amend Sec. 7, page 32, line 30, by striking out "$204,747,000" Brown and inserting $205,901,000 On the question, Frazier Lehr Pievsky Will the House agree to the amendments? Kolter Lcuk Ryan, Speaker LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE NOVEMBER 17,

The question was determined in the affirmative, and the Cowell Johoson Phillips Wachub amendments were agreed to. Cunningham Kcnncdy Piccola Wass DeVertei Klingaman Pistclla Wengcr On the question recurring, Davies Kukovich Pitts Weston Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as Dietr Lashinger Pott Williams, H. Dininni Laughlin Pratt Williaoli, J. D amended? Dombrowski Leicovitz Pucciarelli Wilson Mr. MADIGAN offered the following amendments No. Donatucci I.eftcrman Punt Wogan A9474: Dorr Levi Rasco Womiak Dulfy Lcvin Rebri Wright, D. R. Durham t.ivengood Ricgei Wright, J. L. Amcnd Sec. 2, page~ ~ 1, line 12, by striking out "$204,747,000" and inserting Farm Lloyd Rocks Wright, R. C. $205,247,000 NAYS-20 Amend Sec. 3, page 6, by inserting between lines 18 and 19 (ii) Sayre Boro. & Barber Evans Kowalyshyn Van Horne Cordisco Fryer Rappaport Wanlbach Athenh Twp., Lock- DeWeese Gallagher Richaidrar~ Wargo hart St. Bridge No. Dawida Hoeffrl Kittrr Wiggins 28 over Susquehanna Dcal Inis Rybak Zwikl River, Bridge Re- NOT VOTING-13 placement, Length 0. I Mile ...... 470,000 30,000 500,000 Alden Daikelcr Crccnfield Amcnd Scc. 4, page 32, line I I, by striking out "$204,747,000" Beison Enlerson Mclntvre and inserting Brown Gray Manderino $205,247,000 DeMedio Amend Sec. 7, page 32, line 30, by striking out "$204,747,000" EXCUSED-6 and inserting $205,247,000 Fraliec Lchr Picvsky Kolrer Lewis On the question, Ryan. Will the House agree to the amendments? Speaker The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- The question was determined in the affirmative, and the tleman from Bradford, Mr. Madigan. amendments were agreed to. Mr. MADIGAN. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. On the question recurring, This bridge is over the Susquehanna River connecting Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as Athens Township and Sayre Borough. The weight limits had amended? to be reduced drastically this summer because of the deterio- Mr. A. K. HUTCHINSON offered the following amend- rated condition. I ask for an affirmativevote. ments No. A9370: On the question recurring, Amend Sec. 2, page I, line 12, by striking out "$204,747,000" Will the House agree to the amendments? and inserting $204,957,000 The following roll call was recorded: Amend Sec. 3, page 31. by iriserting between lines 15 and 16 (x) Borough of South Greensburg, Anderson I:ec Lucyk Salvatore Fairview Ave., Armstrong Fischer McClatchy Saurman Bridge Rehabili- Arty I'lcck McMonaglc Scrafini tation ...... 189,000 21,000 210,000 Beiardi Foster, W. W. McVcrry Sevcnty Amend Sec. 4, page 32, line I I, by striking out "$204,747,000" Bellanti t:o$ter, Jr., A. Mackowski Showers and insertine Beloif t:rciod Madigan Shupnik $204,957,000 Bittie Callcn Maiale Sieminski Amend Sec. 7, page 32, line 30, by striking out "$204,747,000" Uld~lll Gamble Manmiller Sirianni Boishi Gs~?non Marmion Smith, B. and inserting Bo\v$er c;c1ye, 0cor;c hlicliliriic S~ni:li.1. F. On the question, llr;,:,,er iaddonio On the que\lion rrcurrir~g, l~'~i.hi;ll, Taylor, E. L. Will the House agree to thcamendments? Cohc!, Tay!or, 1'. E. Coiafcllir Ielrk The following roll call was recorded: Cole 'lieue Coricrll rltl10 Caslett Vraon 1982 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE 1957

interest, such party shall be allocated the project cost as deter- mined by the Public Utility Commission. Nothing herein shall be Anderran tischer hlcClatchg Serafini construed as authorizing a delay ol project construction pending Arrnstranp Fleck McMonagle Seventy resolution of final cost allocation. Shourrs Arty Foster, W. W. McVrrry Amend Sec. l I, page 33, line 25, hy ~trikingout "I I" and Belardi ITostcr, Jr.. A. Mackowski Sliupnik Beluff Freind Madiran Sierninski inserting Bittle Gullaghcr Maialc Sirianni I2 Blauln Gallen Manmiller Smith, B. On the question, Barski Gamblc blarmioo Smith, E. H. Bo yes Gannan Merry Smirh. L. E. Will the House agree to the amendments? Snydcr Brandt Ccisf hlichlovic The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the Burd Crorgc Micozlic sprocc* Burns Giadeck Millsr Spit7 minority whip. Callagirane Grabowski Miwe\ icli Stair, Mr. MANDERINO. Mr. Dombrowski, pay attention. Mr. Greenwood Morhlmallrl Steighner Cappabianca Dombrowski, pay attention. I1 does not cost any money. Caulry Gcieco Morris Stevelia Cersar Gcuitza Mowery Stewart This is an amendment to ihat portion of the bill that was Cimini Giuppo Mckonic Sluban therc bcforc ihe Hayes amendment was adopted. It has to do Civera Hagarty Murphy Suaim with those bridges that wc propose to reconstruct or repair Clark Haluika Nahill S\reel Clymer Harper NO~C Swifl that happen to be on utility-owned property that the utility Cochran Hasag O'Donnell Taddonia company may well be responsible in some manner and some Taylor, E. Z. Cohen Hayes Olasz portion for repairing. Colafella Hciier Oliver Taylor, I:. E. Cole Holiaman Pendieton l'elck The amendment simply says that the Public Utility Com- Cornell Horgos Per~ei Tlguc mission will have the authority to allocate to the utility an Hulchinson. A. Peterson Tiello Coslrtt appropriate cost, and it further states that no project will be Cowell ltkin Petrarca Vioon Jackson Perrone Wachob delayed in final conmuction pending any resolution of the Johnson Phillips W argo allocation. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. \Lras, Kennedy Piccala The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the Kiingaman Pistella Wenecr Konaly~hyn Pittr majority leader. Kukovich Pot1 Mr. HAYES. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Lashinger Pratt I support the gentleman's amendment. It is a very good Laughlin Pucciarelli I.escovilz Pun1 safeguard, and I believe it i~ one that this House should Darr Letterman Rasca Warniak adopt. Thank you. Dulfy Lcui Reber Wright, D. R. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- Durham Levin Rirser Wright. 1. L. Evans I.ivengood Rocks Wright, R. C. tleman from Erie, Mr. Dombrowski. Fargo Lloyd Salvatore Zwikl Mr. DOMBROWSKI. May I interrogate the majority Fee ILucyk Saurman .. . .. - . . leader, please? NAYS-I> / The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ~entlemanindicates he Barber Deal Manderino Rybak will stand for interrogation. The gentleman may proceed. Belial~ti Frycr Rappaport Van Hornc Mr. DOMHROWSKI. Mr. Speaker, when you inserted Cordirco HoeTfcl Richardsorl Wambach Dawida Inis Ritlci your amendment into the bill, you look a lot of stuff out of NOT VOTING-I I the original bill. Would Mr. Manderino's amendment still go in? Alden Braun Gray Mullm Mr. HAYES. Absolutely. There is nothing in the world Berson Oaikeler Greenfield Williams. J. D Bowrer Emerson Mclntyre wrong with the way the gentleman had his amendment EXCUSED-6 drafted. Mr. DOMBROWSKI. But 1 thought you had struck that Frarier Lehr Pic~sL) section out. Kolter lois Rvan. Mr. HAYES. No; it is all right, Mr. Speaker. Speaker I Mr. DOMBROWSKI. All right. r hank you The question was determined in the affirmative, and the On {hequestion recurring, amendments were agreed to. Will the House agree to the amendments'? On the question recurring, The following roll call was recorded: Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as YEAS-I82 amended? Mr. MANDEKINO offered the following amendments No. Anderson FCC McClaIchy Sal\,atore A9445: Ar~nstiong hchcr hlc!vlonagie Saurman

Arlr~ ~ Fleck McVerrv Serafini Amend Bill, page 33, by inserting between liner 24 and 25 Barber I,W . Mackoarki Sevmt) Section 11. Public utility owned structures. Rclardt toqter, Ji., A. Lladigan Slio\\eri treind hlaiale Shupoik In the event the owner of the involved structure is determined Belali tryer Manderino Sieminski to be a public utility or its nongovernmental, private successor in Galiaghrr Manmiller Sirianni 1958 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE NOVEMBER 17,

Blaum Gallen Maimion Smith, B. possession. However, there are more amendments coming Barski Gamble Merry Smith. E. H. down, so at this time the House will go into recess for 1 hour Bawsei Gannon Michlovic Smith. L. E. Boyei Gcist Micorzie Snyder and come back on the floor at 6:30, at which time we hope we Brand! George Miller Spencer will have all the amendments available. The Chair hears no Burd Gladeck Miscevich Spitz objection. The House is in recess. Burns Grabowski Moehlmann Stairs Caltagirone Greenwood Morris Steighner Cappabianca Grieco Mowery Stevens AFTER RECESS Cawlcy Gruitra Mrkonic Stewart Cessar Gruppo Murphy Stuban The time of recess having expired, the House was called to Cimini Hagarty Nahill Swaim Civrra Halurka Noye Sweet order. Clark Harper O'Donnell Swift Clymer Hasay Olasz Taddonio Cachran Hayes Oliver Taylor, E. Z. SENATE MESSAGE Cohen Heisei Pendleton Taylor, F. E. Colafella Hoefiel Perrel Telek HOUSE AMENDMENTS Cole Honaman Peterson Tigue NONCONCURRED IN BY SENATE Cordisco Horgos Petrarca Trello Cornell Hutchinsan, A. Petronc Van Hornc The clerk of the Senate, being introduced, informed that Coslett Iwis Phillips Vroon the Senate has nonconcurred in the amendments made by the Cowell ltkin Piccola Wachob Cunningham Jackson Pist ella Wambach House of Representatives to SB 1091, PN 2140, and has DeMedio Johnson Pitts Wargo appointed Senators GEKAS, SHAFFER and ROMANELLI a DcVcrter Kennedy Potr Wass committee of conference to confer with a similar committee DeWeese Klingaman Pratt Wenger Davies Kowalyshyn Pucciarclli \Veston of the House of Representatives (already appointed) on the Dawida Kukovich Punt Williams. H. subject of the differences existing between the two Houses in Dcal Lashihinger Rappaport Williams, I. D. Dietr Laughlin Rasco Wilson relation to said bill. Dininni Lescavirz Reber Wogan Dombrowiki Letterman Richardson Worniak SENATE MESSAGE Donatucci Levi Riegcr Wright. D. R. Dorr Levin Ritter Wright, J. L. Duffy Livengoad Rocks Wrlght, R. C. SENATE INSISTS ON AMENDMENTS Durham Lloyd Rybak Zwikl NONCONCURRED IN BY HOUSE Farga Lucyk NAYS-0 The clerk of the Senate, being introduced, informed that the Senate has insisted upon its amendments nonconcurred in NOT VOTING-I I by the House of Representatives to HB 178, PN 3337, and has Alden Daikeler Gray Mullen appointed Senators GREENLEAF, O'CONNELL and Berian Emerson Greenfield Wiggins KELLEY a committee of conference to confer with a similar Brown Evans Mclntyre committee of the House of Representatives (if the House of EXCUSED-6 Representatives shall appoint such committee) on the subject Frarier Lehr Pievsky of the differences existing between the two Houses in relation Kolter Lewis to said bill. Ryan, Speaker MOTION INSISTING UPON NONCONCURRENCE The question was determined in the affirmative, and the IN SENATE AMENDMENTS amendments were agreed to. Mr. HASAY moved that the House insist upon its noncon- currence in Senate amendments to HB 178, PN 3337, and that INSURANCE COMMITTEE MEETING a committee of conference on the part of the House be appointed. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- tleman from Mifflin, Mr. DeVerter. On the question, Mr. DeVERTER. Mr. Speaker, I would like to call a Will the House agree to the motion? meeting of the Insurance Committee to the rear of the hall of Motion was agreed to. the House upon the conclusion of today's business. It will be a APPOINTMENT OF brief meeting concerning one bill that came over from the COMMITTEE OF CONFERENCE Senate. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair appoints as a com- Mr. Speaker, if there is to be a recess, we will hold it at the mlttee of conference on the part of the House on HB 178, PN call of the recess. 3337: Messrs. LEHR, HASAY and FEE. RECESS Ordered, That the clerk inform the Senate accordingly. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair wishes to advise the House that we have disposed of all the amendments in our 1982 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE 1959

STATE GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE MEETING Will the House agree to the motion? Motion was agreed to. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- tleman from Berks, Mr. Gallen. SENATE MESSAGE Mr. GALLEN. Mr. Speaker, there will be a meeting of the State Government Committee in room 401 at 7 p.m. 1 would HOUSE BILLS like all the members to report. Room 401, State Government CONCURRED IN BY SENATE Committee at 7 o'clock. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The clerk of the Senate, being introduced, returned HB 1276, PN 1415; and HB 1277, PN 3334, with information that REPORT OF COMMITTEE the Senate has passed the same without amendment. OF CONFERENCE PRESENTED

Mr. GALLEN presented the Report of the Committee of SENATE MESSAGE Conference on SB 1091, PN 2233. AMENDED HOUSE BILL RETURNED FOR CONCURRENCE REPORT OF COMMITTEE OF CONFERENCE PRESENTED The clerk of the Senate, being introduced, returned HB 675, PN 3714, with information that the Senate has passed the Mr. L. E. SMITH presented the Report of the Committee same with amendment in which the concurrence of the House of Conference on FIB 103, PN 3736. of Representatives is requested. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The bill will appear on the BILLS REPORTED FROM COMMITTEE, calendar. CONSIDERED FIRST TIME, AND TABLED

SB 849, PN 2232 (Amended) (Unanimous) SENATE MESSAGE By Rep. BITTLE HOUSE BILLS An Act amending the act of January 19, 1968 (1967 P. L. 996, CONCURRED IN BY SENATE No. 443), entitled "An act authorizing the creation of indebted- ness of five hundred million dollars for the conservation and rec- The clerk of the Senate, being introduced, returned HB lamation of land and water resources; defining the powers and 1647, PN 2518; and HB 2046, PN 3435, with information that duties of certain offices, agencies and political subdivisions; pro- viding for the allotment of proceeds hereunder including Com- the Senate has passed the same without amendment. monwealth grants; prescribing standards and making appropri- ations," granting the Secretary of Environmental Resources the SENATE MESSAGE right to enter certain premises for the purpose of conservin~and reclaiming land and water resources; pkoviding for the liensipon AMENDED HOUSE BILLS such land: providing for the promulaation of rules and reaula- RETURNED FOR CONCURRENCE tions and ;&ding Tor rights bf recovery for abatement of emer- gency conditions; establishing an account to receive and disburse The clerk of the Senate, being introduced, returned HB Federal funds; and reappropriating lapsed funds. 2000, PN 3722; and HB 2386, PN 3689, with information that CONSERVATION. the Senate has passed the same with amendment in which the concurrence of the House of Representatives is requested. SB 1370, PN 1783 (Unanimous) By Rep. BITTLE The SPEAKER pro tempore. The bills will appear on the An Act designating the Lick Run as a component of the Penn- calendar. svlvania Wild and Scenic Rivers System in accordance with the Pennsylvania Scenic Rivers Act; and providing for cooperation REPORT FROM RULES COMMITTEE and coordination in its protection and use and for the responsibil- ities of its management: BILLS REMOVED FROM TABLE CONSERVATION. FOR CALENDAR The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the BILL REMOVED FROM TABLE majority leader. FOR CALENDAR Mr. HAYES. Mr. Speaker, the Rules Committee has instructed me to make a motion to remove the following bills The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the from the table and place them on the active calendar, and I so majority leader. move: Mr. HAYES. Mr. Speaker, I move that SB 955, PN 2022, be removed from the table and put on the active calendar. HB 2727; SB 314; On the question, SB 796; 1960 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE NOVEMBER 17,

SB 849; Amend Sec. 3, page 19 by inserting between lines 12 and 13 SB 1292; (viii) Scranton. SR 1366; and oak St., Bridge Removal ...... 70.000 SB 1370. (is) Scranton, On the question, Luzerne St., Bridge Replace- Will the Houseagree to the motion? ment ...... 500.000 50,000 550,000 Motion was agreed to. (x) Scranton, West BILLS REMOVED FROM TABLE Linden St., Bridge Replace- FOR CALENDAR ment ...... 500,000 50,000 550,000 The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the (xi) Scranton, Lack- majority leader. awanna Ave.. Bridrc- Rehabili- Mr. HAYES. Mr. Speaker, the Rules Committee has tation ...... 9 1,000 instructed me to make a motion to remove the following bills (xii) Scranton, from the table and place them on the active calendar, with the West Lackawanna understanding that they will be rereferred to the Appropri- Ave., Bridge ations Committee for the purpose of a fiscal note at a later Rehabili- tation ...... 91,000 9,000 100,000 date, and 1 so move: (xiii) Scranton, HR 1483; Linden St., Bridge HB 2235; and Rehabili- tation ...... 9 1,000 9,000 100,000 SB 1281. (xiv) Scranton, On the question, Davis St., Bridge Will the House agree to the motion? connecting Scranton and Taylor, Bridge Motion was agreed to. Construc- tion ...... 3,000,000 300,000 3,300,000 STATE GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE MEETING (XV) Scranton, North Washington The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- Ave., Viaduct Rehabili- tleman from Berks, Mr. Gallen. tation ...... 50,000 5,000 55,000 Mr. GALLEN. Mr. Speaker, once again I want to make the (xvi) Scranton, Jrff- announcement that the State Government Committee is erson Ave., Viaduct meeting right now in room 401. 1 would appreciate it if all Rehabili- members of the State Government Committee would report to tation ...... 50,000 5,000 55,000 (xvii) Scranton, Gib- room 401. son St.. Viaduct Rehabili- ADDITION AND DELETION OF SPONSORS tation ...... 50.000 5,000 55,000 (xviii) Scranton. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the Olive St.. Viaduct majority leader. Rehabili- tation ...... 50.000 Mr. HAYES. Mr. Speaker, I submit for the record an addi- (nix) Scranton, Lu- tion and a deletion for sponsorships of bills. zerne St., Viaduct ADDITION: Rehabili- tation ...... 50,000 5,000 55,000 HB 2729, ltkin (xx) Clarks Summit, DELETION: Napp Rd., Bridge HB 264, Pratt Rehabili- tation ...... 200,000 20,000 220,000 (xxi) Scranton, Sand- CONSIDERATION OF HB 2716 RESUMED erson Ave., Bridge Replace- On the question recurring, ment ...... 500,000 50,000 550,000 Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as (xxii) Moosic, Third St., Bridge amended? Rehabili- Mr. CAWLEY offered the following amendments No. tation ...... 50,000 5,000 55,000 A9464: Amend Sec. 4, page 32, line I I by striking out "$204,747,000" and insertine Amend Sec. 2, page 1, line 12 by striking out "$204,747,000" and inserting $210,624,000 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE

On the question, NOT VOTING-19 Will the House agree to the amendments? Alden tlncrson Hciscr Rilrrr The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- Brown Fleck Horgoi Spit7 Cohen Gra) Marmion Stairs tleman from Lackawanna, Mr. Cawley. DcWeese Greenfield Moehlmann Williams, H Mr. CAWLEY. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Daikelcr Harpcr Mrkanic This amendment is for bridges in districts of Representative EXCUSED-6 Belardi, Representative Serafini, Senator Mellow, and myself. 1:razicr Lehr Pievtky Mr. Speaker, this amendmcnt is for 14 small bridges and Kolter Leuis one large one. This amendment, Mr. Speaker, if passed, I Kyan, believe, truly will bridge the gap between Harrisburg and Speaker Lackawanna County. I took into consideration the large The question was determined in the affirmative, and the amount of moneys involved, and in order not to be selfish, I amendments were agreed to. eliminated the proposed bridge from Scranton to Cleveland. I would appreciate an affirmative vote. REMARKS ON VOTE To my Democratic colleagues, please, your vote today will determine our vote next week. Thank you. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- tleman from Lehigh, Mr. Ritter. On the question recurring, Mr. RITTER. Mr. Speaker, if I had been in my seat when Will the House agree to the amendments the last amendment was called, A9464 lo HB 2716, I would The following roll call was recorded: have voted in the negative. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The remarks of the gentleman will be spread upon the record. Andcrian Duffy Lucyk Rocks Armliong Durham McClatchy Sal\atorc Arty Fargo Mclnfyre Saurman CONSIDERATION OF HB 2716 CONTINUED Barber Fee McMonaglc Serafin Belardi Fischer McVerry Sc!,cnty On the question recurring, Beifanti Faster, W. W. Mackowski Shower, Beloff Faster, Jr.. A. Madigan Shupnik Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as Berson Frrind Maiale Sieminski amended? Bittle Gallagher Manmiller Sirianni Mr. WACHOB offered the following amendments No. Blaurn Gallen Merry Smith, R. Boirki Clanlblc Michloric Smilh, L. H. A9487: Smith. L. E. Bowscr Gannon Micorzie Amend Sec. 2, page I, line I2 by striking out "$204,747,000" Boyei Geist Miller Snyder Brandt George !vliicevich Spencer and inserting. Burd Gladeck Morris Stcighncr $205,102,000 Burns Grabowrli MOPCIY Stcvenr Arncnd Sec. 3, page 15, by inserting between lines 15 and I6 Caltagironc Greenwood Mullcn Stcivart (22) Elk County Cappabianca Clrieco Murphy Sluban (i) Horton Twp., 7-333, Cawlcy Gruitza Nahill Smaim I.ittle Toby crick Ccasar Gruppo Noyc Sweet Bridge, Bridge Cimini Hagarty O'Donnell Snift Replace- Taddonio Civera Haluika Olair ment ...... 300,000 5,000 50,000 355,000 Clark Hasay Oliici Taylor, E. Z. CIymer Hayes Pendleton Taylor, F, t. Arnend Sec. 3, page 15, line 16 by striking out "(22)" and Cochran Honaman Perlel Telek inserting Colafella Hutchinson, A. Peterson Tigw (23) Cole Itkin Perrarca Trello Amend Sec. 3, page 15, line 28 by slriking out "(23)" and Cordiscu Jackson Petrone Vroort inserting Cornell Johnson Phillips Waihob (24) Coilett Kennedy Piccola Wargo Amend See. 3, page 16, line 5 by striking out "(24)" and insert- Cowell Klingaman Pi~tella was5 ing Cunningham Kukarich Pirts Wcngcr DeMedio 1.ashinger Port Weiton (25) DeVerter Laughlin Pratt Wilson Amend Sec. 3, page 16, line 24 by striking out "(25)" and Davies Lescovirr Pucciarelli Wogan inserting Dietz L~ff~lmall I'unt Wa~niak l?h>,--, Di::ic~ni Levi Rappaport Wright, D. R. Amend Sec. 3, page 16, line 28 by striking out "(26)" and Iio~!~brtnw$ki :.ciin Ram Wrieht. J. L. inserting i I:~v21:1c,:i ! !ucn~i.i,d Rlhcl (27) !I\,;' 1.111.! Ikic~i~ Amend Sec 3, page 17, line 4 by striking out "(27)" and insert- NAYS Id ing (28) .4il;ci,d Scc. 3, ,,ar.c !7, l!c; 21 b) \iril~iignut "(28)" and 1962 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE NOVEMBER 17,

Amend Sec. 3, page 18, line I1 by striking out "(29)" and Amend Sec. 3, page 31, line 23 by striking out "(52)" and inserting inserting (30) (53) Amend Sec. 3, page 19, line 13 by striking out "(30)" and Amend Sec. 4, page 32, line I1 by striking out "$204,747,000" inserting and inserting (31) $205,102,000 Amend Sec. 3, page 21, line 5 by striking out "(31)" and insert- Amend Sec. 7, page 32, line 30 by srriking out "$204,747,000" ----ins and inserting (32) $205,102,000 Amend Sec. 3, page 21, line 13 by striking out "(32)" and On the question, inserting (33) Will the House agree to the amendments? Amend Sec. 3, page 21, line 23 by striking out "(33)" and The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- insertine u tleman from Elk, Mr. Wachob. (34) Amend Sec. 3, page 22, line 30 by striking out "(34)" and Mr. WACHOB. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. inserting Mr. Speaker, this is a small bridge in Elk County, the total , , cost being $355,000. 1 would appreciate the members' Amend Sec. 3, page 23, line 6 by striking out "(35)" and insert- support. Thank you. ing (36) On the question recurring, Amend Sec. 3, page 23, line 12 by striking out "(36)" and Will the House agree to the amendments? inserting (37) The following roll call was recorded: Amend Sec. 3, page 23, line 16 by striking out "(37)" and YEAS-163 insertinn (38) Anderson Fargo Mclntyre Scrafini Amend Sec. 3, page 23, line 23 by striking out "(38)" and Armstrong Fee McMonaglc Seventy inserting Arty Fischer McVerry Showcrs (39) Belardi Fleck Mackowski Shupnik Amend Sec. 3, page 23, line 29 by striking out "(39)" and Beifanti Foster, W. W. Madigan Sierniniki inserting Beioff Foster, Jr., A. Maiale Sirianni Berson Freind .Manmillci Smith, 8. (40) Bittle Gallagher Marmion Smith, E. H. Amend Sec. 3, page 25, line 22 by striking out "(40)" and Blaum Galien Merry Smith, L. E. inserting Borski Gamble Llichlovic Snyder (41) Bowser Cannon Micorzie Spencer Amend Sec. 3, page 26, line 2 by striking out "(41)" and insert- bye5 Geiit Miller Spitr ing Brandt Gladeck Miscevich Stairs 147) Burd Grabowski Morris Steinhner \ .-, Amend Sec. 3, page 26, line 9 by striking out "(42)" and insert- Burns Greenwood Moucry Stciens ing Caltagirone Grieco Mullen Sleuart Cappabianca Gruitra Murphy Stuban (43) Cawley Gruppa Nahill Swaim Amend Sec. 3, page 27, line 30 by striking out "(43)" and Ceisar Hagarty Noyt Sweet inserting Cimini Haluska O'Donnell Swift (44) Civera Hasay Oiasr Taddonio Amend Sec. 3, page 28, line 4 by striking out "(44)" and insert- Clark Hayes Pendlcton Taylor, E. Z. ing Clymer Heiser Perzel Taylor, F. E. (45) Cochran Honaman Peterson Telek Amend Sec. 3, page 28, line 13 by striking out "(45)" and Colafella Hargos Petrarca Tigue inserting Cole ltkin Petiane Ticllo Cordisco Jackson Phillips Vroon (46) Cornell Johnson Piccola Wachob Amend Sec. 3, page 28, line 23 by striking out "(46)" and Coslert Kennedy Pisrclla Warga inserting Cowell Klingaman Pitti Wass (47) Cunningham Kuknvich Pott Wengcr Amend Sec. 3, page 28, line 27 by striking out "(47)" and DeMcdio Lashinger Pratr Weston inserting DeVerter Laughlin Pucciaielli Williams, J. D (48) Daikeler Lcscovitr Punt Wilson Amend Sec. 3, page 28, line 30 by striking out "(48)" and Dietr Letterman Rappaport Wogan inserting Dininni Levi Rasco Worniak Dambrowski Levin Rebcr Wright, D. R. (49) Donatucci Llvengoad Rieger Wright. J. L. Amend Sec. 3, page 29, line 9 by striking out "(49)" and insert- Dorr Lloyd Rocks Wright, R. C. ing Duffy Lucyk Salvatore Zwikl (50) Durham McClatchy Sauiman Amend Sec. 3, page 30, line 7 by striking out "(50)" and insert- NAYS-16 ing- (51) Barber Fryer Kowalyshyn Rybak Amend Sec. 3, page 31, line 16 by striking out "(51)" and Dawida George Manderino Van Harne inserting Deal Hoefiel Richardson Wambach (52) Evans lrvis Ritter Wiggins 1982 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE 1963

NOT VOTING-14 Cessar Hagarty Nahill Swaim Cimini Haluska Noye Sweet Alden Daries Harper Mrkonic Civera Hasay O'Donnell Swift Brown Emerson Hutchinson, A. Oliver Clymer Hayes Olaiz Taddonio Cohen Gray Maehlmann Williams, H. Cochran Heiser Oliver Taylor, E. Z. DeWecse Greenfield Cole Honaman Pendleton Taylor, F. E. EXCUSED-6 Cornell Horgos Pcrzel Telek Coslett ltkin Peterson Tigue Frarier Lehr Pievsky Cowell Jackson Petrone Trello Kolter Lewis Cunningham Johnson Phillips Vroon Ryan, DeVerter Kennedy Piccola Wass Speaker Daikeler Klingaman Pistella Wenger Davies Kukorich Pitts Weston The question was determined in the affirmative, and the ~i~t, Lashinger Pott Wilson amendments were agreed to. Dininni Laughlin Pratt Wagan Dombrowski Letterman Pucciarelli Wozniak On the question recurring, Donatucci Levi Punt Wright, D. R. Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as Lcvin Rasco Wright, J. L. Duffy Livengood Reber Wright, R. C. amended? Durham Lloyd Rieger Mr. PETERSON offered the following amendments No. NAYS-24 A9510: Barber Gallagher Mullen Shupnik Amend Sec. 2, page 1, line 12, by striking out "$204,747,000" Cordisca Hacffcl Rappaport Van Horne and inserting DeMedio livii Richardson Wambach $205,402,000 Da~ida Kowalyshyn Ritter Wargo Amend Sec. 3, page 29, by inserting between lines 8 and 9 Deal Lucyk Rocks Wiggins Manderino Rybak Zwikl (iv) L.R.88, Old Evans Route 6, East of NOT VOTING-18 Irvine, Bridge Alden DeWeese Harper Petrarca Removal and Broun Emerson Hutchinson. A. Wachob Construction of Grade Clark Fryer Lescovitr Williams, H. Crossing ...... 600,000 20,000 35,000 655,000 cohen Gray Mclntyre Williams, J. D. Amend Sec. 4, page 32, line I I, by striking out "$204,747,000" COI~~~II~Greenfield and inserting EXCUSED-6 $205,402,000 Amend Sec. 7, page 32, line 30, by striking out "$204,747,000" Frazicr L.ehr Pievsky and inserting Kalter Lewis $205,402,000 Ryan, Speaker On the question, Will the House aeree to the amendments? The question was determined in the affirmative, and the amendments were agreed to. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- tleman from Venango, Mr. Peterson. On the question recurring, Mr. PETERSON. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as This was one of the orphan bridges that was omitted from amended? the original list, and I ask my colleagues to support this Mr. KLINGAMAN offered the following amendments No. amendment. Thank you. A9472: On the question recurring, Amend Sec. 2, page I, line 12, by striking out "$204,747,000" and inserting Will the House agree to the amendments? $205.972.000 The following roll call was recorded: Amend Sec. 3;pa& 28, by inserting between lines 12 and 13 (ii) L.R.53012 YEAS-151 (Gation 317 t 331, New Ringgold Boro., McClatchy Salvatore Anderson Fargo Bridge Over Little Armstrang Fee McMonagle Saurman Arty Fischer McVerry Serafini Schuylkill River, Belardi Fleck Mackowski Seventy Bridge Replace- Belfanti Foster, W. W. Madigan Showers ment, Length 0.1 Beloff Foster, Jr., A. Maiale Sieminski Mile...... 1,100,000 Berson Freind Manmiller Sirianni (iii) L.R.755, Ring- Bittle Gallen Marmian Smith. B. town Boro., Bridge Blaum Gamble Merry Smith, E. H Over Abandoned Con- Borski Gannan Michlovic Smith, L. E. rail Line, Bridge Geist Micarrie Snyder Bowser Removal, Length 0.1 Bayen George Miller Spencer Brand1 Gladeck Miscevich Spitz Mile ...... 125,000 Burd Grabowski Moehlmann Stairs Amend Sec. 4, page 32, line 1 I, by striking out "$204,747,000" Burns Greenwood Morris Steighner and inserting Caltagirone Grieco Mowery Stevens $205,972,000 Cappabianca Gruitza Mrkanic Stewart Cawley Gruppa Murphy Stuban LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE NOVEMBER 17,

Amend Sec. 7, page 32, line 30, by striking out "$204,747,000" and inserting $205,972,000 rra~iri Lehr Picusky Koltcr Lewis On the question, Ryan. Will the Houseagree to the amendments? Speaker The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- The question was determined in the affirmative, and the tleman from Schuylkill, Mr. Klingaman. amendments were agreed lo. Mr. KLINGAMAN. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. On the question recurring, In Schuylkill County, two bridges, one in and one out. I Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as would appreciate your support. amended? On the question recurring, Mr. DUFFY offered the following amendments No. Will the House agree to the amendments? A9485: The following roll call was recorded: Amend Sec. 2. Daze 1, line 12. bv striking out "$204.747.000" and inserting YEAS-I50 $204,967.000 Amend Sec. 3, page 4, by inserting between lines 8 and 9 Anderson Pargo I.ucyk Rieger (xiii) L.R.02247 Verona Armstrong Fee McClalchy Salvatore Arty Fischer McMonagle Saurman Boro. and Oakmont Boro., Belardi Fleck McVcrry Serafini Bridge over Conrail, Belfanti Foster. W. W. Mackowrki Scventy Bridge Replacement, Belaff Foster, Jt, A. Madigan Shaweii Length Berson Freind Maialc Sieminski 0. I Mile ...... 200,000 20,000 220,000 Bittle Fryer Manmiller Sirianni Amend Sec. 4, page 32, line 1 I, by striking our "$204,747,000" Blaum Galien Marmion Smith, B. and inserting Borski Gamble Merry Smith, E. H. $204,967,000 Bowser Cannon Michlovic Smith, I.. E. Amend Sec. 7, page 32, line 30, by striking out "$204,747,000" Boyes Geist Micarzic Snyder Brandt George Miller Spencer and inserting Burd Gladcck Miiccvich Stairr $204,967,000 Burns Grabowski Machlmann Slrighner On the question, Caltagirane Greenwood Morris Stevens Cappabianca Grieco Mowery Stewart Will the House agree to the amendments? cawley Gruppo Murphy Stuban The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- Cessar Hagarty Nahill Swaim Cimini Haluska Nnye tleman from Allegheny, Mr. Duffy. Civera Haaay O'Donneli Swifl Mr. DUFFY. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Hayes Olarz Clymer Taddonio This amendment is put in to supply money for a small Cochran Heiser Oliver Taylor, E. 2. Cole Honaman Pcndleton Taylor. F. E. bridge that runs between the boroughs of Verona and Cornell Horgos Perrel Oakmont in Allegheny County. It amounts to $220,000, and 1 Coilett ltkin Pcterian Tigue would appreciate your support on this amendment. Thank Cowell Jackmn Petrone Trello Cunningham Johnson Phillips Vroon you. DcVcrter Kennedy Piccola Wachob Daikeler Klingaman Pistclla Wass On the question recurring, Davier Kukovich Pitts Wenger Will the House agree to the amendments? Die11 Lashingcr Pott weston Dininni Laughlin Pratt Wilson The following roll call was recorded: Dambrowski Letterman Pucciarelli Wogan Donatucci Levi Punt Wozniak YEAS-158 Darr Levin Rasco Wright, D. R. Anderson Fargo Livcngoad Salvatore Duffy Livengood Reber Wright, J. L. Armstrong FCC Lloyd Durham Lloyd Saurman Arty Fischer McClatchy Serafini NAYS-25 Belardi Fleck Mclntyrr Seventy Belfanti Faster, W. W. McMonagle Showers Barber Gallagher Mullen Shupnik Beloff Foster, Jr.. A. McVerry Shupnik Cordisco Gruitza Rappaport Van Home Bersan Freind Mackowski Sicminski DeMedia Hoeffel Richardson Wambach Bitlle Fryer Madigan Sirianni Dawida lrvis Ritter Wargo Blaum Gallagher Manmiller Smith, B. Deal Kowalyshyn Rocks Wiggins Borski Gallen Marmion Smith. E. H. Emerson Manderino Rybak Zwikl Bouser Gamble Merry Smith, L. E. Evans Boves Cannon Michlovic Snyder NOT VOTING-I8 ~randt Geisl Micorzie Spencer Burd George Miller Stairs Alden DeWeese Lescovitz Spitz Burns Gladeck Miscevich Steighner Brown Gray Mclntyre Williams, H. Caltagirane Grabawski Moehlmann Stevens Clark Greenfield Mrkonic Williams, J. D. Cappabianca Greenwood Morris Stewart Cohen Harper Petrarca Wright, R. C. Cawlev Grieco Mowery Stuban Colafella Hutchinson. A. ~essa; Cruitza Mrkonic Swaim Cimini Gruppo Mullen Sweet Civera Hagarty Murphy Swift Clymer Harper Nahill Taddonio LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE

Cochran Hasay Noye Taylor. E. Z. Will the House agree to the amendments? Colafclla Hayes Olasl Taylor. I' E. Cornell Heiser Oliver Telek The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- Corleu Honaman Peridleron Tigue tleman from Alleehenv.- ,. Mr. Cowell. Cowell Horgoi Perrrl Trclio Mr. COWEI,I.. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Cunningham Hutchinsan. A. Peterson Vroon DcMediv Irkin Petrone Wachob This amendment deals with three small bridges in Allegheny DeVrrter Jackson Phillips Wargo County, the total of which i~ $285,000. These are the types of UeWeere Johnson Pica,la Wass bridges and the types of projects that are typically overlooked Daikeler Kennedy Pistclla Wenger Davies Klingaman Pitti Weitoil in normal times. I think these are the types of projects, there- Diet?. Kulovich Pot1 Wilson fore, that this legislation is intended to handle, the extraordi- Dininni Lashinger Pucciarelli Wogan nary as we try to deal with special problems in a time of unem- Dombrowski Laughlin Punt Wo/niak Donatucci Lcscoviti Reber Wright, U. K. ploymen1 and at a time of bridge crises. I would ask support D"ii 1.ettcrman Ricger Wright, J. L. for these projects in this particular amendment. Duffy I.evi Rocks %will Durham Lcvin On the question recurring, Will the House agree to the amendments?

Barber hlanderino Rybak The following roll call was recorded: Cordisco Rappaport Van Harne

Dawida ~~ ~~ Richardion Wambach Deal Kowalyshyn Ritter Wiggins Anderson Fargo I.i\engoud Reber NOT VOTING-19 Armstrong I'cc Lloyd Rirger Arty Fischer I.ucyk Saliatorc Alden Emerson Maisle spit^ Bclardi Fleck McCiatchy Sauiman Brown Gray O'Donnell Williams, H. Belfanti Foster, W. W. Mclnlyrc Serafini Clark Greenfield Petiarca Williams, J. D Beloif 1:astcr. Jr., A. McMonagle Sekenty Cohen Haluska Prau Wright, R. C. Bittie Freiod McVerry Sha&'crs Cole Lucyk Raico Blaum Gallagher MacLo\\ski Shupnik EXCUSED-6 Borski Gallen hladigan Siemiriiki Rowiei Gamblc llaialc Sirianni Lehr Pievsky Boyes Cannon Manmiller Smith, R. Lewis Rrandt Grist Marmion Smith, E. H, Ryan, Rurd George Merry Smith, L. E. Speakcr Burns Gladeck hlichioiic Sn>der Grabowrki Micorrie Spencer The question was determined in the affirmative, and the Greenwood hliller Stairs amendments were agreed to. Grieco lliice\ ich Sreighner Cesrar Gruitra Moehlmann Stevens On the question recurring, Cimini Gruppo Morris Ste\rart Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as Civeia Hagsrly Maurry Stuban amended? Clark Haluska Xlikonic Snaim Clymer Harper \lullen Sweet Mr. COWELL offered the following amendments No. Cochran Hamy hlurphy Swift A9477: Cohen Haycs Naliill Taddonia Calarella Heiher No)e Taylor, E. 7.. Amend Sec. 2, page I, line 12, by striking out "$204,747,000" Cornell Honaman Olair Taylor, F. E. and inserting Caslett Horgos Oliver Telek $205,032,000 Cu*.ell Hutchinsun, A. Pcndletan Tigue Amend Sec. 3, page 4, by inserting between lines 8 and 9 Cunningham Irvis Prrrel Trello (xiii) Wilkins Twp.. DeMedio ltkin Peterson Vroon DcVcrtcr Jackson Petrarca Wachab Free Lane, Bridge DeWecse Johnson Pctronc Wargo Replacement, Length Daikeler Kenned) Phillips Wass 0.1 Mile ...... 40,000 5,000 45,000 Dai.ie5 Klingaman Piccola Wrnger (xiv) Wilkins Twp., Dicrr Kukovich Piirrlla wcston Baker St. Bridee Dininni Lash~nger Pills Wilson Replacement, Length Dombrowski Laughiin 1'011 Wogan 0.1Mile...... 100.000 Donatucci Lerco\itz Pratt Worniak (XV)Wilkins Twp., Dorr Letterman Pucciarelli Wright, D. R. Duffy Levi Punt Wright, J. L. Ivv St.. Bridge- Re- placement, Length Durham l evin Kasca Zwikl 0.1 Mile ...... 100,000 20,000 120,000 NAYS-I5 Amend Sec. 4, page 32, line 11, by striking out "$204,747,000" Cordisco Hoeffel Richardson Van Horne and inserting Dawida Kowalyshy~~ Ritter Wambach $205,032,000 Deal Manderino Rocks Williams. J. D. Amend Sec. 7, page 32, line 30, by striking out "$204,747,000" Frycr Rappaport Rybak and inserting NOT VOTING-14 $205,032,000 On the question, Alden Cole Greenfield Wiggins Barber Emcrson O'llanncll Williams, H. Berson Evans Spill Wright, R. C. Brown Gray LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE NOVEMBER 17,

Clymer Harper Murphy Stuban Cochran Haray Nahill Swaim Frazier Lehr Pievsky Cohen Hayes Noye Suift Kolter Lewis Colafella Heiser Olasz Taddanio Ryan, Coie Honaman Oliver Taylor, E. 2. Speaker Horgos Pendleton Taylor, F. E. Hutchinson, A. Perzel Telek The question was determined in the affirmative, and the Cowell ltkin Pctersan Tigue amendments were agreed to. Cunningham Jackson Petrarca Trella DeVerrei Johnson Petrone Vroon On the question recurring, Daikelei Kennedy Phillips Wass Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as Davieq Klingaman Piccola Wenger Dietz Kukovich Pistella Weston amended? Dininni Lashii~gei Pitts Williams. H. Mr. BOWSER offered the following amendment No. Dambrowski Laughlin pot1 Wilson A9490: Danatucci 1.escouitr Pratt Wagan Darr 1,etterman Pucciarclli Worniak Amend Sec. 3, page 15, by inserting between lines 27 and 28 Duffy Lrvi Punt Wright. D. R (v) Greenfield Twp., Durham Levin Rasco \\'right, 1. L. L.R.304 over West Fargo Branch of French Creek. Bridge. Replace- Blaurn Fryer O'Donnell Van Horne ment ...... Clark Gallagher Rappaport Wachah Cordiico Hoeffel Richardson a'ambach (vi) Wayne Twp., DeMedio livis Ritter Wargo L.R.25052 over DeWeeie Kowalylhyn Rocks Wiiliams, J. D Slaughter Run, Dawida Manderino Rlhak Zwikl Bridge Replace- Deal Mullen Sweet ment ...... NOT VOTING-13 (vii) Union City Boro., L.R.25139 Alden Emerson Greenfield Spitz over Conrail Rail- Barber Evani Lucyk Wiggins road, Bridge Re- Berion Gray Mrkonic Wright, R. C placement ... . Brawn EXCUSED-6 On the question, Will the House agree to the amendment? Frazier Lchr Pirvsky Kalter Lewis The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- Ryan. tleman from Erie, Mr. Bowser. Speaker Mr. BOWSER. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The question was determined in the affirmative, and the I have one small two-lane bridge from Erie County to Long amendment was agreed to. Point, Ontario. On the question recurring, No, seriously, I have three bridges in Erie County in my dis- Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as trict that are presently posted. They are replacement bridges, amended? one in Greenfield Township, one in Wayne Township, and Mr. TRELLO offered the following amendments No. one in Union City Borough. Thank you. A9518: On the question recurring, Amend Sec. 2, page 1, line 12, by striking nut Will the House agree to the amendment? ] "$204,747,000.". . and insertina- The following roll call was recorded: $204,997,000. Amend See. 2, page 4, by inserting between lines 8 and 9 (xiii) Ewing Rd., Robinson Twp., Bridge Anderson Fee Livengoad Rebcr Armstrong Fischer Lloyd Rieger over on tour Creek, Arty Fleck McClatchy Salvatore I Br~dgeReplacement, Belardi Foster, W. W. Mclntyre Saurman Length Belfanci Faster, Jr., A. McManagle Serafini 0.1 Mile ...... 225,000 25,000 250,000 Belaff Frcind McVeriy Seventy Amend Sec. 4, page 32, line I I, by striking out "$204,747,000" Bittle Gallen Mackowski Showers and inserting Borski Gamble Madigan Shupnik $204,997,000 Bowser Gannon Maiale Sieminski Amend Sec. 7, page 32, line 30, by striking out "$204,747,000" Boyes Geist Manmillcr Sirianni and inserting Brand1 George Marmion Smith, B. Burd Gladeck Merry Smith, E. H $204,997,000 Burns Grabowski Michlovic Smith, L. E. On the question, Micarrie Caltagirone Greenwood Snyder Will the House agree to the amendments? Cappabianca Grieco Miller Spencer Cawley Gruitza Miscevich Stairs The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- Cessar Gruppo Moehlmann Steighner Cirnini Hagarty Morris Stevens tleman from Allegheny, Mr. Trello. Civera Haluska Mowery Stewart LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE

Mr. TRELLO. Mr. Speaker, this is a very small bridge. It is REMARKS ON VOTES very vital to the entire western part of the State of Pennsyl- vania for a minimal amount of $250,000. 1 would appreciate The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- your support. tleman from Bucks, Mr. Cordisco. Mr. CORDISCO. Mr. Speaker, on amendments 9464 and On the question recurring, 9487 to HB 2716, I was inadvertently voted in the affirmative. Will the House agree to the amendments? 1 wish to be recorded in the negative. The following roll call was recorded: The SPEAKER pro tempore. The remarks of the gentleman YEAS-160 will be spread upon the record. Anderson Durham Lloyd Rieger CONSIDERATION OF HB 2716 CONTINUED Armstrong Fargo McClatchy Salvatore Arty Fee Mclntyrc Saurman Belardi Fischer McMonagle Seraiini On the question recurring, Belfanti Foster, W. W. McVerry Seventy Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as Beloff Foster, Jr., A. Mackowski Shupnik amended? Bittle Freind Madigan Sierninski Blaum Gallagher Maiale Sirianni Mr. PITTS offered the following amendments No. A9496: Borski Gallen Manmiiler Smith, B. Bowser Gamble Marmion Smith. E. H. Amend Sec. 2, page I, line 12, by striking out "$204,747,000" Boyes Gannan Merry Smith, L. E. and inserting Brandt Geist Michlovic Snvder $204,947,000 Burd George Micorzie Spencer Amend Sec. 3, page 11, by inserting between lines 19 and 20 Burns Gladcck Miller Stairs (xiv) Franklin and Caltagirone Grabowski Miscevich Steighncr Elk Twps., Route Cappabianca Greenwood Moehlmann Stevens 841, Bridge Cawley Grieco Morris Stewart over Elk Creek, Cessar Gruitza Mowery Stuban Cimini Gruppo Mullen Swaim Bridge Replace- Cirera Hagarty Murphy Sweet ment ...... 170,000 30,000 200,000 Clark Haluska Nahili Swift Amend Sec. 4, page 32, line 11, by striking out "$204,747,000" Clymer Harper Noye Taddanio and insertineu Cochran Hasay O'Dannell Taylor, E. 2. $204,947,000 Cohen Hayes Olasz Taylor, F. E. Amend Sec. 7, page 32, line 30, by striking out "$204,747,000" Colafella Honaman Oliver Telek and inserting Cornell Horgos Pendleton Tigue $204,947,000 Coslett Hutchinson, A. Perzel Treilo Cowell ltkin Peterson Vroon On the question, Cunningham Jackson Petrarca Wachab Will the House agree to the amendments? DeMedio Johnson Petrone Wargo DeVerter Kennedy Phillips Wais The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- DeWeese Klineaman Piccola Wcnger tleman from Chester, Mr. Pitts. Daikeler ~ukavich Pistella Weston Davies Lashinger Pitts Williams. H. Mr. PITTS. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Dietz Laughlin Pott Wilson This is a bridge in my district which is closed, which would Dininni Lescovitz Pratt Wogan cost $2W,000 to rebuild. I urge support. Dombrowrki Letterman Pucciarelli Worniak Donatucci Levi Punt Wright, D. R On the question recurring, Dorr Levin Rasco Wright, J. L. Duffy Livengoad Reber Zwikl Will the House agree to the amendments? NAYS-19 The following roll call was recorded: Cordisca Heiser Rappaport Showers YEAS-151 Dawida Hoeffel Richardson Van Horne Deal lrvis Ritter Wambach Anderson Durham Liveneoad Rieger Fleck Kowalyshyn Racks Williams, 1. D Armstrong Farga ~loyd Rocks Fryer Manderino Rybak Arty Fee McClatchy Salvatore NOT VOTING-14 Belardi Flscher Mclnryre Saurrnan Belfanti Fleck McMonagle Serafin, Alden Cole Greenfield Spitz Belofi Foster, W. W. McVerry Seventy Barber Emerson Lucyk Wiggins Bittie Foster. Jr., A. Mackauski Shupnik Berson Evans Mrkonic Wright, R. C. Blaum Gallen Madigan Sieminski Brown Gray Barski Gamble Maiale Sirianni Bowser Gannon Manmiller Smith. B. EXCUSED-6 Bayes Geist Marmion Smith, E. H. Brandt George Merry Smith, L. E. Frarier Lehr Pievsky Burd Gladeck Michlovic Snyder Kolter Lewis Burns Grabowski Miller Spencer Ryan, Caltagirone Greenwood Miscevich Stairs Speaker Cappabianca Grieco Moehlmann Steighner The question was determined in the affirmative, and the Cawley Gruppo Morris Stewart Ceasar Hagarty Mowery Stuban amendments were agreed to. Cimini Haluska Murnhv Swaim Civera Harper ~ah/ll Sweet Clymer Hasay Nayc Swift LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE NOVEMBER 17,

Cochran Hayes O'Dannell Taddanio Mr. NAHILL. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Cahen Heiser Olasz Taylor, E. Z. This is for a bridge in the borough of Jenkintown. It is a Colafella Honaman Oliver Taylor. F. E. Cole Horgoa Pendleton Telek little, minimal bridge. It is only $640,000, and 1 would ask Cornell Hutchinson. A. Perzel Tigue support on this amendment. Thank you, sir. Cowell ltkin Peterson Trello Cunningham Jackson Petrarca Vroan On the question recurring, DeVerter Johnson Petrone Wachab Will the House agree to the amendments? DeWeese Kennedy Phillips Wass Daikeler Klingaman Piccola Wenger The following roll call was recorded: Davies Kukovich Pitls Weston Dietz Lashinger Pat1 Williams. H. YEAS-155 Dininni Laughlin Pratt Wogan Dambrowski Lescovilz Pucciarelli Wozniak Anderson Fargo McClatchy Rocks Donarucci Letterman Punt Wright, D. R. Armstrone Fee Mclntvre Salvatore~~ ~~~~~ Darr Levi RBSCO Wright, J. L. Arty Fischer McManagle Saurman Duffy Levin Reber Belardi Fleck McVerry Serafini Belfanti Foster, W. W. Mackowski Seventy NAYS-24 Beloff Foster, Jr., A. Madigan Shupnik Bittle Freind Maiale Sieminski Berson Fryer Manderino Showers BIaum Gallen Manmiller Sirianni Gallagher Pistella Van Horne Clark Borrki Gamble Marmion Smith. B. Gruitza Rappaport Wambach Cordisco Bowser Cannon Merry Smith. E. H. Hoeifel DeMedio Richardson Warga Boyes Geist Michlovic Smith, L. E. lrvis Ritter Williams, J. D. Dawida Brandt George Micozzie Snyder Kowalyshyn Rybak Zwikl Deal Burd Gladeck Miller Spencer NOT VOTING-18 Burns Grabowski Miicevich Stairs Caltagirone Greenwood Maehlmann Steighner Alden Evans Micozrie Stevens Cappabianca Grieco Morris Stevens Barber Freind Mrkonic Wiggins Cawley Gruppo Mowery Srewart Brown Gray Mullen Wilson Ceisar Hagarty Murphy Stuban Coslett Greenfield Spitz Wright, R. C. Cimini Haluska Nahill Swaim Emerson Lucyk Civera Harper Noye Sweet EXCUSED-6 Clark Hasay O'Donnell Swift Clymer Hayes Olasz Taddonio Frarier Lehr Pievsky Cochran Heiser Oliver Taylor, E. 2. Kolter Lewis Cohen Honaman Pendleton Taylor, F. E. Ryan, Colafella Horgos Perzel Telek Speaker Cornell Hutchinson, A. Peterson Tigue Caslett ltkin Petrarca Trello The question was determined in the affirmative, and the Cowell Jackson Petrane Vroon amendments were agreed to. Cunningham Johnson Phillips Wachob DeVerter Kennedy Piccola Wass On the question recurring, Daikeler Klingaman Pist ella Wenger Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as Davies Kukovich Pitts Weston Dietr Lashinger Patr Williams, H. amended? Dininni Laughlin Pratt Wilson Mr. NAHILL offered the following amendments No. Dambrowski Lescavitz Pucciarelli Wogan A9511: Danatucei Levi Punt Wazniak Dorr Levin Rasco Wright, D. R. Amend Sec. 2, page I, line 12, by striking out "$204,747,000" ourfy Livengood Reber Wright, J. L. and inserting- Durham Lloyd Rieger $205,387,000 Amend Sec. 3, page 25, by inserting between lines 21 and 22 (xiii) Boro. of Berson Fryer Mullen Van Horne Jenkintown. Cole Gallagher Rappapart Wambach Cordisco Gruitza Richardson Warga Jenkintown Rd., DeWeese lrvis Ritrer Williams, J. D L.R.A5463. Dawida Kowalyshyn Rybak Zwikl Bridge ~eplace. Deal Manderino Showers ment, Length NOT VOTING-I5 0.1 Mile ...... 500,000 40,000 100,000 640,000 Amend Sec. 4, page 32, line I I, by striking out "$204,747,000" Alden Emerson Hoeffel .-~~-Snirr and inserting Barber Evans Letterman Wiggins $205,387,000 Brown Gray Lucyk Wright, R. C. Amend Sec. 7, page 32, line 30, by striking out "$204,747,000" DeMedio Greenfield Mrkonic and inserting $205,387,000 Frazier Lehr Pievsky On the question, Kolter Lewis Will the House agree to the amendments? Ryan. Speaker The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- tleman from Montgomery, Mr. Nahill. The question was determined in the affirmative, and the amendments were agreed to. 1982 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE 1969

On the question recurring, DeVerter Johnson Piccola Wachob Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as Ilaikclcr Kennedy Pist eila Wass Davies Klingaman Pills Wenger amended? Dietz Kukavich Port Weitan Mr. NAHILL offered the following amendments No. Dininni Larhingei Prau Wilson A9512: Dambrowski Laughlin Pucciarelli Wagan Donatucci Lescovitz Punt Wozniak Amend Sec. 2. .Daee - 1. line 12. bv striking out "$204,747,000" Dorr Levi Rasco Wright, D. R. and inserting Duffy Levin Rebei Wright, 1. L. $206.454.000 NAYS-25 Amend Sec. 3; page 25, by inserting between lines 21 and 22 (xiii) L.R.197, Berson Gallagher Mandeiina Showerr Cole Gruitza Mullen Van Horne 7.~:73, Spring- Cordisco Hoeffel Rappaport Wambach Field Twp., DcWeesc lrvis Richardson Warga Church Rd., Dawida Koualyihyn Ritler Williams, J. D. Widen Underpass Deal Lucvk Rvbak Zwikl Plymouth Branch Fryer of Reading NOT VOTING-16 Railroad, Length 0.1 Mile ...... 1,078,000 535,000 94,000 1,707,000 Alden Emerson Lctterman Spitz Amend Sec. 4, page 32, line l I, by striking out "$204,747,000" Barber Evans Miscevich Wiggins and inserting Brown Gray Mrkonic Williams, H. $206,454,000 DeMedio Greenfield O'Donnell Wright, R. C EXCUSED-6 Amend Sec. 7, ~Dage - 32, line 30, by striking out "$204,747,000" and inserting $206,454,000 Frazier Lehr Picvsky Kolter Lewis On the question, Ryan, Will the House agree to the amendments? Speaker The question was determined in the affirmative, and the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- tleman from Montgomery, Mr. Nahill. amendments were agreed to. Mr. NAHILL. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. On the question recurring, This is for a very treacherous part of one of the main thor- Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as oughfares in my district. We want to widen the underpass amended? below a railroad bridge, and we are talking about $1.7 Mr. LAUGHLlN offered the following amendments No. million, sir. A9521: On the question recurring, I Amend Sec. 2, page I, line 12, by striking out "$204,747,000" Will the-~ouseagree to the amendments? I and insertine $207,877,000 The following roll call was recorded: I Amend Sec. 3, Dage 4. bv insertinr, between lines 8 and 9 (2.1) Allegheny county and YEAS-152 1 I Beaver County Anderson Durham Livengood Rieger (i) Ambridge aid Leetsdale Armstrong Fargo Lloyd Rocks Boros., Merchant St. and Arty Fee McClatchy Salvatore Beaver Rd., Bridge over Big Belardi Fischer Mclntyre Saurman Sewicklev Creek, Bridge Belfanti Fleck McMonagle Serafini Replace- Beloff Foster, W. W. McVerry Seventy ment...... Bittle Foster, Jr., A. Mackawski Shupnik Amend Sec. 3, page4, by inserting between lines 37 and 28 Blaum Freind Madigan Sieminiki Boriki Gallen Maiale Sirianni (iv) Aliquippa Boro., Bauser Gamble Manmiller Smith, B. Main St., Bridge over Boyes Gannon Marmian Smith. E. H. Ravine, Bridge Brandt Geist Merry Smith, L. E. Replace- Burd George Michlovic Snyder ment ...... Burns Gladeck Micozrie Spencer (v) Darlington Twp., Caltagirone Grabowski Miller Stairs Route 168, Bridge over Cappabianca Greenwood Moehlmann Steighner Little Beaver Creek, Cawley Grieca Morris Stevens Bridge Replace- Cessar Gruppo Mowery Stewart Cimini Hagarty Murphy Stuban ment ...... Civera Haluska Nahill Swaim (vi) L.R.04032, Chippewa Clark Harper Naye Sweet Twp., Bridge over Clymer Hasay Olasr Swift North Branch of Brady's Cochran Hayes Oliver Taddonio Run Creek, Bridge Cohen Heiser Pendletan Taylor. E. Z. Rehahili- Colafella Honaman Perzel Taylor, F. E tation ...... 50,000 Cornell Horgos Peterson Telek Amend Sec. 4, page 32, line I I, by striking out "$204,747,000" Coslett Hutchinson, A. Petrarca Tigue and inserting Cowell ltkin Petrone Trello Cunningham Jackson Phillips Vraon $207,877,000 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE NOVEMBER 17,

Amend Sec. 7, page 32, line 30, by striking out "$204,747,000" Hoeffel Rappaport and inserting NOT VOTING-12 $207.877.000,~ , Alden Dawida Gray O'Donnell On the question, Barber Emerson Greenfield Spitz Will the House agree to the amendments? Brown Evans Miscevich Wiggins The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- tleman from Beaver, Mr. Laughlin. Frarier Lehr Pievsky Mr. LAUGHLIN. Mr. Speaker, this particular amendment Kolter Lewis Ryan, takes care of Mr. Cessar's area of the county as well as Mr. Speaker Pott's and my own in Allegheny and Beaver Counties, and also a number of other Representatives throughout the area. I The question was determined in the affirmative, and the ask an affirmative vote, Mr. Speaker. amendments were agreed to. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- On the question recurring, tleman from Erie, Mr. Dombrowski. Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as Mr. DOMBROWSKI. Would the gentleman from Beaver amended? be so kind as to tell us the cost of that amendment? Mr. VROON offered the following amendments No. Mr. LAUGHLIN. Mr. Speaker, approximately $3,130,000. A9522: On the question recurring, I Amend Sec. 2, page 1, line 12 by striking out "$204,747,000" Will the House agree to the amendments? and inserting $205,844,000 The following roll call was recorded: Amend Sec. 3, page 10, line 5 by striking out all of said line and inserting 1-810347...... 540,000 60,000 600,000 Anderson Durham Livengood Rocks Amend Sec. 3, page l I, by inserting between lines 19 and 20 Armstrang Fargo Lloyd Salvatore (xiv) L.R.15017, Arlv Fee Lucyk Saurman Chesterville Rd.. Fischer McClatchy Serafini Bridge over ~iddle Belfanti Fleck Mclntyre Seventy Branch of White Clay Beloff Foster, W. W. McMonagle Shupnik Creek, Franklin Twp., Bittle Foster, Jr., A. McVerry Sieminski Blaum Freind Mackowqki Sirianni Bridge Replacement, Barski Gallagher Madigan Smith, B. Length Bawser Gallen Maiale Smith, E. H. 0.1 Mile ...... 200,000 75,000 20,000 295,000 Boyes Gamble Manmiller Smith, L. E. (xv) Pa.272, Brandt Gannon Marmion Snvder L.R.15007. Christine Burd Geist Merry Spencer Rd., ridge over Burns George Michlovic Stairs Octoraro Rail,, Caltagirone Gladeck Micozrie Steighner West Nottingham Twp., Cappabianca Grabowski Miller Stevens Bridee Renlacement. Cawley Greenwood Moehlmann Stewart Cessar Grieco Morris Stuban ~enGh ' Cimini Gruitza Mowery Swaim 0.1 Mile ...... 200,000 20,000 220,000 Civera Gruppo Mrkanic Sweet Amend Sec. 4, page 32, line I I by striking out "$204,747,000" Clark Hagarty Murphy Swift and inserting" Clymer Haluika Nahill Taddonio $205,844,000 Cochran Harper Noye Taylor, E. Z. Amend Sec. 7, page 32, line 30 by striking out "$204,747,000" Cahen Hasay Olasz Taylor, F. E. and inserting Colafella Hayes Oliver Teiek $205,844,000 Cole Heiser Pendleton Tigue Cornell Honaman Perzel Trello On the auestion. Coslett Horsos Peterson Vroon Will the House agree to the amendments? Cowell Hutchinsan, A. Petrarca Wachob Cunningham ltkin Petrone Wargo The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- DeMedio Jackson Phillips Wass tleman from Chester, Mr. Vroon. DeVerter Johnson Piccola Wenger DeWeese Kennedy Pist ella Westan Mr. VROON. Mr. Speaker, this is another one of those Daikeler Klingaman Pitts Wilson very desperate cases where bridges are ready to fall down and Davies Kukavich Pott Wogan people's lives are being endangered. It surely is very needy, Dietz Lashinger Pratt Wo~niak Dininni Laughlin Pucciarelli and 1 implore everybody to vote for it. Dombrowski Lescovitz Punt Wrighl: J. L. This has not been distributed yet, apparently. It is A9522. 1 Donatucci Letrerman Rasco Wright, R. C. have not seen it distributed yet. Dorr Levi Reber Zwikl Duffy Levin Rieger The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- NAYS-I8 tleman from Erie, Mr. Dombrowski. Mr. DOMBROWSKI. Would the gentleman, Mr. Vroon, Berson lrvis Richardson Van Horne Cordisco Kowalyshyn Rirrer Wambach consent to brief interrogation? Deal Manderino Rybak Williams. H. Fryer Mullen Showers Williams, I. D 1982 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE 1971

The SPEAKER pro tempore. He indicates that he will. The EXCUSED-6 gentleman may proceed. Frarier Lehr Pievsky Mr. DOMBROWSKI. Mr. Speaker, would you just kind of K~I~~~I.ewis give us the cost of that amendment? Ryan. Speaker We do not have the amendment. We are passing them with such rapidity the messengers cannot get them out, so I would The question was determined in ihe affirmative, and the like to know the cost of it. amendments were agreed to. Mr. VROON. It is about $1,015,000all told. On the question recurring, Mr. DOMBROWSKI. Thank you. Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as On the question recurring, amended? Will the House agree to the amendments? Mr. LETTERMAN offered the following amendments No. A9519: The following roll call was recorded: Amend Sec. 2, page I, line 12, by striking out "$204,747,000" YEAS-151 and inserting Anderson Fischcr Mclntyre Salkatore $206,013,000 Armstrong Fleck McMonagle Saurman Amend Sec. 3, page 13, by inserting between lines 2 and 3 Arty Faster, W. W. McVerry Seiafini (ii) Beech Creek Belardi Foster. Ir., A. Mackowrki Seventy Twp., T.R.325, Bridge Bittle Freind Madigan Shupnik 1.5 Miles South of Blaum Gallen Maiale Sieminski L.R.219 ...... 1,000,000 50,000 150,000 1,200,000 Borski Gannon hlanmillei Sirianni (iii) L.R.18039, Bowser Geirt Mar mion Smith, B. Boyes George Merry Smith, E. H. Stat. 82+ 14, Brandt Gladeck Michlovic Smith, L. E. Dunstable Twp., Burd Grabowski Micozrie Snyder Bridge Replace- Burns Greenwood Miller Spencer ment ...... 51,000 5,000 10,000 66,000 Caltagirone Grieco Moehlmann Stairs Amend Sec. 4, page 32, line I I, by striking out "$204,747,000" Cappabianca Gruppo Morris Steighrici and inserting Cawley Hagarty Mowery Stevenc $206,013,000 Cessar Haluska Mrkonic Stewart Amend Sec. 7, page 32, line 30, by striking out "$204,747,000" Cimini Harper Murphy Stuban and inserting Civera Hasay Nahill Swaim Clymer Hayes Noye Sweet $206,013,000 Cochran Heiser Olaiz Swift On the question, Cahen Honaman Oliver Taddonio Will the House agree to the amendments? Colafella Horgos Pendleton Taylor, E. 2. Corneil Hutchinson, A. Perzei Taylor, F. E. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- Coslett ltkin Peterson Telek Cowell Jackson Petrarca Tigue tleman from Centre, Mr. Letterman. Cunningham Johnson Petrone Trello Mr. LETTERMAN. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. DeVerter Kennedy Phillips Vroan Mr. Speaker, this is for two bridges in Clinton County that Daikeler Klingaman Piccola Wachob Davies Kukovich Pistella Wass would total $1.2 million. Dietz Lashinger Pitts Wenger On the question recurring, Dininni Laughlin Pot1 Weston Dombrowski Lescovitr Pratt Wilson Will the House agree to the amendments? Donatucci Letterman Pucciarelli Wogan Dorr Levi Punt Wozniak The following roll call was recorded: Duffy Levin Rasco Wright. D. R. YEAS-164 Durham Livengood Reber Wright, J. L. Fargo Lloyd Rieger Wright. R. C. Anderson Fargo Lloyd Rocks Fee McClatchy Rocks Armstrong Fee Lucyk Salvatore NAYS-32 Any Fischer McClatchy Saurman Barber Fleck Mclntyre Serafini Barber DeWeese Kowalyshyn Showers Belardi Foster, W. W. McManagle Seventy Belfanti Dawida Lucyk Van Horne Beloff Foster, Ir., A. McVrrry Shupnik Belaff Deal Manderino Wambach Bittle Freind Mackowski Sieminrki Berson Fryer Mullen Wargo Blaum Gallagher Madigan Sirianni Clark Gallagher Rappaport Wiggini Borski Gailen Maiale Smith, B. Cole Gruitza Richardson Williams, H. Bowser Gamble Manmiller Smith, E. H. Cordisca Haeffel Ritter Williams, I. D. Boyer Cannon Mar mion Smith, L. E. DeMedio lrvis Rybak Zwikl Brand1 Geist Merry Snyder NOT VOTING-10 Burd George Michlovic Spencer Burns Gladeck Micorrie Spitr Alden Evans Greenfield O'Donnell Caltagirane Grabowski Miller Stairs Brown Gamble Miscevich Spitr Cappabianca Greenwood Miscevich Steighner Emerson Gray Carley Giieca Maehlmann Stevens Cessar Gruitza Morris Stewart Cimini Gruppo Mawery Stuban Civera Hagarty Murphy Swaim Clark Haluska Nahill Sweet Clymer Harper Noye Swift LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE NOVEMBER 17,

Cochran Hasay O'Donnell Taddonio section with L.R.359, Cohen Haycs Olasz Taylor, E. Z. Bridge Replace- Colafella Heiser Oliver Taylor, F. E. ment ...... 500,000 5,000 50,000 555;000 Cole Honaman Pendletan Telek Amend Sec. 4, page 32, line 11 by striking out "$204,747,000" Cornell Hargas Pcrrel Tigue and inserting Coslett Hutchinson, A. Peterson Trello Cawell ltkin Petrarca Vroon $210,240,000 Cunningham Jackson Petrone Wachob Amend Sec. 7, page 32, line 30 by striking out "$204,747,000" DeMedio Johnson Phillips Wargo and inserting DeVerter Kennedy Piccola Wass $210,240,000 DeWeese Klingaman Pistella Wenger On the question, Daikeler Kukavich Pitts Weston Davies Lashinger Pot1 Wilson Will the House agree to the amendments? Dietr Lauehlin Pratt Wogan Dombrawski Lescovitz Pucciarelli Wazniak The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- Donatucci Letterman Punt Wright, D. R. tleman from Centre, Mr. Letterman. Dorr Levi Rasco Wright, J. L. Mr. LETTERMAN. Mr. Speaker, this is for six different Duffy Levin Reber Wright, R. C. Durham Livenaood Riegel Zwikl bridges in Centre County totaling $5.6 million. By the way, Mr. Speaker, all of them have reduced quotas of 4 ton. We have a lot of big trucks running around up there. We need Belfanti Evans Mullen Van Harne these very badly. Berson Frver Rao~aoart Wambach Cordisca ~ieffel ~ifhardsan Wiggins On the question recurring, Dawida lrvis Ritter Williams, H. Deal Kawalyshyn Rybak Williams, J. D. Will the House agree to the amendments? Dininni Manderino Showers The following roll call was recorded: NOT VOTING-6 YEAS-153 Alden Emerson Greenfield Mrkonic Brown Gray Anderson Duffy Livengood Racks EXCUSED-6 Armstrong Durham Lloyd Salvatore Arty Fee McClatchy Saurman Frazier Lehr Pievsky Barber Fischer Mclntyre Serafini Kolter Lewis Belardi Foster, W. W. McManagle Seventy Ryan, Beloff Faster, Jr., A. Mackowski Shupnik Speaker Bittle Freind Madigan Sieminski Blaum Gallagher Maiale Smith, B. The question was determined in the affirmative, and the Borski Gallen Merry Smith. E. H. amendments were agreed to. Bowser Gamble Michlavic Smith, L. E. BOY~S Gannon Micorrie Snvder On the question recurring, Brand1 Geist Miller Spencer Burd George Miscevich Spitz Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as Burns Gladeck Moehlmann Stairs amended? Caltagirone Grabowrki Morris Steighner Mr. LETTERMAN offered the following amendments No. Cappabianca Greenwood Mowery Stevens Cawley Grieco Murphy Stewart A9520: Cessar Gruitza Nahill Stuban Amend Bill, page I, line 12 by striking out "$204,747,000" Cimini Gruppo Noye Swaim Civera Hagarty O'Dannell Sweet and inserting- Clark Haluska Oiasz Swift $210,240,000 Clymer Harper Oliver Taylor. E. Z. Amend Sec. 3. oaee 9. bv insertine- between lines 22 and 23 Cochran Hasay Pendleton Taylor, F. E. (iii) ~.~.219,'~:~.144, Cohen Hayes Perrel Telek Stat. 193 + 14, Bridge. Calafella Honaman Peterson Tigue Replace- Cole Horgoa Petrarca Trello ment ...... 955,000 140,000 120,000 1,215,000 Cornell Hutchinson, A. Petrone Vroon (iv) Rt.219 Parallel, Coslett ltkin Phillips Wachob Extension to Pa.150 Cowell Jackson Pistella Wass Cunningham over Bald Eagle Creek, Johnson Pitts Wenger DeMedio Kennedy Pott Weston New Bridge Construc- DeVener Klingaman Pratt Wilson tion ...... 2,645,000 50,000 230,000 2,925,000 DeWeese Kukovich Pucciarelli Wogan (v) L.R.14009, Stat. Daikeler Lashineer Punt Wozniak 834 + 40. Bridee- Re- Davies Laughlin Rappaport Wright. D. R. placement .... 282,000 5,000 28,000 315,000 Dietz Lescovitz Rasca Wright, J. L. (vi) L.R.14009, Dombrowski Letterman Rebcr Wright. R. C. Stat. 843 + 11, Bridge Donatucci Zwikl Re~lace- Darr ment ...... 318,000 5,000 32,000 355,000 (vii) L.R.14009, Stat. 965 16, Bridge Belfanti Fryer Manderina Showers + Berson Heiser Manmiller Sirianni Replace- Cordisco Haeffel Marmion Taddonio ment ...... 78,000 5,000 10,000 93,000 Dawida lrvis Mullen Van Horne (viii) Curtin Twp., Deal Kowalyshyn Piccola Wambach T.R.489 near inter- Dininni Levi Richardson Wiggins LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE

p~~ Fargo Lucyk Ritter Williams, H. Clark Hasay Noye Stuban Fleck McVerry Rybak Williams, J. D Clymer Hayes 0'Donnell Swaim NOT VOTING-8 Cochran Heiser Olasz Sweet Cohen Honaman Oliver Swift Alden Emerson Gray Mrkanic Colafella Hargoi Pendletan Taddonia Brown Evans Greenfield Wargo Cornell Hutchinsan, A. Perzel Taylor. F. E Coslett ltkin Peterson Telek EXCUSED-6 Cowell Jackson Petrarca Tieue Cunningham Johnson Pelrone T~~IIO Frarier Lehr Pievsky DeVertei Kennedy Phillips vroon Kolter Lewis Daikeler Klingaman Piccala Wass Ryan, Davies Kukovich Pist ella Wenger Speaker Dietz Lashinger Pitts Weitan The question was determined in the affirmative, and the Dininni Laughlin P~tt Wilson Dombiowaki Lescavitr Pratt Wogan amendments were agreed to. Donatucci Letterman Pucciarelli Wozniak On the question recurring, Darr Levi Punt Wright, D. R. Duffy Levin Rasco Wright. J. L. Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as Durham Livengood Reber Wright, R. C. amended? Fargo Lloyd Mr. PETERSON offered the following amendments No. A9523: Belfanti Fryer Mullen Wachob Amend amendments. Dace I. line 15. by striking out Bersan Gallagher Rappaport Wambach . . . . Cole George Richardson Warga "$844,969,000" and inserting Cardisco Hoeffel Ritter Wiggins $847.427.000. . DeMedio lrvis Rybak Williams, H. Amend amendments, page 1, line 22, by striking out DeWeese Kowalyshyn Showers Williams, J. D. "$693,550,000" and inserting Dawida Lucyk Van Harne Zwikl $696,008,000 Deal Mandcrina Amend amendments... oase - 90. line 38. by strikina out all of NOT said line and inserting Mile ...... 2,885,000 Alden Emerson Gray McVerry Amend amendments, page 102, line 12, by striking out Belaff Evans Greenfield Taylor, E. Z "$693,550,000" and inserting Brawn $696,008,000 EXCUSED-6 Amend amendments, page 102, line 24, by striking out "$693,550,000" and inserting Frazier Lehr Pievsky $696,008,000 Kolter Lewis Ryan, On the question, Speaker Will the House agree to the amendments? The question was determined in the affirmative, and the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- amendments were agreed to. tleman from Venango, Mr. Peterson. On the question recurring, Mr. PETERSON. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as This is a technical amendment. It just changes the figures amended? on one of the bridges that was already in the program. 1 ask Mr. DAVIES offered the following amendments No. for my colleagues' support. A9476: On the question recurring, Amend Sec. 2, page I, line 12, by striking out "$204,747,000" Will the House agree to the amendments? and insertine $206,097,000 The following roll call was recorded: Amend Sec. 3. Daee 5. bv insertine between lines 29 and 30 YEAS-154 Tilden Two. over Anderson Fee McClatchy Rieger Mill creek', Armstrong Fischer Mclntyre Rocks Bridge Replace- Arty Fleck McMonagle Salvatore ment, Length 0.1 Barber Foster, W. W. Mackowrki Saurman Mile...... Belardi Foster, Jr., A. Madigan Serafini Bittle Frcind Maiale Seventy (ix) L.R.1035, Spring Blaum Gallen Manmillcr Shupnik & Bern Twps. over Borski Gamble Mar mion Sieminski Tulpenhocken Creek, Bowser Gannon Merry Sirianni Bridge Rehabilita- Boves Geist Michlovic Smith, B. tion. Length- 0.2 ~randt Gladeck Micaczie Smith, E. H Mile...... Burd Grabowski Miller Smith, L. E. (x) 1-78. Tilden Burns Greenwood Miscevich Snyder ~kp.& Hamburg Caltagirone Grieco Moehlmann Spencer Boro. over Schuyl- Cappabianca Gruitza Morris Spitr Cawley Gruppo Mowery Stairs kill River, Bridge ~essa; Hagarty Mrkanic Steighner Rehabilitation, Length Cimini Haluska Murphy Stevens 0.5 Mile ...... Civera Harper Nahill Stewart LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE NOVEMBER 17,

Amend Sec. 4, page 32, line 11, by striking out "204,747,000" 1 NOT VOTING-9 and inserting $206,097,000 Alden Brown Evans Greenfield Amend Sec. 7, page 32, line 30, t)v . striking- out "$204,747,000" Barber- . ". Emerson Gray McVerry and inserting $206,097,000 On the question, Frarier I.ehi Pievsky Will the House agree to the amendments? Kolter Lewis Ryan, The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- Speaker tleman from Berks, Mr. Davies. The question was determined in the affirmative, and the Mr. DAVIES. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. amendments were agreed to. These are three bridges in Berks County, a replacement and On the question recurring, two other rehabilitations at $1.35 million. Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as On the question recurring, amended? Will the House agree to the amendments? Mr. DAVIES offered the following amendments No. The following roll call was recorded: A9479: YEAS-158 Amend Sec. 2, page I, line 12, by striking out "$204,747,000" and inserting Anderson Fischer Mclntvre Salvatore ...... $205 ox7 onn Armstrong Fleck McMhagle Saurman Amend Sec. 3, page 5, by inserting between lines 29 and 30 Arty Faster, W. W. Mackowski Serafini (viii) Rt.183, Bern Belardi Foster, Ir., A. Madigan Seventy Twp., Bridge over Plum Bittle Freind Maialc Shupnik Blaum Fryer Manmiller Sieminiki Creek, Bridge Rehabili- Borski Gallen Marmion Sirianni tation, Length 0.1 Bawser Gamble Merry Smith. B. Mile ...... Boves Gannan Michlavic Smith. E. H. (is) T.R.422. Lower ~randt smith; L. E. Heidelberg & South Burd George Miller Snyder Heidelberg Twps., Burns Gladeck Miscevich Spencer Bridge over Spring Caltagirane Grabowski Moehlmann Spitr Creek, Bridge Reha- Cappabianca Greenwood Morris Stairs bilitation. Leneth Cawley Grieco Mowery Steighner u Cessar Gruppa Mrkonic Stevens 0.1 Mile ...... Cimini Hagarty Murphy Stewart (x) T.R.183 (L.R. Civera Haluska Nahill Stuban 3i0~),upper' Tulpen- Clark Harper Noye Swaim hocken Twp., Bridge Clymer Hasay O'Donnell Sweet over 1-78, Bridge Re- Cochran Hayes Olasz Swift habilitation. Lennth Cahen Heiser Oliver Taddonio 0.2 Mile ...... Calafella Honaman Pendleton Taylor. E. Z. (xi) L.R.06050 Cornell Horgas Perzel ail or, F. E. (station 95 +36). Coslett Hutchinson, A. Peterson Telek Cowell ltkin Petrarca Tigue Heidelberg Twp., Bridge Cunningham Jackson Petrone Trello over Tulpenhocken DeMedia Johnson Phillips Vroon Creek, Bridge Rehabil- DeVerter Kennedy Piccola Wachob itation, Length 0.1 Daikelcr Klingaman Pistclla Wass Mile...... Davies Kukovich Pitts Wengcr (xii) L.R.06050 Dietr Lashinger Pott Westan (Station 123 +lo), Dininni Laughlin Pratt Williams. H. Heidelberg Twp., Dombrowski Lescovitz Pucciarelli Wilson Bridge over Tulpen- Donatucci Letterman Punt Wogan Dorr Levi Rasco Wozniak hocken Creek, Bridge Duffy Levin Reber Wright, D. R. Rehabilitation, Length Durham Livengoad Rieger Wright, J. L. 0.2 Mile ...... 125,000 Farga Lloyd Rocks Wright, R. C. Amend Sec. 4, page 32, line I I, by striking out "$204,747,000" Fee McClatchy and insertine- NAYS-26 $205,087,000 Amend Sec. 7... oaae - 32.. line 30.. bv. strikine- out "$204.747.000" Belfanti Gallagher Mullen Van Harne and inserting Berron Gruitza Rappaport Wambach $205,087,000 Cole Hocffel Richardson Wargo Cordisco lrvis Ritter Wiggins On the question, DeWeese Kowalyshyn Rybak Williams, I. D. Will the House agree to the amendments? Dawida Lucyk Showers Zwikl Deal Manderino The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- tleman from Berks. Mr. Davies. LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE

Mr. DAVIES. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. On the question recurring, This would be for the rehabilitation of five bridges in Berks Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as County for a total of $340,000. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. amended? On the question recurring, Mr. LAUGHLIN offered the following amendments No. Will the House agree to the amendments? A9517: The following roll call was recorded: Amend Sec. 2, page 1, line 12, by striking out "$204,747,000" and inserting $214,012,000 Amend Sec. 3, page 4, by inserting between lines 27 and 28 Anderson Fleck Mclntyrc Salvatore (iv) Brighton Twp., Armstrong Foster, W. W. McMonagle Saurman T-513, Bridge over Arty Foster, Jr., A. Mackowski Serafini Belardi Freind Madigan Seventy Muddlick Creek, Bittle Fryer Maiale Shupnik Bridge Replace- Blaum Gallen Manmiller Sieminiki ment ...... 150,000 Borski Gamble Marmion Sirianni (v) Brighton Twp., Bowser Cannon Mcrry Smith, B. T-513, Bridge over Boyes Geist Michlovic Smith, E. H. Muddlick Creek, Brandt George Micozric Smith, L. E. Bridge Replace- Burd Gladeck Miller Snyder ment ...... Burns Grabowski Miscevich Spencer (vi) Brighton Twp., Callagirone Greenwood Maehlmann Spitz Cappabianca Crieco Morris Stairs T-432, Bridge over Cawley Gruitra Moweiy Stelghner Six Mile Run, Cersar Gruppo Mrkanic Stevens Bridge Replace- Cimini Hagarty Murphy Stewart ment ...... Civera Haiuska Nahill Stuban (vii) Brighton Twp., Clark Hasay Noye Swaim T-535, Bridge over Clymer Hayes O'Donnell Sweet Brady's Run Trib., Cochran Heiser Olasz Swift Bridge Replacc- Colafella Honaman Oliver Taddonio ment...... Cornell Hoigoi Pendleton Taylor, E. Z. (viii) Center Twp., Coslett Hutchinson. A. Perzel Taylor. F. E. Cunningham ltkin Peterson Telek T-485, Bridge over DeMedia Jackson Pctrarca Tigue Elkhorn Run, DeVerter Johnson Petrone Trello Bridge Replace- Daikeler Kennedy Phillips Vroon ment...... Davies Klingaman Piccola Wachob (ix) Center Twp., Dietz Kukovich Pistclla Wass T-491, Bridge over Dininni Lashinger Pitts Wenger Elkhorn Run, Dombrowski Laughlin Pott Weiton Bridge Replace- Donatucci Lescovitr Pratt Wilson Dorr Letterman Pucciarelli Wogan ment ...... Duffy Levi Punt Wuzniak (x) Rochester Twp., Durham Levin Rasco Wright, D. R. Adams St., Bridge Fargo Livengood Reber Wright, I. L. over Lacock Run, Fee Lloyd Rieger Wright, R. C. Bridge Rehabili- Fischer McClatchy Rocks tation...... (xi) Economy Boro., T-606, Bridge over Barber Dawida Lucyk Showers Tevebaugh Run, Belfanti Deal Manderino Van Horne Bridge Replace- Berson Gallagher Mullen Wambach ment...... Cahen Harper Rappaport Wargo (xii) Economy Boro., Cole Hoeffel Richardson Wiggins Cordisco lrvis Ritter Williams, J. D. T-606, Bridge over Cowell Kawaiyihyn Rybak Zwikl Tevebaugh Run, DeWeese Bridge Replace- NOT VOTING-9 ment ...... (xiii) Economy Boro., Alden Emerson Gray McVerry T-606, Bridge over Beloff Evans Greenfield Williams, H. Tevebaugh Run, Brown Bridge Rehabili- tation ...... (xiv) Economy Frazier Lehr Pievsky Boro., T-646, Kolter Lewis Bridge over Ryan, Speaker Sewickley Creek, Bridge Replace- auestion was determined in the affirmative, and the ment...... amendments were agreed to (xv) Fallston Boro., Access Rd., Bridge over Brady's Run, Bridge Replace- LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE NOVEMBER 17, ment ...... ment ...... 150,000 (xvi) Franklin TwD.. (xxix) Rochester T-6j5, Bridge over Twp., T-521, Camp's Run, Bridge Bridge over Replace- Dutchman's Run, ment ...... Bridge Replace- (xvii) Greene Twp., ment ...... 250,000 T-452, Bridge over (xxx) New Sewickley Pegg's Run, Bridge Twp., Willomere Replace- Park Rd., Bridge ment ...... over Brush Creek, (xviii) Greene Twp., Bridge Replace- Polecat Hollow ment ...... 500,000 Rd., Bridge over (xxxi) Ohioville Pegg's Run, Bridge Boro., T-531, Renlace- Bridge over ment...... Bieler's Run, (xix) Greene TwP., Bridge Replace- T-367, Bridge over ment...... 250,000 Service Creek, (xxxii) Raccoon Twp., Bridge Replace- T-381, Bridge over ment...... Service Run Trib., (xx) Hanover Twp., Bridge Replace- T-303, Bridge over ment...... 150,000 North Lawrence (xxxiii) Raccoon Run, Bridge Replace- Twp., T-367, ment...... Bridge over (xxi) Hopewell Twp., Service Creek, T-556, Bridge over Bridge Replace- Trampmill Run, ment ...... 260,000 Bridge Replace- (xxxiv) Rochester ment ...... Twp., Pennsylvania (xxii) Independence Ave., Bridge over Twp., T-315, Bridge McKinley's Run, over Raccoon Creek, Bridge Replace- Bridge Replace- ment ...... 200,000 ment ...... (xxxv) South Beaver (xxiii) Independence Twp., T-599, Twp., T-319, Bridge Bridge over over Raccoon Creek, Painter's Run, Bridge Replace- Bridge Replace- ment ...... ment...... 220,000 (xxiv) lndependence (xxxvi) South Beaver Twp., T-514, Bridge Twp., T-581, over Raccoon Creek Bridge over Trib., Bridge Replace- Brush Run, ment ...... Bridge Replace- (xxv) Independence ment...... 125,000 Twp., T-544, (xxxvii) South t ridge over Beaver Twp., Raredon Run, T-597, Bridge over Bridge Replace- Painter's Run, ment ...... Bridge Replace- (xxvi) New Sewickley ment ...... 125,000 Twp., T-493, Amend Sec. 4, page 32, line 1I, by striking out "$204,747,000" Bridge over and inserting Crow's Run, Bridge $214,012,000 Renlace- Amend Sec. 7, page 32, line 30, by striking out "$204,747,000" ment ...... and inserting (xxvii) New Sewickley $214,012,000 Twp., T-549, On the question, Bridge over Brush Creek, Will the House agree to the amendments? Bridge Replace- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- ment ...... tleman from Beaver, Mr. Laughlin. (xxviii) New Sewickley Twp., T-549, Mr. LAUGHLIN. Mr. Speaker, with this amendment we Bridge over hope to get the United States Steel Fabricating Company back Brush Creek Branch, to work in Beaver County putting together and fabricating Bridge Replace- these bridges. I ask for your support. LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE

The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- The question was determined in the affirmative, and the tleman from Erie, Mr. Dombrowski. amendments were agreed to. Mr. DOMBROWSKI. Mr. Speaker, would the maker of On the question recurring, the amendment be kind enough to give us a price tag? Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as Mr. LAUGHLIN. Mr. Speaker, I certainly would like to amended? respond to that. It is approximately $3.5 million. I am glad Mr. COSLETT offered the following amendment No. that Mr. Dombrowski isawareof that. Thank you, sir. A9514: On the question recurring, Amend Sec. 3, page 22, by inserting between lines 29 and 30 Will the House agree to the amendments? (vii) L.R.232, Conrail The following roll call was recorded: Bridge, Exeter Twp...... 750,000 (viii) L.R.401 17, Bridge across Susque- Anderson Durham Lloyd Rocks hanna River between Armsrrong Fargo Lucyk Salvatore Wyoming Boro. and Arty Fcc McClatchy Saurman Belardi Fircher Mclntyre Serafini Plain5 Twp., Bridge Belfanti Foster. W. W. McMonagle Seventy Rehabili- tatlon ...... 850,000 Bersan Foster.. Jr.., A. Mackawski Shuonik Bittle Freind Madigan Sicminski On the question, Blaum Gallagher Maiaie Sirianni Borski Gallen Manmiller Smith, B. Will the House agree to the amendment? Bawser Gamble Merry Smith, E. H. Bayei Cannon Michlovic Smith, L. E. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- Brandt Geist Micazzie Snvder tleman from Luzerne, Mr. Coslett. Burd George Miller Spencer Mr. COSLETT. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Burns Gladeck Miscevich Spitz Caltagirone Grabawski Moehlmann Stairs We have a Conrail bridge in Exeter Township which our Cappabianca Greenwood Morris Steighner trailer trucks cannot get through. The estimated cost is Cawlcy Grieco Mowery Stewart $750,000. We also have a bridge across the Susquehanna Cessar Gruirza Mrkonic Stuban Cimini Gruppo Murphy Swaim River between Wyoming Borough and Plains Township, reha- Civera Hagarty Nahill Sweet bilitation for $850,000. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Clark Halurka Noye Swift Clymer Harper O'Donnell Taddonio On the question recurring, Cochran Hasay Olasz Taylor, E. Z. Will the House agree to the amendment? Cohen Hayes Oliver Taylor, F. E. Calafella Honaman Pendletan Telek The following roll call was recorded: Cole Hargos Percei Tigue

Cornell~ ~ Hutchinsan. A. Peterson Trello Coslett ltkin Petrarca Vroon Cawell Jackson Petrone Wargo I Anderson Fee McClatchy Salvatore Cunningham Johnson Phillips Was Aimstrong Fischcr Mclntyre Saurman DeMedio Kennedy Piccola Wenger Arty Fleck McMonagle Serafini DeWeese Klingaman Pistella Weston Belardi Foiter, W. W. Mackawski Seventy Belfanti Daikeler Kukarich Pitts Williams, H. Foster, Jr., A. Madigan Shupnik Blaum Freind Davies Lashinger Pot[ Wilson Maiale Sieminski Borski Dietz Laughlin Pratt Wogan Gallen Manmiller Sirianni Dininni Lescovitr Pucciarelli Worniak Bowser Gamble Marmion Smith. B, Dombrowski Letterman Punt Wright. D. R. Gannon Merrv Smith, E. H. Donatucci Levi Raico Wright, J. L. ~randt Geia Michlovic Smith, L. E. Burd Gladeck Micorrie Darr Levin Reber Wright, R. C. Snyder Burns Duff" Livengood Rieger Zwikl Grabowski Miller Spencer Caltagirone Greenwood Miscevich Spitz NAYS-23 Cappabianca Grieco Moehlmann Stairs Cawley Gruitza Morris Steighner Cordisca Heiner Mar mian Showers Cessar Gruppo Mowery Stevens DeVerter Hoeffel Mulien Van Horne I Cimini Hagarty Mrkonic Stewart Dawida lrvis Rappapart Wachob Civera Haluska Murphy Stuban Deal Kowalyshyn Richardson Wambach Clark Harper Nahill Swaim Fleck McVerry Ritter Williams, J. D Clymer Hasay Noye Swcet Manderino Rybak Cachran Hayes Olasr Swift NOT VOTING-I0 I Cohen Heiser Oliver Taddonio Calafella Honaman Pendleran Taylor, E. 2. Alden Brorn Gray Stevens Corncll Horgoa Perrel Taylor. F. E. Barbel Emer~on Greenfieid Wlggini Coslett Hutchinson. A. Peterson Telek Bcloff Evans Cowell ltkin Petrarca Tigue EXCUSED-6 Cunningham Jackson Petrane Trello DeVerter Johnson Phillips Vroan Frazicr Lehr Pievsk) LIeWecsc Kennedy Piccola Wachab Kaltcr Lewis Daikeler Klingaman Pistclla Wargo Ryan, Davies Kukovich Pitts \\'ass Soeaker Dietz Laihinger Poll Wcnger Dininni I.aughlin Pratt Weston Dombrowki I.escovifr Pucciarelli Wilson 1978 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE NOVEMBER 17,

- Donatucci Letterman Punt Wogan Amend Sec. 3, page 25, by inserting between lines 21 and 22 Dorr Levi Rasco Worniak (xiii) L.R.46132, West Norri- Duffy Levin Reber Wright, D. R. ton Twp., Bernside Ave. Bridge Durham Livengood Rieger Wright, 1. L. over Branch of Stoney Creek, Fargo Lloyd Rocks Wright, R. C. Bridge Replacement NAYS-25 l eneth 0.1 Mile ...... 80,000 10,000 10,000 100,000 Herson Gallagher Manderina Showers Amend Sec. 4, page 32, line I I, by striking out "$204,747,000" Cole George Mullen Van Horne Cordisco Haeffel Rappaport Wambach and inserting DeMedio lrvis Richardson Williams, H. $204,847,000 Dawida Kowalyshyn Ritter Williams, J. D Amend Sec. 7, page 32, line 30, by striking out "$204,747,000" Deal Lucyk Rybak Zwikl and inserting Fryer $204,847,000 NOT VOTING-12 On the question, Alden Bittle Evans McVerry Will the House agree to the amendments? Barber Brawn Gray O'Dannell Beloff Emerson Greenfield Wiggins The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- EXCUSED-6 tleman from Montgomery, Mr. Lashinger. Mr. LASHINGER. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Frazier Lehr Pievsky Mr. Speaker, this amendment adds an additional bridge to Kalter Lewis Ryan, those already in the bill, and the bridge is located in central Speaker Montgomery County. It is a dilapidated bridge that has been The question was determined in the affirmative, and the scheduled for repair but has failed to he funded by the amendment was agreed to. Department of Transportation. It is used for a large amount of school bus traffic throughout the day. I would ask for The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- support from the membership. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. tleman from Cambria, Mr. Stewart. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- Mr. STEWART. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. tleman from Erie, Mr. Domhrowski. 1 believe with this amendment process, quite some time ago Mr. DOMBROWSKI. Would the gentleman, Mr. we ran out of available moneys, and 1 believe we are reaching Lashinger, consent to brief interrogation? the point now where we are going to run out of steel to build The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gentleman indicates that these things. Thank you. he will. The SPEAKER pro tempore. I thought we would run out Mr. DOMBROWSKI. Would he just please give us the cost of rivers. of the amendment? Mr. LASHINGER. Mr. Speaker, the total amount is MOTION TO ADJOURN $100,000. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- On the question recurring, tleman from Philadelphia, Mr. Levin. Will the House agree to the amendments? Mr. LEVIN. Mr. Speaker, 1 move this House now adjourn The following roll call was recorded: until Monday at 11 o'clock. The SPEAKER pro tempore. We have just a few more amendments, Mr. Levin, we think. If the gentleman will be Anderson Fee McClatchy Racks patient, we will try to clean them up. Armstrong Fischer Mclntyre Salvatore Arty Fleck McMonagle Saurman Mr. LEVIN. I would like my motion voted. Belardi Foster, W. W. McVerry Serafini MOTION WITHDRAWN Belfanti Faster, Jr., A. Mackawski Seventy Bittle Freind Madiean Shuonik Mr. LEVIN. I will withdraw themotion. Blaum Gallen Maiarc ~ieminski Barski Gamble Manmiller Sirianni The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair thanks the gentle- Bowser Gannon Marmian Smith, B. man. Boyes Geist Merry Smith, E. H. Brandt George Michlovic Smith, L. E. Hurd Gladeck Micorrie Snyder CONSIDERATION OF HB 2716 CONTINUED Burns Grabowski Miller Spencer Caltagirone Greenwood Miscevich Spitr On the question recurring, Cappabianca Grieco Moehlmann Stairs Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as Cawley Gruppo Morris Steighner Cessar Hagarty Mrkonic Stevens amended? Cimini Haluska Murphy Stewart Mr. LASHINGER offered the following amendments No. Civera Harper Nahill Stuban Clark Hasay Noye Swaim A9529: Clymer Hayes O'Dannell Sweet Amend Sec. 2, page 1, line 12, by striking out "$204,747,000" ~ochran ~eiser Olasz Swift Cohen Honaman Oliver Taddonio and inserting Colafella Horgos Pendleton Taylor, F. E. $204,847,000 Cornell Hutchinson. A. Perzel Telek ltkm Peterson Tigue 1982 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE 1979

~p Cawell Jackson Petrarca Trello Length Cunningham Johnson Petrone Vroon 0.1 Mile ...... 417,000 56,000 58,000 531,000 DeMedio Kennedy Phillips Wachab (v) L.R.482, Wampun DeVerter Klingaman Piccala Wargo Boro., Bridge over Daikeler Kukovich Pistella Waii Beaver River, Davies Lashinger Pitts Wcnger Dietz 1.aughlin POtt Wcston Bridge Rehabilitation, Dininni Lescovitr Pratt Wilson Length Dombrowski Letterman Pucciarelli Wogan 0.1 Mile ...... 2,000,000 50,000 160,000 2,210,000 Donatucci Levi Punt Worniak Amend Sec. 4, page 32, line I I by striking out "$204,747,000" Darr Levin Rasco Wright, D. R. and inserting Duffy Livengoad Reber Wrighl, J. L. $208,365,000 Durham Lloyd Rieger Wright, R. C. Amend Sec. 7, page 32, line 30 by striking out "$204,747,000" Farga and inserting $208,365,000 Berson Fryer Manderina Showers On the question, Cole Gallagher Mullen Van Horne Will the House agree to the amendments? Cordisco Gruitra Rappaport Wambach DeWeese Haeffel Richardson Williams, J. D. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- Dawida lrvis Ritter Zwikl tleman from Lawrence, Mr. Pratt. Deal Kowalyshyn Rybak Mr. PRATT. Mr. Speaker, $3.6 million. Justification: we NOT VOTING-13 have two cement plants in Lawrence County. I urge your Alden Emerson Greenfield Taylor, E. 2. support. Thank you. Barber Evans Lucyk Wiggins Belafl Gray Mawery Wiliiams, H. On the question recurring, Brawn Will the House agree to the amendment! EXCUSED-6 The following roll call was recorded: Frazier Lehr Pievsky Kolter Lewis YEAS-160 Ryan, Speaker Anderson Durham Libengood Salvatore Armstrong Fargo Lloyd Saurman The question was determined in the affirmative, and the Any Fee Lucyk Serafini Belardi Fischer McClatchy Sevcnty amendments were agreed to. Belfanti Fleck Mclntyie Shupnik On the question recurring, Bittle Faster, W. W. McMonagle Sieminski Blaum Faster. Jr., A. McVerry Sirianni Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as Barski Fieind Mackawski Smith, B. amended? Bowier Gallaghcr Maiaie Smith, E. H. Mr. PRATT offered the following amendments No. Boyes Gallen Manmiller Smith, L. E. Brandt Gamble Marmion Snyder A9525: Burd Cannon Merry Spencer Burns Amend Sec. 2, page 1, line 12 by striking out "$204,747,000" Geist Michlovic Spitz Caltdgirone George Micorrie Stairs and insertine Cappabianca Gladeck Miller Steighncr $208,365,000 Cauley Grabowrki Misccvich Stevens Amend Sec. 3... oaee 21 hv insertine.- between lines 4 and 5 Cessar Greenwood Moehlmann Stewart (30.1) Lawrence County Cimini Grieco Morris Stuban (i) L.R.37046, Wash- Civera Gruitza Murphy Swaim ington Twp., Bridge Clark Gruppa Nahill Sweet over Potter's Run, Cl ymer Hagarty Noye Swift Bridge Replacement, Cochran Haluska Olasz Taddonio Cohen Harper Oliver Taylor, E. Z. Leneth Colafella Hasay Pendlcton Taylor, F. E. 0.2 Mile ...... 247,000 15,000 37,000 299,000 Cole Hayes Perzel Tclck (ii) L.R.37038. Cornell Heiscr Peterson Tigue lask ski ~wp.,' Cosletr Hanaman Petrarca Treilo Bridge over Unnamed Cawell Horgoi Petrone Vroon Tributary of Shenango Cunningham Itkin Phillips Wachob River, Bridge DcMedio Jackson Piccola Wargo Replacement, Length DcVerrer Johnson Pistclla Wass 0.1 Mile ...... 270,000 54,000 41,000 365,000 DeWcese Kennedy Pitts Wenger Daikeler Klingaman Pott Weston (iii) L.R.37057, New Davies Kukovich Pratt Wilsan Beaver Boro., Bridge Dietz Lashingcr Pucciarelli Wogan over Wampun River, Dininni Laughlin Punt Worniak Bridge Replacement, Dambrowski Leicovitz Rasco Wright, D. R. Leneth Donatucci Letterman Reber Wright, J. L. Dorr Levi Riegei Wright, R. C. Duffy Levin Rocks Zwikl North Beaver Twp., Bridge over Flat Rock Creek, Bridge Replacement, 1980 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE NOVEMBER 17,

NAYS-19 Will the House agree to the amendment?

Berson Hacffel Mullen Showers The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- Cordisca lrvis Rappaport Van Horne tleman from Indiana, Mr. Wass. Dawida Kawalyshyn Richardson Wambach Deal Manderino Ritter Williams, J. D. Mr. WASS. Mr. Speaker, this is one of three amendments Fryer Mrkonic Rybak that I will be presenting. They are all small bridges about a NOT VOTING-14 half a million dollars each, and I would appreciate the support of the members. Alden Emerson Hutchinson, A. O'Donncll Barber Evans Madigan Wiggins On the question recurring, Beloff Gray Mowery Williams, H Brown Greenfield Will the House agree to the amendment? EXCUSED-6 The following roll call was recorded: Frazier Lehr Pieusky YEAS-146 Kolter Lewis Ryan, Anderson Fargo Mclntyre Seraiini Speaker Arty Fee McMonaglc Seventy Belardi Fischer McVerry Shupnik The question was determined in the affirmative, and the Belfanti Fleck Mackowski Sieminski amendments were agreed to. Bittle Foster, W. W. Madigan Sirianni Blaum Foster, Jr.. A. Maiale Smith, B. Borski Freind Manmiller Smith, E. H. SENATE MESSAGE Bowser Gallen Marmian Smith, L. E. Boyes Gannan Merry Snydcr HOUSE AMENDMENTS Brandt Geist Micozzie Spencer Buid George Miller Spit7 NONCONCURRED IN BY SENATE Burns Gladeck Miscevich Stairs Caltagirone Greenwood Moehlmann Steighner The clerk of the Senate, being introduced, informed that Cappabianca Grieco Morris Stcvens the Senate has nonconcurred in the amendments made by the Cawley Gruppo Mawery Stewart House of Representatives to SB 1389, PN 2177. Cessar Hagarty Nahill Stuban Cimini Haluska Noye Swaim MOTION INSISTING UPON AMENDMENTS Civera Hasay Olasz Sweet Clark Hayes Oliver Swift Mr. DORR moved that the House insist upon its amend- Clymer Heiser Pcrzcl Taddonio ments nonconcurred in by the Senate to SB 1389, PN 2177, Cochran Honaman Peterson Taylor, E. Z. Colafella Horgos Petrarca Taylor, F. E. and that a committee of conference on the part of the House Cornell Hutchinson, A. Petrone Telek be appointed. Coslett Jackson Phillips Tiguc Cowell Johnson Piccola Trclla On the question, Cunningham Kennedy Pitts Vroon Will the House agree to the motion? DeMedia Klingaman Pott Wachob Motion was agreed to. DeVerter Kukovich Pratt Wass Daikeler Lashinger Pucciarelli Wenger APPOINTMENT OF Davies Laughlin Punt Weston Dietr Lescavitz Rasco Wilson COMMITTEE OF CONFERENCE Dininni Letterman Reber Wogan The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair appoints as a com- Dombrowski Levi Rieger Worniak Donatucci Levin Rocks Wright, D. R. mittee of conference on the part of the House on SB 1389, PN Dorr Livengood Salvatore Wright, J. L. 2177: Duffy Lloyd Saurman Wright, R. C. Messrs. DORR, BURNS and McMONAGLE. Durham McClatchy Ordered, That the clerk inform the Senate accordingly. NAYS-38 Berson Gamble Michlovic Ritter CONSIDERATION OF HB 2716 CONTINUED Cohen Grabowski Mrkonic Rybak Cole Gruitza Mullen Showers Cordisca Harper Murphy Van Horne On the question recurring, DeWeese Hoeffel O'Donnell Wambach Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as Dawida lrvii Pendleton Warga amended? Deal ltkin Pistella Wieeins Evans Kawalyshyn Rappaport wiiiyams, 1. D. Mr. WASS offered the following amendment No. A9502: Fryer Lucyk Richardson Zwikl Amend Sec. 3, page 17, by inserting between lines 23 and 24 Gallagher Manderino (vi) Shelocta NOT VOTING-9 Boro., Route 319, Alden Beloff Emerson Greenfield Shelocta, T.R.156, Armstrong Brawn Gray Williams, H Bridge over Crooked Barber creek, Bridge EXCUSED-6 Repair ...... 500,000 20,000 60,000 580,000 On the question, Frazier Lehr Pievsky Kolter Lewis Ryan, Speaker LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE

The question was determined in the affirmative, and the Dawida lrvis Pendieton Wargo amendment was agreed to. Deal Kowalyshyn Pistclla Williams, J. D. Evans Lucyk Rappaport Zwikl On the question recurring, Fryer Maiale Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as NOT VOTING-13 amended? Alden Brawn Gray Wachob Mr. WASS offered the following amendment No. A9503: Armstrang DeMedio Greenfield Wiggins Barber Emerson Sweet Williams, H. Amend Sec. 3, page 17, by inserting between lines 23 and 24 nelaff (vi) Homer City Boro., EXCUSED-6 Route 32124, Yankee Town, Bridge over Frazier Lehr Pievsky Yellow Creek, Bridge Kolter Lewis Repair ...... 500,000 20,000 50,000 570,000 Ryan. Speaker On the question, Will the House agree to the amendment? The question was determined in the affirmative, and the amendment was agreed to. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- tleman from Indiana, Mr. Wass. On the question recurring, M~,WASS, M~,speaker, this is another small bridge. Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as costs $570,000 in the borough of Homer City. I would appre- amended? ciate the support of the House. Mr. WASS offered the following amendment No. A9504: On the question recurring, Amend Sec. 3, page 17, by inserting between lines 23 and 24 Will the House agree to the amendment? (vi) Center Twp., Route 572, Cherry The following roll call was recorded: Run, T.R.056, Bridge over B & O YEAS-142 Railroad, Bridge Anderson Fee McClatchy Saurman Repair ...... 500,000 20,000 50,000 570,000 Arty Fischer Mclntyre Serafini On the question, Belardi Fleck McMonagle Seventy Will the House agree to the amendment? Belfanti Foster. W. W. McVerrv Shuonik Biltle Foster, Jr., A. Mackowski Sieminski The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- Borski Freind Madigan Sirianni Bowser Gallen Manmiller Smith, B. tleman from Indiana, Mr. Wass. Boyes Gannon Marmian Smith, E. H. Mr. WASS. Mr. Speaker, this is my last bridge. It is again a Brandt Geist Merry Smith, L. E. small bridge costing $570,000. 1 would appreciate the support Burd George Micozzie Snyder Burns Gladeck Miller Soencer of the House. Caltagirane Greenwood Miscevich Gitz On the question recurring, Cappabianca Grieco Moehlmann Stairs Cawley Gruppo Morris Steighner Will the House agree to the amendment? Cessar Hagarty Mowery Stevens Cimini Haluska Nahill Stewart I The following roll call was recorded: Civera Hasay Noye Stuban Clark Haws Olasr Swaim Clymer ~efser Oliver Swift Anderson Fargo Lloyd Saurman Cochran Honaman Perzel Taddonio Arty Fee McClatchy Serafini Colafella Horgos Peterson Taylor, E. Z. Belardi Fischer Mclntyre Seventy Cornell Hutchinsan, A. Petrarca Taylor, F. E. Belfanti Fleck McManagle Shupnik Coslett ltkin Petrone Telek Bittle Foster, W. W. McVerry Sieminski Cawell Jackson Phillips Tigue Barski Foster, Jr.. A. Mackawski Sirianni Cunningham Johnson Piccola Trello Bowaer Freind Madigan Smith, 8. DeVerter Kennedy Pitts Vroon Boyes Gallen Manmiller Smith, E. H. Daikeler Klingaman Pott Wass Brandt Gannan Marmion Smith, L. E. Davies Kukovich Pratt Wenger Burd Geisr Merry Snyder Dietz Lashinger Pucciarelli Weston Burns George Micozzie Spencer Dininni Laughlin Punt Wilson Caltagirone Gladeck Miller Spitz Dombrowski Lescovitz Rasco Wogan Cappabianca Greenwood Miscevich Stairs Danatucci Letterman Reber Wazniak Cawley Grieca Maehlmann Steighner Darr Levi Rieger Wright, D. R. Cessar Gruppo Morris Stevens Duffy Levin Rocks Wright, I. L. Cimini Hagarty Mowery Stewarl Durham Livengood Salvatore Wright, R. C. Civera Haluska Mrkanic Stuban Fargo Lloyd Clark Hasay Nahill Swaim Clymer Hayes Noye Swift Cochran Heiser Olasz Taddonio Bersan Gallagher Manderino Richardson Colafella Hanaman Oliver Taylor, E. 2. Blaum Gamble Michlovic Ritter Cornell Hargor Perzel Taylor, F. E. Cohen Grabowski Mrkonic Rybak Coslett Hutchinson, A. Peterson Telek Cole Gruitza Mullen Showers Cowell ltkin Petrarca Tigue Cordisca Harper Murphy Van Horne Cunningham Jackson Petrone Trella DeWeese Hoeffel O'Donnell Wambach DeMedio Johnson Phillips Vroon LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE NOVEMBER 17,

DeVerter Kennedy Piceola Wass tation ...... Daikeler Klingaman Pitts Wenger (xiii) 1-70, Bridge Davies Kukavich Pot1 Weston over L.R.62103. Dietz Lashinger Pucciarelli Wilson Bridge Rehabili- Dininni Laughlin Punt Wogan tation ...... Dombrawski Lescovilz Rasca Wozniak (xiv) 1-70, Bridge Donatucci Letterman Reber Wright, D. R. Dorr Levi Rieger Wright, J. L. over TR-19, Bridge Duffy Levin Racks Wright. R. C. Rehahili- Durham Livengood Salvatore tation ...... NAYS-38 (xv) 1-70, Bridge over L.R.150 - TR-18, Berson Gallagher Manderino Richardson Bridee" Rehabilira- Blaum Gamble Michlovic Ritter tlon ...... Cohen Grabowski Mullen Rybak (xvi) 1-70, Bridge at Cole Gruitza Murphy Showers Belle Vernon, Bridge Cordisca Harper O'Donnell Van Harne Rehabili- DeWeese Hoeffel Pendletan Wambach tation.. Dawida lrvis Pistella Wargo ...... Deal Kowalyshyn Pratt Williams, J. D. (xviil L.R.62194. Evans Lucyk Rappaport Zwikl i'ickie Bridge, Bridge Fryer Maiale Rehabili- NOT VOTING-I2 tation...... 500,000 Amend Sec. 4, page 32, line 11, by striking out "$204,747,000" Alden Beloff Gray Wachob and inserting Armstrang Brown Greenfield Wiggins $21 1.497.000 Barber Emerson Sweet William5, H. Amend Sec. 7, page 32, line 30, by striking out L'$204,747,000" EXCUSED-6 and inserting $21 1,497,000 Frazier Lehr Pievsky Koller Lewis On the question, Ryan. Will the House agree to the amendments? Speaker The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- The question was determined in the affirmative, and the tleman from Washington, Mr. Lescovitz. amendment was agreed to. Mr. LESCOVITZ. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. On the question recurring, Mr. Speaker, there are a couple of bridge projects in Wash- Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as ington County that include not only my district hut Represen- amended? tative Sweet's, Representative Fischer's, Representative Mr. LESCOVITZ offered the following amendments No. DeWeese's, and Representative DeMedio's areas. It totals A9524: about $4 million. I would appreciate an affirmative vote. Amend Sec. 2, page 1, line 12, by striking out On the question recurring, "$204.747.000.". . and insertinr. Will the House agree to the amendments? $21 1,497,000. Amend Sec. 3, Dage 30, by inserting between lines 6 and 7 The following roll call was recorded: (viii) L.~.62040, Somerset Twp., Bridge YEAS-156 next to 1-70, Overpass, Anderson Fargo Lucyk Saurman Bridge Rehabili- Arty Fee McClatchy Serafini tation ...... Belardi Fiicher Mclntyrc Seventy (ix) L.R.62025, Belianti Fleck McMonagle Shupnik Cross Creek Twp., Bittle Foster, W. W. McVerry Sieminski Bridge over North Blaum Foster, Jr., A. Mackowski Sirianni Fork of Cross Creek, Bariki Freind Madigan Smith, 9. Bowser Gallen Maiale Smith, E. H. Bridge Replace- Boyes Gamble Manmiller Smith. L. E. ment ...... Brandt Cannon Merry Snyder (x) L.R.62182, Smith Burd Geist Micorzie Spencer Twp., Bridge over Burns George Miller Spirr Burgetts Ford, Bottom Caltagirone Gladeck Miscevich Stairs of Langeloth Hill, Cappabianca Grabowski Moehlmann Steighner Bridge Replace- Cawley Greenwood Morris Stevens ment ...... Cesiar Grieco Mowery Stewart (xi) L.R.62182, Cimini Gruitza Mrkonic Sruban Civera Gruppo Murphy Swaim to Clark Hagarty Nahill Sweet Majorville, Five Clymer Haluska Noye Swift Bridges, Bridges Rehabili- Cochran Harper Olasz Taddonio tation...... Cohen Hasay Oliver Taylor, E. Z. (xii) 1-70, Dunuings- Colafella Hayes Pendleton Taylor, F. E. ville Exit, Bridge Cole Honaman Perzel Telek over L.R.62052, Bridge Cornell Horgos Peterson Tigue Rehabili- Coslert Hutchinson, A. Pelrarca Trello LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE

Cowell ltkin Petrone Vraon percent a year-we are going to be adding another 120 percent Cunningham Jackson Phillips Wachab to this bill, which is going to more than double the original DcVrrter Johnson Piccala Wargo DeWeese Kennedy Pitts Wais cost, so we are going to have to add a few more years on to Klingaman Poti Wengr pay just for the normal escalating costs of theseprojects. Kukovich Prarr Weston I am wondering, Mr. Speaker, if we are doing a wise thing Dietz Lashingcr Pucciaielli Wilson Dininni Laughlin Punt Wagan today in allowing this bill to pass. And I am wondering when Dombrowski Lcicovitr Raico Wazniak this bill goes over to the Senate, those who had amendments Donatucci Letterman Rebcr Wright, D. R. today added into the bill-and 1 voted for every amend- Dorr Levi Riegei Wright, I. L. Duffy Livengoad Rocks Wright, R. C. ment-if those amendments are going to stay in the bill or are Durham Lloyd Salvatore Zwiki we going to get it out of the House here, get a vehicle to pay NAYS-24 for them, and then when it goes over to the Senate, are they going to strip the bill to the extent where we can really afford Berson Fryer Manderina Ritier Cordisco Gallagher Michlovic Rybak to pay for it? 1 do not think we are being fair to the people DeMcdio Hoeffel tvlullen Showers who offered the amendments, who are going to vote for the Dawida livis Pistella Van Horne bill and have their projects stripped when it gets over to the Deal Kowaiyshyn Rappaport Wambach Evans Levin Richardson Williams. I. D. Senate. Mr. Speaker, 1 ask for a negative vote on the bill. NOT VOTING-13 The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the minority whip. Alden Brown Greenfield O'Dannell Mr. MANDERINO. Mr. Speaker, 1 rise to ask for a nega- Armstrong Emerson Heiser Wiggins Barber Gray Marmion Williams. H. tive voteon HB 2716. Beloff I understand that everyone now has put their pet projects in it. I am not sure we have enough steel to build the bridges in Frazier Lehi Pievsky Pennsylvania, but I am sure that we do not have enough Kolter Lewis money to pay for this at the present time. Ryan. I have heard that we are going to put a tax on that nobody Speaker in Pennsylvania is going to pay, and I think that is fantasy. 1 The question was determined in the affirmative, and the have heard the other side make arguments very eloquently at amendments were agreed to. times about how we are going to be retaliated against when we On the question recurring, impose certain kinds of taxes. You remember the out-of-State Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as utility tax. You remember that - when we repealed that amended? because the other States were going to retaliate against us. At Bill as amended was agreed to. least that is what we were told. I do not know why that is not going to happen to our truckers. I have no idea why that is not The SPEAKER pro tempore. This bill has been considered going to happen to our truckers in other States. on three different days and agreed to and is now on final Be that as it may, Mr. Speaker, we are talking about a very passage. substantial program that is going to take the people of the The question is, shall the bill pass finally? Commonwealth 30 or 40 years to pay for. The present Secre- The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Erie, Mr. tary of Transportation, Dr. Larson, was commissioned in Dombrowski. 1975 to do a study on Pennsylvania's highways and bridges, Mr. DOMBROWSKI. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. and one of the main recommendations of that report penned Earlier in the day when the majority leader brought up this by Dr. Larson was that Pennsylvania has to get out of paying bill, he had an approximate cost that the bill is $693,550,000, for these kinds of projects by borrowing money that people and he said that later on in the day we will he voting some for 30 or 40 years must pay off. form of tax that would raise the necessary revenues needed to When Governor Thornburgh took office, he talked about fund the bill. I am assuming he means over a 7- or 8-year 22 cents out of every dollar going to debt service, and we were period, because as far as I can understand-maybe I am paying 22 cents out of every dollar for debt service. All that wrong, and 1 can be corrected later on if I am wrong-the tax debt was built up in another Republican administration, in the that he is going to propose brings in approximately $70 Shafer years, in the Highway Department. million a year. The amendments alone that were offered after Before the Republican years of Scranton and Shafer, this the majority leader put his amendment in came to Commonwealth in road and bridge repair was on a pay-as- $70,334,000, and some of those are just approximate figures. you-go basis. That is when we embarked on borrowing and we I would think that is going to take 1 year of taxation accord- got ourselves in the financial trouble that we got ourselves ing to the tax that he is going to propose. into. We have taken a new direction in the past couple of The total years needed to fund this bill in its entirety is years, and that new direction was to get hack on a pay-as-you- probably going to be 9 years or 10 years, and if it does take go basis, and we have attempted to do that. I think it is to the that long, because of the escalating costs of these projects-if credit of the Commonwealth that we attempted to do that. you take it at normal escalating price, it will be probably 15 We are now beginning again to borrow and mortgage the LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE NOVEMBER 17, future of the citizens of Pennsylvania, and that is what you The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- are doing. tleman from Dauphin, Mr. Dininni. Maybe the economic times of today demand that. Maybe Mr. DININNI. I would like to reply to the minority whip. we must do something drastic at this time. We have He says we are doing this at the last minute. Late hour, that is steelworkers out of work. We have the construction trades out true, but not at the last minute. These bridges have been of work. We have 600,000 or more Pennsylvanians out of known for quite some time. Each and every one of you work with very little prospect of early return or prolonged members have the packet in front of you. You have the recovery at this time. But in a lame-duck session of the legisla- amendment in front of you. Just look over the bridges that ture, to do what we did today - we put bridges into this bill, are in there, and 1 am sure you are going to find that they hit some of which I am not sure there is a place to put them. home. You. I know that the costs are wild guesses in most cases of what All we are trying to do here is get this program off the it is going to cost to repair or replace those bridges. I also ground, help Pennsylvania, help the business community by know that the priorities in the amendment as it was given to saving millions and millions of dollars because of the detours us, which supposedly came from the Highway Department, that we have in this State, eliminate that, and simultaneously are out of order in many cases. I know of bridges that have create those jobs. Yes, Mr. Manderino, create those jobs. been closed, with weight limits, with no announcement Maybe to you it may be rushing it, but for the poor guy who whether they will ever be opened, that carry traffic, ordinarily is unemployed, tomorrow is not soon enough. So 1 am saying heavy traffic, between substantial communities that are not to you, you have an opportunity here right now to get a even in the bill, were not in the bill when it came from the program off the ground. If you do not like it, come next year Highway Department, are not in the bill now. you can always amend it. You know it; I know it, and so does It just seems to me, Mr. Speaker, that to embark upon this every member of this body, so I am saying let us vote this bill kind of a program, which is being sold as putting Pennsyl- and vote in the affirmative and get the program going. vanians back to work, with no guarantee that any of the steel The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- will really come from Pennsylvania, that the major workers tleman from Beaver, Mr. Laughlin. on the projects, except for the 30 percent with the Murphy Mr. LAUGHLIN. Mr. Speaker, very briefly, Mr. Dininni is amendment, may not be from this Commonwealth, and when a personal friend, and I have served with him for a number of we are mortgaging our future- And you are not sure you are years down here. When he gets up to that mike as the chair- going to get the bridges that are in there, because in a capital man of the Transportation Committee for the majority, budget bill the Governor does not have to line-veto; he can which he has served for a number of years, and has had so few simply not build. We are simply authorizing these bridges to committee meetings held this year in order to exercise some of be built. He does not have to build them. I can point out a the prerogatives he mentions, I certainly take umbrage at the number of bridges that were in Mr. Hayes' amendment that fact that he mentions what he did tonight about time and have been in at least three or four capital budgets before and expeditious handling. Otherwise, Mr. Speaker, I have no they have not even been designed. No work has been done on objection to your remarks. Thank you. them. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- You are buying a pig in a poke; you are doing it in a late- tleman from Allegheny, Mr. Clark. night session; you are doing it at the end of a session; you are Mr. CLARK. Would Mr. Dininni consent to a brief ques- doing it without planning; you are doing it without deliber- tion? ation; you are doing it in a manner that does not do credit to The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gentleman indicates he this body. At this time the only credit that can come to this will. The gentleman may proceed. body is by casting a negative vote. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. CLARK. Mr. Speaker, on page 8 of the Hayes amend- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- ment, there is listed a bridge known as the Tarentum Bridge tleman from Clarion, Mr. Wright. between Tarentum in Allegheny County and New Kensington Mr. D. R. WRIGHT. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. in Westmoreland County. What does it mean that this bridge My reasoning is essentially the same. The conclusion is is now listed in this amendment? somewhat different from the minority whip's. Mr. DININNI. It is to be part of the accelerated schedule. There are those from time to time, Mr. Speaker, who say Mr. CLARK. Does that mean that this bridge is going to be that elections do not make a difference. I submit to you that rehabilitated now? this past election has made a considerable difference. In only Mr. DININNI. That is what it means. 15 days we have seen a remarkable metamorphosis. We have Mr. CLARK. Okay. A couple more questions. seen a change from dumb-side, blind-side, supply-side eco- As background, 1 had offered this and had it adopted in nomics to a kind of pseudo-Keynesian economics which another capital budget bill. I asked PennDOT why they had would have frightened even FDR (Franklin Delano not proceeded with this rehabilitation, and they tell me that it Roosevelt). But I am not here tonight to be an obstructionist. is because SPRPC, the Southwestern Pennsylvania Regional There are those who have said this is the program, and I am Planning Commission, had not approved this bridge for reha- saying, all right, it is the program; we will not obstruct it, but bilitation. Mr. Speaker, must SPRPC also approve these we will wait to see how it is funded. bridges in southwest Pennsylvania now? LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE

Mr. DININNI. 1 am not prepared to answer that, but 1 Mr. DININNI. No; that is right. That originally was on a think you will find that they were not done because of lack of 12-year program, and right now it would be on the accelerated funds. We had the funds, and you know it and 1 know it. You program. were here last year when we appropriated new moneys and we Mr. DOMBROWSKI. Okay. What do you mean by "accel- raised new moneys for the Department of Transportation, but erated"? They have assured the people in Erie, and especially it certainly did not include the bridges. Right now you are Representative Boyes because this bridge is in his district, that going to have a program before you that is going to include this would be done next summer. How much more can we the bridges. accelerate it? Mr. CLARK. Mr. Speaker, could you ask him to answer Mr. DININNI. Well, really what we are doing is reassuring my question? You do not have an answer for that question it. Regardless of what they may have told you, this is what we then? are doing. Mr. DININNI. I think I made that very clear. No, I do not Mr. DOMBROWSKI. What you are saying then is that have an answer to that question right at this time. when you asked the people to vote for a gas tax and you were Mr. CLARK. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. going to get these projects, now you are going to ask them to Would I be in order for a few comments? vote for another tax to reassure them that they are going to get The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gentleman is in order and the projects. may proceed. Mr. DININNI. If you are referring to the past gas tax and if Mr. CLARK. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. that was included in the 12-year program, regardless, I do not It is obvious from the answers and the answers that know who told you it would be done next year. It may have PennDOT has given me in the past that mere inclusion in the been on a 12-year program. It could have been 1 year; it could capital budget does not mean that the bridge is going to be have been 2 years; again, it could have been 12 years. What we rehabilitated or fixed. The Governor and the Department of are saying here in this packet is that that is the accelerated Transportation will make the sole decision on whether these program, and we are speaking of a 6-year program, which bridges will be rehabilitated or constructed. I have been may take 8 years to complete and open for traffic is all we are through the capital budget process before, and it is obvious saying. Sure we are going to have to have revenues to assure that this system does not work. that these bonds are going to be retired on time and on sched- As for the jobs potential of this program, I want to relate ule and so forth. an instance in my district. We have a road project under way Mr. DOMBROWSKI. Mr. Speaker, did you help draft this in my district and no jobs have been created for my constitu- amendment? ents. Fortunately, the contractor at least has an office in Mr. DININNI. No. Pennsylvania, but his employees come from other States. The Mr. DOMBROWSKI. Then you do not know what the trucks that were used on the job were not even registered in total cost of the previously approved authorized projects was? Pennsylvania; they were registered in Oklahoma, so we Mr. DININNI. I do not have the figure right in front of me received no revenue back to the State and no employment. right here, no. I certainly have that information and I had it I would like to know the difference between this bill and available to me. 1 am on the Transportation Commission. I our current highway construction plan and how it is going to know what is authorized and what is not authorized for the create jobs. I submit that this will do nothing to create 12-year program. employment, some few jobs through the Murphy amendment, Mr. DOMBROWSKI. But you do not know in this piece but otherwise I do not believe we have a guarantee that this what it costs? Right offhand you do not know what it is now, will bring jobs to those people who are unemployed. Thank what the cost is now? you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. DININNI. Well, the total is $1.2 billion. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gen- Mr. DOMBROWSKI. I am talking about previously tleman from Erie, Mr. Dombrowski, for the second time. approved projects. Mr. DOMBROWSKI. Mr. Speaker, would the chairman of Mr. DININNI. No. 1 do not have those figures with me, no. the Transportation Committee, Mr. Dininni, consent to brief Mr. DOMBROWSKI. Okay. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. interrogation? The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gentleman indicates that minority whip. he will. The gentleman, Mr. Dombrowski, may proceed. Mr. MANDERINO. Very briefly, Mr. Speaker, when we Mr. DOMBROWSKI. Mr. Speaker, as I look over the credit ourselves either by voting for or against this bill majority leader's amendment, I see in parentheses on the tonight, I would ask that we credit only those members who bottom of many of these projects it says "previously autho- are in their seats. rized project." What does that mean? Mr. Speaker, it has been cited by Mr. Dininni that weought Mr. DININNI. All that means is to put it in that category so to put the people back to work; tomorrow would not be too that it would be in the accelerated program. soon. I agree, Mr. Speaker. 1 wish that when we had called for Mr. DOMBROWSKI. Okay. If I look on page 42, and 1 am a special session on unemployment and to consider things like in Erie County, we have a bridge on Old French Road, Route work sharing, our Governor and your party in the House and 97, total cost of $1.5 million. It says "previously authorized in the Senate would have thought that there was reason to call project," and you are saying-- 1986 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE NOVEMBER 17, a special session. I would have wished, Mr. Speaker, that Mr. MANDERINO. Is the gentleman, Mr. Kennedy, in his while this assembly was in adjournment since June and there seat? were still 600,000 people or close to that unemployed, we The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gentleman's vote has would have had some concern. 1 would have wished that this been stricken. billion-dollar turkey, because that is what it is, if we were Thechairrecognizes thegentleman, Mr. Noye. serious about it and if we really thought that we could put Mr. NOYE. Mr. Speaker, is the gentleman, Mr. Cordisco, something together to prime the pump in Pennsylvania or to in the hall of the House? stir economic activity, that it would have been done in such a The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gentleman is not in his manner that both parties would have participated and some- seat. body would have allowed the Transportation chairman in the Mr. NOYE. I ask the vote be stricken. Republican Party to participate. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Please strike the vote. It would seem to me that the way to have done business TheChair recognizesthegentleman, Mr. Noye. would have been to come together in order to do it, not start Mr. NOYE. 1 would ask the members in their seats, if they out in the manner in which we are starting out tonight, in my are going to sit in their seats, to cast a vote. opinion, by deciding that we are going to do this, you like it or Mr. MANDERINO. Mr. Speaker, Mr. Foster is not in his you do not like it; whether you have seen it before or whether seat. Mr. Bill Foster. you have not seen it before; whether you have had a chance to The SPEAKER pro tempore. If Mr. Foster is not in his study your district and figure your priorities; whether or not seat, please strike hisvote. the figures are right in the bill or whether the figures are Mr. MANDERINO. Mr. Speaker, the gentleman, Mr. wrong in the bill; whether or not we are including projects Grieco. that have already been included in several capital budgets; Mr. Speaker, I am now satisfied with the vote if no one else whether we are putting projects in that should have the prior- flies into their seat while we are not watching. ity that these may or may not enjoy. 1 wish we would have The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the done that. I have the concern and every member on my side of majority whip. the aisle has that concern, and we have that concern with the Mr. CESSAR. Mr. Speaker, the gentleman from Alle- unemployed in this Commonwealth. 1 would hope that gheny, Mr. Petrone, is he here and is he voting? tonight does not foretell the manner in which we do business Mr. MANDERINO. Mr. Speaker, we do not see the gentle- in the new session. man, Mr. Cochran, in his seat. On the question recurring, The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gentleman, Mr. Shall the bill pass finally? Cochran, is not in his seat. I ask that his vote be stricken. (Members proceeded to vote.) On the question recurring, Shall the bill pass finally? VOTES CHALLENGED The SPEAKER pro tempore. Agreeable to the provisions Mr. MANDERINO. Mr. Speaker, there are a number of of the Constitution, the yeas and nays will now be taken people I would like to ask if they are here, if you would just I YEAS-94 hold the hoard open, Mr. Speaker. Is Mr. Wright here? Anderson Durham Letterman Salvatore Arty Fargo Levi Saurman The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gentleman is not voted Belardi Fischei Lloyd Serafini according to the board up here. Bittle Fleck McVerry Showers Mr. MANDERINO. Yes, and the vote total went down Blaum Foster, Jr., A. Mackowrki Sieminski Bawser Gallen Madigan Sirianni seven. Bayes Gamble Manmiller Smith. B. Mr. Speaker, I would like to admonish the members on Brandt Cannon Merry Smith. L. E, Burd Geisr Michlovic Snyder both sides of the aisle that if they are not in their seats, they Burns Grabowski Miscevich Stain should not be voted. Cawlev GreenKond.. . Morriq~ ~-~~~~ St~wlrt-~. The SPEAKER oro temoore. The Chair recognizes- the aen- I ~essa; Gruitrs Moaery Stuban Clymer Gruppo Mrkonic Swift tleman from Perry, Mr. Noye. Colafella Hagarty Nahill Taylor, E. Z Mr. NOYE. Mr. Speaker, 1 would also like to have the -rule I corneli Haluska Noye Telek enforced of those members who are in their seats voting. Coslett Hasay Peterson Tigue Mr. MANDERINO. Mr. Speaker, it is a lot easier to check Cowell Hayes Phillips Vroon Cunningham Honaman Piccala Wars the rolls if members would stay in their seats. DeVerter Jackson Pitts Weneer- The SPEAKER oro temoore. All members take the11 seats. I Da~keler Johnson Pott Weston will they, please? Both sides of the aisle. Davies Klingaman Rasco Wilson Dietz Kowalyshyn Reber Wogan Mr. MANDERINO. Mr. Speaker, we do not see the gentle- Dininni Lashinger Rybak Wozniak man, Mr. Miller, in his seat. Darr Laughlin The SPEAKER pro tempore. Mr. Miller is not in his seat. I NAYS-44 Would his neighbor strike the vote? Thank you. Caltagirone Fee Manderina Seventy Cappabianca Fryer Murphy Steighner Clark Gallagher O'Donnell Sweet Cohen George Olasz Taylor, F. E 1982 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE 1987

DeMedia Hoeffcl Oliver Trelio confusing in connection with the purchase thereof or with the set- DeWeese Hutchinson, A. Petraica Van Home tlement of claims; and to provide for full disclosure in the sale of Dawida ltkin Pistella Wachob such coverages to persons eligible for medicare by reason of age. Deal Lescovitz Pratt Wambach Dombrowski Levin Rappaport Wargo INSURANCE. Duffy Livengood Richardson Wright, D. R. Evans Lucyk Rocks Zwikl NOT VOTING-55 BILLS REMOVED FROM TABLE FOR CALENDAR Alden Emerson Mclntyrc Ritter Armstrong Foster, W. W. MCMO-nagle Shupnik The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the Barber Freind Maiale Smith, E. H. Belfanti Gladeck Marmion Spencer majority leader. Belaff Gray Micozzie Spitr Mr. HAYES. Mr. Speaker, I move that SB 711 and SB 86 Berson Greenfield Miller Stevens be removed from the table and placed on the active calendar. Borski Grieca Moehlmann Swaim Brown Harper Mullen Taddonia On the question, Cimini Heiser Pendleton Wiggins Will the House agree to the motion? Civera Horgos Perrel Williams, H. Cachran Irvis Petrone Williams, J. D. Motion was agreed to. Cole Kennedy Pucciarelli Wright, J. L. Cordisco Kukovich Punt Wright, R. C. Donatucci McClatchy Riegei BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS PASSED OVER The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without objection, all Frarier Lehr Pieviky remaining bills and resolutions on today's calendar will be Kolter Lewis passed over. The Chair hears none. Ryan, Speaker Less than the majority required by the Constitution having ADJOURNMENT voted in the affirmative, the question was determined in the The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the majority whip. negative and the bill falls. Mr. CESSAR. Mr. Speaker, I move that this House do now adjourn until Monday, November 22, 1982, at I p.m., e.s.t., SENATE BILLS FOR CONCURRENCE unless sooner recalled by the Speaker. The clerk of the Senate, being introduced, presented the On the question, following bills for concurrence: Will the House agree to the motion? Motion was agreed to, and at 835 p.m., e.s.t., the House SB 711, PN 2214 adjourned. Referred to Committee on INSURANCE, November 17, 1982. SB 1266, PN 2202 Referred to Committee on BUSINESS AND COM- MERCE, November 16, 1982.


SB 86, PN 2235 (Amended) (Unanimous) By Rep. GALLEN An Act amending the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L. 177, No. 175), entitled "The AdministratiCe Code of 1929," further providing for the leasing of certain lands by the Department of Trans- portation, transferring the responsibilities of the Pennsylvania Coordinate System to the Department of Transportation and making an appropriation. STATE GOVERNMENT. SB 711, PN 2214 By Rep. DeVERTER An Act to provide for the reasonable standardization and minimum loss ratios of coverage and simplification of terms and benefits of group medicare supplement accident and health insur- ance policies or group subscriber contracts of health plan corpo- rations and nonprofit health service plans; to facilitate public understanding and comparison of such policies; to eliminate pro- visions contained in such policies which may be misleading or