M i n i t - E d

— ^aa aaatofclK.’>-n.jriri " ’ " • j ^a^wwaPW^W^^wlW ™ ■ coma* to fairing a n ef peW dsm. moaning Wwmsatvoe. Witness ttw $200 million Tax Mojal ttw august U.S. Strut* it building far itself in MwMngton. Alio, witness ttw 550,000 salary ttw Essex Freeholders hava voted for 21-yaar-aid P*er Shapiro, a man without absolutely an and SOUTH-BERGEN REVIEW iota al adminiatraHwa axparianca, hut who won ttw aloction to Iw business manager of Essex County. Shapiro's dodge has haan to compound a Bobby Kanrwdy fora lock with Ra publican stupidity. That mokas him worth 550,000 at tha H M M a K n laiitw S-S -a |L ,i| T8*poycT» 11 IwW y* Vvvll, iihiyD B IT OQCS8T vvwit.

n m t n f a —I J a>. , j t fc ■ ^ m A Published ot 251 Mdga ltd., Lynhdwrat D06Q O f nUffiOfTOfu, -J ■ VOL. 57 NO. 17 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, W l Subscription $6.00 PubiisfPuWaharfWMkly 1 Water Rate, Use, Way Up Lyndhurst is being invited reach of several water sup­ Smith said he believes a b u y — 700 million gallons of to join a four-community pliers, also is looking about municipally owned arihority water from Jersey Qty. ' ‘ water authority. for a successor to Jersey could command lower bond Instead, Grisafi said, Lyn- The authority would^ Q ty. rates and eventually be able diurst has already bought 650 replace Jersey Qty as the However, Mayor Thomas to sell water at a much lower trillion gallons and probably owner and distributor of Smith of Jersey Qty thinks cost than the present will use 800 million gallons water from the Boonton that a joint authority in« method. before the end of the year. Reservoir. Presently Lyn­ which all four municipalities This means, Grisafi said, dhurst. Hoboken and WEst would join may be the an­ ‘1 want to make tttfear that the water department Caldwell are served by the swer. Smith already has that Jersey Q ty is not trying will have to pay out $125,000 Jersey Qty plant. , . spoken to a finance company to make money from the more than anticipated. It ■ *** Complaints over steadily to evolve a plan on how this other municipalites,” Smith would mean a temporary rising costs have gone before * could be accomplished. ' said. “I am interested in a deficit, Grisafi said.. the Public (JtHity Com­ The authority would have plan that might prove However, the surplus in the mission The agency recen­ to acquire the water system beneficial for us all. ” departm etn a t the end o f the tly granted Jersey Qty a from Jersey Qty. Whether year should cover the deficit 42% in crease in rates. the city would ask for Smith said he would meet as well as the impact of the Hoboken, which is only payment for the system or as soon as possible with higher price being charged 1,200 feet away from the feed accept the fact the arihority Mayor Joseph A. Carucri Jr. by Jersey Q ty for its water. pipes of Hackensack Water would have to assume the $40 of Lyndhurst and the other That Lyndhurst should be Co. has th reaten ed to seek million debt load and the m ayors using 100 million gallons another supplier. operating costs' as payment more water, than anticipated Lyndhurst, within easy enough is not known. - Lyndhurst’s water has caused surprise. The are far in excess of the township's population is projected use, according to dropping instead of in­ Annual Tree Lighting Peter Grisafi, township tax creasing. That water usage All Lyndhurst residents are invited to attend the An­ collector. According to should increase while the nual Christmas Tree Lighting at the Town Hall on Grisafi it had been expected population decreases has December 3,1978 at 4:00 p.m. This is the eigtth year Lyndhurst would use — and cawed some surprise. the Lyndhurst Junior Woman’s Club has sponsored this event with the hdp of the Lyndhurst (%rks Depar­ W om en Charged tment. The girl scouts are making ornaments to decorate the trees in front of the Town Hall. We will have W ith M aking Book caroling and Santa will pay a visit to the children. Af­ Two Lyndhurst women operating in Bergen, Efcsex A HELPING HAM). Mayor Joseph Carucci lad a d o t- other officials made urgent pleas. From left to right: Mayor terward, everyone is invited for-coffee and cake. We were among eight persons and Union Counties. ficals to a telephone drive for Boy Scout fundi Ernest Carom of North Arlington. Tamarack Executive Using phones in «w Slant Stadium p a ss box Stanley SeidlicKiTownship C M Bart Parry and Carucci. hope to see many of you there on this afternoon to open arrested last week incomec- Authorities said the ring ipthe Holiday Season in Town tion w ith a num bers tottering made about $10,000 per Arrested at their homes A ctio n A w aited O n C ivil Service for I did in ployees and IPacifico thought would then pay the township, “The result is this unfair, saying all should the $35,000 due 172 Tontine A *€ a nnd d Mary The Board of Com­ missioners met Friday in­ have been gi ven the 0% in- fo r the additional land B a m burinoo o f 3 4 1 T U e w a e i stead of T\iesday m&t since Stuyvesant Ave. Friday’s meeting. Polito by Pacifico w hy th e the mayor and several of­ Public Works Cem- Authorities said they took said if Qvil Service people did not go to court to ficials were attending the bets and served as accoun­ reply that one department challenge the arbitrator's League of Municipalities that the nine foot material tants for the bookmakers. cannot be under 6vil Ser­ decress, Polito answered meeting in Atlantic Qty spreader which the board They w ere released in bail of vice it is up to the petitioner that other towns which have Tuesday, Wednesday and had advertised for would $7,500 each. According to to take legal action and done so have lost in court Thursday. cost less than the snow plow police the telephones of the challenge the Qvil Service Township Attorney Ralph and that the only result of a formerly used and that the women had been tapped Commission on its stand Polito reported that he had suit would be additional spreader could be more The police salary or­ during the month long in­ sent the results of the Civil legal fees. easily attached to a truck dinance introduced that vestigation. Service question fn- police Chester Gutkowski said and could be used for more night aroused indignation John Fresolone, $0, department only to the state the hike in salaries “Does jobs than can the plow. Two from Lee Pacifico who not give a true picture, that described by authorities as a Qvil Service Commission bids were received and questioned why “The town the fringe benefits add a h i g h e r - u p in the and had not yet received a referred to committee for tee to abide by the decision good deal to the budget.” organization, was arrested reply as to whether the award later. of a man from the state, the The board voted to vacate at his home at 231 linden police department alone Russo commended the PERC arbitrator, who is not a portion of Grant Avenue to Ae., Irvington. may be taken into the Qvil volunteers of the Fire Depar­ paying Lyndhurst salaries”. implement the enlargement He was charged with con­ Service system. tment for Uie “wonderful job Police were given increases of the Shoppinng Plaza and they are doing" and noted spiracy and working for a A member of the audience which were above the 6% Commissioner James Guida the number of calls they lottery, as were four other said a letter had been granted other township em­ reported that Jacqua, Inc., (Continued on Pag* 4) y persons arrested at their received by “someone in the homes in Essex County. building" but Police Com­ They are Michael Jetko, 71, missioner Peter J. Russo Q vil Service B ackers U rge and M agali G andolff, 37, sgd he had not heard of a Newark; Clemente Angelli, letter being received by any $6, Keamy; and Frank official. The question now is H arm ony For Tow nship Albanese, 70, Nutley. ■ as it was before the question In Union county, Anthony was placed on the ballot. To The Residents of Lyn- everyone in our own humble mon cause. The im­ DiRienzo, 56, Qark, was May only one department of dhurst: and sincere way. It would be provement of the quality of arrested at a public a town’s government be flow that the furor of the impossible to personally life is essential for all of us. telephone booth on Route 22. placed w id er Q vil Service? election is past, we can thank each person, but to Polito had reported at a The time has arrived for He was charged with con­ jfeuse and reflect on the im­ tljose who signed the Sunshine Meeting before the all of us to unite and focus spiracy and working for a pact it had on us. We who petition, the people who election on November 7 that our attention on the tottery. initiated this Qvil Service granted us an opportunity to State Qvil Service people problems which are Referendum issue felt the discuss the m at ter and every had told him that this has not plaguing our community. We residents should decide the resident who listened and Xmas Sale been done in the towns which are seeking to make our issue. The results of the elee voted, we owe a debt of are under Qvil Service ,*hat town, Lyndhurst, a model for A Christmas Sale will be tion are obvious to both gratitude. Tins does not $ay ------■ ■ : - . . ___ . . held Saturday, Dec. 2, from all municipal employees or other communities to envy. i d e s . , we hold any animosity or ill Thanksgiving was marked In Lyndhurst schools■Aboua aroiscogy from party hold WanL to5 p.m., at the Nifty n.one m ust Onter the John Ml Russell at Franklin School. Principal Frank Ruggiero and savonth grade teacher Raipn gj, M6 Vall We would like to take this will toward the opposition program. He also told the ■James DeLeliis Uloro participated In tho fun. Story on page 4. Brook Ave., Lyndhurst. petitioners that if the opportunity to thank ! we all have a com South Bergen School Districts Hit By Ax

Instead of receiving in­ flowed out of Trenton last Bergen communities exceed been in line to receive a $140- state programs when the mula, 47 of the 76 school more state aid for other save the state $7 million. creases from the state for week when the Legislature those in many other places. iriUkm increase in state aid, legislature considers the districts in Bergen would be programs to offset part of Another change, designed school costs South Bergen but the bill before the budget in the spring. fir line for state,aid in­ their 10 percent share. About to save $10 million; would sliced $22 million from the T h e h e a v y i n - municipalities will have to legislature would cut that in­ creases. In Passaic, 17 of the a tbifd of the school districts reduce the levels of state state aid appropriation. dustrialization of South Byrne had wanted the be satisfied with less than crease to $11$ million. Ihe 20 districts would receive in the state would have to minimum aid to districts Bergen is one of the causes legislature to reduce next they got last year. As a result m ore aid. bear the entire 10 percent. It $22-frillion saving would be year’s school aid ap­ with high ratabies by $10 South Bergen gets less'than for the big ratable toads they applied toward what is now is estimated that this will million, it gat a y ear ago. carry. That they must ser­ propriation by $30 million, This w as the bad news that espected to be a $265-rriUion The pending legislation This is the same situation vice the industries and ac­ but a compromise was How W e A re B eing HU budget deficit next year. would have little effect on r v ” cept the detriments due to rep$$d because legislators in 63 of the 76 school districts the state aid for many urban congestion is not recogoized As a result of the financial feared the impact it would ntrt is now xwni win Tdrt wmr m w i in the county. school districts. Paterson, T o d a y ’« L e a d e r in the state formula. crunch, the legislature also have on their home districts wMI RN IIWMi • N Qtie^ like Newark wiU br for example, still would wnd is considering raising motor A plan was developed to Bditekials.:? the gainers. Newark is to get State Educationion Com­Com- vehide registration fees and ' hold the education reduction up witff a $4.6-trillion in- Currawl WIN Gat Vagabonding an$l 1,000,000 increase in m issioner Fred G Burke has the coat for ■ thethe elderlyelderly who■ toto $22 |B million,million, hutbut eveneven that that Carlstadt w .m Ant,°£5S Hawk Rowe state aid. 1*1» until Dec. 1 to notify the use the state-subsidized hashas manymany legislators legislators mim- grum­ 277,553 273,130 t m u South Bergen com­ use the state-subsidized Under the legislation, Regional school districts law much bling Several Bergen munities must be satiated pnacripttondnqi program. school districts woiid pay 10 Eaal Ruttwrlferd MS,725 224,2*1 1*7,042 state aid they should'expect with the explanation they Nevertheless, it appears Cburty senators said yester­ percent of the cost for pupil Lyndhuret 7234*5 731,Mi . 43MM in drawing up budgets for a .> . day that they doubted they transportation, which now is norm 45M 0* 419,512 43^ 43) are among the “wealthier" the 1*78-78 school year, the state still will be-at least will vote for the measure. financed entirely by the m jm 854,236 777,111 of the state's municipalities which begins Ju ly 1. $100 million short, and This means that per student postibty $150 trillion. That is Without any legislation Mate. Poorer districts, WMbWta* 322,772 331,3*3 2 * 2 1 5 *K .aaj the ratable® of the South The school districts had likely to lead to cuts in other changing the school aid for­ however, would receive Wood-Ridge 321,153 3*5,042 Patricia Q. Sheehan hangs McDowell resisted so that without serious opposition. McDowell had already left seek out contracts for the “I can’t think of anyone One of Bresiin's com- North Arlington. Completion up her hat tomorrow in the a complex political deal Guarini won the office Dec. for the greener pastires of- Wood-Ridge company more competent than Pat plaints against McDowell of the big facility already is executive suite at the could be completed. Gov. 7. , fered by Terminal Oonstruc- Sheehan for the position,” was ttat he did not seek ouf well behind schedule and a Hackensack. Meadowlands Byrne MU now name Joseph Mrs. Sheehan's election tion Co. of Wood-Ridge. M ichael J. Breslin, said Breslin. her a federal grants vigorously definite date for start of Development Commission LeFante, who is givir^ up was only a formality since it Terminal hopes to build veteran HMDC com : “bona fide" professional, enough operations is yet to be set. as executive director of the Ms congressional seat, Mrs. w as known th a t she w as O e ....some of the casinos under missioner, announced Mrs-. Breslin said her contacts in. One ottheprobtem M r* M r*Jh£hm ‘swlffl7 MU agency that was created m Sheehan’s old post as com only candidate HMDC com- tfaoasfen in Atlantic CUy . Sheshan’s election after a 40- W ashington would be of Sheehan inherits is the ./__**M6,5w—about$2.000less 1968. - — - m is s io n e r o f th e S ta te m issioners were con- McDowell's office will be in minute huddle among the assistance to the HMDC operation of the big baler thanrfie got as a cabinet A former mayor of New Department of Community sidering. Atlantic City where he MU commissioners. that is under construction in member. Brunswick, Mrs. Sheehan Affairs LeFante also MU has served as chairman of become chairman of the the HMDC since March of HMDC when he assumes his Staffers Find M uch W rong W ith B CA Proposal 1974. new office. Mrs. Sheehan replaces LeFante did not seek another former mayor, rejection to congress. This The other morning George telephone call, said block in our effort to build to proceed with a shopping ted. This means that the 12- any of the elements of a WiUiam McDowell who once enabled Frank Guarini, Hud- Casdno, chief engineer of Sisselman. the kind of shoppit* center center on a site desipiated week period that is stfposed general plan,” said Stephen served as chief execitive of son County Democratic t h e H a c k e n s a c k SeUgman and his counsel, envisioned by the HMDC in by the HMDC in its master to elapse between the time H. Cowen, vice president of North Arlington. leader, to seek that office Meadowlands Development Lewis Kaden, called the sur- its master plan. ’’ plan. Hartz Mountain, which approval is given by the Hartz Mountain. “It’s a Aiihority, rolled out of bed vey made by Casdno and SeUgman referred to th^. wants to build a shopping in the HarmanOove con- Mattson as 'one more road- fact his organization is ready center north of Roite 3 in the commission cannot begin Hartz Mountain, it has dominium he purchased —— — , Secaucus, needs a zoning until the corrected proposal been ruled, must wait until from Hartz Mountain In- , '■ change from HMDC because has been reviewed once the Sisselman plan is dustries Inc '■. the master plan did not con­ more and approved or disap­ disposed of before the com­ b a r g a im \t thf Siinn- H u b - t h i - s l n sider the site as logical. proved. ‘ mission will begin con­ Mattson, chief environmen- I Casdno and Mattson want Hartz Mountain seized the sideration of the Secaucus ^ b a s e m l e h t t.ii r t f i, «|\1!M I the HMDC to hold ip further opportunity to ra p the SeUg- shopping center project. *-as ,ut uw .1 t>fi I « action on the Seligman man proposal. OBwen is arguing for action b e d in another con I ' ’ " - proposal until the so-called “What BCA submitted to on its application for a zone donumum. defidendes can be correc- the commission doesn’t have charge. from Hartz Mountain In 850 KEARNY ftVE. KEARNY. N.J dustneb I ik ^ After breakfast tt*' two EXPIRES DECEMBER 2,1978 E d d i e S a y s : w w r m ss ths week's saui walked over to their 1 ■■ WS’ a a i * 3 fjii> £1 ia i i headquarters that HMDC, their employer, rents fnmi I H H H H f J r FROZEN MOTHER'S Hartz Mountain Industries . WjjjP&gfe REPEAT OF A SELL-OUT HOMEMADE PILLOWS Together C asdno and Mat­ TURBOT * CRUSHED GOOSE FEATHERS tson then drafted a 21-page ♦ FINEST MAKF * CAT/------CLAM rAWgjEPRICE review of the 1400,000 plan submitted by Bergen G x rty Associates, the FILLETS CHOWDER GIRDLES pioneer in meadowlands development for the Berry’s m a h a t t a n ★ MANY STYLES S-M-L-XL Creek Shopping Center. Casdno and Mattson found FAMOUS BRANDS in their single-spaced com -S E L E C T IRREG ’S - VELOUR ROBES munication hundreds of •WAT. ADV. REG.S30 to *60- JUST ARRIVED what they called defidendes in the Bergen County * NEWEST SYLES A ssodates [dan. * REGULAR & Bergen Assodates has an LONG LENGTHS SCUNGILLI FRESH * ALL SIZES important riv al for the shop­ ping center rights. It is REG. PRICE Hartz Mountain Industries W IT H S A U C E •15 to *35 LEMON SOLE Hartz Mountain also is proposing a series of high rise condos in Secaucus. It has submitted a plan to HMDC. This plan, Mattson, JUST ARRIVED fomd "almost letter perfec- y w s S C A R V E S M M S O C K S Selig Sisselman, the East Advent Preaching Series NAT.ADV.*" “CAMP Etc. Rag. *1.7J Rutherford entrepreneur, Officials at the Cathedral ber 3, the First Sinday of F R E S H D E E P w h o heads Bergen of the Sacred Heart, Advent. Assodates, called most of Newark, have announced Monsignor Jarvais will the defidendes fouid in his BACCALA that a series of fcmr Advent preach at the 12 noon Solemn plan by Casdno and Mattson * TUBES % sermons will be delivered by Mass each Sunday during as insignificant They could * 0RL0NS Monsignor Walter Jarvais the Advent season. Music S A L T C O D * OVER CALF have been corrected by a JUST ARRIVED beginning Sunday, Decern will be provided by the SCALLOPS t ... i „ Cathedral Choir, cfirected by BOYS & GIRLS __ ^ ■“ ,k Robert MacDonald. Monsignor Jarvais is SHOES Spiritual Director I&neritus Entire Stock REDUCED for this Sale!! ONE l a v of Immaculate Conception ■"■■■*■»*■■■■ LOW GIVE THE GIFT OF HEARING TO Seminary in Darlington. * STRIDE-RITE * BUSTER BROWN PWC£ SOMEONE YOU LOVE Ekiring his\priestly career, Not Responsible for Typeographical Errors. * EDWARDS • JUMPING JA CK * W EB ER * HUSH he has been associated with EVERY MONDAY AND TUESDAY PUPPIES * PEDWIN * DEXTER * LAZY BONES * both Seton Hall Prep and 1 0 % Dlacount to Senior CKIzena on all Fraah Fish Rams DUNHAMS * Etc, Etc. Mkttowne Hearing Aid Centre University, and several parishes in the Archdiocese 746 Kearny Ave., Kearny, N .J. W L 5 U , * SKATE BOARDS * BLOUSES * SWEATERS * of Newark. As a preacher, TV PERFUME * WINTER COATS t JACKETS * JOGGING he is much in demand, JACKETS & SETS * DRESSES * SETS * HOUSE DRESSES * Authorized Diapenaer for ail typea of hearing aide, p traveling all over the state to SUCKS * THERMALS * SPORT JACKETS * SUITS * PAJAMAS * meet various speaking com­ SKI-GLOVES * KMT HATS « GLOVES * SPORTWEAR * SUPPORT Service on all typaa and makes HOSE m itm ents. Batteries, Repalra, Molda and Additional information on Acceeaoriea the Advent series, and other HUGE SAVING^ Doctor and Clinic Rx'a filled holiday programs at the Distrikntors of $ Meet Lino of S—hod Medicaid and Welfare Clienta accepted. Cathedral, can be obtained by calling the Cathedral of­ EDDIES BARGAIN BASEMENT George VUIafuerte — Lie. No. 198 fice a t 484-4600. 9 9 7 - 0 4 4 4 430ST«rEHGHW«r 17 •CAflLdlAD^ NEW JERSEY 07D72 850 KEARNY AVE. KEARNY DIRECTIONS: mile south of MooaacMe Avenue In South Bound Laae of Ri. 17 Mon.-Fri. 10-5 Closed Wed., S a t. 10-1 M l S e ll HOURS: Moo. la Fil. ,18A.M. la S P.M. Sat. 9 A.M. fa 1 P.M. Ptoae 935-0050 Y o u r BULLETIN C a r V I H U R R Y / F a s t ! FORD; 1 » 1 WHILE 1971 thru 1978 M m M j T H E Y L A ST ! LEE Riders Straight Leg Prewashed Immediate^ Paym ent LIM ITED TIM E LEE Riders Straight Corduroys.. . . b e l i T p i k e MOTO ri C A R CO tt|. 'a n tekt 1,447ml. -.....- - - LEE Bib Overalls Denim ...... 2 RIVER ROAD NO,MRUNGTON 78 GRANADA >5190 > ,BO LEE Carpenters ...... IHri. « l y l„ 4-tp4. «■. I* /m. m . rdiiid»4 mii«, wmh lilts, ilrj. brkt., AIR. ItfMt, P§/1» AW. A /FH w Dei Mjfl ft W | adfl LEE Denim Jackets Prewashed m -m ...... OFFERS m . m . | i t .. im m Z» I# ■ tM', Mm. 4 i* i , art*, mat., m ™ till bus 44.144 m I 74 CORONA *229 m ^ *»•« *-€»!.. I*#, mm. M S! 'trH.l7.Mlw.

m nt« an m tsa cm sa figi a sue* m i n an j j sa i ^ a s! •MIM'D IIHMHIMI ^ Mm ml. la S He. am. at- ^ RADOS tM,"«< M M NM M K ^\ a 7 7 7 - 7 1 0 0 25 Howe Ave 70 PARK AVE., RUTHERFORO - 438-3500 P o t f o i c ROUTE 17 RUTHERFORD, N.J. <20i) 935-240U NOVEMBER 30,1*78 Pike Keamy Meadowlands are completed on the details, meadowlands must get the Mountain will build that ob- Mountain is ready to build in acres that, developer of landssoUb of hetwe® Belleville Itom- Route S. However, should ! These are the type which pike and Harrison Ave. Hartz Mountain win ap­ | h a#e proved successful in PLAZA Formalization of the plan, proval for the shopping cen­ (Meadows Art Ceriterl I Secaucus. Hartz Mountain some details of which have ter* it would build in An Editorial usually builds such been released, is targeted Secaucus north of Route 3 warehouses to meet for next month. ^Bie Bergen County Cultural Arts Oomnission, a the giant combine, which has requirements of leesees ,ND OPgl The plan is the outgrowth task face charged by the Bergen County Freeholders already done tremendous In Keamy complex HMDC of moves by the Kearny In­ to 9eek a site for a county cultural center, has rejected developing in Secaucus, will envisioned not only dustrial Commission. It the recommendation of the Eggers Group of New York extend to the other side of warehouses but office brought in the Hackensack (a $40,000 study), for a single complex,on the Bergen R o t t e d buildings. Drainage Meadowland Development County Community College Campus in Paramus. In " am cSM . The new development may problems will have to be Commission which studied turn, ihe task force has proposed five cultural sites in *» a jpur to state plans for overcome. th* «roa and laid out a extension of Route 17 from Paramuaand Englewood. ' — : . ' - \ The fifteen member Commission, made up mostly of possible plan for' develop­ Route 3 to Route 280 in Kear­ Other meadowlands ment. folks from the Englewood area (there was no municipalities will be happy ny. -representation below Rt. 4), finally divided up the “We are now M percent Developers of to see the Kearny spoils to please all local art and educational interests meadowlands put to use. Un­ The recommended package from the task force to a gem of an idea from m art us der the HMDC formula of 425 val leybrook avenue lyndhurst nj the Freeholders who have to make the final decision payment for non-use of the included: a face lifting of the Plaza Theatre (a private enterprise??) in Englewood; the conversion of a meadows, Kearny has school for a visual aflrts center in Ehglewood; the received heavy revenues diamond renovation of a garage for a theatre in Englewood; an from the other commuiities auditorium on the campus of Bergen Commuiity which are using the stud earrings College fin Paramus; a “living museum,” place to be meadowlands for ratabies. V - designated; the Orrie de Nooyer Auditorium at Bergen in graduated Tech. to corfie under County administration. Only the cairpus and the Orrie de Nooyer site have any parking. All the sites are out of the way — hard to find AUTO sizes ; and the parking is meager. The Eggers Consulting Croup had narrowed its INSURANCE selection of sites down to four areas: Bergen College ANY DRIVER OR GIANT and Englewood, an area in Hackensack and the AUTO INSURED Rutherford Meadowlands. In the meantime, a non­ HOLIDAY SWEATER SALE profit group had purchased the Rivoii Theatre in BARNET Rutherford for a Borough-backed Wiliam Carlos AGENCY Williams Performing Arts Center to serve the com 750 PATERSON AVE. Shop Now for Holiday Gift Giving munity of South Bergen. The thinking was that if the EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. County built a-cultural center in the Rutherford Meadowlands embracing a multi-performing area, 7 7 7 - 7 4 2 0 fine arts schools, an art gallery and museum with en­ All Our Price A re Always at couragement to the new T V. studios and film industry WHOLESALE or BELOW to be a part, then* the William Carlos Williams Center LATEST FASHIONS • LATEST COLORS and the Englewood projects would be satellites of the A larger complex in the Meadowlands. Each would serve its respective community area. Certainly the county complex in the Meadowlands in the center of 16 million R u t h e rf o r d ' F a m o u s M a k e r L a b e l people with easy access and parking would have the Profeaatonal mafce-uparftet Coats • Cardigans • Pullovers • Jackets - From yto carat. * « assistance of private, state and- federal funding. But now giving See why we say shopping at the task force feared the mammoth undertaking. It behooves the Bergen Freeholders to take a look at, Acrylic • Wool • Angora • Suedes Marcus is a gem of an idea. the total recommendation and the invitation extended Enlarged to show detail at NO CHARGE by the Borough of Rutherford to come to the CatftorAppt. Meadowlands. Bergen County has status and prestige 939-1025 JUNIOR & CONTEMPORARY SIZES , to maintain and must have an outlet for its total art. There is no doubt that the state is monitoring the scene a h c u A Philip Franklin Stores for a state arts complex and could step in at any time r 1 TERMINAL ROAD JEWELERS and condemn the land for public use. If so, Rutherford LYNDHURST, N J. W H M HUtHCRRMO. N.J. and Englewood would-be satellites with many com- Fri. TO a.m. to S p.m. Sat. B a.m. to 12.30 58 Park Avti GERMAINE M O N TEll \ UI Ridgewood Avenu* 445-3326 a thick and complex HOURS: Mon., Tuaa., Wad., Thura., lOa.au. to 4 p.m. 1 be private enterprise %/ U N COME v ; , . — _ the — County would lose all GEMINESSE £ ' R o u t t ii n d ^ tangible benefits. - P»*mus. N J ,2«2-#000 HactonMck. NJ /Vs»-OMO Tne time has come for the CourS^ to take that big MARCUS CHARGE AMO AU. MAJOR CREDIT CAROS ACdPTEO step in the Fine Arts. Go to the Meadowlands! BUY-RITE DEPT. STORE 62 Part Am.,

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Tw° ®*Jh* «***»» In Iha turkey shoot sponsored by Iha Lyndhurst PBA Ia conjunction with tha poNca dapartmant: At M l PH. Peter IsoMI, Mata dslsgeta, hands prize to winner Joseph Qacdone whNa PBA President Anthony Antlorio, far right.presentsturkey to winner John Qacdone. Mother of the boys, RoeemeryOac- clona, sm iles happHy at result of tha shoot.

PRIZED CERTIFICATE. StataSen. Anthony A. Scardino, Mcond from M l, Is on hand •• Haywood Bullock, left, Turkey Shoot Winners Listed Frank G a r d n e r t.wc"<>* FMIh **•> Lyndhurst, receive* an award lor Ms work from The turkey shoot spon­ blck?ng b J iS c *P#ctor 109 “*• «*«**ral Aviation Authority. Third from laft Is Jam as RotMo, who Is Billy Condon Jr., Jennifer Carbone, Sue Oettlnger, sored by the Lyndhurst Lateano, P aid Cush Jr., John Steve Kelly, Jim Crtipi, ftlice Department and the Kemer, Chris Aim McCann, Joseph Macellaro Jr., Unda local PBA was most suc­ Joe Fitzpatric, Harold Sawchak, Sal DeQulo, Jr., cessful according to the com­ Recreation News Lukachyk, Valiarie Barrett, Jdyi Coppola, Sal Valvano, T o g a P a r t y mittee which reported over A L L PROGRAMS 1 H e l d A t Carmel la Gabriello, Lisa Rosemary Muldoon, Robert 1st at the Rutherford High 600 participants over Satur­ STARTING NOW — Koziol, John Gacdone, Sean Caveallo, Catherine Jarvis, School gym from 7 00 p.m. day and Sunday. Over ninety Register Now!!!! Hughes, Kathy Landells, Margaret Kirchner, John to 9.30 p.m. All Rutherford turkeys were awarded to Jr. Girl'* Volleyball - L y n d h u r s t Kathy Lindsay, Andrea M cLaughlin, Anthony men are invited to this open winners in the various age Registration for this Ford, Karen Gigid, Nick Lauria, Daniel Rdsel. program. There is no fee. groups. The profits will be program is open and the A tribute to ancient Rome party” was jokingly subrrit- good tim e was had by all. GarafoioJr. ted and unanimously agreed donated to the Cancer program will begin on Thur­ Sr. Bay's Open Gym — took place Thursday D om a Antiorio, Sal Gac- WiU start on Thursday, evening, November 16. at upon. Great care was given Students participating Society. These were the sday, November 30th at 7:00 Chris Am Cuwo, Kathy dcne, Jim CMmento, B o b b y to making the meal and the were: M aria De Pinto; Carol lucky ones: p.m. in the Union School November 30th- from 8.30 Lyndhurst High School It in­ Slawsky, Brian Schaal, Thomas, Carmine Giovia, p.m. to 10:00 p.m. This is an cluded dinner and entertain­ setting as authentic as Brian J ’ranciSjJCari gym All girls must register Drzewidki; Jay Carr; James Charles Matthews, Joe Kenneth W artel, William open gym for boys ages 16-19 possible, •'*' Bryant; John Truzio; An­ Castlegrant Jr., John at the Recreation office in ment for students and paren­ Faticante, Anthony DiSordi, Iverson, W illiam Noe, M ary ts. The music room of the thony De Vincenzo; Sharon Cadiglia Jr., Michael Cboke Memorial Field The fee is and will be held at the IWon Michael King, Anthony Tim - Ann Kunz, Dianne Omembo, —-School !pi£y£ ss n&fee. school was decorated with Coppola; Anna Prinzo; Jr., Peter Isoldi Jr., Renne »0OrcjRfflrpr6gJlitn''— *“ burirvo, Jac k ie M cKeever, Alan Lawrence, Mary The festival was arranged posters, maps, and student Stella Reilly; Denise Pezzano, John Jarvis, Joe Bolognesi, Richard J. Jr. Boy * Basketball — Santa Letter Writing Con­ Muhleisen, Cheryl Kamfn- and carried out by the World projects. The students, at­ James Zadroga, R Nichols This program will start on Luchenbach; Linda Perrotta, Matthew Hein- ski, Robert Giangeruno Jr., test — All Rutherford History students of M iss' Jr., Jim Settembrino Jr., Tuesday, December 5th at tired in togas, served thdr Muilaney ; Shawn bockel, Michael Geary, Paul Jason Samoski. d ik ta t ages 5-10 are invited Patricia Sabatino The d ass 6:3® p m in the Piemepont parents a Roman meal, McLaughlin; Gina De Filip­ to write to Santa, c/o was studying ancient Rome School gym. Registration is bater a filmstrip featuring po; Doraia Karczewski; J a n Luncheon - Rutherford Recreation when the idea for a "toga open now at the office boys Roman sports was shown. A Nitti; Alicia Rock Department, 176 Park Meeting ages 13-15. The fee is *3.00. Avenue, Rutherford The Man'* Basketball L anas The Carlstadt Woman's writer of the best letter will a u b will hold its Christmas — Rosters are now available win a priae. Be sure to in­ meeting-luncheon at the for our town men’s basket­ F r a n k l i n dude your return address Landnark U in East Ruther ball league which starts ByTricia Chtlek Superintendent of Schools, Letters must be received by ford a t 1 p.m . on Wednesday January 8th. Rosters can be Frank Ruggiero, Franklin giving thanks for blessiigs.’’ D ecem ber 18th Ol November 22, the 7th Itecember6. picked up at the office in Grade of Franklin School School prindpal. Board of M aureen Giardelli: Mrs. Legezos, president, Memorial Field and must be Santa Q avt Telephone — held a Thanksgiving Education members and all “Being thankful for what we promises a short business competed and returned by Post cards may be sent to celebration, headed by their the teachers of Franklin have been given.” meeting followed by a December 22,1978. The fee is the Recreation Department teacher, Ralph Litere. School. A good time was en­ Donna C ritelli: comedy skit entitled “The 110.00 per man and it plays with the name, age, and The celebration, a history joyed by all. •Thanksgiving is a time „Final ^Ekess ------Rehearsal with on Mondays and Thrsday phone number of any child when fam ilies get together,” Mrs fhyles IXich and Mrs project, helped the students The teacher ashed the who would like to be called Joseph Damiani in charge. nights in the Rutherford u n d e r s t a n d h ow question: “ What does by Santa on December 21 & High School gym Thanksgiving was first Thanksgiving mean to you? 22 between the h o rs of 3:00 Food, Beverage Marines Mwi's Open Gym — Will celebrated. and received th e following , Sart on Friday, December pin: and 5:00 p.m. A scenic backgroind pic- replies: -v Licenses To Be Enforced gredera off on their trip to vis* the Crantorry Begs. Oa-wtma* P a rty — WM be - ture was painted by the K a r l e n e 6 e lia . They learned stoat company towns, hear cranberries Food and beverage held on Saturday, December students and a tepee was ’“Thanksgiving is a tin e to lim it will be (SO. grow snd are harvsatad, and eieo picked eoms to lake S e r v i c e machines in Lyndlurst will 23rd at the Rutherford High also m ade. give thanks for everything h o m e for T h an k ag M n g . (Continued from Poge 1) require a township license if An ordinance listing the School auditorium. Santa Food contributed by the we were Messed with. ” have responded to in the past an ordinance to be given a C3aus will visit with gifts and students was served such as Donna Iverson: license requirem ents w a s in­ coigjled weeks. It was noted public hearing Dec. 12 is troduced at the Nov. 17 candy for everyone along turkey, bread, corn, Thanksgiving is a time for Talent D isplayed that Fire Chief Corbin adopted! The license will meeting The hearing will be with entertainment by a ven­ potatoes, cranberry bread, being thankful and having Grosso was on his way to the cost a dollar for every penny triloquist Also, a cartoon and apple, peach, and pun> f in .” held at the Town Hall at 8 meeting of Municipalities charged by the machine The p.m. B y Lo cal Thespians will be shown. The party plan pies. Pat Ferrie: “It means to with Police Chief William starts at 9:30 a.m. and all Sane students dressed as Jarvis last Tuesday morning give thanks." By Amy Divine Rutherford children are in­ Incfcans and others dressed nificent ta ’The Interview” and was about to enter the Matt Dawson: “It's a time The Drama Group, spon­ vited — th ere is no charge. as Pilgrims, while all Pee Wee League with Dave Descalzi as the in­ Parkway South whan the call to rejoice because the first sored by the Lyndhurst students dunked for apples, terviewer. Mike, dressed in of the explosion at Colorairo Pilgrims landed safely.” Opens Season Cultural Arts Committee had roUing-hoop races,and white as an Indian with came over his radio and Cathy Slawsky: presented a series of skits at Columbus square danced. The Lyndhurst Parks third period when the Bruins white turban and balloon­ Grosso and Jarvis turned "Thanksgiving is a time for the Methodist Church last Guests included Kfr R are, Department under the direc­ Kevin Woertz knocked in a like pants kgs, is being in­ back immediately to see of Honor Roll tion of Commissiorer Ronald Friday night and exhitated terviewed for a job and the what assistance they could rebound for the Bruins only W. Bogle is pleased to an- considerable talent hilarious dialogue between be in the situation. They Cbiwnbus School of Lyn- Ordinance Vacating g w l nowce that the Lyndhirst Outstanding was the per­ himself and the psychologist found both police and fire

Sato* a n d earnings of Hec- ***** , via the dollar in addition to twi DicWpaon and Company Operating income of the volume improvements con- "*£>«» new highs in the health care segment in- tribute to a 24% increwe to and fiscal year en­ creased 11% for the ded September 30, Wesley J, IW f> prM idflfit ------■■ * pome roae 12% to 9B2.508.Q80 li% to 73 c a n t* from 63 cwv f f f .... operating income of our am- adversely affected by Ifr U s. bwinesae. «Nch ar* today. from from <2.45. accordance with new ac­ counting requirements, fourth quarter, and a recall ,al«s increase and a 35% was the largest ever in the Fbr the quarto-, sales in- which combine worldwide in the company ’s respiratory operating income increase company's history and the craaaed 17% to 1182,432,000 operations in the company’s care product line early in the w hich a re - b r o a d l y 29th in a row in which sales from $156,590,000 and pre-tax two business segments - year. Stronger foreign distributed among the and earnings topped the income was up 14% to Health Care and Indiatrial currencies in Europe vis-a- businesses. _

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\MHTH (Sommcrcial B e a ta : ( E l i e \NIIM.T«\ t e a i e r H ow is the sn o w tir e and aiiti-freese business to d a y ? m t a m » » You Said it Official Newspaper North Arlington's O ffia^Nm ipaper Askod (hiring M onday's snowstorm of sonriea station ownars •long Ridge Road. of Lyndhurst siniarl 921 157 Ridg* Rood, by Jock PignateUo 251 Ridge Road North Arlinaton, NJ. lyndhurst, N.J. 07071 W O W ______998-330 6 W. 43i-f700 - «7»1------> M ist. - ftrrarly Murphy: L. -

• East Rutherford • Carlstadt • (Thr N eiua iCeaiipr Xt& fctt-fttt $)rr$S • of Rutherford • ... Official Newipop«t Of East Ruthe'rford and Curlsfadt Publication Offices 38 Ames Avenue 276 Grove Street, East Rutherford Rutherford, NJ. 07070 41 7 Second Street, Carlstadt O H itp Manager —Agnot luke News Editor — Rose Bastion Tel. 43 8-5 1 0 0

UHaUingtmt S ta to r Guv Savino, President

Now In Ita Third Year Amy Divine John Savino, F r o * C tn p m re , Frank's Sunoca Uttta Nick's News Director Ran Walters, Lyndhurst Exam Publication Offices Editor & Publisher There m s lots of business today, mostly Basically, most people waited until today to We put a lot of snows on today, and we dont put their snows on. I guess we had aboU 251 Ridge Road, Lyndhurat, N.J. A.R. C ornell snow tines; I guess everyone waited as usual. have many left in stock. My customers are Tol. 438-8700 Advertising Director We had enough supplies, so everything has twenty cars so far. Even a couple of anti- pretty good about keeping their coaling gone smoothly free* customers, that’s why we have plenty system, in shape. That's regular business and of that, but there's not many snow tires left a * dkfci’t get too much call for it today The Leader Newspapers circulate in South Bergen and are the official newspapers of North Arlington, Lyndhurst, Rutherford, East Rutherford, and Carlstadt. They also have a growing readership in Wood-Ridge and Wallington. in the five-community district live 81,009 persons among 2C.M0 families. These contiguous municipalities border on the Hackensack Meadows which in the aezt generation will provide a growth pattern that will he marked hy the entire nation. TV Leader Newspapers are members of the Rutherford Chamber of Commerce, F - the West Hudson-South Bergen Chamber of Commerce, the New Jersey Press Association, the National Editorial Association and the Quality Group Weeklies of -New Jersey. The Evaluation Cuts It is difficult to quarrel with the Education Commissioner Burke notion that communities better fixed began to put his whips where his financially should give aid to the less ^ mouth is? Why shouldn’t Newark fortunate ,N8where is this better ex­ produce a dollar's worth of education for every dollarwe present to the pressed than in the increase in aid to Ftwd Eraat, Ernst Bras. Exaan A1 OHoro, Ridge Mebrl school system? Its been fantastic; it got so that I waited to We've been real busy selling and installing Everyone's waiting for the last minute for cities such as Newark and Jersey Gty tear the phone off the wall. We ’ve been selling tires; very few anti-freeze jobs, we still have snows; we sold about 40 tires and pU on at while reducing aid in some where the One of the basic troubles of the the tires as well as just changing them - I’d plenty of that least 20 more We re not even taking any anti­ financial pinch is not so great. Newark s^fctem, as it is in almost say maybe SO cars already. There's been no freeze calls today, I'm trying to concentrate real ru * on the anti-free® though. on the tires Under this state of things our South every other big school district, is at­ Bergen communities are losing up­ tendance. The absenteeism is upward ward to $300,000 upon wtiichthey had of 30 percent and the tardiness record counted. Instead of receiving next is out of sight. Physicalassaults in the year greater amounts for their buildings are common. There are schools they will receive less than ; reports of skullAiggery in the pur­ they did in th e current year. chase of supplies. Despite the high per student costs of Newark education E v e n t s It is vexing to be hit with higher students complain they do not have Thursday, Dec. 14, 7-9 taxes at a tfme ^hen school sufficient materials. enrollments are dropping. p.m.; “Values Clarification The Legislature should sit Com­ On the other hand it is to the advan­ for Teachers missioner Burke in a hearing cham­ tive tage of all of us if the deprived city ber and spell out the factsof life. by ,Office of Campus cret Formula schools can become better able to * produce better education. Burke should have monitors in Mi nistries, Conference Newark and they should make regular Room, Elliott Terrace Dorr Continuous Compounding The big question is will the city reports — not to Burke taut to the rratory, Rutherford Cam­ schools use the money for better Legislature which tins year increased p u s, free education? Newark’s school appropriation b y $10 Monday, Dec. 4 and con­ q a e % — o The stories that emanate from million while cutting other school tinuing on Mondays throu^i A YE AR Newark are horror stories The ad­ districts by $22 million. Dec. 18; 7-9 p.m.; ‘Career “ o « 4I 3 K>t O tU U ministration js so costly the full ap­ Newark is an important part of New Options for Teachers, ” spon­ 8 to 10 Y E A R M A T U R IT Y *$ 1 0 0 0 M IN IM U M propriations per child, while far Jersey. It performs functions that no sored by Office of C arter Federal regulations require a substantial Interost higher than they are anywhere else in other city does. It has a relief and Services, for teachers penalty for early withdrawal from certificates. the state, do not filter down to the unemployment problem that no other seeking jobs or other children. They are Sidetracked into area has. Of courste it needs help, it careers; Hollister House Other high yielding Certificates available. the pockets of a&ninistrators who needs great help. Conference Room, 264 Mon have deluxe accommodations while But the Legislature which is giving tross Avenue, Rutherford That Wizard of Ours will cast a spell to make yotir the children are educated with the left such help must see that the help is Campus; $45 for series; savings grow! Visit him yourself and he'll show you over cru sts. real and that it goes where it belongs (201) 933-5000, ext. 208 how to brew up a bundle with high interest rates and Isn't it time the tough-talking —to the students.^ Friday, Dec 15, 10 am -1 continuous compounding. p.m.; Career Day, spon­ s o r e d b y American Brew Up A Bundle With The Wizard Marketing Association, $10,000 Deposit will return* W ood-Ridge H orror Story Samuel J. Silberman College of Business Administration; After long negotiation Wood-Ridge ^ owned by the public, is inder constant Rutherford Campus Gym­ 8 yrs...... $19,132.95 nasium; free; (201) 9335000, obtained from the Port Authority a attack. Vandalism costs run over a 9 yrs...... $20,749.36 tract of land near Teterboro Airport billion dollars in our country — and ext. 210. with the understanding it would be most of it is difficult to explain. Sunday, Dec. 3, 3 p .m ; 10 y r s ...... $22,502.33 Town and Gown Society levelled and converted into a The public would be well served if recreation area. Early this month the ~ Christmas Concert and Din­ *If dividends state police, the prosecutor, the ner; 3 p.m., CJiarpentier’s conversion work ras completed: the sheriff and the local police combined a re.n ol w ith d ra w n field was soddet. and marked off for "Nfidrught Christmas Mass” their efforts to discover the identities performed by Fairleigh use All that was needed was a few of the vandals of the Wood-Ridge field Dickinson University Chorus r more touches and the dedication. It would be revelatory to find out and Small Chamber Or­ Then, early one Stmday morning, what goes on in the minds of the van­ chestra, directed by U ps vandals struck. The sod was ripped up dals. Why do they destroy? Wiat Hooker, professor of music and thrown over parts of the grass. A satisfaction is there in laying waste to and chairperson of fine arts truck or van was driven overihe sod the work of their neighbors ? department; G r a c e and recently planted grass, cutting Episcopal Church, 128 W. deep holes in the surface. The Wood-Ridge case is a perfect Passaic Avenue, Ruther­ example of the senseless destruction ford; free; 5 p.m, dinner, This piece of vandalism was not the which marks the motivation' of the Cannons, Fairleigh Dickin­ only act against the field. Part of the vandals. What satisfaction did it give son University Rutherford fence, donated by. a local contractor, than to rip up the sod and drive their Campus, ft; dinner reser­ truck,over the field? was tom down A bulldozer was set on vations by calling (201) 933- fire and the ignition of a tractor was This case should not be allowed to 5000, ext. 201. jam m ed ...... '• - ' ___ die. Good detective work could tn- Friday, Dec. 8,8 p m ; “A cover the identities of the vandals Musical Journey Around the It is tragic that such things happen. without too much trouble. The truck World,'' Mexican soprano It is tragic that they are not isolated or van used on the field could Angelica Loza da accom­ events. Property, particularly that probably offer the best clue. panied by pianist Dan Franklin Smith; sponsored by the Fairleigh Dickinson University Rutherford Cam­ W hen A G ood M an Is Called pus Student Volunteer Program; Grace Episcopal Isn't it wonderful that things seem over in the political process. As a , C h u rch , 128 W. P a s s a ic < kto be picking up at the dreadfully, Republican appointee Ik was im­ Avenue, Rutherford; $5 for mismanaged Bergen Pines? After a mediately suspect when the Dems general admission, H 50 for long series of complaining reports took over. He was reie&ted to a back students a id senior citizens; state investigators have fotmd th a t office where his presence would har­ tickets available in Voitn- conditions at last are improving. In dly be noticed. teer Program Office, fact, the latest report actually gives Student Union B uiking o r at hope that our couity institution may Thankfully , when the Bergen Pine the door J (281) 1335000. ext. actually produce benefits in ratio to mess became so bad somebody 3 t t the many millions the taxpayers poir remembered Dick Nelson. He was Friday, Dec. I; 3 p.m, into it e a c h year trundled out of the back office and Lydian A yres, alumni group, Was there a miracle? dispeUfied to Params to pick up the perform a medieval piay Did the Bionic Manager %om Outer pieces and put them together again with music; Lower Lecture Space suddenly appear ? Apparently Richard The Good is suc­ Hall, Round Building, Not at all. ceeding and pretty soon the story at RUherford Campus, free. Ours is the ' Under extreme pressure and with Bergen Pines may once again make good reading. f March 13, 14 and 15, faces red, the Board of Freeholders rotating to the three cam betterway asked Richard Nelson if he please HOME OFFICE: 6 U KEAANY AVE. KEAANY. N.J. - 4 T I One more suggestion: why not pit piees m the same order, Hie NORTH ANJNGTON OFFICE: 80 NOGEftOAD wouldn’t get them off the hook. the job of rebuilding that vocational World’s Greatest Jazz Band LYNDHURST OFFICE: VAtlEY BROOK b STUYVESANT AVEJ The board was embarrassed school in Teterboro in Dick’s hands. with Yank Lasyon and Bob RUTHCWOM) OFFICE: 232 PARK AVE. CORNER M ST NEWELL because Richard Nelson had been n n Maybe it would finally be finished. ------i... . THURSDAY, NOVEMBER », 1*7* -

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D i r e c t o r t Joseph A. Schwartz of Livihgston. New Jersey, has been appointed Execitive A L K A ' Director of the New Jersey’ YMHA-YWHA Camps it was SELTZER learned today In making the announcement Mrs Carl TABLETS Wrth Aspirin. O L D S P I C E Rasin. President of the 3 6 c o u n t Passaic-Cliffon YMHA- LOTION/SOAP SET CHOCOLATE CANDIES YWHA. said that Mr Sch­ •2% ounce lotion wartz will assume rever­ • s o a p o n a ro p e Plain or Peanut 5 o u n c e sibility' for the overall o u n c e Model no 3305 operation of the Y Camps R e g u la r Our Regular 1 39 O u r 3 .8 8 Our R e g u la r 9 9 * as of December 1st The New Jersey YMHA- YWHA Camps is the largest professionally supervised, community sponsored ord®Jjation of its kind in the nation Serving senior AVIANCE citizens as well as children, BAYER age seven to sixteen, the ASPIRIN NATURAL agency embraces five camps SPRAY COLOGNE and a vacation center for by

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o r I m J e r s e y FREE SHOP AT-HOME ON CUSTOM WORK 24 PARK AVENUE, RUTHERFORD, N J. • FREE PARKING IN OUR OWN LO V • 48 Com^tntif tocaretf Offices to *» rr* rou brnmi' OPEN EVERY EVENM Q U N IX CHRISTMAS


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Am erica's M ost W anted Um brellas

PINE TEA CART A m e ric a n . Length Tt Width I9W Width, leaves open 34H BUXTON T h e intelligent Tourister J H n d U t S H " s o l u t i o n . Free Monogramming (Abo Anfebie V a d c a n u d ) Lay-A-Ways PINE DRY SINK 0 O fk Credit Cards END TABLE PHIL'S LU G G A G E AN D LEATHER GO O D S SHOP 38 RIDGE ROAD NCRTH ARLINGTON, N.J. 07032


PINE DROPLEAF RUDDER TABLE Leafth Wxtdl. Ih w d p m 3 3 ” $129 ( M n A n M k PINE SMOKING STAND M " High P I N E D E S K $39 Hand; (tone* dni PICK UP YOUR 1979 CALENDAR Winter

5 7 5 l& d fe J5&uC

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Extra prints get extra care GREAT SAVINGS GREAT SAVINGS Beautiful WINTER ROBES DRESSES & PANT SUITS w here you see ALL ON SALE! ALL ON SALE! t h i s s i g n . We want your extra prints to .look as GREAT SAVINGS GREAT SAVINGS good as your original, so we put only quality Kodak paper behind them. You Brushed GOWNS o rP .J.’s Beautiful FALL SWEATERS can tell it's Kodak paper by the words on A LL ON SALE! ALL ON SALE! the back of the print: “This paper man­ GREAT SAVINGS ufactured by Kodak." Look tor them GREAT SAVINGS b e h in d all your pictures. JEANS & POLYESTER PANTS BLOUSES & BIG-TOPS —- ______A LL ON SALE! ALL ON SALE! EVERY EXQUISITE-FORM JUST ARRIVED! O W E D P H O T O CARNIVAL & PLAYTEX BRA SNUGGIES +PANTS & VESTS ...... I N O W O N SA L E ! THERM ALS* PANTS & TOPS roMfiTft w o rt inM raonniM o i a > YES, WE CARRY BEAUTIFUL WAREHOUSE STORE HOURS: mo*awunoton 998-5566 JR. FASHIONS ... BUT WE ALSO M on.-Thurs.-Fri. 10 to 9 FEATURE A LARGE STOCK OF Tues.-W ed.-Sat. 10 to 6 M ISSES AND HALF-SIZE STYLES SAVE AT THE WAREHOUSE 12 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER M, m i

T V H om es H as Enro lled

. **>»** > iri e i V w | t i * | Wink I* (M l Li 99* ft mewed nde its new heme at 2M Orietd Way. Beiidai d»d* ng it* aid headquarters, the firm, ait|d far prspmearaa peieiai, * * - +~'*W e intend ta m e new haa a ataff ef 17. Ar- farad Ma a new phase naanpapar advartning Amr Van WMde Mhar when it jeinad T V aa in the peat," aatd advaHUinf^hy TV ef Ondal, is chairman of Danial Van Wiakk, Mnhanrd. prari daatefVanWbdde Van WINKLE AND

ON TV WOW. Danei V nW iN e, rifkt, displays teltvtsia of the firm of Van WMde and Liggett is ta president. i a — Palisades Counsel The Palisades Counsd tng natkm l Consultants. Inc of hotline Mrs Gilson also C en ter has added two Ridgewood, has done group directs the North Jersey B»- Bergen Q uay therapists to therapy with a day care couragement Lab for as staff, acconfing to Dr prngtam for the eideriy in Human Relations Coun- Ben Adams, execitivedirec­ Newfoundland, and in­ setiqg in Teaneck. conduc­ tor o< the C enter. dividual therapy with the ting educational and per­ Mrs Marilyn Nereo. MS.. Mount Carmel Guild in sonal grow th workahop a on a resident af Ridgewood, and Ridgefield Park and in changing patterns in Mrs Edith Gitaon. MA.. a Newark. She is also curren­ marriage, family, intimacy T eaneck resident, treat tly invoked in research con­ and careers. pabots at the Center's main cerning the terminal})' ill in The Palisades Cbtnsehng C elebration headquarters at 2 East hosprtat settings Center, in operation since Passaic Avenue. Ruther­ 1ICS, is staffed by of our all new Mrs Gilaon. MA.. has ford or at their Ridgewood professionally trained, ac­ taught at the New School for and Teaneck offices, credited and licensed Social Research, is a staff srtuchever location is more fsychotfaerapists and coun­ North Ariington Office member of the Alfred Adter ccnveraert for the patient selors from the (fisdpiines of Mental Hygiene Oink in psychology, marriage and M rs Nereo. with a , and is a family counseling, the - 629 Ridge Road, corner Union Ave. Pastoral Conseiing degree tetetherspist on the Seve-A- ministry, social work and from I Mia College, ts a Mamage marital arias and laanan relations For infer oai?ereanssitaMwith Intef- sexual problem national mattonqJ IB -ae

Umit 1 gift per customer —only white supply lasts

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ANO OF COURSE: First N ational invites you to o pen a • HATS •HORNS • NOISEMAKERS high-earning savings account. W e’re W est H udson and South B ergen’s (individual & packaged) ^foremost full service bank

Ftm souvenir* lor a l only whin supply I AMS I CHARM DISHES SALES and RENTAL FIRST NATIONAL BANK JIM’S... T O W ONE-STOP AMO TRUST COM PANY Ol* KIARNV i»»—i* ip i« ii w i i i d „ . . -nn»»/eiaa SHOPPING HEAOQUAITEHS ■ ■ M |-ia«paK ta«i«i a M M -« 4*

189 Wash. Ave., Belleville MOMMY ®B" "« n ” SATURDAY! **** • A J L 4 P J L THURSDAY, NOVEMBER » , If7f - 13

~ h , • S m S K R ealty A dds G ladys P a d s T o Its Staff Caa Nave W VM ffli V . — *•“ tv-K

Following the showings, a dtocuaskn period waaheUL "Weather to Fly” and “Winter Tipa on Flying” McLaughlin has been in­ were 2 m ovies shown. A slide vited back to preaa* other presentation cm “Enroute segments of accident WYmwn 1>1MS Flight Advisory Service” o r prevention early n o t yaar.


Senior Brums Having a completed Christmas Club Team Splits In is like having your own personal­ Tournament Qmnaainonfr Ronald W. ized Santa tucked away for the Bogle, director* «f the Lyn- GIFTS dhurat Parts Department is holidays! pleased to announce th at the Lyndhurst Bruins played in When You Open A S m tack N n tV ta r a tournament in ReMSng. WMk Hiv i

Pennsylvania this weekend Christmas Club * a ...... i 12JS0 and came away splitting two .50 25.00 i Pick Yours NOW! 1.00 ...... » .o a games. In the first fan e, the IM ...... 100.00 Brians played Boheniesia i.tt ...... 110.00 SM ...... 250.01 fnxn Pennsylvania and were 10.00 SIM S L e v i s 20.01 ...... 1,000.00 trailing early when the Robenesia team scored in - , A Set of 4 (PLUS DIVIDENDS) the first m inute ol pia y while the Bnans were short han­ CURRIER & IVES ded, The Bruins tied the “Winter In America” Placemats with clubs of $1, $2, $3. game minutes later when " J- ...... • ' • . 1 Casual Vm Benenati scored after ALL PURPOSE KNIFE just stepping out of the 1 1 For carving, cutting, bartiecuTnfi Stocks - penalty box. The Bruins slicing and serving, from Levi's* scored forty secontfe later with clubs of $5, $10, and $20. when Bob Crupi took a pass Panatela* from Russ CfcpporeOi to give the Bnans a 2-1 lead. Louie I* The pant which can d ress1 Giardelli then scored on a — ■ ‘ ***»•<» ’ j up with a blazer or psas from B o b C ru p early in - - ' i m m m ... ..rr-r-..--' ---- - the third period fa r a 3-1 down with a simple r ...... * ...... i lead. Despite playing short t: ' ‘ li Shift is important to nanoea most oc me game u k any man’s wardrobe. Bnans pUled it out while 3-2 in the last 3S Ju st such a slack com es from Levi's* short on a 6 tage. Bob Cro(jl shot the length of the rink into the «V ty net giving the Bnam ——.. , ■ -*-.—*% . a « victory. Tony Locsetro v * spectacular in the 1* letting in two goals while the Bnans were at a disadvan­ Join Our Christm as Club N ow l tage In the second game the B nans were again rfu rt han­ ded moat of die game but * Wbu ({on Sm 2oa /^LoJu / ..

W e have more to offer * . •*” $ . h. A than- just a good Cola!

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D iscover prookdaie. You can get w hat you w ant and

save m oney too.

Brookdale Beverages, Clifton, N.J. 472-6900

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, f\ NOVELTY SWEATERS 4 VESTS...... *5 ” t i SOFT V NECK SWEATERS...... *3"

Pound Cake 2 Golden Brown Waffles 1 6 GLEN ROAD, RUTHERFORD & Ice Cream Served with- 2 Scoops of Ice Cream Whipped Cream and Topping • 9 3 5 - 1 3 1 1 Hot Fudge. Whipped Cream, Cherry on., Tuos., W*d., Sat. 10:30 to 5:30 • Thurs. to 7:30, Fri. to 9 193 MAIN STREET, HACKENSACK • 4S74137 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK t AJI: - P H . '7 — Tin. WaaMmm. SM . 1f*o > _ 10% Discount to Senior Citizens . . - *

POCKET ELECTRONIC Personalized Christm as Cards I CALCULATORS Our Specialty ______* O R D E R N O W 1 AND AVOID THE XM AS RUSH. §

R u t h e r f o r d 1 3 1 3 U n i o n A v e 1 (at Santiago) 9 3 9 - 0 5 0 9

a a w w M i ¥tm our easons L rree EIGHTH l t o all ou r good friends

^ f r o m :

G eorge & Ed

a i h i can vnrry ^ & the girls a cornpletij titanic ' / k m c in \ in ir (HH-krt o r a t- (an f u/nip \ im I in an \ hi rat* Sllltf' stuni' nr ihIucI Inti r certificates note available

HOURS: Mon., Tuas., Wad. A Sat. - 10-« Thurs., & Fri.-10-9 98 Park Ave^Rutherford

a L L m a x

Christmas Store

jgf — y S3 Part A r t . RuNlorfert vi1-* a»4toi No msttmr how th* wind* blow, w* h a w you covrm d from head to to*. KNIT CAPS Selection of Christm as We have hats Orton A Wool fQr your head, *150. *450 and

C a r d s & . W r a p p i n g P a p e r MUFFLERS For your neck.

i n N e w J e r s e y ...... We have warm gloves GOFFIN'S For your cold hands. 64 PARK AVENUE We have Shirts And Sweaters -Rutherford, N.J. Tel.438-3636 and Morristown, N.J.

P A N T S & Mon a A Boy's JEANS $go o.$22° ° Pantsi Jeans SHOES FOR WOMEN incorduroy by Loo, Levi ’s 100 PARK AVE. RUTHERFORD &>Panetela 4 3 8 - 2 9 9 2

Wo hfye down

JACKETS Mon a A Boy ’s »13*to*115" r ig h t o n $ 2 5 0 0 Brown & Black problem: what to wear for that very special look? for toda>>! solution: Career CJub's luxurious silk-like Uttressa! it’s taxturizad 100% Dacron* polyester, CapfureTheSfSrtf ctfasniontoday withihis tailored in a rainbow range of fashion colors, all sh a rp tittle c re p e -s o le d w e d g e Sim ple, SOCKS with dyed to match buttons, permanent press, sophistkxtfed. and ready to go wilh anything too. superbly tailored tor smooth fit and well from jeans to skirted sportswear For your foot. B O O T S O X dressed comfort, select several today. Flexible Footworks fashion... as versafiteasyouare! A n d A L S O THERMAL 17 PARK AVENUE- RUTHERFORD *939-0043 UNDERWEAR - Men's ft Boy ’s 16 - THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 3*. W»

, E t c .

Wea, I atm happy to report. I surawTanother the cost beyond WB, Chala. Elena and Alexandra ex- n » n ^ jfuBwdihnit litn M Thanksgiving TotJfcseof you whotid dot candolenoes oentod. of course, of course' Once cooked drain and mash it smoothly With a to the family Or next of kin. Better hick next tin*. Let sshow Execudve Chef ISchel Ourer how we do rotary beater, beat in a tablespoon of butter or Our dimer was made all the menier became of the non the other sale of the river marprine, two tablespoons brown sugar, a cup of advprttwngr* I Vatina. «■»»» faitdnars^ were beckoned to share “A Thanksgiving Dimer, ham had so many tahday dinners. The cocktail hour Bake in a buttered dish in a SSOwen for about 50 created, no less, by Executive Chief M chaelCbrrer was sa&ied mat 3 pm And tt extended two and a half minutes or intil puffed and brown. Serves four to six Phoeey on Xlhe. as details that are to enfold win hows. There were m * acid you'll never want sweet potatoes again show . . " she Italian wise, Saeve Fotenari. kept Uniats' Turnips, you might like to know, are rich in W>aa made our dinner so much more appetizing was enough s> that ever$bpdy could enjoy the shrimp, hot Vttaanim Aand Cand have magnesium and cakaun. the price tag United Nations Plaza pi* on its holiday pura bits, crackers, fra ddferent types of cheese, and And, once again, congratulations to all survivors special $19 75 pa- adult S13 75 per child And this es- saked nuts. The surprise that wmid ham floored dusive of tax. and gratiaty Executive Chef ICchel Carrer was the a»R»» pie We had 16 adults aboard Flat out .this wodd have set which Angela. ES Kane's spouse, presumed to Oace A u xiliary P ub lishes us hack {212 Chala two. would have cos* us T and Charlotte m July and whkh they tidily tucked another $1175 Tax and gratuity wodd have been MO away in the frteaer to await jiast tiis moraest t I .. to $50 more. They rraght have tried to squeeze Angela's Italian pie was at least i inches Mgi and Celebrity Cookbook something but of ts for Elena and Alexandra, infants, crammed with cheese sausage and other goodies. It The Auxiliary of The own recipe for Beef Loaf: but we would have resisted. , madeallof us gobblers, turkey aside for the moment Hackensack Hospital Grind 3 peppers with one Ho»wer it ts tough parking around the Plaza and a Chala and the rfarts. squawtiog from time to time, Association h a s j u s t oaon. Add one cup crashed garage for our aiiomobiles would haw lifted the tab „ provided the wenderfti backdrop music as the after­ poMabed a cookbook for the com flakes. Drain 3V* o p s well beyond the $ 4 * mark. noon meandered an Fbr once the men nkid gather tin t tare In 36 years. The tomatoes, and mix the above Aflri die fare at the United Nations Plaza was spar imotned around the TV set to watch the Eallas oookhook. ‘‘Auxiliary a la tngretkents with 3 pounds .tan. really spartan It opened with Oeam of Water Cowboys and the Washington Redskins celebrate carte," contains recipes ground beef, one egg. salt cress Soup and Melba toast. Imagine tossing in Melba Thanksgiving by trying to tear off each other s heads from Auxiliary m e m be rs , and pepper. Shape into a toast a&ihaughaawael ...„. .• > ...... The wwn$n weretoofcisy obin* and ab*ang over the loaf Dredge with flour Then there was roast turkey with gblet gravy cam- sprouts, to pay us am-heed In the good book, “Frerii Food" by Sylvia Rosenthal, White House executives, Cowf wtth sUces df tacon. meal cakes, broccoli mimosa, two potato saute tool CUs»de the wind howled and beat against the win­ . n^ recommendatiDn as a Christmas pnaat for any television personalities, and lake for one hour at 350 reaUv’+. boysenberry sherbert and mnoe and pum­ dows. The shades now and then flapped as gists of bride, jmaag or old, she remarks: governors, mayors, world pkin pws ■ * wind burrowed through the frames The rain began famous chefs, aad a sam­ Turrups nay not be everyone's favorite vegetable, The cookbook aeUs for 6 Not a mer.Uor. of akotobc refreshments, which if m- - pling of rpfipw tram ’The and added to the oilside furore. Up at the boardwalk but this InSfierenoe could be w « « i by a lade of and may be obtained by duiged m by the 16 adults. would haw probably fitted the ocean thundered over the beach. familiarity with it ' Boys” (Hackensack W . » - . » « ...... t- . - • —? — . - -- . calling: 4K7-WM or 07-72* Afl tire made the fireplace seem cozier than ever. h indeed " nospui sownpnysacsansr . The book is dekgkthdy in the Hackensack area: M5- also helped tie wine bottles reach low tide. Ihe turnip is aw of man s earliest cultivated m a in the Maywood area: illuatrated by a of FDU Ahumi Partv Then it was time for dinner Here the lavish atten­ vegetables, having originated thousands of years ag» group and M3-HS2 in the Bochelle talented local artists/h is ov tion which Grace and Charlotte had begin to build up in the Mediterranean region Maybe the turnip got a Park anew After November A cnmptete hot and ooid December 9 is the Ruther­ dexed for appetisers, 36 hours before paid off. At the start there was Charlot­ bad reputation because at one time theater-goers the oookhock will also be buffet, muiic by Tony ford Carapis gymnasstxr. beverages, desserts, breads, te's zm. snowy colored nootfles flushed with a head­ carried them in their pockets and expressed avadabie at The Corner Shop Negba f Orchestra and an cakes and pastry. &fa and Donations for tbe e*«nmg dress of tomato sauce. While waking for the tonarto dsplcaaae with the performance by pelting the stage n Hackensack Hospital and open bar are'among tbe waiood. meat and poultry, are $10 per person. ti* per gravy and meatballs to paks arotnd there was a plat­ wkto them. Gads also sent their swams hopping by ban­ at The Green Cabooae Thrift featurec a n ra ctm s planned salads, soup», and couple. Checks made ter of celery, finocdaa. obves black and white and dog them a turnip ft meant MX Shop on Anderson Ave.. far tbe k m c annua. Chns- peyabte to Rutherford Cam rackshes. to fend off the pan^ of hunger The way to enjoy a turrap is by mashing and baking wgetahka. There is a secs tia a on menu suggestions, an mas P a m and Dance spon­ n s Alarm Christmas Party Grace accompanied the tiakey to the table, a piatur t Remove the timap tops, ffthqr are yang and freah sored by ihe Rixherford shouid be s a l to .Mrs Tem e of cuts straight out of the white bosom of an Impound you may cook them as you do spinach or eat them in a everyday herb g a d e , bow to The proceeds will aid Cantus Chapter of the roast, braise, stew, plus Hadtatnsark Hospital to oatt- Gregorec. Office of tbe Dean fkaterball And Charlotte followed on her heeb with a salad. 1b prepare die turnip for cooking, shoe off the nwey other pertmect tips fcr tinue the operation and Fwrim&, I^cfcnsen Ihsver- of Students. Fairleigh tray of ham that m the not distant past had romped the two ends. Feel the skins This ts no easy task bU k has atyAfcSa** Assnoaejan Hie Dickinson University. fields of Poland. to be done. They cm be cooked whole but k is beat to development of its ewer ex­ gaia affair w li be hekj from Rutherford, New Jersev " Walter Oonkite. the well panding services to patieBts Eileen and her mother Amelia Ormsby, produced quarter and then to slice them Gook in two mr4>w of known CBS News a n d n t 9 p m to 1 a m on Sanrday." 0T O > in its surrounding com- the vegetables red cabbage, string beans, sweet boUng. salted water If whole the turnip will tadoe 31 man, has cootribiaed his

We Sell More!


77 CHEVY VEGA ^ nnk M 7 6 C O R O L L A Tama. 4 C * . 4 4 # . mm. i n . man Sbo /brto ANtafc 11.873WL || Q Q C n v. / M l . A M n B l 28,594n # V | | Q R imnwrvatLma * 3 K I LYWrSSPOMLfTKE v W W

77 CHEVY VAN ^ M a e t » , 76 ASPEN CUSTOM o-n. «m t n t n A A . steennfl bnates 14.730mi . . ??kQ k pwr atrg. /nan brts., AM rate 3S,6l7 ♦ 1 # 1 1 1 % MEW 7 9 NOVAS ~ * 4 6 0 5 iviarsvECMLnaeE LIN TS VECM L ftttCE. OjtW.^dr.. aandotl ttmaat 6 ^ enge^estraoostapieRSwd.aprice 76 IMPALA WAGON any. v / « n o t. t < ) P A . 75 SKYLARK m a v / i , m . k a a p«r t A A A _ r* S * / w ^ tm , d *r, body *» parr stns./brta. NR £X*D t o m racfc 34,997 n» # < K U K strg , brks.. NR COND., AM FM radio. 38,426 it*. VXXH i vnmitnmLMCE LYUTS SPECMLPBICE LOOJ

75CHEVYC-28VAN tAAA_ 75 GRAN T0RM0 im. v/i, ma n t pn C A M _ N E W 7 9 I Y P A L A stTB./brte. oon^raor « * , oanehng. tec a on/fen. # 7 x Q k strg /brakes. Afft COM), aida stripe fem, AM tatta. 36.390 ▼ / / Q k LTMnVBCMLPMCI ™ LTwrsircEMLnKx b L jj

75 IIAiJM I CLASSIC am,. **■ m- 75 MUSTANG w, nta. m , pn. •AAA>a sbg /man. trts NR COND. M i R a » 34.451 a t f O Q O C « y /man brts.. NR COM)., AM /fM stereo 44,418 mi U Q k ‘79 MALIBUS u w i f f o u r K LTWIWBMLMCE t O J J 7 3 B E L M R Owy, V/«, a n aaaa, par 75 LE MANS WGN R m . v / 8 . aao t n , par strs./b rta . NR AM Rako 60,222 ak OOND. $ 1 I Q C a b i ./ M a .. A lt OOND.. AM rako 33275 a t 2 9 9 5

■ ■ 72 NOVA On, Sfld ana tn.. pn. m./ani »« 7 4 O U S T E R f % n . 6-c*., auto b a n . par. 1 1 brts.. AM radv.67313 # 1 strg /brks., AMradn 46,6S9mi >1 Q Q C } . . . . ______I W t W W L W g

I 7 2 N O V A O n * V ft. a n t o n . p n . ng./kkL; a|a p n a a I NRC0ND ANiade 4724Sn ♦ 1 K U K g aaatsiaag -..- » ? w ; | i w i v m n n

73 CUTLASS a*, v / t . «to. m , n M A „ 1 Sb« / N ks.. NR COND, w n r t , AN »afc 664112 n ? 1 Q k k 1— !395 V UMIVBMLPMI *W J |


Marrazzo w on the scoring title in the Northern New Jersey Parochial Conference with 74pimhi < on a scoring title was Lyndhurst ’s Bobby Jankowski despite his super-yeoman performance in the Hmring victory ova-Saddle Brook Jankowski scored once to close out with 72 points tonn* out to Englewood's Darrju Ctakeford who **re d 78 points. Drakeford tallied three touhdowm ® Englewood s 26 to 7 win over Qiffside Park on Thanksgiving Day Carl Czerepak, WaDington's fine nm ing back, also tort oi* on the final day. Czerepak was injured in the nra quarter against Harrison after scoring seven points to finish with 64 m arkers in the BCSL Olympic Division. He lost out to Rick Riecker nf Park Ridae * * * * * * TOM SIENKIEWICZOFF TO A GOOD ST A R T - Beo- tan Regionals Tom Sienkiewicz, All-Gxmty and All- * (Continued on fo o * I*)

— m Mun:iHraen go unaeteated with a record. That tearfi was a well balanced one KEN T — The Arrow Shirt which scored 230 pointswhile allowing but 49. Not one player was listed in the top scorers that 69 season. that m akes a Suit. Another winner was turned out the following 1970 season when the Queensmen went six and three. And probably the most explosive dub in Queen Of Peace listory arrived in 1972. In winning eight and losing one that team scored 284 points and gave up 64 Tha was the year Don Gilson ran wild with 21 touchdowre and 10 extra points for a 136 total. And mentioning exptosivene

Marrazzo is a complete ball player It wasn’t only rippng off huge yardage carrying the ball or scoring a touchdown that brought the Harrison native the headlines. It w astas alert defensive play where he wa s a deadly tickler in the secondary and strong on pn«gs defense which gave Marrazzo added recogiitkn. Yes. when Queen Of Peace die-hearts start

player did exactly Uat as be ______c m downs, ran for 1 Jffl yards on the grom d and when not carrying could be called upon as a biodcer . Jankowski. like Marrazzo. went all the way K s value as a defensive player was most worthwhile as his play as a linebacker will attest. Jankowski s stats of nine paSs interceptions and three dnam unassisted tackles certainly proved his worth to the successful Blue lr G o ld . SUE ZAK NOMINATED FOR AWARD — Sue Zak, RiAherford High School’s outstanding athlete who Lyndhurst has been fiekting football teams for the grackoted in Jw e, was one of five female atUetes past S3 years There has been a crop of outstading nominated for athlete of the year in Bergen County. rum en, through the years like the lateJChet Kleman, The awards were presented by the Greater Bergen the late Conrad Manisera. the late Bobby White al*«g Gouty Y.M.C.A. at its annual sports award banquet with standouts like Tommy LongD, Bobby ¥fe&i held last Tuesday at the Tam m y Brook Country Q ub Wally Pagan. Eddie Russo. Anthony Guidetti. Eddie The award however was won by Jarina Stan of Lustbader and tots more. But when-thehot-stowers get Paramus. A twotime All-County volleyball star is M E N S S H O P together the nam e of Bobby Jankowski will mentioned regarded as the county’s best player. among the best. - I t w as q u ite a n honor f o r Sue Z ak to be m r i n a t e d fo r Despite the many fine performances turned in by su c h an a w a r d ~ Valley Brook & Stuyvesant Ares., lyndhurst

St. M ary’s H as R om p

St M ary 's ffig i School's ‘7 7 N O V A ‘7 7 M A L IB U ‘7 7 M O N T E p e u ^ ia s a result of a 35 yard game A 10-yard run dd the Chevrolet. 2-dr., Blue Metallic. Chevy, CLASSIC. 4-dr Sedan. Silver i football team dosed its run after taking a lateral trick and the scoring doaed l-«yl., auto, trans., pwr. * / Burgundy »in. rt. custom cloth ^ . C A R L O aqason with a 44 to 0 romp strp. / M s.. MR C0M1. 31,513ml. in t., V-l, auto, tran s., pwr. Chevy, Brown, w Saddle vin. from Nuniziato. Nunziato cut at 44-0 w ith N in ziato n n - I over Pope f|ius XU of then went over for the two- str|:/M s., AIRCONO.. rnardtpr., landau rt,'4 id., Y ; tauto. trans. mng over on the conversion AM / Fit stereo. 14,743 mi. pwr strp. bits , AIR COHO. 19,425 Passaic. The game was pointer and the tally rrourv attempt. mi. played in frigid weather last te d to JM . i m « m • m Wednesday night at the The final touchdown in the • • • • • Breslin Memorial Stadium romp came with McGuire (St. L a w i n m t ’ 4 2 5 0 * 4 9 9 5 ■ m Bergen County Part h soaring the third time in the tJ) t n m t . marked the fourth victory P m t m _ ‘76 OMEGA ‘S P A C E R 7 6 M A R K I V l against five losses (or the OMi., 4-dr., Silver w / l AMC. Maroon, 6-cyi, Jspd. manual Lincoln, Metallic Silver w Maroon yang Gael squad coached In t., t-eyl , auto trans., pwr. trans., man. strf. /kria.. radio * vinyl roof, velour interior, V-8. auto, byBiilSt&ms say. M a MR COMO. Euilent hoder. 27.000 rid. AS TRMK0... trans.. pwr. sbg../Ms. wind./- i UPSALA COLLEGE Condition. 49,004 nd. AS TRADED .. The gam e openedwith the locks. AIR COND., AM-FM stereo w tape 32 002 m Gads b e lo n g off bit on the invites prospective students I first scrimmage piays the to "Get Acquainted Day** Eagles fumbled and the December 5 ,9 A.M. 2 8 5 0 i Gads recovered at the eight ’ 6 2 5 0 ■uuuJ 1J aa . — t . . . . to 4:30 P.M. >ara u ® it vats tram more i tha Craig Loreti ran over Campus tours, career workshops, dass visas, 75 SPORTVAN 7 5 G R A N 7 4 GRAND PRIX fa- the initial tauchdmm Joe financial aid workshop, admissions interview Qwvy. Serins M . H . aala. Mas., Pontiac, WMe w while vinyl rod, •man. a y pwd. M s., MR COM., S A F A R I , and one-on-one talks with professors, Pontiac, sii passenper wagon V / 0 , autp trans., power i a Mnriar, 4I 1captain cMrs • steerini brakes AIR COND the conversion try lo make a counselors--- ■ and students. «>.• . _ rim fan —artera 4A 242 ori V / 1 , snip, tranp., par. 44.292 ai. a fad M lead for St Mary's Please call Upsala. 266-7121, to indicate you dtp M u AW COM)., roof rack. i Before the initial quarter wiS attend — — ' 44,150 a l. had ended St. Mary’s was an l the w i t ma d agam This 3 6 0 0 ’ 2 9 9 5 * 2 9 5 0 time sophomore Joe UPSALA COLLEGE- 4 i McGdre daifaed o *r (r a n East Orange. K J07019 S yard out A lone second -V . „*. •• ‘7 3 ‘9 8 L S ’ ‘ 7 1 C A M P E R quarter score gave St. a four year coeducational college (Bering J*i)V E R 100 CARS OMs. 2-dr. H.T., Yellow w /M M i decree programs in 23 majors and 10 areas via. it. « at, v/s. aria, trans, TRAILER Mary ’s a haJftar* lead J TO CHOOSE FROM ALPINE. H am trailer spprax i f , The su-pomler came when of concentration. par. sag. Ms. /Mad. /aaata. AM / • LIBERAL TRADES coao., AM-FM anrsn. 07,117 ad. sleeps sis, i pnippad w /a» * pat I soph quarterback Greg AJ TRADED stove. taMp. else. naDete. propane Pavick oe a keeper went DEPENDABLE SERVICES lank lac. a heal. EXCELLENT ■ •ver frocnthe three-yard ’ 1 9 9 5 * 1 8 5 0 ! O Degree D Non-Degree Urong S t P Day D E vening M cG uire O Freshman □ T ransfer fro m n iae A U T O S A L E S ten d with a twfrpohder and f Address to 2A« Dry State : O R I \ I E R BELLEVILLE PIKE up with his QQ7-91 1 0 Telephone of the c am I W I I a SCHUYLER AVE.. KEARNY ***'• f c . I P V I fensive ss the Panthers’ first quarter Caenpak came Dive Pope* recovered a up(with a knee injury Md B te Tide fumble on the mssfd the remainder at the ' J*rwTbatwasquteabfow _ far the P anthers as Gaerepek » g *w rai tte taraf was the fcatio« x n v with * losing note In their Karo s g y ard Bae Waling- 73 ports on 11 tourfxtowns. TfcaaksgiviBg Day tilt *■ eaealed a sewn pU> (tree two^oM cowetakms «■■** Hannon the Pan- drive to get on the andaane-poinler. «l»w ta t far the s n a th

W att scooped up the free bail and ran U yank far the touchdown A placement Captures kick made it 15-T in Harrison's favor Another turnover led to First National^ Santa Rtaherfond trying to get .. has a beautiful Anchor Hocking •>** in the game Three Pressed Cut Glass Footed Dish FREE! when you open a new 1979 Christmas Club. In addition we pay you interest on your completed club at the annual rate of 5% t

Don’t lose a minute H&wr ■ * * • join the *79 d u b today!

P«*r»d on a fumble and returned *33 yank W ihthe pigskin at the onw ard line panar halfback Mark Ratta went over lor the toudatown. A piiajpf for the two-pointer fated and the VIKES WERE i U P V i l O ^ f c Q i its next offensive North Arlington scored again Ratta broke loose for 4* yards and the final 22 yards goalwerd came an a Herr­ mann pass to jicuor end G w yH aB N K i R*ta was the chef & tu i 1 in the iwamt finale M at* saw North Arlington dose with four st rai ghi triumphs Ratta gamed IN yards in If carries. Cfcppag a sensational scholastic o n er was Captam Rick Rodriguez. Rodriguez, a defensive linebacker afco art a new school record far career tackles with m fwaed that m a r t to 135 w«h IS tackle in the Ridgefield wia.mae«r themaolD jobt

The Oasualcraft Man Stands Out

9 9 1 - 0 0 3 4


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1 7 9 F a s i a k S t . l Fasssk A »..|4 5 0 Hackmatack A *s.| I t . 17 Ikrth 6 b m Garfield, N J. | Roomy, N.J. | Hacltensock, N.J. | Lodi, N J. j o x m g

B v D m M m m w t**e« gradual drowned m u l timilliondoli ft is a common bebd UST Fighters from many areas at hea»y»ejglK title bods d tw o WSfMKSXTtSnrr nl&w etam lnm atftra— ...... ——— •haa Muhammad Ah retires the U.S., including N.J., a» seventies will varedi if Association bowling cham short time. Bui now she is Ranae Mmm, who is yet from boxing the spat will would have to travel nd when Ah retires, but pionsdps. wiU be going after back and going jpealguns to win a title, is entered in teturn U> the sa m e depressed ebe«d>ere to find figas. dub boxing is flourishing her third Dec 2whentheatv the tournament by virtue of *a * it was m before the Only California stayed •gaia. The reason for this nual AMF tournament will Another former champion. the 235 points she re£ster«d Q s y m at on relatively active th m a g oodd be that fans are urn« be held at the Wallington Unda Wilson of North mtoumanwdbowta^ the scene in the early sixties these lean years with its d Ah's performances d late While it is true that aS t large Mexican population and are looking elsewhere boxing hack ia o the sig>portiag regular fight iar good boxing action Now thru Xmas hmelight when the spo^t cards especially fifTTH* ta North Jersey desperately needed it. his lighter divisions In fact, R i n g s by C h arlo tte presence never helped present day world chants bonang on the d u b level featherweight Daray Lcpei his son Dan have bees With the saturation of and welterweight Carlos promoting fight cards on teieviped by almost monthly baas ties and Ah overshadowing f i0 tm g o ften at the Olympic Sept the sm all ether fighters particularly in Auditorium in ice rink sold out 424 valley Brook Avenue the lighter weight dasses. But all that is changing. capadty J0» when vnung Lyndhurst —. dd> boxing slowly died The Boxing in K J as well as the Scrtt Frank d Qakhnd won schools where young im w i nation is currertly enjoying the N .J. Come See Our Spectacular Display developed and 'refined their a resiTgenct Perhaps the of Rings and Jewelry. Just a Amvet Nen* 2.157 CHAINS FROM Lyndhurst Amvets Post the Post w i l l give a Chrat- card Gold Filled Sterling Silver 14K Italian Gold Commander John Gaghardi <*■* leJ$e P*ients snnanoes the posts' annual from Lyehs Veterans O ratinas party wiB be held Hospital G uests vrtio wtfl be RING S - G old Filled and Sterling Silver on ___ ..r.mi- -1** "wiiwit- i ngr. i g f , ...... - ii ...... die P o a Home on New York partake of a dinner and Genuine Stones of Marcasite, Jade, Onyx, Aye, This affair mil be fleoewe Cfcnstmas presens restricted to member's only Ooramander Cagliari and TKD victory over ‘ j Tiger Eye,Opals, Rubies, Sapphiresr Chairman John Grosso has has officers would like to veteran Charlie H ank the future boxing hi X J is announced that the affair wish everyone a Merry ot hometown of Newark, and commonplace for a world healthy CLOISON gE and B1RTHSTONE RTNOS will be open to 130 people ‘ Christmas and a Happy Bernae Taylor has been pit­ champ or a top contender to In adcbuon to the Totowa Cta FYiday December L ting together amateur and be from the Garden State, hn fight cards, other promoters professjona! program in the the future. Jersey may boost EN GRAVIN GJFW EI.RY - Sterling Silver and are keeping Jersey's up­ D w e ra re a m ore world cham ps to fdlow Gold filled hand engraved earrings and coming fighters busy Al New Jersey may be fast - in the footsteps of newly Pendants from Thailand. , L o v e ly 0*U> d Secaucus has been becoming a major farce in c r o w n e d WBA light- promoting at both the &n- the worldwide boxing scene be-avyweight champ Mke F a s h io n s ' hassv Hall in North Bergen as it otibe was when it was Rossnam d Tum ersviBe. and the Jersey CSty Armory f o r t h e Also Murad Muhammad has been active in his ~ L o * e f r Christmas Party S pecialty StZES 14tt-28VSj The annual Christmas 1 [>ess Shop i s -20 34-48 1 f i g u r e Party and Installation H fr.~ ner d the Ro&aiy Altar PRE HOLIDAY SALf DISCOUNTS START AT 2 t \ Society d SL Joseph's R.C * SKIRTS* KSTS • DRESSES • BLOUSES » SLACKS • SOWS Church. East Rutherford. wtB be held Monday, Deoero- her 4 as The Fiesta. ftwod >15 Centre S t, Nifcley corner R issac Ave. R*dge. following the t 38 Mon-Ri » $ Sal *-4 Mi E t c U l pm Mass at the Church Donation is St W

WONDERFUL GIFTS OF WOOD! ft s not too early to paint or stain your gift tor that extra-personal touch! W e have hundreds of item s of unfinished furniture in stock. DESKS SAUTA SUGGEST* M arty sty le s •C h *s Rotter including Mate s SA LE‘ 12 J5 B o o k c a s e D esk • Plant Stands (Shown here) and • Hutcbes Roll tops , • Gun Racks STUDENT DESK h m c t SPECIAL. » Ff»med M tntrs ONLY Come Cupboards > W xh Mot* 11 __

9 LARGE SELECTION SHELVES Perfect for curios, books. Ooll S collections, etc. SHOP OUR BARGAIN TABLE FOR GREAT ONE-OF-A-KIND A a n m H t t i’a BARGAINS! (katrinrtm akrrs ' OPEN: Mon., 140-146 Midland Ave., Keamy Tues., WML, Fri. 9:00 X 5.-00 p.m. Thurs. M O- * 1:00 p.m. Sat 10*0 Bm

C hristm as Club m a k e s ^ H H

Start saving for Christmas 1979 with a ora Single trayi* ^ $2, $3, $5, $10 or $20 Christmas So start saving for Christmas 1979 DISCOUNT ON Qub at First National State-County. and get a free warming tray in time for And when you open a $5, $10 or your entertaining needs for this holiday $20 Christmas Club, wel give you a season. Join a First National State handy warming tray absolutely free. Christm as Club todays You can choose either a double L im it o n e p e r fa m iy TRIE TRIMMERS

Get a jump on Christmas thoptmg whha saving money

• Fwrt ChrtatmatTogwiher • Mntliai rtTinkiiiilliai i i Rrst (Plaai ihrang KUtADrnmiyouJ M f i t i m i n i

m c D f i L L i o n A great bank can mak» a great dltierence. C a r d & Gift Shop Inc. 567 5000 GIFTS • BOOKS • CARDS Tenrfy -Wafcngtor -WoodcW! L * * A F«w naSaMl Sufte Bancorporalon Bank. *

WenWcrFOC R*tow* Lyndtaaat M iM fniMlall coach A rt* h« the trtwnph over Saddte to o. The Falcons nwe the Brook tk e lo c a ls put Perrone made the under of the 3^ t v pwanson choice to win the everythin* together The BCSL American Division defense was toutfi as usual Golden Bear mentor ta a ® *M r « the strength of bU the offensive i n t *-•'- — 8 ..... national winners ,n the 4-H -S S L Jankowski took a pitciiout dog care and training The »wner says the h i# from Yaniero running left program point of her 4-H w ars was md appeared hedged in TVar.na Stuart of 68 the letter she received from W SBmmSSSaBBBSHm •long the sideline but Lilyan St Waldwick the blind m stress of Gnts. '■ > - . received an outstanding receded a Si 000 schoiare^p '»» German shepherd she : ' f block by Cb-Captain Mke Am ng the 57th National 4-H trained as her tlard Seeing ^ I ” Lomio and went laanolested Congress m Chicago Nov 26- Eye project It began. 'To ’ " I 7! yards for the six-pointer. 30 The winners received the 4-H er who raised Gnts ■ Giangeruso's boot hit the their awards Iran Pinna l*snk you for taking time ■N H H H M R ljM B i cross-bar and fell over to up Dog Fbods Gnx^j, Ralston ® *

4 -H O m m I Mas Stoart, who has never ow ed a dog of her own. lear­ MEN'S TOP COAT AND OVERCOATS ROM $45.00 - UP ned about dog care by M ttntian.gi*fe.dag* far MEN'S SKI JACKETS FROM $15.00 - UP the Mind through the 4-H Seeing Eye project. After MEN'S SLACKS,- $7.00 EACH - (3 FOR $20.00) training tan veryynungpup pies for several months ” MEN'S DENIM JEANS $7.50 - (3 FOR $20.00) each, she graduated to INSULATED VESTS PU N ANO FANCY - FROM $4.00 ' senior level and wus given a nine-month-old partly & SNOWMOBILE SUITS FOR THE FAMILY - FROM $15.00 trained German shepherd When her part in the Seeing Eye project ended, AND SO MUCH MORE, YOU MUST SEE FOR YOURSELF, BECAUSE WORDS th e yatmg winner began to CANNOT DESCRIBE THE THOUSANDS OF” GARMENTS - im board dogs occasionally * HUNDREDS OF STYLES AND DOZENS 0£ FABRICS. JOIN US ON THE DATES "hen their owners went on M Q im Sited our shop wjth the spirit SHOWN ABOVE. THIS IS NOT ONLY A SAIE ITS A D O O R B U STER . J proved oi Christmas and we know you’ll enjoy w a tim . The pvajact M l an ■ n n afri r> S — — i. - - — saoifig everyin 1 ng tnai is new ana beautiful for this holiday season. “B u y from the people who m ake it” rirrb tho Hala — National Consolidated Apparel wo puuk .**»;«■ 2H Grant \n . 4H n. i. » « * n.j. FROM NEW BRUNSWICK: TAKE RT. I ft 9 TO RT. 21 N O R T H , MAKE A R IG H T TU R N O V E R T H E BRIDGE S T BRIDGE THEN A LEFT AT THC I »T LIGHT FOR PASSAIC AVE. Sunday— Dec8mbsr3rd, 197B From NEWARK: j TAKE RT. 21 t McCARTER HWY.) TO BRfOGE ST. BRIDGE. MAKE TKE LEFT AT of eacftnM tint She bm ser­ 1 0 A M . T O 6 P .M . _ _ 1 *T LfGHT OVER THE BRIDGE ONTO PASSAIC AVE ved a s captain o f th e S ee b « FROM BELLEVILLE: CROSS THE BELLEVILLE PIKE BRIDGE ANO MAKE A RIGHT AT THE LIGHT ONTO ( PASSAIC AVf (RIVER RO> Eye aad Dog Bow! 4-H * From NEW YORK: take the n.j. turnpike to e x i t 15 w harrison. make a right turn to m , The 'bowls'' are Plan to be with us for our "Opei . V!»r ONTO WABR|SON AV,E and MAKE A RIGHT TURN ONTO PASSAIC AVE. based on the nationally of the Christinas Season. tdeviaad “College Bowl- FLOWERS BY CHUCK ~ I 444 Ridge Road ’ Lyndhuret, New Jersey07071 TELEPHONE: 935-3848 after 6 P M . 4 3 8 -1 7 6 3 7 4 7 5 C a p r ic e M u s t a n g C l a s s i c C h a r g e r Chsvy. 4-0., V-4, F a ir m o n t 0adf«. Coupe. V -l, Fort, 2-dr., 8-e»l.. asts tram . p m . sals tnai.. peww s t r | . / krfcs. /* auto, traas., pv*. ttesring-tinkss air strg.-brks.. ^air coad., radio. cond . radio, vinyl T h e /te^m w^adts! 28.868 miles rt.. White. Rod visyl root, sitra interior. 18.726 mi. BEST RATES ftiarp 41,997 hw

7 3 E s t a t e 7 7 L T D , Around For Everyone! W a g o n RIVERSIDE FORD'S Ford. Coupe V-l, Ckevy Caprice. V-*. C a t a li n a auto, trans , par aata traaa., psww 12 Mo.-24.000 Mi. I Pontiac. Coupe strg.-brks . air steer! a | /krakas. V-8. auto trans.. cond.. AM-FM pwr. strg. • bits, air caatf. radio, ae- WARRANTY stereo l-track. 1 air cond , AM-FM, cattaat caaMiaa. owner, absolutely rinylrf , 23,687 mi 57,131 aMas. showroom cond.! 17 944 mi

EFFECTIVE RETURN ON 7 5 7 5 E li t e 7 7 G r a n a d a It's Ihe creme hair Torino G r a n a d a tint that c o l o r s Ford. 4-dr., V-l, G h ia Fart. Coope. v-«. aata traas., p m. aata trans., pwr. strg.-brks.. air beautiful results; strg.-brks.. s ir coatl., radio, vinyl cond., AM-FM, Nfca conditions io give if., special 2-tone new! 7,919 demo paiat, Metallic Maraaa $ Silver 37.M3 of.

7 4 O m e g a 7 5 L T D 7 4 G r a n d B r o u g h a m W t. ?-dr„ * * .. M l M l , * 4 P r ix sata, traas., par. strg.-brks.. air

RIVERSIDE FORD 144 PASSAIC AVE.. KEARNY • 998-7400 Chavh tas a membership of Rev Charles O'Neal of approximate 1 y 600.000 and Living Gospel Baptist i,IO* Pastors an d Church of Rutherford Ins W%. ... -- ** ■: -J» .. OFFSET PRINTING Lvanpitstt. farther announced tint Dr Music Shop Opens CAMERA READY (While you Wait) At Lyndhurst Plaza

AJ’s Musk Mania opened Stnanents. Mumy and A jm tte th c r 727 M ARIN A VE The Africa Inland M sskn its doors in the Ljtxiwrsi The shojp will also seli ter ■“ * Jlm *** ****** LYNDURST was foundedtaUBty Peter Shopping Plaza on Saturday shirts on which pictures of Hooey wiM be M yy *o ate Cunourn Scott an d is now in The shop will carry reoor tne's choice may be imprin- the town m u sx buffs its ttrd year serving in ds. tapes, etesettes, also ac- ted For those who ir a £ t wish 460-9131 Kenya. Uganda. Tanzania. cessories och as needles. AJ's wiU be open from 10 to call for information on Zaire, Central African Em batteries, and cleaning am to » pm weekdays and f « * * e m « * the phone cloths tor various m&cal in- until fi p m on Saturday. number vs 9394144. pire, Sudan. Comoro Islands. Island of R eran and the Seycheila Islands. At the present tune, we have over IN missionaries who ate serving in medical, educational, radio, tele v isio n al i ter at ure, technical, agricultural, in relief and rehabilitation. etc The primary ptrpos? of the ministry is that of the L Blue Denim Jeans pmdamatioo of the Gospel through each of these chan­ nels by way of special K * 1 1 " * evangelistic efforts, church Mini-Fair WiU planting, discipling of } * STRAIGHT LEGS 26 <2 1 | * believers The training of Be Held National lead er*# in Bible I STRAIGHT 12 colors^ 4) E l Schools and Theological At Church fn llry * CORDUROYS 27-38 I I? ; _ ' ___ The Africa Inland Vism Pre washed - m The annual Christmas K„ STRAI6HT LEGS 26 38 | O * t o - F * r wifl be held at the h “ - 5° ° g h t * ° prtfmn Rutherford United of the areas where they are Methodist Church on Satur­ I RAP POCKET serving and has given com­ day. December 2nd from 16 plete autonomy to the Chur­ I FATIGUES 26 34 , » * |4 M a m to 4 p .n L ch The Africa Inland FLARES 3Q ^2 ^ *• A Bakery will offer for sale cakes, pies. breads and t, f*e-W ashec other sweets There wiO be ‘ Rares 28-42 *13" hand-made gifts, "old and Pte Wastes new" treasures, a children's FIVE DOLLAR VALUE COUPON BOOT CUTS 28 42 13M corner and fresh plaits with TH * M W ” • - ^ .* -----" ~ - l ^ B t s a i sefeeti® of African CARPENTER JEANS ' 26 34 * 1 4 ” Violets A braid variety of NEW Pre Washed * , MBr /BALLS 26 34 * 1 8 ” and novelties will be available A special booth * FOAM Perfect for GUYS A GALS will be stocked with candy OVER \ for pving or eating. Lunch "coffee and or hot CUSHIONS 2,000 Pair J l t i t M v i A t dogs can he enjoyed in a can- ' m e n s s h o p IN ST O C K 575 RIDGE RD. N. ARLINGTON, N.J

B a W E ALWAYS OFFER BIGGER DISCOUNTS AND LOWER PRICES! Freight & Dealer Prep Always Included. Don't Let Other Dealers Tell You Different!


W rite—laad. ind This TMtl Coftege iniinily hos ooM M ovw $129JM in ptil11|M rt M M r IN nwvcti from GftM vHi to PIM nv^i. OomMIom to NM ptytW i to CM toN*i Hoipftil In €§re of Jin N lly irti Box 1022 at ThM Cottogo, Q niiwi i , 1*125. -*» ------J ------* 14 ' A N i l Sa IRQ Mrv» WICRwvw WOnnwSB^jj S ^ I^B j00B||PH* .00 ON^I^O^II I^BnOO^OOIOMBO^ Hborol arts coRiQi. Scholarship Is Offered

The New Jersey Society of School, Paramus, Riagers Oftified Puttie Accountants University, Camden aad reminds all high schoolN ew ark; Saton Hal Uvvcr- audats iterated in com- aity, Sooth Orange; St. peting for (2.001 b scholar- ‘ Peter’s CbUege, Jersey City; daps being offered by the Stockton State College, NJSCPA, that the drarfhnr Pomona; Trenton State far mailing m appbcatxns Ckflege, West Trenton., . - - >. W 5 n ovem ocr « . "'"'“I,,, Appfiotioas Bay be ob- - tained from high school A n n iv ersary gadanoe counselors or front the Society directly, and Ifr- ant Mbs. Charts J. m at be ">«a*i< to Society K raa of 7 Van Eyck Court,

notified ikoa February I, m . The exam will be offered on Saturday, Decenter 0, a 1* a.m. at the fallowing locations: Camden Cfauty College, Blackwood; Flarieighttckuaon Lhner- For The B est D eals A round aty, Marihnti. Teaneck and Wayne; IftiMleatt County

INSTITUTE 1500 Broadway (c o r .O r d S t) Nn> Yorii, N T . 10036 for Tracdon & Road-Grip In Mud & Snow Depend On Michelin!" ^

Beautiful color. Beautiful price

W E HONOR MAJOR R t 17, E. Rutherford • C A li 933-5700 CREDIT CARDS 24 THURS** Y, NOVEMBER M, 197*

New Theatre .m o ; , Trip* Planned APPOINTMENTS ifc Lyndhurst Park* b e a i t y s a l o n Department, under the s*n *»G • ootiSfci*e • p*'*n*Aiyf*Ts ^ “J 1 ™ ^ T T P TOWING leadership of Qnm aaicner vm *m.*u Ranald W Bogle, and the *•»"* t <.««** tues wtrv rm *'i«6 , ■----- ‘- w'm p "1------n r r * 1 U f r G in—lA rtaOamnittat ate , I w J On "%ny f '.nmfttHr Srrrire Dial 991-9800 ANNOUNCES OUR pleased to announce trips to H im f / m AM kfAXVY A \'f t&4/H)/v Thmufh Thurmitiy Have ol Broadway's highest s a g m NEW LOCATION at acclaimed productions OXE I>OLLAK which will take place in December and January. 161 RIDGE ROAD The December trip will he to New York City's Little LYNDHURST Theatre for the play, \ m m t t “Gaiim ." The trip win take IO U IS r place on W ednesday, lA O N TIA C December 13th Orchestra MORE?! SUNOCO GAS and mezzanine seats are y w d i s c o u n t pnced a t $l&.CQ and & 1 5 P r* CORNER respectively. * 1 B T 1 •January’s trips include $ i M U I 9 J 7 PUMPSOPEN “ft-acoia,” at the Martin Bock theatre (January 9th). 6 A.M. to MIDNIGHT and the renowned musical [buy FROM STOCK & SAVE VS $1400] * “A Chorus Line,” at the Sdadxn Theatre (January REPAIR SHOP—” I7UU-.Tickets for the- SAFARI STATION WAGON ‘ Dnacula” trip are available m orchestra seating and are G r o c z y k H u n t OPEN priced at SUM. Safari 3rd MilIMpriM<*7S», MOW *735* *7*7lasiac*. N ri Helen F. Graayk of tdaif; and is with Prudential Bus service is scheduled to SO Johnson Avenue, Walling life Insurance, Newark WE W IU BEAT ANY BONARDE DEAL! 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. leave the P a rk s D epartm ert ton, has announced the Her fiance, son of Ms. Louis Pontiac «M teat any bon^W a wrtnaa oflaro. a gowparaMy I at t :3B pm . on the evening of Margaret Hunt of peO naan 1979 Pontiac. W erea*rva thartghttopuichaaalha deal. M tb performance.;.. Catherine Marie, to Ned B- H w t, also of W allingon Englewood, Ohio, is with Tickets for each of the Genovese Drugs. Inc The prospective bride, 78 LEFTOVERS CLEAROUT! 438-9875 Theatre trips are limited, so W alhqgtoa all interested are advised to daughter also of the late Graczyk, HO felSQ H fiM I OfBK tg ftl« » / reserve theirs eariy. Chester graduated A spring wedding is plan­ USED CAR CLEARAN CE! from Katharine Gihtas. Mbn- n e d


PARK AND MVERSIDE AVENUE LYN D H U RST 9 3 9 - 6 1 0 0 Morv Fri.9-9. «M , tit 6. S*T tit S IT M O N U R S t









CwnprnftSwe CNM Sate r u i a i n *1 0 0 % SOUD STATE Cat! your CVS pharmacist and ask tor We Mi M prescnp».on* wrtti proof i ohtu • LIGHTWEIGHT CAflNTT DESK3N PT*o* on the mechcaaion you are now c ip s tor your lamity t protection nom- taking or vt*t CVS and check our posi­ v m . upon your reouen w c w m e i •UHF/VHF TUMNG es P^escrvpfeon .prices cap tor your comcnence i Tan Raceiph Pro-hN Pm tripbaa Pragrass Prescriptions *re t» 3eauc!>ble wimre- We are enroNed m aU major puOfac and C»pts CVS 9*wes a receipt »«*’ every . uraon and gowrmem prescription UHofl tor - ‘ Save your receipts APAfTTMBfT S C E ■ AUTOMATIC WASHER AUTOMATIC DRYER

•Efctwiaies Trips To Tt» Uundromal 2 CYCLE DRYWG a •3 Aulomanc Washing Program LARSE CAPACITY •3 PoWbonW aW L e v * Selections I EASY CLEAN UNTHLTW

I CHOOSE FROM HUNDREDS OF FOP BRAND NAMES ON DISPLAY mARLINGTON i M l t u I V II I STORE OPEN: PRESCRIPTION MON.-SAT. 9 to 9 PHONE BELLEVILLE PIKE SUNDAY 9 to 6 OPCN EVERY NK3HT I 997-0333 998-7070 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, W 9 Sienkieuicz—Schneider Bergen Youth Orchestra Salutes College _ Mr Md Mrs, Stanley fiance1 attendwi vniTOUUru i S mkfcwici . of East Ruther- State College and is a High School. Century Roed, Education Celebration ', The major work on thr ehestra's Concert '29', under ford, have aaannced the Production supervisor with Paramus, N.J. currently in program. The program will be Arthur the direction of, Eugene engagement of their & K . Products, Clifton. The concert will be a BYO has been a resident art SuUtvan'a "Pineapple Pott". Minor, will be performed daughter, Judy, to Don An Oct. 9,1999 wedding is tribute to Bergen Com- group of the college far six Siittwm takes exerpts from Schneider, son of M- and Det. 9,8:30 p^m, at Paramus mmity College's “Decade of years. twelve Gilbert and Sutlivan M r* George Scfnader. of open* aid weaves them into Bittner—W eber THIS SANTA BUCK EXPIRES I r tm w m T h & w m b e th e The bride-elect graduated Mr. and Mrs. Michael I premiere performance of the DEC. e, 1978 feom M ontdair State CbUege Rhea of 40S Lincoln Avert*'' I ballet scare in this country. in Upper Montclair. Her Rutherford, announce tht engagement of thei: daughter. Robin Bittner, to Mchael Weber, son of Mr and Mrs. Louis Weber of 253 10th Street, Cresskill. WITH THIS COUPON M ss Bittner is a graduate T ow ard th o p u r c h a a * o f an y of Rutherford tigh School ROBE, GOWN OR PAJAMA * SIZES 34 to 4S 4 3 8 - 5 3 5 0 and Lyons Institute and is a student at Bergen Com LILLY’S I 4 3 8 - 5 3 7 1 jnunity College 6 Ridge Rd. North Arlington Mr . Weber is a senior at GREAT M ontclair Stete CbUege. fg) ONE DOLLAR . 5 8 b A June 1979 wedding is HOLIDAY

LISTINGS West Hudson , Or. and Mrs. Anthony Curctak Take a Step PA ttA IC PARfr Hospital — > . * - WINDOW SHOPPING? t SB i w i u w i w ------in th e ___ faatw laff S lw«ariwaM p lat Miss M angano Becom es Bride ------w/bar. 1-1/1 aMtf- Plans Fair Light Direction Miss Carole Mangano, cathedral train. A matching Feel Right At Home The Auxiliary of West w it h A STEAL AT SSS.S00 daughter of Mr. anl Mrs cap headpiece held her veils Hudson Hospital will hold its aUTMERFORD Mchael Mangano, formerly and she carried a full QRANO RIOOE ROAD annual Christmas Fair on COLONIAL of Lyndhurst, now residing bouquet of phalaenopsis or­ Tuesday, December 5, 1978 in Btairstown, became the chids, roses, babie’s breath M a r v e l in the hospital cafeteria bride, on Septem ber 2, of Dr. and stephanotis. from* am irtii3pnt Mrs Anthony Joseph Qurczak, Mrs. Kathleen Ritchie, of T i l l DECORATORS Thomas Graham and Mrs. CREME HAIR UGHTENER son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Blairstown, the bride’s f* . Ja m es M u p h y a re in charge Qurczak of Linden. sister, was matron of honor, cl the event. Pale Paler. Palest. A The ceremony, at a Nup­ wearing a keUy green gown 405 Kearny A v e . P a rfttt mam /daughter The n o t regular meeting •rrang.m.at. A •n.-of-a- tial Mass, was performed by with an off-white lace shawl smash of an ash. A of the Auxi&atfwiU be Mon­ Rev Dan Matusziewicz at She carried a bouquet of honey of a honey. A. OFFERED AT SW.SOO. day, December 11 at 9:15 NORTH ARLINGTON Sacred Heart Churchjn Lyrv spider mums, stephanotis ^—Kearny, N .J. 991-3818 delicate baby blonde p.m. in the hospital LIVIN’ IS EASY 2 FAM. d u rs t. and rases. hue. Whichever Sand# cafeteria. After the business A cocktail hour and recep­ • alum Flowers girls, Christina For All Your Decorative Needs blonde you choose... lam la a tu r ln f meeting, members win join tion for two himdred guests Ritchie of Blairstown and it's dynam ite in the so- in a smg-along, and refresh­ fallowed at the Lantknark II CUSTOM & READY M ADE Iha iHCRh. ol I Sarah Louise Mangano of ments will heserved. ciol sphere. And all if apt Extras Include built in in E ast Rutherford. Ridgewood, nieces of the «/e. M ctttn ^ E Lflfl The bnde, escorted by her ■arga Selection of takes is quick-acting father, was-attired in a silk Tloux White C rem e RUTHERFORD h,!h» M0* A m eeting of S t . and carried baskets of chiffon and imported alen- * CURTAINS tightener and an ex­ ORA* IT FIRST Elizabeth’s Chapter ol stephanotis, rases and ivy. Owimt must wN this ultra- con lace off-white gown, ac­ Grace Episcopal Church, Dr. Walter Chwazik of • DRAPERIES citing toner. '-MttMK I fm "CsIorIiI wHb cented with seed pearls on Rutherford, will be held on Elizabeth was best man! the bodice and chiffon bell dining r.ems, custom Wednesday evening. Decem­ Ushers were Michael • BEDSPREADS sleeves, and fashioned w ith a Mangano, the bride's ber 6, at the parish hall. W *-0128 ■ r s |i . Must SaHII Yawr brother and her nephew, • BATH ENSEMBLES (M att IN THE SO't John Ritchie. Ring bearer LYNDHURST wcYea • LINENS R a y ’s PUT DOWN THIS PAPER was Matthew Ritchie, also a And b . first ta aM nephew of the bride. and aiadani 4 OPEN LATE EVERY EVE. TILL 9 HAIRDRESSER CAFE COD atyto HOUSES®! The bride’s mother chose a HAIR STYLIST —aAlft COLORIST psristl issM silver qpana gown, with chif­ IM KfcARNY AVE OPP GAILS w o r d (EXC. SAT.) UNTIL XMAS 'KEARNY. N.J. 07032 uSwTandl-i/21 fon bodice, while the J A n Tims Fn- and Sat. 9 -6 Thure. 9 natlaatl ONLY I groom’s mother wore an PASSAIC PARK 438-5350 aquamarine qiana gown, TWs sMdara S r a m haaw la waiUM ^M d a n mmm a m 438-5371 with matching jacket. Their scu-H LuEui o.i. m m corsages were, white cym- < nM i«% *is FHA *er bidhan orchids. £~fito«BK Nto - nS Ms. Qurczak, a graduate Dlftecl retMuiliai P CavoC aMonizsani__ C m b . farn of Lyndhurst High School, is f Y E A R L.,rao all re u i housme meek I Assistant and office coor- RUTHERFORO (Snator to Dr. Richard Bur­ Csm sr Of TwmM LC^RM*. S OFFICES TO ttTTER SERVE YOU * 57 MM AKt, WTNBMH nett in East Orange. haa. a toy. S badraaas hmm Dr Qurczak, an ahamus wNh a raaa layout KRt yasit NDGEMA0. IYNBHURST raatnrad la N* and din nas, ■* 15 0WBTT WAY, (2 * . Hsw) RUTHERFORD of St. Benedict’s Prep, dkw In ‘M an, 2 M baths Newark, and The CbUege of ■ Y E S , SKIERS, ■ *205 N0GE MAO, NORTH A8UNCT0M ptisa S badrms. 0*1). the Holy Cross in Worcester, * « RAl/nm* OR. (Ocean Acres) MANUUWKM lat. M aybsissrdnan Massachusetts, received his SERVING ALL SOu’tH BERdEN INCLUDING Doctor of Dental Medicine RUTHERFORD-EAST RUTHERFORD..LYNDHURST Degree from The University TIEMPO REALLY IS CARLSTADT .WOOD-RIDGE.. HASBROUCK HEIGHTS..WALLINOTON~NORTH ARLINGTON of Pennsylvania School of ------KEARNY ... Dental Medicine and curren­ WE HAVE A lUY^ MR TOM HOUSE CHECK OUR SALES !! S tly is practicing in East Orange. I B A SNOW TIRE! AMOnOTTSAU The cample honeymooned Beginning this winter, California chain control crews and at "UKBrisas" in Acapuieo, enforcement personnel, in mountain areas, will accept SOLD 0 the TTempo radial as a “Snow Tread" tire. That’s good news Mexico, and Cape Anne, 713 3rt. St. tor Tiempo owners. And Tiempo is good news for anyone LYNOHURST Massachusetts. They are who s ever tried to put on tire chains! iw | residing in Hackett- Tiempo proved itself last winter during some of the worst AWTNBIT’SMf stown. weather in history. In the blizzards of New England, the ice storms of Tennessee, the heavy rains in Texas. Best of all, Tiempo steel belted radials are so tough they SOLD 0 Dom brotvskiI 126 Erie Ave. keep on rolling season after season. Tiempo is rain tire sn o w tire, sun tire . the one tire that does it all RUTHERFORD D e M o n a Tiempo. The tire you can drive with confidence' MtVk OUR Flat Mr. and Mrs. Join Pom- toe flR F.E.MM PRICE aw tin IM THE MO > brawski of North Arlington SOLD 0 PROVED P185/75D13 8*78-13 $43.00 $193 E- RUTHERFORD , amotnce the engagement of P195/75R14 ER78-14 W.IS RESIDENCE * BUSINESS 40 Ctthetfrai Ave their daughter, Sandra, to $235 LOCATION IN H ISTO RY’S P205/7MU" F*7H4 $83.30 $2.56 Joseph J. DeMona, son of NVTLEY JZlil 75*14 GR78-14 $88 S5 $261 M r. a n d Mrs. J o s e p h AMTMR IT SALE W ORST W INTER P225/75R14 H878-14 $71.00 $2.67 DeMona of Wyckoff. A Jute P206/75*15 JK7H5 $(5.40 $2.68 1979 wedding is planned P215/75*15 P155/80R13 078-15 $88.45 $2.74 SOLD 0 blackmail P225/75R15 HR78-15 $73.00 $2.90 M ss Dombrowski is a 17 Westenrelt Place plus $1 88 f E.T P235/75*15 LR78-15 $7139 $3.00 graduate of North Arlington and old ttia Alao xailabla m u rn to IH many import cait ONLY SM.tOO PASSAIC PARK High School and is currertly r. *A*C ?ARK M M I T S M f working in a Saving? and Lows as a mortgage service Lube and Oil Front-End Alignment All-Winter “ n r r * * ------representative. Her fiance Change and 4 Iire Rotation aalarfaM . OMdcw««tlw! SOLD 0 Auto Protection Eacallaal lRv#sl«t»Ri is an alumnus of O hio Q ya U fla d ttWfMMT 12 Arthur Drlre Wesleyan University where SrSJiM Ofr FREE! RUTHERFORD he received his Bachelor of SOUTH BERGEN'S Arts degree He is now an SOUTH BERGEN S LEADING Assistant Vice Preside* of LEADING EXCLUSIVE Suburban Coastal Cfarp. of PROTECTS MOVING HELPS PROTECT EXCLUSIVE AGENCY PUTS-ENSURES TIRCS AMS VEHICLE i s z T FjA rrjZ 'z AGENCY RUIET OPERATION SELL THRU "K" TODAY PERFORMANCE • Complete oil rtrntf Md ckwd* M>nc« • fnapect and rotate aU 4 Una • Set carter, ttoa • Ennirw smooth performance, re- camber, and toe-in to factory apedHcaltone i f 0! ! ! • “ » cooient ducee the d u a c e i o f weer . Meest phone e Inapect tuapennna aad ite e n a f ajrvtem e l ,y"*" <-• ‘•••W i due iw appointment • Include* light truck* Moat US. ca n - some imports t >

FIVE DOLLAR VA LU I CO UPO N ^ r jL '.'Z S ’ “ cm*, FW

TABLE UHIIHHHKC Jim IS IN w g o o d / y e a r | ____ _ PADS • BERGEN TIRE 258 Livingston Ave. WYCKOFF NORTH VALE 240 PitSfsoR PtaokRd. CARLSTAOT 4 4 5 - 7 7 4 7 787-1750 9 3 5 4 ) 6 6 6 575 RIDGE RD. N. ARLINGTON, N.J. 100 Franklin Turnpike i i n t u m O P W I U H . t i • p 'm. • v n . OMLY • «AT. I H I I W iW f A H 5 1 9 - 5 7 7 8 26 - THURSDAY, NOVEMBER M.tfTI H ey on H om e Bo* office two and iriss that N otes O nM usic kind of music. With all the ens reoant problems E.J. has en- cantered land I nish Mm Jerry Leopaldi has an her and January sessions are now available which is desig­ tidpntton in well), at least he needs is m aned the opening of his now being taken According ned to help those in any . of as a talent representative, t t o album "School for T heatrical A rts" t o Leopaldi, “ This the fallowing categories: ac­ producer, director and at 3SB Bloomfield Avenue, represents step one in tin g . singing, d a n c in g . writer have tang* me the With this voice of one 1 Montclair. and of his setec- achieving my dream^to thing* that are wish that Elton would scrap tkn of Lee Paves, professor provide the people of New necessary and vital to the it all. start all over and put Je rsey wras a mesrangM developing artist Gtwarthe oiilhe music whiehTailt the and total talent development proper training tools a star*. Of course Has comes ■ laurels he's retting an right T h e BEST in F O O D S center for Actors, actresses, student will have a better from one (myself) who feels singers, dancers, models, chance to make iL that there are only four announcers, conics, direc­ ‘ft is my ultimate goal to and LIQUORS ‘good’ Elton albums, all tors and w riters complete my plans for the released iround the sart of He s ta te s ,: T h ere has been total tal«*t development this decade. HUETTEMANIN’S a serious lack of proper center in 1979. '' facilities and of extremely “New Jeraey. the birth­ The trouble is that the JB’S qualified instructors F ar too place of motion pictures, has longer I -sten to A Single I Delicatessen and Grocery | many people have com­ much to offer tolls alizens Mb , the more 1 dshke it plained of the rip-off and to the w o rld Tlas is one w ide I found enough music Z2fc-Z2*v, P a ttn n A* Em Rmt u f iri, N J . situation which exists in of the reasons why I became of a redeeming natux in. L o u n g e I New Jersey and New York. actively involved with Ptirf say Blue Moves, to make it a This prompted me to do aer playwright and chair­ part of my collection, there Childrens Christm as ALL KIN OS OF GERMAN STYLE BOLOGNA something about it by man of the New, Jersey is bttfe in this new release to Imported * DaaeWk'TaMe L anriees A S^rriaitMs j providing classes that are Motion Picture and TV Cbm Partv -S at., Dec. $ justify its exjstenpe. 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. ' WE FT_ATt *E P O P I LAR BRAND QE taught by instructors who mission, in helping to bring I have to say that I like Classes are available an a abot* the official creation of are extremely qualified and Elton. While I might not ap­ Santa w8f ha harp BUFFET M fair rates. " 3-hour, one-session-per- the commission " tor th e cMfcfra*.1 preciate w hat he is trying to Beers -Wines * Liquors I Professor Paves was ap­ week. 8-week basis. Full­ Leopaldi is noted for do. 1 stil1 find h is m usic en- pointed to assure that the time classes will be 5 hours having placed thousands in — GO GO GIRLS — But the musk 1 BEVERAGE COOLED by Matera Rrfrifcralioa I teaching qualities of the staff per day, 3 days per week. major films such as "The WED. t THURS., 12N00K3P.lt. nWMY12NO0KTO5P.lt. I would be "distinguished. Classes will- be available Frenrit Qwnectioh." "God­ ■is usually the dribs A basic acting course is beginning January 1979 and father," “The Exorcist.” *and

are open o n : Weekends can be something to look forward to. ddidoualy, with thu type Give Equity Savings $10,000 of tour Enjoy the tastiest thing that ever happened to man ... and woman. A joyful experience and we will give back to yon Bergen Poets you’ll never forget , . . any Monday or more than $19,000 in 8 years Read Work Tuesday. It’s also an experience eating at Jade any day of the week but only memom oi oergen ruess at Jade you’ll find exotic drinks,

EFFECTIVE at th e 2 p.m. program Yum Cha, excellent service, and ANNUAL YIELD ‘ o T taaftqr. December 5 a t the an atmosphere that fits the mood ^ i a %a A YEAR Bergen County P a r t C o n at the most honorable prices. 8 .4 5 %, - , T * MM. SI,000 • TERM: 8 Vbws

*hiiig^ettyieidings*hm igsacaxjr< permitted by law. Hsgrealfor retirement planting. college expenses and such other future projects as wedding and career expenses There is a substantial penalty for early withdrawal, but the benefits are also substantia! Your deposits are insured to $40,000 and Equity Savings considerable reserves

reiane January f. A

NORTH ARLINGTON CLIFTON PARAMUS ' 802 Ridge Road 321 River Road 489 Route 17 991-5377 473-0177 KEARNY 583 Kearny Avenue 991-0101 Came to

T he C hristm as T ree

m m

1 9 4 PARK AVE., „A RUTHERFORD WE OPEN Next to Public Service Bldg.) GUARANTEED


. _ v .

GIVE SAVINGS ON QUALITY: V O tlL S E IJ • BEDROOM SETS. CIIEIHT. -1! You H ave A>ay Of ' • LIVING ROOM SETS > !hese Credit Cards • DINING ROOM SETS • American Express * Carte Blanche • BEDDING • LAMPS • Master Charge EASY PAYMENT ANO • Diners Club • OCCASSIONAL PECES CREDIT PLANS • -BankAmencard Visa • ODDS & ENDS Y o u M ay Qualify For AVAILABLE ’1,000 INSTANT CREOIT

PICK YOUR DISCOUNT FROM OUR SAVINGS TREE It's Easy, It’s fun, all you have to do Is make a j purchase at our already retfoced prices then pick, * from our savings tree Y»v may pick from 5% to 10% of extra savings. Come in and browse around you'll like ' , . '1 * wlut you see. ^

CALL: 438-0440 neaday, December 10 at LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE 13:30 p.m. at Hawaiian Godspeil

< B O A R D t* COMMISSIONERS Palms illl Stuyveaant TOWNSHIP OF LYNDHURST BOARD OF HEALTH In Nutley Nobceis hereby gnsn that sealed bide ORDINANCE NO 79-2 •>•11 ba received tty the BO M of AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND LEGAL NOTICE Family Playhouse, 30 Conimissionei. of ths Township ol SUPPLEMENTHM AN ORDINANCE Brookline Avenue, MOtey. Lyhohurst B a ^ e n County New Jersey EN TITU O SANITARY COOE OF THE O H M M N C i N0l I I H lo r on-site Electrical h w a w Service BOROUGH OF EAST RUTHERFORD AN OROINANCE TO AMEND AN wiU preaent Godspeil begin­ ^Wir oo* i « r (1979) pursuant to in * REVISION O f 1973 APPROVED ON ORDINANCE EMTITLEO. AN ning Dec. 1 and nasing thru Requirem ents ol IK* Uniform OCTOBER 25. t*73 Aid ADOPTED ON OROIHANCE FIXING A N D Construction CoasAct NOVEMBER 29,1973 DETERMINING THE ANNUAL Dec. 17, with performances S sidbigs she* b* opened and read m BE IT ORDAINED by Sw Boerd t* SALARIES. WAGES AND »■*** at Bw Vwftum Tomb mil on HgeUh ol tht Borough 0 ! f a s t on Fridays and Sjgturdays at Tuesday. December 12 1979 etBOOpm Ruthertoid. County ol Beigen. SUM ol OFFICERS HMD EMPLOYEES OF THE 0p.m. and Sundays tf 3p.m. Uocat Preveilmg T11m N w Jersey as follow* TO W N SH IP OF .LYNDHURST ANO Copies o l w e Specifications ana Bin PARAGRAPH ONE PROVIDING THE MANNER OF Featured in this hit Proposals M | be obtained koni the Ol A R T I C L E VI FOOO PATMaNT»TXtRtOF No* o l too Township CNrk. Town Hail, ESTABLISHMENTS draw aerwary code NOTIC* t t Wteby gnen mat me above muateal,sfe; Lyodbtir.t, New J m i, between the «* ° » Borabgh AE M I MX m 1973 Paul Dames of Kearny, hours ol BOO a m and 4 90 p m on a r*«e*on « 10 W. amended and eup- ragutar b w n t a day until December I t . pMraemed and tW toaowetg prartamn has previously starred in 197* *n»u be kn o w n ae Section B i l l e l Goftpeil at William Pater­ The Boerd ot Cdmmeadnen teaarve* ''•y ***” "*-. ___ M n9M i.iM NS SENTENCES CLAUSES ANO PHRASES OF THS OROINANCE. be made by coatacdl« the BUT THEY SHALL REMAIN IN EFFECT, IT BEWO THE LEGISLATIVE INTENT boa office at SOMMOT * THAT THIS OROINANCE SHALL STAND NOTWITHSTANDING THE INVALIDITY LEGAL NOTICE OF ANY PART al aatd •ieciriebl plana end THIS ORDINANCE SHALL TAKE apecilicaliona with the National ORDINANCE NO 1704 a parked vehicle on any atreet or ptMlc EFFECT AFTER FINAL PASSAGE AND Electrical Code AN OROINAMCE TO AMEND SECTION PUBLICATION AS REQUIRED BY LAW thoroughfare tn the Borough ol 1« POLICE DEPARTMENT SUB­ BOARD OF HEALTH. BOROUGH OF Ruthariord. except auch tranalara SECTION 3. ANNUAL SALARCS OF EAST RUTHERFORD between ape-ont and than eenoichrto THE REVISED ORDINANCES O f LYNDHURST. NEW JERSEY. 1999. ADOPTED ON AUGUST 11 I M NOTICE la hereby gluon t h l the dfcoao Conetfuction Offioel. a* tha required Municipal Court 01 the Soroush ol Jocumemabo n andoertibcabon. Rtdherford. lie aybiact to a line in ah 1 Said Agency me* cany adequate amount not aKceedntg SSB lor each-ol- tabddy meuranoe to each peraon withm faneeor wotanonorbeimprteonedtnlhe ta employ to aetafy claims and /or county tall tor a period not aaceadttfr Judgm ent* lo r property damage and . or ffurty (30) dera in Ihe diacrabon a l the personal inpjry enemg out ol the failure court o l «a employee* to property dabharge SECTION 2. ThM ordtnenoe aha* taka their dutiee and raar«nad>tliliaa and to affect upon pifclicaMnaeooaftng to Mm indemmly the ToemaNp ol Lyndhun* fromaHliabiklyandraaponertuMy The loregoing ordinance «at 4 Said Agency ihda. Urtter proceea mtroduoad al e raguer meeting o l me end return all d o o m n ta plene and Mayor and Csuncri o l Tha S o m a li ol fUNEOAL MUNCH apecilicanone m a appacafona wittun Rutheriord m tha County olBe^an Ne. ACCOMMODATIONS » *» * — "!■ N ^ t e d Jaraey. held Nowember J1.1S7S and and b y n a lM ta o n C o flM n c llo n C o d a ba further CO tendered lor fmal paaaaga AVAHA8U ; 1 saw Ag»cy a aB WWW PrOmda pubbc hi-nngM .m BuiwSI^ Mchw cal aw iaiataa m mo preparation oI aaid Mayor and Councd to ba heM m

T T 5 " C 2 T 5 S m T« --’T aaeapaasa- > ' g » neqwnedrBt-w Twwnioi # coon WSmSmW&f proceedinga aa requeated by tha Rutherlord, N,J RESTAURANT

and prepare an reparta ar aocumensaMona tor the Oonatructon Ot- Fee. *17 94 litaal aa are promulgaead end teqiaied by tha Deportment o l Com m m ty A lla n or aa may ba ragutred by me Conatructon Official from time to tuna m carrymg out rte reaponaibtltiea imdar the Ad and regulation* » All napactnna mode by the anaae EtfCtricai inspection Agancy aluM be made in a timely m am ar but m no e i M Rutherford m the oouncd Chamber* of sp a Level leaa than M houra tram ma date ol >67,500 the Municipal BuMmg located M 17« . Colonial Mod 74.500 IWtBB.-' Park Avenue. Ruthartord New Jereay on Section 3. FEES - Tbe onsite TwoFamiy December IB. 197S al t:1S pm ., bide for 64.900 Electrical Inapaction Agency than Six Family 125.000 harmah to the TownMap o l Lyndhut* Aa a Truck Chaiaau and Vacuum Sariaet Sweeper, m accordance with Brick-frame 120.000 apeoticauom tor tame on Me In the Borough CMrk a olfioe.

Electrical inspection Agency on a BOROUGHOF RUT»«FWORD monthly baa« Collector* Notice ol Sale ot Real Eatata t<» The Townahip ol Lyndhural shall Dabtvtuanl Taiastortha yeer 1977

Sotica s hereby given that I F'ann Biakewy. CoHector ol TaaaslOf the BorotgnotRutherfotd. in theCountyol Borgon StaMol N J oursuam to irw authority o< ine Statute m such caea meda and pronded, will on Uondey. December 4.1978 at 10 OOo clocltm Cape 3 Bed •58.900 •ne ‘ orenoon ol mat aay J i ?n* Committee ot the W hole Room. Muraupei Building, Rutherford, eipoae tor sak and s«« the sevaral tfacts ana parcels ol lano hereinafter specified as i£ ^ha-first day of Jwiy 1978. an as computed in the list on hie in my office, togetnei * itti aott'tional .nreres! oh these amounts from July 11976 to the date of sai* and the cost of sMe Two Family Tne sa,3 .anas »,« oe strucn oh and sold to iu c h persons at will purchase the samasitiioct to redemption at the lowest rata of merest Dut in no case m encess ot 12S per annum. The payment for the Sale stall tie made before the conclusion a t the Sale, ot me property will t * resold Tti,s saK is made m pursuance of the provision ol Chapter 237, PJ.. i» i* . and tha Acts amendatory tnereot ana supplementary thereto »ny ot Jhe saio Tracts may be redeemed before the Sale by the paymeot of the amount due thereon to date of such redemption, nciuding coststd SUCm dale “ Colonial Lor. .The fopoyying is a iiesr.r t* ,on ol the .arxts and tne owners nam« as contamao mthe list an Jile m my ofliee together with the Ranch iota' amount due meteor m^pMBpated i0 July 1. exclusive, however ot the nen tot Taxes and Assessments for the year 1978. The names shown oo not necessarily mean that these parties are me present owners ot |he proparty The Collector is author*»c to Colonial remove trom the list & preperty tobe offered for Sale only upon receipt ot CASH, MONEY ORDER OR CERTWEO CHECK. SpMLeval , Frank Blakeley Colonial 4 Bad TjacCottector 176 Park Avenue RKherford. N J 07070 }»- ■* Colonial BLOCK **1 0 1 NAME 1977 inter MM A Go* ft /.. :: Total to Ranch ' Taxas toD ac.4,1978 C i i ^ f l l S Two Family 9F E.J 4R McLaughlin $ 890 S a68 I ' l l l t Cape 5 F J A LA Schifano 058 50, * K O t9 . 96188 169 31 ThornasM Meehan 22862 2301 251*3 Byde Shop •37,000 Pubhsnea No^emoef 9 Tavern 30.000 cee $154 66 * ; Dress Shop 3,000

LEGAL NOTICE V record and the Sheriff makes no BOROUGH OF NORTH ARuNGTON COLLCCTORS NOTICE representations expressed or implied, as OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE FOR TAXES to the existence amount, or validrty of Not.ce ,5 hereby given that > Oonaia m Collector ol Taxes ot the Bonxgn a t North Arlington m the County o f Bergen, AN OROINANCE TO AMEND THE CODE any liens and encumbrances on me O f THE BOROUGH OF RUTHERFORO pursuant to the authority ot me Statute m *uch cases make and provide, anil on Fnday. December 15. 1978 at 10:00 a m. m the property which is the Mbiect matter of BY REPEALING CHAPTER 131 moming'b! that day at the office 01 the Collector 0/ Taxes. Borough Halt, in said taxing tfcMnct enpooe tor sal* several tracts as thrs sale This notice a further subtect to THEREOF. ZONING. ANO REPLACMG IT may De sufficient to make the amounts chargeable against said land* respectively on Decemo* 15 1978 and computed mthe list Conditions of Sale as set form by the WITH A NEW CHAPTER 131 TO BE on t,ie m rny office together with interest on such amounts from due sale to December 15,197* The sa d lands w d k M struck off Sheriff 0l Bergen County The Sheriff ENTITLED ZONING. PW3WOIN8 FOR ana sold to such persons as wilt purchase tha same suiiect to redemption a t the lownt rate of interest, but in no case m excess ot reserves the rigM to aiftoian ttu * sale TH£ ESTABLISHMENT OF ZO fljB .2 per cent pet annum The payment tor seme Shan be mad* ketere tho rxm ckaon of tha sale ot the property win be resold This froth time to tim e as provided by Law DISTRICTS. LANO USE REGULATIONS saie is made pursuant to the provisions of C h afe r 236, P i 1918; and supplements and amendments thereto The toMowioo is a W ITHM SAID OtSTTbCTS, A ZONING jdSEPHF JOB. Shenff MAP ANO BULK USE REGULATION description of lands and me owners as contained m the Ust on Me in my office together with me total amount due thereon as Published Nov 16^130,0ec?7.1978 SCHE DU U S . ALL PERTAPWIG TO THE ct»nn>ufHt>Pa>.eiw ' xn*— ...... ------— F b e M J I ” REGULATION O f LAND USE WITHIN Any of the aforesaid parcels of'lane and teal estate may be redeemed by payment 10 the CoHector before the sale o f the amount THE BOROUQH OF RUTHERFORO Okie thereon ptus interest and atfvertismQ coat «ocash orearnhed check ^ PURSUANT TO THE PROVISO* OF Daieo ai Borougn HaiLNortn Ar»«>glon. Hew Jersey, this 13lh oay oI November. 1978 CHAPTER 291 O f THE LAWS OF 197* O ffice hours Daily9 00am to 4 00p m SatunJay Ciosed Tuesday evemngaacn week open 7 00p m to8 00cm A N O AMENDMENTS ANO 1977 TAX TEAR SUPPLEMENTS THERETO BE IT OROAINEO BY T IC MAYOR BLOCK LOT CVAiER * TAXES TOTAL AMO COUNCIL OF THE BOROUGH OF 10 <7 EMMAP SARGENT 2 5 2 RUTHERFORO AS FOLLOWS ’ 0 *e CLYDE SARGENT SECTION 1 The Cads ol Ihe Boraiah 10 *6 CLYDE SARGENT ^ 5,152 o l Rutherford is hereby amended by 62 23 ANTHONY a MATILDA . — _ £ 8 M | UALMOWSKI :----« * ■

1372 56

Shenff s O ffice situated in Mb Bergen County Jail Building, Court Street, public health, safety, comfort, Hackanaeck. that la tossy convenience and ms general saSets ol the peo ple ThtsOtamanoa Is inMwdadto

certain map enuOed SAep d property of Arlington 'Park snuatad a t North Arlington Bergen County. New Jersey' prepared by Harnaon Vany Ouyne 4 Son. Surveyors, dated M * I d and Med m

Notice IS hereby grven th a t: Henry Baa* I Jer w y pursuant to tnaAuthorrty ol the SUMM ■ BEING aiao known is Lot, 39 and 31 mi M>Mt prohibit inoompatiwe uaas. at ten o clock in the forenoon o l met dey. al me I Stock 117-A on me Tat Map o l ma regulate the sltemadion ol exieting sew the several tracts and pe rce lio l la w fw a a l Borough a t Norm Arkngun (Rewaion al buildings, protsct agamat haiaroa. my office, together wimaddifionai interest on pm October. 1929) Being known end T he said lands win be struck olf and soM sa o l interest but m no case m excess ol twelve p i the sate or ft>* properly WiU be resold Tws saw a ^ RESIDENTIAL ft COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES 32 and S4S-34J any ef aa«j tree** of land mey be redeemed redemption: including mteraatandco*Mtaste* ARE N O W EUGISLE FOR FEDERAL FLOOD INSURANCE The fonowmais a deecnption ot the tanas t total amount duelhereon as computed on JM y! LYNDHUKST, KUTHEKFOHD, N O R T H A R L IN G T O N , The names shown are ae they appear ai « t owners ol ths property AFTER IHE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THS EAST RUTHERFORD, CARLSTADT I WALLINGTON. PROPERTY TO BE OFFERED FOR SALE ONLY I Apply He

• # Savino Agency "Alert Insurance Service*’ 251 Ridge Road Lyndhurst, N J . - 4 3 8 -3 1 2 0 ■ 1_ -muMMY, movbmmr n . m * - i t Taxpayers OWE MOM AN EARLY ' The Rutherford Taxpayers Election of officers and Assoc, will hold it's regular meeting with represen­ CHRISTMAS PRESENT monthly meeting an Ihw- tatives of the Federation of sdsgr, Novem ber 30 a t 1:30 N.J. Taxpayers Assoc, on Ant attractive modem kitchen with all new ap­ p.m. National Community pendng state and local tax pliances and natural wood caW ne*. Also featuring Bank, Park Ave. branch. M U LTIPLE LIST IT a living room, dining room, 3 bedrooms A b a th . New aluminum aiding. L.___»AUMLUW TA¥CJi Im i ; •— ALL FO R m m ,«««»« . .RENTALS UTNONUNST — 3 Modem rooms. H 4 HW included Attic h o u s i n g • "'isfeW tesr* storage. *225 00 !» for Action OPPORTUNITY 5 : MNDHURST — 4 Modem rooms. 14 x 15 living room. Harvey W. Young Parking *225.00. 9 JKAlfOft LYNDHURST - 4 Modem rooms. H. supplied. Partong • Koster Of Active Brokers Affiliated With : 971 U-Jl- J * Storage. *265.00. ■ 9 3 9 - 1 2 0 0 "EB LYNDHURST — Ultra Modern Studio. Parking A/C. Refrigerator H&W, gas supplied. *275.00 5 , 251 Ridge Road (KURGAN-BERGEN. INC.) Tel 9398290 688 Kearny Ave. 9 9 8 - 2 9 1 6 REALTOR* Tel. 438-3121 41 Park Avenue < R e i l Estate experience is available to a s s i s t y o u Keamy. N.J. 07032 W A LT E R E. GO ERNER a I Tel. 939-6200 189 Hackensack Street m ’he selling of your home Please don t hesitate [< Tel. 998-2300 SCHURCO REALTY INC Tel 939-2464 >4 to .ill us foi any advice or assistance you may { 654 Valley Brook Avenue LATORRACA REALTY CORP 933-1700 240 Park Avenue ALBERT GORAB AGENCY *< n e e d >] LOOKING FOR VALUE? ABBOTT A ASSOCIATES Tel. 935-7848 257 Hackensack Street FRANK A VOLPE Tel 438-1133 705 Ridge Road ELLWOOOS.NEW, INC 158 Summit Ave. Tel. 933-3333 46CestnutSt. PASSAIC Realtor ■ Insurer • CPV Property Manager *. Lyndhurst. N.J. 07071 JEAN ROBERT REALTY 2 Family. 2 A 2 Bdrs. Modern kitchens & baths. Tel. 939-8000 197 Valley Boulevard APPRAISER MORTGAGE CONSULTANT Tel 933-8414 Deep enclosed lot. Move-in condition. VINCENT AUTERI Tel. 939-2224 478 Riverside Ave. FRANK P NISI, INC EXCELLENT BUY >33,900 9030308 14 A ntes Ave. Charles B. Swensen, Inc. BRUCK AGENCY Tel. 438-4421 AUSTIN A. REED .*•' 98 Hackensack Street BOGLE INC. 123 Ridge Road CHARLES B SWENSEN. INC RUTHERFORD — ^ — 58 Union Ave., Rutherford, N.J. 300 Stuyvesant Ave. Tel. 933-6448 North Arlington 07032 58 Union Avenue 2 Family Colonial. 2 A 2 Bdrs. Modern kitchens A Tel. 939-1076 Tel. 991-4971 baths. Semi finished basement. 9 3 5 -4 1 4 1 Tel 935-4141 NAGELAGENCY GIBBS AGENCY _ O'CONNOR AGENCY 219 Valley Blvd. EXCELLENT INVESTMENT REDUCED F O R — AW VAN WINKLE ft CO ~ ~ TRageRoad CO) Ridge Road Wood-Ridge, N.J. 07075 QUICK SALE *54,800 . 2 Si at ion Square ...... Tel. 939-2100 998-3600 — •• -Tet, 438-3600 - Tel 9390500 PRE HOLIDAY SPECIALS HOMETOWN AGENCY O'HARA AGENCY HARVEYW YOUNG BELLEVILLE 613 Ridge Road 132 Ridge Road VAN W INKLE 4 LIG G E T T 271 V alley B lv d Expanded Cape. Mother-Oaughter. 4 Bdrs. 2 baths. RUTHERFORO _ - l ------Lyndhurst, N J. 0071 North Arlington, N.J. 07032 85 Orient Way Wood-Ridge 07075 Modern eat-in kitchen. Finished basement with Tel. 939-4343 Tel. 939-8200 WEST END COLONIAL.features 8 large rooms, 2 fu ll baths. 4 Tet. 438-3320 Tel. 998-2916 kitchen A bath. bedroom, beautiful 60 x 150 lot. *64,900. *5 0 ,8 0 0 •

KIPP FARM — Brick and alum. Home has 4 B R.’s. 1 Vi bath, new heating system, plus 2 car garage *64,900. Lyndhurst R ealtors G ted Fo r Service RENTALS LYNDHURST — 4 Bdrs. 2nd floor. 2 Air Richard Van Glahn, Lyn- The Community Service judges for this year’s contest New Jersey Federation of conditioners. Near transportation A shopping. SEE THIS well maintained & decorated home, modern kitchen ' dhurst real estate broker, >Award program which includes: Thomas A Business and Professional *265.00 a mo. and baths, near N.Y. Trans. *66,900 who heads Hometown originated in 1965 under the Paparone, President of the Women's Clubs; and Donald Agency and is president of cosponsorship of N JAR and New Jersey' Builders H. Scott, President of the MAGNIFICENT 3 family large 4 room apt. 1st floor - 7 rooms South Bergen Board of Mdlantic Mortgage Corp.f Association; Ms. Margaret New Jersey State Chamber IVfc baths on 2nd plus bonus 3 room apt on lags 100 x 169 Realtors, has been selected Newark, honors REALTORS J. Harris, President of the of Commerce LATORRACA REALTYcorp property, *147,500 by the board as its Gom- for outstanding efforts ren­ munity Service Award Win­ dered their commnities. 240 PARK AVE. RU lntfW RD NEWLY FINISHED two family features 5 rooms and bath on ner. LEGAL NOTICE L E G A L NOTICE ground level, 6 luxury rooms 4 2 baths on 2nd floor. We have The Community Service At the same time Van Award Ltncheon at the 62nd the Key. *124,500 REAtTOfr Open Evenings 935-7848 Glahn announced that Betty Annual Convention of NJAR NOTICE OF PART-TIME EM PLOYM ENT Sottovia, a realtor associate at the Resorts International BOROUGH OF NORTH ARLINGTON Justin Realty with the Abbott Realty of­ Hotel, Atlantic Q ty, Decem­ STENOGRAPHER-PART-TIME, fice, Lyndhurst,' has been Three Hpndred Union Avenue ber 5th, will honor all Board APPROXIM ATELY 6 to 8 HOURS PER W EEK, Rutherford, New Jersey 'selected as one of the 40 winners. Donald I. Hovde, EVENINGS, FOR APPROXIMATELY 9 regional winners from 40 07070 President-Elect of the MONTHS, TO ASSIST LOCAL CHARTER- HOMEOWNERS local realtor boards who are National Association of STUOY COMMISSION; MUNICIPAL participating in the 201-939-7500 m Realtors will present each EXPERIENCE PREFERRED, SALARY DAIL 939-8000 program. *' winner with an engraved COMM ENSURATE WITH EXPERIENCE. CALL THINKING OF SELLIN G? plaque and announce the FOR APPOINTMENT - BOROUGH CLERK S Our experienced salespeople and our creative advertising are name of the State Realtor of O FFIC E, 9 a m to 4 p.m . DAILY. 991 -6060. the keys to the sale of your home. the year, who will represert HEDLEY D. HOUSE New Jersey at the National BOROUGH CLERK EAST RUTHERFORD Convention in 1979. Published: November 30,1978 * 5 4 ,9 0 0 The outstanding panel of Fee: $15.60 Just listed, this well kept 2 bedroom Colonial features 6 full sized rooms, new tile bath, Taxes only *417. and quiet Ideal location. Great Starter Home. Don't miss seeing this today YOUR FHA ABBOTT REAL ESTATE MAGIC «. A S S O C IA T E S . VA . We have lots of money available DIGEST Call ms today and see HOW LITTLE CASH is actually needed to Purchase your own home. You'll Be Greatly Surprised!!! LOW $$$ DOWN!!! RUTHERFORD ■ 6 8 ,5 0 0 Rutherforo v *84 ,900 'DUTCH COLONIAL" "ST .(T R Y COLONIAL'’ RUTHERFORD* This two story ft basement Dutch Colonial has This well constructed 5 bedroom IVi bath Living Room with fireplace, formal Dining Room. colonial has beautiful natural trim 8 beams in NORTH ARLINGTON — Two (2) Family. Just Listed! Excellent residential OWNERS HAVE Eat in Kit plus Den on first floor ft 3 Bedrooms & Living rflom & Dining room. EXCELLENT 2 Homes and wW sacrifice on their 3 bedroom. Vh bath location. Features LR, with fireplace. DR. Modem kitchen. 2 Bedrooms. First tiled Bath on 2nd floor plus one par garage. LOCATION. Colonntf Centrally located with New Kitchen and bath. Must floor. 3 Room apartment, 2nd floor. 3 Car detached garage. SEE IT NOW! HOME M MOVE MC0N0ITI0N. Be Sold!!! Make an Offer. Reduced to *63,900. ASKING *<6,900 LYNDHURST >89,900 LYNDHURST *118,500 LAKE STOCKHOLM COTTAGE _____ “NEWBlTWOFfMLr RUTHERFORD See this lovely 4 bedroom cottage right on Lake Stockholm. It is winterized Only 9 years okt wth 3 bedrooms ft 1% baths, Owners relocated and m ust be sold. This 6 ft 4 and has property dimensions 60 x 186 100 feet of the property ia lakeside, central air & hot water gas heat. Close to schools, room home has two car garage and is ideally *49 900 "With dock and aluminum b o at Excellent fishing, swimming, golf, etc. shopping ft transportation in a lovely residential located LOW TAXES Newly decorated, this 3 bedrtiom homi has a new Ultra Eat in Only 36 miles from Lyndhurst off rt. 23. Real fireplace piua automatic oil neighborhood. Kitchen and New Trie bath Home is Vacant. Offers??? heat with a 550 gal. underground tank. If you want to get away into a lovely tranquil tail-tree-studded area for a RENTALS sum m er retreat or all-year-round living this is it. And only *47.000 terms. LYNOHURST WOOD-RIOGE N. ARLINGTON 6 rm. Duplex 114 baths *350 LYNDHURST TWO FAMILY, 16 years young on 50' x 135'13 lot featuring * 6 5 .9 0 0 plus Util. * 6 9 , 9 0 0 m odern 6 and 4 room apartments wth complete recreation 5rm. *285lnciudesH&H / W "ALtpMUM MOB) room and 2 MOMStML GAS-FIRED hot water heating USTINGS WANTED!! ‘TWO FAMILY" 6 rm *300 Includes H ft H / W 5 rooms phis screened in nun C j u e f sy stem s Brand new listing s t *93,900 I 4 rm. *250tnctudesHft H / W porch with fireplace in living Why pay rent? You can iw Attention Heme Owners!) We have qualified buyers anxious to locate in the 2ft rm. >225 Indudes ALL Room on first floor ft 3 room rent free in this 5 ft 5 modem South Bergen Co. area If you live in No. Arlington, Lyndhurst, Rutherford, E. util Rutherford, Carlstadt, Woodridge A are desirous of selling your home. Call us apartment on 2nd floor, 3 car two family home. Maintenance "PRINCIPALS ONLY!” List for immediate action! garage. GOOD OOLLAR free exterior with modem tits, VALUE. with us for professional ft baths, new roof, electricity fast action. RENTALS— LYNOHURST ft plumbing. MUST 61 SEEN. Three Rooms —Close to everything - Available Now *2 1 2 . Four Room — Modern ap t Perfect for adutts. Available now. Terrific. *210.06. H A HW by tenants. i 4% ROOM APT. — Across from ShopRite - convenient to schools, park, transportation - heat A hot water supplied asking *326. Available now. Four A Vi Boone. — Acroaa from ShopRite. Heat A HW supplied. *326.00 REUS Savino Agency m 4 38 -3 12 0 -1 LYNDHURST — RAMSEY— MAHWAH RE ALTO# 251 tldge Road lyndhurst, N.J. YOUR REAL ESTATE HOTLINE — 933-3333 30 - THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30,1fl»

Federation U rges N o W inter Shut-O ffs

T h e N e w J e r s e y Ptiibc Utilities to iaaue an Working in cooperation n’t pay a hill" federation of Senior Qtizens emergency order banning with other utility groups and The Federation points to anxnced today that they winter shut-offs of gas and the Citizen Labor Energy figures released by Public KIMAK *re asking the Board of electricity — ' Coalition, the Federation Service Electric and Gas Funeral Home — ...... '------r ------requests that the Com-, that indicates a real threat to PUBLIC NOTICE — mission take quick action to the health and safety of those H o m e s T h e Special Assessment Commission of the “*ure that no one freezes to on fixed incomes does exist. 425 Broad Street, CARLSTADT Borough of East Rutherford will conduct a Public death ttois w,ntw due t0 Frem November through Hearing (CAPS) as authorized by N.J.S. 40 56-26 March of last year, PSE&G concerning the improvement of Murray-Hill Tom Camey, chaimwi of cut-o«f HWi connections for Parkway, Ord. No. 907, at 7 p.m. Dec 12 1978 at ***lWity Task Fbree’ said’ *“ etectnc due to non- the East Rutherford Borough HaH, Everett Place shameto think payment of bills IHFFILY SERVICE East Rutherford, New Jersey. ’ U*t our utUity companies Camey continued, “With TRt STU OKTIIY •DEPENDABLE Les Plosia secretary who ^ supposed to serve utility rates soaring, those Special Assessment Commission PubUc woukl hBV* the on a fixed income face a NURSING Published: November 30, 1978 nerve to shut-off somebody's tremendous burden during HOME F0& $10.08 ~~T ’ heat and lights in the dead of the winter months. Utility PARK MANOR VEIGMRORLV SPIRIT . ■' ' ■ •' . - - winter fust because they did- bills are now almost like a IMM m t o Bran PrtM Cuv While our services retain that neighbor!) spirit of sympathetic.under* standing. lhe\ also reflect high standards Specializing in Female Patients B URK-KONA RSKI of efficiency an3 compctcm direction,. FUNERAL HOME PHOfESSIONAl MUSSING STAFF • AGIO SERVING ALL FAITHS REHABILITATION PROGRAM • CONVAtfSCfNT THOMAS J..DIFFILY w ith PHYSICAL THERAPY • CHRONIC All Y III FI NERXI. H O M E. I\t:. LYNDHURST— BRICK RANCH Dignity - Reverence - Efficiency & Econom y OXYGEN I FRACTURE EQUIPMENT • POSTCfE*ATIV| 25 Year ok) home on large lot is a pleasure to show. Spacious smoai Diets living room, large science kitchen with cabinets adjoining John L. Burk, Dir. |. Paul Konarski, Mgr. rhoirms I Diffil) Manager dining area. 3 Family size bedrooms Ceramic tile bath with 52 RIDGE ROAD - (SUCCESSOR TO ALICE C. COUINS) 23 Park Place, Bloomfield built in tub & shower. Oversized garage Wall to wall LYNDHURST. N.J. carpeting. Fully insulated. Steam /Oil heat. Taxes below £39-0490 Mambar of NJ. & American Nursing Home Assn. *900 00. Excellent condition in and out. Will not last at Large Chapels Parking on Premises reasonable Professional Car* in a Homelike Environment *61,900 ALL ALUMINUM CAPE COD tSTABLlSHtD I M *

Attractive North Arlington Brick front home in excellent residential location on 65 x 100 lot. Is a pleasure to show. FUNERAL HOMES Four well planned rooms including 2 Bedrooms, modem MHES UMIEWII DIRECTOR Personalized Service AM.PL! PARKING Kitchen, and tile bath, large dormered second floor tor FOUR HOMES TO SEIfVE YOU more rooms. Finished recreation room in basement wtti By Dedicated Professionals bar Wall to wall carpeting, oil heat, patio, garage. OFFERED AT *59.980 Fam ilies who have turned to us in the past are well aware of the Ippolito-Steltato Funeral Home OURfGOAL ARLINGTON REAL ESTATE CO 515.21st AVI 130 Midland Ave. reputation for outstanding, personalized service. R e a lto r s ' 1PT a Our experienced team of professionals strives to Our 54th Year insure that each family is served with dedicated attention to even the smallest detail. We are most ap­ preciative of the trust Lyndhurst area families place is to provide in our services and we pledge to continue to provide PAROW the highest degree of personalized assistance as FOR FAST ACTIO N long as we are privileged to serve. quality service Come in and talk to us. We will answer your LIST YOUR HOME AND RENTALS Funeral Home questions. WITH US. Serving EveryReligion without high cosf. LYNDHURST llfNRY S PAROW D irector

JUST LISTED North Arlington 2 FAMILY 6 & 5 ON LARGE LOT. * 6 5 , 0 0 0 VINCENT J.PERROTTA, i n c . REALTOR-INSUROR FQ 137 Ridge Rd.,Lyndhurst 939-2030 r U N E P A L H O M E Ww- Open Daily Til 9 Sat, ft San. 9 to 5 WAITER * CALHOUN. OWNER -MANAGER FUNERAL H O M E MEMORIAL HOME, INC. 19 UNCO IN AVENUE. RUTHERFORD. N.J 07070 403 Ridge Road Lyndhurst, New jersey 07071 425 RIDGE ROAD, LYNDHURST TELEPHONE 201 939-1050 Est. 1929 PHONE 438 4664 LYNDHURST Louis J. Stellato, Jr. Ihe Lourvs OWNER MANAGER ROMANCE S>F LIVING 4 3 8 - 7 2 7 2 O * symbol ol honor Member, the International Orr"-- ot the Golden Rule Your yuorontac of wrrv.ee Yours in this lovely modem 6 room Colonial: All aluminum. 3 Bedrooms. 1 Vi tile baths. New kitchen. JOSEPH M. N A Z A R E, MGR. 22 x 50 Living room. Wall to wall carpeting. Taxes *568.40 Excellent location. *: New Clerk Barbara Koael of Broad St., Carlstadt, has been ap­ pointed Violations Clerk of the Carlstadt Municipal C ont. Mrs. Koziel began her 3. INSTRUCTIONS 1IKI.P H VVTKI) HLLF W VSTKI) new position last Monday. VINCENT AUTERI ADVERTISING SALES — Earning* of <2KM400 per Q.C. PACKER WANTED week possible aeMng to W e a r e seeking a retailers and restaurants. In .vtO responsible individual to P A R T T IM E South Bergen's new handle consumer A PIANO LESSONS WOMAN TO ASSIST IN entertainment guide. Work PHONE CARE OF ELDERLY LADY. Ml or pert time. Ca> 906- electronic products, in our Live In. Light 4471. v . Q :C . department. Congenial PERSON FOR CHILDREN housekeeping. 438-6323. HOMETOWN AGENCY’S (20 Years atmosphere. Good Salaiy. Company paid benefits LOCAL BUSINESS Teaching Experience) OFFICE CLEANERS —EVe» HOME OF THE WEEK TEMPORARY Call tor appointment at FLEXIBLE HOURS In East Rutherfoid. Steady our Personnel Office. c a l l 939-2140 H O M E P L U S positions. >3.00 per hour. SANYO EtfCTWC. Inc. MVESTMBIT CaN » A.M.-5 P.M. 4233366 CALL 30 *641-2333 -This gracious two family M USIC TUTORING 200 Kiser litttetaqr home is located in North An Eoul Owrtuwtytwpmr W-f Arlington's desirable In your home on the Ac PEOPLE north end area near cordion, Piano, Organ, Ridge Road. Live in Guitar Beginners only NEEDED — MACHINE OPERATOR owner s four-room {LIGHT WORK) apartment (plus den in Call 935-4499 Som e experience desirable but will teach. basement) and collect newspeper advertising. MALE / Appty in P e rso n rent from a lovely four- Call 43S-8700 aek tar Mr. roo.m apartment on rR)EOISTRATION-| Cornell or send rewne to FEMALE Techno Art Corp. second floor. Two gas CONTINUOUS the Leeder, 251 Ridge furnaces, taxes ap­ 109 8th St.______Passaic. N.J AST INSTRUCTION Roed. CHECKERS proximately *103.00 e FOR ADULTS A CHNJXEN month. Priced to sell at D~wn9, AND BOOKKEEPER CLERK <64,900 Don't miss this I W . ip ,,,, JOBS one! .Evenings and *5.11 per hour MARKERS KNOWLEDGE OF A/ft, A t P. COLLECTIONS Sunday call A Thomas Full or Pert Time Good voice. Liberal Com pany Benefits. 991-3205. LYNDHURST White CoNar Job CLEAN WORK IN B o x 27 Commercial Laoder 1 FAMILY COLOMAL IN CONVENIENT LOC. LR, DR. LRGE MODERN BUILDING OFF CALL MR. UNOY 251 Ridge Road, Lyndhurst. MOO. KfT., EN CL FRT. PORCH, FLORIDA RM, 3 BR’S & T.B. INVESTMENT 429-S107 • 429-8106 M E ADOWLANDS FW. KNOTTY PINE BASE W /BAR & LAV? 2 CAR DET GAR PROPERTY Between 1 A 6 P.M PARKWAY, SECAUCUS. Belleville - Brick building V4 BLK. TO RIDGE RD HOME MUST BE SEEN. WILL NOT CHECKING AND • yearly gross *11.100., MARKING LAST AT *63,900 MACHINISTS pairking for ten vehicles, MERCHANDISE. ~ centrally located in three- Experienced in operating: county area. Ideal foV M/F •HOURLYBONUS investment or business • Engine Lathe • Radial Drill PROPERTY SOLD; THE ONE FAMILY HOME AT 95 Light Factory work. that couid.ublize-a lot of W I S E O W L Apply more money. • Milling Machine • N.C. Equipment MORTIMER STREET, RUTHERFORO HAS BEEN SOLD space at a minimum cost B Y HOMETOWN A G EN CY THROUGH THE Asking *79,000. - BANKS • REFERRAL BONUS • Drill Press • Horizontal Boring (nights) COOPERATION OF E.S NEW. WC. & THE SOUTH Bring your Friends and Must do own set ups & work from drawings BROS. CORP. make extra money. BERGEN MLS. R E N T A L S - cna a-ll taa. M . with minimum supervision. Full benefits NORTH ARLINGTON I Just Oer The Bridge Ksarsy, N J. • Long or Short term Lu»ury apartment on \ 4 you're there . .. Assignments program. Modern plant & equipment. USTWTTM US AN®OfT READY Tb M6V« — second floor in 2 family 'swtucmseo ■U c£»ne e ) m*CH£ns AISO IBERSOF SOUTH BBtGCN MXS. hom e, kitchen with H s your Choice separate utility area for OM«»«to2Wftour Expeditors/Follqiw Up AKUNCTON-KXAtNY M.L.S. waeher and dryer, dining 3 ^ f-tctyxn program i \ AM. ur F U Experienced industrial machine shop follow .room, living rodm with P L E A S E C A U fireplace, 2 bedrooms REGISTER NOW up. Familiar with routing procedures & FOR FALL OF 1S7S Internatipi 935-5*85 scheduling. 759-1211 AISO Flex-O-Writer Opggator. . j UK I I' W WIKI) SERVICES Apply in parson „ \ STANDARD TOOL A MANUFACTURE? 0 0 . 8 Station Square Rutherford, NJ 739 Schuyler Ave. * « ■ Lyndhurst, MJ. ? ■ Equal opportune, Mptoyvrm /( An equal opportunity employer THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, W» _ 31 L e a d e r C lassifieds I B U S IN E S S I HI SI N E S S I B U S IN E SS I BUSINESS 1 BUSINESS SfcRvifKs SERVICES SERV it KS SERVICES S h K Y It I..S

SH ^ A ajyiKidJQ BffWHBHSTPfl— — r OFFICE CLEANERS — Part I li (I I VMM. G IR L S / B O YS — P a p a , I K \1 VSONKS Tim*. Eves. In East ■BQSSSyBSMI ■HBSSlbSSH id (.s. i.r< Routaa Avilable In Rutherford * Carlstadt BRING IT IN Lyndhurat and North area. Staady job* tor New* papers, aluminum, Arlington, if Intaraatad JAM rallabla personnel. CaU • iirais, copper, land, W ILLIAM KITTREDGE F f & a e * J Z > ANTHONY J. pieeae call. 933-2118 or 778- batteries and iron. professional c a r p e t s e r v ic e A.M .-5 P.M. 423-3366. 723#. * Construction KEARNY SCRAP METAL yioJob'm stm A ". * STEAM CLEANING CONCRETE CONTRACTORS DE ANGELO 478 Schuyler Avt.Ktamy e ROOFING .•^IDEW AlKtF.i 778-2714 935-7183 ROOFING WAREHOUSEMEN-W 1...... ' -.-.1 J- ..1 - • SIDING e RENOVATING GUTTER amd LEADBtS Experienced warehousemen-* -TYPIST •PAINTING e MASONRY , wanted w ith prior experience in 352 Second Avenue P A R T T IM E FREEESTIMATES • SIDEWALKS------*11 phases of warehouse Lyndhurst RECYCLE JAM ES R IORDAN Laity Nisivaccia • DRIVEWAYS procedure. Fork lift operating, Must be accurate & e EXCAVATIONS . •MAGAZINES V33-0466 or 438-1437 p icking orders, loading and have some knowledge 991-4318 CRYSTAL unloading,. Good salary. o f o f f i c e r o u t in e . •COPPER CARPETS Company paid benefits Call for •ALUMINUM 204 MADISON STREET Serving AH North Jersey 20-25 hours a wook LYNOHURST, N J . 07071 appointment a l our personnel Walter Olszewski LYNDHURST, N.J. 67071 FR II ESTIMATES o ffile . H lg h e tt P rice* Paid! 933-2930 \ . SANYO ELECTRIC, Inc. C a ll S u e ALLIED WASH REMODELING and WAU TO WALL CARPtt ROOFING « SIDING M in a CUSTOM RUG SHARIPOOING PLASTERING Gutters, Leaders A Repair* 200 Rimt Road little fwiy 5 8 9 - 2 9 0 5 INC. ALTERATIONS SERVICE MAT RENTALS DROP CEIUNGS Alum. Storm W indows, Daoi *n tquat Opportunity Employer M-f 61 Midland Ave. e LINOLEUM 6 TUES BLOCK CEIUNGS Hackensack Reefing Co. 1 Wallington, N J. B athroom s • Siding . • AREA RU08 PIASTER , 83 First $|, 487-SOSO e STATUES. PtAOUCS MASON WORK 473-7638 K itchens • R oofing AU WORK GUARANTEED 1 s. S I 11 A T I O N S x. s r n a t i o n s PEDESTALS SIDEWALKS t W A M K I i WANTKD D orm ers • A dditions WE SERVICE WHAT *1 SiU PAINTING 1 1 TRAINS, TOYS, Free Estimates FREEESTIMATES 9 3 3 * 5 0 2 3 9 9 7 -4 8 2 8 , * S»WU. Y(HJN6 ADULT HANDICAPPED GROUP TROLLEYS, 85 Donald aon Ava., Rutherford CARPETS ask fer Bob DKIRES TO 00 SIMPLE CONTRACTING WORK; BASEBALL SHAMPOOED HOME nwwMfi, etc, please call C A R O S a S1995 OWNERS ATHY MATTHAEII iAT 935-9730 ~ WM 1 R m & Hall DAILY, BETWEEN 9*0 am to 2:30 pm . C O M IC S FINKE BROS. S a l M a a b l a •Automatic Garage a , . Wanted in any Door Openers Installed • CUSTOM BUILDING CONTRACTORS /T condition or am ount. FLOOR WAXING MASONRY • Swinging doors converted to overhead type TOP CASH SS$ C O M P L E T E HOME REMODELING COMMmCIAL RESIDENTIAL 9. REAL ESTATK CONTRACTOR FOR SA LE 21 P E R S O N A L S ALTERATIONS - ADDITIONS ARROW LIFT 4 6 7 - 0 0 6 5 CALL 3 WAY Bricks • Stoops Fireplaces BATHROOM - KITCHENS MAINTENANCE CO ,___ 997-3030 27W2TF ‘HOUSE FOR SALE-m ust Concrete Work HIGHEST PORCHES-SIDING—BA SEM ENTS LYNOHURST b a moved. Price BINGO BUS Rooms AddRlons negotiable. LR, OR, mod. • To Philadelphia PRICES , OORMERS— GARAGES 933-6523 8 6 9 -2 8 6 9 Fully Insured WE REPAIR kitchen and Ige. entrance, Every Tues., Sat & Sun FREE ESTIMATES 438-2017 Free Estimate* • W a s h e rs ■ foyer on 1at. floor. 2 very BUS LEAVES PAID FOR • D ry e rs Ige. Bdrmv., and mod. Tues. 4 P.M. KARPET-KUEEN 9 9 7 - 6 6 5 6 - 1 1 8 VAN&RBURtf AVE..RUTHERFORD • Refrigerators Bathroom en second. Full Sat. 3 P.M. CARPETS SHAMPOOED attic can be finished. Very Sun. 2 P.M. SCRAP A PILE BRUSHED • Freeiers good condition. Call 939- BIG GAME SAT. PEC. 2 S T E E L • Concrete ft Brie* Wort • Air C o n d itio n e rs 5500 Mon. thru Fit. 8 a.m. to FOR INFORMATION C O P P E R - Garofalo Contractors ANY SIZE • Porches •BrfcfcVenaar I CROSSIEY SERVICE 4 :3 0 p.m. Ask tor Mr. PRESERVATIONS • Patios • Sidewalks • Wails 6 6 ? r9 * 7 # RrzyfeorowsfcL «*.. - • ...... Call KATHY B R A S S ROOM *1995 Ask about: ' Free Estimates 751-6364 751-6249 ALUMINUM • SNOW PLOWING CaK about Spring Trip to • Our New House Call TOWNE Anytime, 13. REAL ESTATE BATTERIES, ETC. Driveweys — Parking Lota I HAUL Las Vegas Cleaning Service RENTAL 998-3687 Ug*»» Trucking, Moving • ADDITIONS • Steam Process A. Bickoff A ftics-Cellars-Garages • KITCHENS • Soil Extraction Method ' C leaned 2% ROOM APT — Luxurious • BATHROOMS • Upholstery Cleaning Messenger Service • residential location • & Son 760 Potersori Avenue • Floor Waxing Free Est. Day or Nig! science kitchen - matching • MASONRY E. Rutherford, N.J. refrigerator - beautifully ______6 5 0 -1 0 3 7 y n SELL USED MOTORS 778-2777 Free Estimates D o n ’s p a n e le d A carpeted No Job Too Small Lyndhurst, N.J. cerm eic tile bathroom, '300, $150 for most cars.! 778-8492 Rebuilt trans., $12S. Also 4 3 8 - 6 8 5 8 Eves. & Week-end P a i n t i n g private heating (reduction Service Avail. VIOLA for most cars. Will install H o m e R e p a i r for elngie person) Available for moderate price. All Now - SAVINO AGENCY - work guaranteed. MODERN AUTO GENERAL CALL n 9 9 8 - 7 9 5 7 BROS. INC 430-3120. ' PARTS CONTRACTOR DON! REPLACE YOUR '• Commerical* Inudstriai ISO Washington As 345-9220 327-8976 8 PAINTER DISCOUNT 9 3 9 - 4 6 2 8 Residential N utley LYND. Under c o m . 2 Fam. •BRICKWORK KITCHEN CABINETS. Quick 24 Hour Service 5 Rma. Neer bua A N.Y. & PRICES^ • PANELLING Large-Small Painting Crews COMPLETE LINE Of • TRANSMISSIONS •PLASTERING HAVE THEM STRIPPED trane. Bus. cpie. pref. No REBUILT • MAXES * MUFFUDS Save Low est P rices Seve •ALUMINUM SIDING peta avail. Jan. let *42$ + • CLUTCHES • SHOCKS & REFINISHED & SAVE _ Carpet Cleaning Building Materials util. Tel 939-5068 bet. 1-7 MOST AMERICAN CM S 935-7764 t M R . S T E A M • MACtSNE SHOP OtUMS Floor Waxing 6 6 7 - 7 0 0 0 P.M. $175.00 TU»NED. HEADS REIUHT S T E A M ■ f h n n M i a • HIGH fESFOtMANCE Customer Satisfaction IUMk> HOME IMPROVEMENTS 7 9 6 - 8 9 5 5 CARPET CLEANING WALLINGTON — 3W PAtTS I IA80S Guaranteed 8 3 3 -1 I M 4 38 46 58 • TOOLS RENTED A REPAIRS PROFESSIONAL Rooma. HAHW auppiied. No job too small. Gutters AEROPEX • PAINTS DUPONT 4 or COMMERCIAL A HOME Carpeting. Garage m eta l fla k e • m in i ow es , cleaned** for winter EDWARD J. WIIK JR. Carpentry work. New SATISFIED VACUUM CENTER ' . T f i S g f c - 201-991-0180 ceilings. CUSTOMERS ARE PAINTING AND 738 Kearrj Ave, Ky MECHANIC ON DUTY 933-2096 939-8591 7 9 6 - 6 3 1 1 OUR BEST DECORATING 62 RUTGESS ST SCUCVKU ADVERTISEMENT Repairs' all m akes of LYNOHURST — 3 Bedroom 89 Boiling Springs Ave. OPEN SUNDAY «AM . 1PM Call 998-9561 domestic vecuum apartment. *325.00 a East Ruthorford cleaners. We hoveafew 7 S 9 .S S S S anytim e month. Plua utilitiee. No PETRELLA new and used deeners. J O H N R IC C I Call 283-0070 9 3 3 - 3 2 7 2 peta. Prlnclpaia only. Call CONTRACTING Reasonable. Also begs, 939-0804 or 376-2204. N h t e u t y k s a v i c f lifter 3 30 PM W E B U Y ~ C a r p e n t e r Established in 19] 2 belts' and hoses, etc. HOME ALTERATIONS Asphalt Dn *e-*ay^ Hours M oa.lo Fri. 1-6p.m. LYNOHURST — Four Room MEADOWLANDS WASTE PAPER P*cyding ADDITIONS ft REMODELING Parking tols, £ EXPERT RUG A DENNIE'S S«. 10*.m. to 5 p.m modern apartment. Perfect E xcavati ng Masorry Worx UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Mwimt i nognit tor adults. Available now. AUTO WRECKERS "®*®papef. ©M cards, corrugated boxes. 7 5 9 - 3 2 1 0 $eoinl®M Gvffars 9 9 7 - 1 0 7 0 ofjunkpars Free Estimate Steam extraction method - 8W7TF Terrific. ‘210.00. HAHW by euraj Newspaper drives CNrmey Hoshtng c«fnsnt«d tenanta. Savino Agency. V»nt pipM c«m»n*«d i SILLERS OF USED ar,r.a n 9 ed N ew spaper Coll 933-9393or -CALL: B O B Z U L L O 438-3120. with magazines *90 per VaiWy relinad BERGEN COUNTY GLASS hundred pounds — Cali 77 8-9 393 481-1209 Guttirs relinvd AlfTO PARTS CLASSIFIED Sim* roots r«po,r«d MIRRORS MAOE TC ORDER WALLINGTON - 8 room, 2 RICHIE GAUD. Pres. to l 2£ M ? 4 mru Fri 7 39. M ISC'ELI.ANEOLS 997-1442 997-3282 bedrooma with garage. Estimate* Auto Safely Glass Installed Remodeled. Older children BeMevHle Tpk. F O R S A L E HOME REPAIR & 49VV4 • Glass For Every Purpose JOSEPH DAMATO 1 preferred. Laundry N0BTH ARLINGTON XMAS WREATHS - Large 216 Ridge Road Lyndhurst facllltlea. ‘350,.00 plua PAPEITSTOC* IMPROVEMENT R e a d T h e hand-crefted C a n a d ia n * CELLARS 1 G. PLUMBING & W E 9 - 9 1 4 3 utilities. Call after 6 P.M. 79 FLORIDA AVI., Baleam , with natural pine WATERPROOFED HEATING 933-8215. PATERSON Conee and holly berries with * FOUNDATION TOYOTA SERVICI large red weather-proof BELLEVILLE-NUTLEY REPAIRS EAST RUTHERFORO. Two EXTRA GOOD AUTO bow *3.95. Also wholesale - ___. .__ ,*a' , G LASS CO. * MASONRY j P lu m b i n g - and three room apartments. ———Call Kathy 99B-7315. •. r ■ x ‘A . 71 RUTGERS ST , BELLEVILLE No peta. Heat and hot water 9 9 8 - 4 6 5 1 WANTED * RETAINING 1 1 C KLECTHK AL H eating— Tinning CompfofGtmss Servic* ” auppiied. Apply in store 2 8. See Qur Display BEST FLEA MARKET — WALLS of Ihe Better Kind * Veit Ovations • Aula* Bibs Auto Pbrfs Route 3 Drive-in Rutherford. Call 939-6308 * Homes » Store Fronts Jersey St. • ad in this issue * INSULATION A * Industrial Glassing Acrosa from Meadowtanda ROOFING RB>AIR ANGELO COPPOUNO HENDERSON.BOYD, Inc will pay $60 Sporta Comples. Follow Electrical Contractor 5 Vrttlond Ave 751-0835 751-0844 RUTHERFORO - S roome - For Any Full Size Car Com- FREE ESTIMATES 2nd floor - Tenant to pay all Service Roed sign. Open Residential, Commerical Rutherford BIUS AUTO WRECKERS ptele. Used pari* far all makes a*ary S a t A Sun., now thru • Industrial utllltiea - maximum 2 ofcaro. L.OAME OOA VIaII r-*---• - - i___. HIGHEST PRICE PAIR Christm as Eve. 10 A.M.-5 aJZu volt Service Inst. LIONEL TRAIN children. Available Dec. S4 Stover Ave. Keamy N.J. Lie. #5884 l e t *325. Space tor 1 car. FORR CARS O01 f J.RUCKV P.M., weether permitting. 7 5 1 - 3 5 7 8 REPAIRS ANY C0NIONOITION BMBSBKM 43B-B910 — 43*4423, For informetion call 933- 998-3837 . free Est Parts eoid eoporeteiy 9 9 1 - 4 2 4 6 4388 Mon. through Fri. Call Belleville Pike, No. ArlingtonA rtin g ti Prices subject to COMPLETE ROOFING 939-4033, Sat. 8 Son. A. TURfELLO & SON FRANK R0CHAT NORTH ARLINGTON, 4,5,8 998-0966 991 0081 anytime. o HOT TAR ROOFS ««• R io 17, Cartetadt, N.J. Room apartments. 383 High I ------ELECTRICIANS , ORGAN — ELECTRIC — o LEADERS o GUTTERS . 1P-M .-4P.M . 438-3087 Street, North Arlington, COMPLETE Seara SMvertone. Upright BAUER ELECTRIC m s n i n v m inquire on the premises. - ~~ • HOME IMPROVEMENTS 2 20 volt service m d te d for 34 WANTED Apartment size with Bench. • ADDITIONS A DORMERS $ 1 7 5 up! Wiring far Air Coo- FREE ESTIMATES *100.80. CaH 9394834. • KitCHENS, BATHS (f liorvng. Outlets & Futures. DEL RUSSO ROOFING CO t e r m it e s LYNOHURST - F i v e rooms, 39. MISCELLANEOUS I BUY OLD GERMAN SEER MODERNIZED - 7 4 3 - 1 M 9 • «N r HOUSE J f bath and private ffniahad FLEA MARKET — Dec. \ STEINS CAU DAYS. 436-3626. FO R SALK • BASEMENTS A ATTICS basement. N ew ly 10-4 A Dec. 3,124. Comer S tate L cense # 8 0 • *NT SIZE I / O • ALUMINUM SIDING decorated. First floor. *350 After 5 - 235-9445. l>-rr 6»ar»«la« HADDORF BABY GRAND Uvingeton A Court Avee., p a r month. Security AND ROOFING BERGEN-ESSEX PIANO — $500.00 a s Is. CaK Lyndhuret. No early bird a. • STORM WINDOWS I li I,AMlSt \l-|\(. 641 4772 [•ydred. References. Call INSTANT CA8H -F o r your j Gordon Sfote E«f*rm,nofors 783-7218. oU trumphet or flute. We A. Thomas. 991-3005 batore ' *<- AND DOORS ROOFING CO. 9 A.M. or after I PJtf • REPLACEMENT WINDOWS Roofing ... Gutters win pick up. CaB between ' I H e “ LANDSCAPING 10 A.M.-BjP jM., 859-8720. New Hammond Organs 438-3663 LYNDHURST maintenance end design, .032 leomleti gauge m ete r ed furl oil a NORTH ARLINGTON- TIFFANY LAMPS Closed from $995 SNOWPtOWWiG FKtt tJTIMATIS KEROSENE DfllVERIES BURNERS CLEANED A rooma. One cMId okay. On a reataurant. Must Hquidate Used Organs FULLY INSURI0 quiet, residential street. WANTED TO BUY many hand mede stained Herfc Adrian, SERVICED from $295 153 Sanford A vs. •350 per month. Heat, hot OLD BOOKS 4SM M PS glaas Tiffany style lampa. Rutherford, New Jersey JOHN C. DOBROWOISKI CL iSS/FIL!) lyndhurit, N.J. water, gaa Included. ORIENTAL RU Of Call 250-2282 after 5 P .M .. 9 3 5 - 3 4 4 * 9 9 1 - 1 3 .5 1 Available Dec. 15. Call 991- ANTIQUES NKKCBfia 9 33 -4 16 9 0982. * 82 W Route 4 A i vote Buyer i m i - Call 224-6205 ‘ H u & h ESE h HHI LYNDHURST — 4Vi t a n m m o m LOOKING FOR A Api.i n i acrossmr-rrxmm faifoiTt ri ■■ dnopnnfi.CWnnDHa JE A LEAF” YEAR BOOK, ,* finsnqliiedi / CHARLES REASONABLE■ ■■■ ■■ IPRICE MVlte7 Convenient Jo achoola, S I D I N G S - East Rutherford H ig h INSIDE-OUTSIO* parti, tranaportation. Heat A School, 1931, 1932. Write FACTORY OUTLET CANGELOSI full details Boa 28 Newa • Far Bveay Style and * Vswmw Werk-Termte TiM mM A L L T Y P E S *328.00. Available now. Leader, 38 Ames Ava., SWEATER SALE MASON « ** fS^MAItS fRSE Esfim atei Savino Agency. 438-3120. Rutherford, N.J. Caff Bon, 997-4097 OPEN TO THE PUBLIC CONTRACTOR Fully Insured 142NDUUBAVE SAT., DEC. 2 4Vk ROOM APT — Actose , KEARNY, NJ. ~ S \ S3 Sonford Ave i o a Mj .19-31) Iro m * convenient N.H. B R O O K S i Lyndhurst, N.J t o achoola, park, 99US92 - ROOFING CONTRACTS ' tranaportation • heat A hot of M s s Btkk and Asbestos Siding water augpHsd aaMng '306. DEXTER KNITTING MILLS 9 3 3 - 4 1 6 9 FREE ESTIMATES Gutters and Leaders Available now SAVINO m aeaaat. MAIN AVENUE • M*> w *e l 2 6 M eadow Rd. Rutherford AG EN CY -438-3120. •. ResdaRi 1 WALUNGTON " tall 933-5984 BERGEN ESSEX 42-44 CM aa IL , I 'Webster 9 - 7 1 8 * J S E L i or 933-0969 ROOFING CO 32 - THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, m g




Misses’Acrylic ' Slip-on Sweaters

• Long sleeve • Sizes 14^-17.32-25


D ress S lacks

V Comp. Value $18

TOPS: Re, Sizes S-H PANTS: R Size* 5 to 6 to 16.


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170 Passaic St. I Passaic Ave. 1450 Hackensack Ave. I Rt. 17 North & isfttx Garfield, N.J. | K earny, N.J. “ | Hackensack, N.J. | lodi, N.J. Not responsible for tjgmgraptiical errors. '