DEPARTMENT ( ·-~ OF ~... /-_ lNCOMIN<;.<­ -~•r< ~···_·~.·-~.•61Vi$r.c:>l'J.::qF.··, , ;,. STATE ~,·-CENTRAL. SERVICES ·_.·. TELEGRJ.\lVJ- .~~TELEGRAPH :~GTIQI\1':

. ,J,.. i/ :;;~~butib9A5 ZfBt~ue:PM 12 14 case:rta rEading only by spe:cial ~~-;? Date:d January 31 1~45' · -·~~ -- arrangEmEnt c;Jd!hll!.i!i;; 1IMJs 1 A.·;) I~ECOr~:DS Re:c 1d 11:12 p.m. ( LI.;/SON) SEcrEtary of State: Washington CONTROL COpy 380, January 31, 3 p.m. )( FOR THE WAR REFUGEE BOARD

~EfEre:nce: De:partme:nt '~ 148, January 2f3 2 p.m. 1 to Rome:.

~ ('' -P Actually some: 3500 / :(ugosiavs we:re: rE"pa tria te:d from camps in Ita Yy at v' Tito's re:que:st. Impossible: to asce:rtain numbe:r of JEws involVEd since: the: move:-

:~. '-' _I me:nt was made: in gre:at haste: and only impe:rfe:ct ·-· '_:·j docume:nts wErE availab1e:.

·;_,. ;-: .· '\'! · • At pre:se:nt time: camps are: maintaine:d as bE.!J;>re: ( ~ .~ ! ;: ij to be: use:d as re:se:rve:s for othe:r displace:d pE:;r>sons :- :· -~·: ij ~ ·_..;___~;,: ~ ·'·" ,- __ no camps have: be:e:n vacate:d comple:te:ly. Authori- ... '.• I ~~Jand ,., ----- tie:s he:re: are: inte:re:ste:d to know how the: rEport

originatEd that state:le:ss pErsons from outsidE Italy { ' •• 1 would bE accommodatEd in the:se: camps since: no such plan to move: thEsE PEoplE to ..eny·one: particular spot has yEt bE~n fortnulate:d. [ I j. KIRK j

i j .L. ', :. '

Refugee Board.

Q. :__.,

~ 3 E' r. "'

tal.Y tobably be made ot tt1e .1arnps~··oltl:r:~4tt'f tile · ' - -- ,-_ .. _.-:- ._ '.'. '.-, ----. ,• .. - :' .. - ~' .;- ,· l1berat1on ot not-thern Italyq · A~:preeen.t, ~9~1:1:.t(<~~~r:.~t~~!~;~: . " · ~ leaa persons are being moved ther& ,trom cnlll})e 1~f centrlil . ltaly UN~UO'I.'E

~1111 you ~1naly 1n'11'estfaate andadv1::·a ·the .D.oar.d.:ot .. the. eorztectnesa ot tblfl 1 tem and tu:rnhh us , · ;th :ally. ~t.r£el. J',l.~Aint . . • ~ '. >' - ,·' . ' ,' \ •• ' ,' :; < ·- . ~ . . .'..... ~- _:--": ,· ·'·. " -' :·. ,•: .. 1ntormauon perta1n1ng thereto. .., .

·\ 1 ' GREl'l ; .. (Aat~ng) ' . • (.(}LW), ·. ·~·;.,..; '.. -. __... .. J i'.'R.a; l4MV: KG ,;: l/25/46 . su:' . n.Eo'LAssmmn · 1. ltate::J>ept; Lettel',i•iM~ • ·· .· > '! ·· ~,·~·~~~rlf~'vlitll:,SieT:r·1s7g~· .• ;- ·- ,,, '·.,_· m.. l•lltvhc ,,.. .,,,..,.. Ia tll• l•--..-•~• ~ • ., · hll4tU~. ••••bu 1e, 1.,.., ·· .- · ,__ .-.:.. ___:__· ~.~.- .. ,.-~,· .. _ flOP JVtJOIU' J1flil 1Uitii4IUID - '*>JC ~AitPI II JJALtltfl flto•s liQJllll!- ..,., ht. :L? '(A".t.)--..,prouattJ.r ·. 1,000 J•v• ar• ••ac •• e,ooo r.c.~n •• ·.a,- "•••lF .... r41NMI. fl'ta Nlttt ...,, la ltalJ tt •~atl.ll' llf·l~ at \b ret•••• tl .,...Uallltt. 8\ablt11 P•~"••• ..._ ,.,...... ~ tft• ·· ..,.., • '•laa4, Oatokeelt'fllcta aat Qnh... a ltal7 Ylll·ltt .pl,a... ' lJa tile taape ~attt _, tlat lllptJ.aYe. Hu:l... •n 1411 pMk)l)' ,,. Jla4• ,, thl • ..,. •lilT .,.... •~a• u-... ,,, •. ,, ...,.ll•nlt~~ 4t Pl'tata\, 'Ill¥ a. ltv etattlttl Pll'.. ae art bl.lq ...... t-tN ~rea ea.p, la "•traJ. !tall' VIQta)fl ·

VUl 1ft ~ ·&•t• aat *4Ylat *lit ha.J*t. tl tla. ••tt•ata••• et tht. u .. aM Ivai@ •• vttll ..,. .~.. rtb,..t bfei'•U•• ""•blac tJa•r•••· '

l- ' . . .---4-"' ~

Mh11 ChP.Ullcey (for the Socfy), Akzin, Oohn, Drury, DuBoir!, Gastoll,' · Hodel, !-!arks, l4cCorruack, Pehle, File3. I l .) i . I j· OAJL.i TO AJ0.4BIWX)ll ll!K., AIGIMIIA&ai llOMII, DOM W.i.Jit~ ~ WAlt . : JW'UOB JOAlll).

The tolbwhc Uta app•a.H4 ta ~· levltll t•l•pa)klo ..,.• .,. »alleUa, Dtoeabu 18, 1944t ·

Q.l101Jl: 1,000 tOOOSLAY JlMJ 1'1.'mmNID lOME Jll\m OJ\14'1J tl · ItALY .A'l l'lfO•s U~fll -- ROMI, Deo. 1'1 (.WA)...... tJl)'l'•xlU.hlJ' 1,000 l•v• an ...... to 1,000 Y-.eal.a•• who .,.,. noea\lf lteea Phl'MI. fl'oa Nllef O&ll,l)t &a ht~17 ,.. \hd'l' MiMl.u4 A\ \U Hflv.••' tf MQouaJ. tUo. 8ta\el.. • ,..... , aad Niu&tet tn• Ouua,, Pol.tlad, Oteehotln&lda aU unhera l\alf will bt pl...a la the Ohl,llt Y&Oat•4 .., \lle l'q.. lAve. ~- ••• wlU. p_..'l!•ltl.r · b~t aaite et tu oupt ••17 atteJ' the UlJer.Uea •t u~n Uaif. A\ pl"eeeat, •al¥ .a. tw 1t\ahleee ,.,.... e~7e be&ag ..,.. tbeH frea OIUI])I Ia oea'I"Ml ltalJ' VI~ , . V&ll JR. Jda4l¥ la'fttU.. te M4 Uftle tht hau'4 tl ,,_. ..necnu .. of \hb tha &M lvahh "'with..., eUltl' J'd.._t lafei'•U•a pertaialas \hente. "

i. ! I

PJ'HoOuaokaro .... 1/24/46 0 2. o. ·OF 1_ ,-o.oo·. ·._J.E·._w· ·- .. ,..._-.,.,... n.,!'ltt"tc~r~~~eet~·:::~t·~~f~tl!:i~~ lJ ~ .or fuel· in ml~ build· ings Intended .tor' the Belgra'de . EIN BELGR·A· n· EFair. The. women were driven· by ALly day to Zeniun airfield to clear.imow ' f~om runways:··. E)very, morning fifty to sixty bodies wete. carried I ,000 Fled Systematic Murder from the camp . · > :. · · · and_ Torture by Oermans- ; Worst of an' was the deliberat~ rtorture. Drunken soldiers. ent

lHE ===~~~~----~_c,~- 8 1944 1~;~:~~:o~:~;;z~9f~t; .. -~-----'..:.- - ("_-. ·..,::... ·.·- ·:·;··-~! . Bf HUBERT HARRISON . .·. . _:·- --) Belgrade, Nov. 17 IReute~)-Of 1nd children w~f~ sh1it'up in !i~ilct:·, tlie 12,000· Jews in Belgrade befon :ngs intended for'ihe Be!gt'ade· faU·i the war only some 20 remain alivt :n midwinter without foo_ d · an_ d_/ in the city today. Only about l,OOf without fuet • : , escaped elsewhere. Many Go Mad ,,:· · ~- .I heard from_ a small band of sur The wome_n were driven ))y- day v~v?rs _the terrible story of the an \o Zemlm airfields to clear._ the mhilatlon of their people by the ~n_ow from the runways;~Every' Germans. : morning 50 to 60 corpses -were The venerable leader, whose carried off from tile camp, ·- · _ name cannot be disclosed as he has Worst of all was the. deliberate relatives who are still interned, torture. Drunken soldiers entered escaped by taking on a Serbian the camp in the middle of the night name and being hidden by Serbian and ordered the women ·to dress, friends. Tl1ey were made to bow 'before For two years he remained hid- gallows and ordered to say.i>rayers. den in a bank in the very center of Then afte~. hours ~f agony_· .they !Belgrade. When the building was w_ere ~:'ld, w_e shant !tang ;you to,/1 'struck by four bombs during the mght. . American raid on Easter Sunday he The prtsoners were kept .in- a 'fled' to a village and remained there state o~ ·constant fear, and women until the liberation. a~d cluldren wer_e hanged at· the shghtest provocahon. , Scientific Extermination Many went mad. The camp· was Eyewitnesses described to me filled with the screams of . mad how,_ as -·soon a51, the Germans women and those of hungry chi!. reached Belgrade, they sent lorries dren. __ . • ~o collect all valuables from- Jew- Jews Packed·!n Sealed Lorry 1sh shops and houses. , . Later the Germans brou'ght. a i In July, 1941, the sclenhfic ex- sealed lorry with'the exhaust pipe termination of the Belgrade Jews !ead!ng int9 it to th~ calrip,.p;tckedf1 began. tt wtth Jews and drove· it to Jan- _A meeting of all Jews was jutza:When the doors were opened,/ ·called in the center of Belgrade. only corpses fell out. __ ·. ·- •-' - · -.: They were arranged according to Many thousands _of · Hilngarlanj profession; Every fifth man in each Jews_ were taken. by the Germafisj group was ta-ken to the J anitza rille to work in the co-·pp. er m. lnes· Bi>_r_. range and shot. in Yugoslavia. Those who escaped Every time a German was kllled are now coming t_o Belgr~de.· --· . ,-,· __ in Belgrade, two or three hundred They arrive ·m ternble state,_1 TheJews nextwere daycalled their up by_clothes the police, were starv-lng,-nake·d·wounds from.beatmg, ~nd.covered The Belg ~~-I-t' de! sent back to their relatives. Jew~. _who have. lost everyth g,' · . are trymg to help, but appeal-to hel Women, Chtldren Next Jewish communities of London dl _ When !"en became scarce, women New Yo~k to send instant:_ help;/ ·and · children were ordered to money, food and clothing. -'I present themselves, bringing th'e, -- -"-- · keys of their flats with their names' and addresses. The women and children were en driven off in lorries to Zcmun. !though they knew th~ were ing to certain death they aug as, ey went, Serbian womc in the! streets~ wept at their COUl'a . i At Zemun thousands of women! CONTROl COPY Disp.:.ltl:hed ~ liay 20, 1941,.9 ~

Frl'>m~ Americun' EmbtlSS:i' near ,. , G·:)Ve:rnmen t of Yugoslavia<

Duted ~ >1ay 19~ 1944o

Secretary of st~te Washington.

" The S.:ollo/,iug iD t.hc t~el:t oi.' e, communi ct. t.:l.on no, l7~W ot 1k..J' 15" 1944 from the Royul Yuu:;sli:i.V !;lin is try of Foreign Affu irs~

"Hefenir.g to the Aide m:1mcL"e of the Emha~:sy o:r the Uni ~ed ~:"t;<,te.:; of America dated L:urc1 ~~:·, 19.q,..1, concor:;ing i:ihe aid tc the ·victims of enemy oppr·cs.;~iori 9 t.~1c F:oyu.l Yugos:~u·r Min:twtry tor Fore te;n .·d'fa i:.·s hove the hon.;r t;o i:a:t'orm thct·r, .;llc Royal 'Y\lgOtJlli'V' GC·'"'I'ern:.1.r;n·" run'e ~A.lken 011~ i.'ltty, 10; l'J44D the f.ol :owing decisions:

'The Ro;.:11l Yugoslav Go!78!'illil.en t with plet\ adtno\VledgG the e:xec>Jtl ve or·cler issued b 1 th~ .::>resi.d·:mt of the United Stutes of ,.~eric a on"'ry :-:;;; r HJ<.!A, i..u ,,hich the ?·l'esidlmt Of United ~,tutes stt.ted tho.t it is the pollcy of the Un.:l.ted Sttttes to take all measure wi th5.n lts pov;er to rescue the v:1.ct;1ms of enemy cppressior. who in i,aninent danger or.~ death and to af'i'ord ~;uch victims ull poss:l.ble relief rmd assiste;nce cotu~lstont with tbe successful prosecution of the war.

qT.he Royc.l Yugoslav Gov~:rn.n1en t agree wi tll the· u.bove exp1·essed policy c.nd arc rer.. dy to coopHrate tn every act~.ou on that qu~;stion. 9

"Th~ Yugoslmr diploma tL: rep res en to. ti ves c.nd other orgtn·~ last ions have r0C•!)i ved instrlctlons to give al:•. the possible to the ;,llied and internutio:·wl bodies concerned IJ11ih the qur.~ltion of wur re.ruger~s""



INTER OFFICE· COMMUNICATION ·- . .. ::. -~ ::: .... DATE.ldatcih i3,l9~~ TO Miss Hodel • FROM • }~rs, Shwartz

" The following er·e excerpts from the January 1944 report of the :i-'inance Sub-CoJ:unission: "'

./ 17. Exchange of Jui£OS lav Currency

:'!ithin the first fifteen days of the month the Disp1aced Persons Suo-Cor~<'·r-tssion broucht severE.l thousand refugees from Jur;oslavie. pro­ 1 cessed t'1em, and distrhuted theo in camps, and billets throughout the four orovinces, The Displaced ?ersons Sub-Conunission requested us to consider the establishment of Pxchange facilities to enable the refu­ ~ees to convert dinars into lire and thus reduce the evacuation costs. In viev: of the implications of -the establishment of a dinar-lire rate !t'ld its impr:ct/ 'j)Oll oth•'r rates, and bearing in mind thf~-t relief expendi­ tures for Jur;oslav refu;::ees hove Jeen charged to the Italian Government since our occupation, the ti;ispla'ced Persons Sub-Commission .-ras udv:i_sed thrt we have no enthority to establish such exchange facilities and that t~·.o problem has been referred to MGS for their' views, MGS requested the opinion of GCS on the rnc.tter, and G~S has now asked f'or more information, includin,:: amounts f>.~d types or t~_e dinar currency held by the refugees. ''fe are attempting to secure this inforrr.ution from the Displaced Persons Sub-Commission.

23, Jisplaced Persons Imprest lcccount

flavin~; brought several thousand refugees from Jugoslavia into. Italy, the ~isplaced ?ersons and Refugees Sub-Commission found thut there were · not adequate civilian or military medical facilities to care for these persons.

The ?inaace Sub-Commission provided the necessary financial aid by estublishin~ an irnprest account of 100,000 lire, Tho Displaced Persons Sub-Conunissi.on has agreerl to detail an officer to maintain recorda of drawings on this account, The Finance Sub-Commission will prescribe the type of' accounts to be kopt. . _,._ • CABLES: "JOINTDISCO" NEW YORK "(_ ~ =-:~.~=~; -;,~·~:~;~~,; tl' . \ -- .. .·: '_/ .. r n~ &:: A M E R 1 c A N J eW \.--i:H :~·_FJI;rN~ AUTHCiRITY . ~ t 5 J 0 IN T D I s T R I B u T I 0 N c (j M M;1 T§. E E ., 'I il


PAUL BA"ERWALD. Honorary Chairman Vice-Chairmen MRS. FELIX M. WARBURG, Honorary Chairman GEORGE BACKER WILliAM ROSENWALD JAMES N. ROSENBERG, Honorary Chairman. Executive Committee ALEX~NDER KAHN WILliAM J. SHRODER !HAROLD F. LINDER M. C. SLOSS tEDWARD M. M. WARBURG. Chairman JONAH B. WISE. JAMES H. BECKER, Chairman, Notional Council Eutopean Executive Council ALBERT H. LIEBERMAN, Vice-Chairman, Notional Council BERNHARD KAHN JOSEPH J. SCHWARTZ ·. · .. ·.' . , ...... !SIDOR COONS, JOSEPH C. HYMAN, Executive Vice-Chairman Honorary Choitmon Chairman Oir~Ct~fpf_Fund. ~(#Jf;lg:' .~. MOSES A. u;.VITT, Secretqry

January 12, 1944.

!.r. John Yr. Pehle Foreign Funds Control 7J. S. Treasury Department Sloan Building - 12th &: G Streets l'1ashington, D.C.

Dear Lr. Pehle:

I am sure you will be interested in the enclosed report on what has happened to the Jews of Yugoslavia and the cable, likewise enclosed, which came to t.':lis country.

I hope to be in Washington next week and shall arrange to seo you.

Si~ely yours, · F/~ Moses A. Leavitt · Secretary

l.'AL:JO encls.

I 9 ·t~-~~~=------·~==~-'~'~"= -~==~:~"- ~~:· Arm_.d -F~=:~~~~~:~~=:·-=-·-:::·::.,_..:::::·:=:::::::::::l!"'~':::-:!::r::::..-r:::~:::::--:::.·::·:::::::::::::::o.:_:·•·-~t;: ~tr ..

. \ ~- 8trbla and 8~\h-Serbta •••••.•.•••••••. 20,0,00 OJ'oatla ••••..•.•...... •..•. , ....•••••• ae._C)09-, Joelita, llallllatla •••..••.•••.••••••..•••· Vo/Yo41aa Jaota 12.000) luat 8.000) 20.~ oro thte ~tUber aut be a44e4 ia•tl'al theutu4 retqe.. s~:\~•·Y~lou oent~r•. and In eoae a-.,a of wbloh Soha'beh wae the aoat laportant. two third of the Tt\tloalav Jen wen llobke.uata oae third S~ttr4t•. The enerat•Uoa ot the Y~oelav Jewt etarh4 after the (tutb~~- of the

., '' ' .·' hna •laet the J evi' la llelara4. Shortl;v athr that the •oat lrlhllliQ . conoeDtraUon cup vae eet Up oil tile extbUlon e:roW&dl Yhete 1111 Jewe of '1lelgra4 an4 Serbia were illhrnecl. Hen the Jew. were t71h•t.Uo8117 unlbll~hd. \ ·~d the ~- vho reaabet ... allv. were deporhd tn the •••bill~ ()11fJU. D hne little Intonation about the {ate ot the ltadl~a "rtoa.llUet. T!lere

Vloe.Pretldent (.11 of the Zlonlet Landtaorsanlsatlon la ••••where ~~l' 1- J. arre1t1 i~ baa alto ll.. n utt tll&t he 11 la an tn•ane aeylu.•· S~t.,Splotl', til~· Seaoetaq OtJltl'al of the Gntelndevtr1 bud aDd Saauelo ~Jo, · Jlreelde•t of the nxerea BaJ•••o4" were eentenced to death and allot l5~edlately~ter ~erloa tnttrt4 tile v~. fh•J•••• aocatet of aalatalnlD& oontaot wlth \be V.tted State•• an aooutaUOJl •blob vaa 'baae4 on their l'elaUonlhlp -rt.•h JDO. A ,.., other• IUOQNdl4 \ 111 ttoaptnc. u ·\ tor tneta11ce Qbtet h'b'bi l)r, ·J'u Alkalar and- the t'aatous Urollctet an4 Oour11 phfttoSan llr. Leoil·~~··· Xt 'h&• been rel;,. ated tba\ \he Pree1deD11 tilt Bnel ot lrlth. Dr. Juko PtJadt te e~ewhere under arreat.

'' .. -:: 'l'be abort bat blooq and 'betUal V&l' 0~ tJl,tl'lllliatloll wac•i•ttll\ ~h· JoaPU...... · -~.,. waa atuh4 uter the tal11 aoouauoa ••• ••• ~~ ti.l.:orlantl.ll tbt . . ,, <' .• .., . ooliJ d'etat vlltoh tllmlnated the re&1•• ot PJ!'lnoe P~l. ~a q,'e\lltO'Ylt. 'U4•r vbtcb Yoqoela.vla had Joined the Whree Power a Paot ~ U h jt-~ tba\ the tt!vj had £reete4 thl• political CbaDce wlth creat enth_.ta...

In t~e eprl»c there were no Jewa lett tn Serbia and lG '.l!.e ~--· wUh the ezoeption of a nall nwaber who wen' to 'be •ountalne to ~otn the puUiant. or ue hl41q vlt.l!. cood and brave Serbian trleuAe,

u mu' lte pointed out that the Serba 414 aot parUoipat'e 1aj1a.e eahral~aUoa . j- ot the Jewe, it vaa tolel7 the vork of the ceatapo. 3). The Jewa of , Boanta and South Serbia ehared the ea.e fate. . . 'file J•• ot OsooaUa u.d BotDla, led b;y the PI'OCretahe ,co.uutthl of lqre'b and SaraJeTo, were ••te~natet i~ the •oat bettlal •anner over a pertod ot \. two JW&rl. Here, the anaibllatloa prooeaa wa• tlower than ln Serbl& but not 1111

tho_ro11£b, Several concentl'aUon OMpl WP'e Itt up - Jaltno•o• Stara lradltobka, I.o'b',:rg:ra4, DJall:owo (tor WOllen and obUd.J'en) - wure the Jwa, ltllte iD Sensa.

Wti'_t interned vtthou.t &Df ezplaaatlon, or wUh the txpl-.Uta tbat thq taYOI', a Yoqollavlan ttate, ivbloh means that they are aplnet Oro .. ua. A ,...., creat n'llllber ot th• perhhed from huger, oold, dlaeaee, to~ite4 la)Oi' aDA tol'h.¥'tt. Al~provtnolal towu •• 081Jtllt, Vi~nl, ll,.lf:t faraacUQ, .a:.. Clr•4ltb, - ,: \.' ,. -': ,' . vhtu at the tl•• larce Jewhb ooawuee had. ea:tttecl, -.~ i:<~·-wei'e:•cl• ltJud.tarebl", All Jew• were dtpo:rh& to Polau betweee Na7 and Aupet i'·~~ ' A Ter;y ellall mmbv of Jew• rtaaine4 in Zape'b &lad 4onl1uh4. ~be relief vtrJc wt.Ul the btellllllDC of 1948, under the dl:reoUoa& ot the aced. ..., ttlt•taorltlc• bc Jho. BQao lCohn, w" ba4 been the Preeldeat ot the eouuau, tor lllaajt Jtal'e 1 the JOWfC c~thd rabbi Dr. Sohaloa helberger, aad a t.w, o~~~· Ther atehhl a few bad.rtcl Jtnta, •oaUy old ptople and 1JlTalt4e, •"4·:'~,J~f'1009 Jtwt ltbo wen tUll lD the rftlalnlDC tvo oaape. Ill tile 'lle.lant~ o;' '~ lflfl, the lait Jtwe vue 4eporhd troa Zllcl't\, they wre about 400, toe••~•l' vlth the abnt

--- -~- . , ...,4.1•a4trt ot \be.oOJIIIIUitr. ~' P~'•ll••'• ao~or4lli; .to. j. i,,,t.~lP i,~ "'...... •• 4&te4 June lGtb, a ••11 a.'bil' tf 110.toll•tatt ,....~,f(p~oi·~·tti4Jtrt) ' ~ .-- ..- ... :-~::·.--~'~-.\~-· ·-: -:.. - .. ;. ·-,--:. : , __ - .·.. <.

A JltlaU'welr large n•ber of \b.t leadltt« ptrtoUllUtl AJ't, fO'f'· tll.t •O.tai\t ..

utt lD. ltalr. Aaoac tbu lt tilt Jret14ea' ot the Zloaht t~u~detOI'I'DlPUtll

·Yb.o ll l'eal.lJ tu -,lrUul leader of tllllaUtu Yoqoala~ n,....,, •• AleQD4t'f' ...... ;,140\, •• well •• Dr. ,... JleOllel'hoft. Alex Kleta, nr. Da'aci' lW•R'I!Irc, JU.IC•tcl

Xctb, Ill'. Ztp le\IIWla u4 •aar o\lltn. Dr. Rlll:ola fol., a~ l>Jt. X.ton Ptrto ue euu· ln\ernd.. But Boohlinpl', nr. Natlct lliur, Dr.. Btuo Bttb, x.. lia.'I'Otlak SChill: .. Dr. ,l&nJat LaD&, LantlaY 8\elDtre fells :Ba•, Dr. lliohart:' ~ .Bota.r aad u.q , JU.Q7 o•hen ue 4tat.

6). Ia; th• terrUorr oocnaple4 'Or ltungur, vhloh vae 11Ytn the IUiiie 01 II Juk•",

t~re lht4 foraerlJ about 18.000 Je'lfl. '-• Jtvhh atll\tl' Wae'·"n•-.. (...,.._

t~ U,tn4ek), d hate4 at the Dan'be 'htl', wbere tn Jauuab' ~941 ,tilt ...,

<;·\trl'lblt UttaOJ'I Of Jewt hole plaoe. About 1600 Jeva W'el't ·1~11l. ·~~~ ....

tbtllc happtned \ht 11\Ue \own S\ut BetOhiJ f.D •bt ''filUcet of ta ot an«. . _,,,_, ·.. ' UtiuJ, fohvtc, !ruerta, fUel, GJQ1'4tVo, Goapodlnol, flrb~~;~ •••• ~tf tttft. .ldlb4 uder the pl'ettot tut the7 were a. pabloh bUt ti:~~~h ut ~Toqoll~;~ •. J'\U'theraere, about SOOO ltwt "'"' tnt froa thh tenl\ _al1Ua17 totot4 · labor ta tbt Ulcftlu. 'lhere h hope that • larae riu~r ~~ ih~ 414 J'lc>t .., tret~e to deatb, ol' 4le whUe olttnlnc the atnee, but \h~~ \'\~9 ~F• ,....,.

pl'ltonel't b7 the R•daat. l eulote a btlet "-•o~rt;p\S.oll. f.} . rro•. the -.rtoue JW'tt ot Toucotla•ta, ..peolallJ troaa OroaH.. • lotall' au

Ser\ta, thoutaQ4t ot. Jew• eeoaJt4 h Italr. About 11.009 ·••.11.000·.,. ··-.!1 TouaoelaTtu-- .- _.,.._,

·. i f). In Sou.•h Ser\la (DUolJ, Sk0p11,ht) tll~l:'e t•JJe•UclviD& ~~u. a.QOQ~If~-~"' ~" AprU 1948 ~he ~ut&u1an' 4•porte4 the• \o n ~~alUIQVIl.cte*\.~:.-.:~t.;~/,)~jit~;:l;~~~~: . ~ - ._.-~- -.~_:t-: ..-, ;~-- .. ~··,::'_~::.~:.;~~:'_,- ,...... _-.. ·.. ·.~: -~_;·: ··'-~'-·) ._ teon ltllllhi, ( Vloe-Preeidea• of bo'h the ooii,IIUJ.U .. ~nd the llon't~\:~ca~ila\to••> ' •._ .' :-:.· _:- :... > .·. :; .: -.. ·· ·.. ; ·J1 .· lotef :Behar, Leon Cohen and all o\hel'l l!l&rt4 the .... tab. •· Wh.e~ ,p)).~~lO' CtPbf.i)ll l j t.a .Bulgal"la proteetecl a&ain~~\ the depor•auou, u waa •Uell~t4·.~;~~~~~•on•1'oll~A~~~ -- ...... ·.',>.:i.:';•:'·\ . . i ph•• vh1oh aeeerted that theae Jeve wert llOt:Bulprlane ~\. o~yj,J.'~~·l!'Y J-.,_. :j ?). A group ot :. -· . .: .....~.:~:r1,~~.;~_ :.. . . Jewhh S.ntelleo\ual• are aUll all'fe ae the)' are O.ra.. ''i~Jitonete •t war. 'l'Jlh IJ'OU.p coD.aiate of 400 reaene otfioart t:ro• all parte qt fo\JSOela-vta. MOI11 ot them are 111 Oeuabl'l,llcdc•l'fll'lllelde, onac Tl.-0. ADIOJJC \ilM ,.Je D&vi4 ·-:-.: _.·_, .._lkalaJ, Aron .l.lkalaJ, DaT14 Maeoht.Jah, Dao. Allier\ Wet ... Dt. Jol.'fN,itlnll• Adolf . :_:')))J~~}~1(' . ._.- -· .. - Rothlluellel', Dr. bthw Hollaezuler, Naua Welle etc. eto,,Jrt,',:~~~ea't'or h help ttt,eee prhontrl of .,. with food paetaa••• but do not bow;b,~:;~ic,oeallul \ ' -~·,:_:·;:. ·.;_:9_' we aotual17 ·, . are aS.JUJe we underatend tb\ the dhorlmlnat• :bl~veen Jeva ~ ..... ';<.':' . al16.::non.Jewe trhen dhtrllnltbc the paraelej ' · _.J -:~~~;:_;;~~~~;-:;\~-;:: . . ~ .~...... 8). Sl'!h"al 11htueand retugeee of 4Stfel'en11 ooutrha (~o ~~;::~,J~ ·-. 'rougoe- ., latta b•tore the wu) 4ha»peare4 llt.t \utr Yoqoala'f oordtdo~i'~\ji: vlthou• -~~ ·. ·_ :· ~- :~:(·:::-:~:~~/;~ . lea~ng a traoe. .': 1;.·: 1'.-::-.;

' ''· ·' -.. ,.:- &1'1 Dio. Joel Boaeabercel', Dr. Stdndlel' Ud Dr, . ~•tel' Ytl\llli.. H,~o •• . . .'·;:-;,~... '.::1:,. ;:;:".r:::.~F~:- ...... , . - i-- ••'bere of t.b.t LaD4tiOOIIlll ttee ot \ll.e Otatllld.... trband and the ~l'oA.tlt ·Landtil'tfbazul, ' .:-··.· to111lde4 a OoaUtet et ToucoelaYian J.wt, in oollaboso<hll vUh otJi~t:' ' . . Toucolla'f peraouali Uet ae Hra. Iota 8hin4181', Law $teaoo, nt. zw•· ~o'\hii'J.tllel', l,l1.U~e fh~ther, Jaktr l'fen,O'f, Dr. JU4a Alteann, DaviA Jt:rat•lt,-,,,,~~!~::ltl'fa!, 1 - Leon Sfldtl and other. !flut tau ot tbh ooalt\e!l h \he orsa.iotlou.. " ot ike l'tto~ alld r~llet ot tile tousotl&'f Jew1, •• well ae. the eafe IU&l"4.ns ot their

fu v1d4¥ ot ov Schlae Splher ud two ot ohUdrtD are abo,~~ ~~eattn,. The \htrd ohll4 disappeared lD DelgraA. -~

. .

10). Aoaol'd1Jl& to i)'tU' 4e\1uUa \htl'.-IU't a 'lev llut\d&'~tl\ to~ltlli.'i~lt'fl! tn:•l'l•. • \ ' , ' ·. ,: . . .. -, -~I::. . . !fat hd n~a1:~ta.- Aulo:as lha1a are 'Ol.\e Afore m•nU@tul, .nr. · .1~$,1.~1-r• :Dttet!t'or Otto !Itlndob,"ea'iun~ of the Lalltlt.eOolllaiUet ;; \at q~~lll.d~itt)~ll •. »r • ._U .-· 'nu~h. huldent of tb" couwt;y ~~ Silo, Dr. PJ'tle llt:g,~~i~rc:~d.. o,ber••· 11). n appsue trou a brh..f !'ln~;y tlm ab~'lt on~ fo¥trih of ~¥ .X~}t&odav Jevt

1.~ 20.000 ~u ntltl ~live.

A ereat number of \h~C! who \odar ¢an a\lll be QC~a1d·~--d -~Ytl, &1~ in t••Jl•

Wt lt.UJ!OUliV .f(l"$ t~OJ!~ thAt the relief OI'£Uha.Uou 111111 )'ltatloir-de YUh \U peatnt energ 1n tbh reeoue work.

Our 6naeavore e.nd those o! \he Je,.6h ft-e;ezaq onnot han tl.t~ ~-U.oipt'hd 1'.-tiul•• .·; \ .: ,·-~ , c· -~. ,_,;, : - . ' vltbaut the .1mmedl~t& au~ Yer7 en•rcetlo atsiatance &n4 ool1~~ra,lon ot \he r - . • '

J of~t ud thl !Itoem.

Several hur,dl>•4 .?alflrt\it~a oerUt1oa.tee hr J•wUh. a».4 ll~nh\ loola). WOJrke.-a -- ;_ : ,·' .... -.:::·: u4 \lletr taaSlttt vert no~ uu4. 'hott Jt'>i'Uh loe.dtrl 'vt••lr~ atonlt\t" haYe .;~ ~-,_-~- -· b~"n voF1tln& tor cltt&4et lor "" vtlfut tt tlle1a- oueltato~i,~i.. 'lht l•whh Ac•- -.110 mue aT!lllable a gl'e!lfl nubei' ot oe-rtit1~'•• ~~~;~be ...... ,. ot ov

ohildr•a, bu.\ tbtrl} h ,10t Vf11 open, a; pi'Ptaeu•, t:ro11 ltilJ.t., lie 'h11lk 'hd wUb th• llU o£ th• Jowlu .AsOlUIJ and ih• J~ ~·f~,~ie, "Y1• ~pata. Portugal a•d Sw1herhu4 OQ\ll•i b~ fllUml, lmt U talltll -· ,;~~~;;ij~tolll't f.• te ···• •• c •• ·:~:-_(/{:· lntn. .._.,,. ;l' . : . . , ' 1~). Before ol4•1~ \hi~ W«po~'· t would 11k~ \o appeal ~cat~ to ~~ ~·~• relief Of oPgan1ta\1onc. Y$, the Tou~Qtlov J•~e Ol~l• BQd ~equqat thG -~~.,,,·, ~OUA- htlp . '(·', vhtoh we 1ltt4 to she at the Uae wku w ••~'• etUl &etiT•l~ ~he n1twt aad ";) I

LI· I . l J· . ; ·j··.

-.. . ., -·-··':-'~ •· .. ,



A. Br. 1964 December 16, 194;3. · I Association of Yugoslav Jews in the United States, Inc. 381 Fourth Avenue New York, N.Y.


The Royal Embassy has received from the Royal Legation in cable of the following contents:



This communication is conveyed to you for your information ~li guidance._

By order of the Ambassador~ J (signed) Ivan Franges, Counsellor

.r- ·--· ----·------

.... -~-·::·.c: __ :--'--~:._...:_ ..•. :~--



tito •••• ••

Q. 1 What steps have been taken, and how muoh ha,B boon! a~~~~pl,ish~~ ..··· ,; on tho question of the reoognition by the o:t the .National Oommtttee of L;lberation ' TJ, S.A., Great Britain nnd Rttsa:la? . . . . . Marshal ~toe Offio:lnlly nnd :f~rmelly. we hl.wo not rdae4 the , · gnestion of the :r.eoogn:ltion of our lllOL a.e the solo hf#\1 Jugoslavia. g-O'fermn:o.. nt.ot On this .matter also we kept to oni" ma:ln *-- thouf!h1i~ nll .our aotivity rnuat be eubord:lnnted to th!;l idea of etrol1sthantng OIU" stru881e against the invader. Althon@h our BOL was formed in or4er to strengthen the wer effort of our people•• still we every W811ttil to. avota possibfl:ltv of making 1noonvenienoea to our .Allies Wli1~h might arise by shar.p demands for reoogn1t1on• .But we have done &Tf'lr,vth:tng to 1.nfom aU our ""lUes about .tm l'eal eituat1on in Jusoelavia, about our etruggle of liberation, and tnfom them a.bout the real :t'Gncons for the fol'lllation of the BOL and about the deo:l.eione of AVBOJ (the · national committee l ou depriving the Jugoelav exfloct. rights. sovornment of ull Tho doveloptoont of ave!lte demunda tllo.t w, mol'e o:l!tan present to the Allies the problems with WhiOh our peo.plo s government is :l!aoe4. :l.n tho 1nto:reete of the people end our orme!l fol."oes. !l'ho th:l.a reasons for oro, on the ono hand, the ever• h&r~tl aot:l.vity of the exiled govorz1mont. and on the other hand. the quea11:10n of poet-war rooonatl'IJ otion and world o~der for whioh the Allios ere alJ"e"edy making propar~tionp. So we have, for example, intervened with tha All:l.oa, about blooking tho.~ gold of the llv:Uonal Bank of Jugoelav.i.a, whioh the exiled governmont w.lshea iUegall;v to llPPI'O),)rinte;' and WG have naked to bo iuoladed in the membership of UHRBA. . We have asked that they return to us the warehtgs Whioh the Italians conf1 aoated at the time of the oooupe.tion of ugoalavia. i'heao ships were .ztv~n to the exUe4 .lugoslav government and·ar"hnow in tb.e harbors of lexandria anf nstta·inGfleed of being UBed by up for tb& . hf!1r;tSo o~ o!!l" idanda. t we had had these ships we .sb.ollld. not have lllst the Dslmatian Islands. where the Germane iittooeod0d in landing, tha.'lk's to the faot tb£•t they had a few WIU"$W.:ps. · In the same way we have asked yhe Allies to :t'emovo from the oontrol of tho exilO.d government thQ • ugoslav merchant Jiavy, and l> it undor·tho control of tho BilL of ~.ugoslalda~ We have rulked that the money wllf.oh :t.s paid for the uso of those sh1po g:l.von longer be to tho exiled government whioh squandol'll it i'omobruna of the qnieling Rupnik and about 10.000 Albanians. Besid EJS police troops. these thoro ar<'l var.t.oas •• Q. : At the eeoo nd eoaaion oi AV!iOJ in llov·al!lbe:t' i94; ;Voa . announced thut fue strength of the-liLA-was -2J) How muob.JU\s. this inoreasoltf · · · · · · · ··· MarahaJ. :IIUo: !!'rom NoTOmber, 1.94;5, to tol'l.e;v uomo new unit$ (.)f the liM hnve been formed, eaoh of them oon~~i;ing qf ij()nt() 4:tvh:$.Qh£1• Q. ~ Aft or the ww: wiU Jugoeltw:l.a-aaaoqo~ in aoh:l.eving-aol!IJ)l~tt'---_L______:. independenoe in the intornutionnl and fo:roisn J,JOlio;v or ia the:re u. · . proapeot of h'3r oomin(S und-:;r ~e »phel'e of iu:l!luonoe of aon1o great power or combination of vovfera? 'wshol Tito: With their llal''bioipat:l.on in thew~ on thr~ s!tae o:t .. the i,;t.lies and their OOlltl.•:lbution to tlie vioto:r,y over thQ o?mnion · enemy, whi~h hae oo st ae so rnuoh aaorii'i

/ I < ··-·~:,-•'r,..:..:....:. • :··~~"·-:~~---:-c""~"'< .•

. ~:--.-::'-·'------~-.::..._ _;,______~ _ _:_:__,,_~· _:_ __ · ___ :::..__,_~ __:_; ______'

1, Ji/V Jadren 36~ · •·i!IJ·· 'Bolilll'i'oaqlli. · 2. . n Ban ,Je1aoio .)_7 "-.~ " Fi:avedari.c~"" -. . . .). " siobodan 38. · " G.oape i !3e>Z~ ~:Pomoii!:l. ·· 4· • Danica 39. 11 . lla:rije, )ol~ > ··.·. -. _- .· 5. .... Hrvb.t 40. " AndJao · · · 6. sv. T1•ojica . 41. 11 · ProVidii.olit _. ·: ,: 7. n sv. Ante 1(;.. Jl• sV:;c rwJJ.; :. i._ __ c -- -·--·- • 8. Sokol 4.3. il -•. · Moryk I . 9. Ft~nkopan 44• 11 S'V'• ,Josip - Krilo lO. Sv. Niko1a 45· 11 ·sv~ Joliip- sutivari: ll. n Sv. !VIln 46, II Sla;vni Josip . . 12. Omladiilao 47• li Ti'i, Dr\tga. 13. n Sloboda 48. " sreoko . - __ 14. n Tomialav. 49. a J't,~an ,;;. Orikvenioa 15. Vitez 50. n llarija -_· ··~- . · 16. Kupa 51. otao Vladimir 17. Nirvnna 52 • " •.romislair -_ j elf!ti 18. Sofija 53. " Zrinski , ·- ' 19. " rstok 54· 11 Dva · llrtiga 20. Rudnik 55. " sv~ Murko 21. Ljubliena Majka 56. n Dva Brnta 22. 11 Danica Krilo 57, 11 zvoilimir 23. Malinska 58. n sv. Josip .- Dugirat 24. Davorin 59. " Isus illar1ja · 25. Ugljan 60. n Zmaj 26. Gospa od Karmela 61. n Roza Amelija 27. n l'l.!' ~nam 62. II_ _ _An._...t~io,.,a~~- 28, II Dava 63: " RoditelJ 29. n Sreono 64. 11 Marija s. 30. " sv. Ante 65. n Gusar 31. Gospa od Poisana 66. S/8 Ston 32. Zvonimir 67. 11 Dubao 33. " M1aden 68, n Radnik 34. " Nada 69• Sithioa 35. 11 · Sv. Peter

Total List of Vessels in Service of Jugoslav • Liberation Am's Senga 56. ;;.,;·:Sreoko .- .· - 2. II Srbin 57. 11 · SVi• Ante ..,; Sbno J, " Solin "58. Goapa()d Poi~!lna 4. n Dubag 59. II M1aden · - · 5. n Baker 60. n Zvohimir 6. n Mako.rska 61. n Nada 7. If (>g_. Pr-avedan a. n Morava 6). II" Boze i Gospe Pomozi 9. n Galeb 64. ... sv. Petar 10. n Sitnioa 65/. n Boze Pomozi ll. n Sitnica ex R.M. 66. :n Marija- M 12. n Ston 67. JL Providnost - 1.), Radnik 68. II Andjeo·:... Pov1je # " 14. n Kupari 69~ .... sv. Josip.- Krilo :. 15. n Cetina 70. 11 . Sv, Ivan-' Krilo 16,MfVJastreb ... '71. n Sv~ Josip· -""'- Dugirat 17. n Tomis1av 72. 11 S1avni JoSip 18. n Jadran 73. ;II T.rl _Drug& - 19. n Ban Jelacic 74. :n Marija.- Racisde · n 20. otac Patar 75. ,n . Jadran ~ Orikvenica 21. n Darko 761 ·II Zader - - 22. II Hrvat 77<: ..- -· cit~o. Vladimir. 2.3. II Or.{jen 78. :_it Tomislav -- J'e1ea ·. 24. II Velebit - Ist 79· " . Zrinsld .-.. Dtigirat 25. n Danian - Iet 80 •. .. Dva.Druga -.Raoisoe ,-._ ·-

26, Sloboda 11/v Marko --- 27. n Sof',ija sf• u/v Sv. 28, n Frankoran 82~: , • Dva 'Brata -• :______- 83, -" - Zvonimir;;;. <- _ 29, a Sv. Ivan - K. ~ukeic PQd~ora 30. n Omlndinao 84, " -sv. ;rosip:... sutiian -•-- 31, n Nirvana 85, _ 11 I•us i Marl~ a ..iJI'llo __ _ n. " lite!! ___:86!~~--, _~DiaL - -_-_ __- _ 33. 11 Stlca ~- !17. ·" Roza Amelija- • SS• n· A~tioa · - - - - 34. n Sv, Anton Padovanski 35. " Anton 89, n ROdiljlj ..: KrUo _ II 36. 11 l.lorava 90; Marija S __ .- __ • __ ')li > ~ •arija I. '-·Krilo 37. " Providnoet - Ist 92• ,.,. -Nada _;;. __ R

Allied Vessels with f'ull 'or- partial Partisan crews uo·. ll/V Salonia 115, S/_8 SE~lliii€(~ . . lll. 11 Anunziata Madre ll2. n Milino 116. 11/B• Jankey. llJ. n Antonio lzhilla 117 s/s Empire Tern 114, -West 118• • n • Salvage Duke · · , l-19. n ''Salvage Prince

~~ Inf'ormation in this Appendix is as o£ 2.3 Aprill944. l :·. .. :-•) (1.-t ·vi-'-' T I

I UNN- 21 Yugosl~via I 8ompl0to Toxt of First Tito Ifl!tervTa·w ·

By 3toyt·.n Pribichevich and Johr. :'albot, roprosonting the Coubinod "noric·c.u-British Pross, ·

I.brsl<2-l Tito 1 s no£.dquc\rtors, !;I•\y 6-- .This i~ the first disp'-no t,1'ins as S?rbs tho L. ttor forn 39 per cent of the Partisan i1rray). 3. \il12,t aro tho rJolitical parties within tho n-Hion'.il liberation u::Jvonont .·.ncJ. wh,.t p;,.rtius 0;wl't tLo strongest influence'? il,U. Sinoo Yugusls.via cunsists of' sovar~.l nutionu.litios and sinco tho political life ufc:luost ovory Yugc;s let v pr.,vinco d if tors fro11 that of tho

i sliGUld udd in this cvnnaoticn that tho Nfltiunal Liberation .Army; is c,_;llp~sod propuwlvrecutly ;_,f thu peasuntry which is larf!;el.y of the f_·lL.Jwurs v1' thu Grv.ti.n ?0·c.s.nt Pcrt.y •:nd thG Inrlopendent.Deuonratio ?>:rty • .hero as in tho c·.. so vr' Slvvonii~ ciroty ~tnd );.;,c.Li0u by tLo ac.jor ity of its loaders joined the National Liborc:tbn l.Jovvn.:.nt in tho v0ry bo{;innint;, one cJ.nnot say the sana '-'-bout t.Lo Croa tio.n Pousc:nt Pc.r ty r~unbors o:f' thQ Croatian Peasant h.rty. Tl:'-'t is, tiL Cru,_:tL!i po·-s,nts j•.Jinod o.nd are still joining tho .!'let tional Lib0rc. ti J!1 ;,ruy ,;.c.. a inst tiL will of tho ir old .loadorship • iwaJed by Dr. Jviacl10k, ""'CJsutic, }',)rrwr ,,n.1 ,_;th.Jrs. But within the ::.f tho i'h, l J"ib.orc..tL"n ~.!CJV">llont gr.J.duthors, Th:is loader­ ship vf' tl;u Cr~l.;ti•'.l1 Poa:cclnt ?n.rty with its hei.cclquert Cv,;;_;uniat PE:rty,' thu lGft v1ing .Jf the Donocr~itic Party UE·:':oer _Dr . .ivun H.1.b<\~' c.n_' tho loft winG ,Jf tho i•trurian Party under Dr. Drcq___ .. l:\iub Y~ vunJvich .:;s v10ll as by fr .;ctions <.-f ._:thor peJ.rtios :rep- rosvntinc, :;)l'Ution in wl.ich £:11 thc;SG pEtrtias WOUld partioip- 8. to thu t in the past b-·"cest.Jd c. :l0,:u cre; tic fr.:mt, boc'.lUse pructico.lly ull tho locJors of tl18So.J pGrti.:.s ho.vo .oithor ontvral the sorvice of the cr:m;y ·Jr shc:.ltor in their rotrE.kcts waiting fur tho end of thv Vl._r, .Jr flo 2 C:bl'vL.l fl'v!i VlherG ful' tlll'iJO years they hUVO done. ov-ery­ thint. t_ ::akv tL.:; lib0rati~n stru.:,eolo inp.. ssiblo f0r tho Serbian po,plG i:ls well ·:s f,r the; ._,thcr pec.-plos c,f JuGvslavia. Nevertheless, the Jec..t ::.'-'lurity ·,f thu Serbihn .p,.pul£ itsolf,ospocially.· tb,a pGc:santry .,~ the intvllitcGntsia, j;.:.inoJ tho National Liberation i.Lvvc.:ont. Th1s was evilul!co:l by the intollit;untsia nnd tho wokkers and ospoci~lly by tL:; YvUnt_; cane;rctthn in 1941 in Belgra:le and in •Jthor t·~wns 0f Sc;rbia whvro thoy r-sO t.J fit~1t the .JCCUp!'.tion trovps with unh.:JeGnt whun now brign·tes and dctaohnents E\ro being crGatod .;ncl are "'lread.y waGillL war a.u:.-.inst superivr oneny forces through-· vut Serbia, I w1:1nt tu ronark c.t this thut the roactiunarios ani!. the pr,;liticul specuL.tvrs whc hc,VG flo;'! nbru•.t,'l will be nuch disappointed :n their bc;liof tlwt with thG :.;U ,,f No.lich ;and Uihailuvioh they will bo able t·o preserve Sorbia until after the WC'lr as :-t base of their ronctic.nary policies unci :lunineorint; unbiticms. - __ .AIJ#·&/ . '

.~,:-~~ [~~-:~- ·--.,;: ~.· ~

UNN -21 -3- lu ;,:ucJtLnia, fer th0 r'irst tiae in th0 lifo c.f Yugoslavia· the I.Ic.cclJnians o.nC:. the s.,rbs lnvo united to lead ::.rr.1 in •-tiT:\ the. st~ug(>(lO for tt:; liberutLn ~f L;,coJJnia and :.>f the other peuples pf Yugoslavia '·" w.;;ll a.s tho ;,lbanian nassGs LU'O ulsu_ juinihg tho National Liborat­ L.n _iJvo;!<:mt. In ;.~ce;.l,,nit:., in So.njak urtd l:li·::ntono-eru-with-the---generaJ.~.-· uprisillc. Jf J·uly 13, 1941, a United i~aticcnal Liberation novenont was cre;.,te:: r·.s"ar·llass 0f tl1.o vo.ri0ty .Jf :t:l!I political views. Thil ,;reat , : .c.j Jl' it y Jf' cLv p0. plu .:f Jan j•1k 8.nd liontene·u·o take part in this novo­ :.. unt £l!L: .• u hc,n.Jful vi' tro.iturs serve the onony.In Voyvodina and .3ro;, the; JJ£, t ivnal i.i bvre. ti .on !.L v0uent is ch:!ractoristic insouuch as tho ~utirG Serbian p:..pulntiun thurG has juined it,Jl!espita the effort~:) of 1~e.:icl1 -i!il tlv.; Chotniks tc, fiJ;~ c. l'~Jt there, Voyvo:l.inn and Sron havo rcL"-inoJ unit3l in the, rhtiunc•l Libc,r.ttion stru,.Lle . .. s f_,r B:.-snia o.n<.~ ''.tcci t..,l'l'ic~ry in tL·~ vuri0us pl'vvincos y0u can say that one-. :_ :lf .Jf Yu,"'vsL... vL. b·.s bvd1 lilJ,:;ratecl. Evon in tho .;ccupiocl tvrrito;vy trd l0tach;.;er,ts cJ.!l.c tl",co U!1its c_,f the Nutivnal Liber'-'tion .iray exercise CA!tr·Jl c.t ;,~ny pvints.In .:3srbia, around Yablanica a.n:~ Tuplica we have :;)vSSesscl u '-"''"lly stretch .Jf libarc..ted territory over since 1941 and nc.,w wo liber"'cil:L the tarritory of vrestern Sorbia whore lurBe units ~f tLc I;e,tLn8.l i.iL~r&tLn ,"1l'f.lY are r,t tLis LJ-l!T1vnt iJil[abed in bitter xi~h:k; f' i ;;, tint; c.c"-inst t!10 Un.:.tacl Gornans, Bule;urs, "'oclic h' s tr ops und Mih- ' ::;.ilJvich' s Gl1Gtrir helpurs stCul''-' und 3<~njak,il. few ·4.o.ys ''Gu "n eneLlY offonsivi!l ., to"'= in c.n1 un the Tuplioa' sectvr in §erbL1 tho L>nel'ly con- .1 :~ucts Gl'fonsivo Jyerc.tLms ulsu,InLilce,_ :3lavvnia. ~nd in other soot- , - 1 ors of Yut',GS lu viu' in ,iontene f)'U an

Unn -21 -4-

·'·: H,.cuutly tl10 ..,llic;s hrcve increased their uil:Ltary 'e,~id. but this is still t0c l::.ttlv t,, satisfy -tho .uost--ur-sont-neous-c•rc--o\U'--!~19.v---..:...--~~t'-C..------+---,-:.. i,_;n£. l Libert, t Ln •·rny. lk·VI0V0~', wo.r n£1 to rial aid is to bo inc:t'oasod by ::t varieoty _,f uo£.ns, r.LJic :.1 r,iJ is also being increased, but teoh­ .1 nict.:.l Jifficulti0s ccrG in thu wey Jf tr"'nsporting this material in I sufficient q_uuntitLs. '.lu uxpcct on the principlo·s of lend-Lease such futuru :1iJ fr;_,u th0 "llios c.s will satisfy tho noods not only bf tho pl'cJsvnt but of s. JlvtoJ:tL.l nrny .Jf 600,000 fif,htors. In tho first plaoo wo c;_,nsi..iur tc..nks,- pl'mGs o:.nJ r-;jt"'rizocl eo_uipr.1ent, Lot rae say that tho pG-·_ples Jf Yu.;usls.vis. c.c.nn~t u:lJjrst.mcl tho fnct that tho forner Yugg­ sl~~v N,,vy n~w ure;cnt:L:; no"~:od in the .-,;lriatio for :the def'onsoo of the isle.nJs ar:l tlw c:.;c,st slunbors irr..ctivo in p0rts oonnanden by tho emi­ ~:;rG. 'i'llo ;cs~_;_.:L,s •oJ' Y·.;'-/:·sltvia .:;:{p.:Jot tl1o "llios tu put th;is navy prv'n_;otly at tLu ,;lsl ~s'-'l _.f' tl1c Huti,mul Liberation .l.rmy of Yu5oslavia, "a fur the civilian ai.:l vr·~ };n-:v; thE:t '"-11 Jl'G'-lnization o£,lled UNRRi• has be0n crG[,tol in ;,nc,:,:icc vrith - vi0w t.J preparinG i:!id to the val'ious iurvpoun )·c~l-'los t!1 !.--nort tho] tcro lilJort,tecl. In this organization YuiO_c,slnvi"' is :cc;;:·rcc_-Lt0:l by pG~pl8 who !J.ave no oz;nneotion wihh the :J· j_jlc..; .:of Yu, .. It ·i·;.~ul: bo lv.;icul fCir the National Liberation G;_,;_Littoc2 cf 'Iu"''"'"l"."h t~ b·J rJpr·:;sJnto:l in this orG<~Jc.rt tl-.Gnsolvos and tho National Lib­ ore.tiJn .. rLy a..:; ':lcill- , '.l',_io; is lc;; asile tllu :lov.station and plund"' criHb ....:f ~h-.;sc r:..=.iGlL-l :J~r tl:c GnGIJ.y ~~urinG his of'fensives. 7. ·.1;.11 cllj h_:t.i._,·JE:.l j"ib0r:.tivn l>rny stop fighting when Yugoslav­ is is liborc.toc1 ~r ·.;ill it cuntinuc; k· fi 0 ht ulungsido tho illlies until 11.tlor is . .:lor'C;c-.tvc1 ~1.-~ o.lJ. .:-1' Sur~j_)O libGratod? !;,:Tlle NU1 will wage GA~_:un w8.r with tho ··llio~ until tho t:..tal annihilation of the Gernan e;.nl Jther cr_,r1'1_U·0rvl'S, ttE~t lS, un~il_ tho end of .t:p.o war_. . 8, il.. an e.n2 un~~-:;r y1he.t c.:-nJ.itLns ,:c you expect the Allied rec.,.,g­ niti:.-n -~f th0 K.i.,C? .,, : 'l'Sc iJLC sc far r.t\s net officially requested reo­ ~.:or.itivn frcr::'th·.: ••llL~ '-=JV.:Jl'ill1Gnts, being 1o1ware cJf' the international iijJLX.litic situe.tic,n, But .vrJ "!::oli.:,va that in the near future there will to nv :;bst8.clos fcJr ~cr e:.lli-:.>s t~ rocognizo tho Hational Liberation G~nuit too i.cs tho sclo lo;;i tir::..ttv ropros8ntntivo of' the peoples of' Yug­ Gslavifc., This rec -~u•i tic~n ·nill t.c; tho rure necessary as it will bt;~. ,in tho intarest A tho Y;;c,cc;lEtvL.n _;:o<-'}Jlo &nrJ in the oor.mon. nilitary int~-­ erost :cf t~o ;,llias jn tLo ccr;n:cn :;_>rc.soou ti,,n r;f' the war agai'nst the c :..~r.:x.1on en eny. ~ g. 'ifht.t pl'illS '';GS tho k:.tLnal Liberutiun l:Iove!'lent consider for\' thG p:,st-w"r :,x>liticc:l cL.' s ~cicl C.l'[[tnizo.tiun of Yueosluvia? A,: The· plans

10.: What are the views •,>!' the Nationotl Liberation _i\ioveuent abuut the p:ost-w1:1.r intern<~ tiunE•l urt,anization of the Bulka.ns and, Cent-' ral Eurupe? <1.: ln tho first place we wilnt a puwerful <.tri:l independent Yuc0slavia bu}lt on :ler.10cru.tic principles. Tt1e pg§_tYJ11J' _Q:rga_l.!Jz!\tiQ!L9J' __ Eur·upe is c;f CJurse ll. ULctter tv be lecilo<1 by the l!.'uropoan peopJa s.­ Nutura.lly it is vur wish hnJ int<'mtiun tr, provont c. roptition of this terriblo cuused by tha sinister reactionary pcwors with Bitler at their hvad. ln i"1Y vpinic,n this cc.uld be avoided oniy if amant': jthor pocoplos tho ;Juuplas ...,f Centrt

"1 I

...... YUGOSLAVIA .· ·.· ... ··-~··-. ·· ·· ·· ·· ,,,,I!A~sFi!lfT~ID.'S ~~~j;~~.;t,~;;~~~~~~dos~~~'i\i&f•J · T. ~ i. •·· • -•···· May B.":",Delayed·.·~··. {Reuters.).,C?Yugos].a.via '13 great Yoll~h ra+ly·•neid : .•·· ... t in a s.m,ashf3d,an~ ~lmostde_se~t~q;YiFag~;;htgq.zupin."~l1~~.m(}ul1t~i'ns.. · · • .. .. 1 has··'[Bl days of ,eptnus;to3,st1c ·d.(31Jates, ·.• ·· , . . . d.a11Cing;.• It was 'ritte!lte~ by .<:omeB()Q del~:;;atl3~; froni.all P.arf~ of . j ·. tl1e .• country and no.w· y~t.lng.·m~m ~:rtd W(Jrpen, 'whose e;ges

the corrnnit{ee -sat,: pr.esidOd ovor by a &Q;fycrar old chairman, were draped th0.flags o{tho~National1iJ?er.ation· At:my of···rugoslavia. and ~m tho ,we.lls i7dr_; }}:i,ctur0s of T'lto; S~alin, Churchill nnd . Roosliv-olt oac;h 'nith his:"coLHitry 's flagtbesido tl:l6 picture.: ... ·.··•·· . . . frll delogatBS YIOrO:>hoay;iJy armed~ •Qarrying rifles ·or sub)il~Whine­ ... gul1s, autome,tip pistols e,nd hand· grenades• . ·

(In tho 'third PGH, 3rd .line; irisort after ·~rli th greater efforts'' the· folloviing: ....· . · . "both e.t tho front snd behind tho lines; s0condly; to do everything possible .... "). vo 151000

-~----'---=--=------~--- -'-·------.. ill r,Ii.Y: 1o.tW~ aela~~d.. ,.. .··. sitting .• ·sS.VIith my. typejw:bitQ]:.c .•while .• ·.. allied "bombers. 'aro OJ~olnl:nR:. ov,ei->nead to bomb neat\' ·. .. . rmi;lri has. boon' growling aillnbrning. . .· . To thc:left:I'c'un ·gazo· at ·a. doqp perpondiciula~·bleft· cut i;*~jf,~~:~~:!~~~if~~;j~~r!~~~$Ii}~~ifi~1~[f~ll~~;~~~~~> guar(l 'J.CCl·; US ot:p£lig!1t UJ,.Ythe rocks olpng- a·;:r'O£li'ing'VIatorfplll ·deep intoa'fi;,·sur.o;c1:5f r; 'G0Horing: crog;·······. , .-.•.~.·· I:·o .. ··.·he(;\ .. ·.. · . t~in···1.;k~~·a;~~·-~~r;:;n~l1~;.~id~kR~:1~~;o~rit!~. 'i{;~ ·.i~~i~~~:~r~~Im~th- · _.HoEJ,aquil#or~/ ...:.~ · · · ' · · , jgr~~t~~i1~~11!hir1ii:~!~~~!~~1~iffli~~l~1i~!~!~!!!:g ··,·.-

~-K~Irr,~ii~r •tho size of a cPl:f.~: h r. fnirit t~aoo of · Slovonirin c.cuon't, e1id lgf't;sllitweH P,o':i,;XJ,tor tea' at· wilL He spooks porf·oct · Go:ruE1rt" 8l1d Rnss£nn'Qs well ~J .:nolgr~do, r~Qtho bl2ck boer s1t';ftis imd 'crous bono son their ocps, toko tt flight in .£l~Y dokroinod nttr:ck, ho snys. Howovbr they know tho torre.iJ r:nd ere extremely vdueblo to tho Gorunns and hr.rmul to ..the PP.rtisens .; :.... cs Gorua11 guides, ho s8ys. nd 151035 Gutt~;t~~o~t~r~ 1· ··_ •... BY JOHI'l T.:,LBo~f, RETJTEJRS s:Pt'CrJ.L 2 boRRESPcJNDE~IT:Ni&RSHi!L• _ ....

.t:f n:::turiJl th :{;: ·· ~~;;;J;l;it;~i{~l~!~t1~tii'~itmtft~;tt~.;:: c:··~an

.• ... ••,. 1y:,::_·.:,s:l.•·,:·,__·.. ·_-.• >..•,: ' 1~E~~~1~i~!~i::It_,to;~_~_Ti tc ting 't_(J 'l . ;f;,_:c.·. ~_:.·:u···:s . :_.-:_rJ.••nn_:~t·_:. u;_:_· -_~h:J.:s·::s···tcu,~, . - C' C' vnii wolC<'a~ 'us :· 11 sLlply fvrriishocl 2pn:fti:tont~ •.• l0rig'dining1 0 :i;r.blo lies sgcinst one well feeing, twc. winc:cws which lc i..k · {Lrootly clown the· r£Wino £Jncl (Ut into _,tho-Vcll(J;}':;- _ .. _ :· ';{\ ;c;;,.,-

By. tho ~vinC:Qws tho' HnrsheJ. has his c1Mlc 1 me Ff&!1ind hin . is e clivon, Tho ch8irs c:ro ell. sii:plo wu,c:6n. £-;ffcirs': un throo of tho wnl1s cro r;·, !'·no 2 l2rgo .. sc<.lo .:t.p- bf ·Yug(.slcvif:; There is ollly uno exotic t()uch ·cbouft tho tho ·fc;ur wells :::ro ·ell lirioa with sheds uf pure Whi tc silk;:o pc.rnohutos, The s8no natoriol is usee! fer s'lic.c'!oo c.vo:r 'th6 electric hghts. Our ne~ting with' tho ·Lsrshi:i wns A~piCtely inf0Y.;al E~nc1 wo discussed c: vr.ricty cf topics. Tho r:{rs'htl c;vQs net like to tnlk in English cs he Coos net oonsiCor his English fluent. (urc)

~~'-_ .~~:-':~·~_:_ ·-- ______o_.. --- _ ___,_·-··-·-·------· . __ _:. ______-r--- .- .-•.• ·.. _.· ... - He ·c~n,.lloweve~, e~~~).y: J~s~o~e:'with hiUt~~l~]) .> . •~'-·"·-~--..,...~~~-•-:···· c~th:r'oughAhe'.::.itnH~-ricanc.:oorres-pondenii•Hflt·oyan~·PropiclTevi-oh-:::c'who:-i'l:t:-·--·•· ...: .. c~ .... .:. .... 6 Hi•s ~f~ r,~~:Kaff:~~~~~f~~t!~~n·-- t .' -'~~~r;:< one ·~4"t~~~t%! 1t:;~~~i~.~~:;~1r;mH~1!~~~~~~[i~t1;="~:\il''". ··.Thcs~~~fi~~~-!"~gK:~~11i2~2i~9~h~~~'~;~t~-:iJtt~n:jri:·•.~~f.l~srf•.,:.~.e· storrt; .. ho. is-ess~nticlly -l8ughii;lg;~srAokitig cna his d'rionds, · · · · ~~-"~--- r.::.r.)3koa

. sti~e(of 2. pldo 0f q:lcl ·;hi1~1i:rolf'; on cnolott~, i:r.nll - ·stoeks EJnd .chcps follcwocl b;~r c clelioious ohccclE:te pudding; With. tho ~::eel we drink noel wino. J,lsci pr:osont •at· t.ho nonj; wore Ti t::< 1 o · CLie:f , f :Jtc.ff , the· Se= cretary cf· ""lnti:fasoist Oeuncil nncl the Vice-):'rosidcnt of YugqJlav Nctional Co::..niitoe...... :_ _:-:-_"--·!. • .· Stoyan Prol:)iohvi(Jh, an Lnerican correspondent who accoi:.1psnied. ·.Talbot, •gave those e.cldi tionr.l ciotails J.n a dispstcL .t'. the COL,binecl British r;\llcl l.rierican pl'ClSS f Ti to expects tho second front sc.ori sncl a :Russion clrivo straiGht westward towards tho ho<::rt of Gornany. Hg a·ocs ·'not uxpoct the ,Gen:aris to withdraw fron Yugoslf1Vi8 or tho Bolkans unless the RussionS' rooch Bolgra.clo, an(l in EJny___ c_ose not withc..ut 8 fig!Jt,_ cl.142200 •. -