In-Year Admissions to Primary Schools

This leaflet explains the process for in-year admissions into primary schools. In-year admissions are those that take place at a time other than the beginning of the academic year in which they become five. IN-YEAR APPLICATION FOR A PLACE IN A

Who should use this application form?

If you wish to apply for a place in a primary school in Enfield you should use this form. If your child has a Statement of Special Educational Needs or an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) you must approach the Special Needs Team in your home local authority and cannot apply for a school place using this process.

Which schools can I apply for using this application form?

You can use this form to apply for a place at the majority of primary school in Enfield (community, voluntary aided and academies). The schools which you have to apply to directly and not through the local authority are John Keats , Cuckoo Hall Academy, Kingfisher Hall Academy & Woodpecker Hall Academy.

How do I find out information about schools?

You will find a list of the names and addresses of all the primary, infant and junior schools within Enfield at the back of this leaflet. There is also a map so that you can see where they are located. School brochures are available directly from schools. Before you make an application for a place at any school, we would strongly advise you contact the school or schools to arrange a visit. If you are interested in applying for schools outside Enfield, you can contact the local authority in which the school is situated for further information about making an application.

How do I apply for a primary school place?

Once you have completed this application form, you can either return this directly to Enfield Schools Admission Service (ESAS) at the address given or hand it in at a primary school who will then send it to ESAS on your behalf. You will need to provide documentation with the form to confirm your child’s date of birth and address. Please let us have any information that you think may be important for us to know so that we can consider your application fully.

If you are applying for a place at a voluntary aided school or academy, you may need to complete a supplementary information form. These are available from the schools concerned or from Enfield’s website

How do I apply for a school outside of Enfield?

You need to contact the authority where that school is situated to find out how you can make an application. You will be able to find this information from their website or by contacting them by phone.

What happens after the form has been completed and sent to ESAS?

When we receive your completed form, we will consider your application against the admissions criteria for all of the community schools you have requested. (A copy of the admissions criteria for community schools in Enfield is in appendix 1).

Details of the admission criteria for voluntary aided schools and academies in Enfield are available on our website at

If a place is available at more than one of the schools you have requested, you will be sent a letter offering your child a place at the school you have told us you would most prefer. All lower preference schools will be withdrawn at this stage. You will also be asked to confirm when you return the reply slip, which higher preference schools you would like your child’s name kept on the waiting list for.

You will be asked to let us know within 7 days if you want to accept this place. If you do not respond within 7 days the place may be withdrawn and offered to another child.

I have been offered and accepted a place, what happens next?

If you accept the offer, the school will be told and they will arrange for your child to be admitted. This will usually be within 10 school days.

I have not been offered a place at a school I want?

If it is not possible to offer your child a place at one of the schools you have asked for, you will be advised of this in writing. The reason your child will not have been offered a place is because the school is full and we cannot offer any more places. Your child’s name will be included on the waiting list for the school(s) you asked for. If you are offered a place at an alternative school, you can accept this and still ask that your child be kept on the waiting list for other schools.

If your application is unsuccessful you will also be given information about your right of appeal as established under the terms of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998. Appeals for the majority of schools in Enfield are considered under the Key Stage 1 legislation in relation to appeals for reception, year 1 and year 2. The law states that there should be a maximum class size of 30 pupils in an infant class unless there is more than one qualified teacher. The only schools where this is not the case in Enfield is Oakthorpe (reception only).

Appeal panels can consider appeals in a different way for KS2 (years 3, 4, 5 and 6). Further information will be sent to you when you receive the result of your application.There are strict guidelines covering infant class size appeals. It is very difficult to win an infant class size appeal and because of this very few are successful.

Thinking of changing your child’s school?

Changing your child’s school is a big step and the decision should not be taken without careful thought. Sometimes a change of school is difficult to avoid because a family move area and the journey is too far. Sometimes, a request is made because the family is not happy with the current school.

Before you decide to ask for a transfer, consider whether this is the right option for your child. Often things that worry parents and children can be resolved without the need to change schools. A change of school may not resolve the concerns and can sometimes make the situation more difficult for the child concerned.

If you are concerned about something that has happened at your child’s school, you should speak to your child’s class teacher or a member of the Senior Leadership Team in the school. Most issues can be resolved in this way, but if the issue you are concerned about cannot be resolved by speaking to staff, all schools have a complaints procedure and you should ask at the school office for a copy.

Enfield Schools Admission Service, PO Box 56, Civic Centre, Silver Street, Enfield, EN1 3XQ Telephone: 020 8379 5501, Email: [email protected] Appendix 1

Oversubscription criteria for community primary schools in Enfield

If more children want to go to the school you have requested and there are not enough places available, the criteria below for community schools in Enfield will be used to decide which child should be offered the place: a) Children in public care (looked after children) and children who were adopted (or subject to residence or special guardianship orders) immediately following having been looked after. b) Children for whom a particular school is considered by the LA to be appropriate on exceptional medical grounds. Such applications will only be considered under this criterion if they are supported by an attached medical statement from a doctor. This must demonstrate that there is a very specific connection between the child’s medical need and the school requested. c) Children with a brother or sister who will be attending the school or linked junior school at the time of admission. The children concerned must be living at the same address. d) Children whose parent is a member of staff who has been employed at the school concerned for two or more years at the time of application, and/or children of a member of staff who has been recruited to fill a vacancy for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage. e) Children genuinely resident within the school’s designated priority zone (for schools with an identified priority zone). f) Children living nearest to the school measured as the crow flies, that is, in a straight line from the child’s home to the main entrance of the school. (Travel by private car or public transport is not taken into account).

All distances will be calculated by our admissions IT system using ADDRESS BASE®. This provides a national grid co-ordinate and a unique reference for each postal address in Great Britain. The grid reference is provided to a resolution of 0.1 metres (10 cm). The accuracy of each ADDRESS-POINT® is such that each point will fall within the addresses building. In the case of multi-occupancy buildings such as flats where there may only be one address point, priority will be given to the applicants whose door number is the lowest numerically/or alphabetically.

When it is not possible to admit all applicants to a particular school within any criterion, priority will be given to those living near the school measured as in ‘f’ above.

The Local Authority defines siblings as a brother or sister living at the same address on the date when the applicant would be admitted. The term ‘sibling’ means a full, step, half, adopted or foster brother or sister, but not cousins.

The Local Authority may exceptionally direct schools to admit children in excess of the admission number or above other children on a school’s waiting list, in order to fulfil its statutory responsibilities or to comply with decisions taken by the LA’s Fair Access Panel.

Please note:

Children who have a statement of Special Educational Needs will be offered a place at a school if it is named in their statement in accordance with the Education Act 1996 and the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice.

July 2015 Primary Schools in Enfield

1. ALMA Primary, Alma Road, Enfield, EN3 4UQ - 020 8804 3302 - (C) 2. , Bell Lane, Enfield, EN3- 020 8443 3113 (A) - Reception Year 1 + 2 children only - parents apply directly 3. BOWES Primary, Bowes Road, , N11 2HL - 020 8368 2552 - (C) 4. BOWES EDMONTON, 206a Nightingale Road, London N9 - 020 8368 2552 - (C) The school admits Reception, Year 1, Year 3 and Year 4 + Year 5 children only. This is part of the Bowes Learning Alliance.

5. BOWES SOUTHGATE GREEN, C/O Broomfield School, Wilmer Way, Southgate, N14 7HY - 020 8368 2552 – (C) - Reception + Year 1 children only. This is part of the Bowes Learning Alliance.

6. BRETTENHAM Primary, Brettenham Road, London, N18 2ET - 020 8345 6055 - (C) 7. Primary, Green Street, Enfield, EN3 7NA- 020 8804 6797 - (C) 8. Primary, Main Avenue, Enfield, EN1 1DS- 020 8366 0521 - (C) 9. CAPEL MANOR Primary, Lane, Enfield, EN1 4RL - 01992 764087 - (C) 10. CARTERHATCH Infant, Carterhatch Lane, Enfield, EN1 4JY- 020 8804 6886 - (C) 10. CARTERHATCH Junior, Carterhatch Lane, Enfield, EN1 4JY - 020 8804 2101 - (C) 11. Primary, Trinity Street, Enfield EN2 6NS- 020 8363 1120 - (C) 12. CHESTERFIELD Primary, Chesterfield Road, Enfield, EN3 6BG- 01992 760678 - (C) 13. CHURCHFIELD Primary, Latymer Road, London, N9 9PL - 020 8807 2458 - (C) 14. CUCKOO HALL Academy, Cuckoo Hall Lane, London, N9 8DR - 020 8804 4126 - (A) Parents apply directly

15. DE BOHUN Primary, Green Road, London, N14 4AD - 020 8449 4402 - (C) 16. EASTFIELD Primary, Eastfield Road, Enfield, EN3 5UX- 020 8804 5013 - (C) 17. , Little Bury Street, Edmonton N9 9HZ - 020 83603158 (C) Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children only

18. ELDON Primary, Eldon Road, London, N9 8LG - 020 8807 5230 - (C) 19. ENFIELD HEIGHTS Academy, Pitfield Way, Enfield, EN3 5BY- 020 8805 9811 - (A) – Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children only

20. EVERSLEY Primary, Chaseville Park Road, London, N21 1PD - 020 8360 5159 - (C) 21. FIRS FARM Primary, Rayleigh Road, London, N13 5QP - 020 8807 4292 - (C) 22. FLEECEFIELD Primary, Brettenham Road, London, N18 2ES - 020 8807 7899 - (C) 23. CE Primary, Forty Hill, Enfield, EN2 9EY- 020 8363 0760 - (VA)* 24. ST. GEORGE’S CE Primary, Hertford Road, Enfield, EN3 6NR - 01992 764737 - (VA)* 25. GALLIARD Primary, Galliard Road, London, N9 7PE - 020 8804 1818 - (C) 26. GARFIELD Primary, Springfield Road, London, N11 1RR- 020 8368 4500 - (C) 27. GEORGE SPICER Primary, Southbury Road, Enfield, EN1 1YF - 020 8363 1406 - (C) 28. GRANGE PARK Primary, Worlds End Lane, London, N21 1PP - 020 8360 1001 - (C) 29. Primary, Courtleigh Avenue, Hadley Wood, EN4 OHT - 020 8440 4359 - (C) 30. HAZELBURY Infant, Haselbury Road, London, N9 9TT - 020 8807 5677 - (C) 30. HAZELBURY Junior, Haselbury Road, London, N9 9TT - 020 8807 3140 - (C) 31. HAZELWOOD Infant, Hazelwood Lane, London, N13 5HE - 020 8882 0557 - (C) 31. HAZELWOOD Junior, Hazelwood Lane, London, N13 5HE - 020 8886 3216 - (C) 32. HIGHFIELD Primary, Highfield Road, London, N21 3HE- 020 8360 2149 - (C) 33. HONILANDS Primary, Lovell Road, Enfield, EN1 4RE - 01992 718396 - (C) 34. HOUNDSFIELD Primary, Ripon Road, London, N9 7RE - 020 8805 3406 - (C) 35. KEYS MEADOW Primary, 84 Tysoe Avenue, Enfield, EN3 6FB- 020 8350 8200 - (C) 36. KINGFISHER HALL Academy, The Ride, Enfield, EN3- 020 8804 4126 - (A) Reception, Year 1, Year 2 + Year 3 children only - Parents apply directly

37. LATYMER ALL SAINTS CE Primary, 41 Hydethorpe Avenue, London, N9 9RS - 020 8807 2679 - (VA)* 38. LAVENDER Primary, Lavender Road, Enfield, EN2 OSX- 020 8363 1058 - (C) 39. MERIDIAN ANGEL Primary, 176 Dysons Road N18 2DS - 020 8804 1666 - (A) A new primary school currently admits Reception, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3 and Year 4 children only

40. MERRYHILLS Primary, Bincote Road, Enfield, EN2 7RE - 020 8363 1403 - (C) 41. OAKTHORPE Primary, Tile Kiln Lane, London, N13 6BY - 020 8807 4689 - (C) 42. , 143 South Street, , Enfield, EN3, 4PX - 020 8804 1648 - (A) Reception, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3, Year 4 + Year 5 only 43. OUR LADY OF LOURDES CATHOLIC Primary, The Limes Avenue, London, N11 1RD - 020 8361 0767 - (VA)* 44. PRINCE OF WALES Primary, Salisbury Road, Enfield, EN3 6HG- 01992 762840 - (C) 45. RAGLAN Infant, Wellington Road, Enfield, EN1 2NS - 020 8360 5121 - (C) 45. RAGLAN Junior, Raglan Road, Enfield, EN1 2RG - 020 8360 3731 - (C) 46. RAYNHAM Primary, Raynham Avenue, London, N18 2JQ - 020 8807 4726 - (C) 47. SOUTHBURY Primary, Swansea Road, Enfield, EN3 4JG- 020 8804 1710 - (C) 48. ST. ANDREW’S CE Primary, 116 Churchbury Lane, Enfield, EN1 3UL- 020 8363 5003 - (VA)* 49. ST. ANDREW’S SOUTHGATE CE Primary, 297 Chase Road, Southgate, N14 6JA - 020 8886 3379 - (VA)* 50. ST. EDMUND’S CATHOLIC Primary, Hertford Road, London, N9 7HJ - 020 8807 2664 - (VA)* 51. ST. GEORGE’S CATHOLIC Primary, Gordon Road, Enfield, EN2 0QA - 020 8363 3729 - (VA)* 52. ST. JAMES’ CE Primary, Frederick Crescent, Enfield EN3 7HH - 020 8804 1987 - (VA)* 53. ST. JOHN & ST. JAMES CE Primary, Grove Street, London, N18 2TL - 020 8807 2578 - (VA)* 54. ST. JOHN’S CE Primary, Theobalds Park Road, Enfield, EN2 9BD - 020 8363 4709 - (VA)* 55. ST. MARY’S CATHOLIC Primary, Durants Road, Enfield, EN3 7DE- 020 8804 2396 - (VA)* 56. ST. MATTHEW’S CE Primary, South Street, Enfield, EN3 4LA- 020 8804 1666 - (VA)* 57. ST. MICHAEL AT BOWES CE Junior, Tottenhall Road, London, N13 6JB - 020 8888 6100 - (VA)* Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 children only 58. ST. MICHAEL’S CE Primary, Brigadier Hill, Enfield, EN2 0NB - 020 8363 2724 - (VA)* 59. ST. MONICA’S CATHOLIC Primary, Cannon Road, London, N14 7HE - 020 8886 4647 - (VA)* 60. ST. PAUL’S CE Primary, Ringwood Way, London, N21 2RA - 020 8360 137 - (VA)* 61. STARKS FIELD Primary, Church Street, Edmonton, N9 9HL - 020 8887 6060 - (C) 62. SUFFOLKS Primary, Brick Lane, Enfield, EN1 3PU- 020 8804 1534 - (C) 62. THE RIDGEWAY AT SUFFOLKS, Brick Lane, Enfield, EN1 3PU - 020 8804 1534 Reception only

63. TOTTENHALL Infant, Tottenhall Road, London, N13 6HX - 020 8829 1100 - (C) Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children only

64. WALKER Primary, Waterfall Road, London, N14 7EG - 020 8886 3904 - (C) 65. WEST GROVE Primary, 218a Chase Road, London, N14 4LR - 020 8351 9200 - (C) 66. WILBURY Primary, Wilbury Way, London, N18 1DE - 020 8807 5335 - (C) 67. WOLFSON HILLEL Primary, 156 Chase Road, London, N14 4LG - 020 8882 6487 - (VA)* 68. WOODPECKER HALL Academy, 51 Nightingale Road, London N9 8DR - 020 8443 0708 - (A) Reception, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3 children only - Parents apply directly 69. WORCESTERS Primary, Goat Lane, Enfield, EN1 4UF - 020 8363 7860 - (C)

Key: C - Community A - Academy VA* - Voluntary Aided - If applying for these schools you may need to complete the schools supplementary information form as well. Please contact the school directly. KEY 1. Alma 2. Ark John Keats 3. Bowes 4. Bowes Edmonton 5. Bowes Southgate Green 6. Brettenham 7. Brimsdown 8. Bush Hill Park 9. Capel Manor 10. Carterhatch 11. Chase Side 12. Chesterfield 13. Churchfield 9 35 14. Cuckoo Hall 33 24 15. De Bohun 54 16. Eastfield 17. Edmonton County 18. Eldon 23 44 19. Enfield Heights Academy 29 12 20. Eversley 69 2 21. Firs Farm 38 16 22. Fleecefield 58 19 23. Forty Hill 24. Freezywater St. George’s 10 25. Galliard 51 26. Garfield 48 52 27. George Spicer 11 62 28. Grange Park 29. Hadley Wood 7 30. Hazelbury 27 36 31. Hazelwood 40 32. Highfield 47 55 33. Honilands 28 34. Houndsfield 35. Keys Meadow 8 36. Kingfisher Hall Academy 20 1 37. Latymer All Saints 15 38. Lavender 56 42 39. Meridian Angel 67 45 40. Merryhills 25 41. Oakthorpe 65 14 42. Oasis Academy Hadley 4 43. Our Lady of Lourdes 60 34 68 44. Prince of Wales 49 17 17 45. Raglan 13 18 46. Raynham 50 47. Southbury 32 61 48. St. Andrew’s Enfield 64 49. St. Andrew’s Southgate 37 50. St. Edmund’s 21 51. St. George’s 30 52. St. James’ 59 53. St. John & St. James 54. St. John’s 31 22 55. St. Mary’s 6 56. St. Matthew’s 57. St. Michael at Bowes 5 41 43 58. St. Michael’s 46 59. St. Monica’s 26 3 57 66 60. St. Paul’s 63 53 39 61. Starks Field 62. Suffolks & The Ridgeway at Suffolks 63. Tottenhall 64. Walker 65. West Grove 66. Wilbury 67. Wolfson Hillel 68. Woodpecker Hall 69. Worcesters