
PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY Volume 125, Number 6, June 1997, Pages 1873–1879 S 0002-9939(97)03780-5



(Communicated by Mary Rees)

Abstract. It is known that the topological entropy for the geodesic flow on a Riemannian M is bounded if the absolute value of KM is bounded. We replace this condition by the condition of Ricci curvature and| injectivity| radius.

1. Introduction The topological entropy is the most important invariant related to the orbit growth of a dynamical system. It represents the exponential growth rate for the number of orbit segments. In a sense, topological entropy describes the total expo- nential complexity of the orbit structure. The topological entropy for geodesic flows is closely related to the of since geodesic flows depend on the metrics of manifolds. Let φt be a geodesic flow on a M and h(φt) be the topological entropy for φt. It was known that if the absolute value of sectional curvature satisfies K

Received by the editors August 23, 1995 and, in revised form, October 17, 1995 and December 21, 1995. 1991 Subject Classification. Primary 58F17; Secondary 53C20, 53C21, 53C22. Partially supported by the Basic Science Research Institute Program and in part supported by GARC-KOSEF.

c 1997 American Mathematical Society


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For the proof, we will use Brocks’ estimate for the Laplacian of the distance function, which will play an important role on estimating the norm of Jacobi fields. We would like to express our gratitude to Professor Hongjong Kim and Professor Dong-Pyo Chi for much kind and helpful advice.

2. Preliminaries Let X be a compact metric space with the distance function d, and let φ = φt : X X be a flow, i.e. 1-parameter subgroup of homeomorphisms. { Define→ } dφ (x, y):=max d(φ(x),φ (y)) 0 t T . T { t t | ≤ ≤ } φ Let Sd(φ, , T ) be the minimal number of balls of radius  in the metric dT which cover X. Define 1 hd(φ, ) := lim sup log Sd(φ, , T ). T T →∞ Then the topological entropy for φ is defined as follows:

h(φ) := lim hd(φ, ).  0 → The following proposition is Brocks’ estimate on the Laplacian of the distance function. Proposition ([B, DSW]). Let M be an n-dimensional complete Riemannian man- ifold with Ric k,inj i .Letrbe a distance function from p and γ be a M ≥− M ≥ 0 geodesic from p. Consider r and r as functions of t on γ.ThenC1(i0,n,k) n 1 4 ≤ r − C (i ,n,k) for some constants C ,C depending only on i ,n,k on 4 − t ≤ 2 0 1 2 0 [0,i0/2]. The following lemma is important to estimate the upper bound of the topological entropy. It is proved in the discrete time case in [KH]. In this case, almost the same proof can be applied.

Lemma 1. Let X be a compact metric space and φ = φt be a flow on M with tC { } d(φt(x),φt(y)) e d(x, y) for some constant C.Thenh(φ) CD(X)where ≤ log b(≤|) | D(X) is the ball defined by D(X) := lim 0 ,andb()is the → log() minimum number of a covering of X by -balls. | |

T C Proof. By assumption, d(φt(x),φt(y)) e | |d(x, y), for t T . Then we easily T C ≤ ≤T C know φt(B(x, /e | |)) B(φt(x),), for t T .SoBd(x, /e | |) Bdφ (x, )and ⊂ ≤ ⊂ T T C S(φ, , t) b(/e | |), where Bd(x, r)isther-ball in d-metric. Then we≤ obtain

1 1 T C lim sup log S(φ, , T ) lim sup log b(/e | |) T T ≤ T T →∞ →∞ 1 log b(/eT C ) lim sup | | log(/eT C ) T C | | ≤ T T log(/e | |) | | →∞ D(X) C . ≤ | |

It is known that D(X)=dimX,whenXis a topological manifold.

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3. Proof of Theorem In the calculation of the entropy, it is an important step to define a metric on

the unit tangent bundle, T1M.Letγv(t) be the geodesic on M with γv0 (0) = vp. In Manning’s paper [Ma1], a metric on T1M is defined as follows:

d1(vp,wq):= sup d(γv(t),γw(t)). 0 t 1 ≤ ≤ In [KH], they used the following metric:

d (v ,w ):=d(p, q)+ P q(v ) w , 2 p q || p p − q|| q where Pp (vp) is the parallel translation of vp along the geodesic from p to q. Now we construct a metric on T M as follows. Since inj i , it is possible to 1 M ≥ 0 identify v T M with the geodesic γ (t), t [0,i /4] with γ0 (0) = v .Thenwe p ∈ 1 v ∈ 0 v p may consider a Jacobi field J along γv(t) as a tangent vector at vp T1M,whereJ ∂Q ∈ ∂Q is generated by a C∞-rectangle Q(t, s) such that (t, 0) = J(t), (t, s) =1 ∂s || ∂t || for any s and 0 t i /4andQ(t, s ) is a geodesic for any fixed s .Inthis ≤ ≤ 0 0 0 identification, we consider a C∞-rectangle, Q(t, s), where 0 s 1and0 t ∂Q ∂Q ≤ ≤ ≤ ≤ i/4, as a C -curve on T M from (0, 0) to (0, 1). 0 ∞ 1 ∂t ∂t Then we define an inner product of tangent vectors and a distance on T1M as follows.

Definition. Let J1,J2 be tangent vectors on T1M, i.e. Jacobi fields with above property. Then

i0/4 (J ,J )= J (t),J (t) dt, 1 2 h 1 2 i Z0

1 1 i0/4 ∂Q ∂Q 1 ∂Q d(v ,w ) = inf ( , )2 ds =inf dtds, p q ∂s ∂s || ∂s || Z0 Z0 Z0 where the inf is taken over piecewise C∞-curves Q on T1M from vp to wq, i.e. ∂Q ∂Q (0, 0) = v and (0, 1) = w . ∂t p ∂t q

Since T1M is a compact Hausdorff space, the above metrics induce the same topology. Now we will prove a key lemma.

Lemma 2. Let M be a complete Riemannian manifold with RicM k,injM i0 and let γ(t) be a minimal geodesic starting from q and J(t) is a Jacobi≥− field along≥ D γ such that J(0) = 0 and J 0(0),γ0(0) =0.Then J (t) e t J 0 (0) for some h i || || ≤ || || constant D(i0,n,k) if t

J 0 = J = γ0 = r = r(J). ∇γ0 ∇J ∇J ∇ ∇∇ Define A := r =Hessr,sotrA= rand J 0 = AJ. ∇∇ 4

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Now we will estimate the A .WriteA(t)=B(t)+I/t. From the Jacobi || || equation J 00 + R(J, T )T =0andJ0 =AJ, we obtain the Riccati equation A0 + 2 A2 + R = 0 and substituting A(t)=B(t)+I/t,wegetB +B2+ B+R=0. 0 t 2 2 2 t 2 t Then, trB0 + B + trB + Ric(γ0) 0since B trB B =trB ,whereB is || || t ≤ || || ≤ the of B and B is a symmetric . 1 Multiplying the above equality by a factor t 2 and integrating along γ(t), we obtain the following equality:

l0 l0 l0 1 1 3 1 1 2 2 B t 2 l trB(l ) t− 2 trB(t) t 2 Ric(γ0). || || ≤−0 0 − 2 − Z0 Z0 Z0 n 1 Also using the Proposition ([B, DSW]) in 2, r − C(i,n,k)forsome § |4 − t |≤ 0 n 1 n 1 constant C(i ,n,k)on[0,i /2]. Then we get trB = trA − = r − 0 0 | | | − t | |4 − t |≤ l0 1 2 2 C(i0,n,k). So 0 B t D1(i0,n,k), for some constant D1. Using the H¨older|| inequality,|| ≤ R l0 l0 l0 1 1 1 2 1 B ( t− 2 ) 2 ( t 2 B ) 2 D(i ,n,k). || || ≤ || || ≤ 0 Z0 Z0 Z0 Then we have I J J 0 J0 (B + )(J) B J + || ||, || || ≤|| || ≤ || t || ≤ || |||| || t l0 J 0 || || D +logl log δ, J ≤ 0 − Zδ || || J (l ) l log(|| || 0 ) D + log( 0 ), J (δ) ≤ δ || || J (δ) J (l ) eDl || || , || || 0 ≤ 0 δ D J (δ) D J (l0) lim e l0 || || = e l0 J 0 (0), || || ≤ δ 0 δ || || → which completes the proof.

t D From Lemma 5.2 in [DSW], we know that J(t) e J(t0) , 0 t t0 < || || ≤ t0 || || ≤ ≤ D J(t) e J(t0) i0. Then J 0(0) = limt 0 || || || ||. || || → t ≤ t0 From lemma 2 and the above inequality, we obtain the following inequality: D D (1) e− J 0(0) t J(t) e J 0(0) t. || || ≤|| || ≤ || || Also we know that

(2) K J(i /4) J 0(0) K J(i /4) , 1|| 0 || ≤ || || ≤ 2|| 0 || for some constants K1,K2depending only on i0,n,k. Consequently, (3) K J(i /4) t J(t) K J(i /4) t. 3|| 0 || ≤|| || ≤ 4|| 0 || If J 0(0),γ0(0) = 0, we can decompose J into tangential and perpendicular componentsh and obtaini6 the above boundedness (3), since tangential component is linear in t [DSW].

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Lemma 3. If h is sufficiently small, d(φ (v ),φ (w )) d(v ,w ) N(i ,n,k)d(v ,w )h, h p h q − p q ≤ 0 p q for some constant N(i0,n,k).

Proof. Let Q(t, s) be a length minimizing curve from vp to wq , i.e. a piecewise C∞- rectangle which realizes the distance from vp to wq. We may assume the existence of a length minimizing curve. Then we know that 1 i0/4 ∂Q d(v ,w )= dtds p q || ∂S || Z0 Z0 and 1 i0/4+h ∂Q d(φ (v ),φ (w )) dtds. h p h q ≤ || ∂s || Z0 Zh So we get

1 h 1 i0/4+h ∂Q d(φ (v ),φ (w )) d(v ,w ) + dtds. h p h q − p q ≤ || ∂s || Z0 Z0 Z0 Zi0/4 ∂Q ∂Q Let (0,s)=V(s)and (i /4,s)=W(s). Decompose J into J and J ∂s ∂s 0 1 2 such that J (0) = 0,J(i/4) = 0. Then J (0) = V and J (i /4) = W . 1 2 0 || 2 || || || || 1 0 || || || If V = W =0,thenJ(t)=J1(t)=J2(t) = 0 for all t i0/4andvp =wq.So we|| do|| not|| need|| consider this case. From now on we may assume≤ V =0.Then by (3), we have || || 6 (4) K W t J (t) K W t, 3|| || ≤|| 1 || ≤ 4|| || (5) K V t J (i /4 t) K V t. 3|| || ≤|| 2 0 − || ≤ 4|| || Thus we have

h 1 i0/4+h 1 d(φ (v ),φ (w )) d(v ,w ) + J(t) dsdt h p h q − p q ≤ || || Z0 Z0 Zi0/4 Z0 h 1 i0/4+h 1 + J (t) dsdt ≤ || 1 || Z0 Z0 Zi0/4 Z0 h 1 i0/4+h 1 + + J (t) dsdt || 2 || Z0 Z0 Zi0/4 Z0 i0/4+h h 1 ( + K tdt)( V + W ds) ≤ 4 || || || || Zi0/4 Z0 Z0 1 K(i ,n,k)( V + W ds)h, ≤ 0 || || || || Z0 for some constant K(i0,n,k). Now compute the d(vp,wq). Let i K V iK W a = 0 3|| || ,b= 0 3|| || . 4(K V + K W ) 4(K W + K V ) 3|| || 4|| || 3|| || 4|| ||

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On [0,a], we know that J2(t) J1(t) and on [i0/4 b, i0/4], J1(t) J2(t) by (4) and (5). So we obtain|| || ≥ || || − || || ≥ || ||

i0/4 1 d(v ,w )= J dsdt p q || || Z0 Z0 1 a 1 i0/4 J2 J1 dtds + J1 J2 dtds ≥ 0 0 || || − || || 0 i /4 b || || − || || Z Z Z Z 0 − 1 a K V (i /4 t) K W tdtds ≥ 3|| || 0 − − 4|| || Z0 Z0 1 i0/4 + K3 W t K4 V (i0/4 t)dtds. 0 i /4 b || || − || || − Z Z 0 − The integral a K V (i /4 t) K W tdt is the area of 0 3|| || 0 − − 4|| || R (x, y) K W x y K V (i /4 x),x a. { | 4|| || ≤ ≤ 3|| || 0 − ≤} Hence we get a K V 2 J J ai K V /8=i2K /32 3|| || . || 2|| − || 1|| ≥ 0 3|| || 0 3 K W + K V Z0 4|| || 3|| || Similarly we get

i0/4 2 2 K3 W J1 J2 i0K3/32 || || . i /4 b || || − || || ≥ K4 V + K3 W Z 0 − || || || || It is an easy calculation that

i0/4 a ( V 2 W + V W 2)+a ( V 3 + W 3) J dt 1 || || || || || |||| || 2 || || || || , || || ≥ b ( W 2 + V 2)+b V W Z0 1 || || || || 2|| |||| || for some positive constant ai,bi depending only on i0,n,k. Then we obtain 2 2 V + W ( V + W )(b1( V + W )+b2 V W ) || i ||/4 || || || || 2|| || || || 2|| || 3|| |||| ||3 0 J dt ≤ a1( V W + V W )+a2( V + W ) 0 || || || || || || || |||| || || || || || b ( V 3 + W 3)+c ( V 2 W + V W 2) R = 1 || || || || 1 || || || || || |||| || a ( V 3 + W 3)+a ( V 2 W + V W 2) 2 || || || || 1 || || || || || |||| || b V 3 + c V 2 W + c V W 2 + b W 3 = 1|| || 1|| || || || 1|| |||| || 1|| || a V 3 + a V 2 W + a V W 2 + a W 3 2|| || 1|| || || || 1|| |||| || 2|| || b + c W / V + c W 2/ V 2 + b W 3/ V 3 = 1 1|| || || || 1|| || || || 1|| || || || a + a W / V + a W 2/ V 2 + a W 3/ V 3 2 1|| || || || 1|| || || || 2|| || || || C (i ,n,k), ≤ 0 0

for some positive constants c1(i0,n,k),C0(i0,n,k), since we assume V =0and e + e x + e x2 + e x3 || || 6 we know the boundedness of 0 1 2 3 from 2 3 f0 + f1x + f2x + f3x e + e x + e x2 + e x3 e lim 0 1 2 3 = 0 x 0 f + f x + f x2 + f x3 f → 0 1 2 3 0

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and e + e x + e x2 + e x3 e lim 0 1 2 3 = 3 x f + f x + f x2 + f x3 f →∞ 0 1 2 3 3 for positive constants ei,fi and x 0. Consequently, we have ≥ 1 d(φ (v ),φ (w )) d(v ,w ) K( V + W ds)h h p h q − p q ≤ || || || || Z0 1 i0/4 KC ( J dtds)h ≤ 0 || || Z0 Z0 = KC0d(vp,wq)h, which completes the proof. For fixed T ,wehave T/h d(φT(vp),φT(wq)) lim (1 + KC0h) d(vp,wq) ≤ h 0 → eTKC0d(v ,w ). ≤ p q Then by lemma 1, the topological entropy for geodesic flows of compact Riemann- ian manifolds with RicM kand injM i0 is bounded; i.e. h(φ) (2n 1)KC0. This completes the proof≥− of the theorem.≥ ≤ −

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Department of Mathematics, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-742, Korea E-mail address: [email protected]

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