ARROWROOT arundinacea

Characteristics  Type: Houseplant  Bloom: Small white  Zone: 9-11  Bloom time: Summer to early winter  Height: 4-6’  Water: Moderate


Arrowroot is a fast-growing and clump-forming evergreen perennial in zones 9-11. It spreads via its rhizome underground if grown outdoors. In cooler regions, best grown as an ornamental houseplant with strikingly beautiful foliage. Bright light indoors or filtered sunlight to semi-shade for best growth and foliage coloration. Never leave them in direct sunlight that will bleach or scorch their leaves. Keep soil constantly moist but never water-logged. Best grown in humus-enriched and loamy soils that can retain water, yet free draining. Nevertheless, it can tolerate any commercial garden soil with good drainage. Provide adequate warmth and humidity. Mist the regularly or stand potted houseplant in a saucer of pebbles filled with water to just below the base of pot. Feed once a month with a balanced fertilizer for foliage houseplants.

Noteworthy Characteristics

Maranta arundinacea is native to , Central and Southern America and the . It is widely cultivated elsewhere as well. Like many species of the family, this beauty has the characteristic feature of folding up their leaves at dusk to dawn by means of the tiny geniculum, an angular knee-like joint connecting it to the petiole, resembling hands put together in prayer. And, in the morning the leaves will return to normal position, that is, almost perpendicular to the petioles. Keep them in a draft-free position, with constant, moderate to high temperatures as warmth is essential. Though humidity tolerant, the do benefit if you’re able to mist them regularly. At lower temperatures, water sparingly and allow soil surface to dry between waterings. Known to flower from summer to early winter. Feed once monthly with a balanced liquid fertilizer for foliage houseplants except during winter.


Generally free from serious pests and diseases but mealy bugs and spider mites can be a problem occasionally.

Garden Uses

Ornamental houseplants, container gardens, Raised planters