4.2 Pan Yuliang (also romanized in French as Pan Yu-lin) 潘玉良 (1895 – 1977) Chronology This chronology is collated from several sources and critical views including, Xu Yongsheng, ‘Pan Yuliang nianbiao’, in Pan Yuliang meishu zuopin xuan, 1988, largely reprinted in Lu Rongzhi et al, 2006. No copies of the original documents on which this was based were available to me, although a good selection are now available in volume 8 of Fan Di’an ed., Pan Yuliang Quan ji, [8 volumes] : Meishu Chubanshe, 2015. Xu Yongsheng’s chronology was written in Anqing in July 1985 where this author was then a middle school teacher and Pan Yuliang’s grandson- in-law. See also Croizier 1998; Ke Mengde et al, 2007. The whole has subsequently been cross-checked against Dong Song, bianzhu, Pan Yuliang Yishu Nianpu, Hefei: Anhui Meishu Chubanshe, 2013, and most changes or notes marked [Dong, 2013]. Since about 50% of Dong’s chronology deals with the years 1929-37 when there is a lot of documentary reinforcement from Chinese published sources, I have somewhat abbrieviated that period. Also to be thanked greatly for sharing their research and views in this tricky field are Professor Wang Yiyan [Wellington], Liu Mia, then a PhD candidate [Chicago], Rita I-wong [Taibei]. Rita Wong’s own website www.artofpanyuliang.org which became available in 2015 after these materials were drafted (here shown as [Wong-2015]), has also sometimes been used to corroborate or extend entries: it valuably reproduces original documents and newspaper reports in Chinese, French and Italian. Please note that below several significant details of Pan Yuliang’s life rely on hearsay so the events marked thus * require further corroboration, or are only given in one source, usually Xu Yongsheng, 1985/1988. Or they may indeed be based on what is thought now to be reliable gossip among those who knew Pan Yuliang at a given period. Some of these stories are more reliable than others, but they should be given even thus in order to indicate a part of Pan Yuliang’s mystique.

1895 June 14, born in , Province. Original name Chen Xiuqing 陈秀清. [Dong, 2013, discussed various theories of birth date. Some documents in Lyon archives indicate 22 May 1899, probably changed to allow her to enter École des Beaux Arts in whose upper entry age was 25 years] 1896 father died. 1903 aged eight years with no siblings, her older sister having died, mother died. Adopted by Uncle who was an opium addict. *1905/1908 aged thirteen years [depending on year of birth to be accepted], with name Zhang Yuliang 张玉良, supposedly sold by her uncle into a brothel in Wuhu. [not in Dong, 2013, 4,5] She later told a friend she worked as a brothel servant and not as a prostitute [Wong- 2015]. 1910 aged fifteen years, started to learn embroidery. 1912 January 1st, Republic of declared. Emperor Pu Yi abdicates on February 12. 1912 September 1st, Pan Zanhua 潘赞化 become customs collector for Wuhu. He was a revolutionary of the Dongmenhui who had studied in Japan at Waseda University where he knew Chen Duxiu (陈独秀, 1879-1942), a co-founder of the Chinese Communist Party in 1921. *1913 Pan Zanhua bought Pan Yuliang out of the brothel. She changed her name to Pan Yuliang from Zhang Yuliang in gratitude to Pan Zanhua and became his second wife [伉礼] with Chen Duxiu as witness. At this time she may have signed the work later given to Anhui Museum, Late Crossing the River, circa 1913-1918, as Pan Shixiu 潘世秀. 1915 Pan Zanhua takes part in Yunnan rising. Awarded a commemoratory watch which he later gives to Pan Yuliang who will take it to France in 1937 [Dong, 2013, 7] 1917 Started to learn in with Hong Ye 洪野 professor at Shanghai Art Academy [Wong-2015]. May, went to with Pan Zanhua, returned to Shanghai via Tianjing. 1918 At some point introduced to by Chen Duxiu *Thought at some point to have had a child by Pan Zanhua which was stillborn. 1919 May 4th, anti-Japanese movement for national autonomy breaks out. 1920 March 19, Shanghai Tuhua Meishu Xueyuan debates on accepting women students at which Liu Haisu, Hong Ye and others present. 2

June 28, Shenbao advertisement for women students. September 7th, Shenbao announces new students of whom 12 women, at Shanghai Meishu Xuexiao (short form Shanghai Meizhuan, Shanghai Art School) including Pan Yuliang, who registered as 潘世秀. Male students had already been admitted to the three-year course in 1919, i.e. women would study for one year less and graduate in 1922. Pan studied, inter alia, with Wang Jiyuan 王济远, 朱屺瞻. October 10, Pan Yuliang gave speech on ‘Individual Optimism’ at Shanghai Art School. October 29, Pan Yuliang went on first sketching trip for both male and female students to led by Liu Haisu, Wang Jiyuan, Wang Yachen. [Wong-2015] This year, Pan Yuliang despite Pan Zanhua’s wishes, took Pan Zanhua’s formal wife Fang Shanyu 方善余(1885-1963) into their joint home. Fang would give birth to Pan Zanhua’s son Pan Mou 潘牟 the following year. 1921 January, as Pan Shixiu, works shown in Shanghai Art School exhibition. March 20, Pan Shixiu present at send-off party of members of Tianmahui [Heavenly Dog Society]. July, Pan Yuliang withdrew from Shanghai Art School, probably because of social pressures over her background. [Dong, 2013, 19-20] July, passed into Institut Franco-Chinois de Lyon with 13 other female students among 160 overall (Dong, 2013, 20-22). Awarded a Chinese government scholarship from Anhui Province (through husband’s official connections, Croizier, 1998). From now on gradually adopted the name Pan Yuliang, or in French Romanization, Pan Yu-lin. August 5, Shenbao records names of 63 males and 11 female students to study at Lyon. August 13, left for France with other students on S. S. Porthos, arrived on September 23, went to Lyon by train that evening. Was in same dormitory as Lin Baoquan 林宝权, Yang Ruanyu 杨润馀. Got to know Fang Junbi 方君璧. [Dong, 2013, 25]. Also met Su Xuelin 蘇雪林 who became lifelong friend and correspondent. October 3, formally registered as a student in Art at Institut Franco-Chinois de Lyon. 1922 continued with French studies became a close friend of Su Xuelin 苏雪林, passed into École nationale des Beaux Arts at Lyon, possibly studied drawing with Professor Régis Deygas [modèle vivant]. The director from 1918-1928 was Jean Larrivé (1875-1928) a sculptor. The Professor of Painting was Georges Décote. [from Inspection Register, 1921, photo courtesy Wang Yiyan] July, Chinese Communist Party founded with Chen Duxiu as Secretary-General. October, received disenrollment letter from Institut Franco-Chinois because she had registered in Paris without their permission. [Wong-2015] 1923 April, Pan Yuliang went to Paris before completing her course at Institut Franco-Chinois de Lyon, but even against regulations was allowed to remain registered there and also received scholarship funds for studying art in Paris without giving school name (possibly studying at one of the free Académies. 1924 April 26, received funds to study from Institut Franco-Chinois de Lyon. June, registered at École nationale supérieure des beaux arts de Paris with registration valid until May 22, 1932. Introduced by Lucien Simon. In same class as Xu Beihong. Studied painting with Pascal Adolphe Jean Dagnan-Bouveret (1852-1929), who also taught Xu Beihong at the same time after his return from Berlin, and Lucien Simon (1861-1945) who later taught Amrita Sher-gil. Other students were Fang Junbi 方君璧 and Qiu Daiming 丘代明. Often went to the Louvre, knew Guo Youshou 郭有守 and Shen Peilin 沈沛霖. 1925 Pan Yuliang continued painting studies in Paris where she became friends with artists Zhang Daofan 张道藩 (trained at Slade School, London, later Nationalist Minister of 3

Propaganda and 2nd husband of Jiang Biwei, former wife of Xu Beihong) and Chang Yu (called San Yu in France) 常玉. Pan accompanied Su Xuelin to Lyon because she had to return home on a family matter and for Pan to get her certificate so she could go on to study in for two years. Late in year entered Regia Accademia di Belle Arti denominata di San Luca, studied painting in studio of Umberto Coromaldi (1870-1948), later President of the Accademia, followed by sculpture. [See Tuhua Shibao no.44, 1928, p.3; Shanghai Manhua, no.33 1928, p.6, references from Rita I-Wong] Painted in oils White Crysanthemum sent for exhibition at Educational Office Exhibition. 1926 January 7, sends letter to Institut Franco-Chinois de Lyon saying she will study in , the Institut allows this. Painted the oils Watermelon, Ruins of Rome, entered Italian National Fine Arts exhibition with automatic entry. January 11, Tuhua Shibao introduces Pan Yuliang. Her works sent back to China by Qiu Daming and Lin Baoquan were burnt in a cargo-hold fire. [Wong-2015] September 12, Shijie Huabao details portrait by Pan Yuliang of Yolanda Kusa Kube [sic, probably musician Kusakabe Yolanda, a Japanese woman pianist who studied in Rome, see The Reading Eagle, February 9, 1929]. Same issue shows another photograph of Pan Yuliang surrounded by studio colleagues. This year, did sketch of Pan Zanhua now surviving with her relatives. This year, took part in Italian International Art Exposition in Rome where won Gold Medal. 1927 Painted the oils Drunkard, Black Woman, Venice, Balading [Palazzio Baladini at Ravenna?]. Painted the oil Nude. Awarded 5000 lire from Italian Ministry of Education. Possibly painted Old Man with Mandolin using her apartment porter Antonio as model. His adopted god-daughter Anaïs who was an ex-slave from North Africa, modelled for Pan Yuliang and said to have served as her close companion-servant for many years. Began to study sculpture. 1928 This year [?] had a chance meeting with Liu Haisu in Vatican Museum and accepted his invitation to return to China. April, 1st National Tertiary art school begins in Hangzhou with Lin Fengmian as director. May 2, Shenbao , reports May 1st celebration for many returned students from Europe, including Pan Yuliang who with two other women sings Western songs. July 25, date of graduation certificate in Painting from Regia Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma. July 28, article introducing her in Shanghai Huabao. After returning, Pan prepared first one- person exhibition at end of the year. Painted the oils Self-Portrait, Early Morning. September, became Chair of Department of Western Art at Shanghai Art School. September 8, passed ‘Rules for Classrooms in practice of Western Painting’ at Joint Pedagogy meeting. (Dong, 2013, 43) October 10, one of 23 founding artists of Yiyuan Huihua Yanjiusuo (Painting Research Institute of the Garden of Art), including Wang Jiyuan, , Jiang Jiaohe, Zhang Daqian, Pan Tianshou, Yan Wenliao, Ni Yide et cetera. October 29 to November 13, leads a Shanghai Art School sketching tour to Hangzhou. November, Xu Beihong is director of Beiping Daxue Yishuxueyuan Yuanzhang (Director of College of Art, Beiping [=Beijing] University). November 28 to December 2, her first one-person show at the Townsmen Association, and the first in China of oil by a woman artist. Many newspaper reports (Dong, 2013, 47-59) 4

December Dianying Yuebao publishes illustrations of Pan Yuliang’s Female Nude and Old man’ 1929 New Year, magazine Zhen Mei Shan, publishes special issue on ‘Women Artists’ and publishes Pan Yuliang’s Black Woman with a short introduction. January, Guangzhou Museum, Art Section, exhibits 100 Shanghai artists including Pan Yuliang. March, Pan Yuliang also starts part-time teaching Central University in Nanjing. April 10-30, took part in First Chinese National Fine Art Exhibition, praised as ‘Among first rank of Western Style Painters in China’, including Looking in a mirror. (Works listed in Dong, 2013, 66). Exhibits Geba, Drunkard, Black Womaqn, Narcissism, Reclining Man. July, Pan Yuliang publishes ‘About going through the process of pastel painting’ in Funu Zazhi which also includes in colour Looking in a mirror in which Pan Yuliang is supposed to have painted herself naked from a mirror because of lack of nude models. Summer goes sketching at Puda with Wang Jiyuan. August, formally contracted as a Lecturer at Central University in Nanjing until July 1930. [then associate professor August 1931 to 1932, full professor December 1932 to July 1935, Wong-2015]. September 20-25 first exhibition by Yiyuan Huihua Yanjiusuo includes four works by Pan Yuliang, two of which are sold. October 9, Pan Yuliang, Wang Jiyuan, Jin Qiqing go to Japan to investigate art educational facilities and buy teaching materials. October 23, Pan Yuliang holds first exhibition by Chinese woman artist at Shiseidô in Ginza. She was invited by Fujishima Takeji, Mitsutani Kunishirô, and Umehara Ryûsaburô. (Dong, 2013, 79 for reports) Autumn, takes students to Yangzhou on sketching trip. December 10, book of 10 women artists including Pan Yuliang published by Shangwu Yinguan. 1930 Summer, appointed to teach at both New China Art School and professor at Central University of 3rd and 4th year oil painting. Among her students in Central University were the husband and wife who later went to study in England, Zhang Qingying 张倩英 and Fei Chengwu 费成武. Went back and forth to teach between Shanghai and Nanjing. Founded the Arts and Painting Research Institute in Shanghai. Returned to Tongcheng in Anhui where painted Lake Baitang. *Held a two-person show in with Wang Hualian. December, magazine Wenhua publishes her works False mask and Spring. 1931 Continued teaching Western Painting in Nanjing Central University Fine Art Department, and part-time as Professor at Research Institute of Shanghai Art School. February 8, exhibition of Shanghai Art School Calligraphy and Painting works in Nanjing attended by Pan Yuliang, Ling Zhizhi 凌直支, Xu Beihong and wife etc. April 4, exhibition of around 300 works of Yiyuan Huihua Yanjiusuo members in Shanghai. May 19 to June 4, Art Exhibition of Nanjing Education Bureau includes Pan Yuliang’s Self Portrait, Two Women, My family. Painted the oils My Family [with Pan Zanhua and son by first wife, known through magazine illustration, work later destroyed], Tired horse. May 20, together with Xu Beihong took a group of students to Beijing. May 22-24 visited Tianjing, and on return to Beijing visited several cultural celebrities including the erhu master Liu Tianhua and the painter Qi Baishi. June 10-18 on way back went via Tai’an, July 1, appointed associate professor of Central University with salary of 200 yuan from August 1931 until July 1932, about two-thirds of salary of Xu Beihong (Yao in Dong, 2013, 7) 5

Due to Japanese attack of September 18, Central University only started classes from October 2. Assisted by Cai Yuanpei to set up the China Fine Arts Association. 1932 This year her former teacher Gong Ye dies. Painted the oils Tiger Hill Pagoda, Banks of Taizhong Bridge, Picking Grapes, Two girl students, Cattle yard, Beyond the Tongji Gate. June 25-27, shows 27 oil paintings in Teachers’ and Students’ exhibition of Central University in Nanjing. August 1-7, Science and Art Society of China shows Chinese and Western works in Shanghai including Pan Yuliang’s My Family. August 1, Pan Yuliang, Liu Haisu, Wang Jiyuan. Guan Liang. Fu Lei, Zhou Shoujian, Pang Xunqin members of art group Moshe founded under auspices of same Association. [Wong-2015] This year, Pan Yuliang begins first works with Chinese brush on xuanzhi。 1933 New Year, Xu Beihong goes to France to organize exhibition of Chinese painting. He will return in August 1934. March 3-April 4, went to Suzhou and Wuxi on sketching trip with students. Resulting works shown on April 18. July appointed as lecturer in Central University from August to July 1934. Pan Yuliang painted the oils Exercise, Herbaceous Peony. November 8 takes students on sketching tour to Hangzhou, returning to Nanjing on November 20. She thus cannot take part in the formation of the Chinese Fine Arts Association formed in Nanjing under Zhang Daofan. December 2, Guo Youshou 郭有守 and Wang Pingling 王平陵 hold tea party in Xu Beihong’s studio for visiting French author and journalist Dekepaila [phonetic, De Kapelle?] at which Pan Yuliang, Song Baihua, Tang Xueyang 唐学咏, Zhang Daofan and around 50 people present. This year Zhang Daqian taught at Nanjing Central University. He became great friends with Pan Yuliang because of common love of Peking Opera. 1934 Praised by Tian Han for donating a jade Buddha to the Charity Exhibition to aid the Anti- Japanese Resistance. Pan Yuliang published a speech excoriating some people in a time of resisting the Japanese for ‘separating from reality’ and for ‘saying much and painting little’. April, went to Beijing with around 20 Western painting students, followed by Great Wall and other famous sites in locality of Beijing. Painted work Temple. April, Pan Yuliang Huaji (A collection of paintings by Pan Yuliang) published by Shanghai Zhonghua Shuju, with illustrations of 23 works. June 15-17, Pan Yuliang and others organize an exhibition of successful works from the Central University Art Section. July, Meishu Shenghuo [publishes Pan Yuliang’s Figure, [nude] August 17, Pan Yuliang one organizer for welcome back tea party for Xu Beihong to be held on August 22. July 10, Pan Yuliang appointed an art department Lecturer until August 1935. August 24, Pan Yuliang, Xu Beihong, Chen Zhifo 陈之佛, Zhang Daofan go to exhibition of 1931 Central University art department graduates Lu Jiqing 陆其清 and Zhang Anzhi 张安治. September, Liangyou publishes her work Banks of River Xiantang. September, 15-22, at Commemorative exhibition of Zhonghua Meishuhui at Overseas Chinese Club, Pan sends My family. 400 works tour to Nanjing, Shanghai and Beijing. November, through introduction of Xu Beihong, Huang Miaozi publishes Collection of Works by Contemporary Chinese Masters 6

December, sees Wang Yuezhi 王悦之 exhibition in Beijing. December 23, with around 100 others attends memorial meeting to deceased head of Lyon Institut Franco-Chinois de Lyon This year, nose operated on because of an infection, leaving a scar. [Dong, 2013, 120] 1935 A collection of paintings by Pan Yuliang re-published. Spring, possibly March 28, teachers and 16 students in collective photograph in front of Plum Pavillion of Central University. (Dong, 2013, 124). April 15-22, Pan Yuliang exhibits Great Wall, Figure at Chinese Art Society exhibition in Nanjing. April 22, attended by Minister of Propaganda, speech for Chinese Art Society by Zhang Daofan. May 1-5, Pan Yuliang Solo Exhibition in Nanjing shows 200 or so works, visited inter alia by Minister of Justice, members of Nationalist Party Central Committee, painter Gao Jianfu, Lin Sen (then President of Republic of China), Cai Yuanpei (former Minister of Education). Several reports (Dong, 2013, 128-142) May 19-22, Pan Yuliang shows at 2nd Yifeng Society Exhibition, highly praised in later Yifeng Society report. July 17, China Fine Art Society executive meeting at which Pan Yuliang present decides to launch a seasonal journal Zhongguo meishu xuehui jikan and to have a third exhibition in October. September 1, Xu Beihong begins as head of Art Department and turns Western and National Painting groups into one painting group with newly appointed professors Wu Zuoren and Gao Jianfu. September, appeals for one oil painting from each member of the China Fine Art Society to sell for funds to relieve flood losses. October 10, Pan Yuliang sends 5 works among the 326 exhibited at 3rd exhibition of China Fine Arts Society. November 26 Pan Yuliang on committee gathering works for exhibition 24th annual exhibition of teachers and students at Shanghai Art School. This year paintings sent for international art exhibition in Sydney, Australia, by Education Ministry, including those of Pan Yuliang, Huang Binhong, Chen Shuren. Ni Yide, Wang Jiyuan. [No trace found to date in Australian, Chinese and other archives]. 1936 January, Zhongguo meishu xuehui jikan published. January, Pan Yuliang appointed head of research [postgraduate supervision] at Shanghai Art School. January Xu Beihong, Yan Wenliao, Zhu Qiyan 朱屺瞻, Chen Baoyi, form painting group Moshe 默社 in Shanghai of which Pan Yuliang a member. Group exhibits June 19-21. This year Pan Yuliang involved in many art institution committees. In Nanjing around this time held solo exhibitions including June 2-8, the last of which included Portrait of Chen Duxiu (1879-1942), a founder of Chinese Communist Party, later called a Trotskyist, at this time in Guomindang captivity, and a friend from Japan days of Pan Zanhua. *One work at an exhibition Heroes of Labour was reputedly defaced by graffiti with words ‘a prostitute’s tribute to her patron’ [Crozier-1998, not given in Dong, 2013]. Summer, for the Jinyu Chinese Zither Club 今虞琴社 did a portrait of Yan Tianchi, 严天 池 a Ming era Chinese zither master, completed in November. November, Pan Yuliang exhibits 5 works at fifth China Fine Arts Society exhibition which has 10,000 visitors. December 12, Pan Yuliang appointed a member with about 40 others of the preparatory committee for the 2nd National Fine Arts Exhibition. Only woman artist included among 14 others in History of the development of modern Chinese art. 7

1937 January 8, honours her teacher Wang Jiyuan at his solo show in Nanjing. April 1-23, 2nd National Fine Arts Exhibition held in Nanjing May 15, newspaper reports her forthcoming solo exhibition. Early summer, Chen Duxiu writes title inscription for three outline paintings by Pan Yuliang. June 10-13 Pan Yuliang holds solo exhibition in Nanjing of around 170 works to prepare for European trip, expected to last two years. This would be her last solo exhibition in China. July 26 left Nanjing for Shanghai, August 3rd reached Soviet Union, after stay of three days in Moscow went to France via Germany. Returned to Europe to participate in the art exhibition of l’ Exposition universelle de Paris and prepare a one-person exhibition for which she brought paintings from China including Confucian Temple in Nanjing. Expressed to Zhongyang Ribao reporter view that she felt she had accomplished little since returning to China ten years earlier, and wished to travel to European countries to stimulate her creative energies. [Wong-2015]. She did not thereafter return to China before her death. 1938 New Year, took part in Chinese Students’ Association exhibition to send funds for the war against the Japanese in China. Participated in the Salon d’Automne with two baimiao [outline drawings]. Painted the oil Self-portrait with her own encomium, ‘Deep night at the frontier fortress among river and gorge, River Yangzi begins Ten Thousand Leagues in my heart’. December 24th, went to Christmas Party with other artist members of L’Association des Artistes Chinois en France at house of Li Fengbai, 李风白. This winter Jiang Ren 蒋仁 did title poems for two baimiao by Pan Yuliang. 1939 January 23, Pan Yuliang took part in tea party of L’Association des Artistes Chinois en France to welcome new Chinese visitors. April, Pan Zhanhua sends paper and brushes from Sichuan. May 6 to July 2, Portrait of the artist [wearing black dress with white fan] among works submitted to 53rd official exhibition Société nationale des Beaux Arts, Salon de 1939, held at the French National Fine Arts Palace [Palais du Luxembourg?]. August 2, Pan Yuliang and other members of L’Association des Artistes Chinois en France hold tea party to see off Huang Zongmo 黄宗默. September, on declaration of War with Germany Pang left Paris as a refugee to outer provinces. October 15, joined in party to see off Jiang Ren. December 3, L’Association des Artistes Chinois en France with Pan Yuliang present decides to discontinue activities until peace returned to European situation. Did a Self-Portrait in a green dress holding a red book (later confused with Chairman Mao’s Little Red Book), showed it at Salon des Indépendants. This year: Portrait of (Yuan) Shuzhen 袁枢真, a woman artist who was her great friend and came to the Paris art school two years after Pan. 1940 June 14, Paris fell to Germans, France surrendered on 22 June. Her studio having been occupied, Pan Yuliang lived secluded in the suburbs and taught embroidery for a living, as well as sending funds to help China. Did the work Massacre to expose Fascist atrocities. [The work was later called Genocide and anachronistically associated with Vichy deportations of Jews, principally from July 1942]. Autumn visited at her studio by Xiao Yu 萧瑜 who did inscriptions for her baimiao, Man and Woman facing backwards, Participated in the 51st Salon des Indépendants including Portrait of a Young Girl and Nude 8

[Dong also lists for this and subsequent years the dated works which survive in Anhui Museum, for 1940 see Dong-2013, 199] 1941 March 25, Pan Yuliang and others congratulate three classmates who win prizes at the Salon this year, Hua Tianyou 滑田友, Liao Xinxue 廖新学, Zhang Ziyu 张紫屿. Did Self-portrait, Nude. May, works by Van Dongen and Pan Yuliang, In Comfort, on exhibition at Salon des Indépendants. Her hidden inscription later revealed by a restorer in Anhui reads: when this painting was exhibited at the Spring Salon des Indépendants in Paris in 1941, a German soldier asked to buy it at an unacceptably low price, and was refused. On May 31, 1941, two days prior to the close of the exhibition, it was discovered that the picture had been slashed with a knife, as had a large canvas by the leading artist Van Dongen. [Li Fuchang in Lu Rongzhi et al, 2006, p.236]. June 22, Nazi invasion of Soviet Union began. Christmas, Rao Guyi 饶谷亦 inscribes works by Pan Yuliang. 1942 Carried forward her studies of Chinese colour painting including use of a Chinese brush and sketching with Chinese ink on xuanzhi and other papers. *Went to Soviet Union to do works In the mountains, Still-life, Moscow, Soviet woman peasant. hoping to be sent on to China but blocked by war. Texts in magazine Soviet Women praised her spirit and art. [If she went to Soviet Union not known when and how she did so] December 24, attends dinner held by L’Association des Artistes Chinois en France in Paris. This year, two ink drawings purchased by Centre Nationale des Arts Plastiques, her first purchase by the French state [Wong-2015]. 1943 February 2, Germans defeated at Stalingrad, tide of War turns to Allies. December 24, Pan Yuliang attends dinner held by L’Association des Artistes Chinois en France. 1944 January, took part in Joint Exhibition of the Associations of Women Painters and Women Sculptors, including Flowers, Still Life. Participated in the 55th Salon of Société des Artistes Indépendants, works included Portrait on an artist, Landscape. August 19, Paris liberated. Took part in the Salon d’ Automne works included Flowers, Nude Painting. December 24, 25, attends two dinners held by L’Association des Artistes Chinois en France at home of Li Fengbai where performs a Jingju [Peking Opera] piece with Liao Xinxue and Yan Dehui. 严德暉 This year became a constituting member of L’Association des Artistes Chinois en France [Dong, 2013 records many committee meetings from this association which are omitted here]. 1945 March 24, Pan Yuliang unanimously elected President of Association of L’Association des Artistes Chinois en France. April 28, Parisian newspapers published a telegram from L’Association des Artistes Chinois en France to the Guomindang Government strongly demanding the return and compensation for stolen and destroyed Chinese works of art by the Japanese devils in their aggression on China. For the same association Pan Yuliang provided the texts ‘A besotted fan of the Arts’, ‘A besotted fan’, and ‘A besotted’. November, asks for six months’ leave of absence from President of Association to take health leave in countryside. [Wong-2015] December 24, attends dinner of L’Association des Artistes Chinois en France. Exhibits 13 works at Salon des Indépendants 1946 January 15, General meeting of L’Association des Artistes Chinois en France held at Pan Yuliang’s studio. October 1-20 L’Association des Artistes Chinois en France holds the Exposition du peinture chinois at the École nationale des Beaux Arts in Paris. Pang Yuliang exhibits 35 works. Pan Yuliang presented the rules of participation; 9

The Association shall have solidarity and internal order. Individuals shall not cause this Association to fail. Exhibited at the 56th Salon des Indépendants including My woman friend discussing art, Beautiful Beaucaire, Tulips. Exhibited at the Salon d’ Automne with Nude. Dagongbao in China reported her winning the Gold Medal of the French State. November 12, Pan Yuliang exhibits Female Nude at The International Exhibition of Modern Art, held at UNESCO. Zhang Daqian, Xu Beihong, Hua Tianyou also showed. [Wong-2015] November late, Shenbao journalist interviews Pan Yuliang in her studio. Took part in 62nd Joint Exhibition of the Associations of Women Painters and Women Sculptors with works including Trouville-sur-Mer, Nude. Exhibited in the Exposition de peintures chinoises contemporaines, at Musée Cernuschi, Nude, Nude (drawing) Thinking of one’s native country, After the bath (Drawing). The catalogue appraises her thus: …Mme Pan Yu-lin, actuellement à Paris et membre de l’association des Artistes chinois en France, qu’elle anime de sa vibrante personnalité. La science approfondie du dessin chez Mme Pan Yu-lin révèle suffisamment son admiration pour les anciens maîtres. Elle a su préserver dans ses tableaux la ligne chinoise, et l’habiller des couleurs, franches caractéristiques de l’huile. C’est donc une fusion extrêmement intéressante où notre palette est soutenue par la ligne chinoise. Ses nus de 1946 gardent le tracé sinueux et souple de ses dessins, mais l’effort ne porte pas sur la ligne, il est tendu vers l’harmonie de taches de couleurs ainsi nettement délimitées. Son art, après des recherches heureuses, se dégage ainsi pour nous dévoiler une grande originalité. C’est avec son exemple de travail de patience, de courage, de hardiesses et de talent couronné par la réussite tel que le sera le magnifique effort de toute la peinture chinoise contemporaine que nous voulons clore ces appréciation: tant il est dit que le verbe, malgré tous ses efforts, ne saurait jamais se substituer à la vue. Elisseef, 1946, p.31 1947 February 13, attends party at studio of Hua Tianyou to see of the return home of Ceng Yuran 曾玉然. Takes part in concert of the ‘Chinese Oriole’, Zhou Xiaoyan 周小燕, her portrait of whom wins a first prize in 1973. Participates in 58th Salon des Indépendants, works included Odalisque (Concubine). Participated in 63rd Joint Exhibition of the Associations of Women Painters and Women Sculptors, Le salon des Femmes Peintres works included Dressing & Putting on Make-up, Resting by the Seaside. Participated in Salon d’automne, works included Portrait of a young girl. US’ Chinese-American Newspaper [Huamei Ribao] praised Pan Yuliang as the ‘quintessence of art’ and ‘an artist respected by all’. Held a one-person show in Britain. Painted the oil Pair of Cats. At some point post-war studio and other costs began to be financially supported by Wang Shouyi 王守义, who ran a restaurant and whom she had known since the 1930s. She did a bronze sculpture of him this year. 1948 Began to send money back to her family in China. Painted works Flowers, Bath. February, took part in Chinese New Year party of L’Association des Artistes Chinois en France of 40 people including Zhao Wuji, , and Xiong Bingming 熊秉明. October 17-30 , exhibited in Quatre Peintres Chinois en France organized by Embassy of Republic of China. 1949 October 10, Pan Yuliang wanted to return home after establishment of People’s Republic of China. Did the work Fresh Flowers. October 17, participated in joint exhibition of Chinese Painters in France with Xiao Linzhao [萧林召], Chang Yu [Sang Yu, 常玉] and Zhao Wuji. The catalogue preface praised her for ‘bold originality’ and ‘outstanding technique’. 1950 Underwent further surgery for nasal ailment. This year visited in her studio by Sun Xuelin, Fang Junbi, Guo Youshou, 1951 January 13, Su Xuelin came to Pan Yuliang’s house. 10

April, Underwent nasal surgery for third time during which operation her condition was critical. May 1, receives a letter from Pan Xanhua expressing concern for her condition. May 8, Again sent a letter to her family indicating wish to return to China. Did bronze Self-portrait, given to Musée Cernuschi in 1981 by Chinese Embassy. 1952 May, again operated on nose for fourth time but soon recovers. May 29 to June 29 exhibited at Sketch and Watercolour Salon with works After the bath, [acquired by Musée d’Art moderne de la Ville de Paris], Nude, Playful Puppy, She plays with a puppy. Early summer, saw off Su Xuelin who had to return to Taiwan to teach and exchanged works. Participated in 68th Salon Union des Femmes Peintres et Sculpteurs- Arts Décoratifs. Did a set of 42 coloured linocuts in two booklets, Diao Banhua Ji [Collection of Carved Prints] later presented by Wang Shouyi in 1978 to Musée Cernuschi. (Dong, 2013, 240, has precise list from Taiwanese article. Works seen by Clark in 1987). 1953 May 21 to June 10, at the invitation of Asia Europe Publishers [Éditions Europe-Asie, owned by Zhou Lin] and Gallery d’Orsay held three large exhibitions of oil paintings, sketches and sculpture with 114 works. 1954 Pan Yuliang sent works for solo exhibition in London but these seized by French customs as unsuitable for export because by a famous artist; she showed a work produced during her travel at the Royal Academy. June 10, Diplôme de Reconnaissance awarded by the Conseil Supérieur des Récompenses pour services rendus aux oeuvres sociales. [Higher Council for Awards for services to social works] Pan Zanhua in a letter to Pan Yuliang expresses regret at their having been parted so long. (Ke Mengede et al, 2007, p.30) This year did the plaster sculpture, Bust of René Grousset, commissioned by the Musée Cernuschi. 1955 painting in Chinese colours, Fan Dance. Travelled through Europe. Studio damaged by a storm. Met Zhu Dequn on his arrival in Paris where he found she was life drawing in La Grande Chaumière. July, studio damaged in a storm but she was without harm. This year, Embassy of Republic of China donated Seated woman in a red robe to Musée Cernuschi.. [Wong-2015] 1956 applied to return to China, French authorities would not let her take her works since she had received state subsidy. Pan Zanhua told her she would need a passport from the People’s Republic which had no diplomatic relations yet, to export her art [Wong-2015]. Spring, health worsened, family thought she would return. Did a bronze Bust of Zhang Daqian, now in Musée Cernuschi. May, whilst in Paris Zhang Daqian painted White Lotuses for Pan Yuliang, inscribed her painting Cat. Painted the work Grooming the cat, given encomium by Zhang Daqian, ‘For a true manner of National Painting, worthy of admiration’. He gave her a painting The Hundred Feelings June, met cultural delegation from China. Pan Yuliang and Zhao Wuji escorted Zhang Daqian to Nice to meet Picasso, Summer, held a solo show in Greece. July 24, Pan Zanhua sent a congratulatory poem to Pan Yuliang Did The Land of Motherly Love, Herd of Horses, Farmer’s Wife. Received Baignoe & Frajon certificate from the Salon International of the L’art Libre, Confedération Française. 11

*Travelled to London with Zhang Daqian. 1957 April 28, awarded Prix Thorlet, silver medal of the city of Paris. May 22 to June 15, invited again by Asia Europe Publishers to hold a touring exhibition at Galerie d’Orsay. November, 2 works Figure, Hostile, specially selected for 4th National Fine Arts Exhibition in Taiwan. This year, Pan Yuliang and Léonard Foujita appeared in film Chez ceux du Montparnasse directed by Jean-Claude Bernard, a 36-minute documentary. 1958 June, exposed watercolour in Le Salon du Dessin et de la Peinture ã l’Eau. Received a Silver Medal from Belgium. Did the works Nude, Chinese Flower Vase. Carved stone sculpture, Bust of Maria Montessori, collected by Musée Nationale de l’ Education. Salon International of the L’art Libre awarded her the Art Libre Prize for painting. This year, Nude donated to Musée Cernuschi by Guo Youshou and Zhou Lin [Wong-2015] 1959 April 26, presented in person with a Prix Thorlet by the mayor of Paris. For the oil tanker Giant of the East did the sculpture Miner. Took part in the Salon d’Automne including the works Home-sick, Mother’s Love. August, Zhang Daiqan left Japan for Europe, had photograph taken with his portrait sculpture by Pan Yuliang. Early summer, had dinner with Zhang Daqian, Chen Yuan, Fei Man’er, Chang Yu at home of Guo Youshou. August, her husband Pan Zanhua passed away in Anqing aged seventy-three years. With Zhang Daqian jointly did the work Plum and Bamboo. 1960 On hearing of Pan Zanhua’s passing in 1959, felt unending sadness and did very few paintings. Later co-habited with Wang Shouyi until her death. Pan Yuliang also received French state pension as well as financial help from other friends including Chinese living in USA, including Ms. Lin Ai 林蔼 (Ke Mengde et al, 2007, 28) 1961 Zhang Daqian on his way through Paris to South America painted a Ink Bamboo and gave it to Pan Yuliang. June 20, collective photograph at 2nd Paris exhibition of Zhou Zhongqing 周仲铮 a woman artist with German citizenship with Zhou and Zhang Daqian. 1962 May 11, participated in the Salon of the Association of Women Painters, Sculptors, and Interior Designers, with the works Combing Hair, Flowers, Roses. Did the works Appreciation, Nude. December 28, Pan Yuliang went to USA by boat to prepare for exhibitions. 1963 February, held exhibition in San Francisco. February 9, Commended by San Francisco Chinese Chamber of Commerce. April 7, flew to New York. May 3, Met many resident Chinese artists including Fang Junbi on. May 6-31, opened one-person exhibition with fifty works at China Institute in America, June, returned to Paris. September, suffered an automobile accident. 1964 Taiwanese painter Xia Yang visits her in Paris. January 6, Pan Yuliang takes part in reception for solo show of Zhen Manqing 郑曼青 who had been a colleague at Shanghai Art School. January 27, De Gaulle establishes diplomatic relations with China but no exchange of ambassadors takes place until 1972. Pan Yuliang invited to National Day reception by Chinese Embassy where she is moved to see the national flag with five stars for the first time. 1965 February 15, receives letter from Fang Junbi. 12

June, receives letter from Taiwanese artist Liao Shiou-ping thanking her for coming to see his two works exhibited in the Salon des artistes français. August 12, receives letter from Guo Shouyou explaining in detail exhibition of Zhang Daqian in England. Pan asks her to send money to her family in Anhui via Liu Songnian in Hong Kong. September 4, Guao Youshou writes that Zhang Daqian will be passing through Belgium on his way to Taipei and inviting Pan Yuliang to send a work to Taipei National Art Exhibition. This will take place November 3-17. Followed by letter from Taiwanese ‘Embassy’ in Belgium inviting work to take part in Exhibition of Modern Chinese Art. This will open on November 12. October 1, Guo Youshou writes asking for a Flower Painting and reports illness of Zhang Daqian. December, Chang Yu exhibition opens attended by Pang Yuliang, Zhu Dequn, Xi Dejin [painter from Taiwan]. Invited eldest grandson of Pan Zanhua, Pan Zhongli to France to help sort out her works in preparation for returning to China. Did works Dreaming, Make-up. As Pan Yulin received silver medal and certificate of the International Salon of the Confédération Française de l’Art Libre. 1966 February, work exhibited at Salon of Société nationale des Beaux-Arts. April receives another Prix Thorlet (Gold) from City of Paris. April 26, exhibits 9 Chinese painting works in Painting and Calligraphy of Modern Chinese Masters Exhibition in New York. This year, again received a certificate of the International Salon of the Confédération Française de l’Art Libre. This year had a further, fifth operation on her nose. Could not return to China because of outbreak of Cultural Revolution but is said to have been an avid supporter of Mao Zedong. 1967 August 13 – September 17, Participated in Special Group of Modern Artists Exhibition held at Wustum Museum of Fine Arts, Racine, Wisconsin. Works included Woman bookworm, Rest, Nude, True Face, Farm Girl. September, participated in 4th Salon de la Promotion Violette with work Woman fantasist. Received Belgian gold medal. Received silver medal of the Salon de la Promotion Violette. 1968 August 19, Su Xuelin asks Pan Yuliang to buy paper for her. She receives reply on September 10. This year she will send her herbal medicine for high blood pressure from Taiwan. December, participated in the International Salon of Free Arts. Did the work Three female nudes. 1969 March 2, received grand prize of the Society for the Promotion of Arts, Sciences and Education. Commended as a ‘true painter and sculptor’. Received the certificate of commendation of the Société Encouragement au Progrès [Society for Encouragement to Progress]. 1970 Ill many times. Full of pride, returned US$100 sent by her friend Su Xuelin. Pan claimed that subsidy of French state sufficient. 1971 Participated in the International Salon of Free Artists with works Loyalty, Just a Painter. Received the Mention Honorable at the Salon of the Société des Artistes Français. 1972 Ill many times, could not paint. 1973 November, participated in 6th National Salon de la Promotion Violette, including work Friendship. Hospitalized for treatment, desolated that not able to return to China. Participated in the International Salon of Free Artists, Portrait de Mademoiselle Chou [Zhou Xiaoyen] wins a First Prize. 13

1974 Bust of Wang Shouyi, 1947, wins silver medal at 7th Salon nationale de la Promotion Violette (Association de l’Ordre des Palmes Academiques) 1975 November 11, Lin Aizhi 林霭致 writes suggesting joint exhibition in Paris at Musée Cernuschi in 1976. [Wong-2015] 1976 January12, Lin Aizhi writes asking for concrete details about proposed joint exhibition. In letter of May 27 discusses starting date in September, later held in March 1977. July, receives invitation to take part, unjuried, in 8th National Fine Arts Exhibition in Taipei. September 17, Pan Yuliang wrote letter to Pan Zanhua’s son by his first wife, Pan Mouni 潘牟尼: ‘I always think of my problems when I receive a letter from home….I wish I could get my body to recover so I could go back to my homeland!’ 1977 January 13, Letter from Lin Aizhi to Pan Yuliang decides exhibition date as March 25. March 26- April 30, 42 works of Pan Yuliang shown with those of 3 other women artists Lam Oi 林霭 [Lin Ai], Ou Seu-tan 吴似丹[Wu Sidan] and Shing Wai 成慧 [Cheng Hui] at Musée Cernuschi, Quatres Artistes Chinoises Contemporaines. Spring, Pan Yuliang in hospital for two months with stomach illness. May 13 Pan Yuliang sends last letter to her family. June 22, died in Paris at 11.00, ‘born 25 May 1899’, [remembering she had made herself four years younger on a previous declaration as a student] death certificate of July 25 [Wong-2015]. Cause of death not given on 22 July 1979 declaration from Mairie de Paris. Buried in Montparnasse Cemetery. Likely real age at death eighty-two years.

1981 Wang Shouyi 王守义(1898-1981) who had supported her in later years, laid in the same grave. Pan Yuliang had a relative who went to Shanghai from Anqing, Pan Zhongqiu 潘忠丘. Wang Shouyi was in the process of selling Pan Yuliang’s works in Paris when he died. These were then left in the Chinese embassy in Paris and seen by a visiting delegation including Jiang Feng, Hou Yimin and others who decided the works should be sent back to China to the Hefei, Anhui Museum, in Anhui, the birth province of her protector, as she had originally intended [?]. These included works by Sang Yu [Chang Yu], the animal drawings being kept in Hefei, and some works were also given to the Central Academy of Fine Arts for study purposes. Some portraits and some clothes and other memorabilia were sent to her family in the former provincial capital Anqing in Anhui Province, but these were subsequently sold and several are now believed to be in Taiwan. The American scholar Sara Sheldon, then contemplating a PhD on Pan Yuliang for which she had completed considerable research, had seen the works in Anhui Provincial Museum only on the introduction of Jiang Zemin, and had to pay to see them. [Clark interview, 2009].

1982 Former student of Pan Yuliang and art world official Yu Feng and her former student [郁 風, 1916-2007, wife of noted calligrapher and ink and colour painter, Huang Miaozi 黄苗 子, 1913-2012], saw works at the Chinese Embassy, recognized their quality, and wrote a report on June 9, 1981[? various stories and times here] Works sent to China at time of donation of Pan Yuliang’s Self-Portrait sculpture to Musée Cernuschi. 1983 May 17, Senior oil painter Hou Yimin 侯逸民 and Tang Xiaoming 汤小铭 went to Paris to assist arranging works which returned to China in February 1984. (Dong, 2013, 311) This year, Shi Nan published her popular biography Huahun [Soul of painting], followed by academic symposia about Pan Yuliang which could find no adequate testimony that she had been sold as a prostitute. late autumn, Anhui senior oil painter Bao Jia helps to sort Pan Yuliang’s recently arrived works at Anhui Provincial Museum in Hefei. (Bao Jia, 1995, p.132) [4000 pieces, including 361 oil paintings of which 205 are signed and 118 dated], and some to her relatives who are also known to have received surviving documents in addition to letters they already had. Some works given to other institutions including National Art Museum of China. 1985 July 5, ceremony to celebrate gift held at Anhui Museum. 14

1988 Fujian Television Studio, Fuzhou, produces eight-part special on Pan Yuliang, directed by He Ailin, dramatizing conflict for a woman of her times between domestic life and self- realization through artistic pursuits [Croizier-1998]. 1989 inventory of Pan Yuliang’s works at Anhui Museum established of 4749 works overall, of which: 361 Oil paintings, 353 Ink and colour and National Paintings, 3982 Sketches and drawings, 4 Sculptures, 6 Prints, 13 Sculptural reliefs, 30 Works by others, 365 documentary materials kept with the Pan family 1992 exhibition of Pan Yuliang’s paintings held at Shanghai Art Museum. 1994 Renowned actor stars as Pan Yuliang in a movie adaptation Huahun, directed by , but it was a box-office failure. 1995 over one hundred works lent by Anhui Provincial Museum to National History Museum in Taibei. 2004 Conservation of Pan Yuliang’s works in Anhui Museum begins revealing early signature on circa 1913-18 work and writing on back of 1941 work. 2009 proposed Collected Works of Pan Yuliang mentioned for publication under general editorship of Fan Di’an, Director National Museum of Art of China. 2014 scheduled publication of Collected Works of Pan Yuliang said to have been put back due to issues with Pan family. 2015 Fan Di’an ed., Pan Yuliang Quan ji, [8 volumes of collected works and documents] Hefei: Anhui Meishu Chubanshe, 2015.

Bibliography: Pan Yuliang [including some general texts]

Chronologies and Collections Works: Deng Zhaoyuan 鄧朝源, Bao Jia 鮑加, Hu Yixun 胡懿勳, Pan Yuliang Huaji, Taibei: Guoli Lishi Bowuguan, 1995. Dong Song, 董松 bianzhu, Pan Yuliang Yishu Nianpu, Hefei: Anhui Meishu Chubanshe, 2013. [This is now the standard chronology and bibliography]. Fan Di’an ed., Pan Yuliang Quan ji, [8 volumes of collected works and documents] Hefei: Anhui Meishu Chubanshe, 2015. Huahun: Pan Yuliang, [texts by Lu Rongzhi 陸蓉之, Jia Defang 賈德芳, Li Fuchang 李福長], Taibei, Guoli Lishi Bowuguan and Minshengbao, 2006. Ke Mengde 柯孟德 [Christophe Commentale], Jia Defang 賈德芳, Fu Weixin 傅维新, Lu Jiemin 陆潔民, Huaqiao Meishu Xuanji (III), Pan Yuliang (Pan Yu-lin), Taibei: Yishujia chubanshe, 2007. Pan Yuliang, Pan Yuliang Huaji, Shanghai: Zhonghua Shuju, 1934 [not seen by Clark] Pan Yuliang meishu zuopin xuan, Nanjing: Jiangsu meishu chubanshe, 1988, includes Xu Yongsheng 徐永升, ‘Pan Yuliang nianbiao’.

Other Catalogues: Elisseeff, Vadime, Conservateur-Adjoint, Exposition de peintures chinoises contemporaines, Paris: Musée Cernuschi, 1946. Quatre Peintres Chinois en France, 1948 Lefebvre, Éric, Artistes chinois à Paris, Paris: Musée Cernuschi, 2011. Quatre artistes chinoises contemporaines: Pan Yu-lin, Lam Oi, Ou Seu-tan, Shing Wai, Paris: Les Presses artistiques, 1977.

Biographies, Memoirs and Critical Reviews: Zhou Zhaochui 周昭炊, Pan Yuliang, Taibei: Jinxiu chuban shiye gufen youxian gongsi, 1995. 15

Croizier, Ralph, ‘Pan Yuliang’, in Lily Xiao Hong Lee and A. D. Stefanowska eds., Biographical Dictionary of Chinese Women, Armonk: M. E. Sharpe, 2003. Clark, John, ‘Research notes of brief conversation with Huang Xiuying 黄秀英’, curator at Anhui Provincial Museum, on 4th June 2009. Pan Yuanshi, ‘Wo suo zhidaode Pan Yuliang’, Xiongshi Meishu, no. 45, November 1975. Su Xuelin, ‘Pan Yuliang de Beiju’, Zhongwai Zazhi (Taibei) vol.50, no.2, August 1991. Xi Song, ‘Keshi balide zhongguo nuhuajia-Pan Yuliang’, Xiongshi Meishu, no.85, March 1978. Yu Feng, ‘Wo suo zhidaode Pan (Zhang) Yuliang zuotan jilu’, Xin Guancha, 1983, Di9ji. Yao Daimei, ‘Shouhu ziwo: Pan Yuliang yu tade huazuo (1928-1937)’, Wenyiyanjiu 2010, Di12ji Yao Daimei, ‘Nuxingde chujing he fangshi – Pan Yuliang yu zhongguo xiandai meishu (daixu)’ in Song Dong, 2013 above. Zhang Xuelin, Aoniaoji, Shanghai: Shangwu Inshuguan, 1938. [not seen by Clark]

Web sources for 1957 film in which Pan Yu-lin appears http://cinema-iledefrance.paris/ParisRegion/faces/details.xhtml?id=VDP1253 http://archive.pardo.ch/filmdetails.do?oc=242210

Web source for Pan Yuliang www.artofpanyuliang.org [set up by Rita Wong in Taiwan]

Fictionalizations: Epstein, Jennifer Cody¸ The painter from Shanghai, New York & London: W. W. Norton & Company, 2008 Shi Nan 石楠, Huahun: Pan yu liang zhuan, Shanghai: Wenhui Wenhan, 1983 & Taibei: Haifeng, 1993. Huahun / Le Peintre, film in DVD (based on Shi Nan’s novelization) dir. Huang Shuqin with Gong Li as Pan Yuliang and Yu Benzhen, Du Youlou, Hong Kong: Wing Artists Entertainment, 1994.

Chinese Art from the 1900s-1930s Barmé, G., An Artistic Exile: a life of (1898-1975), Berkeley: University of California Press, 2002 Birnie Danzker, Jo-Anne; Zheng Shengtian, Lum, Ken: Shanghai Modern, 1919-1945, Ostfildern- Ruit: Hatje Cantz, 2004. Dal Lago, Francesca, ‘Crossed Legs in 1930s Shanghai: How “Modern” the Modern Woman?’, East Asian History, no.19, June 2000. Lang Shaojun, Lin Fengmian, Taibei: Yishujia Chubanshe, 2004. Nishimaki Isamu, Chûgolu bunjinga no kindai – Hô Shikai [Feng Zikai]no seiyôbijutsu juyô to Nihon¸ Kyoto: Shibunkaku, 2005. Sullivan, Michael, Art and Artists in Twentieth Century China, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1996. Wang Yiyan, ‘ and its discontent in Shanghai, The dubious agency of the semi- colonized in 1929’, in Goodman, Bryna; Goodman David S.G., Twentieth-century colonialism and China, Localities, the everyday, and the world, London: Routledge, 2012. Yu-Dembski, Dagmar, ‘Chinesische Künstler‘, in Chinesen in Berlin, Berlin-Brandenburg: Berlin Edition, 2007, p.30-39.

Representation of the Body Jullien, François, The Impossible Nude: Chinese Art and Western Aesthetics [tr. De la Guardia, Maev], Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2007. 16

Women in China Ayscough, , Chinese Women: Yesterday and Today, New York: Da Capo, 1975. Landau, Julie tr., Beyond spring: tz'u poems of the Sung dynasty, New York: Columbia University Press, 1994. Wang Ping, Aching for Beauty: Footbinding in China, New York: Anchor, 2002.

Shanghai, city, art, and culture All About Shanghai: A standard guidebook, Shanghai: University Press, 1934-5, and [introduction by H. J. Lethbridge] Hong Kong, Oxford University Press, 1986. Baum, Vicki, Shanghai, ’37, New York: Oxford University Press, 1987. Bergère, Marie-Claire, ‘The other China: Shanghai from 1919 to 1949’ in Howe, Christopher, ed., Shanghai: Revolution and Development in an Asian metropolis, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981. Dong, Stella, Shanghai: the rise and fall of a decadent city, New York: Harper Perennial, 2000. Kuo, Jason C., ed., Visual Culture in Shanghai, 1850s-1930s, Washington: New Academia Publishing, 2007. Lee, Leo Ou-Fan, Shanghai modern: the flowering of a new urban culture in China, 1930-1945, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1999. Rankadô, hen, Shanhai Modan, Tokyo: Tôjusha, 1985.

Politics & History [early chapters of political biographies below] Bernal, Martin, Chinese Socialism to 1907, Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 1975 Evans, Richard, Deng Xiaoping and the making of modern China, New York: Penguin, 1997 Levine, Marilyn A., The Found Generation: Chinese Communists in Europe during the Twenties, Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1993. Spence, Jonathan D., The Search for Modern China, New York, W. W. Norton, 1990 Wakeman, Frederick, The Fall of Imperial China, New York: Free Press, 1975. Yang, Benjamin, Deng: A political biography, Armonk: M.E.Sharpe, 1988.

Prostitution in China Gronewald, Sue, Beautiful Merchandise: in China, New York, Harrington Park, 1985. Hershatter, Gail, Dangerous Pleasures: Prostitution and Modernity in Twentieth century Shanghai, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1997.

Art Schools in France 1920s-1950s Gabriel, Nelly, Histoires de l'École nationale des beaux-arts de Lyon, Lyon: Beaux Fixe, 2007.

P. A. J. Dagnan-Bouveret (1852-1929) Boisst, Catharine; Moyse, Gérard, Dagnan-Bouveret, peintre 1852-1929, inventar, Archives départmentales de Haut-Saône, [date not known] Catalogue des Œuvres de M Dagnan-Bouveret, Paris, Maurice Rousseau, 1930. Dagnan, Katarina, P.A S.J.Dagnan-Bouveret, Der Glomde naturalisten, Stockholm: Konstveten skapliga institutionen vid Stockholms Universitet, 1996. Fehrer, Catharine, The Julian Academy, Paris 1868-1939, New York: Shepherd Gallery 1989. Milner, John, The Studios of Paris, New Haven, Yale University Press, 1988 Weinberg, H. Barbara, The Lure of Paris: 19th century American painters and their French teachers, New York: Abbeville Press, 1991. Weisberg, Gabriel P., Against the modern: Dagnan-Bouveret and the transformation of the academic tradition, New York: National Academy of Design Museum, 2002


Lucien Simon Exposition Lucien Simon, Paris: Bernheim-Jeune, 26 February – 9 March, 1912. Aubert, Louis-F., préface, Peintures et Aquarelles de Lucien Simon, Paris: Armand Colin, 1924. Cariou, André, Lucien Simon, éditions Palantines, Plomelin, 2002, réédition en 2006. Jakez Hélias, Pierre, Lucien Simon Exposition, Quimper: Musée des Beaux Arts, 1981. [see also Glasgow: Hunterian Museum collection] www.luciensimon.fr/