Order in Council 1429/1994
PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA ORDER OF THE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR IN COUNCIL Order in Council N6.. i 1429 , Approved and Ordered NOV.~ / Lieutenant Governor Executive Council Clrnmhers, Victoria On lhc rccnmmcmlatinn nf the undersigned, the Lieutenant Governnr, by and with the advice nm! cnnst.:nl nf the Exccuti-,. Council, orders that 1. Ortkr in Council No. 7(,K, approved ;1ml ordered June 8. l<JCJ4 be amended al section I. by dt.:k:ting "Districl ol' Ahhn1srord/ivbtsqui" and suhslilutin1!, "City of Abhotsford/Matsqui". 2. Order in Council Nn. 7()K, ;1pprnvcd and ordered Jum: 8, jlJCJ4 he amended at scclinn 2. and -section.'.. hy tickling "J;muary .1, ltJtJ5" and substituting "January I, 1995" . .1. Supplementary Letters f';1tcn1 in the fnrm allm:hcd he issucd for the City of Ahbulsftml/tv1;11squi. 4. Supplc111cnt,1ry Letters Palen! in !he fnrm attached he issued rm the Central Fraser Valley Regional Dis I ricl. 5. Supplementary Lc!tcrs Pall'nt Ill lhL'. form ;1ltachcd be issued for the Dcwdncy-Alouctlc RL:gion:tl Dist ricl. 6. Supplcmcnlary LcltL:rs P:11cn1 in the fnrm ;1!l;1chcd he issued l'or lhc Greater Vancouver Rcgionnl Di:-;tricl. (771is 1)(/rf 1~,· for ad111i1, •.Hratii·,· puqu,.n·s m1(v anti is nor pmt of r//c Ore/er.) Authorily undt·1· which Ordt·r b 111:tcll': Ac! and section: Municipal Ari st·rtinm S, U Olhcr (specify): ---~----------------------------------- November 81 J!N4 ,· · -.:.i. , n / q . , / .,. ·-i .7'. ~) io-1 , ~;. __;, C A N A O A PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA ELIZABETH the SECOND, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom, Canada and Her Other Realms and Territories, Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith.
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