Dmitriy Kataskin E-mail: [email protected] § Phone: +79179912228 Russian Federation, Nizhny Novgorod


Nitka Inc. Oct 2013 — Present Team Lead, Senior Software Engineer

Wisdom Authorization (remotely) - a NYC based startup in the area of ABAC runtime authorization. I led a team of five developers, the team and I built a number of backend API services in Elixir, Java, .NET and suite of tools which are SPA written in Javascript, AngularJS, HTML, CSS. Being responsible for team management, systems design, deployment pipeline and infrastructure management I still had time to do coding and commit to the development side of the project, worked mostly with functional languages - Erlang and Elixir in this project.

Technologies, libraries, and frameworks used: Elixir, Erlang, Phoenix, Java 8, Akka, Riak, TeamCity, Ansible, .NET 4.5, Azure, XACML, MS SQL Server, Temporal Database.

Trade Processing System for AllianceBernstein (remotely and on-site). I led a small team that was migrating a monolithic application for trade processing written in PowerBuilder to .NET platform. We designed and built a number of RESTful and SOAP API backend services as well as data replication and aggregation services. I constructed deployment pipeline by adopting CI/CD techniques to automate and streamline the build-test-deploy cycle.

Technologies, libraries, and frameworks used: .NET 4.5, Web API 2, WCF, WPF, MS SQL server, AutoMapper, JSON.NET, ProtoBuf, TeamCity, Logstash

Full Scale 180 Dec 2011 — Oct 2013 Senior Software Engineer Designed and implemented Erlang version of canonical shopping service as a part ofC loud Ninja Polyglot Persistence (CN2P) project. Implementation is comprised of RESTful services built with Cowboy as HTTP server, Riak and CouchDB as backend stores.

Completed numerous Azure cloud projects for different companies including Microsoft and Dell. Some highlights:

SaaS analog of Logstash - an application for collecting, storing and analyzing logs and diagnostics data of other Azure native applications with a built-in alerting system. An HPC solution "deployer" to Azure cloud - an application that packages, deploys to Azure and monitors an HPC solution. Azure Queues throughput testing tool

Migrated a few small to mid-size on-premises applications to the cloud.

Dmitriy Kataskin 1 STC Computerservice KG Mar 2010 — Dec 2011 Lead UI Developer, Senior Software Engineer A Germany located company that hired me to recreate an old game and turn in into a browser MMO game (StarCube, discontinued) in Silverlight and C#. Worked remotely. Implemented a rich UI with a lot of animations and visual effects, 3D rendering part and game logic. Helped to find and fix several bugs in 3rd party 3D engine (Balder). Designed and implemented a network layer that talked to the game servers.

UpSelf, ServiceTrace, Navigation Systems, Mar 2006 — Mar 2010 Navigator-Electronics LLC .NET Developer, Senior Software Engineer Various .NET projects:

Social network application in .NET, ASP.NET MVC. I was responsible for systems design, backend code, WCF API, unit tests. Designed architecture and developed server side and client side components for the intelligent vehicle monitoring system. Implemented async TCP/UDP socket server, services for data collecting and parsing. Developed a for managing e2e remote agents in C#, ASP.NET, WCF and a platform in C# and WPF for handling, versioning, testing and debugging measurement scripts. Developed a network information system for an energy distribution company with components written in Delphi, C# and T-SQL; implemented the UI and server-side components. Optimized performance of T-SQL queries. Developed mathematical/computational kernels.

OPEN SOURCE libcluster etcd ***This is a Premium-only section.***

Erlazure ***This is a Premium-only section.***

Erlang algorithms ***This is a Premium-only section.***

BusTracker ***This is a Premium-only section.***


MCPD Silverlight Developer 4

MCPD Web Developer 4

MCTS Silverlight 4

MCTS .NET Framework 4, Web Applications

MCTS .NET Framework 4, Data Access

MCTS .NET Framework 4, Service Communication Applications

Dmitriy Kataskin 2 EDUCATION

Mathematics Sep 2002 — Jun 2007 Mordovian State University Obtained the MS degree in Pure Mathematics.

Economics Sep 2004 — Jun 2007 Mordovian State University Postrgraduate education, obtained a diploma.


English - speak, read and write fluently; Russian - native language;


List of buzzwords, something I have expertise in, something I played with:

Programming languages and platforms: Erlang and OTP, Elixir, C#, .NET, C++, Javascript, PowerShell

Databases: Riak, CouchDb, PostgreSQL, MS SQL Server

CI: TeamCity, TFS

Configuration Management: Ansible, PowerShell scripts

Version Control: Git, Subversion, MS TFS

Issue Tracking: JIRA

Rest of buzzwords: React, React Native, Redux, Docker, , Mono, .NET Core, RabbitMQ, ActiveMQ, ZeroMQ, ProtocolBuffers, , MessagePack, Azure, Unity

Dmitriy Kataskin 3