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SINGLE COPIES, to VOL. Xl.No. 1. PER YEAR, ONE 1);.n.-:1,./',FR a.#0T-44sh..L.,JCING; AND lAsSALCHINI= NOVELTY NEWS "Wc:m21:3a9etl) 1 Published Each Month by Edward Lyman Bill at 373 Fourth Avenue, New York, January 15, 1915 Victrola XVI, $200 Mahogany or ,P I The instrument by which the value of all musical instruments is measured 1 111=11111111L ,allianteo Entered as second.class matter May 2, 3905, at the post office at New York, N. Y., under the act of Congress of March 2, 191, THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. DEALERS IN THE SALTER LINE MADE MANY THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS DURING THE HOLIDAY SEASON SELLING THESE CABINETS 'HEY ARE SELLING THEM THIS MONTH, TOO, i=iND WILL BE NEXT MONTH TO BUYERS OF MACHINES WHO ARE JUST BEGINNING TO FEEL THE NEED OF A PLACE TO PUT THEIR RECORDS. SALTER CABINETS (\ I:1NET \\ 11 I± Standard of Industry IIr"yIBT ' 1 \ OF COURSE, YOU HAVE GOT TO CALL THE ATTENTION OF YOUR TRADE TO THEM AND SHOW THEM.IT IS THE ONLY WAY TO ILLUSTRATE HOW PERFECTLY THE CABINETS COMBINE WITH THE MACHINES. WE HAVE STORAGE CABINETS FOR THOSE WHO HAVE A LARGE COLLEC- TION AND OTHER CABINETS THAT WILL MEETANYlifCONDITION THAT CONFRONTS YOU. C., lt. i:\L 1bo.19 U VICTROLA IX. ........... SALTER MFG. CO. 1 337-39 Oakley Boulevard CHICAGO 1 The Talking Machine World Vol. 11.No. 1. New York, January 15, 1915. Price Ten Cents HEAVY FIRE LOSS IN ATLANTA. H. C. BROWN AS A BIG GAME HUNTER GET.TOGETHER MEET IN BUFFALO. All of Talking Machine and Record Stock ofAdvertising Manager ofVictor Co. Gets Talking Machine Dealers' Association in That Elyea-AustellCo.Destroyed by Fire with Recreation by Hunting in the Great North City Working to Create a Better Understand- Loss of $100,000-Able to Supply January Woods and Gets His Share of Big Game. ing Between Dealers and Agents in Buffalo Records to Dealers-Will Have Old Quarters andNeighboring Towns-Live Campaigns in Right Good Shape Again This Month. Henry C. Brown, the ever active advertising man-Following AnnualMeeting This Week. ager of the Victor Talking Machine Co., is one of (Special to The Talking Machine World.) those red-blooded men who believe that the greatest (Special to The Talking Machine World.) ATLANTA, GA., January 7.-The Elyea-Austell relief from the cares of business is to get deep into BUFFALO, N. Y., January 8.-Inawell -directed Co.,the prominent Victor talking machine dis- the North Woods for big game, and whenever the effort to establish a talking machine of some sort tributers and bicycle and supply dealers of this city, opportunityoffersMr. Brown wireshisguide, in every home in northern New York, the Talk- are making rapid progress in having their quarters packs up his hunting clothes and his rifles and is ingMachineDealers'AssociationofBuffalo, remodeled and refurnished, following the fire whichoff for Canada. one of the livest organizations of its kind in the destroyed practically the entire stock of talking Mr. Brown, who isa member of the Campfire easternsection,has decidedtocreateabetter machines, records and supplies, bicycle and auto-Club, when he took a hunting trip two years ago understanding and greater co-operation among city, mobile supplies and bicycles on December 15. wrote an interesting story of his adventures for town and village agents and dealers through get- Although employes managed to save some of the Field and Stream magazine under the alluring to-gether meetings.The first defined step in this the bicycle and supply stock, the talking machinecaption of "The Moose That Charged."Last fall direction will be taken on the night of Y-nuary stock was burned up completely, the entire lossthe advertising man took another trip into the wilds 13 in the banquet hall of the Hotel Stat' hen amounting to about $100,000 and being well cov-and although he did not have to dodge wounded the annual meeting will be held, with t. of - ered by insurance. moose, found game so thick that he soon had his town dealers as guests. In discussing the tire and its consequences, E. N. Advertising campaigns, sales schemes along with Upshaw, manager of the Victor department of the other new trade -getting wrinkles that have worked company, said:"When the fire occurred we had out well in Buffalo, will be divulged by the local not, fortunately, received our shipment of the Jan- leaders in the talking machine world, while the uary records and these we were abletoship visitors will be called upon to enter into the dis- promptly on December 24 to our dealers. We were cussions.President W. H. Poling, of the asso- also able to secure temporary quarters which we ciation, who is the head of the J. N. Adam talking are now occupying and this enabled us to handle machine department here, is bending every effort the machines that the Victor Co. could furnish us to obtain good speakers and plenty of entertain- with, which helped to relieve the situation among ment. our dealers to a certain extent. Invitations are now being sent out to dealers "Our plans now arc not exactly perfected, but we living within a radius of fifty miles of Buffalo, and expect to be firmly re-established in business by up to date many acceptances have been received. the 15th of January, and we believe that we are Several perplexing problems will be finally de- going to be in a position to give our dealers in all termined at the affair, which is being awaited with of our lines much better service than ever before. considerable interest. We shall adhere very strictly to our exclusively SOUND WAVES ON SCREEN. wholesale policy throughout our entire business. Henry C. Brown and His Caribou. "Fortunately, practically all of our office records Interesting Lecture by Dr. Dayton C. Miller, were saved and this greatly facilitates our resum-lawful limit of moose and caribou securely tagged. NotedPhysicist, Who Says theMusical ing business." He tells of his latest trip in Field and Stream for Critic of the Future Need Not Leave Home. January under the caption of "Getting Your Moose PREPARES WINDOW DISPLAY PUZZLE.and Caribou \Vithin Two Days of Broadway." The The musical criticin the year 1960 should be Thomas Devine Uses Odd SignstoArouse story isplentifully illustrated with snapshots of able to sit at home and report accurately the work Curiosity of Kansas City Citizens and Getsthe author and his guides, and serves to create inof an operatic singer or an orchestra in a hall Results That Please Him in Highest Degree. the reader the desire to get after the big game onmiles away from him, said Dr. Dayton C. Miller, his own account.Such recreation between times the noted physicist of Cleveland, 0., in the course (Special to The Talking Machineorld.) serves to augment Mr. Brown's great abundance of of a lecture on "The Science of Musical sounds" KANSAS CITY, Mo., January 9.-Thomas Devine. energy-for heisa wonder, judging from thelam week atthe Asbury MethodistEpiscopal a traveling representative for the Columbia Grapho- amount of work he manages to dispose of. Church, Thirty-third and Chestnut streets.The phone Co. working out of the Kansas City office, address was delivered in connection with the con- came into the office the other day and offered to LOUIS BUEHN INCORPORATES. vention of the American Association for the Ad- trim the window.His offer was very promptly ac- vancement of Science. cepted, and so he accordingly set about his work. FaithfulEmployes MadeOfficialsinLouis Upon an instrument of his own invention, called After several hours' work he showed the office Buehn Co., Inc.-To Handle Victor Goodsa "phonodeik," Dr. Miller projected sound waves force the result of his labors.There was nothing Exclusively-Excellent Business Record. upon a screen, so that his audience was able to particularly unique aboutthe window excepta "see" each sound asit was made.The human couple of signs that he had made.One read: (Special to The Talking Machine World.) voice, a flute, a cornet and operatic and orchestral Grafonolas Shorten the Way to Tipperary. PittLADEI PHI A, P.\.. January 7.-The business ofselections upon a phonograph were used to show the The other sign proved to excite more interest.It Louis Buehn, the well-known talking machine job-various sorts of sound waves, the spectators being read: ber at 825 Arch street, this city, has been incorpo- able to see upo'n the screen the slightest changes in Terms rated with capital stock of $75,000, under the titlethe pitch, quality or complexity of the music. The To Suit Jack and His of the Louis Buehn Co.,Inc.,the change beingwaves sent out by the simple tones of a tuning Master. effected on January 1.The officers of the newfork gave long, even curves, while the delicate When asked what terms "To suit Jack and hiscompany are Louis Buehn, president and treasurer; variations in the human voice sputtered upon the master" were, Mr. Devine said that he didn't know. Charles W. Miller, vice-president, and Frank B.screen like fireworks."The telephone transmitter But he advised the force to keep a close watch on Reineck, secretary.Mr. Miller has been connected already reproduces the 'color' of the voice at long the pedestrians and see how many stopped andwith Mr. Buehn for the past thirteen years, and Mr.distances," said Dr. Miller, "and fifty years hence puzzled over the sign.TI,_ result was that manyReineck for over six years, and their election to we shall have perfected apparatus which will en- people were seen to stop Ainder over the sign.