
Archdeacon of

Blue Hills, Bradley Road Bovey Tracey, Newton , TQ13 9EU

(01626) 832064

[email protected]

3rd September 2015

Priest-in-Charge of Wolborough & Ogwell – Mission Community

Thank you for your interest in this appointment. I hope you have enjoyed reading the benefice profile which gives a good indication of needs and opportunities in these , with forward-looking lay leadership in all three churches and great potential for development of mission and ministry and for church growth, spiritual and numerical.

The PCCs are eager for that potential to be realised more fully and keen to support and work with their new in enabling this. If the appointment were simply to the present benefice of Wolborough and Ogwell, it would be a substantial one and would offer the priest God is calling there a fine opportunity to give of his or her best in ministry.

From the perspective of the and , this is a key appointment for a further reason. It has been apparent for some time that the work of the in Newton Abbot needs to be focused upon the town as a whole. That need is becoming more urgent, given the substantial and increasing population growth in the town—especially in large areas of new housing which require new approaches to mission, at once creative and systematic. How a mission community for Newton Abbot should be shaped in future, and whether the work should be undertaken as at present through three distinct benefices or in some other way, are open questions which a new parish priest for Wolborough and Ogwell will have a significant role in addressing.

One of the other two Newton Abbot benefices (Milber) is already vacant and the parish priest for the third (Highweek) will retire next spring. This kairos moment is an opportunity for the Church of England in Newton Abbot, in collaboration with its ecumenical partners, to review and re-envision its offering to the town. The task, with plenty of interest and challenge, will require an exceptional strategic leader in the present post—creative, collaborative, and visionary—to work closely with the and archdeacon and with the deanery leadership in planning and building an effective mission community, while remaining rooted in practice of the parochial ministry for which these parishes offer so much scope.

Please read alongside this letter the Bishop’s Statement relevant to all parish appointments in the . Moving on in Mission and Ministry remains our core diocesan strategy and candidates will need to be familiar with its principles.