Your Current Stock: Family Scientific Name Common Name African

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Your Current Stock: Family Scientific Name Common Name African 1/30/2018 Stock List Print Your current stock: Family Scientific Name Common Name African Cichlids Altolamprologus calvus Pearly Compressiceps African Cichlids Altolamprologus calvus "black" Black Calvus African Cichlids Anomalochromis thomasi African Butterfly Cichlid African Cichlids Astatotilapia sp. CH44 African Cichlids Aulonocara maylandi Sulphur Crested Aulonocara African Cichlids Aulonocara sp dragon blood African Cichlids Chilotilapia rhoadesii Lake Malawi Bream African Cichlids Copadichromis azureus Haplochromis chrysonotus African Cichlids Copadichromis borleyi 'red kadango' African Cichlids Copadichromis mloto Haplochromis mloto African Cichlids Cynotilapia afra Dogtooth Cichlid African Cichlids Cynotilapia afra jalo reef African Cichlids Cyphotilapia frontosa African Cichlids Cyprichromis leptosoma African Cichlids Cyrtocara moorii Malawi Blue Dolphin African Cichlids Fossorochromis rostratus Fosso Cichlid African Cichlids Hemichromis guttatus Common Jewel Cichlid African Cichlids Iodotropheus sprengerae Rusty Cichlid African Cichlids Julidochromis marlieri African Cichlids Julidochromis transcriptus Masked Julie African Cichlids Julidochromis transcriptus "Kissi" Masked Julie African Cichlids Labeotropheus fuelleborni African Cichlids Labeotropheus trewavasae "Thumbi West" Trewavas' Cichlid "Thumbi West" African Cichlids Labidochromis caeruleus "yellow" Yellow Labidochromis African Cichlids Labidochromis sp.'hongi red top' African Cichlids Lamprologus congoensis African Cichlids Lamprologus kungweensis African Cichlids Lamprologus(Neolamprologus) ocellatus African Cichlids Maylandia callainos Cobalt Blue Zebra African Cichlids Maylandia estherae 'Minos Reef' Red Zebra African Cichlids Maylandia greshakei Pseudotropheus "Ice blue" African Cichlids Melanochromis auratus African Cichlids Melanochromis johanni African Cichlids Neolamprologus brichardi Fairy Cichlid African Cichlids Neolamprologus tretocephalus Five-bar Cichlid African Cichlids Nimbochromis(Cyrtocara) venustus Ophthalmotilapia(Ophthalmochromis) African Cichlids ventralis African Cichlids Otopharynx lithobates African Cichlids Paracyprichromis nigripinnis 'blue neon' African Cichlids Paratilapia polleni "Small Spot" Small Spot Paratilapia African Cichlids Paretroplus maculatus African Cichlids Pelvicachromis pulcher Kribensis African Cichlids Placidochromis electra Deep Water Haplochromis African Cichlids Placidochromis milomo Super VC10 African Cichlids Protomelas fenestratus African Cichlids Protomelas(Cyrtocara) spilonotus African Cichlids Pseudotropheus acei Acei Cichlid African Cichlids Pseudotropheus acei 'yellow tail' Acei Cichlid African Cichlids Pseudotropheus demasoni Dwarf Mbuna African Cichlids Pseudotropheus elongatus "mpanga" African Cichlids Pseudotropheus flavus African Cichlids Pseudotropheus lombardoi Kennyi Cichlid African Cichlids Pseudotropheus saulosi 1/7 1/30/2018 Stock List Print African Cichlids Sciaenochromis ahli Electric Blue Cichlid African Cichlids Thysochromis ansorgii Five-Spot Cichlid African Cichlids Tropheus duboisi Tropheus Algae Shrimps Caridina japonica Amano shrimp Amphibians and Reptiles Hymenochirus boettgeri African Dwarf Frogs Anabantoids Anabas testudineus Climbing Perch Anabantoids Betta splendens Assorted Male Siamese Fighting Fish Anabantoids Betta splendens Halfmoon siamese fighter Anabantoids Betta splendens blue Siamese Fighting Fish Anabantoids Betta splendens red Siamese Fighting Fish Anabantoids Betta splendens var. Dumbo Ear Fighting Fish (male) Anabantoids Betta splendens – crowntail Anabantoids Colisa fasciata Banded Gourami Anabantoids Colisa labiosa Thick-Lipped Gourami Anabantoids Colisa lalia Dwarf Gourami - Blue Anabantoids Colisa lalia Dwarf Gourami - Neon Anabantoids Colisa lalia Dwarf Gourami - Rainbow Anabantoids Colisa sota sp Golden Honey Gourami Anabantoids Helostoma temminckii Pink Kissing Gouramy Anabantoids Parosphromenus linkei Anabantoids Trichogaster chuna Red Robin Gourami Anabantoids Trichogaster leeri Pearl Gourami Anabantoids Trichogaster trichopterus - opaline Opaline Gourami Anabantoids Trichogaster trichopterus blue Three Spot Gourami - Blue Anabantoids Trichogaster trichopterus gold Three Spot Gourami - Gold Asian Cichlids Etroplus maculatus Orange Chromide Barbs Barbodes schwanenfeldi Tinfoil Barb Barbs Barbus (Puntius) everetti Clown Barb Barbs Barbus lateristriga Spanner Barb Barbs Barbus(Puntius) denisonii Denison Barb Barbs Barbus(Puntius) pallidus Golden Barb Barbs Barbus(Puntius) rhombeus Barbs Cyclocheilichthys janthochir Barbs Dawkinsia filamentosus mahecola Filament Barb Barbs Haludaria fasciata Ember Barb Barbs Puntius 'Odessa' 'Odessa' Barb Barbs Puntius conchonius Rosy Barb Barbs Puntius nigrofasciatus Black Ruby Barb Barbs Puntius oligolepis Checker Barb Barbs Puntius pentazona pentazona Five Banded Barb Barbs Puntius tetrazona Tiger Barb Barbs Puntius tetrazona 'albino' Albino Tiger Barb Barbs Puntius titteya Cherry Barb Catfish Anaspidoglanis macrostoma Dwarf Giraffe Catfish Catfish Ancistrus dolichopterus Bristlenose Catfish Catfish Ancistrus dolichopterus (albino/gold) Bristlenose Catfish Catfish Ancistrus dolichopterus (German red) German Red Bristlenose Catfish Ancistrus sp Albino Bristlenose Catfish Aspidoras pauciradiatus Catfish Hemiloricaria lanceolata Catfish Hexanematichthys seemani Colombian Shark Catfish Catfish Hoplosternum punctatum Catfish Horabagrus brachysoma Golden Redtail Catfish Catfish Hypoptopoma gulare Catfish Kryptopterus bicirrhis Glass Catfish Catfish Otocinclus vittatus Dwarf Suckermouth Catfish Pareutropius debauwi African Glass Catfish Catfish Pimelodus pictus Angelicus Pimelodus 2/7 1/30/2018 Stock List Print Catfish Platydoras costatus Humbug Catfish/ Striped Dora Catfish Synodontis decorus Clown Catfish Catfish Synodontis eupterus Featherfin Synodontis Catfish Synodontis flavitaeniatus Pyjama Cat Catfish Synodontis nigriventris Upside-Down Catfish Catfish Synodontis petricola Catfish Synodontis schoutedeni Characins Abramites hypselonotus Headstander Characins Anostomus ternetzi Red Mouth Headstander Characins Aphyocharax rathbuni Rathbun's Bloodfin Characins Astyanax fasciatus mexicanus Blind Cave Tetra Characins Chalceus macrolepidotus Pink Tail Characin Characins Characidium fasciatum Characins Chilodus punctatus Spotted Headstander Characins Erythrinus erythrinus Characins Gasteropelecus levis Silver Hatchetfish Characins Gymnocorymbus ternetzi Black Widow Tetra Characins Hasemania nana Silvertip Tetra Characins Hemigrammus bleheri Red nosed tetra Characins Hemigrammus erythrozonus Glowlight Tetra Characins Hemigrammus ocellifer Head and Tail Light Tetra Characins Hemigrammus rhodostomus Rummy-Nose Tetra Characins Hyphessobrycon amandae Ember Tetra Characins Hyphessobrycon anisitsi Buenos Aires Tetra Characins Hyphessobrycon bentosi 'white fin' Ornate Tetra "white fin" Characins Hyphessobrycon eos Dawn Tetra Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma Characins Bleeding Heart Tetra (rubrostigma) Characins Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi Black Neon Tetra Characins Hyphessobrycon megalopterus Black Phantom Tetra Characins Hyphessobrycon pulchripinnis Lemon Tetra Characins Hyphessobrycon rosaceus Rosy Tetra Characins Hyphessobrycon sweglesi Red Phantom Tetra Characins Inpaichthys kerri Blue Emperor Tetra Characins Leporinus fasciatus Black Banded Leporinus Characins Metynnis argenteus Silver Dollar Characins Metynnis fasciatus Characins Moenkhausia pittieri Diamond Tetra Characins Myleus schomburgki Characins Myloplus rubripinnis Red Hook Myleus Characins Nannostomus marginatus Dwarf Pencilfish Characins Nannostomus trifasciatus Three Lined Pencilfish Characins Nematobrycon palmeri Emperor Tetra Characins Paracheirodon axelrodi Cardinal Tetra Characins Paracheirodon innesi Neon Tetra Characins Paracheirodon innesi var. Diamond Head Neon Tetra Characins Phenacogrammus interruptus Congo Tetra Characins Prionobrama filigera Glass Bloodfin Characins Pristella maxillaris (riddlei) X-Ray Tetra Characins Thayeria boehlkei Penguin Tetra Characins Triportheus rotundatus Corydoras Corydoras aeneus Bronze Catfish Corydoras Corydoras aeneus (albino) Albino Bronze Catfish Corydoras Corydoras agassizii Spotted Corydoras Corydoras Corydoras arcuatus Skunk Corydoras Corydoras Corydoras axelrodi Axelrod's Corydoras Corydoras Corydoras elegans Elegant Coryodoras Corydoras Corydoras habrosus Salt-and-pepper Pygmy Corydoras 3/7 1/30/2018 Stock List Print Corydoras Corydoras julii Leopard Corydoras Corydoras Corydoras kanei C026 Corydoras Corydoras loretoensis Loreto Corydoras Corydoras Corydoras melanistius Blue-spotted Corydoras Corydoras Corydoras melanotaenia Elongate Bronze Corydoras Corydoras Corydoras melini False Bandit Corydoras Corydoras Corydoras metae Bandit Corydoras Corydoras Corydoras nanus Nanus Catfish Corydoras Corydoras paleatus Peppered Corydorus Corydoras Corydoras paleatus (albino) Albino Corydoras Corydoras Corydoras panda Panda Cory Corydoras Corydoras punctatus C012 Corydoras Corydoras pygmaeus Corydoras Corydoras reticulatus Network Corydoras Corydoras Corydoras robinae Mrs Schwartz's Corydoras Corydoras Corydoras simulatus Olga Corydoras Corydoras sp. cf. aeneus "Peru orange Corydoras Orange Stripe Corydoras stripe" Corydoras Corydoras sp.'black venezuela' Corydoras Corydoras sterbai Sterba's Corydoras Corydoras Corydoras trilineatus
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